
Page 1

Lester Lanin Band Charity Ball Feature


Debuts in New York, cotil­

lions in Atlanta, wedding re­

ceptions in Pasadena, they

all ad~ up. to Lester Lanin,

An Anchor of the Soul. Sure and Pirm-ST. PAUL

Fall River, Mass.

Vol.· 1, No. 38

Thursday, Dec. 26, 1957

Second Class Mail Privilelre3 Authorized at Fall River. Mass.


PRICE 10e ,$4.00 per Year .--~_.~~.


.EXI~ •


the· favorite 'bandleader of the

intermitional social set. Lanin

and his Band have been retained

to provide the dance music for

the third annual Bishop's Charity

Ball to be held Wednesday eve­

ning, January 8 at Lincoln Park's

Million-Dollar Ballroom. This

year's affair is being conducted

under the auspices of the Dioce­

san Council of Catholic Women

and the Society of St, Vincent

,de Paul for underprivileged

children of the Diocese.

Lanin and his Band are in such

demand throughout the country

and the nightly engagements so

widespread that the group takes

to the air in order to fulfill their

commitments. This past year,

Lanin and his flying recording

Turn to Page Twenty ,

Catholic Bishops Urge Prayers For Persecuted

A HAPPY LITTLE SMILE appears on the face of Joall

McCracken as she hears for the first time this year, Christ­

mas Chimes-thanks to remedial work done by Sisters of

St. Joseph of, Carondelet, at St. Joseph's Institute for the

Deaf, University City, M;o. At left is her teacher, Sr. Joseph

Margaret. NC Photo. ' .

Catholic people and all who "love justice and hate in­ HISTORICAL FILMS OF ROME ON SUNDAY: Four are urged in a state­ . iquity" films on "Rome Eternal" will be presented in January on ment issued by the Catholic the N.B.C. television network on four Sunday telecasts of ,Bishops of the United States to the Catholic Hour, viewed at 1 :30. Shown at the premier· u~ite next Sunday in a day of

viewing are the Apostolic Delegate, Archbishop Cicognani; prayer for persecuted peoples.

The text of the Bishops' state­

Martin H. Work, of the National Council of Catholic Men; Harold Fellows, of the National Association of Radio and ment follo.ws: ,"Little more than a year has The Sermon Course that will be followed in ever..r

Televi~ion Broadcasters, and Davidson Taylor of the Nat­ elapsed since the agonized cry church of the Diocese for the year 1958 is The Te~chingOt ional Broadcasting Company. NC Photo. of the Hungarian people broke the Popes, the Chancery Office has announced. through the silence that enve­ The course, selected by the Most Reverend Bishop,

loped them and millions of others presentation of Catholic doctrine

,who are suffering the rnost and drawn up by the Rev. frightful persecution in history. John J. Galvin, S. T. D., of and morals to the faithful. ~

Brute force speedily and ruth­ St. Mary's Church, Taunton fact that all priests in the .Die..

. . h .' cese speak on the same tOPIC 011 lessly stifled their heroic effort. contams the tOPICS t at wIll each Sunday gives the congreYet in a larger sense they have '" WASHINGTON (NC)-History, perhaps, will remem­ gation a coritinuity of teacIiiri~

triumphed. For in God's loving be preached on at every Mass Mind of Church "

ber 1957 best as the year when His Holiness Pope Pius XII Providence they sounded a tocsin on Sundays throughout the year. This will be the sixth year This coming year's selection,

drastically modified the Eucharistic fast. In March, when Turn to Page Twenty that sermon courses have been • The Teaching of the Popes, ailWJ

he celebrated his 81st birthday and the 18th anniversaries assigned in the Dioce!1e. In 1953 at awakening the faithful of the

of his election and coronation' .Adeodato Cardinal Piazza, sec­ the topic was The Comm~nd- Diocese to their responsibility !»f

as Pope, the Holy Father de- retary of the Sacred Consistorial ments; in 1954, The Sacraments; listening to and learning from

creed a three-hour fast from Congregation.

in 1955, The Holy Sacrifice of the Holy Father. The aim of the

present Pontiff, and of recent

solids and alcoholic bevOthers for whom death came

More than 200 children at the Mass;' in 1956, Prayer and

Teaching of, Popes Topic' Of ,1958 Sunday Sermons "

Foremost Catholic .Events During 1957 Are Reviewed

Students Hosts To Children

Devotion~; and in 1957, rhe Popes, has been to make peopte

Myles Standish School in Taun­ more aware of their role in the

ton enjoyed a gay Christmas Creed. The ,purpose of the Sermon" Mystical Body of Christ. All party complete with 'gifts, re­ Turn to ~age Twenty

freshmEmt, entertainment, and Courses is to give'a syst-ematic Santa Claus provided by Stone­

hill College students, Tuesday


The project was launched a'

couple of months ago with all

segments of the college con­ tributing time and effort to make In his nineteenth Christmas message, delivered Sunday

possible the Christmas celebra­ and relayed over the new Vatican radio transmitters to tion for the retarded youngsters. Stonehill's Veterans' Club held the greatest audience in hjstory, the Holy Father laid the­ duty of preserving international peace upon "all rulers of Turn to Page Twenty men.:' '.. Italian, 15 in English, 11 ill WIthout mentIOnmg NA- Spanish, six in German, two ill

TO or Russia, the Pope said Portuguese and two in Latin.

that the West should not be The papal discourses included

over-awed by Russian Sputniks talks to anesthetists, the '."'o~ld

nor should it reject "any apcongress of the Y~ung Ch~Istlan

proaches aiming at peace agreeWorkers, the speCIal meetmg of

ments." Jesuits from throughout the He said that the divine law of wOI:ld, the Second World Con­

harmony in the world imposes gress of the Lay Apostolate and

on nations and men the obligaTurn to Page Seventeen

tion "to prevent war by means

of suitable international organ­ izations, to reduce armaments

under a system of effective in­

spection, and to deter whoever

should aim at disturbing the The Most Reverend Bishop

peace with the fullest guaran­

has received a check for teed mutual dependence between

$2500 from the Massachu­

the nations which sincerely de­ sire it." setts Council of the Knights

This talk brought to a climax of Columbus to aid in the Dioce­ one of the busiest years in the san program of work with excep­ Pope's Pontificate. tional children. During the past year His Holi­ The check was sent to the ness Pope Pius XII has received Bishop in the name of all the 864,797 persons in audience, de­ Knights of the state by State livered 98 addresses and met Deputy John Norton. with top officials of 10 countries. The Knights of Columbus have These figures were just re­ shown a commendable interest leased by the Viltican Press Of­ in this very important work. III -Photo by Calvey, Ta1tnton fice. The Pope met 800,000 per­ this state, and in others through­ STONEHILL CHRISTMAS PARTY FOR MYLES STANDISH: More than 200 pu­ sons' in general audiences, 64,000 out the country, they have con­ in special audiences and 797 in pils at the Myles Standish School, Taunton, enjoyed the party given them by students of tributed generously to the sup­ private audiences. Stonehill College. Here Santa Claus (Paul Cayer of Taunton), a senior and manager of the A breakdown of the 97 port of work for exceptional eoliege basketball team, is aided in the distribution of toys by Virginia Doyle, E'rockton, spee'ches delivered by the Pon­ children. TurD to Page TweDt,.

teft, and Ann McGoldrick, Hingha~ right. WI includes 38 in French, 24 in

erages and an hOQr fast from other liquids before receiving . Holy Communion. , It was the year, too, when: Three new dioceses - Gary, I n., d R oc.k VI'11 e C en t re, N . Y ., an d New Ulm, Minn.-were estabIished in the United States. The membership of the Sacred College of Cardinals was reduced to 57 with the deaths of Pedro Cardinal Segura y Saenz, 16, Archbishop of Sevllle, Spain; Giovanni Cardinal Mercati, 90, Church librarian-archivist, and

included Father Ignatius Smith,

O.P.• 70, philosopher and orator

of the Catholic University of America; Father James M. Gillis, C.S.P., 80, author, orator and J·ournalist·, Msgr. Ronald A., Knox, 69, British convert, author and Bible translator; Ramon Magsaysay, 49, president of the Philippines; Carlos Castilla Ar­ mas, anti-Red President of Gila­ temala, who was assas'sinated, and U. S. Rep. Augustine B. Kelley of Pennsylvani!l, chamTurn to Page Two


Pope Pius Re-emphasizes Cooperation For Peace

Bishopl.s Charity Aided 'by K of C




bee. 26, 1957'


·Fund' Camp.aign ReQJches Total

Of $1,680,000 The Catholic Memorial High School Building Fund ·Campaign has reached a tot a J. . of $1,689,000 a s members of the continuing committees in the thirty p~ici­ -Standard-Times Photo · pating parishes prepare to aug­ ment the eXisting totals. At the HOLY CROSS CONGREGATION ANNIVERSARY: A conclusion' of the active phaSe Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated recently, in of the campaign, His Excellency, . HolyCross Mission House, North Dartmouth, on the centen-' Most Rev. James . L. Connolly, .Bishop of Fall River ary' of the Papal Approbation of the Constitution of the D.D., thanked all who participated for Congregation of Holy Cross. Officers of the Mass are, left their generosity and sacrifice. to right, Rev. Joseph F. Hanna, C.S.C.,. former Superior, The Very Rev. Hugh A. Gal­ Rev. Lawrence P. Sullivan, C.S.C., Superior of the Mission lagher, pastor of St. James House, and Very Rev. George S. DePrizio, C.S.C., Provincial ,Church, New Bedford, ann cam­ paign moderator, singled out Dr. . .and celebrant of the M~s. Arthur F. Buckley, general chair-' man, and Joseph P. Duchaine; memorial chairman, for particu­ lar praise. Father Gallagher ~ himself has been referred to The missionaries and Brothers Rosary - and Family, Theatre, ' many times as "tf.e sparkplug" of Holy CroSS Mission House,' founded and directed by Rev. of the drive. North Dartmouth, celebrated the . Patrick Peyton, C.S.C., are al~ Individual parish totals to centenary of the Papal Approba­ activities of the Eastern Province. date tt"e: . tion of the Constitutions of the .of priests of the Congregation. St. Lawrence $213,'647.35 Congregation of Holy Cross with St. John the Baptist 90,336.00 • Solemn High MasS of Thanks­ Holy Name. .' ~5,80?OO giving and Te Deum. The other FRIDAY---st. John, Apostle and' St. Anthony of Padua 69,754.00 houses '. of the Congregation Evangel~st. Double" of Ir Class.' .Our Lady of Perpetual which iu-e 'located 'in the Fall White, Mass Proper; Gloria;, Help 28,717.00 . River diocese had already cel~ Second Collect Octave' 'of St. Hyacinth ' 22;434.00 ebrated this important anoiver­ Christmas; Third .Collect 'for St. Joseph (N.B.) 140,936.35 sa-ry i~ the ,history of Holy Cross.· ,Peace; C~eed; Preface 'and St. James' 177,946.35 'Solemn .Benediction of .the Communicantes; of. C~ristmas. St. George 56,709.55 Blessed'SacramEmt followed din­ SATURDAY _ H~iy 'i~~cents,' . St. Mary (N.B.) 51,487.00 ner..,. Rev. Fra~cis M. Valentini, Immaculate Concept. 55;040.00 Martyrs. Double of II Class. St. Mary (So. Dart.) 66,923.00 C.S.C., of the ~ission Band Violet. Mass Proper; No preached the sermon during the St. Francis Assis; 15,016.00 Gloria; Second Collect Octave St. Theresa 48,232.00' Mass and. other missionaries of Christmas;. Third Collect St. Patrick 31,103.00 formed the choir. for Peace; Creed; Preface and Rev. Lawrence P. Sullivan, Communicantes ,of Christmas. Sacred Heart 41,772.00 Sacred, Hearts 10,280.00 C.S.C., Superior, had invited sev­ SUNDAY---Sunday Within the St. Joseph (F.H.) 79,128,00 eral pdests of the Eastern Prov­ Octave' of Christmas. Double. St. Anne 36,364.00 ince of the Holy Cross Fathers to White. Mass Proper; Gloria; St. Francis Xavier 28,876.00 participate in the celebration .Second Collect St. Thomas of Mt. Carmel 59,462.00 with the missionaries. Among Canterbury, Bishop and Mar­ St. Anthony (Matt.) 50,174:00 the guests were Rev". George S. tyr; Third Collect Octave of St. Hedwig. 10,496.00 DePrizio, C.S.C., Provincial; Rev. Christmas; Creed; Preface and St. Boriiface 5,640.00 Richard H. Sullivan, C.S.C., As-' Communicantes of Christmas. O. L. of the Assumption 5,208.00 sistant Provincial; Rev. James J. St. 'Casimir 5,968.00 Sileehan, C.S.C., President of MONDAY---Sixth Day Within St. Mary 9,164.00 Stonehill College, North Easton, the Octave' of Christmas. St. Kilian 31,062.00 and Rev. Joseph F. Hanna, Double. White. Mass Proper; 16,071.00 O. L. of Purgatory C.S.C., former Superior of the Gloria; Second Collect for 1,670.00 Mission Band. Peace; Creed; Preface and Holy Rosary Business & Friends 119,615.00' Communicantes of <;hristmas. The Mission Fathers have ~­ cupied their presnt home since TUESDAY St. Sylvester I, the transfer, in 1952, of the East­ Pope and Confessor. Double. ern Province Novitiate to Ben­ White. Mass Prope;; Gloria;' nington, Vt. The large white Cardin~I/s Second Collect Octave of house, with identifying sign in Christmas; Third Collect for NEW- YORK (NC) - An Is­ front, is a familiar sight to' the Peace Creed; Preface and lamic princess was among the many who travel Tucker Road on Communicantes of Christmas. 2,000 guests attending .His Em­ their way to Padanaram .or WEDNESDAY - Feast of the Horseneck Beach. The mission­ inence Francis Ca'rdimrl Spell­ aries are "on the road" most of , Circumcision'. Double of the. man's annual Christmas party II ClaSs: wpite. Mass Prop­ the year, preaching missions, re­ er; Gloria; Second Collect for "for the New York Foundling treats and novenas and doing Peace; Creed; Preface .and Hospital. auxiliary parish work. This was Communi~antes of Christmas. one' of the very rare occasions The 'royal guest was three­ Holy Day of Obligation. '. when all members of the Mission year-old Lalla Amina, daugh­ House are home together in any THURSDAY....:-Mass of the Cir­ ter of visiting King Mohammed season. .cumClSlon. Simple.· white. V of Morocco. Along with 93 Briests and Brothers of the Mass nf the Fe:lst; No Gloria foster and' founp.ling children Congregation of Holy Cross have at the affair, she stared wide­ or. Creed; .Preface of Chri,st­ labored in the Uni'ted States mas without the Communi­ eyed' at the gentle-voiced Santa since 1841. They began their, cantes of Christmas. ' , Claus who handed out brightly work in the Fall River diocese in wrapped gifts from beneath a 1933. In addition to their mis­ silver-white Christmas tree.' sionary work,' pri"eSts of the The Archbishop of New York Eastern Province' conduct· King's announced that more than $58,­ College, Wilkes-Barre; Pa.; ST. PAUL (NC)-Archbishop 000 had been realized by the Stonehill College; Father Baker High School, Lackawanna, N. Y., William O. Brady of St. Paul will pal'ty for which guests donated consecrate on Jan. 29 in the $25 each. . He also announced and Notre Dame' High School, Bridgeport, Conn. The Family Cathedral of $t. Paul here the that an anonymous gift of $200,­ 000 'was made during the party first bishop of the Diocese of New to 'help build the new foundling Ulm:, Minn., 'and' .an· auxili~ry hospital. FORTY HOURS bishop of the St. Paul arch­

• DEVOTION diocese.

Holy Cross Fathers Celebrate Cente"nary of Approbation

Mass Ordo


.Foremost Catholic -Events "Baby Doll," condemned by the Continued from Page One, pion of Federal aid to education 'National Legion of Decency. ,Father Vincent I. Kennally, S.J-., and labor legislation. ' Boston native and veteran mis­ Catholic Population sioner, was named Bishop and It was the year when' the . Vicar Apostolic of the Caroline- . Catholic Students' Mission Cru­ Marshall Islands. sade in Cincinnati measured the Other end-of-year events: Catholic population of the world Church in Denmark Notable for at 496,512,000,000; and when the, 'Growth 'in Professional, Youth 1957 Official Catholic Directory Groups in 1956.•. India's Voca-. placed the U. S. Catholic popula­ tions Steadily increasing, Report tion at 34,563,851. The Univer­ Shows. . . Discovery of Tombs sity of Detroit launched success­ Proves Vatican Built on Ruins fully a project of, attending Col:­ of First Century Cemetery. . • lege at home via television.So­ Poland's Cardinal Offers First viet Itussia launched "sputnik," Christmas Midnight Mass ill the first world satellite. Tl:1e "Cathedral Since 1952. U. 8". Bishops 1957 statement o'n ,'/ "Censorship" stoutly defended freedom of the press,' but in-' .sisted that public' morals must be . safeguarded. Last DayS of 1956 His Eminence Edward Cardi­ The compelling necessity for' nal Mooney, Archbishop of De­ disarmament and the' c,lear pos.., .tFoit, pronounced benediction at sibility of a just defensive war 'President Eisenhower's second were accented by Holiness inaugural. Nationwide protests Pope Pius XII in his Christmas mounted upon disclosure an of­ message to the world. U.' S. ficial invitation was ex~ended Catholics closed the year by ob­ and accepted by Yugoslavia's serving, at the bidding of their Marshal Tito for a U. S. visit. Bishops, a day of prayer for the World-wide Chair of Unity persecuted of the world.' Octave was observed on larger As cities the nation over staged sCale than ever. welcoming parties for resettled Pennsylvania's Supreme C.ourt Hungarian refugees, Baltimore's. reiterated ruling state scho~l Archbishop Francis P .. Keough,. code barred carrying' non-p~blic National Catholic Welf:jre C~m­ schoql $dents ,in public school ference administrative board buses. Pope sent congratulations chaiFman, remiiided all the falth­ to Prince' Rainier and Princess'" ful·tha~ aid to the Hungarians. Grace (Grace.Kelly) of MonacO must, continue after their arrival,' . on birth of their: first child, , ", . in. new.homes. ·Bishop Ambrose' " Princess' Caroline. '" 'Senyshyn, O.S.B.M., fonper Aux.-·. Other January, headlines: 00 " iliary of .the Philad~lphia By.zan:" Per Cent of Hungarian Refugees tine Rite diocese, was ,..installed "Being Resettled' by U. 8". Bishops'.. as' first Apostolic Exarch of, the Agency... Pope's 1956 Aetivitiea,.,. ". new Stamford, Conn., Byzantine Termed 'AstonishinJ(.; Received Rite diocese. An announcement Million in Audiences... 80 Cath­ by Secretary of State John Fos­ olic Schools Offer 165 Seholar- . tel' Dulles that 'the U. ~. was . ships for Hungarian. Refugee considering inviting Yugoslavia's Students..,. 3 Polish· BishopS Marshal Tito touched off a ·n~ Now at Posts Were N-amed by tion-wide storm of protests. Holy See in 1951, Secretly- Con­ Bishops in many U." S. sees secrated Later.•• Prelate Says warned their faithful under pain Church Will Lose South America 'of sin against seeing the movie Unless U. S: Gives Help..•

Catho/,·c, Events 'January, 7957


Princess Attends Party

Archbishop Brady

To be Consecrator

Dec. 29-St. Mary's Home, New Bedford Jan. I-Cathedral of St.·Mary of the Assumption, Fall River. Sacred Heart Home, New Bedford. Jan. 5---5t. Patrick, Fall River St. Lawrence, New Bed­ ford. . Jan. 12---st. Joseph, Fair­ haven. Oui Lady of the Angels, frail River.

The January consecration will be the first dual ceremony in the cathedral since May, 1945, when Bishop James L. Connolly of Fall River, Mass., and Bishop Francis J. ScheJ;lk of Crookston, Minn., were consecrated'." The two to be consecrated at the single ceremony will be .' Bishop-elect Alphonse Schlad­ weiler as head of the New Ubn See . and Bishop-electl,.eonard P. Cowley as Titular Bishop of Pertusa and auxiliary to Arch­ bishop Brady.

THE ANf;JlOB Seeend-clasa mail privU_ autborised at FaU River. Mass. Published ""er,. Thllrsday at no Highland 'Avenue, Fall River. Mass., by the Catbolie Preas of the Diocese of l''''al1 River. Snb~erilltion priM' ..,. mail, postpaid ~oo: per JlCU':

Bishop Schladwe.iler, who was pastor of St. Agnes Church here when elevated to the episcopacy, will be installed in New UIm at Holy Trinity Chw'Ch· there 011 Jan.



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.' i••••·i·!i·'• ••Ii•••!!II!!• • • •III.!!• •!!!!!!!I!. . .", /


Bishop Connolly Urges Observance Of Holy Family Feast Jan. 12 Family group Communion and eonsecl'ation to the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph are urged for all the families of the Diocese by Most Reverend James L. Connolly, Bishop of Fall River, on Sunday, Jan. 12, 1958, the Feast of the Holy Family. Bishop Connolly urges all fam­ Ilies to observe the day by re­ ceiving Holy Communion to­ gether ai" the sam.e Mass in their individual parishes' and consecrating themselves to the imitation and veneration of' tl1e Holy Family of Nazareth. . All members of the families will know much of the love and devotion and loyalty to God that is associated with the Holy Fam­ ily of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. The purpose of family group communion is to bring Christ into the home and thereby de­ velop an atmosphere of harmony and peace in the family. The restoration of family unity and public e'xemplitic"ation of t.he Church's teaching. on the sanctity


Eager to Cooperate In Refugee Problem H£LDESHEIM, (NC) - Offi­ eials of the Lutheran church are eager to cooperate with Catho­ lics for the material and spiritu­ al welfare of refugees in Western Europe. Lutheran Bishop Hanns Lilje of Hanover made the statement to reporters before he entered the residence of Catholic Bi~hop Heint'ich'Maria Janssen of Hil­ desheim, chairman of the refu­ gee committee of the German Bishops' Conference.

of the home are most desired today. . Tile appeal to Catholic families is being made throu~h th~ spon­ sorship of the Faml1y LIfe Bu­ reau of the Diocese.

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Dec. 26, 1957


.Catholic Events February, 1957

Announcement was .made in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, that "the time is not ripe" for a visit by Marshal Tito to the United States. In a message to Congress, Presi­ dent Eisenhower proposed easing the nation's immigration laws so CHICAGO (NC)-Two noted priest anthropologists will speak as to permit 65,000 more immi­ here at the' annual meeting of 'grants to enter the U. S. each year. the American Anthropological Bishop Thomas K. G,o.rman of Association from December 27 Dallas-Fort Worth;. Episcopal. to 30. chairman of the NCWC Press They are Father ·Martin Gu­ Department, in a Catholic' Press sinde, S.V.D., of the Catholic Month statement,. said the Cath­ UniverSity of Amedca, Wash­ olic Press has reached. new ington, D. C., and Father Louis ,heights in ~ts march toward per­ Luzbetak, S.V.D., of St. Mary's fection, but cited some ways it Mission Seminary, Techny, Ill. may be improved. U. S. Supreme Both of ·the Divine Word mis­ Court invalidated a Michigan law sionaries will speak on Decem~ banning sales of books contain­ ber 27 at a special symposium. ing obscene language, thereby jeopardizing similar statutes in Father Gusinde, ~li.o is an au­ 11 other states. Pope Pius named thority on pygmies, has done extensive field research on tt1eir St. Dominic Savio as the patron of choir bOYii. racial characteristics and culture Pedro 'Marto, 83, father of in various parts of the world. He FranCisco and Jacinta, two of the. will speak about his expedition in 1956 to the pygmy tribes of three children who witnessed the apparitions of Our Lady of New Guinea. Fatima, died in a village near Father Luzbetak did field re­ Fatima. search in the interior of New Other February headlines: 583 Guinea from 1952 to 1956. He Catholic Books Published in investigated the religious beliefs 1956 Survey Shows. . . Arch­ of some recently .discovered' bish~p Reporis Drop in Red In­ tribes, A linguist, he is adept at fluence in India; Asks Clergy to analyzing unknown dialects and Promote Unionism... J;'opeSays composing practical alphabets Doctors May Give Pain-Killers for primitive peoples. to Dying Even if It Would He will speak on "Linguistie Shorten Life... More Than Mil­ Highlands: Accomplishments and lionCatholics in .Strife-Torn Problems." Middle East, Survey ·Shows.

Priests to Address Anthropologists

AID IN CHARITABLE WORK: . These members of the Fall River:Catholic Wom­ en's Club Community Service Department meet at thHe c1ubhLouf~e ?ue.s(~7 t~:~r~~~n~r~~ d f r the Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Cancer orne. e 0 ~lg . .

::tt)~~~tSe sE~eeDhan,. MrCs·haPl.artmriac: ~;:i~~il~i~~~~~:~~,H~~~~~~~~1 Jeannet. . UpUlS, . , . . ~~I~i~~:~eM~:~~i~~~~ Fitzgerald and Mrs. John Duffy.

18 Years Service to Cancer Home .. . r of for filling. While a collection Going mto Its 18th yea taken up once a year at a meet­ making surgical pads for the ing 'of the Catholic Women's Rose Hawthorne Lathrop Home Club serves to defray expenses is the Community Service Deof the cellulose, and also en­ ·t t of the Catholic WomabIes the group to make a cash pal men . donation to the Rose Hawthorne

en's Club of Fa~l RIVer. The Lathrop Home, a great need pads, many of WhI~h are needed exists for used cotton material, daily by the patIents of the such as old sheets, and pillow­ Home, were made only by t~e cases. It is emphasized that used Community service group In material is wanted, because new material 'is not soft enough for 1942, when they undertoo.k. the project to assist the Do~mlCan .pad-making purposes. Any indi­ Sisters, Servan~s of Rehef for viduals or groups having such Incurable Cancer. Now, ho~- material are asked to leave it at ever, many Catholic women s either the Catholic Women's groups have taken up the work Club or the offices of The and as a result workers to make Anchor, both located at 410 the pads are not needed .so much Highland Avenue Fall River. as the materials with which they , al'e made. The pioneer pad-making group R. A. WILCOX CO.

still meets, however, every Tues­ day afternoon at the headquar­ OFFICE FURNITURE

ters of the Catholic Women's In Stock for Immediate Delivery Club on Highlana Avenue. Un­ • DESKS • CHAIRS der the direction of Mrs. ;Emile FILING CABINETS Cousineau, whose experience in­ • SAFES • FIRE FILES cludes supervision of the mak­ ing of Red Cross surgical dress­ FOLDING TABLES ings during World War II, some AND CHAIRS 15 women participate in the weekly project. The materials needed for pad­ 22 BEDFORD ST. making are any sort of old white FAll RIVE~ .5~7838 material and. a cellulose cotton


Aid Needy Students MONTREAL (Nt) Ten thousand University of Montreal students joined in a three-hour "blitz" to raise $100,000 for Stu­ dent Honor Loans. Special groups are seeking $50,000 from business firms and organizations.

An effort is being made to build

up a $1,000,000 fund to provide

aid to needy students. The gen­

eral appeal continues until .

Dec. 9.

Apostolic Delegate Praises Films Scheduled for TV Presentation WASHINGTON (NC) - His Excellency Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, Apostolic Delegate to the United States, headed a list of distinguished . persons who. witnessed a special showing.here of a group of four films entitled ."Rome Eternal." The films, co-produced by the National Council. of Catholic Men arid the National Broad­ casting Company,' are· designed· to bring to American television audiences for. the first time' a filmed historicdl portrait of Rome and' the Vatican; past and pres­

ent. One of thehalf-l,1<iur films will be presented on each of The Catholic ,Hour television shows over NBC on the Sundays of January. The Catholic Hour is seen from 1:30 to 2 P.M. Archbishop Patrick A. O'Boyle of Washington, Auxiliary Bish­ op John M. McNamara of Wash­ ington, Auxiliary Bishop Philip, M. Hannan of Washington, Aux­ iliary Bishop Coleman F. Car­ roll of Pittsburgh, and Bishop­ elect Howard J. Carroll of Al­ toona-Johnstown, Pa., also at­ tended the special ~howing. Others present included, Sec­ retary of Labor and Mrs. James P. Mitchell, members of the dip­ lomatic corps, members of the staff' of the Apostolic Delega­ tion, mem.bers of the faculty of the Catholic University of Amer­ ica, members of the staff of the National Conference, and per­ sons prominent in the civil life of Washington.

54 Shrine Cures Su'pernatural LOU-RDES (NC)-During the 100 years of its existence, the Lourdes shrine has been the site of 54 cures whicR are recognized by the Church as supernatural. This figure was released by officials of the shrine who point out that these 54 supernatural cures are only a small part of the more than 3,000 cures which have taken place at Lourdes. The 3,000 cures are recognized as at least beyond explanation by strictly scientific and medical knowledge. But the Church alone is qualified to declare them as works of God, and she has done so in only 54 cases so far, shrine officials noted. Twenty cardinals and several hundred bishops have already announced their intention of at­ tending the centenary celebra­ tions to be held here next year, it was reported. . His Eminence Pierre Cardinal Gerlier, Archbishop of Lyons, will preside· at the opening of the celebration on Feb. 11, 1958, and His Eminence Maurice Car­ dinal Feltin will close the cel­ ebrations on Feb. 11, 1959; His Eminence Angelo Cardinal RoncaIli, Patriarch of Venice, will dedicate the vast' subterra­ nean Church of St. Pius X on March 25, '1958. Cardinal Ron­ calli is a former Apostolic Nun­ cio .0 France.

Archbishop. Cicognani spoke briefly at the conclusion of the film thanking and congratulat­ ing the NCCM and NBC "in the name of the distinguished guests here present and in my own." "What was proposed as a monu­ mental project is 110W a glor­ ious achievement," he said, "worthy of the inspired tradi­ tions of the National Council of Catholic Men and of the artistic and constructive style of the

National -Broadcasting Com- .


"We are· deeply grateful for this premiere of 'Rome Eternal.' You have been most kind and generous in our regard. From' now on, millions of people will not only enjoy this production but will also," we hope, have a better understanding and appre­ ciation of what 'Rome. Eternal' means." Archbishop Cicognani pointed out briefly the unique history of Rome, mysterious in her or­ igin victorious over all the world of ;ncient times, mentioned sev­ eral times in the Sacred Scrip­ tures able to give a universal lang~age, Latin, and the prin­ ciples of universal law to the world. He. then called at~ention to the supreme inheritance she received. Peter, .the Vicar of Christ, went there and fixed there the center of his exalted task. Only God IS Eternal Only God is really eternal, the Apostolic Delegate said, and the Supreme Pontiff is the guardian of the inheritance of the Son of God - 'His doctrine, His sac­ raments; His Church. Here, he explained, we find the argu­ ments and proofs of eternity. The Holy Father, the Com­ mon Father of all, who is suc­ cessor of St. Peter, the "Rock" of Christ's Church, the Apostolic Delegate continued, carries on and will ever carryon, in ac­ cordance with the promise of Our Divine Lord, the teaching of His eternal doctrine and the guidance of souls to eternal sal­ vation. He stressed that our pres­ ent Holy Father, Pope Pius XII, has given incessant testimony to this universal fatherhood by his most numerous audiences granted to people of all faiths, who go to Rome with this one purpose in 'mind, "to see Peter," to listen to him. In commenting on the unique flavor of the films, he expressed the hope that their message would be thoroughly and widely realized through their forthcoming national tele­ cast.

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Thurs., Dec. 26, 1957

Father ·Should Insist on Catholic Events

,Catholic College Education March, 1951

By Rey. John L. Thomas, S. J.

The world paid homage to Pope Pius XII on his 81st birth­ My wife and I are having our first major quarrel. She' day and 18th anniversaries of wants to send our oldest daughter to a non-Catholic college his papal election and corona­ because the daughters of some of her friends are going tion. Modifying ,Eucharistic fast there. She argues that the girl has good Catholic training rules, the Pontiff d'ecreed a and will profit by studying meaning to each new'experience, three-hour fast from solid foods with those in her social class. . intellectual or ortherwise. and alcoholic beverages and a one-hour fast from other liquids Sec~nd, associated wi'th this I'm a self-made man and before recEliltion of Holy Com­ don't know much about girls' lack of positive religi1:!us training munion. ," at a non-Catholic college is the colleges, but I've always wanted danger of' undermining ,what Commission for Catholic Mis­ our children to study in Catholic faith your daughter now has. sions Among Colored People and schoo],:;. Per­ Granting that her religious I::!e­ Indians reported half-million of haps hi g her liefs may ilot be attacked di­ 16 million U. S. Negroes and 110,­ education is dif­ rectly, much of what. she learns 000 of nation's 400,000 .Indians fel"ent. Do you will be presented and interpreted are Catholics. think my wife in a different frame 'of refer­ is right? Notre Dame U.'s 1957 Laetare ,. ence. Medal went to Clare Booth Luce, Myth and Emotion This - is one

former U. S. Ambassador to question I ·can .

When religious values are re­ Italy. Secretary of State John . answer directly. Foster Dulles reaffirmed U. S. jected,other values based on No, Bill, I don't determination against ·recogni­ different principles tend to re­ think your wife place them. Almost without per­ tion of Red China. is right. In fact, ceiving it, the student finds that Death claimed: Dominican I' rather sus­ human' nature, man's purpose Father Ignatius Smith, 70, for­ pect she knows and destiny, are being studied mer dean of Catholic U.'s school better herself. There are plenty and explained within a "scien­ of philosophy, in Washington; of Catholic colleges where your tific" framework wh'ich leaves Paulist Father, James M.Gillis, daughter can study with girls in no room for religion. Instead of 80, author-orator-journalist, in her "social class"-whatever that offering an interpretation of life, New, York, and Philippines class may happen to be. religion is relega,teC: to the un­ President Ramon Magsaysay, 49, Would I be hitting very wide scientific realm of myth and in a plane crash in the Philip­ of the mark if I characteFized' emotion. pines. U. S. ,visitors included your wife as, a bit of a social Third, the atmosphere of a ,Robert E. Briscoe,' Jewish Lord "climber?" She 'would not be non-Catholic college obviously Mayor of DUblin, Ireland, and the first "mobile" Catholic to re­ ean offer little support for a Heinrich von Breritano, German' gard her religion as an unfor­ Catholic. The entire "climate of Foreign Minister. tunate hindrance to social ad­ opinion'" offers little encourage­ After attending celebrations vancement. Such Catholics lre­ ment for the practice of the faith. of independerlCe of Ghana, Afri­ que'ntIy try to gain acceptance Young people in particular are ca's, newest nation, Vice Presi­ lily soft-pedaling their religion. highly sensitive to this influence dent and Mrs. Richard M. Nixon They assure you that they al"e for they desire tJ) ,"belong" and went to Rome and were received lood Catholics, but-. to be one of the group. by the Pope at the Vatican. The Finally, most of the young men Senate confirmed 'appoil1bnent of Reasons for Faith yeur daughter will meet are U. S. Supreme Court Justice Wil­ There are .many reasons why probably going to be non-Cath­ liam J. Brennan Jr., sixth Cath­ your daughter should continue olics so that therll is every like­ olic to sit on the high tribunal. her education in a Catholic col­ lihood that she will become in­ The 25th National Catholic lege. In the first place, her un­ ,derstanding and appreciation of volved in 'a mixed marriage. Family Life Convention was held There. is no need to review the in Milwaukee. The 11th ann~al the faith should keep pace with problems such, marriages face Bishops', Fund Appeal to, aid her intellectual developme'nt. Is this the future you are plan­ world needy was conducted The religious training she has ning for your daughter? throughout the nation on Lae­ received thus far is necessarily tare Sunday. based primarily on memory, No, Bill, your wife is not right habit, and routine. . Other March headlines: New this time. If you 'have your Malay Constitution Gives Vari­ In college she should deepen daughter's real, happiness at ous Religions Free Right to her religious convictions by heart, you will insist. that she Operate Schools. . . Hong Kong gaining a more intellectual grasp attend a Catholic college. Of Catholic Increase"More Than 20 of the reasons for the faith she course you don't like to argue J)ractices. To stop her r:eligious with your wife, but this is one Per Cent in Year. , . Pope Scores education now, while she con,. time you havt: no choice. As Indecent Books, Movies in Len­ iinues to advance in other fields head of the family you have the ten Sermon; Warns Against Co­ of learning, is bound to leave her obligation to guide and protect operation With Co.mmunists. . • Eleven New Dioceses Erected in an unbalanced, insecure Chris­ your children. It will be no tian. Catholicism is more than excuse to say ,hat you tried 'but Argentina; Two Raised to Arch­ dioceses. . . Eamon De Valera a set of religious practices your wife wouldn't listen. After Returned to Po~er in Irish Elec­ learned in youth; it is an inter­ all, you are the 'head of the tions: pretation of life which must give family, aren't you.? '


Louis University

,. ,.

SACRED HEART CHURCH, NORTH ATTLEBORO: Paul Johnson arid Leanh Campbell at the crib.

Jesuit Urges Catholics Develop Understanding of, Other People CHAMPAIGN (NC) The habit of ,"viewing with alarm" has caused, American Catholics to neglect their. relations, with their fellow Americans, accord­ ing to a leading Jesuit educator. Jesuit Father· Wa'lter J. Ong of St. Louis University 1:(1)­ tended that the mission of Amer­ ican Catholics' does not lie in pointing out dangers. He addressing '8 meeting of the Newman 'Foundation of the Uni­ versity of Illinois. The communication of knowl­ edge and attitudes is the key function of tha'; mission, Father Ong declared. Even though Cath­ olics have goo,d' reason to abject strenuously to some things in American culture, "viewing with alarm" must be merely a side­ line. ''The advance in commu!lica-­ tions through the years has been an \lnmistakable good in bring­ ing men closer together," he said. "American Catholics owe it to their Church and their country to develop understanding of other people.. Up to now, we have not been too good at it. We are too prone to make our com­ munication with others a One­ way affail,"."


Public Relations Important Father Ong said that the art 0; communications has spread beyond commercial activity to other fields. "Not only business-" es, but many religious have their ~ublic relations men.


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Perpetual Novena to Our Lady of LaSalette ev~1'7 evening at 7:30 P. M.

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Everyone is public relations minded, because mankind is more in touch with' itself than ever before. "Before the American Cath­ olic ~an realize his place in the world; he must understand weIJ this American expression of the gro~th of communications." Father Ong' warned agaist eJitreme nationalism in commu­ nications, "which makes so many of our dealings with other na­ tions one-sided." "This is our great weakness," he declared, "our inability to adapt ourselves to other Peo­ ~le. We specialize in converting tb~m to our way of thinking. This attitude will seriously in­ terfere with the mission of the United States and the Ameri­ can Church 'in the coming ·de­ cades."

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Inquire Here Regarding All Pilgrimages


Staff Members of The Anchor

Attend. Workshop on Des~gn

NEW YORK (NC) Nine Catholic newspapers sent a total of 30 representatives to the "Shirt Sleeve Workshop on Newspaper Design and Makeup" . at Fordham University. Repre­ sentatives from the secular press and' educational institutions swelled the attendance to more than 60 persons. Conducted by. Edmund C. Arnold, of the Mergenthaler Linotype Company, author of "Functional Newspaper Design," tile all-day session included dis­ cussions of page makeup, selec­ tion and use of headline and body types, photographs, and a critique of· participating news­ papers. . Newspapers represented were the Cout'ier Journal, Rochester, N. Y.; the Tablet, Brooklyn; the Catholic News, New 'York; the Advocate, Newark, .N. J.; the Catholic Li~ht, Scranton, Pa.; the Catholic Transcript, Hart­ ford, Conn.; the Pilot, Boston; The Anchor, Fall River, and the Providellce (RI.) Visitor. Ad-

Thurs., Dec. 26, 1957


,'';''-,----.-----.--.---~.....-. ...-".. . . .~~...J


Cath'olic Events April,' 7957

verse weather prevented other registered newspapers fr.om be­ ing represented. The workshop was opened by Father John A. St. George, S.J., chairman of the Department of Communication Arts at Ford­ ham, and was closed by Msgr. John F. Randall, president of the Catholic Press Association, who presided at the afternoon session. Gelleral chairman was Charles J. Felten of the Mes­ senger of the Sacred Heart, au­ thor of "Layout by Felten." A poll indicated interest in further workshops, especially in feature writing and interpreta­ tive reporting. Father St. George said that Fordham's Commu­ 'nication Arts department would be glad to sponsor them, in con­ junction with the Catholic Press Association. The sponsoring organizations for the makeup workshop were the C.P.A., the Communication Arts department, the Messenger of the S;;lcred Heart magazine and the Mergenthaler Linotype Company.

Dividing Brooklyn diocese ter­ ritory, Pope Pius named Bishop Bryan J. McEntegart, Catholic University of America rector, Bishop of Brooklyn, and Bishop Walter P. Kellenberg of Ogdens­ burg, N. Y., Bishop of the new Rockville Centre diocese. As 500,000 in St. Peters' Square listened, the Pope in his Easter message told the world it must build its hopes on the Risen Christ. Knights· of Columbus, celebrating its 75th anniversary, voted $1,000,000 'to erect a bell tower at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D. C. U. S. Catholic leaders de­ nounced practices of Sunday shopping, teen-agers. "going steady" and the "rock-n-roll" I dance fad. At Kielce, Poland, thousands greeted Bishop Czes­ law Kaczmarek on his return Left to right: Susan Bernier, Elaine Ferreira from seven years 'as a communist prisoner. NCWC Education De­ partment survey showed .4,875,­ 200 students enrolled in U. S. . Catholic schools, colleges. U. S. Health, Education and daily and explained to the stu­ Welfare Department's highest As part of their Christmas award went to Daughters of preparations, sophomore sodality dent boy. Charity who staff U. S. Public Students making the winning members at Dominican Acad­ Health Service leprosarium at symbols for the Jessee tree were emy, Fall River, sponsored a Carville, La. Jesuit Father Fran­ Jesse Tree contest, open to aU Elaine Ferreira, senior from cis X. Wang, 37, was reported Holy Ghost parish, Tiverton, dead in Hong Kong from ill students. treatment during four years as first place; and Susan Bernier, The Jesse Tree, sometimes freshman from SS. Peter and a Red China prisoner. Franciscan Father Allan Wolter of St. Bona­ Galled the "family tree" of Paul parish, Fall River, second venture (N.Y.) University was Christ, is a Christmas tree deco­ place. elected president at the Amer­ rated with liturgical symbols, ican Catholic Philosophical A-s­ sociation convention in Chicago. representing the ancestors of ST. JUDIE NOVENA

Christ and the prophecies fore­ Catholic Relief Services­ EVERY THURSDAY AT

NCWC, U. S. Bishops worldwide telling his coming. 10 A.M.. - 12:10 P.M. - 5:10 P.M.

relief agency, which resettled 7 P.M. - 8 P.M.

17,175 of 30,906 ·Hungarian refu­ Some of the symbols used on ISIl'0alllcast WSAR-8:45 P.M.

gees who came to U. S. was dis­ the Dominican Academy tree DAILY MASSES­ closed as lead of all other volun­ were the Ark of the Covenant, 7 A.M. - .8 A.Ni. : 10 A.M.

tary U. S. agencies combined in Jacob's Ladder, Noah's Ark, the 12:10 P.M. distribution of U. S. surplus Pillar of Fire, and the Paschal CONFrSSWNS - DAILY ­ foods to world needy. 8:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. The Pope asked 21 U. S. news­ Lamb. men received in audience to use ST. ANTHONY NOVENA

The tree stood in the school weight of their own examples in Every Tuesday at

choking off harm done by "the auditorium during Advent and 10 A.M. - 12:10 P.M. - 1 P.M.

scandal press." Baptisms of 3,200 fresh symbols were added to it .>:10 P.M. - 8 P.M.

Chinese converts at Hong Kong Broadcast Tues.- WNBH 10

on Easter continued Church's A.M. & WALE 7:30 P.M.

greatest modern city-wide con­ Wed.-WSAR 7 P.M.

. vert movement 'where Catholic For Further Information

population has increased from and Novena Booklets ELECTRICAL

10,000 to 104,000 in ten years. Please Write. to: Bishop Matthew F. Brady was CONTRACTORS

elected president-general at 54th Our Residential - Commercial

annual National Catholic Educa­ Industrial tional Association convention ·in FRANCISCAN FATHERS

Milwaukee. 572 PLEASANT STREET 633 Broadway, Fall ·River Other April headlines: Hun­ NEW BEDFORD, MASS. OS 3-1691 garian Reds Launch All-Out Drive Against Church as Bishops Discuss Church-State Problem wmi Regime. . . Holy Week in Jerusalem Reflects War Tension of Middle East. . . Pope Tells Japanese Envoy He Will Con­ tinue to Fight Evil Uses of Atomic Energy.


Sodality at Dominican' Academy Sponsors Jesse Tree Contest

St. Bernard Dogs Now Retired

MARTIGNY, (NC) The mountain to Bourg St. Pierre for mail and supplies. Mules can world-famed dogs of. St. Ber­ carry them back up to a certain nard's hospice here have become height, but they must eventually a relic of the past and again this depend upon skis, carrying their winter will have an easy life supplies on their backs. compared with the experiences Tourist Attraction of their forebears. The dogs are comfortable in The mountain pass of the their kennel the year round, and Great St. Bernard in 'Swltzer­ are now mainly a tourist attrac­ land is no longer as perilous as tion. They have been replaced it was for the many genera­ by the telephone, since the tions of travelers who crossed monks have set up small relief the Alps ft'om here into Italy. stations for seven miles ·on each Julius Caesa!' was among them, side of the pass. Whenever a as well as the -:mperors Constan­ traveler sets out from either side tine, Charlemagne and Napoleon of the pass, the monks are ad­ and theit' armies. The Augustin­ vised immediately by telephone, ian monks who are stationed on and they keep a constant look.. the pass could tell many a tale out for him. of the calamities that have oc­ The monks have a very diffi­ curred down through· the years! cult life because of the extreme In Roman times, there was a cold and isolation of the hospice pagan temple where the hospice and because there are sometimes now stands. periods as long as six weeks The monks live at the hospice when the sun remains totally out and have rescued many travelers of sight. Frequently, the winter and wayfarers from the heavy will last nine or ten months. snows. But this was in the old For all these reasons, the monks days, whe·n the dogs played a are replaced regularly. great part in the rescue opera­ During the summer months, tions . and one could say that . the -hospice is visited frequently many a life was owed to them. by many to'l'rists, anxious to see Now, however, a regular motpr the famous dogs. During the rest coach route goes right past the of the year, things are very hospice. Its services are discon­ quiet, but the hospice which was tinued during the height of the founded about a thousand years winter, when there are snow ago, still stands, a house of drifts up to 15 feet or more. refuge and prayer, guarded over When the snows are' SO high, the by the gt'eat statue of St. Bernard monks must come down the of Menthon.


Lady's Chapel


Veterans to Receive Communion Sunday

ONE APOSTLE TO ANOTHER: Llewellyn Scott, 1955 winner of the Poverell0 Medal, congratulates' Catherine de Heuck Doherty who received the award this year from Rev. Daniel V'f. Egan, T.O.R., president of the College of Steuben­ ville. Scotty conducts the Blessed Martin Hospice for tran­ sients. in Washington. The former Russian Baroness . , now married. to a newspaper lnan, Mme. Doherty has established many charitable centers to help the poor iIi this country and Canada. NC Photo. . '



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Members of Father John P. Washington Post 1799, Catholic War Veterans, will participate in Corporate Communion Sunday with all other CWV posts this Sunday, according to an an­ nouncement made by John H. Schondek, post adjutant. Post members are asked to meet in Our Lady of Lourdes Church hall, Taunton, at 9 A. M. and to proceed from there to 9:30 Mass, which will be followed by re­ freshments in the hall. Families and friends are invited to attend the veterans' Mass.



James Buchanan was the BachelOf' President.




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6 ..Thurs.,-THE ~NC:HC)R, Dec. 26,' f957

'@'"The ANCHOR' ...



,., . . .


Weekly Calendar Of Feast Days

OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL~RIVER 'ubli5hedWeekly:by The ,Catholic Press of. th'e Dil;>c:ese of. Fall River

410 Highland Avenue

Fall River, Man. OSborne 5-7151

... , " PUBLISHER Most Rev; James L. Connolly, D:D., Ph;D. GENERAL MANAGER ,. ASSt.GENEI~AlMANAGER Rev. D~niel F. Sh~lIoo,·M.A., Rev. J.ohnp•. Drisc~'1 . . .. MANAGING 'EDITOR . , At.torney Hugh ~. Golden


h 0.U ':0 w·'5., , ' .....


ToDAY~St. Stephen, t~e first Martyr..He was a disciple chosen by the Apostles as the first 01 seven deacons~ Shortly after the . Ascension he was stoned to deatb' aft~r . he boldly upbraided the chief priests for their stubbo~n resistance to the Holy Ghost arid



. n 01 JoY '·a· C'Lr,'·s'tm·as·t·,··Je·· t'



· d~Ing.. 'C'.'h'rIS • tma's EXten

It is quite heartening t~ see' the holyda)J' spirit as well . h' Ch' t as the holiday spirit that surrounds t IS ris mas' season~ Each year seems to bring' more of an emphasis: on the place of Christ in Christmas, a plac.e that has been·threat: ened, in other years, by red-nose remdeer and Santa Claus'

tbemurder of'the "Just One.'I. John,'·· TOMORROW -St. Apostle, Evangelist. Tne son ,of Zebedee, he was the youngest 01 the Apostles arid was called to follow Christ during the first year of His preaching in Gaiilee. He became· the "beloved dis­ ciple," was privileged to be pres­ ent at the Transfiguration, the Agony in the Garden and was the only one of the Twelve who did not forsake the Savior during His Crucifixion, but stood at the foot of the cross with the 'Blessed Mother. Besides his Gos­

Every Ble'55' ,·ng· ,·n· the Ne' w V' ear .


,rc:;;...;;:5' _

too fat for the chimney. . . Not that there is much serious objection to these latter. ~ But the feast of Christmas is still the feast of the Incarn~te ,,-,,~~~~. pel h. aloo w'o!e th". Epl,tl.. Son of God. It is still the divine anointing of our humamty and the Book of the Apocalypse. by the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity taking human Bishop of Fall River '. He died at Ephesus in the year body and sour-upon Himself. . '.' " 100. SATURDAY - Feast of the The Christmas Crib is more m eVidence this year than · d' I Holy Innocents, Martyrs. When b d ever before. This is true in civic. an usmess, ISP ays the three Wise Men did not re­ as well as in h o m e s , . . turn with word of the Savior Attendance at Church, reception of the sacraments of The Yardstick Whom they had gone to seek, Herod became enraged.' In a Penance and Holy Communion has reached a new hi~h. A re-focusing of lives with the intention of better servmg t' futile plan' to make certain of the dea~h of the new-born King, Herod ordered that every male God has been made by many. .. . All in all, the Christmas season is a successful and a . child two years old or younger happy one. Christmas' day brought to many a forgotten in Bethlehem and itsoenvirons ideal of the peace of mind and soul that can be possessed . should be slain. By Msgr. George G. Higgins ' SUNDAY-St. Thomas of Can­ d by those who love and serve. G 0 . • . ... Director .NCWC Social Action. Dept. The danger is that these joys of· thIS season WIll soon terbury, Bishop-Martyr, He was .. f r' . thO The AFL-CIO convention, recently concluded in Atlantic the son of Gilbert Becket and be­ be forgotten. Very often the spmt 0 ~e IglOn wears· . m City, will go down in the books as a mll.jor 'turning point in came Lord High Chancellor of d I n 1160 w h en Arch­ wI'th the coming of the New Year's parties; the good reso­ the history of organized. labor in the United States. It E ng Ian. bishop Theobold dl'ed' K' g lutl·ons a're put a·wa·y wI'th the crib figures·, the effort at marked the end of one era and the beginning of another. In . , making this a holy season seems to exhaust many a per­ Hitherto the various nation­ Henry' II insisted upon the con­ son's moral stamina for the year to come.. Presumably, of course, there will secratJon of Thomas as Arch­ . th t Ch . t t b al or international unions af­ always be honest dl'fferences of bishop of Canterbury, Thomas at All this is a way of saymg a rIS ;mas mus e k th t ' h't filiated with the old AFL or, opinion as to the exercise of this first refused but eventually the beginning of a new life, not a pious pea a. IS 1 later with the CIO, enjoyed authority in specific cases, but yielc;led and was consecrated. once a year' and. then abandoned for the same old spiritual almost complete autonomy They the' principle of limited auton­ Protecting the right of the routine again. ran their own affairs almost omy is now firmly established Church against encroachments of once and for,. all., There is no the state, he quarreled with the . Christmas is the Feast o.f,the Birth of Christ. Every. any way they Christmas is a reliving of that great mystery. We mu.st wanted to, and King and was banished to longer any doubt that the par­ even when they . ent federation has the authority Fral\ce, Upon his return in De­ relive that mystery with Christ and through Christ and m wandered off to require its affiliates-subject cember, 1170, he.was murdered ­ Christ. There must be a constant rebirth in. the lives of the straight and to .suspension or expulsion-to in the Cathedral. all Catholics, a rebirth that involvel;ll a difference ·in one's narrow path of live up to a rather rigid and very Sabinus, MONDAY - st. life, a change for the better.. a constant renewing of resolves trade union eth­ detailed set.of ethical sta~dards. Bishop, and Companions, Mar­ and intentions, a continual 'taking advantages _of all the. ics, there was· The establishment of this prin­ tyrs. During the persecution '. v e r y 'little, if ciple of limited autonomy and under'Diocletian in the 4th Cen­. opportum't'ies 0· f grace. ' . I th anything, that the determination of the AFL- utry, St. Sabinus, Bishop of. A week from n.·..ow, a ·month from now, severa mon .s the parent . .. was aprehended, his fed­ CIO .. to supervise its affiliates, A SSISI, from now' will tell us how sincere was our rebirth. in, Christ eration could do

large and small, in the field of . hands were cut off and he died

of this Ch'ristmas. Christmas must be extended through .about it.

' ethical· practices is a significant in' prison. Two of. his deacons,

:sfep forward and one for which Exuperantius and r Marcellus,

the whole year,•.· . The five to

· Gil e .majority. the labor movement deserves a were beheaded. 'Venustianus,

vote in Atlantic City in favor of great deal of credit. who waS! governor of Etruria,

expelling the Teamsters. an~ SaY,if you will, that the hibor­ wit~ his family became ron­ several other affiliates dramatic- movement has winked at cor­ verted' ~nd th'ey, too, were be- . The Magazi'ne section, "This We~k,H-. found.'in· m'any 'of'· ally i:eversed' this tradition, ruption in the past or that it bas headed. the Sunday newspapers contained inarecent . issue· an ex- :·.Theoretically, of course, the tra­ been tOo' slow ·to put its own'

TUESDAY....;. . St. . Sylvester, eellent article by Judge" Samuel S.. Le~bo. witz.. For twenty- dition. had alr.eadr been re­ house in order. ,The fact remains' Pope-Confessor, ,A native of · . . . '. ' " . : . . '. versed.. Two years ago the AFL that'no other comparable orgarii­ . 'Rome, he succeeded. St. Mechia­ one years a crm:nnal lawyer, for SIxteen years a Judg.e m.. a'an'd th'e CIO',merged into a single zatio,n in the United States' has . d es as " Pope in 314 He was· a , eriminal court, Mr. Lebo:witz has seEm 'crinie', :.and criminals, 'federation. .·At. that .time . they'. done as much to .eriforce a' code .young priest when the Diocleti~lJl

at close range, .has· had, a unique opportunity .to .. see the . agreed,. under the terms of .their . of ethical practices upon its afm,;.' persecution was in progreS8.

'Various elements that go to produce a criminal. . rtewconstitution, y, ~eleg~te to iates. Has any other. comparable DlJring his 23-year pontificate

k'd h ' l f th' , f tli ··t . 'bl' the new federation moreauthor~ organizatioriexpelled any of its . the .persecutions of the Church

J u d ge L e b OWl'f' z. as e lIm~e d el~ause t~·r. de' ker:; ~ ity over its.affiljates than eith~ affiliates .for violating ethical' ceased and the Church moved .f act that teen~agers ar rep acmg a u s on. ,Ie. OC, e .. ~ ,.the AFL or the CIO had previ­ management'relations'! Has the out ·of the catacombs. He was the criminal courts.· , .... . . . . o u s l y . possessed :over its own practices in the field of labor­ noted for his able-organization of In an attempt to find the cause, he went to. the Western affiliated organizations. 'National AsSociation of Manu­ the discipline of the Church and. country that had ..the ·lowest rate of juvenile' delinquency. . Until the. recent convention facturers, for example, expelled for combating the Arian heresy.

This is Italy. in Atlantic City, ho~ever, there or even reprimanded any of its He died in 335.

For weeks the Judge toured' Italian cities, 'askingq~es-' wahs tnh o way ,Otf tthe.llm g for ~su~~ affiliatedcorp,orations for deal..

WEDNESDAY -'Feast of the

. f"l'd . r ff" It' t f' d ' I t weer or no IS new co ing .with a Shefferman? Quite Ci.rcumcision of. Our Lord, Com­ bons 0 CIVI an po Ice 0 ICla s; rymg 0 m some e. emen tution with' its drastic' limita­ ~e contrary; memorateq~ on the eighth d;ly to explain the. difference between .the 'low.·Italian J'u'venile. ·tion ~n' the auto.nomy ~f the NAM Silent on Own Flaws . 8 fter Ch' rlstmas, this Feast is in delinquency rate and the high .Ameri,can.. rate.' " . . ' .,var.iou.s. national: and internamemory of th e d ay on w h'IC h 0 ur. The delegates to the' recent an­ He found the answer in this: ·respect ,for. authority. ~ional unions affiliated with the nuar convention of the NAM' in' Lord was circumcised accord­ In Italy children-respect their parents their 'teachers . the ~are~t fede·ration·c~~ld be made . ing to the Jewish law and re.. , ' . ,'.' , , . . ' , .' toshck.'· There was always' the New York City, which coincided ceived the mime' of Jesus ful­ ~~:sla~s~he ,count.ry,. the pollce. and offICIals ~hO enforce, :~m~~e:~:~~~~t~ft~:~a~~~~~~ ;i~tl~~ic~~;'C;~e~::::n~~~' '~;lit~~ ~r:h~~~~~n~:~r~~:'::~~: Judge Lebowitz came to' a ni~e-word ,:prinCiple ,that, ··would repudiate' the new. consti­ cqssed .' tpis problem. Th~ only Blessed Mother at the Annuncia..: he believes, gives the answer to our problems: Put, father . tution in favor' o~ the old tradi_ linen they washed belonged not tion.It has been 'a solemn Feast· '. ' ,, . . tion of' complete autonomy. ~n- to emplOyers or ~mployers' 01'- of the Church since the sixth baCk. at the head of the..family.' " . '. .. . ' '. '. . deed, there were., several umoll gailizations but to labor unions '. t to' t ' •. .t th s deal comes f th t uryby pagans~ a one for crimes com­ Th e J u dge . Says th . a 1·1' rom. e ~nclen.. presidents who 'took the floor 'at and: lab'or' l·eaders. They.' SBI"d cen mitted . wisdom of the Italians. It comes, we believe; from the . the Atlantic City' convention nothing at all about the Shef-' Catliolic principles of the I talians~. 'Andthe'Judge himself . and argued, in effect, for this fennans and, their numer~us '. pf m'~nagement but at the sins of labor unions and labor leaders, implies as much for he speaks'of the'wordsofwisdom of ';position. ,The fact .that. they clients,in the business commun­ In other words, the emphasis at Pope Pius XII: '''God created m'an and: woman persons' ' .. we~e ,.decisiv~.IY defeated. by a itY,but they talked at consid­ . , ," . '. .. . maJorl'ty of fIve to one m the erable l~ngth' about Hoffa', 'Beck the Atlantic'City convention was equal m rank and dlgmty and no one can ~ay that .woman .,', case of the Teamsters and'by an and company. There were at on self-criticism and self-regula­ is in any way inferior to man; But wive's must.submit· ,even' greater majority in some least two major speeches at the , tion, whereas the emphasis at the themselves to their' husbands 8S the church' does to' G.>d: ·Of the other ouster cases,per-, NAM conference on corruption ·:NAM conference in New York, Women have a three-fold mission: of· tru'th love and ,'. manently, sealed. the' .fate of . in the labor movement, but, to · was not.·.· This is said not so much in crit­ ..,,' .. ...'., .. ..... '<'''autonomy'' in the' old. sense 'of the best of our knowledge, there " f emmme actIOn. ' . . th . d "

wasn't. a "single speech of any icism of the NAM as in praise 01 If, Judge Lebowitz says, the father' is the acknowledged ,e wor .

importance or any length on the AFL-CIO which made his­ tory in ·AtlanticcCity ·and 'set an head-.:--not dictator---of the-family, then· he i8 the' symbol '<.. . ' . L.imited AutonoDlY 0 . "corruption in the ranks of busi­

example of self-criticism and of authority and from this ,the child learns discipline, . Let . The ;authority - o~ the ,pare?t ness..

the .'mother break down the father!s'al:lthoritY,instead'" of ". f~~rahonto .reqUlre. a.. :cer~m.BY contrast at tlle AFL-CIO. · self':'discipline which might· well

, d r " t' ." t d' h h'ld' ,..... mlmmum. standard of ethIcal cOnvention "in Atlantic· City at be envied and copied. by every

usmg an ,supp emen mg I , an .t eel, . loses.. respect for>". conduct of aU' its affiliates is no ~ least 90 'Per cent· of'the'discus­ · other comparable. organization ia,

.all authorIty. '.". ...' ' longer· open to· serious,. question; .. sion was. directed not at the sil18 ··the,. United. States.



L· · d A t · y p. · Ie U ono.m. .rlnClp . Iml e S·19n1'·f·Ican t· Step "F" orward'

Authority of.' the 'Father




Hartford Diocese Announces' Plans For New St. Joseph Cathedral HARTFORD (NC) - A new St. ,Joseph Cathedral will rise here on the Farmington Avenue site of the old one, which was destruyed by fire in December, 1956. Archbishop Henry J .. O'Brien ' of Hurtford announced that pre­ liminary,plans submitted by Eg­ gers 'and Hi{;gins, architects, of· Ne-w York City, show the new· cathedral will be of contempor­ ary cce!lign "with a flavor ot the tra,(litional form of architecture." There will be no inflammable materials .in the new cathedral except the pews and stalls. The interior will be entirely of such permanent materials as masonry, mOHiaC, glnss. concrete and mar­ ble. 'I'he :{l'ating layout will pro­ vide fiVe aisles with un interrupt­ . eli visibility from every seat in , the nave. There will be room for 1.800 persons in the main church and an additional 1,600 in the :ower church. The facade of the new cathe­ . dral will be 130 feet high. A cross-topped tower will rise 27~

Priests on Jet Inaugural Flight AMSTERDAM (NC) - Four American priests took part in the inaugural flight of a new jet-powered plane readied to help transport pilgrims through ~urope during the 1958 Lourdes centennial year. The airliner inaugurated here is a turbo-prop plane. Instead of employing conventional gaso­ line engines, it uses jet propul­ sion to run turbines which turn the propellors. This is said to make for swifter, less noisy transportation. The plane left here for Rome, where it was scheduled to be christened. The clergymen on the trip are Fathers John E. Kelly, director of the Bureau of Information of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, Washington; John Dietzen, assistant editor of the Peoria (Ill.) Register; Joseph A. Cir'rincione, pastor of St. Fran­ cis of Assisi parish, Rochester, N. Y., and Charles Borgognoni, assistant pastor of Our Lady of Pompei parish, Syracuse, N. Y.

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Dec. 26, 1957


Catholic Events

feet above street level. Orna­ mental stone grills will frame stained glass panels above the main entrance. u. S. Catholic population was, There will be approximately reported 34";563,851, year's in­ 18,000 square feet of stained , crease of 989,834, by 1!;l57 Official glass in the buttressed sides of Catholic Directory.' Death the edifice, admitting an unusual claimed U. S. Sen. Joseph R. amount of light. McCarthy, 48, of Wisconsin, in Enter by Ramp , Washington. A ramp on one side of the Mrs. Fred A. Kueppers of St. building will make it possible Paul, Minn., who brought five to enter without climbing steps. . sons andfiv~ daughters into the Announcing plans for the new world, was named 1957 Catholic cathedral, Archbishop O'Brien Mother by the National Catholic declared that the fire which de­ Family Life Conference. Msgr. stroyed the old one caused both John S. Randall of Rochester,

"a great loss and a great op­ N. Y., was reelected president ali portunity." the 47th annual Catholic Press

The archdiocese was presented Association convention in St.

with "the opportunity to build Louis. Pope Pius beatified Sister a cathedral of even greater Mary of Providence, who a cen­ beauty and majesty," he said. tury ago founded the Helpers of The present plan "promises us Holy Souls nuns in Paris. a cathedral of fitting grandeur 'Circuit Court Judge David M. and loveliness." McMullan of St. Louis, was Among projects directed by' elected president at the 26th Na­ the architectural. firm of Eggers tional Council of Catholic Men and Higgins' were the renova­ convention in Cincinnati; Fr. tions to St. Joseph's Cathedral Cletus Madden, Davenport, Iowa, in Buffalo, and Saints Peter and was elected president at the lOth Paul Cathedral, Philadelphia. annual- National Catholic Music Educators conventi9n in St. Louis, and the Catholic Hospital Association held its 42nd annual convention in Cleveland. Katharine McKiever, NCWC ROME, (RADIO, NC) - Bish­ Feature Service editor, retired op Martin J. O'Connor, rector of after 30 years service. Most con­ the North American College, has troversial custody case of recent blessed the new chapel of Msgr. times ended in Miami when Flor­ John Carroll-Abbing's Girls' ida's Gov. Leroy Collins ruled a Town here. Jewish couple, Mr. and Mrs., The blessing ceremony was Melvin Ellis, could keep custody attended by representatives of of Hildy McCoy, 6, daughter of the United States embassy here a Catholic mother. and members of Rome's Ameri­ Other May headlines: CRS­ can colony. NCWC Given Award by New The event marked the open­ York Governor for Refugee Re­ ing'of the school year at the settlement Work. . . Sudan's institution where orphan girls Seizure of Catholic Mission of high school age are given Schools Latest in Series of Blows four years of academic and pro­ at Church in Moslem Lands. . • fessional training. American­ Society's Failure to Eradicate born Sister Dominic heads the Slums, Fight Poverty, Deplored Girls' Town and its 15 young by Pope. . . Poland's Cardinal citizens. Wyszynski Given Warm Greet­ The girls enter the town at ing on Arrival in Rome. • • the age of 14 and receive courses Germany's ~"ings Gets Red Car­ in home economics, child care pet Welcome in Japan... French and nursing, as well as Italian, President Receives Highest Pa­ two other languages, history and pal Honor During State Visit to literature. Their formal educa­ Vatican... 400,000 Catholic Stu­ tion is followed by a year's prac­ dents Estimated at Non-Catholic tical training geared to qualify U. S. Colleges by Newman Club them as children's governesses. Head Chaplain.

May, 7957.

Bishop Blesses New Chapel

Crib at St. Peter's, Provincetown

Double Celebration for Nuns

A double anniversary celebra­ tion took place on December 26 at Sacred Heart Convent, North Attleboro, Mass. Sister Rose Louise, S.U.S.C., entered the Congregation of the

Sisters of the Holy Union 50

years. ago in Fall River, Mass. Sister was stationed at St. Mary's Taunton, for five years; at St. Jacques, Taunton, for 20 years; at Assumption Convent, Chelsea, Mass., for 20 years. Her last as­ signment before retiring here at Sacred Heart Convent, was at St. Anthony's Convent, Shirley, Mass. On Sister Rose Louise's 25th anniversary, her niece, Mother Marie Gemma, answered the call to Religious Life. Mother, now Superior at this convent, is not

a stranger among the parishion­ ers since she devoted her first twelve years of apostolate here in North Attleboro, as a teacher. She then became one of the pio­ neers at Immaculate Conception Convent in Astoria, N. Y., where she was organist, classroom, and music teacher for two years. Mother Marie Gemma performed the same duties at St. Jean Bap­ tiste Academy, Pawtucket, R. 1., until her superiorate here in August 1955. The program opened with cel­ ebration of Holy Mass by Rev­ erend Joseph S. LaRue, pastor,

followed by a full day of en­ joyment. Gifts were received by relatives and friends. The day closftd with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament given by Reverend Edmond L. Dickinson. director of Sacred Heart SchooL

Youth Award Elizabeth Turcotte, a member of Junior Daughters of Isabella Circle 44, Fitchburg,· has re­ ceived Special Honorable Men­ tion in the Outstanding Catholic Youth of 1957 contest, according to an announcement from Rt. Rev. Joseph E. Schieder, director of the National Council of Cath­ olic Youth. Miss Turcotte hu also been selected as outstanding Junior Daughter of Isabella for 1957.

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INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES .NEW CATHEDRAL FOR 'HARTFORD: A magnifIcent new Cathedral for the Arcn­ di~ese of Hartford has been' announced by Archbishop Henry J. O:Brien,of Hartford; A-total of 1,800 persons will ~e seated in the .main church, ,and .1,600 in 3: lower church. Tht! new building is to replace old St. Joseph's Cathedral destroyed by fIre on Dec. 31, . 1956. ' ., --r.-r­

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At Our House ,

~oliday Week Incidents Show Fame,ly Bonds \) SLr'engLh of By Mary Tinley Daly

-THE ANCHOIt Thurs., Dec. 26, 1957

Catholic Events June, 1957.

Nun Marks 'wit/1 Special Devotion

~~~!~~~~~r~S~t~r ~ai~~:~IY~~~~~rthinCab-

Columbus Hospital here marked rini Hospital, New York City, in with special devotion the 40th 1921, Peter's eyes were burned anniversary of the death of St. through the mistake of a lay Spain's Generalissimo Fran­ Frances Xavier Cabrini':'-for the nurse, who bathed his eyes with Holidays-the feeling of warm friendliness toward cisco Franco granted NCWC Saint's intercession was invoked 'a 50 per cent solution of nitrate people one seldom sees 'during the year; the family tender­ News Service an exclusive inter­ by 'the nun during. what is of silver, instead of the usual ness for even distant relatives; a renewed fondness f,or view, discussing his naton's ma­ usually a fatal illness, and doc­ one per cent solution. those closest-of-blood kin, brothers and siBters ... , jor problems. Methodist Bishop tors testified her cure was The doctor who confirmed the G. Bromley Oxnam attacked the miraculous. tragic error avowed he could do We'~ li~e to share ~ith you (2) It was two o'clock in the Church and Georgetown U., at Thirty-two years ago, Mother nothing for the baby, that prayer three mCIdents of thIS week: morning. In our half-sleep, we ground-breaking rites for a new Delfina of the local hospita~ staff was the only hope. Sisters and lay' critically ill after having nurse~ prayed fervently to St. (1) John'ny and Lu were could smell the aroma of frying foreign. service school of Amer­ going to a party where they bacon,' hear the murmured, ican U. at Washington. President 'undergone major' surgery four Frances. Xavier Cabrini and eould "bring the children"--::but "Make my egg sunn~side u.p," Eisenhower, arriving later, times. . placed' one of her relics upon the bringing four under four-and-a­ and the glug of mIlk bemg lauded Georgetown at same gen-, Her illness was termed fatal by child. half wouldn't poured out of ~ c!eam-top bot-. eral ceremony. hospit;,ll physicians. But in mi~The next morning the bllby'. hav.e been much. tIe. Then th,e whisperings and The BY;lantine Catholic World; Dec~mber, 1~25,she e:x;p,erieIlcEld, eyes w~re co.mpletely restored. ' ' of 'a party-or suppressed giggle~ in the break­ Pittsburgh weekly" reported an an appari~i.on' of, Mother'Cabrini., ,it might be '~oo fast alcoye downstairs. . apparition of the Blessed Mother : S!s(~r ne)fina sayssh~;was in-' much of a one! ,"Everybody ill?," we called· ,Occurred In the summer 01,1956 l!tructe<lin.the appari~on to,re- . . ,M "ny ~Iltt:, , ,from theto~ l)f tp~ stai,.-s. ,"~ckin S'iW~dl}~, Carpatho.-Ruthenia; '. 'turnt~ he)."'duti~'i.By"D.CilC. 2~ of ,', they Jeft· ,Ute . up and turn out the lights." , a part ,of USSR. Father Josei>h JPat.year,:shEO,\'Vas able 't9. W~lk, tWo : youngest,. . "O.K., . Mom,',', soIrlebody.an- . J. Mate, 35, Hungarian refuge,e"unassisted,':.to· chaPei;. ~nd o~ , S'e a n a n d sWered. "All in 'and accounted was among 35 Jesuits oJ.:dainCild ·Chrisiin~s','E've;she'assisted,at·' ~a~ra" at~r ,for. We just:"';'ant" to '~lkfor 'at',Fordham U . .Death clliimed: ,midnight. Mass in st.', James­ ltoOuse. A hur­ while-it's' l:M!en so long since . Msgr. Edward F. Cunnie, 62, vet- ' . ~athedrariier¢, '.. : ,', ',' , ried departure we've been to,gether." eran convert ~I>rker among N'e-. . -The tWo riori-Cathoiic Seattle' by' th~ parents, . BOZIC SeSsion. ' ~roes\iDennis E.: (Denny) Myers, physicians who had attendep Si8- ' and w.e started it has been.a long time. With 51 former Boston College foot-' ter 'Delfina' we're .so convinCed" • e e 11 n g . o~f Eileen and ~'ony back for the. ,ba'tl coach, in his Newton, Mass.,' her' recove~y . 'was' miraculous' ~ts and mltt~ns, snowsUIts and 'first visit since their marriage hom~, and John P. (Johnny) that they traveled' to .Chicago in,; eaPs, .last .summer, the Three Middles . Kilbane, 68, featherweight box- 1938 to ,testify ·inbehaU of In red corduroy overalls and realize that this is the first time lng champion from 1912-23, in . Mother Cabrini's beatification white tee-shirt, 14.-mo~th-old in their livel; they have been Cleveland. cause. ' g Kaura stood ",:o?bhn m the separated. And . there is, of Fir!!t U. S. 'Saint

Mrs. Clare Booth Luce, foreenter of the hvmg room an~ course, a.lot oj'. catchl'ng' up to do. . A ba d' to It 1 re

mer, m ssl\ or a y, In 1946,. Mother Cabrini, who looked star.tled at the strange All-.faml·ly talk, and guest .talk, 'v d the 1957 Laetare Medal at cel eDame ' . U.'s commencement . was born in'Italy but ,who beplace-Chrlstmas tree~h,ere s h e are ,all well land good in their Notre reme,?bered the ~elevlslOn set, places, but th.ere's nothing like ceremonies. In a talk to DePaul ca91e a United States citizen in' the little creche. In. the corner 'a buz'z sessl'ol~ with contempo­ Ch" AFL' 1909, was cano~ized. She be-. U. graduates came the first U. S.· citizen to be where her box of toys used to be . rary, blood-kill.• CIO 'd in t G lcago, rge Meanypresl en eo named a saint. f Even the people:-so many 0 us . The hum went on downstairs sCored the "disgusting.barrage of

an at once-pamcked her. Tears d 'ft d ba k t 1 com.munist double talk" by RusMother Delfina hadkriown the'

...- eammg . f rom h er blue. eyes ' as (3) we ArI lettE!r e c o sMargaret, eep.· . t w h o. W;;lS. f oun'd'r e' f' h'er PRESENTED AT BAI. L· ... from sia's Communist party ,boss Ni- S am S8 0 . ' Kaura gave a loud wall and kita Khrushchev in TV interview. 'eommunity, tlie N:issionary"'SiS­ l\{iss Cecilia A. Poczate'k,' rushed at her .two-year-old out west:. ters of the Sacred Heart. Mother 'daughter . of. Mr. and Mrs., De.ar SIS,' • . shown in U. S. Delfin'a a'rrived in.' Seattle' in b rother, throwing her arms tight around his'fat middle. ' Have,bee~ thmkmg ~bout ,you U. S,_ Sen. John F. Kennedy 1916, the yea.r MotherCabrini Albert'Poczatek, 2112 Acusli-' , so often durmg.the holidays and of Massachusetts introduced found,ed Columbus. Hospital, "net Ave., New Bedford,' a· Si8~r'l Pro~ctor only'wish we could be together. legislation to admit 89,000 refu-whic'h wiUl>ear her ria'me when senior at Holy Faniily High' "'Mo-wa!" sturdy_ little Sean Hugh and th~ kids stopped by gees to the-U. S.over a two-year construction' of' ail addition.' is . &hool, was n-res'entEid at t.he' comforted her' with a big hug 'this ~venirig and 1lI;'e were talking period: At a Berchtesgaden,Ger. ' ;, " " 'i ' ' ' , ',-, f ., " . y~ · th en ano th er, 0 f t'h e Chrl . complded' .n the n~xt' seventh biennial Koscillszko' and a smeary k ISS, ases . w h e~ we man, ra IIy; f orma ti·on ,0f the'rilonthli" , . . .ew ' " repeating her name over and were their agl~. Remember how ,Military Council of Catholie ',' • _.', :;' . ' , , " , '-Fo.undation p'resentee Bail: .ver-since he is at the one­ Daddy uSed to, like to sit smo~- Men, got under way. " . ~arlu~r,' ml903; Mot~~r,~ab- sponsored by, the Mass. Fed- .

word stage of. talking. ing bis cigar in the darkness with Oth J' . h' dl' . Th rim h,ad; foun<!ed. ~acred Heart eration of Polish WOmen'S '

Not until the trembling little only' the Christmas tree lights, . ' er. une ea meso r orphimge ',here . (ilow, ,Sacred . " . ~ew. Bishops Consecrated '.f.or H'eart,' VI·I·.I,a.)~., Th.~ tw,o· '1'0',clll, .I·n-. Clubs, Inc:, at Hotel Sta.tler, ,

P body had ,recovered composure on and all of. us around him? WAst would Sean let any of us come I can smell thl~t cigar now.'And ~orea. ..... ope ar~s gam stiutions are amQng more than B.oston.: ' '"

. , . A~tomat~on Too QUickly. • • 60 founded by the' Saint in' -.ear. that baby sist~r; Then he then, he,and Mamma would start Girls Mamly to Blame for Teen'- Europe . North America' and was off, to take up .. his favorite. talking and you ~nd Hugh and Age Going-Steady' Fad, Boys' South -America. ...' .... ,arne of standing ona stair step Virginia and I'd sneak off to the Counselor Says. • ,.60 Fargo,. ,.,'. . GOSPEL: 'md with the triumphant one­ kitchen to make turkeY sarid­ N. D., Nuns Escape Injury as " M?ther Delfma ~Id m an in-. word "Zump!", make the peril- wiches and have our own little Tornado Levels Convent. '~ervlew here· that m. 1946, she And She Brought GUS pltnge downward. Mau,ra confab? met a young Army paratrooper, Her stood at the bottom and ap­ ,Miss ya. . • Audience for Winner Peter Smith, who was ,cured Forth Firstborn Son. plauded. Love, miraculously, as an infant, Very soon aU was well, they PEG Of Kindness Award through the intercession of St. Luke 2: 1-14 played easily and contentedly. . , ROME, (NC)-A modern-day Frances Xavier Cabrini. But every now and then Sean "'Christopher", winner of Italy's, :Reason for these three-genera­ would go over and give Maura tion incidents? I don't know~ national Apostolate of Kind­ another kiss. "It's all right, old unless it's sympathy for people ness award, capped his recog­ • L1NGUICA JEWELED CROSS COMPANY girl, I'll take care of you" was who' are one-and-onlys, for their nition by being received by His MO. ATTLEBORO. MAS5, • CHOURICO MANUfACTURERS OF inherent in the one word, "Mo­ parents and for their children, Holiness Pope Pius XII. CRUCIFIXES ANI> ARTICLES 0> DEVOTION • MORCELAS wa," at each of these exchanges. as another New Year approaches. Nicola Longa, 12, of the south­ At Grocers - Super Markets ern village of Cervaro, is the re­ cipient of the award which is given annually to an Italian school child for extraordinary' LISBON SAUSAGE CO. acts of charity. 433 ·So. Second St. WY 3-7645 Nicola was cited for the fact that when a small stream-which many Cervaro children must ford in order to get to school .be­ comes flooded, he has habitually carried smaller children across it one by one on his back. Nicola was brought from Cer­ yaro to Rome. He was given a cash prize of $300 and other gifts, with Mayor 'Umberto Tupini 'of Rome presenting the citation to 52 Varieties - Hand Cut him personally. l;;




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WHO'LL BE THE TASTER: The cooking class: at the Girls' C.Y.O. in Fall River is prOducing results. These three cooks are hoping for the best. They an!, .left to right, , Lola Remy, Anita Rousseau, and Ann,Dagle)'. . .

Women's Apparel 262 Un_ St. .... ledford'

I ,.



1.1 ".'f



Thurs., Dec. 26, 19S7


Catholic Events July, 1957 u.

S. Catholic n~wspapers and magazines attained a new circu­ lation high_ of 23,368,348, the 1957 Catholic Press Directory disclosed.' . Defying new. national segre­ gation laws, 'South Africa's Cat~­ olic bishops ordered all Catholic churches to remain open to all persons. Louisiana's deadliest storm in a century, Hurricane Audrey. left some 300 dead and untold, propedy da~age, includ.­ ing Church properties. The Pope in an' encyclical to the French,hierar.chy condemned e.vils leading ·the world "head­ long to its own destruction," ealleq, for a Christian !'renewal of society." 'Climaxing on.e,. of the bitter~st custody cases in re­ cent years, ~ florida. judge granted a Jewish couple" Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ellis. r."ttt to adopt legally H'ildy. McCoy, 6, daughter. of. a Boston Catllo11c mother. .. Red purge "of George Malen­ kov, Vyacheslav Molotov, other SOCIAL AT FALL RIVER GIRLS' C.Y.O.: The punch top: Soviet brass; did not ,change bowl proves: attractive in between dances at the Saturday Kremlin policy toward religion, Father Georges Bissonnette, for­ night social for, left to right, Morris Philbert, Robert Car­ mer Moscow· chaplain, said. valho, Joanne Gendron imd Carol Mendes. Death claimed: Carlos Castillo Armas, anti-communist Presi­ dent of Guatemala, assaSsinated; Herve J~ L'Heureux, 58, U. ,S. Consul Genel'alat Montreal, and Ge,ma;~e founder, of Prayer for Peace movement,. in Washington, and Have y'ou ever heard of the Curzio Malaparte, 59, (Kurt Cinderella Saint? Erich Suckert), former top Ital­ Her name was Saint Germaine ian fascist' with· two books. on Index in Rome, a Ii'lonthafter,his and het stor'y has been beauti­ conversioni to· . Catholicism. ful~r. t9ld in ~n o'rigiJial radio Comedian Red Skelton1s son, script written by Miss Ellen Richard, 9; leukemia victim; was baughan 'of the Cai~oli~ Theaier warmly received in' audience, by ~uild of Ne~ Bedford. the Pope:' Argentina's Diligenti quintuplets,. three girlS and ,two Miss Gaughan, 'a Guild mem­ boys, marked their 14th birthday ber, has written many fine Ilra­ in Buenos Aires. The Pope com­ matic scripts for radio presenta:.. ,posed a new prayer· for the.,for­ tion. Her latest, which will be ,titude "and strength "for. the brl><ldeast .at :r P. M. Sunday, :"Church of Silence:"

'Jari. 5, over Station WN:aFi, is ~ . titled "Celestial ,Cinderella."

'Other July events: Formosa's Supreme Court Justice Is 'Con­ With fine perceptive skill, Miss vert to' Church. ; .. Vatican Bars Caughan has movingly outlined Priests' Cooperation With 'Pax' the Cinderella parallel in the Group 'in: Poland;,' .' '. U. S. "life of tbe unwante4, qeformed Bishops" 'Relief ,Agency, Sends child, Germaine, and the abnor­ First Salk Vaccine Shipment to mally abusive treatment' which ,Hungary to· Battle Polio Epi­ she ·received from her step­ demic. . . Third of Faithful in mother. ' .. ELLEN GAUGHAN New' York Archdiocese Are Th(lugh Germaine's sufferings with the royal glory of Saint­ Puerto RiCans, Survey Shows... were'·far, far more painful than h(md in the Divine' Palace of U. 'S. i\rnly Chaplains Corps the earthly Cinderella, the re­ Marks 182nd Year.

, ard, the "Celestial Cinder';' Heaven. el1~"also was beyond compari­

Miss Gaughan's script has blugh. In a ietter to Miss son. Germaine's Prince Charm­ been heartily approved by Mon­ Gaughan, Monsignor Keener ex­ ing was Christ, The Prince of Peace, who finally crowned her signor Joseph A. Keener of ·.the pressed his approval' of "the Saint Germaine Guild in' Pittsstory told so appealingly." drab and pain-filled life on earth

New Bedford Catholic Theatre Guild To Present Life of 'Saint

Activities of the Season

The Parish Parade NOTRE DAME,


Hies, will receive Holy Com­ munion in a body, and other parishioners are urged to join Both Mr. and Mrs. Santa Claus attended the Christmas party of with them. Presiding at the the Ladies' Guild at Jesus Mary meeting were Edward Ca~n. auditorium. Mrs.' Jean Goddu , president, and' Louis J. Heffer­ and Mrs. R3ymond Roy, acting as nan, vice president. Mr. and Mrs. Claus, distributed gifts to members present, while Mrs, Antonio Lagasse, president, presented Christmasremem­ brances to the"pastor and curates. WORCESTER (NC) - A pub­ Enterta'inme~t co~sisted of Ii pageant ,presented by ~econQ lisher of unusual ,books has pr0­ grade studentS of Jesus Mary duced another volume, in the miniature series that has given Academy; Christmas songs by the Three Notes, the Misses him an international "believe-it­ Marie Picard, Claudette Vanasse 'or-not'" ·fame. The book measures 2-by-3 and Claire' MartinviiIe; and a pantomi'me staged by teachers inches and contains the silver .jubilee sermon delivered by His from Somerset High School. Eminence· Francis Cardinal Corrulli.l1lity singing wa~"led by Spellman, Archbishop of New }\irs. Raymo.nd C.liou~nard, vio­ York, at ceremonies marking lini.st, and Mrs. Oscar Barnabi at the' anniversary of his consecra­ :the . piano,' while refreshments ,tion as a bishop. were in charge of. a committee. But tiny as the book is it is headed by Mrs. L'agasse and Mrs. the· largest ever pUblish~ by EdQuardLa'croix: Committee Achille J: St. Onge, Worcester members included Mesdames publisher. He has published 18 'Oscar Barnabi, Roland Desma­ other books, some as small 'ai1 rais, Leopold Corriveau, Leodore I %-bY-,2% -inches. Salois, Raymond ,. Chouinard, His Cardinal Speilman volume 13eatrice Robidoux, Leo Lavoie, is saddle stitched and hand­ Rolimd Cloutier, Leon BriSson, 'bound in cardinal red polished Armande . Vigeant and Gertrude calf leather. It contains 40 gilt­ Chouinard. . edged pages. The sermon, en­ ,Also the Misses Jeannette Du­ titled "God's Priesthood," is set ,puis, Helena. Chace and Helena in spectrum type on linen paper. Lari~iere. Mr. St. Onge said the sermon 'was' reprinted' with the permis­ SANTO CHRISTO, siori Of Cardinal Spellman. Its :FALL "RlVER ' publication 'Was' planned to co­ The Rev. Francisco C. Betten­ incide with Cardinal Spellnian's court, pastor, entertained chil­ departure on his annual Christ­ dren of the parish at a Christ­ mas visit' to U: S. military-rilen mas party last Sunday. A film of in the' Far East. 'the: 'Nativity 'was 'shown and Like other books published gUests joined in Christmas car­ by him,.,the "Silver Jubilee Ser­ ols. 'Gifts were presented' to the mon" book of. Cat:dinal Spe,Jlman 'priests of thepari'sh, the pres­ '.is ,exp~cted to be~omea c~Uec­ entations being made 'by" the 'tor~ 'item q·uickly. Other minia­ 'Misses Theresa Martin and Lois ture books tle issued inchJded A. Rezendes,' and Frederick Winstol) Churchill's radio ad­ Campos: Gifts from the pastor dress .on the death of King to parish children 'included' toys qeorge VI, Emerson's essay on 'and ·candy.' , "Friendship," 'Va'n Wyck Broo~s' ST. MICHAEL'S, ,"From a Writer's No~ebook" a,nd OCEAN GROVE Th?reau's "Wild Apples" '. Plans for the .observance of ,Holy Family Sunday: January 12, 'were discussed by members of yOU. ,the Holy Name Society at their 'last meeting. All Holy Name For youI' wonderful resporil:e men, together with their fam­

Jubilee Sermon

In. Small Book


It has been a distinct

pleasure to serve You

during the past year



Prie'st Tells .Why Youths l.ike Rock 'n Roll CHICAGO (NC) - Why does



gang, and opposed to the injunc­ tion of Mom and Dad."

ent types. All of this contributes to the confusion they face in grawing up."

Fatber Devlin urged the par­ Because it gets the adult's goat. enf#i to instill ·confidence in their 'ntat's the answer Father Wil­ Mrs. Dulles Visits, Uam Devlin: S.J., a priest-: teen-age sons and d3ughtetS. He said: "The child with a'high IQ Son in Germany psychiatrist, gave here to· some .who thinks he is a moron will COl-OGNE (NC) - Mrs. .Joha 900 parents of students attending act like one;. whereas, one with FCllster Dulles, who accompanied the new Mother McAuley High an,lQ of, 90 ,may be progressing her husband tram Washington School. very well if he feels ~ncOu:rage­ t9 P~ris .fort~eNATO cenfer­ Father Devlin, who is BSSl}­ .ence, came here'for a .tw~ay dated with the Stritch School ,of moot from tbe parent ••• con­ fidence of his parent's supporting' visit to see,her Jesuit son. Medici~le,at Loyola. Unlversity, him." ' .. Father Avery Dulles,. S..J.". discussed "Understanding the Teenager." , Asked if ,tOOay's parents have coiwert who was ordained in New York in 1956, arrived here He explained more fully the let the adolescent down, Father teenagers' addi.ction, to rock '0' Devlin replied: "Children today . for' the weekend from nearby Muerister, where he ~s complet­ are living in' a confused world. roll. , ing his tertianship in 'the Society "An underlyipg reason for So mimy' ideas are hurled at teen-age leanings in the direc~ them, such as those from ,tele-, of JeSus at the Sentmaring house of studies. lion of rock 'n' roll," he stated, vision and high-pressureadver­ It was understood that the "is that the adolescent feels' an Using, that th!'lir reaction. re­ son of the U. S. Secretary of sponse to images becomes ma~ urgent need to be one of State expects to be assigned to crowd. What the parents say is' ture. In 1905, fo~ instance, chil­ Japan "after completing his stay old-fashioned. The' teenager dren recei:ved one toy for Christ­ at Muenster next summer. mas. Now they get many differ-: yearns ~ be like the rest of the

Tr~ck Bod,y BuilderS

Aluminum or S&eeJ

944 County St. NEW I$EDFORD, MASS.· WY 2-6618

Happy New Year RETAIL STORE HOURS Monday-Tuesday 8 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. CLOSED NEW' YEAR'S DAY

Thursday-FridayS A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Saturday 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Sunday 10 A. M. to 1,2:30



UNION WHARF ", ", 'x'fAIRHAV.EN} MASS.~"'<, ;, """!l!""":"1"':~~~""~~""-~-"~"' .r"~III!II~.,~._.~...!,•.~.,.~i!II...11,.11,•.---"'-~:.•.•__I! - :. _._-.:I! .I ! ;,: "__I .~ ...,:.. _ -.•. __ _ ..._ . , - - - - " ' ' '




680 Purchase St. New Bedford

Happy New Yeor

For your continued. expreu­ ion of confidence during the past yeat'-


Titanic You!



734 Pleasant Street New Bedford'


• SEG,U'N.


IN 1958?


rock 'n' roll entice the adoles-

this past year' and may 1958 bring you every blessing.

: ..... 'r':



IAather c...a lima un ­ SIt. Pleasant Skeel New ledforet

s for Those

Good ANCHOR 10 Thurs.;-THE Dec. 26, 1957

You Were' Lucky If You

Good Year lorChilclren's Books

There were boo~s' for every age of child this Christmas, from cloth books for the crib set that reads ,with· its . teeth, right Today!s the qay after Christ­ the of books t.hrough to books .sure to .please 'IIlaS, the time when, as one this season, no one should have even the sophisticated teen-ager . writer expres.sed it, y.ou.put your trouble in finding something to We Sing While There's \toice who makes frequent sallies into fit his every mood and' interest. Left, Dom Hubert van Zeller. the adult section of the library. ~esents in a row and gloat over Some new and forthcoming vol- Sheed & Ward, New York: $2.50. · Age 2 isn't too young for a th~m~ihen turn to· the less ex~ urnes 6f particular Catholic in- ,0 This, the fourth of Dom Hu­ book, although the two,:year-old ~ting 'matter' of 'writing thank terest are discussed elsewhere on bert's "We" books, doesn't seem,. wants an 'audience for his '.'read-· )fou letters'. But we hope that the.se pages, but there. are of to me t~ come up to the standard am~ng the other good things 'course many books of general inof the others (We Die Standing ing," as 'he proudly points out the dogs, cats, and babies that '!ander y.our tree, you found a few terest well worth your·atte~tion. Up, We Live Witjl Our Eyes adorn his picture books. . Nice books-or a few dollars with ,.On the gay side i.s Jean Kerr's' . Open, We Work While the Light new books for these youngest which to buy books. For it's lin­ "Please Don't Eat the Daisies." Lasts). The jacket blurb says it bibliophiles are "The Friendly deniable that most of us experi­ Mrs. Kerr, a Catholic, is the "discusses in concrete detail the Bear" by Robert Bright, "Play ence a. post-Christmas letdown. wife of Walter Kerr, well-known life of the spirit as it has to be With Me" by Marie Ets, "The For weeks we've rushed about, drama critic, and the mother of lived by the contemporary lay Cat Who Couldn't Purr" by Polly buying· presents, decorating, four extremely lively sons. Her man and' wl?m~m"; on the con­ Cameron, and' "Big: Red Bus" by eooking, addressing cards. Now comments on life are often wise tra.ry, it seems to be far more a' Ethel and Leonard Kessler. it's all 'over and from the view­ and always funny. On the bad general discussion of principles Ages 4 to 6 will enjoy "Curi­

point of December 26th, the rest disposition which so· aften ac- of the spiritual life than' an at­ Of winter is apt to· seem a cold companies dieting, for instance, tempt to apply: those principles. ous George Gets a Medal" by

ALICE CURTAYNE and dreary stretch of days. But she comments, "Why is it. that It contair:ts, however, a good H. A.. ;Rey, about a space-travel­

ing monkey, and ·"Around and

books are made to order for the everyone I know who's· getting many thougp.t.,.provoking" pass­ ·friend; "Exploring Earth and About" by Marchette Ch\Jte,' a

long winter evenings we hear so· divorced' is thin as a rail?" An- ages. Orie of the most interesting Space: The Story of the Inter­ much about. What pleasanter other gay book is ".The Christmas deals with Dom Hubert's belief book of simple rhymes. .

.prospect, after a day spent bat'"· That Almost Wasn't" by Ogden that the treasure of contempla­ Six to' eight year olds, ready " national Geophysical Year," by Margaret· O. Hyde; "Reptiles tling snow' and slush, th;m that Nash and· his daughter, Linell. tion, largely lost in the Western .for m~J;'e.words and fewer pic­ Cl" an evening in your' favorite world, is preserved in the Orient. tures, will approve of "Madeline Round the. World," by Clifford· armchair relaxing with a. book.' Nonfiction. Varied. "Again and again we have had and· the Bad Hat" by Ludwig Pope, and "Rockets, Missiles and ..~ .relax with tell~vision;" '. Turning to nonfiction, we fi~devidence that the most potent Bemelmans, and the now-famous Moons" by Cnarles Coombs, an infinite variety. argument' to' the O'rl'ental' ml'nd l'S "Cat in· the Hat" by Dr. Seuss,· explanation of'Project Van'guard IlOmeone is sure to say about now. " .it offers almost . , ~nd space trav'el in general. But do you? The question of how' . The cream of a hundred ·years . sanCtity.' Contemplative and lit­ one primer that isn't trite. ,much television relaxes you was 'of good reading in the "AthiIitic~" urg'ical prayer 'are understood: Youngsters who like poetry · Intere.st Adults ably discussed by Claire Huchet is skimm'ed in "Jubilee," an the' tranquil' Eastern tempera­ ,will enjoy l;>oth uCOFDC Hither,'.' ~ · Ages' eight: imd up are' ready' . Bishop, well-known author ot anthology assembled by Edward ment, respects the withdrawn life wonderful anthology chosen by ,hildren.'s books, who spok~ last Weeks "and Emily' Flint. 'The 'of'worship, and is sliglitly suspi­ . for a wi~e range. of books, deal';' . Waiter de la Mare, and "Favorite ing, on a simpler leve( with ,Poems Old and"· New," selected month "at a book fair in Fall 'cowboy at heart ,will welcome cious of proselytising activity." River. T,oday's children, she said, "The King .Ranch" by ':rom ~ea, To concll,lde: if you have read. manysubje'cts of jntere~t tii' by ,Helen Ferris. with their eyes constantly. be­ : although· you'd· almost need a . the· other "'We" books, you will adults.· A:mong these are' "EVa the' field of Catholic seiged by· television and movies, Texas-sized income to buy it, "want to' read .this,. despite its' :Vis'itsNoriko-San," . a bo~k of bOoks, 'children .are especially and th.e~r ears by radios and' since it's $17.50. Another expen­ lesser worth; but' if you haven't ' photograpps by Ann Kiwkin­ records, have more need than sive but wonderfu.l book .is :'The read the others, go to them first: Bri.ck, telling the story of'a little lucky. The Vision Books of Swedish: girl's visit toa Japanese . Farrar, Straus and Cudahy are any p~Yious generation 'of find:-. Book of the Earth" by' A.' .c. ~P~~ricia McGowan' an outstanding addition ·to chil­ ing quiet ,within themselves. Speetorsky ($12.50), As it's titie dreWs literature.. New books in indicates, it's a book abouta·ll this series· are' ·.'St. Thomas ',.', Diet of ·Nolse "parts of .the .earth i';' all se~sons The human sp,irit, she emph'a": .• and weathers. It includes 1958' p'romises . good many preparation by Houghton Mifflin, . 'Aquinas" by Brendan. Larnen, "Father Damien 'and tl).e Bells" sized, cannot exist on a constant cerpts 'frolJl. 72 authors, dating .r~ading treats. Iricluded a~ong while Scribner will have "Re­ dietof·noise, and books provide from Homer to today. The same . them will be "Secular Journal" flections on America" by Jacques by. Arthur and Elizabeth Shee. a child' with the opp'ortunity for editor has 'produced "The Book . by Thomas Merton, to be pub- Maritain. An unusual item will han, "St. Philip of the JoyoWl quiet 'V~thdrawal within h!msel£. of the Se~,". "The Book of the lished by Farrar, Straus and be a book of photographs depict:" . Heart" by Francis X. Connolly, He cannot sit and let a book hap-' Mountains/i. and ~'The' Book' of Cudahy. This is the diary Mer:- ingBishop Sheen at various 'and "Columbus and the New pen to him, as he can a television the Sky." At. ''the 'other end of ton kept from the age of 24 until points'. of the Mass. Entitled World;' J:?y' Al,!gust Derieth. mo·w. In reading there must be the price scale,parents will stand . he entered the Trappist monas- "This Is the Mass," it's scheduled' . . Iri~' Saints ebmmUI'Iication. That communi':, and cheer. for· a.·llew edition of ·tery, At thllt 'time he, turned it for March pu):>lication.·. From Sheed .& Ward come eationtakes place.in silence, call- that b'ibleof child:.raising, "Baby" .~ver to Catherine de. Hueck ., Other estat;>lished auth~rswith Alice Curtay'rie's "More Tales ingupon the imaginative gifts, and Child CaJ;e,". by Dr.: Benja­ ·Doherty, foundress of Fi'iend- new bOOKS coming are Gerald ·Irish Saints," and "The Other not only of the author, but of .his ~i~ Sp!>c~., At a modest 50 cen!!J,. . ~~ip House, t~lling her t);1at any Vann, O.P., "The T~mpta~ion of Side of 'the Moon" by Meriol .. ; ." 'it's almost·· as. indispensable as royalties' from its sale were to be' Christ;" Dom· ~ubert Van. Zell~r, ·Trevor';" 'a' Science:'fiction book reader.... Mrs. JHsh9P .spoke of children, ·~·iapers:. '.: .. : ' used fC?r'the support of the house. "Approach to' Prayer," and which' manages to leave its but her remarks apply to, any, i .:,Peopl~ who do their s~nding.·Now, eighteen year/lIater; it is Father Philip Hughes, uA Popu­ 'young :reader 'with some thought­ ag~.. There is no intention' of and cheering at baseball games to be released. . . lar History of the Reformation." provoking ideas 'on the nature of belittling television. It is a won- will find at least two new books The hundredth anniversary of 'Posthumous books ~y Msgr. Ro~­ good and' evil. derful thing, but so is reading, . with which to while away the the apparitions at Lourdes will aId Knox and Caryll Houselan­ Bruce Publishing Company is and surely we all want as many . weeks until the grapefruit league .. bring forth at least three books der will be p!1blished by Sheed wonderful things as possible in gets· into 3:dion. One is' "My on St. Bernadette,coming from & War.d. The new Knox will be r~presented by the "Christian Child Stories" series, inexpen­ our lives. An evening with a Baseball Diary;' by James T. Sheed & Ward, '.Pantheon, and "A Retrel\t on the Priestly Life," bQok is one of them-but reader Farrell, the' other "Branch Desclee·. Bruce Marshall's new' while the new' Houselander is sive paperbacks for children, from 3 to 9. and book must match. However, Turn' to' P.age Eleven' novel, ,"The Accounting," is in entitled "The Risen Christ."

Got Books for Christmas ~ifu


New Van Zeller a~ailable Not His B.est



C'omlng... ., -' 'Att rac.t-Ions. f or . 19·58" a


Massachusetts Author Writes Books'That Parents Find Helpful "No one' writes the books I olic fashion, and, most of all, want, so I have to do it myself." how to make it fun for children So says Mary Reed Newland . to be Catholics. of Monson, Mass., mother of "We and Our Children," the seven children and author of first of Mrs. Newland's books,' .. three books. Known in Fall discusses in particular how the River through her appearance at spiritual life' may be lived by ~ book fair here l:l few years ago, children. Chock-full 0'£ practical bow Mrs. Newland manages to 'examples and stories of the New­ squeeze lecture trips, writing, land family life, hard to see and art work into her busy' life how any parents could fail to as· housewife' and mother is' a find help in it. .' 'mystery, not at all solved when' "The' Year and Our Children" one visits her at home, a'sprawl­ .·relates 'the feasts and seasons oi: ing 14-room house on a 103-acre the Christian year to family life, farm, poetically named Glen 'giving concrete ways of bringing Echo. children to a realization of what The chief impression one gets it means to live as Catholics. of Mary. Newland is that she This time of year,.for instance, loves every' minute of ,her is rich with feasts of special fam­ crowded existence. "People ask ily ·significance. Mrs. Newland me if I don't get tired, with seven suggests that the' Feast of the children around me all the time," Holy Innocents, December 28, is she says, "but· heavens! if I a lovely day for parents to begin didn't have the children I the practice of blessing their wouldn't be writing the books." children, and she gives the form , Fun To Be Catholics for this parental blessing. A plan And when you read her books, for a Christian celebration of "We and Our Children," "The New Year's Eve is another timely Year and Our Children," and the topic. latest, "The Saints and Our Chil­ Her new book, "The Saints ~md . dren," you see how true that is. Our Children," tells the stories The Newland your:tgsters,' Mon-. of many well-known saints in ica, Jamie, John, Peter, Stephen, form suitable for children, with Philip and Christopher,. romp suggestions for practical appli. . MOTH.ER O~ SEVEN AN.]) AUTHOR: Mary 'Re~d' Newland, who has. fashioned a' through ·all ·three books, and cations in the youngsters' own remarkable l!f~ as mother of seven and author and lecturer, is shown with' her' seven through them you learn, as their lives of the lessons learned from "toughest CrltIcs"---:left to right, Stephen~ Philip, Monica and Christopher; seated, Jamie, mother did, how to adapt the the virtues of the saints. Artist, writer, lecturer, home­ Pe~er an~ John;, Mrs. Newland, who'h~es IJ.l M'Ons?n, ..Mass., has written. "We and Our stately liturgy of the Church to Massachusetts Ch~ldre:t:l and .The. Y.ear and OU,r Ch~ldJ,"~n" a,r}(:! .1~Ol~r(l a,~ work on' a third book in her the interests of up-to-the-minute maker. - our ·Young Americans; how io· ieach neighbor is all of these, .but her serle.s.of educatmg FhIldren for .Christian living, "Tne. SainUl·and ,O~r Chi1<:lr~n,":..to. he' . courtesy, citizenship, and· consid..·:·· 'proudest title 'is' that .of Ohristiaa . j)ubhshed next Sprmg. by· ,Po :J.• '-.Kenedy,'&·Sons.· ..···'',ii .• ·~'' "-, , ' .. , . "·w.,·",': .". ;'-:;:i,;'-; , .::. : r 'etation :for'oihers. in ,tr,uly:.'Catb,o, ", .wife'·and .mother., ,


Long .Winter Paperbacks Small But Mighty .


THE ANCI'IORThurs., Dec. 26, 1957


"I love to read, but books are Doubleday. When Image Books so expensive." . first appeared in 1954 it was a. How often have you heard pleasant shock to walk into a that? Although books, in com­ drug store or railroad station and parison with other items for see them· sharing shelf ·space . which we manage to find money, with the latest Agatha Christie • have held the price line ad­ or Perry Mason. Now they are mirably, nevertheless it's often a familiar sight and an appre. I ­ more than the budget can stand ciated one, too, for the publishers Many of the questions raised to spend four or five dollars on tell us that an Image book is among dog owners by. the Rus­ a new book, no matter how sold every forty seconds, and sian dog' who made canine his­ eagerly one may wish to possess there are 4,000,000 in print, comtory aboard the sputnik as the it. . prising 66 separate titles. first space traveler are 'answered' The best selling Image Book is in a 'new book by a distinguished But the same argument doesn't "A Popular History of the Cath- French philosopher. '. . apply to paperback editions. For In A Priest and His Dog, years and years, lovers of lurid olic Church'" by Philip Hughes, while the fastest selling number author-priest Jean Gautier, di­ mysteries and passionate ro­ is at the moment "Parents, Chilrector of the Grand Seminaire mances have been able to in­ dren, and the Facts of Life" by of Paris', explores such subjects dulge themselves at 25 or 35 as dog psychology and intelli­ cents per reprinted book; but it's Henry V. Sattler.. Newest titles include "Cana is Forever" by gence, the animal's place in the only recently that readers of, scheme of creation and the way shall we say, more permanent Rev. Charles Doyle, "The City of God", by St. Augustine, and he should. be regarded by 'man. literature have been catered to. "Prince 9~ Darkness and Other Abbe Gautier also writes of ani­ Now it's the happy fact that if Stories'" by' J. F. Powers. mal destiny (he inclines to the you yearn for a book, but can't Another paperback series, the Franciscan view), dog suffering afford !t, you need only wait a and its purpose. The book is year or ,so and presto! in almost Canterbury .Boo,ks, issued. by Sheed & Ward, sell for 75 cents published 'by' P. J. Kenedy & every case your book is avail­ Sons. . . able in paperback form. And if each and consist of long excerpts After'relating the incidents of it's a good book, it's worth the from hard-cover Sheed & Ward· books. They include "Confes- .his life with his own dog-a wait. .siQn" by J. C. Heenan, "Marriage poodle named Yuni (the diminu­ We are fortunate. in the num­ tive for the name given the com:' ber and variety of pocket books and the Family" by F. J. Sheed, "The Devil" by various authors; panion of 'St. Francis, Brother dealing with matters of Catholic and "The Rosary" 'by Maisie Juniper)-Pere' Gautier muses interest. The series that imme­ . on the fate of dogs in general. diately leaps to mind is that if , Ward. MisceJlaneous paperback!? of On the subject of animal suf­ the Image Books, published by particular Catholic. appeal in- 'fering, the author points out that, elude "'rhe' Miracle of Lourdes" while their pets' s'uffering is by' Ruth' Cranston (Popular Lioften a cause of distress to dog brary, :l5cents), "Murder in 'a owners, mim's progress has often ]'Il'unnefy'" by" Eric - Shepherd been implemented through the .(Dell, 25 cents), "The Spear" by assistance of the suffering ani­ One ,of the most dynamic fig­ Lo~is de'Wohl (Popular Libra~y, mal. The warrior's victory com;" ures in the American liturgical 50 cen~),i'The Story of a Soui~' . pensates'for the wound received' revival, Father H. A. Reinhold, by St.' Therese (Newman, 65 by the beast on Which he rides treats his favorite subject in cen'ts), and' "The Deliverance of as do the countless lives saved "The American Parish and the Sister Cecili.a" by William .through· medical advances Roman Liturgy," due next month Brinkley (Signet, 35 cents). . achieved by painful experiments from Macmillan Publishers. Yes, we have reason to rejoice . on '. a . iaboratory animal, he The popular understanding of . worship is explained by Father at the inexpensive, good reading, writes. available to us--and it's up to us .Ransom Owed Reinhold asa development of the whether the ,availability eon. The author also points out

tinues. Publishers, like the rest that, while the animal is "inno­

of humanity, are swayed' by the .cent" (in a theological. sense,

profit motive. If Catholic paperanimal suffering, unlike human

backs are bought, you may' be',. suffering, is not a consequence

sure .that Catholic .paperbacks of original sin), its suffering is"

will continue tq be as close as the"ransom owed for its'exist­

.your eo.~nerd~ugstore.. .ence as part of the natural order

. ~nd for: th,e pleasures it ~J1jOys:,j Despite ..these . considerations, Abbe qau~ier continues, in,m in no way is relieved of his respon­ . Claire' Huchet Bishop, noted' sibility with respect to animals. chi'lqrerl"s author, is one Cath­ it is not 'that miin has a duty olic who mimages to slip a good towards the animal, even though " , it may have individuality and personality, but rather because man must' answer before the God who created them. Abbe Gautier explains that if our failings with FATHER REINHOLD respect. to animals cannot be called acts 'of injustice in a baroque mentality and the his­ strictly,. moral sense, they are torical movement of pietism. 'even more abominable acts of Through identification of the cruelty if they are unnecessary. problems occasionec' by these "The weakness of animals is not influences, he distinguishes sub­ to be abu~ed with impunity," he jective prayer from the liturgf, concludes.

and defines the objectives of the current liturgical movement, a

challenge to clergy and laity

"Toto's Triumph," published by alike. Viking, deals with the housing i In dealing with the nature of shortage in Paris and how an I !.... , liturgical· symbofism .and de­ enterprising little boy managed ·scribing ·the role of the sacra­ to secure accommodations for his .j " "._.." ,.;;_ , ~..; . ments in Catholic life, tile. author family. ·She has long been in­ CL"'~RE HUCHET BISHOP presents a stirring picture of terested in' the efforts of the the trul)'l' ,liturgical parish and deal of doctrine i.nto her books, . French hierarchy to bring the . of the liturgical man; . even ones not written especially Church to working men and A native of Germany, Father for Catholic children. women. In "Blue. Spring Farm," for in­ Reinhold was expelled from his Her book for adults, "All country by the Gestapo. Coming stance, which is the story of a Things Common,'! reflects this to the United States, he taught at children's music camp, she has interest, while "Toto's Triumph" Portsmouth Priory and did mis­ all her little characters, Protes­ makes mention of the work of sionary. and parish work in tant and Catholic, celebrating Abbe Pierre. In addition to her Rhode Island, Massachusetts, the feast of the Assumption with work in the field of books, Mrs. New York and Washington State, great glee, incidentally working Bishop is a frequent contributor as well as lecturing at many uni­ in an explanation of the feast. to Catholic magazines such as versities. Mrs. Bishop's latest book,' "America" and "Commonweal."

Was It Wrong To Put Mu tt On Sp u t n -k'

FatherReinhold Treats Liturgy

Childr.,·n's Author. Is. .Tact.fully Catholic


Multitude of Good Th;ng~ Found In Sheed'sNew Guest-Room Bo«:»k Happy the guest whose host

provides "The New Guest-Room

Book" ($7.50). It's a!jsembled by

F. J. Sheed, published, not sur­

prisingly, by Sheed & Ward, and

contains a multitude of good

things of which the samples

below give some idea.

Worms ... God's ways are inscrutable. He can, in the acid testing of 'the 'spirit, lise either worms or nails, And I humbly think that I, with my ver: first night cl'awler, shot through the pur­ gative stage like Halley's comet. That I slowly emerged into the illuminative stage when I real­ ized, on facing the catalpa, that my will no longer counted. That I soared into the 'unitive stage when I-abandoned, in darkness, with the grub worm-still did not openly rebel against God. God, who had inverited worms. -Lucile Hasley Harriet Beecher Stowe Mrs. Aldrich must have been the only person in existence who had seen Harriet Beecher Stowe drunk, and in fact she was unin­ tentionally responsible for that equally unintentional lapse. Mrs.

,Alqrichl s account of this histori­ cal event,. as I. heard it from her o~n lips, was inimitable. : It happened .in the first days of her married .life, . when the Ald­ .r~ches .••. -Alfred Noyes

books deal with vanished civili­ deal of Gilbert Pinfold," an ac­ zations, "Lost Cities" by Leonard count of a Brtish novelist's Cottrell and "Vanished Cities" brush with mental unbalance. by Herman and Georg Schrei­ "Morning" by Julia'n Fane is ber. already being called a small classic. It's the simple tale of the Fiction, like nonfiction, has life of a little English boy, dis­ something for every taste. Re­ tinguished by its sensitivity and viewers have differed over "The beautiful style. "The Finest Called and the Chosen" by Mon­ Stories of Sean O'Faolain" will iea Baldwin, remembered for her delight that gentleman's well­ story of leaving the convent, established public, while "Sound "I Leap Over the Wall." The new book tells much the same story of a Distant Horn" by Sven as the first, in fiction form. There Stolpe' will remind readers Qf mixed opinions; too, . of Greene and' Bloy in its treatment . E.ve1,)MlWauQh'.late&t;,"The ~ .,. ;sin and grace.


••. you've' heard 'of Gladly­

Gladly, . the Cross-eyed Bear? It's an old story' but ah-how quickly we forget its lesson! You can visualiie it yourself; the stiffly-starched little girls, the cleaned-and-pressed little boys shined up almost beyond endurance,' the Sunday-school teacher innocently plunking out the. accompaniment as her erring lambs bleat, with all the ardor of young hearts, "Gladly, the Cross-eyed Bear!" You can just bet on it that she has never thought of such a beast.... -Sister Mary Jean Dorey, O.P•.

~. Louisa Alcott .•. the famous books of Miss Alcott are- all about littl~ girls. Therefore, 'my'first impulse was to fly screaming. But'I resisted this impulse,' and I read the books; and 1 discovered, to my . immeasurable astonishment, that they were extremely good. Lit­ tle Women was written by a woman for women-for, little

Childhood of a

women. Scripture Trallslator ,

Consequently it anticipated realism by 20 or 30 years; just .It is alleged by a friend of my .

'as Jane Austen anticipated it by 'family that I used to suffer from

at least 100 years. For women insomnia at the age of four; and

. ar~' the only realists; their whole ·thiit when she 'asked me how I object· life .iii to pit their real­ managed to occupy my time 'at ism against the extravagant, ex": night I' answered, '''1 lie awake cessive; and· occasionally drunk- .and think of the past." . tm idealism of ·men. .... . . -Ronald Knox .


IIHermit of Cat Island' Fascinating .The remakable story of a 20th­ century man whose diverse tal­ ents enabled' him to live many

roles--architect, Anglican cler­ gyman, sportsman, missionary, artist and critic - and whose search for spiritua. fulfillment finally brought him to a remote

Bahamian island and the life of a hermit is told in The Hermit of Cat Island by Peter F. Anson, published by P. J. Kenedy & Sons. Reared in a traditional Vic­ torian atmosphere, John C. Hawes grew up with a freedom of spirit and the artist's original­ .ity which was early reflected in his decision to abandon a prom­ ising architectural career for the ministry. Uncertainty about his suitability for the Anglican per­ suasion led him to Catholicism and, after several adventurous

You Were Lucky if You Got Books

Continued from Page Ten Rickey, American in Action" by Arthur Mann. Other sports are represented by "Modern Defen­ sive Football," Gomer Jones and Bud Wilkinson; "American Ten­ nis-the Story of a Game," Parke Cummings; and "Five Lessons-­ the Modern Fundamentals of Golf" by Ben Hogan, who should know. History offers Winston Church­ ill's latest in his massive "His­ tory of the English-Speaking Peoples."· The new volume is "The Age ·CIlf RevcNuiion." . Twe

SISTER MARY JEAN DORCY I cannot understand this strange and simple world, in which' unselfishness is natural, in which 'spite is easier than self­ indulgence. I am the male in­ truder, 'like poor Mr. Laurence and I withdraw. I back out hast­ 'ily, bowing. But I am sure that I leave a very interesting world behind me. -G. K. Chesterton





,,' .,;;1

months in the Canadian North­ west, to Rome. where he was

ordained a priest.

Assigned as a missionary in

the sprawling Australian bush country, Hawes labored for 24 years, there gained a reputation

as a church designer, dog­

breeder and winner of racing's Geraldton Cup, and was made a Monsignor. () At the seemingly settled' age of 63, Monsignor Hawes made a startling decision. He would abandon his now comforable life in Australia to hazard one of poverty and solitude as a hermi~ on a remote island' in the Bahamas, where 80 years earlier, as an Anglican cleric, he had, achieved fame as designer of Anglican c~urches. Fra Jerome soon. found hill long cherished solitary .ideal in­ terrupted. The natives of the islands needed him and his archi­ tectural services were in con­ stant demand. When, in 1950, a cover story on the Hermit ap­ peared in Colliers', a rash of tourists descended upon him. He died in Miami Beach in July., 1956: While pursuing this dual role as hermit and missionary archi­ . teet, Fra Jerome found time to keep a diary, accounts of his perilous sea journeys from island to island, and a steady corre­ spondence with friends in which he made frequent trenchant ob­ servations on such controversial topics as animal immortality and the state of contemporary litur­ gical art. Many direct quotes from these writings are em­ bodied in the book, and it is illustrated with a selection of tbe Hermit's photographs, architee­ tural sketches and amusing Jam­ poons.Of modern. art,



'HoIlywch,:~,j~ f.ocu~~,

'-:. ':. :,'

,POpu~(1j:~ity< 'of:




'Wie'ster"s> 1957°5 Greate'st'Mystery' :,


Wmh~rn H: Mooring,

-;THE Thurs." pee.


f6" 1,957 ;

Fu'Uness of Priesthood .'

Catholic ',/Events August, 1957

' .

:,' Few of Hollywood's' rrioviE~ makers will carve their'

Christmas birds without wryly: recalling the "turkeys"

they've turned out during'1957: This has been a'first year

6f trial for many 'an ,independent' film producer.' Most of

these men are experimental-' drama,. but have we not been ists. You have to admire getting far, far too much ,human their courage even when you misery. and, far, far .toolittIe : doubt their judgment. While human happiness in our movie

An NCWC News Service sur­ vey showed nearly 5,000,000 stu­ dents registered for U. S.' Cath­ cilic colleges, 'high and elemen­ tary schools. this year.' D,eath claimed: His Eminence Gioviwrii Cardinal Mercati, 90; Chl,lrch' iibra'l'ian-archivist, in Rome; Msgr, ,Ro'nald A. Knox, 69, ~on­ vert, Bible translator-author,' in Frome, England. many of them' have tried, with and TV entertainment?, And . Archbishop Cicognani, Ap'os­ debatable, ofte.n disappointing., might it pot b~ agoodresolution tolic Deiegate·.to U. S" ass~rted results, to break.,' ".', 'r­ ·on t.hepart of film anct'television Latin is, will remain, offichii Ian;' ~eW: ground via providers to reverse the e~ect or guage of Church, at Onida;Wis., realistic "prob':'.. ' at least balance it,during 1958? seminary dedication. National Federation Of Catholic ' College lem~' pia y s, Room in Santa: Monica Westerns 'have

' 'Here in &mta ,Monica, 10 Students 'and National Newman galloped 0 if'

miles from Holl~ood; for the, Club Federation brought 1;500 student leaders to New'York' ,for with fantastic

sixth consecutive year, film pro­ fortunes at the

ducer, Henry Wilcoxon' (de convention.' Other conventions: theaters and

Mille's chief aide on "The Ten 102rid of CathollcCentral Union (Verein) in,Allentown, Pa.; 22nd t'acked up the

Commandments") and ,·his highest Tren­ actress-wife, .Joan Woodberry, -nation~l of Catholic War Vet­ dex ratings on TV.

staged' the "Nativity Play," erans in, Milwaukee, and 75th This rueful fact is regarded which each year influences local annual of Knights' of ColumbUs by many show folks as the most ,mer,chants to' feature Christ' in in Chicago. CIO-AFL- President George phenomenal mystery !)f 1957,. Christmas. No charge save "a Even, movie magicians who tOY,for a tot" picked up by D. S. Meany and actress Irene Dunne were' nam'ed U. S. delegates' to struck new angles on well-worn Mariries, themes of 'crime, corruption,s~x­ , 'This play iS~Lctua'lly pageant, ,the UN. Malaya's Bishops issued a joint pastoral hailing nation's ." hunger" miscegenation, dope ad.:­ '};lased on one-act, liturgical dra::' independence from Great Brit­ dicti,?n, split personality and mas originated in medieval times ain. . , , other. assortments of human by the ancient York Cathedral Other August headlines: Hun­ ,nischance and misery, are won­ and put on hy the craft guilds of garian Reds Arrest Priests, Lay­ d,ering how 'they went wrong. ' York; England. The Wilcoxon . Why 'did they 'not hit 'the box­ production, preserving' much of men' in New ·Crackdown on Church" . . Plane .Co-Pilot in ,office J'ackpot?Why were' reli­ gious pa'g«;lantry and romantic the original catholicity of,rihese First A-:aombing', Missioner Who works, i!'lcluded "Ye A.nrillllcia:' Lived Through, It, Meet on 12th ·rilVelo"ue the .biggest and most. tion," "Ye Nativity,''' "Ye. Shep'­ t, .. , ., . Anniversary of Hiroshima 'Holo­ Solid pU'blic hUs, not only Qf the herd's Play," "Ye Pageant of ,.ear but of all cinema history? Kinge Herod's,Courte" 'andl"Ye caust... Philadelphia Archbishop O'Hara Says' Catholic Schools They know that "The Te'nChm­ Pageant of Kinges· and: Adora­ Saved U., S. Ta~payers $1',4 Bil­ 'ihandmei1ts," "Around the­ World .:.., tion," a truly 'complete if:-not lion. .' .. '. Holy Father ,Warns HI '80 'Days" and Cinerama'swholly authentic' copy of' the '30;000' Young' Christian Workers "Seven Wcii1ders of the World" and "Search for Paradise" dre'w original Yor.k' Mystery Plays, ' .'. Against False Prophets of Hate, ,., Most of'the Wilcoxon"Players .Rebellion.. :. 700;000 Greet 'Car­ consistentiy large crowdswher­ 'ever they w~re shown.' Why are' unknown' to the'screeri;-al::' dinal Wyszynski at'.'·'Poland's did' not more" of' 'the ·so':'ca'lled th'o~gh:' this year,' Mae' Clarke Famed Czestochowa Shrine.'.'.' '''v~tal'' screenplays meet the grilCefuUYportrll.yed Saint'Anne, 'CrJlsades for SoullfLed 2,180,290 'same success? . .... with AmMida Webb'''as the ,Converts to,Church in 21 ,Years, , , " , Blessed Virgin and E.,J, Andre" ·Father' John O'Brien Says, a .portrajt-perfect' Saint Joseph. , 'Fail ';t~..Gai~Supp~rt· '" f. No one can deny we have had PauJ,Wexler made.a pqwerfully 'Sl~wlyl many thought-provoking movi~s fOl"lJidding Herod.' ',The, whole ·through 1957. "Bachelor Party." cast shares in the credit due 'to 'Book ,for Sisters ". '81!d' "No Down Paymerit" must the Wilcoxons, who,'by the'wai, Christmas is over,but: gift­ · have brought to many, vivid, if are Protestants. giving oCcasions aren't. And ·exaggerated illustrations of tneir . While Hollywood itself, .by one of the hardest people 'for 'own exp'erierices in modern 90­ courtesy of· it's Chamber ,of whom' to find a gift seems to be eiety. '''Sweet Smell of Sticcessl • Commerce, 'sp'--"Ctacularly:decks Sister. Here 'is' at·: least' one pin-pointed conditions or' bile i~ '.' faqlous ,Boulevard ,:with answer to that perennial problem 'arid corruption' which sensitive lighted trees amI nightly parades -"Ponder Slowly" by Francis X. "folk may well suspect behin'd the film st,ars, on Santa Claus' sleigh Peirce, S.J.;' just published , by 'proud 'facade of our free Press. ami!J faked-up snow ,flakes., at Newman' Press at $3.95. " '''Kaz~n;s "Face'in the' C~owd" least o.ne prominent and su'ccess­ You can be' sure th,at Sister, bitterly assailed public i~o)atry ful Hollwood movie ,produCer, no matter to' what cOUgr~ation o( ~rail, faked-up celebrities and, H~nry Wilcoxon, brings to' his she' belongs, makes daily medi­ ,In mm'e humorous vein, '.'Will home town of Santa Monica an tation. This book will help her Success Spoil Rock Hunter"did effective, theatrical. remi~der do it. ,. the same. Yet 'these and many that the Cll'rist Child is the real other films reflecting in various Spirit of Christmas. There' is ways, contemporary forms and "No Room ..." in Holywood, but foibles of our society, fai1~to the city of Saint Monica finds cain cons}stent public supPGrt a place. Emily C. Pe7"1"/l tbr~ugh appeal to the .main seg­ r=======';=====~ 562 Count;, Street ment of movie lovers. Oppositt1 St. Lawrenee Church '. Many a' Jaroducer DOW taking oo":lfort in the~htthat his New Bedford. MlUIiL .<' GIlly mistake was catering to an, "intelligent public" which either 'MAKES Y~ EMilY PERRY lIoes not exist or' has no hean. CM RUN BETTER would enjoy a happier Christmas wiShes you many blessings· If· he ha~ ,a slice of the profits At New' Car Dea1ers . , i.. ·.19S. raked up by films be might con­ and Service Stationa aiderbene;l,th his own particUlar, 'Eve~ ~tellectual and ·artistic: metier. ,No one knows all the answers ~~though box-oftice ex~, " . ~rough 1957 seems to indicate,' tfiat' public . apathy towards many of the year~s social dramas' was more a matter of taste ,tha~ intelligence. : The' 'fact ,that "message': films. play spQttily•.' HOMOG~NIZEO~nd meeting success in one place and PASTEURiZEIJ rank failure in anothez:., lends substance to this argument. ' ,Put Up With Them That the largest segment of the Dial Oldfiield 4-8711

TV viewing public has ,been tuo-. 651 MAIN RD. ing in' the open-air shoot-em­ uppers such as "Guhsmoke" TIVERTON, R, I. "Maverick" and "Have GU~ We wish everyone Will. Travel," surely cannot mea~ that most people demand West­ A, Happy and Holy erns. . New Year It is mor~ likely true th3t, they put up with Westerns beCause . they cannot gafor so manysor­ did, somber problem .dramas. ' WET ··WASH. . The violellce. ,of the "horse ~opera:' at least leaves' aside dark:' DRY,: CLEAN.,iNG ;' A~CHITECT,S AND 'forbidding, psychotic problems which repel normal People' FLAT WO~IC ENGINEERS • i-ious to find a little happiness. . 77 Washi,:,g~on Street, , heltlthy exhilaration. or refreSll-:: 1066 COUNTY~· .STREET Providence, R: I.. ! ing" relaxation. the' inovie~ or"· 1.:~;:8mfC?~s.~'rrl





By. Most Re,v. Fulton J. Sheen, D.D. A Letter ,to Priests '. A' priesi, during :the past' week; sent us the following- letter. Your Excellency:' ' " ,. Please accept this sacrifice of a European trip ($4.000) for 'the hlDum~rableblesSingsbesiowed on me by the Son of Mary.. Sincerely yours in Christ; . Rev. W. P. L. We immediately telephoned him our thanks and discovered that he had been ordahied only seven years and' was second curate in ,, a large parish. ' ' , . Did hot he possess in a spiritual sense the "fullness' of the priesthood"'! To say we afe priests is only half the story 'for Our Lord was both Priest and Victim. Previous to 'his comIng all priests. whether Jewish or pagan,offered something distinct from them­ selves' - sheep, goats, wine" and other sub­ stitu'tes for the'human.' But Out Lordoff'ered' Himseif asa Victim 'foroui sins. HericeHe was upright on the'Cross' as a' priest; He waS ' prostrate"as a Victim;' ," , " We who ate' other Christs always in­ sist on" the dignity of our' priesthood, 'but, ' not So' often on thein'dignity of our 'Victim· hood. When therefore ,vI: ui·.:let a young priest who becomes a victim by denying' himself 'a legitimate pleasure for 'the sake of spreading the Kingdom Of God in pagan lands. weare grateful, , we are 'edified, we are humbled. What can we do? We can become victims through sacrifice to train priests in Africa; Asia 'and elsewhere in the world. Ourpriest­ hood is eternal; but let it also be' continued in time. 'For $750 we can educate a priest in the Missions. When' we have shown sacri­ ficialloyalty to the Holy Father 'our 'good people will become victims too, for ,love: of the, Vicar'. of Christ.




, By, sending yo~r sacrjfi~es to the Society for. the Propogation ,of the Faith y.oo p,u~ the'!D into the hands of the Holy', Father who has the interests of all the ,Missions of the world. at heart. There : .is ,no better ,way o( giving., . , .. GOD L6~Y6V t9 .~~ C. ~~r $5 "From tile '~~bs i~ Den 3, ~ack S08 Holy N arne Church.': ... to P .D. for $5 "I receiv:ed t~is ·for being kind. Cdidl!: fa.vol',~?r, 119m,eone in.. need: and never expected any­ thing ~n 'return, .l:'lease use it.. ,to be kind to someone else in need.," :: . to ,gc,P, Jor $5~ ::~, ~~.85 .years ol~ .~n~ ,nee.d you,r p.ra~ers," .•• to c,L, for $2 "ThIS IS the amount of'Dlckles I 'had saved 'for some­ thing speCiaL" ',: ".~ ,,', . , ,."" '


The tinie' '~f ~ew ~nd renewed 'resolutions is upon us. Wh,

, 'riot make a resolution to make a small sacrifice daily' for the niis·­

'sions .of the world?' 'And what better wa7' to remind' 70urself of

yoUI' resolu'ti6n than b7 dail7 recitation of 1he WORLDMISSION'

. ROSARY: setiD 'ihellew y'ear with a prayer and' a sacrifice­

offering of $2 for the WORLDMlSSION ROSARY which Will· be

.se'nt &o70U' upoii iour requeS,t. ",' ".,' ., ' ,


Cut out this Column, pin your sacrifice to it and mail it to the Most Rev. Fulton 'J. Sheen,' National Director of· The Society for the PropagatJonof the Faith, '366 Fifth, Avenue, New York 1 N.' Y. or yout~DlOCESAN,DIRECTOR REV. RAYMOND T,'CONSIDINE: 368 North Main Streei, Fall "R'iver. Mass.. '.!~







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EnjOy a bigger, happier, met:rier Christmas in 1958 •

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,-·:';h ,;;~'



·Main ,f'p'\'



~.'-', ... '~

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Dec. 26, 1957

Honor Sudents Named

Spotlighting Our Schools ST. MARY'S HIGH" TAUNTON In addition to the senior Christmas play, presented under the direction of Miss Mary Ben­ son, each class held an indi­ vidual pre-Christmas program. The selections included group singing of Christmas carols, in­ dividual talent contributions, and re:freshments. Beginning Decem­ ber 17, the girls recited Advent antiphons appropriate for the week preceding Christmas. The high school honor roll for the second term was posted. The seniors had the largest repre­ sentntion with twenty-three members on the list, while the juniors led high honors with ten. The yearbook staff sent in one­ third of the copy for printing. The second shipment will be sent on Janunry 18, and the staff hopes to complete the dummy by February 21. . An interesting Christmas tree typing contest came to an excit­ ing end when Helen Boivin, a' junior in the Typing I class, turned in the winning score of fifty net words per minute. For the month of December, the be­ ginners' typing class has been working hard to trim a Christ­ mas tree with ornaments earned by nccurate typing on five­ minute tests. Runners-up for the speed prizes were Irene Dubois nnd Joan Silva. Geraldine Bou­ chard was awarded a prize for having put the most ornaments on the tree, nnd Joan Silva, Nancy O'Connell, Mary Sheehy, Anne Hayes, Maureen Kiley, and Geraldine Bouchnrd tied for the honor of having' turned in the most accurate writing for the month. HOLY FAMILY HIGH SCHOOL, NEW BEDFORD . In the first basketball tilt of the season, Holy Family hoop;' Bters were the victors. Both first and second teams rolled up size­ able scores over their rival, Pre­ vost High' of Fall River. This was also Holy Family's "first ap­ pearance in the new Kennedy Memorial Gym and an enthusi­ astic following was on hand to support the teams. The debating club bowed to the superior club from Mount St. Mary's Academy, Fall River. The judges, Attorneys Harrjngton and McCormick, and Mr. Ernest Flood, gave the Mount team a seven-point victory. We con­ gratulate the winners. We are proud of the two debnters from Holy Family, Joseph Dugan nnd Robert Lawlor. Sister Mary Virginia, princi­ pal of Holy Family High, has re­ ceived a communication from the University of Massnchusetts, College of Arts and Sciences, that in connection with an ex­ periment conducted at the col­ lege this fall of advanced place­ ment of entering students there hnve been some outstanding per­ formances. Among those who have been commended for excel­ lent work is Donald J. Aspen, a June graduate. Donald's achieve­ ment is in the field of zoology. SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, FALL RIVER Sodality members will start the New Year with a program designed to inform students of the need for prayer in behalf of the "Ckurch of Silence" behind the iron curtain. At a January 3 meeting, Very Rev. Humberto Medeiros will present as guest speaker a Hungarinn priest for­ merly imprisoned by the com­ munist regime. Mary Beth Trai­ nor, program chairman, has pre­ pared a bulletin board display for the meeting. Advent observances at SHA' included homeroom celebrations centering about customs such as the blessing of the Christmns tree and crib, the use of the Advent House and Advent Wreath, and the recitation of the 0 Anti­ phons. Students also marked the feast of St. Lucy, patron of scho~l girls. Seniors received special privileges and were served Christmas treats by members of the junior clau at their 10:30 break period. "Christma. Bouquets" ill ree­ egnitlon of various achievementa wen to ~ JolkrMiDI:



Catholic Events

September, 1957

For Scholastic High Honors: Fernanda Carreiro, Mary Castro, A survey made at Catholic Helen Gannon, Leslie. Salvo, Students' Mission Crusade head­ Jacqueline Bussiere, Sheila Cro­ quarters in Cincinnati estimated. nan, Joan Morris, Carol Regan, there are 496,512,000,000 Cath­ Doris Desrosiers, Lucretia Car­ olics in the world, a year's in­ reiro, Winifred Welch, Margaret crease of 12,435,000. Lahey, Barbara Tavares, Mary Badway, Carol Fynn, Mary Sul­ New York's Cardinal Spellman livan. observed his 25th year as a For being chosen SHA repre­ bishop with a Mass of Thanks­ sentative to Good Government giving in Yankee Sta:dium. Day: Merit Winner Helen Gan­ Joseph P Harris, LaSalle Col­ non. lege, Philadelphia, was elected For gaining a unanimous vic­ president at the ·National Fed­ tory ,over St. Catherine's Acad­ eration of Catholic College stu­ emy debate team: Debrabant De­ \lents convention in New York, baters Nancy LaFleur and Mary first Negro to, hold that offiCe. -Photo by Calvry, Tll/lllt~ Lou Simcoe. , At its first' North A~e~i~an IM,MACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH, NORTH For inspiring the true Christ-: meeting, held in Montreal, 1,000 mas spirit by' their Qlee Cluo' delegates from 40' nations took EASTON: Michael ,and Patricia Kealey visit with the shep.. . solos: Agnes Crombie, Pauline' part in' the 'IQth Intet:national herds. Galland,. Barbara "·'Nobrega," Catholic Child Bureau congress. Phoebe" Champoux, Mary Eliz­ Msgr. William L. Wozniak, Buf­ abeth Boland.' faIo, N. Y., was elected. president For their expert Glee Club at the National Conference of accompanying: Kathleen Ste­ Catholic· Charities' convention, vens, Elizabeth Cetola, Winifred held jointly with the St. Vincent, HONG KONG (NC) - High- . lives on their boats. They ~ Welch. de Paul Society~ in Kansas City, light of Christmas ceremonies ashore only to attend Church, For their beautifully presented Mo. here is unique and picturesque school and to shop. Christmas Assembly directed by 'Despite a: privilege-revoking blessing ,of homes by Bishop Every Catholic sailor on U. S. Sister Rose Frances and Sister Qrder by Princeton University, Lawrence Bianchi of Hong warships in the harbor here ill Celine Rita: the Sophomore Bishop George W. Ahr of Tren­ Kong. able to attend Christmas Mass Class. ton announced Dominican Father The homes in this case are on his ship. SACRED HEARTS ACADEMY, Hugh Halton would continue as hundreds of gaily decorated fishAs in past years, Maryknoll FAIRHAVEN chaplain of the Aquinas Foun­ ing junks, each flying the papal Fnther George Gillignn, of New, Senior Gene Callaghan is Good dation" center for university flag, gathered in Aberdeen bay. York, Catholic chaplain of Ser"­ Government Day delegate. Feb­ Catholic students. They belc;mg to the famous fishicemen's Guides Association in ruary 11 she will pay a prelim­ University of Detroit launched erfolk of China, most of whom Hong Kong, arranged for a priest inary visit to Boston State House, Ii large scale c'ollege:.at-home in­ fled the, China coast when the to offer Mass on every Ameri­ where a special program' has struction progtam via television. communists took over the main- can warship 'in th~ harbor here been prepared for visiting stu­ Catholic press editorials gen­ land. , Christmas Day.' ' dent delegates. erally support President Eisen­ The ceremonies begin with In addition to providing fncil­ Recent activities by classes hower's action of sending Fed­ iUes for Mass, Servicemen'. studying the plays of Shake­ eral troops to Little Rock, Ark., midnight Mass. attended by the Guides arranged for a large speare have included a viewing to enforce a sacial integration fisher folk in the parish Church in Aberdeen on the' outskirts of number of American sailors t. by sophomores of the motion pic­ court order among public high' the city of Hong Kong. Followenjoy the hospitality of var\oUlt ture version of "Julius Caesar" ichool students. ing Mass a short entertainment families in Hong Kong on Christ­ especially prepared for schools. "Other September headlines: eonsisting of a Christmas pageant mas day. Seniors heard a· tape recording Over 100 Catholics Killed in and Christmas carols is preIn return for this hospitalit1. of a radio presentation of "Mac­ World's Second Worst 'Railroad sented };)y the pupils of the one of the warships scheduled a beth," then heard another re­ . Mishap, in Jamaica. ~ • u.s. ' Christmas party for some 200 cording demonstrating Shake­ Bishop~s Agency' OpeRs New, Canossian Sister,S' school. In the afternoori, Solemn Chinese you.ngsters ns part CJl speare's use of atmosphere in the Poland Relief Program, First of their holiday celebrations. play, while resident, students Its Kind Since 1950. . . U. S. Benediction of the Blessed Sacwitnessed a Sunday afternoon Military Ordinariate Given Di­ rament is held i,ri the c~apet'?f Statue to Overlook Our Lady of Chma Semmary 10 ,

television showing of "Twelfth ocesan Status by Vatican.•. UN Communist Zone

Night." Censures'Russia for Intervention Aberdeen. Theil the Bishop c~ying the monstrance goes FRIEDLAND (NC) _ A 98­

On display in the high school in' Hungarian Revolution. • . foot concrete ~tatue of Christ

library is a rubber project pre­ Pope Says Films, Radio, TV in procession with the seminarians to the waters edge where wi! be erected soon on a hill

pared by seventh graders Ann Should Bring People Closer; he raises the Blessed Sacrarqent overlooking the Communist z90e

Early, Colette Lemire and Patri­ Encyclical Urges Review Offices. of Germany.

cia Porter. All stages in the pro­ •. UN Assembly Again Blocks in blessing over the boats. The ceremony held each Site c· the statue will be nell!' duction of rubber on a Brazilian Red China Membership. Christmas began more than 20 a large refugee transit cnm~ plantation' are shown, from the Favors representing the feast years ago when a large number here which has offered shelter tapping of the tree for latex to of families in this fishing comto thousnnds of people since the loading of canoes with will be distributed to all stu­ World Wnr II. "hams" or "biscuits" of rubber. - dents, and prizes will be awarded munity became converts to Catholicism. Cost of the project will be Last week the Standard-Times to the three students who win The more than 50,000 fishermet by contribution from Theater of the Air broadcast its the coveted honor of being "Magi" for the day. A program men and their families were churches, the state and federal annual Christmas program from born and will spend their entire governments. the Academy chapel, with Louise of games will feature various contests among the classes, with Charbonneau as organist. Nar­ p6tnts for th~ winners. rators for the program were Junior students of French pre­ Magdalena Ferro, Janet Pauline, sented "The Song of the Scaf­ JoanEllison and l\I~ary Joan Fer­ nandes, while singers were the fold" at the Christmas meeting Junior Choral Group, assisted by of the Cercle Litteraire. Mrs. Denise L. Corey, of the high Janet Pauline, Jean Goulet, The­ school faculty, aided in directing rese Texeira and Barbara Baker. the play, which is based on the DOMINICAN ACADEMY, story of the martyrdom of the FALL RIVER Carmelites of Compeigne, beati­ The annual Alumnae Home­ fied by Pius X in 1906. Eighth coming Game will be played in grader Francoise Lajoie wns nar­ DA gym Monday, Dec. 30, at 8 rator. Juniors taking part in­ P. M. Athletic Association mem­ cluded: Una Raymond, Joan Cal­ bers who are making arrange­ lahan, Francine Cardinal, Janet ments for the game include Var­ Champagne, Alberta Dagata, sity student manager Catherine Muriel Fioln, Claudette Lepage, Perry, Marguerite Demers, Wini­ Claudette Pelletier, Louise Pel­ fred Vermette, Jacqueline Oli­ letier, Stella Gamache and Cecile veira, Sharon Vermette and Boissoneault. Frances Reilly. Past members of BREAD the A.A. are special guests of the Associaton on this occasion. Student Council committees have been formed for the annual Plumbing - Heating

Epiphany Party to be held Janu­ ary 6 for all high school pupils. 915 Acushnet Ave.

Placing the Christmas parties on At Weld Square

the feast of the Epiphany instead of during Advent is part of the New' Bedford

Do You Work in a Factory, liturgical movement which bas New Bedford's Leading

Garage, Machine Shop or been gaining favor in the Acad­ Plumber

emy during the past few years. Gasoline Station?

Ble$sing of Fishermen's J..-nks Highlights Hong ,Kong Christmas a



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Is ,Wisdom Expendable

May Neglect Liberal ~~rts

Desp'ite Caution~ry Voices



By Donald McDonald,


Davenport Catholic Messenger ,




Everyone is having a' go at the American educational system these days, either roundly condemning it or cau­ tiouslydefending it, in the light of Soviet Rmlsia's singular technological triumph, the orbit.ing of 'an earth satellite, Here thepeglect cannot be fru,it of th~t country'~ fie:~e concentratIOn ,on sCIentIfIc laid otithe dOQrstep of'the 'pro­ education for the last 10 or fessors 'or '1:he,a;iministrators of ' 15 years. such schools. ~ho is' to bla,?e" Happily, in the chorus of com- ",,:,hen college lIlstructors, ,wIth ments on the matter the voices SIX years of undergraduate and of some wise ' '.c:~ graduate preparation behind mt!n are being them, must begin teaching at a heard. 'Bishop' sa1ary:'of $75 Qr ,$80 a w,eek and' John J. Wright with prospects 01' improvirig that of Worcester: ' salary, after many years of servMsgr. Frederick "ice', to';i ceiling of $125 or, more Hochwalt of the rar~ly, $150,~ '~eek? ! think the National Cathblame, in large part" mpst fall. olic Educational on both governmeht' and the' Ass 0 cia tion' business-industri.al ,comrr,lUnity.' Father Thurs~ More money"is not the 'Ct!re-all toll N. Davis' for education's ills. But. the lack, editor of Amer~ of ,suf!ic~~nt money for healthy ica' a few gov- , liberal arts colleges reflects seri­ ern'ment ' 0 f f i- , <ius publf<; indilreren~e to their cials like' Marian B. Folsom of fate." ', ,' the Health, Education arid Wel: Week after week, we read of fare office, and others, have cau- grants and gifts to coll~gt::s and tioned that, while :Ne cannot af-:- universities by both government ',' ford to let Soviet Russia outstrip' al1d' indust~y, bu't wee~ 'after us in the development and manu- week' it 'is' the !;ame. story~the facture oJ. global instruments of gifts and gr~nts are given for war,neither can we afford to the advancement of some scien­ abandon those studies in' ' our tiflc: project,ior the impro've­ schools which'exert an indispen..' ment of' some' sdentific process .able liberalizing, humanizing, or product, the perfection, of' Inlluence on' the American some ,industrial technique. people. ' I realize that a large percen-' Fears Fatal Blow tage' (I would guess about 33· Well, of course, it is precisely per ~ent) 'o,fth: governmental the liberal arts studies that have and lIldustnal gIfts are related been most shamefully neglected to, medical research, ,a?~ no one In this country for the past half- Will ~grudgeor CrltIcIZe such century. What concerns me is allocatIOns,. that despite the cautionary But the thmg that bothers me voic~s, the present ner.vousness is that only a negl!gible' num­ about our scientific deficiencies ber of grants and gIfts are spe­ may give t,he last; the fatal, blow cifically designated for, the im­ to that weakened, impoverished prov~,?ent of the peculIarly hu­ body of studies we call "the _ n;tamzmg area of educ~tion, the humanities," liberal arts schools, Is not the prQfessor who can In the end, whether the Amer· lead his students to maturity and lcan sch,ools go overboard and responsibility a most valuable make SCIence the central. refer- Cl't'lzen In . th'IS coun tr y,? . ence pomt of all t WIS ' d om' an d th e grow th ' , learmng, or d' I s no whethe~ ,they reJuv~nate an and' radiation of wisdom in an reor?amze the whole lIber,al arts ever-enlarging number of curnculum and establIsh a ' " our ' h ' cltizens a pnze to be sought' and proper ba I ance w h IC recognIZes if ' " th t ' . , b t f tb' necessary, IS not the process ,a . s~Ience IS u one, 0 e" of insuring wisdom's central po_ dl~lphnes of an edu~ated ~~n. sition worth subsidization? wIll depend on publIc opmIOn If' d 1 t 't d in this country. And we may , WIS om an, rna un y a~ ' t' f mtellectual and moral respon­ h th a genera Ion 0 weII ask weer 'b'l't T h' h f th t t SI 11 Y are to be accounted as CI lzens '!' IC or e mos par expendables on the fringe f has receIved only a narrow, spe. . 0 cialized, vocational type of edu- An;'e.ncan educatIOn so, far a~ t" bl f f . th offICIal government polIcy and ca lOn, IS capa e 0 ormmg e pub}' " . . ' . '. d kind of public' opitlion that iB-' " I,C opm,IOn, ,~r~ c<;,>n,cerne , d d . ' theQ.. let .us admIt It. But then nee e. ' , ' , l e t us also admit 'that there isn't . Concernmg . thE: schools. and much differencE: between the liberal arts-lIterature, phlloso- orientation of our educational' phy, ~istory, "languages-is ~he system and that of Soviet Russia; term neglect, too harsh or m- and if we are now going to accurate? I thmk not: single-mindedly concentrate on Our own. D, S, OffIce of Edu- technological training then there " cation has, recently released fig- "wQn't be any differen'ce ,at all in ­ ures showmg, for example, that 10 y'ears, " , whereas 40 years ago, more than ,,' 55 per cent of American high.

school and college students

studied Latin and/or Greek, the

percentage today is something' less than five per c~nt. In our large universities,.,li~.,. " eral arts students comprise only 20 to 25 per cent of the ,total . Di,.c~cto,.s" . ' ". student body. The remaining 75 to 80 per cent of the students '469 . ; .. ,LQcust ,8t.~ Fa,1 Rive,r .J , j are enrolled in vocational, pro.... ' 2-:J381 fessional or technical schools­ , .. engineering, law, dentistry, busi­ , ",' , ness administration, medicine.

.In these specialized schools,

the students get, at best, only a

glimpse of the "humanities";

they receive a "survey" course in

FUNERAL HOME literature, another in philosophy,

courses which involve a few ,9~6 Plymouth Ave. readings, a few lectures, and Fall River routine examinations - an out­

rageously superficial experience

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that could do most to enlarge

their minds and deepen their


And even the pre-professional

liberal arts studies of our future

, doctors and dentists are heavy concentrations of the sciences Funeral Home at the expense of the liberalizing courses.' , 571 Second St.. What can we say about our

Fall River" Mass. liberal arts colleges themselves,

both the independent schools OS 9-6072 and those that are part of larger -". " universities?

I). D. Sullivan & Sons . Ji'unera:t . ~











THE ANCHOR;" Thurs." Dec. 26, 1957



--_.----------------_.:....: .. . -- -- - '-­ ~.- .. _._~ .:.-_.-.-




Catholic Events Qctober, 1957 Russia's 'success in launching the first world satellite indicates a lag in production of U. S. scien­ tists, Fathers Francis J. Heyden and Patrick H, Yancey, Jesuit scientists" agreed, Two, of ,the year's largest C;;ltholic gather-' iogs' were-' held-400 journalists from 32 nations gathered at the fifth World Congress of the Catholic Press in Vienna, Aus­ tria, and 2,300 delegates met at the second World Congress of ,the Lay, Apostolate in Rome. , For promoting ~nterracial jus­ tice; ,AFL-CIOP'resident George' MeanY, Washington, and Jame~ W, Dorsey, Milwaukee, Negro of­ ficial of the Wisconsin Industrial Commission's fair employment division, were voted, 1957 James J. Hoey Awards, D., S. Catholic' were urged to mark oct, 12 as a day of prayer for "solution of difficulties" by, Bishop Albert L. Fletcher of Little Rock, Ark:, scene of pub­ lic high school students raCial integration problem. The Fran­ Ciscans' St. Bonaventure (N.Y.) University opened celebration of its' centennial year. Millions of D. S, Catholic young people par­ t'icipated in the 7th National Catholic Youth Week, Oct. 27Nov, 3. " " Other October headlines: Car-, dina! Tisserant Decorated by france's President Coty.•. Phil­ ~delphia Cathedral Opens After Two Years of Large Scale Reno­ vation. . • Annette Dionne Is First of Famous Quints to Marry. •• San Marino Red Regime Falls as Anti-Communists Take Power ~ .. 200,000 Pilgrims at Closing of 40th AnniverSary Rites at Fatima Shrine. . • Luke E. Hart Re­ elec,ted ;K. of C, Supreme Knight. •. Pope Inaugurates New Vati­ can Radio Station.







I l,'­ I i



FRENCH AUTHo'R-PRIEST AND DOG: Abbe Jean Gautier has made his poodle, Yuni, the subject of a book of reminiscences, "A friest and His Dog," about the compan­ ionship ,he shared with his dog.


..,.& &:. .....__ ...... ,,~ r-a:... :a.a:.,,&Mo'" K~l:s\JLlJ'1'lONS. liAV~ ~ou 1'HOUGli'l' OJ' MAKING ~OUR Wli.L 1'h£ WILL GUV, In R.llatt~LVldl:RINti '1'!UO Nt:a& t;a,,1 llu;:);:)lONS IN ~OUR LA~'1' WILL ANU '1'~~'1'Al\U;Nl't'ntlS (;AN JUs ~ULJ1& MV!1lJ1U)!;N'l' t'UR ALL JlO·l'Jili.Nl'l·~. '1'11.II: + MNr;~ t:A~'1' l\u;:);:)10NS" lIS OUR HULl FA1'11Jl,A'S MIS~JON ~U(;I~'1'~ 1"0& TU~ (;ARK AND ~U~rUA'l' OF '1'11.II: (;1:lLJ~\;l1 iN ill UJUJ!.N'l'AL (;UlJN·l'RU..s. l\'llLL1UN;:) 01" J'AGAN SOULS ARK LOVKlNti «'vAt Hf.r. LIliU'l' V1" (;~1;:)'1'. ,rHE MISSIO,' I\Rf CHUK-CU IN THE OK-lENT NE~DS YOUR







Sanctuary lamp $15 Confessional., $50 Altar stOD& ..• ' $10

'Stations .... , . ,. 25 Monstrance .... 40 Altar ...•••••. 75

Vestments ., .. , 50 Mass bell ...•.. I) Picture .•••••.. 15

Candles, for a yr. 20 Tabernacle.., 25 Chalice .. , .... , 40

Many times the poor ,In the Near and Middle East can build.

, humble, Chapel to house our Eucharistic, King-but they lack the

'financial means to equip the Chapel after It Is finished. We have

many appeals for the above chapel Items from Greece to India. May­ be you could donate one In ml'mory of a loved one-or In thank..

, giving for. favor received. c


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NATALIE AND MARY-FUTURE'M1SSIONARmS? With the Lord's help they wl1l he-If we can·

find some kind benefactors to help them with

their education, Sister'Mliry Paul Is beginning

her course of studies \Yith the Adoration 81s-'

ters In India and Sister Natalie has started her

studies with the Basllian Sisters In LIl,banoJl.,

They need $150 for each of their two years train­

1ng-$300 In all. Could you help? '





PHILIP AND GEORGE are beginning their sl. yearS of study for the .prlesth!)od. ,Philip Is Ilt St. Jose~h" Seminary. India, a'nil George Is at the ChaldeaD Semlll'llry In Iraq. Can you adopt on. of t1i~se apostles and give the,$6oo'ne.eded 'for hla six years of study. Our Divine Lord will certain­ ly biEiss you abundantly for such charity. : I,

Michael C. Austin


In Tehran, IraD the 'Lazzarist Fathers have bee~ ,laboring for on• hundred yeaTS. In 1862 they founded a school for boys which hal

been a great help, to the Church. However, after

95 y~ars of s'ervicetothe children, the dilapit8ted

building must be torn down. for It Is no longer

safe ~ for the youngsters, $5.000 will belp theM

devo:ted missionaries build two new classroom.

In their new school. We pray that our benefac­

tors, will help us In ,this worthy project so that

the ~hHdren will still be able to get a good Catho­

lic education. Can you help ,with a mite?










Msgr1Pet.r P. Tuohy, Nat'l Sec'y


all communications tol


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Yellow Cab Company

Drive Slowly " . . Carefu Ily

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May Be Your Very Own




Cath<&d[f~,a Campe·rs ~Enjoy Chr~$tmO]~

Party Today-

, Summer is h~re again~at least for afew hundred boys it is. If you are fortunate eilOugh to be strolling about at the Joseph p~ Kennedy Community and Youth Center in New Bedford today, you will hear these lads recounting -summer epfsodes, prefacing the moment they have all been each account with the nostal~ waiting for-the presentation of gic introductions, "'Member trophies. Mr. Bernard F.' Sulliwhen .. !' or "How 'bout the van, the Head Counselor at the

-THE ANCHOR Thurs., Dec. 26, 1957

St. Ignatius Loyola

Saints In Cro'sswords

Catholic Events Novem/ber, 1957

By Henry Michael

u. S. Bishops at their annual Washington meeting: issued a statement entitled "Censorshi!),'" terming press freedom a basic right 'but insisting public morals must b~ safeguarded; called U. s. citizens to a traffic safety cam­ paigri, arid set aSl'd e D ecem b er 29

·me..." Stay with them a little Camp during the past season, tl ' while and you will almost feel begins calling 'out th e wmners 'e as a day of prayer for the world's d those warm summer breezes and 0 f th e B es t C amper awar s, th be quite certain that today is most coveted of all the trophies. persecuted peoples. Baltimore's

July 26th. Who are they? They There are four of these, one for Archbishop' Francis P. Keough

are the hundreds of Cathedral each of the age groups. ,The 'win- was reelected NCWC administra­

Campers enjoyi'ng their annual ners of the Best Camper awards tive board chairm'an.

have been selected by a general

C hristmas party. discussion and vote of the entire With the dealth of Adeodato Each year, right after Christcounseling staff on the basi!1 of Cardinal Piazza, 73, Sacred Con­

mas, Cathedral Camp sponsors a the boy's conduct, cooperation, sistorial Congregation secretary,

party and reunion 'for the campcamP spirit, and in general, the the Sacred College of Card~nals

ers and counselors of· the predegree to which he approached was reduced to 57 members.

vious summer. At that time the ideal camper. The choice of Eugene F. Kennedy Jr., Bos­

you~gsters flock to thEt:appoin~ed the boys 'was most difficult be- ton, designer, and John McShain,

spot from all over southern New cause of the immense number of Philadelphia, bui! leI' of .the Na­

England. Whence their presence 'boys approximating this ideal. tional Shrine of the Immaculate

at the' new Kennedy Youth CenIn addition to the trophy he reConception in Washington, were

'tel' today, hoping to see the ceives, each Best Camper wiil awarded Dayton University's friends and companions they last ha've his name permanently 'in1957 Marianist Award. Mount' saw in August. Each boy has had scribed on a plaque at the Camp. St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, many'new experiences in schQol Trophies Awarded Md., marked its 150th founding that he ardently wants to recount Also awardtld today are the anniversary. to his friends, but most of all four Waterfront and Athletic' Henry W. Flannery, Washing.:. each desires to recall the old Field trophies, and the Horse-' ton, was reelected Catholic Asso­ experiences Of summer happimanship and. Archery trophy. 'ciation for International Peace ness enjoyed 'during those all too These ten awards are presented president. Catholic Church Ex­ few, fleeting weeks spent on the to boys on the basis of their contension Society had its greatest shores of Long Pond in East duct, skill and improvement in ,year aiding U. S. missions, it was

Freetown. the various, sports concerned. reported at the 52nd annual MOl'ies of Camp Each of these boys, like the Best' Chicago meeting. Sacred ConThe clamor of' cheers that Campers, has worked diligently' greglition of Religious ruled men might, rock the building as you during his stay at Camp and is in religious communities may not enter: this afternoon would most a well-deserved winner.' " , ,take 'permanent vows before probably not be intended for you, It is always considered a marcompleting compulsory military

but 'rather in approval of, the vel in camping circles that no service in countries where it boys' favorite ,Western and caradult, U11fortunate enough to be' exists. toons being projected on the standing between two' hundred Other November headlines: screen at that particular moment. hungry boys anq the dining hall, Holy' Father' Composes P~ayer The younger boys, the Braves has been trampled to death when for Priesthood Vocations. • • and Warriors"might be observed the bugle blows for "chow~" Any" Jerusalem Patriilch Protests exchanging gunfire with the vilparent who thinks his child has Israeli Efforts to Make Christians

lain, while their older brothers, a ravenous apPE::tite at home, or ,Become Jews. . . U. S. Bishops' the Hunters and Chieftains, sit no appetite, would be startled by Relief Agency Aided 40 Million back quietly, digesting, as it the onslaught ,of young bodies Needy in 53 Nations in Past were, the hamburgers, chocolate that this one' bugle call can proYear, Report Says... New Anti­ milk and watermelon that would- duce. While the boys' are not Church Drive Launched in Red have' preceded this film on a quitg so ~iolent in their approach China... India's Bishops Con­ Wednesday night cookout during at the Christmas party, they.evidemn Red Anti-Catholic School

the camp season. The ballet dence every bit as much enBill, Birth Control Campaign..• dancer who may have suddenly thusiasm for the refreshments Pope Gives Advice on Intricate

appeared on the screen was sim_served. The young Braves you Problems Facing Anesthetists.

ply a Chieftain absent-mindedly may see crying, thinks he' has stepping in ftont of the projector lost his "canteen check," a little everywhere will be just begin­ while demonstrating to his semiblack piece of plastic passed out ning to swap stories. They will narian counselor just how he got at the end of the afternoon rest be a little sad that 'their favorite away that hook shot in the last period at Camp, and in turn horse, Bugaboo or Cree Billy, two seconds of the basketball passed over the' counter by' the was not at the party for them to game last August with those "tall camper for his daily ,allotment ride, or that they. coul<;ln't go' for monsters" from New Bedford, of ice cream, candy or soda. A a quick dip in the lake as they giving the Cathedral Camp "Infriendly Chieftain will remind would each afternoon during the dians" a thrilling 37-36 victory. his that at the Christmas party General Swim. They will' be Not a murmur can be heard as the items are givllll without a overjoyed, ho~ever, that they Father McMahon, the Camp Di"check." once more met their summer rector, mounts the stage to offer Next Summer companions and ,counselors, anti the boys a few words of advice When at four o'clock the party together re-experie'nced the glo­ 'and encouragement: Then comes draws to a close, youngst~rs rious camp season they had spent together. Their parting remarks, "What weeks are you' going next summer?" and spe­ cially, the ever more frequent reply: "I'm· goin' for the whole ~ season! How 'bout you?" remind Father McMahon and the semi-, narian counselors that they have an even busier summer ahead of them in 1958. As these dedicated men begin preparations for that season tonight, their work will be lightened with the realization that, with God's help, because of, their efforts happier, healthier and holier young men will enter manhood.

A Delicious Treat


60 Kind 01 flsb

EARN~.D 51 & -55

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'le•.ee"lond p~lIn·I.ON.l 66 Oreek rcnddese ~ II J),.turb 01 discord Old Testa6 1.lft oneeelf, 111 P"AC~; ment book .... 1 PI Wounds ace WHI':R~; HIS 8 Baby OUDER W.lS Precise 9 Build!D/C F'OUNIlI~1I Pronoun , ~ddlhnn 58 I':nerpts

Curve.d roole 10' S&aggerel'1l 60 HIS FIRST

PermIt Jl H~: WAS A PROFt'SSION Small "aps STV~)~:NT AT 61 t;ve" /~ontr.l

HI'; WAS A THt. U. OF 63 lI",i"'1( (;REA1.' - N O.F l I l F : N ' 64 earest to S'ITL', OF ,12 Beverages present " H I S IS A Jewisb tribe 65 L' ' d .•~ IIg"e

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Chemical 16 (;rinding lorm) suffix' sub.tance 67 Stllrled

1':11& 26 Kind 01 poem li8 (;rainy

Uecp bole 29 Kind of 69 Iligs Seed cnverlng vessel 70 Wnrn 0 .

t:ntertllin .. Suml.tunusl)' SO Glow 71 1Iionth 101

An anlisep&l" 31 Legends Jewlsb calen­ Inlet '32 Half (prefix) dar

Hardened 34 Tale 12 Wnlchllli Rubs out S5 Tubes 74 UUII away

Monllrch 36 Jlou.ehold 75 City in ftaly

H~; MAnE A 37 Elodes 78 Pla,'e 01

JIIURN~;Y, 38 Mytb refuge WITH A 39 Rob 80 1I1etni

IIleal '10 Shoe bottoms 81 Skip

Solution on Page Eighteen

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AFTER,FOUR YEARS, To'GETHER: Kenneth Rowe, former North Korean pilot who collected a $100,000 reward for flying the first Russian IVIIG into the hands of the U.N. forces in Korea, meets his mother for the first time in four years as she arrives in Seattle. She is the first Asian refugee to enter the United States under new im­ migration laws. NC Photo.

Made Rite Chips Asic For Them Today

Cardinal Promises Continuation Of Priest-Worker, Apostolate

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs•• Dec. 26. 1957


Catholic, Events

December, 7957

PARIS (NC) - The Church's ishes for the purpose .of getting decision to interrupt the priest­ priests into the workmg world worker movement is no indica­ according to a formula whic!t the tion that the Church has aban­ hierarchy is working to per­ Cardinal Spellrr.an left New doned the worker, His Eminence 'feet." York on his annual Christmas Maurice Cardinal FeItin, Arch­ Cardinal Feltin then a~­ visit to U. S. troops in Alaska and bishop of Paris, declared here. nounced that Father Holla~de s the Far East. Msgr.William J. The Cardinal spoke at the in­ work as c<;msultant to prIests . McDonald was named rector of stallation of Father Jacques Hol­ who are active in the apostolate the Catholic University of Amer­ lande, former head of the Mis­ of labor is not ended. ~is in­ ica. Auxiliary Bishop John M. sion of Paris - the jurisdiction stallation as a pastor wIll not Fearns of New York was conse­ of the so-called priest-workers­ prevent him from being avail­ crated. _,i[argaret Ann Nichols, as pastor of the Parisian parish able to give counsel and s~are 'of Milton, Mass., a junior at of Holy Trinity. experience with those who need Regis College, Weston, Mass., The installation ceremonies !:lim, the Cardinal said. was n'amed "Outstanding Cath­ drew a crowd that overflowed olic Youth of 1957." , the large parish church. Among Pilgrims crowded the shrine of dignitaries of Church and State Beauraing, Belgium, OIl the 25th present was France's new Min­ anniversary of the apparilions of ister of Justice, Robert Lecourt, Our Lady to five children there. who is a parishioner of Holy Xavier University, Cincinnati, P~ess

Trinity. awarded the St. Francis Xavier Paying tribute to Father Hol­ PATERSON (NC) - Designed Medal to Jesuit Father Aloysius lande's 14 years as the superior , to ,put thousands of Catholic J. Breen of the university; Judge of the Mission of Paris, Cardinal facts within firiger-tip reach, the, Edwin G, Becker of the Cincin­ Feltin recalled that Cardinal ,1958 edition of the, National nati school board, and Stan Suhard, his predecessor as Arch­ Catholic Almanac has gone to Musial, St. Louis Cardinals base­ bishop of Paris, had chosen press here at the St. Anthony's ball star. A booklet by Colum­ Father Hollande to head the Guild plant. ban Father Patrick O'Connor, mission when the priest-worker Compiled by the Franciscan NCWC News Service Far East movement was still in its initial clerics of Holy Name College, correspondent, reported that stages of development. Washington, D. C., the 52nd edi­ adult converts in South Korea The Cardinal went on to say: tion of the Catholic "ready ref­ had increased 10-fold to 31,912 "Cardinal Suhard wanted some erence library in one volume" since 1949. ardent and generous priests to contains 704 pages. More than Other December headlines: devote themselves to the evan­ 200 of them are new and filled Catholic Faith SYireads in Africa gelization of the world of labor with the latest in statistics, ac­ Diocese Where Mau:"Mau Terror and to bring into it a knowledge cording to Father Felician Foy; Raged, Bishop' Says. . . Ger­ of Christ and' His Church in a O.F.M., the editor. many's Ruhr: Has Its Own Di­ special way outside of the usual Catholic news of the wor~d ocese After 28-Year Wait. . • parochial, set-up." from December, 1956, to Novem­ Chinese- Bishops, Priests Deny Began in 1944 ber, 1957, is c.overedin 48 pages Red Claims They Back Red­ The so-called "priest-worker" and supplemented with 16 pages Dominated 'Patriotic Association movement began 'in 1944 when of pictures furnished by the of Catholics.' .. Governor;-Other a group of young Parisian priests N.C.W.C. Picture Service, Father Dignitaries Present at Rededica­ under Father Henri Godin Foy'said: The 1958:-59 centennial tion of Steubenville, (Ohio) founded the Mission of Paris year of the apparitidns of the' Cathedral: .. Racial Problem Is with the permission of Cardinal Blessed Mother at Lourdes, Worldwide One, Cardinal Stritch Suhard. Concerned about the France, is forecast in the full Declares... Census Bureau Head large numbers of French wor~­ text of the Holy Father's ency­ Says No Question Religion ers who had' become 'ignorant clical "Le Pel e r ina g e de Will Be Asked in 1960 Census. of the teachings of the Church Lourdes" and given background and had given up the practice of in a special' article. ,The volume Christianity under the influence also contains the text of the 1957 of communism, the'p'iiests of the statement of the U. S. Bishops movement wore lay garb; took ST. LOUIS (NC) - You don't dealing with "Censorship," it jolls in factories and lived in ,get interested in lay activities was stated. just by ,sitting around on the homes and apartment houses in Pope's Addresses workers' districts. sidelines waiting to be asked. Father Foy said the' Almanac Some entereq the factories That is the opinion of Frank editors, 'aware of the increasing with the permission of the man­ C. Blumeter,' president of the general interest in the statements agement to work among' the em­ St. Louis Insur~rice Corporation, of His Holiness Pope Pius - XII, ployes on the job. Their p,ur­ who last Week 'was named a have re'ported the theme of 50 pose was to infiltrate and form Knight of Malta by His Holiness of his addresses, and have in­ Pope Pius XII. cells of Christianity among cluded the full texts of signifi­ workers and laborers. Active in many Catholic hos­ tant addresses regarding Young But there were protests and pital and parish building cam­ Christian Workers, the lay apos­ critisisms from all sides. Some paigns, he thinks ,one key to tolate, automation and anesthe­ laymen felt that priests living successful Catholic work' is a siology. He added the editors among the workers gave scandal. strong set of vocal chords. included summaries and, digests Others asserted that some priest­ of the PClpe's ericyclicals on the, workers had become radical and Africa'n missions, St. Andrew had actually embraced commu­ 'Bobola the Polish martyr; per­ nism. secutio~ in Pol<i'nd, and motion Referring to this situation, pictures, radio and television. Cardinal Feltin continued: Included in the new material Difficulties Increase 1726 ACUSHNET AVE. is an article on the ethics of the "Of course, this work ran into nursing profession especially NEW BEDFORD difficulties. Thel'e was misun­ written for the Almanac by Re­ derstanding in many quarters, demptorist Father Francis J. E!ectriccil Contractors even among the faithful. There, Connell of the Catholic Univer­ 'as the need to modify and WYman S-7SSS sity of America. adapt methods which had no Standard Contents other objective than the PJ"ocla­ Standard departments of the mation of Christ and His Gospel Almanac cover the Holy See, Dorot~y COX

to the poor. Difficulties increased Roman congregations," biogra­ when the Church thought'it wise Home made

phies of cardinals, and U. S. to reorient the movement, to CANDIES

archbishops and bishops; thumb­ - correct certain methods then nail sketches of famous Cath­ in use and iinally to call a haIt CHOCOLATES

olics; clear, non-argumentative to certain aspects of this activity. 150 Varieties statements of Catholic belief and "Even this final gesture of ROUTE 6 Near

worship; education; social, and the Church was badly inter­ Fairhaven Auto Theatre

apostolic works; the home and preted. Some claimed that .. the FAIRHAVEN, MASS.

for e i g n missions; retreats, Church will never cease to awards, the communication arts, But this is a profound error! hospitals, religious communities The Church will never cease to seek out the perfect way to' of men and women'; definitions of hundreds of terms in Catholic place the priest among the use, and general information re­ workers. garding the U. S. government New Formula Planned and census reports. "The mission to the worker The staff at the Holy Name is formed by three related forces. College in, Washington which the parish clergy, the laity or­ compiled the volume was head­ : "irs a whale or a drink" : ganized by Catholic Action for ed, by Fraters Angelus Gamba­ the apostolate of labor, and 'cer­ , - 17 DELICIOUS FLAVORS , tese and Jp.ffrey Proud. tain priests detached from par­ , BEST SINCE 1853 ,

1958 Catholic

Almanac Goes



Church' Works Needs Laymen Volunteers

EIRE FOLK-LORE THE GREATEST: Seamus Mac­ Manus of Donegal, Dean of Irish Literature and ~ast-living found:r of the Sinn Fein- Movement, chats with Bishop C. L. Nelligan, retired Bishop of Pembroke, and ~ather M. C. Corrigan, C.S.Sp., from Dublin. "We have the greatest folk-lore in the world," said the 88-year-old M~c­ Manus in his Christian Culture lecture series at AssumptIon University in Windsor, Ontario. NC Photo. vision, The apostolill constitution, Primo Exacto Saeculo. issued by Continued from Page One the' Pope only recently, grants designers of women's clothes. He special indulgences to those par­ a]so 'spoke on automation and ticipating in special Lourdes gave a special address on the in­ centenary year. auguration of the new transmit­ Other activities reeD lied by ters of Radio Vatican. the Press Office in its recapitu­ Four Encyclicah lation of the Pope's year include The Pope issued four ency­ clicals and one apostolic con-, his receiving the credentials of stitution in the course of the, 10 new ambassadors and two new ministers accredited to the year, the Vatican Press Office Holy See_ The new ambassadors recaIJed. The encyclicals were were those of Ecuador, Belgium, Fidei Donum, on the missions of the Church, especially those of Honduras, Germany, Spain; Iran, the Philippines, Haiti. Peru. and Africa; Invicti Athletae Christi, Colombia. The n~w envoys of on the third centenary, of the ministerial rank were those of martyrdom of St. Andrew Bo­ Great Britain and Monaco. bola; Le Pelerinage de Lourdes, on the coming centenary of the Marian apparitions' at Lourdes, France, and Miranda Prorsus, on motion pictures, radio and tele­

Papal ,Activities


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~ NE)(f, wEEK ..

~, Sage and Sand

Theological :,'Vi'rtues" Basis' For Genuine'Good'Wiil' .By Most Rev~ RObert J. Dwyer, D.D., Bishop of Reno,

The angels' song rang, out with' a .Budden ecstacy: Glory, to God in the highest, and on earth peace .to men of. good will! ' ' ' , Rubbing, the wonder out of their eyes the shepherds Bet. out across the hills to its ideals and had :tore-sworn /' all find the promised Sign, the its loyalties. ' Infant wrapped in swaddling A prophet more clairvoyant clothes, lying in a manger. than ,he. may have realized him-'


~THE ANCHOR Thurs.• Dec. 26, 1.957

",was cultivated, temperate in speech, and entirely' devoted to' the best interests (as he saw 'them) of the rest of mankind, especially when they ran parallel with his own. He was morai, or, more precisely, he approved of morality as the best dev.ice .for dealing with the' complexities !lrid difficulties of social life, and particularly useful for the lower classes. ' But he was a man 'totally de­ void of 'faith, who'cherishe~ no foolish dreams of, salvation" a, man who Geither loved God, nor his neighbor, nor himself. He was the complete modern pagan, the man of good will. What Newman foresaw so clearly in the 1850s and Romains described in' the 1930s, has caught up with us in full force in this mid-century passage. The . Free World is governed and guided by just such men of good will.

Of all Jewry they alone had been self at the time, Romains painted found worthy to see the vision, a devastating picture of" France and to hear the song. They alone during' the first third of this were men, of good will. 'century, a vast cyciorama of *. * * European culture 'confronted Back in the '30s, the eminent with its own intellectual and French novelist, Jule's Romains, spiritual bankruptcy, and faced published a many-volumed study with the bittl~r choice between of our times, calling it (was it Communism arid suicide. After with conscious blasphemy?) Men Romains, Sartre was inevitable. of Good ,Will. Like most con­ Yet, R6ma{ns insisted, all temporary novels it had no he.­ ,these were men, of good will.' roes and no villians, for among What meaning did he' attach to With all commendable earn­ the multitudes 'who peopled its the phrase, sanctified by its long estness they are striving to pre­ pages there were no saints' and Christian tradition? Actually', vent disaster and to forestall most of the sinners were amiable. John Henry Newman, writing his catastropn'e. They want nothing They were the pagans of a post- educational essay" back in .the so'· much as a return to iriter­ 1850s, when he was struggling national sanity, the resumption Christian society, these Jerpha­ nions and Guyaus and Clan­ with the problems of' heart­ of trade and good' fellowship, ricards, 'and the gloom 'of their breaks of organizing a Catholic cultural interchange, the exten­ despair wasilIumined by no ray . University in ,Ireland, had an­ sion of the blessings of liberty' 'of hope,_natural or supernatural. ticipated, the definition, ,with , and equality to subject peoples , Cream of Culture ' 'startling provision. and the'ending of outworn coloThey believed in no God, hav­ Modern Good Will nialism.They aspire to peace in log scientifically' disposed of the . The modern. man of good will our times based on. enlightened' illusion, and they expected no -Newman called him the gen­ self-interest; they plead for the Messias. Poets, artists, financiers, tlemari - was .one who never conversion of nuclear power· to the ,uses' of industry for the pro., , ' statesmen (with even a few willingly caused pain to his fel.., worldly priests thrown in for lowman. He was always kindly; motion of wealth and the raising good measure), they were the courteous, generous; he would of universal hving standards. cream of modern culture, the 'always' observe the. rules of ,the With even a minimum of coend-product of a civilization game and salute his enemy when' operation from Russia and her which had outg~owri its idols and he had vanquished him., ~e satellites, they"tell us, they are

6000. ReA~~/

. Cross Word SQ,lu tion , ,


St. Mary's Home





'confident that an era of idyllic parmony and 'unimaginable progress can be ushered in. 'Shadow' of Reality But these men have no faith. For them God' is a cypher and the natural l~w a figment. They have no real hope, for they see nothing to justify mortality. nor to question the finality of' death. Charity, not ,as a generous senti­ ment but as the love of God' transmuting.' life and adding the dimension ~f eternal happiness.. is for them no more than a Churchillian enigma wrapped in a mystery. It is simply too good to be 'true. ' These are the men of good will who rule our world. They have annexed the phrase without for a moment probing its validity for them. They' would be vaguely distressed and pained if they were told, bluntly, that they have,no right to it, or that their good will is no more than the shadow 'of reality. They are in fact as far removed from 'genuine good,w.'ill as 'were . .those Jews of . old for whom the first Christmas was only' another day breaking over the hiils, with no glimmer of a vision and no echo of a song, " For that matter, what of our­ selves? How do we fit into the tableau of the shepherds kneel­ ing in the straw before the man­ ger? No saints they, no more our­ selves.. Their good will was that they believed, humbly and sin-' cerely; that they hoped as men who. ·trusted implicitly in the word of God, and that they loved' because God had first loved them. The measure of their good wil! is exactly tl\.e same as ours.

of Hyacinth Cirt:le, n, Daughters o.f Isabella, ,re..; eenUy held their annual Christ­ mas, party for the' children of .St. ,M;ary's Home, New ~edford~ 'A motion picture, '~The Littlest Angel," . was shown and Santa Claus, enacted by James Hes­ ford, distributed gifts. The chil­ dren joine~ il] Christmas carols, conducted by' Mary Whelan, and refreshments were served. Members in charge of party plans included Mesdames Kath­ eri~e Hesford and Lillian Guth­ rie, co-chairmen. On their com­ mittee were Mary Whelan, Lydia Pacheco, Blanche King, Martha Dou~his, Natalie Ferreira; Mary Burns, Anna McGlynn, Catherine Letendre, Annette Barry, Evelyn Hendricks and Theresa Beehan:



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,'AN,Y 'PLAIN SUIT, (OAT", . Rlp~UI~DING' 'yEAR F'OR STONEHILL CH'IEFTAI-NS: Coach Robert (Bob) Da­ l~, .Tau?tOri, gIves som~ basketb~1I pqinter8 to five of his Chieftains ; left to right, Loui~ ~IhpettI, freshman, BrIdgewater; ,Joseph Walsh, sophornore, Taunton; Paul Cumm,ings, JUnIor, Stoughton; John McSweeney,' 'freshman, Dorchester . Robert Habel senior Green Harbqr. " ! , ' , ,,' ,'.




9.9',C,. I' I


Sports Chatter

THE ANCHOR. Thurs., Dec. 26, 1957

'Swede' Ne'son National Award to Tommy Salvo By' Jack Kineavy Somerset High School Coach

Quick thinking boqt of training and an innate sense of fair play earned for Fall River's Tommy. Salvo, Boston University's yearling center, the c~veted Nils V. "Swede" Nelson Award for Sportsmanshjp given annually by the Gridiron Club of Boston. The anhouncement of Salvo's se­ lection was made last Wed­ nesday night and the presen­


tation will take place. on Janu­ ary 11 at a, dinne~ at the Shera­ ion Plaza; .Boston. Tom is the·first freshman to be

honored in the 12-year history of . the award and the second Boston University player to be singled out for distinction. Everett-Dorr, Terrier place-kicking specialist and Marine Corps hero, was the 1947 recipient., Other distin­ guished awar(~ winners, include Doak Walker, Southern Method-. ist, 1949; Bob Williams, Notre Dame, 1951, and Jim Swink, Texas Christian, 1956. Only one other lineman, . Joe Mitinger, 1952 Yale captain ani tackle, has won the' award. The award, named in honor of "Swede" Nelson, former Harvard football player anc.. raconteur in- . comparable, is given annually "to the player who by his con­ duct on the gridiron, demon-' strates a high esteem for the football code and exemplifies sportsmanship to. an outstanding degree." The incident which re­ sulted in Salvo's nominatIon oc­ curred at Storrs, Conn., Nov. 8, in a game between the Terrier Pups and the U. Conn. Frosh. . It was the third period. B.U., down 14-7, was in possession and driving fol!' its second score. The play was an off-tackle smash aimed inside Connecticut's left end, Charley Delbon. After car­ rying out his blocking assign­ ment on the defensive line­ backer, Tom looked up to see

Delborn writhing in pain some five yards away, his right leg bent grotesquely.

Aids Opponent Tom rushed to. the aid of the stricken player, knelt beside him shielding him from further con­ tact and holding his shoulders so that he wouldn't move. "r real­ ized he had a compound frac­ ture," said Tom recalling the situation, "and I yelled to a couple of Connecticut players to call time and get the team doctor on the. field." The significance of Salvo's act might have escaped public atten­ tion had it not been .for Bob Ingalls, Conn-:.cticut varsity ceach, who was present at the game.. "It was one of the finest examples of sportsmanship and quick thinking I have ever seen," Ingalls related ata football luncheon Ii week later, adding that "because of Salvo, Charley Delbon will be able to play foot­ ball again." . " Is Marine Reserve Tom credits his ·"training in first aid for his' quick analysis of the injury. He's a member of the Marine Reserve' and last summer had an intensive course in first aid at the Newport Naval Base. Emphasis was pl~ced on the employment of primary measures for cl;!rtain type casual­ ties, among them fractures. This - knowledge'.,couplecr with Tom's ability to react instinctively and with good judgment saved Char­ ley Delbon from possibl" further injury. Salvo's action prompted "Swede" Nelson to remark, "Even if Tommy never makes another team or' never plays an­ other game of football, he. has already gone a lot further than some All-Americl players have."






TOMMY SALVO' . . '." Tom 'is ibe.18-Y~a'r":old.Spnof Mr. and .Mrs. Anthony ,V.' Salvo' of Fall River. '"He' has. one brother, 'Jim, .a. j4p,ior majoring in Business' Administration· at'· Boston College. Tom was gradu- . ated from Durfee High wtiere he was outstanding in football and track. His versatility on the grid­ iroin won him All-Bristol recog­ nition both as a lineman and a back. A hand fracture suffered in practice the week before the opening of the 1957 season caused Tom to miss the first three games. It was anticipated

that he'd be out at least six weeks, but the boy worked out with the team each day and with characteristic deter­ mination came back in less than half that time. Coach Luke Urban, looking for a Mr. Inside to complement speedsters Gordie Andrews and ROn Bridge, moved Tom to the fullback slot where he shone as a power runner. At B.U. the 5'11", 190-pounder was moved back to ·the pivot post. A member of The Immaculate Conception 'Parish, he was catch~ . er on the 1957 CYO Parish Base­ ball Team that won the Diocesan ' championship.




Fall River's Roy Brothers Spark Stonehill QUBn~et

As a Durfee undergraduate, Tom was a member of the St.

John Berchman's Club. He was first president of the newly established Catholic Student Council and under Tom's lead­ ership and the guidance of Father Stanton, th'e organization flourished in its first year of activity. Currently a physical educa-

By John W. Sullivan

This'is supposed to be a rebuilding year for the Stone­ hill College varsity basketball team, and one glance at the · current roster is sufficient to make us realize that this statement is rather obvious. . Of the six returning let­ earned him a scholarship at col­ "termen only one, Captain lege. He was a leading scorer his team, averaging 20.3 Bob Haggerty from South for points in his senior year. He · E~ston, M~s., was a starter. was . voted the most valuable

l~~ year; the other five saw plaY~r at Prevost and also chosen limited service. Graduatton cost on the All-Tech Tourney'team• . Coach 'Bob Da1Y 'his two lead­ He enjoys the same popularity ing scorers as well as the pereni~ at Stonehill that' he warranted · al playmaker, D()nnie Mitchell. in high school, where he served This loss naturaily created a . as president of his class. '

serious gap in the C:;hieftaiq atBoth of the boys have been · tack. Added to this burden; the sparkplugs in the team's recent coaching staff was not exactly victories. Roger is a hustler who elated when the call for candi­ never lets up from whistle to dates indicated that the 1957-58 whistle. He is all over the .. version of .the Chieftains was boards, stealing passes. settIng not the tallest squad they had up plays, and usually scoring ill ever seen. . double figures. Al is also a LWO­ As a matter of record, there way player, but his greatest is no one on the team over 6'1" value is his offensive ability. and there is only one-who stands He has come along steadily since at that figure. From there on the start of the season and now <7 • the height graph is all downis among the scoring leaders in · ward, ending as a diminutive every game. He has a wonderful 5'7". These factors, at the begin­ eye and his rebounding is tops. ning of the season, caused even Both boys are thinking of the staunchest fans to mutter majoring in education with an about a re-building year. eye toward the coaching profes:' But the Chieftains, at the quar­ sion in the future. It's a busy 1er mark of a gruelling. sched­ year for the Roys as they both ule,. aren't. pausiilg to rebuild. . work at a soda. fountain, com­ They've taken four of the first mute to school, and play thrill­ "five games, and their lone loss, ing basketball for Stopehill. was at the hands of the SNECC The Chieftains are off to • BISHOP CONNOLLY' Champions - New Bedford Tell- , fast· start, and confidence is bltlilding . with each game. It ':tion major at B.U" TOql bas · tile. So 'far they have outscored the opposition 441-386. . ""onn be any gravy train, though, definitely decided upon a career It's not easy to find the causes ""jth such court giants as Boston. _' in teaching. However, he may of a quick start like this, but College,' Brandeis, St. Anselm's, .. change his field of concentration some evidence is readily avail­ and Kings carded; but with tal­ . to biology, if it proves feasible, able. Stonehill has been "twice­ ented newcomers like Al and for this is his preferred subject. blessed" in having the Roy Roger Roy, the prospects couldh't And so to this modest, un­ brothers of Fall River .sparking be brighter. . assuming young man, . in the their early season drive. presence of his' proud parents, Al and Roger Roy both had' close relatives, his high school fine records at Prevost High coach-all of whom have played where they took the college major roles in his development co urse. Roger graduated in 1954 - will go the nation's most and was in the army for three bighly prized Award for Sports­

ye ars, spending most of the time JENNEY GASOLINE manship. . He is a credit to his in Alaska. He returned this year Church, his wonderful parents, in time to enter Stonehill as a his school, his community. We freshman along with AI, a '57 383 ROCKDALE AVE. are justifiably proud of you, Tom Pr evost graduate. NEW BEDFORD Salvo, and 'we join with the hun­ AI's record in high school dreds who' will witness the award presentation in extending our best Wishes for the future:


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Lester lalJ1in at Cha~ity Ball fi'~i' -

Serm@n Schedule


Continued from Page One crew left the St. Regis Roof Ball­ room in New York for San An­ tonio, Texas, and then to the Mfami Surf Club foliowed by continuous nightly engagements in Chicago, Pittsburg, St. Louis,' Hollywood, Fort Worth, Louis­ 'ville and,back to New York., Lanin looks b~ck on' the Monaco Ball in honor of Prince Ranier and Princess Grace and, .u~ Tiffany Ball in Newport as 'bis two most favorite engage­ .uints. Considered the greatest 80cial event of the, 1957 season, the·Tiffany Ball held in Newport this' ,past summer, brought back memories of some of Newport's most lavish and socially promi­ nent parties. It was held in the Sold Ropm of the Marble Palace on Newport's famed Twelve Mile Drive and recalled the days when thc rich were very rich and the' rest of us could believe iD fairy tales. Lanin has also been featured lit Sea Island, Georgia; the Royal Victoria Hotel at Nassau .... the Bahamas and at the Elbow Beach Surf Club in Bermuda. Tickets' for the Ball may be ob­ ieined at all Parish Rectories as well as from members of the Diocesan Coimci" of Catholic Women and the Society"of 'st. Vincent de Paul. '. . The complete Taunton Com­ mittee follows: 'Co':Chairmen William J. Fagan, Mrs. Joa lUin Bernardino; Sec­ retary Lawrence A. Pivorotto, Elaine Lemieux; Treasurer, Ca­ mille DC:1is. Mrs. Mary Allen, Roland Auclair, James Blount,

Stonehill Party Continued from Page One turkey raffle early in Novem­ ber to raise the money for the affair, contributing close to $200. Other contributions like that of the Chi-Rho Society of St. Col­ man's Church, Brockton, swelled the fund. . All the girls of Stonehill Col­ lege, under the auspices of their Crosier Club, turned to the task, buying and wrapping toys for the children, preparing the re-' freshments. The college's Con­ fraternity of Christian Doctrine, composed of both young men and women who contribute their time as volunteers to teach religion to the youngsters at Myles Stand­ ish., joined forces with the other groups. All this was climaxed with Stonehill's Santa, toys, cake, ice eream and candy and the re­ warding joy of Myles Standish children. :0.

, THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., ,Dec. 26, 1957

Pope Says Luxury Is Compatible With living in Spirit of Poverty

VATICAN' CITY (NC) which forbids them to arrogate Christians can avail themselves to themselves those tasks that of luxuries in keeping with their fall within the competence of state of life and still be real imsuperiors, or to' undertake on itators of "the humble and poor their own initiative reforms that Christ," His Holiness Pope Pius they cannot attempt ,without XII declared here. ' their superiors' authorization." as expressed in the pronounce­ ments of the Holy Father. While high social position may Here the Pope gave special mean living in the midst of maconsideration to ~bedience in For the Pope, in his ency­ clicals and addresses, gives the terial wealth and even luxury, the religious life, which he call­ Church's doctrines and the aphe said, a layman can nevertheed an essential on which the re­ plication of these to modern less consecrate himself entirely ne~al of the spirit proper to problems. 'He points out the role to God and offer Him the total the community depends. He said that Catholics must play in a oblation of himself. that a tendency toward modifi­ modern w,orld. . The Pope's ~ndication that cati0':l in t~is field"has created While the Church's doctrines wealth need be no hindrance to certam tenslOns not thJ:ough living in a spirit of poverty was a lack of. sincere desire to ai,:", do not change, the economic and made in the course of an address at perfechon by means of obedI­ political and. social structure o h 'IS par­ he f gave ' to leaders of religious e.nce,.b u t b eca.use t ere the worle: does. Man's role in life t becomes'. more complicated. New orders in 31 countries gathered l~UIar emp h aSIS t 0 d ay. upon cer­ in Rome for the Second General tam asp~cts of obedIen~e ~hat techniques are invented,' new even e 0 d cent frontiers' are advanC€ d in mediCongress of the States of Per. ,s n us, an . cons 1 lO.US 'fection in the Modern World. ' RehglOus would hke to see dIS­ cine and science, new p r o b l e m s . appear."

with moral implications arise. The theSIS of the Pope's 3,000He men~io,ned specifically the

. The very world becomes more word addr~ss was tha.t ~lthough assertion made in some quarters complex, and Catholics' look to the. essenhals of Chnshan. per- that some wa'ys of applying obed­ the Holy Father to. instruct, ~echon - love of ~od primarience tend to endanger the hu­ through his speeches and ad- ,Ily! and secondarIly love .of man 'dignity of the Religious, dresses, to tell how to apply neIghb.or - are unchangeable, that it creates an obstacle to the Catholic principles to new probthere IS. n? reason why laymen full development (If his person­ lems. and Re~lglOus cannot adopt the ality, and might even alter his Bishops Are Guides evan~ehcal couns~ls of pove~ty, orientation towards God alone. The apostle in the modern chast~t~ and obedIence to modAt this point the Pope under­ world must be guided by those ern hvmg: " lined the value of true submis­ who have the commission to ' "It is clear that Christian persion and Christian humility. He teach the Gospel to all men, the fection, in the essential elements said both should be free acts

o Bishops of the Church. A perof its definition and of its realinvolving the indiv'idual's aban­

son with much zeal and no ization, does not allow for any donment of self into the hands

knowledge Of the Gosp.el can do revision or adaptation," Pope of God, "whose Will is expressed

grave' harm' in the Name of 'Piu~ said. "But, since conditions in the visible authority of those

Christ and His Church. To be an of modern life' undergo major whose mission it is to command."

apostle one 'must be guided by ,changes, modifications will be the Bishops 'of the Church and required in applying it. ,These ' 0 I $

especially bY" the chief Bishop, modifications will affect 'those" 'Continu~d 'from Page One the Holy Father. ' who' live ,in the states of perDuring the past few yea'rs and those who . do not' th ere h as b een muc h work done '' ,Then zeal ' w'1'11 be' m'atched ' fection , wI'th knowle',dge', and' the aposto'. takethe part in them, but even.more ' t'lonaI c h'l . so latter, especially if they: f or excep 1 dren 10 this late' which aims at making all hold a high social rarik and hig'h"; Diocese. First Communion men one in Christ will be carer functions." classes have been set up for, ried on not as a private project 'It was here the' Pope said it the~. And Nazareth Hall opened buLas ,the Will of ,Christ being is 'notanamalous 'for the. rich' its. doors in September as a worked out in' and by His memto 'lead 'lives of total.' consecra- . sc~?ol, co~ducted by specially bel'S, by those who have been tion to God ." tramed SIsters of Mercy, for' 'baptized into HiS BodY,the The Pontiff then dealt with these you~gsters. This work is Church. pr6blemsinvolved in' adapting amon? the closest to the ~ear~ of Topics that will be preached ·the counsels of poverty, chastity ~he.BIshop, and the contrlbuhon, on will include The Church, and obedience, noting that re- ,m 1Oter~st and money, mad: by Guardian of the Faith; The ligious superiors and those subthe Kmghts ,of Columbus 15 a Teaching Value of the Pope's ject to them are called on to much appreclated- one. encyclicals; Pius XI and Cathconsecrate themselves to the IBM olic Action; The'Special Role of service of Christ as active and ' 'Women; The Lay Apostolate and chosen members of· His Mystical the 'Family; The Parish 'School Body.' ' , ." TRENTON (NC) - The~ New

'and the Christian Life of ChilHe continued: Jersey Supreme Court has ruled dren.' "But once this essential obli-' in~alid two in~nicipal ordinances Pope's P~oilourieep1ents gaiion has been well established" , bat:ring certain Sunday business. Of particular' interest will be' they '(Religious) are not forbid~ , The court ruled the ordinances The Lay Apostolateand Ecoden to think 'about revision and invalid because' they prohibit nomic Life, Political Life, and adaptation of the means (jf the sale of certain items on Sun­ Social Life. Many persons out~ ,achieving it, witliout however day but permit the sale' of others. " side the' Church realize more failing to show due respect for" : The majority decision by Jlis­ than Catholics the, remarkable tradition' and without detraCting tic~ Albert E. Burling said "the pronouncements" made by Leo, froni the prescriptions that' are State pOlicy is a' day of rest and XII, Pius XI and the present considered inviolable bf (their) ·relaxation." The only exceptions Holy Father along these' lines. ,Constitutions. are' those listed in State laws and Leo XIII, before the turn of the ·Must Observe, Discipline" 'adopted by local referendum, he century, spoke pf labor unions - "Subordinates will furthersaid, adding: "There is no middle and yellow-dog' contracts and more observe relig;ious discipiine, ground." , strikes and various other ele­ 'ments of economic life. The vision of the Pope's ,in these matters and their willingness to o speak on th~m is not a~ways un­ derstoor., and ,appreciated by Catholics. The new Sermon Course will

begin on Jan. 5, the Feast of the

Holy Name.

Continued from Page One called upon to be apostles under , the guidance of the Bishop. No man can be an apostle unless he knows the mind of the Church

Ml·S. Henry Bzdula, Henry Courcy, John Delaney, Hector Demers, Mrs. John Digits, Mrs. <John Doherty Jr., William 'Fitz­ gerald, Mrs. Helen Gove, Mario Gracia, Mrs. John Hayes, James Healey, North Easton; Mrs. Ar­ thur Heath, North Easton; Eileen HEmchy, Mr!l. ,Mary Julio, Mrs'. John Kent" North Easion; 'Stan­ , le'y 'Koss, Latirent Larivee; Nellie' Leary, J,ohn Munise, Mrs: Tim'­ 'othy Neville" Alfred Nadeau, William O'Connell,North Digh­ ~on; William O'Donnell, Lucille Patenaude, Mrs. Richard Paul­ son, Mrs... Walter Pelezarski, Arthur Rohl Jr., Mrs. Maureen Scully, Mrs. Genevieve Silva, Manny Silvia, Mrs. James F. Sweeney, Mrs. Mabel Trucchi, Mrs. Thomas Unsworth; Michael Welch, Mrs. James Gallagher;' Mrs. Florence Duffy, Mrs: How:' ard DOl}ahue.

K f C A·d


es an ust Treat All Alike

Prayers Continued from' Page One 'to which no man of good will

could be deaf. In the midst of our grief over the atrocities per­ petrated upon them and our other brothers beneath the heel of the Communist slavel'Y, ,we thri~l to the striking ~vidence they have, given that {aith' and hQpe still shine in lands of darkness and that not all 'the might of wicked men can overcome the strength which.is of God., ' "While millions or' human, be­ ings live under the, rule of ter­ ror and bitter oppression, it is' imperative for us to recall that in the arsenal of Christianity, in reach of all men of good will, there is the invicible weapon of prayer. It has prevailed against apparently hopeless o'dds in ages past. It is unthinkable that we should in our' day neglect to pe­

tition the Infinite Creator and Ruler of the Universe in behalf of these modern martyrs. '--"We, the Catholic Bishops of

the United States, with profound

reliance on t.he unfailing power

of prayer, call upon our people

and upon all who "love justice

and hate iniquity" to unite on.

Sunday, December twentY-1?-inth,

in a day of prayer. Let us all' beg God, our Common Father, to stretch forth His Mighty Arm, to restrain those who have so 'long 'crushed His children, to strengthen and console the her­

oic souls who have endured so

much and to lead them speedily to the enjoyment of the freedom of the Sons of God:"


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