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s~hools and

parishes; Appeal; top 2007 stories I






FALL RIvER - The solidarity of CatholiJ clergy and laity across the Fall River Diocese in joyfully proclaiming their faith in the good times as ~~ll as their Christian hope in the bad, is truly the top and brightest story of: the year. In what! was a year of wins and losses, the faithful as well as the many dioc~san groups and agencies, led by Bisnop George W. Coleman,. always fiel¼d a winning team when it came to 4hampioning key issues; at the sameitime reaching out to the impoverish¢d spiritually and materially. iI Sometime it called for affirmative actioJ - setting the record straight on ~atters offaith and morals - sucllias challenging facets of proposed mandatory sex-education courses in public schools attended by more than half a million Catholic youth; arid answering the November bashing by The F~ll River Heraid News that opined that the Church "harbors ra~ists," and therefore lacks the credibiijty to "order" the faithful to mull their choices in the 2008 presidential! election. Transcending the failure at year's I start to moveI unbending Massachusetts lawm*ers to restore marriage to its digni~ as the basic social struc-

ture designed by God in his plan for creation, was the mobilizing ofthousands in many ways in support of their faith beliefs. It showed as Catholics quickly organized to assist 361 immigrants and their families separated 'and heading for deportation after being caught up in a federal immigration raid in March on a New Bedford factory; generously propelled the spring anriual Catholic Charities Appeal to a record high; raised whopping $665,535 in scholarships through the St. Mary's Education Fund's fund-raisers for needy but deserving students to attend Catholic schools; attended holy hours to pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life; embraced pastoral planning recommendations for bettet: utilization of parishes and clergy to continue the mission of Christ's' Church; and attende"d Boston's Men's and Women's Conferences to bolster their own faith and inspire others. They demonstrated their legacy by building new churches and opening new schools; converting a former New Bedford convent into 17 units ofhousing for the homeless and disabled; marked the 25th anniversary of the catastrophic May 1982 fire Tum to page eight - Diocese


Trav~ls, Pop~

consistory,. writings keep Benedict busy 'during 2007


counters with a lineup of world leaders, including U.S. President George VATIcAN CITY Pope W. Bush. I Benedict XVI never gives the impresIn April - just before celebratsion of beiI~g overburdened, yet a ing his 80th birthday - the POPe publook back at 2007 reveals a long list lished "Jesus of Nazareth," which' ,ofpapal acti~ities and achievements. made the case that Christ must be unThe po~'s output included four derstood as the Son of God on a dimajor docuJents and a lengthy book, vine mission, not as a mere moralist I ,. more than 2QO speeches and sermons, or social reformer. In six months, the two foreign Itrips and three in Italy, book had sold more than two million the creation 9fnew cardinals, and en- ' Tum to page 14 - Benedict






The Anchor



28, 2007

Ups, downs mark ecumenical~ interfaith relations in 2007 WASHINGTON (CNS) - The "the blindness of that people." year 2007 marked a year with some In the Episcopal Church, tenprogress for the Catholic Church in sions within the Church and its role its relations with other Christians within the Anglican Communionand in interfaith dialogue, although including the ordination of openly the year was also beset by some set- gay Bishop V. Eugene Robinson of backs on the path to unity and un- New Hampshire in 2003 and quesderstanding. tions of authority - continue toroil One positive move, recorded in the denomination. November, was what Cardinal On December 8, the Episcopal Walter Kasper, president of the Pon- Diocese ofSan Joaquin, Calif., voted tifical Council for Promoting Chris- to secede from the church. Some intian Unity, called a "real break- dividual Episcopal churches had earthrough" in a new Catholic-Ortho- lier done so, prompting further quesdox dialogue document in that the tions about the rightful ownership of Orthodox were willing to discuss church assets. how authority was shared and exThe year in interreligious activercised on a universal level in the ity got off to a promising start in early Church. The document was fi- February with the first official meetnalized during a meeting in ing of Christian Churches Together Ravenna, Italy, attended by mem- in the U~~, attended by leaders of bers of the dialogue commission. 36chufches imd national Christian . One negative came along wi,th organizations. They discussed'the-, the breakthrough, though: The Rus- importance of evang~lism and issian Orthodox Church delegation to sued a call to cut child poverty in the meeting walked out. America in half by 2017. In July the Vatican Congregation In the area of Catholic-Muslim for the Doctrine of the Faith reaf- relations, Pope Benedict XVI in firmed that the Catholic Church is November invited a group of Musthe one, true Church, even if ele- lim scholars to meet with him and ments of truth can be found in sepa- with the Pontifical Council for Inrated churches and communities. terreligious Dialogue. The dates for The document said some of the the meeting have yet to be set. separated Christian communities, However, a month before Pope such as Protestant commu'1ities" " :Ben~dict issued his invitation, Carol should not properly .be.c~lled, •.di,n~I.J~an:;~ouis Tauran, the new, "churches" according to' Cathoji~ .president of the Pontifical Council' doctrine because of major differ- for Interreligious Dialogue, told the ences over the ordained priesthood French newspaper La Croix that he and the Eucharist. was not sure "theological dialogue" Some Protestant leaders voiced was possible with Muslims. dismay over the document, which In May, former Iranian President was published in response to criti- Mohammad Khatami said religious . cal reaction given "Dominus Jesus," leaders have an obligation to God the doctrinal congregation's 2000 to begin healing the wounds in declaration on the "unicity and Catholic-Muslim relations, includsalvific universality of Jesus Christ ing those caused by Pope and the ~hurch." Benedict's remarks about Islam Also in July, Pope Benedict's ap- duri,ng his 2006 address in ostolic letter to widen access to the Regensburg, Germany. "Meeting Latin-language Tridentine Mass the pope cannot heal all these provoked a sharp reaction among wounds, but at least we are making Jews because of an unresolved dis- an effort to begin," Khatami said. pute over language in the fite's The year 2008 promised to make Good Friday liturgy. its own headlines in the field of interWhile the term "perfidious Jews" faith dialogue, Pope Benedict XVI was not part of 1962 Tridentine rite had already scheduled an interreliauthorized for use by the pope, it still gious talk at the Pope John Paul II contained a prayer for the conver- Cultural Center in Washington as part sion of Jews that asks God to end of his planned April visitto the U.S.


$ The Anchor


Member: Catholic Press Association, Catholic News Service

Published weekly except for two weeks in the summer and the week after Christmas by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River, 887 Highland Avenue Fall River, MA 02720, Telephone 508-675-7151 - FAX 508-675-7048, email~ theanchor@anchomews.org. Subscription price by mail, PostPaid $14.00 per year. Send address changes to P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA, call Or use email address PUBLISHER¡ Most Reverend George W. Coleman EXECUTIVE EDITOR Father RogerJ. Landry fatherrogerlandry@anchomews.org EDITOR David B. Jolivet davejolivet@anchornews.org NEWS EDITOR Deacon James N. Dunbar jimdunbar@anchornew$.org REPORTER Matt McDonald mattmcdonald@anchomews.org REPORTER Brian Kennedy brlankennedy@anchomews.org OFFICE MANAGER Mary Chase marychase@anchornews.org

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PLEA FOR PEACE - An ethnic Albanian man walks past graffiti that reads "Mitrovica Peace" in the ethnically divided town of Mitrovica, Kosovo, December 9. Anything that threatens the traditional family threatens peace, because the family "is the first and indispensable teacher of peace" Pope Benedict XYI said ,i~ his message for the .January1 World Day of Peace. (eNS photo/Hazir R~ka, Reuters)

: Threats to traditional family also threaten peace, pope says Bv CINDV WOODEN CATHOUC NEWS SERVICE

VATICAN CITY-Anything that threatens the traditional family threatens peace, because the family "is the first and indispensable teacher of peace," Pope Benedict XVI said. In his annual message for the January'l celebration of the World Day of Peace, the pope also said the 'responsibilities learned and the joys and struggles shared within individual families must be mirrored on a global level because everyone is part of one human family. The pope chose 'The Human Family, A Community of Peace" as the theme for 2008, the 40th anniversary of the Catholic Church's celebration ofWorld Peace Day. 'The first form ofcommunion between persons is that born of the love of a man and a woman who decide to enter a stable union in order to build together a new family:' the pope wrote. "But the peoples of the earth, too, are called to build relationships ofsolidarity and cooperation among themselves, as befits members of the one human family," he said. War and violence, exploitation of the weak, rampant poverty and underdevelopment, destruction of the environment and the arms race are all threatening signs that individuals and nations have not leamed to live together in harmony l;IIld mutual responsibility, the pope said. "Humanity today is unfortunately experiencing great division and sharp conflicts which cast dark shadows on its future:' he said. Cover photo: "The Flight Into Egypt," stained glass in Notre Dame de Lourdes Church, Fall River. This stained glass was the only window to survive the May 1982 fire that destroyed the church and surrounding neighborhood. (AnchorlJolivet photo)

Cardinal Renato Martino, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, presented the message to . the press last week. He said Pope Benedict's concems about the arms race, both nuclear and conventional, reflects the fact that global military spending reached an alltime high in 2006 and that, in many cases, countries have tried to justify their increased military spending by claiming it was necessary in order to combat terrorism. "After the terrorist attacks against the United States of Sept. 11, 2001, the intemational community adopted severe measures against the risk ofterrorism:' Cardinal Martino said. "At the same time, nations - especially the nuclear powers - began a renewal of their military apparatus and their weapons. "On this basis," he said, "it seems ' correct to affirm that the current policy of state security threatens the very peace and security of the people it intends to defend." In his message, Pope Benedict wrote, ''In difficult times such as these, it is necessary for all persons of good will to come together to reach concrete agreements aimed at an effective demilitarization, especially in the area of nuclear arms." In explaining the theme he chose for the message, the pope said the fact

that a strong, healthy family is the basis of a healthy society is not simply a slogan. ''In a healthy family life we experience some of the fundamental elements of peace: justice and love between brothers and sisters; the role of authority expressed by parents; loving concern for the members who are weaker because of youth, sickness or old age; mutual help in the necessities of life; readiness to aCcept others and, if necessary, to forgive them," Pope Benedict said. The pope said that anyone who weakens the institution of the family weakens "what is in effect the primary agency ofpeace" in society. The family needs and has a right to a home, employment, education for the children and health care, the pope said. But the whole human family has parallel needs and rights, he said, including the need for an environment that is used with care and preserved for future generations. "Human beings, obviously, are of supreme worth vis-a-vis creation as a whole:' the pope said. "Respecting the environment does not mean considering material or animal nature more important than man." However, he said, the earth belongs to all people and to all generations and, therefore, must be used with care.

Please note The Anchor will not publish on January 4, 2008. We will resume regular delivery on .January 11 , 2008.



28, 2007


The Anchor ,

2007: Beginning of the end for stem-cell wars?


WASHINGTON (CNS) - In the research projects over the next 10 Dubuque reacted with "deep sadness" after the Legislature there apyears ahead, 2007 may come to be years. Catholic leaders in other states proved a measure to allow the clonremembere~ as the beginning of the end for the ~ebate over embryonic were gearing up to fight simjIar ing of human embryos for research. Challenges also came at the fedbattles. In Michigan, for example, versus adult stem cells. In November, separate studies every registeredlCatholic home re- erallevel. In June President George from teams in Japan and the United ceived a DVD and other information W. Bush vetoed a bill to expand fedStates showed that human skin cells in October as part ofa statewide edu- eral funding for medical research on can be reprogrammed to work as ef- cational program to explain the human embryonic stem cells and isfectively as embryonic stem cells, Church's support for adult stem-cell sued an executive order calling on thus negating the need to destroy research and its opposition to em- federal agencies to strengthen the nation's commitment to reembryos in the name of scisearch on adult stem cells. ence. Cardinal Justin Rigali of ."1 do not know路if those who have "I do no~ know if those who have in~ested money and invested moneyandpassedlaws pre- Philadelphia, chairman of the passed laws precisely to allow cisely to allow this (embryonic stem- U.S. bishops' Committee on this (embryonic stem-cell re- cell research) will be able to recog- Pro-LifeActivities.. ltrill5~Jhe. search) will be able to recog- nize their error-and turn back, but at veto and executive order, saynize their error and tum back, least the scientists who want to ing that "adult stem cells conto produce new clinical but at least the scientists who achieve results. will go looking where tinue advances on路 a regular basis, want to achieve results will go they have been proven to be found. 11 most recently showing benlooking where they have been efits for patients with juvenile proven to ~e found," said diabetes." Bishop Elio. Sgreccia, president of bryonic stem-eell research. Researchers working with um"It is the belief ofthe state's bishthe Pontifical Academy for Life, in ops that the secular news media has bilical-cord blood, placenta blood a Vatican Radio interview. Embryos have long been touted greatly distorted the issue of stem- and amniotic fluid also were makby some scientists as the only source cell research and, in doing so, im- ing progress in deriving stem cells of stem cell~ capable of becoming properly conveyed the Church's po- from those byproducts of live any of the 220 types of cells in the sition," said Dave Maluchnik, pub- birth. "With four million live births evhuman body, but Church leaders lic policy associate at the Michigan have said no possible scientific ad- Catholic Conference. ''Therefore, ery year in our country alone, an vance could justify the destruction the bishops decided it was impera- ample supply of these cells lies of human embryos. . tive to bring the truth ofthe Church's readily at hand," said Richard M. But that has not kept supporters teaching on human life as it relates Doerflinger, deputy director of the of embryoQic stem-cell research to stem-cell research directly to the bishops' pro-life secretapat. At their November meeting in from seeking vast sums of money at faithful." The New York State Catholic Baltimore, the U.S. bishops autho-. the federal and state levels to conConference criticized the Legislature rized their Committee on Pro-Life tinue their research. Even before the results ofthe new and governor for deciding to spend Activities to prepare a brief policy studies were announced, voters in $600 million on life sciences re- statement explaining why the New Jersey rejected a ballot proposal search aimed chiefly at human em- Church opposes embryonic stemthat would have authorized $450 bryonic stem-cell research. In Iowa, cell research. It will be voted on by million in state bonds for stem-cell Archbishop Jerome G. Hanus of the bishops in June. I

CELL BLOCK - Genetic modifications in skin cells, shown here, were created by a scientific team from the University of WisconsinMadison and may negate the need for stem-cell research involving human embryos. (eNS photo/courtesy of Junying Yu, University of Wisconsin-Madison)

National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette 947 Park Street - Attleboro, MA 02703 HEALING SERVICES WITH MASS Sun., Jan. 6 - 2:30 p.m. Hispanic Healing Service,

Fr. Ronald Beauchemin, M.S. Sun., Jan. 20 -2:00pm Portuguese Fr. Manuel Pereira, M.S. Sun. Jan. 27 - 2:00 p.m. English Fr. Andre Patenaude, M.S.

SHRINE MASSES Monday - Friday 12:10 & 6:30 p.m. Saturday 12:10 & 4:30 p.m. Sunday 12:10 p.m. First Friday 12:10 & 5:15 p.m.

MONDAY, JANUARY 21 Martin Luther King Holiday Mass 10:00 a.m. Nd 12: 10 or 6:30 p.m: Mass No ConfessionslReconciliation

HOLY HOUR Eucharistic Holy Hour and devotions to Our Lady 路of La Salette and Divine Mercy Wednesdays at 7:15 p.m. in Church

JOHN POLCE: BETHANY NIGHTS Fri., Jan. 25- 7:30 p.m. Music-Healing - Church Good-will donation.


Mass. bishops' statement on advanced stem-cell research December 20, 2007 As the Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church in MassacQusetts, we applaud the recent stem cell announcements from Japan and Wisconsin. Researchers 1;lave confirmed that pluripotep.t stem cells can b~ created without need of cloning and destroying human embryos. Scientists agree that the new offer real promise for finding . techniques , cures. The approach taken in the new studies avoids the moral objections associ~ted with research requiring th.e destruction of human embryos. That unethical practice disregards human life and has not produced a single clinical benefit. Instead, the groundbreiling discoveries advance both science and ethics. In light: of the exciting developments in the stem cell field, we renew our call for the promo. tion of biotechnology in the Commonwealth that abides by the highest ethical regard for the sanctity of hurdan life. The recent advances show that good scierlce and respect for life can work together. I Stem cell legislation filed in the State LegislaI ture by the Governor, similar to other bills filed



by various legislators, proposes public funding to promote experiments fatal to human embryos. These experiments are performed on embryos to acquire stem cells that the new studies now demonstrate can be created through ethical means. We continue to oppose this legislation in its current form as unjust and unnecessary. We ask the Legislature to craft stem cell legislation promoting only research that respects human dignity. Moreover, there is a rush to enact this legislation within the next few months. We urge our elected officials to conduct the legislative process at a more deliberate pace. This would accommodate full consideration of the new research findings and their bearing on the misplaced priorities currently endor~ed by the Governor's stem cell legislation and its companion bills. With so much at stake, careful assessment and not haste, is in order. Signed by the four Massachusetts Catholic bishops: Cardinal Sean P. O'Malley, Archdiocese of Boston; Bishop George W. Coleman, Diocese of Fall River; Bishop Timothy A. McDonnell, Diocese of Springfield; and Bishop Robert J. McManus, Diocese ofWorcester.

Monday - Friday Wednesday Saturday-Sunday Portuguese Reconciliation

2:00-3:00 p.m. 2:00-3:00 & 5:00-6:00 p.m. 1:00-4:00 p.m. 2:00-3:00 p.m. January 19

INTERCESSORY PRAYER GROUP January 10 7:15 p.m. Chapel of Reconciliation

PAXiCHRISTI MEETING 7:15 p.m. Tuesday January 15

PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP 7:15 p.m. MOl}., January 14 Reconciliation Chapel '1

MASS FOR THE UNBORN 4:00 p.iTI. Mass Saturday, January 26

PRAYER GROUP & DISCUSSION Jan. 3, 10, 17 117:15 in Church with Dr. Ryan Welter .,


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website - www.lasalette-shrine.org . email- programsoffice@lasalette-shrine.org


The path to r~newed hope


This time at the end of one civil year and the beginning of another has always been a time for reflection and resolution. The ancient Romans used to turn at this time to the two-faced god Janus, after whom the month of Japuary is named, because with one face he would help them to review the past year and with the other to look forward to the coming o~ne. For Christians, even though the liturgical year ends in November rather than December, we have had the tradition ofsinging a Te Deum on December 31, thanking God for all his blessings in the past year. We have also turned on January 1 to our Lady under the title of Mother of God and Queen of Peace, asking her to mother us into greater conformity with her divine Son and to intercede for us that this new year may put to end the various conflicts experienced in the world, in our homes and in our hearts. . The passage oftime, which seems to become quicker each year, confronts us with the reality that we are 365 days closer to death. That, in turn, helps us to {'onder our priorities and reorder them, inspired by the new beginning that a new year always offers. In a somewhat surprising section of his new encyclical, Spe Salvi, Pope Benedict emphasizes that reflection on the end of our life and on judgment - which is common at this time of year - is a great means for growing in and practicing the virtue of hope. Such a statement will catch many Americans, even Catholic Americans, off-guard. Death is the foremost phobia in our culture. We try not to think about it very much and deem those who do as morbid and morose. With regard to God's evaluation of OlJf life when we die, many of us view it with dread rather than hope, if we reflect on it much at all. So to us and our culture; Benedict reminds !.IS of how meditation on the four last things is meant to encourage rather than dep~ess us. Death is the portal to eternal life with God, the pope says, where we hope to "plunge into the ocean of [God's] infinite love." St. Paul compares death to childbirth; once the baby is born, the immense joy makes one forget the pangs. That joy comes from Christ, who promised "I will see you again and your hearts'will rejoice, and no one will take yourjoy from you" (In 16:22). If we love Christ, then we cannot wait to be fully with him forever. . The prospect ofjudgment after death is also meant to fill us with hope. It constitutes, he says, the "essential" and "strongest" argument in favor offaith and hope in eternal life, because through judgment God will bring justice to all the injustice we and others have ever suffered. He will right all the wrongs. ''The purely individual need for fulfillment in an everlasting love is an important motive for believing that man was made for eternity," he declares. "But only in connection with the impossibility that the injustice of history should be the final word does the necessity for Christ's return and for new life become fully convincing." Benedict adds that the image ofjudgment is frightening only in the sense that it evokes responsibility for us to love. If we are fulfilling that responsibility to love God and others, then there is nothing to be afraid of; it's only when we are being unjust to God and others that the prospect terrorizes. When a young boy loves his dad, he will ordinarily run to embrace him when he returns from work. On the other hand, when he has been naughtY and his mother has told him she will inform his father, then the boy begins to dread his father's arrival. It's similar with us with respect to the return ofthe Lord Jesus. If we are loving God and others, then our approach to Jesus' return should be with even greater hope and anticipation than a boy for that of his beloved dad; it's only when we have been rnisbehavingthat fear invades. The fear we have is then a blessing insofar as it gives us reason to repent and change our behavior. In this section on death and judgment as a school of hope, Pope Benedict also reiterates, with new descriptive language, the Church's constant teachings about the states that come after judgment: heaven, hell and purgatory. He reaffirms the reality ofheaven and who goes there straight-away: 'There can be people who are utterly pure, completely permeated by God, and thus fully open to their neighbors, people for whom communion with God even now gives direction to their entire being and whose journey toward God only brings to fulfillment what they already are." To become people with these characteristics ought to be the goal of the life of every Christian. He reasserts the clear possibility of hell for those "who have totally destroyed their desire for truth and readiness to love, for whom everything has become a lie, who have lived for hatred and suppressed all love within themselves." He says that hell "is a terrifying thought," but adds that we have witnessed in our own times "alarming profiles" of those who have lived this way. It's probably easy for him to recall from his youth the faces of Hitler and many of the Nazis. Finally, he confirms the teaching on purgatory and says - full ofhope that this is probably where most people end up initially after they die. "For the great majority of people, we suppose, there remains in the depths of their inner being an ultimate interior openness to truth, to love, to God. In the concrete choices of life, however, it is covered over by ever new compromises with evil." This filth covers purity and needs first to be burned away by the fire of Christ's love, which melts falsehood, burns and saves. Purgatory is . a place full of hope, where God's mercy andjustice meet. The goal ofajourney influences the road one takes. As we pass from 2007 to 2008, Pope Benedict wants us to reflect on our end and choose the appropriate means. This is the way we will be "saved in hope" and advance toward the eternal embrace of Ood-with-us, our redeemer.


the living word A man holds a child as he lights a candle in the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank town of Bethlehem. The Church is built over the spot traditionally held as the birthplace of Jesus and visited by the Magi. (CNS photo/Ammar Awad, Reuters)

"They were overjoyed at seeing the star, and on entering the house they saw the child with Mary his mother. They prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh" (Matt 2:10-11).



,has landed

St. John, whose feast day the he, better than any of the other evanChurch celebrated yesterday, is . gelists, captured for us in his Gosclearly one of the great figures of pel and letters the divine and huthe history of Christianity. This man natures of the infant we adore "Son of Thunder" was one of the in the Bethlehem manger. three singled out among the . St. John is most often symbolApostles by the Lord to be present ized by an eagle. This is because at his Transfiguration in Glory on St. Irenaeus of Lyons at the end of Tabor and his transfiguration as the the second century applied the four Suffering Servant in Gethsemane. figures we find in Ezekiel (1:10) He alone among the Apostles was and the Book of Revelation (4:7) present at the culmination of - man, lion, ox and eagle - to the Christ's life at Calvary. And when four Gospel writers, Matthew, the Lord wanted to give all he had Mark, Luke and John, respectively. left in this world - . his own mother - he chose the young fisherman from Bethsaida to receive her, on behalf of the whole human race. Within the solemnity of the Christmas octave, however,.we have to ask a practical question: Why was the feast of St. John the Evangelist established two John was the eagle, Irenaeus interdays after the birth of Christ? To celebrate the feast of the Holy preted, because his Gospel soars Family (Sunday) or the feast of the into the ethereal heights of Holy Innocents (today) within the Christological mysticism. Nothing ChristD:!as octave seems logical be- in the other three Gospels can comcause of their intrinsic connection pare with poetic profundity of to the birth of Christ. To mark the John's lofty prologue, "In the bememorials of SS. Thomas Becket ginning was the Word and the Word (December 29) and Sylvester (De- was with God and the Word was cember 31) during this period is .God" (John 1: 1). The baby lying in also stI'aightforward,considering the manger was indeed he "who they died on the days the Church was from the beginning" (1 John 1: 1). remembers them. But if we were to stop here we From the earliest Church calendars, however, we find celebrated would get an incomplete picture of the proto-martyr Stephen on the day John and of Jesus, because in John's after Christmas and St. John on the Gospel and letters, we do not look 27th, although no documents com- at Christ exclusively from elevated ing to us from the early Genturies theological perspectives. Rather, in give any reason to believe these both it is clear to us that "the eagle would have been the dates on which has landed," bringing the celestial they would have died. So why mark theology that has come down to their feasts as an intrinsic part of earth. the Christmas octave? Why would For him the eternal Word "has the early Church think that they in- become flesh and has dwelt among tensify rather than interrupt the fo- us" (John 1:14). He is someone cus on Christ in the Bethlehem "whom we have heard, whom we have seen with our eyes, whom we manger? I'll leave the question of St. have looked upon and our hands Stephen to another column, perhaps have touched" (1 John 1:1). The at the end' of next year. About St. eternal Godhead has taken on huJohn, I believe the reason why the man nature and has become one early Church established his feast with us, one of us, in all things but two days after Christmas is because sin; he lives with us and our senses

truly testify to his presence. This landed eagle is the true perspective on Christ that captures both his divine and human realities. We adore this Truth made flesh in all his awesome mysterious majesty on Christmas. We do so alongside the angels, but also beside his very down-to-earth Mother, fosterfather, shepherds, and Magi, and even beasts. For St. John, however, the reality of the Word made flesh whom we can see with eyes and touch with our hands goes beyond the manger and Jesus' earthly life two millennia ago. It continues every day in 째the Mass. In describing the reality of the Eucharist, St. . John continues the balance - between "wings" and "feet." After mentioning Jesus' soaring words in his Bread of Life discourse about heavenly manna, St. John then reminds us that Jesus said, "Unless you eat-literally 'gnaw: -on the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you" (In 6:31-71). On the altar, under the appearances of simple bread and wine, the body, blood and human soul of Jesus is united to his divinity. Moreover, we have a chance not just to observe and adore him through our senses,.but enter into a real one-flesh union with him. The mystery ofChristmas, God-with-us, continues in the Eucharist. St. John, perhaps better than anyone, helps us to see that the incarnation, this union of Christ's divinity and humanity, not only continues at Mass but provides us the opportunity to enter into the mystery from the "inside," when he who was placed in' the manger is placed in our mouths. The feast of St. John is celebrated within the Christmas octave not just because he helps us to behold in proper balance the divinity and humanity of Christ, but also helps us to see how the Christmas mystery is actualized in the present by means of God's perpetual gift of the Mass. Father Landry is pastor of St. Anthony's Parish in New Bedford.



28, 2007

The Anchor


We'lI·see, indeed He's barely able to get around any more. His body, wracked with aches and p:tins, shows its age. Frankly, his time is just about up. Curt Schilling? Junior Seau? No, it's Father Time, of coUrse. The old guy is just days away from the history books. Come midnight next Tuesday, a rosy-cheeked, cherub-like toddler takes over the reins, and the little guy will have some pretty big shoes to fill. , I'm going to miss old 2007. Just a year ago he came into the world and si,rtce then so very much has changed.

Let's take a quick look back at the life and times of Old Man 2007. When he showed up at our

New Year's Eve parties clad in a satin sash, a puffy Pamper, and a dapper top hat, New Englanders had only one coal on the fire -

the Patriots. Then only three weeks into 2007's reign, Peyton Manning and Adam Vinatieri sent the Pats packing, en route to an NFL championship. Ouch. When 2007 showed up, Daisuke Matsuzaka was a Red Sox for a mere two weeks, yet the hopes of an entire nation and beyond were on his shoulders. The Celtics and Bruins were in the middle of excruciatingly painful seasons. Surely the little guy wondered just what he got himself into. As 2007 matured 'and~ed

Hoping against hope Without hope, there is no Hope's saloon and rooming house bridge between faith and love., in lower Manhattan in 1912. Life Hope gives us the confidence to is full of secondary hopes and illusory hopes, which keep us soldier on, 4t spite of the inevigoing. Sometimes those hopes are table difficulties in life. Thus we fulfilled; sometimes they are can put our faith into practice by deeds of love and service. dashed, and rightly so, because As a theological virtue, of they are just pipe dreams. In any case, failure to achieve such lesser , course, hope has God as its object. hopes should remind us that God Pope Benedict reminds us in his recent encyclical on hope, Spe is the only hope that cannot fail. Salvi, "Man's great, true hope As Ruth Pakaluk, a convert which holds firm in spite of all and saintly mother of seven, wife disappointments can only be God." of philosopher Michael Pakaluk, Advent and Christmas remind us that Jesus is Ouf one true hope, and so Mary is also our hope in a ,F.,'0 derivative way, because she brings Jesus to us and brings us to Jesus. Christma~ is a time of By Dwight Duncan joy and happiness, of gifts and parties and and former head of Mass. Citizens families. It can also be a time of for Life, wrote before she died in trial~ Many people suffer depression and anxiety at this time of 1998, "Many people claim to be year, perhaps because their inner thoroughgoing atheists and dispositions are not in sync with materialists, but I don't believe the season, perhaps because this that many, if any, of them really are. If someone seriously believed Christmas is not "like the ones I used to know," perhaps because that death is the absolute end of a loved ones are missing. Maybe person's existence - that there is you or your children don't get the no continuing personal existence; no God; no righting of injustices; gifts they were hoping for; maybe family tensiQns erupt and people's and no compensation for the feelings get hurt. People's lesser , unequal distribution of suffering hopes for themselves or others are and pain of this life - then I disappointed by a hard and cannot see why anyone would put somewhat bitter reality. up with the inconvenience of The pope:Says, "We need the another day. "Hope is more than a comfort: It greater and I~sser hopes that keep us going day by day. But these are is what keeps one from concluding, not enough without the great that life is utterly meaningless: hope, which ,must surpass 'When the honest soul is coneverything else. This great hope fronted with the cruel injustice of can only be God, who encOmthis life, how it rejoices when it passes the whole of reality and remembers the eternal justice of who can bestow upon us what we, its eternal God! With the knowlby ourselvesj cannot attain." edge of its own wretchedness, it • Ijust saw:the 1973 film utters with a fruitful desire that version of Eugene O'Neill's play Pauline exclamation: Non vivo "The Iceman Cometh," a dramatic ego-it is no longer I who live, expose of the illusory hopes and but Christ who lives 'in me. And self-delusions, "pipe dreams," of he will live forever' (S1. the low-lifes'frequenting Harry Josemaria Escriva, "Furrow,"

892)." With hope comes joy. The pope in his Angelus address on Sunday, December 17, said, "Hasn't Blessed Mother Teresa perhaps been an unforgettable witness of Gospel joy in our times? She lived in daily contact with misery, human degradation, death. Her soul knew the trial of the dark night of faith, and yet she gave everyone God's smile. We read in her writings: 'We await heaven with impatience, where God is, but it is in our power to be in heaven 'here on earth right"now. To be happy

,.------------1-----..... ,Judge r Yourself

with God means to love like Him, to give like Him, to serve like Him.' "But if one makes happiness into an idol, the way is mistaken and it is truly difficult to find the joy of which Jesus speaks. This is, unfortunately, the suggestion of cultures which put individual happiness in place of God, a mentality which finds its symbolic result in seeking pleasure at any price, in the spread of the use of drugs as escape, as refuge in artificial . paradises, which then are revealed as completely illusory." Samuel Johnson said, "The natural flights of the human mind are not from pleasure to pleasure but from hope to hope." One of my nephews, who shall remain nameless, was getting a bit old to still believe in Santa Claus. So ~is parents told him that they were actually the ones responsible. for giving Christmas gifts, and not Santa Claus. He responded in all innocence, "Well, thank heavens for the Easter Bunny!" There were still grounds for hope. . Jesus Christ is so much more than Santa Claus and the Easter . Bunny.


Dwight Duncan is a professor at Southern New England School of Law in North Dartmouth. He holds degrees in civil and canon law.



experience, he started to shake Lennon, and Rocky and Bullwinkle. The Boston Celtics? They things up ~ bit. In April the enigmatic Randy Moss was traded started the season with a ninegame winning streak. Are you to the Patriots. He came to town accompanied by some pr~tty kidding? The Sox swept the Angels heavy baggage - a mal~,ontent from the first round of the and a selfish player. "Wejll see," playoffs and looked invincible said 2007. Ii until they met the Cleveland Aside from winning tile Di<;eIndians. The Tribe was one game K sweepstakes in the off season, the Red Sox went into the season away from the big dance, but the with question marks - particuSox roared back with three wins larly at first base. Could Youkilis, in a row, punching their ticket to a natural third-baseman do the job the World Series. The white-hot Colorado Rockies were no match at first? Would J.b. Drew return to form? Will a rookie second for the Sox, as they won their baseman handle the pressure? Is second world championship in Schilling too old? "We'll see," four years. Oh, and that question said 2007. I mark at first base? He won a gold The Boston Celtics, tiled of glove. "We'll see, indeed," said 2007. their seemingly perpetu~ fall from glory, pursued Minnesota The Celtics continue on a Timberwolf All-Star, Key-in torrid pace. Just two months into Garnett. "They gave up way too the season, they're less than a dozen wins away from their . much for him," some said. "We'll see," said 2007. season total in '06. "We'll see, Surely 2007 must have had a indeed," said 2007. The Patriots (at press time) are very relaxing summer in the northeast. The surging Red Sox on the verge of making history. grabbed hold of the American They have one of the best' League East even before the offenses in pigskin annals, and are waters off Cape Cod reached 60 favorites to win their fourth Super , degrees. Randy Moss wa~ the Bowl in seven years. "We'll see, model camper at Patriots Itraining indeed," said 2007. camp, and Kevin Garnett) along Even the woeful Boston Bruins with long-suffering Paul fierce are holding their own one-third , and newly acquired Ray Allen into the season. quickly became know as the We're going to miss you old Green'~ ~'~t?w.J3ig Threet.. f007. WhY! ~' .t you ask for another . ,B.y .Oc;to~, .40HZ .w~S, hitting. " ·.yearon,rOI,lf,GQD,tract like so many . other long-in-the-tooth athletes? You full stride, flexing his muscles, without the use of steroids or HGH. would be worth the cash. The Red Sox dethroned the Well 2008, get ready for your Yankees, capturing the A.L. East , ride in old New England. Hold on title after a nine-year N.Y, tight, and remember those words stranglehold. of wisdom from your esteemed Randy Moss and Tom ~rady predecessor, "We'll see." Here's wising everyone a became the best combo singe soup and sandwiches, McCartney and happy, holy, and healthy new year. II

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28, 2007

The family revealed As part of his act, a Southern California-based comedian was relating to his audience the visit of some Canadian relatives to his hometown. He observed that, every time they came down to see him they would basically say the same thing over and over again: ''This is a nice place to visit, but I like the seasons, and that's why I could never live here." In reply, the comedian came up with a zinger. He said, "I like the seasons too: Ijust choose to live in a' place that got rid of all the lousy ones:' In another sense of the term, we are well familiar with a change of seasons that characterizes the. Church's calendar of feasts and observances. Figuratively speaking, that calendar serves as a sort of camera lens for us as we worship throughout the cycle of the year: it "zooms in" and "zooms out" alternately beholding the mystery of faith as a whole, and honing in on some specific aspect of the mystery in order to cull from it important revelations about lif~and discipleship. For example, as Catholics, we don't reduce the mystery of Christmas to a mere prerequisite for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. It

has important content on its own. Consider the ramifications for all material beings - most especially human beings - of the eternal God's descent into the world in a materiallhuman form. A sincere contemplation of this mystery, itself, can help you see the world and your own life with whole new eyes. God actually touched the earth. He ate our food. He walked on our ground. So too, this mystery of the Holy Family. We should not reduce this aspect of the mystery of faith to the mere level of an element which just happens to contribute to the logic' of the "salvation story." We celebrate this feast precisely to dwell on the mystery of God's self-insertion into the structure of the human family. The Son of God did not enter the world in an instantaneous adult form, with complete and utter independence from all others. That, itself, would have been a profound revelation to us. However, Jesus entered the world in the utter vulnerability of an infant, having assumed his humanity from the humanity of Mary of Nazareth,

without the loss of his full divinity. He traveled in a caravan of extended family members, presumably worked for and with his father, and remained obedient and respectful to his parents throughout his life: Considering the much more efficient alterna-

tiNes, like the instantly autonomous individual, does not this subjection to the human family speak volumes to us about the family? Obedience to the structure of the human family mother, father, child, relatives - parallels the obedience Jesus shows to the heavenly Father throughout his life, unto death on the cross. By this, Jesus compels us to draw a relationship between the earthly family and the inner life of God: That relationship is summed up in the phrase, "a communion of persons." To be

"made in the image and likeness of God," is to always-already be a person-in-relation-to others, and never just an individual. Moreover, such a communion suggests the necessity of "self-gift" As the Second Vatican Council teaches us, we only really find ourselves when we give ourselves away. In a nutshell, this is the meaning of the family that Jesus, by his subjection to a family, reveals to us. The male-female bond of marriage is assumed in this definition, not only because of the power of procreation - which did not occur in the ordinary way with Joseph and Mary, and which may not be possible in some marriages - but for the moral and spiritual life which is given to children by way of the unique character of that particular union of spouses. Here - even as a child of adoption - the Lord affirms the specific contributions which a mother and a father would bring to his own personal development in the world. In the simplest tenns possible, the details of Jesus' family life are not just quaint elements of a story, but they are received by the Church as

nothing less than a revelation about the family. The family is a visible manifestation in the world of the inner life of God, the Holy Trinity. Reflecting on this mystery, Pope John Paul II affirmed that ''the history of humanity, the history of salvation passes by way of the family ... the family is placed at the center of the great struggle between good and evil, between life and death, between love and all that is opposed to love." Does not the Lord's flight to and from Egypt with his parents vividly reveal this to us? In light of this perspective the Holy Family as a revelation about the family - we do well to consider the values we embrace within our own families, and from the culture in which our families live. Over against the radical individualism, and the radicalized freedom of our society, we contemplate the family ... a school of love and self-donation, and a communion of persons revealing to our very senses the inner life of God most high.

Father Mathias is pastor ofSt. Julie BiUiarl Parish in Nol1h Dartmouth.

Upcoming Daily Readings: Sat. Dec. 29,1 In 2:3-11; Ps 96:1-3,5b-6; Lk 2:22-35. Sun. Dec. 30, The Holy Family ofJesus, Mary, and Ioseph, Sir3:2-7,12-14; Ps 128:1-5; Col 3: 12-21; Mt 2:13-15,19-23. Mon. Dec. 31,1 In 2:18-21; Ps 96:1-2,11-13; In 1:1-18. The. Jan. 01, Octave of Christmas: Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, Nm 6:22-27; Ps 67:2-3,5-6,8; Gal 4:4-7; Lk 2:16-21. Wed. Jan. 02,1 In 2:22-28; Ps 98:1-4; In 1:19-28; Mt 23:8-12. Tbu. Jan. 03,1 In 2:29-3:6; Ps 98:1,3-6; In 1:29-34. Fri. Jan. 04,1 In 3:7-10; Ps 98:1,7-9; In I :35-42. Sat. Jan. 05, I In 3:11-21; Ps 100:1-5; In 1:43-51. Sun. Jan. 06, The Epiphany of the Lord,Is 60:1-6; Ps 72:1-2,7-8,10-13; Eph 3:2-3a,5-6; Mt2:1-12. Mon. Jan. 07,1 In 3:22-4:6; Ps 2:7-8,1O-12a; Mt4:1217,23-25. The. Jan. 08,1 In 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4,7,8; Mk 6:34-44. Wed. Jan. 09,1 In 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2,10,12-13; Mk6:45-52. Thu. Jan. 10, 1 In 4:19-5:4; Ps 72:1-2,14,15bc,17; Lk4:14-22a. Fri. Jan. 11, 1 In 5:5-13; Ps 147: 12-15,19-20; Lk 5: 12-16.

Henry J. Hyde, R.I.P. Shortly before Thanksgiving, 1986, Henry Hyde's prostate started acting up, so he spent the holiday in Georgetown University Hospital. My daughters concocted get-well cards of the sort that only eight- and four-year-old girls can make, and we went off to see the Congressman en route to our family festivities in Baltimore. When we opened the door to Henry's hospital room, we found the great man composed in a way I shall never forget: propped up in bed with tubes coming out of here-and-there, smoking a gigantic cigar, watching the Lions play his beloved Bears on TV - and reading a huge biography of the 19th century British parliamentarian and reformer, William Wilberforce.

That was Henry Hyde, who died November 29. We shall not see his like again. He was the most consequential Catholic legislator of his time, a man who loved the U.S. House r. - of Representatives and who was, in tum, well- . loved by its members, Republican and Democrat alike. By all accounts, he was the most brilliant extemporaneous debater '. in living memory, and while his comments could be sharp, they never drew blood, for Henry was, at heart, a gentle man. He marched to the drummer of his own conscience, whether it was leading the Pro-Life forces in

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Congress or breaking with conservative Republican orthodoxy by supporting.an assault weapons ban. He led the impeachment proceedings against President Clinton, not

said. ''I saw the look in [Majority Leader] Trent [Lottrs eyes. He's not going to fight." We spoke for at least an hour, and agreed that, if the President was going to be acquitted, . it was important to lay - - - - -......--.::;j down some rhetorical markers so that the whole affair didn't descend into farce. Thus Henry opened the House case against the President with a meditation on the importance of the rule of law, typically citing examples from out of partisan rancor, but because of sources ancient and modem; it was a deep-set conviction that America spoken in solemn sorrow rather than . could not have, as its chief law anger, and while it did not sway twoenforcement officer, a man whowas .thirds of the Senate, that defense of guilty of a crime - peIjury - for the majesty oflaw as the great which other men were serving time public barner against bllI'barism will in federal prison. remain one of the few honorable moments in a low, tawdry time. The night the House managers delivered the articles of impeachHe was a man of rollicking good ment to the Senate, Henry called me, humor. Over more than 20 years of late. ''We're riot going to make it;' he friendship and collaboration, I can't -, remember a conversation with him Montie Plumbing that didn't include his telling at least •one really good joke. And ifjoy & Heating Co. really is the unmistakable sign of Over 35 Years God's presence, then Henry Hyde, of Satisfied Services Reg. Master Plumber 7023 who exhibited a joy in living that JOSEPH RAPOSA, JR. few could match, was a man who truly lived in the Presence. 432 JEFFERSON STREET In his office, there was a photo FALL RIVER 508-675-7496

that surprised those visitors who only knew Hyde in his portly phase. It was a photo of Henry, playing for Georgetown, going up against DePaul's George Mikan, the first of basketball's great big men. That photo always struck me as a kind of metaphor for Henry's life as a public man, and especially as the nation's leading Pro-Life legislator. Henry was used to going against the odds, against the big battalions. He exulted in the battle because the battle was right. He was a happy warnor who could dish it out, take his licks, and come back to fight another day. He didn't recognize the received wisdom that certain things couldn't be done, so he went ahead and did them anyway. When he won, those who lost admired him, and some came to love him. When he lost, he lost well- and refused to abandon the cause. If the Pro-Life movement is the great civil rights movement of our time, then Henry 1. Hyde was one of America's greatest civil rights -leaders. Today's holy innocents, who welcomed him at his final homecoming on November 29, had no doubt about that.

George Weigel is a seniorfeUow ofthe Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C.




Saturday 22 December 2007 - at homb on Three Mile River, The Dight~ns - The winter solstice I In this frigid weather, dear I readers, my toes are always I cold. Enough already. I dash to my favorite high-end store, Ocean Sdte Job Lot, to pick up some nice: warm socks. Black, green or p'urple, I couldn't care less. I jUs~ want toasty toes. In the parking lot, I meet a woman with whom I had attended ~chool. "Tim? Tim GOldriCk?i" she calls. "Father Tim? Youiprobably don't remembe~ me - it's been so long since schooldays - but I'm a fan bf The Anchor. Your stories often make me laugh and sometime~ cry. I remember you were so tJrribly shy. You don't I seem to beI anymore. What happened?" The an~wer is too personal to address iri an icy parking lot, but the bottoxh line is I have looked into the fJce of death. Once you take your lown mortality seriously, you're never the same. It makes all!the difference in the world. St. Francis of Assisi (the name I ch10se at confirmation) spoke poJtically of "Sister


i Just Jfew weeks ago a memberlof the weekly Bible study that my husband and I attend sikhed in exasperation at not understanding a detail of Old Testament Scripture. "It's I just so difficult to understand I this stufti," he said. "It's never • I SImple. Everything has to be learned in its otiginal context!" We miglh feel the same way I about ooscure references to frankinc~nse, swaddling clothes, Quiriniub, or Rachel weeping during tAis Christmas season. Of cour~e out Bible study friend was righ\, but I happily pointed I out that that Was exactly what we werel doing in a Bible study togetheri getting to know God better b~ learning to understand Scripture in context. Previbusly I shared here about thb two ways we can get to know!GOd; through natural reason apd supernatural revelation. I c6mpared these ways of knowing God to the ways that we havelgotten to know our sixth, uqborn child by simply watching and feeling the movement within my womb, and by the modem miracle of ultrasoupd technology. I concludtd that God did not give us the gifts of natural reason and supernafural revelation so that ~e cout? s~ply gather informatIon about him, but so that we I


28, 2007

The longest night Death." The change began when living thing stops changing, stops growing, it must be dead. my physician telephoned to say I had cancer. The extent was Life means change. This is why the elderly tend to be more unknown. He warned me, "Be accepting of change than the prepared for the worst. Get young. It is the wisdom of age. ready for radical surgery within a few days." It's a long story, but It comes with the passage of time and with the experience of in the end I not only survived, I life. became a very different person. Death must involve grief. Those who are afraid to die have not yet begun to live. Now I live Grieving was brilliantly defined each day to the fullest. Things that were once important to me are important no more. Reflections of a Things I once ignored have become priceless treasures. I have been given the gift of perspective. I've had a religious experience, a participation in the death and by the late Dr. Elizabeth Kublerresurrection of Jesus. It's called Ross (who once visited Fall the Paschal Mystery.· River) in her 1969 book "On Death and Dying." She named There is to be the birthing of a new parish community in The five stages of grief. Some stages Dightons. Like the mythical may be skipped. Some stages Phoenix bird, it will rise from its may overlap. Some stages may own ashes. In the dying, there linger longer than others; but will be a sense of loss among grief is a process. parishioners. In the rising, there Expect denial. "This is not will be a new and more vibrant happening. This cannot be." But faith community. Living entities, it can be and it is happening. like human beings or parishes Before very long, two parishes will be no more. This is the communities, must grow. If a

The Ship's Log



reality. Next, expect anger. "How can God do this to our parish? What is that bishop thinking? Let's gang up on our pastor. He's the problem." Next comes the bargaining. "OK, we'll do it. But let's hyphenate the name of the new parish to satisfy absolutely everyone: "Our Lady Queen of Everything a!St. Cunagunda Church of the All Saints, and Holy Angels Eternally Worshipping before the Throne of Goa the Father, Son, and Spirit." Doesn't work. Nobody's satisfied. Fourthly is depression. "This is being fo~ced down our throats. We are in II black hole and can do'nothing. All hope is lost.?' Lastly, the stage of acceptance: "It is the will of the Holy Spirit and our will too." When two parishes die in the birthing process, a pastor must expect the stages of grief. I expect denial. I expect anger. Words are only words. Feelings lie beneath them. I expect bargaining about the name of

Uhwrapp.ing'Je'slis r

could come into relationship With him. I think it is important . to explore this idea a little more. God didn't just giye these gifts to cettainindiv~d\lals; he gave them to everyotie, and I'm certain the he wants hsto:. receive and to put th~Il1 to good use. To help uS do th~sGod has also given us .people', who have dedicated their" lives to helping us . '1.'0' tlllwrap sOme of God!s . revelations about ".. himself through the work of the ably amongthese.a,re priests anddeacons. Like ultrasound techiU" cians wno have,tece{yed'spe¢ial training i~teadini~~~dnterptet.. ,. ing video images pr9~)iQeaf9Y' sound waves; our clergy and ' religious have received special training in reading ;U:id interpret.. ing the Bible and ChUrch Tradition. As lay Catholics we are no more on our OWIl when reading and trying tbunderstand the Bible and apply it to our lives, than my family and 1 were on our own in trying·.•·to read and intet;Pret the ultrasound images of our unborn baby. ; To get to know th¢Baby·' JesuS better this conli:ng yeat we Can ~esolve to do a couple things. yve can pay closer attention to the priestor deacon


when he unwraps a portion of Scripture in his homily at Mass. We can ask questions and to seek out the help of these spiritual professionals as we leatn to read the Bible. and understand Tradition ourselves. We can pray that God will give our preachers the words we need

"1 ,~ji.' .~~,

to hear, and will rewari:l their yeats of study and hoJs of . d .11 f preparatIOn an practI9re 0 homilies, with pews full of minds and hearts hungbr for understanding.. In the same way that the ultrasound techni:ians!made extra efforts to potilt out features of out:~tiborn~hild to his ~r h.er'aIrea?y~orn, , . siblitigs, we can request .that oitr'p~est$!an~



Jesse David Bratton was born to Heidi on December 17. The Anchorwishes to congratulate the Brattons.

the new parish community. The new faith community will not be called St. JosephlPeter or St. Peter/Joseph. Although St. Timothy-Joseph does has a pleasant ring to it, since it happens to be my own name. In Christ, we must make all things new - even the name. I expect passivity on the part of some: "whatever." Most parishioners will accept change. Some will embrace the new faith community with enthusiasm. These are they who have experienced a conversion of heart. Some will abandon the new parish for some other church, Catholic or not. Some will need to blame someone God, the Church, the bishop, the pastor. A handful will cease worshiping altogether. Am I ready for this? As I declared on my ordination day, adsum. I am ready and willing. Now, 35 years later, here I stand at Three-mile River on the longest night of the year. "The darkest night is just before dawn," sang the Mammas and the Papas. It always is, dear readers. Father Goldrick is pastor of St. Joseph's Parish in North Dighton.

profesSionals of q,ur diocese ..- maKe extra ,,'effb~$$to presert '; homilieSLtn!'!tp~int out featur~sofr.Qur r,aith that "\ ,~e ~ot obviOUS to un~~~edeYe~ ..1'bese ~e the detailsthatwillmake Jesus real to us,notj\l~t'i'plasteristatue in a fake manger, a;woodfn m~nequinon two piefes of lumber,ora storyb()()~character from our childhood. ptoverbs 29:18a states,"Where ~ere is no vision, the people nerish." Ourptiests and deacoJs can be visionaries that open d~r spiritual eyes to, anddlanslate • • II for our sPlOtual ears, the natural and supernatural revel~tion God has intended for us. Tdey can also broaden our visio~ beyond the concerns that lie iJmediately in our paths, to ~e more distant horizon of our e


heavenly home. In the coming year. may our spiritual professionals live and minister in a manner worthy of their callings and training, and may we receive God's revelation through them in a manner worthy of true children of God. If this happens, then we will receive our Lord in the Word and the Eucharist, and leave Mass each Sunday of 2008 and beyond with a taste of what Mary and Joseph, the shepherds and Magi, Simeon and Anna, and eventually the disciples experienced in the presence of the Lord; "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, whilp He was explaining the Scriptures to us?" (Luke 24:32). I will be taking a break from writing this column for a time in order to focus on family bonding with our new baby, Jesse, keeping up the schedule for the older children, and taking naps whenever possible. Thank you, dear reader, for the encouraging feedback you've given me over the past few years, and very blessed New Year to each of you. Heidi is an author, photographer, andfull-time mother. She and her husband raise their five children in Falmouth. homegrownfaith@gt1Ulil.com.




The Anchor



28, 2007

North Attleboro woman enjoys beirigan 'instrument' of the,' Lprd .By MATI McDoNALD NORTH ATTLEBORO - Jay Malone got something of a baptism of fire just before Mass at the nursing home where Father William Babbitt served as chaplain. "One day Father Babbitt said, 'I want music. Go play the organ,'" 'she recalled. "And I looked at him and I laughed. I said, 'I can't play the orgail.''' Malone had grown up playing the piano, but had never tried the organ. That meant nothing to Father Babbitt. "He said, 'God doesri't care if you make mistakes. Go play,''' she said. So that's what she did, and voila, Madonna Manor nursing home in North Attleboro had a new organist.

ing the residents in wheelchairs. Linda Nicholson, administrative secretary at Madonna Manor, recalIs that Jay often had con- . versations with the residents while they were being wheeled to and from Mass. "They alI loved her. She was very personable," Nicholson said. That's about how Malone recalls the residents' reacting to her husband. "The residents loved him. He was a very good listener, and always had a smile on his face," she said. Outside the nursing home Malone has participated in several parish activities. For years she made the cO,stumes for the children's Christmas pageant atSt:Mary's, and she still makes the costumes of Pilgrims and Indians for th.e,Ahildren's Thanksgiving Eve pag-

fro~h;h~l:~~~~0;9~~i~~ Mass at least once a week




She was a member of

RAPID RESPONSE - A volunteer at the former St. Hedwig Church in New Bedford helps sort out some of the hundreds of donated food goods for those affected by the March 6 immigration raid in that city. (Anchor fife photo) \...



Continued from page one

that destroyed the magnificent Notre lowed his first encyclical, "Deus Dame Church in Fall River's Flint; Caritas Est" on the Christian virtue observed parish anniversaries; affec- of love in 2006. The 76-page new tionately greeted new pastors and encyclical explores the essential coning. ":.:. ~;fjW/Jiir: .-~.~. healing ministry at St. bade old ones goodbye, and cel- nection between faith and hope in "I am not a great or- . ;:;'::...c_~ Ct::§,:;~:,,~":::, :;}~."'?~;;;~ Mary's before he died in ebrated new priests and deacons'. early Christianity and addresses a ganist. I'll tell you that 1998. They taught and supported Religious "crisis of hope" in modem times. right now," Malone said She oversees the PilEducation, especially meaningful reThe Marriage Amendment in interview this week. grim Statue of Our Lady gional programs for thousands of After a year of touch and go as of Fatima that used to "But rdid it because the young people. the state's Catholic bishops includbelong to Father Babresidents love to hear They were saddened when two ing Bishop Coleman, Faithful Citithe sound of the organ. bitt, dropping it off at teen-agers broke into St. Patrick's zenship led by BeaMartins, the MasI think it brought back homes in the area and Church in Somerset, profaned con- sachusetts Catholic Council, and childhood m~m9iie.lh . then picking it up. secrated hosts taken from the taber- others prayed and urged action, state maiteijfI 'She participates in' a So it-didn't hacle and ransacked the house of legislators in January finally ad.. ". - ,,,' -~,.~.~~._'r-:' made mIstakes. '". , monthly prayer cenacle worship. But they were inspired af- vanced a proposed constitutional Malone, 69, who at St. Mary's dedicated ter hearing that Blessed Mother amendment that would allow voters grew up in Lawrence, to the Hearts of Jesus Teresa of Calcutta had in her later in 2008 to define marriage as a union taught high school sciand Mary life received the gift of spiritual of one man and one woman. It was ence in Salem, N.H., Father David A. . "dark night" of the soul as had other. an upheaval by many of all denomiMethuen" and at Costa, the current pastor great saints of the Church. nations opposing the 2004 "orderof St. Mary's, described Bridgewater-Raynham Recalling their upbringing, many ing" of gay marriages in the Bay Malone as a valuable bebetween 1959 and 1976. embraced the Tridentine Mass in State by judicial command. By May ANCHOR PERSON OF THE WEEK Jay She and her husband Malone. (Photo by Matt McDonald) hind-the-scenes contributheir parishes newly allowed by the 2007, the final vote was still in limbo Mike moved to North tor to life in the parish. , Vatican; and heartily endorsed and put off until June 14, when legAttleboro in 1974. In 1983 she joined the choir at "If Jay's going to do something, it's going to groups like MOMS, the Diocesan islators caved in, and with only 51 ·St. Mary's Church, W'liiClfFatb,er Babbitt directed. be done, and it's going to be done first class," Council of Catholic Women;St. votes needed the citizen's initiative About February;1987 thepa~tor, .F.at~~~I.phFithei:Costa said.' ' Vincent de Paul, the Holy Name was defeated 151-45. Tetrault, came to a meeting of the~parish's;I4dles - Last year she cut back on her activities to care Society, First.Friday Men, and,the. ' It was a disheartening blow to (. '.,' '",;. Guild to ask the women to con~ide~becom.i~g,ex- for her ailing husband Mike. He died in August Ee~ion Mary; as' well as the Catholics - especially the 170,000 traordinary .ministers of holy Communion at Ma-'at age Knights ofColumbus celebrating its " who petitioned for it and many from donna Manor. Malone decided to go.' She still sings alto in the choir at the 9 a.m. 125th anniversary. And they grate- other denominations - who had While she had been to a nursing home before, Sunday Mass. ~lly paid tributt! to members of the' voted to send the petition to the Legshe found visiting all the floors a trying experience. The point isn'ttoperform but to encourage parjitstice system awardingthem the St., ,'islature in 2006 and who along with "I didn't know if I could go back," she said.' ticipation~ , Thomas More Medal for distin- many legislators had worked and "The goal of the choir in my mind was always But after praying about it, she decided togive guished service. . prayed for its success. It was someit another try, thinking it might be God's·will. to promote congregational singing. And it doesn't , Hundreds devotedly gatherec.i to thing of a victory for newly installed "He must have wanted me there. So I went matter what kind of voice that you have. Because pray for peace in their families, their Gov. Deval Patrick, who solidly supback," she said. "From 1987 on to 2005 I realIy, if you sing, and you're praising God with your community, their Church, and the ported homosexual adoptions and really enjoyed it. It was my pleasure. I just loved entire being - physical, spiritual, emotional world in the arinual fall Peace March same-sex marriage, had vowed to being there." it doesn't matter what kind of voice that you " from St. Mary's Cathedral to St: work to kill the ballot referendum, She delighted in making little connections with have," she said. "As long as you have that joy and Anne's in Fall River ~o pray the rO'- and who called the citizen-sponthe residents. 'love of God in your heart when you're singing, it sary and attend Mass. sored measure "discrimination." "Sometimes all they needed was a pat on the doesn't matter what you sound like." In another phase of Catholic The ICE raid shoulder or a hug. And it made all the pifference Her late husband once told her he couldn't carry stewardship at &ster and at ChristIn the wake of the March 6 raid a tune, then proved himself right. But she recalls to them,~' she said. mas, many organizations reached on the Michael Bianca manufacturDistributing Communion at the nursing home his smile when he was singing his favorite hymns, out to the marginalized with dinners ing plant in New Bedford by dozens was more than an ordinary religious experience· "Amazing Grace" and "How Great Thou Art." and food baskets, clothes and toys, of U.S. Immigration and Customs for the lay ministers. "I would always say to him that the angels are to help brighten and raise mindS and Enforcement agents where 361 ille"We would see the face of Christ in those resi- singing, and you're singing along with them." hearts to the' gift of redemption that gal immigrants arrested and facing dents, and as we were bringing them the EuchaTheAnchor encourages readers to nominateoththe Christ child brings. deportation included parents of inrist, our hope was that they would see the face of ersforthePersonoftheWeek-whoandwhy? SubAs 2007 was ending, the faithful fants and small children, Father RiChrist in us," she said. mit nominations to: theq,nchor@anchomews.org, or took up the text of Pope Benedict chard Wilson, pastor of Our Lady of About 1995 her husband started going with her write to The Anchor, P.O. Box 7, Fall River, MA XVI's secondencycljcal "Spe Salvi" Guadalupe at St. James Parish in that to Madonna Manor to help out, first by transport- 02722. on Christian hope, timely published city, quickly opened the doors of his at the beginning of Advent. It folContinued on page nine

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28, 2007


The Anchor , as adults and clergy and Bishop Coleman, joined in the annual January March for Life in Washington, D.C., that spoke out agl!inst abortion in all its phases. They were at it again at the October Respect Life Walk in Boston. The Anchor, which proudly marked its 50th anniversary as the newspaper ofthe diocese promulgating the life of the Church, honored its employers past and present. It said goodbye to well-known staff reporter Mike Gordon who married and moved out of the area, and welcomed two new writers, Matt McDonald and Brian Kennedy to the staff. It conducted its annual Essay Contest in conjunction with January's Catholic Schools Week and awarded prizes to winners



9 Lauren Westover from Coyle and ' Cassidy High School in Taunton; Katelyn DaCosta of Bishop Stang High School in North Dartmouth; Chelsea Thibault of Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River; and Huy Nguyen of Bishop Feehan High School in Attleboro. Winners of the Pro-Life Apostolate's 2007 essay contest included Nicholas Paiva, Meghan Gibson, Anna Stankiewicz, Laura Lourenco, Brittany Rezendes, and Peter Bratton. Knowing the power of the Blessed Virgin's intercession with her Son, several members of the Diocesan Council of Catholic Women launched a prayer drive called "Hail Mary's for Peace." The program began August 15 and will run until Continued on page 10

CAPTNE AUDIENCE - Father George E. Harrison, seated with cap, pastor of Holy Name Parish in Fall River, made a visit to the diocesan mission in Guaimaca, Honduras in 2007. (Anchor file photos)

relief. By August, 200 of the 361 Coniinuedfrom page eight parish hlill. Most of those arrested were released and reportedly many were GJatemalans, Mexicans and have returned to New Bedford; while Honduraps, with a few Brazilians between 20 and 40 have already and some Portugliese and Salvador- been deported. I Congress, split politically on the ans. MaJly were members of Father Wilson's parish. Because those ar- issues, has to date failed to adopt a rested w;ere immediately sent to a major immigration reform bill. Schools holding center - some as far away Even as two prominent and vinas New;Mexico and Texas - it meant family members were sepa- tage Catholic elementary schools in I rated, an~ dozens ofchildren includ- New Bedford - St. Anthony of ing infants, h~d no one to care for Padua (1896) and Our Lady of them. Mount Carmel (1941) - closed As rriany across the nation de- their doors, they celebrated the gift cried the insensitivity of federal of- ,offaith they had planted over the deficials to families and parents, the cades. About the same time Bishop parish center became •a vital and ace. Coleman accepted the new $6.92 I tion place for meetings of federal, million John Paul II High School in state an4 local agencies and elected Hyannis acquired and funded in officials,1agencies and clergy bent on great part by a determined group of providirig spiritual, financial, hous- laypersons on Cape Cod in May; and ing, food and household needs, and he blessed the school at its opening . legal asSistance. . September 4. I • The Que and cry regIOnally and The diocese also saw the first from acrfss the nation brought some graduating classes receive diplomas

at St. Mary's School in Mansfield and St. Pius X School in South Yarmouth. Bishop Feehan High School in . Attleboro undertook a $3.5 million. remodeling to allow for new classrooms and computer software; and Coyle and Cassidy High School in Taunton opened' five-and-a-half acres of new practice fields for football and soccer on the site of a former curtain factory it purchased. Catholic Charities Appeal Led by Michael Donly, director L of Development, a dedicated! team that included pastors and 40,000 parishioners and friends raised a record total $4.3 million for the 2007 and MAKING WAY - Demolition of the 50-year-old chapel on the 66th annual Catholic Charities Ap- grounds of the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette made peal that funds various apostolates room for construction of a new auditorium, gift shop and bistro. and benefits more than 100,000 who turn to the local Church in their times of need. Amazingly the totals surpassed the 2006 total by $369,774. Signs of Faith More than 3,000 high-school age .youth from across New England took up the challenge of giving God complete access to every part oftheir .lives at two JUly weekends that offered a rnix.9f prayer, talks, songs, sacraments and worship. The Steubenville East Conferences were held at the National Shrine of Our ~ady of La Salette in Attleboro un.i der director Kim Lisbon. Another La .. . ~ ' Salette-Iaunched program called Extreme East, is held monthly for. young people ages 14 to 25 and is Q$ @) b~Mght si~H' aimed at supporting and complementing parish-based youth minisCat~@ncs thro~@h@llJt try'. In November, hundreds of diocesan high school students wore their faith on the sleeves at a spirited youth convention hosted by Bishop Stang High School in North Dartmouth; and hundreds ofsixth-, seventh-, and eighth-graders from diocesan schools gathered at Taunton's Coyle and Cassidy High School for a convention sponsored by the diocesan Youth and Young Adult Ministry This Message Sponsored by the Following Office Business Concerns in the Diocese of Fall River Nearly 400 students from the GILBERT C. OLIVEIRA INSURANCE AGENCY GOLDEN JUBILEE - The Anchorcelebrated its 50th anniversary FEITELBERG INSURANCE AGENCY diocese's four high schools as well with a special edition on April 13, 2007. .






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10 Continued from page nine humbly asked pardon for all he May 1, 2008, the feast of the As- might have offended. In August, it recalled the 100th anniversary of its sumption of Mary into heaven. Former DCCW president Lynette second bishop, Bishop Daniel F. Ouellette of Westport was installed Feehan in September 1907. Father as Boston Province director of the Arthur Wingate celebrated his 50th National Council of Catholic anniversary of his priesthood, as did Women; and Marylee Meehan of Bishop Donald Pelletier, a MissionYarmouth became the first Ameri- ary of La Salette, who spent most of can elected president in the 74-year his service in Madagascar. Another history of the International Catholic 12 priests celebrated significant 60, Committee of Nurses and Medical- 50, 40, and 25 years in the priestSocial Assistants with headquarters hood; and Sacred Hearts Father in Dublin, Ireland. David P. Reid left his post as proPro-Life vincial of the congregation in Showing their Pro-Life ideals, Fairhaven to become regional supeadults and young people journeyed rior in India. to Boston and Washington to demMsgr. Gerard O'Connor and Faonstrate against abortion, and ap- ther Karl C. Bissinger ended assignplauded the U.S. Supreme Court's ments in Rome. April ban on partial-birth abortions Msgr. O'Connor obtained his as well as news that ordinary skin doctorate in sacred liturgy and was cells are more effective than use of assigned as parochial vicar at Our embryonic stem cells, which wrongly Lady of Victory Parish in have to be destroyed in the process. Centerville, while Father Bissinger Groups of clergy and laity prayed was named director of Vocations. outside abortion clinics and la- Fatl;ler Tadeusz Pacholczyk, a priest mented the tragic abortion death of of the diocese and director of Edua mother and the 13-week-old child cation at the National Bioethics Cenin her womb at a clinic in Hyannis; ter in Philadelphia, was a keynote joined in prayer for a December 8 speaker at a March Respect Life Night of Prayer for Life across Conference hosted by Holy Family America; decried films that glossed Parish in Taunton. Father over basic morals like the "Golden . Pacholczyk is a columnist for The Compass;' and hailed those with true Anchor. faith values, like the well-received Seminarians William M. Sylvia, Pro-Life film "Bella." David C. Deston Jr., and Ronnie Paul Setting an example for all to see, Floyd were ordained transitional the Pro-Life Apostolate .~~ardl?4 ~ts . ~eacon)i; l,3, nwp ~e~tr. !Jrdainfid perannual John Cardinal O'Connpr man~nt dea,?onstoserve in parishes Pro-Life Award to Jim and Maureen and ministries ofcharity in October; Remillard of Falmouth. The couple four pastors, Father Terence F. raised four children of their own and Keenan, Father Paul T. Lamb, Fathen visited the international adop- ther John C. Martins, and Father tion well to draw four more into their James R. McLellan, retired; and Fafamily. ther Brian Albino, Father Timothy The diocese also mourned the Driscoll and Father Michael Racine murders of 12-year old Jenny and were named pastors. her lO-year-old brother Carlin who Eight parochial vicars received were parishioners of Father Craig A. new assignments; Mercy Sister Pregana in his parish in Guaimaca, Elaine Heffernan, who had spent 52 Honduras, a sister mission parish years working for the diocese, the sponsored by the Fall River Diocese. most recent as episcopal represenClergy and religious tative to religious, retired. She was The Diocese marked the Feb. 2, succeeded by Mercy Sister 1907 death of its first ordinary, Catherine Donovan, who formerly Bishop William Stang, recalling his ministered at the Catholic Memorial prophetic will written on the eve of Home; and Father David C. his abdominal surgery, in which he Frederici succeeded Father Stephen

FISHERS OF MEN - Fathers Kevin A. Cook, left, and Karl C. Bissinger were,appointed as assistant directors of vocations. (Anchorfile photos)

pression of St. Jacques Parish and Immaculate Conception Parish. Father John J. Perry was named pastor of the new parish. Our Lady of Victory Parish in Centerville celebrated is 50th anniversary in June; and Holy Cross Parish in Easton, observed its 40th in September with an outside Mass followed by a reception. St. Anthony's Parish in New Bedford hosted several interesting programs, including the New Bedford Symphony Orchestra's presentation of Mozart's "Requiem Mass in D Minor." As the year ended, parishioners and clergy at St. Peter the Apostle Parish in Provincetown were looking ahead to the dedication of their new church next summer. The . former house of worship was destroyed in a Jan. 25, 2005 fire. B. Salvador as chaplain to Scouting. Groundbreaking for the new church In July, Bishop Coleman ordained was held Oct. 12, 2006. transitional deacon Jay Mello as a As 2007 was ending, parishioners of St. Peter's in Dighton and St. priest of the diocese. As the year ended, the diocese Joseph's in North Dighton received and its priests remembered Father word that their request for a merger Arthur C. Lenaghan, the only chap- - and the resultant creation of one lain from the diocese killed in World new and strong parish - had been War IT while serving in Italy in 1944. approved by Bishop路 Coleman. He Pastors and leaders of 18 churches asked them to form a joint task force and congregations affiliated with the to meet monthly in the next nine to United Interfaith Action, met to plan 10 months to iron out how best to assistance to more than 900 former make the transition in 2008. The Tridentine Mass employees of Quaker Fabric Corp., Fulfilling his hopes for a bridge in Fall River, which unexpectedly closed its door and shut down in Au- to tradition, Pope Benedict in the gust; 'and Mer~y Sister Kathleen July Apostolic Letter "Motu PropHarrington added to her long career rio" broadened permission for parin education by being named to the ishes throughout the world to use the Early Education and Care Commit- Tridentine Mass, a long standing retee of the Massachusetts Readiness quest for Latin Rite traditionalists who favor using the rite used for cenProject Leadership Council. The Ministry of Moms Sharing, turies - since 1570 - prior the SecMOMS support group, got a boost ond Vatican Council in the 1960s. It from a November visit by its found several parishes and many pafounder, Sister Paula Hagen, OSB, rishioners interested. The pontiff as a reported 11 parishes sought to made it clear that the Tridentine launch the empowering peer minis- Mass had never been abrogated and remained a choice for Catholics to try of women. offer the sacrifice of the Mass. The Pastoral Planning Mass according to the 1962 Roman and Parish Life Led by Father DavidA. Andrade, missal is celebrated regularly in director of the Office of Pastoral Latin at St. Anthony of Padua Planning, and consultant Doug Church in New Bedford, and at Our Rodrigues, those in parishes across Lady of Grace Chapel in Chatham. the diocese attended seminars offerVocations Succeeding Father Edward E. ing candid and clear portraits of the trends and statistics shaping the dio- Correia as director of Vocations in cese and how to realistically meet October, Father Karl C. Bissinger them. The issues centered on num- and assistant director, Father Kevin bers ofparishes, priest personnel and A. Cook, took the reins of the "Go the changing population reshaping Out and Fish" initiative to assist men the local Church. The office also and women in their discernment of launched an online campaign using a vocation to the priesthood or relithe DFR Pastoral Planning Yahoo gious life as a Sister or Brother. Quickly moving their plans off Group to offer updated information the drawing board they set an ambion planning. Construction began in April on tious goal to develop a regular, the proposed new $4.5 million Our yearly routine, a calendar for vocaLady of Lourdes Church on 10.2 tion programs at schdols, parishes acres in Wellfleet, which will seat and deaneries so everyone will know 500 and features 16 beautiful stained in advance what to expect and plan glass windows. It replaces an old for. In the offing are holy hours, church built in 1952, and which is prayer meetings, talks, seminars and to be sold. A new rectory is also conferences to help young people begin to decide what to do with their planned. St. Jude Parish in Taunton was lives. Bishop Coleman had another created in June following the sup-

busy year. In May he traveled to the Azores to participate in the feast of Lord Christ of the Miracles in Ponta Delgada on the Island ofSt. Michael; and was among clergy, students, and religious of the Congregation of Holy Cross from Stonehill College in North Easton and across the world, as he attended beatification ceremonies for Father Basil-Antoine Marie Moreau, the 1837 founder of the Congregation, held in a restored parish church in Le Mans, France, on September 15. He attended meetings and the conference of U.S. bishops, including the November sessions in Maryland; awarded 50 teens the Pope Pius X Youth Award for contributions to their parishes and the diocese; presented Marian Medals to 91 adults for outstanding diocesan services; celebrated wedding anniversaries with 96 couples observing marital bliss anywhere from one to 67 years; confirmed thousands of young Catholics; and was the homilist and celebrant ofmany Masses at schools,

WAR HERO - The diocese and its priests remembered Father Arthur C. Lenaghan, the only chaplain from the diocese killed in World War II while serving in Italy in 1944. churches and health care centers for people and groups of all ages throughout the diocese. Deaths

- Father Ralph D. Tetrault, 68, a retired pastor ofSt. Patrick's in Wareham, January 13; - Mrs. Anita I. Arseneault, 91, mother of Mrs. Lorraine 1. Lecour, secretary in the office of Bishop George W. Coleman, January 10; Mercy Sister Kathleen Schmith, 74, retired principal at Nazareth Hall, January 21; - Presentation Sister Marguerite Belanger, 86, a teacher and Rivier College trustee, January 3; - Sister of St. Joseph Madeleine M. Cormier, 92, a retired teacher in diocesan schools, January 27; - Mrs. Kathleen "Kitty" Kuhn, 87, mother ofYouth Apostles Father Michael F. Kuhn, February 13; - Mrs. Lorraine L. Bernier, 79, mother of Father Paul Bernier, rector ofSt. Mary's Cathedral, February 25; - Father James A. McCarthy, 88, retired pastor of St. Mary's in Falmouth, March 5; - John Perry, 78, father of Father Continued on page 11

~ The Anchor ~

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~ The Anchor

news briefs

Catholics move to end.llIinois funds for embryonic stem-cell research ROMEOVILLE, Ill. (CNS) - In light of new scientific evidence demonstrating how primitive stem cells can be created without destroying human embryos, the Catholic Conference of Illinois is pushing for new legislation to end state-sanctioned funding of embryonic stem-cell research through the Illinois Regenerative Medicine Institute. "Human embryos should not be used in any type of research, an'd that should be in the law," said Zach Wichmann, associate director of education for the conference, the public policy arm for the state's Catholic bishops. In addition to being immoral, he said, there is no scientific reason to continue using embryos. "We think now that science has progressed to a point where it seems that embryonic stem-cell research is no longer necessary - that we can ban that procedure," Wichmann told the Catholic Explorer, Joliet diocesan newspaper, in a telephone interview from his Springfield office. Recently two research studies independently confirmed that ordinary skin cells can be genetically reprogrammed to work as effectively as embryonic stem cells. Pro-Life official praises Senate bill aimed to help pregnant women WASHINGTON (CNS) - A U.S. bishops' Pro-Life official gave high marks to a bill introduced in the U.S. Senate in December that would provide resources and support to pregnant women. "The bill will empower pregnant women to make healthy choices for themselves and their children, born and unborn," said Deirdre McQuade, director of planning and information in the U.S. bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities. Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life of America, the group that helped craft the legislation, said it is designed to reduce tile number of abortions by aiding women who feel they have no other option. The Pregnant Women's Support Act was introduced by Sen. Robert Casey, D-Pa. It mirrors nearly identical legislation introduced in the House earlier in 2007. The act would ensure that pregnant women are not denied coverage by insurance companies; establish a tollfree number for resources during pregnancy and after birth; and provide parenting education in maternity group homes. Pope encourages Japanese Catholics to evangelize VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Pope Benedict XVI strongly encouraged Japan's Catholic minority to evangelize enthusiastically and let people know that Christianity "is not foreign to Japanese culture." In a society that boasts economic success and advanced technology, people are hungry for the Gospel's message of hope, the pope told Japanese bishops. "Remind people that there is more to life than professional success and profit. Through the practice of charity, in the family and in the community, they can be led toward that encounter with God in Christ," he said. The bishops were in Rome for their"ad limina" visits, made by heads of dioceses every five years. In Japan, Catholics represent less than 0.5 percent of the population, a proportion that has grown only slightly over the last 30 years. The pope noted that last year marked the SOOth anniversary of the birth of St. Francis Xavier, known as the "Apostle of Japan." His missionary work must continue today, the pope said. Vatican makes Christmas appeal for those affected by mvIAIDS VATICAN CITY (CNS) - The Vatican made its annual Christmas appeal for urgently needed funding to treat the world's poorest people affected by HIVIAIDS. The head of the Vatican's Good Samaritan Foundation, Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragan, told Vatican Radio a $15 or $20 donation could help give the gift of life to someone affected by HIV/AIDS. The small sum would cover almost a month of life-saving medications while $215 would provide a patient with a full year's treatment of essential antiretroviral drugs, he said in an interview with Vatican Radio. This year's appeal asked people to symbolically "leave a gift under the Christmas tree" by helping provide treatment for someone in Ghana, Chad, Nepal or elsewhere, the cardinal said. Since its inception in September 2004 by the late Pope John Paul II, the foundation has distributed hundreds of thousands of dollars in free medicine to some of the world's poorest people who suffer from sometimes deadly infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria, hepatitis and AIDS.

Continued from page 10 . r-John 1. Perry, pastorofSt. Jacques and Immaculate Conception parishes in Taunton, March 6, at home; - Sacred Hearts Father William B. Davis, 88, a pastor, educator and provincial, March 13; - Holy Union Sister Irene Silvia, 89, a teacher and administrator, March 22, after a brief illness; - Deacon Thomas F. Prevost, 82, who served at St. Michael's Parish in Swansea, March 25; - Father Richard W. Beaulieu, 60, former pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish in Acushnet and a former principal at Coyle-Cassidy High School in Taunton as well as a former diocesan director of education, March 27 suddenly while on vacation in Florida; - Robert 1. Gallant, 83, father of i E~Jon ~ Gallant, pastor ofHoly Redeemer Parish in Chatham, March 28 in St. Anne's Hospital; - Mrs. Eleanor Cox, 84, wife of Deacon Ralph F. Cox of Holy Trinity Parish in West Harwich, April 18; - Father John 1. Murphy, 93, the oldest priestin the Fall River Diocese, an outstanding athlete, musician and craftsman, April 23 at the Catholic Memorial ~ome; - Mrs. Jeanette Patenaude, 98, mother of Missionaries of La Salette Father Andre A. "Father Pat" Patenaude, May 3 at the Clifton Rehabilitative Center in Somerset; - Holy Union Sister Aline Dupuis, 92, an elementary school teacher for 40 years, May 16 at Madonna Manor in North Attleboro after a brief illness; - Sacred Hearts Father Richard Czerwien, 65, an apostle to struggling students who served in the Fall River Diocese, May 19, at Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen, Texas; - Mrs. Mary D. Frechette, 86, motherofFatherThomasA. Frechette, pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish in Hyannis, May 29 after an extended illness; - Holy Union Sister Doreen Donegan, 74, a teacher and principal in diocesan schools, June 12, at the Catholic Memorial Home after a long illness; - Sister Antoinette Lord of the Sisters ofSainteJeanne d' Arc, 75, who served at the residence of Bishop George W. Coleman, June 24 at Charlton Memorial Hospital, after an illness; - Sister Marie Joseph LeBlanc, 95, of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield, a retired teacher, !une 22, in Mont Marie Health Center in Holyoke; - Sister Ann Gabriel Gomolka, 93, of the Good Shepherd Contemplative in Harwich, june 25 after along illness; - Father Francis L. Mahoney, 72, retired pastor of Holy Name Parish in Fall River and an outstanding athlete and basketball player, July 22 in Charlton Memorial Hospital; - Holy Cross Father Joseph M. Quinn, 74, July 18 at Holy Cross House at the University ofNotre Dame in Indiana;

- Mercy Sister Mary Moynagh, 90, a retired educator in the Fall River Diocese, August 3 at Mt. St. Rita Health Center in Cumberland, R.I.; - Brother ofChristiab Instruction Robert A. Francoeur, 84, a native of Fall River and former president of Walsh University in ohio, August 7 following a battle with leukemia; - Father Joseph A R. Belanger, 84,.ofthe Congregation ofthe Blessed Sacrament, a native of New Bedford and a missionary, teacher and chaplain, August 6 at Our Lady's Haven in Fairhaven; - Mrs. Vrrginia Mary Hoye, 91, a retired nurse and mother of Msgr. Daniel F. Hoye, pastor of Christ the King Parish in Mashpee, August 13 at her home in Mattapoisett; - Franciscans ofthe Immaculate Brother Francis Mary, 84, of New Bedford, an author, editor and organizer of Marian congresses and pilgrimages, August 17 after a long illness; - Mercy Sister M. Charlotte Wmn, 87, a retired teacher, principal and administrator in Catholic schools in the Fall River Diocese, August 26 at Mount St. Rita Health Center in Cumberland, R.I.; - Holy Union Sister Eva Boudreau, 86, an educator and parish minister, August 27 in the Catholic Memorial Home after a brief illness; - Mrs. Jean D. Bentley, sister of Father John P. Driscoll, retired pastor of St. Lawrence Parish in New Bedford, August 28 in Chailton Memorial Hospital after a brief illness; - Mrs. Ruth T. Smith, 92 of Tiverton, R.I., sister of the late Father Leo T. Sullivan and the late Brother Daniel Sullivan, OFM, August 28 at home; - Dominican Sister Celine Thiboutot, 91, a retired teacher and parish volunteer, September 8 at the Catholic Me~o?al Home; - Holy Union Sister Beatrice Robin, 90, a retired educator and administrator, September 20 at Madonna Manor in North Attleboro; - Jesuit Father Joseph E. Mullen,

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88, the director of development at Bishop Connolly High School in Fall River in 1974 and 1975, September 21 at the Campion Center in Weston; . - Deacon Robert B. Raymond, who ministered as a deacon for 25 years, serving at St. Anne's Parish in Fall River and later in St. Steven's Parish in Arizona, September 25 in Scottsdale Ariz., after a long illness; - Missionary ofLa Salette Father Alan P. Beauregard, 60, of Riverside, R.I., who'served in the Fall River Diocese, October 4, at the Philip Huliter Hospice Care Center in Providence of esophageal cancer; . - Msgr. Donald D. Velozo, 74, a native of Somerset and a priest of the Diocese of Camden in New Jersey, October 7 at Our Lady's Residence Health Care Center in Pleasantville, N.J.; - Holy Union Sister Armand Marie Chabot, 89, a native of North Attleboro, whose ministry was as a cook, October 13, at The Landmark in Fall River; - Holy Cross Brother James W. Madigan, 85, of Stonehill College in Easton, director ofmaintenance for the Eastern Province ofthe Congregation, November 11, at Caritas Good Samaritan Hospital in Brockton; ~ G. Albert Roy, 83, of South Dartmouth, father of Father Richard M. Roy, pastor of St. John the Evangelist Parish in Attleboro, December 2 at his home after a brief illness; - Sister Germaine Gendron, 94, of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Springfield, a native of Westport, and a retired educator and sacristan, December4 in Mont Marie Health Care Center in Holyoke; - Dominican Sister Cecile Marquis, 95, a teacher at DominicanAcademy in Fall River and St. Rose School in 'Acushnet, December 3 in Newburgh, N.Y.; - Deacon Maurice Lavallee, 80, a permanent deacon at St. Joseph-St. Therese Parish, New Bedford, December 19, at home.


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~. . ··~··.YOUTH PAGES


28, 2007

Diocesan students invited to enter Stonehill College Martin Luther King jr. essay·contest

GOOD SPORTS - From left, Rylan Richard, Hannah Dulmaine, Brad Mason, Emily Fenuccio were selected to represent Hyannis' Pope John Paul II High School at the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association's annual Leadership & Sportsmanship Summit held recently at Gillette Stadium in Foxboro. More than 1,000 participants attended the day-long event. IN TUNE - Greta Lynn Bieg, right, a freshman at Pope John Paul II High School, earned a spot on the Southeast Junior District Treble Chorus as a soprano during the recent Southeastern District Music Competition. She will now move on to participate in the 2008 District Festival in March.

NORTH EASTON - For the second year in a row, Stonehill ColI lege will sponsor a Social Justice Essay Contest honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The contest is open to public and parochial school students in grades nine through 11 in the Archdiocese of Boston and the Diocese of Fall River, with one winner chosen from each of the three grades. Each of the three winners will receive a laptop computer. The essay topic is "Walking with Jesus in Confronting Injustice: What Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Did and What I Can. gp. Tp~~y~v." The contest asks students to combine Dr. King's message of social justice with the mission of Stonehill College, which is to educate the whole person so that each Stonehill graduate thinks, acts, and leads with courage toward the creation of a more just and compas- , sionate world. The 2008 Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday comes 40 years after Dr. King's assassination and is ex-

pected to bring added attention to - all essays must be submitted his life teachings. Congress passed no later than January 15,2008. Esthe King Holiday and Service Act says can be sent either to Lorna in 1994, designating the King Holi- DesRoses, Archdiocese of Boston, day as a national day of volunteer Office of Cultural Diversity, 2121 service. Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, On January 21 Americans will MA 02135-3193, or to the Office once again honor King's legacy of of Intercultural Affairs, Stonehill nonviolence and social justice. College, 320 Washington Street, Stonehill's Social Justice Essay Easton, MA 02357; Contest is timed to coordinate with - a panel of essay readers will the nation's celebratory events include members of the Stonehill around King's life and teachings. College Office of Intercultural AfThe contest guidelines are: fairs, the English" Department, Ad- This essay contest is open to missions and Enrollment, and Cam9th, 10th, and 11th grade public and pus Ministry; - the winners from each grade parochial school students in the Archdiocese ofBoston and the Dio- will be notified no later than Febcese of Fall River. ruary 7, 2008; - one prize (a laptop computer) - The winners from each grade will be awarded for the best essays level will be invited to read their in each grade (9th, 10th, and 11 th), essays at StonehiJI College on Febfor a total of three prizes; ruary 25 at 7:00 p.m. - e·ssays are to be typed using Forfurther informotion orcloria Times 12 font, double-spaced, and jicoJion regarding the contest,please be no longer than four pages in contactLomaDesRosesat617-7~ length; 5810, ldesroses@n:ab.org, or Father - one submission per student Paul Pudussery, C.S.C. at 508-565is allowed; 1339ppudussery@stonehilLedu.

MISSIONARIES - The Archbishop Oscar A. Romero Chapter of the Spanish Honor Society at Coyle and Cassidy High School in Taunton recently collected gifts for needy children and their families in the Diocesan Mission in Honduras. The Honor Society responded to an inv,itation by Father Craig Pregana, pastor of the St. Rose of Lima Church in Guaimaca, to reach out and help brothers and sisters in need. This Advent Giving Project, which the Honor Society chose as its service project, asked the student body and especially the students taking Spanish to bring gifts to class on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Students chose from a "Wish Lisf' and purchased many of the requested items which will be packaged and given to Pam Potenza, a parishioner of Our Lady of Mount Carmel In Seekonk, who is coordinating the collection of the items which will be sent to Honduras. Pictured is the Spanish III Class.

PINKIE OUT - Eighth-grade students Katherine Clark, Sophia Bonenfan~ and Joseph Shaw, from Taunton Catholic Middle School, attended an "office Christmas party" in their Career Education class. Students learned about proper etiquette at such functions and then watched a Disney cartoon with Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, titled the "Bell Cleaners." They identified workplace safety hazards and improper behavior and treatment of employees and equipment. Following the viewing, students discussed how to write a resume and evaluating applications for employment.

THE PEOPLES' CHOICE - The 2007-2008 Notre Dame SChOOl, Fall River, Student Council recently gathered for a group photo. front, from left: Hazelin Alves, T~'lVlor Burns, Alexandra Durand, K.aYIt:l~ L::arboza, and Francesca Pacheco. Back row: Amanda Brodeur, Shawntel Botelho, Kelsey Olive"ira, Alexandria Quigley, Allison Lake, Marsha Correa (teacher), Charlene Huyler, John Loughran, Ry~n Nestor, Samantha Botelho, and Andrea Murphy.


28, 2007





Year-end review of 2007 music By. CHARLIE. MARTIN -

HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS - Six homes were opened for Attleboro's Bishop Feehan High School's first annual Holiday House Tour. Students, parent volunteers, and homeowners guided more than 85 tourists to unique homes in Seekonk, Pawtucket, North Attleboro and Cumberland. Musical entertainment, a colorful contemporary art collection, magnificent water views, beautiful .antiques, and a 20-foot indoor Christmas tree were among the many features. Here, freshmen volunteers Kathryn Reynolds and Lana Rachin pose next to the large Christmas tree in a Seekonk home.

Today's music can lift our spirits or carry us from silly to somber moods. It can set our feet to dancing or our voices to karaokeing. Sometimes, it can even heal a hurtful memory or bring us closer to God. Today's music is a gift for our lives. ~ 2007 we saw an as~ortment of new artists and also music that supported the careers of some familiar names. Let's take a look back. Emerging artists Amy Wmehouse and Colbie Caillat stand as contrasts. Winehouse's painful story; of alcdhbl addiction in ''Rehab'' reminded us that use of drugs or alcohol potentially can destroy one's life. Caillat's lighthearted, almost whimsical "Bubbly" encouraged us to take specific steps to bring happiness to others. More in line with the tone of "Rehab" was Blue October's "Into the Ocean," a song that presented an extended metaphor about facing personal hurt. "Hey There Delilah" became a huge hit for The Plain White T's. It discussed the challenges of keeping romance alive when a couple faces geographic separation. Also noteworthy among new artists was 16-year-old Taylor Swift. Her hit, "Teardrops On My Guitar;' spoke of the challenges and difficulties of being in high school. In terms of old folks reappearing, or perhaps i should say continuing to appear, Rob Thomas, former lead singer of Matchbox 20, inspired us to live with hope and make a positive difference for others in "Streetcomer Symphony." The word "former" is not


exactly accurate as it pertains to Matchbox 20, for this group itself reappeared from rock history, much to my surprise, with its new CD "Exile On Mainstream." Off this disc is "How Far We've Come," a song about recognizing the importance of past efforts for the current good in our lives. Another group from the past hitting the charts in 2007 was the Goo Goo Dolls with "Before It's Too Late." The song is off the soundtrack to ''Transformers'' and encourages us to act on our passionate interests. FOrIJler "N'Sync" front man Justin Timberlake came back too as a solo performer with ''What Goes Around." His hit reminds us that how we treat others greatly impacts our own happiness. While I always make my personal choice for "song of the year" one whose message challenges to us become better disciples of Jesus, I could not identify one song in 2007 that stood out from the others with such a message. But there were a few that clarified ways we can grow as disciples. The Goo Goo Dolls' ''Let Love In" challenged us to transform any fear in our lives with the power of love. In their words, ''The end of fear is ... the moment we decided to let love in." Surely, all of us can grow in how we handle fear and allow the love of God to flow through our lives. Very early in the year, I reviewed Five For Fighting's ''World.'' The song asks us, ''What kind of world do you want?" The answer for those of us who are Jesus' disciples is a world based'on Jesus' teaching and our own strong

commitment to the way of building peace, justice and nonviolence.. British soldier-turned-rocker James Blunt often writes songs that encourage us to consider our values. "Goodbye My Lover" offered a very personal reflection on death. In it Blunt challenged us to face grief when it appears in such a way that those we love will feel the grace of our affection today. Another song from a film soundtrack was Beyonce's hit "Listen." The song, from "Dreamgirls," spoke of the importance oflistening to one's inner voice when making decisions in life. As followers of Jesus, we know that God's Spirit guides our lives. Consequently, we try to trust the voice of an inner vision even when others do not understarid or support our goals. Such trust builds on courage and is nurtured by daily being in contact with God. I mention just a few of the songs from 2007 that help us understand what it means to follow Jesus. What were your favorite songs in 2oo7? I thank all of you who con~ tacted me, offering suggestions on what to write about and citing points you felt I missed in evaluating some songs. All of your feedback is valuable and helpful to me. As we enter into 2008, I invite you to continue sharing your comments or suggestions. May God bless each of you with his guidance and healing during the coming year. Your comments ore always welcome. Please write to me at: chmartin@swindiana.netorat 7125W 200S, RockpoTt, IN 47635.

Hope in waiting In January, I presented our diocesan community with a challenge. In my article "Change the Bulb and Find Your Light," I talked about becoming more involved in our communities and becoming more involved in the various social justice issues. As we reflect on 2007, let's ask ourselves one question: How did we positively affect the people and communities around us? Or was 2007 back-to-businessas-usual after the newness of the year wore off? For too many of us, teen-ager, young adult, or adult, life seems to overtake us and we become wrapped up in our struggles and thus forget the greater struggles of the world. I'm not going to lie. It is difficult, no matter how faithful we are or well intentioned we may be to "break the cycle" of indifference in a society that feels entitled to everything. These are rash generalizations,

I know, but generalizations are rooted in at least one grain of truth if not more. But there is one truth that we Catholics can take with us into 2008: that Jesus rescued us from ourselves through his birth, death and resurrection. In celebrating the birth of our Lord, we are reminded that the love of God and the covenant to his people relied on the birth of one child. One child who later matured into priest, prophet and king changed the world and welcomed all of humankind with arms wide open as his hands were nailed to the cross. As we enter the eighth ye~ of the 21st century, let us take a look beyond our own backyards. Let's' help our brothers and sisters, no matter their social standing, race, or religion. As humans and as

Christians, we are obligated to become a greater community of love. Scripture is filled with Jesus' message of unending love no matter the people involved. The parables of the Good Samaritan, the woman at the well or ~esus'

healing of a centurion's servant are models for us to live by: to love without ceasing, to care without judging, to serve without selfishness. Does this mean that I am asking everyone to make another New Year's resolution? No. But I am asking everyone

to make a concerted effort to open their hearts and love one another the way Jesus loves us. Through loving each other, we all become disciples of Jesus. It goes beyond a New Year's resolution; it's our call to a Catholic-Christian life. And if we are not sure how to love without ceasing, all we have to do is look at the love of a child. A child's love is innocent and is not jaded by the ills or prejudices of society, but it's pure and given freely. Ca!1 we all become children and love God and each other with such zest and freedom? There is a poem written by Edwin Markham titled "A Creed." Markham is not one of the most popular of American poets, but his message of social justice and brotherly love are clearly con-

veyed in this simple t\\!,o stanza poem: There is a destiny that makes us brothers; None goes his way alone: All that we send into the lives ofothers Comes back into our own. I care not what his temples or his creeds, One thing holds form and fast That into his fateful heap of days and deeds The soul of ~n is cast How will we cast our soul this year and for all the years to come? We are all b~others and sisters in the Lord. this is our gift. This is our call. This is our destiny. . Crystal is the a~sistant directorfor Youth & Young Adult Ministry for the diocese and youth ministry coordin.ator for St. Lawrence Martyr Parish in New Bedford. You can contact her at . cmedeiros@dfrcec.com.


I 14




Continued from page one

The Anchor ~ Visiting Austria in September, the

pope prayed at a Marian shrine with


28, 2007

Australian state passes legislation to protect pope at W~rld Youth Day

tens ofthousands ofpilgrims. His Italcopies worldwide. Salvi" (on Christian hope), which SYDNEY, Australia (CNS) that the number of U.S. pilgrims had ian travels took him to Pavia, where In June, the pope issued a 55-page warned th~t without faith in God hu~ .he prayed at the tomb of St. August- The New South Wales government risen from 23,000 in May to a record letter to Chinese Catholics, setting out manity lies at the mercy of ideoloine, to Assisi in the footsteps of St. has passed special legislation to ac- 38,000. new guidelines to favor cooperation gies that can lead to "the greatest Francis, and to Naples for the open- commodate Pope Benedict XVI's Meanwhile, the first leg of the between clandestine Catholic com- forms ofCI}1.elty and violations ofjusing of an interreligious conference. visit to Sydney for World Youth Day joumey ofthe WorldYouth Day cross mumties and those officially regis- tice." The pope continued to gradually in July. and icon around Australia was comtered with the government. One brief and unexpeCted docureplace Roman Curia officials, but his The temporary laws passed by the pleted. Those traveling with the cross , The pope's letter strongly criti- ment came in June, when the pope most important set of appointments government in mid-December will and icon clocked more than.19,000 cized the limits placed by the Chi- stipulated that a two-thirds majority carne this fall, when he named 23 new allow police extended powers of miles, covering five states and terrinese government on the Church's is always ~uired to elect a new pope. cardinals. Those receiving the red hat search and seizure and the discretion tories and 500 community events. A activities, but it invited civil authori- The document did away with a more in a November consistory included to remove individuals and vehicles new team of volunteers will continue ties to a fresh and serious ~a1ogue. flexible rule that allowed for a simple two Americans: Cardinal John P. from July 15-20 World Youth Day the journey until July. Hopeful signs followed, as China and路 majority election in case of an imThe Australian Catholic Bishops' Foley, head ofthe Knights ofthe Holy events. the Vatican agreed on several bish- passe. ,! Sepulcher, and Cardinal Daniel N. The laws, which have been lik- Conference heard about the impact ops' appointment. The pope approved publication of DiNardo of Galveston-Houston. ened to those enacted for the Sydney of the journey from Chantelle In July, in a long-awaited and other documents issued at the VatiIn June, the pope met Bush for the Olympics in 2000, also restrict air . Ogilvie, who spoke of her time with much-debated document, the pope can in 2007, including a text by the first time for talks that focused on the space above World Youth Day ven- the cross and icon at the Woomera relaxed restrictions on the use of the International Theological Commisprecarious &ituation of ChristianS" in ues such as Royal Randwick Race- immigration detention center, which Tridentine Mass, the Latin-language sion that crj.tiqued the traditional conIraq and other conflicts in the Middle course and the pope's residence while closed in 2003 after accusations of liturgy that predates th~SecondVati- cept oflimho and said there are good East. The Vatican took the' opportu- he is in Sydney. They protect com- human rights abuses and protests. can Council. reasons to hope that babies who die nity to express the hope for a negoti- mercial agreements between World "For about five years I worked The pope said Mass celebrated ac- " without beipg baptized go to heaven. l!ted settlement to "the conflicts and Youth Day org~rs and corporate with asylum seekers and refugees, cording to the 1962 Roman Missal He traveled to Brazil in May, his and so I knew this place would be ' '\ crises that are tormenting the region." partners. should be made available in every first papal trip to Latin America and On other ~sues, the pope and the The Pontifical Council for the La- powerful - I was nervous about it. parish where groups of the faithful the Iongest:~oumey ofpis.pontificate. , president examined moral and reli- 路ity also appr~\.:d operational plans We climbed the hill and planted the desire it - though he said the new Op~ning ~e Fifth General Confergious questions, including ''the de- for 23 World Y~~~ events. cross, and we observed a minute of Roman Missal, introduced n1.1970, en.cjofthe,B,ishopsofLatinAmericfl fense and promotion oflife~ marriage 'We ~ow hav~fu!~lueprintfor silence. Then we planted a tree, a remains the ordinary way of ~atho- an~ the Caribbean, h ow.arned against and the family," the VatiCliUl said. the world,'1' biggeSf'xouth event," said small one, I guess as a symbol ofhope lic worship. irirOads by secularis~ threats againSt , The pObe .~anced the Vatican Sydney Auxiliary' B.i.shop Anthony in a pretty harsh land," she told the November saw the release of the the family,!and an erosion of tradiagency coo1'dina~ reiations with Fisher, coordinator ofthe July activi- bishops. pope's second encyclical, "Spe tional Latil)American values. Muslims, appointing Cardinal Jean- ties. Ogilvie said for he( generation the Louis Tauran as head of the PontifiBishop Fisher said that by mid- detention center "came to represent cal Council for Interreligious Dia- December 100,000 Australian pil- all that was wrong with Australia at logue. grims were registered with indica- the time." In October, 138 Muslim experts tions that the target of125,ooointer"And so it was so powerful to look wrote a letter t6 the pontiffcalling for national pilgrims would be exceeded. at it head on, to not look ~way, but new dialogue efforts based on the ''The largest source countries re- then to raise that cross and say: 'This shared belief in one God, in God's main the United States, Italy and Ger- is what we believe in. This is love and loveforhumanityandinpeople'sob- many;' Bishop Fisher said, adding courage and freedom.''' ligation to love.one another. In re- . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , sponse, the pope 'invited a varied Marian Medal Awards presentation on video group of Muslim scholars to meet The 2007 Marian Medal ward a check payable to the Diwith him and Vatican experts someAwards Ceremony is now avail- ocesan Office of Communications time next year. able on video from the Diocesan to Office of Communications, The Vatican's saintrnakers were Office of Communications. Cop- Diocese of Fall River, P.O. Box 7, HISTORIC EFFORT - Father Thomas C. Lopes, center right, pas- busy in 2007, with 17 beatification ies may be ordered in either VHS Fall River, MA 02722. tor of Immaculate Conception Parish in Nort~ Easton, receives the liturgies. The pope canonized five format ($21.95) or DVD format Shipping is included in the Clement Briggs Award from members of the Easton Historical Com- people, including a Franciscan friar ($23.95). To obtain a video, for- video cost. mission as members of the parish's Financ~ Committee and Par- who was Brazil's first native-born ish Council look on. The award recognized p~rish efforts during its saint. centennial celebrations to preserve Easton's historic landscape and One papal priority that rarely architectural integrity in the recently completed renovation of the made headlines was his weekly au1904 church building on Main Street. (Photo courtesy of Dottie dience talk. In 2007, the pope focused Fulginitt), on early Christian witnesses and theologians, in essence cOntinuing his version of Church History 101. Throughout the year, the pope and Vatican offices gave increased attenMarch 1-9 / April 19-27 / May 15-27 / tion to environmental concerns. GloScheduled celebrant is July 14-22 / June 28-July bal warming was the subject ofa VatiFather Jay T. Maddock, can-sponsored conference, and at the August 4-12 /September!!22-30 / pastor of United Nations the Vatican's repre~ Holy Family Parish October 6-18 sentative said protecting the environin East Taunton ment was a "moral imperative." J' The pope also spoke repeatedly Rome * Venice * Tuscany * about the moral responsibility to reFlorence * Sicily Ii spect creation and share resources. In (Milan *Lake Como * Amatfi Coast Austria, he even proposed that Sunday be considered not just a day of Capri * Sor~ento * P0rllpeii) rest but as ''the Church's weekly feast Scheduled celebrant is of creation." Anthony Nachef, PhD (Th~ology) rmnl Father Timothy 1. Goldrick, The Vatican also collaborated in a 508-340-9370!i LIWlt pastor of reforestation project in Hungary deemail: an@catholicteachin'gs.org signed to offset carbon emissions St. Joseph's Parish from Vatican City and announced it web: www;TourOfltaly\us in North Dighton would install solar panels to meet the energy needs of its audience hall.



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~ The Anchor


Around the Diocese ~ -~~

- ........•.

- --_.__





<~, ~.;.

Bible Study EASTON - Holy Cross Church at 226 Purchase Street holds Bible study sessions at 7 p.m. Tuesdays and 9:30 a.m. Fridays at the parish center. This year's course, which runs through May, focuses on St. Paul's letters to the Philippians, Colossians, and Ephesians. For more information call Fran Long at 508-238-2255. NORTH DARTMOUTH - St. Julie Billiart Church hosts a Bible study twice a week, organized by the Adult Faith Formation office. The lectionary-based Bible study takes place 10 a.m. Tuesdays in the parish conference room at 494 Slocum Road, with a repeat session at 7 p.m. Wednesdays. __.. ---- .. . - .._._-- _._-



l~~charistic Adoration

ATILEBORO - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is scheduled for 1 to 6 p.m. the first Friday of every month at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette at 947 Park Street. EAST TAUNTON - Holy Family Parish at 370 Middleboro Avenue in East Taunton offers eucharistic adoration the first Friday of every month from after the 8:30 a.m. Mass until Benediction at 8 p.m. FALL RIVER - St. Mary's Cathedral at 327 Second Street will have a First Sa~urday Devotion Mass at 9 a.m on January 5 followed by exposition and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until Benediction at 10:30 a.m. MANSFIELD - St. Mary's Parish at 330 Pratt Street has exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at noon on first Fridays of the month, concluding with 6 p.m. Benediction. NEW BEDFORD - Eucharistic adoration takes place 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesdays at Our Lady of Guadalupe at St. James Church, 233 County Street, with night prayer and Benediction at 8:45 p.m. and confessions offered during the evening. WAREHAM - St. Patrick's Church at 82 High Street has eucharistic adoration on first Fridays of the month following the 8 a.m. Mass until 6 p.m., when evening prayer including the Liturgy of the Hours is offered. WEST HARWICH - Our Lady of Perpetual Adoration Chapel at Holy Trinity Parish,· 246 Main Street, 'hOlds eucharistic adoration 24 hOurs a' day, seven days a week. Call 508-432-4716 to sign up for an hour.

[H~;Ung Service· BREWSTER - Our Lady of the Cape Church at 468 Stony Brook Road will host a Mass with healing service by La Salette Father Richard Lavoie the first Wednesday of every month.



CHATHAM - A Tridentine Mass in Latin is celebrated 1 p.m. every Sunday at Our Lady of Grace Chapel on Route 137 in Chatham. FALL RIVER - The Fall River Area Men's First Friday Club will meet January 4 for 6 p.m. Mass at the Parish of the Good Shepherd. Guest speaker following the Mass is Deacon James N. Dunbar, news editor for The Anchor. All men are invited. For information call 508-672-8174. FALL RIVER - The 14th annual Ecumenical Prayers for the New Year will be held Sunday at 7:30 p.m., in the First Baptist Church, 228 South Main Street, hosted by its pastor the Rev. Donald S. Mier. Presenters will include Bishop George W. Coleman, Paul Graham of the United Interfaith Action, and the Rev. James Blair of Union United Methodist Church. FALL RIVER - The 12th annual Cathedral Carol Sing is Sunday at3 p.m. at St. Mary's Cathedral on Spring and Second Streets. All present will be encouraged to sing familiar carols led by the adult and youth choirs and accompanied by organ and trumpet. A free will offering will benefit the Pipe Organ Fund. NEW BEDFORD - A Tridentine Mass is celebrated at 8 a.m. the first Saturday of the month at St. Anthony of Padua Church at 1359 Acushnet Avenue. Father Roger Landry will offer a short catechetical session at 7:15 a.m. on the rite and the Latin language.

$ Our readers respond

Presenting abuse statistics Your editorial "restoring the balance" in the November 23, edition of The Anchor, which spoke again of the problem ofclergy sexual abuse, raises a number of issues that need further discussion or clarification. The statistics ofinstances ofabuse in public schools v. the Church overall, are, as presented, ofno value. They tell me that, on average, there were almost 82 cases per year for 53 years in the Church and an average of 360 cases per year for the most recent five years in public schools. These statistics are not a true picture ofthe real abuse instances per year in either case. These numbers should not have been presented this way in your column. In your description of remedies avtill3bTe to iRo'Se who pay for public education - acap on liabilities - you fail to mention the available election process, which allows the taxpayer to get rid ofthe.official who condones or ignores lIPuses by those whom they employ. Whether they use that rem-

- .In YQlJr_~r~y~rs ..._. Please pray for these priests

Jan. 5


Rev. Alfred R. Forni, Pastor, St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford, 1970 Rev. Gustave Gosselin, M.S., La Salette Shrine, Attleboro, 1989 Rev. Jude Morgan, SS.CC., Former Pastor, Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet

Fall River Diocese, a member of the Bishop Stang Council Knights ofCo-

Jan. 8 Rev. John Kelly, Founder, St. Patrick, Fall River, 1885 Rev. Alfred J. Carrier, Founder, St. Jacques, Taunton, 1940 Rev. Arthur C. Lenaghan, USA Chaplain, Killed in Action, 1944 Rev. Evaristo Tavares, Retired, Our Lady of the Angels, Fall River; Rev. Louis Joseph, U.S. Air Force, 2000 Jan. 9 Rev. William F. Morris, Pastor, Corpus Christi, Sandwich, 1982

lurnbus, and was chaplain to the St. Therese Seniors and the GoOdyear Seniors. He played the role ofSanta Gaus for more than 30 years. In his leisure time he enjoyed play-


h~~~. in Maspeth, N.Y., the son of ~::~~~gc:~e~df=tyO~~

St. George and couters Key Awards and served on the Catholic Committee for Scouting.,He was also amember of Liturgical Committee for the


grandchildren. Besides his wife he leaves three sons, Donald Lavallee of Florida, Robert Lavalle and Maurice Lavallee of New Bedford; DEACON MAURICE two daughters, Marie Bonneau of LAVALLEE Arizona and Diane Campeau ofNew Bedford; two brothers Raymond and Normand Lavallee of New York; two sisters: Georgette Orr of N.J. and Florence Cheeseman of Texas; five grandchildren; and nieces and nephews. He was also the grandfather of the late Justin Campeau. Deacon Lavallee was waked December 21 at St. Joseph-St. Therese Church where avigil service was also held. His Funeral Mass was celebrated December 22 in St. Joseph-St. Therese Church. Interment was private.

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Jan. 10

NEW BEDFORD - Courage, a group that helps people who are attracted to members of the same sex live chastely, and Encourage, a ministry within Courage dedicated to the spiritual needs of parents, relatives, and friends of those with same-sex attraction, will meet on January 12 at 7 p.m. at the rectory of St. James' Church at 233 County Street. For more information, call Father Richard Wilson at 508-9929408. NORTH DARTMOUTH - Project Rachel, a ministry of healing and reconciliation for post-abortion women and men is available. If you are hurting from an abortion experience call 508-997-3300.

Rev. Emile Plante, M.S., La Salette Seminary, Attleboro, 1954 Rev. Ralph D. Tetrault, Retired, Pastor, St. Patrick's, Wareham, 2007

Support Groups

NEW BEDFORD - Permanent Deacon Maurice Lavallee, 80, husband of T~erese,R, (G~imond) Lavallee, to whom he was married 57 years, died peacefully December 19,

Rev. James F. Roach,.Founder, Immaculate Conception, Taunton, 1906 Rev. Rene G. Gauthier, Pastor, St. Jean Baptiste, Fall River, 1997

Jan. 7

David Light Orleans

Deacon Maurice Lavallee; served in many ministries

and St. Joseph-St. Therese Church in New Bedford. He was very involved in the Boy Scouts and was awarded the Pelican,

Jan. 6

I thank you again for the splendid editorials that appear week by week in The Anchor. The level of writing is just remarkable. I don't find anything better anyWhere. The November 9 editorial is acase in point: the grim opening paragraphs, in which you detail the dissing of the faltering Church. Then the turn: the skilledjournalistic summary ofBishop Chaput's bold themes, the focus on the parallels with ancient Rome, and the often frank assertion of the key elements in early Christian growth. Bravo! "Tho' he with giants fight He will make good his right To be a pilgrim." - John Bunyan


Rev. William McClenahan, SS.CC. Former Pastor, Holy Redeemer, Chatham, 1994


Praise for the editorials

Peter Conroy

the late George and Desneige during the coming weeks Jan. 1 (Lelieve) Lavallee, he had resided the Rev. Jose Valeiro, Pastor, St. Elizabt;th, past 58 years in New Bedford. He had Fall River, 1955 bee 1 ed Ge ral El .. Rev. Antonio M. Fortuna, Pastor, Imn emp oy at ne ectnc ill maculate Conception, New Bedford, New York prior to retiring from 1956 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., where, Rev. Francis R. Connerton, SS. STD., for 34 years he waS a controller. FoISt. John's Seminary, Plymouth, Mich., 1968 lowing retirement he taught computer Rev. Leo T. Sullivan, Pastor, Holy science at St. Joseph School. He was Name,~NeW'Bedford,'1975' " ...../ ·ur; ldW: II U· ·S· Ann 'AirC Jan. 4 a nor ar,;, . y orps Rev. Eugene L. Dion, Pastor, Blessed veteran. Sacrament, Fall River, 1961 A member of St. Joseph-St. Rev. Joseph L. Powers, Founder, St. Therese Parish, he was ordained a Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, No. deacon in 1980 and served at St. Falmouth, 1999 Patrick in Wareham, St. Rita in Rev. Francis B. Connors, Retired Pastor, Our Lady of Victory, Centerville, Marion, St. Anthony in Mattapoisett

Rev. Jourdain Charron, O.P., Dominican Priory, Fall River, 1919 Rev. George H. Flanagan, Pastor, 1111maculate Conception. Fall River, 1938 Rev. Msgr. Emmanuel Sousa de Mello, Retired Pastor, Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton, 1977 Jan. 12 Rev. Thomas P. Grace, Pastor, SI. Patrick, Fall River, 1918 Rev. Manuel C. Terra, Retired Pastor. SI. Peter, Provincetown, 1930


edy or not is another matter. In the Church, there is no such remedy to the laity who must rely, in absolute faith, on their clergy and their appointees to do the right thing. Yes, there has been amedia frenzy surrounding the scandal of this monstrous crime. Every monstrous crime invites such frenzy. And the more monstrous, the more frenzy. One should not expect less; In this day and age, in this climate of sensation and shock, it is wishful thinking to believe that transgressors with what are perceived as deep pockets will not pay dearly for their transgressions, accidental, overt or by neglect. Just ask any well-meaning doctor, hospital, or corporation.~


Jan. 13

~ ()onuw.ne ()pecia£. Ught a virtual candle at




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Helping people find hope.

I 16


A PAIR OF SHEPHERDS - Pope Benedict XVI looks at a Nativity scene displayed at a general audience in the Paul VI hall at the Vatican. Without the birth of Christ who· brought the light of truth to the world, life would be dark and without dire9tion, the pope said. (eNS photo/Dario Pignatelli, Reuters) . __ - - - - - ----~~.


- ~ - -

The Anchor



28, 2007


'A WELCOMED CENTER - This is the exterior of the new welcome center opened December 8 at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette in Attleboro.

Shrine opens new welcome center By MATT McDONALD

The official opening of the new A semicircular counter has been 'building won't occur until some- installed near the entrance in anticiATTLEBORO -A new 30,000- time next year, after the shrine's gift pation of the bistro. Laborers are square-foot welcome center opened shop is moved there and the new still working on other parts of the at the National Shrine of Our Lady bistro and theateropen. interior of the ~uilding. Of La Salette earlier this month. The $4.1 million center opened to the public December 8, with a Christmas concert by the choir ofMagdalen College ofWamer, N.H., said Brother Bob Russell, director of the shrine, which is run by the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette. The Christmas concert, and several concerts since then, took place in the new auditorium, which can seat 500. Shrine officials plan to hold concerts in the new concert hall instead of in the nearby church, as has happened previously. "The church should be reserved only for liturgy, and not for concerts," Brother Russell said in an in- WHAT'S COOKING? - A semicircular counter will house a bistro at the new welcome center at La Salette Shrine. terView. ANCHOR STAFF

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A REINDEER'S EYE VIEW - A look from the stage area of the new welcome center at the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette reveals a spacious SOO-seat auditorium. (Photos by Matt McDonald)

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