teanc 0 VOL. 24, No. 52
Bishop Cronin's Message Christmas, 1980 Dearly beloved in Christ, "The grace of God has appeared, offering salvation to all men." (Titus 11) These are the opening words of the Epistle for the First Mass of Christmas. They express in a powerful manner the ,wondrous mystery which we celebrate today: God has become ·one with man. Jesus Christ our . Lord, born of the Blessed Virgin Mary, has taken upon himself our human nature, so that mankind might become one again with God.
Indeed, as the heavenly host sang on the first Christmas, we, too, should give "glory to God in high heaven"· for the Peace which he brings to us, his people "on whom his favor rests." (Luke 2:14) This we do today and together, as a community of believers, through our celebration of this beautiful Feast of the Birth of our Lord. This Christmas is, indeed, a special one for all of us here in the Diocese of Fall River. Through the wonderful grace of God and the efforts of our We Care/We Share pro-· gram of evangelization, this Christmas witnesses the joyous return of many of our brothers and sisters to the family of faith. We sincerely welcome them "home" and feel confident that their example of faith will be a source of many rich graces and blessings for the whole believing community.
I am pleased to send to one and all throughout the Diocese prayerful good wishes on the occasion of this blessed Feast of our Lord's Nativity. May the Peace of Christ descend upon each of you this Christmas, upon your families and upon your parish communities. God love and bless you all. . Faithfully yours in Christ,
Bishop of Fall River
. 0 cD E€
20c, $6 Per Yecu
1HE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall Rlvcr- T"ur" Dec, 25, 1980
NEW YORK (NC) - The interfaith organization, Clergy and Laity Concerned, sent Pre.ldent·elect 'Ronald Reagan an open letter urglni him to make "a strong and unequivocal sta.tement affirming this nation's historic commitment to peace with jus· tlce, democracy and human rights,"
WASHINGTON (NC) - Ar~hblshop Jame. A. Hickey of Washington and Bishop Thomlll CI Kelly, general secretM')' of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. U,S. Catholic 'Conference, have asked State Depar:tment officials for prosres8 reports of an Investigation Into the murder of four U.S. missionary women In EI Saivador. '
GDANSK, Poland (NC) - Official. of Poland's Catholic Church and Communist Party joined the leader of Solidarity, the new independent trade union, in calling for national unity and reconciHation at a memorial service for workers slain by govern· ment forces 10 years ago, VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul U'. schedule for ·the 1981 Christmas holidays is~ven busier than!ast year's. The schedule released by the-Vadcan includes a prayer vigil with youths from throughout Europe Dec. 30 and resumption of the once- traditional New Year's Eve visit to the Gesu Church ·in Rome. VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II has urged Iran and Iraq tQend their three-month war and accept '~a negotiated settlement based on justice and mutual respect." VATICAN CITY (NC) - The next step for Latin American countries after independence is to build "authentic freedom" Pope John Paul II said Dec. 17 at a Mass honoring South America's liberator, Simon Bolivar. VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul It bas met in private audience with Adolfo Perez Esquivel. winner of the 1980 Nobel Peace Prize. ST, LOUIS (NC) - The election of Ronald Reagan has given new hope to leaders of Citizens for Educational Freedom that a school tuition tax credit bill will be approved by the 97th Congress. Robert E. Baldwin, CEF executive director, said that President-elect Reagan's task force on education and his Department of Education transition team are pushing the tax cred,it bill. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (NC) - The eight Catholic bishops of Missouri have called for a "new corrections system whose-underlying principles are both Christian and humane." The bishops, acting as the board of ,directors of the Missouri Catholic Conference, issued a Joint Statement on Corrections. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (NC) - The U.S. District Court in Louisville has ruled unconstitutional a Kentucky law requiring that abortions after the first trimester of pregnancy be performed in hOipitals. VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope John Paul II has urged the leaders of Chile and Argentina to resolve their dispute over the Beagle Channel during the Christmas season. LANSING, Mlch. (NC) - The Michigan Legislature fell nine votes short of over· riding Gov. William G. Milliken's veto of a bill restricting state funding ot abortions. The legislation would have prohibited state payment for Medicaid abortions except in cases where childbirth threatened the mother's life. HARTFOI\D, Conn. (NC) - WTNH·TV, Channel 8. in Hartford, assisted by Father Edmund S. Nadolny, director of the Office of Radio and Television of the Hartford Archdiocese. raised 5400,000 ,in pledges to aid the victims of the Nov. 23 earthquake in Italy.
EVERYWHERE, EVERYWHERE, CHRISTMAS TONIGHT: Top, Christmas displays sparkle at La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, where they will be illuminated nightly through Jan. 4. Center, Sister Pauline Morissette's Good News Liturgical Dance Company prepares for a Christ~as performance at Our Lady of Grace Church, Westport (Fall River Herald News Photo by Hank Pollard). Bottom,. a surprised St. John the Baptist meets Santa Claus at a Jesse Tree program at St. Anne's Church, Fall River (Sister Gertrude Gaudette Photo), '
WASHINGTON (NC) - Pro·Life groups seeking to influence the make.up of the incoming Reagan adminiltration are lobbying to have Dr, C. Everett Koop appointed surgeon general. a top post in the Oepartment of Health and Human Services. Sur· geon·in·chief at Children'. Hospital. Philadelphia. he has become a leading medical figure in the pro·tife movement. VATICAN CITY (NC) - A Vatican spokesman has denied that a leading official of the Soviet Communist Party had recently held secret consultations with Pope .John Paul II at the Vatican.
Presentees are' named
for .Bishop's Charity Ball Thirty-eight young ladies will be presented to the Most Rev. Daniel A. Croni'n, S.T.D., Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Fall River, at the 26th annual Bishop's Charity Ball on Friday, , Jan. 9 at LinGoln Park Ballroom, North ·Dartll1o\1th, ill a highlight of the most ~idely known social and chaf'itable affair in New England. The 1981 Ball' is the II th Ball at which Bishop Cronin will be honored guest. "These presentees represent parishes from the five areas of _the diocese," said Msgr. Anthony M. Gomes, diocesan director of the Ball. "Every year, one third of the diocesan parishes given the honor of participating in this impressive ceremony," cont·inued Msgr. Gomes. , Mrs. James A. O'Brien Jr. of Fall Riyer, who heads the pre: sentation committee, has announced that the presentees with their father or other relative will meet Sunday, Jan. 4 at 2 p.m. at the Lincoln Park 'Ballroom to rehearse th,e presentation ceremony. , The Charity 'Ball benefits the three Nazareth Hall Schools for exceptional -children and four summer camps for underprivileged and exceptional children. Names for the various categories of the Charity Ball Booklet may be submitted until Friday, Jan. 2. Tickets for the ,Ball may be obtained at all rectories and at the door on the night of the -Ball. Presentees for this year's ball are headed by Miss Anne Mar-' cotte, a student at Nazareth Hall School, Fall River, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hormidas J. Marcotte of St. Francis of Assisi parish, New Bedford. Other young ladies to be presented are, from the Taunton area, Judith Manning, Holy Cross parish, South Easton; Laura McKinnon, St. Ann, Raynham; Teresa Mello, St. Anthony's, Taunton; Laurie Beth Mullen.
Holy Family, East Taunton; Mary Rei!!y, Immaculate Conception, Taunton. . New Bedford Area Maureen Amaral, Our Lady of Perpetual Help; Janet Camire, Our Lady of Fatima;, Theresa, LouiseJ;)uhamel, St. Arine;,'Pa-" tricia 'Rodriques, Immaculate Conception; Brenda A. Rousseau, St. Mary's, all New 'Bedford. ,Maureen R. Medeiros, St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet; Suzanne Sequin, St. Joseph's, Fairhaven; Elizabeth Ann Brennan, St. Anthony's Mattapoisett. Cape and Islands Kathleen Corey, Sacred Heart, Oak 'Bluffs; Laura E. Naylor, Holy Trin'ity; West Harwich; Mary McCarty, St. Elizabeth, North Falmouth. Joan O'Connell, St. Anthony, East Falmouth; Jane ,Powers, Our Lady of the Assumption, Osterville; Mary Roach, Our Lady of the Cape, ,Brewster; Anastasia M. Topham, St. Mary'S; Nantucket. Attleboro, Area Kather,ine Barselou, S1. Joseph; Kathl~en E: Hayes, St. Mary's, Seekonk; Ann Spinale, St. Mark's, Attleboro Falls; Lori Tedesco, St. Theresa's, South Attleboro. ' Fall River Area ,Palmina Consonni, Holy Rosary; Sharon Diskin, St. Stanislaus; Mary Louise Gagnon, St. Joseph; Susan, 'Holy Cross; Barbara A. Lepage, 51. Roch. Michelle Linhares, St. Elizabeth; Lisa Manville, SS. Peter and Paul; Nelia Massa, Espirito Santo; Rose Ann Ouellette. Blessed Sacrament. Elizabeth M. Camara, St. John of God, Somerset; Diane Robillard, St. Louis de France, Somerset; Ellen Eo Rodriques, St. Thomas More, Somerset; Desiree ,Burba, St. John the Baptist, Central Village.
~.~-' ~ Let us take a moment to wish you and yours all the happiness and good cheer that this Yuletid/e season brings. We appreciate your friendship and generous support.
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, ~ather 'round the tree for song' . .'. laughter. Rekindle Friendships . .. extend good tidings to all. To our loyal patrons greetings and thanks.
RESIDENTS AND FRIENDS of St. Francis Residencl', Fall River, join Sister Gertrude, administrator, in greeting Bishop Daniel A. Cronin at a Christmas celebration. (Sr. Gertrude Gaudette Photo)
Fall River
Gas C'ompany
155 North Main Street
Telephone 675-7811
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of fall River-Thur.. Dec. 25, 1980
themoorin~ A Glimmer of Hope
the living word
Perhaps this Christmas we are beginning yet again to realize that our joy is not caused by tinsel and show. Of course, for many this realization does not COIne easily. For some it has even been imposed by outside forces. If we were left to ourselves our celebration of Christmas as feast would remain for many in the realm of the natural, not the supernatural. For many years the "good life" has made pagans of many of us. As a result the wonder and amazement of' the climactic event of the birth of Christ have been reduced for them to the sensual and senseless. How many times have we measured this day by what the world gave us and not by what the heavens proclaimed to all men of goodwill. ' .Somehow in the ongoing process' of revelation, a glimmer of light is attempting to pierce our commercial and material darkness. Forces beyond our personal control which for many of us have brought the "good life" to a crashing halt have made us realize that in reality this good life has been a cheat and thief, robbing us of the truth of Bethlehem. Now, with lowered thermostats and shrunken larders, essentials have once again become our priorities. To be sure, there are many who will still try to have it their way with the fantasy of their plastic buying power. Yet even they will have to face reality when monthly payments are due. Fewer jobs,' soaring interest rates, uncontrolled inflation and countless other constraints have curtailed our greed and avarice where spiritual considerations failed to, do so. In the shock waves flowing from these economic events, many people have had to view life' without rosecolored glasses. And many have seen the golden calf for the false god that it is. With difficulty and in despair people are making some hard choices. For the first time in many years some of these decisions are even spiritual. And as lives change on the physkal level, so too on the spiritual. It is this latter change that makes this Christmas one of hoPe and heart. There are. many more Catholics who despite the difficult road are trying to reach Bethlehem. Caring and sharing .are real. People with broken hearts and homes are' finding that there is room for Christmas in their lives. Others are once again seeing that their lives can be changed, that the Word made Flesh can live in them. More and more are acknowledging that Christmas is Jesus, with all that realization implies in changing their lives. . He is the great light that dismisses our gloom. He is our trust and assurance even when the gifts of man tarnish and rust. For those who allow the Desired of the Nations to enter their hearts and souls, Christmas will never again be the same. .
Christmas Greetings Christmas'is a time when we try to realize that giving h~s little meaning unless it is done with gratitude .and ap-
preciation. It is with this in mind that we wish to extend to all our readers and advertisers' the very best wishes of this Holy Season. In a spirit of thankfulness all of us at The Anchor who try each week to bring the Good News int~ your home, pray that He who has come will walk with you and you with Him, each day of the New Year. ,
OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER' A10 Highland Avenue fall River, Moss. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin, D.O., S.T.D.
Rev. John F. Moore
Rev. Msgr. John 1. Regan ~ l~ary
Venite, adoremus.
space for God really cares about me being me cause it tells us who we are, it - does it make any difference gives us our identity. "Too'often we allow the world to anyone that I am or am not? Am I noticed in any significant, to define us, to tell us who we, are and what we are - but this affirming way?" These situations, according to is the false self, the illusory self, Father Nouwen, are common ex- the self we have to die to. We, periences of a lack of personal as Christians, are not what the world tells us we are. We are fulfillment. the ones created and recreated "They suggest. that we are disconnected, that we are l~nely, in the unimaginable love of in the existential sense of lone- God." In creating inner space for liness." ·We suggested that too often people try to find some God, people are, in a sense, goperson or group who can take ing out into the desert ·that is both a wilderness and a paradise, that sense of loneliness away. the priest said. Personal relationships born "In it we come to grips with out of this type of situation are idolatrous, said Father Nouwen, our own inner chaos. It is filled "in the sense that you hang on- with our demons, personal to the other person with a poss- drives and impulses. This desert essive grip, pleading that he is also paradise, for. here we take away your loneliness, that find that we are loved by someone who loves us simply because he be your reason for living. , "In this process, rather than he loves. "Anyone who wants to serve making the other person your god (in the sense of idolatry), . in the name of the Lord must first go into this desert'. If he you make yourself a demon." becomes a priest without coming One approach to relieving this to grips with this struggle, he is critical situation, according to like all the rest of the world, he Father Nouwen, is the creating is a secular salesman - only he of an inner space in which God is tryirig to sell the Gospel," can, make himself known. . Father Nouwen said. American priests suffer from a sense of anger, caught up in "In this space you can become "the system," and find them- aware that you are loved so fully THE ANCHOR selves "doing things without, that you Wm live in the midst of (USPS-545-G20) their hearts really being in them. this world without being of it, Second Class Postage Paid at Fall River, Their anger comes from their without holding onto people. Mass. Published every Th,ursday at 410 inability'to break free." "You can get in touch with Highland Avenue, Fall River, Mass. 02722 God first by the catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall Depression victimizes these the 'first love' priests, Father Nouwen said.·. loved us. Each of us has a holy River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid per year. Postmasters send addreu "This depression is a gnawing obligation to get in touch with $6.00 ;hanges to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fill question' that asks if anyone and listen to this 'first love' be- River. MA 02722 BALTIMORE (NC) "Despite the fact· that we at:e very busy people, with very' filled lives, we often find ourselves to be unfulfilled people." Father Henri Nouwen told seminarians in Baltimore. The theologian.psychologist said. "We fill every minute of our lives with activities and people. We have a sense of fear, of horror at the thought of empty space. The tragedy of all this is that underneath all this activity, all this business, we feel basically unfulfilled." Father Nouwen was retreat master for a seminarians' reo treat at St. Mary's Seminary and University. Addressing himself to ministry in general and or': dained ministry in particular, he outlined problems facing the the American priesthood. Too many priests find themselves coping with boredom, he said. "By boredom I do not mean that they have nothing to do with their time. Boredom in this case means a sense of questioning whether w'hat they are doing in their 'ministry is worth doing at all."
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of EailRiver-Thur., Dec. 25, 1980
Christmas miracle had no brothers or sisters. We By urged her to pray for a baby, never explaining to her why she DOLORES was an only' child. In November of 1973, as we CURRAN were having breakfast one ~ay, she mentioned she had had a Two years after the birth of nice dream. She went on to tell our first child, I discovered that, us that in her dream she told because of physical problems, Baby Jesus she wanted a baby It was our friend, the nun. She my childbearing days were over. sister for Christmas. She said had 'a baby girl available, and After the initial shock wore off, Baby Jesus said okay; She was wanted to know if we could thrilled beyond words. After all, come and pick her up. We were I became reconciled to the fact and thanked God for the child who would question such a reli- speechless. This had to be a able source? I did have. Why feel sorry for miracle. We had no other ex.myself? I had a beautiful baby I was panic-stricken. Christ- planation for it. We told our and a wonderful husband. We mas was but'a month away. I daughter the happy news. She decided to look into adoption couldn't very well tell her Jesus was excited but not at all surbut to our dismay we found out . had made a _mistake. My hus- prised. After all, Baby Jesus had the waiting period was about band and I were terrified at the promised. On December 17th, we arrived two years, so we put it off for thought of disl!ppointing her. home with our frail five pound awhile. We even toyed with the idea of . During this time I happened not celebrating Christmas that baby girl and had the merriest to meet a nun who was visiting year and hoping she wouldn't Christmas of them all. Our baby is now seven years 'Los Angeles. to raise funds for a notice. To make matters worse, home for unwed mothers and an she was t~lling anyone who old, seven years filled with legal orphanage in Mexico. I told her would listen that we were ex- red tape because of her national of our desire to adopt and she pecting a baby sister for Christ- origin, but also seven years filled asked me to come and 'See her mas because Baby Jesus had with the joy of watching the dehome on our next visit to Mexi- promised her one. votion that exists between our co. It was soon the middle of girls. In the early part of 1972, I December and we hadn't even This year again is of special had the opportunity to visit her bought our tree. Nothing in our significance to us. She is, at last, and again we spoke of adoption. home had the slightest hint of legally our own. All is well. The She promised to let us know the holiday season. I guess we happiness she has brought to whenever a baby became avail- figuered if we wished hard . our family can only be measured 'able. enough, .Christmas would some- by the love we have for each During the next few 'months, how pass us by. other. How could we go wrong? our daughter, then 3Y2, was On December 16th the phone After all, Baby Jesus promised. questioning the fact ,that she rang very early in the morning. Didn't he?
Dear readers, the follow,;, ing in its entirety was sent me by a Los Angeles reader. I am happy to share S.S.A.'s miracle with you this Christmas.
Moldy orange's Each year, during the holiday season, I think back to a story told me by a woman I met when I was in my early 20s. Her name was Florence, she was about my mother's age and we shared Italian ethnic origins. Florence had come to this country with her immigrant parents when she was a small child. Like most Italian immigrants, they were very poor. Christmas was the only time each year when extra money would be spent on food other than pasta and olive oil. Italians love Christmas. The season brings out all their deep religious feelings, their love of ceremony and decorations, and their delight at the prospect of feasting with family and good friends. I loved to hear Florence talk about her childhood because it made me feel as if I were talking with my mother who lived 200 miles away. N~arly 30 years ago Florence told me about her family's first Christmas in this country. Because they were newcomers and very poor, some friends in their new Italian neighborhood pui together some treats for Christm~s celebration. Most special of all was a gift, of oranges especially for the children six beautiful big oranges. Florence and her brothers and sisters yearned for these oranges. On Christmas Day her mother cut one orange into several pieces and handed a piece to each child. Then the o'ranges disappeared. Florence wondered
May you share the :~.' wondrous tidings of this ~. Holy ~eason. Merry Christmas and sincerest thanks.
what happened to them. But in those days Italian children were ANTOINETTE trained to be seen and not heard, so she didn't ask. BOSCO On New Year's Eve, at dinner, her mother carried a small chest to the table and opened it. An expression of horror and dismay me think how gifts possess an came over her face. Florence intrinsic characteristic of imlooked into the chest and she mediacy. A gift is a touching too was horrifi~d. There were between people, one that raises . the five remaining oranges. - or should raise - the spirit. Somehow they had rotted and It happens, therefore, in the turned moldy. • present tense. Her mother had wanted to A gift cannot be saved ~ save some of the Christmas only savored. A gift put away bounty for New Year's Day. But for safekeeping becomes the she did not know how to pre- buried talent, stagnant security, serve and store fresh food. perhaps moldy oranges. Florence said it was years before she was' able to forgive her mother for an inability to enjoy, and let her family enjoy, that gift of oranges. Her mother's need to keep them, like a December 27 treasure lying fallow in a chest, Rev. Thomas J. Stapleton, had robbed her children of their 1956, Pastor, Corpus Christi, Christmas gift: Sandwich , I never forgot that story. And Rev. Msgr. Armand Levas. I guess I remember it so well beseur, 1970, Pastor Emeritus, St. cause it relates to an incident Anne, New Bedford from my own childhood. December 28 . Then, my godmother gave me Rev. Charles R. Smith, 1955, a dress I loved. It was one of the very rare times that I had Pastor, ,Immaculate Conception, a brand new dress. I usually 'Fall River January wore hand-me-downs. I longed to wear the dress, but my mother Rev. Antonio M. Fortuna, would never let me. I had to save 1956, Pastor, Immaculate Con-' it for special occasions. ception, New Bedford Finally, the first special ocRev. Francis R'. Connerton casion came and the dress didn't SS., S.T;'D., 1968, St. John's fit me; I had outgrown it. I cried. Seminary, Plymouth, Mich. . I imagine I felt much like FlorRev. Leo T. Sullivan, 1975, ence did. Pastor, Holy Name, New BedThat experience always makes ford
Santa's on his way to wish all
(I't.1n-,.y CJ,'¡i~t""'A~ White's Family Restaurant Route 6 at the Narrows in Westport Ro~and A. and Rita La France
Thurs., Dec. 25, 1980
ti on'e ' candle
For children
VATICAN CITY (NC)-Mother Teresa of Calcutta received the keys to a house in the Rome suburbs from Pope John Paul II during a recent audience. The Vatican-owned house was given' to the 1979 winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for use as a home for abandoned children.
By Father John Catoir
It was the night before Christmas, 1914. Two armies confronted one another on what was once a peacefuC turnip field. Peter Goudge, a 23-year-old British soldier, was on midnight guard duty listening for any NOTICE sound that might betray the acWLNE Channel Six will broad- , tivity of a German patrol. cast Christmas Mass celebrated' World War I was only a few by Bishop Cronin at 10 o'clock months old, but the blood bath Christmas morning. had already begun. It would not be over until six million men had lost their lives.' In the ~-"-'trenches behind Pvt. Goudge, the British troops were either sleepNeed money ing or shivering in the cold. As to! a new Somelhing7 he struggled to stay awake, Pvt. Goudge heard German voices :"IBIS likes to say 'yes' singing "Silent Night, Holy Night!" across the muddy plain called "No Man's Land." FATHER CLEMENT DUFOUR, pastor of St. Michael's parish, Swansea, presents Quietly he began to sing along check to Sister Thomas More, OP, associate administrator, and James F. Lyons, ad- in his own language. "All is ministrator of St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River. The gift to the hospital building fund was calm, all ,is bright . " . " Other the proceeds of a benefit performance of "St. Michael's Follies," an all-parish song 'and British soldiers heard the sounds. "They're singing! The Huns are dance spectacular which numbered Father Dufour among its sol~ists. _ singing!" "Let's give 'em one of our own," shouted -Goudge, as he began, "Hark the Herald Angels Sing." Throughout the night both sides sang Christmas hymns, sometimes in unison. ' VATICAN CITY (NC) - Pope i. As dawn approached, a Ger'.;::::::;:::::::.::: John Paul II announced Dec. 21 man soldier dared the impossithat he will v,isit the Philippines, ble; he crossed "No Man's NA TlONALL Y ADVERTISED Guam and Japan Feb. 16-27 on Land," bringing to the British • FINE FURNITURE. ELECTRIC APPLIANCES his ninth trip outside Italy as side a small Christmas tree • CARPETING Installed by Experienced 'Mechanics pope. flickering with candles. In an Opcn Daily and Monday, Tu~day The pope said the trip would instant, a host of candles were Thursday & Friday Evcnings center on the beatification of lit on both sides, and before the (Over 50,000 Sq, Feet! Lorenzo Ruiz, a Filipino layman night was over, German and DIAL who was martyred in Nagasaki, British troops were cheerfully FERRY ST" FALL RIVER NOS FAlAMOS PORTUGUES Japan, along with 15 others. shaking hands and embracing Ruiz will be the first Filipino one another. At daylight a socCatholic to be beatified. Appliances bJ: Furniture bJ: NICHOLS .. STONE Beddinl bJ: cer game was organized. SEALY Because of Ruiz's connection BROYHILL When the respective comRCA FRIGIDAIRE ECLIPSE PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE BURLINGTON HOUSE to Japan, the pope said he will manders heard what was hapHEYWOOO WAKEFIELD WHIRLPOOL 'MAYTAG DOWNS CARPETS TEMPLE·STUART also visit that country. pening, the alarm was sounded; "In the program of the trip is both sides were OI:dered back, foreseen a visiot also to Hiroand- new troops sent to the front shima, the site on which the terline.' The fresh reserves resumed ,rible destructive force of the the bloody fighting. atomic bomb was first mani,'Pvt. Goudge wrote a letter fested," the pope said. "We will home: "We had a jolly good beg the merciful God that this time out there. The Germans will never again be repeated in won the football match . . . the hiStory of humanity." funny to think that a Christm,as The pope said he would make carol almost ended the war." a brief stop on the U.S. territory' Three weeks I~ter Pvt. Goudge of Guam "in order to bring my was killed in combat. greet,ing to the small but genFor a brief moment in the erous population which lives midst of war, the power of peace spread 'out over the islands in triumphed. that zone of the pacific. Christmas brings Christ, the Father Romeo Panciroli, direcPrince of Peace. He comes with tor of the Vatican Press Office, a new power to your life, your said later that the pope will leave world. Rome on Monday, Feb. 16, and May His peace reign in your arrive in Manila, the Philippines, heart and in your home. May it 'on the morning of Tuesday, Feb. liberate you and bring the full17. ness of joy. In the Philippines the pope .For a free copy of the Chriswill visit Legaspi, Cebu City, topher News Notes, send a Bacalod, Iloilo City, Davao City, stamped. self-addressed envelope a leprosarium in Tala, Baguio to • The Christophers, 12 East City and Bataan, in addition to 48th St., New York, NY 10017" Manila, Father Panciroli said. The pope will leave Manila for '*". Guam Feb. '22 and depart from the 'island for Tokyo Feb. 23, he Front Cover , added. fall River The Madonna on page one of ~ Pope John Paul will make Tau.,w, this issue is the work of Sister stops in Hiroshima and Nagasaki before leaving Japan Feb. 26. Gertrude Gaudette, O.P.,
~ FlLPnltu~e Co./il~
Pope to visit Far East
~ )-i~~~Savi~
~ 1 1 1 _. . .
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Dec. 25, 1980
cern of the Missionary Servants boy was marked, without de· when she realized that her native fense. Even in the worst eases community had the highest ju. you do not send a boy home and L.tI.r. are w.'ctlllltd. but should b. no venile delinquency rate in Puerto tell bim to be good, yoU must IIIor. tn,n 200 word.. Tn. editor give a challenge, open doors for In. rllllt to cond.n.. or .dlt. If d••m.d Rico. nte.... ry. All l.tI.ts must b. ",n.d .nd Today she has over 25 self· 1 found many youths Includ. I hom. or bu,ln... .ddre... help programs going in Playa de willing to help me. I call them -Ponce, .1\ c Iud I n a 'irtculture. 'advGliCat••/ lb.r they become. *e I 4 res. m a kin i, phatography, voice of, y,oungsfers in tro.tfte,~ Dear Editor: sports, graphics, pr-Inting ahd a before police and jUdges." As we reflect upon a year foster grandparents project. Hav,lng worked in Brooklyn that 41 swiftly palling away and She said that area Juvenile de- and Playa, Slster Ferre said that view the future with dim and linquency has dropped from 33 Hispanics in the United States \ auarded thought., it might be to 12 percent, thanks to "youths faclna simllar condritions must well for u. to ponder upon the having someone who cared." "hold to your faith and get eduword "hope." "Evil thrives when we believe cated, it .Is the only way tor huChri.tmas and the birth of the people are bad. Change for the man dignity." Prince of Peace bring hope to all better bealns when we trust that To sociologists, she said: if we but embrace Him with our people are good," she said. She "Meet real lite out there, be· heart. and extend ourselve. by cited one case among hundreds. appealing to Him throuah pray. f Juanito, 16, was sent to an 4n· yond the books and the ,desk. er. !>titutlon when his father could You train 'in the' classroom but not control his "misconduct," the world is going in another .St. Catherine of Siena con· like walking with dirty Ilhoes direction. Learn communicatide. to UI: "Our prayer must over a new rug. After Juanlto tionl" be continual and faithful, for wat thrown out, he tOok to mario we know that in the fdre of His Juana and once his father tried love He will give us what we to kill him with a machete. ask." Sister Ferre's helpers took the PARIS (NC) - Amin A. De Are you in search of hope as boy to his grandmother's house 'f.arrazi, president of the St. Vine we all are? Then pray - and until things calmed' down and cent De Paul Society in France, pray your ro.ary to Jesus and SISTER ISOLINA FERRE enrolled him -In photography has been elected internatlon,al Mary thll Chri.tma.. No gift \ courses, in whlch.he excelled. president of the organization. wilJ be more pleasing to them Juanlto eventually got a good or grant them .weeter Joy from A French citizen of L-ebanese Job and was reconciled with his origin, De Tarrazi has headed a world that has gone sadly father. Now he is active in seek· the French society since 1967. astray. Ing out and rehabilitating other Mrs. Jean Quinn The 81. Vincent De Paul Soyouths. Third Order of St. Dominic A 66-year.old Missionary Sere chia and as a mediator between ciety, founded in 1833 by An· "Delinquency was due to lack toine Frederic Ozanam, has South Dartmouth vant of the Most Blessed Trinl-ty -Brooklyn blacks and Hispanics of programs and Jobs," said Sis· about 760,000 members in 102 who began her rellglous life as during the 1980s. a catecblst in Wareham has reo Trained as a sociologist, Sister ter Ferre. When t'he kids got In countries who work, mainly celved a $10,000 Rockefeller Ferre said she could not resist trouble, they had no voice. Rid· through parishes, with the elderDear Editor: reaching beyolld ,the catechetical ing a bike without a light in the ly, -sick, handicapped, prisoners Public Service Award. She is Sister 1s01lna ferre who apostolate that Is a major con· dark often led to, arrest and the and youths. The complete absence of Chrl$tian charity in Thomas 20 years ago went from the McDonnell's column, "Before slums of Brooklyn, N.Y., where divorce, marriage" (Anchor, Nov. she was then stationed, to visit 27), provoked a great sadness in her native Playa de Ponce in me, rather than anger. Whether Puerto Rico. She became so In· 'or not one "grows" through volved in solving community divorce (and one can), the com· problems 'In the delinquency. paJllson with abortion calls for plagued area that· she never reo turned to work on the mainland. comment. Among her many projects recIs not a church which denies ognized by the Rockefeller the Eucharist, the source of lite itself, to anyone approaching the award was expansion of a clfnic altar In aood taith, assured of given to Playa de Ponce by her God's love and mercy, Just as father some 30 years ago. Today guilty as those who prevent the it i. a medical center staffed by full time doctors, dentists and life of the unborn? nurses and close to 100 trained Or must God be protected community aides. from those the church considers In his book "Criminal Vio· undesirable and unwanted? A lence, Criminal Justice," Charles response to these questions is, Ilterally, a matter of life and 'Silberman declared that Sister Ferre'. center wa. "the best ex· death. ample of community regenera· Phyllls L. C011lns tion" he had seen In the United Marion States, because "It has given large numbers of people the On that night, long ago, a daZZling star sense of dignity and worth that enables them to use help as a guided shepherds to our Savior. On means toward selt.sufliiciency this holiday we hope the radiance rather than dependency." of the season guides 'you to a happy Sister Thomasine, MSMBT. VATICAN CIlY -(NC) - Pope now stationed in Wareham, is 8 and lovjng Christmas, Thanks, all, John Paul II has named U.S. close friend ot Sister 1solina. She Cardinal William W. Baum, pre- said the nun was a member of fect of the Vatican Congrega. the first group of Missionary tion for Catholic Education, a Servants to come to the Fall member of the Council for the River diocese in 1940 at the rePublic Affairs of the Church. quest of the late BishOp James The Council is similar to the E. Cassidy. U.S. State Department. Its comAs a young sister, she was a-' petence extends to all deaHngs catechist in'St. Patrick's parish, Since 1851 between the church and civil Wareham, and also worked at governments. St. Anthony'S mission, Tremont, MAIN OFFICE: 4 South M.ln St....t Cardinal Baum, 54, is also a and at what were -then St. PatMaplewood Branch: 335 Stafiord Road. member of the Vatican Congre. rick's missions of St. Rita, MAr· All deposits & accumulated Robeson Branch: 570 Robeson gation tor the Doctrine ot the ion, and St. Mary, Onset. ' dividends are insured in full. Somerset/Swansea Branch: PlalllRlI, 6) Sister Isolina was dn Wareham Faith. He Is the highest ranking U.S. prelate In the Vatican's untI11943. Aasignments that followed Included work in, Appala· central administration.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Dec. 25, 1980 ....
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By Larry Lotz "It isn't Just for boys anymore," suitably expresses the new ell a~the Catholic Youth rganizatlon's building on Ana an Street, Fall River. For many ears, the lone majoc. girls' progr m at' the CYO was the annua cheerleading com· petition.
But three years ago in an ef· fort to expand the girls' program, newly appointed Fall ,RiverCYO director Father Bruce Neylon set up' a basketball program for seventh and eighth grade girls, Over those three years the program has grown until today almost 100 girls play for squads representing Holy Name, Notre Dame (two teams), St. Peter & Paul, Dominican Academy, 51. Stanislaus, and St. Jean Baptiste (two teams). Each Saturday morning, 150 to 200 spectators can be foulld cheering the yarious participants', . The coach of Holy Name, Denise Goff, is representative of the many volunteers who make the program' go. She is enthusiastic about the opportunities opened for those girls who belong to the various teams. "A lot of girls miss out on organized sports; there are not as many opportunities as there are for boys," says coach Goff. "But with the new emphasis on girls' sports at the high school level, girls' programs will be increasing. The CYO league gives
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Ukrainian church ROME '(NC) - The Soviet Union "can no longer ignore" the existence of the Ukrainian· Rite Catholic Church and may be willing to legalize its status, according to a Ukrainian-Rite bishop in Rome. Bishop Andrew Sapelak of the Ukrainian-Rite Diocese of the Patronage of Our Lady in Buenos Aires, Argentina, said there have been "signs that the So,yiet government is seeking ways to legalize the Ukrainian Cathilic Church," These signs,' he added, include "several conversations between (Soviet) government officials and Ukrainian-Rite priests and foreign 'visitors" and "several contacts by the government with clandestine Ukrainian priests, whose existence they are aware of,"
NOTRE DAME and Dominican Acad'tJli1y~,as,ketbail teams clash at the Anawan Street Cya in Fall (Torchia Photo) youngsters a chance to prepare for them." ' , The program is a great sue· cess, but as with anything new, it has growing pains. "Som~· times people can get very discouraged because they have difficulty winning their first year," commented the Highlands coach. "It takes time to develop a parish program." Holy Name, led by Danielle Bertrand and Joanne Hackett, is one of the teams expected to
make the league's playoff. The four top teams will meet in a tournament at the end of the season. S5. Peter' and Paul, who faced Holy Name in the finals last season, have outstanding talent in Caroline Smith and Kathy Jackson. Ann Marie Gibbons and Susan Deveney make 81. Stanislaus a contender, while Tracy Audet and Sue Guerette will be carrying the hop~s of Notre Dame's eighth grade team.
PERMANENT DEACONS and candidates of, the Fall . River diocese will celebrate the feast of Stephen tomorrow at a 4:30 p.m. Mass at 51. Stanislaus Church, Fall River, followed by a supper hosted by the parish. .
He's for God, NOrtre" Dame By. Elizabeth Bookset Barkley
CINCINNATI (NC) - Take a close look at Gerry Faust's desk in the athletic department at - Cincinnati's Moeller High School and you'll get a clue to his values. Ignore the overflowing briefcase and the cardboard box full of congratulatory letters (about 200 a day since he was named football coach at the University of Notre Dame). Beyond and above the clutter is what's important: the football trophy (one of many in the coach's office), the statues of the Blessed Mother on his desk, and the crucifix hanging prominently over a calendar. Football and religion - those are two subjects /Coach Faust wil\ gladly talk about. He's been a football fan ever since he began playing as a youngster on a CYO football team at Our Lady of Mercy grade school in Dayton, Ohio. For today's youth, according to Faust, the value, of sports remains the same as it was for him. "The value is immeasurable," said the 45-year-old Faust in an interview with the Catholic Telegraph, newspaper of the Cincinnati Archdiocese. "Kids learn comradeship, teamwork, sacrifice and discipline." As coach for the past 21 years ef the Moeller Crusaders, a team which has won five state championships in' the past six years, Faust knows the influence a coach can have on his players. "We instill values not by always talking about them, but by being an example," he said. "Sometimes we forget that we're here on earth to show love for God. We do that by example more than anything." "It's to the- credit. of the Moeller coaches and players and the general Christian atmosphere of the school that two non-Catholic Moeller players be-
caMe converts this past year, Faust believes. "I wouldn't send my own children to any school but a Catholic school because of the example and the moral training they receive," he said. "The family sets the primary exampie, but kids spend more time in school than at home, so they're going to'get a lot of their values' from the school." Even in college "kids are still impressionable," said Faust, who graduated from the University··... of Dayton. "If priests and sac-' raments are available at college, young people can get help refleeting on their own values." One of the reasons he's willing to leave Moellen ("which I love deeply," he said) is that Notre Dame is a Catholic school ""ith deep Catholic values. Another reason is the school's recruiting policy. "Notre Dame can attract quality stud~nts to its team,"· he said, boasting that about 98 percent of Notre Dame's football players make it to graduation.
"Some schools recruit only to win, but I believe in not only winning but in helping the players better themselves and soclety," he said. Although he's loved Notre Dame since he was old enough to play football, and although Notre Dame is the only school for which Faust would leave Moeller, the new coach already is facing some of the difficult aspects of his decision to accept the job, which begins in January. He'll miss Moeller the team and .the people.' "It's ~oing to be tough to leave the Cincinnati fans - they're really super." But most difficult of all will be leaVing his family - his wife, his high school-age daughter and hi!J two sons in elementary school for the next six months so his children can finish out the school year. "I've never been away from them that long," he said. "That shows you how much I love Notre Dame and that it must be a really' special place."
Pope opposes relaxed drug laws CASTELGANOOLFO, Italy (NC) - Permissive drug legislation "serves neither to prevent nor to redeem," Pope John Paul II told former drug users and their families at a Mass for residents and WInkers of the Italian Center of Solidarity. The pope expressed concern about moves to liberalize "drugs erroneously . defined as ligh~" The comments pi.. ~ed the pope on the side of opponents of a recent proposal by Health Minister Aldo Aniasi to legalize marijuana and allow heroin to be administered in hospitals. "I associate myself with all my heart with the views and the concerns expressed by the Association of Italian Catholic Catholic Physicians about the proposed law," the pope told the
300 people at the Mass. His remarks brought an almost immediate reply from a member of Italy's Radical Party, the major supporter of the drug proposals:' .
THE ANCHOR-:-Oiocese of fall River-Thur., Dec. 25, 1980
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Falmouth National ;-:.....~" NEW NOTRE DAME COACH Gerry Fa ust, left; talks with current coach Dan Devine, who is retiring. (NC Photo)
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Dec. 25,1980
Family time By Or. Jam.. and Mary Kenny
Q. Dear Dr, Kenny: Our famIly life seerm to be failing apan. We have three children, ages HI, 13 and 9. . Both my and I work full time. The children have all kin. of practice activities after school. Then at nlaht they want to socialize wlt\l their friends.. Even our 9-year-old wantt to .tay overntpt with hls friends. We are never toaether. It all happened 10 aracfuatly and now 1 don't know where to .tart to get UI back toaether. (1JIInoIs) A. We can sympathize with you. There is much in society today that pulls famllles apart. How does one hold a family together? You might begin by trying to create some family time in the late evenings before bedtime. The time before sleep is usually a very precious and personal time, ideal for family togetherness. For small children, reaCllng stories or telling stories is a wonderful way to prepare for bed. Nhle-year-old children are not too. old for stories, so long as the stories suit their age and Interests. Somewhere between ip.m. and 10 p.m. there are some good family TV shows: "The Waltons," "Little House on the Prairie," and some musical and sports events may interest your entire
-JESUITS INVADE WALL STREET: Father Clayton Nenno, left, and Brother Patrick Flannagan have op~ned a Wall Street office in New York City. The Jesuits hope to reach ·area business people on matters of world ne~ds.
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family. 11 you add popcorn or . other snacks, you may not even have to require attendancel Some families make the late evening news a family ritual. Don't be hesitant to have curfew8 for your children. They need to be home at a certain hour. Cheek 'with other parents about what is usual in your community. Generally, during the week, it would be reasonable to expect your Ie-year-old to be in by 10 p,m., the 13-year-old -by 9 p.m. and the 9-year-old by 8 p.m. Somewhat, later times might be allowed on weekends. ] see no sense in permitting overnights when there is school the next day. You might set aside one or two nights per week as family nights and require the children to be home earlier. Take some time to plan a fun hour together. Jigsaw pUZZles, crossword. puzzles or word games can be family activities. Perhaps parent and child share a hobby which they can work on together. Or try a card game such as Crazy Eights or a table game such as Monopoly that all can play. Perhaps you can spend an hour playing favorite tapes and records for one another. You and your husband may want some time alone together at night as well. Playing favotIte music with a snack and a quiet talk is a nice way to schedule time together.
In reuniting your family, start small with one or two nights per week, only an hour at a time. Plan the activity in advance. Pick the most convenient time and require. that every.Qne be there. . People "today complain that family members are all going in different direction•• It take. will and effort to do some.thlng about this trend. Jt Is doubly difficult because !both parents and chilt1· ren, hav~g already put in a full day, are ,tired In the evenings. But If you persevere, you will be 'able to do something positive for your family. We suggest evenings because that is a time to create peace, a time to let the day die slowly. ]t is a time for famllles. QuestlonJ on family living and child care are invited. Addre.s to the Kennyfl c/o The Anehqr, P.O, Box 7,Fall -River, Man. 02722. .
Multinational SANTIAGO, Chile (NC) Leaders of Catholic religious orders in North and South America attending the Fourth Int~r American Conference of Religious unanimously agreed to form what one participant called a "multinational corporation~' to share Information and 1ncreaIJe cooperation against Injustices.
I"s"ha' time again I For wishing our friends and neighbors the best of the-' season's joys. And peace.
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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Dec. 25, 1980
Iteering pOint, PUBLICITY CHAIRMEN . are asked to submit news Items for this column to l'he Anchor, P. O. Box 7, Fall River, 02722. Name of city or town should be included, as well es full dates of all ,ctivitles. Please send news of future rathe' than past events. Note: We do not carry news of fundraising activities such as bingos, whish, dances, suppers and bazaars. We are happy to carry notices of spiritual programs, club meetings, youth' projects and similar nonprofit activities. Fundraising projects may be advertised at our regular rates, obtainable from The Anchor business office. telephone 675路7151.
ST. MARY, SEEKONK Four and five-year-olds are welcome to attend 路the weekly Bible School and volunteers are needed to help teach in the program on a rotating basis.
STONEHILL COLLEGE, NORTH EASTON The evening division spring schedule will offer a course in cancer, as a public health issue. Biological, medical, social, psy~ chological and legal aspects, of the disease will be considered. 'Guest lecturers will represent Boston area schools of medicine, the Hubert H. Humphrey Cancer Research Center and the New England School of Law. Further information is available from the college, telephone 238-1081, ext. 377.
ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI, BLESSED SACRAMENT, NEW BEDFORD FALL RIVER The .first annual Pastor's The Spiritual Life Committee Award has gone to Miss Rose will sponsor a five路week series M. Funaro who has given many of talks on comparative religion, beginning Thursday, Jan. 8, and years of service to the parish presenteCi- by Bert Latessa, who . community, teaches a course on world reli- GREATER FALL RIVER gions at Durfee High School. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Members will attend Mass at ST. JOSEPH, FAIRHAVEN 7 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 6 at St. As of Sunday, two folk choirs Elizabeth Church, Fall River. A will be heard at parish liturgies, meeting will follow in the parish a junior group at 10:30 a.m. and center. a senior choir at noon Mass. Rehearsals for both groups will be ST. MARY, held each. Thursday night. New NEW BEDFORD members are welcomed in either. CCD classes will not .meet un, The sacrament of baptism will til Monday, Jan. 5. Tuesday and be administered this Sunday and Thursday discussion groups will every fourth Sunday of the also suspend sessions until Janmonth. uary.
FATHER SALVATORE PAGUUCA, luckless priest blamed for the collapse of his church during Italian earthquake, has been defended by the Vatican. .,...
ST. STANISLAUS, FALL RIVER A Family Evening Prayer service including candlelight caroling will. be held at 6:30 p.m. Christmas Day. The 10:30 a.m. Christmas, Day eucharist will include blessing and distribution of a huge birth, day cake for the Infant Jesus. Members of the parish diaconate program will be honored at 4:30 p.m. Mass Dec. 26. Marriage vows will be renewed at all Masses this weekend and children will be !>lessed at 10:30 a.m. Mass Sunday, in observance oJ the feast of the Holy Family.
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'fO 'rHE
Sisters of
J\ssist!lnts ANI) '['HE PARISHIONERS
Notre Dame de LoJITdes
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• THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thur., Dec. 25, 1980
STUDENTS AT Bishop Stang High School, North Dartmouth, prepare holida~liturgy 'with the aid of Father George Harrison, chaplain, and Deacon Leo W. Racine. (Sr. Gertrude Gaudette Pho~o)
Teen deaths spark plea
May the light of the Christmas star enter your heart and home this season-filling them with lasting joy and 'peace. To our patrons we would like to express our thanks for the loyalty shown to us.
Best Wishes ForA Merry Christmas MR. & MRS. MONSOUR J. FERRIS AND FAMILY owners of The VENUS De MILO RESTAURANT Route 6 in Swansea, Mass.
TRENTON, N.J. 'CNC) - The (morally objectionable in part deaths of two New Jersey teen- for all) and said "the sensationagers imitating the Russian rou- alism of its ,several graphic delette sequences in the film "The pictions of the bloody conseDeer Hunter," which they had quences of Russian roulette are seen on TV, prompted a priest in offensive." In his homilies at Masses on Trenton to beg parishioners to supervise their children's TV the weekend 'after young Sagwatching and to protest to the anowski shot himself, Father ~tatioJl which broadcast the film. Wojciehowski called on parish" The priest, Father Thaddeus ioners to bombard ,WOR-TV J. Wojciehowski, is pastor of with protests over the showing Holy Cross Parish, Trenton, of the film. He also admonished where one of the dead youths, parents to check carefully what 13-year-old Gottfrey Saganow- their children watch on teleski, was an altar boy and an vision. eighth grader in the parish "Our lives are influenced by school. those who love us and by those Police reported that Saganow- who refuse to love us," Father ski and his _brother, John 12, Wojciehowski told the c~ngre after watching "The Deer Hun- gations. t~r," took a revolver from their " Parents; he said, -are often too parents' bedroom. Gottrey placed busy with other duties, to supera bullet in the chamber and was vise the television their children spinning the gun in his hand and watch, and other indulgent parplacing it against his head. He ents allow children to have teleapparently did it several times vision sets in their rooms, where before the weapon fired. supervision is almost impossible, ':There has always been the "We tell ourselves that our question of whether violence on children at 12 or 13 are more television influences kids," said advanced and they are used to Capt. Thomas Williams of the the violence they see on TV," POlice Department. Father Wojciehowski' said. On Trenton "This proves that' it definitely their own sets children can does. It isa sin that something watch late night shows, mostly like this has to happen for us "R" rated, he added. to realize that." He said that at two-and-a-half Five days before young Sag- years of age a child watches anowski's death, 19-year-old more than five hours of teleMark Anderson of, Jackson vision a day' and a 12-year-old Township, N.J., died from . sees more than 1,200 hours a wounds he suffered while imita· year. What they see; he said, is ting the film, police said. violence, sex, lifestyles which "The Deer Hunter," an Acad- are presented as the new Amemy Award-winning film star- erican subculture and "reali~m" ring Robert De Niro, was shown with no discretion. He noted that by the New York City Station, children watch afternoon soap WOR-TV in the New York met- operas which, depict abortion, ropolitan area on Nov. 4 in prime homosexual activity, adultery time, although the film indus- and other immoral behavior as trys rating office had given the accepted and acceptable and the film an "R" rating (Restricted, weekend diet of cartoons treatpersons under 17 require ac- ing violence in many forms as a companying parent or guardian). joke. The U.S. Catholic Conference "I beg, of you," Father WojcieOffice of Film and Broadcasting howski concluded, "promise me had given the film' a "B" rating" thatyou'will be vigilant parents.
A Verdade E A Vida Dirigida pelo Rev. Edmond Rego
o tempo do Natal vai da primeiras Vesperas da Solenidade do Natal ate ao domingo depois-da ~p~fania, inclusive, festa 'dq ~aptism09-'?dlSenhor. 0 seu tempo forte e a Solenidade do Natal, com a sua oitava, logo seguido pela da E~ifania, celebrada no primeiro dia depais 'do dia 1, pela de Santa Maria Mie de Qeus, no dia 1, pela festa da Sagrada FamIlia, no domingo dentro da oitava, e pela do Baptisrno do'Senhor, no domingo ao seguir ao dia 6. Nos tre~ primeiros dias dentro da oitava, a menos que seja dom~ngo, celeb~am-se as festas de S. Estevio, de S. Joio Evangelista e dos Santos Inocentes. ' o breve tempo do Natal e, por consequencia, urn tempo particularmente festivo, cujo ambiente e sentido,ainda fora da liturgia, na propria vida social; e a quadra do Natal, com as ferias, os cumpr1mentos, os presentes, as visitas, etc. o tema central deste tempo e a Manifesta9io do Senhor, nascido em- Belem, manifestandd a Israel, na pessoa _ dos pas'tores, aos :eagios, na pessoa dos Magos, e hoje a Igreja, na celebra9io da" liturgia. A Igreja oriental sentiu sempre muito bern este tema de manifesta9io .e criou, para 0 celebrar, a festa que recebeu 0 nome de Epifania, sue significa precisamente manifesta9ao. Nio foram tanto os episodios historicos, como tais, mas enquanto manifesta90es do Deus feito homem, Salvador dos homens, Cordeiro de Deus, taurnanturgo e dominador dos elementos, que se tornaram os temas imediatos dessa Solenidade. Os Ocidentais,' menDs da'dos especula9io, criaram a festa do Natal, centrado no nascimento de Jesus. Tanto no Oriente," a Solenidade da Epifania, como no Ocidente, a do Natal, sio, acirna de tudo, celebra90es de Salva~ao, numa perspectiva ja pascal. As festas daNatividade, conservando embora cadaurna 0 seu caracter proprio, celebram, portanto, a manife'sta-' 9io ou 0 aparecimento; no meio dos homens, do Verbo de Deus feito hornem, Deus e Hornem verdadeiro, na unica pessoa do Verbo de Deus como Salvador dos mesmos homens. A Solenidade da Epifania celebra, no fundo, 0 mesmo misterio que a do Natali mas deb=u9a-se especialmente sobre 0 sentido universalista do misteric d~ Incarnaqio., Os facto~ interessam, sao fundamentais, mas nao interessamenos a sua significa9io profunda: a ma-' nifesta~io, a epifania de Deus. Aos clamores do Advento, "vinde", responde agora a epifania: "eis que vern". Se 0 Senhor manifesta aos homens e para os congregarna Ig~eja. 0 misterio da Incarna9ao prolonga-se no misterio-da Igreja. Na Igreja a humanidade encontra-se corn divinidade, numa comunhao de amor que faz dela urn misterio nupcial. A Epifania a Festa da~ nupcias do Cordeiro cujo,misterio sera consumado na Pas~oa; festa portanto, do prop~io misterio da Igreja, que a si '8sma se reconhece a esposa de Cristo.
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Cornwell Memorial Chapel THE COMPLEX tools of the modern operating room are explained by (from left) Frances Krudys, R.N., to rerry Nientemp, ~.N., associate director of nursing at St. Anne's Hospital, Fall River, ~nd Sister Thomas'More, O.P., assistant director. The'demonstration was part of a health education display prepared in observance of National Operating Room Nurses Day. -
Dignified Funeral Service WAREHAM 295·1810
HALLETT Funeral Home Inc. 283 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, Mass.
.Tel. 398-2285
"OUR LADY'S RELIGIOUS STORE 936 So. Main St., Fall River
THE :A.NCHOR Thurs., Dec. 25, 1980
SANTA KNEELING AT THE CHRIST CHILD'S CRIB Small & Large 11:00 To 5:30 Sunday Thru Saturday
Tel. 673-4262 '",
Si-I\'lJ)g IS it Illlgtll\
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C()rnp,Hl' our rclll· ....
New BedfOrCI InStitution fOr savingS } J , • II
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Union SaDIgS · Bank '. 20 South Mam Street
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Fall River Swansea 81 Troy Street Fall River
1150 JEFFERSON BLVO. WARWICK, R.I. IRt. 15 Sollt1l· Airport Exit)
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 25, 1980
Victim~s pI~a
was unread
'I'm going to be your" waiter" SAGINAW, Mich. (NC) "Good 'ev~ning. My ,name is Ken and I going. to be your waiter for' a long, long' time:' ,
!,', ofse.rvicecon',C:lude.d' 'brief re:m~rks ,by~ B~shop
,K~mteih;.:E"~:~VR~net::7~~~wAt~d 'of the bioceseof Saginaw. It brought thunderous applause froin mote than 6,000 persons attending his installation.
Jesus used the image of a waiter, the new bishop reminded Jlis hearers, noting that, like Jesus, he was coming to the Saginaw diocese "as one who serves." The ,installation was held on the covered-over home ice of the . saginaw Gears, a professional hockey team. Bishop Untener, a hockey player himself, remarked that his mother, Anna, probably was aware that "this 'is the long. est one of her sons has been in a hockey"rink without throwing a punch." Then he added: "As a matter of fact, this is the longest her family has been together without throwing a punch."
.... '. ....... ~ .....
CHILDREN OF St.. Mary's parish, North Attleboro, recently enjoyed a visit from St. Nicholas who presented them with Miraculous Medals to be brought to Mass on the feast of the Immaculate Conception to be blessed. With the saint is Father Bernard R. Kelly, associate pastor, and Dana Kirby, custodian of the medals.
Twenty-Sixth Annual
"On The Cape"
Bishop's Charity Ball
"WE BEAUTIFY OUTDDORS" Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Trees Lawn Fertilizer· Loam - Annuals Landscape' Design 442 MAIN ST., EAST FALMOUTH
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Sullivan's Religious Goods
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Somerset, Mass. Tel. 674-4881
SEVEN CATEGORIES IN MEMORIAM· 4 Tickets· Admit 8 • $200.00 or more . VERY SPECIAL FRIEND· 4 Tickets· Admit 8 $150.00 or more GUARANTOR· 3 Tickets· Admit 6 $100.00
BENEFACTOR· 2 Tickets· Admit 4 . $100.110 Ibox holder) BOOSTER· 2 Tickets· Admit 4 • $75.00 , SPONSOR • 1 Ticket· Admit 2 . $50.00 PATRON· 1 Ticket· Admit 2 • $25.00
3V2 room Apartment 4V2 room Apartment Includes heat; hot water, stove, reo frigerator and maintenance service.
GENERAL ADMISSION 1 TICKET $10.00 - ADMIT 2 AVAILABLE AT ANY RECTORY IN THE DIOCE,SE DEADLINE FOR NAMES IN SOUVENIR BOOKLET IS DECEMBER 30, 1980 Contact any member of the Society of SL Vincent de Paul, Council of Catholic Women, Bishop's Ball Committee or call or mail name for one of these categories to:
This Message Sponsored' by the 'Following B~siness Concerns ,in the Diocese of Fall River ' PAUL G. CLEARY & CO., INC. EDGAR'S FALL RIVER FEITELBERG INSURANCE AGENCY
Jean Donovan never found anyone to take her letter to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. In 'it she echoed ,the warning of others in troubled EI Salvador that U.S. military' aid was being, used to repress peasants and others. Miss Donoyan was murdered early in December near the San Salvador airport along with three other U.S. missionaries who had worked alongside peasants for several years. , The letter, found among her belongings, reached her parents in Miam'i, who sent it to the senator's office ,in Washington. "The bullet that killed her was an American bullet," Miss Donovan's mother, Patricia Donovan, said 'tearfully. In February Archbishop Oscar Romero of San Salvador urged President Carter to stop military assistance to ,the miritary-civilian junta because. he said, the aid had fallen "into the hands of the unscrupulous military ... and will only intensify repression" of the people. He was killed by an assassin's bullet in March. The administration in Washington had granted $200,000 in 'November, 1979, for miIitary equipment and training and was readying $5.7 million more, which was eventually ,delivered. Bishops in the United States, Great 'Britain and Central America supported ArChbishop Romero's request that the U.S. halt such mHitary aid. Many congressmen questioned the propriety of this aid when ,,the ev.idence pointed to the junta's inabil'ity to control guerrillas and esca.lating violations of human rights, mostly by its security forces. More recently the legal aid office of the San Salvador Archdiocese, Socorro Juridico, said that during the ra'id by Salvadoran soldiers of a church refu· gee camp at the end of November 1980, many refugees testified they saw foreign officers leading the raid.
(Runs parallel to South Main behind Ray's Flowers)
,Ores mjrabilis! VATICAN CIlY (NC) Latinists recently came up with a new weapon in the fight to keep the ancient language alive and relevant - - an automobile manual. The publication of a Latinlanguage booklet describing the various automobile parts and their functions was announced at the international congress of the' Latinitas Foundation iri Rome. Addressing the Latinists at an audience in the Vatican's Throne Hall, Pope John Paul II made no specific mention of the new manual but indi,rectly praised it and similar publications. The conference "seems opportune for a correct and suitable renewal of the Latin vocabulary in order that it may be useful in the' lives of those who write and speak Latin and -in order that this Roman language may not be put aside as an invalid tool be-· cause of a lack of new words suitable to express with clarity the concepts and inventions of our time."he said.
. tHE ANCHOR - . Thurs., Dec. 25, 1980
By Bill Morrissette
ports watch Hoop Tourney Opens Tomorrow The second annual Diocesan of the season for grammar evo Holiday Festival Basket~ sellool basketball. The end of ball Tournament wll1 get un.der- eaeh season Is highlighted by way tomorrow in the Kennedy the George Washington GramCenter, New Bedford.. Eight mar School Tournament. also school. will compete for this sponsored by the Diocesan CYO, grammar .chool tournament held in the Taunton CYO Center crown. in the Taunton Catholicr Middle Defending c ham p ion Holy School. Name of Fall River will meet St. Dave Gauvin, a 119-pounder Francis of Acushnet at 5·p.m., in who fights out of the Fall River the tourney opener. Other quarter finals games have Fairhaven CYO, scored another Impressive Junior High School against St. victory In an amateur boxing Mary's of New Bedford, 6:15, show In Montreal earning a Martin Middle School of Taun- unanimous decision over Canadian champion Andre Sarazin. ton vs. St. Anthony's of New G6'.uvin has posted 16 victories Bedford, 7:30, Taunton Catholic thi~ year. Middle School vs. St. James of _Ron Comeau, boxing director· New Bedford, 8:45. Semi-finals action will start coach, and John Almeida, the at 1:30 p.m., Saturday. The can· trainer, at the Fall River CYO solation final is scheduled for 2 said they were. very impressed p.m. Sunday afternoon, to be by Dave's showing which earnfollowed by the championship ed him the tournament's out· final at 3:15. . -standing Fighter Award. Gauvin The Holiday Festival Tourna· i5 the defending New England ment, sponsored by the Diocesan Golden Gloves and the New CYO, is the traditional opening England AAU 119-pound titlis1.
FUNERAL SERVICE HOWlrd C, DOin. Sr, Howerd C. DOIn, Jr.
RAPHAEL'S "Small Cowper Madonna," painted about 1505, is in the National Gallery of Art. (NC Photo)
Gordon L. Homer Rob.rt L. Studley
HTANNIS 771·01.4 Stutll 'er'IItIl'" 'IH201 Hlrwlell 4Uo05U
Shamrocks Tourney Champs The
Bishop Feehan High Shamrock~ romped to a 63-39 victory over Sharon and won the North Attleboro Holiday Basketball Tournament championship. Gerry Lavallee scored 21 points for Feehan, which scored 14 consecutive poInts in the first and then rolled on to its easy victory. Bob Gonsalves scored 16 points in leading North Attleboro to a 1>2·39 triumph in the consolation final. Lavallee, Schmidt, Gonsalves were named to the alJ·tourna· ment team along with Ken Prince and Jim Bowen of Sharon. Because of the holiday there is an unusually heavy card of events Saturday in scholastic sports. In baketball Holy Family is home to Wareham, Bishop Connolly entertains Portsmouth, Diman Voke is at Sandwich and then participates in the Cape Cod Tech Tournament Sunday and Monday. "., Among other games Saturday Coyle-Cassidy is at Taunton, Fairhaven at Voke Tech. Durfee, which will participate in the Christmas Tournament at Rogers High School in Newport Mon. day and Tuesday, visits Bristol tomorrow night. Earlier this month Nazareth Hall School of Fall River parti.. cipated in the Massachusetts Special Olympics Swim Meet at Keefe Vocational School, Fra~· ingham. Nazareth had 15 students qualify for 19 swimming events, in which they won 10 gold medals, seven silvers and : two bronzes. Three students won three medals each: Theresa Ravenellc In the 14-15 age group won two &olds and a silver, Brian 8ois. sonneau in the 16·17 age group won a gold and two silvers and
Brian Blanchette in the 14-15 age group won a gold. a silver and a bronze. Ricky Nobrega. one silver; Christine Jupin, one gold and one silver; Jennifer Demers, one silver; Pamela Deda, One gold; Deborah Caisse, one gold, one bronze; Madeleine Duhon, one gold, one silver; Tim Paul, two silvers.
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G,ristmas May your pear tree bear fruits of Love, Health
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