
Page 1

;i.The Christmas Story 'I,

,A. T that time Caesar Augustus published a decree ordering

t"" a census of the whole world. This first census took place


ST. THOMAS MORE CHURCH, SOMERSET Clothed in Nature's Christmas Cloak

With Saints, Angelic Hosts of Heaven, Fall River Diocese Awaits Saviour 'Twas the night before Christmas and gre~test to least In the Fall River Diocese waited the feast; . The stockings were hung by the chimney with care In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there; . But not only he, but saints by the score Joined to salute the land by the shore: Gruff St. Peter, a fisherman yet,

Wise in ways of wind and net, Smiled on Provincetown, where seamen came To pray at the altar bearing his name. St. Patrick said, "My peace tonight To churches shining starry bright In Falmouth, Wareham, Somerset And in Fall River-telling yet The ageless tale the angels sang, The glorious tidings brought to man."

Said Mary, "Here my children raise A Christmas litany of praise," And clouds of angels to her came And sang her churches' lovely names:

Fairhaven New Bedford Taunuton North Dighton

Woods Hole,

-rIle Child," said he, "Is born tonight.

Your altars hold The Living Light."

The Precursor, the great St. John,

Prayed to God the Giver And prayed for Central Village church,

New Bedford and Fall River.

Iwhile Cyrinus was governor of Syria. And all went to register, teach to his own town. Joseph also went from the town of )~azareth in Galilee to Judea to the town of David, which is ;·called Bethlehem - because he was of the house and family :of David - to register with Mary, his engaged wife, who ~~as with child. But while they were there the time came for f'(the child to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn son, .j and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a crib because there was no place for them in the inn. And there were shepherds in the locality living in the fields and keeping night watch by turns over their flock. And the angel of the Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were very much afraid. And the angel said to them: "00 not be afraid: I proclaim good news to you of a great joy which· will be shared by the whole people: today, in the city of David, a Savior has been born to yo~ who is Messiah and Lord. And this will be a sign for you: you will find an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a -crib."

And suddenly a multitude of the heavenly host was with the angel, praising God and saying:

NGlory to God in high heaven, and on earth peace among men of good will.*

Nor was this all: the Little Flower Remembered at this holy hour Attleboro and New Bedford shrines Where men would kneel at midnight chimes.

ST. tuKE - 2:T-'4 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine lI'anslatio.

St. John of God, St. Thomas More,

St. Dominic, a dozen more,

Joined in Christmas love and awe As Mary's Babe lay on the straw.

St. Joan of Arc did then advance,

Our Lady of Angels With her St. Mathieu, St. Louis de France,

Our Lady of Health Each heart to love, each voice to swen

Our Lady of Victory The holy choir that sang Noel.

Our Lady of the Cape Our Lady of the Isle·

Saints Anthony of Padua and of the Desert Our Lady of the Assumption wild Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Rejoiced to come together to laud the Holy Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Child, Our Lady of Mount Carmel . And still they came: beloved John, Our Lady of Perpetual Help St. Louis, St. Roch, the list runs on, Our Lady of Purgatory The warriors Michael and St. George, Our Lady of Grace This holy night with idle worda. Our Lady of Fatima

Our Lady of Lourdes

Margaret, Peter, Augustine Notre Dame All bending down to earth, St. Mary's Rejoicing with their chrurches

At the Holy Birth.

There were Kilian, Hyacinth, Hedwig, ,. James, Xavier, William, Stanislaus, Boniface, Casimir, a host of names Elizabeth, Bernard, Stephen,

Invoking Christmas peace and joy Sang and praised their flocks

On man and woman, girl and boy Would draw yet closer heaven.

That lived within New Bedford town

And prayed to Christ from heaven come Assisi's Francis at the crib Sang a joyous hymn; down. Lawrence, flamelil forgotten,

Gladly echoed him.

St. Anne, Grandmother of the Lord,

Joined the chorus that adored St. Pius X came nearer

And sent a special Christmas prayer To the Little One he loved

To Fall River, New Bedford, Raynham And joined in sweet communion

where With all the hosts above. Churches named to honor her

And last the little Lord Himself,

Were decked with Christmas flower and In light of love aglow,

fir. Blessed every church and every soul

As earth and heaven bent low:

In Taunton, Holy Family,

Sacred Heart, St. Anthony,

Blessed Sacrament St. Jacques, St. Paul, Espirito Santo Rejoicing all Holy Name In Christmas light Holy Cross This holy night. Sacred Heart

Santo Christo

And Christmas blessings earthward calbe Holy Ghost

To churches proud of Joseph's name: Holy Redeemer

Sacred Hearts

Fall River Corpus Christl

Attleboro Holy Trinity

HOLY CROSS FATHERS ORDAINED: Bishop OonooUy, center, Ol'­ dained Rev. Lawrence Olszewski, C.S.C., of Pawtucket, left, and Rev. James Sheehan, C.S.C., of Shelton, Conn., right, at eeremonies in St. JOseph'. Ohapel, Holy C1"086 Fathers' Seminary, North Easton, OIl Saturday,




Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Dec. 24, 1964

1964 The Anchor

P,lce lOe per eop)' - $4.00 , . year

VoL 8, No. 52

Pavia's Jeanne Olsen Now In Colombia After Visit

THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 24, 1964


A quick pre-Christmas visit to home and fanrity waa enjoyed last week by Miss Jeanne C. Olsen, Papal Volun­ teer to Latin America who is now in Cartago, Colombia. 8M returned to her home in Holy Trinity parish, Harwich, from a four-month indoctrination attached to Marmion Ab~ course at the Catholic Uni­ Aurora, Ill. He will remain is versity of Puerto Rico, dur­ Puerto Rico for further study ing which she concentrated and will then be assigned tel

Rose There is no rose of sue h virtue As is the rose that b 0 r e Jesu: Alleluia By the rose we may well see There be one God in Persons Three: Pares Forma The angels sang, the shepherds too: Gloria in Excel­ sis Deo: . Gaudeamus.

on the study of Spanish and Latin American culture. She will spend Christmas in Cartago with a group of volun­ teers from Manchester, N. H. with whom she became friendly in Puerto Rico. They are setting up a mission station and she will aid them until Jan. 18, when she will travel to Bogota, the capi­ tal of Colombia, 150 miles dis­ tant. There she win teach sec­ ond grade at Colegio San Carlos, a .Benedictine institution. Her P AVLA assignment is for two and a half years, but she said she win probably remain in Bogota three years, s:.nce she would otherwise leave in the middle of a school term. Meets Father Lamb Among -fellow students in Puerto Rico, said Miss Olsen, was Rev. Conrad Lamb, O.S.B., na­ tive of St. Paul's parish, Taun­ ton, and a Benedictine monk

Mass Ordo mIDAY-Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I Class. White. Mass Proper; First Mass: Glo­ ria; Creed; Preface and Com­ municantes of Christmas. Sec­ ond Mass: Gloria; 2nd con. st. Anastasia, Martyr; Creed; Pref­ ace and Communicantes of Christmas. Third Mass: Gloria; Creed; Preface and Communi­ cantes of Christmas. The Last Gospel is omitted. Each priest may offer three Masses. Holy Day of Obligation.

Ohio Freedom Units Seek Fair Bus Bill

SATURDAY-St. Stephen, Pro­ tomartyr. II Class. Red. Mass Proper; Gloria; 2nd CoIl. Oc­ tave of Christmas; Creed; Preface and Communicantes of Christmas. SUNDAY-Sunday within the Octave of Christmas. II Class. White. Mass Proper; Gloria; 2nd ColI. St. John, Apostle and Evangelist; Creed; Preface and Communicantes of Christ­ mas. MONDAY - Hoi y Innocents, Martyrs. II Class. Red. Masa Proper; Gloria; 2nd ColI. 0c­ tave of Christmas; Creed; Pref­ ace and Communicantes of Christmas. TUESDAY-Tuesday within the Octave of Christmas. II Class. White. Mass Proper; (Mass lUI on Dec. 30 in Missal.) Mass Proper; Gloria; 2nd Coll. st. Thomas of Canterbury, Bishop and Martyr; Creed; oPreface and Communicantes of Christ­ mas. WEDNESDAY Wednes­ day within the Octave of Christmas. II Class. White. Mass Proper; (Mass as on Dee. 30 in Missal.) Gloria; Creed; Preface and Communicantes of Christmas. THURSDAY - Thursday within the Octave of Christmas. II Class. White. Mass Proper; (Mass as on Dee. 30 in Missal.) Gloria; 2nd ColI. St. Sylvester ~ I. Pope and Confessor; Creed; Preface and Communicantea of Christmas.



Dec. 2O--St. Mary's Hom e ,

New Bedford. St. Helena's Convent, Fall River. . Dec. 27--our Lady of Health, Fall River. St. Louis, F~ River. fIlE .JlCHOR secono Class Postage Paid at ~'II 1lIftr; Mass. published every Thursday at 410 Klchlano l\venue. Fall RIve' Mass. by tile catholic Press of tile Diocese of Fall River.


StlbscrlptlCIR ,rlet '"


nU. ...,.Id ....00

Everyone knows about the three Kin~'3 who came to worship the Infant Christ. But not man)' have heard of their three little daughters, three Princesses from the East. They were Princess Nerphrita •••

'Catholic Press as Open F:orum' Conference Topic at Ma rCluette MILWAUKEE (NC) - ''The Catholic Press as an Open For­ urn" will be the topic of a con­ ference conducted by the Marquette University ,Institute o( the Catholic Press here Jan. 28 and 29. The meeting will be open to editors and staff members of the American Catholic magazines and diocesan' newspapers. Ses­ sions will be conducted as round­ table discussions of previously prepared statements to be sent to all participants. David Host, institute director said in a statement on the meeting: "Most Catholic journalists now realize that the role of the open forum, one of the oldest recog­ nized roles of the press, is among the most. important that the Catholic press can perform for our day. "But neither the Catholic press as a whole nor any single periodical ean perfectly repro­

duce i:he social jeunction of the personal, vocal :l'orum in small communities. In some ways the press can improve on it; in some ways periodicals ,cannot help but fan sholt of it, ;and very often today external circumstances interfere. ''The purpose of the confer­ ence is to study the press' powel'll and limitations hi order to dis­ cover how Catholic periodicals Clllll best function as open forums for their readers, the local com­ munity and the C:b.urch at large."



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Rev. Charles R. Smith, 1955, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, J'all River.

Rose E. Sullivan 3effreJ' E. Sullivan


Fire Bombs Damage Seminary in Ro",e ROME (NC)-Two "Molot_ cocktails" were thrown into u..

front window of the Pontifical Spanish College bere. causinc limited damage to the walls aDCI CINCINNATI (NC)-Citizens furniture. for Educational Freedom units Since there was no explosiw in Ohio are seeking signatures of 600,000 persons to petitions-' in the homemade bombs the total damage was from the ill­ for a "fair bus" bill. nited spreading gasoline. Paul C. Mecklenborg, Cincin­ natian who heads the Ohio CEF, said the petitions will go to Gov. Williams' Funeral

James Rhodes at the same time Home

a bus bill is introduced in the 106th General Assembly at Col­ EST. 1870

umbus. 1 Washington Square

Signers ask the Governor to NEW BEDFORD

mpport legislation "which will Reg. Funeral Director and

provide the safety of school bus Embalmer

transportation to all children under the same laws and regula­ PRIVATE PARKING AREA

tions as now apply to public TEL WY 6-8098 school pupils."





Solola, Guatemala, where Mar­ mion Abbey is founding a minor seminary. An students worked hard on: Spanish, said Miss Olsen. She now has a rudimentary know­ legde of the tongue, but is grate­ ful that her second grade stu­ aents will speak English. "They are quite fluent, I ani told," she said hopefully. While in the Diocese, last weelt Miss Olsen met with Msgr. Ray­ mond T. Considine, Diocesan Di­ rector of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, ancl Rev. James W. Clark, PAVL~ Director for the Diocese. She does not plan any further hOJnll visits until her PAVLA assign­ ment is completed.

St. Francis



196 Whipple St., Fall River

Conduded by Franciscan

Missionaries of Mary



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95 Bridge St., Lowell, Mass.

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, THe ANCHORThurs.. Dec. 24, 1964

LoyolaTheologian Demands· Probing Christmas Legends CHICAGO (NC)-The traditional Christmas story of C»1rist'"s birth has become "regrettably overlaid with r0­ mantic legends, instead of :facts, according to a Loyola Uni­ versity theologian. Father Francis L. Filas, 8.J., chairman of the Jesuit institution's it is a delicate interpreta­ theology department, told inn,' tion that Joseph and Mary the Loyola University wom­ sought such privacy," Father en's board that "the empha­ Filas suggested. sis on the White Christmas, the long journey to Bethlehem, the story of the harsh innkeeper, and the Magi following a star, has taken precedence over the em­ phasis on the birth of Jesus Christ and His message of self­ sacrificing love." As an indication of the impa,ct of legendary materials, Father Filas described the oft-repeated. story of the overnight trip by JOseph and Mary to Bethlehem iJust before Christ's birth. "Mary would have been an anbelievably irresponsible moth­ to make such a trip so 'close to the anticipated birth of her child, and Joseph would have, been anbelievably hardhearted to have taken his pregnant wife on a four-day 90-mile donkey ride," Father Filas said. True Story "Actually, the gospel story im­ plies that Joseph and Mary were Dving . in Bethlehem for some time before Jesus was born," he said. Another legend which consti­ tutes "perhaps the greatest warping of the Christmas· story," according to Father Filas, is the calumny against the imaginary mnkeepef. at Bethlehem who turned away the Holy Family. "This action contradicts all the traditions of oriental hospitality

and is an unfounded interpreta­ tion of the Gospel story," the

theologian said. The inn was nothing more than a stockade barred against rob­ bers in ·which there would al­ ways be roOm for two more per­ sons. In all likelohood, the rea­ son for Christ's birth in the cave can be traced to a desire for pri­ vacy, since the inn would have been crowded and noisy, he ex­ plained. "When St. Luke says 'there :-:as no room for them· in the

Fr. Walsh Speaker At Oblate Meeting WILLIMANTIC (NC) - The . Oblates of Mary Immaculate Educational Association will hold iIs four-day biannual meeting starting Sunday at Immaculata

Retreat House here in Connecti­

cut. Father Armand Mathew,

O.M.I., of Sarita, Tex., associa­

tion president, said the convic­ Oon theme will be "Catholic Education: Maturing in Faith." The keynote address will be delivered by Father Michael P. Walsh, S.J., president of Boston (:allege. More than a hundred Oblate educators from Canada, Mexico and the United States are expected to attend. U.S. Senator Thomas Dodd of &nnecticut will speak at a clos­ Ing banquet, honoring Bishop Vincent J. Hines of Norwich; IlOnvention host.

A Child

Though you n g, yet wise; though small, yet strong; though man, yet God He is; As wise He knows, as strong He can, as God He ioves to bless. His knowledge rules,. His strength defends, His love doth cherish all; His birth our joy, His life our light, His death our end of thrall. -Bl. Robert Southwell

. Story of Magi The theologian also deplored the tendency in certain scrip­ tural interpretations tt' reject the story of the three Magi as sheer parable or fantasy. "The story of the Magi dove­ tails with so many essential traits of further narratives in St. Matthew's Gospel. Granting,· that ·certain poetical and figura­ tive hyperbole amplify the Magi story, it is nonetheless defend­ able in strict history. "What is a distortion," Father Filas said, "is it the legend of three kings coming on Christmas · night? Actually the Magi were ·most probably priest-astrologers who did indeed come to follow this mysterious star, but they could have come as late as six months after the birth of Jesus." ''The most likely date for Christ's birth was the spring of the year 6 B.C.," he said. "Thus, the weather was mild, and at most raw, but certainly not win­ ter with snow on the ground." ''By studyip.g the facts of the first Christmas, the meaning of Christ's birth is immeasurably heightened in a way that legen­ dary imagination can never ac­ complish," Father Filas said. I

Apathy Club Wins Student Approval CINCINNATI· (NC) - Xavier University's student council has approved by 16-1 a tongue-in­ cheek proposal to charter a cam­ pus Apathy Club. The dissenting vote was regis­ . tered by the senior who drew up plans for the club, Tony Thomas. , He explained that to show inter­ , est in the club would be contrary to its aims. ·These are to make failures of campus social events and to promote lower academic standards.

Urges Communists End Pers~cution

JERSEY CITY (NC)-A 16­ ·pOint resolution calling on the Soviet Union to end oppression of the Jewish people was sup­ ported by representatives of various faiths at a rally at the . Jewish Community Center here. Msgr. Eugene Reilly of Christ the King Church was among the rally speakers who condemned anti-se~itism. The resolution asked Russia to reaffirm its con­ stitutional principle prohibiting religious bias and urged elimin­ ation of specific restrictions on


Princess Moy Moy.

Urges Greater Effort Educator Stresses Need of Solution For Religious-Social Problems

HARTFORD (NC) - Father James C. McInnes, S.J., president Jews. of Fairfield (Conn.) University, . Msgr. Reilly traced the contin­ said it is time religiously motiuing fight of the Jews against vated groups reached beyond oppression. He said it is not pos­

social courtesies of dialogue in sible to "be a good Catholic or attempts to solve the real reli­ Christian without respecting the gious problems affecting social. rights and dignity of all your life. neighbors." The Jesuit educator told the Connecticut Council of Churches' statewide committee on Chris­ Catholic Cathedral tian social relation here: "The modern social apostolate must In Church Council

GRAND RAPIDS (NC)-St. be intellectually oriented." "It ·is the responsibility of.. Andrew's Catholic cathedral

religiously committed people," here.in Michigan is now. a mem­ ber of the National Council of Father McInnes said, "to go be­ Churches. Msgr. Charles W. yond agreement on civil rights, Popell, pas~or, said the cathedral nuclear disarmament and povjoined the Grand Rapids Area Council of Churches. According to National Council of Church leaders, a parish in Tulsa, Okla., is tl).e only other Catholic church member. Bishop Allen J. Babcock of Grand Rap­ ids diocese approved the action.

erty-the communists agree with them on these-to questions of public and private morality, re­ ligious education in society and the religious dimensions of a mass culture. "Religious people have a con­ tribution to make in their own terms if they will take the .ini­ tiative in the social apostolate." "The psychological determin­ ism of Freud and the sociological determinism of Marx are yield­ ing ground in the social sphere. Religiously motivated individ­ uals, if properly educated, can now have an important role in the solving .of social problems," Father McInnes said.

Thomas said h(. got the idea for the club after. nine couples showe~ up for a pep rally before the Xavier-Bowling. Green football game. The Xavier team members outnumbered the audi­ ence. Rules of the club call for no officers, no dues, and infrequent meetings. Anyone attending a meeting will be dismissed for. showing interest.

A Holy, Happy Christmas •• May mankind truly know and feel in his heart . the joyful experience of Christ born anew. And may the Almighty bestow on· us all His choicest blessings this Christmastide and throughout the year coming.

R. J. Toomey Co. 75 VVEBSTER



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holiday. Many thanks·

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Thurs., Dec. 24, 1964


I~. ;..-.i.t ~:;.; .;e>;~.







Has New Maqazine

Serra Inh!rnational WASHINGTON (NC)-8erra International announced here that it has launched a new pub­ lication for Serrans in 20 coun­ tries to offer laymen further iln­ sight into critical issues facng 'lergy and laity. Entitled "The Bellringers," it will be a four-page, thrice year­ ly publication, said Thomas P. Coughlan. prf'f'inpnt of Sf'rra In-

Th e beloved I' 0 I "Silent Night" was hast­ ily written on Christmas eve, 1818 by an Au­ s t I' ian priest, whose organ had broken down and could not be re­ paired in time for Midnight· Mass. To lessen the people's disap­ pointment at not singing the music for High Mass he decided to sur­ prise them with a new Christmas song, and "Silent Night" v as heard for the first time that night.



ternational, a Mankato, MinD., businessman. The name was chosen, Cough­ lan said, because Father Junl­ pero Serra, O.F.M., the famed Franciscan California missionary after whom the organization .. named, called his flock together by ringing the great bells of the missions he founded.

With Safety" at






THE MIDNIGHT MASS IN BETHLEHEM THIS YEAR IS THE :\IEMBERS OF THIS ASSOCIATION. How better ean we lIay thank you? . • • In 18 miS5ion ooun~riell the Church hel. . milliGJI. beeause you respond to eolumn. BUDd boys learn to II1IPO ~rt themselves in the Gaza Strip. LeIleI'5 are eleansed by native Sa.. &en; ill India. The poor have the Gospel preaehed to them bt Egypt, Iraq, Ira a, .Dd Ethiopia • . . Day by day the work .-oes on, tbankll to ~r prayen .nd sacrifiees. For. YOWl,- I'lrl wIIo needs help ($12.50 • 7"', Hoi, F.Jh,,'1 Mill"'" ANI month) to beeome • Sister In India 1M Ih. Oriml.1 ChMch we find a sponsor In Kansas. ~ Idaho a farmer sellda ~ telluild a school in memory 01 his wife . . . Are you a member of the Catholic Near East WeI­ lare Assocl.tlon? It Is the Holy Father's agency. Wh.t 70. send us the Holy Father lilies in eountrles where Catholle. .... the tiniest minority. Why aot became. membei'? You'll Ihan ID the Masses our mlssieuarles offer In 1965, and you'll be part .1 the eood they do for others . . . How to join? Simply ten Ull you want to Join, snd enelose your membership dues (For . . Individual. $1 a year, $20 for life; For • I.mily, S!'I • ye.r, UN lor life). We'll send y_ • membershIp certificde . . . Th.DIr '08 IlDeerely, and Dla" the Infaat J _ bless "oa alw.ya! ~OR


.The Parish


ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA, FALL RIVER . The Council of Catholic Women announces a potluck supper for Tuesday, Jan. 19 and a cake sale and malassada breakfast for Sunday, Jan. 31. Parish shut-ins will be visited during the holi­ days by members of the charity aetivities committee. HOLY CROSS, FALL RIVER New officers ')f St. Hedwig Society are Mrs. Agnes Witkow­ ski. president; Mrs. Eleanor Moson, vice-president; Mrs. Genevieve Raszkiewicz and Mrs. Helen Stasz, secretaries; Miss Ameiia Kret, treasurer. The parish PTA will hold a­ business session at 7 Tuesday night, Jan. 5 and a social gath­ ering at 4 Sunday afternoon, Jan. 17.

And Princess Pitta.

Train to Aid Blinc:l Boston College Students Wear N~asks

For Reh~bilitation Progrom

money comes from the Office of BOSTON (NC) - Deliberate­ Vocational Rehabilitation ly "blinding" themselves with black masks several hours a day In the nearly five years the as they grope their way about Boston College program has the campus, 16 volunteer stu­ been in effect studies have shed dents at Jesuit-operated Boston much light on the nature of College are working for rehabil­ blindness and its effects on the itatiop of the sightless. human senses, Dr. Eichorn re­ Dr. John Eichorn, coordinator­ ported. of the program which was begun The ptoriram is designed to in 1960, said: °The demand from teach graduate students who will NEW YORK (NC)-Protes­ various agencies for the blind instruct blind men, women and tants traveling on the Italian for more of our students is -evi­ children to walk more easily and liner Cristoforo Colombo mark­ dence that our program has been with greater safety. ed T,hanksgiving Day at sea.with very successfuL" Rev. Thomas J. Carroll, diree­ a religious' service led. by "Father ,ixtecn student~ attend . .a 14­ tor of the Boston archdiocese's Francis J. Connell, C.SS.R. -month pl:ogram each bei;';, paid Catholic Guild for the Blind, was The former dean of the School' $200 a month for living expenses. . a pioneer in this program . i;o of Sacred Theology at the Cath­ Tuition and training fees are help the sightless. eIic University of America, an also paid, from funds received expert at the Vatican Council under a -grant by the United and a member OJ- the U. S. Bish­ States government, amounting to ops' daily prEJSS panel was re­ about $140,000 -annually. The turning from Rome. The Redemptorist .Jed -recita­ tion of the Lord's Prayer, gave. B~n.dict;"e sermon on Thanksgiving'-s mean­ ing, read Scripture -and directed Is f~m-er sillging of t:he hymn, "Lead, MEMPHIS (NC) - -Boxing's­ Kindly Light." The Protestant 1...." s was the Church's &ain ill servi~e folwwed a Mass offered tilt' l!<lse of Father Bernardin earlier by Father Connell for Patter'son, O.S.B., 39, prior of St. Catholics. Maur's Benedictine .p I' i f) I' Y , Sout.h Union, Ky. He is a first cousin -of Fleyd Patterson, former world heavy­ weight. boxing champion, and HARTFORD \l'Ii~1 - Bishop­ was a top-I'anked leather-pusher designate .Joseph F. Donnelly ir St. Louis golden gloves circles will be consecnltcd as Titular before he went to the seminary. Bishop of Nabala to serve as Father Patterson, woo con­ Auxiliary Bishop of Hartford on ducted a mission here in Ten­ Thursday, Jan. 23 in St. Joseph's nessee, is the first 'Negro elected cathedral here. Archbishop Hen­ SUI)PI';or of a B"nerl;ctine JDOn­ ry J, (','1".' - T{artford will be astCl'Y ill ibis' coW).t.ry., the ' cou,,"CJ:io.."E~ ­

BLESSED SACRAlUENT, FALL RIVER Council o'f Catholic Women members will meet Wednesday, Jan. 20, at which time Christmas envelopes will be turned in.

Leads Protestant Thanksgiving Rite



CO"""","'''.:''',, '''n.28

INDIA: PEOPLt; IN PAIN WOMEN, CIDLDREN. AND OLD MEN stagger in the heat ecltecting stones for the clinic the Poor Clare Sisters are tz'ytn, to build to help the suffering' In Palayam. south India. To fin­ 1st. th ~ work, the Sisters need $3,800. In memory of your loved ones, at Christmas, won't you give the Siste~$ a hand?

LET'S HELP NOW I BI"INDNESS-Beeause bllndnf"SS Is eonsidered • punlsbment lor sin, blind youngsters 'ifl"re kept hidden in the Gaza Strip lUItil the Pontifical l\Iission for Palestine opened its Centel' I_ -the BUnd. $300 paya the one-year - t of makinl' a blind _ aelt-supporting. BARIES-Mothen In the Rauru daen Ulle powdered e.rtb driMi ID the lun .. "Ieum for the... babies. DoetoJ' ·".nltY Tornllgo, a l.y .DIman" HeM nS, '10, $S, $2 to .IYIl - 1Ier patients typhus shots, l[-raYll. medielnes. HUNGER-To' keep froMlltarvia&" eblldrea In Keral. State wander tbe WOodl loeld... fer wild triil*; roo". even IeaYllll, ~ritflil. Mother LaurentiBe • • • '10 will leed. lamlly hr •


. ORPHANS-LIttle .klll at eor li.e .. Betblebol a.­ teys, aoap, and lrai. . . tltelr Chdsta. -"-klDe•• than_ tit yea Like to "adopt", •• .,..11••• pay her -t-ot-Uvinl'? It' . , , _ ....-. • •ontll-. We'tl.":r_ be .-..n..... ,_ ..,. ..... teller. .

Dear Momlsrnor Ry. .; .

1lIICl4leed please tiJHl

...... . CSt,.


tor ..••• : ~

,H -



Oode i1 .. •••• ~ ..



FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, Pre.ident ....,• .....,. T. Ry-. . ., Sec',

...... ..c......




MediSCIII AYe. . . 42INJ St.

. Me. York, N. Y.'''''

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Dec. 24, 1964

Name Diocesan Usherettes For Bishopls Ball Jan. 6 Forty-seven YQung ladies of the Diocese have been 8elected to be US'herettes at the Bishop's Oharity Ball to be held Wednesday, January 6, at Lincoln Park Ballroom. The young ladies rep1"esent all areas of the Diocese. Mrs. James A. O'Brien, Chairman Cape Cod Area: Aptoinette M. of the Us'herette Oommittee Ames, Susan Avellar, Joan Bros­ announced the names. Each nan, Jeanne Larocque, Mary E. Usherette will be gowned in Curran.

Candle At Christmas a candle symbol­ izing Ghrist used to be set up in homes on the eve of the feast. It was kept burn­ ing through the Holy Night and lit thereafter every night dur­ ing the hoI y season.


a different shade of blue in keep­ Margaret Nese, Sharon Savery, ing with the special theme of Louise Welch. -rurquoise Ball." They will Fall River Area: Carolyn Boff, earry specially designed bou­ 4uetsof complementary color. , Janice Rodrigues, Ann Danis, Geraldine Rapoza, Gail Kerrigan; In the tradition of the Ball, Ann Flynn, Paulette Dutilly, the Usherettes will be presented Celeste Gariepy, Catherine Anne to His Excellency, Bishop Con­ nolly, by the Chairman of the Griffin, Sheila Silvia. Judith Taylor, Nancy Connell Usherette Committee. For the presentation, they will march in Jacqueline Jette. pairs down the aisle formed by New Bedford Area: Nancy the Honor Guard. Also in the Barker, Mary Anne Saulnier, tradition of the Ball, the Honor Pauline Correia, Mary M. Col­ lard, Carol Mogilnicki. Guard will be made up of mem­ bers of the Fourth Degree Janice A. Vangel, Patricia A. Knights of Columbus. Bonczek, Carolyn Correia, Lil­ Mrs. O'Brien announced these lian R. Desrosiers, Cynthia Sen­ young ladies as Usherettes for na. the 1965 Bishop's Charity Ball: Taunton Area: Christine Bisio, Attleboro Area: Patricia Mc­ Jane McGovern, Virginia Pa­ Keon, Janet Plante, Marie Ber­ quette, Nancy DeSouza, Nancy nier, Susan Lynch, Virginia Tinkham. Teixeira. Judith Ann Landry, Anne Marie Dumont, Michelle Koeh­ ler, Louise Amaral.

Approves Purchase Of Medical School TRENTON (NC) - The New lersey State Senate has, given final approval to the state's pur­ chase of Seton Hall University's medical and dental school in lersey City for a price of $4 million. Previously approved by the State Assembly, the purchase agreement must still be signed by Gov. Richard J. Hughes. However, the governor's action is considered certain since he has long supported the purchase. The State Senate acted with­ eut debate (Dec. 17), at the same time avoiding a procedural has­ sle that might have brought the eontract into court even if it were approved. The transfer of property will take place Jan. 1, 1965.

Bishop Swanstrom Praises ,UNICEF UNITED NATIONS (NC) The executive director of Cath­ Glic Relief Services, National € a tholic Welfare Conference, has praised the work and accom­ plishments of the United Na­ tions' Children Fund on that or­ ganization's 18th anniversary. In a letter to Maurice Pate, ex­ ecutive director of UNICE~, Auxiliary Bishop Edward E. Swanstrom of New York said he was especially pleased to note UNICEF's history of coopera­ tion with voluntary agencies. "Since many Catholic agencies and missionaries are involved in educational, medical and welfare activities, there are innumerable instances where UNICEF has aided them with vitamins, medi­ eines, equipment or other sup­ plies," he wrote. '

Concelebration NEWTON (NC) - Permission tor the eoncelebration of Mass has been received by monks of St. Paul's Benedictine Abbey It will be permitted at three periods of the year-<iuring the Dlonks' annual retreat, on Christ­ Dlas and on March 21, feast of St. Benedict. Masses were concelebrated for' lour days, Dec. 14 to 11, during tIae annual retreat.

Birthday Present Leaves 'Em Smiling BROOKLAWN (NC) - The tenth anniversary of St. Maur­ ice's church here in New Jersey was c'elebrated in, to say the least, unusual fashion. Some parishioners haven't yet recov­ ered fully. Father Daniel F. M. Millard, pastor, took the pulpit during each of four Sunday Masses. He thanked his parishioners for their "cooperation, loyalty and devo­ tion" and added that he had a birthday present for them. It brought big smiles and, as Father Millard said, "at first I thought they were going to burst into applause." He made the announcement, simply, directly-there would be no collection.

Dismisses Tax Exemption Suit

BALTIMORE (NC)-A Balti­ more Circuit Court Judgehas thrown out the suit against property tax exemptions for churches which was filed by self-avowed atheist Mrs. Mada­ lyn Murray. Judge William Barnes said he would explain the basis for his dismissal in a memorandum lat­ er. Mrs. Murray and those who support her suit have 30 days to appeal to the Maryland Court of Appeals. In Honolulu, Hawaii, where she now resides, Mrs. Murray told inquiring newsmen she plans on appeal. Mrs. Murray successfully chal­ lenged Bible reading and reci­ tation of the Our Father in pub­ lic schools which resulted in a U.S. Supreme Court decision banning such religious 'practices.

Serra President In Latin America CHICAGO (NC) - The new president of Serra International, Thomas P. Coughlan of Mankato, Minn., will spend four weeks in Latin America visiting most of the 22 Serra Clubs there. Coughlan, president of the Mankato Stone Company, is making the trip at his, own ex­ pense to encourage further pansion of the Serra mov~en,t" which has international head­ qu"artershere. Coughlan, father of eight children, was "elected Serra In­ ternational president at the 22nd convention of the group in June inCleveland, Ohio. Composed of business and professional men dedicated to fostering vocations to the priesthood, Serra has 270 clubs in 17 ;countries.



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, They heard their fathers speak of the Star and the Infant. They ~aved goodbye as the Kings left on their long journey.

Ordain Somerset Priest ilJ Rome VATICAN CITY (NC)-The new rector of the North Ameri­ can College in Rome ordained 62 U. S. priests including one from the Fall River Diocese, in' ceremonies in St. Peter's ba­ silica. In the group was Rev. George W: Coleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Coleman, Sr., 150 High Street, Somerset. Bishop Francis Reh, who be­ caine rector in September after serving as bishop of Charleston, S. C., said it was by far the larg­ est group he had ever ordained, and 'the first time he had pre-, ,sided at an ordination in St. Peter's. The newly Qrdained priests from cities all over the United Stiltesare on the last leg of a four-year course in ~heology at R 0 In e "s Pontifical Gregorian. University Some will continue their studies and others will re-





turn to their dioceses. It is tra­ ditional in Rome that seminar­ ians are ordained midway in their final year of theology in­ stead of at its conclusion, as in the"U.S.

WY 6-5661




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<elt this glad Christmastide, we wish for you the great gifts of faith renewed and spirit uplifted by the joy and promise of His holy birth.





THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Dec. 24, 1964

Not Drama but Fact

Ellenslel PAVU

The Church knows good drama. For the weeks of

Advent the texts of the Advent Masses have been filled

with expectation--the relating of the Old Testament proph­

ecies about the coming Messiah, longing for the Savior Who

will make men His people, wonder that God would send such

• Redeemer for men. Day by day the movement of expecta­

tion seemed to quicken 8'0 that Christmas itself seems to

eome when men feel that they could stand the suspense

DO longer. And yet, it is not simply drama but fact. That is why the events of Christmas are always given in their historical setting-the political leaders and official appointees are carefully listed. The greater coming of Christ into the lives of men today must be not drama but fact. That means tpat men must commit themselves to Christ and. make Him an influ­ ence in their lives day by day. A drama is an interlude with which men can relate for a few hours; and then it is over and they go back to their own lives. For all too many, Christmas is the same type ·of event-an interlude, a purple patch on an otherwise different kind of life, and no more.

Those who share and bear the name of Christ ­

Christian - must make this Christmas see Christ entering more completely into their daily thoughts and words and actions. They must be prophets of Christ in the root mean­ ing of that word "prophet"-one who preaches Christ in

and by his own life, one whose life proclaims the wondrous

works of God. There is no Christmas apart from this.

Ten Billion for Charity

The spirit of giving, 80 prevalent at Christmas, is expected to push charitable contributions to a record high this year in these United States. Figures just released indi­

eate that last year a record-setting ten billion dollars was given to a vast variety of charitable and philanthropic organizations. The bulk of this, almost eight billion dollars, came from individuals with the rest coming from founda­ tions and corporations. . This is a very good sign and indicates that Americans siill possess a spirit of charity and sympathy for those in need. It would be a sad day when the government had to take over the role of charity now 80 largely carried on by the individual. The basis of charity and generosity is ncl only a giving of monies but a giving of self. Its aim is not only relief or rehabilitation but the person-to-person relationship that helps both giver and receiver. Its motivating force is love 80 that this creative force might be strengthened in the world. As St. John of the Cross put it, ''Where there is no love, place love, and you will find love. Of

Farther Down The Road

An appeal by more than three thousand parents in Houston to ten motion picture producers has so far been received with something. less than enthusiasm. The pro­ ducers for the most part have either defended their products or given vague assurances that they would do all that they could to make more family-type movies. This Parents League of Houston, which deplored the number of movies that dwell on violence, brutality, nudity, and sexual promiscuity, has expressed grave concern that the movies are teaching "a new standard of sexual mor­ ality." This is a concern also of the members of the Legion of Decency, those Catholics who took a pledge a few weeks ago to seek and to support all forms of entertainment and literature that promote the standards of Judeo-Christian morality. The pledge was not simply a single event but is meant to be a year-round promise and apostolate. All indications are that producers of films will go farther this coming year down the road of the bizarre and the brutal and the "daring" than ever before. Their work . can be influenced only along one line--by strong-voiced opposition that promises to hit them where it hurts, in the pocketbook.


OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press ot the Diocese of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue Fall River, Mass. OSborne 5-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O.,: GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden


Assistant Director Latin American Bureau, NCWC

Felices Pascuas Santa Claus is nowhere • be seen. ''White Christmas" is seldom heard. Fireworks boom throughout the holy­


cnmc)Ll<}h thE CWEEIt CWith thE ChWlch By REV. ROBERT W. HOVDA. Catholic University TODAY-Christmas Eve. This vigil is a kind of capsule history of the human race. Today we can almost feel the centuries.Jand­ millenia-slow movement of evo­ lution. But, more than that, we can feel ir man's relatively re­ cent days his need for an an­ swer, an a::firmation, an accept­ ance--for salvation. ''Today you will know," sings the Entrance Hym1'l. We must feel particularly close today to the Jews, the peo­ ple of the Old Testament, whose prophets a:1d teachE'rs enable us to re~ognize Him. CHRISTMAS nAY. The Masses of midnight, dawn and daytime are alike in a sense of awe and mystery. Far from turn­ ing the world into a nursery, the Infant we celebrate ;is the Bearer of a shattering light. In the words of the prefa,~e: "For the light of your glory has flooded the eyes of our min.d * * *" It is the slain and risen Christ-it is the Lord-we celebrate. It is HE whom w,e see in this feast. We do not merely trans­ port ourselves back in history to the moment of a birth. The whole mystery of redemption is already present in this rite, for the Christian mind. The love of God r.trikes our minds with force not merely because of a baby's natural loveliness but because the risen Christ who is our hope is so completely one of us. SATURDAY - St. Stephen, First Martyr. His was the first birth out cf death.J\.nd all of us who own His mastery and lord­ ship, look forward to lots of lit­ tle deaths as means to life, more full and perfect lifE', As if we might forget the pur­ pose of His incarnation, in the shadow of Christmas we cele­ brate the first of~ ·the martyrs, the first of those who followed Him in a conscious and ultimate offering of themSElves to the Father. SUNDAY WITHIN CHRIST­ MAS OCTAVE.. "To prove that you are sens, God has sent out the Spirit of His Son into your hearts" (First Lesson). He comes, not so much to make us something different from what we were, but to show, to prove what we a:~e--sons :md brothers. He is a sign, the Gc.spel tells us, "whi~h men will refuse to ac­ knowledge." And, despite all c>ur protesta-

tions to the contrary, we are less than eager to know who we are, we would like to escape the· proof he offers. At least there is a tension between our desire to recognize who we are and our fear of embarrassment or doubt. The liturgy, the sacraments, our public worship in general, calls us regularly to face the fact of who we are. And if we more often think of the Mass and the other sacraments as calculated to destroy, displace; submerge our real selves and put something else in their place, then this is a deeply tragic misunderstanding. MONDAY - The Holy Inno­ cents, Martyrs. Perhaps in the children we honor today we· can see as clearly as anywhere how God's grace does not destroy human nature but affirms and elevates it. Incapable of rational reflection, incapable of faith, the infants slain in this tragic trib­ ute to Jesus' significance were nonetheless persons with a na­ tive dignity and value worthy of God's free favor. TUESDAY - Within the Oc­ tave of Christmas. (Mass today and the two days following: 3rd Mass of Christmas, except for the Epistle and Gospel of the 2nd Mass of Christmas.) We learn in the First lesson of the "cleaning power which gives us new birth, and restores our nature." And in the Offer­ tory Hymn we confess that the whole wide world and all that exists is God's creation. So the Christian's public worship is not divorceable from his "worldly" activities. His public worship should simply make him aware of who he is when he works and shops and plays. WEDNESDAY - Within the Octave of Christmas. This awareness is not as simple as it sounds, and so the task of sacra­ mental worship is not an easy one. "On seeing Him, they dis­ covered the truth, " teaches the Gospel. We must be able to see Him, and His meaning in the sacra­ mental signs, in the forms and through the language of the Church's services of public wor­ ship. This is the basic reason for the reforms which the Coun­ cil has inspired, now beginning to affect our participation in Mass and the other sacraments.

day. Few trees are decorated. Merry Christmas comes out as Felices Pascuas. The sun shines b r i g h.t I y and the beaches are open. Snow

is as unknown

as Santa's rein­ deers. This is Christmas in the Latin world. If Papal

Volunteers are

ever homesick, it is on Christ­ mas.. They gather in convivial groups and for once allow their North Americanism to show• They reminisce of trees and tin­ sel and trimmings; they dream about the family meal.

As they talk they unknow­ ingly admit that they enjoy Christmas in Latin America. Christmas is the same every­ where even though the decora­ tions may be different. The Vol­ unteers in Latin America notice that there is a greater emphasis on the place of Christ in the Christmas story. Christmas wiD always carry a deeper meaning for them once they have experi­ enced a Latin Christmas. Christmas makes them pain­ fully aware of the poverty 01. the people. The only gifts that the people exchange are those of friendship and love. The greatest gift is that of Christ coming te the poor. Christmas makes the Volunteers realize how needed they are by the poor people of Latin America. Once their initial wistfulness disappears, the Volunteers begin to notice the similarities 01. North and Latin AmericaJl Christmasses. The midnight Ma~ the long lines at confession and Communion, the hymns, the cribs (with their Indian-featured Child), the anticipation of a new - and hopefully - better year ahead. The Volunteers and the people they are working with cement their friendships over Christmas. The Latins know the inevitable lonesomeness of the Volunteers; and the Volun­ teers know the invaluable love of the Latins for them. While poor and with6ut the decorations of a North American way of life, Christmas is not cheerless in Spanish America. The mutual exchange of love and friendship is the heart of any cooperation between the two worlds. Christmas provides the excuse for each to know how much they can gain from the other. It brings about an under­ standing of each other's cuiture and values, of each other's ideals and strengths. Christmas thus becomes a great bond cemented in Christ between Volunteel'8 and the Latins. As you go to Communion this Christmas remember the Papal Volunteers, remember the plight of the Latin Americans. Christ makes us all brothers. The Papal Volunteer program is one ex­ pression of that brotherhood under God. You can become a part of it through prayer. If you do, then your Christmas, like that of the Volunteers will have a new and happier meaning.

THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 24, 1964

Lauds Father Ewing's 'Life,

Landmarks of Holy Land

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy al;rays been to me at least, a grand­ SOUndl?g word. Its rmg nad led me to believe that the person so designated must be quite a dignitary. But now I discover that this is not so at all. Centurions, I read "have their modern equivalents in the , United States Army as top looks like an order to be uncivil sergeants, or warrent offiBut Father Ewing describes


"~enturion" ha~

cern; in the United States Navy the incredibly lengthy, wordy, they would be chief petty offi~ and ceremonious greetings which cers." Before top sergeants people in the Near East exchange cousins or their ' at a casual meeting, and sensibly aunts, take pen points out that our Lord simply in hand irately wanted these emissaries of His, to inform me bound on an important work, not t hat I h a v e t o waste any time. sneered at these Or, if, when reading the Old gentlemen, let Testament, we can't quite under­ me say that I stand Samson's using an animal's h a v e nothing jawbone as a deadly weapon, w hat eve r Father Ewing has this explana­ against the m , tion: that, in ancient Palestine, a indeed respect sickle was made of flint, had a them duly, but very sharp cutting edge, was never thought fitted into a large animal's jaw­ of them as the opposite numbers bone which served as a handle, of Roman centurions. and thus became a deadly weapWhere did I get the informa- on indeed. tion which has made me raise Chatty, Informal Book my eyebrows? Why, from Father There are many valuable sideJ. Franklin Ewing's book The lights on small things which Ancient Way: Life and Land- loom large in the Gospel. One marks of the Holy Land (Scrilb- example is bread. Father Ewing ner's. $4.50). lets us see how important bread Father Ewing, a Jesuit and an is to the common folk, the main­ associate professor of anthropol- stay of their diet, and regarded ogy at Fordham, has spent years as sacred. making excavations in the Near He tells of a humble man's East, particularly Lebanon. He consternation and indignation has written this work, he tells us, when the author's party threw because "we Americans of the away some stale sandwiches. twentieth century need expUana- And he points out that the bread tion and interpretation of many used in the miracle of the loaves small matters before we can apwas barely bread - the fare of preciate to the fullest degree the the very poorest. lessons of the Gospels. This book Likewise, he deals with oil and attempts to provide a few such wine, their production and uses; explanations and interpreta- with water, its scarcity and tions." worth, and the difference beHomely Examples tween water and dead; with salt He also observes that Our and honey; with fishing, in its Lord, in the Gospels, illustrates many varieties; with livestock universal truths by homely ex- and the significance of the fatted amples drawn from everyday calf. existence in Palestine at the time Lavish, fascinating, and ex­ of his earthly life. Some of these pensive i!: The Kennedy Years examples are quite incompre(Viking. $16.50). Prepared under hensible to today's ordinary the director of Harold Faber, it reader, because completely out- has text fr<lm the New York side his experience. What, for Times and photographs in black­ Instance, is a tittle, as found in and-white and color, by Jacques the fifth chapter of St. Matthew? Lowe and others. Not, you may be sure, the venIt covers the late president's erable quarterback of the New career, with particular attention York Giants. to the campaign of 1960 and his Other examples may be mis- time in the White House. There understood by us because while m less about the assassination we think we recognize the ref- and its aftermath than one might erence, actually its point is not have expected, probably because what we suppose. We are misled. whole books have already been because a generic word may given to those days alone. have had an entirely different The presentation of text and specific meaning in first cen- pictures is splendid, a notable tury Palestine from the one it bears in twentieth century America. Concrete Details Father Ewing's book is at its best when he sticks to concrete details. This would be in its first two sections and part of the third. When he later takes up matters like crucifixion in the first century, or the Holy Land today and the relationship of its sacred places to the events of the Gospel, he is sketchy about mat­ ters which oth~rs have treated very fully and expertly. Thus, while, in a general way we grasp the meaning of our Lord's calling Himself the Good Shepherd, we may be puzzled by his saying, in this connection, "I am the door." Father Ewing tells us that he has seen a shepherd building a C<lrral of stones or thorn bushes for his sheep, putting the beasts inside for the night, then lying down in the entrance to the en­ closure. Explains .Jawbone Again, we may wonder why, when our Lord sent out the 72 on a trial mission, He bade them, "Greet no one on the way." Thia


The first" men­ tion of Christmas car 0 1 i n g in America is re­ corded in 1645 by the Indians. A missionary wrote: ''They have a particu­ lar devotion for the night that was enlightened by the birth of the Son of God. Even those who were at a distance of two days' journey met at a gi ven place to sing hymns in honor of the new born Child."

Ten Tons of Candy MANILLA (NC) - Catholic Relief Services-National Cath­ olic Welfare Conference has donated 10 tons of candy to the Christmas festival for the poor organized here by the first lady of the Philippines, Mrs. Evan­ geline MacapagaI. The donation represents 175,­ 000 bars of candy worth approx­ imately $18,000. In addition CRS-NCWC is also donating 50,000 biscuits to be served as refreshments on the day of dis­ tribution (possibly Christmas eve).



• The Kings were gone a long time. Their little girls missed them more ancJ more, and more and more they wondered about the marvelous Infant• At last Prlncess . . Pitta could wait no longer. She decided to follow her father.



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example of bookmaking. True,

the volume is big and heavy,

hence not too easy to handle.

But the contents well repay in­

convenience the reader may

endure. Of the now practically

innumerable Kennedy books,

this is the best.

~BWise Men .followed CI Star to seek, to find and worship Him, 80 may you find the peace and Joy of CI

boly Christmas.






OSborne 8-5644


THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 24, 1964

End Discrimination, Professor Pleads

ORADELL (NC) - Man, no matter what his color, is the liv­ ing representation of God and was created in His image, a sem­ inary professor told a rally on race problems here in New Jer­ sey. Msgr. Henry G. J. Beck of Immaculate Conception Sem­ inary, Darlington, N. J., asserted: "We have been guilty of dis­ crimination in the past and I do not defend the past, but we must now labor to eradicate any last vestige of discrimination in the future." Rabbi Andre Ungar of Temple Emanuel, Westwood, paid trib­ ute to the late Archbishop Joseph Rummel of New Orleans as a champion of interracial jus­ tice. He said that what a man actually does in the cause of jus­ tice is the truest indication of what he really believes.


Midnight Mass is celebrated by the Latin Patri­ arch. A t the Gloria the image is unveiled, and after Mass a pro­ cession goes to the very spot where Christ was born, where the Patriarch places the image of the Child in the Manger.

Yule Letter Real Treasure



By Mary Tinley Daley It's here, that perennial "Christmas feeling," combi­ nation of awe at the re-reali­ zation of awe at the reali­ and the human warmth toward

all men of good will. Carols,

bombarding our

ears since be­

fore Thanksgiv­

ing, still enkin­

dle age n tIe

glow, a sense of


t ion. Family

ties bind more

closely at this

time of year,

strengthened by


of Christmases spent together,

rejuvenated by an ever-expand­

ing family. And that expanded

"family" includes not only in­

laws and grandchildren, but en­

compasses neighbors - not only

those living hereabouts - but

those to whom a friendly gesture

can mean a lot ;it this tender


We like to think, too, that the Christmas bit sliPPed' into an envelope and sent on to the mis­ sions will lighten the load just a little for those who are doing Christ's work far away from their own homes. Real Gift . Each family, of course, has its own Christmas traditions, built through the years, carried on through generations. One of our most cherished, though certainly far from original, is the custom started perhaps 20 years ago by my sister Margaret, God rest her soul. On Christmas morning, never fail, a warm, loving letter from Margaret would arrive by special delivery at the homes of all family members who had moved away from our midwest­ ern town. Since Margaret's death, ,our sister-in-law, Wanda Tinley, has continued the pre­ cious practice, one we too have adopted wholeheartedly. This doesn't mean, of course, that there are no long-distance telephone calls on Christmas night. It's great, just great, hear­ ing the actual voices of distant loved ones-if you can break through that "Sorry, all circuits are busy" message. But to have that letter -long, newsy and loving - that means somebody thinks of you, caring enough to sit down and write during the hectic pre-Christmas rush, to figure mailing time so that it arrives or the day-well that's even greater. At Your House No matter what else has to give, we resolve, that is one tra­ dition - the Christmas letter­ not to be abandoned or accom­ plished with a once-over-light17.




Bass River

Savings Bank

When she told Princess Nerphrita and Princess Moy Moy her plan, they wanted to go with her. But first they had to choclse presents for the Baby. In your well-organized houses, undoubtedly by this time all handmade presents are finished, the rest bought (perhaps even all paid for) and all wrapped. Fruit cakes have long been aging, same with the eggnog; tree lights have been tested, not a bulb missing; cards are in the mail, with even the "problem children" taken care of, new addresses for those who have moved or married; the house is shining from cellar to attic, the Christmas creche has been re­ paired; decorations are ready for hanging; turkey ordered, same with tree and wreaths; scores of cookies are baked and in the freezer; holiday entertainment arranged down to the last canape and cocktail napkin;.family's en­ tire wardrobe in apple-pie order. At our house, we have made a running start on all these pleas­ ant activities but as the days proceed we find ourselves get­ ting a second wind, somehow. With a spurt of ..enthusiasm we become carried away, as it were, into projects that always take longer than we had envisioned. For instance, along about Dec. 20 each year, somebody gets the bright idea of doing some paint­ ing-not decorative, Christmasy painting, mind you, but some­ thig that should have been done last October, like a bedroom, the upstairs hall. Once it was even the kitchen! On the distaff side, once the sewing machine is zipping away at doll clothes, wouldn't it be a good idea to "run up" a gay cocktail dress for ourselves or one of the girls? And why not knit a stole? Far nicer, and less expensive, than those in the stores. And so, my dear organized ones, these are some of the rea­ sons why on the Night Before Christmas, all through the house -Our House-many creatures are stirring and a mouse would be afraid to come in. Somehow, though, everything gets done somehow - and the things that don't can just wait ~ until next ChriStmas! So, a happy and holy Christm3ll to all readers of this column.

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~ s~..MerIJ

i" .


Christmas to all! Here comes san'ta with a sleigh-fun ·of warmest wishes for a happy holiday. May tt1e Christmas season bring every

jo, to IOU and your famil¥.





THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 24, 1964

Children's Sensitivity Offers Hope for Peace Among Men By MarDynand Joseph Roderick There is a little boy who uses our yard for a short lOt to sohool and to the corner store. Like most little boys he always seems to be carrying a stick or a handful of stones. As every gardener knows, children bear watching in a garden, especially when begins and friends and ac­ they have the tools with iting quaintances must be fed, so which to inflict damage. back to the scullery we go. However, this boy is dif­ An excellent remedy for this ferent. When flowers ace in bloom he never fails to stop and look at them. He may stoop to RIlell them or merely touch a Bower, but it is obvious that he JlleCeives a great deal of enjoy­ ment from a garden. On one oc­ easion I saw him sit for at least 210 minutes watching humming­ birds feed on coral bells. I have even seen him leave his friends lor several minutes when a par­ ticular flower caught his eye. My younger daughter, Melissa, Is my helper in the garden. Al­ though she is only three years old, she can be trusted to weed • flower bed as well as can be expected for a child her age, but more importantly, she win do the job without uprooting or _epping on a single plant. She ean be trusted to water plants correctly and to remove dead flowers from marigolds, petunias , and the like without hurting a budding flower. She is the first to notice a new flower or new bloom and is continually walk­ ing into the garden to' smell the flowers. Her only failure as. a gardener is that she doesn't like bees or worms. I mention these two children lit Christmas because I believe that "peace among men of good will" may depend less upon 1. Q. and achievement in school wbich we Americans have made almost the sole criteria for success, than on a love of beauty an,d living things. Both these -children have • sensitivity which can o.nly lead to kindness to others and a love at all God's creatures. In the Kitchen During this holiday season, we women of the house find our­ selves spending more and more time in the kitchen' preparing for Christmas Day. Truly, half the joy of the celebration itself is the thought and love that go into the planning of it. The baking and decorating, along with the shopping, gift wrapping and card writing, push us along at fever pitch until the evening of Christmas when we sit down happy, but utterly exhausted. As we sit amidst the crumpled wrappings, the fruitcake crumbs, and the dolls who no longel' burp, tear, or echo, after a hectic day with their new little mis­ tresses, the last thing in the world that we want to face is tile kitchen stove. Howevel', as. tbe old saying goes, "This is just tbe beginning," for noW' the vis-

situation is "do it ahead" food, such as the following date and nut loaf. This moist, tasty bread ' can be uSed either for a dessert or with cream cheese as a tasty sandwich. It can be baked dur­ ing your Christmas baking and will keep for over a week, that is if you can keep it away fl'oin your husband that long. This is my mother's 'recipe (Mrs. Ray­ mond Morin, St. Patrick's parish, Fall River), and whenever she makes a loaf for a cake sale or party she has to make one for Joe too, or she'd have a mighty disappointed son-in-law. Date and Nut Loaf 2 cups sifted flour 1 cup sugar 11k t. baking powder Ik t. salt 1 egg, well beaten V. cup orange juice or lemon juice Z T. shortening (melted) ~ cup dates % cup walnuts 1) Cut up dates (a scissors dipped in water is very good for this) and chop walnuts. 2) Sift flour, baking powder and salt together. 3) Add sugar and beaten egg to dry ingredients. 4) Place juice and melted shortening in a cup measure, fill remainder of measure with boil­ in& water. 5) Add liquids to dry ingredi­ ents and beat until well blended. 6) Add dates and nuts. '1) Pour into greased loaf pan and bake at 375 0 for 50 to 60 minutes.

See's Social Service Bureau Gets Grant HARTFORD (NC)-The U. S. Office of Economic Opportunity has'llpproved a,grant of $23,500 to the Hartford District Office, of the Hartford Arcbdiocesan Bureau of Social ServiCe for use in a project to alleviate poverty in this city. The project will be to prevent school dropouts and aid families in which fathers have problems' of under-employment or poor work motivation due to family problems.


It is right and availing unto salvation, that we should give thanks unto Thee, 0 holy Lord, Father al­ migh ty, an d everlasting God. Because by the mystery of the Word made flesh the new light of Thy glory hath shone upon the eyes of our mind; that while we a c know 1 e d g e Him to be God seen by men, we may be drawn by Him to the love of things invisi­ ble.

DiYouville College Gets

Government Grant

"He wiJI like my lamb,· said Princess, Moy Moy, as she took it from her toy box.

Confraternity Uses Regional School Idea JERSEY CITY (NC)-Adapting the regional high school con-' cept has, paid off here for the Confraternity of Christian Doc­ trine. Six parishes combined to run a regional high school type program in rented quarters ifi a public high school. The program resulted in a 150 per cent in­ crease in' attendance _ from 40 youngsters to 100. Father William S. O'Brien of Our Lady of Victories parish in­ augurated the idea. Public school officials cooperated by leasing fi ve classrooms in Snyder High School to the parishes for 90 cents a classroom each Monday afternoon.

Advantages cited by Father O'Brien are: availability of teachers when classes are com­ .. ... . . , . bm~d; ellmmatlOn of the dlSCl­ pline' problem, and attractive­ ness of bringing the program to youngsters at the school where they already attend classes.

BUFFALO (NC) -D'Youvme College here has been awarded a $612,783 U. S. grant to assist construction of a seven-story science building, expected to cost over $3 million. The college operated by the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart, was the onlY Catholic school given a Federal grant in recent allocation of funds of the Health ,Provisions ~Act, according to Mother' Francis Xavier, presi­ dent.

TV Series to Study Church, Marriage NEW YORK (NC) "The Church and Marriage" will be the title of a series of Catholic Hour telecasts on the NBS-TV network on the first four Sun­ days of January. The series will examine the Church's teaching on marriage and the current discussion on family plannin~.

,1\ ~ JOYOUS





the joy of Christma

reach into every heart, as with scripture, song and prayer, w.e recall th wonder of His birth.




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Agencies War On Poverty

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Dec. 24, 1964

WASHINGTON (NC) ­ The Johnson administration has brought more clearly into focus the pattern of publie­


In Ireland, En gl and and Scotland cakes used to be baked on Christmas eve for every mem­ ber of the house­ hold. In Germany and F ran:: e, Christmas cakes w ere adorned with the figure o~ of the Holy Child. The Greek Christmas cakes had a cross on top, and one cake was left on the table in the hope that Christ Him­ self would come and eat it.


private collaboration in the quickening pace of the war against poverty. The second batch of projects announced by the new Office of Economic Opportunity totals 162 programs involving $82.6 million and a host of governmental, pri­ vate, religious and business groups. In the latest announcement to be made in the nine weeks since the antipoverty effort got funds from Congre.ss, collabora­ tion is dramatized in new Job Corps Centers, in several com­ munity action ptograms and in work-spxdy projects for college

students. In Chicago, for example, tIiII $3,993,4'11 from the Office all Economic Opportunity will helll support a broad program ... which parochial schools ha. joined. These schools will se"" with public schools as sites all pre-school centers for und~ privileged children. A similar community actiOlll effort will be launched Federal grants to the Mayolil Committee on Human Resour~ in Pittsburgh. Catholic schools there will gAiII facilities and staff to develOll special programs to help ove»­ come impediments to learniDII among all needy children aDIll residents in the impoverished areas in which the schools . ­ located.


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Finally Decide To Sing Carols BOONTON (NC)-They sang carols at the Christmas concert given by the New Jersey Boon­ ton High School glee club after all. 'In fact, the school officials said an earlier announcement that caroling would be dropped from the concert because it was "too religious," was all a mistake. William Potter, school princi­ pal, said changes were requested in the program because. it was deemed that last year's perfor­ mance was two-third "religious." He added: "We asked the choral director to mix up the numbers more this year and he did so. By no means did we go to the ex­ treme of banning carols. We must follow a policy that win not offend any religious group."

Welk, Hope Perform At Prelate's Party LOS ANGELES (NC)-Com­ edian Bob Hope and Lawrence Welk and his orchestra were featured entertainers at James Francis Cardinal McIntyre's party for children here. The party, which raised $2'1,­ 211 for needy families, was at­ tended by 200 children from in­ stitutions, hospitals and settle­ ment houses and more than 1,200 adults. Ca:r;dinal McIntyre greeted the children and gave them gifts.

Rights Board HARTFORD (NC)-Msgr. Jo­ seph M. Griffin, rector of St. Rose's church in Meriden, Conn. and archdiocesan director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, has been elected chair­ man of the Connecticut State Commission on Civil Rights. He has been a member of the com­ mission since 1943.



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"1 will give Him my soldier," decided Pr:incess Pitta. "Maybe He will need a guard."

Educators to Meet LOS ANGELES (NC)~Near­ ly 2,500 members of-the National Catholic Educational Association will convene Monday and Tues­ day at Loyola University to dis­ cuss "Academic Committment­ the Challenge of Our Day." Brig. Gen. J. S. Bleymaier, Deputy Commander for Manned Systems at Air Force Space Sys­ tems Division, will be among the speakers at the regional meeting of the association's secondary . school department.

In Annual Session Father Gerard S. Sloyan, di­ rector of religious education at the Catholic University of Amer­ ica, Washington, D. C., will speak on "What 'thl~ High School Religion Program Can Hope to Achieve."

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~ THE ANCHOR­ Thun.. Dec. 24, 1964

Movie Clean-up Drives Progress In Hollywood's Own Backyard LOS ANGELES (NC)-Grass and 1600 other individuals. It has roots stirrings· against "moral issued forthright open letters to brinkmanship" in movies have the industry and to communica­ been going on for a long time tions media. in Hollywood's own backyard. Disclaiming any pretensions What publicity men brand of judginr films from an artistic, with the smear term "vigilante technical or acting standpoint, groups" have been organizing OMU asserts that its interest for the last several years and "is strictly from the viewpoint of working modestly, often ineptly what is decently moral and and amateurishly, but generally wholesome as related to the with genuine concern for the Judaic-Christian code and the moral welfare of their communi­ Ten Commandments." ties.. OMU states flatly that the Burb~nk, m San Fernando greatest weapon against the Valley JUst over Cahuen.ga Pass making of objectionable pictures from Hollywood, has a bIg share lies in the hands of the public, of the m~vie industry. ~d ~ ''Don't support them, don't buy also. has Its. Burban~ CitlzenB the tickets .. it advises. MOVIe COmmittee which seeks a ' positive approach to improve movie and television output. One of the committee's proj­ ects has been to sponsor a series . of lO-Saturday matinees of BONN (NC) - For the first movies rated as suitable by Par­ time in many years, Bishop ent and PTA magazines, the Na­ Aaron Marton of Alba Julia, the tional Legion of Decency, the only Catholic bishop in commu­ Protestnnt Motion Picture Coun­ nist Rumania, has been given ell, the Green Sheet and the film permission to visit his diocesan boards of national organizations. seminary. The committee has arranged Restrictions on visitors to his successful showings at a big Bur­ residence have been relaxed, it bank theater of films like, was reported here by KNA. Ger­ "Mistty," ''Dog of Flanders," man Catholic news agency. "'Ivanhoe," and "The Trapp Fam­ The 68-year-old bishop is • ny." native of Alba Julia. Ordained "We all want movies that help in 1924, he was oonsecrated on .lItrengthen the moral and patri­ Feb. 12, 1939. In June, 1949, he otic stature of our American was arrested by the communist ehildren," the committee states. regime for refusing to accept. "'Because Burbank is now the Bed proposal regarding Churcb­ motion picture production center state relations and for his refusal to deny the primacy of the pope• .of the world, it is our humble hope that we ma,.. help convince the producers that it is more profitable to give us decent IDOvies than the other kind." Deeeatly Moral ATLANTA (NC)-Archbishop Inswank Bel Air, Operation Paul <I. Hallinan of Atlanta said Moral Uplift was established in here he has been told the new Ml62 by MrL Van C. Newkirk liturgy is bringing people to church early in order to get a seat close to the altar. The prelate commented in his column, "Archbishop's Note­ book," in the Georgia Bulletin, MANILA (NC)-The Philip­ newspaper of the archdiocese: pine bishops have issued a pas­ toral letter call1ngon the Cath­ "Every pastor has known the olic people "to dispel the clouds agony of the packed vestibule of religious ignorance from our and empty pews up front. A 7,000 isles." bishop too has a similar prob­ Describing the religious sit­ lem at a clergy conference. I was 1Iation as "alarming," the pas­ relieWld to hear in Rome last toral stated that over 70 per cent year a cardinal beg the assem­ of the Catholic ehild.ren in public bled bishops to take seats down llehools receive no religious in­ front. 'You're acting just like atruction and the remaining 30 Catholics' was hi. very eom­ per cent receive "very little." ment. Those who do not go to school . . who drop out of school re­ Rive no instruction at all at Jaome or in the parish, the letter declared, or if they do, it is very madequate. Catholic adults are also without much knowledge of lIleir religion, the bishops stated.

France The Christmas log is lighted wit h beautiful ceremony by the father of the family. After Midnight Mass there is a colla­ tion called the "reveillon." The children write letters to Cher Papa Noel in­ stead of Santa Claus. Nowadays he is found in stores and he answers phone calls with "Allo, Ie ceil" ("Hello, this is heaven speaking") .

Relax Restrictions In Red Rumania

Says People Arrive At Church Earlier··

Philippine Religious Situation Alarming

Human Rights Day

"And I win bring my favorite necklace,· said Prin­ cess Nerphrita. It was hard for her to part with it, for it was yellow and very pretty, but she was sure the Baby would love it as muCh as she did.

WASHINGTON (NC)-5t. Jo­ seph's College, co-educational institution conducted by the Sis­ ters of Mercy at North Windham, Maine, has been given a $973,000 U. S. loan to build a new resi­ dence hall. The Community Facilities Ad­ ministration here said the new three-story building will pro­ vide housing, study and lounge facilities for some 150 women students. The college has a present en­ rollment of some 170 students, expects more than 300 IA five years and 500 in 10 years.







Open Evenings

UNITED NATIONS (NC)­ Across the street frOm the United Nations" Catholics marked the 16th anniversary of the Univer­ sal Declaration of Human Rights by asking God's help in guaran­ teeing human dignity through­ out the world. Participants at noon Mass at H~ Family parish for the United Nations were reminded of the UN declaration and of the continual need to pray for the pl"ellervation and extension of human right...

Maine College Gets $973,000 U.S. Loan

All your friends at the

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Happy Christmas


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THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Dec. 24, 1'964



Poverty of Christ Ogdensburg Prelate Calls for Imitation By Church i-:- Both Spirit, Miss'ions


NEW YORK (NC) The Church is called on to imitate the poverty of Christ ir.. both its spirit and its mission. "Just as Christ carried out the work of redemption in poverty and op­ pression, so the Churc~ is called to follow the same path so that it might communicate the fruits of salvation," says' nishop Thomas A. Donnellan of Ogdens­ burg, N.Y. Bishop Donnellan spoke at the consecration of Bishop George H. Guilfoyle as Titular Bishop of Marazanae and Auxiliary Bishop of New York at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New Y~rk City. Sense of Urgency Bishop Donnellan referred te the new bishop's career in Cath­ olic Charities and emphasized that charitable activity is of the very essence of the Church's mission. ' "The Church, although it needs human resources to carry out its mission, is not set up to seek earthly glory, but to proclaim, even by its own example, hu­ mility and self-sacrifice," he said. Bishop Donnellan noted there is a "sense of urgency" in the modern world "forcing us to give our utmost to demonstrate in a tangible way that the law 01.

During the ehristmas season a Bambino lies in a crib at the Church of Santa Maria in A r a Coeli. Every af­ teI'ilOOn children from the ages of four to ten mount a lit tie wooden p u I pit placed opposite the crib. There they deliver the most charming sermons, poems and addresses on the Nativity that one could hear.

Court Restricts Black Muslins' Prison 'Rights TRENTON (NO) - The New Jersey Supreme Court distinguished between free­ dom to hold a religious belief and freedom to exercise a be­ lief in an unanimous decision denying a request of Black Mus­ lim inmates to hold closed meet­ ings in state prisons. "The first is absolute while the second is not," the court rul­ ed. "The freedom to act is sub­ ect' to regulation for the pr0­ tection o! society." Justice C. Thomas Schettimt

Plan Ordinations

The Princesses were ready to start. But ifirst ,they their crowns and put on Winter clothes, for lands.

ST. COLUMBANS (NC) ­ Seventeen members of the Soci­ ety of St. Columban will be or­ dained priests this month-eight in Ireland, five in the U. S. and four in Australia-bringing to 869 the number of priests in the foreign missionary societq see­ 1IIar c1ergJr.

Christ for the unfortunate is • real and moving a force now ,. it was in His time." stresses Collegiality "How fitting that our Dew bishop is the director of. tile archdiocesan organization dedi­ cated with that sense of urgeaq: to that cause," he asserted. The Ogdensburg Ordinary also' underlined the concept of a bishops' role arising from the Ecumenical Council's stress OIl the collegiality 'of bishops _ their unity in one body, with the pope as head, and their shared responsibility for the universal Church. Thus, he said, Bishop Guft­ foyle's consecration "is impoJl>­ tant not only for New York, bull is worldwide not only in theolf': but in application." "Each bishop as a member . , the episcopal college and legiti­ mate successor of the Apostles is obliged by Christ's institutioa and command to be solicitouc for the whole Church," Bisq Donnellan pointed out. Auxiliary Is Lawyer The new Bishop who has ~ executive director of Catholic Charities of the New York areb­ diocese since 1956, was born. hen!! Nov. 13, 1913. He attended Catho lic elementary ~d high schools, Georgetown UJtiversity in Wash­ ington and Fordham Universi~ where he received a Bachelor elf Laws degree in 1939. He studied for the priestho04 at St. Joseph's Seminary, Dtm­ woodie, N.Y., and was ordained by Cardinal Spellman in the cathedral on March 25, 1944. Following ordination he studied law at, Columbia University, :re­ ceiving a master of laws degree ia 1946.

Aid Mission,er steopaths Make Monthly ights to Mexico. mission­


1'eligious tracts, Ii:l>s~m[()J~ ... lI'0ups of six and have a minis­ ter visit each member individ­ .ally. Justice Schettino's decision Mid a basic doctrine of ibe Black Muslims is segregation of the races ,and includes hatred of the Caucasian race, both Christ­ ian and Jews. He mentioned sev­ eral disturbances in the prison which he attributed to Black Muslim tenets. "Prison society is a very sen­ ative and explosive one," the justice wrote. He said prison of­ ficials have the right to deter­ mine "necessary regimentation" as long as it is not capricious 01' arbitrary. A Black Muslim subscribes to «the doctrine that what you do to my brother, you do to me which disrupts discipline," th~ jurist wrote.

g Indians organize opathy. athic As­ that ill Allaby ai . the Tara­ bumara Indians wbo live ill caVal and mud buts in the 9,000­ foot Sierra Madre of Mexico, 300 miles IJOUthwest 01. III Paso, Tex. Father Lui! ""'erplancken, S.J., who has been a missioner for 12 years among the Tarahumaras, told the doctor "hat four out of five ?f the tribe'f) children die before repching their fifth birth­ day. Provide Sole Aid Now once a month a light plane touches down on a cow­ pasture landing strip in the des­ olate Sisoguichi region of Mex­ ico. The pilot is an osteopathic physician, a member of DOCARE

(Doctors of Osteopathie CaN$, founded by Dr. Allaby. The hospital and mission clink He housed ill. an old adobe building, so cold and damp at times that patients t>ften leave their beds to hUddlE! around a small pot-bellied stove. Surge17 • performed by kerosene Ian­ ternlight. Doctors often ahlU'e the same' bar of soap and towel, and sterilize instruments iR a pressure cooker. The clinic's 0p­ erating table, a dilap:ldated :reUe some hospital dona1ted, serves more patients now tIllan when i& was new. Malnutrition borders on st8!"­ vation. Smallpox, dyllentery, ty­ phoid fever and witchdoctor medicine are the eJl.emies of. a doctor's 12-hour da)". DOCARE provides the sole medical aid to the 56,000 Tarahumara Indians whose ancestors were driveJl from the lowlands bi~ the Span­ ish Conquistadors.

Across the ages echC the true sfgnificance of the first Christmas-an ift&piration, a promise, _ blessing to aU mankind everywhere-and yes, a cnatlenge. May we all be fittingly and abundantly blessed with the wondrous spiritual rewards of Christmas during this ioyous holiday season and the COAling year.



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Asserts Liturgy Movement Needs Able Scholars

THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 24, 1964-

By Rev. Andrew M. Greeley There can be no doubt ~at ftle A mer i e a n liturgical movement has won a victory .r almost incredible propor-

Tree Our trees stand in our homes as symbol and reminder that Christ is 'the "Tree of Life," the "Light of the World." The individuall i g h t s might be explained to children as symbols of His divine and human traits and virtues. The glit· t e r i n g decorat ion II indicate His glory. 'The fact that the tree is evergreen symbolizes eternity.

.ons. The relatively harmonious "ange to the vernacular liturgy en the l!'irst aunday of Ad-

wnt was someth'''lg that even the most optimistic of the Bturgists would aot have expected in their lifetimes 0 n 1 y five years ago. Most of the hes- . ttant clergy was won over on the First Sunday of Advent, and lW'Vey data that 85 per cent of the laity are in favor of the eharige. Not only has liturgical renewal won the day; it has even become popular. Structural reform.of the lit1Il'gy is a major step 'forward; but • is not enough. The use of the . vernacular and the reform of the missal will make the liturgy it much more fiexible tool in the pedagogy of Christian worship. But as Romano Guardini reeently pointed out, the task of educating people in the meaning of worship is an immense one; change in language and structure is essential to this task but .~ sufficient. Part of the problem was pointed up by one of the great lit1II1Jiea1 pioneers: "We were ready for the advances in Scripture studieil in this coU11tl7 beeause we have 25 or 30 first rate Serlptural SCholars who understood what was going on; but we have only a handful of competent scholars in liturgical studIes. The theoretical base on which we must build 18 terrib17

'Patriarch Deplores Attitude of Press BEIRUT (rfC)-The Catholie Melkite-rite Patriarch Maximos IV Saigh of Antioch issued a statement here in Lebanon in which he voiced regret at the uproar in Arab countries following the ecumenical council's approval of the declaration acknowledging the Jewish people .. "dear to God." Patriarch Maximos' statement

Then they went outside and looked for the Star which their ·fathers had told them about•• was easy to find, for it was the brightest obied in .... sky. They 1tarte4 their ioumeY.

Saigon. Sets Time For Christmas Masses

tin." Theory ImperiaM •

"!'he absence of such a tbeoJletical base may eeem ~ important to a parish priest who Is trying to teach a congregatiOD how to sing -0 Come Emmanuel." Yet like all men of aetiOR he Is to a considerable extent a prisoner of the goals and methells that men of thought have ereated for him. "!be American liturgical move~ ment has until very recently not been able to afford the apparent luxyry of having men of thought -tbeologians, artists, 8Ocia1 sci.,. entiBts-who can spend most of their time pondering goals and methods for liturgical revival. or course, in this shortage of I Rholars, the liturgical moveaent was not verT different froIp the rest of American CatheIieJsm. We are doers. men of ....on, administrators. W1!! have .. 'need of high level worries; we:: make up our theol'7 as we . . along or borrow tt from Eu~ translations. EXlJeets Increase ~wever, at this point it has Itecome clear that ad hoc theol'7 .. often very shallow and that borrowed theory is often not ftl'7 helpful-beyond furuisbing _ with an impressive 'fOCabuJary. of words like '"kel'7grDatic· . .d "diaspora." At the same time the numbers ef young people coming out of 4IOlleges, seminaries, and junioratee who are dedicated to lives eI. lrCholarsbip is rapidly incre~ IIItg. In such • situation where there III both a supply and a demand, .ere is every reason to believe • at-a dramatic increue wiH 101IItw; in the quality uuI fluantily fl/fauthentiea1l7 Amerle8lt. schelaiiJhip about vari~ 8IIIMlCU ,.,. "'".li1e ., . . ~




Curfew Demands Services Start at 6 o'clock SAIGON (NC)-Christmaa Eve Mass wjn be celebrated in SaiJOIl parishes thia year from. • p.JII. to. 10 p.m. Permission for this has been given by the Holy See. Archbishop Paal Nguyen Van Binh has forbidden mid-" night ¥asses in public parishes in the saigon city area because curfew begips at 1 a.m., and to awid un~ incidents. MidDigbt Mass is permitted as usual in chapels of religious communities here. Tbis is the first Christmas that midnight Mass has not been celebrated publicly in Saigon since

World WlIl' U. During that war also the Holy See gave permission for Mass earlier on Christmas Eve. Those who assist at the • o'clock Mass Will satisfy' their Mass obligation for Christmas day. It is permissible to receive Holy Communion at the Mass before midnight even if one had already communicated on tbe morning of Dec. 24, and also to receive Holy Communion again on Dec. 25. Archbishop Nguyen Van Binh Is to celebrate midnight Mass ill

the chapel of the Cone Boa (Republic) Military Hospital which usu8lIy bas around 1.800 patients.

DOted that the council declaratIoD. on Christian-Jewish relatloaII is "purely religious" and is put of the council's overall deelaration on the Church'. 1'ela-

tlGDB with non-Christians. 'rile patriarch indicated that of the A1'ab pna had distorted the council aetlon. The statement hit in partlca1ar allegations that the declaration-which was given only IDitlal approval by the council In Its voting on Nov. 2O-would be tantamount to diplomatic recognition of the state 01. ... nel by the Vatican.


Ht:' 1M!

~ Cbut.w t~~

eB.ZIITMAB GBJi::BTZlYG. 111. take this opportunity· to extend warmest wishes to our many friends. Hope you are -dina for the bappieat boliday .~D .Yed



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, 16

THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 24, 1964,

Motor Vehicle Sticker Stirs Chicagoans


CHICAGO (NC)-A amaltseale religious war on wheels has erupted in nearby Chicago Heights over the city'.

It is a common practice to prepare -Lor Christmas with a novena ')f Masses. Every evening during the novena the home is the scene of a little drama called the Posadas (Inns). It represents the quest for lodging of the Holy Family. Statues of Mary and Joseph are carried through the house by children as the rest of the family follow with candles.

Seek Relaxation Of Sunday Laws •

LONDON (NC) - Despite ob'ections from the major Chrbtian churches, an official government committee has recommended a wide relaxation of laws restricting entertainments and other public activities in J:ngland and Wales on Sundays. Laws, some of them going back several hundred yean, have so far preserved at JeMt eutwardly the special ChrUdi_ character of Sunday as a dlQ' fill. 1'e8t, if not generally of prlQ"er. ill Britain. These laws, helped by local regulations are severer ill lOme places than in others. But in the more s o ~ city areas, such as LoIMloa. where most people now laaft both Saturday and Sundll7 11& home, secular pressures haw been increasing since World War II for the introduction of wbal is Called the "Continental Sd&day"--making the day more of a holiday and less of a holy A special government depart-' mental committee of eight experts, led by Lord Crathorne. was set up to study the situatioa.


Fr. Henle to Assist Surgeon General ST.

----:S (l'oiC)-Father Rab.-

ert" J. Henle, S.J.: vice-president

for academic administration, at st. Louis JJniversit;f, has been invited to become a member' of the -l>ublic Health Service's National Advisory Dental Researdl Council by the Surgeon General of the Unite4 States, Dr. Luther TerrY· Ail a member of the Council Father Henle will participate in the recommendation of grants' to support non-governmental research and aid the Surgeon 'General concerning the pertinent programs of the Public Health Service.

Santa Claus Begins $19 Million Drive SANTA CLARA (NC) - The University of Santa Clara has launched a sev:en-year drive for $19,258,000 for new buildings, renovations, and academic programs, Father Patrick A. Doneboe, S.J., presiden~, announced. The project, approved by the aniversity's board of regents, is -.e, result of recommendations .,. 'a master planning survey team which reviewed all phases .t. the university's, oneration ~~ and proposed, be aaiQ.



. ".'



They walked. long way, up hills and through thorny bushes. But they never lost sight of the Star.

Rate Catholic Dental Schools Provisional Expect to Win Association's Approval· CHICAGO (NC}--SpoketmeJl aetion by the Ameriean Dental for two Catholic dental scbooIa Association does not mean that assigned '"provisional" approval its dental school h88 lost ita ac=by the American Dental Associa- creditation. tion say the schools are taking Pla7slea1 FaeUWes He said the deatalaaodtltloe. .-.......IIfn. .teps to deal with the situation and expeet to win back the ass0- while assigning proYiaiODal apciation's IuD. approval. proval to the IICbool. at the . . Thia was the positioa. of time "praised higblT' itIJ -educational and researdl aceOmpUsb~kesmeD for Loyola UDiftl'SiV here and Lo7olaUDi'ftftit)" in ments." He stated that the ..... New Orleana after It was an- elation's action was based "'purenounced that their dental schools ly on the physical facilities" of had been elassed as "provisional- the school, which is presently housed.in'. 71-year-old building. ly approved" bJ" the CoUJicil on 'The Loyola spokesman said Dental Education, tile aeerediting body of the AJnerieaD Dental the dental school is slated to move in 1967 18 the new Loyola Assoeiatioa. here. University :Medical Center 011. Also placed in the provWonalthe western' periphery of the Jy ~proved category W88' the dental scJ100l of Columbia Uni- Chicago. area. Ground for the ,versity in New York. The. den- center Win be broken next tal association gave no public , Spring. The s~kesman noted that alexplanation for its action. , 'There are 47 dental schook most half--46 pel' cent-.-ol the dentists praeticing in the Chi~ the country. Eight of them are at C;ltholic universities. How- cago area are graduates 'eI. the " , ever. Seton Hall Ul)iversity, aa LOyola dental schOOl. iIlsti\\ltion,(,)f the Newark archIn New Orle8ns, a sPOkesm8ll ; diocese. is .currently involved in for Loyola University there said . Mgotiatlons to have its medical representati Vetl of the Council schedand denta:sicbools, .hieb have on Dental Education been running at heavy annwat uled to visit the UQiversity'1 dental school again next April 22 deficit, taken over bJ' the ..tate. A ~esman for Loyola Uniand 23. Be expressed "nerr Yet"Sity here stressed that. the confidence" tbatcbanges alftllldJ'



made or now ID progress at the dental ICbool will meet the requlreme:atll of tlaeacerediting


action in issuing vehiele tb: stickers picturing a Catholic hospital. Protests by five Protestant clergymen' and a group lmOWlI , 88 Protestants and Other Americans United. for Sepantlon of Church and State resulted in a rush order by the city for 12,000 unadorned tax stickers with pic,. tures of St. James Hospital, the city's only one. Motorists who want to trade ill the St. James' windshied stickers for the plain ones can do so at no cost. City Commissioner George R. Bonnick said the complaining ministers and the POAU "would have us believe that this .. a Catholic plot." But Bonnick, a non-Catholic, . laid ~he St. James Hospital sticker was to have been the first in a series honoring city institutions. The hospital motif was suggested by the town'. decal printer. St. James recently completed a $7 million addition. Now, though, Bonnick said, the city fathers have decided against picturing any more institutions on the windshield stickers. "We on"t want any more headacbe8," he said. "This is it." Councilmen are even afraid to go back to the former custom of printing the s1.og8I) "Crossroads of the Nation" on the stickers ill recognition of the faet tI1M the Lincoln and Dixie, highway. iDtenect tbe city~ "It be too c:ontroveJ'Iial" BoDDiek said.




* ~*

Wishes to

* alL

* * Merry





you aU the joys and

blessings of Christmas. OSborne 8-5286


A ,


0..1."" .... Dairt ...... • - -, <


~'. " "-~." .",

'ftiE ANCHOR Thurs.. Dec. 24, 1964

,Amigos, Anonymous; Project Saves Life of Mexican Baby SAN FRANCISCO (NC) Mrs. Ester Baroso went home to Mexico recently with a bright­ eyed, healthy infant son. For her it was a miracle. Mrs. Baroso and her famfiy live in the remote village of Salamanca in the state of Guan­ ajuato. Their last two children died soon after birth because of eomplications arising from the RH factor in their blood. The latest pregnanCy was expected to have the same result. There are no medical facilities 1ft Salamana to supply the im­ mediate blood changes the new­ born infant would need. And the Barosos had no money to seek out expert care. That was before lastJ1me, when a group of "Amigos Anon­ ymous" ­ members of an aid project sponsored by the Uni­ 'ftrsit¥ of California ~ewman

Enthronement Feb. 2

CLEVELAND (NC) - Bishop Clarence G. Issenmann will be enthroned as Coadjutor Bishop and Apostolic Administrator of Cleveland on Tuesday., Feb. 2 ia. st. John Cathedral.

Club-arrived in the area. Among them was Maureen Donovan, a student at Domini­ can College in San Rafael, Calif. She heard cd Mrs. Baroso's plight and decided to do some­ thing about it. Maureen contacted her group's counselors, Mr. and Mrs. Artruro Baca of San Rafael. The Bacas went to Dr. Richard S. Hahn of Belvedere, Calif., who was di­ recting a private health project in the area. Maureen and fellow student Micheline Rocheford' collected money for Mrs. Baroso's plane trip to the U. S. The Bacas in­ vited her to be their guest for as long as the baby would need special care. And Dr. Hahn ar­ ranged for free medical care. On the day of little Faustino Arturo Baroso's birth, a team of experts at Marin General Hos­ pital here gave him an immedi­ ate exchange transfusion, in which the baby's blood is taken out as new blood is pumped in. The infant responded quickly . and completely to the treatment. Now he has gone home with a chance to grow up.


Origins Our trees are completely Chris­ tian in origin, developing from the "Paradise tree" and the "Christmas light." The Paradise tree represented the tree of the Garden of Eden; the Christmas light was a can­ dle symbolizing Christ. The two combined became t h e Christmas

tree. Our traditional round ornaments recall the fruit of the Paradise tree.

Trapp Lodge Hosts Interfaith Meeting STOWE (N C) - Baroness Maria von Trapp, once head of At last they came to a big house. The Star seemed the famous Trapp Family Sing­ to shine right over it. "He must be here," said Princess ers, depicted in the play and movie, "The Sound of Music," Pitta. She rang the ben. played a new role when she weI­ 'corned participants in an inter­ faith religious service at the Trapp Family Lodge here iR GREEN BAY (NC) - Bishop raised by the Wisconsiri prelate Vermont. More than 40 Catholics and Stanislaus y. Bona of Green Bay to $75. Episcopalians gathered for the has raised the monthly salary of Sisters win now make $1,000 ecumenical meeting, at which Sisters teaching in schools here annually. There are 914 Sister­ two priests from a Catholic sem­ to $100. This is the second bike since teachers in the diocese. About inary in Barre explained the 1959. In September of that year, . 50 others serve in convents as meaning and significance of the Roman Catholic Mass. housekeepers. the $50 monthly salary was

Teaching Nuns Get Increase in Salary


MAY Christmas 0lIy be an especlalty. f!I&rry an" !lrlgllt one, brl~h1& IOU fuIf meaSUFf or AI. J)e8GI ami contentment.



In· ;~~t sinceritY, we express our appreciation

for our friendly association. May you and VOur& have a holiday 8e~~l\ a.!,,~~c;taQ.d'y #Me4 with Jov.



am un 'n

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We take this opportunity to extend heartfelt thanks to all our friends and patrons. It is our sincerest wish that each and everyone enjoy the very merriest C:'lri.stmas and a holiday seasoD filled with good cheel'.



Sincere Good Wishes


155 North Main Street

Telephone 675-7811



Pope Paul Urges Remember Mary During Christmas

Thurs., Dec. 24, 1964


VATICAN CITY (NC) ­ Pope Paul VI wished an early Happy Christmas to a crowd in St. Peter's Square

Exchanging gifts is a com­ bination of two customs. The first was the present­ giving of St. Nicholas who de­ posited his gifts, in stockings on the eve of his feastday, Decem­ ber 6. The second custom was that of the presents which .children believed ~ h e Child J e sus brought on De­ cember 25, which were placed beneath the Christmas tree.

and told them to remember that "the lamp which brought the Light (of Christ) into the world is Our Lady. "'Let us pray that she may come to enlighten souls, espec­ ially during this preparatory period for Christmas, and that • she may give us the comfort of her light." To make Christmas happy, the Pope continued, "we must re­ view our life. in the light of Christ. We need to be enlight­ ened by the Lord in order to understand our lives-who we are, what we must do, where our steps are leading us. "We remind you that the words of the Gospel in the pro­ logue of St. John tell us that Christ is the Light of the World which comes to illuminate our But the man who answered the door was cross. "There is no Baby here," he lives . . . We have a great need of it because our ills arise from said. He was about to slam the door when he remembered something. "There are uncertainty, from the confusion some beggars in the back somewhere. H Then he did slam the door. Tired and sad, of our ideas, from not knowing what we must do and think."

Prelate Asserts Tiara to Raise Money for Poor

the P~incesses sat on the steps, holding th ei.· presents for the Infant. ,

Defends Religion in Secular Education

NEW YORK (NC) - Ex­ hibition of Pope Paul's tiara will raise a far larger sum for the poor than outright sale of it would have earned, a secretary 'to Francis Cardinal Spellman of New York said. Msgr. Patrick V. Ahern gave some additional details about the gift of the tiara to Cardinal Spellman in a letter to the ed­ itor of the National Catholic Re­ porter, Kansas City, Mo. He're­ leased the letter here. Msgr. Ahern's letter was a re­

1P0nse to what he called "mis­ statements" by a Reporter col­ umnist, John Leo, who commen­ ted on the appearance of the tiara in the United States. On Nov. 13, before 1,000 Fa­ thers of the Second Vatican Council, the Pope dramaticall7 relinquished the bejeweled tiara, on the altar in St. Peter's basilica as a gesture of his concern for the world's poor. On Nationwide Tonr On Nov. 30, Cardinal Spellman revealed that the tiara was in New York and would go on a nationwide tour as a tribute f1l. the Pontiff to American gene­ rosity to the poor and as an in­ 8piration for further generosity. "Pope Paul gave the tiara not to Cardinal Spellman PerllQll­ ally, . but to all the American people, of whatever TeligiOUS persuasion in recognition of their well-known generosity to 'those in need," wrote Msgr. Ahern. He accompanied the tiara to this counb'y and brought it to the event at which Cardinal Spellman's disclosure was made. "Mr. Leo suggests it should have been sold and given to the poor," he wrote. "Had this been .done, it would have netted them perhaps $10,000. Instead, Cardi­ nal Spellman will go to a great deal of trouble to exhibit the tiara in order to raise a far larger sum for the poor. Is there 80mething wrong with this? I am aure those who benefit will not complain," ,Msgr. Ahern wrote.

Says Opponents R e'vea I Snobbishness NEW ORLEANS (NC) - A state university official asserted here that Americans who attack "the legitimacy of religion as an academic field" reveal their "snobbishness and lack of his­ torical sense."


Dr. Robert Michaelsen, school of religion director at the State University of Iowa, in a lecture at Louisiana State University here declared: "Many see the purpose of religion instruction a..; indoctrination. But to under­ stand the art, history, literature and culture of this and many countries, one must understand its religious heritage."

supported university should not engage in teaching religion. Major Phenomenon "The university," he said, should begin with the fact that religion is a major phenomenon of human experlenee and apri­ mary reason for the study of

reason is that 01 intellectual understanding." The basic problem, he sald, Is what academic disciplines will the study of religion touch and along what organi~:ational lines will it be establishc~. He supported a proposal that

a state university should organ­ ize religious instruction along departmental lines, provided the department did not become "stacked" with one point of view. Dr. Michaelsen said the school of religion at the State Univer­ sity of Iowa has existed since 1927 and always has been fully integrated with the academic program.

Christmas is 'the story of Faith

the promise of Hope

the blessing of Humility

the gentte warmth of love

the strength of Courage

the challenge of Peace


Ord-IlUlltion Class NEW ORLEANS (NC)­ '!'welve new priests for the New Orleans archdiocese were or­ dained' Saturday, at St. Louis 'Ilathedral, the largest class in the See's history. Archbishop .JGhn P. Cody was the ordaining 1ll'e1ate.

The Iowa educat't>r said there is no legal reason why a state­


Peace On Earth

•• Good Will To All Men


"Merry ChristIBas"






Santa Comes Early DUBUQUE (NC) Santa Claus came early to Clarke Col­ lege, conducted by the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary here. He left an anony­ mous, unrestricted $75,000 gift to help pay for the new science­ .classroom building now under construction here. The $2,300,000 building is one of three being built on the campus in the larg­ est expansion program of. the college's 120-year history. The college also it; building a resi­ dence hall and a maintenance Jlervices center.

itizens /

FAU RIVER Ii! !millil 11111

I I immmlillilii I


THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 24, 1964

Transition Period Difficult For Former Seminarians By JohnJ. Kane, Ph.,D.


"What Is wrong with ex-seminarians'/ My nephew left the seminary after seven years, has wandered from one job to another, one girl to another. He 'strung the la:st girl along with a statement that he didn't know whether to get married or not until G<xl yet theologically, they are some­

gives an answer. At night he what mixed up.

drinks quite heavily, is a But perhaps worst of all they

compulsive buyer, and will have suffered the loss of their

never get out of debt. What can be done for bim?" For any man who leaves the seminary after s eve n years, there is bound to be a difficult period of trant ion. Y 0 \I r nephew's cas e see m s t 0 b e somewhat more critical t han most, but there is no reason to despair. In time the majority of ex-seminarians make a successful adjustment; as a matter of fact" some make excellent contributions to the Church and society. But to understand the plight of the ex-seminarian, I'd like to turn to the findings of Fr. Robert Brooks, O. Praem., who did a doctoral dissertation on this subject at the University of Notre Dame. Fr. Brooks studied almost 400 former seminarians, both religious and diocesan. He interviewed 200 of them personally, and others through correspondence. He points out the tremendous transition any young man must make when he leaves the semniary after four or more years. Most of them have led relatively sheltered lives within the semi-' nary walls. The crass competition of secular life is foreign to them, and not a few cringe when they are compelled to face it. Tendency to Drift Fr. Brooks found that three out of four ex-seminarians suffer keenly in three types of adjustment: occupation, social relations and spiritual life. Since the seminarian has sincerely expected to be a priest, and now suddenly finds that he will not be, he just doesn't know what to do. Obviously, many are attracted to the service professions, particularly teaching which is not too far removed from one of the roles they might have played as a priest. Then the cold realization is forced upon them that despite their seminary training, they may not be legally qualified to teach, at least in public school systems. Certain other service professions, medicine, social work and such require preparation that most seminarians lack, or require two or four years of professional school which some cannot afford. There is, in the beginning, a tendency to drift fr6m one job to another. Each job is tested out and most are found wanting. Their social life is confused because of the naivete which many suffer. There is the problem of meeting and mingling with women, particularly young women. AB seminarians they probably knew few, and their intended celibate life defined their roles in this respect quite clearly. Dances and parties have been fore1gn to ~m and some, Fr. Brooks found, simply do not know how to act. Spiritually, they have been aecustomed to a life of prayer,' contemplation and. a kind of routine which does not exist ill the outside world. MaDT mi. tbis keenly and since the role ei tbe . . . . ill DUlL ~ defiDed

former position as a seminarian.

Generally, people looked upon

them with respect, mixed even with awe. When they leave the seminary, this is dissipated more quickly than snow in August. 'Spoiled Priests' Because of the ignorance and miSUnderstanding of some of the laity, they are considered "spoiled priests". This is most apt to occur among some Irish Catholics. They are labeled fail­ ures, a manifestly unfair atti­ tude. Fr. Brooks found that some seminarians considered the cler­ gy hostile toward them. Part of this is traceable to the height­ ened sensitivity of many ex­ seminarians to their new role. But indecision is perhaps the most common trait characteriz­ ing the men who leave a major seminary after several years. Frequently they are plagued with doubts. Have they rejected God's call? Guilt feelings at first overwhelm them. Need Understaanding What these men need most is sympathetic understanding and counseling. In certain parts of the country there are clubs of former seminarians and within such groups, a type of group therapy is possible. Those who have made the necessary adjust­ ments to the outside world can help those trying to adjust. Certainly credit should be given these men, first, for hav­ ing tested their vocations; sec­ ond, for having the courage to leave the seminary when they and their spiritual directors de­ eide that priesthood is not their way of life. Despite 'these initial difficul­ ties, Fr. Brooks found that ultimately three out of five former seminarians made excellent ad­ justments. Two out of five seem incapable of adequate adjust­ ments in one or two areas of life because they will not or cannot forget the past and live in the present. They seem to wallow in self-pity and "enjoy" the posi­ tion of ex-seminarian. For such, of course, professional counsel­ ing is indicated. Ideal of Service But there is a bright side to the picture. The seminary ideal of service to mankind is frequently translated into service oriented occupations. The con­ cept of self-sacrifice is retained and many of these men lead ,lives of dedication. Later they are able to enrich their married lives with the spiritual ideals acquired in the seminary. Your nephew seems to be one who is quite slow in making the s e necessary adjlistments. His indecision is marked and he rationalized it by expecting some type of supernatural man­ ifestation from God. His drink­ ing is obviously a method of es­ eaping what he eannot accept: his ex-seminarian position. His overspending is merely another index of bis inability to f~ce reality. He should. seek the aid of one of the parish priests or a social ease worker. Until he can make a complete break with the past, realize that he is not going to be • priest, his present be­ havior will continue. Someone must help jolt him imo what will be for him the cold I'e81i8m ~ tile preaeDt.,


A touching memorial of the love which the C h r i s t Child came to bring is seen in the custom of dis­ tributing thin white waf e r s with the scene of the Nativity impressed upon them. These are broken and ,eaten beforp the even­ ing mea L At supper a repre­ sentation of the­ manger is placed on the table.

Native Priests GWELO (NC) -The Diocese of Gwelo ordained its first three African priests before an out­ door crowd of 2500.




WYman 3·6592


Then Princess Nerphrita said, Ulet us look in the back. Maybe the beggars can tell "'s where the Baby is. He must be close. See how bright the Star is.- So the Princesses trudged on.

Sister's Wish for Martyrdom Becomes Reality in Congo OZONE PARK N. Y. (NC)­ AB a teacher of Our Lady' of Wisdom Academy here, Sister Mary Antoinette used to ask her students: "Do you think I want to spend the rest of, my life teaching chemistry? I want to be '1 martyr, but that's probably not possible. At least I want to go to the missions-to teach, to work in a hospital, even to cook."

Iwft/lclt deIJIwy"

was willing to lay down her life -as the greatest sacrifice of all. She was brought u'p in st. Mary's parish in Long Island City, the daughter of Italian-born Saveria and Antoinette Donni­ acuo who ran a small restaurant.



On Nov. 19 Sister Mary An­ toinette got her most cherished wish. Rebel troops in the north­ ern Congo killed her and a Bel­ gian nun, Sister Marie Fran'coise, and threw their bodies into a river. Relatives and friends here re­ member the former Ann Don­ niacuo not as someone obsessed with death but as a person who loved living-so much that she

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THE 1>.: Thurs ..


Mystery of Christmas

'. 24, 1964

God Love You By Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D.

Prauer ..

We never become conscious of another's misery until we are conscious of our own. The rich man does not think of the slums of the world as he follows the advance of the stock market. The healthy athlete does not agonize with the sick in hospitals, nor did the 1nnkeeper of Bethlehem consider the cold in the cave mile down the road.

o God, Who hast made night to shine with the illumination of the true Light; grant, we be­ seech Thee, that as we have known the mys­ tery of the Light upon earth, we may also perfect­ ly enjoy It in heaven.

Decorates Bus For Students ROSELAND (NC) - Like the man in that airline TV-radio eommercial pleads-"when you arrive at your destination, please eet off the bus." It isn't easy for the 450 young­ sters, taken in nine trips daily to and from four schools in this New Jersey area, including two parochial institutions, to leave Stephen L. Mowrey's bus these days. He put in 15 hours decor­ ating the bus for the Christmas &eason-lights, Christmas tree, picture of Santa, other adom­ ments-"just to get the children's· reaction." Now he has difficulty getting them out of the bus. Mowrey took down some decor­ ations. He explained he had strung 100 candy canes through the bus, but "I lost 35 the first day; and since' the temptation was too· great I ;ust couldn't keep up with them.'" . Small wonder his' young pa­ VoIlB .call Mowrey "Mr. Happy."


Who has the power to ;TasP the mystery of Christmas! Not necessarily the homeless, for there are kinds of misery other tbaa economic and physical. Only the person who is conscious of his own sins can ever be conscious of the humiliations of God becoming 1\-lan to save him from si~. The wounded look upon a physician with eyes both pleading and hopeful. As Our Lord .aid: "Those who are well have no need of .• physician."

They saw a house, very small and p,oor. "Could I II h d ed B t th e Ba b y be ·In t h·· IS tinY pace, t ey won er . u

the Star shone so brightly they could hardly look at it,

and all at once the tiny house seem ed f u II 0 f Iig ht.

Apathy Cause .Of Social Ills SAN ANTONIO (NC) ­ Apathy and hypocrisy on the .part of Christians add to the social unrest in the modern world, Archbishop Robert E. Lucey of San Antonio told 110 Army chaplains at a training conference here;

"The 20th century iii very dif­ ferent from the 19th in every department of human life. We can no longer live our little lives alone," Archbishop Lucey said·

in a talk to the Catholic. Protes­ tant and Jewish ehaplains. He cited efforts by the Church, and particularly' by the late Pope John XXIII, to give Cath­

olics a more kindly feeling

toward Protestants and Jews.

"If our good Pope John taught

Catholics to respect Jews and sto~o slandering them, he taught Catholics to reco,gnize the sin­ cerity of Protestants and stop quarreling with tbem." the arch­ bishop said.

~t:rr8::~;::~:;;LT:(;;::~::;;~ili~Ei,;~~~:L~Di_~·Q'.r"_Siiillii·ii!$···ii1lWiM _ _IiiiJj~


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Insul'anee CerporaUea

The very name given to the God Who became Man WI. "Jesus" which is the Greek for "Savior." If a Hebrew name were used instead of Greek. He would be called "Joshua," the savior who brought the people of God into the Promised Land. The Gospel, therefore, ties up Christmas with the salvation of sin­ "Jesus, Who saves us from our sins." During the year, you will read about the misery of JesWl prolonged in His Church; you will hear of the hunger of Latin America; the poverty of priests, bishops and religious in Asia; the misery of lepers. Never say: "Oh I must send them a dollar; they are so miserable." But rather: "I am so miserable! What can I do to express my poverty, my spiritual leprosy, my soul which is worse than a hovel?" When you think this way, you think Christian; 1"ou think with the mind of Chr:ist. Above all you will understand that you never become conscious of another's misery until you are conscious of your own sins. Making up for your spiritual misery by helping their physical misery. will tum your misery into some­ thing merry-Merry Christmas. GOD LOVE YOU to a woman unafraid to face herself in the mirror. "I was goine; to use thiS small check to 'wash away the gray' but in your hands may it help to wash the wounds of lepers." .•• to M.C.N. for her donation of· $100, the equivalent

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F~I~~~::Hn(~~ar~~ An­ ~.

::ft's loners out of the clutches of loan-sharks and loan companies that charge usurious interest

Our world is full of "healthy people" who deny they are physically sick, or guilty, or sinners. They never DID wrong; they were ACTED upon by insufficient playgrounds, Grade B milk and too much material af­ fection! Herod did not come to the crib, neither did the citizens of Jerusalem, neither did the scribes and the self-righteous, because not being thirsty why should they go to the Fountain of Life; not being in misery why should they go to Mercy? No one understands Christmas better than a sinner; no one understands it less than the "sin-less", the "guilt-less" and the "pure-unconscious." Having no wounds why aeek a Healer?



ore of ::c : mileage out of with yourThe money by glving to the Missions? By taking o·ut an annuity Society for the Propagation of the Faith you will receive arinual returns on your investment and save on capital-gains tax while you save souls. Send your appreciable securities to The Society for the Propa­ gation of the ·Faith and you will receive a greater return spiritually and materially. Direct your request for our pamphlet on annuities, including the date of your birth, to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, 266 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10001. Cut out this column. pin your sacrifice to it and mall it to Most Rev. Fulton J. Sheen, National Director of The Society for the Propa&"ation of the Faith. 366 Fifth Avenue, New York. New York 10001. or to your Diocesan Director, Rt. Rev. Msg-r. Raymond T. Considine

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Fall River, Massachusetts






!~ Ii.!

As on that first Noel, may the star elf Bethlehem be a

beacon that guidels


you and yours to the lasting peace, joy




meaning of Christmas. With the deepent




contentment that are the true •

sincerity we extend our best wishes fell" a happy and holy HoJiday.


B... with.. for '/ oIct.fa~Out..,,"" ..... M of ooocI che~'


Pan SIreet



THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Dec. 24, 1964

Teacher Firing Causes Rise Of Protest


WASHINGTON (NC) ­ More than 1,200 Georgetown University students have signed a petition asking the

o Christ our God, upon the world Thy birth hath shed the light of know­ ledge; for by it they that served the stars were taught by a star to worship Thee, the Sun of right­ eousness, and to know Thee, the Dayspring from on high. Glory to Thee, 0 Lord.

Jesuit school to reconsider its dismissal of English professor Francis E. Kearns. Kearns was told last June that his contract at Georgetown would not be renewed. He has said he believes his dismissal stems from articles he published in Catholic magazines criticizing Georgetown for its attitudes on race relations and academic freedom. The petition eaid the teacher's dismissal is "bound to be widely interpreted as Ii punitive mea­ sure." The student council of George­ town College meanwhile adopted a resolution urging the adminis­ tration to clear up its stand on the issue. Five students met with Father Gerard J. Campbell, S.J., univer­ sity president, to present the pe­ tition. Thomas Anselmi, a senior, said after the meeting that Father Campbell stated that fac­ ulty and administration reports on Kearns' case are confidential. Keaorns has asked the Ameri­ ean Association of University Professors to investigate what he called the "questionable cir­ cumstances" surrounding his dis­ missal. Last Summer 17 faculty members signed a pjetition say­ ing his dismissal would "rightly" be interpreted as "an attack on his controversial character as an articulate and outspoken liberal Catholic."

Television Mass For All Eng 10 nd ,

Catholic Association Recruits Volunteers PATERSON (NC)-Recruiting and selection have opened for the 1965 training· program of overseas service volunteers with the Association for International Development, said James Lamb, diI'edor of the lay Catholic or­ ganization that seeks to render professional service to emerging Dations. AID is looking for qualified !'Ingle men and married couples Who can give university-level g idance in t a .on, s op­ n: ul­ te'

Ig To Remove Tree


PANMUNJON (NC) The United Nations command has again ignored a communist de­ mand to remove a Christmas tree set up on the southern boundary of the Korean demil­ itarized zone overlooking a val­ ley in the communist portion of the zone. The communists made the de­ mand at a meeting of Military Armistice Commission secrettar­ ies held at Panmunjom, the neu­ tral area in the middle of the zone. Two years ago the communists made a similar demand when a lighted Christmas tree was erec­ ted by United Nations forces where the Reds could get a good look at it. At that time Col. Vincent F. Goodsell, the Military Armistice Commission chief sec­ retary replied: "Free men have been lighting Christmas trees for 1,900 yeal·S. We are not golD' to stop now,-'

21 '

They ran forward. Hurry J Hurry I

'Says Importing of Migrants to Continue

LONDON (NC) _ Midnight t_ Mass will be broadcast through­ out Britain at Christmas this year. The British Broadcasting Cor­ poration is taking its micro­ phones to the Norbetine Priory of Our Lady of England at StQr­ rington in Sussex for midnight Mass on the major (Home) wavelength. This serves the whole country; South and central England will have televized midnight Mass from the Ealing Benedic­ tine Abbey, West London. This is being produced by Indepen'd­ ent (commercial) television. ' The B.B.C. is televizing Mass from St. Mary's cathedral, Edin­ burgh, on Dec. 27. In addition British Catholics usually are able to hear Catho­ . lie midnight Masses and other Catholic Christmas services fro,m Continental Europe and from Ireland.

Priest Charges Government Deal DALLAS (NC)-An official of the Bishops' Committee for the Spanish Speaking charged here in Texas that the U. S. already has made a deal which will permit importation of Mexican nationals for migrant work in this country. Father John A. Wagner said braceros, who are to be barred from the U. S. with the Dec. 31 deadline of Public Law 78, soon will be able to cross the Amer­ ican border again under Public Law 414. The priest, who is executive secretary of the bishops' com­ mittee, made the charge while testifying at the U. S. Depart­ ment of Labor hearing here con­ cerning the importation of for­ eign workers. "If this were not so," Father Wagner said, "why would the Department of Labor be charged with the responsibility of hold­ ing hearings to consider the cri­ teria for the employment of for­ eign agricultural workers in the United States?"

Priest Is Preacher At Episcopal Rite SANTA FE (NC)-Msgr. Fran­ cis Tournier, rector of Immacu­ late Heart of Mary Catholic seminary here in New Mexico, preached the sermon at a service in st. Bede's Episcopal church here. . The seminary rector had been invited to preach by the Rev. Wlliam E. Crews, vicar of St. Bede's, a longtime friend. The arrangement was approved by Catholic Archbishop James Peter Davis of Santa Fe and Episcopal Bishop Charles J. Kinsolving of New Mexico -.d Southwest Tu. .

Spelling out the bishops' com­ mittee opposition to Public Law 414, Father Wagner said the labor importation would hamper the administration's war on poverty. Negates Poverty War "Presently when we are begin­ ning to engage in a war on pov­ erty, it is impossible to compre­ hend that our Federal govern­ ment would be a party to a sit­ uation which would allow the perpetuation of poverty on this side of the border by exploiting the even greater poverty on the other side. Why should the exec­ utive branch of our government negate its very own war on poverty?" he declared. Father Wagner said he had his doubts about attempts to block Public Law 414. "No matter how violently we oppose the importation of for­ eign workers to do farm work in the U. S. and how strongly we

are convinced that this action violates the intent of Congress in voting to end Public Law 78, we must propose certain stand­ ards since it appears that the official position has been made to import foreign workers unqer Public Law 414 by the adminis­ tration," he said.



... r ...,






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Cor. of Morgan Fall River

WY 2-0682 OS 9-6712

Eo J. McGinn, Prop.

FEITELBERG INSURANCE AGENCY FALL RIVER TRAVEL BUREAU Henry J. Feitelberg, Pres. . John J. 'Mullin, Exec. Vice Pres. Joseph H. Feitelberg, Vice Pres. 29 NORTH MAIN STREET FALL RIVER



Question Legality

Of Book Covers

Thurs., Dec. 24, 1964

WEST NEW YORK (NC)­ The superinendent of schools in this New Jersey community has asked the State Commission­ er of Education for a ruling on the legality of book covers con­ taining a prayer, to be distrib­ uted by a local American Legion post. The ruling was asked by John J. White, Jr., after the post's of­ fer was referred to him by the West New York Board of Educa­


Welcome, a 11 wonders in one sight! Eternity shut in a span! Summer in winter, day in night! Heaven in earth, and God in man! G rea t little One! whose all­ embracing birth Lifts earth to heaven, stoops heaven to earth. Richard Crashaw

tion. Cannine Borrelli, commander legion post, said the prayer is non-denominational and the covers also would be available to any parochial school requesting them. Borrelli said the legion has received approval to distribute the book covers in New York public schools. The prayer is printed on the back cover beneath a declaration which notes that the nation was founded on Godly principles and "we are dependent upon God for peace and hope." Below the in­ troduction is a suggestion to the student that he "pray the follow­ ing prayer at the beginning of each school day." of the

Parishes Plan Mutual Help PHILADELPHIA (NC)-Two pastors have joined in a pian of mutual help between me'!Uoers of St. Elizabeth's parish here and Sacred Heart parish in nearby Manoa, Pa. Details of the "Sister-Parish .Program" were announced by the Commission on Human Rela­ tions of the Philadelphia rach­ diocese. Father Thomas B. Falls of Sacred Heart parish tOO3: up a collection at his parish to pur­ chase Christmas food cert:ficates for needy families in St. E'i:Z3­ beth's parish, to be distributed by the pastor, Father John Mc­ Hale. Sacred Heart schOOl chHd!'en conducted a two-day collection of food stuffs for Christmas bas­ kets to brighten the tables of the poor of St. Elizabeth's parish. The food will be delivered by Students of St. Charles Borro­ meo Seminary at nearby Over­ brook. Father Philip J. Dowling, ex­ ecutive secretary of the human relations commission, explained that other activities are planned to build a permanent "bria.·ge" between the two parishes, in­ duding common parish meetings, athletic contests, choil' ex­ changes and family visits be­ tween members of both parishes.


Protest Seven-Day Work in England LONDON (NC)-Britain's in­ dustrial pressure that keeps its machines and men working through the week, including Sunday, has been protested by a Catholic, Anglican and Protes­ tant group. This state of affairs, said the protesters, who included five priests and Abbot Christpoher Butler, O.S.B., of Downside Ab­ bey, "will have serious conse­ quences to health, family life and Christian living if persisted in unreasonably." Addressing both employers and unions, the religious group said: "We are conscious that there is the need for productiv­ ity, expensive -machinery that needs to be worked continuous­ ly, but 4: * 4: excess is unwise." Workers, they said, have need for "at least one day of rest, the Lord's Day, and to have time for family life and the worshi9 of God." Meanwhile, a government-ap­ pointed committee has conc:uded a three year study of restrictions in Britain on Sunday sl)orts, en­ tertainment and commercial ac­ tivity. It recommended relaxa­ tion of some of the Sunday laWs.

Norris H. Tripp SHEET METAL J. lESER, Prop. RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL 253 Cedar St., New Bedford WY 3-3222

Enjoy Dining IN THE



Always Free Parking

New Bedford Hotel And there was the Baby with His mothElf and father, and the things He wanted most on earth were the gifts of the three Princesses. l

IEmma Is By-Word iin Africa Mission

Los Angeles Nurse Hctme for Christmas

LOS ANGELES (NC) - She came a long way, but pert, trim Emma Zandinotti made it home here for Christmas. And already everywhere she went she heard left back in Africa. Miss Zandinotti, a regilstered nurse, is a Lay Mission Helper from the archdiocese of Los An­ geles. She's been ir the Sabi Valley, Southern Rhodesia, for the last 36 months. There she helped open a clinic that now treats 2,000 patients a month. The clinic, she said, is the first contact most of the valley's 50,000 persons have had with the Church. The Lay Mission Helpers arri ved only 90 days _after the first missionary, Father Cyp:rian Kennedy, O. Carm. "When we arrived the only building standing was a small house for Fr. Kennedy. He moved out into the still roofless






34-44 Cohan net Street Taunton VA 2-6161

school and we lived irl his place,· Miss Zandinotti recO\llDted. One of the stral~ge things about arriving in thE! Sabi Val­ ley, she said, was that almost everywhere she went she heard people frequently excl3.iming "Emm3!" For awhile :;he thought nearly everybod:­ in the Sabi Valley had heard of Emma. It turned out, however, that "Em­ ma" is the local African word employed by parents to tell their children to "keep quiet." A verage Four 'Nives African Sisters came to teach in the school and soon after a clinic was built. Malaria, malnu­ trition and bilharzia are among the chief ailments. Pre-natal

care is another important service. "It's a polygamous society. You. can't baptize a man or woman who won't give up several mates. With their economic structure you can't convince them it should be otherwise. A man averages four wives and each shares in the tremendous work load. One does house chores Another works in the fields. A third might have to walk miles to the river for water every day -and that's all she can do." Another project began a year ago Miss Zandinotti and her companion, nurse Jackie Sheehy, took in 10 babies, less than a year old, and she added, "we ened up with an orphanage."

:-..' r:·:







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Giusti Baking Company


Bakers of

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Thurs., Dec. 24, 1964


Parishioners Build New Church Altar PATERSON (NC)-The peo­ ple of Blessed Sacrament parisla bere earried their participation in the new liturgy beyond the usual means. They built their chur~h's new altar. The church's permanent mar­ ble altar could not be moved te permit Mass facing the people, so parishioners built a handsome oak do-it-yourself altar. Four brother~ who own a con­ struction company built the altar platform. A metal worker made the cRmUesticks. Carpenters did the assemblying. A television re­ painnan wired it for micro­ phones. A woodworker made oak pedestals. A cabinetmaker put on the finishing touches. A vest­ ment manufacturer supplied lin­ ens and two carpet salesmen provided and installed a deep red rug.

MoraDy Unobiectionable for Everyone Apache lifIes Boy Tetl Feet Tall Brass Bottle Cheyenne Autumn Circus World Day Mars Invalded Disorderly Orderly Dream Maker Drum Beat Duke Wore Jeans East of Sudan Emil and the Detectives Fall of Roman Empire Fate Is the Hunter Father Goose Finest Hours First Men in the Moon

GuIB '" AIItust

HlInJet Incredible Mr. Limpet Lillies of fJeld Longest Day Mediterranelllt Holiday Modem Times Mouse on Moon Murder Ahoy Murder Most Foul My Fair Lady Never Put it In Writing One Man's Way Only One in New York Papa's Delicate Condition Patsy, The Pepe

Romeo & Juliet Sampson I Slave Queen Santa Claus Conquers the Martians Secret of Magic Island Sergeants 3 Summer Holiday Those Calloways Truth About Spring Unearthly Stranger Voyage to End Universe When the Clock Strikes Who's Minding Store Wild & Wonderful Windjammer Yank in Viet Nam, A You Have to Run Fast

Unobiedionable for Adults, Adolescents Act I Advance to Rear Aphrodit. Back Door to Hell Behold A Pale Horse Black Zoo Captain Newman, MD Chalk Garden Children of Damned Charade Citizen Kane Come Fly With Me Distant Trumpet Donovan's Reef Fail Safe Evil Eye

Hamlet Horror of It All I'd Rather Be Rich King of Sun Lawrence at Arabia Man From Galveston Mary, Mary Miracle Worker Moro Witch Doctor Muscle Beach Party Night Walker Point of Order Ring of Treason Roustabout Sanjuro Satan Bug

Seance on a Wet Afternoon Secret Invasion Shock Treatment 633 Squadron South Pacific Taggart Taxi for Tobruk 36 Hours Twice Told Tales Unsinkable Molly Brown Voice of Hurricane Walk Tightrope Walls of Hell Weekend With Lulu Wheeler Dealers World of Henry Orient


Morally Unobiedionable for Adults America. America Goodbye Charlie Strange Bedfellows Ape Woman Horror Castle Soft Skin Bay of the Angels Hud Term of Trial Bebo's Girl Hypnotic Eye Thin Red Line Bedtime Story Loneliness of Long Third Secret Bikini Beach Distance Runner Three Penny Opera Blind Corner Los Tarantos Thunder of Drums Buddha Luck of Ginger Coffey To Bed or Not to Bed Bus Riley's Back iJI TOWI Mafioso Town Without Pity Bye Bye Birdie Mail Order Bride Two on a Guillotine Cardinal Man's Favorite Sport West Side Story Cartouche No, My Darling Daughter Hard Day's Night Code 7. Victim 5 Pillow Talk Where love Has Gone Crooked Road Pink Panther Woman of Straw Darby's Rangers Rio Conchas Young lovers FIiRht from Ashiya Rounders Zulu Goldfinger


For Adults (With Reservations)

This classification Is given to certain films. which, while not morany lI'tfenslve In themselves, require caution and some analysis and explanation as a protection

)04 Allen St., New Bedford 'nman 7·9354 -.~.,


) Heating _Oils __ and Burners ST. ANTHONY'S GRADS: Mrs. Tals'Op Miss Lucille Brassard, right, are in charge the third annual scholarship dance sponsored and alumnae of St. Anthony's High School, to be held Sat. night, Dec. 26.

Lee, left, and of tickets for by the alumni New Bedford

to the uninformed against wrong Interpretations and false conclusions. Anatomy of a Marriage Lilith Suddenly last Summer Best Man Marriage, Italian Style This Sporting life Black Like Me Martin Luther Tom Jones Divorce: Italian Style Organizer Under YUill Yum Tree Cool World Nothing But the Best Victim Dr. Strangelove Pumpkin Eater '{1Sit, The 8~ Sky Above & Mud Below Walk 011 Wild Side Girl With the Greet! E,es Strangers III the City Young & Willing

Morally.Obiectionable in Part for Everyone Americanization of Emily Black Sabbat" Comedy of Terrors Curse of Living Corpse Diary of a Bachelor Female Jungle 4 for Texas Frightened City Get Yourself A College GIrl GI Blues House Is Not A Home Jessica Joy House John Goldfarb, Please Come Home

Kitten With A Whip Lady In Cage les Abysses Love, the Italian WI1J Man In Middle Masque of the Red Death Nutty, Naughty Chateau Papama Party Psyche 59 Racing Fever Sex and the Single Girl Shock Corridor Small World of Sammy Lee Soldier in the Rain Splendor in Grass

fmotv Canvas Kiss Me Stupid Let's Talk About Women

Slave Trade in the World Today Silence

~ 365

~' \



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~"""'I""IIIi.."'" ""',..... ~,


Strangler Sunday In New York Sylvia The Devil and the 10 Commandments Three Fables of Love Tiara Tahiti (BrJ Time Travelers Under Age Vice and Virtue Viva Las Vegas What A Way To Go Why Bother to Knock Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Blessings To You And Yours

Condemned Terrace To love Woman in the Dunes

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The message of the birth of Christ inspires anew in the hearts of men the hope and promise of love, tolerance, understanding and peace the world over.


Thank you for your valued patronage. We hope to serve you evea better during the coming year.

Full River



THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Dec. 24, 1964 ~------------



A&P 0""" l1nM , fUrl. f'ueBdGg and Wednesday NeUJt WeeA7. W. CloBe Promptly At , p.m. Thur8day

Energy of Youth Includes

Physical, Mental, Spiritual


By Rev. Joseph T. McGloin, S. J. By now the old gripe that it is too bad youth has to be wasted on the young is old stuff. And clever as it sounds, one sometimes gets the impression that it is only the sad, remorseful lament of the old who never used their youth when they had the chance. . Th.ere ~s t~e ener~y of an Yet the dictum does have actIve Im~gmatIon, which pre­ . ' . ,vents any Idleness and boredom, a p~mt. It has no httl~ depth because there are so many inter­ to It, too, because It SUp­ esting things to do that one could poses that youth is not exactly never get all of them done in a synonymous with chronological lifetime. This is, in fact, one beef age. It's also I have against some teen-agers trying to say today, that they sit back and say, that the youth

in effect "Come on and entertain who does iden­ us. There's just nothing to do tify wit h a

around here." small-digit age

Admittedly, our society has doesn't neces­ been responsible for this. So sarily h a v e

have our modern inventions for enough matur­ passive entertainment. But still, ity yet to un­ the young person who is really derstand what

young-not hysterically so nor •~ a marvelous

only, physimilly, but mentally, tim e youth

spiritually and imaginateively­ really can be.

should be able to rise above his Now while youth is not a syno­ environment, supplying his own nym for chronologic"al' age, it is challenges where society seems a synonym for life and energy. to provide none. We look on the old person with There is, for instance, nothing life and energy as exceptional, preventing the teen-agers "with and we remark "how young he nothing to do" fron_ giving some is." On the other hand, we look of this empty time to alleviating on the teen-ager who hasn't this some of the poverty of any given life and energy as "old," in the city, or to removing some of its worst sense of that term, already ignorance, or to allaying some wound out. of the loneliness-even some of The pre-teen who is absorbed, its loneliness for instance, of Rot in the activities of a real many books on the library pre-teen but in the external shelves. trappings of adults--"sophisti­ The really you n g person eated" hair-dos, cars, what have doesn't have to resort to the most you-this kid is old, and will, unimaginative of all dating "ac­ if he or she gets that far, be tivities," necking, or "making bored to death long before out" to use the proper elegant adulthood sets in. term. Any slob with no real The teen-ager who forgets that youth, no intelligence, no imag­ he is a teen-agel' in his mad race ination, no nothing which counts (usually with his parents on the can indulge in this insult to his sidelines screaming him on) to date (who is only the immediate "be an adult," with the external object of his pleasure and could superficialities of adultS--Qver­ be substituted for) and to his dating, drinking, cars, smoking, own human nature. the works--this poor character Means 10 Final End is missing' all the genuine joys Come to think of it it doesn't of real youth by making life a even take human nature to in­ constant, fake masquerade. dulge in this sort of love play, Wrong Kind does it? Even the animals do so. Now unfortunately when you T.he only thing is t~eY'.re smarter, th t youth is character­ smce they recogmze It for what · men t IOn a . an d ~n . a d'ff t t ized by energy and life, people 1·t IS, 1 .eren ca e~ory h' h d knowingly and from chasmg a stick or retrlev­ d t no elr ea s , . b 11 immediately think of the wrong mgAa a. h th 17 kind of energy-of the soap ad, young person, weer ~ . t O)'eturing people or 70, who has real energy, can ..or ,lOS ance, 1 h" t b t a ything who like people mostly because ac .Ieve JUS a ou n , they smell all right. whIle those who are already old Or else they think of the prod­ and. washed ou~ really hav.e tgal ex enditure of energy and not~mg worthwhIle to do untIl the us~al exhausting of good theIr vegetable n~tu,~ star,~s to taste required to do ''The Twist" corrupt. We call thIS death, ~ut - er any pf the now numerous these people ?ave actu~lly d~ed I ' long ago. We Just haven t bUrled COnt rt'IOns which com­ pe Vl<:ts . them yet becaUse they're still pose "1 var°ia t Ions. . 't'f} But real energy and life is vegetatmg a rl. e. . ' h' T 't Real youth, m fact, has the D.On~·' of t~ese. t mgs. rue, 1 best crack at -the things which takes a certaIn amount of a . ' . .t eerta'in t',rpe of energy to twist; count most 10 life-sanctI y, as a or' t~ ru;;' around Lake Harriet, means to the love. of God, as a t ' I h db 11 B t 't is means to our fmal purpose. er ,~ pay. an a. u I Which may be one reason Christ only" ,one kind, of e?ergy-ana said "Unless you become as little the ~a~t importan~ kmd at th.at. children, you shall not enter the f h " PhYSICal energy IS a great gift, k' d


lind if you still have It. But justGod as the physical pa~ of your being is made to serve the rest of you and not to rule you Gompletely, so, too, physical ener~y is ~ot the ,end-all and ~­ all o.f eXIstence, but only Its helpe,r. '~ Energy to Thint Th~re is such a thing ~ men';' tal 4r intellectual energy-the energy to read and think,_ for. instahce. There is the energy to put :y.our thoughts into words, so that you do not pale in fright, say, '''hen the TV set is bu~ed out and you have to talk With somej::me. There is the energy need'ed to write an interesting letteIj now and then instead of eopying the form from some some' business college text all the



TURKEYS MURDERED: Sister Mary Antoinette, an American nun, member of the Daugh­ ters of Wisdom of Bellmore, N.Y., has been reported kill­ ed by rebel troups in the northern part of Thi;l Congo. She taught for 13 years at Ollr Lady of Wisdom Acad­ emy at Ozone Park, N.Y., before receiving hl~r over­ seas mission assignment in 1952'. NC Photo. '

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THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Dec. 24, 1964

Drastic Change In Nun's Dress Unnecessary

College Students Find Confession Good for Soul

CINCINNATI (NC)-The head of 900 Sisters of Mercy :;aid her community will ~hange its garb, but that "a drastic change is neither needed nor desired." Mother Mary Albert, superior for the community's Cincinnati province, said complete secular­ ization of the habit is jarring to lay people, will not make Sisters closer to those they serve and will not definitely increase voca­ tions. "Many members of the laity, among them a number of non­ Catholics, have indicated to me and to our Sisters that a com­ plete secularization of the reli­ gious habit would not be in har­ mony with their notion of a Religious," Mother Mary Albert said. They 'expressed the hope, she continued, that if a change is made, the habit will be "some­ thing that sets a Religious' apart and indicates her total consecra­ tion to her Divine Spouse and the works of the apostolate in HIs service. Emphasizing that the habit "is only of secondary importance," Mother Mary Albert declared: "We came to religion to serve God and His Church according to a certain mode of life; it was not to wear a particular garb." "I feel that many people re­ spect the Sisters because of their habit," s'he said. A Dominican Sister thought the change was too drastic. "It could be given more thought and more consideration for the sake of the elderly Sister," she said. "One-half of our community is for it and the other half against it," said a Sister of the Most Holy Sacrament, "and we are not divided by age, although it would be mo"re difficult for the older Sisters because they have worn this habit for so long."

Make Cathedral Minor Basilica

EAST LANSING (NC) Students at Michigan State University here are firm be­ lievers in the old adage, "con­

RE-ENACT VISIT OF THREE WISE MEN: African youngsters, members of a Mary­ knoll mission parish in Tanz~l1ia, formerly Tanp"anika, commemorate the feast of the Epiphany, Jan. 6, by re-enacting the visit of the Three Wise Men, one of whom, Gaspar, was an African.

LOS ANGELES (NC)-There was devotion in many dimen­ sions here as some 50,000 per­ sons participated in ceremonies honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe. . Indians danced in the streets of east Los Angeles before an image of Our Lady of Guada­ lupe, just as they do in Tepeyac, Mexico. Boys from a none-too-gentle neighborhood around a brewery in Our Lady Help of Christians parish wore golden wings and halos atop butch haircuts as they

served as "angels" for Our Lady. Antonio Vazquez, 86, marched in his 34th Guadalupe procession -he's never missed the' mile­ long pilgrimage since the devo-, tion began 34 years ago here. '

elusion of the blessing, there was an instant of silence, then the thundering salute fom the crowd: "Viva la Virgen de Guadalupe. Viva Viva." But that wasn't all. Skyward ascended a rosary carried in the demonstration by men of Our Lady of Lourdes parish-a ros­ .ary made of large balloons.

Men and women of the Catholic Guild of the Blind marched, guided by sighted marchers, and joined in the recitation of the

Rosary along the route.

A delegatior{ of Cuban refu­ gees marched - their prayer written in a flowered arch above a statue of Our Lady a group bore on their shoulders, "Mothpr of God, Save Cuba."






Auxiliary Bishop John Ward of Los Angeles walked along Brooklyn Avenue before Our Lady's picture, which was borne on the shoulders of a dozen men, on the first anniversary of his consecration. His mitre bore a brocaded figure of Our Lady of Guadalupe, which glistened in the sunshine

I •







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TV Mass'

Maintenance Supplies

fession is good for the soul"-as three Franciscan priests discov­ ered. During a retreat for the 6,300 Catholic students at the univer­ sity, the three priests spent 12 hours during each of three days in the confessionals at St. John's church. Fathers Virgil Geers, O.F.M., Elgar Nadon, O.F.M., and Dacian Batt, O.F'.M., all from Cincinnati, planned it that way. They gave each student from 15 to 25 minu­ utes in the confessional for a discussion of personal problems and a general confession. They found the students felt freer to discuss their problems in the confessional than elsewhere. The retreat was sponsored by the university's Newman Center, of which Father Joseph Frommeyer, O.F.M., is chaplain.

50,000 Honor Our Lady of Guadalupe

NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Arch­ bishop John P. Cody announced that Pope Paul VI has elevated 'Viva La Virgen' historic St. Louis cathedral here Shrine The football team and 300 to the status of minor basilica. boys, all students at Loyola The cathedral, mother church WASHINGTON (NC) - The High, marched in thanksgiving of Catholicism in Louisiana and sixth Christmas Midnight Mass . for their record of 35 games since the upper church of the much of the South, will be National Shrine of the Immacuwithout a d"fe~t, plus a prayer known as the Basilica of St. late Conception here was dedi- for her aid in t!1e coming CaliLouis King of France. The title cated will be telecast on the fornia prep scl100i championshi, was changed yesterday, the 170th nationwide network of the finals. anniversary of the church, a American Broadcasting ComThe m: ghty demonstration of New Orleans landmark since it pany. Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, faith concluded in East Los was built In 1794. national diJ'eetor of the Society Angeles ColJ~ge Stadium where Basilica honors are assigned for the Propagation of the Faith, Bi8hop Ward prc:1ched a sel'mon by a pope to certain churches will offer the Mass and preach and imparted benediction of the because of their antiquity, dig­ the sermon. . Blessed S"c":>mpnt. At the connity, historical importance, or their significance as centers of worship. The Basilica of St. Louis ~ing of Fran,ce joins 15 other churches ~ 1 in the United States having the speci.al dignity of minor basilica. There are only five major basil- . frO,', Once a~ain, we pause to ~,' ;',: , icas in the world-St. Peter~s, St. r( ~I,ank our many seod friends ~: John Lateran, St. Paul Outside­

a"d wish· t!lem t'.e merriest E, the Walls, and St. Mary Major, :~) ~,~, in Rome; and St. Francis and St. ~'" 'J of Christma~es a:,d a Yule~,:: Mary in As~isi, Italy.-. tide 5eason ovp~f'-wi"g with ;





County T ru~" Company TAU1":TON, MASSACHUSETTS



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THE ANrt-..' QR-

Thurs., L ~c. 24, 1964

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Education Board Ri.dicules Ban On Education


CINCINNATI (NC)-The Board .of Education here h.as adop-ted a statement of p-ol­ icy rejecting' the total ab­ sence of religion from publie schools as an absurdity." Unanimously adopted by the board, the statement said that "absolutely no religion" in pub­ lic schools would be as out-of­ place as "a completely sectarian viewpoint of religion in educa­ tion." Subtracting religion from edu­ cation, the statement' said, require that religion never be referred to, and consequently would require neglect of a siz­ able amount of man's history and culture, including our own American heritage." "Such a position would not imply a neutral attitude, but would support a philosophy of secularism-a philosophy which has no more right of espousal than has any given religious philosophy," the statement held. Use of Christmas trees and or­ naments, and singing of Christ­ mas carols,. Handel's "Messiah," "America," and "Battle Hymn of the Republic" all 'receive ap­ THE ONLY CHRISTMAS THEY KNOW: Children of proval. Ap-palachia are shown at a Christmas party given for them "Certain customs," the state­ by Father Ralph Beiting at St. Paul church, Jackson County, ment explained, "while directly or indirectly connected with. re­ .Kentucky. Parents of most children in the area are too poor ligion, have taken on a meaning 110 remember Ohristmas, and Father Beiting and his lay and tradition more general than their religious significance and have become rooted in the cultu­ worship, nor in a fashion to be ral fabric of the community. offensive to any group." Display of religious symbols in Such customs should not be con­ strued as sectarian indoctrina­ the classroom is forbidden "un­ less such display is intrinsic to a tion." subject matter unity." In discussing religious holy As to prayer, the statement days, the policy statement pointl! indicates that prevailing law out that pupils may be excused . will "supersede local policies" in from school on days considered the event of conflict between holy' to their religious faith. them. "As religious observances, Teachers are instructed that ex­ Bible reading and prayer reci­ aminations are not to be given, tation are not permitted in the or new work started, on such school," ihe statement declares. days. School choirs, orchestras, and Brotherhood Theme drama groups are permitted to CHICAGO (NC) - Christmas take part in programs which present materials of a religious eards with a brotherhood theme nature "as long as the programs were prepared and sold this year are not conducted as services' of for the first time by the CIC.

volunteers try to give them a party which will include :oow clothes, toys and a Christmas dinner. Children grab toys that al'e given them, "hug them and won't put them down for a minute," the priest says. NC Photo.

.A6 UI_ cJ-~I'Q.t- M_ ,to,., of JJu ~irlla, 1-1 fU ~~o Hmllml,,, ~oUl JJ_ 1aug~1 I~allotl_

0/ mantlnJ 16 MtI trUtl I!a/~ 10 PtlaCtl on !:artl..

'!he Chrl,tma. bell. pea' loud and . clear. As you heat their messoge, may yol)r heart b. filled with joy.







THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Dec. 24, 1964


Public~'io!n Urges "~chools De.~m?hasize F~~tban


WASHINGTON (NC)-Catho­ lie high schools should de-em­

phasize interscholastic football and substitute an intramural program, a professional publica­ tion for school principals sug­ gests. The hoopla and tension that surrounds high school football interferes with studies, says "Pointers for Principals," a pub­ :dcation of the Secondary School Department of the National Catholic Educational Associa­ tion. Unpopular Topic ''In some cases," said the pub­ lication, "it see m s terribly frightening to see faculty mem­ bers, religious and lay, parents and even school administrators so worked. up over this extracur­ ricuIar activity that _everything

else seems of little importance.' "When the unpopular topic 01 de-emphasis is discussed al teachers meetings, one frequent· ]y hears a defense which says, 'we'll lose our children entirely to the public schools if we, de­ emphasize.' "One wonders if this is so bad after all, if the only reason for coming to the Catholic high school is to make the team," said the publication which is edited by Father C. Albert Koob, O. Praem., of the NCEA staff. A substitute for interscholastic football would be "better intra­ mural programs which involve 100 per cent of the school enroll­ ment in good healthy competi­ tive activity without the grand­ stands and nervous frustratiOn," the publication said.

CALLED HOME BY APPALACHIA'S POOR: Father Beiting is trying to interest the newly formed Office of Economic Opportunity in "The Christian Appalachian Project," a eommunity-eentered effort to provide jobs" for some of the poorest people in America today." and thus enable families to move ,... ' -~ the shacks and sheds pictured above. NC Photo.

Missioner Says Christmas Saddest Day

Appalachia Pastor Seeks Government Aid

WASHINGTON (NC)-ClHear­ tng a radio announcer say how many shopping days were left before Christmas, 1 couldn't help feeling how terribly incongruous this is for the people 1 work with.. They aren't affected. by the number of shopping days be­ cause they don't have the money to buy the things other people buy at Christmastime." This was the comment of Father Ralph Beiting, pastor of a four-county area of eastern Kentucky where "the poorest of Appalachia's poor live." Father Beiting was in Wash­ ington where he hoped to get recognition from the newly­ formed. Office of Economic Op­ portunity for what he calls ''The Christian Appalachian Project,· a community-centered. plan to provide jobs for some of the poorest people in America today. Live in Sheds In an interview, Father Beit­ Ing described. the face of pov­ erty that he sees around Jack­ son County Ky., where he hall centered. his efforts lately to provide dispirited. men with hope for a better lile. "Here you see the shacks and sheds people live in, propped up with field stones; Biding that has fallen and tar paper trying to

cover up cracks in hovels where often large families of children live-ehildren who are cold and oftentimes without proper nour­ ishment," Father Beiting said. "Almost 30 per cent of the f8ll)ilies in this county make less than $1,000 a year, and the average income for the whole county is only $1,600 a year," he said. The priest told of one father he knows who has tried to· keep his family of nine children on about $20 a week, which he earns if he is lucky enough to get two days work a week hauling coal for $5 a load. Bagged Toys "Last Christmas we delivered a lot of toys to some of the chil­ dren around Jackson County," Father Beiting said. "I never saw anything so striking in my life .. they grabbed the toys and hugged. them and wouldn't put them down even for a minute." He told 01. a man be gave a

Hft to last Christmas day. The

fellow had two sacks with him that he hoped to fill with kin­ dling wood to sell to some wom­ an for a quarterd a sack. An eight-inch snow had fallen and the twigs and branches on the ground would be hard to find, the priest recalled. He later took the man home to dscover six children living in a two-room shed. with no running water or electricity "It was hard to tell that this was Christmas day," Father Beiting said. ''There wasn't a sign anywhere in this house that this was Christmas day at all, that Christ has come and brought joy to the world. Eight people slept in two beds, one without a mattress. The kids would throw their clothes over the bare springs and cover them­ selves with a blanket··· How sadly neglected has Christ been in this area where Christmas is just another day."

We extend· joyful best wishes during this Holy and Blessed Season from


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"AMCHOR-Dtoeese of Fan Rlver-Thurs., Dec. 24,1964

...and'. !Please.



OhLORD, Let there be Peace


His Excellency, Bishop ConnoUJ', Ordi ary 01' the Diocese, His Excellency, Bishop Gerr~'1trd, Auxiliary Bishop, The Priests, Religious anlJ~ Laity of the Diocese From




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