The ANCHOR Fall River, Mass., Thursday, Dec. 30, 196'5 Vol. 9, No. 52 ®
1965 The Anchor
PRICE1Qc U.OO per Year
New Bedford Man Heads Diocesan Confraternity
Jan. 18·i'
VerY Significant This Year Almost 60 years ago, on Nov. 30, 1907.an Anglican Franciscan in the Hudson High lands conceived Of a program of prayer for Christian Unity to be kept during Jan. 18-25. l'hi clergy.rna» ~as Fr. Paul James Francis, S.A., founder of' the Society of the Atone "me:ot The:OCe6iO)l of the idea was his writing a letter to Rev. Spencer Jones of -the Church
-Englan:a, 'With. whom. he ~
Churches .have worked together had collaborated m. pUbhsh to prepare a booklet for January, ing a boo~ "The Prince of . 19,66. the Apostles" a study of
b~~ .~
.The longing for Christian Unity has become the task of the entire Church, and not just of the elect few. The commission ~~~~~~~
continue after his death but has . been revived as the Secr-etariat for Promoting Christian Unity. begun by Pope John in 1960.
Tw~v~ars before, in 1895, Pope Leo' XIII had de~reed that prayers should be offer~d :by 8)1
the faithful for the reun!'-o &t' Christendom during the ti ~.. tween the Ascension a!ld • cost. Po~e .Leo haq also esta _ lished a commission to aid in promoting the' reconciliation of the Orthodox and the Catholic Church. . . . . Today some 60 and. '70 years later, we see the fulfIllment of the hope of Father Paul and the plan of Pope Leo. The prayer crusade kn.?Wri as, the Unity Octave WhICh the Graymoor ~ounder began has ~p:ead to all parts of the. ChrIstIan world among Ca!holIcs, 0rthodox and Protestants. .. In some areas It IS known as the VY:eek of Prayer for Unity and it is significant that the Graymoor . Friars and the World Council of
Pope P~u.I VI has contmue.d and mtensified the efforts of ,hIS holy predecesso~ ~or .un~t~. When .he .made h~S histonc VISIt to the Umted NatIOns last Oct. 4. he declared: "The h~ur hal. struck for our 'conv:ersIOn', ~or personal transformatIOn, for m~ _ teriol' renewal. We must get used to thinking of man in a new way; and in a new way also of men'. life in common' with a new' mann~r too o~ 'conCeiving the paths of hist,ory and the destin) . . of the world," Tpough expressed to the mein: bel'S of this world body, the thought is surely applicable to the cause of unity. Men must be converted -.changed _ so as to look upon euh other as brothers in the spirit of charity ratter than as suspicious enemies. Con version is .necessary for world peace; :it is ....en more necessal'J' for progress in religious unity. . Personal transformation a n'd interior renewal are necessarr: Turn to Page Six
Edward J.. Angelo of St: Mary's Parish, New Bedford has been named president of the Diocesan. Confraternity of Christian' Doctrine. He joined the Diocesan CCD execu tive board in 1963 as chairman of the Apostles of Good Will and has been vice-pres ident of the board since Oc- J. A. Bank, a junior achievement tober, 1964. The new CCD company sponsored by the bank. leader served as an Apostle.. FATHER PAUL, S.A. of Good Will in his parish frpm 1961 to 1962 and has been pres ident of the parish CCDsince .Bishop's Christmas Sermon 1963. He is principal of the High School of Religion and a Lay. Lector. Son of Matthew Angelo and ftle late Mrs. Elvira (Sylvia) Angelo, he was graduated from New Bedford High. Schoo~ 'and Mass Text For Campbell School of Accounting. He resides at IOn Bowles Street Great in with his wife, Noemia Correiro, _ . BishopConriolly , who was the prjncipal celebrant at and their two children, Claudi~.: ... the coneeleb1"ated Pontifical Low Mass offered at midnight Nears Finish
H, and Pa'lll J., 12. . _ St. Mary's Cathedr~l, Fall River, delivered .his. annual Mr. Angelo became ~~e~
'C··h:r·I·stm·'as: 'aeromon following the.· reading of the Gospel. Preliminary approval had with the Trust Department· 01 been given a common Eng The First Safe Deposit Nation~l . "Taking his text from the sums· upto:'night;. memorial Ush text for the Mass by the Bank of· New Bedford io'194'1 following Army service in W.9rld . Book of Revelations,. the service. first in it's origin, .and . Bishops of England, Scotland War II. He was promoted to as Most Reverend Bishop wove then iIi it's effect. We find one and IrellUld. :r~nal approval' ilj .istant trust officer in 1961. :the words "Behold, I make there . if) the Gospel according expected toward the end of He is a meinber of thcf board all things new" into a discourse to John: the othe~ in his final 1966. After this, there will ~be Itf directors of Junior Achieve;' on the decrees of Vatican Coun work,-:..the Book of Revelations, one· text used th~oughout ih4t ment of New Bedford after serv- .
II that completed its fourth Turn to Page Seventeen British Isles. ' EWARD I. ANGEl/~ _.
lng as senior advisor to the First It was pointed out that a «:'11 'and final session on the f e a s t , of the Immaculate Conception. F • h B··h .. mono t~t for the Mass was ~• . . . .•..)00' The sennonis as follows: air aven IS op essarr bee3use of the ClonstAn. . . . .'--interchange>ofPopulations,am«:'al' "Behold I make all things new" 5.~ .'7 .. Revelations: 21-5-6 Presl es a t Ite iinglarid,' Scotland.and :lr~d. . ......... .. Beloved in Christ,
lJQw.e.. i.S..•n~l': version 1lti1l '.~ewspap" . Again, we join, as a united )rlnatiOft no.tgetke:W.t....'\. . ..:. .. family. of differing origins and . In iib~i1bree years;. it it
WASHINGTON (NC)-Pope Paul' VI'~ triP'--to the conditions,' but loving one anDAVAO CITY (NC)- thollght . ·~':~·vet'sioft· . . .
United Nations was the maJ'or story of i96!;; for.lt~ .." 'Oath_other and' ou\- .neighbor with Two Filipinos, the firs~.. to rentlY'~~~¢~~b1 li~
1". the love, w:hich .th~ .eternal Fa receive Holy Ordersher~ in ~ical.: e~p.erts~·#~.·.l0 .ta~ olic newspapers, a p6Il of editors re~eal!3.T~Pontiff's tber -bears fQr us. We. are' here 'nearly a decade, havl~ 'beenE,ngh.sh-spea~I~::t91.1n't~es 'lfiU . k e dOt peace to' .tloe ~t· k' . f the F0 od 0 f Life,. ordained ....Roma~ CatJlollc .~., . be ready. :f1'Aat~"-Oft.ul Jam-pac c , 4 VI'S't I featu·r·ng· . I a·. , ap·p'eal .. n o.v par a e 0 pri~s~ . TUtn XhlS to Pad4 Si;::~Ji:' . UN General Assembly and ' _ ' ,.. ,. ':to join our pray~rful.Offering for the ~relature of Tagwn 1ft '. ... . " "".,.
• Mass in New York's Yan of the 1965 Votin~ 1\i~}ltsiAc~. ,of love, through Chri$f; ~nd with t~ePhiUppines. .. ..... .'., ,',< ,,:0'.'("" . ~ . . .
h to The other sevenstQ!Ie.s ~hosen" Christ as an acceptable sacri . Oi-dblau0n ceremonies' ~ook 111II1I!1II1U1I"iUi!.H"i.~liUtJ'C :.rrll~ e kee Stadium was c dos n .p .n.the top ten by the editors are: I ' flee i~ ,the sight Qf. God.' . . ~laee i~'QlIl'isUh.e j(;~ng :Gatke~ ..1-. •. y"'Vi~ -.,,·.··,·,>·.·.. :.~.: -.c..-"""':;. .·.'~. ·:·~u:. ·.·_.,I.·.."..~ ....~ .." story by 58 of 81 e itors In 4. The opening of the fourtl). ." We'eat'of'thisprecious foOd, d~'''' _ ~IJl d 1-. '1,"-. ·p .~Q 'III• . the p o l l . · . -. f th Va t" C ' 11 . ..... .. rm. .utc. q~, pr:e"l..e over ..;, this Eue~il!ist~. ,ba~quet, . to,:" Mary}p:i'QlI ·Blsb&P·· Joseph W. ... . ..F.•.. ~ ..". .' .\ '. ,.:' '::. ',...,' . sesssiont 014 ~th p lcanp ...•~unc, The closing ceremony of the on ep. WI ope a..... s an'\"gether. SO doing w,e a.ssert our .... 'i:' .t.... . .... . .. Second Vatican Council wasse nouncement of. a .synQd.ofbi~~h8pe: ~d -4e~'l'latiori: tobe,lle,g:mq~·Jl~s~~V;!'" ','.:, ',,_ ·Whe·, ',.:i)~~. lected as the year's second major. 01'S to help him gwde ~he. ,Jtn.~;\'lfU.:tl eaen other .~~ lQ.ve:~t '. .t~iSll?p.·n,~~'~i ~.:. lAr.i.nel!' Ii.s.b. es :.in... ·a<li.'.s.t stOry in the fourth annual survey. Church . . . ·Goif· 'd . ~.tl1b· " ' d ' •. .latlh~s ./l~ ·~Ile·, ... of·many. . ,.~ conducted by N.C.W.C. New. 5. The V.atican Co~n.cit's·Nov.· '\o:bl)~'\~ Jl,."._,~r•. ,n ... ,;.:~fV1.:,..;... ,;. in~"~ .• ·.· "~&~ ..;~ ... ···~.b.e :o~ ~f.·. ·.• ~
.•. .•. ,·;atoe\bam;t1· Service. . 19 vote ofap?~oval for the .doc. '1'hebelo'ved ~ostle, St.-,.tolli\:· dtnne/lJ:",ec~H·~/~~~e,tbe.r _~.r,evel'Y' 'tifttlte'Di- Third choice was the partici,. ument()il~eliglous fr~edom, ' . " : _ .. . .. ' ". . .o~,~pI~~ ",,':""<0 .._ . Ollese :;:~. >:ShbUld:be
pation of clergy and nuns in tae 6.!I'he ect. 2 appoiRtm~nt of .•IIII1I1I11I11I11III1IIMUIIIIIIHIlIlIIllIlIIlIliIUllllllllllllllllmIIIHIIIIIIII ,'~ltIJ,OU:·",:'¥~~';w.i~ "l'e~~.·::::'j ·~'it'~erenc.
Selma, Ala., Negro voting Tights· F.ather,.Har.olQ R. Pe.fl'Y, s.v..D,., e " : : ,.~ ..~,preJn.,~ :~.'.J-. 19.58;. a.n~ .Pas tbr~ug. demonstrations last March. The to be A\lxfUa.ryBi&hop of- N e W I S p e n S a t i o n (t. 'bW,fteSW-.~l4 ~e
.Th~ demonstration marked a new Orleans. His coBsecration on ' . . . . . Br6. wo ' '.' . -:"h~mis- ' Oft, phase of direct participation hT Jan. «; .....ill mak-e hiJftthe first The Most Beverenc1 Bishop 3i6n'-".1is,.. _ ".eople-~ ':#4. clergy and Religious in civil Negro membel' ofthe;lJ.S. hier- . has rFaolec1.'''dispeosatioa enco\t1!attnl··it~vt',~6C~~.'tuld; • ' riShts campaign and. also led di . archy 'since Biskop' Jamea A. Iromthe Frida,. abstinence f()rtetidin(fto:spiiiblaJ.and~pora1. ~ &e COnFeNional adoptiOil .. T·uni.Paie,'!twelv.·--' 'Uaa· eomiDa·Fddalf Beet. It:· . ~. '0'" '.
~.Call.s For
P'rompt Action In 'ChristianRenewal
POp"'S U.. . • ,V·leS·let T'o'.pc.. St.O.·.'''''' .·.·ers For Ca.tholic
ed 'RIO Of O. dee'
ver.· .. '.
·.,·r......·.· . .,. ·. :.•r.. .• .
,. .
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Pofl River-Thurs. Dec. 30,
Of I
Proper of the ,Mass the Holy Name of Jesus
INTROIT: At the Name of Jesus every knee should bend of those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, And every tongue should confess that the Lord Jesus (~hrist is in the glory of God the Father. 0 LOrd, our Lord, how glorious is Your Name over all the earth! Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. ,As it was in the ·beginning,' is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. At the Name of Jesus every knee should bend of those in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, And every tongue should confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is the glory of God the Father.
C'onfirmation Schedul,e 1966·'" April 17-2:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 24-2:00 P.M.
4:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M.
4:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M.
GRADUAL: Save us, 0 Lord, our God, and gather us from among the nations, That we may give thanks to :Your holy Name and glory in praising You. You, 0 Lord, are our Father and our Redeemer; from everlasting is Your Name. Alleluia, alleluia. May my mouth speak the praise of the Lord, and may all flesh bless His holy Name. Alleluia. OFFERTORY: I wil give thanks to You, 0 Lord my God, with all my heart, and I will glorify Your Name for ever; For You, 0 Lord, are good and forgiving, abound ~ing in kindness to all who call upon You. Alleluia.
8-2:QQ P.M.
.4:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 15-2:00 P.M.
4:00 P.M.
7:30 P.M. 16-7:30 P.M. 22-2:00 P.M. ,,.
COMMUNION: All the nations You have made shall come and worship You, 0 Lord, and glorify' Your' Name. F'or You are great and do wondrous deeds; You alone are' God. Aleluia; "
1-2:00 P.M.
4:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M.
29-11 :00 A.M. 2:00 'P.M. 4:00 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
Please Cli~ and, Bring to Church on Sunday
:BirthdayPai'ty for Italy Boys' Town ROME (NC)-Rorne threw a birthday party in its city hall atop the Capitoline Hill for the Boys' Towns of Italy
Msgr. Carroll-Abbing's boys sat shoulder to shoulder With members of Italy's aristocracy who help finance the 10 Jnstitu tions the priest has f<itDtiled. A which an Irish priest founded substantial part of the ,financial 20 years ago. help comes from the United May 0 r Amerigo .Petrucci States. played host to Msgr. John Car Mora.l Support roll-Abbing and some of his The mayor gave a short ad boys, successors of the homeless, dress of welcome to Msgr. Car fatherless boys he began taking roll-Abbing, emphasizing his ef off the streets of Italy in the forts to give moral support and jrake of VlorldWar U. a sense o~' responsibility to the boys he clothes, shelters and feeds. The priest then gave credit to those' who have helped J'RIDAY-Friday within the Oc him. To demonstrate his thanks tave of Christmas. II Class. he gave awards to four cardinals WHite. M~ P'roper; (Mass as as well as to ,the Italian minis on Dec. 30 in Missal.) Gloria; tries of the interior, justice and 2nd Coll. St. Sylvester I. Pope education. and Confessor; Creed; Preface The following day Msgr. Car and Communicantes of Christ roll-Abbing and some represen mas. Tomorrow is the first' tatives of his Boys' Towns were Saturday of January. received by Italian President SATURDAY - Octave Day of Giuseppe Saragat. Christmas. I Class. White. The cardinals honored were Mass Proper; Glory; Creed; Eugene Cardinal Tisserant, dean Preface and Communicantes of of the College of Cardinals; Giu Christmas. Holy Day of Obli seppe Cardinal Pizzardo. prefect of the Congregation of Semi gation. Today is the first Sat urday of the month. naries and Universities; Luigi SUNDAY-Most Holy Name of Cardinal Traglia, Vicar General Jesus.n Class. White. Mass of Rome; and Alfredo Cardinal Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface Ottaviani, secretary of the Con gregation for th,e Teaching of the of Christmas. Faith. MONDAY-Mass as on Jan. 1. IV Class. White. Mass Proper; Glory; no Creed; Preface of Christmas. LAFAYETI'E (NC) - Father TUESDAY-Mass as on Jan. 1. IV Class. White. Mass Proper; Valerie L. Pullman, one of two Glory; no Creed; Preface of priests ordained here by Bishop Maurice Schexnayder, is the Christmas. :wEDNESDAY-Mass as on Jan. second Negro ordained for the 1. IV Class. White. Mass Lafayette diocesan clergy. Proper; Glory; 2nd Prayer St. Telesphorous; no Creed; Pref ace of Christmas. or St. Telesphorous, Pope and Martyr. Red. Glory; no Creed; Preface of Christmas. Jan. l-Cathedral of the As THURSDAY-Epiphany of Our sumption, Fall River. Lord. I Class. White. Mass Sacred Heart Home, New Proper; Glory; Creed; Preface Bedford. and Communicantes of Epiph Jan. z..-st. Patrick, Fall any. Votive Mass in honor of River. Jesus Christ, the Eternal High St. Lawrence, New Bed Priest, not permitted. ford. Jan. 9--5t. Joseph, Fair 1M! IIICHOI haven. SeCOlIa Class Postage Palo It Fan 1lIver. Dublisbell every Thursday at 410 Our Lady of the Angels, Higlilano Avenue.. Fall River Mass.. 02722 Fall River. Il9 tile i:athollc ..ress 1II til. Diocese of FID
Negro Priest
liver. SubscrlptlOll price IIr _II, poatpalcl $4.00 per
5-2:00 P.M. 4:00 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 12-3:00 P.M.
Rights :-Drive
Our Lady of the Angels, Fall River Assumption, New Bedford St, Patrick, Fall River St. Ant~ony of padua} New Bedford St. Bomface St. Louis, Fall River st. Casimir, New Bedford St. Anne, Fall River St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedford Holy Rosary, Fall River ';'\' St. James, New Bedford Immaculate Conception, Fall River St. John the Baptist, New Bedford Espirito Santo, Fall River MOUnt Carmel, New Bedford Notre Dame, Fall River Immaculate Conception, New Bedford Sacred Heart,' Fall River Holy Name,New Bedford ~acred Heart, North Attleboro Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven St. John the Evangelist, Attleboro St. Joseph, Fairhaven St. Mary, Hebronville St. Mary, Fairhaven St. Louis of France, Swansea St. Anthony, Mattapoisett St. Thomas More, Somerset St. Joseph, New Bedford St. Mary, New Bedford St. Patrick, Somerset Holy Family, Taunton St. George, Westport St. William, Fall River Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton Sacred Heart, Taunton St. Roch, Fall River Cathedral, Fall River St. Mary; Mansfield Holy Name, Fall River St., Paul, Taunton St. Matthew, Fall River ~'. St. Anthony, Taunton St.' Joseph, Woods Hole St. Patrick, Falmouth St. Peter, Provincetown St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis Holy Trinity, West Harwich Cathedral (Adults)
IHandicapped of Year!:·, President's Committee Names?D.e.d~Blind
St. John's University Gr~d~~te
WASffiNGTON (NC)-Robert' Smithdas, first deaf-blind per. son to. earn a college degree since Helen Keller, has been named Handicapped American of the Year by the President's Com mittee, on Employment of the Handicapped. Smithdas, director of the deaf blind program of the Industrial Home for the Blind in Brooklyn, won a bachelor's degree in En glish cum laude from St. John's University, Jamaica, N. Y., in 1950, and a master of arts degree in education from New York University in 1953. Smithdas was left deaf and blind by an attack of meningitis when he was five years old. He was named Poet of ,the Year iIi 1961 by the Poetry Society of America, and won the Distin guished Service Award of the New York State Junior Chamber of Commerce in 1958.
Parish Groups Now Under Investigation TOLEDO (NC) - A priest veteran in work of men and women's organizations question ed whether efforts should con tinue through Holy Name, R0 sary, and Altar societies. "Should there be a new or ganizatian of men and women, or should the parish itself be considered organization enough and structure~ for the aposto late?" Msgr. Lawrence J. Ernst, moderator of the diocesan lay councils, asked.
He Will receive the President'. Trophy at the annual meeting of the President's Committee on Empl~yment of the Handicapped on April 28. The award is pre sented annually to. a person who has' become a useful citizen de spite his handicap, and who has helped encourage or facilitate the hiring of other handicapped persons.
Necrology .JAN. 8 Rev. Alfred J. Carrier, 1940, Founder, St. James,Taunton. Rev. John Kelly, 1885, Foun der, St. Patrick, Fall River. Rev.JUihurC.Lenaghan,l~
Chaplain, United States Army. .JAN. 10 Rev. Jourdain Charron, O.P., 1919, Dominican Priory, Fan River. Rev. George H. Flanagan, 1938, Pastor, Immaculate Conception, Fall River. JAN. 13 Rev. :Emile Plante, M.S., 1954, La Salette Seminary, Attleboro.
Funeral Home Inc.
Helen Aubertine Brough ' William H. Aubertine Brian J. Aubertine
Spacious Parking Area WY 2-2957 129 Aile" St.
Asks,', Teenagers To Jom Civil" ' :MILWAUKEg (NC) Teenagers here were cha&. lenged to express themselv. hl eivil rights issues in wa,. 'best suited to them, rna. through their schools' and It. dent organizations. Sister Mary Peter, suggested: Human rights councils esta.... Ushed as part of student govera ment groups. A button campaign to gi... teem an opportunity to expr_ · their feelings. Sister Peter, director of edu cational services for the National Catholic Conference for Inter racial Justice, Chicago, spoke ' . an interracial study day at Mercy high school. The annual prograJll was sponsored by the CathoUe Interracial Councll of Milwau
kee. "Why can't you, in these groupe, .have a human rights council'" she a s k e d . , ' "The purpose would be to keeD before yourselves,' the club and 'the school the principles,. of human rights. This council co:u~cI be the coordinating committ~ ':for all hum1¢. riihts '_efforts ill 'the school." ' , Become, Active ,." , , Although the role of, youth • · generally that' ,of 'tlie' 'passive listener, teenagers coUld become ~C'tive by- coordinating their ef :forts to (Ul;tribute - black and white buttons, she said. "Why not pass out 50,000 but · tons that say 'Open Hearts, Opeoa Doors.' This may sound silly bUt :its something they really caa do," she suggested, She said the slogan would reo f~r to open doors in housin& IIChool and church. Sister Peter also suggested. program to highlight "Brother hood Week" next February and urged her audience to "get intO high gear if, 'we haven't alreac17 done something~" . . ,
BONN (NC)-A publlc s ~ has 'revealed that 44 per cent ,of the Catholics an~ 33 per cent of the Protestants in'West Germany 'say grace before and after mea1&. Around 62 per cent of those in 1erviewed said prayers were said during meals when thejo were children.
BSOOKLAWN FUNERAL HOME, INC. .. Marce' Roy - G. Lamlne Roy Roger laFnlDl:e
FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington Ct. 995-5166
New Bedford
550 J..ncust Street Fall Illver. MaM.
OS 2-2391 Rose E. Sullivan ,'''''rey E. Sullivan
New Bedford
Montie Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc.
D. D. Sullivan & Sons
Reg. Master Plumber 2930 GEORGE M. MONTLE Over 35 Years of Satisfied Service 806 NO. MAIN STREET Fall River OS 5-7497
469 LOCUST STREET FALL RIVER, Mass. OS 2-3381 Wilfred C. James E. Driscoll Sullivan, Jr.,
O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street fall River, Mass. OS 9-6072 MICHAEL J. McMAHON, . Ucensed Funeral Director, Rpni<;tp· Embalme'
Commends,':--Jlome For, Hospitality, To Cou,:,cil v ATICAN CITY (NC) In a traditional pre-Christ
Schedule' of' Fast and Abstinence 1966
Approve~ -
J!ias audienc~' with the may o,r .and city council of Rome.
for the Diocese of FaU River
DAYS OF PARTIAL OF. FAST DAYS OF COMPLETE ABSTINENCE . One full meal; two other ABSTINENCE Meat and soup or gravy meatless meals; no eating No meat; no soup or gravy made from ,meat permitted between ,meals. ma~e from meat. at principal meal. '~DAYS
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 30, 1965'
Role for Clergy In CarrvingO'ut Council Decrees SPRINGFIELD (NC)
Pope Paul, VI thanked the city Bishop Christopher J. WeI,:, WHO ARE ' All over 21 and not yet 59
in a special way for the hospi don of Springfield said he OBLIGED?
years' of age . All over 'lige of 7. All over age of 7. tality'shown the participants in has ·taken 'fthe first three , ttle four sessions of the, Second : . JANUARY· ,., All Fridays steps" toward carrying out the Vatican Council -:. Every.' Lenten weekday All Fridays decrees of the SecondVaticaa "Once again," he said, ·"Rome Council: has shown herself the. 'common 'FEBRUARY beginning Feb. 23rd Feb.23--Ash VVednesday Speaking at a clergy confer motherland,' to her own glory Every Lenten weekday, ex Mar. 2-Ember Wednesday ence at Cathedral High School and spiritual profit." MARCH All Fridays
cept March 17 and 19 '. Mar.5-Ember Saturday, here, Bishop Weldon announced He thanked Mayor, Amerigo plans for a series of clergy Petrucci for "all the administra Eve r y Lenten weekday workshops on the council, for . tion does in accordance with APRIL
All F"ridays
Aprii 9--Holy Saturday electing members to the board of good legal norms, and no less diocesan consultors, and for a the norms of courtesy, for the MAY·
May 28--Vigil of Pentecost All Fridays
May 28--Vigil of Pentecost program of interfaith services , il].terests and necessities of the June 'I-Ember Wednesday' for Christian unity. religious life of Rome'" '" '" All Fridays June I-Ember Wednesday June 3-Ember Friday Bishop Weldon said the clergy "However, we still recommend JUNE
June 4--Ember Saturday will play a key role in explain June 4--Ember Saturday to your benevolent consideration ing and carrying out the coun ma~y serious problems regarding All Fridays JULY
cil's decrees. He said the work religious assistance to the Roman shops for priests will be "an in All Fridays population, which has increased AUGUST
dispensable supplement to their so grea~ly in these last years and Sept. 21--Ember VVednesday personal study of the decrees." whose need to be'integrated into ~pt. 21-Ember VVednesday All Fridays SEPTEMBER Sept. 22--Ember Friday The workshops for the clergy t~e Hfe of the city is acute. Sept. 24--Ember Saturday Sept. 24--Ember Saturday of the Springfield diocese will '''This is true not only by the be held 'twice each month until fact of ~esidence and by the en All Fridays OCTOBER
the clergy retreats begin' next joyment of the services which June. .. All Fridays, except Nov. 25 NOVEMBER here are· immediately lavished Joint Pa.rticipation upon them. but it also includes Dec. 14--Ember Wednesday All Fr!days
, ' ,The board of diocesan consul the need to be integrated with all Christmas Dec. 16-:Ember Friday tors, traditionally chosen by the ~ue thoughtfulness, always fra Dec. (23) 24-Vigil of ,
Dec. 14-Ember Wednesday. bishop will be reformed to in.;.. DECEMBER . Dec. 17-Ember Saturd,ay ternal and freely given,:irito the Dec: (23) 24--Vigil of Dec. 17-Ember ,Saturday elude seven·' appointees and spiritual, life of the citY., that is, Chris~inas' , se·ven members elected by the ... .. ~ say, in its own special'· reli-' pdests of the diocese, Bishop gious l i f e . . . " ' ,', Weldon said. . .. Greatly Appr~llded . Protestant and brthodox cler "All that the adminiStration Dispensations Granted for the Followin&' Days: gymen and laymen will be in has done and will do to fa:ciHtate' , vited to participate in prayers No Fast March. 17~St. Patrick's Day the institution of new parishes ".;; .. and hymns on the opening and March 19--,St.· joseph's Day arid religious centers necessary,' ' No Fast .', closing days of the Week of No Abstinence, t~: 110 take care of the expanding' ·November 25~Day after Thanksgiving Prayer for' Christian Unity, ,population and their spiritual December 7--Vigil of Immaculte Conception No Fast, no abstinence Jan. 18-25. Priests and lay Cath needs has been and always will olics will participate in a service , EXPLANA.TORY NOTES be greatly appreciated by us." for ilnity conducted in one of The Pope said he was aware of 3. Those dispensed from the law of fasting the Protestant churches. 1. Those whit', are not obliged to fast may the problems arising in the ad or excused by reason of health follow the eat meat several times a day. But if that day The Vatican coun.cil's decree ministration of a modern me is a day of complete abstinence they may not rules of No.1 above. on Ecumenism describes inter tropolis such as Rome. "We wish eat meat at all; if it is a day'pf parthll alilsti faith services for Christian unity then," he said, "that the help of nence, they may eat meat only at the prinCipal 4. The Sacred Congregation of the Coun as "allowable, indeed desirable .. meal. . " cil, by a Decree of December '3, 1959, granted God may give you the wisdom Bishop VVeldon said. • to each of the faithful the privilege of antici to study and solve these poblems' pating the fast and complete abstinence of the a. Children under 7 are not obliged to' fast that it may confirm you in you: Vigil of" Christmas. Therefore each of the nor to abstain., Parents, however, would do resolve to realize a loyal and faithful is free to choose December 23 or 24 well to introduce 'them to the Church laws at fruitful concord and effective to observe the fast and abstinence proper to an early age, even though, there is no obliga collaboration. May this help of tion to do this. the Vigil of Christmas. God always prompt you to be fervent, utterly honest and ex emplary promoters of th~ com mon good of your fellow citizens." During the mutual exchange WYman Gf gifts, the Pope fastened on the 3-6592 traditional standard of 'the city a gold medal commemorating the CHARLES F. VARGAS council, in recognition, of the Mass. He said it is hoped to have "I thought," he said, "of anci LYNDHURST (NC)-Partici 254 ROCKDALE AVENUE city's hospitality. it ready for joint publication pants in top-level Catholic-Pres ent Church heritage." by, the Fall and that it will byterian ecumenical talks are He said he will meet soon NEW BEDFORD, MASS. working on a common baptismal with a Presbyterian delegate to be submitted to the World Chinese Dictionary rite as well as a common prayer discuss the project, after which Council of Churches :for con sideration of its acceptability book, one of them disclosed here a report will be made at the For High Schoolers to all ChrIsti.ans. January meeting of the Catholic in New Jersey. SOUTH ORANGE (NC)-The Presbyterian steering committee. The baptismal rite was sug U. S. Office of Education has If the idea ptogresses beyond awarded Seton Hall University's gested during two days of Cath ~%i%%%%%%$%%%S%%%%.%%% that, it will be taken up at the department of Asian studies a olic-Presbyterian talks in Phil next general meeting in May, $28,000 grant to prepare a adelphia in November, accord Building Contractor
Chinese-English dictionary for ing to Msgr. Henry G.J. Beck, followed by submission of the rite to the' two churches for ap pastor of Sacred Heart parish high school students. Masonry
proval. John Cole, university director here. VVhile the rite is archaic, it is ,ttf research grants and projects, Msgr. Beck headed, the Cath said Prof. Fred Fangyu Wand olic delegation at the talks in the same as current Catholic will direct the project. While at the absence of Bishop Ernest Baptism in essentials, according Yale University, Wang compiled L. Unterkoefler of Charlestown, to Msgr. Beck. It calls for ex orcisms, ~nnointing with oil and several Chinese textbooks now S.C., who is in charge of dis a triple profession of faith. ased in more than 100 colleges cussions with Presbyterians un Toward Understanding 7 JEANme STREET
and universities. He is also the der the U.S. bishops' 'Commis" "If the Presbyterians are will" editor of the U. S. Armv's sion for Ecumenical Affairs. FAIRHAVEN WY 4-7321
ehinese dictionary. . ing to use this kind of rite," he The suggestion for a common The dictionary prepared under said in an interview, "we are :%SSSg sss· ~:S%%"''''%$%S baptismal rite was made by the grant will be the first of its well along toward understand Richard L. Davies of Washing kind being geared to the more' ing each other." ton, D.C., who heads the United than 120 U. S. high schools where Msgr. Beck, professor of May Wish Everyone
Chinese is taught to more than Presbyterian Commission on Church history at Immaculate Ecumenical Mission and Rela 1,000 students. At the present Conception Seminary, Darling tions. time there is no such dictionary ton, does not talk of reunion, J~ Most Happy
According to Msgr. Beck, any however. "We are closer to the !or the secondary school level. common rite would be used only prelude to reunion," he said. And Healthful· New Year
for children of marriages in In regard to the common Heads Bureau which one parent was Catholic, prayer book which is being , DETROIT (NC) - William J. the other Presbyterian. worked on, Msgr. Beck noted Coughlin, veteran newspaper One Possibility that it is intended only for AJtCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS man here, has been appointed Msgr. Beck himself has sug special occasions. It is the work 4lirector of the new office of in gested, one possibility--the rite of the Rev. John T. Middaugh PROVIDENCE, R.r. GA 1-4274 !ormation of the Detroit arch used by St. Hippolytus of Rome of Baltimore and Father Mau tIiocese. ill the third century_ rice Schepers, O.P.. of Dover. .
" . ,
:t ....
Catholics, Presbyterians Study Baptism ., ~. -YOUR OILHEAT!
Consider Common Rite, Prayer Book
,., fIIId , . .".,
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• We
J. M.
THE AI\ICHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 30, 1965
President Defends Policy
Religion is All-Permeating; Live Entire Life for God
NIAGARA UNIVERSITY (NC) -The president of Niagara Uni versity here stressed the moral right and duty of the United States to carry on the war in Southeast Asia.
can no more desert free Vietnam than we can allow 1be Russians to overrun Berlin." Father Slattery said that just as an adult has the social obli gation to come to the aid of • child attacked by a bully, . . In a Christmas message to the faculty and student body in the· too this nation has a moral du. Student Center, Father Kenneth to assist an oppressed people, F: Slattery; C.M., said U.S. troops . even though their homeland .. halfway around the world. are in Vietnam because three Father Slattery said demem American presidents - Eisen stratiens on college campulleS hower,· Kennedy and Johnson piedged support; because the show "the modem collegian now recognizes that the world • South Vietnamese, who ar-e more than a vast playground, threatened by communist tyran and he deserves praise for his ny from the North, have request discovery." He added that stu ed U.S. presence there, and be- . dents "from a segment of the cause "we have seen fit to prac new breed" and are "aware 01 tice Christian charity. the need .to champion human "We have pledged our sup freedom and to protest against. port," Father Slattery said, "and those who violate human rights."
By Joseph T. McGloin, S. J. . It was once my privilege to work with a great group ef kids in Denver. Among other wonderful things they did, they used to go into the poorest of the poor homes almost every Saturday, and scrub and patch and clean and cook and, in general,work their heads off. When this project only place he can ever find com bad been going on a few plete satisfaction is in God, not in something God gave him as a weeks, I asked one of the stepping stone.
boys to give a talk. about it at the Sodality Council meeting. With no time to prepare himself and with no prompting from me, he stood up and said, at the beginning of his little talk, "This is the greatest Sodality project we have at -tempted. But if you're not go ing to do it for the sake of Christ, then you'd better not try to do it at all. You can't do it unless you do it for Him." Tremendous Ideals A few years before, that would have surprised me, but not at the time since you can't worK' long with kids without realizing that they have the most tremen dous ideals and thoughts, but that they are oflen afraid to ex press them lest they be thought "pious" or some such horror as that. , And this boy, in his straight forward way, had hit on the pro foundest of truths - that there are many things we simply can't do unless we do them for Christ. You could also add that if we had any sense we'd be doing everything for Christ and not just the hard things. Only One Purpose We hear so much about "the separation of Church and state today, and it often goes to .such silly extremes that we begm to think sometimes that our reli Ilion is an all-permeating thing, and our purpose in life is not just to stop now and then to think of God so much as to live our entire lives for Him. We have only one purpose, not many. We are to get to God, and that's all of it. And so, you and I cannot be partial successes or partial failures, but only 100 per cent successes or 100 per cent failures. Get to God and you will have succeded. Fail to get to Him and you will be an utter, eomplete 100 per cent flop. What Sin Is Not only that, but look into the problems you encounter in this life, and you are going to find that from 99 per cent to 100 per cent of them come from our losing sight of the fact that our purpose is not material or this-worldly at all, but some thing supernatural for which everything in this world is just ';1 means at best. Another way of putting this would be to say that when we encounter difficulties in this life, it is because we try to use some creature within our horizons- which can only be the means to our final purpose-as an end in itself. This is, in fact, what a sin is using a creature as an end in it- . self instead of as a means. It is looking for satisfaction in some thing which can never satisfy _ human being anyhow, since the
Korean Aid -SEOUL (NC)-Five U. S. re lief agencies in Korea will con tinue many activities despite the government's intention to take over the u·;- food distributioJl pr~
Live Morning Offering We are not here, then, just to look up to God every morning when we rise, and. every night when we retire, and at Mass on Sunday, and then go live our practical lives. No, our purpose conforms more to what we say each morning in the Morning Offering: "I offer you my prayers, works, and sufferings of this day * * *" But our lives do not consist either in only saying a prayer such as the Morning Offering and then going our unthinking way. No, we are to live that Morning Offering as well as re cite it. If you pick up a well-written life of a saint you will find that a saint is not primarily a miracle worker (though he needs Q cou ple to qualify for canonization), but· rather someone who does God's will very well indeed. He is one who lives for God. Serve Others You'll find, too, that if you look deeply enough into what you are supposed to be_ doing here on this earth in thj.s: ~uest for God,You are not 'going to be able to do the job as an iso lated and insulated being. No, you're going to have to do it in relationship with some others, maybe only a few others, maybe many others. You will not be able to serve God in fact, unless you some how' manage to serve others in His Name. It still remains true that Christ has told us, in no un certain terms, that if we claim to love Him and don't love our neighbor, we are nothing but liars. And He bas said that He' is going to consider everything we do or do not do to others as done to Himself. So - neglect others and you neglect Christ; hurt others and you hurt Christ; love others (an<~ be sure you know what that little word really means) and you love Christ. As to Christ But just go around shooting off your mouth about how much you love others when the only one you really love is yourself, and you don't love Christ at all. A lot of crimes are committed today, unfortunately, in the name of love, when it's really more a matter of selfish self love. So we have to tum to others -not, indeed, as the nobility be stowing a favor on our inferiors, but as to Christ, no matter what disguise Christ may be wearing at the time. It is my own contention that, as a group, teens are doing more in this line than any other group. It is also my contention that the teens of today are doing at least as good a job of this as any other generation.
For Drug Addicts
NEWVEAR, NEW • WORLD TREND IN ART: Ivory Statue of the Virgin and Child by an unknown 14th century French artist is in a collection assembled at the Philadelphia College of Art to demonstrate the changing trends in art through the centuries. Statue was loaned to the college by Piero Tozzi Galleries of New York. NC Photo.
What will 1966 be Iikel The '~orld will be a more peaceful' place If everyone does hIs share. ,.. ••• Last year the Holy Father trained thousand. of native priests and Sisterl, built hundreds of I' schools, clinics, chapels, and cared for orphan_II THIS lepers, the 8Hing. He can do even more In 1968 I»EPENDS If you ask us tQ send full Information to your : ON friends.•.• How CIIn you make the world a be~ YOU ter place? Pray for our priests and SIsters. at I Mass eech day, and do all you can to gIve them what they need. They are your amba.. sadors to the poor, and they get lonely, hunHry. tired. Month by month In '66, have a share In all the gcod they dol
Parish Parade
WAREHAM St. Patrick's Cirtle will meet Monday, Jan. 10. Members will enjoy a game night. and M~s. Chester Skinner Will be m charge of the social hour.
NOTRE DAME, FALL RIVER The Women's Bownng League will resume activities Thur;day, Jan. 6.
ST. WILLIAM. FALL RIYER The Women's Guild ,,·m bold a business meeting Wednesday, Jan. 5. The unit's weekly whist parties will be resumed Tuesd~y, Jan. 18, with Mrs. Thomas Smith and Mrs. David Cabral hostesses for the evening. ST. FRANCIS OF ASS lSI,
NEW BEDFORD The Women's League will meet Thursday, Jan. 2'7 in the church han. The unit announces its an nual ball for Saturday, Feb. 12 at Allendale Country Club. Mrs. Robert Morelli is chairman.
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, FALL RIVER The Women's Guild will meet at 8 Monday night, Jan. 3 in the church hall and members win receive corporate Communion at 8 o'clock Mass this Sunday morning. Mrs. Margaret Brooks will be social hour chairman for the Monday meeting.
NANUET (NC)-·More than a dozen young women drug addicts from New York who are trying QUEBEC (NC) - Auxiliary to shake the narcoti.cs habit took Bishop Charles Henri Levesque part in a week end retreat at St. of Ste-Anne-dele-Pocatiere dio Patrick's Villa Retreat House cese was consecrated here by here. The retreat was conducted Maurice Cardinal Roy of Quebec. by Father Daniel Egan, S.A., . Co-consecrators were Bishop whose work among narcotics ad Bruno Desrochers of Ste-Anne de-Ia-Pocatiere, and J. M. For dicts has won him the nickname "&be junkie priest.tire Cltf Gaspe, Que.
Bishop Consecrated
80 that hIs 748 penniless parishIoners ean YOUR hive e place for Masl In Kumbazha, sl9uth PRIESTS India, Father Peter Is bulldln, a little church AND evenings atter work. Now the cement, nail.. ataTERS lumber are ione. however, and Father Peter AR! needs $3.82li ·to finish the work. The church DOING will be dedicated to OUr Blelsed Mother. Give Father Peter what he needs (or part of It) In memory of your loved oneil Priests and people will prey for you and yOVrB whenever Mass I. offered. Father Mlohael Isho, .t the Chaldean 0,.. phanese In Ballhdad, Iraq, requests e sponsor for Hlkmat Yalda, a little boy In flrst grade. Only $10 a month wilt give Hlkmat nourishing meals, medical care, elothlng, love. We'll send you hi. photOHraph. Sister Laura Is one of 30 young Indian wom en now trelnlng to be native Sacred Heart Sister. In Changanacherry. You can "adopt" her a. your own (pay the cost of her training) for only $300 eltogether ($1!50. year, $12.50 a month). You'll share In her lifetime In all the iood she dOli, and she will write to you. WHAT
o YCMt To live them the beneflt of the dalTy MaS!lltll, I:,
prayers and hardships «If our mlsslonarles"th!. year, enroll YQur family (living al14l deceased) I'"~ this Anoc:latlon. The offerin, (used for the poor) Is onty $2-a·year for an IndMdual. $10-.. y.ar tor yoU! femily. W.'II send a certlficet..
i----------------~ Dear \tof1t1lMr Ryan.
Nturn coupon with your offerln,
.HClOIiO 1'l1A1. "NO
• \
ITR£lT OITY_---:
MISSIONS , FRANCIS CARDINAL SPELLMAN, President MSGR. JOSEPH T. RYAN. National Secretary Write: CATHOLIC NEAR EAST WELFARE Assoc. .-J 330 Madison Avenue· New York, N,Y. 1001, Telephone: 212/YUkon 6-5840
Prelate predicts Expanded Ro'e For Catholic 'Welfare Conference WASHINGTON (NC) - .An expanded role for the National Catholic Welfare Conference in fostering the social mission of the Church was predicted here at the episcopal consecration of the NCWC's secretary general, the Most Rev; Paul F. Tanner. Archbishop Karl J. Alter of. Cincinnati, expressing the "pro found indebtedness" of the U.S. hierarchy to Bishop Tanner, said "an ever widening area of action will open up for the NCWC." He predicted an expanded role for the conference in the future, "particularly • • • in respect to the expanded concept of the bishops' collegiate responsibili ty." "In the inevitable reorganiza tion of our own national con ference, the office of general secretary will assume a role of major importance," he said. "The fact that the present incumbent now enjoys episcopal status will greatly facilitate· his effective cooperation in· the development of the new program."
Since the Council of Trent, Archbishop Alter said, "the Church has stood on the defen sive; it was like a city that was besieged or a country that was invaded." .The Second Vatican Council, he continued, "has changed much of this siege attitude.To day the Church no longer immobilized, no longer static, no longer hesitant and with.,. drawn in its confrontation with the modem world. "It speaks once more with assurance, confident that its message is relevent to the tem poral order and a source of manifold benefits to all man kind."
Make Special Study Of Catholic College
For Noyitiate
Sch~dule. of • Cathedral of .1;he Assumption, Fall River
I :2
0 16
23 30 31
CINCINNATI (NC) "Destructive myths" have stood in the way of civil rights for Negroes, a Protes tant minister told a Catholic men's group here. The Rev. Otis Moss, pastor of Mt. Zion Baptist church, Lock land, Ohio, said it is "the task of creative leadership to over throw" these myths. He ad dressed the Cincinnati Medieval ists. One of the "destructive myths" attacked by Dr. Moss, who is re gional director of the Southern Christian Leadership Confer ence, was "the myth that educa tion will solve the race ques tion." "Discrimination is not due to lack of education," he said. "It is sustained not by the illiterate but by those with degrees and pedigrees. Knowledge alone does not produce goodness." Unjust Laws APPRECIATION AWARD: Archbishop E:gidio Vag He said that "it is a function nozzi, Apostolic Delegate in the United States, presents to of leadership to know and teach Msgr. Thomas J. Grady, rector of the National Shrine of that peace without justice is an the Immaculate Conception in Washington, a gold medal abomination to mankind." sent by Pope Paul VI to Archbishop Vagnozzi in appreciation ~ Commenting on the practice of of his role in preparing for the Holy Father's visit last non-violent civil disobedience, Dr. Moss said: "There are certain Oct. 4 to the. United Nations in New York. NC Photo. unjust laws that exist within the framework of constitutional gov ernment, and to obey them . would be to disobey God." "If the early Christians had obeyed all of the laws of the June 19 St. Theresa, New Bedforl Caesars, Christianity would not Our Lady (}f Purgatory, Ne~ Bedford have survived," he added. Sacred Heart, North A~leb6ro 26 St. Mary, Nort<m St. Francis Xavier, Hyannis St. Mary, New Bedford
Forty Hours Devotion
Sacred Heart Home. New Bedford St. Patrick, Fall River st. Lawrence, New BeClford st. Joseph, Fairhaven Our Lady Of the Angels, Fall River Our Lady of Mount Carmel, New Bedford St. Patrick, Wareham St. Anthony, Taunton Sacred Heart, Fall River Bishop Stang Convent. North Dartmoutta Holy Name, New Bedford St. Joseph, Fall River Jesus Mary Convent, Fall River Our Lady of Mercy Convent, Attlebero
Our Lady of Fatima, Swansea St. Mary, North Attleboro Our Lady's Haven. Fairhaven
13 St. William's, Fall River
Santo Christo, Fall River 20 St. Anthony's Convent, Fall River Catholic Memorial Home, Fall River 27 St. Anthony, East Falmouth St. James, New Bedford Our Lady of Lourdes, Taunton
March 8
St. Augustine, Vineyard HaveD Holy Family, Taunton 13 St. Mary, Taunton St. Francis Xavier, Acushnet St. James, Taunton 20 St. Joseph, North Dighton Espirito Santo, Fall River 27 Our Lady of Perpetual Help, New Bedford St. Peter, Dighton
3 Our Lady of the Immaculate Conceptiea, FaD. River
St. Boniface, New Bedford St. Paul, ·Taunton. St. John the Baptist, Fall River 17 Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, New Bedford St. Michael, Ocean Grove Z4 Holy Ghost, Attleboro St. Joseph, New Bedford
i :.. :
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conceptioll, Nortll BaatQll St. Mary, Hebronville St. Vincent'9 Home, Fall River a St. Patrick, Falmouth Mt. St. Joseph School, Fall River 15 St. Casimir, New Bedford Villa Fatima, Taunton Mount St. Mary's Convent, Fall River Convent of the Holy Union of the Sacred lie..... Fall River. Convent of the Sacred Hearts, Fairbav. . :!! St. Matthew, Fall River St. Kilian, New Bedford zt St. Joseph, Taunton Blessed Sacrament, Fall River
1. '-'e
5 St. Theresa's Convent, Fall River Holy Name, Fall River Holy Trinity, West Harwich It SS. Peter and Paul, Fall River LaSalette Shrine, Attleboro St. Mary, Mansfield Corpus Christi, Sandwich
Minister Asserts IMyths Block NeQro Rights
ST. PAUL (NC)-St. Thomas College here in Minnesota is the only Catholic college to be in cluded in a special study, sup ported by Carnegie Foundation of New York, which aims at de.. stroying the idea that all col leges must" imitate the same ideal. CHARLOTTESVILLE (NC) The New York Province of the The study will illustrate "the Society of Mary (Marianists) has extraordinary range of choices purchased a 423-acre estate near open to colleges and guidelines here in Virginia for use as a . for future descriptions at. the novitiate for men whQ wish to .. w9rkings of a college," said the become Marilinist priests or three-man committee studying St. Thomas. ,. Brothers.
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 30, 1965
St. Joan of Arc, Orleans Our Lady of the Assumption, Osterville 10 St. Hyacinth, New Bedford St. Mary, South Dartmouth 17 St. Pius X, South Yarmouth St. Stephen, Dodgeville 24 St. Francis of Assisi, New Bedfonl Holy Redeemer, Chatham 31 St. George, Westport Sacred Hearts, Fairhaven 3
RUTLAND (NC)-The supel' intendent of Burlington diocesan schools said here educational television "is long overdue ill Vermont" and another attempt to get legislation approving a sys tem will be- made in the 1966 . Legislature sessions. Msgr. John A. Lynch said ef. Jorts have been made to obtain educational TV for the state's schools since 19:;3. Legislation i8 being sought for a system link ing the state's 551 schools. The monsignor added it would be "immoral" not to include the 37 schools in Vermont's Catholic 8Chool system in the project.
St. Theresa, South Attleboro St. Elizabeth, Fall River Our Lady of Victory. Centerville 14 Our Lady of Lourdes, Wellfleet Sacred Heart, New Bedford 21 St. Anthony of the Desert, Fall River St. Joseph, Woods Hole 28 St. John the Baptist, Central Village Our Lady of Grace. North Westport
Our. Lady of the Assumption, New BedfOlll Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Seekonk 11 St. Anne, Fall River Sf. Dominic, Swansea 18 Holy Cross, Fall River St. Joseph, Attleboro St. Louis de France, Swansea 25 St. Roch, Fall River Sacred Heart, Taunton St. Anthony of Padua, New Bedford.
Judge to Determine Bequest Recipient /'
St. John of God, Somerset . Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, TaunteD o Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Fall River Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, Taunton 13 LaSalette, East Brewster 16 St. Peter, Provincetown St. Hedwig, New Bedford Our Lady of the Isle. Nantucket 23 St. Michael, Fall River St. Patrick, Somerset 30 St. Thomas More, Somerset Sacred Heart, Oak Bluffs 2
13 ~
23 27
Vermont Still Seeks Educational TV
JERSEY CITY (NC) Superior Court Judge Robert Matthews has ordered that a hearing be held to determine the rightful recipient of a $200,000 bequest fought over by St. Jo seph's Home for the Blind here and Local 6 of the International Typographical Union. The money was left to St. Jo seph's by J. Fred Knight, 83,. who died in a nursing home June
7. A will made out the year be
fore named Archbishop Thorn_
A. Boland of Newark as execlI tor.
Our Lady of the Immaculate Conceptloft, lIe" Bedford Notre Dame, Fall River ' St. Stanislaus, Fall River St. John the Baptist. New Bedford St. Ann, Raynham St. John the Evangelist. Attleboro St Catherine's Convent. Fall Riv. St. Anthony, Mattapoisett St. Anne, New Bedford
St. Margaret; Buzzards Bay St Bernard, Assonet Our Lady of the Cape, East Brewster 11 St. Anthony of Padua, Fall River St. Mary, Fairhaven 18 Our Lady of Health, Fall River St. Louis, Fall River 2a St. Mary's Home. New Bedford St. Helena's Convent, Fall River
Compfete Line
Building Material.
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fan River-Thurs. Dec. 30, 1965
, Anno Domini 1965
Diidogue With Catholics The executive secretary of the St. ~uts Archdioe esan Commission on Human Rights has made a most sensible and necessary suggestion, that Catholics should engage in "more dialogue with ourselves." The secretary, Father Francis M. Doyle, cited the "unheard-of" gains in interreligious relations in the past quarter eentury but commented: "While aU this is going
en, I sometimes wonder if we are not moving farther away from one another." It is tr~e that a Catholic can feel a great sense of pride in reading articles in Cath6Ilc newspapers and pel'
iodicals that show a' w~mderful degree of kindness and llnderstanding toward those who are not Catholic. It is likewise inspirational to witness' Catholics and non-Cath':' olics working in close harmo.ny on joint projects. And all this makes for a ·greater degree of shock to observe
at times the lack of charity of' Catholic toward Catho lic, the name-calling that goes on in many periodicals and newspapers, the hostility of "new breed" -toward "old breed," of "progressive" toward "conservative,"
This should not be. lt would be a sad spectacle if the· old bitterness toward non-Catholics, now happily changing, were not to disappear completely but would be dir4~cted toward
those "of the household of the faith," as St. Paul called
his fellow-Catholics. Dialogue with non-Catholics is good and needed. Di alogue of Catholics with Catholics must likewise exhibit the same charity and spirit of understanding.
Still Decreasing The annual Gallup poll on church attendance through out the nation has once more been released and once again it indicates that regular' church attendance is still on the decrease. Ten years ago, forty-nine per cent of adults ques tioned indicated that they attended church regularly. At tendance in 1964 dropped to forty-five per cent. ~1id the latest survey shows that forty-four per cent of acltifts at tended some church regularly in this year of 1965. An affluent society like that in. the United States does nothing to foster regular church attendance. People have too much and are too immersed in things to bother much with the spirit. Indeed, either they never think of °it or see no need for religion. Religion, any religion, usually makes demands on a person, talks of such difficult things' as self-control and sacrifice, and these concepts are fast disappearing from the contemporary scene. There will be a reaction some day, true, but in the meantime neglect of God and the spirit continues..
A,nother Matter Students of the University of California have elect ed to their Campus Rules Committee a young lady who acknowledged, before the election, that she has been a Communist for the last three years. She proved to be the leading vote-getter among the seven under-graduates running for three positions on the committee. Unfortunately, only 5,900 students out ~f the 27,000 students on campus voted. The election also was held un der a complex representational system that did not pro vide conventional voting totals. But the fact remains that this individual was chosen and was the top vote-getter. Which shows that people have a right to chose any one they wish to represent them and to be their spokes man. They also must live with the consequences of t~eir action, too. And this may prove to be another and far different matter entirely.
@rheANCHOR OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FALL RIVER Published weekly by The Catholic Press of the Dioce~e of Fall River 410 Highland Avenue fall River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 PUBLISHER Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD., .' GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. John ,. Driscoll Itt. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. MANAGING EDITOR Hugh J. Golden
Pontiff, Discusses Hopes of Council And C"ria Work
In his Christmas audienee for the Roman Cardinals aml the officials of the Roma Curia, the Holy Father
Council Magnitude Can Still Lead to Failure KINGSTON (NC)-So much has been done at the Vatican council "that we cannot grasp its magnitude, Bish op G. Emmett Carter of London, Ont., Canada has com mented. Bishop Carter wrote in the Canadian Register newspaper, which serves 9 arms, then the constitution on dioceses: "While the unimag the Church and the decree on inative will face up to us bishops and their administration with the direct statement or will fall into disuse. And let us the implication that we did nothing in four years, since we didn't settle birth control- or some other pet project-the fact remains that more has been done in changing the 'stance and 'policies' in the Church than in any previous hundred. "So much has been done in deed that we cannot grasp its magnitude. The possibilities are unlimited. And what is more ex traordinary is that it has been done without a single condemna tion of heresy, without an an athema. We have saved our tra ditional doctrine, but almost totally reformed our attitudes and policies. We hope we have left authority intact but we have laid the cornerstone for a fun damentally revised spirit and structure * * *" Can Still Fail "Make no 'mistake, Vatican II can still fail," he advised, how ever. "The changes are so sud den, so profound that they have yet to be locked into the think ing and acting of each of us at the local and individual level." "If the bishops of the world go home and act like office man agers looking to a Roman bu reaucracy for every detail and directive, fearful of initiative and happiest when reading in structions sealed with curial
Lawmaker Score$ Birth Control Plan PHILADELPHIA (NC)-State Rep. Martin P. Mullen of this city GIolarged State Welfare Sec retary Arlin M. -f'\dams. acted without consent of the legisla ture in inaugurating a statewide birth control information pro gram for persons on relief rolls.. ,"It came as a surprise to all of us," said Mullen, who is chair- . man of the House Appropriations Committee. "It's too' late to do anything to stop it. now, but when the next session meets, I'll fight for cutting off funds for the project."
,\,i_OO the hopes made possible
by the Vatican Council and the work he expects the ,Rom. .. CUl-iato undertake. . To these who blame the Vat iean Council for having pro
duced "a Period of dogmatic' a04l., moral uncertainty, or of disci- . plinary indifference, of supe:r ficial religious irenicism or of. organizatiomd' weakening'" the,. Pope had a brief but clear an swer. .. "On the contrary," the Pope replied, "it (the Vatican Council' . has sought to initiate a period of greater fervor, of greater
common cohesion, of greater cul- . tural development, of a greater ecclesial spirituality." Then, turning to the Cardinals and Curia officials, he explained
that the: .reform of the curia
which has " already 1::leen an nounced and begun,' is not goil'll to make less work 'for them. On the contrary, it seems that their
work-although reformed-wiD
.be even greater.
"The Roman Curia, wisely re formed according to (modern) m~ans," the Pope promised, "wiD know how validly to confront problems of the post-conciliar period." The Pope maintained the im
p()rtance of the Curia's work
and their added-but reformed
burdens which should only make their work the more efficient. "There are many a,ctivities in the Church which require a central point. of reference and united guidance, and there are many provision for new organizational developments which the council itself has called lor: new work, new responsibility, new adapta tion, new programs certainly will develop other additions and duties, notwithstanding every good desire for simplification."
not blame the curia for moving into a vacuum which we will have created. In Vain "And if 1 combination of foot draggers and gun-jumpers turn the constitution on the liturgy into wearying reluctance or a horror of immature experimen
tation, if some well-meaning but
ethereal reformers succeed in stripping the ancient Church of Continued from Page 011e all the splendid and dignified for holiness; they are indispen and appealing to the senses ~ sable for the reunion of Chris de-incarnating, as it were-our tendom. first and most practical victory The goal will not be achieved will have been in vain. by pride but by humility, not by "And if the laity either decide arrogance but by a spirit of com that it was more comfortable submerged, or if on emerging, punction, and by reliance upon God's grace rather than on hu they forget that Christ did give man ability and astuteness. special power to teach, govern When Pope Paul spoke at the and sanctify to the Apostles and Mass offered in Yankee Stadium, to the bishops their successors, or if they - and some of the New York City, he acknowl edged the presence of other priests-forget the power of Holy Christians and peoples of other Orders, the schemata on the faiths: "We are most happy to ' laity and on the priesthood, greet at the same time, with all beautiful and moving though reverence and sincerity, those they be, are 'sound and fury Christian brothers here pre signifying nothing," .he said. sented, separated from us, yet united with us by baptism and by belief in th'e Lord Jesus. We keep them all in our heart and in our prayers. We also greet those here pres PATERSON (NC)-The 17th ent who follow other religious annual Mariological Society of beliefs and who in good con America convention will be held science in the end seek and in Louisville, Ky., Monday, Jan. honor Almighty God, the Lord 3 and Tuesday, Jan. 4. Archbish of heaven and earth, among op John A. Floersh of Louisville whom the descendants of Abra will be the host. The theme will ham have' our particular consid be, "The Mother of Christ· and eration." Salvation History." The Unity Octave is new-not Speaker~ will include Msgr. indeed as to time, for it began George W. Shea and Father An very humbly almost six decades thony T. Padovano, of Darling ago. It is not new as to a desire ton, N. J.; Fathers Cletus Wes on the part of Christian people; sels, O.P. and William G. Most, for the ecumenical movement of Dubuque, Iowa; Father began in 1910 in Edinburgh. George T. Montague, S.M., of ,But it is new in its urgency, in San Antonio, Tex., and Father provoking among Christians aD Bernard J. Cooke,S.J., of Mil over the world a sincere and ar waukee, ·Wis. dent longing for the fulfillment The society was founded in of, the Saviour's entreaty to the Father: "That they all may be 1949 to promote a better under one-that they may' be one ;w standing of the prerogatives of we are one." Christ's Mother.
Unity Octave
Mariological Society Meeting in Louisville
; ,
Named to Faculty
BERN (NC)"":""Foreign Minister Friedrlch Wahlen told
the Swiss parliament here that the government is anxious
to remove 19th-centuty sanctions against the Jesuit order but he said such a step mllst first receive support by th~ general public. Jesuits have been forbidden .tocarry on convention' and shortly. th~re public activities iIi' this after repealed itlJp\QJiticlencal . '., laws.",,::'
eou~t~ by a constitutional "But in the eaSe of, Norway,
proVllO":2! in 1874 that,grew out of tfle anti-religious "kultur- kampf" in Switzerland. Another provision of the, constitution forbids the !bunding of new re- ligious houses. Wahlen said the ecumenical sPirit prevailing the 'last decade has removed many anti- clerical prejudices. He said a government report on the con- stitutional sanctions is nearly finished and that amendments will eventually be submitted to • national referendum. Prejudices However, he added: "We must remember that in spite of the Improved relations between the various co~essions, so many old prejudil?es and obstacles of a purely emotional nature still ex- ist that it is necessart to clarify the situation further. .• ' "Many citizens are still un prepared to admit that articles 51 and 52 of our constitution are not only inequitable but that they have become politically in opportune. Any negative decis ion by the people would jeopar dize future chances of eliminat ing the articles." Whalen recalled that many per IOns here were disturbed when Switzerland failed to sign the convention on human rights adopted by the Council of Eur ope, primarily because of the anti-religious restrictions and the lack of woman's suffrage. He Doted that 'Norway sfgn:ed the
Folklore Mass In Ecuador QUITO (NC) - ThousaDdJof persons partlclpated iD. an "'historical-folklore'" Mass cele brated here on the 431st anniver sary of this 'Ecuador city's estab lishment. Msgr. AngelHumberto Jacome, vicar general of the archdioeese of Quito, was the celebrant of the Mass which was held out doors in the Plaza San Franciseo. The Mass was composed by Father Jaime Mola, • Spanish Franciscan. The theme of the music for the Introit was "Come, People of the Andes." The music of the Kyrie expressed the sup plications of the Andean people. The Gloria was chanted Inca style. The music of the Sanctus was inspired by a particular era in Ecuador's history. A 500-voice choir led the sing ing. The entire congregation re sponded both in Spanish and in the Quechua language.
THE ANCHOR Thurs., Dec.- 30, 1965
Swiss'Official Promises' Action on Jesuit· Ban
Of U. of Illinois Dr. Daniel J. Delaney, ,former . guidance counselor at Bishop Stang High School, North Dart mouth, has been appointed as . ·sistant professor of educational psycholOgy in the department of counseling at the University of Dlinois. " . The son of Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Delaney, Sacred Heart par ish, Fall River, he holds a doc torate. in counseling pSYChology from-Arizona State University• He is conducting research in the area of non-verbal communica tions with the aim of developing sensitivity training programs for future psychologists. Such pro grams will develop awareness of non-verbal cues in psychology. A practicing psycholigist, Dr. Delaney will teach graduate stu dents at the University of mi nois in addition to pursuing his own research. He is the brother of Rev. Joseph P. Delaney, cu rate at Sacred Heart Church, Taunton, and assistant Diocesan . superintendent of schools; Rev. Edmund T. Delaney, curate at St. Joseph's Church, Fall River; and Sister Joseph Thomas, S.U.S.C., stationed at IIJW1acu late Conception Schoo~ Astoria ~. Y.. AJ.t0ther brother: Thomas: 111 a Jurnor at Stonehill College.
he said, "there was Sufficient evidence' that the Norwegian people were unanimously eon~ vJ~cedtha't' ·the ban was abso lutely' outdated and bicompat ible with tlie legal principles underlying a modem state. ''The Swiss federal 'govern",: ment is convinced that the same agreement will prevail in Switz erland. But the people of Switz erland like to found their de cisions on their own convictions and in harmony with the exigencies of their own country. We sincerely hope that when the various groups will have ex pressed their positive opinion on the matter, the people them selves will decide to eliminate the o.ply-vestige remaining of the sad events in 1847."
DePaul to Teach World Missions CHICAGO (NC) DePaul University here will offer a course on the major religion's of the world beginning Feb. 7, 1966. Father Robert Campbell, O.P., who will conduct the course, said it is part of DePaul's "Program for Greatness," one aspect of which calls for deepening mutu al respect for religious beliefs of others and increased familiarity with non-Western cultures. . The course will feature study and discussion of Protestant, Greek Orthopox, Christian Sci ence, Moslem, Jewish Orthodox and RefOrmed, Buddhist, Hindu and Mormon faiths. Prominent leaders from each of these religions will be guest lecturers each week, with themes eoncentrating on the meaning of life and death, of moral good happiness, suffering and the sence of man.
Communist Journal ,Scores Archbishop ANCIENT MONASTERY: '~Paul the Hermit, whose feastday is Jan. 15, is commemorated at the 1,600-year-old Monastery of St. Paul south of Suez on the Red Sea coast of Egypt. Here Father Hanein, 75, eldest of the 45 Coptic monks there, shows ancient drawings of the saints which decorate the monastery. Legend holds that St. Paul lived alone in the desert for 9Q years and died in 342 A.D. NC Photo.
Letter Made Public Pope St. Pius X Grate·ful to Pope Paul's Father for Defense Against Slander
BERLIN (NC) - Archbishop , Alfred Bengsch of the diocese of Berlin was bitterly criticized by the official East German communist party .newspaper ~eues Deutschland because he signed a eonciliatory letter sent by the bishops of Germany to the Catholic hierarchy in Po land. The editorial said the arch bishop, whose residence is in East Berlin but whose diocese includes the western part of the city, "acted against the peace efforts of the (East German) nation . . ." Noting that nearly all the bis hopa who signed the letter are from West Germany, the news paper eoncluded that the letter waS a "political gesture" and that the bishops had involved themselves in a "very curious situation."
and .perhaps something worse VATICAN CITY (NC)-Vati can City daily newspaper has still by Provincio di Brescia's resurrected a letter Pope St. charitable corr.espondent from Pius X sent when he was bishop Castiglione a former Jesuit res BEIRUT (NC) Father of Mantua to the present Pope's idence that had been confiscated, accused him of concealing his Thomas F. Hussey, S.J., of Wor father, Giorgio Montini, thank cester, has been named director ing him for defending him true intentions which the news paper averred were to restore of the Pontifical Mission for against slanders of an anticler the Jesuits "sworn enemies of Palestine. He succeeds Father ical newspaper. Denis Mooney, O.F.M., who held Montini, editor of the daily the institutions of the mother the post for 12 years. newspaper n Cittadino in nearby land." Father Hussey was a pro Brescia, was 26 years old when fessor at the Jesl:tit college in he received the bishop of Man Eire Premier Lector Baghdad, Iraq, form, 1944 to tua's letter, dated Sept. 26, 1886. Montini had replied to violent At Consecration 1955. He was rector of the Jesuit mission in Baghdad for six but vague accusations against WATERFORD (NC) - Pre years. Since 1961 Father Hussey the then Bishop Giuseppe Sarto mier Sean Lemass of Ireland has been director of the Jesuit in another Brescia newspaper, read the epistle at the consecra La Provincia di Brescia. Missions in New England. tion Mass here of Bishop "I am truly obliged for the Michael Russell of Waterford The Pontifical Mission for Palestine, created by the Holy beautiful defense you have and Lismore. given the poor bishop of Man See in 1949, works in coopera Both Lemass anci President tion with the United Nations tua, held up as a swindler, liar, Eamon de Valera had special Pontiff Decorates to assist some 1,250,000 Palesti seats in the sanctuary of Holy Astronaut McDivitt niain refugees here in Lebanon, Establish Maryknoll Trinity cathedral for the Mass. Jordan and Syria. It operates HOUSTON (NC) -A Bene Consecrator of the .former vice Information Center merenti medal has been bestow schools, orphanages, hospitals president of St. Patrick's col LIMA (NC)-A central in ed on astronaut James A. McDiv clinics and homes for the aged: lege in Thurles was William formation center is being estab Itt by Pope Paul VI. Cardinal Conway of Armagh. lished here by the Maryknoll Coadjutor Bishop John L. Schedule Inaugural Fathers to collect and dissemin Morkovsky of Galveston-Hous ate information for their mis ton, explained the papal decora sioners in Bolivia, Chile ,Peru, '
tion, started by Pope Gregory Mass for Governor TRENTON '(NC)-An official Guatemala, El Salvador and,
XVI, is awarded to men and. women for exceptional military inaugural Mass will be on the Mexico.
schedule for the first time in or civie service. Astronaut' Mc Father John ,J. O'Brien, M~,
Divitt, Bishop Morkovsky' said, this state when Gov. Richard J.' M., a Maryknoll missioner in 1a "well deserving of the honor. Hughes is inaugurated Governor South America for more 'than McDivitt gave a St. Christo-. of NewJ~rsey for his seeond ' f7 years and a former neWSpaper pher medal 'carrIed on the ·term Tuesday, Jan. 18. writer, has been named to direct Gemini IV flight'laBt Summer Archbishop Thomas ·A. Boland the center. I to Bishop Morkovsky for presen of Newark will offer the Mass , The center will also provide ' . tation to Pope Paul. The 'astrO: in St. MarY's Cathedral here at services for religious and SecuWYman 3-0911 Daut, his wife and three children 10 A.M. Bishop George ·W. Ahr lar personnel outside the Mary • , an: members of St. Paul', Parlab of Trenton will preach. The Mass knoll society who are w.orkinl ill Webster, Texu. ' Will be offered for peace~ . ~.......-. .-. ~ .-. in Latin America. . __
Worcester Jesuit To Head Mission
New Director O'rJ:AWA (NC)-Lionel Pari sien of Ottawa, former high school principal, is the new ex ecutive director of the secreta riat for the Canadian Inter-Faith Conference. ELECTRICAL
~ ~
944 County St. New Bedford
,703 S. Water Street New Bedford ..-. .-. .-.
, ~ ~ 4 L " W . . -
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 30, 1965
Set>Cope Speech'
For CCD Leader
Whole World Awaits Papal Bull Lifting Friday Ban on Meat
Miss Patricia Makin, a membft' of the Fall River Diocesan Board of the Contraehnity of Christiaa Doctrine, will speak at 8 Wed nesday night, Jan. 5 for SS. Ma.... garet-Mary Guild, Buzzards Bay.. Her topic will be the role .. CCD in the parish.
By Mary Tinley Daly The Pope reigning when I was a girl-I'll not mention hi-s name, too dating~probably never thought of abolishing restrictions against eating meat on Friday. But, if he had, what a popular pontiff! Ugh! I still remember Fridays in the Middle West, far re.-mov ed from either coast, the Gulf tum to them for Friday fare. even from the Great Lakes. They must be joined by many othel'$ since consumption· of Transportation was slow, re these products has expanded to
Miss Makin, principal 01 Padanarum School, Dartmouth, holds a master's degree in edu cation from Bridgewater Sta_ College. She has been active ia CCD for 10 years and in additioa to serving as Diocesan Chairman of Elementary CCD Teachers, is an executive board member of St. George parish CCD, WestpoJt.
frigeration inadequate, fish per billion pounds in 1964, racking ishable as it is today. So to up a cool $1.3 billion industry. bring in the Abandon, Fish goodies fro m Whenever the expected papal far away was bull is issued, chances are the exorbitantly ex first Friday following its pro Archdiocese Expa~ds pensive. 0 n I y clamation will find meat on for special oc For Hiring Program your table and ours, just for easions, like a the novelty. birthday falling SAN FRANCISCO (NC)-Th. After that, liklihood is that on a Friday, San Francisco archdiocese hu Catholics will voluntarily im or for Christ joined the Bay Area Urbaa pose on themselves abstention mas Eve, could League and the Mexican-Ameri from meat, probably on Friday. we afford oys can Community Services Projed This will carry on the Christian ters, s h tim p, of San Jose in an effort to assist lobster-all seafood delicacies tradition mentioned by early fair hiring practices by'archdioc as much a part of Mid-Western Church writers Clement of Al esan suppliers. fare these days as for those exandria and Tertullian, who The archdiocese's Social JUl!l living close to sources of supply. lived less than two centuries tice Commission, in cooperation ]~riday, as a day of truly gust after Christ. They noted this with· the two organizations, it FOOD RESEARCH SEMINAR: Bishop Connolly cele atory penance, is part of the custom developed. as an act of memories of my Catholic girl penance in commemoration of brated Mass opening "Day of Professional and Spiritual offering: Christ's suffering and death on hood. Excellence" at Stonehill College Monday for religious en On the job training, usillJ "Let's see," Mama would say~ a Friday. gaged in food service work. Shown, left to right, Sister funds from the Manpower Re planning her Friday dinner, That Catholics" or anybody development and Training Act te "'last week we had salmon loaf else, wJ.11 abandon the. use of J.\1:.ary Tharcisus of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Uganda; defray expenSes of employers ia Mrica; Bishop Connolly; and Brother Herman E. Zaccar fish seems highly improbable. (canned salmon), the week be training minority workers whe fore it was tuna (canned). Now, An example of this is Spain elli, C.S.C., Director of Food Research Cenoor for. Catholic. lack needed skIlls. will it be codfish or catfish?" where,although Catholics have Institutions. . A skills bank, to make avail "'Macaroni and cheese!" my been permitted to eat meat on able to companies minority most Fridays since the year 1089 brother would shout. workers with particular skills. "'Eggs," we more figure-con . under dispensation of Pope Ur The archdiocese is also requiring ban II, that country has 'become teious girls voted. de facto·segregated education in all supplien to submit a racial MILWAUKEE (NC) one of the . great fish-eating We could~'t win always. In . Milwaukee; and to· protest the and ethnic breakdown of an centers of the world.. The thermometer regisoored evitably came that horrible cod present policy of i.ntact bussing. employes. Value of fish in the diet, not below' freezing. The win~ fish, dried and fiakey in' its .only for its taste, but nutrition was sharp. Because their · little wooden box shipped from · New England--dregs, 'we vowed, ally, was recently brought out «:oat collars were buttoned up by the American Heart Associ.. against the cold, the priests from year-before-Iast and dis could not easily be distinguished dained by New Englanders. ation, reaffirming its stand on importance of polyunsatu from the laymen. But at least -.r..vas 110 salty even a1:ter repeat 'the rated fats, such as those in fish. 50 were definitely counted, and ed rinsings and after being Even "fish-haters" might be an equal number of nuns, among heated in a bland cream sauce, ltraised a thirst exceeding that surprised to learn that the magic the 290 who crunched the snow extolled by Rudyard Kipling ingredient inducing growth in in the protest march here on poultry, and accounting for its Equal Opportunity Day. in "Road to Mandalay." Or, we'd have catfish, "nice recent drop in price, is fish. Sponsored by two Marquette According to the U.S. Fish and and fresh," procured from a University organizations - the neighbor lad who had fished in Wildlife Service, this "fish in a Faculty Association for Interra local waters and who plunked chicken" is menhaden, a fish cial Justice, and Students United used for fertilizer and meal. for Racial Equality (SURE)-the thf~ slimy catch with their grim Menhaden amounts to a third march was staged to "bring pub ly staring eyes into the kitchen of the total catch in the United lic attention to the benefits of sink. States and its effect on poultry racially integrated schools." "If you don't think of them is phenomenal. as 'cat' fish," my imaginative Cite Purposes Anyway, all the world 111 aister Margaret said, "they won't Purposes of the protest march awaiting the Pope's pronounce look like cats and they'll even were outlined as follows: to pro mentl taste better." test "immobility of the Milwau Margaret could talk herself kee school board with regard to into anything. This proved it. End Rosary Crusade
It's a past era, those Fridays ef tuna, salmon, cod and catfish. In Canary Islands
Nowadays, no matter' where LAS PALMAS (NC)-A four you live, or what your taste or week Family Rosary Crusade income, there is a fish product conducted by Father Patrick to satisfy. Peyton, C.S:C., ended here with A recent report from Vatican ceremonies attended by thou AVAILABLE FOR
Ci1~ states that Pope Paul VI sands of persons from this Span Banquets • Testimonials
has readied a bull lifting re- . ish colony and from the African firictions against eating meat mainland.' . Fashion Showl
on Friday, restriction~ establish- . The American priest' declared. Special Parties'
ed 8ll Church .law· during the' . lit· the beginping of th~erql\8de. · reign of Pope NicbOlllS I, ~58-' that the. mes~ge of .. f!Unil,. .'/- A.D. (not the reignirig. Pope" prayer is addressed to Prot~ 'WV",all ~9M men~on~d at th'~lJinr~~ns ct . tantB, M9Slem and .peoples ct ail .• _ MErcury 6-27"'" _ ASSORTED.' COLORS . . ... AS LOW AS . . ~s. column). .:-. faitha. and ·elallSe.. . " . Neither Nicholas" nor any TWiN OR 'OOUBtS' BED 81ZB .ubsequent·edictsays")that Oath-', . ~~--.-;" ......... - ~.....
wASIIABLE:N.~N. .:~L:L~~~IC .: .•.. .lies must ·'eat fish'" on :Friday. TWO YEAR GUAa.A:NTI/E .. ' .;,.; However, lince fishe~ products provide Ii variety of good· eatin; 'AJi',lectrie bhu.ik~ wraps . ~ eQrrifort ••• keeps it's no wonder: that . 45 millioa snug and.w.a;l'Dl· all.' mght'· tl}roughw:ith th~ ! ~atholiCll ill the·' United· s~tei
Pdests, S'istersin School March
Enjdy War.m Restful Sleep
With' This Beautiful
$·1· !" 80'
New' Dean . CHICAGO (NC) ..:... F. VIrgil :Boyd, 'former associate dean at· the school of businessadminis tration at Northwestern Univer sity, has been named dean of· the Loyola University school oi busineSl administratio¢.
temperatpre. you .select. And that's. the secret of· , deep.;down refreshing sleep. Yea, you choose a gift of comfort with an electric blanket. Fits full or twin 'W' bed, carries tv"Q.;yOOr full-replacement guarantee ...
-----------------. _--- Maclean's Sea Foods UNION WHARf, FAIRHAVEN
Don't Disc~rd Christmas Trees;
They're, Valuable in Garden
THE 'ANCHORThurs., Dec. 30, 1965
------------- '.
By IftSePh and Marilyn Roderiek Don't throwaway that Christmas tree! Use it in yonr prden. I intend to use mine and any others I ean gather as a cover for a new bed of tulips and other bulbs. I merely eut the branches off the t~ and spread them over the ~arden. In addition, the eat . branches may be draped over van~. pie crust recipe yields rose bushes which have been' three single crusts, and since hilled with eight to 10 inehes most of the pies 1 make use a .
single crust. 1 generally have the makings of two more left over. Oh, 1 wrap this dough very care fully in plastic wrap, and store it in the refrigerator but more otten than not a week goes by before I discover it behind a pound of butter and by then i·t'. not as workable as it should be. How much better if, follow in« my resolution, 1 shape the two remaining shells and freeze, then they are in perfect condit ion to be used when a pie is called for! My new and avid interest in freezing has been stirred by reading a book by Marian Fox Burros and Lois Levine, ''Freeze With Ease," published by Mac millan, a definite ~'must buy' for owners of large freezers. I'm sure if not the most complete book on the subject, it is' the most readable and maybe if I can coax, Joe into readin'g it and realizing the value of' this appliance, both time, and money wise, I may some day be gifted with one. Old ReciJie' This is an unusual combination of flavors that stems from an old New England recipe. When I flrst tried this pie I did so with trepidation, but the result ing dish and its reception banished my doubts, for it was devOUred with much relish. Clam and Chicken Pie lZ small onions Z tablespoons butter 1 can minced clams,' drained 1 c White chicken meat, diced 1 c of cooked 'potatoes, diced Ik cup chopped celery 1 teaspoon salt Black pepper to tastir Pinch of thyme . Dash cayenne White Sauce 3 Tablespoonll butter or marg arine 3 Tablespoons floOr Iy. ' Jf4 teaspoon salt As much as I enjoy cooking, Few grains' of pepper. rm not a short order cook of Ilh cups of milk any merit. 1 like my dinners Crust for top of Casserole planned in advance with ample 1) Saute onions in butter until time for preparation and last golden. minute garnishes; however, life Z) Add to pan clams, chicken, doesn't always work that way, potatoes, celery, salt, pepper, and more often than not we find thyme, and cayenne and sim ourselves confronted by unexmer 5 minutes. pected developments. From my 3) Make white sauce by melting reading and from talking to ferin a saucepan over low heat went fans of freezer cooking, I the 3 tablespoons of shorten have come to believe that tb!s ing. Blend in a mixture of ,the Item, whether part of your reflour, salt, and pepper and frigerator or a free standinll heat until mixture bubbles. ..ut, can be the solution to the Remove from heat and add wrprise situation. milk gradually, stirring well As the owner of a tiny.'freez., Cook rapidly, stirring con lag compartment that is part 0( , . ~tly, ~til sauce thickens. lOY refrigera~r,. I .~nnpt ~. '. -~) St~. white s.au~ into clam IIdvantage of my f-Oo<i sales-M nuxture .and ,:pour resulting lIlY fortunate friends with huge coDibination into greased cas- : freezers, can, but rm liure 1 Can, Ierole. Cover -with crust and manage to,squeeze in among -the bake in 400· oven for. 15 ,min- . frozen vegetables aDd ice cream utes, reduce heat to 350· and : eontainers a casserole or two; a" .bake· 15 minutes more. meat loaf or a carton of spag~ hetti sauce. "Presbyterian, C:hurch, .' it I realty feel in a gourmet mood one day, I cl\ln m,*e up • Features Nun's Art batch of hors d'oeuvres such as , DUL,UTH (NC)-Si&terMary; broiled 'jumbo shrimp' or cheese .Charles of St. Scholastica's Col- . lobster' rolls, serve·a· few to' the lege here in' Minilesi6a' lias'com- " family and freeze the rest uutn pleted an aSSignment" 'for·:the' . I want to impress th~t surp~i,se., Glen Avon Presbyterian' church., eompany with my culinary genThe Ben!'!cUctine n~,:Wa$, en-' Ius!' .' " gaged. f9 ,design and create Desserts lend themselv'es bEiau-' . ceramic symbols of the 12 Apos tlfully to freezing and what tles for the church's sanctuary, ; _old b~ nicer than having yo\J,r remodeled in 1958. Her art work, '. eeke for that special dinner In terra cotta clay, was dedicated· lNU'tY frozen a week or iiO in ad- l'ecent!)r•
Students Study
Sign Language
LODI (NC) -More than lOG students at Immaculate Concep- . tion High School for Girls here have been awarded certificates for completing a course in sigs language', The course stemmed from a' suggestion by Father Walter Gorski, moderator of the Ber gen County Catholic l Deaf Club. He remarked that some stu~ dents might be interested in taking such a course, particUlarly if they were planning careers in nursing or teaching. Expecting that a dozen or so might be in;. . terested, he offered to teach the Course. In fa~ 102 girls signed' lip, and all completed it. Two of the Sisters who staff the school also ~ok the course. . . Already there have been a number of positive results. One , student showed her mother,. a pediatrician, enough signs to en able her to communicate with a deaf mute patient.: Others have
~olunteered to teach deaf mu~
children in a special Confrater nity of Christian Doctrine class.
of garden solI. The evergreen
branches oHer added protection to the bushes from wind damage and also serve as a drift-catcher tor snow. In this way you can ensure that as muCh snow as possible ends up on your roses. 'l'here are several advantages to using Christmas tree boughs for Winter protection. To begin' with, they do not paCk down and therefore aHord excellent Insulation. In addition,they do eot retain water and therefore will not meze or become 'soggy. The trunk and larger boughs may be used to help support and protect young trees and climbing roses. I have seen ga:rdeners make a stand using three .or fout trunks tied at the top to which the canes of climbing roses are securely tied and then eovered with the ev~rgreen branches. - In the' Spring, 't'he 'branches easily picked Up,· shliken tl,l dislodge any I:emaining needl¢s; and bundled to be thrown away; In brief, the' Christmas tree can be useful imd should' Iiot"be destroyed. ·And j:f -the, .present drouRht continues througho~t. the Winter our gardens are goIng to need as much mulch as we can gather to prevent drying as much as possible. In The Kitchen In the aftermath of a hectic holiday season, made even more 110 by the presence of carpenters, plumbers, electricians and plasterers ripping, tearing, and rewiring, I made one firm resolutlon for the New Year that '1 mtend to force myself to keep. This was and is to utilize my freezer more, not just as a .torage unit for commercial frozen foods, but as the keeper of that emergency dinner when you're just too exhausted to think of cooking or when friends or relatives drop in unexpected-
FETE SENIOR SISTERS:· "Senior Sisters" at Domin ican Sisters' Motherhouse, Park Street, Fall River, are en tertained at -holiday party sponsored by Dominican Academy sodolists. Santa Clau~ Helene BiIeau distributes gifts to
Sister Reginald (nearest camera), Sister Colombe, Sister
DominiC and Sister Antonin. Affair was Advent project of Hospital Nuns to Work sodalists alld featured carol to melody of "Drummer Boy;" In Camden Diocese
incorporating- names of aU Sisters honored. CAMDEN (NC)-Two yearS of,
eHort have persuaded an· ordet of nursing nuns to establish its first American foundation in the Camden diocese and· staff a pre natal clinic in North Camden. St. Elizabeth Colleg~ Students Work Archbishop Celestine J. Da.. . nP-ano announced in Rome that With Young People>' Adults five members, of the Hospital
CONVENT STATION (NC)---, sponsored by the Confraternity Sisters of Mercy, who staff the
Some 70 College of St. Elizabeth of Christian Doctrine. Classes 1200-hed St. John Lateran Hos pital iIi Ro~e, will' arrive here, students here in New Jersey are are held on-campus every Sat in' New. Jersey in January to' engaged in their spare time in urday.
staff the pre-natal clinic for ex helping the less fortunate, with
Arts, Crafts pectant mothers in North Cam activities coordinated by the . , Still others give music therapy den. school's ,department of educa and instruction in arts and crafts .The Hospital Sisters of Mel'C)" tion, headed' by Sister Mary' to children at a nearby mental wer~ founded in 1821 by Princess Kathleen. hospital. Others are "compan Teresa Orsinni Doria PomphiU' '. "The college is making an ef ions" for adult patients at an with the encouragement of Pope fort to leave' the campus and other mental institution. involve itself'with the problems Some students are spending Pius VII. The order's assignment in Camden will be its first out of the community," Sister Kath orie night a week making text leen explained. The girls. are books in Braille for blind chil ~de Italy In more than 140 years.~ working with young people and dren and others supervise pre
school youngsters at the Neigh
adults. borhood House nursery school.
Some students are giving vol Another group regularly visits untary tutoring service to gram mar and high school youngsters St. Joseph's Home for the Blind in Jersey City to work with in the area. On campus, there is the multiple-handicapped there. a special weekly class for stu Mary McCarthy, a seni'Jr, sums dents referred by the Urban up the feelings of the college League of Morris County. Also NEW BEDFORD girls, saying "we're lucky to have some students visit the Madison, N. J., Settlement House weekly this experience. We get toO know the problems of the children, INDUSTRIAL OILS to teach and supervise recrea how they think and how they' tion. react and feeL We're learning to HEATING OILS Another group of 18 girls gives understand children." religious instruction,to mentally TIMKEN retarded children in a program
Aid ~om.munity
Rehabilitation Center Gets Emerqency Funds NEW ,YORK (NC)-CityoHi
d.ais came·· through with ,$25,000
in emergency funds n~dt!dto in operation . DaYtop Vil lage, 'll rehabilitation centerfOl' drug addicts -located in. stateD. Islend. ' . . .. . . . . . ., Father William B. O'Brien, center president, said 'the funds received will enable. the· project to'keep going until Jan. 3l.,After that date, the future of the cen tet will be determined. by:the neW city, adfuinistrntion beaded by Mayor-erect JohnV. Lind,say. rath,er',o'B~i~n, whoseryes' ~n the board· of· directors' with 'the Re.v. Norin~ri' V""Naylor; a Unitarian minister, .. ' and With Rabbi . Noz:ton M., Liefman, charged earlier in the month th~t Mayor Robert F,Wagner's ' adI;ninistration was reneging on a promise made in February to erant $500,000 toward the work. )reep
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THE ANCHOR Thurs., Dec. 30; ,.965
Cites Morality Of 'Safe Driving On Highways
.·"'Whites Must Accept Change In Africa
BOSTON (NC)-A priest speculated here that if mo torists of the nation would heed advice of the Catholic
LOUISVILLE (NO) - A "fisiting missionary said here whites have "no choice" but to accept changing govern
Church on their moral respon sibility on the highways, the death rate from accidents on hol idays such as Christmas and New Year's would be greatly lowered. Father Robert P. White, S.J.. lawyer-theologian at Boston Col lege, urged drivers to be espe cially aware of their "moral con sciousness" when they get be hind the wheel of a car. "Rare indeed," said Father White, "is the person who uses his automobile as a weapon for intentional killing or maiming of himself or others. , "But all too many people by their careless, negligent and reckless driving jeopardize not only their own lives but the lives, safety and property of others," he said. Principles Apply Many drivers feel there is nothing morally wrong in their conduct and also seem to think there is no moral wrong con nected ,with violation of traffic laws,he declared. "What they fail to realize is that the moral principles requir ing care and respect for life and property apply as much to the operation of motor vehicles as they do to other areas of human conduct." In recent years the Catholic Church has called attention to possible serious violation of the fifth and seventh commandments as a result of negligent driving and recklessness on the high ways, Father White reminded.
mental patterns in Africa and can help best by forming a suc ~essful educational system to educate native leaders and tech Jlicians. M s gr. Ruppert Hillerich, O.F.M.Conv., prefect apostolic of Solewzi in northwestern Zambia, and a veteran of 18 years in Africa, said need for education is intense, but "if we end up with people with a grade school edu cation running the government it will not be too good." Working The Catholic Church, with Zambian government support, is working hard on the problem, he said. About half the secondary schools in the country are Catholic-operated. In his own area estblished six years ago, FIRST EPISCOPAL BLESSING: Bishop Paul F. Tanner, general secretary of the Msgr. Hillerich has set up an National Catholic Welfare Conference in Washington, prepares to give his first blessing "upper elementary" school to as bishop, following consecration by the Apo_stolic Delegate, standing center, Archbishop work toward solution of the problem. Egidio Vagnoz;li, in the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. NO Photo. Msgr. Hillerich' declined to 8Peculate on the outcome of the , present Zambian:.Rhodesian dis pute, but is cautiouSly optimistie. , He said: "If they leave tis alone 'in Zambia, we'll be all tight. CHICAGO (NC)-A Jesu to protest the reputed censuring Lockport, Ill., a Participant in The longer things can be 'kept ' elsewhere of clergymen who the Chicago vigil. it Biblical scholar said here voice Quiet the better." The target of the protest it personal opinions on "sen President Kenneth Kaunda of the Catholic Church appears sitive" subjects. was detailed, is not the Chicago Zambia is described by the Mon- , to be moving in the direction Laity _Concern archdiocese, but East Coast signor as "a good man and a of granting more freed9m to After Father McKenzie's ad chanceries where' three priests lensible one (who) has a tough priests and laymen in making in dress the conference took the recently were reported censured job." Too much or too little firm dividual decisions. form of a panel discussion. Par for expressing their views pub Jless by him will put him under Father John McKenzie, S.J., ticipants included Kathy Sulli licly. attack by "extremists on both visiting professor at the Univer van, 23, who earlier this month Sulgit said the vigil was held aides," he said. . sity of Chicago, said the "form conducted a church-vigil in to make Church officials aware London Book Store which this movement will take Manchester, N. H.; Julian Sulgit, of the concern among the laity 22, Loyola University senior here NOTRE DAME (NC) -The is uncertain." over the restrictions placed ])AR ES SALAAM (NC)-The He spoke at a conference at and leader of the cathedral sit against nllns and priests in air University of Notre Dame Press Tanzania Catholic' Pf;)pulation tended by priests, nuns and lay in; Lennie Joyce, a University ing their views, said: ''This is not and six other university presses totals 2,001,326 with. 204,932 men, on "Freedom in the of Notre Dame junior, and a protest about the war in Viet-, -Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania ,catechumenll. Total' population Church," which climaxed a Father Jogues Epple, teacher of nam, or 4~ivil rights. It simply State, Texas, Washington and .t this East African nation ii, ' week-long sit-in in lIoly Name ,Scripture at Lewis ,College, ,deals with man's.right to express '. Wisconsin-have opened a Lon Cathedral. The sit-in was held his views." don Sales Office. "er 10 million•.
Move. for More Laity, Clergy -Freedom
Two Out of 10
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1tfE ANCHORThurs.,- Dec. 30,' 1965
Represents Pope At Anniversary Of Abbey
Addition to Make Boston Hospita I Among Larg·est
LONDON (NC) AD atehbishop representing the Pope was present in West minister Abbey Tuesday when Queen Elizabeth and the ranking bishops of the Church of England opened the celebra-: tion of the 900th anniversary of the church built by King St. Ed ward the Confessor. The leading Roman Catholic attending was Archbishop Igino Cardinale, apostolic delegate in Great Britain. It was on Dec. 28, 1065-Holy Innocents' D,.ay~that the choir and transep1$ of the church were dedicated. King Edward was too ill to be present for the dedi cation and ~ied a. week later. But the original abbey church was his doing-in substitution for a vow he had made to go on a pilgrimage to St. Peter's tomb in Rome. Because of trouble in his realm, he had been dispensed of the vow by Pope St. Leo IX, on the condition that he either give the poor the sum he would have spent for his journey, or build and endow a monastery in honor of St. Peter. He chose the' latter, and the Benedictine com munityhe installed at Westmin ster was a major force in' the re ligious life of the country until it was disbanded by Henry ·VIII in 1540.
University Awards' Deqree to Prelate'
BOSTON (NC)-St. Eli~ abeth's Hospital, operated here by the Boston archdi ocese, will become one of the
Schedule Charities Writing Contest
the' contest: manuscripts must be typed and double spaced; six copies must be submitted to the National Conference of Catholic Charities, 1346 Connec ticut Ave. N.W., Washington, D.C., 20036, by May 1; manu scripts will not b.e returned un less requested; all entries be come the property of the NCCC, . and they will be judged by an' editorial board named by' ihe' NCCC.
advancement of these principles. The winning award will be pub lished in the Catholic Charities Review, the NCCC magazine. Named for Msgr. John O' Grady, who served as NCCC secretary from 1920 to 1961, the competition is designed to stim ulate the development of lit erary works in the Catholic' If()cial service field. . The following niles govern
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Begins Duties . PANAMA CITY (NC)-Bish op Carlos Lewis, S.V.D., Pana manian-born U. S. citizen whose hobby it has been to keep track of all Negro bishops in the his tory of the Church, marked hi. active entry into office a~ flu",il_ iary bishop of Panama with t~ foncelebration of Mass' with hi. archbishop and 10 other pfiesta,
largest in the nation when • multi-million dollar-- expansion plan, announced by Richard Cap.. dinal Cushing, is completed. The Boston archbishop said a 12-story addition' will be erected to provide 300 more beds and house' additional facilities for radiology and clinical pathol ogy. St. Elizabeth's now has 422 beds. Cardin?l Cushing is chair. man of the board of trustees. The new structure will be built on the present site of St. Joseph Hall, a dormitory for nurses. Cardinal's Desire The major expansion plans, first to be carried out since 1947., . reflect the desire of Cardinal Cushing to make St. Elizabeth's the center for the proposed huge complex of all Catholic hospi. tals in the Boston archdiocese. Other major hospitals it main tains are St. Margaret's here and the Cardinal Cushing Hos . pital in Brockton•. The new building .at St. Eliza beth's will in<:1ude 27 l,ab.ora tories, a large operating .room: . for experimental surgery 3lld • walk-in incubator as well all t>ther facilities. When it is completed, sayt Cardinal Cushing, "it will serve . to provide quick, efficient ser vice for all our sick and poor.-
COPTIC PATRIARCH: His Beatitude, Stephan I Cardinal Sidarouss, C.M., Coptic' . h Patriarch of Alexandria, Egypt, on his first visit to the United States, receIves an onor ary degree from Father John R. Cortelyou, C.M., president of De Paul University, Chi-' eago. In center is F~ther James A. Fischer, C.M., provincial of the Vincenti-an Fathe.r's weste.rn province. NC Photo~
CHICAGO (NC) - Stephan Cardinal Sidarouss, C.M., Coptic WASHINGTON (NC)-Com rite Patriarch of Alexandria, petition for the Msgr. John O' Egypt, received an honorary doc Grady writing award which car tor of laws degree from De Paul ries a $250 prize will be open University here, and celebrated Jan. 1, the sponsoring National what is thought here to be the Conference of Catholic Charities first Coptic rite Mass in the Chi here announced. cago area. The award is for the best The cardinal also visited· De manuscript of 5,000 words or Andreis Theological Seminary in . less on basie Catholic social Lemont and Chicago's Marillac service philosophy' or practice, House Social Center and De Paul and in areas essential to· the Settlement House. ' '..
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THE ANCHp'R:-1)i~,~ ,of Fan River-Thurs. Dec. 30, 1965
Our Marching Orden
God Love" You
Authors Answer Questions On Vocation to Priesthood
By Most Rev. Fulton .J. Sheen, DoD, The Council has adjourned and Paul VI caUed It the poea,"" est Council In the histOI'7 of the Church. Row to sum it ap' Two words are all that are needed-the first and last words tha& Our Blessed Lord spoke to His Apostles. Ills first word wu "Come." His last words, spoken after the Resurrection Just be fore He ascendec1 into heaven', emer&,e with equal clarity, "Go therefore alid make disciples of aU nations." These were IIi8 marching orders and with them came a promise. "I am wttb 70a alwa78 even to the end of the world.
By Rt. Rev. Magr. John S. Kennedy Have a handful of questions. Why is there a paucity .t vocations to the priesthood? Is there something radically wrong with our seminaries? Why are there so many drop outs from the seminary? ~ the so..called new breed of sem inarian a cause for alarm 7 . . ts and hereafter." This attracts only Why do some prIes prove the underachiever, 'the person to be misfits in the minis- who is not growing and will not try? Is there crippling error grow.
The Council OPeD~ with Pope John extending his arms to the bishops who are the successors of the. Apostlea and to the whole world saying: "Come." "Come to Rome." "Come to me." The Council closed with Paul saying: "Go into the world and save it." Between the "Come" and "GO" of Christ three years of teaching intervened. Between the ,"Come": and "Go" of the Councl1 four years of study Intervened. We in Council first drew near to the heart of Christ through His HoI,. SpIrit. Now we are sent into the world on the sublime mission to help form the eonscience of that world. Very fittingly the last schema to be passed and pro elaimed was the one on the Missions--a beautiful parallel to the words of Our Lord. We began with Liturgy or the "Come into the sanctuary;" we finished with the Missions or "Go into the world."
In· the conventional understandIngof authority as it operates
Unlike some commentators on the subject, the authors do not between semisimply sweep the minor sem nary faculty and ittary off the board. • t u den.t s , "There are many mature and between pastors fully functioning p:riests who and curates? started their preparaUon for the Quite a' handpriesthood after the eighth grade. ful of questions. It is a misconception. that a iii. n s w e r s t 0 young man could not possib17 them will be mature in the minor seminary ELECTED: F'ather Joseph be found in The '. • • When to come to the semi- M. O'Malley, the newly elect Genius of the nary·is a very personal question, , Apostolate by to be decided on its individual ed president of the American Catholic Correctional Chap Paul F. D'Arcy, merits." M.M., and EuUnitary Growth lains' Association, is chap gene C. Kennedy, M.M" (Sheed The seminary should provide lain at the Federal Correct &: Ward. $5.00). The authors.are. for the unitary growth of the Maryknoll priests; they have ad- seminarian-physical, academic, ional Institution, Englewood, What a revolutionary document the Mission schema Is! Isolate vanced degrees In PSychol?gy spiritual - and psychological. Colo. NC Photo. just a few ideas. I) BishopS are not consecrated first for a dlo- .' and teach courses in counselling. And it should be geared to the cese and then 'for the world as' a kind of afterthought. They are 'l'hey are recognized exp.erts in fact that the seminarian, like first to serve the world and through that. dedication they will, .. their. field. . every other human, is a social .Jurisdictionally serve the diocese. 2) BishopS. are, to give a ,,~r- . '. Their book is extr~mely., product, needing other people
centage of their diocesan budget· every year. to the poor in mission thorough-going.. It. is •neither in the right sort of relationship
Continued from Page One lands. 3) Priests are bidden to offer themselveS to the inditent slick no glib, but attempts to get to him. Unless seminary educa Healy, the second bishop of Port ehurches throughout the world and the laity are asked to ll"ve t~ :the heart .ofa very co~plex tion is deeply personal, it is no land, Maine, who was conse some years ,of their Iives,·it possibi.e, to the civilizations less af- . and. consequential subject. It is more than an elaborate but crated in 1875. He died in 1900. fluent than our oWJl.. 4) The Council es~ablishes an International based .on a wealth of exp.erience.. pointless game.
7. Congressional pass~ge April Commission made up of missionaries, represeritatives of The So which has been· painstakingly. .Great importance is. at,tached 9 of the Federal aid for educa ciety for. the Propagation of the Faith and 'b~hops from various 'pondered. The authors see t.he to personal counseling in the tion bill whose emphasis is on countries who wiD unify and direct aD missionary activities. 5) questions cited above not as dlS- seminary. This requires of the benefits for children from low All the faithful are bidden to aid the Pontifical 'Mission Societies parate but as closel:r related, as counsellor receptivity, sincerity income families, including pro which enjoy primacy as well as aU other organizations whleh various aspects of. a single prob- and, depth of understanding. Pat grams of shared services for eli labor amon&" those who are poor in body and soul. tern. And they seek .to· provide answers, neat little lectures, a gible children in parochial and an integrated answer. ! . recitation of one's own experiother private schools. These are our marching orders. It is not sufficient to "come." Fundamental Attit,lde ence-these are not enough .on Most of us are ready to do that-we "come" to church, we "come" 8. The Feb. 18-20 international The book's title is taken, from the part of the counsE!lor. There a pronouncement by I;'ope Paul. must be personal encounter, a conference in New York based to parish benefits, we "come" to Catholic schools: But we come' VI: "The fundamental attitude catching of "the' whole man'. on the late Pope John XXIII'. only to be "sent" and, If we cannot go ourselves, we send our monumental encyclical, Pacem prayers; our sufferings and our sacrifices. The Church is no longer ei. those who want to convert communication."
in Terris (Peace on Earth). So~e a fortress; she is a harbor for outgoIng cargo: China 'has the Great the world is loving it. This is the Professional Tl'ainln&, .
Wall; .the Church must do without one..If we sta~ in oUr Catholic' lenius of the apost!)late: ,knowThe authorl:i indict seminaries 1,200 political leaders, jurists and buildings. we will perish. If we keep making our dioceses and' Ing' how to love." . . for' failure to' provide, 'adequate scholars from 14 nations at parishes and Colleges richer and richer without a great sharing But in order to love, one has supervised professional training. tended the convocation spon sored by the Center for the with the poor, we will die with gold chains around our. necks and' to 'grow. The problem, basically" In' the seminary, the student's Study of·Democratic Institutions,. too much fat in our hearts. Go! Go! Go! The wopld is ripe. Now ifI one' of growth, and the book. private life may be overstiper what are you going to do in this new year? Cut out this column eonsiders growth (or lack of it) , vised, while no real internship Santa Barbara, Calif. at three stages: the early years of. in, the ministry is offered.' The Oct. 28 promulgation at and write to us. God Love You. life', the years of training for the Whereas candidates for other the Vatican Council of five doc-' . GOD LOVE YOU to the electricians on a eonstruction Job priesthood, and the livipg ()f the professions do have a period of . uments: on the pastoral duties in Chicago for $32.25. "We sold scrap copper wire and planned vocation in the active ministry. internship when they see in of bishops, on renewal of "reli to use the enclosed for morning eoftee but decided that the poor Tr grow means to move stead- practice the relevancy of their gious' life, on seminary forma had a greater need for it." .•. to a IO-year-old in a wheelchair Ily forward and finally to attain, studies, the seminarian is likely tion, on Christian education and for $1 sent as "a little help at Christmas." maturity. This is principally a to have nothing of the sort. This on the Church's attitude· toward matter' of personal wholeness lack makes for needless, and per non-Christians. and balance. The mature man is haps insuperable, difficulties in In answer to innumerable demands, the recorded talks of Third Encyclical one who is functioning whole- the transition from seminary to Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, which he has used privately for over 40 10. The Sept. 11 issuance of years to help people of all faiths find meaning and deeper happi ~mely in his interpersonal reparish work. Pope Paul's third encyclical, ness in life, are now available to the general public on 25 records lations. In the parish, the priest must Because the priest, above all be a strong person who has Mysterium Fidei (Mystery of -THE LIFE IS WORTH LIVING series. In 50 talks of about 30 mhers, is engaged in self-giving, learned to relate well to others. Faith), which deals with doc ,minutes each, His Excelency offers wise and Inspiring guidance on he must relate properly to He must continue to grow in trine and worship ot the Holy problems affecting all age groups, such as love, marriage, raising others. This he cannot do if he love throughout his priestly life. Eucharist. children, suffering, anxiety and loneliness, alcoholism, and death. .oes not understand, and exer- Major impediments to growth Five runnersup' in the editors' as well as the Christian faith. Priced at $57.50 and sold only as a else mature control over, his which have not been removed balloting are these stories: Pope complete set,' the LP high-fidelity album, which was manufae feelings. in the seminary years will ad- Paul's announcement of the stan tured by RCA custom department, can be ordered from Bishop Home Environment versely affect his relationship of beatification processes for . 1"ulton J. Sheen; at .bia office, 366 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. Whether or not he ever reaches with other priests of the same Pope Pius XII and Pope JoJui 10001. maturity depends in large meas- household and with the people. XXIII; the temporary guideIinea .re on the home environment in A critical matter all along the forecumenism issued by the U.s. . Cut 'nt this column. 'pIn 70U nerltice to It aDt1 DiaD It *-. his early years. That is why the line; in: the seminary and in the Bishops' Commission for Ecu Most Rev. -Fulton 3. Sheen, National Director' of 'The SoCiet7' for authors advocate that. in accept- .priesthood;·is that of ,authority, menical :Affairs; t1ll.e series. Of ute PI'CIIP~on of the FaUh,_SS FiftII Avenae. New York. N.Y. Ing candidates for the seminary, Authority is often confused witq . midSummer remarks by the IMtt, or to 7 _ I)l'oeesanD~, Bto Rev. Mscr. R37'mOJUlo'l'~ the family ~ carefuIJytlo.~der- authoritariamsm. The latter i. Pope against excesses'in Church' COastllbie. :UI Nonb MalD'Street. FaJI·lUver, ·M.....hasettL ' ed. What the home is like has the gi'tting of orders, an4 the ex~ ,reform; the re-opening ,of, much te dQwith,the youngster's ercise of practicallY. unlimited. · France's controversial, priest prospects of maturing. '~n'trol from above, so that a per":. · wQrker experiment and the, Nov. The authors also are concerned sOn is as confined" imd' stunted 18 promulgation of council de that a proper Image of 1lhe priest- as if he were, not, and never, cress on divine' revelation·and hood be' put before ·youth. The could be, 'a genuine person, an the lay apostolate. fully human life of· the, priest· adult. . .'. . auist be conveyed." . . ,. "An original' meaning of· au 'tulane 'Intern~· ' rfhe priest's work must,be pre-:, ,thority," the authors point out, lented in the concrete. Stress on "is 'to make able to grow'; those NEW ORLEANS (NC)-Broth abstract themes appeals tothe~n authority' are~..c harged with er Joseph Cain, 32::year-old dreamer. It is the "grandiose being 'inc'reasers,' n~t 'restrain- , member' of the Congregation' of'" Ideal that the immature youth ers.',-'.,;: " ' . ' .', . Holy Cross, is oile' of a highly' , ean aim for because he does not ''The- 'taSk for'· ·the·.Church's .. select'gr<>upof 23 men and women .',;" BRISTOL COUNTY have to"ehange himself ~ the . priests.is .to 'hav~. a" tl"@."'Vision · being groomed for bright careen'· process:;' of the, wC),rld .and- its. hun~ers : in education at Turaneandother ' ntE AREA~S MOST AC:CO~MODA:rING BA~K . , Minor Seminaries .' and to have .thecourage to feed U. S. 'universities. They are the> NORTH ATTLEBORO • MANSFIELD Ag~in, some voCatio~al "liter-is gener.ously." This task can be first interns in the American ,ATTLEBORO FALLS ature" represents the life of the performed only by· IDeD f~ Council on Education's program : to train college administrators. priest as ol)e of "security .h~re· grown.
Pope's UN Visit
Honday-Refreshed Students Swing 'Into Now-Till-June Stretch Of Academic Year
Thurs., Dec. 30, 1965
Bars Classroom
For Teaching
Of ReUgion
With the New Year comes a flurry 'Of aetivities around Diocesan campuses as students, refreshed (or wearied?) by the holidays prepare to swing into the now-till-June stretch of the academic year. Senior Day has been cele DES MOINES (NC) brated at St. Joseph Prep Academy, Fairhaven, is the As Atty. Gen. Lawrence F. Sca- in Fall River, with under sociation of the Sacred Hearts, lise ruled here that "a school classmen entertaining po-. which meets weekly and has a district may not rent class tential graduates with a play' membership of 22 girls. The or room space after hours to reli and a candlelight dinner at an ganization, an integral part of gious organizations for use iJt: "exquisite French restaurant, the Congregation of the Sacred offering religious instruction." Le Cordon Bleu." Hearts of Jesus and Mary, which In a letter released by Sca-. And students at Dominican staffs the Fairhaven school, is lise's office in reply to Greene Academy, Fall River, recently for those living in the world County Attorney Robert N. enjoyed a one day trip to New who wish to share the work of Merillat, of Jefferson, Iowa, the. York City, which included a the religious. Members have cer attorney general held that the tour of the United Nations, tain spiritual obligations and pertinent statute, Section 297.2, Rockefeller Center and. St. Pa share in the good works of the 1962 Code of Iowa, expressly. trick's Cathedral. At the UN community. "authorizes the rental of school- : they were briefed by a Foreign Girls at SHA share In the houses and schoolhouse ground. Affairs employe, attended com perpetual adoration of the Sis to specified groups for specified mitte meetings and sat in on ters of the Sacred Hearts on the purposes." a General Assembly session. First Friday of each month for "Religious institutions are not At Holy Family High, New a half hour period and also among the groups named," he Bedford, Margaret McIntyre of on certain important feastdays. stated. "Authority may not be the Msgr. McKeon Debate So Twenty-one new members were implied to include them since a ciety earned a third best af received this year and officers power may be implied only firmative trophy at il tourney include Margaret O'Neil, presi where it is indispensable to the held at Boston College High dent; Ann Marie Hazelton, Sec exercise of the express powers of School. , r e t a r y ; Blanca Cuervo, treasurer. the statute. Meanwhile, at Prevost High "Since it take a real man to "Moreover, religious instruc in Fall River an' organization love God, it also takes a real tion is not one of the specified devoted to promoting school teenager to love the Sacred purposes for. which shoolhouse. spirit is in the formative stage. Hearts," opines the, moderator may be rented, and its inclusion Known as the Royal Order of in charge of the spiritual organ may not be implied." the Kahuna, it's to be composed ization. Twenty-two SHA stu of upperclassmen and will pro dents wholeheartly agree with For Instruction mQte participation in extra~cur her. The matter arose when Meril ricular activities, e s pee i all y Student Government lat requested an opinion on the sports. Kahuna? He's '~ord of More delegates to Student following question: "Maya com the ocean depths, god of the Government Day In Boston on rrunity school district rent class LION'S SHARE:' Toby the Lion enjoys eompany at room space to religious organiza surf, and symbol of a new type Friday, April 1: At Dominican . of Prevost students.-. Visits School Academy it's Madeleine Souza pretty Betsy McCarthy,. left, head 'cheerleader' ~t Bishop ·tions for the purpose of religioull Bishop Joseph Regan of Ta and· at Bishop Feehan in Attle . Cassidy High in. Taunton, . and equally attra(~tIve Paula instruction after termination of all daily school activities 'and boro it's Dennis' J. Nolan; at Coelho, athletic association president. gum' Province in the Philippines Mt. St. Mary's, Anne Sullivan, the rent adequately covers·the was a visitor to Bishop Stang with Joanne Greene as alternate. . - with expense to be. incurred by 'the High School, North Dartmouth. represent Cassidy,. with Paula Feehan and won in games school district?" . The prelate thanked stu.dents Anne has also been chosen to Coelho as alternate. . Portsmouth and ,Apponequet, have a chance to represent Mas-' A Catholic parish iii Jeffersoil R ' I " -'d t D \ th v'arsl'ty 1 for books sent to his Prelature College and nursin~ schoo egtona . .nI1 a .J. .~ . and also0 discussed thoe Vatican sachusetts at th~ Federal Gov 1 i the news' 'basketball captain is Linda !Ought to rent space in which to ernment Student Day, for which' acceptances are a so n , . F i . 'th J . 'e' Des' eonduct instruction Classes for Council, touching on humoroWl At Hoiy' Family, MarY Cote, ourn er, WI eliDmn . aspects involved in stlrmounting two students from each state E- I'leen' Tomlinson and Kathleen 'marais heading the jayvee team. elementary-level students. .' W · chosen. ill be Bishop Stang's t' DA j i " . The. attorney' general's office Also a language barriers among the' Kennedy have received the nod un or are waVln g world's Bishops, and in efforts boy for Boston is Robert Meg from, Stonehill, while Donna their hands wildly." No, they're emphasized that the latest ruling made by American Bishops to gison, and Cornelia Duffy will Place has been accepted at Regis not practicing karate, just ex,:, was to be distinguished from a obtain home-style cooking. and St. Luke's School of Nursing hibiting their newly-acquired. June 14, 1965, ruling which holdl that "a school building no looger Holy Family announces ap has said yes to Doreen Filipek. class rings. in use by the public schooJdis pointment of Mr. Gilbert Costa Gail Caron of Dominican AcaA course in Communism, ex trit could be leased to a Catbolie as debate coach. He is a teacher demy will enter St. Anne's plaining fundamental errors, ill parish under Section 2'7.22. in . Immaculate Con c e p t ion . Hospital School of Nursing., being offered at Holy Family school, New Bedford, and also WASHINGTON (NC) - The Officers of Casci, Cassidy. High. Projects undertaken in Code of Iowa, for use AI • is an insurance broker. He pre World Order Committee of the . Science Club, are Doreen Kru- connection with the class include schoolhouse. viously coached at Bishop Stang Catholic Association for Inter zeck, president; Andrea Trcrln collecting newspaper editorials, High and two years ago assisted national Peace has strongly ski v'ice-president; Nancy Kel making book reports, preparing Aid Atty. Maurice Downey at Holy criticized the rebel government ley: secretary; and Lillian Mack, a term paper and participating UNITED NATIONS (NC' _ Family. He's an alumnus of the of Southern Rhodesia as a "dan treasurer. Members recently in a seminar. United States is prepared te New Bedford school. gerous experiment in conteI?P visited an encephalitis labora New Attraction Newly inducted National Hon orary racism." tory at 'Lakeville and Brown Prevost students are rejoicing grant expanded assistance .. or Society members at Mt. St. The committee said in a University, where they saw a in various vending machines, foreign countries for birth dk>n trol, delegate James Roosevelt Mary Academy, Fall River, are statement here: "The unilateral demonstration of an electron newly added to the cafeteria un has told the U:N: Economic and Sonia Uchman, Janice Brady, declaration of independence of microscope. der direction of Brother Nor Margaret Ruggiero, Shelia Sil the (Prime Minister Ian) Smith Stang girls are working hard mand; while Stang yearbook Social Committee. via, Theresa Miranda, Carol regime is a clear effort to pre In preparation for their opening editors are working to meet a Bednarz, Veronica Plaziak, Ger serve the special pri:vileges of basketball game slated for Jan layout deadline of Monday, Jan. aldine Martin, Nancy Medeiros, the white minority and to re uary; arid also at the North 10. Co-editors are Dianne Bon Catherine Flanagan and Diane fuse to protect the rights of ita Dartmouth school football tri neau and John De eiccio. Viera. majority African people. captains for '66-'67 have been DA freshman are proving their Serra Club members address "Thill display .of racism,dis-' chosen. They're Michael Boff, creative abilities as they lett~r ~ led n T.gIa·runlstoatn·Bo:~Oo~aCti~=~~P~~~ guised as a freedom movement, 225 pound tackle; Edward Lynch, script. quotes on appropriately ing we re Joseph Murray', vice-.. does a disservice to democratic 185 pound gUard; and ThOmklas patterned wallpaper; also at DA, governmentever.Y'where.. The Wolstencroft, 215' pound tac e. Ii new trophy case hi the' main .. president of the Taunton chapte!' Unjust deprivation by a ~hit~ Studeitt CODncR hallway will house music, sports . ~.f!f Serra;' Edmund Bre.nnan and:. minority' of the rights of an." 'At Prevost High' a student _ and debate awards: . 365 NORTH FRONt STREir. '. Francis Guay. . : . . . . . African .majority ':in $<juthe!'J.1 tiouncil is in process of forma-. Girls' at' 'Bishop Feehan Will_ . Sacred Hearts Assoel~t~()Jl. '. Rhodesia 'is' a scandal to gOod tion. it'll inc~u~ ~ass p~~:-. make -3 closed retreat the week " NEW BEDFORD ' .' linportant at Sac~ed ;Hearll. gOveriUneilf, mid "a 'potential 'dents, class re~resel).tives and end'Of Jan'.' 8 through 10, With .' .threat .tothe peace.- . .• . _:. one delega~ from each. sch~l. another retreat "to 'be acheduled" - : fte CAJP ,rc>up' iald It' sUP-' ; ~ganizati~n .. FJ'Oftl ,. ,thiil .. ~ 'later in' the ;yeai'!' porte'President Johnson' in 'the' . the council .wi~l eJect its OWll· . ". . . '. IMagClzine~ : measures ·he 'has' tGkeilaSalnSt· officers and ~J;'d'o~ dir~tors. ~"'~.##.~-~~.H_~~ ....-_w",,~-~w~_w-~1
"- NEW 'YORK . (Hej ....... Tlte . the' rebelgoverJinient,'andurged AlsoPrev~, National Honor,,' "." ,." . W' L ' : Christian ;ip Action .:radio· prO fUrther coopetlitiOi1 with. Great ,~ety ·m~l?~1'1' .are .. pr~~n~ . '. Tlte 11 -Hil,:' ;Sne. · gram will continue i~ "CathoJie Brittan "to' bring ,this dangel'()W1 ,diSJ)18?,1 ,hi~h~ght1ng co~ege " .. --". -.";.'~ -' :.~ :inaga~ne of·the air" format .d9r experiment ift contempOrarY matenal and :W1n .al~~organize . To ustomer.· ~ ~torial ~.rvice and,. aid m ' .." .'. ' , . .' . ." , ing.JanuarY, presenting Catholie racism' to : new!! of the week, a: guest ~ '. '.
IlChOQl o~ce: clerical work. A . . AHAPPYHfW .Y . :EA~.· . tutorial service is· alIlo an NBS. tortal, .feature of the week, and . project at Feehan.· . i a me(iitation by retreat master' Father Charles F. X. Dolan, S.J. . NEW YORK (NC)-:"'A bronze So far, Holy .Family'll basket- . The program is produced by bust Pope Paul VI, eOmmem . ball team has chalked up three GULF HIU DAIRY,' INC. tbe National Council of Catholic orating the. Pontiff'1 visit· to at. wins and no losseS and senior · Men b1 cooperation: with the· Patrick's cathedral on Oct. " haa Glen Harris was nluned. player GULF ROAD, DARTMOUT~ American Broadcasting Company been upveiled by Francis Cardi Of the week 'by the New Bed•. and broadcast Sunday, QB the nal Spellman of New York inside ford Standard Times. At Pre- . · ABC radio network, ,\ ~ enuance fi!C &he cathec:lral. :vQSt. the basketball team lOit tQ
Com.mittee Flays. Rhodesia Display .
~ :Heating Oil~:
and' Burners,
aDena.-· ., "
-$.. All Our
fam;', C .'. ':.'.
Bus'.. at :tathedral of
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dee. 30, 1965 '.
~ I I
Catholic Schools Get Ford Grants
I .
Radical Christianity Needed
In Latin American Church
NEW YORK (NC)-The Ford Foundation has awarded grants totaling more than $900,000 to two Catholic universities, one in Peru and the other in the Phil ippines. The grants were among a group totaling $6.2 million an nounCed .by· the foundation for programs to strengthen the edu , cational_ base of scientific and technological progress in devel oping nations of Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America. The foundation gave $567,700 to wthe. pontifical € a tholic Uni versity of Peru to heIlt it im prove. academic, admi~strative and fiscal programs in coopera tion with Notre Dame Univer sity. A grant of $354,000 was awarded to the Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines to assist in the development ·of its library. The university is i:oiJ. ducted by the Jesuits.
From "The Church in the New Latin America" Edited by John'I. Considin~ MoM. Chicago friends and admirers of Father Leo Mahon have come to expect shock treatment when they gather for formal or informal addresses from him, whatever the sub ject. Somewhere out of the depths of his brilliant mind he d raw s· uneXpected con siderations that unfailingly iea involves mcost, If not all, of the following: succeed in upsetting their 1. Creating "family" (commu e.;luanimity and in propelling nity), rather th2lJl organization them forcefully tQward medita The Church, as Chrbt Incarnate
tion on the basic fundamentals. Thus the new breed across the United States which for the first time is hearing the call to s e r v e the Church in Latin America can listen to him with great profit. His in tention is not to turn them back from their resolve. Rather, he aims to prompt them to take full measure of the task involv ed in working in Latin America and to take full measure of themselves. With proper respect for the task and proper humility as concerns what· they have to offer they can move forward more securely toward the Latin American apostolate. Apostolic Method The thoughtful Catholic inter ested in cooperation with Latin America will recognize that in addition to the recruitment of precious personnel, attention must be given to the important problems embraced in the meth odo'ogy of the apostolate, direct and indirect. Wherever earnest missionaries gather there is un ending discussion of this sub ject. Those with a lifetime of experience behind them have their contribution to make; those who approach the subject with • new eye have creative .thoughts that often prove preci OUlJ. In the case of the Latin Anlerican apostolate, special eare is exercised to seek gui dance from the Latin Americans who are at home with the task and the people.
At Chicago the conferees ex peJienced the privilege of dwell ing: on the insights of one who had the. advantage of years of work· among Spanish-speaking grc,ups in Chicago fresh from the Latin American orbit. This was Father Leo T. Mahon, now head of the parish of San Migue lito, in the environs of Panama . City, the Latin American mis sion of the Archdiocese of Chi cago. Father Mahon presented this analysis of the needs of the Church in Latin America: The task of vitalizing the Church in Latin America is so complex that those who want to help must first search for the basic, significant problems and their solutions. To do otherwise would be tantamount to com pounding blindness with iue sonsibility. The present Church in North America was helped consider ably by the overflowing charity and apostolic spirit of the Church in Europe. Now, as a mature people of God, the North American Church is in a posi tion .to exercise this very same charity to our brothers in need in J..atin ·America. But our.char-.
fly, if it is to be effective, must be both revelant and significant. To put this· more concretely, the very complex task of revitalizing or reestablishing the Church in Twentieth Century Latin Amer-
in the world today, is a living. dynamic organism and must 'never 'be mere organization. The best organization is never of itself Church, nor will it cause Church. The effort must be made to create spiritual family wann, intimate, loving, self sacrificial. Once fonned, "fami ly" will find its own structure, perhaps heretofore undreamed of structures. 2. Building "Church," rather than schools or even churches The essence o,f Church is com munity of people in Christ. There is noticeable lack of Christian coDJ.lllunity in Latin America todar-a lack which thousands of schools, hospitals or temples will not filL A build ing, by itself (be it a church, a school or hospital), if it is not the expression of the faith, love and unity of a Christian community, is merely an empty, meaningless, sym.bol. It would be tragic merely to add more institutions and buildings to the Church in Latin America, al ready plagued by innumerable, meaningless symbols. 3. Fonning social, rather than merelyindividual conscience. The world is fast going collective and is strongly reacting to in-. dividualism. Perhaps nowhere is this process so unrelenting and visible as in Latin America. Come it must! But will it come from Jesus, Paul and John xxm or from Marx, Lenin and Castro? 4. Forming •. saintlT people and not merely saints We shall all be judged as members of a family, not solely lIS individuals. In the early, highly collective Church, particular judgment·
was interpreted in the light ot· the last day. We Blust counteract the tendency ot the past 1ew centuries to preacb. the opposite.· 5.' Forming a committed, not merely a knowledgeable people Our catechetical and preaching methods in the past have too much concentrated on informing· people rather than fonning them. Academic programs of· instruction must give way more and more to formation programs sUlO:h as Cursillos, Retreats, Bet ter World, and C.F.M. 6. Focusing the sacraments as encounters with Christ rather than statistical receptions Of what value are crowded Masses, full communion rails, long con fessional queues, if these same sacraments do not basically change the individual and col lective lives of the~ people? Mere reception of the uacraments, in the light of the condition of the Church in Latin America, would be useless, if not harmful. If necessary for a time, the number of people frequenting the sacraments should be re duced to those who·· approaclt them as encounters with Christ, their leader in the battle for Latin America and as a renewal of· commitment to Christ in com
Rome Parish·es Number 231 . ROME (NC)-This city'!! 231st .
CHRISTMAS REFUGEES: Freed from Viet Cong, who had controlled their village for hlany months,' Father Huynh Bien and his people at Binh T·an, 260 miles northeast of Saigon, were he1icopted to safety (Dec. 23) by their res cuers, troops of the 1st Cavalry Division's 3rd Brigade. The brigade chaplain, Father Thomas _K. Lightcap, a priest of the diocese of Worcester. Mass.• helped relocate them. NO Photo. Latin America. The proper, Christian attitude should he one of fulfillment. The true Chris tian observes the law by rising abflve it. He does far more in charity than the law requires.. 'l'be example of Christ, not the Law of Moses, establishes. the true pattern for Christian life. Such a standard might possibly reduce, for a time, the number of practicing Catholics, but it would create a dynamic:. image of Christ in His Church (the Sacrament) in Latin America. 8. Fonning Christians in so ciety, not members of Christian societies. Latin America is mov ing irrevocably toward a plura
listic culture. The preachment
of the Latin American Church, as well as its institutions, has
in the past been tied to a unique Cat hoI i c culture. Lest the Church becomes just another interesting relic, it must change· its ·posture and mstitutions. The Church is no more the end than it is the founder; it is rather· the way. We should aim at form ing Christians in society-in po- . litical parties, in universities, in professions, in unions, and so on, ·rather than Catholic univer sities and Catholic unions. 9. Projecting the faith and not merely protecting it. The eall of Pope J obn to Council sounded the death-knell for "Ghetto Christianity." The Church must never again pretend to be the loaf, the meat, the only light.
Rather it must be the leaven that lifts, the salt that savors and .preserves, the light that shines brighter than all the rest. 10. Seeking the truth rather than claiming it. & Christiana we believe that the Truth be came Incarnate in humanity. Now we must strive to incarnate, ever more perfectly and ever more relevantly, Christ in our ~ety. This is never an ac complished fact but an ever continuing' process. The truth of· the Church lies in Christ. But we shall never possess the full ness of truth-the fullness of Christ-till the last day.
University Expands
Religious Program CHICAGO (NC)-The trustees' bf the University of illinois have voted 7-2 in favor of expanding the religion curriculum at the university's Urbana· campus. The trustees' action, subject to approval by the state board of higher education, calls for add ing two new courses-in the Old and new Testaments-to 10 reli- ' gion courses now offered at the· university. Also, students could obtain a minor in religion, The post of "program chairman" in religious studies would be created, and two new specialists in Scripture studiea would be added to the
parish has been established, ded icated to the proto-ltlartyrs of the Roman diocese on their 19th centenary. , The site of their martyrdom by fire in· "Nero's circus" is be . lievedby many archeologists to be at least partly within or close to confines of the new parish, and to extend beyond them un der the present structure of St. Peter's basilica. Historical evidence. for "the gi-eat multitude of Romans" who gave their lives for Christ after trial by fire at the command of Emperor Nero comes from writ ings of the Roman historian 'Tacitus. . Construction of a church for the densely populated area of about 15,000 residents is expect ed to begin next month near one of the city's main traffic arteries, Via Aurelia Nuova. DiOcesan priests will be in charge.
Catholic Hour Tcilks On Vatican Council NEW YORK (NC)-Discus siona on implementing the de cisions of the Second Vatican Council will be featured on the Catholic Hour radio program on the first four Sundays of January. The program is produced by the National Council of Catho lic Men in cooperation with the National Broadcasting Company and broadcast at 1:05 P.M.(EST) on Sundays. '
WY 2-6216
J. B·
': So. Dartmouth : and t:'yannis: : • Set. Dartmouth WY 7-9384.
• • • • •..................
7. Strivmgfor fulfillment of
the law.and not mere observance
The legalistic, minimal preach • ment of the law has seriouSly·
hanned the Christian ~amic ia
Hyannis 2921
7 Perry Avenue·
'Our.. Heating Oils Me"c.
Taunton, ,Mass. VA 2-2282
Warm Friends'
tHE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 30, 1965
and his Orchestra
Evening January 12颅
Pupils at Nazareth Hall lovingly flock around their Shepherd
This Message is Sponsored By 路The Followinglndiyiduals and Business Concel'ns in GI'eater fa" Riyer: Ann Dale Products, Inc. Brady Eledric Supply Co. Cascade Drug Co. Gold Medal Bread Globe Manufacturing Co. Hutchinson Oil Co.
R. A. McWhirr Company International Ladies Garment Workers Union MacKenzie & Winslow, 'Inc. Mason Furniture' Showroom! . Gerald E. McNally" Contractor
Sobi'loH Brothers .Sterling Beverages, Inc. Textile Workers Union of America. AFL路CIO Yellow Cab Company
THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 30, 1965
Mass Text
Colltinued from Page One apply to all English speaking na tions, the United States hicluded. Ecumenically speaking, con sultations have been taking place between the Church of England By Msgr. George G. Higgins
(Anglican) and the Catholic Church on a common language (Director, Social Action Dept., N.C.W.C.)
- for all parts of services shared \ I could hardly believe my eyes when I read recently
by the two churches--including tllat a prominent Negro leader in the civil movement had
the Lord's Prayer and the creeds. attacked Daniel P. Moynihan, former Assistant Secretary
The Church of England is presently attempting to modern of Labor, as a "racist." This is sheer demagoguery and
ize her own liturgical texts it will be a sad dav for the ' which, although they have been civil rIghts movem~nt if the Mr. Moynihan, who is now in English for the past 300 years, man who perpetrated it is be,~ng ~r~tesquely caricatured as are today rather archaic. • • a racist or an Unele Tom was ~l1owed to get by WIth It one of the first to see a~d to In bringing about this litur:gi Just because he happens to be say that this was far from being cal reform, the Church of En a Negro. The sooner he is repu true. He saw nothing in these gland has consulted not only with the Catholic Church but diated by his two laws that would signifi also with the Methodist Church N e.g r 0 and cantly help the Negroes living (with which it is to merge White peers, the in Northern ghettoes by 1980) and other overseas better it will He was also conc~rned about churches revising. their own be~or the cause unemployment, a problem that liturgies. It was also learned that which he pur had lost much of its priority as the Catholic commissions revis ports to be ser the economy prospered and the ing the prayers of the Mass had ~ing, bU~ which, over-all unemployment rate de also consulted with the Anglican In realIty, he elined. Mr. Moynihan took a Church in seeking contemporary, is using .to pro look at life in the ghettoes. The non-archaic yet noble formulas. mote. his own statistical evidence he later re highly dang~rmarked,' "reached out and The Church of England cannot ous form of In grabbed me." revise its liturgy or liturgic:\! verted racism. He found for example that books as the Catholic Church T~ere is no ro.o~ in. the leader in 1946 Ne~ York City has a did through the Ecumenical ship of the CIvIl nghts move three per cent illegitimacy rate Council and subsequent interna ment for one who would stoop but that last year the rate wil s tional and national commissions. so low to curry favor with the 12.2 per cent. He also found that For 300 years, the .Anglican racist minority in his own group. in Harlem, 44 per cent of the Book of Common Prayer has been THE liturgical book. Raise Doubt children were being born out OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS: Opportunity for the sick Mr. Moynihan is also being of wedlock. In'I928, the Anglican Church to receive skilled medical care from a Medical Mission Sis drafted c~rtain language revi severly criticized these days by Cycle of I·overly ter and opportul)-ity for the Sister to <:arry out her dedi. sions for its liturgical book. a number of other Negro· and While the nation as a' whole white leaders in the civil rights grew richer, Mr. Moynihan cation to God in service to His children in need around the However, these had to be sub mitted to Parliament before they movement who stop short of noted, lower class Negroes be world. NC Photo. could be acted upon; and Par calling him a "racist" but ap came poorer, and their unem liament rejected the change. par!,!ntly are not averse to leav ployment rate much higher. In ing the impression with their 1960, for example, 47 per cent This year, some of the 1923 followers and with the general of the Negro families with an changes were again proposed together with new reforms public that he is a sophisticated income under $3,000 were head Uuele Tom or, at best, a mis ed by women. touching upon the language and. VATICAN CITY (NC)-Pope that you will Qe worthy stewards certain rites--were approved for guided and thoroughly unreli The overall conclusion of Mr. Paul granted a special audience of the Gospel and ministers of experimental periods of up to able student of race relations Moynihan's report was that, al 16 years. In the United Stat~. though many Negroes are making to 49 new priests from Rome's the Word. Have courage; have Indeed, he is being attacked rapid strides, great masses of North American College, most faith; give yourselves whole heartedly to the task at hand, so persistently and, in some them are caught.- in a cyele of of them accompanied by mem College Enrollment
and your fruits will be rich." cases, so bitterly that one who poverty and despair caused by bers of their families. had never met him might be unemployment, discrimination, ''These are challenging days First Masses On The Rise
inclined to write him off as a and white society's tragically for your ministry," he told the The young priests received by WASHINGTON (NC) - New white paternalist in the field of successful attempt to emascu new American priests. ''The civil rights or, in any event, t{) late the Negro male. world has changed and you will the Pope had been ordained at federal statistics on college en keep his fingers crossed about Assuring these people of equal have to bring the message of the Altar of the Chair in St. rollments show that 5.9 million students are enrolled this year, him. opportunity, he said, is not Christ to a troubled, searching Peter's two days earlier by Bish It just so happens, however, enough to break the cycle. What and seemingly confused society. op Francis E. Reh, rector of the 68 per cent of them in 'publicly North 'American College. The that I have known Mr. Moyni is needed, he said, is a major "You have studied in Rome day after their ordination, they controlled institutions. The U.S. Office of Education han for a good number of years effort to restructure our social during the Second Vatican Coun had celebrated their first Masses said enrollments in the Fall of and I can honestly say-and, in and economic legislation around cil, which has given us the De in various churches and shrines fairness to his reputation, feel' the family unit. cree on the Priestly Ministry. of. their choice throughout Rome. 1965 counted 3,999,940 in publie colleges and universities and obliged to say-that he is just Report Acclaimed According to this important doc Relatives had come from the 1,967,471 in private institutions. as deeply concerned about civil I f ' - t "'1 M 'h ument, • th~ purpose which United States to join in the cer -. l"t f'h' T d n alrness·o ur. oym an, fig t s as any 0 IS cn ICS al1 it should be carefully noted for priests pursue in their' ministry emonies ilnd celebrations. and by their life is to procure has done at least as much as th e record th a t h'IS repor t an d th.ey h ave d one, and perh aps P 'd t Present at the papal audience the glory of God the Father in J h ' h' t . even more, to promote the cause resl eJ;l 0 nson s . IS ~nc Christ. with the priests and their fam of interracial justice in. the spe~ch 'at Harvard Umverslty, ilies were Bishop Reh and Msgr. "That glory consists in this- United States. which was b.ase? on the report, Joseph Zryd, superior of the were enthUSiastIcally acclaImed that men working freely and American graduate house of Only 'Offense' by the overwhelming majority with grateful spirit receive the studies, and 'he faculties of both But why is it, then, that Mr. of Negro and white leaders in work of God made perfect in institutions. Residential - Commercial Christ and then manifest it in Moynihan is being kicked a the civil rights movement. The Pope had a special word at round so unmercifully by people As John Herbers reported in their whole lives.' "Study this, document well, for the parents and other rela who have every reason to know the New York Times on Dec. Cape Cod's LARGEST Bank that he is not a "racist" &r a 12, it was not until a few days and make every effort to make it tives of the new priests. He 20th century Uncle Tom but, before the White House Civil the touchstone of your ministry turned to them and said: "For you this is the day the Lord has to the People of God. on the contrary, a man who has Rights Conference on Nov. 17 made! Your sorrow of separation, served the cause of civil rights 18 that adverse criticism of the "Your stay in Rome has pro with courage and extraordinary report broke out. duced special affection for the your sacrifices, have now been insight and, I might add, far be It was set off by Dr. Benjamin Church and we are confident turned into joy and happiness because you see your. sons and yond the call of duty? F. Payton, a Negro, who was South Yarmouth, Hyffftnis
relatives priests of God. You His only "offense" is that, recently named Director of the have given us a most precious Dennisport
while he was still in the Depart Commission - on :Religion and my judgement, he making a ment of Labor, he wrote a con Race of the National Council of serious mistake and, in the long gift, and we thank you frolll a Yarmouth Shopping Plaza
heart filled with joy. Share in fidential government report, en Churches. Dr. Payton, in a 22 run, will be doing a great dis Osterville
the work of your sons by your titled ''The Negro .Family," page critique of the Moynihan service to American Negroes, which has since become a IJublic report, said that it "evades the Dr. Payton et al to the. contrary further prayers. and sacrifices!" document. real issue, formulates a false notwithstanding. This report, which is one of problem." In any event, whatever the the most original studies of ra Serious Mistake Administration may decide to cial discrimination ever publish Dr. Payton is entitled to this do about the Moynihan repOrt, ed ·in the United States, ~a.s opinion, but, for my own part, ·1 sho.uld like to repeat that those d~afted shortly after the Civil I completely disagree with it, who are trying to ruin Mr. Moy Rights Act of 1964 had heen and I hope that it will not be nihan's reputation by labeling adopted. taken too seriously' at the White him as a racist or Unele Tom are a disgrace to the civil rights The passage of this Act and House. tbe predictable enactment of If the Administration, in an movement.' the Voting Rights of 1965 had effort to placate Mr. Moynihan's Impersonal criticism of Moy persuaded a number of people Negro and White critics, turns nihan's report by men like Dr. 653 Washington Street, Fairhaven in and out of the Administration its back on' his report, with its Payton is unobjectionable. But that the principal goals in the urgent call for a national family character assassination by op WYman 4-5058 field of civil rights had been policy in the field of social and portunists' or inverted racists it achieved. economic legislation, it will, ill utterly beneath contempt.
Moynihan Critics Disgrace
To Civil Rights Movement
. ,.
These Are 'Challenging Days' Pope Tells New U. S. Priests
Bass River
Savings Bank
24-Hour Wrecker Service
Bishop Connolly's Christmas Sermon
Continued from Page' One or, by our customary title: the ,Book of the Acopalypse. In the first chapter of John's gospel, we read, as follows: '''In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God" (1: 1-2) "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, such as belongs to the only begotten Son of the Father, full of grace and truth." "And to all who re ceived Him, He gave them pow er to become children of God." "No one has ever seen God, but His only Son Who is in the bosom of the Father, He has made Him known, He has given us a clear message." (John 1: 18)
In the Book of Revelations, before the wonderful vision of heavenly content and love for God, John wrote in Chapter 21, the words taken for our text. But He wrote more than that: "I heard a great voice from the throne saying: 'behold the dwel ling of God is with men. He will dwell with them and they shall be His people. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more,-neither shalL there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away." "and He said to ,m'e, it is done! I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. To the thirsty I will give water without price from the fountain of the water of life." 'We are living in a day of Christian renewal. Thanks to good Pope John who announced the programme, and the highly perceptive and yet down-to earth Pope Paul the VIth., who illustrates renewal, by his in spiring, brotherly words, and more particularly by his deeds, -the Fathers of the Council and thei!;' sympathetic, understand ing observors have realized the need and taken prompt a<!tion. There is a spirit of good-will . all through Christendom, that can and will make out of the joy and peace we feel to-night, a perpetual Christmas. The twenty four hundred Concilar Fathers, coming from every race, country and climate, have painstakingly p rayed, hoped for, and planned for Christian Renewal. They have based their Decrees for ALL the faithful, on solid scriptural, logical, and inspired foundations: The Constitutions on Revelation, on the Church, the Community at worship, and the intimate' relations of Faith with the Modern World. The soo-called Decrees and they number nine, make up in logical order the application of the Constitutions to everyone of us, from the rank of the hier archy down the line to the laity, their rights and duties. First "f these is the recognition of the ftignity of the individual and his right to have his freedoms, and conscientious sense of re ligious obligation res p e c ted. Each man has an inalienable right to be guided by his con science,-assuming always that it is an honestly formed con science, and that he does not violate the rights of others, cause moral disturbance in the com munity, or state, and disturb the peace that should always be sought after among men. One may readily see hQ,W this pos ition might possibly be taken advantage of, in communistic (lr dictatorial lands. There, th~ concept of public order is based on laws, grounded in atheism and which have as their goai governmental control of the lives of the nations not' alone ,those already subject, but those that they hope some day will be. And what is government, and w.eat are the law:s but an ex
pression of the will to dominate of a select few, who have risen to places of authority, from 1917 till to-day, and whose careers have been marked bY' 'ruthless ness, wholesale murders, and dishonesties that no man in good conscience could ever carry oun Nonetheless, the Church has gone on record for the rights of the individual J8nd communi ty conscience, always trusting that it be formed in the knowl-, edge that God is our Judge, and witness to what we pro fess ,or pretend to do. The remaining Decrees go down the line, treating of the Pastoral duties of Bishops. Here it is interesting to note that the first concern is with the Universal Church. There fol low directives for the govern ment of dioceses; the need for co-operation, under the guidance of the sheperd, of priests, re ligious and laity. It is all highly detailed, and those who are prone to interest themselves in the responsibilities of others than themselves, might have a fine time for themselves by re'ading this decree. More im portant for them that they first see, appreciate, understand, and follow what the Council sets up as the goal of activity for them. However, there's no harm, but rather only good that could result from the study of all constitutions, decrees and de clarations coming from Vatican II. The Decree on Priestly life and duties follows. Here we find traced out the obligation of the clergy to serve rather than be served. One lesson the priest and the bishop may learn from the ex ample of Pope Paul is that he is "an apostle on-the-go." He has placed no limit or stint on his sense of obligation. He is all that Pope John was, accessible, con cerned ',vith the poor, the de prived, the have-nots of the whole world. His devotional journey to Palestine laid the grounds for a reunion between the Orthodox and the Latin Rite Catholic. His visit to India, was truly apostolic; but what preach ing he did was more by example than by word. He made no ges ture or effort to turn the Hindu or Mohammedan his way. But he did much to hearten and help them. His comIng to the United States last Fall was in the inter est of Peace on earth, and the conquest of war, a highly desir able thing, in this suspicious, even though highly scientific age. Next the Council dealt with the processes of training priests, the work of the Missionary, the life and work of the Religious. It may surprise many, impatient for change to learn that in no case wa9"'there expected to be such a turning upside-down, or a complete change in the objec tives and lives of dedication that have made the priest mis sionary and religious loved and cherished by all, regardless of their religious professiolil.. I may say in passing that the religious does not belong in jail, even though well-intentioned z e a I has brought them to march in picket lines. The same applies to seminarians. Those that want complete revision of our tradi tion in seminary education had better try to establish' thei; own. institutions, and give the world proof of their particular genius and devotion in the cause of Christ. ,It is to be wondered sometimes whether a spirit of exhibitionism, rather than the love of God and neighbor is at the source of, modern-day un rest, especially in some schools and universities throughout the land. ' However, I wish to read from the Decree on Adaptation and Renewal of the ReliiioWl
THE ANCHORThurs, 30, 1965
mer is my duty; the latter • graee for me. The former is • danger; the latter, salvation." The lay-apostolate is a sharing in the salvific mission of, the Church itself. Through Baptism we are all one with Christ, Through Confirmation we should become strong and perfect Christians. Confession heals us. Communion sanctifies us. Mar riages makes us co-operators with the creative act of God Himself, and instruments for the spread of His love, in and outside the family, the commu nity, and even of the state. We are Catholic, with a clear outlook on the whole world. We have the right, and the duty, to take conscientiously upon ourselves whatever im proves the lot of our fellowman. , We must bring him Christ. We must learn to find Chrt'st in him, no matter what his condition or estate. In the spirit of St. Pat- t rick's famous prayer, we dis cover Christ "in the mouth of everyone that speaks to uS,-in every eye that sees us, in every ear that hears us." We bind to ourselves each day the virtue o~ faith in the Holy Trinity, the vIrtue of the Incarnation of Christ, with his redeeming death and resurrection. We remind ourselves that judgement is not to be feared by those who live dominated by the Love which Christ came to reveal and share with all who belieVe 'in His name.
HAPPY NEW YEAR, BABY!: Tiniest refugee to ar rive from Cuba aboard a plane of the government-spon sored airlift is little Pedro Luis Corona, born Nov. 25 in Havana, baptized in Miami and now happily ,resettled with his parents in Newark, N.J. NC Photo. Life. It reads as follows: "the more fervently they (the Reli gious) are joined to Christ by this total life-long gift of themselves, the richer the life of the Church becomes, and the more lively and successful its apostolate." The first objective of the religious life is to achieve a more profound union with God. They pray, they seek grace and inspiration through reading the sacred Scriptures, meditat ing on the Word of God, parti cipating in Mass. What structu ral changes are made, what changes in attire to suit sensible demands, what adjustments to modern needs, will never have a salutary effect if they are not with a view to accomplish spir itual renewal. Superiors are meant to be mentors and pat terns of life in a true sense of the word. They are to serve. They are to 'respect the dignity of their subjects. At the same time, both superior and sub ject must preserve the ideals of their particular community or order. They are to persevere loyally in their exercise of the vows, not forgetting that of obe dience, since this in no way ever lessens human dignity, as long as it is done generously out of the motive of love "for God and service of neighbor. They must never forget that their fulfillment as religious de pends on living consciously in the Presence of God, and seeking in every experience the means of finding Christ, and announc ing His Gospel, at least by their conduct. Some of you may think it strange, that your Bishop uses his Christmas sermon to talk But there's a purpose in it. The programme has been prepared for Christian Renewal. But un fortunately the best of ideals often go by the wind, for lack ,of proclamation, explanation and al?plication. And I want no one in this diocese ever to allege that he was never t~ld. Beginning this night, we start to implement ,what our record as Fathers of the Council requires of us. I should like every man, woman and school chlld of the diocese to become familiar with the
whole programme. In any case it is only right that beginnin~ with basic principles in the Constitution on the Church, and
following the ruling in the Decree on the Lay Apostolate
we bring ourselves· to realize
the tremendous importance at tached to the layman' and lay Woman in their practice of the Faith. I might sum up the whole matter of the religious duty of the Catholic laity, in the words of Jean Guitton, distinguished editor and lecturer in France. He said: "the layman lives in the world; he must deal with the world as he finds it. He goes into the activities and pre occup~tions of, his time, not to lose hIS soul, but to give a soul to th~ world." What especially characterizes the laity is that they live in the world, among worldings. Led by the Spirit of God, they shoulc work for the sanctification of those about them, as well as themselves. They bear witness to the unity that must exist in the Christian community. From Divine choice they have Christ as their Brother. They also have as broth ers in the sacred ministry those who are called to teach, sanctify and save them,-who break the Bread of Life for them, who ab solve, hearten and help them St. Au~ustine puts the relation~ ship between clergy and laity beautifUlly when he says: "What I am for you terrifies me' what I am with you console~ me For you I am a Bishop; but with you I am a Christian. The for-
Again since the layman lives
in the world, his apostoli.. field
is centered in the world. No
secular concern is extraneous te him, at least for his spiritual
development. "Whatsoever yoa do in word, or in work do all in the name and for the sake of 9ur Lord Jesus Christ, giving thanks to God the Father." (CoL 3. 17). Through family life, so cial life, in the professions and all levels of contact, we a;e aD co-operators with truth, wit nesses to what we believe, seek ing ,our own Christian renewal through what we do in the home, or at business, "heralds of the faith," interested in all that keeps the Church beautiful and tnie to her Founder, never ashamed to show our faith, fear ful only that we could be dis loyal, more through fear of men than of God. "May we let our light so shine before men that they see our good works and glorify our Father Who is ill heaven;" (Mt. 5:16). Despite all our science, wealth and influence as a nation, noth- " ing ever happened in the world as necessary as the humble birth of Christ. Nothing more important ever happened in our life, than our Christian Bap tism that made us one with Christ, brothers of Christ, sons &f God. We cannot be suffi ciently thankful in what we say. We can prove our gratitude by the manner .f our life, conform ing 18 the Will of Our Lord, lov ing 8ur neighbor as He did and does always, from the Crib te the Cross, and forever in His heavenly home, where we, hope to be with Him eternally.
Check These Banking Services
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THE ANCHOR-Dioc,ese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 30, 1965
Hymn, Pray'ers at Fete
Jim Crowley Career Story Of ILife on Borrowed Time
OTTAWA (NC) -A special • hymn ·for use by all Canadian faiths in Canada's centennial year, 1967, has b,een COf1:\mis sioned by ,the Canadian Inter Faith Conference. The' conference represents~8' faiths, every known religion in Canada except the Witnesses, of J eliovah, who, hav.e. been invited to 'join bui have no,t 'done so. . The hymn is to reflect Cana da's first 100 years and be suit able for use by all the faiths. There will be, both English and French lyrics. Prayer Booklet In adition to the hymn, the confereRce is preparing an inter f~ith booklet of prayers and a , proclamation to be read in churches, synagogues, mosques and cathedrals on Jan. 1, 1967, when Canada begins to observe the IOOth year of confederation. There will be three key reli gious inter-faith observances ~ during 1967--Jan.,I, July 2, and, Thanksgiving Sunday. Guidelines for the observance of these three days include com munity demonstrations or pag-. eants, which could be in the nature of a television variety show inclUding such entertai!l-_ ment as folk singilig, but includ ing some 15 minutes of religious receives material. .
WASHINGTON (NC)-Come New Year's day and "Sleepy Jim" •Crowley, who' galloped to football fame as one of Notre Dame'g immortal "foul' horsemen," will em: bark upon his 41st 'year of'life on "borrowed time." The self-same Jam e 9 I walked along with him and Crowley, now industrial de": so asked him about the story my v~lopment commissioner for father had told me." the Scranton, Pa., Chamber Debils Missint:' of Commerce, of course, is more Ryan said he was asfouncied than 41 years old. He'll observe when the priest "told me my his 64th birthday next Sept. 10. father's story basically was true, Chronicler of the tale of Crow but that a few very important ley's life' on "borrowed time" is details were missing." John E. Ryan, picture editor "I asked him lKlw he knew of 'the' N.C.W.C. News Service the story was true and he told here. Among loyal Notre Dame me because he was the priest ,men, Ryan is in the "whom involved," Ryan said. ,there are no whomer" category. The priest explained that when As Ryan tells the tale, the he bent over the unconscious story rates back to Jan. 1, 1925, Crowley he employed a method when Knute Rockne's "four little known in the 1920s, but :.horsemen" and "seven mules" generally common today-mouth ran roughshod to a 27-10 victory -to-mouth resuscita.tion, Ryan over Stanford's Indians in the jfetailed. Crowley not' only revived but Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Calif. It was the first and only time went on to added football glory the, Fighting Irish participated as head football coach at Ford in: a bowl and tlie last time the ham University, in the days when the annual rally cr-y was "horsemen" rode together Crowley, Elmer Layden, Don' "from Rose Hill to the Rose . Miller and Hary Stuhldreher, Bowl." Ryan added another important who died in January, 1965. detaii to the strange story' of Death Imminent '''After the' game,' Crowley Crowley's life oli "borrowed eollapsed and went into a coma. time." He said that· the priest I don't know whether it was a who verified the story for him heart atack or what ailed him, was Father John F. O'Hara, C. but I remember mY'dad telling S.C., later president of Notre me doctors were called in, Dame, ,a bishop-military dele eOuldn't revive him and agreed gate of the Military Ordinariate, death was imminent," Ryan bishop of Buffalo, archbishop of related. PHiladelphia and a cardinal. He "My father said a priest then died in 1960.
was summoned to the room. He
laid the priest gave Crowley the
last rites, then bent down and breathed on him. Shorily after
wards Crowley revived and was okay, my dad said. The ~tor~' LAFAYETTE (NC)-A board lOunded too pietistic and fishy has been named to I~lan and co to me, but I never forgot it," ordinate education o.f the Sisters Ryan continued. 'rhe "four horsemen" had been of the Most Holy Sacrament elevated to the legendary plane here in Louisiana. The board will study and but Rockne still was football's kingpin coach during' Ryan's . supervise the curriculum at the 1!I t u den t days under Notre training schol conducted at the community's motherhouse here. _Dame's famed golden dome. "One night I was leaving my It also will plan and supervise room, bound for the library," the education of th.e professed Ryan said "A priest was leaving Sisters 'at various <:oiieges and the building at the same time, universities where they pursue undergraduate and graduate studies. . "We feel it is necessary both to help the Sisters find the field in which they are most capable and to insure the congregation INDIANAPOLIS (NC - Es of trained members in various jteem and affection, not tolerance, departments of the curriculum," .:must be the ideal of religions Mother H. Clementine, superior today, it was stated in the first general, explained. article written by a Catholic "Each state and diocese have priest in the Indiana Freemason, different requirements for teach- ' official publication of the state's ers and we need to foresee that Masons. ' all requirements are fulfilled by Father John A. O'Brien, theol some Sisters in each area," ogy research professor at the Mother Clementine said. University of Notre Dame, said
tolera.nce was sufficient in the
Women Must Lead
past, but must now be replaced by love. .
Obscenity Fight "Otherwise, none of us is wor SAN ANTONIO (NC)-Wom thy of the name of Christian or Jew, for !loth religions command en should be doing more to fight obscenity, actress Loretta Young U~ to settle for nothing short of love for one another," he wrote. said here. Miss Young, addressing a board meeting, of the San An Orthodox Honor tonio Archdiocesan Council of MUNICH (NC)-Metropolitan Catholic Women, said "women Polyefktos Finfinis, head of the can no longer bury their heads in their homes." , Greek Orthodox Church in Ger "The women who idly sit by many, visited Julius Cardinal Doepfner of Munich, chairman of and watch this sqander of Amer the German Catholic bishops' ican womanhood must have conference, to confer on him the share in responsibility for this Gold Cross of Mt. Athos. The shame," she declared. The film and television actress cross was struck' as a special honor commemorating the recent said that halting the "cancerous growth" of obscenity is "not 1,000th anniversary of monasti cism of Mt. Athos, the Greek censorship" and added: "On the peninsula which is a bastion of contrary, it ia cleansing Arner Orthodox spirf...·• ,ai<:a."
Board to Plan
Nuns" Education
Asserts Esteem Ideal of Religion
FRONTLINE COMMUNION: A Sergeant Holy Communion at the midnight Mass offered "by Francis Cardinal Spellman, Archbishop of New York and Vicar of U.S. Armed Forces, at Tan .Son Nhut airfield near Saigon. The Cardinal, on his 15th consecutive Christmas visit to the armed .forces overseas, called this journey "one of the most rewarding." NC Photo.
Guide for Seminaries Vincentian Cites Five Qualities Found
In Genius of St. Vincent de Paul
JAMAICA (NC)-Five quali ties found in the peasant genius of St. Vincent de Paul were r~c ommended. by a Vincenban priest to those who would aPJ?~ the Second Vatican CounCIl s statement on the renewal of seminary training. Father Maurice A. Roche, C.M., philosophy professor at Mary Iml..aculate Seminary, North ampton, Pa., said the reform of seminaries needs men who can imitate in St. Vincent de Paul "his reasonable obedience; his prudent initiative; his realization of the present need of the Church; his sense of the possi ble' and his preference for ac tio~ rather than criticism. Father Roche gave the princi pal address at the annual st. Vincent de Paul Convocation at St. John's University here in New York. prudent Initiative Father Roche said st. Vincent was outstanding in so many fields> that his contributions to the training of priests is over looked in preference to his other
achieve'ments, but his "ideas on the formation of clerics have had a lasting effect on the his tory of the Church since his time up until the pre~nt day." St. Vincent's prudent initiative made him careful never to "thrust himself into a portion of the vineyard entrusted to an other," Father Roche said. "He formed his own congrega tion of priests to give missions only because no other group was doing it, and only after securing ecclesiastical authorization," he added. In recogni zirig the needs of ' the Church, St. Vincent put em phasis on building seminaries "to train men to work as pastors in small country villages." He added: "The· training of this lower clergy had been sadly neglected for years."
Notre Da,me Plans New Atom' Smasher NOTRE DAME (NC) - The University of Notre Dame has announced plans for a $2;524,000 project including the purchase of a new, 15-million electron volt "atom smasher" for basic nuclear physics research and the erection of an addition to Nieuwland Science Hall to house it. Father Tl'\eodore M. Hesburgh, C.S,C., university president, said acquisition of the 80-ton electro static accelerator, nearly four times more powerful than an in strument built here ten years ago, has been made possible by a $1,850,000 grant from the Na tional Science Foundation. The NSF and the university, he said, each will contribute an additional $337,000 for the con struction of the building. ~
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'NeedY,Youngsters Get New Outfits CHICAGO (NC) - Christmas was a little .brighter this year for 94 underprivileged Chicago youngsters thanks to a Catholic archbishop-aided anq abetted by a Methodist ballplayer and a Jewish store owner. The children, from 48 parishes, got complete new Christmas out fits paid for out of the personal funds of Archbishop John P. Cody of Chicago. Cooperating in the project was, Louis Goldblatt, president of' Goldblatt Brothers department store. And on hand for a party after the youngsters got their clothes was star baseball player Ernie Banka of, the Chicago Cub»
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MATINEES-Today, Tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday-2 P.M. Tickets on sale in New Bedford at the Merri-Card Shop SPECIAL ATTENTION TO SCHOOL,
TMf ANCHORThu...., Dec. 30, "65
DiirfeeandHoly FamilyTop'
Area Scholastic·Hoop Clubs
Archbishop Alter Asks Involvement hi Charity Work
The New Year will be here in a eoupleof days. ADd, with that advent eomes a renewal of high school basketball action. Most teams had their weekly routine disturbed be eaUBe of the holidays. ~me schools did not play any games during weatian week while New Bedford Vocational wiJl others played as many 88 two games in two days. Now entertain Fairhaven . Tuesda7 Thill, an old tim~ rivalry, all is back in order as the night. always seems to bring an excit
ftl'ioua league rac:el resume. ing game. The Artisans still do . Durfee High of Fall River 111 not have a gym, due to last. leading the pack Spring's fire, and, as a result, in the Bristol will be playing at the New Bed County League. ford Tech gym. The Hilltoppers There 111 a full slate of action have not lost a scheduled in the Narry League league encoun next Tuesday night. Holy Fam ter and seem to ily ~ New Bedford has yet to have things wen be seriously challenged. The in control. They Parochials have taken four took Coyle High league games. They have bested of Taunton into each opponent by at least 15 eamp by 12 points. Thm, last year's runner points. The Pa up team, has established itself rochials we r e as the quintet to beat in 1966. picked in pre-season polls to Tuesday night, Old Rochester give the Fall Riverites their will invade the Holy Family main opposition. premises.' The Bulldogs are Durfee however, has met capable of. up-setting the favor frustration . outside the county ites, but, this won't happen un circuit, having lost to DeLeSalle less the home forces a~ stone of Newport and to its arch rival, . coid, which is rare in the Ken New Bedford High. Tuesday, the nedy Center. , . Hilltoppers will host Taunton. Crlnlson in Everett . Hardt Bolsters Bombardiers TWo of the four teams fighting The Taunton Tigers have been for second place in the Narry causing's few eyebrows to raise. loop will clash Tuesday., West Coach Bob Daley's hardwood port High will visit Prevost of combine came off with the hon Fall River. The Parochials have ors in its first two games. Sur tost only one league game, that prisingly, the Tigers white was to Holy Family. Westport washed Attleboro High which has been beaten by Holy Family was picked to be in the big three and Dighton-Rehoboth. with Durfee and Coyle. Also on tap for Tuesda7 In all fairness to Attleboro, it night is Somerset at Apponequet should be noted that the Bom Regional in Lakeville and bardiers were minus the services Dighton-Rehoboth at Case in of Dave Hardt until after the Swansea. If all goes· as expected, Taunton game. neither Somerset nor Dighton Dave returned to action last should have a problem. week to register 30 points - . In the Greater Boston League, against Feehan High. Bob Medas, the New Bedford High squad who will attempt to lelui his will travel to Everett Tuesday, 'I'aunton teammates to victorj The following Friday the' Crim son will be at home to face against the well balanced Dur fee five, presently leads his club Malden. Wareham will· open its Old in point scoring. Colony League schedule Tues Attleboro is picking up mo mentum now that Hardt is back day night ·at Middleboro. Norton in· action. The Bombardiers High of the Tri-County loop will host Norfolk Tuesday afternoon. travel to North Attleboro Tues day night. Attleboro has lost The Lancers have had tough luck only to Taunton, and, it does not lately, losing three games in a appear as though the North row; one by one point, another forces will change that. At last by two points, and still another· count North Attleboro had lost by three points. 42 consecutive basketball games to Attleboro. Not since the years of World War n has North beaten Attleboro in the hoop game. VANCOUVER (NC) - Semi Diocesan Rivals Clash narians for the Vancouver dio In another' BCL contest Tues cese now are going outside the day night, Bishop Stang of North walls of Christ the King Semi Dartmouth will host Bishop nary for their training. Feehan of Attleboro. Stang, In line with the Vatican coun looked up earlier as somewhat cil decree on priestly training, of a league threat, really has the settlinarians are given two not showed that well. The Spar and three-week assignments in tans took New Bedford Voca the community in a program de tional by 10 points but then lost signed to give them a broader to Fairhaven. Similarly, Bishop insight into problems they will Feehan has not showed too well encouter after they are ordained either. The Shamrocks have not to the priesthood. won a league game. They have Training assignments have trouble in the last half of their ranged from working with the games. prison chaplain at Haney Correc The I'eehanites were leading tional Institute to studying com- Coyle by 10 points at the half munications at the Canadian way mark and then ended up Broadcasting Company televi on the short end by 16 points. sion studios. Stang also plays a non-league Seminarian Nick Boomers encounter tomorrow night by has tin g next-door neighbor, had an unusual assignment. He Dartmouth High. Coyle has an accompanied Father Leon Kot ski, S.A., of St. Paul's parish on open date next Tuesday, the priest's tour of Vancouver'. skid row, its down-and-outen and its flop houses. CINCINNATI (NC) - Father Andrew E. Fox, O.F.M., vice provincial ·of the Franciscan CHICAGO (NC) - Fifty-two Fathers' Cincinnati province, has Papal, Volunteers for Latin been appointed publisher of the America have 'started work in St. Anthony Messenger, pub nine countries, PAVLA head liahed b)' the province. .uarien here aono-- •
Seminarians Take Outside Training
Name Publisher
Papal Volunteers
CINCINNATI (NC) Christians must be involved in the works of charity in a personal way, in organized
HEROINE: Mary Ann Dowdell, winner of the Carnegie Medal for saving the life of a young boy last Febru~ry, checks her time. in -a swimming drill·at the Catholic Youth Center in Scranton, with her coach Bud O'Hora. Mary An~, a freshman "at· Cathedral High in Scr~ntonwP1 use ,the . award money for her college education. NC Photo.
Closer to· Goal· New Jersey Family Eagerly Anticipate Mission Work in Africa MAPLEWOOD (NC) - The Speckharts were anxious to get the Christmas holiday festivities behind them. Not that they don't enjoy Christmas, quite the con trary-but because time's pas sage moved them closer to their goal. "We're gnawing at the bit," was the way Dr. Joseph Speck hart expressed it. The doctor, his wile Carol Ann, and their three montlt-old son, Joseph, soon will be leaving for a three-year, medical-mission assignment .in Africa. For the doctor and his wife, it will be the culmination of a mutual dream--oIie which they nourished even during courting days. Mrs. Speckhart, a registered nurse, recalled: "When he asked
Diocese To Open Family Center ALBANY (NC)-At the diree tion of Albany's Bishop William A. Scully, a family information center to interest married per sons in forming a responsible attitude toward family planning will be opened here in January. Teams of priests, physicans and married couples will staff the center, presenting acceptable methods of -family planning based on Church teachings. It was· stated that some 35 arch dioceses and dioceses in the na tion now operate such centers.
- Cardinal Opposes BOSTON (NC)-Richard Car dinal Cushing of Boston said he is "absolutely" opposed to changing the Church's policy of meatless Fridays for Catholics.
me to marry him, the very next thing he said was: 'By the way, will you go to Africa with me?' .. Below Equator . The Speckharts are members of the Mission Doctors Associa tion, founded in 1959 by the late Msgr. Anthony J. Brouwers in LOs Angeles. They are bound for Likuni in the small land locked country of Malawi, 16 degrees below the equator. Mrs. Speckhart was emphatie that the arrival of Joseph didn't giv.e them second thoughts about their plans. She commented: "Joseph is the perfect age to travel. He 'Won't be running up and down the plane." She admitted it would be nice if he were old enough to under stand what his parents are do ing, but she added that at le?st he will come back from AfrIca not noticing any difference in people because of skin color. At Likuni, the Speckharts will relieve another doctor-nurse team, Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Sorenson of Summit, N. J. Dr. Speskhart will run the 160-bed hospital there and Mrs. Speck hart will teach in the nursing school
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Probably Regiol'o' PITTSBURGH (NC)-Bish~ John J. Wright of Pittsburgh told a press conference here he has no reason to believe the rumored dropping of Friday abstinence will come about soon. He commented that the question of abstinence from meat on Fri day would probably be settled on a regional basis, under pro posed Church decentralizatioB policies,
groups, and on the international level, Archbishop Karl J. Alter of Cincinnati said here. He addressed the first annual combined meeting-of the Society of St. Vincent dePaul's five par ticular councils in the Cincinnati archdiocese, held at St. Peter ill Chains cathedral. Archbishop .Alter urged re spect fox:jhe federal anti-poverty program. "I ask you, where yOll can to engage yourselves in this anti-poverty program. Don't dis dain it, or brush _it aside as worthless," 'he said. -« In addition to face-to-face re lationships in which Vincentian. exercise the virtue of charity, they also can practice the virtue all members of their group ·toward other· groups, the arch.. bishop :said. . , Find Solutions ,.,'1 . "It is our joint, colle<;tive J'C, sponsibility as. a group to do what we cil1{ to help find $olu tioris for grave sodal problems," he said. . Charity· on the internationlJl level also must be exercised, Archbishop A I t e r continued. "This is the level of charity that Pope John. talked about in hi. great encyclicals, Mater et Ma gistra and Pacem in Terris * * • The Holy :rather says that we as a nation must help other natioIa that are poor." "This goes down hard with some people," he said. But, he added, despite stories of "bun. gling," much good has been ac complished through the foreip aid program.
famous for
THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 30, 1965
Our Lady of Purgatory Parishioners Venerate Baptist Praises Council's Work LOUISVILLE (NC).....:.A Bap Blessed Sharbel Relic at Midnight Mass Advocates Court tist theology professor who wit
T«;» Safeguard Human Rights
WORCESTER (NC) - A diocesan official advocated the reestablishment of a Church court for the pro
tection of an individual's human rights. Father Henry G. Bowen, vice officials of the Worcester Dioc esan Tribunal told a luncheon meeting of professional and bus iness men here he felt the time has come when "we need to dis cuss and research and investigate the possibility of reestablishing or reactivating judical proce dures for the vindication of rights within the Church in other fields than marriage." Father Bowen, who holds a doctorate in canon law from the Catholic University of America, Washington, D. C., discussed the present-day operations of the tribunal in American dioceses, particularly in the Worcester diocese. Today, he said, Church courts deal almost exclusively with matrimonial matters. However, he added, the needs of the Church go beyond this one area. Only Recourse "Currently," Father Bowen said, "if the rights of an individ ual Cathvlic are violated or ig nored in some ecclesiastical or ganization, or by some official of the Church, or some clergyman within the Church, the only re course available is an adminis trative one-o-to appeal to some administrator of higher rank in the Church. "At times," he continued, "this procedure may be expeditious, faster, more certain of result, if the administrator will act-and , increasingly he will act. "But the success of this pro eedure is dependent ultimately Gn the good will and zeal of the administrator - a good will which mayor may not be pres ent. Thus, the existence or the use of this remedy is, at best, arbitrary." "This is an essential defect," he commented. "I think that we must examine carefully the pos , sibility of activating some judi cial channel in the Church through which these rights could be viridicated equitably, justly and expeditiously."
Laymen Have Role In Consecration WASHINGTON (NC) - Lay participation by staff members of the National Catholic Wel fare Conference marked the consecration Mass of, Bishop Paul F. Tanner, NCWC general aecretary. 'J'he epistle for the Mass was read by' William R. Consedine, director of the conference's Legal Department. The offer tory procession was composed of four members of the staff of the NCWC executive office .Joann White, Jane Schubert, J'03'ce Lowery, and Catherine Prince. Observei's said this was one of the first 'times that laymen have actively participated in a consecration Mass in this coun try. The ceremony' tOok place in the' National Shrine of the ~aculate Conception.
Council to Meet
The m0nthly meeting of Fall River Particular Council, So ciety of St.' Vincent de Paul, will be held. next Tuesday night in St. Louis Parish hall fol lowing 'Benedictioo. 'io. the eh\uch at 7:45.
Members of Our Lady of Purgatory Maronite parish, New Bedford, received a'unique 'and precious gift at midnight Mass this Christmas. It came when Rev. Anthony Hardin of Ehmej, Lebanon exposed for their veneration a cloth used in 1950 to wipe the face of , Blessed Sharbel Makhlouf, famed Hermit of Lebanon. Startingly reminiscent of pictures of Veronica's VE!il, the cloth, .' a priest's linen amice, was used to wipe the face of the holy man when his coffin was opened in the course of moving his remains to a new tomb. Blessed Sharbel died in 1898, but his body has remained in corrupt and continuously exudes a blood-lil:e substance. It was this substance that produced an image of his face on the amice in 1950, explained Father Har din, who is a parish priest in Ehmej, a small town only 15 minutes walk from the monas tery in Lebanon where Father Sharbel lived his holy life. Father Hardin, together with a cousin, Karam Hardin, is in the United States to visit a brother, Joseph G. Hardin of Our Lady of Purgatory parish. It is the first visit to this country for the men, and marks the first time the brothers have met for 53 years. "But we knew each other right away," the bearded priest de clared. His was a late vocation, he said. He is married and has seven children. He explained that Maronite priests may marry before ordination. Built Tomb Although a Diocesan priest, Father Hardin has been associ ated with the monks of Father Sharbel's Order of St. Anthony of the Desert throughout his life. He and his New Bedford brother recall, as small boys, kissing Father Shabel's hand when the monk's body was disinterred shortly after his death and ex posed to the public. And in 1950, when a new tomb was prepared for the holy man, Father Hardin, not yet a priest and practicing the trade of a stonemason, was among workers on the project. The Lebanese priest said that at least two first cousins of Blessed Sharbel and many grandnieces and grandnephews still live in the Ehmej area. The hermitage where the monk spent
Pope Again Visits
Workers' ,Parish
SHOWS RELIC: Relic of Blessed Sharbel, recently beatified H~rmit of Lebanon, is a,hown to Rev. George I. Saad, pastor of Our Lady of Purgatory Church, New Bed ford, left, by Karam Hardin, Rev. Anthony Hardin an<~ Joseph G. Hardin. Karam Hardin and Father Hardin, cous ins, are visiting the UnIted States ~rom Lebanon. Joseph Hardin is the priest's brother.
New Bedford's Our Lady ~ Purgatory p~rish, where Father Hardin is sayiIig daily Mass dur, ing his stay in the city, said that, he has at least 'a dozen' elderly parishionersw:h 0 . remember Blessed Sharbel from their.youth Australia Give
in Lebanon. They were among American Lebanese rejoicing Free Textbooks
Dec. 5 when the hermit was be": ADELAIDE (NC)-The state atified during closing ceremonies government of South Australia of the Vatican Council. Father announced that free textbooks College Students Aid Hardin was among those present will be provided for both state for the rite., . .,' ' and private primary' schools' Destitu~e Priest . Asked for' his impressions of starting in 1966. ' CALDWELL (NC) - Students the United States,where he will $tate Minister for Education at Caldwell College here in New stay about a month' while visit R.R. Loveday in announcing the' Jersey passed up "the man who ing here and in New Jersey, Labor party' cabinet's decision 'has everything," but got a Father Hardin s'aid, ''They told said 'that school principals will Christmas present for "a priest us in Lebanon that America was be allowed to 'choose textbooks' who has little." very hospitable and that she fed from an approv~d list, thus The students gave Father ~he 1lJlderdeveloped countries of leaving them with the same dis Ralph Beiting a cow-or rather the world, but 'when we came we cretion they have had heretofore. enough money to buy a, cow to saw' that what we heard was The books are to remain state provide milk for the needy chil not enough. I would like to'live property, and must be returned dren he cares for in eastern Ken here, 'so much I love' it!" 'to the school by the students at tucky. , , 'Father Hardin's cousin, Karam the end of the school year. 1n addition to the money, they Hardin, adqed, "With the little In Melbourne, meanwhile, it, collected clothing for the chil- , I've seen so far, I've realized was announced that Victoria dren and a group of students' that there is order, discipline and ' state's subsidy system'for private traveled' to Kentucky to make justice in this country. I hope schools was beginning Jan. 1. the presentation over the holi to see many more things before Victoria is subsidiZing interest days. I go." payments of up to five per cent on loans for construction of private secondlU7 school build ings.'
most of his priestly life is still in existence, said Father Hardin, but is now preserved as a shrine; He added that although the her.., mitage has no "official hermit," the monk in charge of, it 'lives such an ascetic life that he really qualifies for ~he title. Pilgrims Yisit the spot daily, he noted. Rev. George I. Saad, pastor of
It is our most sincere ·wish thatJ966'
will be good to you and .yours
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. nessecf the ,last week of the Second Vatican Council called it "a very significant event, not ,only in the Roman Catholic Church, but even in the world. The Rev. James Leo Garrett, professor of Christian theology ,at Southern Baptist seminary here, in an interview, said: ''The council did not remove any of the major theological differences, , but this was not what it was in tended to. Council actions did clear the atmosphere." Dr. Garrett went to the council as an individual, non-official ob server, although he was accorded , many of the privileges of obser vers. His trip was arranged by a private founda~ion here. Increasing Action He said his brief stay did not .equip him 'sufficiently to judge the overall council (although he has already studied 9 of 11 docu ments he brought home with him). But with this qualification, he viewed the religious liberty doctrine as "praticularly impor tant * * * from the Baptist per· spective particularly." One definite step he said he believes council action will pro mote is the interchange between Baptist and Catholic scholars. For example, he has noted in creasing action' here. Visitors t. the Baptist Seminary have in cluded Jesuit and Passionist priests, Trappist Father Thomas Merton, and priests from' Bellar mine College here.
VATICAN CITY ('NC) - For the third straight Christmas since his election, Pope Paul VI has chosen to celebrate Christ mas Mass' in one of Rome'. working class districts. This year it was the suburb of Borgata Fidene, about five miles north of t~e city on the Via Salaria, the old "salt road," which takes its name from the salt trade carried on, between the ancient Romans and the Sabine tribes. The Mass was scheduled for a A.M. about seven hours after the
conclusion of the midnight Mass
in the. Sistine Chapel the Pope
traditionally celebrates for the
diplomatic corps aceredit,r.d tct
the Holy See. His last Christmas
Mass was set for 11 A.M.-out
side on the steps of St. Peter'..
Heads Office NEW YORK' (NC) - Msgr.
Thomas McGovern has been ap
pointed director of the Bureau
of Information and the Office
of Radio and. Television of the
New York archdiocese. He has
been assistant director since
January 1963.
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