Vol. 26, No. 50
Fall River, Mass., Friday, December 24, 1982 20c, $6 Per Year
Message ,
! ' ;
December, 1982 Dearly beloved in Christ, Once again, we celebrate the tender and beautiful Feast of Christmas. it is an occasion to be mindful of God's overwhelming love for us. In Bethlehem, David's City, Mary and Joseph lodged, for there was no room for them in the inn. There Mary the Virgin beT\: the Savior of the world and placed Him in a manger. There is a profound lesson for .us in the Christmas story. The Lord was born in stark poverty, in the crude shelter used by the beasts of the field, for there was no room for the Holy Family in the homes and house holds of Bethlehem, no place in the crowded inns where other travelers rested. Sometimes the replicas of the stable where shepherds gathered to honor the newborn Prince of Peace are assembled with great artistry, so that the harsh realities of His humble birth are muted. The truth is that the circumstances were those of bitter poverty. The Son of God seeks admission to our hearts and souls, dear friends. Certainly, we like to imagine that our response would be radically differ ent from that of the citizens of Bethlehem on that first Christmas. I truly hope there is no harsh rejection. I hope there is room for the Lord and a warm welcome. For the Son of God continues to bring warmth and bright ness and sweet blessings to every cold, dark and bitter part of the world.
In joyful celebration of the birth of 'the Savior, the angelic chorus filled the heavens with glorious song. God's love was made manifest! My prayerful good wish, dear friends, is that we echo the joy of the . angels on this Christmas. Like shepherds and wise men of old, may we offer to the Savior the homage of our Faith. The beautiful story of the Nativity of Jesus is but a prelude to the arrival of the Lord in our own hearts and souls. As we welcome Jesus, may we enjoy the fullness of His love and the warmth and brightness of His peace.
Ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky . . .
A truly blessed Christmas to one and all!
Ring out old shapes of foul disease, Ring out the narrowing lust of gold!; Ring out the thousand wars of old, Ring in the thousand years of peace!
Devotedly yours in Christ,
Ring in the valiant man and free, The larger heart, the kindlier· hand! Ring out the darkness of the land, Ring in the Christ that is to be!
Bishop of Fall River
C- '
-Alfred, Lord Tennyson
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 24, 1982
We're Better Together Durfee
Members F.ederal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
Claus won't get
Santa spe~ks Iilimer, Lao, Vietnamese "pretty artificial," and after two Gallo, but harder for adults, of years returned to. the State's for ten illiterate in their own lang .For some 200 members of Indo a VISTA: program job in Omaha. uage and handicapped by such chinese refugee familfes in the But she was, she said, "always obstacles as needing transporta Fall River diocese, it was a great . a social worker at heart. I was' tion to language classes and Christmas party. Sal1lta Claus always interested in people and babysitting services for small came with just the right gifts for . what makes them the way they children. everyone, .there was ,lots to eat are." Additionally, arriving refugees · and there were Christmas So for eight years she worked are mainly from farming back movies. with the Family Services agency grounds, lacking factory or pro But there was sadnE!ss too in in Boston, at the same time pur fessional skills and needing, of St. Patrick's' school hall, Fall suing 's~udies towards a bache course, English as a prerequisite River. The party also marked the lor's degree in' social work; then to enrollment in a training pro phasing out of Catholic Social continuing for a mas.ter's degree gram. However, said Miss Gallo, Services' federally funded refu ,with a concentration in ethn!c-' at this point most families have gee assistance ,program and the ity. at least one adult with some dep.arture of its staff workers. Her background made her the command of English. The 'two-year'program assisted ideal choice to head the diocesan 'But such matters were set refugees .in overcominl~ barriers refugee assistance program aside at the Christmas and fare to integration' into Alne!rican life. which in' tum has been the well party, put together by scores It offered .counseling, interpre springboard for her, new position. of loving hands under, direction ter ~ervices and refemll to Eng Working from Bangkok head of Bill and Anne Bosi, with 4ssls lish classes' and employment, edu quarters in Thailand, Miss Gallo tance from Rosemary Dumais. cational, health and day care will direct social services in refuMrs. Bosi was a job developer programs. , gee camps serving 90 to 100,000 in the assistance program and The program was headed by persons and 'will' supervise three _ her husband, by day a faculty Jpanne Gallo who, says Mary or more camp coordinators and member at Henry Lord Middle Lou Mancini, Fall River' area several Fordham University grad School, Fall River, by night director for Catholic SociaI Ser uate ',students on field work teaches English to refugees at vices, "has touched a lilt. of peo . placements. Bristol Community College.! Ms. ple in this diocese in a most Noting that statistics and the Dumais was the program secre· · pos'itive way. One refugee, "'bn political ·situation in Indochina tary. 'Iearning that she wall "eaving, are "shifting and complex," she Together they coordinated the asked what day. Joanne replied said that the ramifications of five-hour party held Dec. 11 at December 31 and his response her work will become clearer to St. Patrick's. "Everyone and his ·was 'Many tears will be shed or her mother cooked for us," her once she's on site. that day.''' In the Fall River diocese, she reported Mrs. Bosi. Miss Gallo, howev,eir, is not A husband made popcorn, said, a previously existing refu Ieaving the field of refugee as gee resettlement program will Bishop Connolly High School stu sistance. In January she will continue, 'including vocational dent David Burton was a nota travel to Thailand, where she will arid language training for new ble Santa Claus and Father head the social service compon arrivals. Terminated will be the George Coleman, pastor of St. ent of CathollcR'elief Services, hiring and training of refugees Patrick's, donated use of the the overseas aid prognlm of the school hall for the bash. to act as caseworkers and inter U.S. bishops. preters, a major focus of the CanCly, soft drinks, discount "This is a tremendously im assistance program. . priced toys and cash dohations portant positiQn, one that car About 100 Indochinese refu flowed in from various aides to ries much responsibIlitY' and is a gee families,. comprising about Santa, including Bishop Stang direct result of the tmmendous 400 individuals, are known to be High School, the Women's Guild work she has done in' our dio diocesa'n residents, said Miss of St. Catherine's parish, Little ~,cese,"said Mrs. Mancini. Gallo. Some were previously set Compton, the New Bedford off Interviewed as the Indochinese U.S. but tled elsewhere in the ice of New England Telephone, Christmas party swirl,~d about came to SQutheastern Massachu McDonald's Hamburgers, Globe her, Miss Gallo said that although Assembly and Kay-Bee Toys. it was hard "eaving her diocesan setts to rejoin family members. She noted that diocesan refu Not to' be forgotten are the friends, both the prosped of her gees are from the Indochinese nimble-fingered craftswomen ,new job and the thought of re tUrning to Indochina exdted her. peninsula nations of Cambodia, who turned out scores of red and In the 1960s the Salem native Laos and Vietnam. Although they 'green granny squares stitched in was in Cambodia as a U.s. State share similar cultural values and cornucopia shape to make per Department secretary. There·she religious, she saiDl they 'speak fect Christmas candy repositor took the opportunity fllr exten~ three distinct languages, Lao and ies. sive travel in the area, learned Vietnamese as well as Khmer, Altogether, a great party, a the . Khmer language of the therefore use English as a com-, warm and ~!>ving m~mory for mon tongue. country and made many Cam Joanne Gallo to take to Thai bodian friends, one of the few Learning the language has ·Iand and for the diocesan Indo State Department workl~rs to do been easy for the children, who chinese community a renewed so. Nevertheless, she said, she have daily contacts with' Am proof that they are welcome in found the life of the U.S. colony erican youngsters, said Miss their adopted homeland. By Pat' MeGow;an
Vtt'ay your happiness grow more each day ... warm gratitude for letting us serve y~u.
Telephone 675·7804
Christmas Vigil Masses: Friday at 4:00 a':ld 6:30 p.m. .Midnight Mass preceded by a concert by St. Anne's Chorale at 11 :30 p.·m.
Christmas Day Masses: Saturday at 8, 10, 12 and 6:30 p.m. PLEASE NOn: There will be NO 4:00 p.m. Mass on Christmas Day.
. Holy Famify Sunday December 26: Masses at 8; 10, 12 and 6:30 p.m.
t The Parish Staff and the Dominican Fathers join in wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
t Saint Anne Parish and Shrine Corner South Main and Middle Streets Fall Rivet, Massachusetts
. THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 24, 1982
Crib scene, tree de:but
in St. Peter's Square
VATICAN CITY (NC) - For the first time in history a crib scene has been set up in S1. Peter's Square. The scene is com posed of historical 19th-century pieces with more than twice life size figures. Vatican sources said that in Ne-vember Pope John Paul II de cided that his front yard, spraw ·ling S1. Peter's Square which is the size of several football fields, should have a crib scene_.as a focal point for prayer for the nearly 1 million visitors expect ed to come to St. Peter's during the Christmas season. The pope entrusted the project to officials of the Vatican muse· ums. Rather than construct a crib, they found one commission ed in 1846 by the Roman Prince Alexander Torlonia and carved from wood by the ltaHan sculp tor Pietro CantagaUi. . The crib set was given by ·the prince to St. Vincent Pallotti, who used it yearly during a popular mission conducted the week before the Epiphany at the Church of Sant' Andrea Della Valle in the center of Rome. Nearly a century later, at the . same church, children would come in the dres!\ of· their home· lands to kneel before the crib,
reciting prayers and singing hymns in their native tongues. In 1969 the crib set, unused for several years, was loaned for an exhibition in West Ger many. Vatican museums officials, aware of the set's history, con tacted the Pallottine Fathers, the order founded by S1. Vincent Pal,lotti, and they retrieved ·the figures from West: Germany. There are five figures now on display: the Christ child, Mary, Joseph and two :shepherd boys kneeling. in wonder. The adult figures are 13 feet high, and the shepherd boys are 10 feet tall. On the feast of the Epiphany, celebrated Jan. 6 in Italy, the shepherds wiH be removed and replaced by the three wise men. The wood figures, clothed in multicolored fabrics, are pro tected from the' weather by a metal framework' covered by a waterproof curtain. The pope will bless ·the crib scene today. Also in St. Peter's Square this year, again for thEl first time, ac cording to Vatican sources, will be a 45-foot Christmas tree, brought 350 miles from Pavia in northern Italy.
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Visit our Shrine Gift Shop for the largest selection of religious gift items. Holiday French meat pies a~ailable in Cafeteria.
Military vicar Christmas letter NEW YORK (NC) Noting reo cent publicity about the bishops' proposed pastoral on nuclear war,CardinaI Terence Cooke of New York has reassured Cath olics in the armed forces that the church continues to appreciate their service to the cause of peace. In his annual Christmas mess age, Cardinal Cooke, vicar for U.S. Catholics in military ser vice, also emphasized that the draft version of the pastoral under discussion is not final. "The church continues to rec· ognize and to appreciate the con· tributions to the cause of peace with justice made by you, the men and women in military se·· vice and your families," the car· dinal wrote. "The bishops, in the efforts being made to help ad· vance that same cause, do understand what you are doing.
TV Mass Bishop Daniel A. Cronin will be principal celebrant and homi· list for the Mass of Christmas Day, to be telecast at 9 a.m. to morrow on WLNE, Channel Six. Deacons Manuel H. Camara and Antonio da Cruz will serve the bishop and Sister Patricia Sullivan, OP, will be lector for the Mass. Acolytes will represent St. Julie's parish, North Dart· mouth, and the music will be by S1. Mary's Choir. Father .~ohn F. Hogan wlll be moderator for the program ani:! Msgr. John J. Oliveira will be master Of ceremonies for the Mass. The c~mgregation will repre sent parishes of the greater New Bedford area.
They and the vast majority of Catholics in the United States are grateful for the sacrifices you are making in your firm com mitment in conscience to defend our nation and our allies against unjust aggression." Cardinal CookE! said that in previous years such "words of reassurance" might have been "presumed," but that he con sidered it necessary this year to "express them clearly and direct ly." . In his 1981 Christmas letter the cardinal aroused controversy among some disarmament advo- . cates by defending the morality of nuclear deterrence. EHminating nuclear weapons is urgent, he wrote in 1981, but must be ac complished "gradually, with all nations cooperating,- and. with prudence." In discussions of the proposed bishops' pastoral there have been expressions of concern that Cath olics in the armed forces would face a conflict of loyalties if the bishops condemn strategies basic to the U.S. defense posture. . In the 1982 letter Cardinal Cooke gave no indication of what stance he thought the pastoral would take in its final form. He said committee members preparing the »astoral would base their work in church teach ing that included. "reminders of the potential horrors of nuclear war, the terrible waste and in justice involved in the arms race and the urgent rleed to achieve real progress in negotiating ex tensive, multilateral reductions in armaments under appropri ately monitored .(:onditions." Cardinal Cooke caNed on memo. bers of the military family to join in daily prayer for peace.
Qreetings I I I I I I I I I
from lhe Directors. Officers alld Sta)]'
---------------q- _
tHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 24, 1982
the· living word
.the moorin~
The Word Made Flesh The mystery of Christmas is that God so loved the world that he sent 'his only Son to' live in our· midst. Yet many people who say they believe in the Word of God do; in fact' and in deed, remove Jesus from reality and '1. humanity. _ In one way, this. should come as no surprise since from the verY beginning of Jesus' life in and among us there w~re those who denied not only his divinity but also his humamty. What is surprising is that this heresy has persisted to our own day. The idea that man was blessed by divinity, that his human nature was mysteriously intertwined with the supernatural, that the lowly was found fitting. for communion with the holy, is lost on today's world. TIme has done little to improve man's self-image. He treats his humanity with a contempt surpassing that of all other ages. Our day not only rejects the holy, it also rejects the human. It makes mockery of the Word made Flesh. Reflect for a moment on how ma,n views his own life , in these times. Current abortion practices, rationalized' for the sake of legality, deny his very right to existence. Man is fast becoming his own exterminator. This past year millions of innocents were denied fulfillment ~f their humanity because of man's inhumanity. Again, during the past few weeks Americans have been subjected to the great MX missile system debate. Aside from arguments pro or con-in the area of national defense, it is interesting to note that the only purpose of,these weapons is to destroy, to kill and to obUterate man; As we wave flags and take sides in the games of international chess, we often forget that man has the capability of annihilating himself. It is claimed that atomic arsenals are being stocked and expanded for purposes of defense. But scienti~ts assure us that such arsenals imperil their controllers as much as their targets. Yet. man actually boasts of inventing a bomb that will kill only people, leaving buildings intact. Humanity can thus be eliminated and its buildings become its tomb II am the mother of fair love/ Ecclus. 24:24 stones. It is clearly evident that man has not only a very ·poor
self-image but also fails completely to recognize that God
chose humanity as the vehicle for man's own salvation and
redemption. The centuries since the birth of Jesus have
By Gerard A. Vanderhaar . Human hands have assem- means first of. all seeing .brought· man no closer to appreciation of his true place in !Pax Christi USA bled these weapons; human them as flesh and blood hu the wonder of creation. . Christmas is no time to be hands can dismantle them. man beings, with desires, It would be well,as we make our visit to that very thinking about nuclear wea- What is needed is the will .and anxieties and, yes, sin, human scene at Bethlehem, that we make special remem .pons. . like our selves. It means try to do so. brance of all those victims of man's inhumanity to man. Or is it? Surely the central Child ing to find the causes of the -. The children never allowed to be born, the countless There are no really good of Christmas can help with. enmity and" dealing directly victims of man's missiles and bombs, the' tattered bodies weapons, but since we have that'will. . with them through com left by terrori,sts ~ all should be lifted up before the infant to think about them - or This is the Child we call munication and negotiation. Jesus in his human· dependency. Christmas, celebrating a continue our rush to extinc- the "Prince of PeaGe," the It means temporarily rising helpless baby and .angelic songs of peace, is a contradiction tion- Christmas may have Child at whose birth heaven above our differences to to everything currently acclaimed in our society. some definite advantages ly messengers sang of work cooperatively on our May' Christmas 1982 be a vivid reminder that man is over other times. "peace on earth." This is the common problem of the nu made in the image and likeness of God, that goodness can Christmas draws our at- Child who wlll be around clear threat.
dwell in him and that hIs human estate was ennobled by tention to children - boys· this Christmas in the person Jesus prevailed by the
Christ. If we could truly' realize how much we are loved, and girls' eager to open pres.:. . of children everywhere ("as strength of spirit rather than
perhaps we might cease .to hate ourselves. . ents,' Christmas . plays and long as you did it to the least the power of weapons. To
pageants and.songs, one's of these, you did it to me"). day it is very clear that we What better hope this Christmas week? own. family gathered toThis is also the Child who .have to follow his example, gether. SOQerly, we realize frees his. people from the or. face our own destruction. that minions of children this bondage of sin and death, The more one thinks Christmas are targets of nu- and from the bondage of about it, the more appropri clear weapons. Like the In- death-dealing, too. When he ate Christmas becomes for nocents killed at the time of grew up he taught his fol dealing with nuclear wea OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Jesus' birth, these 20th cenlowers to love their enemies, pons. Christmas is a time of Published weekly ~y The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River tury . innocents would be not threaten to kill them. He redemption, aIi~ a time of 410 Highland Avenue . . vaporized in the thousands' showed hc.w to do it by his hope. If we are to free our Fall 'River, Mass. 02722' 675·7151' . PUBLISHER of mushroom clouds spring- example of strong, coura selves from the wQrst threat Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D. ing from the earth in .a nu- geous, nonviolent defense of the world has. ev~r known, EDITOR FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR. clear war. justice and decency. we need all the hope we can !lel(; I John F. Moore Rev. Msgr~. John J. Regan Love ·of enemies today get. But it need not happen. ~ I.eery Press-Fall :!Uy.r
interest while their nimble fi'ngers work the Cube inside their pockets or notebooks. A furtive glance now and then or a look of glee when they achieve electronic football games. As total color coordination are the everyone who has stepped inside only things that give them away. a department store knows by Most frustrating to the family, now this is the Year of E.T. There are E.T. dolls, T-shirts, and though, was that the youngest phones which wiH find their way kid was the champion cubist. And this unforgivable. Dad and into stockings all over the coun big brother, holding out for try this holiday. divine superiority in all areas, However, the greatest gift to were called upon to challenge parents this year is' the end of the record of however-many the Year of the Rubik Cube. Like minutes and seconds, and so it thousands of other parents, I became a deadly family game. thought it was a 'passing fancy (Even Mr. Rubik, who invented like white sneakers and clean this little monstl~r, admits that rooms. Wrong. kids 20 years his junior beat his . I first saw the Cube when my time.) 13-year-old son got one for his I tried it once, decided it was birthday 18 months ago. Family Ufe changed considerably. He was a futHe, frustrating effort in never without it, not even in the nothingness and gave it up. Not bathtub. I retrieved it from him so my family. The stopwatch came out. There were heated so many times during his- home words about the legality of pull work period that we finaBy re quired him to check it in and out ing a peg out SInd rearranging the Cube. The WI>rSt was a two in the evening. It wasn't until the morning he hour auto ride totally devoted to awoke with the imprint of the Cube warfare. It made even the Cube on his forearm that we Guiness Books of' Records in the realized he was doing the Cube car palatable. (For those unfami under his blanket at bedtime. liar with this pa.rticular sort of Lent, take that book in the car Anyone who questions the con centration powers of the early a'long with your early teen next adolescent hasn't seen one with family trip. Lose it at the first the .Rubik Cube. Teachers put rest stop.) Thought maybe we were the them off limits at the local junior high along with water guns and only ones suffering from Rubik Cubism until I :read of a light comic books. I discovered why when I taughl: plane that went down in a bliz a couple of sessions there on zard in the Rocky Mountains last Christmas. After five frigid writing. These young scholars be come so proficient in the Cube days and nights cramped inside that they can keep their eyes on the plane, the family and an the teacher, pr~tending intense adult male friend were dramatic-
We tend to follow seasons in our holiday gifting. We've lived through the Year of Osmonds, Star Wars, and
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 24, 1982
Plowing & Saneling Service
ally rescued. They had garnered sustenance to survive by read ing the Bible together. After they were interviewed. The adult friend said that all four had made peace with God and had agreed to God's work if they survived. Then he di vulged that aside from the pain of his frostbitten feet, his only complaint was that one of the boys had a Rubik Cube "and that drove me crazy." I understand his feelings. This Christmas I am grateful that the Year of the Cube has ended.
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In keeping with our S8 week publishing schedule, The Anchor will not ap pear next Friday, Dec. 31. The next issue will be dated Jan. 7, 1983.
Wishes; at Christmas' Here's hoping that yours is a spirit lifting holiday! May It be
l'HE ANCHOR (USPS·54S-020). Second Clall Postage Paid at Fall River, Mass. Published weekly except the week of July 4 and the week after Christmas at 410 Highland Aven· ue, Fa II River, Mass. 02722 by the Cath· ollc Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid $6.00 per year. Postmasters send address changea to The Anchor. P.O, Box 7, Fall/Rlv.r, lilA
On that ni9ht, long ago, a dazzling star . guided shepherds to our Savior. On this holiday we hope the radiance of the season guides you to a happy and loving Christmas. Thanks, all.
filled with gladness. We're thankful for the loyalty you've shown to us.
111 Durfee Street
Fall River
Our sincere wishes for a holiday abounding with memory malcing good times. We extend thanlcs for your loyalty and continued confidence.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 24, 1982
.. Dialogue seen way to peace
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VATICAN CITY (NC) - Dia logue, from the' conferenc:e tables of world leaders to discussions in neighborhoods and families, is the, indispensable way to peace, said' Pope John Paul II in his message for the World Day of Peace, celebrated by Catholics on Jan. 1. The pope caBed dialogue "an essential condition" rot peace, and said the 150 armed .conflicts since the end of World War II were 'examples of situations where dialogue was untried or was conducted under false pr~ tenses. The 3,300-word message, re leased by the Vatican Dec. 20 in seven languages, was titled "Dialogue fur Peace, a Challenge for Our Time." The pope addressed it to gov-, ernment leaders, intemational ,officials, politicians, diplomats and "the citizens 'of each coun try.':
"The Holy See wiU not grow weary of insisting upon the need to put a stop to the arms race , through progressive negotiations, by appealing for' a reciprocity," the pope said. ' Dialogue for peace, the pon tiff remarked, "cannot be dis sociated from dialogue for jus tice." "The temptation to violence and war," he said, "will always be present in societies where greed and the search for mate rial goods impels a wealthy mi nority to refuse the mass of people the satisfaction of the most elementary rights to fuod, education, health and life." Also recommended' 'by the pontiff was the creation of "an international juridical system whioh is more receptive to the ;appeal of those whose rights are 'violated" and which 'has an ef fective means of making its au th~rity respected. A prime obstacle to peace through dialogue is "an a priori decision to concede nothing . . .
a refusal to listen," the pope said. Other obstacles, he added, are ideologies which ... are opposed to the dignity of the human per son . . , w.hich see in struggle the motivating force of history, which see in force the source of rights." In a section apparently writ ten with Poland in mind, the pontiff called for dialogue on the national level for "reconciliation between employers and workers, in the manner of respecting and associating the cultural, ethnic and religious ~oups which make up a nation." "Public opinion" he said, "can put a brake on warlike tenden cies or, on the contrary, support these same tendencies to the point of blindness." The pope said Jesus Christ was the model of a peacemaker because he "has taught us how to listen, to share,to act toward other people as one would wish for oneself, to settle one's dif ferences wl1i~e' one travels to gether, to pardon."
A Christmas gift
By Jean Quigley, RN , St. Peter's parish, Dighton
Greetings orfhe .t1oly Season 'At Christmas, we wish, for you and yours "
peace, joy, and love. With gratitude and thanks for your
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companied him on his transfer journey, watching his face during the .Jong bumpy ride for any This is the time of year for emotion or sign that he knew he memories,' many of which are was leaving our loving nest and associated with gifts given or re selfishly hopiJ;lg he'd show he ceived. Like everyone else, I suc cared. What_ a dreamerl When cumb to Christmas reveries and the time came to leave him, I one of my fondest recollections cried and murmured a silent is of a gift never purchased or prayer for his recovery. wrapped, 'yet never ceasing to The months passed quickly I5ring joy to my heart. and soon the memory of our This Christmas memory be charge was not as painful. gan, oddly enough, in the spring Periodic progress 'reports came about five years ago, at the hos and we continued to feel hope pital where I was intensive care fuL unit supervisor. A young man Then Christmas day came, I'll call John was brought in cold and gray. Shortly before with head and skeletal injuries noon, I was summoned to the so severe that his death was anti phone by my husband, who cipated. could not identify the caller. My, first sight of him brought I immediately thought some chills up and down my spine; emergency had come up in the due to his remarkable likeness hospital requiring my presence. to my own teenage son. My eyes It always seemed job responsi smarted and my throat ached bilities infringed upon family from unreleased tear~ as I watch pleasures! ed his family trying to elicit some With such thoughts uppermost response from him, yet as a in my mind, I took the phone, A supervisor I felt I could'not show' raspy, male voice said "Merry them my feelings. ' Christmas, Mrs. Quigley, this is Even though the medical .as John." sessments of John's future were I felt a warm glow all over grim, there soon developed and this time tears cascaded amongst the nursing staff a revo ,down my cheeks. He was at lutionary attitude not to accept home, able to walk and talk that decree. This attitude, I am and begin his life again I With certain, was an 'offshoot from that phone call he gave me the that of his family. He must not gift of his speech and Jove, How die! appropriate to receive it on As days became weeks and Christmas Day! months, John suffered through With the reflection this writ· every conceivable complication ing has provided, I have also and prQcedure and surgery. Yet seen deeper meaning in these with each setback conquered, it events. I've seen in the past few became apparent that he was im years nurses shedd~ng the cloak proving. Soon he was responding of "uninvolvement" so long advo to us with eye contact and pur cated by leducators and allowing poseful ,aCtions. V'e all longed their feelings of .Jove and caring for the day when he would be to show. Participatioq in an abie to talk to us. " other's life does make a differ When it became obvious that ence and shouts out that nursing the acute care hospital could no is ,loving your fellow man. longer provide the care he need My unforgettable Christmas ed, it was decided to send John gift proved that to me once and to a rehabilitation center. lac .for all. I
Peace gifts
Friday, Dec. 24. 1982
OITAWA (He) - Canadians should buy Christmas gifts symbolizing peace rather th~ violence; acCOrding to the' Social Affairs OoiniDisSiOrt ()f tire Canadian Coi1fel'ence of'- Catholic Bishops. , "U's a sad pandox ,that games of violence are being promoted andac:eePted 8$ Christmas gifts. What. ~nible, way to <:elebnlte the feast Ute,Prince of Peace," said a commisston'statement. "We encourage palVDts and others to resis~ the pl'eSS\lteS, of li4vertisirig, tha,tmake games of viol~l;lce pcipuUlar. m$tead" J~t us share g~ that symbol~ pe8ce," it:said. : The commission - criticized video ~ ,:whic!l "combine _violence.. destrpetiOD and captivating $pace'fantasies." ''We a 'dangerous situ- ' ation fOioall of 'US when we make violence fun and mask it wi~ at~tive c»lors and music," it said., ., '
..... ',' .'" .' . '",' . :~;f" .".,~
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, mmlgration
" bill dies 'WASHINGTON (NC) -Msgr., Daniel F. lloye, general secretary of the U.S. Catholic Conference, said <Dec: 21 'that the usee iii, , , disappOinted ~t Congress failed to pass a majOr iriunigrati~ Jaw refoim bill but is opmnistic the , bill" ~ "irttJ'Oduced again the 98th Con~JS in January. "
The immigration bill, which the usee had backed, died in the 97th Congress' l~-duck session shortly before Christ.,. mas. ... In !\is statement ,Msgr. Hoy~ sai4 that Ute usee was, "deeply, disappointed';' that the legisla~' qOD, which had been approved earlier this ~ear by the Senate,' had died in the House: How·'
fATHER J. NELSON La· montagne, SSS, 81, a New Bedford native, died -Dec. 1 in Ne.w~York City, where he was stationed at St. Je{U1 ~ptiSte ,parish. ~m Jan. 7.. 1901, son of the late George and, Esther (Lebeau) La$ontagne, heat.. tended St. Anthony sChod1. New Bedford, ,and studied for tbe priesthood in Mo~t· real. " He was ,ordained 'a priest of the COBgregation of .tbe" Blesse4. ' Sacrament June 29, 1928, and suble· qmmt@,~ in Ro.me for a'~ degree in' di~.
h~adclect. .~.-w.,,~ heart~
'enect by ~ ~sOf the au·, thots -of the 'bill that legislation wil1~ imDiediately mtro-,duced in. the.:'DeXt COngress. 'b~di~ on, ~~ kn~rNledie- and experience gabled tbrou~ the, debate in ~s Congl'e5$'",
Because of "the' bill's demise" "the plight of ,llI1docuJDented
.membe1'$ of' oW' community-.And their families ~'remains
without tJ1e te~
Du1uNG IUS 'CHIUSTMAS visit t~ 'Bi$flOp FeehattHigh School; Att1eboro~ Bishop DanielA. CrOnin enjoyed, gettingacqu.ainted'\\tith Skippy, who belongs to', SIster MarY "Faith~ RSM, pdncipal. From left, Sister Carolanne Theroux. R~,: ,8
·science d~rbnent facultymemher~EaUlelLMarc Tremb1ay;',.,SOCiate pas.-.at",
St. John the EvangeliSt parish, AttlebOro; Sister Mary.fesslea,RSM,'office secre-· special friend. (&9n-Baptista Photo} . .
. tary andSkippys "
,,' - "
into the legiSlation in "recognition or tbe need to deal ,1aumanel¥ plight- dundocuqlented aliens."
' , l _itten
DurlDg his religi~us ~he
,his eoDuhunity,a' hospital ~plaiil and parish' priest
ment in AIbU~ue, N.M; Father LaUtontagnecele· brated his silver and golden jubilees of ordination at St.
The Holy Spirit of Christmas
ApthoDy"Church, New 'Bed·fo~. ' He is sutVived bytwp sis· tel'S, Sister A1Dla Lamon·, tape, esc, ·ot·St. Anthony Convent, New .Bedford, and ,Mrs. GodeIine Soucy of Our Lady's Haven, Faii!taven;
Reaches Out With Good WiShes To All ,,
Ch\WE·S OIL£0.. INC.
c: ~.:.. . • IFUEL l·W'I RADIO 8fRCI ..
OIL '.
FOI NOMIT 24 No.1 s.mc.' Cho,les Veloz,. P,es,
All.. fall tMI
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'('8J'.rmeIty)-}VOVidbn was'
was rector far seminaries' of
:n:s:r ,~~ C~~ra~
!JO des~rately,
Sought by the church," Msgr.; H,ye said, HQweyer.. the USCC ·aJso re4Hzes progress was m~, ':F"withthe bill. even if it1alled. he;
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'Our Heating Oils Malee
Avenue Taunton Meiss.
are asked to Submit aeW$ ite",s for tbill column to TIle Ancbor, P;O. 80x 7. Fin River. 02722. Nlmeat' city « town should be Included,as ~eu as full dates of all llcti'lltles. PltIlIft and news at' flitUrt' rattier than past ,events. 'Note: We do not carry neWs at' fundralsllll activities such as iltUos. ~ dances, SlIPINIrs anti· bazaars. We are happy to carry notices at' splrltql pro,rams, club meetings joutb lIfOlects anti slmill1' nonprofit ~IVltfes:funfralslllI projects may be ~1Si4 at Our'regular rates. Obta \nable from TIle Anch.or business office, telePhoae 675-7151i. ' , On Steerlilr Points ftlllls' FR Indlcatas ·fall River. Nlindlcates Ne]l' Bedford.
ST. MARY'S CJ\TBEDRAL. FB . Bishop Daniel A .... Cronin Will celebrate 8. p.m. Mass tonight, preceded ·at .2;30- p.m. by caroling.· . All are invited to a "Messiah Sing" to be field at the cathedral at 7:30 P.m.WedneSday.
,ali. sACltUlENT AD6REIls' . " The Ader~ will bold a holy hOl,lrat 7 p.m. Tue$iiay at sacred Jlearts ~ FaIrhayen, under the ~rec!tion of Father Normand, Boulet, St. Anthony of Padua parish, 'New, Bedford. .'
ST. RITA,. ~ON .. '
An oxygen cyUilder is avail"; able -in tlie -ohurcb for. emer,. .gency use.
The a·rea 8\lPPQl't, gr\>up for widowed perSOllSwlll. meet at 7:30 p.m; Friday; Jan. 7, at St: Theresa!s p~rish center, Sl)uth At~leboro, for, a wine and cheese party,,NoTRE DAME, FR ,ChristmaS Mass will be ,offe~ed at 8 tonight 'in the, -auditorium of, aIshop Connolly High School. The Notte Dame choir will sing the Mass· Redemptor, H6miriis in lll\lr parts. It 1s' noted .that this i.sthe M~ heard at1'Op~ John Paul Irs fint Eucharistic eelebration in the United States, on Boston Common Oct. I, 1979. Christmas' carols .will also 'be sunil before and during· the M~'ss.
, ~,
May th~. h~ly light Chris~~ ,season' " briri peac;e tf,> ~Ur hearts. :shin~ _on us ~d.'~-R,
of the
'Masses .' tonight,
Ohristmas Eve, will be ~t:5 and, 7 p.m..lPld midnight. Christmas Day 14assEls will follow the Sunday'schedule. ST. ANNE',' Fit ~ '. Calendars. are, ~vailable at the church doors. , The church be open at l~:15 tonight for a co~r.t pre, cttding:Mi~ght· Mass.
is~ of .c:hurch~te J;elatiOll$jn
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Letters are ~, but sII~d lie 110 man th.1ft 200 'Words. The edltor ~serf~ ,lIIe ......t to, conda... 81' edit, If ~ neeessary. All letters must be slaned and
Include a'home or busln... address.
B:irth (If a King . ~
. . " .. "JesUs' ~y cake" will Poland as the second-ranked ., RiFR~TlON' -- APPLIANCES. ':"'·AIR .GONDfTtONING ~ blessed. and distributed at story and Archbishop Joseph 4.30 p.m. Mass today. Bern'ard1 . f· Cho ,. th' 363 SECOt.'D.' STREET., FALL R~VER 678-5644.. Marriage vows will be re. n 1) l~gO as e sec· ........_ ........."!""" .............._ ..._ _... ..... newedat ail Masses this weelt- ,ond-highest newsmaker. . The . 'end. . POP\8 has led the aist as the top newsinak~ yearly $ct! bi5 elec~ tion in' 19Z5. J,:.as.t year's top news story was the pap~ as· sassination attempt. '
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.We (onle by G~ee "Christ.went before by nature and w. come after by grace."- ...;:. The Epistle of. Privy Counsel _
i,• ..• ANEW YEAR'SiEBKEND.. 1-· ~':;~?",P" Y·o U ",L L·1t. L WAY M E' 'M 'B 'E R
st~E !. • '... TLu. L.& ,'Ii!, n-.. CJi;.i.~· . f~-:a ' '. '.,. . ' : ' . ~': . _~---.1','lJ,,". ,,()Ur -~, '~IR~OII' ~ ..&I,es: *'.~ ,Ac.~O~DAn~~ AT GREEN H~ OR .5HOIlEWAY ~CR~ : *"t";'tOMPtEU MEAlS, PER couPLE. DINNER: ENTREES INCLUDE PRIME Rli, ..
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TURF. fUU'&MAKFAS1S~. .' ~ )~EA.'S ,.ft! ,~, ,W/CoMPuMENTARY
:t;0IStER, SUIf&
• : •
" . ' , ,', : cPirl£~_Sfm£rstiU1tY HtilHEIl INtLUDIJII ALL MEALs, ICCOII., MDIUruITlES:IOTHI. MOlE TO PAY! UNBELlEYMU BUT TRUE! T • E • l TI II ATE 'A t U E !
_ :"~::
'II to!, 1956, CorpqS Cht'istl, Sand. • wid1. , .• Rev. MsgJ;. ArJnantl Levasseur,
Pastor•. 1955.' Immaculate Con.' ception, FaU River' ,
~ 28
• .:
Tber:e in a manger a little babe cries ae~ath earth's. heavens and ; mt.-lit skies. Crying,with joy among those who ~e there • gieet a king' i,n . the crisp night' air. . High above shines a lovely star Over the manger,and milesafa~ , Dear tittle babe, .4eat little " , king, . Magis ad.ore you and 8\ftsdid M'ing. " Mary and Joseph are so elated Adoring the child that's soon , to be fated. Your miraculoW! birth· every: on~kn.ows , Was the word of God foretold long ago. Your birth, Q.n Christmas lye Was the word of God in a \1rgin conceived, So rest gently.there On the straw of manger in the cool of night·s air. Ann Sutherland Boyle New Bedford
'! CnecroloW)
Rev. Charles R~ Smith, hstor., ..• 1955, Immaculate Conception, • Fall River ..
~~ .•.'a.'~GI~~~·.E =r---,S·--.'-·,-··,··-·-.•,....-'-·.-a........-'-.'-.g·-.,•~'•.,..-.-,"-S~·---, TAlES
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:Oar~~~lori~ i~ep~~ church ~~m.~ d:
Married couples are invited to Compassionate Friends, a SuP-, renew their vows .at any Mass Sunday, th~ feast of the Holy Port group for bereaved parents, on will.meet at 7:30 p.m. ~onday, Family. New parish council members in at. LoUili de Fral1ce School. ,are ~rg8.1'et tHyland, Nancy B~ington Street, $wansea. InLeonard Mendoza and formation: Georgette Le Comte. Manville, Herbert· Quinlan, 616-6458. ' Senior altar boys Thomas Corr.eiro ~nd Ronald Tavares. have "graduated" .afte.r rone YErcU'S, of servtee-. Gratitude'for their generositywas expressed 'in the parish bJ,llletin.. Twelve new 'alWASHINGtoN (NC) - ' The tar 'boys will be among participants .in tonight's Christmas vigil procession. ~~.
catered. meal, business meeting and slide presentation. on the Old Fall River Line. Bus trans-
~e:JT~:~J:'F~t :iIi:: f~a;
D' &, oSAlES AND::5ERvtCt· .
. . SS. PETER & P.AVl-, FR ,
nuclear. freeze - ,was the top pstoryt of. the an' d Pope John au n was ag~n the t?P new~. maker, accorebng to Cathohc newspaper editors pOlled by NC
The Women's Guild will meet
" '
~~'n,;'~:'fA ~;:::::::.- '::~!:~.E:.'5
Top story
Confirmation candidates will hold a retreat day from 10 a.m.
The Legion of Mary will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday. A healing Mass will be offered at 7 p.m. Wednesday, followed by a prayer meeting. SACRED HEAItT, Fit A month's' min4 Mass for Msgr. Lester t,HuIl, PQtor and associate pastor at Sacred Heart for' a' total ·of :16· years, will be o#ered at 12:05 p.m'. Monday in the cI1urc~.. It is planned to obtain a cb.alice for ,the: parish in hi$. memeofY. Those ,wishing 10 conttibUte to .this memorial may place' a,~a*ed offerlagin the ,collection bas~et or con~ct the
~t:11e4 MASS.
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pays Big DividendS
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"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given ... and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor...The ever lasting Father, The Prince of Peace." .
. We wish you and all you hold dear a very joyful holiday. May it be graced with health, happiness and peace. Our thanks for the kindness shown to us.
f~~: ( (;~~Frlf~~I!I~=dj"" I,~ (
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~ )" L "ll_}) '\.) \, ~J
Gold Medal Baking Co. Bakers of Enriched HOLSUM BREAD
The LeComte Family ROLAND JOHN
'I. '"
By Bill Morrissette
~ •
• ' ••
.ports watch
"Sopliie~s Choice" (Universal) is an earnest, far-to-Iong film whose ,reach exceeds its grasp. It is the story of two HI "fated loves; Sophie (Meryl Streep) and Nathan (Kevin Kline); Stingo Holiday Festival Opens Monday (Peter MacNicol), 'an inexperi Next week Holy Name, Fall North Westport. enecd young Southerner who has Durfee High School's basket River, wiH seek its fourth crown come to Brooklyn to' pursue a in the Diocesan CYO Holiday ball team was the wfnner of the writer's vocation. Sophie and Na Festival grammar school basket University of Massachusetts in than have an irresistible attrac ball tournament. vitational tournament held in tion for Stingo and gradually he The tourney, in the .Kennedy Boston. The' HiIltoppers crew a that Sophie is a sur discovers bye in the first round, defeated Center, New Bedford, gets un vivor of the Auschwitz concentra derway at 6:10 p.m. Monday with Boston English, 65-52, .in the Our Lady of Assumption of New semi-finals. last Saturday and , tion camp and Nathan is insane. . Bedford opposing Espirito Santo nipped -Madison Park, 71.70, in What' happens with this mix. is what "Sophie's Choice" is about of FaH River in the opener.' the final Sunday. New Bedford High won the· Sexual aspects make the film·ma Other first-round games have tute fare, as does strong 'lang St. Mary's of New Bedford vs. Southeastern Conference Swim . Martin Middle School ,of Taun ming Relay Carnival, in which uage. A3, R ton at 7:10; St. Lawrence of New nine schools participated, at "Six Weeks" (Universal): An Bedford vs. Taunton Catholic Westwood High School last Sat ll-year-old (Katherine Healy) be Middle School at 8:10; and St. urday. James of New Bedford vs. de The Crimson natators compiled comes attached to an untypical fending champion Holy Name. .344 points. Runnerup Duxbury congressional c{lndidate (Dudley Semi-finals are set flor Tues had 312 followed by Sandwich Moore) and persuades her fabu day evening, starting at 6:30. 228, Durfee 224, Seekonk 192, lously wea,lhy mother (Mnry Ty Play continues Thursday with Attleboro 160, Apponequet Re ler Moore) ti back his electi.on bid. the consolation final at.6:30 p.m., gional 118, Westwood 94 and The mother consents on condition followed by the championship Middleboro 84.· he gives the girl' a prominent ' New Bedford .took first places role.in the campaign. He refuses final. The tournament is under the in the 200,,400 and 800' freestyle then relents when he learns the directio~ of Joseph . Barckett, events, and in diving while Ap girl is dying of leukemia. Soon area CYO director for New Bed ponequet Regional was first in the mother, too, succumbs to the rord. ' the 200 butterfly. . ' . candidate's charm and he recip * (I (I Durfee was the winner in the . ,rocates, threatening his Qlarriage. The annual awards dinner of backstroke, breaststroke, mile The film, besides being outrage-. the Bri§tol County CYO 'Baseball and medley relay. Apponequet ously sentimental, shows no League wiII be held at 7 p.m. took first place in the butterfly a,?,areness of the realities of po tomorrow in White's Restaurant, relay. Iitical life and is drenched· in sml;1g humanism and hedonism. New Bedford Skaters Still Undefeated The moral' implications of the plot are ignored, this is mature Defending champion New Gauvin is spending· the holi viewing fare. A3, PG Bedfiord -continued its winning days with his' family in Fall' ways with a 6-4 victory over ,River a~:l' will return to the "That Championship Sl!ason" Mansfield in a Bristol County United States Amateur Boxing (Cannon): Four middle-aged men CYO Hockey League game last Federation's training camp in Colorado on Jan. 4. He is 'one gather with their former coach 'Sunday evening. In the' com to celebrate the 24th anniversary panion game Fall River South ,of 25 boxer!!, from various sec~ of winning the state high school tions of the country participat nipped Seekonk, 6-5. basketball championship.· The Next Sunday night's games in ing in the Federation's Operation cast is very strong.- Robert the Driscoll Rink, Fall River, are Gold which helps subsidize their Seekonk vs. Mansfield at 9 training while they attend Mitchum as the coach, Bruce' Dern, Paul Sorvino, Stacy Keach o'cloc;k, New Bedford vs. Marion school. and Martin Sheen as the players at 10. ...... with Sorvino as the lone "suc New Bedford is setting the Like Air and Light cess" in the group and ShE:en as pace with 10 victories in as a cynical alcoholic turning in "The truths' of God are con many games. Runnel'up Fall memorable performances. The natural to the soul of man and River South is 5-3-2 (won, lo~t, defects of the original, however, tied) followed by Mansfield 3-5-1, the soul of man makes no more become glaringly apparent be resistance to them than the air Marion 3-6-0 and Seekonk 1-8-1. neath the stare of the' 'camera. does to light." - Benjamin Whi Through an evening of drinking,. * • i chcote Successful in his first two the guilty secrets of each come matches in the United States out, but before they do most Amateur Boxing Champi10nships viewers will have I.ost interest. in Indianapolis, Dave Gauvin, Because of strong language, this the Fall Rivet CYO's outstanding is mature fare. A3, R boxer, lost a unanimous decision Please check dates and .to Meldrick Taylor of Philadel Films on TV times of television, and radio phia in the 119-pound quarter programs against local list Sunday, Dec. 26, 9 p~m. )ABC) finals. A bone bruise under his . ings, which may differ from "Shampoo" Warren Beatty right eye suffered when he par the New York network sched stars as a BeverJy Hills hair ticipated in an international ules suPPlied to The Anchor. dresser who becomes involved match in Cuba last month proved with his clients, especially Julie too much of a handicap for the Christie and Goldie Hawn. The Bishop ConnoJly High School Symbols following'fiIm reviews indicate is devoid of humor, intelli bot,h gene~al and Catholic Film Office alumnus. ' gence and humanity, and it fur ratings, whIch do not always coincide. Advised by Ron Comeau, Fall Gen.era! ratings: G-suitable for gen thermore' offends with its verbal River CYO coach, and John Mal eral vIewing; PG-parental guidance sug obscenities and its graphic de I'oy, a retired 'Fall River police ge~ted; R-restricted, unsuitable for piction of sexual misbehavior. chIldren or younger teens. .' man assisting Comeau, not to ~atholic ratings: Al-approved for (R) - restricted; 0 - morally fight because of his condition children and adults; A2-approved for offensive. Dave, apxious for a nationai adults and adolescents;"A~approved for adults on~y; A4-separate classification champiollship, did fight, hoping Saturday, Jan. 1, 8:30 p.m. (gi~en to films not, morally offensive to take another step tmvards WhICh, howe~er, require some analysis (CBS) -"The Black Stallion" the national crown. and explanatIon); a-morally offensive. (1980) - A shipwrecked boy .~
.. . .
Friday, Dec. 24, 1982
New Films
tames an old black staUion and rides him to victory. Kelly Reno and Mickey Rooney. The perfect children's movie and a fair· one for adults, too. Al - general pa~ tronage; G - general audiences. Religious Broadcasting - TV Sunday, Dec. 26, WLNE, Chan nel 6; 10:3iB a.m., Dioces~ri Tele vision Mass. "Confluence," 8 a.m. each Sunday Olll Channel 6, is a panel program moderated by Truman Taylor and having as permanent participants Father Peter N. Graziano, diocesan di rector of social services; Right Rev.' George Hunt, Episcopal Bishop of Rhode Island; and Rabbi Barueh Korff. This Sun day's topic: 1982:, The Year in Review.
"The Glory of God," with Father John 'Bertolucci, 8:30 a.m. each Sunday on Channel 27. "Spirit and the Bride," a spirit ual growth program with Dr. William 'K. Larkin, a psycho therapist, !lnd Grace. Mackay, a recording artist, 7 p.m. each Monday, Fall River cable chan ne136. "MarySon," a family puppet show with moral ai'ld spiritual perspective, 4:30 p.m. each Mon day, FaU River and·New Bedford ca~le channel 13. Frid~y, Dec. 24, (CBS) Special - 12 midnight - I a.m.· - Christ mas Eve Midnight Mass from St. Peter and Paul Church in New York City's South Bronx with tr~ditional Hispanic and English langl!age carols by the parish school children. .
Funeral ROlne 550 Locust Street Fall River, Mass. 672-2391 . Rose E. Sullivan William J. Sullivan Margaret M. Sullivan
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New Car? New Boat?
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Now 11 convenient offices including Seekonk &:Taunton.
Friday, Dec. 24,' (NBC) Special -12 midnight - 1:45 a.m. Pope John Paul II, celebrates the Christmas Midnight liturgy fiom St: Peter's Basilica in Vatican City with' music by the Sistine Choir. Saturday, Dec. 25 (ABC) Special - U a.m. - 12 noon Christm'as Mass from St. Anselm Abbey in Manchester, N.H., cele brated by the Benedictine monks. Sunday, De~. 26, (ABC) "Direc tions" - Alcohol th~rapy. Sunday, Dec. 26, (CBS) "For Our Times" - A rebroadcast of the 1971 one-hour ;special, "God Rest Ye Merry .....
• \.'1 "-:.J
(At. 15 Soath· Airport Ellt) .
~Jjom...· Let us reioice and ioin together with .Christmas spirit to celebrate ,His birth.
THE ANCHOR Friday, Dec. 24, 1982
Light By CecUia Belanger
Religious Gifts & Books for every occasion . .. Baptisms First Communions Birthdays Confi rmations Weddings Anniversaries Ordinations OPEN DAILY
mT n
Park Street - Route 118 Attleboro. Massachusetts
Religious Graduate
"I am come a Light unto the world, that whosoever believeth in me shall not abide in dark ness." And that Light was in a manger, Mary's firstborn, wrap ped in swaddling clothes. Today inns all over the world would welcome him but on that night .there was no room and so Jesus came into the world as humbly as anyone could. There were no attendants pre,sent, Mary being both mother and midwife. Won derment, awe and mystery had come into the world. But, greatest of all, love had come into the world, a kind, of love never beflore witnessed. The infant Jesus had brought with, in and through himself a love that defies words. What happe:ned in that manger that night cannot be relegated to the dim and distant past. Jesus has been called "the eternal con temporary" an.d true to his word he is with us always. Many who saw "E.T." said the great love between E.T. and Eliot reminded them of Christ's ·love. Indeed, whenever one wit nesses a love that goes beyond the ordinary, one thinks of Jesus. . We can never thank enough that little child who was born in Bethlehem, that child whose love came to heal, to make whole. It was he who made us aware of our brokenness, of our incom pleteness and loneliness. Through the. centuries those who have been devastated through disease, their own weakness or abandon ment have found in that child a ,love that helped them to over come sickness and weakness. They have found themselves be ing made whole through his love.
Elalno Scully
Tues. 9:15·11:15 A.M.
FrI. 9:15 ·11:15 A.M.
J. Paul Mahoney
Mon. 3:45·5:45 P.M.
Giles Dimock
Tues. 3:45·5:45 P.M.
Mary Ann Follmar
Wed. 3:45· 5:45 P.M.
Philip Smith
Wed. 7· 9 P.M.
Paul van K. Thomson
Thurs.· 3:45 • 5:45 P.M.
Bornard Confer
Thurs. 7· 9 P.M.
Terence Keegan
Mon. 7·9 P.M. PASSION/RESURRECTION T. A. Collins Tuos. 7·9 P.M.
Holen O'NolII
Wed. 3:45· 5:45 P.M.
Patrick Reid
Thurs. 7· 9 P.M.
Inquire Graduate Programs Religious Studies Dept. Providence, RI 02918 Or Call: 401-865-2274 Provlden,e Cellege admits students of any race, sex, color, creed, and na· tlonal or ethnic origin. Handicapped penons are encouraged to apply.
Coyle-Cassidy Lisa Smith,.' a Coyle and Cas sidy High School seni1or, cap tured first place among Taunton high school students in the an nual VFW Voice of Democracy essay contest. She will be awarded $500 and will move on to county competition. If suc cessful there she would join state finalists; in competition for ''''N
. Roger Dufour Piano & Organ Studio YAMAHA, GRANDS, CONSOLES, STORY .& CLARK •
A Name You Can Trust 1Yi~~~
Howard C. Doane Sr. Cordon l. Homer Howard C. Doane Jr. .Robert l. Studley HUHNIS 775·0114 . South 'fIrmouth 3..·2201 HINlelI hrt U2-GSU
A" CDI 'Gt\ ,
Somewhere in here is a Christmas message. Can you find it? a $1,500 scholarship and a trip to Washington, D.C., for a na tional contest. AU essays are on the topic Youth, the Future of America. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith of Taunton, Lisa is a member of the National Honor Society, folk group, Latin Club and yearbook staff. She also participates in a school commu nity service pl10gram and in an advanced placement English course. She is 'a National Merit commended scholar.
Bishop Stang Students at the North Dart mouth school have something
better to think about t,han win ter slush: a projected IS-day summer tour of Europe which will offer study and travel op portunities in seven countries. A Stang :Booster Club is for parents of students participating in sports and related activities. Among current projects is for mation of an athletic Haison in volvement committee to improve communications among students, parents, coaches and adminis trators. On the current Stang honor roll, 15 students are on the prin cipal's list, attaining an average of 90 or above in quality point courses; 65 attained first honors,
o n
By Charlie Martin
THE PEOPLE THAT WALK IN DARKNESS The people that walk In darkness have seen', Have seen a great light. And for those who dwell In endless gloom A light hlliS shone. AntIphon For a child Is born this day: Rejoice, rejoice. Daughter of Zion awake! The glory of God is bom. And they shall name him counselor, Shall call him mighty God, And he shall from age to age, Prince of peace. Darkness covers the earth Thick clouds govern Its people, But the Lord will bring them light, The Lord will bring th~ light. The people that walk In dairkness have seen, Have seen a great light, And on- those who dwell in endless gloom A light has shone. Wrlttten by Jesuit Father Robert Dufford, © 1977, By Robert Dufford, S.J., and Nor th American Liturgy Resources.
THE HOLIDAYS have come again to decorate our lives. Multicolored lights shine. Cards make o)1r mantels festive. New yet old songs are heard. Many events in life are repeated over and over. Each even-
ing 'He return from work or school to seek the warmth and security of home. We meet our friends again and again. We look forward to spring's renewal of the world, to sum mer's playfulness, faU's fresh
with an average of 85 or above; and 135 second honors, with an average IOf 80 or above.
Cause introduced VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II has approved intro duction of the beatification cause of Capuchin Father Solanus Casey, who died in Detroit July 31, 1957, after a life of service to the poor and sick, reported L'Osservatore Romano, the Vati can daily newspaper, Nov. 23. Bernard Francis Casey was born in Oak Park, Wis., in 1870 and after leaving then returning to seminary studies was ordained a priest in 1904.
ness and winter's quiet. Christmas provides the chance to meet our God again, even though he hasn't beeen missing from our lives. But sometimes when we ex perience people and places of ten, they become routine and even devalued. We may forget what is special even in the most important of gifts, experiences and relationships. Father Dufford's song pro claims: :"The people that walk in darkness have seen "have seen a great light." Like repetition, darkness is no stranger to us. Some of what gets repeated in life is not creative or life-re storing. Our world faces difficult ques tions. We need God's light to help us find our way back home to each other. No doubt Christmas will bring us many gifts. But will it bring us time with Jesus of Bethlehem, God's most shining light? Will we have time for that inner quietude in which we can meet God? Will we Ilook once more at the darkness in our lives and in our world and ask the Lord :or strength and heal ing? No such times will occur unless we make them happen. We can get ,lost in Christmas activity and miss its true meaning. Yet Christmas can offer us a new chance to find real insight, challenge and directiol1 for our . life journey.
Peaceful nukes
get' papal nod
VATICAN CITY (NC) -'Nu clear weapons are ~'terrible in struments 'of death," said Pope , John Paul tI in urg.ing a halt to the arms race. The pope, who several times during his four-year pontificate 'has asked 'an end to the nuclear arms race, repeated the plea at an audience for 200 nuclear physicists attending an interna tional symposium in Rome spon sored by the Italian National In- .. stitute of Nuclear Physics. ",When one hears talk of nu clear and subiluclear energy, one cannot fail to think, alas, of the destructive effect of modern weapons. There is no doubt that they represent one of the most serious threats to humanity." he said. The pope supported peaceful uses of nuclear energy and the possibilities for the good of the human race that, could result from their development. The pope's talk to the'scien tists was the central event in his busy pre-Christmas weekend. On nee. 19 thousands of Ro man school children came to St. Peter's Square' on a sunny, crisp Sunday morning to hear the pope's Angelus message. Many brought figures of the Christ child to be blessed by the Pope before being placed in Christmas cribs at home. The pope told them: "I wel come you with all my heart, dear children. The feast of Christmas is your feast, ~because Christmas reminds us that 'God, the son' cif God, was made a child like you. "The child Jesus invites you all at Christmas to represent him, imitating with joy his goode, ness toward your families, your parents and aU those whose life has special need o~ being bright· ened by the joy of Chr,istrilas, especially those who suffer or who are sad," The children sang Christmas hymns for the pontiff, including a traditional Polish carol. ONLY FUlL·L1NE RElIGIOUS 61FT STORE ON THE CAPE
• OPEN: Mon - 611; •• 5:30 • OP£N 7DAYS ' during IIUIlIft* .....311
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Fri., Dec. 24, 1982
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for a 428 Main se HyannIS
775-4180 John & Mary lees, Props.
GARANT FLOOR COVERING 30 CRAWFORD ST. (Runs parallel to South Main behind Ray'S Flowers)
Happy, Holy Holida)J Season
,1 2
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-f:ri., Dec. 24, 1982
A Merry 'MX-Mas'
Quality Paper At Cash
a Carr~' Prices
If you think about the MX - and how could you not? - think about it as a Christ mas missile. It isn't just its seasonal name, "Peacekeeper," or even that it's what the president wants most from Santa. Start with its plight. We all know that the basing mode was
a terrific problem. with the Na . tivity. Joseph and Mary were
turned away from dense-packed
hotels in Bethlehem and had to
improvise. The Pentagon plan
ners could be humming"Away in
a Mange~" as, back at the 4raw
ing board, they try to find a crib
for MX's Oed. When you are talking home lessness - and many people who live in their cars were doing that on Capitol Hill this week you are talking "Peacekeeper." It's been evicted from 34 pro posed dwellings already. I won der if the Joint Chiefs have ap plied to the Salvation Army. It has an exceHent shelter program. I first knew that MX had Noel written all over it the day I Us tened to the president's science adviser, Dr. George A'. Keyworth, at a Senate Armed Services Com
mittee hearing. He was talking, I think, about the timers Soviet missiles have. He mentioned "terminal homing." Isn't that a lovely phrase? Isn't it just another way of say ing, "1'1'1 be home for Christmas?" I don't know exactly what "tertl)inal homing" means on a Soviet ICBM as it speeds toward its rendezvous with our war heads in Wyoming, but "terminal homing" is what is going on all around us now - people jam ming airport terminals, eagerly undertaking fatiguing .travel just to be present in the family circle around the fireside. Another beautiful, pastoral phrase comes up in "Peace keeper" terminology. George Wilson, who has mastered· its special vocabulary, wrote the other day about "low-grazing Soviet missiles.'~ Makes them sound .Jike sheep, doesn't it? Puts you in mind of
the manger, the shepherds
. "the cattle are Ilowing" - the
whole scene. The nice thing is that the sheep missiles may skip off the target .Jike flat stones skittering across a pond. That means our MX,
•. . . ~:..,t' \""'-
. . ', '" .'
?:'".~.•. -'-.~='-,~" .
tucked d~ep in its, coffin, would be secure. The low-grazers Mimeograph Papers
wouldn't hit Wyoming, although they might blow up California Mimeo Stencils & Inks
when they stop skittering. But . Envelopes
Christmas is a time to forget workaday details of that nature. Address Labels
Th~ Anr Force talks about a "pathfinder missile" that makes you want to go right out and deck the halls. :MIMEO SPECIAL : The context, in Pentagon testi • 8 Y2 x 11 - 20 White mony, may be a bit grisly, but lI don't go away. per ream : "The deterioration (of the So viet missile) raises ejecta, which consists of large boulders, some Ask for our free catalog of them larger than a Volks wagen, that are thrown up and, . 401-728-0414 ejected out of the crater for some significant distances." 544 WEST AVE. PAWTUCKET. R. I. The "Pathfinder" acts as an escort fol1' the "Peacekeeper," as % mile past Sears [North Main Street] it sets out on its retaliatory on Providence/Pawtucket line strike at Moscow. It wiIl go first "to determine if a safe dust and debris environment exists after I the MX field has been attacked." -r--------~--_-----,--------------~------------------"f The "Pathfinder" is a pretty parallel to the Star of Bethele hem, which guided the wise men. The wise men, the first Christ mas snoppers, are admirable in many ways. On hearing of the birth of the prince of peace, they saddled up and set forth. Some of us wish they had mislaid the gifts, as we addled types do so often at this time of year, but that is another matter. I hope the president is not too chagrined that the MX will not, after all, be under his tree. Christmas, for all its joys, can be a time of disappointments. He should think of the woman, dreaming of a diamond drop, who is gifted with a selection of imported cheese; of the man who wants a video game who finds a )fay you and yours be greatly blessed by the snow shovel in his stocking. . spiritual radiance of Christmas. To know Yes, it is a time of wassailing, and serve you is our sincere pleasure. homing and giggling under the mistletoe. But it is also a time when the "window of winer ability" in human affairs is wide open. Christmas c~ds bring greetings, but how often too tid ings death, divorce or the de· fection of a child to a cult re quiring temple-eharring in Sri Lanka. Such news inevitably ar rives just as you have mailed off your certitude of the recipi 'ent's well-dressed earthly joys. Composing the message of con dolence cuts seriously into rest ing merry, gentlemen. Come to think of it, maybe the Pentagon planners should aban don their search for a new bas ing mode and go to' work on some kind of Christmas card synchronization scheme: People MR. & MRS. MONSOUR J. FERRIS in the first half of the alphabet AND FAMILY mail on a certain date, while M to Z holds off until later. That Owners of The
way, 50 percent of the popula tion could reply rationally to its VENUS De MILO l\ESTAURANT
cards. Next year, the oider could Route 6 in Swansea, Mass.
be reversed. OK, it's not perfect, but haven't we been saying, L. ..;;;;;.;..;~...:...:~,...::....;_"""!"'---------"""""-------------------~. what is? I
• *
* * :• 2· •-****************...*...*
Our' Best Wishes
Merry Christmas
. . . 'of Fali' R'i~er-Fri., Dec. '24, 1982 ~
With 27,000 Subscribers, It Pays To Ac/vertise In The Anchor
~. ..ii,~" _. HOUDAY PREPARATIONS for students at Bishop Stang High School, North Dart mouth, included many rehearsals for 'their Christmas concert which featured the coneert band, mixed chorus, all-girl chorus and madrigal singers. (Sr. Gertrude Gaudette Photo) ./
Hearty Christmas Greetings
Kids surrender toy guns CHARLESTON , S.C. (NC) Fifteen students from Sacred Heart ElementaJ'Y School in the inner city gave their toy guns to their pastor in support of the idea that violence should not be a way of life.
ing a Mass commemorating St. Nicholas. Father Duffy pointed out that the ceremony was "a means to teach in a positive way" that the children should put their faith in the LOrd and not in ways which .paralyze so The pastor, Father Thomas ciety. The Gospel reading was Duffy, who is also vicar general about the paralyzed man's being of the Charleston Diocese, said brought to Jesus for a cure. the toy gun ceremony "was more 'During the homily Father than symbol. By having toy guns Duffy told the students how wea it is' a subtle way of saying vio pons can encourage violence. An . lence is OK." 11th grade boy at Our Lady of The ceremony took place dur- Mercy Parish, 'where the priest
also serves, was stabbed in an argument during a neighborhood _ basketball game.
We w~lcome this opportunity to thank all our customers for their fine support.
True Love "Love does not consist in great sweetness of dev:otion but in a more fervent determination to strive to please God in all things... - St. Teresa of Avila' 1~~INI«I(llICIlP100
Keep Christ
White's Fam,ily Restaurant Route 6 at the Narrows in Westport Roland A.' and R~ta La France
on Christmas
... ~
, At this Glorious and Holy time, we, wish for all mank.ind the great gifts of peace and joy, faith and love. May our spirits .be uplifted, o • , and O\~r hearts filled with happiness and contentment, as we cherish· anew the glorious message and meaning of Christmas. For' the confidence and loyalty of those whom we are privileged to serve, we wish to express deepest gratitude. CONTRACTORS & ENGINEERS