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Marian Meda" Recipients


Bishop Recognizes Efforts Of Many Within Diocese ...,

A total of 129 men and women, from all sections of the Diocese of Fall River, today were named to receive the Marian Medal award in recognition of distinguished services they have An Anchor of the Soul, Sure and Firm-St.Paul performed for the Church. The awards will be presented by 'Bishop Cronin 7:30 on SunFall River, Mass., Thurs., December 30, 1971 day evening, 'Jan. 9 at special services in St. Mary's Cathedral, Vol. 15. , No. 52 © 1971 The Anchor PRICE 104 $4.00 per yea, Fall River. ' The medal has a raised image of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal with the Latin inscription "0 Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee." The 1830 date designates the year of the apparition Diocesan priests have chosen sonnel Board ,for two years be- to St. Catherine Laboure. Rev. Francis L. Mahoney and ginning immediately. The back of the medal has the Rev. John J. Steakem to be Rev. John J. Steakem, assist- seal of the Diocese of Fall River members of the Diocesan Per- ant pastor of St. Julie' Parish, '" which was established in 1904. North Dartmouth, was ordained The recipients are: in 1960, as was Rev. Francis 1. Mahoney, assistant pastor of Immaculate Conception Parish, Fall River, co-director of Fall River CYO and diocesan director of the Human Development Campaign. , 'J1he two priests succeed Rev, Msgr. John E. Boyd, Pastor, of St. Patrick parish, Fall River, and Rev. Msgr. Henri A. Hamel, pastor of St. Joseph Parish, New Bedford. These monsignors' terms of office expired this year.~ Obverse .~ The .Personnel Board is a group of five priests elected by . their fellow diocesan priests to assist the Bishop in matters of priestly appointments and ,assignments.. The Chairman of the Person- VATICAN CITY (NC)-"Open R~V. JOHN j. STEAKEM nel Board, designated by the your consciousness, your per·"i Bishop from those elected, is sonal, family, and social life to Rev. John P. Driscoll, pastor of Christ," Pope Paul VI told thouOur Lady of Fatima Parish, sands of persons gathered in St. Swansea. ' ., Peter's Square 'on Christmas Day' Other board members are: " . T?e Pope celebrated three Rev. Leo T. Sullivan, pastor' of' Holy Name Parish New Bedford Chrlst.mas Masses ~n that day; . ' , the first for workmgmen; the and Rev. James ~' Lyons, pastor second for diplomats and the thOIrd for pi'1' . d t OUrlS . t s. of St. Mary Parish, Taunton. grlms an The priests are available to . . both Bishop and their fellow He pomted. ~ut to .dlplomats ..". priests for consultation and thhat t.he ..rehh~lhous. hlstO'?'t of :;AI p ..... study in the matter of the needs umamty w IC gives um~, a . d"d I . t .h sense of value to the generatIOns s, paris es, o. f .m t'IVI ua. pries h d' Th w h'ICh con t'mue t 0 mu It'Ip Iy ... mstltu IOns m t e IOcese. ey f ' t Ch . t 'h b meet periodically among themIxes I s eye on rlS , W 0 a. selves and with the Bishop to sorbs all that has h~pp~ned. m .. . the past and who Will Illumme . make their .opmlOns and f adVice a II'm th e f ut·ure un t'l 'I t'h e en d known to hIm as he ormulates f r " his decisions in regard to the 0 T ImRe. k' h ' f . fl k 0 oman wor mgmen e emh ' d th d f f '1 pastoral care 0 the entire oc entrusted to him. p aSlze e nee or ami y REV. FRANCIS L. MAHONEY love and for the need of the love of Christ as He showed in becoming man. Tourists were told that modern man should listen to the message of the Infant Christ. In an earlier address to the At the request of Pope Paul VI, Most Rev. Daniel A. Cronin has prelates in Rome, the Pope dedirected that the votive Mass for Peace shall be offered in all parishes cried the; world's turn to violence and Chapels of the Diocese on Jan. 1, as part of a worldwide prayer- to solv~ inter-human problems, a ful effort to obtain the gift of peace during the new year. The Pope's menace to "weak and defense. less men.'; He pointed out Vietprayer follows: . nam, India, Pakistan, the Middle Lord, God of peace, who in your loving kindness East and Northern Ireland. The Church is presently living towards man, created him to be the partaker of your f11he Vatican Council II, the Pope glory, we bless you and we give you thanks: stated but he emphasized that For you have sent to us Jesus, your beloved Son, this, does not mean that proand have made him, in his paschal mystery, the author of found changes in the theological order and destructive constituTurn to Page Two

Priests Choose Two' For Personnel Board

Fall River Area

Paul E. Lapointe, 46 Murray Street John Cantwell, 893· Jefferson Miss Elizabeth L. Leonard, 512 Street. Cherry Street. Mrs. Margaret Charbonneau, 119 Edward M. Lopes, 50 Bradford Bullock Street. Avenue. Robert Correia, 1290 Plymouth Miss Lavonne Lord, 117 Hem. , Avenue. lock Street, Somerset. John J. Darcy, III, 361 Woodman Cornelius L. Lynch, 822 Meridian Street. Street. Mrs. Alice Marum, 222 TecumManuel S. Domingos, 49 Plain seh Street. , Street. Miss Jacqueline Mathieu, 3350 John J. Fitzgerald, Jr.; 335 PresNorth Main Street. ident Avenue. Miss Laura Nobrega, 1906 Rodman Street. Miss Elizabeth C. Flaherty, 69' Miss Helen L. Oliveira, 215 CoWeetamoe Street. lumbia Street. Thomas J. Fleming, 228 Oak William A. O'Neil,' 178 Oliver Grove Avenue. Street. Arthur A. Gauthier, 1803 Staf- William O'Reagan, 92 Park ford Road. Street. Miss Bertha Gervais, 37 Park Joseph Prenda, 1274 Rodman Street. Street. Turn to Page Five Walter J. P. Gosciminski, 91 Lawrence Street, Swansea. Robert A. Goulet, 1092 South Main Street H. Earl Heron, 113 Perron Avenue, Somerset. Mrs. Beatrice Holland, 486 Fourth Street. Edward F. Kelly, 49 Richmond Street Miss Mona C. Kennedy, 49 Richard Road, Swansea.· Mrs, EIi~abeth M. King3~ey, 395 New Boston Road. _ Converse

Pope Begs 'Let Christ In'


Pope '8 Prayer for Peace January 1, 1972

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tional changes are authorized. A repudiation of tradition and a challenge to authority are not Council decisions. "We remain open to the greatest confidence," the Pope said, "we have the most tenacious hope-and is not Christmas perhaps the feast of hope?-that, as sure and comforting signs assure

us, sincere and deep love, with suffering for the Church, will be capable of bringing about the constructive and positive results, through the cooperation of all, clergy, religious and laity, under the wise guidance of our brothers in the episcopacy, the successors of the Apostles." Turn to Page Six

Strict Policy to Regulate All Teen-age Marriages rangements for a couple involving a partner under 19 until certa,in steps have been taken. Couples affected by the directive would be referred to the Catholic Family Services office in the archdiocese where they would be counseled on their "general maturity and insight into the relationship of marriage." The priest making the arrangements would receive the CFS' evaluation and then interview the couple and their parents. He would prepare a report on the prospects of the proposed marriage being "permanent and reasonably happy." Chancery Review His report, along with the CFS evaluation, would be sent to the chancery where archdiocesan officials would review the material and decide whether to approve Tum to .Page Six

HARTFORD (NC) - Catholics under 19 cannot get a Churcjl marri'age in the Hartford archdiocese unless certain conditions have been met, according to a five-point archdiocesan policy on teen-age marriages. A chancery official said the policy was set up "because of the lnstabilirty of youthful marriages which are becoming an increasingly serious problem throughout the country." Under the policy, a priest may not proceed with marriage ar-

Bishop Grateful Bishop Cronin expresses sincere thanks to all who' so kindly sent greetings for Christmas. He reciprocates their good wishes with his prayers for God's blessing upon them for the New Year. ~ \ ..









·.~,ni~ersity' 'C~hai'r

THE.ANCHOR':"OiQcese of .Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 30, 1971 --.. --,._.. .


Honors . Memory Of Archbishop

... P.ope's Prayer for ·Peace· Continued from Page One


, aU salvation, the source of aU peace and the bond of aU brotherhood. ' . We give you thanks for the· desires, the efforts' and the achievements which your Spirit 'of pe~ce has inspired in our days,' stirring up love where there was hate," sympathyw'here there was stispici~n,. sOlid.arity where there was indifference. . . Open .dur spiiit~. and ou~he~rts ·~till more to tl1e concrete needs of love for all our brothers, so that we may . be more. truly makers of peace:. Remember, Father of mercies, all·those who are oppresss~d,. ~ho suffer and . die, in bringing to birth a world of more genuine '. brotherliness. ' .




.1J.i$h'op. Cronin's Letter December 21, 1971

,LEGION MEETS: Members of the Legion of hold diocesan-wide meeting at St. Julie parish hall, 'Although' principal attention focused upon the discussion of .Dartmouth. from left, Rev. Arthur Robert, D.P., priestly ministry during the recent Synod at Rome, the topics of peace and justice in the world were, as we all know, of significant Souza, Miss Marie Lebeau, L,egion president.

Re¥erend and dear Father, .



concern. Now His Holiness Pope Paul VI 'has once again called for "-urgent prayer for peace and justice in our troubled world. .'


The first day of the New Year has been designated by Pope Paul as a special day of prayer for peace, and the beginning of a "Period of Peace" to be observed throughout the Universal Church.

JAMAICA (NC) - Supporters of Catholic schools were warned here to expect "the most negative" report on public education ever produced by any state body in the forthcoming findings of the Fleischmann Commission, a unit appointed by Gov. Nelson Rocke(eller two years 'ago to study education in New Y~rk state.


Enclosed you will also find a copy of the prayer composed by Pope Paul himself. The celebrant of every Mass on New Year's Day should call attention to this prayer and recite it, perhaps most appropriately during the course of a homily on' the theme' of peace. Special. devotions in our churches for peace and justice, and such measures as the study of and prayer for peace in our Christian Doctrine classes and our schools are highly recommended. With every prayerful good wish that the Prince of Peace, whose birth we are soon to celebrate, may shower upon you. His abundant blessings, I have the pleasure to remain

The gloomy prediction came from Msgr. George A. Kelly, who occupies the St. John's UniverFaithfully yours in Christ, sity John A. Flynn. Chair in contemporary Catholic problems, and who was himself a consultant to the commission. Msgr. Kelly made this forecast in his Bishop. of Fall River' keynote address to a symposium on government aid and children in nonpublic schools sponsored by St. John's University. WASHINGTON (NC) - RichThe appointment, effective ard M. Kelley is resigning as the . Jan. I, was announced by Msgr. Msgr. Kelly, formerly director Clevelan~ diocese's community Lawrence J. Corcoran, NCCC of the New York .archdiocesan action director to work fulltime national secretary. Kelley, 52, education department, warned as ..study committee chairman has been with the Cleveland dio- that the commission "may well with the National Conference of cese the past 20 years and has produce the most negative reCatholic Charities here. been NCCC study committee port on the subject ever written chairman on a parttime basis in this or any state, disappoint those who created it (the comsince 1967. Necrology mission), create more division in . His committee has completed . the state than any responsible JAN. 1 a 'series of recommendations for agency of government has 'done redirecting the NCCC, formed in ; in decades, disillusion the parJose Valeiro,~ 1955,. P~s­ Rev. 1910, toward renewal and. re- . ents of nonpublic school students tor, St, Elizabeth, Fall River. form. Kelley said sP!l~ial, emph?- • and, if· the governor and the Rev. Antonio M. Fortuna, sis would be 'on "gearing the state legislat~re bought its rec c 1956, Pastor, Immaculate' Confuture of Catholic Charities to ommendations, sound the death' ception, New Bedfotd. social action and to :discernment knell of the' oldest form of lower Rev. Francis R. Connerton. of the 'causes' of ·bondage· and· education in' the United States SS.STD., 1968, St: John's' Sem: oppressipn." -religious schools." inary, Plymouth,' Mich. The committee'.s resolutions While the final report of the JAN. 4 .' on revitalizing Catllolic Charicommission has not .yet been are' expected to be made ties Rev. Eugene L. Dion, 1961, made public, major portions of it. Pastor, Blessed Sacrament,Fall public in December.. were leaked several weeks ago River. to the New York Times. Accord.' ing to' the Times' version, the JAN.6, THE ANCHOR commis'sion. will recommend " Second Class PostaRe 'Paid at 'Fall' River. Rev. James 'F. ROach,. 1906, Mass:, . Published evert Thursday ,at 410 . that no state' aid be given reliHighland Avenue. Fall River, Mass. 02722 gious schools.. Founder, Immaculate COl1ception, by the Catholic Press of the Diocese of Fall River. Subscription price by mall, postpaid . Ta.upto.n. __ .• , Iria speech laced with. bitter'4.00 per Yelr. . • . '. .


Conference Names Study Chairman





Catholic School Backers Told to Expect Negative Report on Aid

I direct that the Mass for Peace be celebrated on January first and the vigil preceding. Leaflet missals 'and similar hand books for congregational use will contain .the text. of the Mass.


has established' a Chair of .Cath" olic'Studies in honor of the late' Archbishop Paul' J. Hallinan of Atlanta.. . The chair will add to the university's religion de'partment fac· ulty _ "a distinguished scholar Who will provide a full program ',of instruction in Cathofic theol~ "ogJ,philosophy, history and Ifterature," the university said. . ·. Bishop J-{allinan was a: native . ,of ..cleveland, where he served'in .1 var~ous: priestly capacities; From ·-r.1947· to 1958 he was Newman · director of the Cleveland diocese, in charge of the apostolate of ,Catholic s,tudents on secular campuses. He 'served as archbishop of Atlanta from 1962 until his death in 1968. He was regarded as a leading spokesman, principally on the liturgy, for the American Church while he' attended the Second Vatican CounMary cil in Rome. He had earned a doctorate in North history from Case Western ReMario serve in 1967, finishing his dis~ sertation while archbishop of Atlanta. ,

. May your, kingdom' of justice, ,peace 'and love come for men of every' race, and', tongue, and m~y all the earth be filled with your glory:, ' . Ame,n. ::: . * *' :;: •


Wes~ern Reserve University I:tere

ness and sarcasm, Msgr. Kelly criticized both the membership of the commission and its work. . He charged that the commission was· loaded with persons not "friendly" to nonpublic schools; that the Jesuit constitutional lawyer, Father Patrick S.· Duffy, chosen as a Catholic expert for the commission's panel on nonpublic schools, was not equal to the task; that Catholics were not consulted on appointments to the commission or the research panel. He also charged that the non.. public school panel was not adequately funded; that the panel. did not give adequate credit to parochial schools for their work with black and Puerto Rican children.

Vincentians Meet' Tuesday Evenin.9

Diocese Has First Per'manent Deacon CLEVELAND (NC) - A 54year-old married man and step· father of two children has been , ordained the first permanent deacon for the Clevelan4 diocese. Joseph H. Newman was ordained by Bishop Clarence Issenmann in a ceremony at St. John's Cathedral here. He will be a part-time deacon while continuing to fulfill his family obligations, diocesan officials announced. He will perform all functions a priest, with exception of . saying Mass and hearing confes· sions, and continue at his job as staff member of the Cleveland Community Relations Board.


O'ROURKE Funeral Home 571 Second Street Fall River, Mass. 679-6072 MICHAEL 'J. McMAHON Registered Embalmer Licensed Funeral Director

The monthly meeting of the F;all River. Particular Council,' Society of St. Vincent de Paul, will he 'held Tuesday evening, Jan. 4. St. Patrick's Conference wiU host the meeting. Mass will be offered at 7:15 and the meeting will follow.


Robert White, director of the Big Brother Organization, will talk on tile Big Brother Movement, and a question and answer period will follow.

672-2391 , Rose E. Sullivan. Jeffrey E. Sullivan

Fun~ ..al


550 Locust Street

Fall l;Uv~r. Mass.


D. D. Wilfred C. Sullivan Driscoll -FUNERAL HOME



FUNERAL DIRECTORS 15 Irvington Ct. New Bedford 995·5166

R. Marcel Roy - G. LOrraine Roy Roger laFrance

Prelate Opposes . Hierarchy Stand On Vietnam War


Thurs., Dec. 30, 1971


Baltimore Report Shows -Deficit For Third Year

LITTLE ROCK (NC)-Bishop Albert L. Fletcher, saying that the United States has tried to BALTIMORE (NC) - The Balhelp South Vietnam defend itself timore archdiocese has reported against unjust aggression, said more outgo than income for the he opposed an American bishthird year in a row. ops' resolution calling for a In what the archdiocesan speedy end to the Southeast finance committee described as Asian conflict. "the most comprehensive audit "I am certainly not in favor of its kind," Baltimore reported of war," tPe' Little Rock bishop . a deficit of $1,649,000 for the said: "But r do admit, with the 1970-71, fiscal year. That figure Church, that' WE; iue permitted to is $396,000 mor~ than the predefel)d .ourselves or help some vious year's deficit. other' "country 'defend itself against, unjust 'aggression. Officials blamed the contiri. "This is what' we have tried uing deficit on general decline in to do in Vietnam." parish assessments, gifts, beBishop Fletcher told The quests and donations, at the Guardian, Little Rock diocesan same time that costs have been newspaper, that he was among spiraling upward. . a "large minority" of bishops "The old lady who lived bewho opposed the Vietnam resoside the church almost forever, lution adopted by the American then willed it to her pastor, hierarchy at their recent meetisn't around so much any more," ing in Washington. James E. Shaneman, archdiocDanger of Extinction esan information chief, com· The resolution, in which the mented. "Today sbe can't hang bishops declared that a "speedy onto that property very, easily ending of the war in Vietnam is herself." a moral imperative of the highest Under, Cardinal Lawrence priority," passed with only a Shehan's direction, the finance few dissenting votes, according committee named a subcommit· to a bishops' spokesman at a tee earlier this year to explore news conference held during the to tighten the budget and ways meeting. ' increase income. Bishop Fletcher said a U. S. troop withdrawal from Vietnam NEW UNITED NATIONS CHIEF: Kurt'Waldheim, left, shakes hands with UN Sec.No Market Demand would not resolve the war. "It 'Gen. Thant after the Austrian was elected to' succeed Thant. Other member nations deleThe financial report, made will expose the So. Vietnamese tQ, . gates, background, applaud. NC Photo. by the auditing firm of Ernst the danger of having their counand Ernst, showed that the arch. try over-run, and themselves diocese's' net worth is just unsubjected to cruelty and the der $43 million. However, most danger of extinction by the North Vietnamese who are being NEW YORK (NC) - The ,ca~ tria's delegation to every session heim, with his Viennese charm, of that is land, buildings and backed by Peking and Russia," reer of Kurt Waldheim, new 'of the UN General Assembly, his appetite for hard work, and, equipment for specialized church he said. secretary general of the United since 1955, while simultaneously as his wife Elizabeth says, "his purposes, and is not ready saleHe said the U. S. should stand Nations, is riddled with apparent holding other important Aus- ' instinct for anything important." able. "There is no market demand behind its commitments and contradictions that have a sim- trian diplomatic posts: minister Moscow Grateful for a former parish, unless somehelp as much as possible small ple explanation. (and later ambassador) to Can"He is a tackler," one aide sug- . one wants the site for a parking nations struggling for, autonomy Although a Catholic, he was, ada from 1956 to 1960; head of and freedom. according to unofficial sources the political affairs department gested, as he searched for a bet- lot," Shaneman said. Debt of Gratitude ~'Art treasures? There really 'at the UN, the Soviet Union's in the Foreign Ministry from ter phrase to describe Waldheim. 1960 to 1964; and foreign min- "Dr. Waldheim is like a puppy aren't any, certainly not of the "It would certainly be unwise . candidate for the secretary genwith a tough bone. He will pull, stature of those to be found and unnecessary to give up the eral post. ister from 1968 to 1970.. good we have accomplished in He studied at the Consular gnaw., and he will keep at it un- at the Vatican. PaiI)tings? A few, Earlier this year, he was made fulfillment of our commitment a candidate for the presidency Academy in Vienna in 1937 and" til it cracks. In English, one but for the most part of former to South Vietnam, to help them of Austria by the Catholic Peo- 1938, and came out at the top would say he has tenacity." archbishops of Baltimore." Dr. Waldheim is also gratein case of aggression," the bish- ple's Party, of which he waS not of his class. Never having enThat makes cutting costs with· op added. "The South Vietnam- a member. After losing the elec- gaged in politics, he survived the fully remembered in Moscow for out cutting services very diffiese have not attacked the North, tion, he was made Austria's Am- Nazi occupation of Austria with- helping to soothe tensions in cult, he· said. but are trying to prevent the bassador to the UN by the So- out stigma. As a soldier in Austria during the Soviets' AuThe Baltimore financial renorthern communists from tak- cialists-against whom he had World War II, he was wounded gust 1968 invasion of neighbor- ports did not include individual ing over their country." run up a n~arly winning 47 per in 1942 and started to study law ing Czechoslovakia. parish, hospital or school fiHolidays are spent with his nances. These are owned and during his six months' convalesBishop Fletcher said Catholics cent vote for the presidency.' family, often at' their country financed separately by religious who object conscientiously to Why does Waldheim receive cence. As soon as Austria was reborn home on Attersee in Upper Aus- orders and congregations. war should be given an' oppor- such respect and support from tunity to serve the United States people who would normally be in 1945, he lent a hand in the tria's lake district. One daughin another manner. "But I think expected to oppose him? Be- reconstruction of his country: he ter, Liselotte, is on the UN drug Poverty that this work should be approx- , cause he is a professional non- joined the diplomatic staff on and narcotics division staff in I've never been poor, only Geneva. A son, Gerhard, is a law imately as exacting and no per- partisan, a thorough, ahle and the historic Ballhauspla~z. broke. Being poor is a frame of student at the University of sonal benefits should be derived dedicated diplomat-a technician Ambassador to UN Vienna. Christa, 12, studies at mirid. Being broke is only a tem. from it which are not enjoyed in the crucial job of peacemaker. -Todd porary situation. by those men or women' who anAlthough his life work has In 1965 he finally became Aus- the French Lycee in New York. swer the military call of their been in and near the political tria's ambassador to the UN, a country/' he, added. arena, he is basically non- job he held until 1968 when "It seems' tome that we owe political. His favorite American Chancellor Josef Klaus brought a debt of gratitude to our armed magazine, for example, is Na- him back to Vienna to become forces in Vietnam for the patri- tional Geographic. his foreign minister. o,tic sacrifices - and sufferings It was exactly on his 53rd When Dr. Bruno Kreisky sucthat they have undergone in birthday that, Dr. Waldheim, ceeded Klaus, Waldheim went on the Cape order to uphold the principles on former Austrian foreign minis- back to New York and his bewhich our own country was ,ter, achieved the ambition of his loved UN, where he has stayed founcied." The Highest Savings Dividends life: he was elected the fourth ever since except for the brief UN secretary general, suceedil)g campaign for the Austrian presiAllowed by Law U Thant. . Membership Rises dency, in which he was narrowFirst Appearance LONDON (NC)-The memberly beaten by the popular Social5 ~ % - Regular .Savings ship of British Catholic lay orSeventeen years ago, Kurt ist, Franz Jonas. 5 Yz % - 90 Day Notice Today, Kurt Waldheim may ganizations which fell after the Waldheim first set foot in the 5 %,% - Term Deposit Certificates, 1 yr. Second Vatican Council, is now United Nation's building on New well be glad he lost that election. 6% - Term Deposit Certificates, 2-3 yrs. reported to be increasing again. York's East River as Austria's The chair of the Secretary GenThe· Newman Association for permanent observer. That was eral offers him more scope and Bank by mail - it costs you nothing Catholics who generally have a before Austria had received her prestige as well as the most imcollege education and wish to sta'te treaty and,. with it, her possible job in the world. If anyone can make a success of deepen their knowledge of the membership in the UN. 307 MAIN Sr., SOUTH YARMOUTH, MASS. 02664 He has been a member of Aus- it, it is suave Dr. Kurt Waldfaith, is expanding again.

Elect Austrian Catholic as UN Chief


bass river savings bank

Catholic 'World Editor Retires


Lauds Ps.ychologist ,As Man Of Christian C~mpassion Some'months ago, in this column; I expressed regret that Father Daniel Ber:riga'n, in the course of ,an extended series of Interviews with psychologist, Robert Coles, had , presumed to pass judgment-and very harshly at that:"'" on the inner motives of " President Lyndon Johnson the Deep S~uth studying the im- ' ,pact of poverty and racial prean d had even pre t en ded t 0 judke 'on 'children, black' and know what was going on in ,white., As, a man who is deeply the hidden recesses of the President's soul when he slipped over to St. Dominic's ChuJ.:ch in m~~t.~;I~~~~Mf~r~:~~~:m~.m~:~:H@i:::1 By


Washington to pray for guidance on the war in Vietnam. I 'said at the time that; while every citizen has a perfect right to judge a President's actions as harshly as the facts might seem to warrant, only God can read the inner workings of a man's soul, be he the President of the United States or plain John Doe.

concerned about the problem of racial injustice~aiid has risked his career a'i:ld poss)bly 'even his life 'in deferi~e of :human rights, he mig!:it' well have', developed, over the course of ,the years, something akin to hatred for uie members of the Ku: Klux, Khin and, similar organizations in the South:. Instead of that, while opposing everything they represent, he tries to understand then:t, to help them-and, yes, even to love, them. Chri~tian


TV MASS FOR SHUT-INS: Bishop Cronin reads the Gospel of the Mass on Christmas morning from Channel 6 in New Bedford and followed it up with a, homily to the shut-ins living within the range of the New Bedford TV station. Rev. Thomas F. Harrington, chancellor of the diocese" assisted the" Bishop.

In one of his conversations with Father Berrigan, he says that he doesn't believe that "anyone at all, is ultimately beyond some kind of saving moment." He would say that, he continues, "even about people some of us dismiss as awfUl or hopeless or evil or sick . . . I worked :with I members of the Ku Klux Klan God Is Judge Study Probes Problem of Contributing in the South (he reports) even Having recently re-read Fa- as I was working with black To Chulf'ches ther Berrigan's highly judgment- families. They were, 'racists, they al critici~rp. of President Johnson were hurt and troubled men and NEW YORK (NC) - Why do tion-which has been sporadiin a book-length reproduction of women, and their children of some church members fail to cally tried -in a few places-was ',' the Berrigan-Coles interview course'were infet'ted With viru- 'cbntr-ibute'to their,church? What "generally rejected., , Respondents studied said that ("The Geography of Faith," Bea- lent hatreds;~arId 'ye('r saw even moves others to give generous"winning others to Ch~i~t;" and con Press, ' Bosto!,!;': $7.50);: I am 'in some of thbsefariliIies a wide l y ? , , ' providing religious" instruction ,still of that opfnion. In other range of possibilities, virtues, Twenty-one Protestant denomwords, I still think it was unfor- difficulties, tragedies. And L won- inations in the United States and were the two most important tunate-for his own sake and for der at times whether some of Canada have stopped scratching things the local church does. the sake of the cause which he the negative things people have their head over these and re- Ranked least important on a list so ably represents..,....that Father to face are not potentially of lated questions and joined forces of 14 functions of a local church Berrigan presumed to know what great value, those tragedies and in a carefully planned' research were "influencing legislation" was going on in President John- difficulties often can herald project to find out, the answers. and "building',low-cost housing." Their preliminary findings have son's soul when he "went off to ,growth . . ." Both laity and clergy were That kind of Christian com- been released by the National agreed that t!:le two most imporpray during the night before h~ decided to begin bombing North passion-so rare at any time in Council of Churches, whose re- tant things for a local church is Vietnam." Surely that sort of history and so desperately need- search office coordinated the to provide and train clergy and to provide mission support both judgment should, be left to God ed at the present moment in our study. who alone can read the secrets' own divided and bewildered ' ,Depth interviews with some at home and abroad. Laymen of the human heart. ' country -..,; doesn't come easily 3,500 persons in all parts of the said the support of social ,witI hasten to add, however, that even to the trained psychologist. country produced the conclusion· ness was the least important; the full transcript of the Berri- .'It comes, by the grace of Goa, that the chief reason Christians clergy ranked that seventh, in' a gan-Coles conversations suggests only through prayer and fasting. fail to give to their church is list of nine denominational func' that Father Berrigan's critiCism that they use the money instead tions: of President Johnson may have P SOl to "provide the good things of Just over half the laymen and peen no more than a hasty slip roposes I ent life to the family." Disaffection 58 per, cent of the clergy said with their pastor or other church that persons are not justified in of the tong~e. That' is to say, Fa- Prayer in School . ' h' leaders was at the bottom - of withholding contributions beth e r Bemga,n comes t rough in, WASHINGTON (NC)-A 'con"Th G h f the list' of reasons for not con- cause they disapprove of proe eograp y 0 Faith" as a gressman who says he wants 'to ' ' f d . tributing. grams of either the denominapro oun sensitive and truly ,pro- change "the unfortunate impresh bh ' ',Gratitude to God' led the list .tion or the local church. But an · Ch' t' rIS Ian w 0 a ors sit- sion" that members of Congress, p het IC . d t th of reasons, for giving to the addi~iona.I 25 pE;lr cent of laymen tl'ng I'n JU gmen on 0 ers even oppose, prayer in public schools if he happens to disagree, and has, introduced a new constitu- church; the fact that the offering and 28 per cent of clergy'said "it 'foun dl y, WI'th ,thelr '. ,was pjlrt of the worship service depends." ." , dl'sagree pro ., h .. ' , ' . t,ional school-prayer amendment. 'ranked seco'nd. Respondents, inI pers()na opInIOns or t elr" public ,'Rep. Louis Wy'man (R-N. H,.), cidentillIY,strongly favored makpolicies. Progress:, supported by about 30 ,other con- ing ..their contrib!Jtions' through P(oblems are the' price of 'gressmen, has' proposed that ,the offerings in the worship ser- progress: Don't bring me, anyDelicate Touch, " ~'silent prayer or meditation" be', vicE!s rather than through a sys""One miJst resist at all costs,": permitted in pU,blic schools. ,Wy- .tem 'of ~'dues" as ,is followed by thing, b,ut trouble'-:.. good, news weakens me. ' ,-:-Kettering h e says in ,a typical passage, , Irian, said the', wording 'of his,' " h ' , m,any Jewish and Quaker- groups. , t ose rigid dualisms: All good, amendme,nt would remove obTh ' ~ possibility of, using a a II. 'ba d '. " ',. ,Christ saw. us' as J'ections expressed ear'll'er ab'P,.ut" cr-edit card to make a cpntribu-' ' bot h more or less ,that we appear the recently defeated prayer to be." Dr. Coles, for his part, amendment of Rep. Chambers' develops ,this' theme"over and P: Wylie (R-Ohio)." 'Teac:hers Return , over again in "The 'Geography Wylie's measure, which was SAN, FRANCISCO (NC) ..,... of Faith" and does so with the co-sponsored' by Wyman" at- Striking Catholic school teachers most delicate kind or' Christian' tempted to overturn the 1963 in the 'archdiocese returned to understanding and passion. He Supreme Court decision forbid- their jobs without' a union conContractors comes through ,as 'a mahwho, ding prayer in', public schools. tract, ending their three and a lives 24 hours a day by the Wylie wanted "voluntary" half week walkout against the Lord's injunction, "Judge' ,not 'prayer permitted in all public seven archdiocesan high schools that you be not judged." buildings, including schools, but by accepting an archdiocessan 'Dr. Coles has spent. a good his efforts were defeated in early 11 per cent pay hike offer coverpart ?f ,~.is ~professional.life in November. ing a two-year period.' , '

Some Do-'Some'

NEW YORK (NC) - Father John B. Sheerin, prominent Paulist editor and columnist, retires this month after 24 years as editor of Catholic World. The monthly magazine, whose constant focus on national and world issues has gained it an importance in Catholic circles beyond its 18,000 circulation, an· nounced in its December' issue that' the 65-year-old priest was stepping down, as' editor but would remain a member of the editorial board. ,At the' san:te time, Catholic World disclosed that in January its name will be changed'to New CaJholic World. Sources close to the' magazine said it would become bi-monthly !1nd 'would concentrate on pastOl;al matters. Father Kevin A. Lynch, president of the Paulist Press which publishes the magazine, said in the December issue that Father Sheefin had carried on "with brilliance and distinction" a jour~ nalistic tradition that began when Isaac Hec~er, founder of the Paulists, started €atholic World in 1865. Father Sheerin also plans to continue lecturing and his ecumenical activities, and has begun research for a forthcoming book. A native of Brooklyn, Father Sheerin was graduated from Fordham University in 1928 and received a law degree from ,Fordham in 1930. He was admitted to practice in New York State and before the U. S. Supreme Court. He entered the priesthood and was ordained in 1937.

Top Story WASHINGTON (NC) - The U. S. Supreme Court's banning of non public school aid in Pennsylvania and Rhode Island heads the Americans United for Sep,aration of Church and State's list of 10 top church-state news stories of 1971.

we've got it . alttogither

uniTED,' nATionAL






Since 1913

699 Bellville Avenue " New Bedford

THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 30, 1971 .

Marian Medal Recipients Continued from Page One Julius . Rodrigues, 637 Birch Street. Mrs. Mary Silvia: 166 Beattie Street. John H. Springer, 107 Home Street. Mrs. Martha Taylor 203' Linden Street. . Mrs. Mary Thomas, 716 Brayton Avenue, Somerset. Mrs. Helen Uchman, 327 Morgan Street. Henry P,' Urban, 15 Allen Street. Attleboro Area Richard Blake, Oak Hill Avenue, Seekonk. Joseph Castro, 297 Pleasant Street, Seekonk. Mrs. Virginia Charette, 67 Thirteenth Street, Attleboro. Mrs. Mary E. Cole, 14 Mary Avenue, Seekonk. Mrs. Corrine Conroy, 9 Atwood Street,_ Mansfield. Mrs. Pauline DeWitt, 355 Old Post Road, North Attleboro. Miss Lillian Dion, 121 Rumford Avenue, Mansfield. George R. Fisher, 87 COmmonwealth Avenue, Attleboro Falls. Paul E. Grady, 29 Benefit Street, Attleboro John Lang, 6 Hunting Street, North Attleboro Thomas Leedham, 3 Bretton Woods Drive, South Attleboro. John Lynch, 87 High Street, North Attleboro. Miss Yvonne Monast,17 Lord Street, South Attleboro. Henri A. Paradis, 60 Maple Street, Attleboro. Mrs. Gloria Pion, 8 Howard Avenue, Attleboro. . Mrs. Irene Rapoza, 102 Pine Street, Seekonk. Cape Area Theodore Baptiste, 2289 Cranberry Highway, West Wareham. Edward L. Bennett, 123 Locust Street, Hyannis. Albert Bettencourt, Collins Road, Truro. Mrs. Rita Billings, 3 Tabernacle Avenue, Oak Bluffs. Mrs. Hazel Boles, 1021 Main Street, Sagamore. Mrs. Juliette Boudreau, 43 South Field Lane, Osterville. Mrs. Catherine Bowen, Fearing Street, Indian Mound Beach, East Wareham. Augustine J. Carriuolo, 35 Beebe Acres, Falmouth. Mrs. Josephine A. Horton, Rock Harbor Road RRI Box 117, Orleans. Mrs. Alice Houst, Route 28, West Dennis. Mrs., Mary Jones, Anchors 'Aweigh, East Brewster. John A. Malloy, 8 Sparrow Lane, South Yarmouth. Miss Marie Mann, 217 Swan Pond River Road, West Dennis Mrs. Margaret Miskell, R.N., 107 Walker Street, Falmouth. John' B. Murphy,. 127' Pheasant WaY,·Centerville. Miss Eleanore Resmini, 88 Rudder ,Roard, Hyannis. Migu~IRose, 7 B.ack Street, Nantucket. Mrs. Georgia St. John, Church Avenue, Wareham. Miss Lucille DeSouza, 19 Old Meetinghouse Road,' East Falmouth. Harold Sprague Spooner, 254 Barlow.s Landing Rd., Pocasset Mrs. Olive Thayer, 7 Daniel Street, Falmouth. . Freeman Willoughby,' Curtis Lane, Edgartown. New Bedford Area , Fenelon Bastille, 130 Garfield Street.

Henry A.~ Bernard, 158 Davis. Street, New Bedford. Raymond G. Boyce, Sunset' Lime, South Dartmouth: . Frank Braga, 3;3 Edna Street. Manuel F. Cardoza, 11 Columbia Street. Mrs. Laura Correia, 220 Bel;iir Street. Gilbert Costa, 185 Mi~ford' Street. Miss Ann Egan, 74 Cedar Street, Fairhaven. Mrs. Bernice Fastoso, 247 Central Avenue. Mrs. Jeanne Forest, 94 Highland Avenue, North Dartmouth, Mrs. Irene Frigault, 177 Deane Street. Vincent V. Gerardi, 74 Oak Street. Ferdinand Giovannini,5 Almy Street. Mrs. Emily Gleason, 194 Shawmut Avenue. Mrs.. Ana Gomes, 42 Ryan Street. AimeGoyette, 1507 Sassaquin Avenue. John Harrison, 134 Bedford Street. . Mrs. Yvette C. Hevey, 62 East Morgan Street. Wilfred Hotte, Estelle Avenue, East Freetown. Mrs. Eileen Junge, 45 Juliette Street, North Dartmouth. Edward Kulesza, 205 Orchard Street. Mrs. Evelyn Langlois, 62 Duncan Street. Richard Manning, 22 Devoll Street. Mrs. Anna Mello, 63 Harding Road, Fairhaven: Atty. Donald Perry, 142 Querry Street. Mrs. Norma Ponte, . 103 Brown Street, N. Dartmouth. Abel S. Rebello, 1329 Rockdale Avenue. Joseph Gerard RichaPd, 1112, Philipps Road. Joseph Roderick, 445 Purchase Street. Napoleon St. Aubin, 49 Salisbury Street. Miss Laura Soares, 27 Alden Road, Fairhaven. Mrs. Lillian Spirlet, 332 Sawyer Street. Stanley Stankiewicz, 234 Highland Street. George E. Swansey, 53 Vine . Street. Hannibal Sylvia, 431 Court Street. Honore Vallancourt, 24 Summit Avenue, North Dartmouth. , Mrs. Frances Walsh, 66 Clinton Street. . Mrs. Genevieve Whitty, 332 Old County Road, .Westpor.t. Taunton Area Mrs. Loretta Dubois, 85 Whittenton Street. Frank G. Dutra, 1988 Somerset Avenue, Dighton. Miss Olivia Giannini, 515 Tremont Street. Walter H. Gorey,'19 E; Brittania Street. . . Normand Hamel, 303 Bay Street. Michael J. Hegarty, 95 Belmont Street, So. Easton Mrs. Mary Holmes, 4 East Broadway. William E. Johnson, 248 Baylies Street, NOl:th Dighto·n. Mrs. - Olga Markowski, 762 Church Street, Raynham. Mrs. Josephine B. Morrison, 12 James Street. Robert L.Quigley, 7 Adams St. Joseph R. Silvia, 193 Forest Street, 'North Dighton. Mrs. Elsie Thomas; 8 Monica Street. Richard Travis, 36 Pine Street. John Vieira,40 Purchase Street.



Cardinal Visits U.5. 5ervic'emen NEW YORK (NC) - Cardinid Terence Cooke of New York, who left Dec. 2~ on his fourth annual visit to American servicemen overseas, flew directly to Amman, Jordan'. This is a departure from the usual schedule followed by Cardinal Cooke and his predecessor, the late Francis J. Spellman. The cardinal, military vicar for the U. S. armed forces, delayed the start of his trip "out of concern for the welfare of paro· chial school children." Lay teachers in the New York archdiocesan schools had been on strike for over a month. Rather than disappoint the military men and their families who have been preparing for his visit, .the cardinal asked Auxiliary Bishop PatrickV. Ahern of New York to take a Christmas message to the bases he had planned PRESENTATION OF GIFTS AT TV MASS: Bishop to visit before he delayed his ' Cronin receives the offertory gifts from John Clement dur- trip. Bishop Ahern visited serviceing the Mass offered by Bishop Cronin on Christmas morning. Present with the Bishop were, left, Rev, Thomas F. men at bases in Goose 'Bay, LabSondrestom and Thule, Harrington, diocesan chancellor and Joseph McIntyre, the rador; Greenland; and Keslavik, Icealtar boy" right. land, as well as Army and Air Force installations in Greece and the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean. After visiting Amman, and Jerusalem, Cardinal Cooke will go to American bases in ThaiCapuchin Friars Sell Former Novitiate land and Vietnam. He will also To Indian Community go to Hong Kong and Calcutta, where he will visit refugee BARAGA (NC) - The Capu- a financial return for the prop- camps. chin friars have sold land and erty. "We had another buyer and buildings here valued at with the rising costs in educating $250,000 ·to the Keeweenaw Bay our Brothers and priests, we Tuition Increase could have put the money to Indian community for $1. SYDNEY (NC) - Tuition at good use. However, we felt the The property includes the greater obligation was to the Catholic schools here in Australia will be raised next year deCapuchin's former novitiate and Indian people whom the buildspite continued government aid orphanage in this community in ings were originally built to to the schools, Archbishop James Michigan's Upper Peninsula. serve." Freeman of Sydney' announced. Father Rupert Dorn, provincial of the Capuchins, Midwest province, said the $1 sale was a sign of practicing rather than just bilking about social justice.

Sold for $1

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"The province purchased the land and buildings in 1956," he said. "Up until two years ago we used the facility for the religious training of our future Brothers and priests. When we consolidated our training program we no longer needed the. facility." Father Dorn - said that the Capuchins' provincial meeting in 1970 discussed disposal of the property. The Indian community sent a representative lto the meeting to ask the Capuchins to . sell the property to them for $100;000, which they felt they could raise from various sources. The meeting voted to accept the ,offer. "The Indian community tried for over a. year to raise the money," Father Dorn said. "They were unable to get any govern·ment, church or charitable grmm to consider' giving all or part of the purchase money.' However, some groups did express. willingness to consider. making project grants if and when the tribe would receive the 'buildings and property. Father Dorn said the Capuchins felt the Indians' need for the property was more importan than the province's need for

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Happy New 'Year .and


Best Wishes


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THE ANCHOR-Oioc:es~ ~f Fall Rive.r-Thurs.Oec:.,30/,1.~71

Year of Our Lord,


Very often, in official and other formal documents, the date is printed with the words, "In the Yeai' of our Lord." It is curious that these dry-as-dust legal papers are almost alone in preserving a truth that should be a constant calendar reminder. In a few days it will be a new "Year of our Lord." That has much significance. It means, for one thing, that all of time is reckoned from the central fact of time-the coming of the Savior to mankind. It means, too, that each year is another year given to mankind by God to take advantage of the life and d~ath and resurrection of His Son, to benefit" froni the fruits of the redemption. It means that every person of good will should· live each day with an awareness of God, a consciousness that a life not lived under His all-loving shadow does not make much sense. , It means that for many persons this 'coming Year of our Lord -will be their last year on earth, and, for them, it will be a year that will bring them to the Lord-or elsewhere. . Finally, this new Year of our Lord means that men must enter the year with great confidence in the providence of God and His interest in His creatures whom He made from nothing, whom He redeemed at the' price of the Blood of His Son, whom fie wishes to be His very dear children. ' If ~my virtue is needed in the year ahead it is probably ,the virtue of hope-of trusting confidence that God wishes to help men, of belief that the year can truly be a Year of our Lord.

A New Era There is an ever-increasing feeling' among those who study the passing scene, that the mood of people in the 1970's is one of desire for reconciliation, for peace. ' The campus picture, for example, has gone from one of demonstrations and organizations and anti-police sentiment to' one that sees students knuckling down to studying, to the, recent d~mand,' of a group of Cqluinbia,Univer,sitY. students for more visible police presence on the campus. Americans, looking at the .world picture, are calling for disengagement aU"over the globe, are tending toward a new isolatio'nism. , The danger with' desire for personal quiet is that it can become apathy. It would never do for 'people to purchase an 'interlude of peace at the price of being unconcerned about their neighbors. ' .It would never do for isolationism to make Americans unmindful that they have,the responsibilities.of stewardship. And, this brings with it duties toward those in the world, who are hungry and in need of medicine and shelter and educational opportunities. " . It would never do for people' to turn their backs on the very real and present problems of prison reform, welfare reorganization; inequalities in educational and' job opportunities, just because' they have become weary of the tensions' of the 1960's that they are seeking a respite at any price. . " . , Human tensions cannot continue at a fever., pitch without some withdrawing into an interlude of peace and quiet and regrouping of forc,es. ' . But relief from human tensions 'cannot·be' purchase,d at the price of selfish hibernation'into Orie'S 'own life .with an accompanying lack of concern for people, a~d .problems that still exist around one: ' , , '. .,' ,







Published weekly by The Catholic' Press ~f the'Dioc:'ese:of~'Fall Ri~er , , 410 'Highland Avenue' . :". '~ Fa~1 Ri~er~ Mass. 02722 675-7:1'51 PUBLISHER Most Rev. Daniel A. cronin, D.O., ,S.T.D. GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Rev. Msgr. Daniel F. Sh9I1oo,M.A. Re". John P.Drisc:oll .; ~lelry, :~_~

....'\.' .

Press-Fill River




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Pope/sTalk \


. Continued from Page One In speaking of the recent Synod of Bishops, which adjourned Nov: 6"the Pope repeated the comment that "experience will certaily be able to suggest the perfecting of the regulation and modes of procedure," of future meetings. After praising the freedom and brotherhood evidenced by the Synod, the Pope continued: "The fathers have judged celiba~y to be not an isolating, obstacJe to the mission of the priest in, the modern world, but' rather a qualification for .entering into dialogue with, the world, partly by' reaction to it .and partlY by penetrating into it, with the evangelical vigor of salt and of light." The importance of the justice synodal topic was also pointed out: "The ChurCh's voice and action on behalf of all those in the world who are suffering oppression, poverty, discrimination and violence are awaited," the' Pope emphasized. Free Jerusalem After voicing conc~rn for the' Middle East situation, Pope Paul made special reference to Jerusalem. , He repeat~d his plea for a "special statute" to "do justice to the pluralistic and altogether .special character of the holy city and to the rights of various communities which are situated there and which look to it as their spiritual center." The Pope then expressed sympathy,to all who this Christmas suffer under silent persecution and "who are together giving ChristenQom and the, world, the example of,. a ,fidelity,: :~~d strength of spirit for which we cannot but ,be gratef~l." ,. ,

,The works of peace are social order, ,a i d to the, p~or, the wea'k, -the sick, +he 1<] norant. .... -. Pope Paul VI .. ;

, 'Y,


JI I~· ~~ 'I,

Peace Day,Jan.1

Fr. Walsh Resigns p'resident, of Fordham Completes Primary Objective

NEW Y9RK (NC) -;- Father was ordained a Jesuit priest in Michael P. Walsh, president of 1941., He earned a master's and Fordham University the past doctorate in bi,ology at Fordham three years, has' submitted his after graciuartirig from Boston resignation as of next June. College. He taugh~ 3,t "Bo'~toP 'The Jesuit' university, one, of College:, beCome, biology depa'rtthe biggest Catholic, universities ment chairman for 10 years and in the nation, said that the board was named Boston, College' pres, of trustees accepted it "reluc- ident in 1958. , Continued 'from Page One tantly 'and with deep regret." I:Ie resigned there in 1968 hop. Father Walsh, 59, a soft- ing'to devote himself to «on'suIt- the'marriage or require a mansppken biologist who stepped ing, research· and writing in edu- oatory pOstponement.. In .a statement announcing into the job at a time of severe cational affairs, but wa~ .perfinancial difficulties for Fordham suaded to, take on the presidency teen-age marriage policy, the and managed to achieve bal.' of Fordham in January 1969. chancery said "the', long experianced budgets and a slim sur- Father Walsh said in resigning ence of family life, directors plus, said in his letter. of resig- that he would again try to spend leads them to ~e conclusion thlit one-third of teen-age marriages nation: his time on education matters. ,"We have reached a point of During his tenure at Fordham, will/ end in divorce, and this is tr~nsition in Fordham affairs, the university's enrollment in- termed a' 'conservative estimate.' and. I therefore feel' that some- creased {rom 10,401 students to The family life division of the one else. should be called upon to 13,841 - an increase of almost U. S. Catholic Conference puts it c1'oser' to a '50 per cent failure lead, the ~n.iversity in this new one third. Construction of a new rate." . . , .. period." . residence hall and extensive Based on, Statistics . The J,esuit educator said his .modernization of existing dormiThe: statement, said the statisprimary objective had been to tories were also: completed,. at a tics "corroborate the l!~gitimate stabilize the university's fiscal total cost of $6.5 mill-ion. presumption that· teen-agers' are affairs and,that, having done so, . usually' not ma,ture enough ,this was, a good ,time to,leav~. emotionally, spiritually, intellec, Felix E. I,.arkin, chainnan of Pope',Pa'ul, Stress,e$ tually 'and financially-to handle For;dha~'~ board of trustees and Spirit of Founder ' , ,the rights and'responsibilities of pre~ident of the W.R.,:Grace Co" . VATICAN ,CITY (NC)"--Pope marriage in contemporafy"socipraised his achievements as rePaul Vnci1d'250'members of the ety.. ,', . i ,·r', , markable at a time of financial trouble"for both 'private~and pub- Salesians' that'in' an age' of "ex- " :"This iseems' true' even when lic institutions. He· said .the cessive activism" 'they'\ should one does not consider the factor trustees ~OIild form a, presiden- stay close' to' the spirit of' their of religion. In a "sep.sii.. evelt a " sturdy: Ca,tholic 'faith' willi not tial' search and screening' com- founder;, St John Bpsco. said;' is' 'the Charity, the' Pope' adequately corrtp'ensate for' 'the 'mittee to help find'a replacement basis of Father' Bosco's "educa- pressures put 'upon ·'y,oungsters for Father "Walsh. . ' . trying 'to fulfill the respon'sibilA' 'Bostoniim" Fathe~ W:alsh tional wor)(.' Pope 'Paul received the mem- . ities of adults." . bers of the general chapter of 'The sta1tement said that· "the Mode~n Translation the' Society of St. John Bosco right to marry is a n!l:tura!' right ZURICH (NC)-An ecumenical ' and praised their' decision to re- of the highest priority." 'It added ,translation of the New ·Testa- main close to their founder's that "it is not 'an unrestricted ment into· modern Gennan has goals in updating their congre- right, and both Church and state been published jointly by Prot- gation's 'rules. . can establish legitimate restricestant and Roman Catholic, Bi-' The Pope said that the main tions on the capability to ble societies in Gennan-spea~ing 'Salesian· goals are "the educa- marry." It noted that "such recountries. One of the editors of cation of youth, evangelization sti-ictions must be founded on the ,translation - entitled Das o,f pagans, teaching' catechism, serious causes whereby the pro-' Gute Nachricht (The Good News) love of the Pope and devotion ,posed marriage is shown' to be -is Father Anton Steiner of to the Virgin Mary:" These goals, in conflict with Christian revelathe Catholic', Bible Agency in he said, "remain characteristic tion or posing a 'threat to the Stuttgart. traits" of the Salesians. common social good."

Strict Policy


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs" Dec. 30, 1971

Taiwan' Prelate Assert$ Nixon's Planned I'China Visit Deceitful SYRACUSE (NC)-The Nixon administration "is just trying to sell Nationalist China down the river, and fooling the American public," a Monsignor from Na· tionalist China said here. In an interview with, The Catholic Sun, Syracuse diocesan newspaper, Rev. Monsignor John T.S. Mao of Taipei, Taiwan, said "the two-China policy is ridiculous, deceitful and just plain crazy and tricky." Msgr. Mao said the impact of President Nixon's decision to visit Communist China "is both shocking and strong. This announcement makes 800 million people in Red China despair, be· cause all these people have al· ways talked that some day free nations particluarly under the leadership of the United States -would help them detach themselves from the communist oppresssors:" , "And, now they see the great president of the most powerful , country in the world, the U. S" going to extend his hand to the oppressor." The decision shocked the people of Nationalist China, the prelate said. They had considered "the United States as the best and most trustworthy friend of China's people and today they see that the Nixon government is selling them down the river without any warning," he said. ' He said the President's decision had made the people of Tai· wan conclude that they must try to deliver the people in Communist China "from, Comimunist :slilvery" themselves: 'Prepare' for Re~oluti~~ , Msgr. Mao maintained that the Nationalist Chinese have sent many underground workers into Communist China. "We are hoping," he said', "that in a few years the people of China will st~rt to revolt against the Communist oppressors, with the encouragement that, as soon as they start to revolt, Taiwan will come to their rescue." Nationalist China will supply weapons and' encouragement to the Chinese people on the mainland, he said, adding that "if all the people all over China know that Nat'ionalist Chinese army

" Change Significance Of 'Gabriel Awards LOS ANGELES (NC) - The Catholic Broadcasters Associa-, tion will suspend its GabrielAwards, given for outstanding work reflecting Judeo-Christian principles, in order to make the awards more significant in the future. For the' past six years, the CBA has given these national awards to individuals and organizations for outstanding artistic, informational and educational achievements. .&:- Father Karl Holtsnider, O.F.M., president of the CBA, said the suspension of the awards is due to a reorganization of the CBA, a professional society of -Catholic radio and TV prpducers. The CBA is enlarging its scope "to include a broader representation of the total Catholic broadcast community. This expansion will, lend even greater significance to the Gabriel Awards in late 1972," according to a CBA st"t.ment~


Judges Issue Ruling on Taxation Of Church-Related Property

is coming to help them, they will say 'let us start to kill our lead· ers.' Eight hundred million peo· pIe will overtake commuriism, in this way." The '800 million people on mainland China, Msgr. Mao said, "are'not Communists, they are not for the Communist regime, they will not work for the, Communists, and if the chance comes, they will work for themselves for making revolution on the mainland of Cpina, with the assurance that' as soon as they start, Taiwan will come to their ' rescue."

NASHVILLE (NC) - A three- exclusively related to promoting judge panel may have set a prec· the doctrine of the church in· edent for taxation' of church· volved. related property when it deFor the first time in Tennesclared that Methodist Publishing see, the court also ruled that reo House equipment and buildings ligious activity must appiy to a here are to be taxed. particular faith before it is eliThe decision, written by Judge gible for tax exemption. Henry F. Todd and affirmed by two other judges, stated that equipment and buildings which Design Community , do not exclusively promote "reli- For Handicapped gious belief and worship in acVILLANOVA (NC)-Plans for cordance with the doctrine and a complete community where practices of the United Method- 500 handicapped people can live ist Church" are taxable. and work have been designed by The judges' opinion overturned the civil engineering department a ruling by the Chancery Court at Villanova University here. that allowed taxes on church David J. Schorr, assistant proproperty to be pro-rated accord· fessor of civil engineering, and LOS ANGELES (NC)-Presiing to that portion of church Gary Vincent, a graduate student Richard M. Nixon should business not related t9 strictly dent in the department, developnot visit China or recognize the religious purposes. ed the plans, and presented them Communist government there, a as a public service from the AuE. Proctor, president and John Jesuit priest and former China MARY ANN, CURRY publisher of the Methodist Pub- gustinian-run university to Faith missionary told the Los Angeles lishing House, said the lastest Village-:a nonprofit organization Archdiocesan Council of Cathruling will very likely be ap- for the handicapped. olic Women. Christ~'as Plans for the village, which pealed to the Tennessee Supreme "When the president shakes Court. will cover 50 acres of land, inhands with Mao, he, will be Under the ruling, any build- clude commercial and residence shaking the bloody hand responings in which strictly, religious buildings;' a medical center comsible for killing thousands .'of and non-religious activities are plex; and inter-denominational American boys who fought to The proud possessor of what carried on simultaneously are to chapel, and a small park for pic· secure freedom for 'Asian peoi~ certain to become 'a collector's be taxed. If it can be shown that nics and recreation. ples," said Father John Houle. The Jesuit spent 10 years on item is Miss Mary Ann Curry th,e non-religious activity is limthe China mainland, four of of Immaculate Conception par- ited to a certain portion of the Ohio Court Rules ish, Taunton. A design assistant structure, then only that portion them in prison, from 1953·57. Fetus Not Person Father Houle said' .that U. S. at the Reed and Barton Corp., would be taxed. she was one of the first to reCOLUMBUS (NC)-Anunborn recognition of Red China would Any equipment - a printing be immoral because it would ceive the organization's sterling press, for example - would be fetus is not a person, the Ohio "confirm the slavery, of the silver Christmas Cross. subject to taxation if it is used Supreme Court ruled here in a She explained that a cross will at any time for a purpose not case overturning theconvictioJ;l Chinese people under COmmuof a man charged with vehicular nism and destroy for them the be issued annually by the Taunhomicide in the death of a sevenh9pe and posSibility of libera- :ton company, with dies to be remonth old fetus. '\:ion. If Presi'd'ent Nixon 'cantin, tired at the 'end of each Christ- Schools See'k Funds The court's decision clarified ues this disastrous course, the mas season, thus ensuring that From Void Aid Law an Ohio law stating that "no blood of American soldiers .it will be a once-only item. PHILADELPHIA (NC)-PennThis year's cross, first' to be person shall unlawfully and un· wq'uld have been shed in vain." sylvania 'nonpublic schools issued, "is probably the most intentionally cause the death of be paid the $23 million another" while operating a veCatholic foundation popular piece of sterling silver should 'holloware ever made" by the they were supposed to get under hicle. Cites Broadcasters Reed and Barton Corp., said its a state purchase-of-services law State's attorneys argued that NEW YORK (NC)~ Th~ Cath- vice-president, William T. Hur- declared unconstitution~l by the the law meant that a viable feU. S. Supreme Court" a iawyer tus was alive, but the Supreme olic Communications Foundation ley Jr. for the schools said here. ' has honored three broadcasters Court held that' the word "anBy (ialIicus William L. BaH of Harrisburg, for their contributions in develother" meant "another person," The three-inch wide cross is Pa., told a three-judge federal specifically "a person existing or oping the broadcasting capability of the Church in the United a reproduction of a design by district court panel here the 1,180 present from birth" and said the Gallicus, a 14th century artisan schools deserve the money b~­ law excludes' an unborn fetus. States. pted were William T. Hamil- of Prague. It can be worn as a cause they provided the educaThe \ decision concerned the tional services in good faith be- case Qf Donald B. Dickinson of ,to~, vice-pre~iderit of WNDU- , pendant, as by Miss Curry, hung TV,', South Bend, Ind.; Arthur in a place of, horior on a fore the high court declared the Canton, Ohio, who was convictHull Hayes, retired president of Christmas tree, or used to adorn law unconstitutional. ,ed of vehicular homicide in conThe aid law allowed the state nection with an accident on Dec. CBS Radio Network and Donald a window or door. Well OVer H. McGannon, president of 50,000 crosses were sold during to reimburse nonpublic schools 24, 1967. Nancy Peebles, of CanWestinghouse Broadcasting Cor· the Christmas season, said Miss for teacher salaries, books 'and ton, was involved in the acci' Curry. poration. other instructional materials dent and was pregnant at the A graduate of Bishop Cassidy used, in four non-religious sub- time. She aborted two days In awarding distinguished service certificates, the foundation High School, Taunton, and SMU, jects. It was voided by the high later. commended .the three broad- Miss Curry is the daughter of court on June 28. casters for "their untiring efforts Mr. and Mrs. Thomas T. Curry The $23 million payment, Ball and many significant contribu- 'and the niece of Rev. Leo Curry. noted, was for services rendered tions to the broadcasting aposin the 1970·71 academic year. tolate of the Catholic Church in Spends Christmas The schools involved depended - . Excavating the United States." on the funds in their budgetary Tne foundation assists 'the In Hospitals, Jciils planning for the year, he said, Contractors American bishops with broadSANTA FE (NC)-Archbishop and to deny them the money 9 CROSS ST., FAIRHAVEN casting activities. Its board of Vicente Zaspe of Santa Fe spent would amount to a "hardship" 992-4862 directors is made up of hierarchy the Christmas holidays in hospi- which might even force some representatives, communications tals, jails and the poor neighbor- schools to close. executives and members' of fra- hoods in this Argentine city of ternal organizations: ' 250,000. , He told the efty's affluent famWE SELL MONEY, BUT OUR BUSINESS IS PEOPLE Strike Ends ilies to do likewise. tlu' IWJt 'thillg that ('ver /wIJIH'lIed to CaIH' Cot! NEW YORK (NC)-A monthBishop Zaspe, noted for his long teachers' strike against New social reform policies, scheduled York Catholic schools ended with his midnight Mass at the Good a new pay agreement. Negotia· Shepherd Prison here and the tors agreed on essentially the Mass of the Nativity in a slum same salary package the arch- area nearby. S~~~l~Lt ROUTE 28 HYANNIS diocese offered before the strike "No Christmas celebration can IJAN/(· BRANCH OFFICE ROUTE 28 SO. YARMOUTH began. Several non-salary de- ignore the needy, the sick, the . 775-4500 ' mands - leaves, sick benefits, lonely," he said, "much less now MEMBER tenure and grievance procedures that social and economic con· F,D.l.e, ditions have worsened." , -were J11.et. ~ •. : ., •

Opposes Nixon" s Red China' Visit

Cross' Collector's Item In Future Days



...........~and Trust Company of Cape Cod •





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" _. l).rges: '~Pos itiye School Planning



CHICAGO (NC) - "Gra"ndiose plans from on high" will get Catholic education nowhere, a 'bishop told Catholic school officials from a· dozen Midwestern If you want·a new you for '72,' theJ? You.hadbet.ter 'states here. make an evaluation of the old you. i\.re you. stIll wearmg 'Auxiliary Bishop William E. McManus of Chicago said comyour hair-do of five years ago? Do' you play.it ~afe when prehensive school planning you buy a dress .or coat, settling for a sa!e' color-tan, "must involve everybody who' beige grey because it will " has a stake in Catholic' educao with ever-ything? Would we see fit. If .you haven't ",:orn tion." g . . one of the longer boot skIrts, Bishop McManus, chairman of you. rather have a. second pick one up on sal~' and try it. the U. S. Catholic Conference helpmg or that extra dessert I'm sure you'll be amazed that education committee and a memthan get compliments on. your instead of' feeling dowdy in it, ber of President Richard Nixon's youthful figu.re? If you answer you'il feel quite elegant and chic. panel on nonpublic education, yes to any. of the above ques- 'Make~uJ} for '72 will be was a featured speaker here at GrK;W@;@}rrm;mmi@lm brighter and not as subtle as the third of six regional planning we've become accustomed to. seminars for Catholic education Lipsticks will not just be there, being conducted across the coun,th'ey'll be' as'. obvious as they~ By try. were in the forties when ReveThe seminars are sponsored lon's famous Fire and Ice ads MARILYN by the National Catholic Educawere the most exciting thing in. tional Association and Catholic a magazine. While many of us University of America, in coopRODERICK may find it difficult to return eration with the USCC. to bright, bright lipstick and nail .. The Chicago bishop made a polish, like everything. that's new BISHOP-ELECT AND MOTHER: Newly appointed it will gradually adapt itself to , 'Bishop'-elect of the diocese of Providence, Msgr. Louis E.,' plea for "positive planning, a spirit of adventure and unlimited Nons-and many of us are guilty everyday fashion and '. we will of at least one-then' a new you find ourseives w~aring bright~r. Gelineau, shares his happiness with JIis mother, Mrs. Ju- courage." He said the planning liette GelIneau, 72; at her home in Burlington, Vermont: should cover not only better use ' '., .' is going to take a complete shades. ' change of. attitude. Msgr. Gelineau's appointment to succeed the late ?ishop of facilities and money, but also Something New "innovation, even with financial Hair:wise, nothing is so good,. Russell J. McVinney was announced Dec. 12.. NC~·Photo. risk." " for your morale. as a, new coifWhile there ar~.· very few' of If comprehensive planning is fure. I've heard' more .than one us who can afford" a 'complete not begun, Hoiy Cross' Father of my friends. say that she'd new' self, January. is the time to . Ernest Bartell, ..president of drag herself out of a sickbed to, evaluate-to trys0Itlethiflg unStonehill College in North Eastgo to .the hairdresser and, that: tried before and to attempt on, told the 175 delegates, Cath" .Catholic Service Opens Hospitality House once she had her hair done, her something new in clothing, olics can expect to find them-:' physical self felt better. make-up, hair-styling. if only on For Prison Visitors selves in' an "absurd situation"·. a small scale. All Lengths by 1980. SAN QUENTIN (NC)--out-of warm a baby Qottle. Phones arid Dieting is another .evil ,that "You will wind up with a Hair this year will reach all many. of us have. side-tracked town families who have ever showers are' also avaiable. About nine people can ,use the school system educating 20 per lengths, from the short shag' on not' onlY throughout, the.hoii4ay~,.: worried about' where to sp~nd cent of the Catholic children and down. One Coiffure that has but probably, ~11."Winter long the' night; stop' for' a phone call house at one time, said ~ilSY. , spending all the Church's money,: returned, now that teasing :is not (Winter clothes are less reveal:. or clean up before visiting San "If someone has legal 'prohon it,'" said the priest, an ~on­ Quentin' prisoners can now try a so importan.t ,as it once was, is ing and the extra pounds don't , lems or needs, an interpreter in the lovely pageboy .th;1t was, hit lis in the eye as they do in new Hospitality House open~d Spanish, we can help out," saitl oItlist. "It doesn't have to hapsuch a hit in ~he early' forties. the Summer months). Resort by Catholic Social Service of Kilty. "If somebody needs psy- pen." This smooth, turned-under sil- clothes are· just around the cor- Marin. chological counseling, our agenhouette demands shining' hair ner and if you're' thinking of a The grey, old 'fashioned bun- .cy has the staff to come out to . Education Committee conditioned and brushed, to per- trip to warmer areas during the galow, labelled in yellow, "The help them." fection.It also. dem~nds a· good coming months, now is the time ·House," stands just o'utside the If more funds become avail- Has New Members WASHINGTON (NC) - Four hairdresser who can. make this to contemplate just how much prison's main gate. Two paid able, the social service agency hair-style look· as if it never toll the :fruitcake, ,Christmas counselors ,and several volun- would also like to build an out- new members-including a coneeded a set. I . punch and ()ther goodies have teers will be there daily to help door day care center where lege president, a priest, a Brother If you've never worn your taken from last Summer's slim-' any of the 3,000 visitors who mothers can leave children dur- and a woman-have been named to the United States Catholic hair pulled back sleekly, this ness. come to San Quentin every, ing their visits. Conference's education commitcould be a more sophisticated l1aking stock in January gives month. tee. look that would help, accent the a couple of months to experireason for the house is First Catholic They are Dr. Prince Jackson sophistiC'llted clothes that will be ment with, changes while the' to One make it easier for more famof Savannah, Ga.; Father Michael part· of fashion '72. . social whirl lies dormant and' we ilies to visit inmates, said James WESTON (NC) - A Paulist If neutrals. have been your have a little more time to d~­ ,Kilty, community service direc- priest was elected as the first., O'Neill of Spokane, Wash.; Via-· standby.in clothes, then just for vote to ourselves. tor for the Catholic agency, at Catholic to serve on the Massa- toriall Brother Leo Ryan, of the fun of it try one new outfit a news conference to announce chusetts Council of Churches' Evanston, . Ill.; a·nd. Mrs. Mary in 'a bright color. ,Especially' 'French Cardinal Scores the' house's opening. board of directors. Father Robert . Clark of Milwaukee. Each will during the long .gloomy days we serve a three-year term. Prison officia,Is estimate that. F. Quinn,' C.S.P., .was named to can expect from' January ami "The education committee is Terrorists of Church .: about 900 of the 2,300 San Quen- the board att.he cou:ncil's annual made February, 'something colorful up of 10 biShops and 10 STRASBOURG (NC)-Theolo- tin inmates never have callers " assembly' whIch thIS year was. may be just what you need. nonepiscopal ,members.. They, January ,to me is -a ,time of be: . gians who atta<;k the faith are because their relatives have too .held here o~ the campu.s o~ Re~is meet three times yearly to rethe "terrorists of the Church," . 'far to travel or have financial College, a hberal arts mstitutlOn ginning, .a time 'when 'we get a French Cardinal Jean Danielou problems. view the plans and programs of managed ..by the Sisters of St. new 'slate to use in any way that told a meeting of European Ca~hthe USCC's education depart' . Joseph. ment, and make recommendaolic intellectuals here. . "Over half of the men in San tions to the conference's' admin~, ' ;'Let us 'have the wilL to deQuentin have' families ,living in Church Film Agencies:." fend the faith against all those Southern California," saicJ -Kilty. ." . .f:Iope istrative board. , 'Hope ever tells us tomorrow "About 60 percent. of the' famThe four new'members are. all Form Awards, Group, who attack it, whatever they ,jlies' reiated to inmates' are liv- will be,bettef. ' . , --;-Tibullus professional ed~cators.· . ~EW YORK (NC) - Jewish, are and whatever garb they , Protestant and Catholic film wear," the 66-year-old Jesuit iqg on less than $4,800 year." .~~ agencies have announced 'the cardinal' told the meeting: He is ,One way' Hos.pitality House formation of an Interreligiou~ dean of t~e University of Paris will help is by,saving these'peoFilm Award: Committe~: . ' theology. faculty,' -. pie the $6 round-trip cab fare "We now read,"he s~id, "that' from'the nearest bus station in The committee will cite motion ~ " INC. . pictures which give a "perspec- it .is necessary to destroy the . San Rafael. There will be free tive of the Judaeo-Christian Church to liberate the Gospel. pick-ups and returns to bus 'de'faiths, portray" with integrity the We reject that totally.' Because " pots in both San Rafael and predicament and hope of' man, if. we separate the Church from Richmond. Eventually,': trans" or his dependence upon God," the Gospel, the Gospel becomes . portation service may extend to the announcement said. ' mad. We are here to give wit- 'San Francisco. The house will 'also arrange The com.mittee will vote on ness of our fidelity to the hierfor overnight· lodging with volfilm awards for 1971. Announce- archy." The cardinal also said the unteer families for long-distance ment of the award films will be made on an NBC television color . Syn~d of Bishops that ended' re- travellers. special, March 27, 1972, devoted cently in Rome was "neither dis- " Inside the' house, families can to 'the films and the artists. re- . appointing nor conservative, but relax in day rooms, have a free spGnsible for their production, Catholic." snac~. or, .ug _ t~e , kitchen . to ;. ~:.!'l).J~t..,! ~·4·(.':.~.. .'.'_·.;.I.V.1L '1.', .. '~ : . . "" ~',.";;~\'t. .1J,./•.• ·_:.•,"....f(J".t. ..."':.,'.•..: ... ~ . .: . . . . . . .


Di,efs, .








Pref,e'rs ,'Staying at ,Hornle T,o N'e'w y,ear' 5 Partying I'm not much of a party-go~r any time of the year, but have no enthusiasm for New Year's parties. I just don't enjoy crowds of noisy people ... and often it seems New Year's parties bring together groups who .never met before, suddenly think they , are life-long friends ... and the evening with them renewed then never see each other my hopes for New Year's. , I finally got her on the phone. again. For years my husband "How would you like to come 'and I stayed home by ourselves, giving us the replltation of wetblankets. So this year we decided to have a few friends over-not

THE ANCHORThurs., Dec.' '30, 1971


Study Statewide Education Plan CLARK (NC) , Statewide across diocesan lines could' become a reality.in New Jersey if a plan proposed by the New Jersey Council of Major Super· iors bear fruit. The state's bishops, at a meeting with representatives of 35 religious communities who are members of the council, approved a plan for a statewide commission. The proposal was put forth in a paper read by Sister Bertrand, a member of the council of the Dominican Sisters of Caldwell. A steering committee to organize membership of the commission was established and plans to meet again in January. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph A. Costello of Newark was named head of the committee, which includes the school superintendent and a major superior from each of the state's four dioceses. In her ' presentation, Sister Bertrand said that the superiors saw New Jersey as being in an ideal position to lead the way in statewide ,planning because of the good communications between the major superiors and the bishops, the compact geographic size of the state and the high population density. She envisioned a commission composed of major superiors, school superintendents, pastors, laymen. lay teachers, principals, and Confraternity of Christian Doctrine personnel. Exact composition of the board will be left - to the steering committee, however, Sister Bertrand told the meeting that an absence of integrated planning between the dioceses is creating a heavy burden on the religious communities. She suggested that the commission have the authority to mandate cooperation throughout the state.

over New Year's Eve? No big party ... just you two and us." "00 you remember," she ask· ed.. "what happened last year, on New Year's? We spent the evening at home and celebrated with pizza and coke with the kids. I didn't even have a glass of. wine. By "Next morning, I' went to early Mass, and walking through MARY the parking 'lot, I stepped on 'a little patch of ice, turned my CARSON ankle, and lost my balance. .POLISH TRADITION: Mrs. Ezekial Waclawik ' vice"'J1here I was, spniwled all preSident of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Society of New over the p~rking lot. People just Bedford exchanges ,good wishes with Rev. Joseph Tralooked at me, 'and I heard one winski, OFM Conv.., pastor, in the traditional Polish traa crowd - just two or three clucking, . 'Hummph ... probably dition by sharing and breaking of the Oplatek (wafer) in never even went home 'last night! couples. I learned that there is some- You'd think sh,e wouldn't come front of the mapger during the Christmas banquet of the parish. , ' thing wrong with our timing. to Mass drunk .. ~' " '''So I have the reputation of We hadn't thought about New Year's Eve until Christmas was, being a real swinger' and rm just over. As soon as I got on the a stay-at-home." Rather Stay Home phone-on Dec. 26-1 found out She went on, "To answer your that this is a gross error as far Two Philadelphia Men Are Santa Claus as New iYear's enthusiasts are invitation . . .. thanks, but I'd rather make it another evening. To Mountain Folk concerned. "Mary, we made our arrange- Years ago we realized we just PHILADELPHIA (NC) - For died or have left the West Virments for New Year's back in don't enjoy New Year's Eve 500 families in the West Virginia ginia hills and their familes, h~lp parties, and decided that we preNovember. We didn't want to be qills, two Philadephia men are to unload, sort, mend and predisappQinted, so we got our res- ferred to spend the evening, at Santa Claus. pare the supplies, and for this home with our family." ervations in early." F~r t1~e past seven years, Bill they receive points and 'the op, As .she, was talking, I became The seqmd response was simO'Brien, of St. Jo~eph's parish, portunity for first' choice among sold on her idea. She convinced ilar .to the, first. "Oh, we were, invited to three parties, weeks me that' Was the way' I 'would Collingdale, traffic manager with the donated items. Kardon Industries, and Josh Bill· A combination of need and ago. We made our plans early in like to 'spend New Year's Eve. ings, a Gulph Mills advertising credit for work done during the So I'm inviting our eight chilDecember." Early in December I was dren to' spend New Year's Eve man, have brought Christmas to years to improve their environthinking about Christmas shop- with us. I'll fix special goodies Elizabeth, W. Va., with truck- ment is the criterion for distriping. I suppose she did her the way I would if we were hav· loads of food, clothing and toys. bution. Asked why they choose the ' Christmas shopping in time for ing company. We'll welcome the New Year together, as a family. West Virginia hills instead of the Declare Inter-Ecclesial the Fourth of July, May the coming year bring Philadelphia slums for their work Recognition of Baptism The thought of having "a party" was losing its appeal. Ob- them health, a wea'lth of appre- of mercy, O'Brien replied: BRUSSELS (NC)-The Catho-, viously I was out of step with ciation for all the blessings we "If I were really in need in Iic Church -in Belgium and four Catholics in India have received, and the hope, of the rest of the world by waiting NEW DELHI (NC)-There are , contentment, happiness and Philadelphia, I could borrow a Belgian Protestant churches have till after Christmas. dime, go to a phone book and publicly recognized the validity now over 7.9 million Cath'peace in our home. No Big Party find a welfare agency. But in th~ of each other's Baptisms. olics in India, an increase of There was, still the possibility mountains of West Virginia, Cardinal Leo Suenens of Ma- more than 300,000 in the past Composer to Head New of one other very dear friend. there are no phones, the people lines-Brussels was the ~igner for two years, Nearly 60 per cent of She had been out all day, but Depa,rtment of, Culture have nowhere to turn for assist- the Catholic Church of the "dec- this country's Catholics are conwhen she came home, I'd give ance-or else they don't know, laration of inter-ecclesial recog. centrated in the two south India WASHINGTON (NC) .:...The her a try ... If she and her huswhere to turn." n,ition of Baptism." states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. band could make it, it would be top officials of' the National "I was in China during the "Althpugh certain divergences Office of Black Catholics has apfine. The thought of spending pointed Father Clarence Joseph Second World War/' he recalled, still exist," the statement said, "but I, can honsetly' say that 'I "there is no longer ~ny profound Bishop' Blames Adults Rivers to head the newly created found the poverty in West' Vir- disagreement and it was necesNOBC department of culture and ginia even more appalling." sary to state this publicly. For Generation Gap worship. ' Once ,a year, Billings' and 0'; "We recognize the Baptisms LONDON (NC)':'- Adults are Father Rivers, a composer and ' primarily responsibl~ for today's authority on 'contemporary Brien travel to Elizabeth, with, that, have been administered in Complete Line gene~atjor gap, Bishop ,G. EmChurch music, intends to work the products of t;l\eir ','Santa,'s one of our churches by a minBuil~ing Materials Workshop" ~ soap donated by ; ister recognized by that church. ' mett Carter of London told more with blacks of all religious perthe. children of, 'St. Joseph's, This recognition cannot remain 118 ALDEN'RD. FAIRHAVEN than' 300 ;'Ontario, province suasions who are interested in scftool bOard ,officials ber:e.·' , pre~en'ing, and qeveloping bla<;k School, food and, cl~t~ing ,do-. without consequences' hi the 993-2611 .............. Adults hav,e' failed t,o provide culture as it pertains to worship, nated !:>y the Holy Cliild Church practical life of our' churches," ' "values to be 'loved," Bishop said' Marist Brother Joseph M. Holy Name 'Sod,ety or by the ,ara,ara Carter t~ld. the annual cO,nference Davis, NCJ3C eXl;lcutive. director. members of .the Collingdale BaptistChurch; toys donated by 'Father Rivers, a Cincinnati of the Ontario Association of Education Officials:,. ", ' , ' .' archdiocesan priest, has 'unique merchants or' purchased with do· There have always been and ' . qualifications for' the job, Brother 'nations from neighbors and always will be generation gaps, Davis said. "A composer of con- friends. ' "What someone else can't use'" , the bishop said, "and this one temp<frary' Church music, he isn!t really any' different from launched a revolution in Amer- O'Brien said, "we can use-and, ROUTE 6-between Fall River and New Bedford the others. What is different is ican Catholic Church music with while it's' sometimes hard to , read the letters of thanks we rethat we have a co'mmunications' the publication of his 'An Am'erOne of Southern 'New England's Finest Facilities ceive,' it i!in't' hard to get the gap. ican Mass Program." message." Adults, he said, are responAfter receiving a master's deO'Brien is quick to point out Now 'Available lor sible for transferring "true val-' gree in philosophy from the ues, fundamental values, values Athenaeum of Ohio, Father that the project is not a 'giveBANQUETS, FASHION S,HOWS, ETC. of love and service to the young- Rivers studied at Xavier Univer- away. "It isn't a donation to people er generation," but they, have 'sity in Cincinnati, Yale, the InFOR DETAILS CALL MAINAGER-636-2744 or 999-6984 failed "to realize and formulate stitute Catholique in Paris and who' don"t want to work,"he sufficiently our real and funda-, the Catholic University of Amer- said. The adults, many of them m~ntal values." ica in "'Wilsl}l)gt9!\. ,D.. C ' , . " . women whose husbands have .... ,.;..~ ~.~."')" ~:::,. ~,.; .; ;,. ~ ~.'" ", ""'"




THE ANCHOR-Oiocese of Fall River-Thurs. Oec. 30, 1971

Directors o.f :Family~i'fe Stress Children's' Rights " WASHINGTON (NC) - Directors of Catholic family life programs across the country have called' for an' Am~rican legal system that "gives every child his basic human rights and the opportunities t,o' ,fulfilL these rights ,in •dignity and ' freedom." .The statement "On Behalf of Ghild~e'n" was released' here by the U.S. Catholic Conference family life' division ·to' mark Holy FamilyS,unday. , "This is the' moment in history' when all of society must reaffirm its belief in the worth and significance of children, and the contribution they make to, the human family," said the statement, representing the views of 150 diocesan family .life directors. , It dted"a serious danger to. ' 'day", in the growing attitude that - children contribute to social "problems, life overpopulation, and poverty. "At the present time, Congress is considering legislation that ,would establish the two-child family as the American ideal," the statement said, referring to a resolution now before a Senate committee proposing population stabilization as an official goal of the federal government. "Attempts are also underway

to withdraw legal protection from the unborn child prior to th'e 20th we~k of pregnancy," the' statement continued. "The child's , ri~t -to·.m~" is, being 'traded away for reasons Qf convenience or political expediency." The family life directors said ,the good of sodety and of "the family, demand that the rights . of children, be respected and protected by law. Individual Persons They urged "a careful look at our, whole fabric of law" ,to correct il1equities that deprive children of their rights. , Calling parenthood "one of, the most challenging and rewarding of :all human relationships," the diocesan officials ~lso said the generosity' of parents "is even more pronounced today because the rewards of parenthood are often obscured" by problems like' drug abuse and misunderstanding between generations.. But even.in the face of 'an uncertain future, the family-life directors said, "most young couples still look positively and hopefully toward parenthood." "They see each child as an individual person, capable of bringing new hope and happiness to the entire human family."

Archbishop lakovos Sees Close Catholic, Orthodox Relations


DAYTON (NC)-:-In the ecumenical movement there are no two faiths with a stronger and more friendly rapport t~an the Orthodox and the Catholic Churches, Greek Orthodox Archbishop Iakovos of North and South America said, in an interview here. "We were terribly apart from one another, but now our theological commissions are meeting fr~quently. The behavior between us is dictated by the Christian concern for one another and for truth and unity, and I think that the rapport today is much warmer with Catho~ics than with' other groups, Archbishop Iakovos said. The theological commissions of the two faiths have been meeting at least twiCe a yeara'nd have come to an agreement and issued statements on a number of issues, the archbishop said. He added that a statement now is ready for' publicjltiori dealing with the question of OrthodoxCatholic marriages and that another on the validity of the sacraments is in preparation. Vernacular in Liturgy "These are areas where the cooperation is something real, something tangible, 'something promising," he said. He added that it "must be made more than clear that the people are the ones in behalf of whom we are discussing these things." The dialogue is not simply for the satisfaction of theologians. The feelings and convictions of the laity must be given fundamental consideration, he said. ' Archbishop Iakovos said the Orthodox Church has learned from the experience of the Cath-

olic Church not to be hasty about the introduction' of the vernacular in the liturgy. He expressed the view that the vernacular does not necessarily advance greater spirituality. "I don't think the- vernacular experiment in the Roman Catholic Church has helped either the unity or growth of the Christian or Catholic consciousness. It has become ,an element of divisiveness ..; and I think we should take advantage of that lesson:' Optional Celibacy In the Orthodox Church, mar: ried "men may' be ordained priests, but the episcopacy is reserved for those who r~main celibate. A~chbishop Iakovos said that in his view, "if celibacy is to be enforced, it should be only on people who have completed the 35th year of t~eir age." He added that celibacy should exist in the life of the Church, "but in optional manner." In place of legislating celibacy, perhaps it would be better to advise it, he said. Asked, about celibacy for Orthodox bishops, he said that he did not believe there are "sufficient theological grounds" to exclude a gifted and qualified married priest from the episcopacy.

THE UNTOLD STORY: The above photo and the one on the following page show some of the events surrounding the 'filming of "The Untold Story", a touching tale of orphans from Bethlehem who meet the Pope in a private audience. The show is being shown this week on more than 100 local TV stations. Above: Msgr. John G. Nolan, national secretary of the Catholic Near East Welfare Association, who led the group, explains to Sr. Elizabeth Marie, head of the orphanage, apd to Farideh, Mimi and Gluzar that the columns of the Pantheon in Rome were brought' from the Aswan area of Egypt 2000 years ago. NC Photo.

Council Criticizes PITTSBURGH (NC) - The Catholic ,Interracial Council of -the Pittsburgh diocese Bas severely criticized Allegheny County Commissioner Thomas J. Foerster for his recent opposition to school busing to achieve racial integration. The council' has asked Foerster in a letter to reconsider his position which the council believes is hypocritical. Foerster voted in favor of school busing in 1965 while he was a member of the Pennsylvania state legislature. His vote, along with other legislators', allowed students in nonpublic elementary and ,high schools, to ride the school buses operated by public school districts.

The beneficiaries of Foerster's vote were virtually all white and Catholic, the council stated; adding that hisopposition to busing grew only "when "A young man who has black students began to ride reached the age of 45, a success- buses into previously all-white ful married priest, with a family . schools or when white students brought up in an exemplary began to ride buses into schools Christian way - I don't know why with substantial black enrollhe should not become a bishop," ,ment." , he added. "He who has succeed-' According to the 'council, ed in creating, maintaining and "Foerster (a' Catholic and a promoting the sanctity of his Democrat) is really against busown family can do it on a larger ing wherever black students are scale." involved:'



He recently wrote to the pres- many Catholic students ride ident of the Pittsburgh Board of buses to schools as far as 15 Education, saying:. "I do "not be~ miles from, their. homes and lieve that busing children to there has never been any "trauschools outside their neighbor- matic experience" for them. hood to achieve racial balance is Foerster's claim that blacks a realistic answer to the problem are against school busing "is ... uprooting children from a false," the council added. "Not neighborhood school arid busing one black organization has opthem to an unfamiliar school a , posed busing for integration." great dista'nce from home has The council urged Foerster to been a traumatic experience for change his views, saying that some students, and a distinct "black or white "students are enthreat to the' health and welfare titled to" ride school buses to inof others." . tegrated schools every bit as much as Catholic students are The Council told Foerster that entitled to ride to their schools:'


, ... .........





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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 30, 1971


Pope Paul Asks Observance Of World Peace Day Jan. 1 .vATICAN CITY (NC)-eathoilcs around the world and "all mankind living in 1972...• in the Pope's words, are beihg asked by Paul VI to celebrate New Year's Day as a special global Day of Peace. Pope Paul set as the theme for the fifth annual observance a phrase adapted from Isaiah 32:17-"If you want peace, work for justice.': In a 1.400-word message, he pointed out that peace is not violent or treacherous or tyrannical but human. He called" it "a sincere feeling for man. He said that peace must build its foundation on justice, remarking that the modern world is distinguished from the ancient

world by an increasing "consciousness of justice." Many national bishops conferences. including the American one in Washington. D. C., prepared special kits containing suggested homilies, background papers, Bible meditation worship services and group discussion outlines to involve as many persons as possible in marking the Day of Peace. The U. S.. Catholic Conference's world justice and peace division in its kit, said it hoped to get _Catholic parishes t schools , councils and associations to engage in "a year-long. study and pursuit of justice issues rather than limit the activities to a oneday event."

Bishop Approves S'ex Education Program With Restrictions

THE UNTOLD STORY: Pope Paul with Monsignor Nolan and the girls from Bethlehem in the Apostolic Palace, the only audience ever film~d in the Papal Residence.

Nonpublic School Federation Formed WASHINGTON (NC) - Eight national school organizations have joined forces to establish the nation's first widely representative federation of nonpublic schools. Members envision the new Council for American Private Education (CAPE) as an agent for communicating information about nonpublic schools to the American public, to the government and to each other. Catholic organizations belonging to CAPE include the National Catholic Educational Association and the U. S. Catholic Conference elementary and secondary education division here.' Father C. Albert Koob. NCEA president, was named CAPE treasurer. CAPE'S statement of purpose says the organization. seeks to: Encourage "a vigorous diversity in education to match our country's heritage of pluralism



Enhance opportunities "for more families to have a realistic choice among schools for their children." Encourage a "broad public commitment to excellence in education."

bers, whose schools enroll about 97 per cent of U. S. private school students. have "diverse points of view on lots of questions. including public aid." But something they all have in common. he said is "concern for alternatives. choice and diversity in education." Other CAPE members include the Friends Council on Education; National Association of Episcopal Schools; National Society for Hebrew Schools; the National Union of Christian Schools, and the Board of Parish Education of the Lutheran Church. Missouri Synod. Testify at Hearing Potter noted that other nonpublic school groups are considering CAPE membership. Representation from free and community schools will also be welcomed. he said. The organization got its first taste of acting as an information agent for private education when four CAPE members participated in a recent hearing on Capitol Hill.

Jones Converted

ATLANTA (NC)-Three days before the death of golfing imConcern for Diversity mortal Bobby Jones. the 69-yearCary Potter. CAPE president· old sports-world hero was bapand head of the National Asso- tized and given last rites of the ciation of Independent Schools. Catholic Church by Msgr. John said private school finances D. Stapleton, rector of Christ would also be one of the organ- the King Cathedral. The monization's concerns. but not its signor told NC News that Jones' primary thrust as some news wife, Mary Malone, and his three children were members of the accounts have indicated. Potter added that CAPE mem- cathedral. parish.

Potter, along with Father Frank Bredeweg, NCEA special projects director; Dr. Edward R. D'Alessio, director of USCC's elementary and secondary education division, and Dr. Al H. Senske, secretary of schools for the Lutheran' Church, Missouri Synod, and CAPE vice-president, read testimony before a U. S. Senate education subcommittee on problems facing the nonpublic sector and its contributions to American education.

. U Thant Receives Honorary Degree JAMAICA (NC)-U Thant. retii'ing after a decade as United Nations secretary-general, was honored Dec. 15 by St. John's Univ~rsity at a special convoca. tion. Thant received an honorary doctor of laws degree which cited him as "a dedicated servant of mankind" who "has made valiant efforts to breathe into that office a spirit of morality in international· relations. so that humanism, justice and peace might reign in the present order of society." The citation for the doctorate also mentioned that his dedication to the cause of peace has elicited "high tribute from His Holiness. Pope Paul VI." The Pope's "historic visit and challenging message to the U. N. General Assembly six years ago has been described as 'one of the most memorable occasions during my years as secretarygeneral,''' the citation quoted Thant as having said recently.

OAKLAND (NC) Bishop Floyd L. Begin of Oakland has approved, with some specific restrictions, a sex education program for use in the diocese's elementary schools. With what he termed "confidence and prayerful caution," the bishop approved the program with the Paulist Press text "Education in Love," to be used as the basic plan for the diocese's family life program. Among the restrictions Bishop Begin has attached to the plan is that it be "pursued only with a high degree of cooperation and involvement on the part of parents and pastors" and that it "provide an opportunity for parents conveniently and reasonably to withdraw their children from these classes if they so wish." The bishop specified, children would not be given textbooks on sex education and charts and diagrams would be used in the class presentation rather than photographs or films. B~op Begin noted that the Second Vatican Council stated that parents have the responsibility to see that their children are given "constant and prudent" sex education. . While the primary responsi· bility for sex education lies with the parents, "it is quite acceptable that parents delegate qualified teachers or other profes. sionals to assist them in this delicate and urgent educational undertaking," the bishop said. "The purpose of sex education is to develop in young people a proper regard for the mystery of life and a mature acceptance ,of self and their fellow man. God's purpose and plan, proper attitudes and morally acceptable standards of conduct are involved." the bishop said.

The bishop's approval came after a presentation before the diocesan priests' senate in September by Msgr. Pearse P. Donovan, diocesan superintendent of schools; Mrs. George Parrish of the Parent-Teacher Group, and Dr. William Rhea. an Oakland pediatrician. Parents' Reaction With only one dissenting vote, the priests' senate endorsed the efforts of the diocesan education department and the PTG which have been actively involved in finding a family life program since 1968. The PTG and the education department sent teams composed of a priest. parent, teacher and physician to visit schools to discuss the program and to get the reaction of parents and teachers. Seventy-five percent of the parents approved the program, team spokesmen reported. Bishop Begin directed the education --t!epartment to supervise the program.

Logic Before it can. be solved, a problem must be clearly stated -Feather and defined.









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Ma·tu·re· Lay Peop'le. Don't .. .It' .All' .0. t' p. .t" 'Ies· Leave . .' . 't f . d' .'

Rediscovering"', Rare Art Exterior' F'rescoes Unique'




BUCHAREST (NC) - After' nearly two decades of trying to exorcise religious experience' y.o spen 109 from L·ast' Nov.ember-we had the opportum t Rumania's national life,' some' time in 'the' mountains in a caBin jilsta' hyssop's this country's. communist regime' throw from the little Catholic church. It ,was ,a .mi~sion . is rediscovering its priceless and church, in the sense that a priest came out. ~rom a 'larger unique Christian heritage-espeparish thirty miles away to ".. cially within the monasteries of sa" .Mass on Sunday. The the small parishes of. our 'child- Bucovina: a p1"ovince in the very J hood, where everyone knew north of the country near the parish was .little different everyone else 'and there was in- Soviet border. from .hundreds of other like stantcommu'nity.(This also creThere, in the midst of wellpari'~hes'in remote areas of' this ~ted problems, but that'sa~other farmed fields and neat villages, . . a~e monasteries built in the 15th country but 'by the time our column.)' Most 'of the spirit of the Mass and 16th centuries by the feudal weekend was over, it struck. us that this ~as a tr!-lC. church· of came, I 'think, from the fact that prfnces of Moldavia. In those twilight centuries of the laity, it was a participatory Mass. PeolfWi&iI@i:i.};I@ii,W.;I@@N·'···· pIe were involved)n the prep- the Middle Ages, Moldavia was 'arations for it and in the proc- . Christian sanctuary virtually esses of parish life. They were surrounded by several expanresponsible for it, not Father. It· sionist neighbors-Poles, MagBy was their parish, not Father's. yars, .Tartars' and Turks. For' as They didn't have anyone to long as the Moldavians could DOLORES gripe to or about. If something continue -to repulse their attacks, wasn't done, one of them could this fertile region was the home CURRAN either' pick up the ball and do it of one of the most remarkable cultures of medieval Europe, or leave it undone, Many were picking up the Suceava, captial of the region, ball, The morning we were, there, emerged as an important 15th-' the visitirlg' priest .held 'a half-' century' trading' center'. under' Several parishioners held keys ' .' . . .,;' ~. hour adult ed· session in. the Prince 'Stephenthe Great. Trade' , '-'" .. to the church, During the week Church after' . Mass. '0 ne fami ' l y mg . rou t es from many corners 0f , ., - -" "-' ,,~they dropped by t~ tidy the mentioned casually that from .the Near East and Eur()pe conRUMANIAN MONASTERY: This is one of the many. church, put up. a notice, .-turn on then' on; they would bring cof- . verged on Suceavil,' situated on. ancient monasteries bei~g' preserved for their artistic and the heat or whatever. On Satur. . day afternoon, a family came by fee for everyone", no commit, a pine-covered slope overlook- . cultural va.lue for tourist attraCtions by t.h.e· Commu.nist regime. NC Ph~to .. to sweep the front. steps, put tees, no appointees ... just cof-··· ing rich farmland. out the missalettes, and read.y fee. \ . This trade and the surround.' the altar. Later. that evening; There were no men's or worn- ing farm helped finance the con- esis painte,d i~ 1451 on the walls' Moldavia and ended its gol~en some.one 'else came over· with en's clubs in the parish but , . this ... struction of churches and mon- of the Arbore .Cl1urc h near S.u- ag'e I'n'15'38. 'he bulletI'ns he had written. didn't keep parishioners from asteries testifying to the . great. t ", . ,. 'ceava to a fiery Last Judgment Paintings Spared ' . meeting every now~nd then. for' 'ness of ti;le' terilporalas well as On Sunday morning, a couple business and social purposes. the Etermil Kingdom. . painted on the church at Humor These frescoes, with' their vivof .sel~-apointed 'ushers n~bbed The priest caine out once a ',week '.. " ". _ some ~i1es west. id .colors and highly dynamic Ex~erior.. Painting Peasants 'Models: : ' na~ratiye ,q\lality,.m~s~ :hav~~.J:1!,l~l..o1: parIShIOners on the, wa~ m to for religious ed but! some of the serv~ . a~ r.~aders .. du~mg ~he . .' parents told me this Was' beginThe ,'characteristic fea~ure of Although the' ch~racters' are a profound effect. on the illiter- . Mass. The volunteers . agreed . ning to seem unnecessary and Moldavian art is exterior paint- taken from the Bible, their fea- ate peasants of the region, who cheerful~y: Our hostess,. a frethey were looking into the possi- ing.. The outsiqe walls of the tures. are based on the Molda- had no books, television, or. quent VISItor to the parIsh, was bility of doing' it' themselves. churches are, completely covered vian peasants who were the newspapers to distract them. Un~ asked to play the organ. Id' ' d . h' from top to bottom. with biblical der the very eyes of the Turks If we cou stu y parIS es artists models, Angels blow the like this as an example of the and historical scenes-:-saints, long curved alpenhorn that are these now anonymous artists People Participate processions, battles, and scenes created a testament to their own laity, the phrase would from the life of Christ.. still used by peasants in the sur- faith and to their resistance All this was done without the mature mean something. Too often, rounding countryside today. The . presence of the priest. When he those of us who consider our-. . That entire' churches should fish illustrated in the 'parables against the invading Turks. The drove up a few minutes before selves mature laity are still wait" be pairited in this fashion is rare' from Jesus' life bear ;'more re- Turks, ironically, left fe~ forMass, here was 'a community ing for Father to tell us what to but not completely unknown semblance to the silvery trout tresses standing, but they spared outside Rumania. Similar that dart about in Rumania's these churches with their paintready to worship. All he did was do, when to do it, and where. to choose with the littlecongrechurches can be found, for exings of Ch~istian heroes and vii· t N d 't D It All Pr les gation the' hymns to' be, sung seen 0 ample, ,in Cata.lonia, Armenia, abundant streams than to any- lains cast as Turks, thing that ever swam in the seas that day. The Mass was:;a, warm He, on the other hand, contin- and Russia. What makes' the of .the Holy Land.' King David Whatever reasons the Turks and intimate gathering which ues to tell us what tod9 while Moldavian church frescoes uni.. may. have had for 'leaving these does not play a harp but ins.tead affected us all. advising us to be mature. If he que ·is their .extraordinary qual- . strums a cobza, the Rumanian monuments intact, they are now Part of it,. I'm sure, ~as size. doesn't happen to tell us to join . ity and their exceptional ~dura- 10-stringed version of. the guitar. being sa.ved by the p~agmatic E' t J' . h Communist government In deferThere 'were barely 100 worship- . a group, .hold a family prayer bility. over the centuries. The I th FI' ht f . pers in that quiet mountain service or read the diocesan last of them was· painted in the :ear: a ~Old:~~ p~~~nt~Sr~r_ .,- ence to public o~iilion. k' dM 'th th Ch'ld . . But the Rumanian government, chapel, a far cry from ohe ·thou- paper, the idea never enters our early 17th century. e Moldavian Winters are notor" h~~':~ms;~~~~sw~'ot a dori~eyI,~ in ,extolling t~ese, ~rescoes as . sand busy su~urbaniites sur- . mature lay minds.. "But father, iously fierce, yet only the north back but on a: cart yoked to'two . grea~ art and ad~ertIsm~ them to . rounded., by' 'i' noisy' parking lot. didn'·t tell.!us .. ,", I'm not pretending that the and no~thea,st ·walls. show any- oxen ' . tOUrIsts,. seems Ju~t as prepared In that sense, it was much like best way. to ,create.a mature' thing but the .lightest, signs of . . .. _ as the Turks to ignore whatever laity is to, do away with priests. wear and erosion from the many· These frescoes,. ,wh~ch . hav~ . other-meaning they may have 'to . High'School Boys' We need them for their priestly... yearsof.cruel.north winds and aro,us~d so much,mt.erest m t?e., Rumania's 1.3 million (out of a Building functions.! But we;ve. sa,ddl~d driving blizzards that sweep in', a~·tIstIc world ,for, ti;le ~x~raor- ·20 .mil.1ion population.) ,~9ma.J:l. :. them with .all !tinds .0f.~u'Filiary 'from Rus~ia thro.\lgh the Ukraine. ' dUlary harlll~my. of t~~lr 1?ro- Catholics, '. MUNDELEIN' ,(NC) - Carmel functions'; s.eeing that ~~e, sid,ee ",.'.: .It., has b,..een difficult to' figure.. porti.ops.. ahd. the.i.r. material a~d .; .".'. High School students are build· . th t d aII bity t 1,', .; \ ; " walks are .clear and that there's out, the precise' techniques used. ae~ Ur . , ~ere no.. .. .. ". ing an- l80;OQOo WJi:ury'hom'e ,in '. a substitute t~ach~r for the' fifth : by these anonymous artists who .' con~~~ved ~s uIl~~rIalm()~~m.ents .. ... . Pessimist.,·. , Libe~yville. :Ill.,· "'at project to . . ' but Simply as a common so rce A'. pessimist is a man who bu.ild. a.·.solid·,fou·n·da···tl·o·n.·. ·of. e"du~' 'grade CC~. class-which, can. be . lived .and painted'four'centuries;.:. ...: ... ' . u .... of mformatIon for a vIllage or thinks ',everybody . lis . nasty' as' d bY,al.y. I '.. catiort-, ~i'nd .p'tacticaI·expetiehce h an dl e. agQ, "but it seems fa!rlycertain . ,.' . himself 'and 'hates them for it. ' in the building .trades,,for the We are,.recogIJ,izing now ,that " that,)hey .a,pplied 'tl]eir, colors. a mon,ast~ry,,, " . .... .. . -Shaw 24 youngsters; '.. accotdhlg to if we· involve people i.nthe· over a plaster base containing J'.hey; educated, and inspired .a " . ;.pea~anttythat ,did .not kn,ow hoV( . Father FerguS i.ickfl~·ig;, the prin- processes they tend to become l)and and lime. . , I... , active participants. If we' merely. '.' . The palette 'that p'todtice<{ such' to teo.ad.. The fr~scoe.s . ref1~. cted " QClO()04X)OOiO()O()OOoOClO(:»OOO clpa .; ,tell. them. what to do, t,alk' at ··durable colors probably ,consist-.·" not only Church hist.o~y but RuIt's a first for. t'he. school, . them at meetings, arid se~d OI.~t ed of. red maoe: .from '-'rruldd~r mariian histOl;'y as' well, " 93'l066 which~'·had·.fp· iov.id.ed 'b'hi'y tWo newsletters, they remain passive. . . 'root, yellow from ocl)re .!?!: .unA stirring scene on the south mechaniClii drll'wing' courses for ' .. , And, if readers think I'm going ripened wh~at, black from soot; wall of the church at Humor,' it~ ..students..in,th~ pa,st: to end this by.suggesting that an9 charco.~I, blue front indigo lying in a shallow valley to the A $1,000 ~orilmissio~ will go Father teU them to go out and., plant and lapis lazuli, anq gold. west of $uceava, sho.ws how to the boy or boys who make pick up the ball, they aren't very. These colors '~ere strengthen~d 'Constantinople was' saved, from. the sale, with the sale proceeds mature. Rather, I suggest th~y and fluidized with cow's bile and the Persians,in 626. But, strangeto go to Carmel to payoff the pick out a need in. their parish egg yolk, both. :weather-resistant 'Iy 'enough, the Persians are all )65 NORTH FRONT STREET . . dressed like Turks-the tradi.construction' loan and finance' (the one they complain 'most substances, NEW BEDFORD The 14 churches l)till sur:viving' tional enemies of the Rumanians the' new, completely equipped about will do), fill it,' a.,nd be992-5534 drafting 'C1assrO'OJl) set . up' at 'come a functioriing member of depict the history 'of the Chris-. and the people who eventually. Ca~el this year', the parish, ~?t'I~,J)C!Ri;~~ 0U~ tain faith, ringing from~J~~:n-,.. .,.invaded the iciylli<;:"~.t~9Ilghol(LoL,,OClO()O:)oOClO()04)OOCiOC>OC)OoO


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Third World:Council Investment Is 'Not Aid

THE ANCHORThurs., Dec. 30, 1971

Says Many' Jews Leaving Soviet

. ~hen the U. S. Senate voted to kill the foreign aid aId b111 last month, it exposed ,a nerve ending that has been bothering many Americans for some time. Does the U. S. really want to promote political and' economic independenc~ among the people of the developing na- American private corporations tions, or does it merely want continue to invest in South Africa. In the past 20 years, to retain them as valuable U. S. investments have increased

real estate for American investment and military bases.



Americans are in the throes of a dilemma. On the other hand, America stands for revolutionary ·self-determination because our nation grew out of a violent rebellion against the colonial domination of Great Britain: On the other hand, we support repressive governments in many countries because, as a global power, we have vested interests in the wealth and resources of these nations. The fact is that America has been a symbol of great hope to much of the world. Many of the features of our political system are unique in their protection of individual rights. As a model of political structure, the United States has been copied by many nations. America's revolution' for political independence has been an inspiration to such men as Simon Bolivar of Latin America, Nkrumah of Africa, Sun Vat-sen of China and Ho Chi Minh of Vietnam. From the point of view of technology, Americans do know how to build, organize and produce a tremendous variety of useful products and services which can be of benefit to mankind. We have achieved a fantastic level of industrial development for ourselves: we are less than 6 per cent of' the earth's population, yet we consume more than 40 per cent of the world's production. American Paradox The American paradox is ii'Iustrated, however, by the fact that in the name of the "free world," we provide financial assistance to many non-free countries. For instance in the' 15 years following World War II, we gave Spain more than' we loaned to all the nations of Latin. America combined. We. secured Franco as ~n 'ally for NATO bases, in exchange for stabiliz-' ing his reactionary government. To many Spaniards, our decision significantly reduced their. opportunity to. liberate their. people. The Republic of South Africa has been' condemned numerous· times by the, U.N. General Assembly for its racist policies. Although the United States has been one of the principal supporters of the U.N. position,

Wisdom' Perhaps wisdom is to be found in people who have suffered greatly but have surmounted it. .' " : ":'7W.est,

from $148 million to $800 million. ' A South 'Afri,can trade journal, widely circulated among American businesses, recently reported: "Obviously, South Africa offers the richest return for American capital invested abroad except fO,r oil fields. It also offers complete industrial peace with no serious strikes or labor unrest during the last two decades." To American investors, SOUtil Africa is a good place to' invest their surplus capitaL To black South Africans, its means. the continuation of slavery. Blacks. in South Africa make up 75 p~r cent of the population, yet they are barred from voting;. 'they may not form labor unions,and to stri~e is prohibited by law. Meaningless Growth Mexico offers another example of the American paradox. A recent' ad in American newspapers read, ,"Where in the World can y~)U find a higheryield with less risk than in Modern Mexico?" It went on to say that Mexico has created a "true investors market" with a yield which .invites .comparison any where 'in' the workl." From the perspective of American investors: then, Mexico is the place . to go. To the majority of Mexicans, this apparent industrial growth is meaningless, because the fact is that the poorest three fourths of the population receives a smaller proportion of the national income than they received 20 years ago. Speaking of Mexico's ruling party, the Mexican bishops said: "The government tends to show, at all costs, a paradise - a country of peace and law-in order to attract ~ .. foreign investment, imd. thus maintain present conditions and dependency." So the question of the role of U. S. investments overseas is complex. U. S. investments in the Third World do not insure that development will occur. The special study by the World Bank (Pearson Report) takes a clear posit'ion on the issue: ,"... 'private capital undertaken for commercial reasons has no more .character :of: 'aid'when it flows 'to. developing. ~ountries than "when it.flows between industrial' ,ized nations." . Many .Latin American cities including Galo Plaza, head of th~ Organization of American states feel that private investment ca~ be a detriment in the Third' World unless it is sensitive to the dev~loping countries' national interest. American know-how is a valuable commodity in the world, particularly to the poor and underdeveloped nations. The challenge to Americans is to devise methods by which technical skills can be channeled to serve the needs of the millions who live in destitution.


..'.'. ". , ~



NICEST PRESENT: Master Sgt Otis' Simmons, a 19 year Army veteran appears happy' as he is reunited with his daughter, Sheila for Christmas. Simmons was, one of 10 servicemen stationed in Vietnam who were brought home for Christmas by their hometown of Olathe, Kansas.

Bishops' Statement Stress. ·Obligation of All Catholics To Preach the Gospel'~" .' W A~HINGtON (NC) - All forgets this necessary balance." Catholics have a missionary obThe bishops urged a renewed liga~ion to preach the Gospel acawareness of the missions in cording to their respective roles, Catholic parishes and instituthe American bishops said in a . tions in the country. statement on the missions issued They encouraged "every legi. here. timate effort to stir this sense "Bishops, priests, Religious and lay people," the bishop declared, of mission in all priests, Reli.. "must constantly recognize' our gious and laity. This concern is common obligation to those who a ray of hope to suffering milneither know or feel the impact lions floundering in a world of Christ and His love· and without God." peace i!1 their lives."; Need Personnel The statement, released Dec. The statement was prepared 10, was adopted by the bishops at their November semiannual by the bishops' Committee on meeting here. The bishops said the Missions, chaired by Bishop then that the text would be is- William G. Connare of Greensburg, Pa, The committee told the sued later. The statement said that mis- bishops at their November meetsionary apostolate must be bal- ing that the Church still needs anced, emphasizing' both the missionary personnel, despite people's material and spirituai what the committee termed a. "highly desirable takeover" of development. "There can be little spiritual local priests. Efforts of two official Romegrowth for people unless temporal needs are first satisfied," based mission-aid societies,' the their text said. "There can be no Society for the Propagation of lasting spiritual growth for them the faith and the Association of unless Sights are firmly on -God the Holy Childhood, were strongand an eventual union with Him." ly endorsed by the statement. Modern man: the bishops 'add- Th~ bishops also lauded activities ed, "unfortunately ... too' often , of religious orders which recruit personnel, for the missions and encouraged ,more, vocations for Protestant Prior 'that apostolate.

Praises Synod VATICAN CITY (NC)-Prior Roger Schutz, head of the Protestant monastic community at Taize, France, praised the recent Synod of Bishops for its' affirmation of the traditional law of priestlz celibacy. Ina1:elegram to Pope Paul VI, Prior Schutz expressed gratitude' for the synod's documents on the priesthood and on justice in the world.

The text cited Vatican II documents 'stating that "the pilgrim Church is missionary by her very nature" and that bishops "are consecrated not just for some one diocese, but for the salvation of the 'entire world." To accomplish that goal, the bishops said, "we ... need the help of everyone in this country who shares with us the life and mission of the Church."

GARDEN CITY (I'-.iC)-Disaffected Jews are leaving the Soviet Union by the thousands each month, according to a report in Newsday, one of the largest daily newspapers in the nation. Newsday said it has learned from informed sources that the Jews' rate of departure from the Soviet Union· to Israel runs between 600 to 700 per week. Newsday said there is no indication that the Russians are limiting the .number of exit visas. If the present rate is maintained, the newspaper said, more than 12,000 Jews will have left the Soviet Union by the end of 1971 - a 12-fold increase over 1970. Newsday correspondent Edmund Stevens reported from Moscow that he knows of one Jewish settlement that literally became a ghost town because of a mass exodus. In the small' settlement of Kulashi in Soviet Georgia, homes were deserted, Stevens said. Stevens estimated that 50,000 Jews are flooding out of Russia. "And authorities are unable to . explain the departures," Stevens said. "They claim there is no reason, no motive for Georgian Jew~' to flee." The Soviets claim that there is no history of anti-Semitism, in Georgia, said Stevens. Nevertheless, many Georgian Jews are anxious to get out.

Province Announces Vocations Increase NIAGARA FALLS (NC)-The Canadian - American Carmelite province has announced that the' number of vocations in its jurisdiction has risen by more than 10 per cent from last year. The increase, from 145 to 161 students, was mainly due to the large freshman class of 41 who entered Mt. Carmel Prep here, on~ of the largest groups in almost a decade, the Carmelites said. The Carmelite province, with headquarters in Barrington, III., also operates seminaries in Milwaukee, Muridelein, III., and Washington, D. C.







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.THE ANCHOR....Diocese of-Fall River:-Thurs. ·Dec. 30; 19~,1

Need New.Year Res'o'lutions For Effi~iency in' Kitchen By Joseph and Marilyn Roderick

The following is Melissa's unedited contribution t9 this year's celebration of the feast of the Epiphany: The first Christmas Christ came. He came to the world. He came as a babe, Not as a king, Not as a prophet, But as A human, . A person'. ': No 'one knew he. was C~rist, The. promised' one, The Saviour, , The King. No one worshipped him But the poor shepherds in fields. Three kings came, Star-guided Kings Who visited Herod. They told them they travelled to see the New King. . Herod got mad. He knew God had promised a , King, . Not· a relative, not a friend,. But a new King. Herod told the Kings to come back and give him news, But the Kings reached their goal. and gave their presents to the Babe. While they slept that night they had a dream, Not a scary dream, But a telling dream; The dream told them to take a different route back home. The first, Christmas was over, But Jesus is not over, : He will 'come again. In the Kitchen I used to think it was diffiq,llt being creative in the kitchen when I arrived' home 'at three o'clock, but now that my job ends at five each day, I'm almost inclined, to agree with Peg Bracken's theory of "I hate to cook." This wouldn't be too bad a conclusion and.I, could resort to it except for' it few difficulties (very small '," ones of course): one, I enjoy eating goo'd

Tax Reform' Hurts Charity Ager-cies NEW YORK (NC) ~ Federal tax law reforms initiated two years ago have cut' contributions to the Catholic Medical Mission Board here by two-thirds, according to the board's' Jesuit director· Father Joseph Walter said phaI1I1aceutical manufacturers' donations to the mission board averaged about $350,000 worth ~ of medical supplies. per month this year. Before the 1969 tax reform, they averaged $1 million monthly. ' , Donations the year before the new tax law took effect totalled $17 million.:.:..reportedly 'because the manufacturers .knew' the. change was coming. Before the change,. aimed/,at companies' and individuals who were making money from charitable' donations, manufacturers were allowed to deduct the fair market value of inventory given to charitable organizations~ but the 1969 law allows a deduction only for the cost of the donated goods. .

food; two, Joe enjoys eating good food; and three, I would. feel terribly ,guilty writing a'food column if I weren't attempting . good cooking in my own kitchen. 'Now, .i must admit it, takes .,time to adjust to a new situation . and hdliday seasons are not the, best time to adjust to try anything new-but New Year's is the time for resolutions., One of the firs't resolutions that I must make if meal time is not going to be an upsetting affair is to plan for just what I intend to serve at least a week in advance. There is nothing more frustrating than starting to cook something and finding ,out that you haven't got all the in-' gredients in the house. · If I have meat in the house, for some reason' everything else seems to fall ,into place but when the freezer' refuses, to yield as much .as .a hamburg,' patty all'my good intentions fall by the ways.ide· and I, may even resort to a.'quick trip to the

~:~~~t ~~~~~~~~ ~:~v~~~r~~

to make sure' that I have a well'




Hobby Developing int'o .Profitable Fi~ld ' . ' . -', , . ' .·scon',·s',.-n' Popul'a' tion ",.·Exp·losion· Fishy Tal.e

··W' stocked freezer-especiiilly in the meatdepartment:-' . ST'URTEVANT (NC)-There's · Thirdly, 1 feel that a working wife a~d ~other should' ke.e p ,. a<, oj>Ulation explosion at St. . her recipe fIle up to date; W;Ith:< ~'Bo~aventure prep/~' lind':. there tasty, but easy to prepare dishes.. li~s a fish tale.' ' '. ' . These are around and ,all we ' . y. . have to do is seek them out. Unfortunately, ': .the rapIdly . . growing inhabitants have not · With some fo~eslght, a l~ttle swelled the, ranks of the stub.l~ of l~c~, .and Ir9n determma- dent body but it il1 h oped they .tlOn,1 w1l1 t,ry;to ket;p o~r .mea~s· will prove their worth to the tasty ~ven. th0,ugl1 moth~r s FranCiscan-operated high school. ". . . . ' career IS demandmg more time at work and less time in-the' ,BeSides ItS 160,male students, ki~hen. ' : ' " St. Bonaventure i~ a· haven, ~or: This candy' recipe is one I .s0"!1e 15,000 tro~lcal ~ngel fiSh, made during' the holidays and -.a '. hobby ,showmg signs of a we enjoyed it soinuch that I pro~lt~ble venture for Brother couldn't resist passing it on . ChrIstian ,Sz9t and Father ~runo even though much of ·the fes- Kow~lczy~. tivies are over.' ' The project bega~ about three.'and-a-half. years! ago .when Candy Jewels Father Bruno, 'a biology instructor,; started· raising' guppies. But i 16-ounce' pac'kages confec- he soon learned they were not tioners' sugar, sifted saleaple. 1 3 Y2 -ounce can flaked coconut· . His .interest became serious, (11f.J cups) however,' 'when, he acquired a , 1 cup chopped walnut!> . pair '(male .and female) of angel 1 4-ounce bottle maraschino fish. From that aquatic couple, .cherries" drained and chopped and'a few others, offspring mul(about 1f.J cup) , tiplied at a rate that seems to, I ,egg white Sl!fpass proverbial rabbit produc1 Tablespoon vanilla 'tion, . Brother Christian rekindled a , Chocolate Iclng childhood affection for tropical 1 square unsweetened chocolate .fish wlten he met Filther' ~runo. 2 Tablespoons milk 'The Brother took charge of the 1 Tablespoon butter or mar- operation when the priest left garine for graduate s~udy about a year% cup sifted confectioners' sugar and-a-half ago. 1) Butter- 9x9x2 'inch pan, Brother Christian noted that 2) Combine confectioners' sug- :the si,ze of the venture had to ar, coconut, walnuts,' Cherries, keep pace with the aquatic popegg, white, milk. and vanilla. Mix ulace. The original- six tanks thoroflghly with hands till mix-" have been increased to 135, ture holds together; add more ranging in size from 8 to 180 milk if necessary.' (this gets. a .. gallons, 'and there are hopes of bit messy but very good therapy . going to 250. for frazzled nerves) 3) Press into pan and frost Shower Room with icing. Finding an' adequate place 4) For icing .melt. tbe choco-' aho was a problem. But that 'late in a small saucepan with. was solved about eight months milk and shortening. Wh,en melt-. 'ago when the aquarium found ed beat in ,the con'fectioners' a, home in an appropriate place sugar. Chill. .--'an unused shower toom in the

basement of the main ,campus building. . " The; walls, are stacked"\with rows ot' lighted, glass tanks,' lines of intricately connected tubing and other aquarium equipment. The "angelic occupants" are" caged, in various stages of growth, .from a few weeks to several years.. Brother Christian pointed out 'th~t, 'although the aquarium seems crowded the facilities are capable of handling the tropical creatures if they would double to 30,000. "We never expected to get this big," he explained. '''But when the ,angel fish started spawning we went. from a fivegallon' tank t<;> a 10-gallon tank to two 20-gallon units.' And that's some spawning." Nevertheless, his pride and joy is' one blue angel fish, considered rare by hobbyists. He knows of no other in ex-istence, at least in the midwest. But he's hoping a mate will be reproduced because tl1eir offspring would be valu~ able. ' "And the more we' produce the better are our chances to get another 'plue," he observed. Profitable Future Until. now Brother Christi!ln has been selling angel fish most· ly to retail outfits in nearby Racine. His prices range from six cents apiece for those of dimesize to about 40 cents for the select "marble veil" species. He believes the blue variety would sell for at least 50 cents a piece. Last year the hobby 'netted about $1,300 which was ,enough to cover expenses. But by breeding' fish for Wholesale business Brother Christian hopes to show a profit which can help the "Sohool financia'lly. He's working on a price list for wholesalers in Racine, Milwaukee and Chi"":'-' cago.

So far the hobby has proved . compatible with his main job as 'plumber- 'and" ,sanitar.y' ,engineer. With the school having- its own . well and sewage treatment facility, Brother Christian has becomece~fied to operate water works and' waSte treatment plants. . - ,. Blue .Ribbons The '29-year-old Brother noted that caring ·for the. fish requires , about four hours a day, usually in the evening arer, normal duty hOlJrs. The daily hobby, includes dual feedings of brine shrimp for the small fish and flake food for the larger ones, plus: the cleaning .of six power fiI~ers. The water in each container must be cleaned weekly \ :and each tank must, be overha'uled about twice a year. Brother Christian's interest in the fish extends beyond the school.' He is vice president of the Southeastern Aquarium' society which meets monthly at" St. Bonaventure and holds an annual show in Racine. ' His efforts have been recognized by fish enthusiasts. On a crowded window ledge in his "hobby shop" are a number of trophies and blue ribbons from e,rnibi~ competition in the SEAS and the Cistana Aquarium Society, Milwaukee.

Plan To Build? See Us


Low Cost Financing






'I..t. •.,J'#'H.l.~.!..JlJ







Arc:hbi'shop Medeiros Urges Media Promote Positive Ideals, Values BOSTON (NC) Boston's understanding," Archbishop MeArchbishop Humberto S. Medei- deiros said, cannot fail to form an ros said here that mass media authentic public opinion," one should promote "positive ideals which sets in proper order genand values" in formating a pub- eral attitudes toward war, raclic opinion which would reject ism, poverty, abortion and other the prevailing trend to accept sensitive issues. "A healthy public opinion widespread evils in society. He addressed a New England makes an invaluable contribuchapter meeting of Sigma Delta tion to the good life," he said, Chi, a fraternity o,f communica- "but the opposite' is equally true, tions personnel, at Boston Col- that 1m unwholesome and prejudiced public opinion can rapidly lege. Archbishop Medeiros, told the poison the wells from which so-, fraternity members that the ciety is refreshed," "opinion-makers" in the mass Stressing the ,"serious responmedia should present a "true sibility" of those who contribute picture" oj the world news, in- to the formation of public opincluding the "darker" side of ion, Archbishop Medeiros noted, human activity, without mini- that the process involves-in admizing "those elements that rep- dition to the, mass media-many resent the positive accomplish- forces . such as government,. ments of man as well." church and, schools, and other .' The archbishop observed that institutions. ' the "prevailing public opinion" "But chiefly . because of its in contemporary society "aC!- day-to-day functioning, because cepts as part of the ordinary of ,its widespread dispersionan9 experience conditions like war, 'direct access to the public, the poverty, ,delinquency, the kill- mass media can and do impose ing of the unborn-and a host upon the people in a singular manner their ,own pre-supposiof other ethical deviations," He said that the existence of tions and their own standards," such "conditions" emphasizes the archbishop said. ' "just how far the life of man in ,"This need not 'always be a our world is seriously at odds conscious effort on your part," with his ideals," he told the media ,workers, "but, conscious or, not, it cannot fail Healthy Public Opinion The presentation, of the news to influence our public opinion "with honesty, objectivity, and in a notable way,"


THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. Dec. 30> 1971


Wants Moveme'nt to Remain Catholic ANN ARBOR (NC) - Bishop said. "No one accepts Christ as Steven A. Leven of San Angelo, He comes to us by neglecting Texas, wants the Catholic Pen- Mary; no one honors him by tecostal Movement to remain downgrading her," Catholic, to become more truly He also said no one accepts the work of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ wholly by rejecting to keep moving. the Church Jesus built, or by reIn an article in the November fusing to acknowledge that issue of New Covenant, a month- Jesus gave the Church the power ly published here in Michigan to forgive sins and refusing to which describes' itself as "serv- avail oneself of that power. ing the Catholic charismatic reThe bishop said he wants the newal," Bishop Leven said that , movement '¡'to keep moving and while non-Catholics receive the free itself of some of the emogifts of the Holy Spirit and ac- tional excesses which we may cept Jesus Christ as their per- find so trying in it today." _ sonal lord and savior without Those in the movement, he accepting the whole Christ, "I said, must "become more open want Catholic Pentecostals to to what is of the Spirit, less accept the whole Christ," enamored with what is of them."Jesus Christ comes' to us as selves. They must be willing to the son of Mary," the bishop glorify Him rather than to glory

in what they think (and say) He is doing to them," "Faith in the action of the Holy Spirit is not to b~ equated with credulousness," Bishop Leven said. "To acknowledge that the wisdom of God surpasses understanding is not the same as the anti-intellectualism of the person who says, 'Why should I try to understand what is happening to me; I enjoy it so much.' "To call another 'spirit-filled' implies the ability to make such a judgment; to assume it blithely of one's self is to forget the warning of the beloved disciple of Jesus, 'Beloved, do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see if they be of God.' (I John 4:1)"

--------------------1 Enclosed is my gift of $,

_ for all my brothers and sisters in the mis. sions, wishing them a prosperous' and love-filled new year.

Advises Workmen's Co-:npensation Coverage for' All Employ'es' ' WASHINGTON (NC) - State, workmen's compensation laws 'should be"made 'universal' for all employes, an official of the United States Catholic Conference advised here. John E. Cosgrove, director of 'the USCC department of social development; told a national commission studying the laws that it "is unfair" some employes of small employers and domestic and agricultural workers¡ are excluded from coverage. Cosgrove recommended that all employes be covered under the laws "as a matter of federal requirement," He added that there would seem to be no justification for the exemption of any worker," Cosgrove said that as a matter of social justice, action must be taken to correct il1adequacies and inequities in benefit amounts provided by compensation laws that vary 'from state to state. He urged that ways also be devised to "insure that employes better understand their rights under these laws;" He 'asked the commission to consider 'as "a priority concern" the .'establishment of federal guidelines and standards "to protect widows, or in non-fatal acCidents, the workman himself, from overly hasty compensation and lump-sum settlements and prel'l)attire ~elease of rights," . It must' be questioned, Cbsgrove said, "whether the original good purposes of the Workmen's Compensation Acts are being' met and what new steps might, be considered." Inadequate Benefits Although the laws began to be enacted early in this century, their objectives can be met only for those who are covered. Costhat grove Z,.revealed an estimate --.v ...;-..... :. " ..



'<';... , ' -




as many as 20 per cent of working people are not covered. , "CompliC'ating' this 'is the' 'fact that some ,of the people least able to bear the cost of injury and the likely attendant loss of employment are either not covered or are specifically exempted," ~e said. He added that "it,is a hopeful sign that there' is at least pending legislation in the Congress to provide coverage' for agricultural workers;' the majority of states do not now cover the workers in the very hazardous agricultural occupation.'~ In addition to ,broader coverage, benefits under the hiws mu~t be adequate, Cosgrove insisted. "Now in virtually every state the maxim\!m we~kly benefits are wholly inac\eqUllte. It is my understanding' that: in many of the states, the maximum weekly benefits' do not even equal the rate of income which is 'the definition of poverty, ~s employed by the federal, government.'"


p'aul' Endorses

Catholic.. pailies' VATIcAN CITY (NC)-The Catholic daily . press in italY should be the "clear and 'honest mirror'" of life as, it is iived today~ PopeP,aul VI told thousands gathered' in, St. Peter's ~quare for his Sunday noonday talk. Catholic Daily Newspaper Day was being observed around Italy, with sermons preached in 'parish churches urging support of the country's five Catholic dailies, and th~ Pope devoted his attention to it. He said the role of the. Italian Catholic daily is to give a "Christian interpretation" to "daily reality," '

'The Society for the Propagation of the Faith SEND YOUR GIIT TO The Rev. Monsignor Edward T. O'Meara National Director Dept. C, 366 Fifth A venue , New York, New York 10001


The Rev. Monsignor Raymond T. Considine Diocesan Director 368 North Main Street , ~~/l ~iv~r, Massachusetts 02720


'. .:.16' , THE .ANCHOR-Diocese·Qf Fall 'Ri~er':'"l'hurs.pec. 30~.1971 .




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Child AboutChristmos

Each year I have struggled to make Christmas. happy for my eight children. I have tried to teach them the deep religious . significance ... and wonder how much of it they understand. I have tried to maintain family traditions ... and wonder if they even care.' I have .tried to do something special for them." and wonder if they 'have been disappointed. '


For years I struggled with a limited budget against the effect of the endless TV advertising for everything they absolutely had to have . . . "go tell your mother to buy, .." And for years I dreaded Christmas for'I always felt. incapable of doing all I MOTHER AND CHILD: thought' ought to be done. at anytime, is a child sharing When my sister-in-law was one, NC Photo. . first married, and before she had any children, she' thought I was . She assured me that Christmas terrible. She didn't like my attiwas a beautiful. time; ·... and it tude regarding the commercialism, the impossible struggle to was greatly enhanced by having please, the knee-deep mess of a houseful of beaming. wide-eyed wrapping paper and toys that children on Christmas morning.' became unglued almost as fast That ~ was before she had .a as I did trying to assemble them. houseful of her own. Now she .

Happiness, at Christmas or a special treat .,with a loved .

Welcoming Jesus, The Gospel story of the Magi isn't really about the. Magi. The coming of the three men from the East makes ~verything else in the story begin to happen; but the story is not 'really about them. It doesn't tell' about how they studied the stars or how they got their messages from the stars or how long and hard the journey was, etc., etc., etc. A lot of people imagine a lot of answers to all those questions, but none of them are in the gospel. The gospel story is about what does happen when, God fulfills his promise to his people and sends the Messiah' they were waiting for. It shows what happens when people who'say they believe in God get the news that their Savior is nearby. It tells how some people react to God's good news of salvation. The story opens in Jerusalem, capital City of the people God loved and called to be his own. These are the people who awaited a savior through "fourteen sets of fathers and sons from Abraham to David and fourteen from David to the time when the' people were carried away to Babylon, and fourteen from then to the birth of the Messiah" (Matthew L.17). And now he comes: "She' will give birth to a son" and you will name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins" ,(Matthew 1, 21). "All this hap-

pened -in order to make true what the Lord had said through the prophet~' (Matthew 1,22). Then "some who had.studied the stars came, from the East to Jerusalem and asked: 'where is thepaby born to be king-of " . the' Jews?'~' (Matthew 2,'1 f';>. At this every in 'Jerusalem was very upset" (Matt. 2,3). But they were only ,upset. They didn't do any·


thing about it. The acting king, Herod, was upset, too. He began to do something. He "called together the chief. priests and the teachers of the law" (Matt. 2,4). They should know about such things. Was there really a king? Who? Where? "Where will the Messiah be born?" (2,4). It seems strange to us that they could give him an answer. But then, why not? They were priests, men consecrated to be holy. They couJd draw pear to God in the temple and at the altar. They' studied's God's saTurn to Page Seventeen

understands why I was always in such a state of depression before Christm~s. Christmas Lesson And' now I wonder why I was always so concer,ned:, Because I just learned something ... and I learned it from my children. I'm surprised how little I know of my children and what they really think. I asked each of- the older chilBy lcm to it except that of" finding dren three questions: "What's The baptism of a new baby 'with her other grandchildren. JOSEPH McLELLAN a parking space. And if we don't The previous' week's parish the happiest thing you remember was an old, familiar experience like where we are, we can turn about any Christmas? What's What is a New Year celebrafor Bob and Noretta Pawlewicz bulletin announced this coming . the saddest? And if you could tion 'for? Each indivdual takes it around and go home. '-- until 'Daniel Thomas, their novel event, but the prospect of But living in time automatically do anything you wanted, how in his own way, mingling mirth ninth child, appeared in the something different and possibly would' you make the ideal ir-volves travel. There is no stopand meditation in a. private world and joined the Christian longer didn't seem to deter pa- Christmas? pmg and-except in the barely b!end-only part of which, probfamily. These parents had' fol- rishioners. The slightly larger satisfying vehicle of our memChristmases past I had been lowed the private off-to-church, than usual congregation sang an afraid they would be disappoint- ably, can ever be known to his ory-.-no turning around and gofellow cr.eat~res .. But if we are back-home-for-the-party routine appropriate entrance hymn and ed ... yet, not one could remem· . slightly different in this as in .ing back. Usually, perhaps for with their first eight children', watched as .two sets of parents ber the best, we are unaware of our ever having a sad Christmas. But the ceremony for'Danny was and godparents (Stephanie Mary I kept questioning them, and most other things, we are, at constant traveling through time. the same time, all basically simdifferent. It took place on Sun- Martin also entered the Church But once ,in a while, w.e come got some answers." "The ilar. day at the 9:45 Mass before over with Danny) marched. down the finally year I was sick and couldn't go upon a landmark, a birthday, an The changing' of a year is a center aisle behind. a cross bear- . anniversary, another in the grower and before the celebrant. tq Mass with you." semi-ultimate landmark. It does , .Finally one came up with· a not loom as large as the biggest ing series of New "ear's Days. Opening Rites "saddest." "The year Ginny, (our tuming ~points~ such as birth, Or we meet an old friend and By Once inside the sanctuary all sixth child) was in the' hospital. marriage and death, but pro- notice how much he has changed.. faced the congregation and the No ... that's not right, 'cau'se we vides a convenient,. periodic oc- , Change-motion-is the mean· priest, after a few words of ex- .got to go see her. I guess. that casion for two basic Christian ac- . ing of time as time is a way .FR, JOSEPH M.i of measuring change and motion. planation, performed the "receiJ- was the happiest Christmas." tivities that· remain stable CHAMPLIN tion" part of this liturgy for bapIn remembering their' happiest through ·.all changes: the exam-' And.we are, as .long ·as. we live, tism. "What names do 'you' give Christmas, only one had an un- ination of conscience and' the' 'committed to moving.and changthese childre~, what do you 'qualified, "the year I ,got· so purpose of amendment. But .the . itlg 'in the passage of time. The ask for 'them, 'are' you aware·.of m~ny presents... · One verified, term's ,are .dusty with age, To- , only 'question left to us is wheth· . 500 people with mother holding ·er we know it and what we can your responsibility' as ' Christian "Do you mean' the happiest thing the quiet infant and father parents, godparents?..··Next; he· I got, the happiest thing 'we do,. day, I suppose, we would call do to help shape it. them 'self-analysis and commitstanding nervously at 'his wife's crossed the babies' 'foreheads or' the' happiest thing about ment to ·ch·~ng~.· '. Milestones side. ,\' . and invited father, mother, god- Christmas?'" As the number of New Year's Living in Time . 'The husband normaliy doesn'~ father, godmother to do likewise.. 'She was prepared with an anDays you have' successfully nav. like change ("It's because. I'm Finally, he asked the' Altar- . swer for. all three:, "about "We dwell in time as we dwell igatecf begins _to pile up, there selfish:'), but Bob strongly ap- Rosary society's president and 'Christmas,,-:,Jesus was born;-we in our particular corner of earth, is .a natural inclination to use proved this fresh approach to her nusban.d to come. forward, do - the whole family coming but there' is a difference. ,If we the occasion for self-congratulathe sacrament' of baptism. "It and. as representatives of the down in 'a . pig', parade on travel to the next. town, we .are· tion-another, year come and made us realize our importan~e parish, 'sign' the infants with, a . Christmas morning; what, I got acutely aware of the trip;' we gone and here I am still on 'my' and responsibility as parents cross aildwe!come them to ·.the -my sewing basket." . see the trees and buildings flash feet and moving (hopefully) more than the service for our community: The paiticipants' . Evidently coming down in the hy .the windows of our car or ahead. ~t the same time, it is other eight children did." Little now moved to reserved front morning waf: important tosev-. natural to· look forward-someDanny's grandmother enjoyed seats for the liturgy of the word. eral of them.' One of the older bus and we read the signs tell-· what ·.uneasily, perhaps: how ing us we have five· more miles the liturgy, too,and judged it the Tpe scriptural readings blend- boys still remembers sitting on to go. If we want' to stop or many more, and what will they best of the.'20 she had .:witnessed -:r:ur~ tl;) :pag,eNineteen. Turn to Page, E!ghte,:n' look around, there is no' probTurn to Page Eighteen

Two Baptisms at .Sunday .Ivlass

Ring. in the "ew

THE- ANCHORThurs., Dec. 30, 1971

Gollin's 'Worldly Goods' 15- Objective. Study of Catholic Church 'Wealth' It is commonly asserted that the Catholic Church is wealthy, even enormously wealthy. There is much talk about the riches of the Vatican or the vast resources of .the Church in the United States. James Gollin, who is not a Catholic, became intrigued by • the subject, and the result of his long, careful study is a book of over 500 pages, 'Worldly Goods (Random House, 457 Madison Ave., N. Y., N. y. 10022. $10). '''h~~~


Mr. Gollin points out that his treatment is not exhaustive. In the case of the American dioceses, some granted him access to their records. On the basis of these, he has been able to make projections; taking into consideration the available statistics about all the American dioceses. He is objective and thorough. He finds the reputed wealth of the Church to be a myth. For example, no less than 90 per cent of the assets of the Church in America is in property and buildings, much of the value of which is overinflated, and a little of whjch is liquic!.. Thus, the value of any parish plant is probably exaggerated; and how could it be turned into cash? Who is going to buy a used church, an old school? Catholic Schools Only ten per cent of American Church assets, Mr. Gollin estimates, is liquid, and only two or three per cent is in revenueproducing stocks, bonds, and real estate. Moreover, these investments are likely to be very conservative and relatively unprofitable. His conclusion is that in America "the Catholic Church is only barely strong enough economically to keep its promises and to sustain its spiritual mission." Mr. Gollin considers in some depth the question of Catholic schools in the United States. He observes that. a high percentage of the total ordinary revenue of the Catholic parish is' spent on the parish schooL But the parish schools enroll only 41 per cent of Catholic youngsters. The Church, he says, "is overextending its entire economy' to support a school establishment which excludes nearly 60 per cent of those it. intends to reach." Public Assistance He sees the Catholic school as valuable. to the entire community and deserving of public assistance (the payment of lay teachers' salaries, for example). This, he contends, can be given without subsidizing religion. The latest Supreme Court decisions obviously came after the book was completed, and are there-fore not taken into account.


Welcoming Jesus

But Mr. Gollin would make Italian government indemnities any public assistance contin- for church property expropriated gent on full financial disclosure- by Italy in 1870. This settlement by the bishops. He maintains was so well managed that the the absence of such disclosure in specter of bankruptcy was banthe past has done much to preju- ished. dice the case for Catholic Hard Evidence schools, and indeed has been injurious to the whole economy of Is it true '.that the' Vatican, the Church.. through its stock and other holdIn looking into that .economy, .ings dominates, the Italian econhe has been astonished by its omy, or controls huge corporaextreme decentralization and by tions? Mr. Gollin cites facts and what he deems to be its inexpert figures. which demonstrate that management. On paper, at least, such. allegations are absurdly unthe system impresses him as true. He is convinced that the' irrationaL Vatican. is ,immeasurably' less Cites Flaws wealthy than gossip would have it. He advocates central financFurther, 'he see' in ,the policies ing within the' respective dio- of Pope' Paul VI a sharp move NEWSMAKER: Dwight R. ceses. This, he says, insures away from anything like a capfirmer administrative control and italist stance, a liquidation of 'Crum, 52, is the U.S. Office sizable savings. But he would go many holdings, and a move to- of Education's first "coor-. beyond that to interdiocesan ward what the author styles dinator of nonpublic educafinancing and even national . "charitable economics." By the Church financing. He is aware of' way, we are told that VOsser- tional services". NC Photo. obstacles to these in Church law, vatore Romano has an operating which he believes needs to be deficit of two million dollars a reformed. year. Continued from Page Sixteen Mr. Gollin has tackled a subOther flaws which he discerns in the present condition ate (1) je~t of' pecuiiar magnitude and be like? Where will I be next an astonishing lack of exact inintricacy. He has approached it January I? Ten years from now? formation; (2) a failure really to open-mindedly and labored over What will my life be like? Would process information (he urges it rigorously. He is wary of sur- I have dreamed on January I, far greater use of the computer); mise and insistent on hard evi- 1962, the kind of life I would be (3) a failure to circulate informadence, which he is willing to' celebrating or enduring today? Standing at the milestone that tion; (4) a lamentable dearth of work hard to unearth. His findsocio-economic information about ings are given an extended pres- in each January 1 we are inclined the laity; and (5) the absence of entation, and an exceptionally to ponder who we are, what we have made and are making of a set of priorities and of syste- clear one. ourselves. What have we done matic planning. Unique Book in the past year that should have Means of Reform He well understands that the been left undone; what have we Mr. Gollin pronounces the Church does not exist for money, omitted; how could we have American Church economy ar- and does not exist by. money done it better; how can we make chaic, and voices. the opinion alone. Far from it. The Church's 1972 an improvement over 1971? that there is very little time left true nature, dimension, and mis- Try a little bit of this and you understand more dearly why for effective reform. But such .sion he respects. , reform is still possible, and he He does not judge the Church the average intake of alcohol proposes certain means, some by economic performance, but goes up so sharply just before of them short-term, others long- he does judge its economic per- midnight on December 31. term. formance quite' legitimately. His Resolutions In the former ,category are, for prescription, bluntly stated, is This sort of meditation also example, "formal manage!TIent plainly meant for the Church's leads naturally into the other training for priests and nuns, good. traditional element of New Year's better short-term planning, the Inevitably there are some Day: ,the resolution. Without the acceptance by Church leaders of questionable things in his pages. commitment to change-bringing their accountability to. the lay For example, he says that a re- in the element of will-a year's public." sponse to' the parish envelope end self-analysis is no more than In the latter category he puts program is "not .at all unu'sual." an empty intellectual exercise, a national office of economic re- In Utopia, maybe, but not in the letting the mind wander idly search, national central financial U.S.A through the lights and shadows arrangements, the employment· Again, he says that in many of the past and projecting it into of laymen-Catholic' and non- dioceses, priests do not receive the fogs of tomorrow. Catholic-in the management of a regular salary, but get only So, one of the things to do at money. offerings known as stole fees. New Year's is to make up our Also he overextends the lifespan minds that, no matter how good Religious Orders of Pius IX and that of Pius ·XII. or bad the past" has been, that Considerable attention is given But these are slight flaws in a small part of the future which we can control will be better. to the economic situation and unique and invaluable book.., New Year's Day can easily be fiscal practices of the religious a gloomy occasion, not merely orders of men and women in because it deals with such this country. Their wealth is an Council Approves illusion.' They have their probweighty subjects, .but also, I Bishops' P'osition lems and their deficiencies. CHICAGO (NC)-The National think, because it comes at the But they are much less in- Federation of Priests' Councils low ebb of the earth's yearly trip volved with real 'estate than are has praised bishops who want around the sun. Perhaps our New . dioceses -and parishes. And the, priests to make their presence Year celebration should be held, author feels that in the midst of felt on behalf of other people's as it' has been in some cultures, at the beginning. of Spring, not change as to function and avail- rights.. An editorial in' the NFPC in the coldest, darkest season of able personnel, they are better positioned 'when it comes to Newsletter, Priests-USA, referred them all. .If: 1972 .were to begin around sales of services (e.g., teaching to "an era of refreshing hope and nursing). that developed" in October dur-. -Easter-at about the time when As has been noted, Mr. Gollin ing the world Synod, of Bishops the ·number of daylight hours catches up with the number of • has delved into the matter 'of the in Rome. The editorial continued that dark hours, when new, pale supposed wealth of the Holy See. He learned that at the the U. S. hierarchy "has been green begins to show on the death of Benedict XV in 1922 timid about becoming involved trees, lawns and hedges-there the Holy See was virtually billlk- in whatever smacks of stirring might be less hectic drinking and rupt. In .1929, Benedict's succes- the social waters which they noisemaking, more calm and opsor, Pius XI, settled the Roman seemingly pictured as. smooth timistic looking ahead to rebirth and n~w. growth. Question and accepted from the or at least tolerable."

Ring in the New

Continued from Page Sixteen cred books. They had learned theology~ They passed on God's Law to the people. So they opened their bibles and showed Herod the right answer: "In the town of Bethlehem" (Matt. 2,5). But they didn't, do anything else about it themselves. Magi Arrive The Magi go on to Bethlehem and they do find the child and worship him as they had hoped to be able to do. The people from the distant country find the king of the Jews and adore him. The ones who were supposed to be awaiting him do nothing at all to reach him-and their false King, Herod, tries to kill him. (2,16f.). We read Gospel stories so that God can speak to us through them. Can we read this one without hearing him ask us about ouselves? Don't we know from our sacred books where Christ is to be found? "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in their midst" (Matt. 18,20). "I was hungry ... thirsty naked ... sick ... in prison As long as you did it to one of these my least brothers you did it to me" (Matt. 25,15ff.). Are we in Jerusalem,. reading our bibles and talking our theology, praying at our altars, giving advice to the world, confident because God has chosen us to be his people? Is Jesus meanwhile being born in a poor home only a few miles away? Can we find the answers to mankind's questions in our bibles, but never go out and do anything about what we read? When unbelievers claim to be turned on to Jesus through Broadway musicals about a Superstar, or through astrology or other superstitions, do we tell them where the real Jesus is to be found-but not bother to go ourselves to show them the way? Do we huddle with the great and powerful of this world and talk about religion instead of going and finding him among the poor and suffering where we know he is? Wouldn't it be sad if that were true? It might end with our sharing the guilt of those who try to kill him again today.

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Fall River-Thurs. Dec. 30,,1971• ~.







Leadership of Hiera,rchy Relatively Unimpor.tant I must say that I am not impres~ed .by the compl~ints one hears about the election of Cardmal Krol as presIdent of the American bishops. Most of the complainers seem to ignore the important things that '<:mght to be said about .' , the election. First of all, so far as 1 am' aw'~re, 'no one Church. Let these, differences be 'has remarked that the elec- out in' the open: , , The "office of president of the tion of a Pole to .the top PO- :hierarchy-,is essentially adminis-

sition . of the American Church . ends more than,'.a century'of .Irish leadership: Millions of eth-

.trative. It might have been convetted into an office of great prestige "'and influence both among ,the ,Catholic "laity and ,ari)ong non-C,atho!ic.,Americans. ,For .a number' of:idifferent reasons this. has "n'ot~happened: By' Wheth~r it ~ould: be better to.' have a m~n who was' president REV: of the American Church :(in fact if not in canonical :theory) oi-to ANDREW M.::) be content with a president of 'b'ishops may. be, problematic. GREELEY However, in fact the office has evolved in the latter direction" rather than the former. Thus, most Americans - Catholic and nic Americans must view this as a tremendously important sym- not-couldn't care less who fills bol-as well they might. The the office., Irish still constitu~e' about half Obsession With Bishops the hierarchy, so they. are not And probably they shouldn't exactly out of business yet, but it is long past time that other care. The handful of Catholics groups be given access to posi- who' are obsessed with the inI ternal politics of the hierarchy tions of power and prestige. either has nothing better to do Cardinal Krol was' elected by with its time or has regressed secret democratic ballot. The into some sort of collective fixamajority of American bishops tion on father figures. The hierchose him as their leader. Many archy and its leadership make of us may not like the way bish-' excellent scapegoats. We can ops are selected, but given the blame them for all our' problems present manner of selection, you ~''''' ~""'1~).· and argue that they must change can hardly expect them to turn ART CONTEST 'WINNERS: Father Paul E. McKeever, editor of The Long Island before we can become effective over leadership to a man who Christians. Catholic, reviews .some of the paper's Christmas Art Contest entries with award winrepresents the minority opinion. But such an obsession with ners, from left: Janet Nelson, first place; Marsha Powers, second place; and Cory Don bishops is evidence of an emo- ' Dero, third ,place. The Raper's Christmas Art Contest is an annual event. NC Photo. ' Graciousness, Charm tional immaturity which' needs Furthermore, the minority strong parent figures to lean on seems to have behaved with its and to hate ·simultaneously. The usual lack of political skill. If it' bishops play a critical role in had really wanted to "stop" the, the Church (as does the strucHe felt he had really done some- ,happy one for me ... my ,chilContinued from Page Sixteen Archbishop of' Philadelphia, it ture of any organization), but 'his bed upstairs, waiting for thing worthwhile for everyone in, dren have given me something would have had to unite behind they are not the ~hurch and they ,everyone to wake up (with help the family. ' special ... an' assurance that . another Cardinal. That it did are hardly an important barrier from him, i'm sure.) "There was , If children could design Christ- they aren't concerned about the not do so seems to indicate that to anyone who wishes, to live , something special about everyone mas, what would be the ideal? commercialism; they care about all liberals' the liberal bishops the Christian life or preach the sitting there waiting to come Not one mentioned what he each other; they ca~e about preferred ideological purity to gospel. Those' Christians who , downstairs." Christ. .. , would' get. victory. cannot "unfixate" on authority St. Frlclncis The closest they came, two of Has Christmas got you down? Nor is it fair to depict Cardinal may well need prolonged therSt. Francis said, "It is in giv- the boys felt they would like to Ask a· child seriously. His anKrol as a stern, aloof canonist, apy. ing that we receive." One of the spend the vacation from school swers may be the nicest present The leadership of the hier- older boys remembers the hap- hunting in a duck blind. as much of the press has. It is you ever get. ,no secret that I have vigorous archy is of some importance, piest Christmas as the year he One would like the family, to objections to the way the com- but it is not all important. And ' made bookshelves for everyone. be always together on Christmas. mittee he chaired treated our re- right-now, compared to the other One would have peace .and ports on the priesthood,but I issues that face us (issues of charity for the family. will insist that in his personal faith, hope, and love), it is not Media Acknowledge PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. Two would extend that to even very important: ' dealings, the Cardinal is a man Vitality of Church achieve peace throughout the Sales and Service ~. of unassuming graciousness and PITTSBURGH (NC)-A recent whole world. for Domestic ', ~ };E. charm. and Industrial • ~~ increase in religious news covBail,Out Poverty And one would like to give Oil Burners . Above all, no one can deny erage, even if unfavorable, someone special something that 995-1631 that we kn'ow where he stands. Stricken Prisoners proves t~at the Church is alive would make her happy for the 2283 ACUSHNET AVENUE ROCKVILLE CENTRE (NC)- and well" Cardinal Lawrence' rest of her life. We may not agree with where he NEW BEDFORD stands-I, for one, disagree The Dismas Committee of the Shehan· of Baltimore said here. This Christmas has been a strongly - but at least he does St. Vincent, de ,Paul Society of "People generally, and the not pretend to stand somewhere the Rockville Centre diocese put new's media in particular, are not else. Nor does he (as some other up bail for, !;lome 80 prisoners interested in dying organizahierarchs do) hold one position in awaiting trial so that they could tions," Cardinal Shehan said at private while pursuing a differ- spend Christmas holidays with a fund-raising dinner here beneent course in public while at the their famiiies. fiting Church missions in Peru. same time privately arguing "This is not a movement just Referring to current newsthat the responsibilities of his for the sake of getting them out paper and magazine articles like office or the pressure of political of jail," said Luke Smith, execu- the recent Newsweek essay, realities make it necess,ary to tive director of the society. "Has the Church Lost Its Soul?", play a compromising game. "The whole thrust of this ac- the Baltimore archbishop re• BANQUETS .'7 WEDDINGS • PARTIES tion w-a's to do something' for marked: ...... President of Bishops poor people who were in jail "The point I wquld like to • COMMUNION BREAKFASTS It is time, I think,' for us to just because they had no mon- make here· is this-that whencease papering over differences ey," he said. Smith pointed out ever the least thing significant 1343 PLEASANT STREET FALL RIVER and acting as though there were that others arrested for the same or unusual happens in, the no conflict when there obviously offenses have spent almost no Church' or to the Chlirch, it is 673·7780 is much of it. There are strong time in jail because they had the object of interest.' t.o the differences in the American money for bail. news media." h



Ask a Child About Christmas






THE ANCHORThurs., Dec: 30, 1971


Baptism at Mass'


Wide-open ~hampionship Race In Capeway Hoop Conference According to a source, close to the. scene; the Capeway Conference' basketball championship race will be "extremely close all season long with -a break here and there deciding the eventual wInner." For the first time in many years, no team is apparently far superior to the Big 6'4" derry McDowell "is other circuit members. All the key ~o' this year's club. The seven clubs have good po- powerful senior is strong off the tential, but lack an abundance,of experienced ballplayers. The picture may change as the season progresses when newcom~ . ers get an opportunity to display their talents. But, as the coaches prepare their oharges for the Jan. 4 opener a general feeling of optimism reigns in each camp. Defending Conference and state CI'ass C titlists, Barnstable has lost four of its starting five. However, cOach Dick Graves did use his reserves whenever possible last year to give them some' valuable experience. But, the Red ~aiders are not expected to be as awesome as last Winter.

boards 'and tough to stop when movin'g toward the hoOp. In the first annual Capeway Basketball Clinic held a week ago, McDowell led Barnstable to the tourney title over Holy Family High ,of New Bedford. '

The performance of Dennis Nydam, who teamed with McDowell to lead the Red Raiders in scoring, indioates that the Raiders will not be a one man team. While not as prolific a scoring team as last year's, this Barnstable team is strong defensively. If Co'ach Graves is forced to go to his bench early and often the Raiders could be in trouble.

,GENEROSITY OF HIGH SCHOOLERS: Jeffrey Sylvia of St. Mary's Home;, New Bedford, left, is the recipient of , ~he "love of Neighbor" of Tommy Foster, ,right, a parishIoner of St Joseph's, Fairhaven who is a member of the 'big brother and sister group' of the sophomore class of Fairhaven High School that is involved in this movement of help, for' younger boys and girls.'

Represent Unive'rsity Cheerleaders Stand During Anthem Or Resign

OMAHA (NC) - Cheerleaders at Creighton University here have been told they must stand when the national anthem is played at university athletic Vikings a Threat with 6' 10" Dave Pocknett events-or lose their jobs. "I have informed the cheerBourne may be the team to van and Nate Ellis returning for leaders that if any of them felt watch. The Canalmen are big, duty. aggressive and determined to Coach Frank Rose has only路 unable to comply because of :hallenge for the crown. one starter back from last 'year's personal conscience, it would be . Wareham club. He is Dave Pock- necessary for them to resign or Coach. Lou Bachand Will have tt Th 6'10" center is the tall- be suspended from the squad," 6'4" sentor Steve Gendron workne. e. ' said Thomas Burke, vice presi,109 ou t 0 f th . t t d est man 10 the. Conference. 'e plVO pos an , . Steve Salinger, another 6'4" Pock~ett, who IS Imp~ovmg dent for student personnel at the senior at one of the forward steadily, has to b~ conSidered Jesuit-run university. .. ' . among the best big men, not At the last two Creighton basP?slt!ons. Toge~her they should only on the Cape but within the ketball games, a small group of give any team 10 the loop trou. . ' .. bl d th b kb d G confmes of diocesan territOrial predominantly black students ree un er ,e ac oar s. ~n- limits.' mained seated during the nadron 'who IS capable Th'e V'k' k 2 ' . . of scormg I lOgS WI'11 re Iy on P octional anthem, protesting what o pomts a game Will be !he nu- nett to do the major portion of they called inactivitity on the cleus of Bourne's offenSive at. . tack. The addition of Henry Oar- ~helr scormg as well a~ rebound- part of the federal government d t f f U mg. If Coach Rose IS able to in combatting racial injustice. oza, a . rans er rom pper come up with a few newcomers As a result, the cheerleading Cape RegIOnal, should help the to assist Pocknett, the Vikings squad voted to be absent from cause. will be tough. the court while the anthem was In Falmouth, Coach Ray CharDennis-Yarmouth, in years played at the two games. ron has a well balanced club gone by, was one of the premier Burke said the university recthat should be, in the thick of the basketball clubs in the Confer- ognizes "the prerogative of indirace. The major problem at Law- ence. The Green Dolphins have vidual students to remain seated renee High is the lack of height. had their share of battles with ... as a protest against perOnly Wes Pena and Ernie Hol- Fairhaven, Falmouth and 'Barn- ceived inequities between races comb are over 6'. The Clippers stable. La.tely, however, the Dol- in this country." , do, however, have experience' phins have fallen upon hard But cheerleaders, as officially with Steve ~llietta, Mike Dono- times on the hardwood court. designated Creighton represen-

D-Y Hopes to Move. Back into Conten'tion Last year D-Y's hoopmen were to build his club around these 0-12 in league play. Their desire three versatile, hoopsters. is to rebound from that disapD-Y may not win the crown, pointing season and get back but it should improve throughinto contention. The man the out the campaign, Look for, the Dolphins look to for help is Dolphins to play a deciding role Coach 'Merrill Wilson who rec .in w:ho does emerge as Confersigned as basketball' coach three eoce champions: years ago to devote more time Fairhaven always is among the to his other duties at the region- better Conference hoop clubs. al school. No one really expects .This Winter should' prove no the Dolphins to come all the way' exception with Gary Felix, Jim back this season. Their hope is Cunha, Mike Camache and for the future. George Howland. Coach Wayne Coach' Wilson has basically Wilson's team has been hit ,the same problems as his Con- ~ somewhat by injuries. Captain ference counterparts, namely Gary Valerio was hurt during lack of height and playing expe- the footbaU season and has not rience. Gary Miller at 6'2" is the been able to work out with the tallest boy on the roster. He, baske,tball squad thus far. along with Tom Newcomb ana With Valerio the Blue Devils .,Brian Daggett, are the only re- have to be rated with the best turnees. Coach Wilson will have clubs in the league. The, task at



hand for Fairhaven is to stay within striking distance of the loop leaders until Valerio's return. ' Dartmouth has the potential to stay with the league leaders if it can avoid mistakes which have plagued it in pre-season games. Most of those errors can be attributed to inexperience. Coach Peter Gaudet, in his first year at the Indian helm, will have 'a blend of veterans and newcomers performing for the Green and White. Bill Sprague, Rich Regan, Frank Prenda, Tony Sylvia and Tom Bastoni will probably be called upon to share the scoring burden. Undoubtedly, defense will, be the key to Dartmouth's campaign.

tatives, "must accept the obligation to communicate the university's position and attitude," he said. "This is not a responsibility which can be overridden by personal considerations."

Suggests Violence As Last Resort KADUNA (NC)-The Church could use violence as a last resort to achieve political freedom ,for oppressed blacks in Southern Africa after peaceful means have failed, an Anglican bishop said here in Nigeria. Speaking on the television program "Meeting Point," Anglican Bishop Festus O. Segun of Northern Nigeria said the grants made in the past two years by the World Council of Churches to movements struggling against racial oppression in southern Africa had been made to publicize the evil of apartheid-strict racial segregation. ' Publicity was necessary, he said, to make the world aware that 3.5 million whites in South Africa are oppressing 1-3 million blacks. Bishop Segun said that the Church is playing an important role in the struggle for world peace by putting pressure on countries that support apartheid.

Continued from Page Sixteen ed baptismal texts and assigned Sunday excerpts, while a two . minute homily linked the biblical passages .with the initiation event 'about to' happen. After a, prayer of the faithful or general intercessions and a litany featuring an invocation of the babies' patron sll.il)ts, parents and godparents returned to the sanctuary for the 'celebration of the sacrament itself. A perma-, nent baptismal font located within this church's altar area made, the ritual relatively easy from a mechanical point of view, ' although one brother felt disappointed because he couldn't see the water being poured over his sister's head. Community Participation At the end of this party, Danny and, Stephanie's godfathers lighted the children's baptismal tapers, presented to them as a gift of the parish church, from a nearby paschal candle. Before that, however, the com~unity's representatives brought to the newly baptized homemade white garments which were slipped over the infants heads as "outward signs of your Christian dignity." Once more, the participants walked to their places in the the front pews, although the godparents continued on to the back of the church. They waited there a few moments ( the collection), then carried the gifts for the eucharistic liturgy. Later, parents and godparents cC'mmunicated under both kinds " as the total congregation looked on from their seats and awaited their turn. Finally, in lieu of the customary concluding blessing at Mass, the celebrant blessed the participants (again in the sanctuary), with godfathers holding the lighted baptismal candles. He prayed for the two mothers, both fathers and all present, with the community offering its support by an "Amen" after each invocation. The 9:45 Mass on that Sunday lasted an extra nine minutes. But .for one choir member it did not matter. To her this service formed the highlight of that day.


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THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Foil River-Thurs. O~c. 30, 1971

Sevent'eenth Annual


·Most Rever.end DANIEL A. CRONIN S.T.D. ,I' l



t> ,


Bishop Cronin Visits Nazareth Hall in Attleboro



Underprivi ieged and Ex'Oept~lQtia'l ' Children 8 P.M. -


Art Perry


.His····· Orchestra


1 A.M.

Mey'er ~ Davis and His Orchestra', (MAIN BALLROOM)




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