
Page 1

Diocese Plans

Unity Week



The New Year shall begin with a burst of prayer and! activity with all the phy~ical forces of the Diocese of FaIR River concentating on one thing: the Week of Prayer foil." Christian Unity. In a directive approved by the Most Rev­ erend Bishop, the Diocesan . Commission for Christian seph C. Canty (Taunton), Very Rev. William D. Thomson (Cape Unity published plans for ob­ Cod) and Rev. Donald A. COUZIll servance of Unity Week and (Martha's Vineyard).

Mansfield Priest To Offer First Mass, Jan. 15

In revealing the plans for Unity Week,-.January 18-25-it was stressed that this was a week of pl'3yer, intended to ,be "a focus and stimulus for one of our deepest longings as the People of God: 'that all may be

A." AtMAor of fl. Iottl..... CMI4 l'Wm-Ior.•"..

Fall Rivell'l1

Mass.~ Thursday, Dec.

Vol. 10, Mo. 52 ©

1966 The Anchor

29, 1966

$4..00 per Year PRICIE lac

Founder of Diocesan Group Recognized by Holy See The Brothers of Christian Instruction of Ploermel, Prance, who staff Prevost High School in Fall River were among the many religious of the world to rejoice at the Pl"9Clamation by the Holy See of the "heroic virtlles" of ilr'atlier Jean Marie Robed . de Lamennais, their founde'r. :of Christian Instruction, soon' . gave this up for' more acti ve The proclamation, read out ·work. He became Vicar-General m Pope P.aul's presence, was of the Diocese of St. Brieuc and among the first important steps m the beatification process. . Father de Lamennais was born Sapt. 8, 1780 at St. Malo, France. lDlU\'ing the French Revolution, Dlis home sheltered priests from the anti-religious fury of ·the tlevolutionaries. He was educated flltr the priesthood by one of these refugee-priests and was <W'dained Feb. 25, 1804. He and his brother, Felicite, aIlso a priest, began to defend the church by their writings but Jlean, the founder of the Brothers

died Dec. 26, 1860, ~It Ploermel, France. Father de Lamennais was also the founder of the ,Daughters of Providence. Others whose "heroic virtues" were also officially recognized were: Bishop Vital J'ustin Gran­ din, O.M.I., the first bishop of Alberta, Canada; Jesuit Father Adolphe' Petit; SistE:r Giovanna Francesca della Visitatione; Sa­ lesian Father Andrea Beltrami and Father Gaspare Bertoni, founder of the Stigmatines.

No E. H@$pital Heads to H~arr New @[f~irt]ary of ~(t)QC~estfer Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, PhD., D.D. new Bishop of Rochester, N.Y., has accepted the invitation of the Catholic Hospital Association to be the main speaker at its second ~nnual meeting to be 'conducted on Thursday, March 30, in eonjunction with the New England Hospital Assembly. the annual meeting with a panel. Rt. Rev, Msgr.Russell R. No­ Rt. Rev. Magr. Augustine vello, Ph.D., Director of the ~. Dalt~m, P.A., LL.D. Di­ Confraternity of Christian Doc­ ooctor of Hospitals, Archdiocese

()f Boston and pl'esident of this

organization, will celebrate the Mass of the day after the meeting. The general theme of the pro­ ga:am will continue, as it was last year, to be "The People of God

m the Catholic Hospital," How­ evel', the subject theme which highlights the entire meeting

will be focused on the "Confra­ ternity of Christian Doctrine in the Catholic Hospital". The Confraternity of Chl'istian Doctrine, often referred to by

Ilhe Church as ''The Heart of the Apostolate," was designated by

the Holy See as the official par­ hID soCiety for the religious ed­

lIIcation of children and youth.

IllOt enrolled in Catholic Schools and of all adults. According to

, l';be Code of Canon Law (Canoll . 'lB,2); "The Confraternity' of Christian Doctrine' should be erected in every parish and must become the animating center and the propelling force of religious tnstruction in the parish itself." All Catholic hospitals carryon the work of the C.C.D. while ad­ ministering the daily corporal wOl'ks of mercy to the sick. How­ ewr. in some, such as Bon Se­ _urs Hospital in Methuen, a iklrmal program is conducted anal ~eir C.C.D. members will dem­ lIMStrate the program's wor~ a~' !!leW

trine program in the Archdiocese of Boston will be the program's moderator. Both the day's meeting and the anriual noonday dinner win re­ quire advance registration tick­ Turn to Page Two

Archbishop Philip M. Han­ nan of New Orleans will con­ fer the. Sacrament of Holy Orders on Father William Joseph Kelley, S.V.D., of 'the Divine Word Missionaries in cel'­ einonies scheduled for 10 on Fri­ day morning, Jan. 6 at Divine Word Seminary, Bay St. Louis, Miss. Father Kelley is the sec­ ond son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Spen­ cer Kelley, Sr. of 25 Bella Vista

Avenue, Mansfield to be ordain­

ed a priest. An older brother

Father Raymond Kelley, M.M., of the Maryknoll Fathers, or­ dained in 1958, is a missionary in Taichung, Taiwan.

The third youngest of eight children, Father Kelly was born on May 26, 1940. He attended Mansfield Public Schools prior to entering, in 1954," the Prepar­ atory Seminary of the Divine Word Missionaries, "Miramar," located near Duxbury. In 1958 he graduated from the high Turn to Page Sixteen

~o~dn@p [}=O@~




~n J@~~

BROWNSVILLE (NC) - A bishop spent part of Christmas day in jail-at his own request. . Bishop Humberto S. Medeiros of Brownsville obtained permis­ sion from Sheriff Boynton H. Fleming to have Christmas din­ ner with some of the "people who need me most." The sheriff acquiesced, so the bishop dined with prisoners in the Cameron County Jail.

the names of the local pastors appointed by Bishop Connoll~' to implement these programs on a local level. Besides the newly-appointed Are~ Directors, the Most Rever­ end Bishop also made specific recommendations concerning Di­ vine Worship, Interfaith Ser­ vices, Open Houses, School Ac­ tivities, and Radio-Television Programs. . . Appointed ·as area directors to implement the programs outlined by the Bishop were: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Henri. A. Hamel (Fall Rjv:er), Rt. Rev. Msgr. Hugh A. Gallagher (New Bedford), Rt. Rev: Msgr. Thomas F. Walsh (Attleboro), Rt. Rev. Msgr. Jo-

Pope Paul VI has made some surprising announcements for the future of Vatican n. They were pronounced in the Supreme Pontiff's Christmas mesage to the CardiThe first synod of bishops, an­ nounced during the Second Vat­ ican Council, win be held in Rome from Sept. 29 to Oct. 24, 1967 and it may be extended ilf the business necessitates. A laymen's council will be established at the Vatican to> assist the world lay apostolate movement. 0

Bishop Connolly, in his sermon delivered at the Christ­

mas midnight Solemn Pontifical Mass celebrated in St.

Mary's Cathedra], Fall River, emphasized the "gift of our­ selves-our humanity-to share in the divinity of Chtist.'· He stressed that such a gift is "a wonderful exchange .. charity for one another. Tradi­ tionally, no one wants to fight and a gift really worth at Christmas time. CivilizeC men while." The sermon follows: realize the importance of the Beloved in Christ: Christmastide usually finds us at our best. We have tokens of love and friendship shown us. We are buoyed up in heart and mind by generous outpouring

of goodness and kindness throughout this holy season. We enjoy the wonderment shining in the eyes of children, the warmth of affection that greets us on every side, and the knowl­ edge we have that the needy are not neglected, for this da~', at least. Yet, the history of Christmases gone by tells us that our best has not been' good enough. We do in­ deed reach heights of understand­ ing an dbetter-than-ordinary

• Laymen's Council • Rome Visitation

• Indulgences nalsas he reviewed the successes and fail­ urea of the present year in a talk "that rivaled any State of the Union message. The 1967 implementations include:

A pontifical commission for justice and peace will have of­ fices at the Vatican to work for social justice in the world. A reform of indulgences will be published shortly. Some decrees dealing with the reform of the Roman Curia, al­ ready drawn up, soon will be an­ nounced.

Concerning Divine Worship, the Most Reverend Bishop has

recommended that every priest

of the Diocese offer Holy Mass for. the intention of Christiam

Un~ty; that all sermons on Sun­

day, Jim. 22, have Christiam

Unit~' as their theme; finally that

a special Prayer of the Faithfu[

containing these hopeful inten­ Turn to Page Sixteen

Bishop Connolly Proclaims Greatest Gift Is Oneself

Pope Paul Discloses' Plans For 1.967 Implementations • Bishops' Synod • Justice - Peace • Curia Reform

'one~ * * *',"

The Pope himself will person­ ally and by personal represen­ t.-tive visit the parishes of Rome

in an intense program to pro­ mote contact between the Eter­ nal City's people and their

bishop. In a sharp departure from the meditative and spiritual Christ­ Tum to Page Six

words: "Glory to God in the highest, and Peace on earth to men of good-will." But, for one reason or another, they are re­ sign~d to war with one another -·-later on. So, too, in a smaller sense,

each individual may live in an aura of peace at this time, anal then lapse back into his quarrel­ some way. \Ve can see ourselves in children. They really organize Turn to Page EightecJl

Pittsburgh Board Flays Sensation Minded Clergy PITTSBURGH (NC)-The

newsletter of the Pittsburgh

diocesan liturgical commis­ sion has issued a warning to priests against unauthorized lit­ urgical experimentation, de:' scribed as "the scandal of 1966." The newsletter gives no indi­

cation that experimentation has

taken place in the Pittsburgh di­

ocese. References indicate the

commission is concerned more

with widely publicized experi­

ments conducted elsewhere. Hope It Dies The newsletter stated: "The faithful are seriously scandalized by sensation-mindedl priests who are using English in

the Canon (of t.he Mass), who

are offering Mass without vest­

ments, who eliminate the use of

the maniple, burse or pall in the

Mass, who distribute holy Com­

munion under both species be­

yond the limits authorized by the

Vicar of Christ, who offer Mass

in laundries, bedrooms, barrooms

and other indecorous places."

Turn to Page Seventeen




THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Dec. 29, 196f1

Change in Abstinence Law T ()p Catholic .News Story WASHINGTON (NC)­ Abolition by the U.S. bishops @f the centuries-old absti­ nence law by which Catholics in this country are permitted to eat meat on Fridays outBide of Lent was rated the No. 1 Cath­ olic news story of 1966. The NC News Servic(~ con­ ducted its annual poll among e(jitors of Catholic newspapers in· this country and in Can ada to determine the 10 top stories of the year. The meat-on-Fridays story won the No.1 spot by an over­ whelming vote. 'The bIshops' action was taken at the Novem­ ber meeting of the U. S. hier­ archy. The bishops continued the abstinence regulation for the Fridays. in Lent and on Ash Wednesday. They recommended 'Voluntary penance and mortifi­ eation on the part of individual Catholics to replace the abol­ .hed abstinence regulation. Bishops' Conference The No.2 story chosen by the editors was the formation of the National Conference of C2tholic Bishops by the nation's hier­ archy, also accomplished at the November meeting. Detroit's A1'chbishop John F. Dearden was elected president and Philadel­

phia's Archbishop John J. Krol, vice president of the .NCCB.

The editors' third choice was the story of the historic ml)eting in March between Pope Paul VI

and Archbishop Michael R:m1sey of Canterbury,head of thl\ Anglican Communion, at the Vati­


The other seven of the top 10 s10des chosen by editors were: No.4: Chicago archdiocesan elergy form an association of priests. Priests' Union No.5: Proposal of Father Wil­ liam H. DuBay of Los Allgeles to form a union oi priests. NO.6: The consecration last January of Auxiliary Bishop Harold R. Perry, S.V.D., of New, Orleans, first Negro to serve in . U. S. hierarchy in the 20th cen­ tury, No.7: The issuance'· fn March 'by the Holy See of new rules regarding mixed marriages. No..8: U. S. bishops ask per­ mission of the Holy See during their· annual'meeting for UBe of English in Canon in the MaSH and "controlled" liturgical eX[peri­ mentation. No.9: Emphasis by Canon Law Society of American convention in Pittsburgh in October on "spirit" of law. . Appeal for Peace No. 10: Suspension by Law­ rence Cardinal Shehan of Balti­ more last January of F.ather Goriunar . De Pauw, Catholic Traditionalist Movement head, from "any and all exercise" of the priestly ministry. Runners-up in the editors' bal­ loting included the following stories: Pope Paul's decree, Ecclesiae Sanctae, implementing VaHcan Councii II decrees; Pope Paul's



Jan. I-St. Mary's, Cathedral,

Fall River.

Sacred Heart Home, New


Jan. 8-8t. Patrick, F a II


St;' Lawrence, New Bed­



seCond Clan Postage PalO III fall ~vel. Publishel eve!) Thursday al 410 Hlghlano 'Ivenuo ,=a Ii River Mass.. 02722 by the Catholic Press 01 the Diocese 01 Fan Illve, , Subscr,lp.tlor, price by 1llll1J. ,pOttpald $4.00 oer yeal. Mas~.

1967 Confirmation .Schedule April

2-2:00 P.M. St. John of God, Somerset

Sacred Heart, New Bedford 4.00 P.M. St. Thomas More, Somerset issuance of a document recom­ St. Kilian, New Bedford mending voluntary resignations 7:30 P.M. Our Lady of Fatima, Swansea of bishops at the age of 75; Pope Immaculate Conception, New Bedford 9-2:00 P.M. 51. John the Baptist, Fall River Paul's appeal for peace in his April Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, New Bedford encyclical, Christi Matri Rosarii; 4:00 P.M. 51. Elizabeth, Fall River Also the international congress St. Anne, New Bedford in Rome on the theology of Vati­ 7:30 P,M. St. Anne, Fall River can Council II; and combined St. Hyacinth, New Bedford stories on the issuance of U. S. April 16-2:00 P,M. Blessed Sacrament, Fall River bishops' statements on peace, St. Mary, South Dartmouth race relations, poverty, govern­ 4:00 P.M. Our Lady of Health, Fall River ·-51. Lawrence, New Bedford ment and birth control. St. Mary's Home with St. Lawrence The editors made their selec­ 7:30 P.M. Notre Dame, Fall River tions from a list of 25 stories. Our Lady of the Assumption, New Bedford Their own selections also were April 23-2:00 P.M. St. Anthony of Padua, Fall River invited. OUf Lady of Fatima, New Bedford 4:00 P,M. Santo Christo, Fall River St. Theresa, New Bedford 7:30 P.M. SS. Peter & Paul, Fall River Our Lady of 'Perpetual Help, N1!W Bedford April 30-2:00 P,M. Adults-St. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River Corpus Christi, Sandwich ­ CHICAGO (NC)-The use of 4:00 P.M. Our Lady of Grace, Westport

required rather than elective St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay

courses in secondary schools was 7:30 P.M. St. George, Westport supported by 83 per cent of the St. Patrick, Wareham teachers participating in a sur­ May 7-2:00 P.M. Immaculate Conception, North Easton vey of midwest Catholic high Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet 4:00 P.M. St. Mary, Norton schools conducted by the DePaul Our Lady of the Cape, Brewster University School of Education. 7:30 P.M. Immaculate Conception, Taunton The teachers frowned on elec­ Holy Redeemer, Chatham tive courses for high school stu­ May 14-11:00 A.M. 51. Mary's Cathedral, Fall River dents on the basis that certain 2:00 P.M. S1, Vincent's Home, Fall River courses are. essential to a good St. Ann, Raynham education and might be over­ 4:00 P.M. · St. Michael, Fall River

looked if they were not required St. Mary, Taunton

7:30 P.M. St. Joseph, Fall River by the school. .

St. Josepp., North Dighton Not so, says the survey's direc­ tor, Dr. B. Everard Blanchard, May 21-2:00 P.M. Holy Rosary, Taunton Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Seekonk who advocates ,the complete 4:00 P.M. St. James, Taunton elimination of required subjects St. Joseph, Attleboro and their replacement by more

7:30 P.M. St. Joseph, Taunton

challenging programs and inde­ · St~ Stephen, Attleboro

May 28-2 :00 P.M. Holy Ghost, Attleboro pendent study..

St. Anthony, East Falmouth He bases his support for elec­

4:00 P.M. S,t. Theresa, South Attleboro tives on recent studies emphasiz­

St. Pius X, South Yarmouth ing the importance of increased

7:30 P.M. St. Mary, North Attleboro

student responsibility and im­

Our Lady of Victory, Centerville

proved guidance programs, as May 29-7:30 P.M. Our Lady of Assumption, Osterville well as findings that success in . Our· Lady of the Isle, Nantucket college is not necessarily related June 4-2:00 P.M. St. Dominic, Swansea St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet to high school ·studies. 4:00 P,M. St. Michael, Ocean Grove Some 2,'>1)0 teachers from 550 St. Joseph, Fairhaven Catholic high schools in 31 dio­ ceses in Michigan, Ohio, Wiscon­ 'i I sin, Illinois, Indiana and. Iowa participated in the survey.

Teachers ,FavoR' Required Studies

Mark Anniversary

. ~OSS O,rdo. '. ..



Are Designate,d,

in Manchester ;MANCHESTER (NC)

For the first time in its 82­ year history, the Manchester Diocese will -have two· chan­ cellors beginning next WedneQ­ day, Jan. 4­ Bishop Ernest J. Primeau hoo named Msgrs. Wilfrid H. ParadiB and Albert W. Olkovikas chan­ cellors, succeeding Msgr. Thomoo S. Hansberry who has served iiil the New Hampshire post for Ul years. .The Bishop lauded Msgr. Hansberry for his "devoted work" in the office. He an­ nounced that Msgr. Hansberry will continue to serve as. vicar general and also will be pastor of St. Joseph's Cathedral.

Bishop Sheen Continued from Page One ets to each event for. members as well as non-members of the New England Conference of the Catholic Hospital Association. .AJI persons employed by a Cath­ olic Hospital are eligible fOO' membership in the AssociatiOlll and may apply for applicatiOlll through their hospital's adminis­ trator. .

Necrology JAN. 6

Rev. James F. Roaeh, 1901, Feunder, Immaculate Concep­ tion, Taunton. JAN. 8

Rev. Alfred J. Carrier, 194ft, :Founder, St. James, Taunton. Rev. John Kelly, 1885, Found­ er, St. Patrick, Fall River. Rev. Arthur C. Lenaghan, 1944,

,,~ap)ain, U~:;.S::tes ~~my.

. .JI D .. S ' . Rev. Jourdain Chanon, CI C>lstereu OmlnlCOn isters of Perpetual,. "19, Dominican Priory, ·R OSOlJ'y' ' ..en U .• S S·Ince: 1891 ;, \ i :fall River. '~, ,:". : ... . :

O.P.. FaD

FRIDAY-Friday within the Oe­ tave of Christmas. II \ Class. , Rev. George H. Flanag,n, 1938, White. Mass Proper; (Mass as Pastor, Immaculate Conception, on Deeembet 30 in ,.Missal). UNION CITY (NC)-The Do- tonsville" Md., Camden, N. J., minican Sisters of the Perpetual B.uffa.l,?, . N..•. Y.., LaCrosse,. W, is_.. _ Fall River. -'\,.' Glory; Creed; Preface and , Communicantes of Christmas. Rosary marked the 75th anniver- ,and. SUll)l:l).it, N. J. Several ·of· , . sary of their arrival in tl:!is'counthese houses have made addi... SATURDAY'-':'Satutday 'wiihi~ , try at a Pontifical)1ass ."Of tional foundations. ..': :;:!the Octave. of Christmas., 1I Thanksgiving at their¢io.istered·· The n~ns support themselVeS;

Class. White. Mass Proper; convent here in New Jersey: . by making vestments, ·~aS$·"':· :.' . . Fun~ol Home

(Mass as on Decembe·r· 30 in· A m 0 n g those participating cards, paintings, script work - and.·...::' 57· 1'· Secon . d 5treet Missal) St . Glo ry; 2n d P rayer.. were Archbishop Thi>mas A. ·bread and pies. They correspOnd.

Sylvester I, Pope and Confes- Boland and Auxiliary Bishop with· Protestant and OrthodQx,' : 'RiverI Mass.

sor; Creed; Preface arid Com­ Joseph A. Costdlo of Newark. groupS .here and abroad. and join. ·679-60·72

municantes of Christmas. Anglican Sisters from St. Hele- with some 200 Catholic and ..!\n- .

SUNDAY-Qctave Day of Christ- na's Convent, Newburgh, N. Y., glican religious houses thr6l!-gh-. MICHAEL J. M~MAHON

mas. I Class. White. Mass were also in the congregation, out the world in. prayers' for licensed Funeral Director

Proper; 'Glory; Creed; Preface along with clergymen of several unity. Rfjgistered Embalmer

and Communicantes of Christ­ faiths who have been in contact mas. Holy Day of Obligation. with the Sisters over the years. MONDAY-Most Holy Name of The foundation here, commonJesus. II Class. White. Mass ly called the Blue Chapel, started Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface 11, years after a French priest, FUNERAL HOME, INC.· FUNERAL HOME of Christmas. Father Damien Marie SaintouII. Marcel Roy - G, lorraine ROJ TUESDAY-Mass as on January rens, O.P., began the Perpetual Rogel laFrance 469 LOCUST STREET 1. IV Class. White. Mass Rosary branch of the Dominicans FUNE~AL DIRECTORS fALL RIVER, MAss. Proper; Glory; no Creed; at Calais in 1880. 15 Irvington Ct. Preface of Christmas. The four founding nuns took 672-3381 WEDNESDAY-Mass as on Jan- up their community life in the 995-5166" Wilfred C. James E. uary 1. IV Class. White. Mass U.S., on Dec. 21, 1891, and re­ New Bedfo·rd Driscoll Sullivan, Jr. Proper; Glory;· no Creed; Pref­ ceived their first American pos­ ace of Christmas. tulants three months later. THURSDAY~Mass as on Janu­ The Blue Chapel has become ary 1. IV Class. White. Mass the motherhouse to subsequent Proper; Glory; no Creed; Pref­ foundations in Milwaukee, Ca­ ace of Christmas. Glory; 2nd Prayer St. Teles­ phorus; no Creed; Preface of Christmas. . Your. Gull Mon OR Funeral St. Telesphorus, Pope .. and 550 Loc1,I.!lt street

Martyr. Red. Mass ProPer; ft-..;_. 'W'!""O .... . . Fall River, Mass. _ :, FOR HOME DELIVERY CALL 998-5691 Glory; no Creed; Preface of Christmas. . , '672.-2391 Votive Mass:· in' honor '..'of :Rose· E: Su~li~aJll . . Je~us' Christ, th~ ,Eternal J:l!gh . " . , . , :' ; ' . , ' ~. .. -, : ~ .:' .. , Pnest, permitted. 'romorrow, is :Ueffrey ·E.SlllliValill 'c. 'S,Q, .. 'I;»AR1'NiGPjJ'H,,_,~AS$. . ' , ..:..: t ., : ", • r r'i-,· the' 'first Friday 'of the month.

"Il--------------a ,.O'ROURKE



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"" .­

51 .Paper! Fa~or Complete Parish Circulation Plan'







New Program NOTRE DAME (NC)-A new program for teachers of 20th­ century American history will be added to teacher institutes at JIotre Dame University this Sum­ mer.


College Opposes New State Plan

NEW YORK (NC)-Fifty­ one U.S. Catholic papers, half fihose responding to a survey eonducted by the Catholic Press Association, reported they lISe the complete parish circula­ mon plan. Also called the 100 per cent plan, it is a circulation-fulfill­ ment method which distributes '!ihe papers to all Catholic fam­ mes within a paper's t~rritory. The CPA reported that of the /;J2 replying papers not using the 1:00 per cent plan, four said they may adopt it soon; 43 have no mtention of using it, and four. ffid not answer the question. The CPA survey also inquired w>out printing processes used Ilnd membership in state press associations. Letterpress print­ Jlng, which involves type-setting, and pressing inked, raised sur­ faces against paper, is used by 35 Catholic papers. Offset, which employs a photography process, hi used by 30 papers. Three papers use a combination and 1ihe others are members of either 1ihe system, Huntington, Ind., or fihe system, Denver, both .of which are switching to offset. .. Thirty-two papers from 22 !States report they hold mem­ berships in state press associa­ tions. Six states. were reported ns withholding full members' os ;from religious papers.

THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 29, 1966

BAPTIZED IN ORDER TO SAVE US: The Jan. 6 Feast of the Epiphany will also be the first Friday of 1967. The Feast of the Holy Family will be observed on Sunday, Jan. 8.Friday's Feast is commonly known as Little Christmas.

Favors Church Restructuring on Campus Newman Chaplain Urges Plan at Colleges BURLINGTON (NC) - A re­ the Catholic colleges as well as structuring of the Church on the - the Newman apostolate." The Church's approach to American college campus has been urged by Father PhiliJ2 higher education, Father Branon Branon, Newman chaplain at the suggested, should be "in the University of Vermont andpresi­ form of resembling a vicariate dent of the National Newma~ subject directly to the Bishop Chaplains' Association. and his commission on higher "The Church," Father Branon education * 01> * Each campus says, "should see its educational would be a 'parish' or 'mission,' system as a part-perhaps an in­ at any rate, a recognized com­ tegral part-of the total Amer­ munity of Christians." Understanding God ican educational system. "Under the guidance of the di­ Father Branon feels the "spe­ ocese there should be a common cific educational thrust" .of the concern or commission on higher Church on the campus should be ooucation which would include toward theology with courses

available on both the Catholic and non-Catholic campus. "But," he reminded, "for the vast majority, the primary edu­ cational source is the liturgy for only in the liturgy will be found a relationship to and understand­ ing of God." Father Branon made his sug­ gestions at a meeting of Vermont Newman chaplains at the uni­ versity here. Recommendations of the group along with those of other states will be evaluated at a natio.lal January Newman apostolate meeting in New Orleans.

CHICAGO (NC) - St. Xavier College here will continue to dissent against the Illinois State Board of Education's recommen­ dation to the governor and leg­ islature that the Illinois master p:an of higher education can best· be implemented by construction of new colleges throughout the state. Sister Mary Olivia, president, outlined the opposition in her annual report to the president's council of the Sisters of. Mercy college for women. "It is also necessary to await the impact of the growing junior colleges, and to substantially in-· crease the allotment for state scholarship funds, which will account for only $20 million out of a proposed one billion dollar appropriation for construction and operation of state campuses in the next two years," she reported. As a representative of the private sector," Sister Mary Olivia continued, "I call upon all of the other private colleges and universities in Illinois to demonstrate to the citizens of this state that while there are many vital services and educa­ tional tasks which must be as­ signed to, and are best handled by, state institutions, diversity does make a difference but not a division. "It must be clearly under,. stood," she added, "that confu­ sion and construction, which the state board advocates, does not solve this state's future educa­ tional problems, but that reason and responsibility will."

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Volunteer Personnel: In Pakistan, a eMMB volunteer treats an old man by the aide of the road. Through

eMMa, doctors, dentists, nurse4 and other traineCi medical personnel volunteer their servia.. to help 10001 lb. sick al (..-oil ..i..i _



Enclosed is my Christmas Gift. Please multIply 25 times for the sick and needy. Please send a free leaflet des(;l'4bing your wort.1

NAME .•••••••••••••••••••••••••'••••' ~


ADDRESS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 00 • • • • • • • "








THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 29, 1966

LOU'BD1J (C@[9)5fr~~~$m §~~M~fr~@tI~d

By VeweztlJelan Economy From ."Social Revolution in the New Latin !America' Edited by John J. Considine, M:M. The strengthening of Latin American 'stl'uctur-es -can enly lead to efficiency, to avoid waste 'of 'enel',.!g'y ..and 're­ sources. These structures, which would ·be :the 'sum ·of DFopernational organizations, through proper'repl"eSeDta­

non, ,could only lead to sim­ plifying to a tremendous ·ex­ tent the mechanics of the relations. within our conti­ nent and the friends who wish to help us but find themselves facing a vas t con tin ,e n t wit h various different cultures, enor­ mous economic differences and stages of devel­ develop­ ment, presenting thousands of individ­ ual requests for funds, technical assistance and personnel. We represent a problem, a headache, a puzzle, for those who wish to help us. Let UB help them help us by organizin g our­ selves. We have a gigantic effort be­ fore us, the integral develop­ ment of Latin America. Let us establish an immediate opera­ tional target for ourselv(:s: the dynamization of th~ legitimate, authentic Latin American organ­ izations. The proper Latin American expression in .the social field, tt'~'ough its various branches would offer our friends from the United States in particular, and also other countries, the possibil­ ity of channelling all the assist­ ance that is being given, in per­ sonnel or material, t9wards ma­ jor products, or individual or­ ganizations, which are really valid which will really be cap­ able to be pa'rt of a joint effort to pull Latin America from its present underdeveloped state. How U. S. Can He!),

Let us elim,inate the risk of bewilderment, of waste of re­ sources, of having to find out, 'when it is too late, that with the best of intentions; WI: were helping to conserve the present situation. ·Our friends, especially from the United States, could render us .a decisi ve collaboration for this effort by cl'iticizing m;, ham­ mering on us when2ver we be­ came too pompous or formal, slow or inefficient. On the other hand, we would help them avoid headach(:ssuch as sending people to areas where they are not essential and will not recei ve proper materi al and spiritual assistance, or where they will run the risk of seeing such people become disappoint­ ed themselves, their countries, or with our own countries; or channelling money into areas or organizations which will create new problems for us; or try to export solutions which may have succeeded somewhere else but which will not prove solutions for our problems. All of us together, the Latin American social movements and our friends, through planning and decision must proceed vigor­ ously towards our legitimate goal: the integral development of a truly solidary continentlUl civil­ ization. Latin Capitalism

The subject of capitalism in Latin America refers, ,of course, writes James A. Hart, to a system of use and control of economic

resources in 'which -private indi­

viduals .arefree to'own -business

enterprises and are :free to ·eon­

trol and manabe them in ;aceo:vd­

ance with the principle ,of :free­

dom of enterprise. Now ·capital­

ism in this sense ·does ·not .exist

in Latin America, as indeed we

well know.

The system in the United States does not represent ·pure capitalism anymore. We have heard in this country, and wise­ ly so, of the excesses of capital­ ism. Even so, the United States today stands out as the most capitalist nation in the world. Canada probably ranks second in this regard.


But we leave North America

and go to the 20 republics·of the

south. You walk into ·economic

systems where the ·government

has seen fit to curb the -right of

private 'ownership, ,to ·curb the

rights of use of private·resources,

in a way which -we still don't

have here in the United States.

Only one of these ·countries, Cuba, has gone so far .as ,to em­ brace the completely ·opposite system of economic arrangement, namely communism. . Under communism, ·of course,

state owns all resources.

t~ ~

Cuba, as we well know, has not gone as far in this regard as Red China or the Soviet Union or the Soviet satellites of eastern Europe. But still it has embraced communism, a completely differ­ ent system from ours. Illustration .of Capitalism

The 19 other republics of Latin America lie much closer to us, of course; than they do' to ertba, but they are not capitalism ·as we know it. I'm going to discuss Venezuela as an illustration of capitalism 'in Latin America. It is not typical because no Latin American country is typ­ ical of all the others. :Each ·one has its own individual ·personal­ ity. Each one has .its own strengths and its own ,problems. Each one is different, ·as the con­ tributors to this volume repeat­ edly emphasize.

I think that-lif we ·understand Venezuela - as illustrative, -not typical-we are in a better posi­ tion to approach the other. ·econ­ omies, the other capitalistic sys­ tems, whcn we see them.

To do this, I think a quick look at the history of Venezuela is in order. Venezuela, of course, was under Spanish ·domain for many generations. The Spanish rule in Venezuela was no worse or no better than that in Latin America generally; and Vene­ zuela like the other countries to the south of us, when Spain was conquered by Napoleon in the beginning of the last century, saw an opportunity to break away and it did so. It declared its independence on July 5th, 1811. At that time the patriots wrote a Declaration of Independence very similar to that of the United States. .

In fact, they intended to -de­ clare their independence ·on the anniversary of ours, on July '4t)l of 1811. They weren't able' to complete their business in time, so it was not until July 5th of 1811 that the dedaration was made.

There's much that's new at First National these days ••• and this sign althe meat case is one of the most exciting. But don't think, for a .moment, FIRST CHOICE MEAT Is merely a new name. If YO.t! haven't shopped our meat cases lately, you're in for a happy surprise. We"ve always enjoyed a great reputation for· meat ••• have always sold the pick of ;choice meats ••• as' 'Inspected and graded by the U;S. Department of Agriculture. (U.S:O.A.) . But now with our You 'Come First policy our meat ca$ee have taken on a new loOk. Our finicky policy of selecting only the choicest .of the choice ... has become, :believe it or not, even 'more finicky. The trimming and cutting is closer and mor-e, careful ••. to give you the greatest meat value and most flavorful meats in First National history. Our counters are the cleanes~ and our butchers mor,!! eager than ever to lend you a welcome meal­ planning idea. Such a great new spirit demanded a great new name •.•• FIRST CHOICE MEAT..AJI U.S.D.A. graded and inspected .•• all the very pick of the choice ... each and every cut the best you can buy. Another way we prove

You come first

at First National



-Fordham Plans New College At Center

THE ANCHOllThurs., Dec. 29, 1966

Interfaith Meet On US Religion

- BRONX (NC)-Fordham University has announced pians for establishment of a Dew liberal arts college gear­ 4lld toward educating urban stu­ <lients at an urban atmosphere at Lincoln Center. The yet-to-be:"named school - will be housed in a modernistic 114-story building now under con­ Gtruction. Plans call for a Sep­ wmber, 1968, opening. The new college's location is iCxpected to attract students from New York City, with an enroll-' ment projected at 3,000 men and women students. Also planned is o teacher-student ratio of 1:14, ~he same as maintained at Ford­ lltam, with 80 per cent of the ifaculty lay people. In announcing plans for the GChool, which follows by 126 ~ears the founding of Fordham at Rose Hill in the Bronx, Father !Leo McLaughlin, S.J., president of Fordham, stressed the over-all urban character of the new insti­ t'l.ttion. Studen~ to Commute The school, he said, will aim m providing "a relevant educa­ Mon to the kids of New York

NEW ·XUfino. ll~'--,- -••. , inter­ faith consultation on the state of religion in American life will be held at Buck Falls, Pa., Jan. 18­ 19, under the sponsorship of the Religion in American Life or­ ganization.



"We plan to have a nationwide student body at Rose Hill and a· continuing program there in the liberal arts and science," Father McLaughlin explained. "At Lin­ coln Center our students will be eommuters. There will be ne Ilesidential halls, less 'emphasis en the applied sciences and 'more eoncentration on the humanities, lOdal sciences and the arts." Father "McLaughlin also aR­ IIOUDced the appointment -of Father Arthur A. Clarke, S..J., • dean of the Dew college. The chairman of Fordham's. . .Ute:matics department, Father Clarke earned his doctorate m Mathematics at Yeshiva Univet­ at, and is known for his transla­ tion into English of the Latia manuscript ()f Gauss' "Disquis­ tiones Mathematicae," a classic werk in the theory of numbers. . 'More Mind Opening' Father Clarke stressed the lib­ eral arts emphasis of the new college, explaining that the hu­ manities, social sciences and fine arts will be interrelated studies with areas of concentration nther than specific majors. This . .rangement, he said, will en­ eourage "less specialization and more mind opening." He' also said that the college 'trill have an ecumenical charac­ ter, stating, "I'm hopeful that students of all religions will be able to study here the basic tra­ "tions of their own religion or Itcm-religion and the beliefs of others." The new college will share the iN-story building at Lincoln Cen­ ~r with Fordham's schools of education, business administra­ tion and social service, which will . be oriented to graduate studies. The Fordham Law /School is already located at the Lincoln Center campus in a sep­ Hate three-story building.

Theologians, church executives and pastors will investigate the health of the nation's religious life and determine wha~ can improve it, with emphasis on the enlistment of public opinion through mass media.

GARAGE BECOMES STUDY HALL: Study group meets in a garage in the Pampa de Comas section of Lima, Peru. How to assist people of Latin American countries to use their intelligence and vitality toward desil'a ble goals will be discussed at the fourth nat­ i()nal conference of the Catholic Inter-American Cooperation Program (CICOP), to be held in Boston, Jan. 26-28. NC Photo.

Among those who will attend are Bishop Walter W. Curtis of Bridgeport, Conn.; Bishop Paul F. Tanner; general secretary, National Conference of Catholic Bishops; Bishop John J. Wright of Pittsburgh; Father Thomas E. Ambrogie, S.J., of Woodstock, (Md.) College; Father John Cul­ kin, S.J., of Fordham University, and Father John Sheerin, C.S.P., editor of Catholic World maga­ zine. George Gallup, of the .Gallup Poll organization, will give a report on the latest trends in church and synagogue member­ ship, attendance and financial contributions.

1967 Schedule of Forty Hours Devotion SlUt.






Cathedral of the Assumption. Fall Ri ver Sacred Heart Home, New Bedf6l"dSt. Patrick, Fall Ri~r St. La-wrence, New BedfOi'd· 13 St. Joseph, Fairhaven OUF Lady of: Angels, Fall River 220m: Lady· of Mt. Carmel; NeW' Bedford· St. Patrick,. Wareham 20 St. Anthony, Taunton Sacred Heart, Fall RIver Bishop- Stang Convent, NePth- Darlmeutlt Our Lady of Mercy. COftvent, AUlebOl'O'



LaSalette Shrine, .AttleboroHoly Name, New Bedford­ St. Joseph. Fall River St. Anthony's Convent, Fa'll Ri·veI' Catholic Memorial Home; Fall- River 12 Our Lady of Fatima, Swansea· St. Mary, North Attlebol'o, Our Lady's- Haven, Fairhaven St. James, New Bedford' 10 St. William, Fall River Santo Christo, Fall River St. Augustine, Vineyard Haven­ 24i St. Mary, Mansfield SS. PElter & Paul, Fall Rivei'

Marcll 5 12 1~



St. Anthony. East Falmouth. Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton­ Marian Manor, Taunton Holy Family, Taunton Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Bedford St. Mary, Taunton St. FI:ancis Xavier, Acushnet St. James, Taunton St. Joseph, North Dighton­ Espirito santo, Fall River

St. Peter, Dighton Madonna Manor, North Attleboro St. Matthew, Fall River . 4 Sacred Hearts Convent, Fall River Convent of the Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven Mt. St. Mary Convent, Fall River _9 Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Fall River '. St. Boniface, New Bedford 16· St. Paul, Taunton St. John the Baptist, Fall River 23 Our Lady of Fatima, New Bedford St. Michael, Ocean Grove 30 Holy Ghost, Attleboro St. Joseph, New Bedford




st. Joan of· Arc, Orleans

St. Hyacinth, New Bedford­

St. Theresa, South Attleboro Our Lady of Victory, CentervilIe 13­ Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet Sacred Heart, New Bedford 2()' St. Joseph, Woods Hole 27 St. John the Baptist, Central Village Our Lady of Grace, North Westport 3

17 24



8 15 22



5 12

5i 7

19 22



3 10


4 U

St. Joseph, Taunton St. Kilian, New Bedford Sacred Heart, North Attleboro Blessed Sacrament, FalI RiveI!' Holy Name, Fall River

Qui' LadY' of the Assumption, Osterville



St. Vincent Home, Fall River Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, North Easton St. Mary, Hebronville 14 . St. Patrick, Falmouth Mt. St. Joseph Academy, Fall River 21 St. Casimir, New Bedford Villa Fatima, Taunton 28 Corpus Christi, Sandwich st. Theresa Convent, Fall RiveI!'

St. Theresa, New Bedford Holy Trinity, West Harwich St. -Mary, Norton St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis St. Mary; New Bedford

St. Mary; South Dartmouth­ St. Elizabeth, Fall River 16· st. Pius. X, South Yarmouth St.. Stephen, Dodgeville 23' St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford Holy R~eemer, Chatham 36' St. George, W-estport Sacred Hearts,Fairhaven


Consecrate Auxiliary In Baltimore, Jan. 2S BALTIMORE (NC) - Msgr. Thomas J. Mardaga, rector of the Basilica of the Assumption here m Maryland, will be consecrated laS titular bishop of Mutugenna IilIld auxiliary to Lawrence Car­ aiinal Shehan at ceremonies Jan. :15 at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. Co-consecrators will be Bishop Iolm J. Russell of Richmond and Auxiliary Bishop T. Austin Mur­ phy of Baltimore. Bishop Joseph A. Durick, apostolic administra­ tor of NashvIlle, will preach the sennon. ,



Our Lady of Assumption, New Bedford Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk St. Anne, Fall River St. Dominic, Swansea Holy Cross, Fall River St. Joseph, Attleboro St. Louis de France, Swansea St. Roch, Fall River Sacred Heart, Taunton St. Anthony of Padua, New Bedford St. John 'of God, Somerset Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Tauntoll Our Lady of Health, Fall River Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Fall River Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Taunton LaSalette College, East Brewster St. Hedwig, New Bedford St. Peter, Provincetown Our Lady of the Isle, Nantucket St. Michael, Fall River St. Patrick, Somerset St. Thomas More, Somerset Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs Notre Dame, Fall River Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, New Bedford St. John the Baptist, New Bedford St. Louis, Fall River St. Stanislaus, Fall River Holy Cross, South Easton St. Catherine's Convent, Fall River St. Ann, Raynham St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro St. Anthony, Mattapoisett St. Anne, New Bedford St. Mary's Home, New Bedford St. Margaret, Buzzards Bay St. Bernard, Assonet Our Lady of· the Cape, East Brewster St. Anthony of Padua, Fall River St. Mary, Fairhaven St. Helena's Convent, Fall mVel'


THE ANCHOR--Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. ,Dec. 29, 1966




Suggestion' for '67


Baltimore' Edit. Leaves to ,Avoicl Hurting




WASmNGT~ (NC}_ Msgr. Joseph .Gallaghe~',has denied that 'he' was asked tD' up his p~t ~ e~~c~~ , · editor of the ~~tl!olic: Re.v~~ · Baltimore archdiocesan ne"" '. paper; because.. ot .his 'st?:jd · against losing Maryland ,gu'be.Ji­ · natoriai. eandidate- George 'Ma.o · boney. .".,',. ~ " _ Reader reaction to the Revi,,* coiumn in which' he 'atiaCkec 'Mahoney as a "racist cancUdate" · did play a part, however; iii iiJI dec~sion to leave' the paper, l!Mt , said.

"If you let a. kid get away with smart talk, it's not too long before they no longer listen to or l>eli~ve in' you~ They begin instead tob~lieve they can get away with a~y­ thing. Vie' have about 1,200 men h'ere who know. you can:vot get away with 'anything. 'But now, it's too ~ate." '


, This could ~e a statement made by an.~Uc~tor or the , b,eadmaster,of an acade~y. Actually, it' is an ,editorial, Uom' the December issue of the monthly magazine of the Iowa Penitentiary' 'Fort' Madison. rfhe article' was prompted' by· a report of a teache},' who was forced to resign because, he spoke harshly' 'to shJde~ts and, on occasion, manhandled a few of them. .'


No one is advocating cruelty in or out.of the classroom. But the discipline that exists, or should exist, in the home, must be the discipline of the classroom. And if the ,home no longer is a- place where that kind of discipline holds sway, why the class:roOl;n and teacher ~ust not surrender as home and parents have done.

'Ugly 'story'

The controversy over lYJsgllo Gallagher's departure from the paper to join Corpus In!?trumen.. torum, new publishing firm here. was stirred up by an article' iu: America magazine by Msgr. -Sa],.. vatore J. Adamo, executive ecti-o tor of the Catholic Star Herald" Camden, N. J., 'diocesan wee~ Msgr. Adamo praised the opa. letter to Mahoney that Msgr.., Gallagher had written in tiall; . Even little children in grade school learn about the Review and said that behind the wonders that the present technological age has brought announcement of the priest'tl leaving the paper is "an ugly into,their lives. They take automation and jet travel and 55'l1l".\m,)tf!ll ~lPill!lnnD~ 'fI (&e9f ft&.~lAns story." . atom splitting for granted. They cannot help-in that ~\\IIf'~ U'<b'.JOO~ e:> tl;plg U g II"'UIltii6~~ nlil'tltlilEiV Other Reasons, '1'00 process - but be influenced by the coldness and matter-of­ Continued. from Page One of the great problems of social According to Msgr. Gallagh~ factness of technology. It is an area where human intelli­ mas talks of the past, the Pope justice and of the development "The account in America anell gence, but not human feelings, holds sway. held the assembled Cardinals of the younger nations, particu­ other newspapers were not sub­ 'motionless throughout the 3,000 larly in regard to hunger and stantially false, but they did , It was with reason and foresight, then, that Queen word discourse. An observer peace in the world.!!.

throw the incident out of PCD= Elizabeth of England, in her Christmas message, appealed stated, "You could hear a pin


spective." to women all over the world to bring a touch of gentleness drop, especially when Pope Paul

"Nothing has changed regard­ Msgr. Gallagher said that a.. to the modern worlel. She praised nuns, nurses,. mothers began discussing plans for the ing the understanding or con­ though his decision to leave the reform of the Roman Curia." paper. was "not unconnectedllll ception of indulgences in re1a­ and wives for breathing "gentleness and care into the harsh . ' B i s h o p ' s Synod tion to the truth of faith," the with the Mahoney incident, thai progress of mankind." , ' After announcing the opening Pope pointed out. '.'Revision in- alone would "not have led io mv. . '.' :. The human rac() cannot live iri e,nvironfuent of the ,Bishops' Senate, the Pope volves' ,the whole practical' part .. decision.'! . . '.,. explained: ' regarding indulgences and espe-' . He also stressed that .neither trolled, by computers: Still les~ ~n it react. !:lg~ins~ this ~l~ , "This is certainly an impqrtant cially the spirit that mu~ ani,:, Lawrence Cardinal Shehan. 'iii control by an unbridled,reiease of pent~up emotion. Women, event for which we prepare our-' mate the faithful in· acquirin8 Baltimore nor anyone ·else :ha41 with their innate .concern 'for -the individual,: their ,anxiety !lelves' through , 'pray~r an ,d indulgences • ,. ,.~'. '\ even suggested that he leave ~ Curi!' Reform , "cause of, the Mahoney inciiJeDi , over th4:! ,i>e.rsonal,the'i,'r care for' the' h,\l~a~~~liI~'in]i!~~ through stu~ly of tiie'. themes ,. . , . which will' be proposed to the The Pope did not reveal'spe- .',but that he had personally'eva~ their involvement in the hum~n and emotional, \vo~eJ) WIth synod; with the desire 'of 'meet­ oific details' of curial' refon -' atedreader reaction to his ·arti. ,such a ,make-up can ,addanincalculable'dimension·to',the. ing the venerable brothers nom­ However,while praising the .. ' as 'being strong enough' .tobud ,technological progress of, mankind--:.;the, human value with­ inated' for 'such a meeting and' Curia's assistance over the·.yean, ',the paper if he remained on 1hlD

he noted that it needed over.;. - staff.

out which men are not men in control of their age, but ser-' with the faith that this new in­ vants of the Fr~nkenstein: they themseive8 have created.: " stitution may increase in' the hauling to. better meeet today's, ' . . Accepts Offer,.' ..

•Church apostolic 'wisdom, and needs. , , : '.': Msgr. Gallagher added that bIB efficiency, and may strengthen Since only the Doctrinal ,Com­ decision to leave was also basecl the bonds of charity and cooper-, mission (Holy Office) has felt· on the offer he receiv,ed in'No-­ ation of the world's episcopate some reform since the i!1itial 30­ vember from Corpus Instnime.o­ with the See of Peter." nouncement by Pope Paul in· torom and that the offer w. Also announced were more 1963, the Christmas announce­ made quite independently of tile detailed norms for the govern­ ment seemed designed to answer, Mahoney controversy. The important element in the Pope's Christmas appeal ing of synods. Among the new doubting Thomases: for peace in Vietnam was his statement that the key to details to the already existing "Though this evolution of a peace was good will, and that good will was a two~edged "Apostolica Sollicitildo" of Sept traditional and fully, active or-' of the city's parishes and th. . . key-it must be put into use by both sides involved in the 15, 1965, were: ganization requires some time his representatives, the bisho}J8 The Pope will name Ii perpet­ and a certain amount of gradual of, the Roman vicariate, woUM conflict. That seems to 'be the elusive element in the :whole, ual secretary for the Synod and change," the Pope declared, "it is· strive for "more direct contaCt sad struggle. a special secretary for each con­ not to be doubted that this is' with all sectors of the city, witb underway· • • an authoritative· their problems and their needS.;' . As John'Steinbeck said, ~no one can' turn off half a war vocation of' the synod. Council ReactionS '. .' . All taking part wiill,.~e bOund commission is working and al.;.: and expect that something effectiv~ has ~e~n done. G~ to ready has some decrees'ready ~.' In commetin'g on post-coneD­ secrecy, even in the prepara­ will must be exterided by both South Vietnam and, the United tions. for the synod. ' which we hope to be able topu~ .' .iar unrest which, ispar.t of tbe States, on the ·one hand; and' North Vietnam and '-i~ sup­ Latin will be the language lish soon." "picture of the life of the Rome Visitation Church' in the world'" the pcrpiI porters on the other. Only when the' double ,edged key.of used. . . ,'.',' ,', , '. A ~o-tl:tirds ma~ority~i11,~ On the, subject o~ visit~~:gtJie ~ .stres!'le4.tWo note~: one'sor'ro. good will' is used will there be a ch~~e, for. 'peace. Until required for matters in· which parishes of Rome' Pope Paul said 'fu~, one cheerfuJ. then, the 'door is, closed and the answer is, not peace but 'The sorrowful: ­ advice is being given to 'the Pope h . ,1' d d'i llH)7 t . . ' t ' , surrender 'and' ;,the encouragement. of unilateral strife. e m en e n . 0 VJSJ many. "In the Catholic Chu'rch theN ' or-with his permission-in de­ are' noticed rare yet unfort.. liberative----odE!ciding':-votes. ' nately public and' varied expreo.. : 'Cardinals headi~g the Curia' sions of doctrinal unrest and in8­ offices will participate ex-officio ciplinary intolerance, w hie" in general convocations of the cannot fail to afflict our mimi synod but in special convocations VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope as well as that of the bishops, only if their particUlar office is nor fail to awaken in us a certaiD: concerned. Paul VI has accepted the resig­ nation of 83-year-old Maurice apprehension * • •. This is, ther&> ,Laymen's Council . Cardinal Feltin, who has gov­ fore, an hour of pastoral watch­ The "Consilium de Laicis will erned the archdiocese of Paris fulness and charity." be to serve and prom9te the since 1949. Immediately, however, he foJl,.. The resignation, granted for lowed this with a cheerful note:! apostolate of the laity. It will provide and gather for this pur­ "reasons of health and age," af­ "But we say immediately, that! pose appropriate information; fects also the Cardinal's assign­ from all the churches of the Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River engage in thl;! study of problems ments as Ordinary for Catholics world the most comforting neWll of a pastoral nature concerning of the Eastern Rite in France and also reaches us. How we would 410 Highland Avenue

Vicar for the' French Armed like at this moment to be able tQ the laity; offer suggestions, pro­ Fall River, Moss. 02722 675-7151

posals and advice; take care of Forces. convey to all the brothers of tho In a personal letter. to the Car­ coordinating the work of the episcopate, all religious superiomJ PUBLISHER apostolate of the laity within the dina!,' the Pope expressed his and all valiant laymen soldiel'-o Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD. overall activity of the Church "warm acknowledgement" of the ing for Christ and for the Churcti and on an international level." Cardinal's exercise of his pas­ our heartfelt thanks, our pat~ GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Justice-Peace Commission toral work and "good wishes for nal praise, and our affectionatG Rt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John P. Driscoll The "Commission Pontifica: the valuable work he will con­ good wishes for their activiur.. MANAGING EDITOR " Iustitia et Pax" "will be not so tinue to do in service to the for their faithfulness and for Hugh J. Golden much operative as one of study ChUrch." their communion.·

Breathe Gentleness




Double-Edged Key

Cardinal Feltin Resigns See



.Cardinal Spel.l~an Stresses ~.h_ristianity Has'Mot Failed

NEW YORK (NC)-Peace, .- ,the ,"prorr:tis~ of the ~irs-t , Christmas," contiIiues' tQI re­

main "but a dream" after 19 cimtudes of Christianity, Fran­ cis Cardinal Spellman said. "What went wrong to break the promise of the first Christ­ mas?' Why did Christianity fail? 'Myfriends, Christianity has' not failed. The simple truth is that we have failed to live out the glorious ideal it has proposed to tis," the archbishop of New York asserted. ' , 'Although the cardinal' ! was spending Christmas with lJ. S. troops in Vietnam, his messgae , came 'to the American people over the NBC-TV network through a program taped before bis' departure on his 16th '~on­ secutive Christmas visit to' GIs '. abroad. The taped program was shown during the telecast of the Christmas Midnight Mass in St.



T-Ilun., Dec. 29, 1966


Start Conference In Puerto Rico

soJl):ething one side can create. It ;iB:'Q mutual unde~akil)g.' ~As I understand Christianity, Our Lord's teachings impose on us the duty to take the first step, to keep Pleading for peace, to be relldy to forgive and to forget­ but not to'· stand unarmed and unQ,efended, as the enemy sweeps down, ~pon us' bent on conquest, his' sword still stained with the blood of neighbors we forsook." Cardinal Spellman expressed hOPe' that Pope Paul VI's re­ peated pleas for an extended tnice ' in' the Vietnam conflict win be realized. "'If this conflict in Vietnam can,only be brought to an end, if hufuanity can only have this one more chance, that noble dream of everyone of us may yet be real­ ized;" Cardinal Spellman said.

SAN JUAN (NC)-The Puerto Rican Episcopal Conference' has elected Archbishop Luis Aponte Martinez of San Juan as their president. Auxiliary Bishop Juan de Dio Lopez of San Juan will serve as vice president and Bish.op Rafael Grovas of Caguas, secretary. The remaining members are Bishop Alfredo Mendez of Are­ cibo, Bishop Fremiot Torres of Ponce, and Bishop Antulio Par­ rilla, rector of the major 'sem­ inary. A permanent coun~il was set up l!lld commissions for liturgy, education, social acti<>n, voca­ tions, social communication me­ dia, pastoral work and cateche­ tics were created. Await Revision The Bishops agreed not to ad­ minister Confirmation before the age of 10. They also agreed to establish an office for communications media, to make a study of eccle­ siastical tariffs, and to create a federation of youth associations comprised of all organizations working with young people. The Bishops studied the possi­ bility of holding a national synod but agreed to wait until the Code of Canon Law is revised by the Holy See.

T eac hers Have Mo~e Training

"From the convulsions that WASHINGTON (NC) _ Cath­ shook the Roman Empire apart olic nuns entering elementary down to this terrible conflict school teaching have substan­ which now rages in Vietnam, tially more pre-service training civilization has hardly ever today than they had 14 years known true peace, except for' ago, a new study shows. intervals all too seldom and too The study by Sister Mary Bri­ brief," the cardinal said. deen Long, president of Holy "What went wrong since the Family College in Manitowoc, flirst Christmas was simply that Wis., shows that nearly 41 per men, ever prone to evil and to cent of the nuns covered in a violence, would not listen, or survey conducted. in the summer listening failed to heed, the ad­ f 1965 had three or more years TEARS OF JOY: A Cuban refugee mother with her monitions of Our Lord," Cardi-" ~f pre-service education before S~dety to Me~rt nal Spellman said. "So often they , 'they began elementary school child sheds tears of joy as she embarked ~t Miami on the NORTH MIAMI BEACH (NC) pr~ferred pow:r to peace, ven- ! 'teaching. This compares with freedom lift from the Red Castro regime., l\.1ore than 45,000 - The American Mariological geanc e to forgIveness, hatred to.. ;, about 18 per cent in a, survey now have commenced a new and' happy life for themselves 'Society will hold its annual na­ rove." conducted by Sister Brideen in in the'United States. NC Photo. tional convention at the Passion­ They. creat~d a dilemma ~hat 1952. ist Fathers' Monastery of Our "'the wls,est mmds and the kmd- " Evenrtlore striking is the rise Lady of Florida Jan. 2-3, it was nest ,he~rts have ?een u?able to . in . 'pre-service education for announced here. Bishop Coleman "resoLve, .the cardlI~al sald., .. . younger nuns. The' ,Franciscan F. Carroll of Miami will preside ar .Explormg. the dll~mma: nun's study shows that nearly 86 at the meeting, which is expected i· dmal Spellman contmued. The 'per cent of the liuns who began to attract theologians from the .' .. (:hristian willingly sheathes h~s to teach in 1964 had at least Chic,aso Archbishop to Give Fi,st Canon Law U. S. and Canada. : .. ,sword, but can he leave It , three years of pre-service 'edu­ . Lecture at Jerusalem Hebrew Un,iver~ity , ""heathed whe~ th:, violent,. catiori, and nearly 42 per cent '. ;. stJ;ange r ,bursts mto hIS home to held 'bachelor's degrees or better. CHICAGO (NC)-A group of Cody, Fellowship Committee, will destroy his family? . . ":By 'contrast, the figures for nuns 'business: and' civic' leaders here ' ·hold a, ,January dinner ;to raise Enemy, Prefers Hostllit17 '~\ 'iNlie began t6 teachin'1955' were:, have launched 'a fund' drive to­ $2~O,0(K) ~C?r, ,~he. ,Project. ,.. " c:rh~ Christian - I mean t.he 16.~ per cEmt and 7.1 per cent, 'war'd establishment of a chair in Thomas A. Lewis and John J. ,',behevmg and prayerful Chns-'''''respectNely. ', Catholic 'canon -law at the He­ Crown, committee co-chairmen, ',tian-forgives his, enemies and''; Sister Britleendescribed her brew, University in Jerusalem. have said "the event will be an ·seeks to be reconciled to them, ' 'study in an article in the Sister The project, will honor Arch­ historic occasion expressing the WYman but can he stand by silent as his JrOnnation Bulletin, publication bishop John: P. Cody of Chicago great bonds of friendship which neighbors' field are plundered? ' 'Of the National Sister Formation ,who will deliver the first canon unite Catholic and Jew'ish com­ 3-6592 "The peace-loving man opens', Conference. The conferen'ce, law lecture' at' the university. . munities of Gh,icago. CHARLES F. VARGAS his hand to offer gifts of food which promotes improved reli­ The sponsoring group, known It also, they added" "will stand and clothing and shelter to his gious and professional prepara­ as the Archbishop John Patrick as a tribute to the amity and 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE enemy and urges him to sheath tion' of nuns, is an affiliate of the good will of' all the citizens of : ,his sword too, but can he forever, "National Catholic Educational NEW BEDFORD, MASS. Chicago." eonduct himself in this way, "Association as a section of the Plan ,Enthronement Mayor Richard Daley is honor­ when the enemy spurns his gifts NCEA college and university de­ . Bishop ary committee chairman. and prefers hostility to peace? p~lrtment. ' Highlighting the dinner, to be "The point I am making is DAVENPORT (NC)-The en­ airnply that peace is not another . Nam~' five' FiiIJaUsts : thronement of the Most Rev. attended by more than 1,500 per­ . word for suicide. Peace is not , Gerlilld,F. O'Keefe, 48, as the 'sons, will be' the awarding to abject surrender to the iron will 'j~@Jr Y~utlh AW\!lHl'dS sixth bishop' of Davenport has Archbishop Cody of an honorary of an implacable foe. The point WASHINGTON "(NC)-Final­ been scheduled for Wednesday, fellowship by the Hebrew Uni­ . that.! am stressing i~ that, a~y ists have been chosen in two Jan. 4 in Sacred Heart cathedral. versity. .man may lay down hlS own hf~., _programs .which honQrCatholic here. He succeeds Bishop Ralph ;ffi . for others. but he ·~ay not lay:", .young people-the O\ltsta'nding ,L. Haye~., ~2, wh9; resig/1ed. ' down the hves' of hIS loved one~.... ,CafJlolic ,Youth. of the, );e ar, and Bish,QP .. ,O'.Keef~ will arrive' , , St~ Fremds

. "flar others. the Outstanding Catholic Young, . here Jan•. 3', witl). a ,party of Res~de~~e

fId delN(li1~ . - ". Muhnmll Undertaking , Adult Awards. priests and, ,laity from. the

.Bond of Friendship







:' , "Peace'is not a simple ·thing " : 00 bring about, as' some would 'make it seem. It is not an .~asy " objective to achieve. It is' not

H@mes Searched BONN (NC)-Three Catholic laymen have been arrested and imprisoned in communist-ruled Hungary in connection with house searches undertaken on suspicion of religious activity, the German Catholic news agency KNA reported. The report stated that govern­ ment officials have searched the homes of 20 Catholic families on allegations that they have been active in promoting the Catholic Church. Catholic books and pamphlets were confiscated to be used 'as proof of religious activity in violation of Hunga­ moo law.


,; Selections for the -annual com-, S,t. Paul-MinneapQlis archdiocese petition, sponsored by the Na-: that' "\yill :fiil two, ~hartered tional COl,lncil of Catholic 'l(outh, ,planes., ' were made by a committee con­ Following the enthronement, 'sisting of the presidents of the Bishop O'Keefe, .for five years National Newman Federation, auxiliary bishop of St. Paul-' the National Federation of Cath­ Minneapolis, will be feted at a olic Colege Students and the dinner. National Catholic Youth Organ­ ization Federation. The finalists in the youth cate­ gory are Lionel M. Cobe, of Key West, Fla., a senior at'Key West High School; Gregory M. Lehner, of Cheektowaga, N. Y., a fresh­ man .at St. Bonaventure Univer­ sity, St. Bonaventure, N. YO; Nancy Eckert, of St. Louis, • 273 CENTRAL AVE.

freshman at Marian College, Fond du Lac, Wis.; Melinda Shields, of Paducah, Ky., a fresh­ 992-6216

man at Paducah Junior College; and Mary Margaret Huber, of NEW BEDFORD

Casper, Wyo., a freshman at Cas­ )pel" College.







St., Fall Rover

CillJl1Iduded by Franciscan

Missionaries of Mary



Inquire 673-7890

~• • •##.~#• •##• • #



• •, • •# . . . . .



€ o ntrCletors

WYman 3-0911

sinee 1913

699 Bellville Avenue New Bedford


'Course in 'Charm For" Postulants i '

THE ANCHOR-,Diocese of FaIlRiver~Thu~s. Dec. 29, 1966 "


Those W~th inChureh lookJHau-d At Catho~ic Educat'iona~ System

,DUBUQUE (NC)-ThirtY-Hin~

postulants will take lessons ill

:charmfrom the girls who fly thlil


Arrangements for a shori

course at the motherhouse of

the Sisters of Charity of the

Blessed Virgin Mary here m.

Iowa were made with stewardess

training officials of Continental!

Airlines, Mother Mary Consola­

trice, the order's superior genell'­

aI, said. '

Mother Mary Consolatrice anell

her assistant, Sister Mary Fran­

ces, completed the plans for the

course with Mrs. Mavis Kimball

,of Los Angeles, assistant mana­ ger of Continental's hostess ser­ vice, and Mrs. Nyoa Hoffman, hostess supervisor at Chicago. Sister Mary Frances explained,

"We have 'always been impressed

with the graciousness of airline

hostesses, and we decided w

learn about their training."

"Our young women are mostly

just beyond high school age and

can benefit so much from point­

ers in posture, habits of speech,

grooming and skin care which

Mrs. Kimball and Mrs. Hoffman

impart," she said.

She added, "We feel that this iraining, similar to that of hos­ tesses, can help much establishing the habits of graciousness and thoughtfulness which we believe young women should have."

By Mary Tinley Daly Time was, and not too long ago, when Catholic parents "sent the kids to the Sisters," entrusted thejr religious and secular education to the Catholic schools, and that problem was solved. They· went along, largely" with the Church's adage, "every Catholic child of life in this the second half of in a Catholic school," (:arry- the 20th century." He urges that ing it from kindergarten the Catholic school be regarded through college. This is no as a "community school," with a longer possible, in many areas, although the 'huge Catholic school system enrolls approx- imately 6 mil- lion of the 54 million school IP 0 p u 1 at ion' of the United States. The com- placent parental attitude of the past has had a rather violent overthrow, jJer- haps justifiably so. Sparked not only by publie criticism of Catholic education­ from within and without the Church-but by close personal observation of their own local Catholic educational institutions, parents are questioning and de­ manding answers about. the quality of education their chil­ dren are receiving. In almost any group, of thoughtful parents

the subject comes up, alonl~ with

ioreign. policy, politics, sports

and even the weather.

This'is all to the good, accord­

. trig to Father Neil G, McCluskey, S.J., visiting professor of (lduca­

. tion at Notre Dame University. in a paper' on "Catholic Schools after Vatican Ii," Father McClus­

'key says recerit criticism, even :wheri "irresponsible" and "fool:­

ish," have had, the good result of makin'g Catholic schools "stronger and healthier for not seeking refuge behind a c:lerical eurtain." , N.C.E.A. study Father McCluskey's paper is ' part of a 21l-page study recently published by the National Cath­ olic Educational 'Association, en­ titled "What Is Happening to Catholic Education?" In it, 16 nationally k now n educators probe deeply into the state of Catholic education in the United States today and find answers and recommmendations some of them radical and far-reaching, for improvement of the schools. Msgr. O'Neil C. D'Amour, su­ perintendent of Catholic' s(~hools , in the Diocese of Marq,uette, Mich., in a paper on "Restructur­ ing Patterns of Catholic Educa­ tion," makes a strong pll:'a for government economic aid to ex­ ercise their parental rights in choosing nonpublic schools for their children.

At the same time, he charges, Catholic schools have also been

guilty of a "practical denial" of parental rights by failing to give parents an effective voice. "The modern Catholic is willing to ac­ cept the Catholic school," he says, "but he demands that it be restructured so as to bllcome more responsive to the mlleting of his needs and to the realities

Plan Common fundi For Poor Parishes MONTEVIDEO (NC)-The es­ tablishment of a common fund to support archdiocesan projects and to aid poorer parisheB was proposed by Coadjutor Arch­ bishop Carlo Parteli of Monte­ video, Uruguay. He suggested that two annual eollections, at Christmas and Easter, or one per cent of each parishioner's monthly income be taken up for the fund.

structure for policy formation representing the interests of the family, the Church an~ the state. Another plea for an expanded role for the laity in the schools comes from the editor of the study, Father C. Albert Koob, O. Praem" acting executive sec­ retary of NCEA and associate secretary of its Secondary School Department. "It is not inconceiv­ able" says Father Koob, "that

tl. '~ducation field may be large:"

ly the apostolate of the laity, if

not in 10 years, possibly by 1980." 'llmportant Years Perhaps of deepest concern to Catholic parents ~s the matter of high school, those four vitally important years, and this is the subject of a paper by Father McCluskey. He decries an "elitest" tendency in Catholic secondary education, pointing out that some 60 per cent of

Catholic schools require admis­

sion tests and more than 80 per

cent charge tuition with the ,re­ sult "that since there is not room for everybody in the' Catholic high school, we take the better

prepared youngsters whose par­ ents can afford to pay the tuition

and fees."

To counteract thIS, he urges more emphasis by Catholic edu­

cators on secondary schools, even at-the expense of other levels of education. "The need for more good Cath-' olic high schools is so great ~at we should divert manpower and money from the college level to achieve this aim," he says. "I am , referring to the many ,second­ rate institutions whose future as solid four-year colleges is ex­ tremely doubtful. Dozens of them should revert to juni.or .col­ lege status. Many others should be changed over and allowed to become first-rate seeonda1"7 schools." . II is heartening to leal"Jll that educators of this caliber are turning their expertise to the Catholic school, alsp to read the, comment by Father McCluskey that there is "no question at llIU" but that such schools will stay in business an<: that "America bas been a better place because eli the Catholic schooL"

EXCEPTIONAL CHJLDREN BENEFICIARIES: The annual Bishop's Charity Ball for' exceptional children is being arranged by Mrs. James E. Williams, No. Dighton, and Mrs. J'ames A. O'Brien, Fall River, seated; Mrs. Aris­ tedes Andrade, Taunton ; Rev. James F. Lyons, Dighton; eo-chairman Miss Margaret M. Lahey, fall River.


Mexican Government 'lakes Church Building


,,:: QUERETARO (NC) - Police 'and military force had to be 'used here to maintain peace fol­ .lowing the expropriation by the Mexican, government of a build­ ing of 'the parish of Santiago which was turned over to the University of Queretaro. The action created dissensiQn between the parishioners wh:o did 'not wish to give up th,e, property and the University stu­ dents who 'Yished to, take pos­ session of it. Bishop Alfonso Toriz Cobian ,of Queretaro has accepted the expropriation decree issued by the Department of National Patrimony. Under Mexican law, churches may not own property.'

Women are ever con- number to be washed, set and stantly concerned with their combed out as quickly as pos­ sible with the same hair style as ~rowning glory, their hair, but the woman in the next _chair. never more so than during a holiday season that is filled with Mr. Brennan and his instructors lIOcial~ an~ socializing. F~shion . try to ,convey the importance of personal service to their stu­ magazines ,a r E' dents. featuring arti­ . Importance of Hairpieces eles with head-· ings' sue h aE: One of Mr. Brennan's' oustand­ "Change You J' ing instructors, Mrs. Bertha Re­ Hairstyle zendes, then explained the im­ AJJ You Change portance 'of hairpieces in the life You'r Dress" of the busy modern woman. ahd "As Many' "Sixty per cent of the women Different Looks in America have some type of to Your Hair as' hairpie'ce," said Mrs. Rezendes, You Have Par~, "and within a short period of time ties to Go To." every WOmEln" will own one just All this atten­ tion to the subject of a .ladY'lI as she owns a lipstick." She said that the growing pop­

tresses gives one the, impression that a man's best friend may be ularity of postiches, wiglets, and :falls stems from the fact that his dog but a woman's is defi­ they are coming within the nitely her hairdresser.

With this thought in mind I wall range of every woman's budget with many small pieces selling ~urious as to just how important a hair stylist has become in the for as low as $15. Ufe of the modern woman of the Everyone at the styling school sixties. John R. Brennan of St. lIleemed to agree that eventually Joseph's parish. in Fall River the fashion-conscious woman supplied me with many pertinent will own not one, but a wardrobe

facts on the subject. An expert of hair pieces, and that such 'a on what the female public should wardrobe will solve the difficul­ expect of i6;s beauticians, Mr. ties of anyone with a problem Says Open Housing Brennan owns and manages a IlUch as thinning or fine hair. Is Pessing Need

hair styling school that has been With a wonian's concern with COVINGTON (NC) ~ "'The, . in his family for many years. her hair and appearance bringing Beauty has become a big in­ the beauty industry into such need of 'open housing' is a press­ ing one," said 'Bishop Richard H. dustry in this country in the last a position of prominence she has 10 years," stated the charming proved her power as a consumer, Ackerman of Covington in a pas­ Mr. Brennan. "At this moment it and her wish to look better at toral letter. "It represents also a difficult ranks fourth largest and it's her age than did her grand­ problem in the solution of which . growing every day. In the past mother. However Mr. Brennan we must all cooperate to the decade the American woman has and I agreed that in the quest for a better appearance young end that all Americans may have become more aware of her per­ sonal appearance and alert to the girls, especially teenagers, carry equal access to the housing mar­ their beauty routine too far ket," the Kentucky -prelate said. fact that she can do much to im­ "The perpetuation of a practice prove it. A woman today doesn't when they parade around town which results in confining to have to look as old or older than with their hair in' giant-size rollers hardly camouflaged with ghettoes those whom s 0 m e she really is." have decided are unworthy of What should we expect of a a strip of netting. As important a proper place in society is evil good hairdresser, I asked, and as our search for beauty may and must be recognized and con­ he replied that an expert should be, it belongs within the con­ der.med as such by all who call be able to give a good haircut, fines of a beauty parlor or cme'II themselves Christjans." as this is the basis of any set own home. 'One of the most stuuning' ex­ In his pastoral the bishop sup­ that will last longer than over­ amples of Mr. Brennan's beauty, ported the "Good Neighbor Card night. Program," ",hich states that the We agreed that a woman likes philosophy is his wife, who looks signer wilL "welcome into my to feel her hairdresser is truly like a page out of Vogue, mtlli1, neighborhood any responsible interested in her as a person who her hairstyles would evoke 00­ person of whatever race, religion has hair problems that the oper­ miring glances on the streets ofl or national origin 0 0 0" . ator Gan help, rather than as II ,New York.

Mass on Saturday MONTEVIDEO (NC) -' Cath­

olics of the Montevideo arch­

'diocese will be able' to fulfill their Sunday Mass obligation by attending Mass on Saturday,

starting Dec. 31, it wa~ an­

nounced by Coadjutor Arch­

bishop Carlos Parteli of Monte­


Where A




CHEVROLET 7007 Kings Hw,.



Snow's' Nuisance to Shovel'ers

ntE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 29, 1966

But Blessing to. Gardeners

Conduct Cooking Class for Blind

By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick As I sit here writing this oolumn, white Situff has just IfJarted to faD. This is our first real snow fall of the season, Rich is something to be thankful for this late in the year. Ihwever, even though m~t adults :reach the point when they hate the thought of of t~e bottles, along with the Ihoveling and driving thm beautiful colors of their contents &0 snow, anyone who has a appeal to me as much as what ~en. should be thankful they contain. Generally I rely

NEWARK (NC) - The six members of the class have no idea that the kitchen is as bright and cheery as kitchens are meant to be. They are members of a cook­ ing class conducted for the blind! by the Mount Carmel Guild, II social welfare agency of the Newark archdiocese. Their in­ structor, Mrs. Monte Cowan, holds a degree in home econom­ ics. She will meet the class two hours weekly for the next 12 weeks. The first lesson enables the students - among them a lay Brother-to become accustomed to the layout of the kitchen. By the time the course ends, the stu­ dents are able to prepare a com­ plete menu for dinner. 'The recipes are printed in braille. All other aids, such as braille timers, measuring spoons, thermometers and stove mark­ ings, are shunned because "most students do not have such advan­ tages at home."


whatever snow we get. upon the clerk in the Jiquor store 1!'.Jothing .is more effective as to aid me with my purchases and li1;';;j), insulator than a good fall oi thank my lucky stars that there tUlow. It is a good year for the are 'some knowledgeable and lJardener when the snow falls helpful clerks. ll:ild remains on the ground for Obviously everyone is not so \!;:w(j) or th~ months. During much a novice as I when it Qll<l:h a Winter there is very litcomes to serving drinks, as a € a chance that the more tendei' large percentage of the ads for JYllants will be lost. Roses espe- holiday giving featured some eially do well covered with a item or gimmick for the house­ b~anket of snow which is melting hold bar. Star of the bar items dI~wly while keeping the temthis season seemed to be a new ~i'ature of the soil fairly coninstant glass chiller that worked Q;ent. with cartridges, and if you didn't llf snow is helpful as an insu- find one under your tree then l:iator it can also do a great deal you can't be considered an up to <il\f damage. This is true especial- the minute member of the home rw in the case of some of the bartender set. l1&rger greens. Snow can break Joking aside, I do admire a tander branches if allowed to host who can offer a wide vari­ l!'emain on an evergreen for an ety of drinks to his guests, and

e!dended period. To avoid this, mix them himself. Even with the :tot! should either take the trou- help of a blender I still can't ~ to tie the tops of the greens tum out a mixed drink that IJ!) that the branches will not wouldn't be scorned even by a lltang free or support the ,honkytonk bartender. llMranches wIth stakes. This is a One of my New Year's resolu­ fJreat deal of trouble for us lazy tions. is to learn to make at least c:ardeners, so the alternative a eouple 'of palatable drinks for m.ethod of knocking snow off the our guests. Joe refuses to add llwanclies may be used with the ,bartending to his list of accom­ llI8lIle .results. ' plisbments so I guess it's up to nose of you who are partic- me--back to the blender. For . . . about your lawns should be this, holiday season, however, IIW'e to keep off them when the I'm relying on the 'following mow is on the ground. Continual eggnog recipe, which comes walking in one area, or sliding, highly ,recommended by Gour­ \Ill' any unusual traffic will result met ,magazine and by your col­ lID bare spots ill the Spring. Why umnist. It will make a dozen alia should be the case I don't seryings. moW,' but' I believe it is because New Year's Eggnog the snl'iw is continually melting 1 c:upof sugar Mdthe ground underneath belZ egg yolks OllmeS' excessively packed. Thiii 12 egg whites' bt:aten stiff la8p~ned 'in my 'garden last year, 4 cuPs' Diilk I bad a spot five feet in diameter' :. 4 cups of half and' half ,cream ... which the grass did very" 4 (junces rum ' poorly and then I realized that 4 cups of 'brand,. tIrls 'is Where I had fed the sparnutineg' llIOWS and grackles seratch f~. 1)' Add the sugar to the yolks Aside from the value of snow 'and beat well. h the gardener, I have to admit ',' 2)'. Fold the beaten egg whites that there is still a bit of the into "the yolks. ' ~tt&e boy in me. ,Frankly, I lov~ 3) Add the milk and cream b see the snow, especially early mixing :Well. fla the morning after a storm' 4)' Blend In the' rum and when the trees are covered and· brandy and ehill until very cold. ~erything is blanketed in white. serve with a dash of nutmeg~ And· then there are the children f.4iding, rolling and covering This i~ lovely served in a fam­ themselves, to the delight of ily punchbowl. I use a very lIheir, mother .who sees herself beautiful one my grandmother /iUbsequently nursing feverish gave me. dlild ren back to health. In the Kitchen With the holiday season here, OW' days are filled with visits irom and to friends and relatives. rnfe,est on An area in which both Joe and 1I 'are lacking, when it comes to ,Savings eotertaini'ng, is that of serving "nvested In drinks. Because both of us are

'tlery infrequeJ)t social drinkers,

• never occurs to us to replenish our liquor supply until the time AND fill. entertaining is upon us, and then we have to rush out at the last minute and buy what strike8 In Units of $500 or More fancy. I find the shelves of a package .tore fascinating but I don't Minneapolis, Minnesota Ile3Uy understand what half tile

for detailed information

products are for. Onq- recentl;J' Ai I realize that cognac and

write to ....andy are one and the same. 'De different sizes and shapeil

STUDENT COUNCILLORS: Student council officers at Holy Family High School, New Bedford, are from left,

Louise Cayer, secretary; Leopoldo Maza, president; Cynthia Rego, vice-president. Not pictured, Kathleen Kurowski, treasurer.

Prelate Confirms Exceptional LOS ANGELES (NC)-Aux­ fliary Bishop Timothy Manning administered the sacrament of Confirmation to 169 "exception­ al" children here in' ceremonies at St. Gregory Nazianzell church. Some 13QO "exceptional" chil­ dren have now been confirmed in the archdiocese over the past 16 years as the result of a Con­ fraternity of Christian Doctrine program conducted in 57 cate-

chetical centers for the retarded in the four counties of the arch­ diocese. Engaged in preparing the children for the sacrament are 80 teachers and 50 helpers, all volunteers. According to Sister Mary John, the archdiocese's director, the catechetical program for excep­ tional children is the largest in the country. .

Attorney Approves Post Office Creche SAN FRANCISCO (NC) - A Post Office attorney has ruled! that employees of a postal sub­ station hel'e may keep the Christmas creche they erected over the parcel post counter. The regional attorney, Jose Ramos, said the creche could. stay in response to a eomplaint by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) that the erib scene was a religious symbol and therefore should not be dis­ played on public property. The creche, Ramos replied, de­ picts "an undisputed histoticaR fact-the birth of Jesus-and its depiction doesn't lend support to any religion." .







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To Read




Thurs., Dec. 29, 1966

5,000 Soldiers Take Part 1111 Midnight Mass

.SAIGON (NC) -=. Francis .Cardinal Spellman of New York celebrated midnight Mass at Cam Ranh Bay with­

Sister .Marian Teresll of Maryknoll Spending Opens" Facilities To Other Faiths First .Holiday· Season. in 10 Years in U.S. By Patricia Francis



WALTHAM (NC) --: RichaJ(\ Cardinal Cushing of Boston hall invi'ted Protestani, Orthodox anC.\ J~",ish chaplains ,at· ,the Metro,., politanState Hospital here.. _ use st. Nicholas .Catholic cha~ for their worship services. The offer was accepted 'bfl leaders of the other religionv who said the move was "typica1l of the .true spirit of brotherhoo~ which' the cardinal has alwaJlO exhibited." The cardinal told the chaplainv the offer to use the 500-se~ hillside chapel is "for as long 3!J it is in existence." \ The non-Catholic chaplains a~ cepted the offer with the unde~ standing that they will 1)f) allowed to build a $150,000 add... tion to the chapel to providfJ facilities for their work with'tM mentally ill. They plan to build a one-storw structure to contain three "med~ tation areas" for t:atholics, Prot­ estants and Jews; a large fellow­ ship hall, an office suite for all chaplains, a kitchen and othell' facilities.


Sister Marian Teresa, M.M., isn't saying a word out· lOUd. But odds are she's hoping.

even more than children across the nation for a white holiday se.ason. Not that the former

Mary Dury of New Bedford is"n't familiar with snow. However, her last 10 Christmases

have been spent a world away from Snowland. Sister, a Maryknoller who entered the order

after college and a tour in

, I

the Pacific with the Army "j Nurse Corps during World .,

'War II, currently is on a six­ :.; ·1

in 400 yards of the China Sea. An estimated congregation of 5,000 which began gathering at 7:30 P,M. included Army, Navy, month home leave in the United

States. She is spending the holi­

Air Force, Vietnamese and Kor­


days with her sisters in religion ean Catholics.


at the Maryknoll mother house Wearing an Army fatigue jack­

~··1 et 'and a red pilot's ca'p, the in New York. ,·1r1 ' For the last 10 years; she has

Cm'dinal arrived by plane from

been stationed in Tanzania, the­

Saigon at 8:30 P,M.

Preaching after the Mass, the former Tanganyika, in the foot­

hills of .the Uluguru Mountains,

Cardinal said:

"i: 'have no words to tell you about 120 miles from the East

Coast city of Dar es Salaam, the

how grateful to God I am for the' privilege of being here in Mohammedan name for "Haven

of Peace."

Vietnam for Midnight Mass. I an­ She went there to help open

nounce no news when [ say that I am getting old and it is no the first Catholic secondary

school for girls in the East Afri­

wonder that for the past I!'ew years each Christmas visit to ,our can nation. The first graduating

class, she recalls "had 15 girls.

troops has seemed as if it would Last year we had 70 graduates,

be my last. "I thank God he has given me most of them going onto college'

sufficient strength to make this wo~k in nursing and teaching."

Holy Family Graduate

pilgrimage again to share with . you the hazards of war, to offer A graduate of Holy Family

Mass with you and for you and High School, the then Mary Dury

to celebrate the birthday of Our received her bachelor's degree

Lord in your distinguished com­ frol11 Seton Hill College, Pa., in

pany, 1942 and then went on to get her

"Tonight," he said, "we pray degree in nursing from Yale

at this Mass that God will grant School of Nursirig.

us ·the blessings of peace, peace She served in the Army Nurse

with' justice an<;l with honor for .' Corps for a year, was a clinical

all,' the only kind of peace that instructor at Deaconess Hospital

can endure." in Boston, and then went to

This Mass was the crown of a Catholic University, whel'e she

long day of religious services, received· a master's degree in

talks, handshaking, hospital vis­ HOME: FOR HOLIDAYS: Sister Marian Teresa Dury,

nursing and became an assistant itiilg', jeep riding and flying. professor at the School of Nurs­ M.M. holds Marian College yearbook and shows "khanga,"

The eve of Christmas had be­ ing. native dress of African women. She is in States for six guil with a helicopter flight from Today, the fiery red hair that months, on home leave from mission assignment in Tanzania Saigon to Long Binh, where the was blamed for much of her ex­ Cardinal celebrated morning uberance during her college days

Ma'ss at an outdoor platform for is coveJ:ed by the black veil of can Canticle "Tanganyika, first opened is a chapel built

more than 5,000, Ten chaplains the Maryknoll community. Bless the Lord"-written by the with funds donated by friends

heard confessions on j:he out­ However, the exuberance still Marian College class of 1963, of Maryknoll and a grant from

skirts of the congregation. is omnipresent, especially when "* * * All you TINY things, Bless· . the Society for the Propagation.

Then a 35-minute helicopter she talks about her students at the Lord, of the Faith. '..

flight brought the Cardimllto. Ma.rian College. Busy black ants and hopping "It was dedicated by Laurian

Tay Ninh province: There, the "When we first went to Tanfleas, Cardinal Rugambwa, w h i c h'

New York Archbishop I;poke to ga~yika," she says, "girls weren't Wriggling tadpoles and mosqui- seems very appropriate," she

the 400 men there and shook_ educated. Men felt . women's to larvae, says. Cardinal Rugambwa is the

hands with each ·man. A small place was in the home and in the Flying locusts and water drops, first African cardinal in' the

fields and having babies. They Pollen dust and tsetse flies, Catholic Church.

lunch-"an ecumenical lunch"­ was served by Gen. Richard T. didn't want to educate them," Millet seeds and dried dogoa, Seeing a new school built and

Knowles and included as guests Then, as the African nation's Bless ye the Lord, grow is a satisfying experience,. two local Vietnamese priests, a nationalistic spirit began to ex- Praise and extol Him forever Sister Marian Teresa says, Even Cao Dai religious dignitary and pand, thinking men realized and ever * * *" more satisfying is the spirit.ual representatives of two Buddhist young people-boys and girlsIsn't that beautiful," she asks, and mental growth of the young groups, must be educated if the nation sounding like the proud mother students who someday will be' Afterwards the Cardinal visit­ was to prosper. of brilliant offspring. among leaders of their new She talks, too, about fun mem- nation. ed a unique hospital built in "Now there are about 14 ories, including two weddings

units, each formed by a series schools for girls, three of them held at Marian College before After her "tour of duty" here,

of airfilled hooplike rubberized ours," she says. , we left. traveling around the country and

sections, The prelate visited the speaking abo u t Maryknoll's In 1968 MaTI'an College now "They were Peace Corps teach­ wards and stopped and spoke a purely a ,secondary school- wI'11 work in Tanzania, Sister hopes ers, who met th.ere," she explains. few words at each bedside. expand to include 11th and 12th "It reminded us of the Sound to get back to her African Then the Philippine troops re­ d of Music, because the brides "home." ceiVed the Cardinal at their camp gra es. Her holidays at Maryknoll will

Eventually, the nuns hope a stayed at the convent the night

near Tay Ninh. Here in the head­ be happy, especiaIly if snow­

quarters they had built a bright four-year college program can before their weddings. We were flakes start coming down be inaugurated. their family." new church. The Cardinal bless­ Life in Africa offers a' variety The Marian students "were cover the earth.

ed the church and recited a short of problems, Sister admits, She intrigued" by American wedding However, as the nuns at

prayer with the troops. cites the night a game warden customs, particulary "kissing the Maryknoll raise their voices in

Another 35-minute f I i g h t bn:iught the. Cardinal back to shot two full-grown lions "prac- bride" and laughter at the recep-. the familiar and joyful Christ­

tically on our doorstep." She re- tion, mas· hymns, Sister Marian Teresa

Sa(gon where an official recep­ "In Tanzania, the bride must probably will be wishing· she

tion honored the prelatc. At members vividly another never5 P.M. the prelate celebrated to-be-forgotten night when three look sad-eyed all her wedding could hear her Marian students

Mass beside the U.S. Army spitting cobras were discovered day because she's so sorry to be chanting their own praise to the

newborn Babe:

headquarters inside Saigon's on the premises, one of them in leaving her family." a dormitory shower. New. Chapel "All you quiet things, Bless the

Tan So'n Nhut ait'base.· She speaks about" white iints Meeting. people and being inLord. Acting Ambassador William J. Porter and Mrs. Poder-Fall "that' have eaten away· labora., troduced to a new culture' is Candle flames arid just-sown . f urrows, .... River I~atives - Gen. William tory cupboards and the b'ooks in, ~ good for the students, she feels. ants that "move "It's amazing .what ' happens: to H eaps 0 f c.,ou " d s and sunny li­ . WestmQreland and other officials side" and safari braries;' were among the dignitaries pres­ , like.an ..ar.my, "masses" of· ·them/'· them after they've been with us ent. . Ma.ny. Compens'ations for a while, Some of these gjrls Our Uluguru' Ml!untains and . The 'problems: though, are o~t~ ··come to us"right· fr~mthe bush sleeping' pupa's, . weighed ,by the compensations.. '* '" * and now a number. of tti'em Lam! Sn~ils 'and'cravyling Jllt:,tles, Sister. jumps. up from:her.chair .,!re jn.c~I1e~l~s·)~'the<U:~i~~~ Grazing. ~e~ras .. st~ik~~, lions; Bless £he' Lord,..,' _.. : ....'.: " . .BILBAO· (NC):....:F·~th~~ David ,'i.n· th~)ivJng .room ~of her ·family·. ~tates,-"rr:el{lnd~,'"and.... Ho]'land. home ~t.32q ~ustin,Street;Where They're"gettill!(: good,' gl'ades, Praise ana e:5rtol',liYiil":Io'rever'a,\d Ar~entia, s.j.; pn~,.of ~.aboui 80 ever.

,worker-priests holding ClIo W Il her sfster, Mrs, Manuel Mello, 'too;', ·she announces. factory jobs .in' Spain; has· been' still; Itves:~h,e ~oines·ba~k; ~ith , .. Newest and ·most . important All you· creatures that never talk,

a bulging .sta!lk .of papers a~d ,structure on the·.Marian CoIlege St\il, .J3Jess..ye. the: Lord .....

'fi~ed from'his factory PO!!t here ph9t'OS and·.diving into the heap campus that was a muddy morass Praise and extol Him, iol:e~, f~r taking part in labor union a~tivities. . , pulls.out ~~;Photostat of an MrilOY~~,~f.~~.:wh~eJ:ith.e,.;,~~~~!;:..;' :a:~~ ~~~t.~,,~ .. ~·., .. ".....,... c.':;~;;;



Charities Official Re-asseri's 'oln~y NEW YORK (NC) - The lhl Catholic residences for the agCllll in the New York archdiocese will serve as providers of service to the elderly under the new Medicare programs, in accord­ ance with the provisions of tho Civil Rights Law, which stipu­ lates that no person may be barred from participation in fed- ' erally assisted programs on the basis of race, color or natiollall origin. Msgr. Edward D. Head, execu~ . tive director of Catholic Chan-· ties of the New York archdiocese, issued a restatement of policy re­ garding non-discriminatoJ'y prae- . tices in Catholic homes for the aged. "It. has been the traditiona1l policy of each of these homeS, from the date of their establish­ ment," Msgr. Head declared, " . serve all who .seek admission r~ gardless of race, color or na­ tional origin. This policy of non­ discrimination is as old as the Church, It reflects the teaching of the Church on charity, and the centuries-old practice elf church-sponsored havens for the ill, aged, homeless and needy." \,

Television Meeting NEW YORK (NC) - The 10th international Catholic tele­ vision meeting wip be held m Monte Carlo next February to "foster the development of reli­ gious programs for televisioJm, the production of films, and the exchange and distribution CJdf works of Catholic inspiration."


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St. Patrick's Parishioner Becomes Priest

Flooded· Florence Receives Pa pa I '

Consolat,ion, .', .' ·FLORENCE. '(NC) - The message ()f. rebirth took on a special meaning for the' people of Florence as Pope lPaul VI celebrated midnight Mass among them on Christmas eve. Though still digging out of ~heir mud-covered homes and shops after the disastrous Nov. 4 flood which damaged one-third of Italy, Florentines turned out by the thousands to greet the Pope along the streets and 20,000 jammed the scarred cathedral.. In anticipation of the visit, the Holy Father sent 5,000 personal­ ized Christmas 'cards to the Pon­ t.ifical Relief Association in Flor­ ence to be distributed among the 1amilies who suffered most from the flood. Each card contained :I personal gift, of a 10,000 lire note ($16.). During the visit, the Pope aiso left a check representing Flor­ ence's share of a special collec­ t.ion taken up recently in par­ ishes throughout Italy for flood victims. The Pope came by car from Rome in late evening. At his own request, there was no offi­ cial entourage such as usually accompanies a Pope when he leaves the Vatican. Church and city officials methim at the_exit to ·the Rome-Florence Fre.eway and showed him the ruins of the' flood which had destroyed 60 per cent of the downtown area. Entering the Church of the Santa Croce, the Pope knelt be­ fore the tombs of Michelangelo and Galileo and glanced at the oil stains 20 feet hgih which bore witness to the fury of the flood waters. The Pope then met with Ch.urch, city and relief officials and talked of courage and hope and reminded them of the ChJ:istmas message of rebirth. After a brief visit to the Car­ dinal-Archbishop's residence, the Pope vested fOI' Mass in the famed baptistry of the Cathedral and crossed the square in the midst of glaring television lights. During the Mass, the Pope dis­ t.rib~ted Holy Communion at the mai'n altar while 35 other priests did the same from side altars while the majority of the 20,000 participants received. When the Mass was finished, the Pope un vested and went to the front steps of the cathedral where he greeted crowds gatfl>. ered in the square who had fol­ lowed the ceremonies on loud­ speakers. As with his arrival, so now the Pope spoke to the Flor­ entines of courage and hope and congratulated them on the im­ pressive reconstruction they had already accomplished. Then he left for his three-and-a-half­ hour drive back to Rome and two other Chl'istmas Masses and major addresses. It was the first time in 109 years that a Pope had set foot in this city, renowned in its own right for Popes. It had given to t.he Church Popes Leo X, and XI, Clement VII, VIII and XII, and Urban' VIII. It also has the dis­ tinction of having 'had a reign­ ing Pope as its own bishop in residence. It was during the 15th centm'y t.hat Venetian Pope Eugene IV presided over the 17th Ecumen­ ic~l Council here which affirmed the pl'imacy of the Pope and re­ newed for a time at least, hopes . . the unity of. Ch~istendom;

Vince~ti~~s to Meet

. THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 29, 1966

After Years as Holy Cross Brother

Teachetrs Warn

Of Pay C1rBSDS

If your name is Francis Xavier, it should give you quite a nudge in the. directi.on of the missions; at least, it seems to have worked that way for Father FranCIS XavIer Boyes of St. Patrick's parish, Fall River. His odyssey however, w.as ra.ther unusual. After graduation from Coyle High School, Taunton, he attend~d the UmversIty of Notre Dame. then became a Holy Cross Brother. For six years he taught classical languages in a Holy Cross school in Brazil, then realized that he had a vo­ cation to the priesthood. He came back to the United States to await the necessary dis­ pensations from Rome for the changing of his state of life, then returned to Brazil, for he had decided that his vocation lay in missionary work in Latin Amer­ ica. Ensued a delay on his path to the priesthood. The Bishop of Cajazeiras, Brazil, accepted him as a seminarian, but asked him to teach classical languages at the minor seminary of the Dio­ cese before pursuing his own studies. For two years, therefore, he· was both a seminarian and a seminary professor. He then en­ tered the major seminary and was ordained July 1 of this year in the city of Souza, Brazil,. Same Job Although he's now a priest, Father Boyes hasn't strayed from the academic world. When he returns to his Diocese in Febru­ ary', .he will assume the princi­ palship of its boys' high school and will continue to teach Latin and Greek. He'll do parish work on weekends. What are his plans for his school? He looked wistful when asked about extra-curricular ac­ tivities for the 50 boarders and 250 day students for whom he'll assume responsibility. "When I was at Coyle, I liked debating," he mused, "but I'll have no time to organize any­ thing but the regular academic schedule for my schooL" Father Boyes said he is the only priest on the school facul­ ty,' and that two teachers are doctors who are only teaching part time in order to help the school. "It is very hard to get qualified teachers because we can't pay well," he said. This brought him to another wistful wish. "There is such a thing as PAVLA, isn't there?" he asked. "We could certainly use volunteers in Cajazeiros." The missioner said that he could use any single men will-' ing to volunteer time and skills to the school. "They wouldn't even need a training course," he said. "We could use men as ath­ letic directors, carpenters, man­ ual workers, almost anything. They could live at the school and I would teach them Portu­ gese if necessar·y." Hopefully he lloted that he can be reached in care of St. Pat-

Plan Institute WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Conferenc'e of Catholic Charities is sponsoring a three­ day institute on administration, Jan. 9-11, 1967, at the University of San Francisco for directors and officials of Catholic social agencies and institutions.

PHILADEPHIA (NC) - L<li1 teachers in the Catholic schools of the Philadelphia archdiocese have received substantial salary increases in the past fi vc years, and should not expect an in­ crease· every year, Archbishop John J. Krol of Philadc 1:1hia said here. John Murray, pl'esidcnt of the Association of Catholic Teachers (ACT), had said earlier that in­ adequate salaries for hly teach­ ers were causing "a situation of crisis proportions." H; s associa­ tion represents some 400 teach­ ers in the Philadelphia area. He claims many are leaving the parochial schools for better paying jobs in other scllool sys­ tems. A four-man ACT liaison committee has been negotiating for higher salaries with Msgr. Edward T. Hughes, archdiocesan superintendent of schools. Replying to Murray's state­ ment, Archbishop Krol said in &l telecast interview that minimum teachers' salaries have been in­ creased by 43 per cent and maxi­ mum salaries by 105 per cenll since September, 1961, and thall they also have a non-contribut­ ing pension plan. The Archbishop said he had "reservations about the crisis proportions." He noted that the archdiocesan school system had! about a 20 per cent turnover, and that last year some 500 per­ ~ons wel'e interviewed for 17@ openings.

FATHER !i'RANCIS XAVIER BOYES riek's rectory, Fall River, or at his' grandmother's home, 88 Howe Street, telephone 672-4477. Visiting Family In Fall Ri vel', Father Boyes is staying with his grandmother, Mrs. Elias Boyes. A sister, Mrs. Clarence Harney, lives in the same apartment house, and her four small children are helping make the holidays lively for their uncle. 'II was born in New York," he recalled, "but we moved to Fall River when I was three weeks old and the family has lived in St. 'Patrick's parish ever since." A natural linguist, Father Boyes said that his interest in thlllgs Latin American began "when I was in fifth grade and studied geography. I thought the Amazon region of Brazil seemed an exciting place to go, and now I've been there, I still think so." As a Coyle student, the future missionary hitchhiked to Mexico during a Summer vacation and spent seven week polishing his Spanish. Liturgy in Brazil At Notre Dame, he majored in classical languages and upon ar­ rival in Brazil picked up a working knowledge of Portu­ guese in three months. His En­ lish as a result of this polyglot background, is unusually accent­ ed. He explains that he has to speak very precisely when teaching English to his Brazilian students, that as a Brother he taught for a time in Mississippi, where he acquired something of a Southern drawl, and that these influences, in addition to

those of the various languages he speaks, have produced his own accent. . In many ways, said Father Boyes, there have been more changes in Church usage in Brazil than in the United States. For several years, for instance, Catholics have been able to ful­ fill their Sunday obligation after midday on Saturday. Priests may say the Mass of Sunday on Sat­ urday after the noon hour and may also say three Masses on Sunday. This came about because of the great shortage of priests in the country. Friday abstinence isn't a problem in Brazil, continued Father Boyes. The regulation has never been in force in the coun­ try, therefore there was no change in practice. While in Fall River, the mis­ sionary plans "just to relax­ that is, as much as an uncle can under the same roof with four active nephews and nieces.


New Confessional STOCKHEIM (NC) - A room for confessions has replaced the traditional confessional booth in a new German church here. The room 'allows more privacy for talks during confession and provides what is believed here to be a better atmosphere for discussion. Auxiliary Bishop Adolf Kin­ derman of Hildesheim conse­ crated the new church. ~





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§ ~ Fall River Par.ticu]ar c:otinci1 §: of: the S~ciety of Sf. Vincent-: ~ § 'Palll will meet· Tuesday night, E '" '. ~ ~ .Jan. 3 in Holy Rosary parish hall, ~ ~-,~ ~. .E·· .. fol1owillC 13~'nediction' a.t 7:45 ...: ~c ehurch. Ticket returns fOl' t~ Bishop's ChaJ,'ity Ball should . ~ .....~ WHARF. FAI..."VEN " .· ..··:Tel.,.9*7-935~ ~. bf,! made ~t. this ·.time, . ~UIll"IH"I""lIl1l11l1l1l11lHlIlIIllIIlIlIIlilllllllllt"""lIIhllllltl"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"1II111111111"" ...




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ANCHOR-Diocese offon lti\fet":-ThUf"l. Dec. 29, 1966'

Want To Really live?

Catherine Bowen Details Making of Con$titution

God Love You . By ,Most Rev,. Fultoa

Sheen, D.D.

Suppose a little girl had 10 sawdust doDs. and ODe ftlad was just filled with ordinary dust. She asked the 11 of them if they would like to become living dolls. The sawdust dolls aB rdused, but the dust doll became a living, breathing', smiling' ehild. God as~ed th~' Blessed Mother if she would give Him. out @f the dust of which Be made human lIIature. a man. ShCIJ answered: "Thy Will be done." And on the !iil'St Christmas dav ,Christ was borlIl., .

By Rt. Rev. Msgr. John S. Kennedy . Catherine Drinker Bowen's new book is' entitled Miracle ~ Philadelphia (Atlantic-Little, Brown, 34 Beacon St., Boston, Mass., $7.50). The miracle referred to is 'the cre­ ation of the Constitution of the United States. The word is not Mrs. Bowen's. It was and fiercely resisted one after

first used by participants in another of the articles particu­

the Federal Convention of larizing the design and functions 1787 which produced the of such a government. WashingtoD~s Effect A few great men may be said to have' kept the convention go­ ing. Of these, the principal was George Washington. He was chosen to preside. Until the very last day he was silent, whJle others spoke scores and scores of times. But his force of character, his noble presence, and his

unique prestige had a 'tremen­ dous effect. By a smile or a MISSIONER: Archbishop frown he could accomplish more than the most eloquent orator. Adolph Noser, S.V.D., a na­ As the Summer wore on, ques­ tive of Belleville, Ill., who tion after question was intro­ was rec'ently named Arch­ duced, discussed, voted on, dis­ New cussed again, voted on again. bishop of Madang, At times, it may have seemed, Guinea, where his order has

that everything was mere mud­ worked for 70 years, was at

dle. But the patterning of the one time a missionary bishop C;onstittition began-to emerge. ,in AfrIca, having been the It is curious today to read that the idea of a President of the first bishop of Accra, Ghana, .United States was strenuously from 1950 to 1953. NC Photo resisted (although some wished to have a king). There was.fear that a chief executive' would be a despot, that once in office he , would inaugurate an hereditary ,monrachy. S om e . stubbornly WASHINGTON (NC) - The maintained that, were there a Chances Unfavorabne U.'S. Public Health' Service has President, he'should not be paid, The 'need of a constitution for should not have any veto power. taken formal !;teps to bar 17 hoS­ iIle union was desperate, al­ pitals from receiVing federal NaUo~' Legislature tbough generally unrecognized. funds, because of their failure to Other questiOns had to do' ;with . comply with Title VI Vermont was then outside the the Civil union,' and the- states whacb did. a national legislature. 'Sbould Rights Act of 1964. belong to it each seemed bent· there be one? Should -it consist The 17 hospitals named in the OIl going its own way. Confident, of one house or two? If two, health agency's announcement predictions were made abroad, should the lower have represen­ are all in, five Southern states that the new, nation could not tation in proportion to populaand have applied for Medicare

,tiOft, and should the upper have cer~ficati0rl' Another 00 hOspi­ last. ' equal representation lor an' the tals are being processed on the The' 'European powers stood states, large and small? question 'of their compliance' ready to snatch up' the pieces. with civil ri!~hts requirements

If the members of the lower and t1iere was always danger 'house were popularly elected, Only two Catholic hospitals are ~at Ii' state, quarreling. with an­ other;''would call in one 01 these' . should not those of the upper involved. ,

Two Catholic hospitals are in­ house be chosen by therespec­ powers as an ally. " tive state legislatures? Should a ,volved because it is claimed that The convention in Philadel­ phia: actually was not cmarged national legislature have power they segregate patients by room with drawing up a constitution. to nullify state legislation? What assignments, although in all role and 'limitations should be' othe,: 'ways the two hospitals are Its assigned task' was no more completely integrated. Both' are set fot federal courts? than the revision of the Articles seeking to 'end segregated room. When decisions as to these mat­ of Confederation: this "s01e 'and assignments; but' 'face local pres­ ters had been hammered out eKpr~ss' purpose" had been de­ there remained problems 'such a~ sure to continue this practice.' fine~ by the Congress. What the Local groups have threatened' to that of the admission to the un­ sessions produced was, providen­ boycott the hospitals unless they ion of new states which surely tially, something else again. would come into existence. Also retain the present degree of seg­ Atrocious Weathell' regation. there was the issue of slavery Msgr. Harrold A. Murray, di­ • The states had named 74 dele­ and the attitude and authority of gates to the convention. Rhode a national government in respect rector of the Bureau of Health Island sent none. Of the 74, only of it. Ta~ation, regulation of and Hospitals, U. S. Catholic

Conference, and member of the 55 were on hand, most of them commerce, armed forces-these Health Insurance Benefits Ad­ politicians and quite younL:. and subjects, . and many another" 34 of them lawyers. came up' for settlement. , visory Council (HIBAC) of the Social Security' Administration, On opening day, May 14, only Marvel Wrought' , stated that-of the 846 Catholic two states were represented!. The There was bitter' c'ontention hospitals in the United States delegates of others showed up concerning a capital for the ~ew later; jf at all, and many stayed nation. The proposal. that it be only two have, been found in non-compliance with the Civil' but bl·iefly. Some came, left, re­ located not in any of the sta'tes Rights Act ,of 1964­ tumed. Others came, left, and but in a federal district 10 miles never returned. The maximum at square set off fireworks in the Hindu Inauigurates any session was 30. convention at the time, and out­ The weather for almos1 the side the convention afterward. Eucharist Congress .

whole four-month period was When one grasps the scope of VELLORE (NC) - The chief

atrocious. The heat and hlJlmid­ the conven,tion's concerns, and minister Gf Madras state, India, ity were overpowering ami re­ the success attained in achiev­ inaugurated a diocesan Eucharis­ lentless. It was virtually impos­ ing something like a consensus, tic Congress here marking the' sible to get a good night's rest. the' use of the word "miracle" first anniversary &f the Vatican Clad in wool and wearing close­ does not appear extravagant. Council's closing. fitting wigs, the delegates were . The value of Mrs. Bowen's The chief minister, M. Bhakta­ Dot dressed for the weat~I'. book is in its reminder of the vatsalam, who iis a Hindu said The sessions, too, were heated. marvel wrought in Philadelphia that such congresses would lead

Close secrecy prevailed (much in 1787 and in its detailing of the to a renewal of faith in God and

greater, by the way, than that making of the Constitution. This ,to the sharing by everyone in the

at Vatican II). But there are rec­ is largely a factual recital, with joys and sorrows of others. ' OI'ds of what went on day by day, relatively little interpretation or The chief minister declared and these have been thoroughly illuminating observation. The that, although a person may be

studied by Mrs. Bowen. Debate style is plain and the pace pedes­ well versed in, Scriptures, he iiIil

was intense, sometimes fiery. trian. We have here an informa­ bound to be misled without faith Some delegates opposed any na­ tive, but far from brilliant ac­ in such conferences, which help

tional government whatsoever. count of • brilliant feat. 1Wa ~w the path of virtue.

document. Nor was it lightly used., If not a miracle strictly speaking, certainly 1: h e 0- e.-h i eve ­ men t was a III ear - miracle. The convention 1 a s t ed f 0 u I' months, almost to the 'day": That

is indeed a short

• time in which to put together the articles of / government for 3,500,000 people. Its being done at all is remarkable. It ill all the more so when one considers the acute difference in viewpoint, in thinking, in interests of the delegates and the states they, represented. And, it is more remarkable' still when one realizes how well the Constitution then fashioned WIs worked in practice for close flo 200 years, during which the Illation has grown and developed &a manner and measure that coould 'n~ver have l;>een foreseen.


Hospitals, Face Funds. Cutoff


Suppose the little girl then asked the 10 sawdust dolls if they would like now to become like that living doll. Seven of them said: "I am satisfied as I am with saw­ dust brains and face, with eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear, with an un-Eucharisted body. The other three said: "I know there was a life higher than this. But I also knew I could never participate in it until it was first given from above." This is the meaning of the en­ fleshment of God at Bethlehem. God be­ came man that man might become God­ like.

The missions are dedicated to giv­ hug all the people of the world tllne chance to know about this lLife that they may respond to it. The reason we have misSionaries 1s to sellllll them to the seven sawdust dolls to try to convince them to really "live!' If you have nev~r brought a soul to Christ, you can help the missionaries who are specialists in salvation.


, In the midst of your Christmas joys then, he mindful of the joyless, like the mother of eleven who came to us for help because 'a Christian welfare organization would aid her' only if she put her children in an institution. Can you imagine ,the Wise Men telling Mary that they would get her out, of the stable only if she would put the Child in the Bethlehem Orphanage! Be saviors. Save families. Save poor bishops in the Missions who must dine and run their chanceries on $80 a month. Save the future of it young man turned, away from a seminary because there are no ~nds to educate him for the priesthood,' By sending a sacrifice. to The Society for the Propagation of the Faith. you are making sure that your money is spent· within the year by the Holy Father where the need is greatest. This year spread your Christmas joy, to others, that they too may know tbe love OI!. Christ and "really live." God .Love You!


God: Love Yoa to' E.D.M; ,tor $50. "This Is mJ' lunch money saved by skimpln~ laach evert other cla,..·1 kDow the swviDc ClaD use it more tban I." ..• to a frieud of Christ for $9. " ••• *­ bria~ more souls to Christ ·tor Cbrlstmas." • . • 'to au tboS& who, sacrtfieed their Clirlstmas card moneJ' for, the MissiOllll.

lncr,ease :your kDowledg~ and lo~ 'of'the Missions' by read­ ing~ISS,Io.1'f" ,a pocket-sized" bi":'monthly' magazine edited by MoSt Rev. FultOn J. Sheen. Keep' your~e1f up-ta-date On mission:' ary activities the world over. Let us put you our SubScription list for only one dollar a year. ,", , "



. Cut out tbls column, pin your saCrifice to' tt and maD it to

MGStRev., Fulton J. Sheen, National Direetor of The Soeieb for the'Propagation of the Faith. 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, New ,.. york 10001, or ,to your Diocesan Director; Rt. Rev. Msgr. Raymond T. Considine, 368 North MafiD ~ir.eet, Fall River, Mass.· '

















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Jesuits Consider Moving Seminary To: City Campus

Thurs., Dec. 29, 1966'

Catholics Assist Aiabama Chapel Building Plan

BALTIMORE (NC)-The head of the Maryland Prov­ ince of the Society of Jesus has confirmed that "serious

BIRMINGHAM (NC) Catholics, who number slightly more than three per cent of Alabama's popula­

consideration" is being given a proposal that the Jesuits' aban­ don their seminary in Woodstock, Md., in order to affiliate with a large urban university. Father Edward J. Sponga, S.J., Maryland provincial, said such a move has been under discussion for some time between Wood­ stock and both Fordham Univer­ sity in New York and Yale Uni­ versity in New Haven, Conn. The purpose of such a move, he said, would be "to put theo­ logical training in a wider aca­ demic context and to make more efficient use of professors, libra­ ries and other academic re­ sources" A committee from Woodstock has been discussing the proposal for some time, he said, with offi­ cials of both Fordham and Yale. Woodstock officials declined to comment on the negotiations.

tion, have contributed $11,591 toward building inter-faith chap­ els at two state institutions for the mentally ill and retarded. Archbishop Thomas J, Toolen, Bishop of the Mobile-Birming­ ham Diocese, reported the con­ tribution as a result of special collections in the diocese's 141 parishes. The campaign goal is $1 mil­ lion, Campaign chairmen are foot­ ball coaches Paul (Bear) Bryant of the University of Alabama and Ralph (Shug) Jordan of Au­ burn University. The chapels are to be built at Bryce State Hospital which has over 5,000 patients who now worship in an old auditorium and Partlow State School and Hospital, with 2,250 patients who attend services in an old school building. "This is indeed a great charity and only God can give the re­ ward for your love and kindness to these, His children, in special need of help," said Archbishop Toolen.

Requires Approval Father Sponga also pointed out that a decision by Woodstock to move would require not only his approval but that of the provincials of the New York and Buffalo Jesuit provinces, for which Woodstock also trains priests, before being submitted for approval to Rome. Woodstock, whose faculty in­ cludes such well known theolo­ gians as Father John Courtney MUJ:ray; S.J., is situated in a rural area some 14 miles west of Baltimore. It has 200 semi­ narian students pursuing a four­ year theological course near the end of their preparation for ordination.

Clergy Recommend Senate of Priests WILMINGTON (NC)-A group of 16 priests elected by diocesan clergy here to meet in a series of dialogues with Bishop Michael W. Hyle of Wilmington has rec­ ommended organization of a sen­ ate of priests to replace the present board of diocesan con­ sultors. The recommendation asked that the senate be formed "3S soon as possible" and if it should constitute the board of consultors that the existing practice of the bishop's appointing the members be discontinued. The priests asked that the senate include Hi members with eighot selected, two each from the four age groups into which the priests are divided. Under the proposal the bishop would serve as senate president and all members except him would serve for three years. It was suggested ,that the senate meet at least once a month.

Rockefeller Suggests Abortion Law Change ALBANY (NC) - State law. prohibiting abortion except when necessary to save the life of the mother should be relaxed, according to Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York. "It is timely," Rockefeller smd at a press conference, "that this matter should be !'eviewed . . . ftConsidered... Asked if UUs meant 'be favGftCl easing the law, Rockefelller lfeo­ plied: ''Correct.'' Several groups including tbe New York State Council of Churches have recommended to ibe State Legislature Ulat tbe ]aw ha changed to allow abor­ tions w be per!!4:lrmed for addi­ tiooilll ~asons.


Religious Burials Lamented in USSR

AID FOR WAR-TORN VICTIMS IN SAIGON: On the day before his departure for Viet Nam, Cardinal Spellman blesses part of the initial shipment of clothing from the 1966 Thanksgiving Clothing Campaign destined for that 'war-torn country. Observing the ceremony are Bishop Edward E .. Swanstrom, right, CRS director, and Msgr. Henry A. Cauley, archdiocesan director of the campaign in New York.

Defends Ban on Hall Use by Peace. Group

'BERLIN (Ncr-The Soviet atheist monthly, Nmika i Reli­ gija, has complained about the number of atheists who prefeJr / church funerals. The periodical referred to sta­ tistics indicating that religious funeral .ceremonies are taking place out of proportion to the number of known Christians in many regions. The magazine therefore assumed many atheists desire funeral services conduded by priests instead of the so-calleel! socialist ceremony. }t further charged that Chris­ tians are "hunt,jng down" reports of deaths so they might arrange for religious burials.

CU Dean Says Spons)rshmp Misrepresented WASHINGTON ~NC) A Catholic University of America spokesman has denied student charges that use of a campus hall for a peace dialogue was refused, because the administration is "reluctant to permit open discus­ Ilion of controversial questions on campus." Dean of Students Eugene Co Orth said that permission for the use of the university's Caldwell Hal for the dialogue was with';' drawn from the Movement for Peace and Freedom in Vietnam because the student organization misrepresented the program and i..s sponsorship. The dialogue, featuring ~hree speakers including a Georgetown University Jesuit theology pr9­ fessor, was transferred off cam­ pus and some ~O students staged a protest rally in font of Cald­ well Hall for an bour prior to the program. 111. explaining why' psrmission for use of the C. l:T. ball had been given and then withdrawn thoe day before the lecture, Dean Orth &aid that the university learned from publicity distrib­ 1Illted on campus that the "event planned was not as' described, illl sponsorship or in purpose, on the , application- foll' lIhe use fBi the

campus b,aD.- .. ,-


, Ncm-eampUSi.Gl1'o'miliv.il Be .Sl'lid the three speakers­ Father Richard McSorley, S.J., of Georgetown, the Rev. Channing P1lMllips, pastor of Linoolrn lVle-

morial Congregational Temple, and Da.id Delinger, editor of Liberation magazine - were the same as identified in the appli­ cation but that "in all other re­ spects the event announced dif­ fered from that for which use of Caldwell Hall had been ap­ proved." According to Dean Orth the ~vent as publicized differed from the program described on the ap­ plication in four ways: 1. The publicity fliers said the event would be "a public dia­ logue on the morality of the Vietnam war," whereas the stu­ dent group had. sought permis­ sion only for the speakers to lec­ ture. 2. Fifteen non-campus groups, not including the Movement for Peace and Freedom in Vietnam which had applied for use of the hall, were listed as sponsors. Condemns, n. S. Actions 3. The fliers. asked for dona­ tions whereas fund raising had not been listed as a purpose and is forbidden without special permission under the by-laws of­ the university's social activities committee. 4. Dr. Rodney Shaw of the Methodist Board of Christian Concell'l/l was identified in pub­ licity as chairman of the meeting but had not been named llS a participant in the application for use of the hall. lOr. Shaw if this had been l!'e­ 421uested in the' application."

Dean Orth said that "there was no objection to any of the speak­ ers, as such, since they had ori­ ginally been ap'proved as lectu­ rers to the student group, nor would there have been any ob­ jection to the participation of




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Alice of Wonderland. in Paris And Now Miguel rlllll.mlllllllllllllll::::_~_"n- Batman









:,.:: :ijjllllilllllllllilUlIIlIIlIIlIlIIlIIllIIlIlIIllIIlIIlIlIIllIIlIlIIUlllllllllllllllllllllum .:.,

Battle Of The Bulge· Birds Do It Boishoi Ballet, The mussJ Billy the Kid vs. Dracula Bremen Town Musicians Capture That Capsule Christmas That Almost . Wasn't Country Boy Daydreamer' Dr Who and the Daleks Evening With The Royal Ballet, An ' Fantastic Voyage

· Fighting Prince of Donegal , Fantomas (Fr.,ltalJ Flight of the Phoenix Follow Me Boys Frankenstein .Conquers The Word , Frontier Hellcat GamlJit Ghost and Mr. Chicken, The Gulliver's Travels Beyond the Moon Hansel and Gretel How teSteal a Million I Deal In Danger Invasion Quartet Is Paris Burning? Jack Frost

Last of ·h'e Renegades' Lassie's Great Adventure,' Man Called Flintstone Man for All Seasons My Son, the Hero 'Mysterious Island , •. Namu, Killer Whale .Night of the Grizzly Paradise Hawaiian Style Pied, Piper of Hamelin Pirates of Tortuga Plainsman, The Purple Hills Queen of Blood Queen of the Pirates Rare Br!!ed. The Redeemer, The

. Return of the Gunfighter Russian Adventure Russians Are Coming, The Rings Around the' World Romeo and Juliet Secret Seven Sergeant Was A Lady Singing Nun, The Sleeping Beauty Sleeping Beauty, The (RussJ Smoky Snake Woman Son of a Gunfighter Sound of Music, The , Spinout ' . Tarzan and the Valley of Gold

Those Magnificent· Men fJl Their. Flying Machines Teenage Miflionaire Texas Across the River:. That Tennesse Beat Tiko and the .Shark Trouble With Angles,The Ugly Daschund, The Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea When the Clock Strikes White, Mane (French) .' . Willie McBean Winnie The Pooh .Years of Lightning, Day 01 Drul1)s You Have, to 'Run Fast

i .\:

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'~I'I MORAllY:::'::A.~ ~ E"











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.§, ':-,,:':5






After the Fox Agony and the Ecstacy, The Alphabet Murders, The Apa'che Uprising Assault On a Queen Atlantis, The Lost Continent .Big Hand for the Little Lady. Big T.N.T. Show, The Bounty Killer, The Boy Cried Murder, The Brides of Fu Manchu Bridge to the Sun Brown Eye-Evil Eye C'mon, Let's Live a Littb Die, Monster, Ole


Alfie Anatomy of A Marrla,. lilt .Collector, The Cool World, The Darling . Divorce, Italian Style 1Jt*, MORALLY UNOBJECTIONABLE FOR . Dr. Strangelove ADULTS, WITH RESERVATIONS Eclipse IItalJ 11II1I1II11II1111111I1111111111I1111I1111111II1II1I111II11II1I1I11II1It1ll1ll1l1l1l1ll10Dlll 8!h (ItalJ

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Agent for H.A.R.M. Amorous Adventures of Flanders ' ' An American Dream Arrive'derci, Baby Blood and Black Laco· Boeing, Boeing Cassanova 70 Cincinnati Kid,·The City of Fear . Cry of'Battle Curse of the Voodoo Dementia 13 -. Desert Raven Devil and The Ten _ Commandments Duel At Diablo




Affair of the Skin, All Balcony, The Bambole lItal.>Bell'Antonio lItalJ Boccaccio 70 (ltaU Bonne Soupe, La lFrJ Breathless (Fr.> Christine Keele; Aftalr., 'DlIi1I Circle of Love Cloportes (FrJ Cold Wind in August CONDEMNED Contempt (Fr.> CuI de Sac Dear John (SwedJ Doll, The (SwedJ !§ During One Night CBrJ Empty Canvas . Girl With the Goldel!l ~ (frJ !1II:lIInIllIlIlHIII111111111111 I 1111 111111 JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUDml 1"'1111111111111111111"111""IIII1W1H1II~lllmmm




Jesse James Meets , Mystery of Thug 'Island, The 'Shadow of Evil Frankenstein's Daughter One Spy Too Many Shameless Old Lady Joltnny Nobody , O.S.S., Miss,ion For A Killer Spy In Your Eye Johnny Reno . Out of Sight Stagecoach Judex Pit and the Pendulum Sweet Light in a Dark ROOlI Judith Plague of the Zombies Texican, The Kid Rodelo Planet Of The Vampires Tobruk , Traitor's Gate . Kwaidan (Japanese) Poppy Is Also a Flower La Boheme Psychopath, The Trunk, The Let's Kill Uncle Red Tomahawk Twenty Plus Two Little Ones, The Projected Man Warning Shot Lollipop Cover, The Reptile. The Waco Mao Executioners, The Sardonicus Walk in the Shadow Marco the Magnificent Scream of Fear Wrong Box Merry Wives of Windsor, Th::l Secret of Deep Harbor Weekend With Lulu

Fortune Cookie Ada Madam X Promise Her Anything Study in Terror Alphaville (frJ Funeral in Berlin . Main Chance Quilier Memorandum Susan Slade Funny Thing Happened Oll Alvarez Kelly Male Companion (frJ Return of the Seven Ten Little Indians Ambush Bay the Way to The Forum McGuire Go Home Ride Beyond Vengeance Thousand Clowns, A Great Spy Chase, The Any Wednesday Mickey One Rocco and His Brothers (!talJ three On a Spree Arabesque Great War. The . Mister Buddwing 'Rotten to the Core (BrJ Thunder of Drums Haiy! Mafia Armored Command Modesty Blaise (BrJ Sands of the Kalahari Thunderball

Bang, Bang You're Dead He Who Must Die Moment To Moment Season of Passion Times Lost and Time

Hot Rod to Hell' Blues For Lovers Second Best Secret. Agent IE! Rem'embered" '

. Money, Money, Money· (f.rJ Morgan ' the Whole Wide .World To 'Trap"A Spy ..

Breakfast: At Tiffany's 'Hotel Hustler, The Bunny Lake Is Missing Naked Prey, The Secret Agent Super Dr~g<in Town Without Pity •

Cast A, Giant Shadow Nanny, The . Shakespeare Wallah (India) Two Women IItatJ .' Idol, The CBrJ Inside, Daisy Clover Chamber of HorrorS Not On Your Life CSpJ Shop on Main Street, The 'Up To His EarS ' Island. of ,Terror Not With My Wife, 'lou DoaIit Spir,it Is Willing"':' . Veneian Affair Clalidelle Inglish Johnny Tiger, . Cquch, The Pawnbroker, The· . Spy Who Came in From the Walk, Don'! Run . Dead' Heat on a M~ .I{aleidpscqpe Pad and How to Use rt.,:iIle . Cold, The 'Weekend at Dunkirk .. Round, Ki(lg Rat "Spy With A Cold' . _ West Side' .Story, ':" ': , Picture Mommy Dead, '1 EI Dorado. , •La,;,Visita.. " , Panic in Year.·Zero •. ,. :." " Stop the World, .1. Want Te Where tlie, Bullets Fly ,,Lost. ,C9fi1man~ The . EI Greco ., .Penelope,. :, . . ,Get. Off'.". .where The; Spies Are' Enough Rope Liquidator, The Professionals, The Sucker, The (Fr.-~rigJ Wil~ S~ed' (was: Fargo)


, ~=_i =

Dr. Goldfoot and the Bikini Machine DraCUla, Prince- of Darkness Eye For An Eye, An Farenheit 451 Frankie and Johnny Frantic Fort Utah Glass Bottom Boat, The Great Wall. The UapJ Gu'ns of Darkness Gypsy Girl Heroes of Telemarlt' Impossible on Saturday It Hallpened Here

Ftame .and


the FIN

Georgy Girl Girl With Green Eyes !lIN Hill, The Important Man .(Me)(iClQ .Intruder Julietaf the· Spirits UtaID Knack, The CBrJ L~haped ROORl, ih9

Life at the Top CBrlt/slit

Pressure Point, ' Lolita Pumpkin Eater, The Lord Love a Duck . Red Desert Love a la Carte Servant, The Marriage,ltalian Style' lltat!·· Storm Center Moment of -Truth;· The Strangers in the City Night of the Iguana ' Taboos of the World (Itat» Nothing But the Best '(kj., This Sporting Life .. Organizer, The (ItalJ ' Too Young to Love


Victim C1ki Visit, The . '. Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Yellow Rolls Royce, The ,Young and the Willing Zorba, The Greek

Eva . Man in the Middle Return' to Mr. Moto, The Torn Curtain Fine Madne$s, A , Marriage on the Roclli!' Sandpiper, The .Vice and Virtue WI'J , Money ,Trap " Seconds Froin. Russia With!..cJtll Village of the Giants Group, The Mozambique Seven Women Viva Las Vegas' Girls on' the Beacb 'Night Must Fall" Seventh Dawn Viva Maria He Rides Tall .' lIlo Greater Sin (was: ro ~ Sex and The Single Girl Way, Way· Out! . Honeymoon Hotel ' Anxious) Shot in the Dark, PI What A Way' to Go How tli Stuff a Wild BOOiii:'! Oh Dad, Poor Dad, Mom~ Silencers, The What's New"Passycat? Irma.1II D01,lee Hung You in the ' CI~elt', Sleeping Car Murder, The Whu Killed .Teddy Bear? " Kissin'· .Cousins andTm Feeling:So :Bad' 'Small World of Sammy Lee, , Who's Been Sleeping 10 ri5v ,LadyL ... :Bed.··.. , .. '..Oscar, The The (8r J' last ,of, the ,.Secret ~, .,·,Our ,Man mnt. I " .: • 'Saldier ,in the Rain ·Why Bother To -Knock . Long Ships;,The, lPistoLfor Ringo; :,,,, I . Space Flight le-..l (ilrJ Wild 'Angels looking For Love .!Psyche 59 '" Spy With My Face What 'Did You Do ICl tbe Love on the Riviel1l" .Racing' Fever . Strangler, 1 TIta War, Daddyl _,Rasjlutin Swinger, The ·Loved One" The Young .Dillinger Male HUllt Red .Line 7000 1lbis Property isCondemnedi Zombie ·Green Mare WI' J High Infidelity--{ltaOJ I Love, Yau Love Otst» Image of love Joan of the Angels' Jules and Jim Kiss Me Stupid Knife in the WBJter ILa Fuga lItalJ Knif.. in the Water lPolI La Mandragola (ltalJ La Notte (Night) (I~ Lady Chatterty's lo\w . . Law, The WI'J let's Talk About Wo. (ItalJ Love Gamll WI'J Love Goddesses, Th9 love ill 4 Dimensions _

Rude Odyssey, The Ota~ Silence, The (frJ Odd Obsession UapJ Swedish Wedding Night (Swed.) Of Wayward Love (lta~ Oscar Wilde CBrJ 'B'ake It All CA Toue Prellllnlt (CanJ Passionate Summer (Fr.·ltai:a Loving Couples Phaedra <Greek) Tales of Paris (frJ Mademoiselle Playgirl After Dark CBtl» Temptation (fr.·ltalJ Magdalena (Ger,» Please, Not Now! ~ TerraCe, The (SpanJ Maid in Paris IFrJ Port of Desire . fo Love (Swed'> Married Woman, 'DIe N Pot Bouille o.overS Ilif ~ Too Young, To... ImmOf'ilJ (frJ Mating Urge Viridiana (Sp'> Miller's Beautiful Wife tRd Prime TIme Wasted Lives and TIle . . Mistress for the ~~ A Private Property of Twins Molesters, The Question of Adulteq Weekend <DanJ Mom and Dad CSideroad.\ lliepulsion Whars Up Tiger D.iIyf Mondo PallO OtalJ ' Saturday Night and Sundq White Voices (ltalJ My Life to Uve IfFJ Morning CBrJ Woman in the Dunes U&I Never Oll 'Sunday (Greell Seven Capital Sins era Women of the World OtaU SWeet ami Sour (NJ . ~w Angels, T~ g~ 'roung World, The (fll'J 1L0ve and Marriage

!Love Is My ProfessIOll," Love on a Pillow ffJ . lovers, The Wr J loves of a' Blonde

ANCHOR15 Newark Priests New Bedford Kiwanians Donate Paperback THE Thurs., Dec. 29, 1966 Favor Meetings, Library. to St. Anne's School in Ci~y Bishops of U. S. In Each Parish . By Patricia Francis NEWARK (NC)~Regular Aid Catechetical

Immediately after the open house to be held at St. Anne School, New Bedford, the week rectory meetings involving , the pastor and his assistants of January 8-:~m. exciting "grand opening" will be held at the school. It will be the open­ Effort in Pe·ru·.:

ing ~ the new school library of "almost 400' paperback books," selected by the faculty

are being advocated here in

.WASHINGTON (NG)·"'" New Jersey to improve com­ and donated to the school by the New Bedford Kiwan~s Club. For Kiwanians, Project The National .Catechetical municatiops among ~h~ clergy. BOOK is an innovation. The Program of Peru has. i&- ' The recommendation is con­ imned in s'report submitted by service club selected two . ceived $7,500' assistanee a three-mail' subcommittee :schools in the city; St. Anne. grant from the 1966 U. S:. Bisb­ headed by Msgr. Patrick D. Mc­ - ops' .national annual collection and the Ashley School, to Grath, archdiocesan director 'of for Latin America. launch the paperback give-away the Legion of Mary. The report . program. "Volunteer catechists are fill­ is the first of three being pre­ ing the gap in religious instruc­ "I don't know ,how we were pared and discussed by the year­ tion caused by the 'extreme selected," Sister Mary Alban, old, citY'-wide Newark Priests' slio'rtage of priests and religious C.S.C., .principal and superior, Group. "

in Latin America," said Bishop said, "and I don't care, I'm just E';;change Views

grateful." James A. McNulty of Buffalo, Assessing the present situation, chairman of the sub-committee Along with the library of the report noted some rectories for finances of the U. S. Bishops' paperback books which Ki­ have communication on only an Committee for Latin America. informal basis while others may wanis will supplement and re­ "The Office for the Na'ti~nal place as they wear out-organi­ have little or no communication Formation of Native Catechists zation members also donated at all. in Peru has trained over 6,000 The value of planned rectory lumber for bookshelves to house volunteer catechists in the past them. The shelves were built by meetings, the report said, would 11 years. The assistance sent by be to enable each priest to see a carpenter who donated his the U. S. Bishops will help to in­ the viewpoint of the others on time and skill to the project. crease the effectiveness of a pro­ The librar:' at the school, lo­ a level where all are speaking gram which has proved to be cated on the second floor of the equally. Such meetings would successful;" he added. offer priests an opportunity to school building, now has "about Dire Need say what they want, to describe 800 volumes," Sister Mary Alban Father Thomas Verhoeven, things as they are and to offer said. M.M., of Cuzco, Peru, director of To Be Used constructive criticism about the the Office for the National For­ parish. The "Kiwanis books" are m:1tion of Native Catechists, Other advantages seen are an geared to pupils from the second stressed that lay catechists are improvement in the sense of through the eighth grades and indispensible if the Church is t@ community among priests, more cover a wide variety of topics, keep pace with Latin America's efficient parish operation and from straight story books to "de­ rapid growth. the feeling of sharing it would finitive" . works on sports, sci­ engender among the priests.

"If the Church is to be revivi­ ence and manners. Counsel of Nuns

fied in Latin America, it must be The books are "not just to look done, for the most part, by train­ Regularly scheduled rectory at," Sister Mary Alban said, ing apostolic laymen as cate­ meetings, the report said, would "they are to be used, The chil- . chists," said Father Verhoeven. have to be cooperative ventures dren will have their own library BOOKS APLENTY: Youngsters at St. Anne's School, "The rural catechetical move­ because neither' pa'stors nor cards and they will be able to New Bedford get preview. of new ,paperback library do-" ment in Peru is proof of wba. curates have all the answers to keep the books for two weeks." can' be done ,to revivify .the parish problems. nat~d by city Kiwanis Club. It'll b~ qf~icially opened fol­ . The book project 'origin~ll,. . Church even with the humbleSt It suggested that priests within was intended to'be ,inaugurated . lowmg school open house. -"the -'week 8. ott~e laity, if th~y are .·appr~ . . of Jan. . a rectory. rotate' the .chairman­ in every school in the city,'pub- : .ciat~, pf,operly trained and or':' ship of the meetings but that a ,lie and parochial, a Kiwanis" ,Each book h~s, beenc~taloiued 'sharing family ~xcitement and 'gap ize9." regular secretary be assigned. It spo~esman sai.d.· ., . . and will be available for isSue 'iun. , The 1967 U. S. Bishops' na­ suggested, too, that weekend as­ " Ho~ever,. the ,~ub now.' ill to youngs.ters a.fter the open 'In Janqaty, they. will be ready· tional annual collection for Latin sistants take part in, such meet­ . , , , ' ,to settle down to being bo9k.,. . America will be held on Jim. 29 ings, along with Sisters serving waiting tl) fi~d .out whether it , hous~.. ',fhe nuns at St. Anne's,ilre ,e~- .. worqls <.tgain. Then the Kiwanis· in parishes throughout the na­ in the parish when their counsel is merely duplicating 'a Feder-. ally-su~sidizedprogram. As a perienced. With. Christmas .vaca7. gift will be as really appreciated" tion, except ina few diocesett could be of assistance. Discussing the report,. the ~esult, St. Anne's and the Ashley tion coming, pupils won't he ' by the students as it is now by where it has been rescheduled 10 conform with local circum­ 'l'iests viewed it as a' basis for School now are "special schools." reading as much as they will be the faculty. stances. ,.lter-parish communication on common problems and as a means of communication with the archdiocesan senate of priests NO JOB TOO BIG now being established.

Other Suggestions

NONE TOO SMALL SPOKANE (NC) - There is Social Security payments to reaching a consensus the senate The recommendations favor a meeting of pastors to discuss this hardly a diocese.in the country priests, because based on earned will propose a retirement policy'

with a "logical or practical" re­ salary, are not sufficient to for the diocese to the bishop.

and subsequent reports; the re­ tirement policy for its priests, fully support most priests, he

port be forwarded to the senate PRINTERS

when it is organized; a standing according to Father John Fahy, added.

Some of the larger dioceses,

committee to promote rectory president of Spokane's Senate of Ma.in Office and Plant

Father Fahy pointed out, main­

meetings and regular liaison Priests. The how and when of retire' tain retirement homes, for eld­

95 Bridge St., Lowell, Mass.

with other groupings of priests. ment are t>eing studied by the erly and infirm priests, .but this' Tel. 458-6333

eight-member elected senate in. type of facility .is beycmd the ,fi­

the hope of filling in this gap nancial reaches. of most. dioceses..

Auxiliary Plants

here.... , . After studying. the matter' an~ aOSTO~ I Commercial • Industrial' Lack of any formulated Policy CAMDEN, N.J. JAMAICA (NC) - A bishop on .retirement and, pensions ia ~ ,Institutional characterized St. Vincent de one of the major reasons priestS . WASHINGTON (NC)'~Sis~: ' . Painting an~ Decorating 'O,CEANPORT, N.J• Paul, founder of the Vincentia . hesitate to "retire,' Father Fahy Mary Edna has' been named' a ' MIAMI 'said. . 672~i911' Fathers, as "the saint par excel­ permanent member of a 10-. Fall River.' PAW.TUCKEY, R.I. lence of the atomic age." "The matter of retirement and member steering committee for

74 William~on Street PHILADELPHIA Speaking at St. John's Univer­ retirement pensions," he contin­ '8 national congress for Better

sity's 19th annual coilVocation ued, "is causing .concern . to Commercial Broadcasting to be·

honoring the saint, Auxiliary priests throughout the United' held early in 1968. She is direc-

Bishop John J. Graham of Phil­ tor of special projects in the States. adelphia said "one needs an ad­ "As things are now, a priest National Catholic Educational " ditional amount of soul to stand must provide his pension himself. Association's elementary, sec­ up to the excesses of the modem Few are able to do so out of ondary, and college and univer­ WITHOUT TRAFFIC & PARKING PROBLEMS world and what we need today monthly stipends. Most feel sity departments. at the are souls that are extraordinarily death will solve this problem for expanded, souls of fire who are them." . at the same time simple, strong Father Fahy pointed out that and balanced, joyful and opti­ SOMERSET, MASS. mistic as Monsieur Vincent was." the highest salary paid a priest The university, conducted by in the Spokane diocese is $125 the Vincentians, conferred 8Ill per month, and that out of this The most frielJ'ldly, democraHe BAN&f oHerine honorary degree on Bishop sum it is almost impossible ~ save for the retirement years. Graham. Henry J. Shields, secre­ Complete One~Stop l831!81J'fJ!king S8 Insufficient tary of the Brooklyn Diocesan Club Accounts Auto L@illJI71IS Many aging priests hope to oba Central Council of the St. Vin­ Checking Accounts Business o.oans cent de Paul Society, was pre­ tam chaplaincies for their older PRiNTED AND MAILED

sented with the university's st. years, "but there aren't enough. Savings Accounts ReaD Es~a~1l! Loans Wri~e 011' Phone 672-1322

Vincent de Paul Medal, awarded hospitals to go ar01md," Fathe1' At Somerset Shopping Area-Brightman St. Bridge annually to a Catholic laymBll1 Fahy said. Such work, he added, 234 Second Street Fall River who has distinguished himself m also requires a reasonably Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation the field of Catholic Charit,y. healthy man.




Ponder Retirement Policy for Priests

Senate Stresses .Lack of Pensions


St. Vincent de .Paul, Atomic Age Sahlt'





on' Committee' ':' ..









-!Jlocese OT tall f<iver-Tl'IUrs. Dec.


Mexican Incnans Kece.ve uelayeo Gifts of Food, Clothing, Medicine


Priest's First Mass

Continued from Page One GChool division an:! commenced Illis junior college studies, also at Miramar. After two years he entered the Divii1E' Word Novi­ tiate he resumed studies and re­ eeived a Bachlor oX' Arts Degree from the University of the State of New York in 1963, with a _major in Philosophy. On Sept. 8, 1962 he pronounced Illis first vows in Mle Society of the Divine Word and the follow­ in.j year, upon graduating went South to begin theological studies at Divine Word Semi­ nary, Bay St. Louii" During the Summer months Father Kelly pursued courses in Sociology' at Spring Hill College, Mobile and. Loy 0 I a Univers:ty, Chicago, towards a Master's Degree. In 1964, he was elected co­ chairman of the Seminarians' Catholic Action Study of the South (SCA-SS), an organization of seminarians from the southern states. He. was elected chairman of the same group for the 1965­ .1966 year and acted as host chairman for the 18th Annual' Convention at Divine Word Seminary, Bay St. Louis. Father Kelley is n contributor to the Divine Wore! Messenger, organ of the work of the Divine Word Missionaries in the south­ ern United States. He is aiso a· member of the Catholic . Press Association (CPA) and has writ­ ~n articles- for various papers' and' magazines. As a seminarian' l1le also worked as a supervisor ~parole officer) with the Han­ ~k County Welfare Depart-· Illlent. At an afternoon ceremony em (lbe day of ordination Father Kelley will receive his Missien Cross along with other missionMy priest classmaten. Fr. Kelley will offer his first. Solemn High Mass Sunday, JaR. l~, at twelve noon in St. Mary's Church, Mansfield. Elis Excellen­ ey, Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., Bishop of'FaU Rivel" will preside; and His Excelleney, Most Rev. Harold R. Perry, S.V.D., Auxiliary BiHhop of New Orleans, will preach. Bishop Perry is Father Kelly's former Rector and Provincial Superior. Rev. John T. Higgins, Pastor, will be the Archpriest; Vel',! Rev. John W. Bowman, S.V.D., P·rovincial Superior of the Divil'\e W 0 I' d. Missionaries" Southern Province will be Deacon; and Rev. James F. Kelley, assistant pastor, will be subdeacon. St. Mary's Parish choir, under the di.rcction of Rev. Martin Buote, will provide the music'. A recep­ tion for the new priest will be held from 3:30 to 6:00 in St. Mary's Parish hall. Other members of the family include: Mr. John S. Kelley Jr., Science Instructor al: Mansfield

Protestants United Fight School [Buses MILWAUKEE (NC) - The Milwaukee chapter of Protes­ tants a-n d Other Americans United for Separation of Church and State (POAU) has pledged a twofold campaign against a proposal to provide state funds for bus transportation for paro­ chial school students. The state legislature is ex­ pected to give second approval in its 1967 session to a constitu­ tional amendment allowing the bus funds. The question would then go before the public in a referendum on the election bal­ lot. Speaking against the move at l'l POAU meeting was the chap­ ter president, the Rev. Earl G. Buck, and POAU Executive Di­ ~ctor Glenn L. Archer, who urged all to help defeat the pro­ posal by joining POAU, orgaR­ izing house parties and sending letters to newspapers against it.



High; Mrs. Anne R. Schleicher Jr. of Chartley; Rev. Raymond H. of Taichung, Taiwan; Paul G., a textile executive with the Riegel Textile Corp., Johnston, South· Carolina; Robert W., a Trans World Airline pilot, of Holliston; Mrs. Jane Fales, of Attleboro; and Pvt. Gerard A., of Camp Ord, California. Tlie par­ ents and the entire family are all college graduates. Father Kelley will return to Bay St. Louis to finish his fourth year of Theology but will return to Mansfield for a month in the Summertime. The Society of the Divine Word, of which Father Kelley is a member, was founded in . 1875 by Father Arnold Janssen a pari!?h priest. Since its humbi~ start in Steyl, Holland, it has grown to be one of the largest missionary orders in the Catholic EDUCATOR: Brother Avi­ Church; with over 6,000' mem­ to, Superior General of the bel'S. The Society, composed .of priests and Brothers working as Bannakaroli (Sons of Charles a team, are in 35 countries of the Lwanga) Brothers, an in­ world, having been entrusted digenous Uganda teaching with the care of 76 million peo­ pIe. Its work includes parishes, order. NC Photo. high schools, colleges and universities, scientifis research, youth work and every kind of mission­ ary activity. In the United States Continued from Page One th" Society has over a dozen seminaries and maintains over tions, be recited at all Ma~ses during Unity Week. 45 mission parishes, mainly in Each area of the Diocese, un­ the South. Members come from der the leadership of the desig­ every race and nation. Its inter­ national headquarters is located . nated pastors, will also sponsel' an Interfaith Service for the in Rome, Italy. people within that area. The The Society has one Cardinal, His Eminence Thomas Cardinal date, place and program of the Tien, S.V.D. of Taiwan, five services are to be determined boy archbishops and 28 bishops the Catholic, Protestant and Or­ thodox committees of the areas. around the world in various mis­ ·Within each area of the Fall sion countries. Among the arch­ bishops are two Americans and River Diocese, a series of epea among the bishops, feur are Houses are also being arranged ~r Unity Week among the Cath­ American. c»ic, Protestant :and OIthode-x cluucnes, Here too, the times, places and Humber of these 'OpeR Heuses are to be determined b,. 'local ecumenical committes. PADERBORN (NC)-As a re­ In both the parish schools and stili of the large posf-World War the CCD centers, projects· are H influx of Catholic refugees being instituted that iD.velve f-rom Iron Curtain countries ap-· Christian Unity as a theme. preximately $8 million has been These projects include guest expended in the construction of lecturers, 'films on Christian new Catholic churches in areas Unity, Scripture services and of 'this country where the pop­ others means selected by tile ulation had been predominantly teachers. Protestant. . Finally, Rev. John F. Hogan, administrator of st. John the A total of $2 million for new churches in those regions has Baptist Par~sh, 'Central Village, been spent this year, but 1,000 and Rev. John P. Cronin, admin­ more churches must be built to istrator M St. Bernard Parish, Assonet, as the Diocesan Ceordi­ meet the needs of the new Cath­ olic settlers. . nators of Television and Radio. have already begun te work· with their Protestant counter­ parts to stress the Unity themes .on all religious radio and tele­ vision programs during Uait..,. DETROIT (NC)-A group of Week. University of Detroit theology students will be dividing their time between classroom and .the impovershed areas of. the' Ken­ tucky mountains. A week's work in the moun­ tains will be part of a theology ST. JOHN BAPTIST,

department course called "For­ CENTRAl. VILLAGE

mation of the Christian Con­ Miss Donna Azevedo, daughter

science: A Work-Research Sem­ inar in Church and Poverty." of parishioners Mr. and Mrs. Al­

fred Azevedo, will be among

Beginning in January, those at­ tending the course will take one presentees at the Bishop's Char­

ity Ball Wednesday, Jan. 11. Miss

class a week on campus. Azevedo is a senior and honor

"In addition, they will be re­ quired to spend. one week in student at Bishop Stang High

School, North Dartmouth.

Kentucky helping to ease the The Ladies Guild is scheduling

poverty of some of its hill a' potluck supper for members

people," explained Father Don­ ald Brezine, S.J.,. of the Jesuit only at 7:30 Thursday night, Jan.

12 at the parish hall. It will pre­

university's theology department. cede the unit's regular meeting.

EL PASO (NC)-A. group of Mexican cattlemen have found a way around an i~ternatiom;\l controversy over aId to. aJ:l Indian tribe in Mexico's Chihuahua state. Food, clothing and medicine intended for the Indians were moved across the U. S.-Mexico border to Ciudad Juarez in Mexico, where they are being stored before being turned over to priests for distribution.·Catholic authorities in Ciudad Juarez helped in the operation.

by the Southern Pacific Rall­ However, objecting to charges of negligence and offended by the relief offer the Mexican gov­ ernment refu~ed the help and stopped the train at the border. The Mexican government denied charges that the Indians were starving. Stored in a Mexican ware­ house here since '&ept. 24, the supplies were moved in mid­ December. A loophole in Mexican customs rules apparently enabled the Last September, responding to Mexican ranchers, who sell cat­ an appeal by' a missionary priest, tle in El Paso, to load their Father Luis Verplancken, S.J., trucks with the supplies and take' on behalf of the Tarahumara them back to Mexico. Indians, the residents of La­ Joe Rey, an El Paso attorney fayette, La., donated $300,000' charged with the legal arrange­ worth of goods which were ments for the supplies, said they shipped to EI Paso free of charge had crossed the border legally.




Unity Week


THIS What will 1967 be like? The world will be a more· DEPENDS peaceful place If everyone does his share•••• ON Last year the Holy Father trained thousands of YOU native priests and Sisters, ··built hundreds of schools. cllniCll, chapels, end cared for orphaRs, lepers. 'the aging. He can do even more In 1961 if you- uk us to 8end fuDlnformatlon to you. to yotU'. friends•••• ·How r:an)'ou makathe WOl'Id • ,better p1ac.7Pray ·for ·our prlests·,and S1steJ:I tit Mass -each da.Y, oddo aU -yot:I can m <atve them what they ,need. Thev ..... your·.m..... dora to the poor, :anllJ thq get ltmeJy,ItuIltn, tired. Month:oby month In "61, he". .·sbarw In d the SOVd the¥ dol ..

$8 Million For New German Churches

PW& What'becomea of the fun Iftd f(oflc NewVear's NEW E.ve1·WhIltyou spend Is acme the mornlll8 after. mEAl ••• Month -bN month In 1981, here'. whR you FOIIoa" do: 19170 l'mna.tiveSister oversea I. She'll be your ·;personal reprelenbttive to .people who need' help,eAd she'Ir write to you. Her .trainlng costa· on'ly"$1-2.50 • rnonth,$lSO • year, $3OOaltD­ s8ther. Train • native pr.iest. He wants ,to glv.- his me for others. For the ReXt slK years ·he -n18Chl .$8.50. month ($IOe it ,year, $6OO-altogettlel'). Wrltetcl us. . Feed a famlly,of l'8fupu. $10 feeds afamUy ··fora monthl 'Enroll a r:elative or fdend. month, newborn hlfantB, students, the III, IfI this Association. The offering ~I only .$2 for a .year, $25 for life. '.mIlyenrollment is only $10 a year, $100 for ~ife. Receive a brand new, beautiful enrollment certificate. lJJ Stringless. Send e gift each month to the Holy Father to take care at the countless number of mission emergencies. He will use It where It's needed most.


o o

Theology Students Work in Mountains

.The Parish Parade

. . Grant for Movies . WASHINGTON (NC) - The National Council on Arts has made a $71,783 matching grant to Fordham University, New York, for a project tQ bring su­ perior mo,vies to high school stu­ dents, especially those in slum areas.

ST. ,JOHN THE BAPTIST• IFALL IUYER The Council of Catholic Women

will serve a potluck supper to

its members on Monday night,

Jan. 9. Heading the committee

are Mrs: Raymond Franceeur,'

chairman, and Mrs. Arthur .st"

Germaine, co-chairman.


YOUR Somewhere In our IS·country mission world . you can build. complete partsh plant (church, PROJEOT echool, rectory, and convent) for $10,000. Name POI'I1 It for your ·favorlte saint, In your loved ones' ~memGry. The plaque that wnJ be erected wtll request the prayers of grateful people this year end forever for the members of your fa~. living and deceased.



1I)earliHcLoSllD .UIASI PIND MonIfInoI'Molam FO"'­ ~".

Please roblm couPOl'il with your offering


_ _~






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_ _ _ _ _




MSGR. JOHN G. NOLAN, National secretary Write: CATHOLIO NEAR lAsT WELFARE Assoc. 330 Madison Avenue·New Vork, N.V. lOOn Telephones 211/VUkon 6-15840


New Jersey Clergy, Nun Score City Council 'Political Pressure' JERSEY CITY (NC) A priest, a minister, a rabbi and a Sister have issued stinging criti­ cism of the local City Council for attempting to exert political pressure on the board' of mana­ gers of the city-operated Med­ kal Center. All four are members of Ute board of managers. They include Father Victor R. Yanitelli, S.J., president of St. Peter's College; Sister M. AmbrosiDa, adminis­ trator of St. Francis Hospital; the Rev. Samuel B. Brosius, pastor of All Souls Lutheran Church, and Rabbi Samuel A. Berman of Temple Beth El. In a signed statement they charged that the City Council "appears to be more concerned with political pressure than with excellence in patient care at the Medical Center." They issued the statement prior to the start of a law suit attacking the legality of a con­ tract for food service awarded by the board of managers. "We wonder," they said, "whether the council really wants us to reduce the cost of its old white elephant hospital; whether it really wants this in­ stitution, so long politically­ ridden, to become a dynamic agency for the public's health and for service to the people." Frequent Charges The Medical Center was built during the height of the Depres­ pression with WPA funds. It is considered a tribute to the late Democratic leader, Mayor Frank Hrgue, but thl hospital's full space has never been utilized and there have been frequent charges 'of political meddling and mismanagement. Some unused space was rented to Seton Hall University a decade ago for the establish­ ment of the state's first medical school but from the start there was constant bickering between the city and the school, with the city attempting to dictate some school p.olicie/>. This coupled with continuing deficits, .led Seton. Hall to ask the state to p~l1:chase the school and operate it as a state institu­ tion. After enabling legislation was passed, the state took cOn­ trol and moved the school out of the Medical Center. Refuse to Ratify At the basc of the latest dis­ pute is the refusal of the City

Council to ratify the actions of the board of managers. The board was organized at the sug­ gestion of the courts shortly the state too'll: control of the medical school.

Sensationalism Continued from Page One It continued: "The faithful in good faith be­ lieve these priests are authorized to do this. They are scandalized beyond repair when they find out that priests offered a strange kind of Mass in a nutty place, thereby deceiving good people into believing that they were authorized. This is the scandal of 1966! We hope it dies with Dec. 31!" Prudent Procedure The newsletter conceded "some of these innovations have solid foundation." But, it added, "un­ til they are authorized by the Church, • they remain experi­ ments, authorized only for a few. That few is not in Pittsburgh." The newsletter stated also that "the point must be obvious" that "even though a particular litur­ gIcal reform will become author­ mit priests to begin to use it now. Common sense dictates this kind of prudent procedul·e." iaed next year, this does not per-

The board was named b:¥ Mayor Thomas Whelan, who with three other councilmen, is among the council minorit.y su­ porting the board's actions to date. The council, the four religious leaders said, "clearly provided for numerous functions, giving the managers full power to root out the old abuses, to eliminate the filth in the kitchens and on the floors, to cut out free-load­ ing and sponging on the taxpay­ ers and to eliminate waste and inefficiency. "Now some councilmen insist that the board must subject all of these decisions to ratification by the council-and they refuse to ratify them."

THE ANCHOR­ Thurs., Dec. 29, 1966


!Lauds New tEli'te&:Y<bQopedia

f) __

CINeINNATI (NC)-The New Catholic Encyclopedia will be of "immense value to this com­ munity and indeed to the whole world," Archbishop Karl J. Alter teld editors and publishers of the new work at a dinner here. The Cincinnati archbishop was g~ of honor at the dinner, given by the editors and publish­ ers of the New Catholic Encyclo­ pedia. The 15-volume reference work is sponsored by the U. S. bishops and published under the auspices of the Catholic Univer­ sity of America. Archbishop Alter said: "I be­ lieve every Catholic layman will feel that he must have access to the New Catholic Encyclopedia. No matter what his special inter­ ests are, if he wants to be able to enter into discussions of the live questions of today he will need this authoritative guide."


Establish Blood Bank forr ~oor




:'4134Z4J 'Oll:lt~

DAYTON (NC) - Men of the St. Vincent de Paul Society here, who have been giving their time and money for the spiritual Rec:eiv~ StrMdy

and material welfare of the poor, plan to give their blood also. On Sacll'(u;fMents

Plans for the establishment MONTEVIDEO (NC)-'-A pre­ of a blood bank for the poor liminary study on the sacra~ were announced at the annual TITHING FOR THE :MISSIONS: A map outside St. ments, submitted to the Uru­ combined meeting of the Soci­ guayan Bishops' Conference, Agnes' Churclt in Arlington, Va. keeps parishioners informed calls ety's Particular Councils of the for abandonment of two as t1> the amount of their contributions to the missions and extremes in the administration Cincinnati archdiocese. just where their money-has been sent. The Arlington of Baptism. Archbishop Karl J. -Alter 'of Cincinnati lauded the work of To be avoided are: an extreme' parishioners have donated $43,424 since the inception of the the society and called for its program in July 1965. NC Photo. severity in denying Baptism to .­ expansion in the archdiocese £hildren whose parents are net especially in rural areas. ' considered to be living a "proper religious life and not practicing Frank J. Shields, president of their faith" and a .lack of appre­ the society's archdiocesan cen­ ciation and consideration of a]] tral council, reported on the the difficulties involved on the society's recent national conven­ Dioces~n ~n part of those who request Bap­ tion held at New Orleans.. ' tism. mn He called attention to the spe- ' cial needs of "the impoverished were sent to Archbishop Egidio PITTSBURGH (NC) - Some people in the basic areas of our Vagnozzi, Apostolic Delegate in 200 priests of the Pittsburgh Di­ cities" and pointed out that the ocese have endorsed the U. S. the United States; Archbishop JACKSON (NC)-Both Bishop society's superior council of the Bishops' request that the Vatican John F. Dearden, president, Na­ Richard O. Gerow and Bishop U. S. had asked palticular coun­ tional Conference of Catholic permit use of the vernacular in Joseph B. Brunini of Natchez­ cils to set up conferences for Bishops, and Archbishop Halli­ the Canon of the Mass and the Jackson have requested that illl­ such areas that would be inde­ nan. introduction of controlled litur­ accordance with the spirit oJ! pendent of any parish. ~ical experimentation. aggiornamento in the' Churd~, the custom of kissing the ,epis­ , In a message to the Vatican's copal ring be omitted. ,: post-conciliar commission on the AMESBURY (NC)-Catholics They also ask that the title ofl l,iturgy, the priests said they "en­ and Protestant· clergymen have Excellency be dropped and that dorse' the 13 liturgical reforms requested the Amesbury school instead the bishops be addressei!ft 'SAGINAW (NC)-An educa": including the Canon in the ver­ committee to eliminate all school simply as "Bishop" or "Father tor's suggestion for establishment Ii'acular, drawn by the American activities on Wednesday nights Bishop." ~ishops' Commission on the Lit­ of an interdenominational Chris­ so pupils can participate in reli­ urgical Apostolate, under the tion high school for Catholics chairmanship of Archbishop Paul gious activities in their chuches. and Protestants invoked favor­ able ,c:omment from clergy in this Hallinan of Atlanta, Ga., and Father I;?oilald P. Clifford, as­ BIG DIVIDEND NEWS! , submitted to Rome by 'the U. S. sistant ,at St. Joseph's church area.

here, acted as spokesman for aU'

Bishops' Conference by decision SYSTEMATIC , Father Olin J. Murdick, super­ made Nov. 17, at their annual clergy in this 12,OOO-resident SAVINGS vear intendent for Saginaw diocesan Massachusetts community. schools, proposed the Christian lTIeeting in Washington." I~VESTMENJ ti high school idea in an article in Copies of the message also :lAVINGS veal America magazine. IIEGUlAR ELECTRICAL a A n'umber of Protestant cler­ vear SAVINGS gymen here and in Bay City Contractors have warmly supported the sug­ gestion. Some point out it would NOTRE DAME (NC-The re­ be an answer to the problem seatch program of the University created by reluctance of public of Notre Dame's radiation labo­ school educators to teach courses ratory is receiving support from Bank By Mail about religion or Bible history. the U. S. Atomic Energy Com­ We Pay The Postage mission totaling $1,462,00 during • SOUTH YARMOUTH the current fiscal year, according • DENNIS PORT to Milton Burton, director of the • HYANNIS campus research organization. 944 County St. • YARMOUTH SHOPPING PLAZA NEW YORK (NC) - Father This total represents an in­ New Bedford • OSTERVilLE Robert I. Burns, S,J., of the Uni-, crease of about a quarter of a versity of San Francisco, has million dollars in AEC support been honored by the American over the previous fiscal year. Catholic Historical Association for his book, "The Jesuits and the Indian Wars of the North­ ~,..." " ...-,~ west." DADSON OIL BURNERS ~ .....~J) co~ Father Burns has received the ~:.(t~e~~ John Gilmary Shea Prize, 24-Hour 0.1 Burner Servke ~I:i ~:s awarded annually by the asso­ Famous Reading HARD COAL • ~ SHE ___ ~I~-vciation to a Catholic author con­ tributing most significantly to NEW ENGLAND COKE ~ ~~§:f::' historical, knowledge during the year. The award was made at the 365 NORTH FRONT STREETi

47th annual meeting here when NEW BEDFORD

delegates elected Carl B. Cone, professor of British history at the 992-5534 University of Kentucky, as presi­ 640 '1l2lt1sant Street New Bedford Tel. 996-8271 o dent. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Endorse Change

Priests Of Vernacular

Pittsburgh Favor Use Canon of the Mass

New Greeteng

Ask 'Equal Time'

'Endorse Interfaith High School Pion


5.50% ..

5.00% 4.50%

Increases, Support For Laboratory

Bass River Savings Bank

Catholic Historians Honor Calif. Jesuit


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DEBROSS OIL co. Heating Oils and Burners








THE ANCHO.R~ Thurs., Dec. 29, 1966

CQpe ·Codder Observes' 99th Birthday"

Bishop'$. Me$sage


, . - : . . " .


Continued from Page One A 99 year birthday was cele­ for Christmas; They try to be at brated 'at Centerville Nursing their best. Buthow often all this Home by Wilton Childs in the is dissipated before the day is presence of his eldest son Mon­ over. Perhaps they did not get signor Felix S. Childs, a daugh­ all they hoped for, even prayed ter, Mrs: Richard Slavin, a for. Maybe they got something granddaughter, Mary Childs, and they really needed. but did not many friends. ' want. Perhaps they measured The sprightly nonagenarian, the love of their friends and rel­ whose birthday wish is "to see atives by quantity of goods re­ more of the world" was born in ceived and so were dissappointed Centerville 'where he was en­ But we all know that so to act is gaged' in the constructionbusi­ to miss the whole meaning of ness. He was married for 47 years to the late Emma McKen­ Christmas. One might sum the matter up ney. They had 10 children, 30 by quoting St. P2ml's farewell grandchildren and there are now talk to the Ephesians: "It is a 92 greatgrandchildren in the more blessed thing to give than family. to receive." (Acts: 20, v. 35) A frequent visitor to his father Here, he reminds his flock th~t 'is the Monsignor who lives close

th~ Lord Jesus used to say thiS. by since his retirement as pas­ But we would be wiser if we re­ tor of the Sacred Heart Church, mind ourselves what St. Paul Fall River. and the Lord had in mind. Cer­ At Hya~nis tainly, it was not material things. ' Ordained in 1918, Monsignor Not sweeties, nor dollies, nor Childs has' served many, parishes goodies, nor guns. These, and of the Diocese and twice was as­ more precious thing'; have unfor­ tunately stolen away, for, most signed to St. Francis Xavier's in people, the real meaning of Hyannis. In 1926, Mr. Childs and the Christmas. And what is that?, As if we need to be reminded of late Fred Scudder started a boys' band in Barnstable. Later the it. But perhaps we do. Christ­ band was taken over by the mas means Christ's gift of Him­ self ,to us. There's no question School Department and Barn­ about that. But there's another stable was the first community half that has been forgotten. on Cape 'Cod to introduce instru­ Christmas also means our gift of mental music instruction in all ourself to God. Weare all deeply public schools. Ten years later in His debt. "We have been at the New England Festival of bought at a great price." "God Music in Barnstable a two hour

so loved the world, as to sen!! program from Barnstable High

His only begotten Son so that we School' was broadcast over the

could have life through Him." general networks, he recalled. Monsignor Childs was chap­

(1st 51. John: 4-9) ,So an essential thing about lain of the Knights of Columbus

Christmas is that Christ came to for 36 years and for about as long a time for the Daughters be one with us, "emptying Him­ self" of His glory and awesome, of Isabella in Fall River. He, founded, the still· active First majesty, to put on the frail na­ ture of man. The completeness Friday Club in Fall River. of the gift is to be seen on the . cross, the altar, but especially tonight in the Crib. "Who for us He meant every syllable of what men, and for our salvation, came He said. His deeds spoke even louder than His words. But when down from heaven, and He be­ came flesh by the Holy Spirit of we use His words, if we pay heed the Virgin Mary, and was made to what we are repeating, we man." Christ has given His all to cannot fail, even the best of us, to be conscious of a difference in the Father, He gives it for us. It is one thing to give some­ . depth and sincerity. The pity is, of course, that the 'thing one owns. It is quite an­ other, but far more important, on1;r ones, being deceived are ourselves; Certainly no one can' to give' one's' self. Human. sym­ bols of affection are good as. far' deceive God. He made us. He 'they go, but whEm it is a k' .ows us, at our 'best and at our matter of serving God,. doing worst. And eyen at o~r w·orst we God's Will, they do not go flir are the object of His abiding enough. No gift leBS than the Love. 'What He affords us each gift of mind, and heart and will living moment So infinitely ex­ Could be a worthy ej{change for ceeds the most we could do that the Love of God which is in it is sheer folly not to r!'!spond Christ Jesus. We may substi­ 'and give meaning to what'we so often pray so mechanically: "I tute for it, in dealing with fel­ lowmen. But we fall far short love Thee above all things with in approaching God, unless the my whole heart and soul. I love my neighbor as myself, for the measure of our giving is com­ plete. And this, more than any­ I love of Thee." To make such, a thing else, explains much of the profession of love of God. and confusion in value, and some of fellowman, and mean it, spells the commercialism of Christmas. out the difference between being The giving heretofore has been at our best at times, and being at only on one side. Christ gives our very best, always, because His' all for us individually, and living ever in the sight of God, for humankind as a whole. He Who is not deceived, no more acts out of love for God, and for than He could ever deceive. man. His gift is complete. He Coming back then to the mat­ has given, and daily, unto all ter of giving at Christmastide, eternity, His gift is renewed, for are we to give tokens to God, or­ the glory of God and the good of are we to give reality? There is our souls. In that is the pledge only one exchange worthy of of our salvation. offering through Christ our Lord. . And what do we do in retum? That is the gift of ourselves-our He tells us over and Clver again: humanity-to share in the divin­ "I' have given you an example, ity of Christ. What a' wonderful that as I have done so you do exchange! What a gift really 8Iso." "Learn of Me, and find worth while. What better use rest for your souls." Speaking of could we make of liberty, as the Father, He repeatedly says: Sons of God, than to' offer; in "I do' always the things that 'gratitude not what w'e own, what please Him." "My meat is to do we possess, but what we are. the Will of God/' "Thy will be Surely, no' one of us would dis­ done, on earth as it'is in heaven." pute the' fact that while it is the Some of these phrases we are most we can possibly give, it is t: _customed to use in. moments· the offeritlg most sought after . , prayer, and in moments of alld cherished by God. And c£isis: When OUr BlesSed· Lord strange butttue, everyone that' lIBed such words He was sincere. bas made this response finds that








of Ms~r. Felix S.Childs

out it the apostolate of' the pas:..' tors is generally' unable to achieve its full effectiveness." "By this shall' all men know. that you are my disciples if you have love one for another, as ,I have for you." This basically is the perfect gift that becomes all men at Chrismastime. We prove it in words, but we prove it more in works, the spiritual and cor­ poral works of mercy, and the zeal for the house of God, on earth as well as in heaven, that prompted Christ, as St. Paul so well describes Him as "coming into the world to do Thy Will, o God." For this He assUmed our nature. For this He would borrow our nature, yours and mine, that His ministry of mercy and love might be continually reached out until the end of time. He would speak on ,our lips, He would minister with our hands, He would love with our hearts.

But ~e are free to give or not, to give cooperation. If we, con­ .. , sent, then we carry Christ to our neighbors-in-need, in need of love and peace of soul, if noUn­ ing more. If we refuse, then some gift that God wants to reach our world will never, be given, because only we could give it, and we were not willing" because perhaps it inconven­ ienced us a little. "Every be'st gift, and every perfect gift is from above, ·com­ ing down from the Father of Lights with whom there is no variation, no shadow of change. , By His own choice He made us His children, that we should be a sort of first fruit of all.He has, , / created." (St. James I: 17-18)

Exhibit of Creches Popular in Poland

MSGR. CHILDS' FATHER in giving himself completely to Christ, he gains all else besides. As St. Paul is quoted: "To him who loves God, .all things co­ operate unto good." So let us then, in the presence of this mystery of God become man, resolve to reach for the heights of opportunity, loving God first and foremost, above all things, and, our neighbors, as ,ourselves for ·the love of God. There is 'no surer spiritual lI).ethod for being always at our best.. There is no safer guaran­ tee that, responding to God's grace,' we will walk always con­ .scious of the dignity that'is ou'rs, called in fact, and to be "sons of God." . . ,q As sons, we must be "other Christs." It is our custom to think only of priests in such terms. But we must not discount our own ministry. While it is for the priests to represent us, to offer the holy spotless unbloody sacri­ fice to God, nonetheless it is our sacrifice too. St. Peter tells us that we are "God's own people, a chosen race, a royal priest­ hood." It is as such that we are addressed by the Vatican Coun­

cil, in a summons to the aposto­

late of thEl laity. We, too, must

carry Christ to the world, our

world. We do not go into the

world to lose our souls, God for­

bids! But we live in the world to

:give it a soul. "So let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and come to


998-5153 PERSONAl\.

997-9167 SERVIC~

BERLIN ,(NC) -Reports re­ ceived here indicate that the traditional exhibit of creches in Craco~ in communist-ruled Po­

land and the contest which pre­

ceded it have proved to be bigger

NEARS CENTURY MARl{ and better than ever this year.

The 'prize money donated by glo,rify your Father Who is in various institutions also has beeQ.. heaven." For this ,Christ came· increased. Organized in 1937 by the then, into the world. For this we are" born into the/world. We, are to Office for the Promotion of Cra­ restore all things in Christ; by cow, the competition is held In perpetuating His ministry of the halls of Society of Friends of ' seeking and saving. His ministry the Arts and is conducted by the . of serving man best, by serving , Historical Mu~~um of Cracow. God, first, relating everything to '

the knowledge, love and service

of God. .

To rec;luce these duties to a'

basis of practicality, let us hear, .. Just Across The

what Vatican II has to say of .the

Coggeshall St. Bridge lay apostoiate. '"As sharer~ in the Fairh~ven, Mass. role of Christ, Priest, Prophet Finest Variety of and King,. the laity have 'an· ac­ tive part to play in the life arid SEAFOOD activity of the Church. Their ac­ Served Anywhere - Also tivity is. so' necessary :within STEAKS-CHOPS-CHICKEN church communities that with­


May We Wish Everyone A Most Happy And Healthful New Year




GA 1-4274

It ;s our most sincere wish that 1967 will


good to you and yours







Conference Debuts:

THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 29, 1966

Fairhave'n High Court Club Aims for'Cape Loop Crown

Pray to Reduce .Auto Casualties

By PETER BARTEK Norton High Coach Fairhaven High, boasting two victories over BristoY County League hoop teal116 in pre-conference play, is

Imxiollsly awaiting its opening Capeway Conference clash against Dartmouth in what promises to be a major battle. The Cape scholastic com' Sharp shooting forwards Bill petition begins next Tuesday Sparks at 5:'10, Cliff Lopes, at when all eight teams swing 5-11, and guard Gary Bobola ap­ into action in quest of the pear to have won starting berths. capeway's premiere basketban d1ampionship. Coach Wayne Wiloon's Fairhaven r--::::;;' ~---""', dub, which has 1,... ': t 1:1 r ned back l bot h Taunton High and Bishop Stang High of Dartmouth, bot h 0 f the II u p P 0 sed 1 y stronger Bristol County circuit, DOW is ready to [, pit its forces sgainst confer- f : .,/.~ ;,,<.' ence opponents.' ( . The Blue Devils' : ',":-:, have two strong ~"~1l{".6" : rebounders in I:'~~"~ .,,': Howie Barrow r~"':" ~


They will provide the nucleus for the former Prevost High coach. Tom DeCosta, 6-4, and John Hayes are battling for the start~ center slot. The Bulldogs hustled past Westport 47-45, and showed, in the process, that they are determined to be in conten­ Don for the conference honors. Old Rochester will host Wareham in the loop opener. A strong performance could very well give the Mattapoisett darlthorse the momentum it needs to go all the way. Lake Wareham Ace Larry Lake, a quick, good shooting guard is one of the out­ standing hoopmen in these parts. He along with Joe Silvia, Carly

=:~~~~~:~ L:...i.. r,:~t. ::~~~:.1:"U ;:',./.:j ~~~s''r~~:~:r~::!:sc:E~~{: six feet tall and

'pair of sharp Ray Carvalho shooters with Lester Smith and Marty Henrique. Dartmouth Lacks Height Good size and a tight defense are only two assets which Dartmouth and the other Capeway dubs will have to contend with if they are to upset pre-season favorite Fairhaven. Basketball is II tradition at Dartmouth High, and, year-in, year-out Coach AI 'Palmieri's boys are area representatives in the Tech tournament. Graduation claimed all of Dartmouth's startin~ unit, but Palmieri has built a strong unit around Steve Smith, the Indians' only six-footer. Seven are returnees but, for the most part, they lack experience. partmouth, because it is a small team, will have a task trying to control the boards, and thus will rely on Smith, Millis Davis, Gary Cohn, Steve GaSbar and Wayne Blanehard to play a tough, solid detense. Concedes Nothing The Blue Devils may be prefleason favorites but Coach Ray Carvalho at Old Rochester isn't ready to concede anything to anyone. In his first year as Bulldog mentor, Carvalho is trying to find a smooth, cohesive Wlit. II

Train for Service In Latin America PONCE (NC)-A survey has "hown that mOl'e than 300 priests, Religious and laymen currently are undergoing train­ ing for service in Latin America at seven training centers located throughout Puerto Rico. The United States accounts for 14Q-almost half-of the 303 trainees. The second largest con­ tingent, 52, is from Canada, and the third largest, 39, from France. Other volunteers come from eight other European coun­ tries, India and New Zealand, the study showed. The survey was conducted by the Institute for Inter-Cultural Communication, a branch of the Inter-American Center of the Catholic University' of Puerto ~co here. It was carried out by Sisters Emily Schug and Vincent 1\far~e. LYI:l'l91:~st\l4~J;lts at the institute.

Coach Bill Maxwell possesses a determined, well-drilled group of Viking athletes but has no height on his club. Undoubtedly, the Wareham forces will win their share of games, but the height deficiency may prove too much of a disad­ vantage for the scrappers to overcome. Coach Merrill Wilson lilt Den'nis-Yarmouth bas the same prob­ lems as his Wareham counter­ part. The Green Dolphins began the season on a winning note by besting Martha's Vineyard 6742, then lost to a taller H;arwicb team 58-51. . Another' Wilson', Dana,. the coach's son, led the Dolphins to their first victory but the 5-10 guard coupled with Bill Angell, ' another good all-around cam­ paigner,need help to give the Dolphins the necessary balance. Former PC Star ,Bourne and' Barnstable both will be suffering growing, pains this season. Coach Jim Pragio)j's Canalmen dropped their first two games to Provincetown and Harwich respectively. First-year man Jim Thomas of Barnstable is looking to last year's junior varsity squad lor material to build the Red Raid­ ers into a future pennant con­ tender. Noel Kinski of Providence . College fame has taken over the reins at Lawrence High of Fal­ mouth. His premiere season looms as a long, hard struggle. The Clippers dropped the opener 59-52 to Nauset but bounced back to defeat Chatham, 70-30. Last year's junior varsity at Fal­ mouth was II strong aggregation and it is from this group that Kioski must gather his forces for ,the conference inaugural against Dennis-Yarmouth. Expand Activities Athletically the Capeway Conference has proven to be ~ well-balanced league but the administrators of the eight schools are not satisfied with a league which only caters to athletes. The energetic educators are in the process of forming lB, league for all scholastic activities as well as sports. Competition among the debate clubs, bands, student councilB and other school representatives are being arranged by the prin­ cipals. ~o tak"!-m "a.n:,,»basey .«1 flducation. '


STUDENT COUNCIL: Student Council officers at Bishop Feehan High in Attleboro are, from left. Brian Nerney, treasurer; Peter Phipps, secretary; Richard Mac­ Adams, president; Raymond O'Brien, vice-president.

llSymptoms of Trouble' Nun Stresses Decreasing Vocations, Increasing Defections LAFAYETTE (NC) -Failure by religious communities "to un­ derstand the younger genera- . tion and to adapt to the needs of this age will result in the extinc- ' tion of religious life," a nun told, representatives of some 25 reli­ gious communities here in Lou­ isiana, Speaking at a diocesan Sisters" "sharing program, Mother Aloy­ sius, assistant to the provincial of the Sisters of St. Joseph, New Orleans, warned the 400 nuns' attending that "decreasing voca:' tions and increasing defections from the religious life," are "symptoms of trouble." "If we are not convinced that religious institutes must change or die," she said, "we have not taken seriously the challenge of Vatic1!n II." She reminded that the council decree on the renewal of reli­ gious life stresses that such re-

former Missionary Becomes Citizen CONVENT STATION (NC)­ After 59 years in this country, Sister Mary Finan, Griffin be­ came an American citizen-and a judge came to her to make 'it possible. Sister Mary Griffin, 84, is con­ fined to St. Anne's Villa, a re­ tirement home conducted by the Sisters of Charity of St. Eliza­ beth here in New Jersey. She joined the sisterhood shortly after her arrival in the U. S. in 1907.


U. S. District Court Judge James, A. Coolahan convened court at the villa to enable Sis­ ter to complete her citizenship process and qualify fOIr medicare benefits. During h~r service in the sisterhood she spent all but one year, from 1924 to 1951, m China until she was expelled by ihe communists.

Says Most Reliable Volunteers Over 75 MONTCLAIR (NC)-Three cl the "most reliable and most faithful" volunteers at St. Vin­ cent's Hospital here in New Jer­ sey are residents of the Charles Bierman Home for the Aged, says Mrs. Anita Ryan, director of volunteers. They are Moses J. Bach, 82, Philip Bussin, 78, and Joseph $. Gries, 76. All three did volunteer work before their retirement for SUlCh. organizations WI;, the ,Red Cross and the Multiple. Sclerosis


newal must begin in the commu­ nities themselves. "We are told," she said, "not to wait for the bishops or the conferences of major superiors. "The post-conciliar period has been described as a new Pente­ cost. At the first Pentecost, everyone was involved. In the religious community today, re­ newal wil be effective only if every individual member is en­ couraged to make a contribu­ tion."

COLUMBUS (NC) Two' groups concerned with safe driv­ ing announced programs to en­ list the prayers of religious people in reducing the casualty

toll on Ohio's highways. The Ohio Highway and Turn­ pike Association has prepared a · "Prayer for Safe Driving" for distribution in all eating places along the Ohio Turnpike and Interstate System. The Ohio Committee for High­ way Safety 'vill sponsor the see­ ond annual Safety Sabbath Days in Ohio's churches and syna­ gogues the weekend of Jan. 27 to 29. The committee, a public sup­ port organization, suggests reci­ tation of the prayer, "0 Lord! Guide these hands in which ][ hold my life and the lives of others!" Copies of the prayer in the form of stickers for steering col­ umns and dashboards are being distribllted throughout Ohio. Heading the 33-member reli­ gious subcommittee of the Ohio Committee for Highway Safety are Father C. P. Clagett, assist­ ant director of the Columbus' Catholic Youth Council, anlll' Rabbi Bennett Hermann antll Margaret Brugler, representing Jewish and Protestant congrega- . tions.

See Plans Senate, Pastoral Council

VANCOUVER (NC) T" Vancouver archdiocese will have a senate of priests in early 196"11 and a pastoral council represent­ ing religious orders and laity will be added shortly afterward. Students Criticize Auxiliary Bishop James F.' Carney made the announcemen~ College President at Simon Fraser University here, NORTH ANDOVER (NC)-"A when, after a lecture, he W3!!1 serious gulf" between the ad­ asked what was being done to ' ministration and the student·, improve communication among" body at Merrimack College here Catholics in this area. . was charged in a protest by stU'-! "Early in the 'new' year, the dents published in the college priests will elect a senate teD' newspaper; The Warrior. share with Archbishop (Martim" The protest, in the form of an ' M.) Johnson and biscollcgiall" . open letter to Father Vincent A~'" concern for the diocese," Bishop McQuade, O.S.A., college presi­ Cal'ney replied. . ,; dent was signed by 20 student" leaders. " " Father. ~cQuade, whose ~c':" ,]BUENOS AI~S (NC) - ~. tions were criticized in the let-" new home for trapsient seame~., ter, was out of the state when' has been blessed here by, Antoni~. ' the letter appeared and a college" Cardinal Caggiano of BuenO!! spokesman said it is not kno'wn Aires. The home'is spOnsored by, as to whether the president will the Apostleship of the Sea, l\8" reply. The students complained Catholic organization which pro- . that campus groups such as ath­ vides quarters lor foreign se~ letic teams, fraternities and the men. student council receive no en­ couragement or respect from the administration but are "merely tolerated."

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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil Rive-Thurs. Dec. 29, 1966

















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Pupils of Nazareth Han lovingly flock around their Shepherd '

""111111II1l1111l11111ll11ll1 111111IIl1l11HlllflllllIliUllIIlIlII1 111111 11111111111111111111111111 1111111IIIIIIIIIII IIIIII I11111t1l11t1llllllllllll11IIIIIIIII 1II1l1111111111111IIlIIIIIIlIItIt IIIIIIIII 111111111 111111II111l11111t1tlllllllllllllllllllllllll\tllI\tnIOmItltIlIIllUlIIUlIUllltltlllltltllllll\tlllllltltlllllllllllllll\tlllnHlIIII_

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In The Diocese 01 Fall Riveif'






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