communication and collaboration, whilst simultaneously creating revenue that DOUBLES our current grant. Suss out more at
David Cichon
t .PSF TVQQPSU GPS TUVEFOU MFE initiatives, with easier access to funding. t 1BSUJDJQBUPSZ CVEHFUJOH empowering you to fund the campaigns and services you want. Sustainable: t "NCJUJPVT FOWJSPONFOUBM UBSHFUT with regular progress updates. t -FOEJOH TXBQQJOH IJSJOH BOE GSFF cycling services on campus. t "O A&OWJSPONFOUBM "DUJPO /FUXPSL with reps in schools and residences. Ethical: t 4XFBUTIPQ GSFF 6OJPO DMPUIJOH t 1SPNPUJOH FUIJDBM TUVEFOU CBOLJOH t -PCCZJOH 6OJ GPS FUIJDBM JOWFTUNFOUT t 3FTJTUJOH UIF NBSLFUJTBUJPO PG education.
t 4FFLJOH GVOEJOH UISPVHI TQPOTPST BOE /BUJPOBM (PWFSOJOH #PEJFT t 1SPNPUJOH DPNNVOJDBUJPO CFUXFFO Societies and Schools t *ODSFBTJOH PQQPSUVOJUJFT UP WPMVOUFFS for charitable projects t $FMFCSBUJOH 4QPSU 4PDJFUJFT BOE Volunteering through end-of-year events With experience of Activities and Sports Management Committees I have invaluable knowledge of the Union, making me ideal for the role of Activities Officer.
Michelangelo Fano Business, Management & Economics
“Michelangelo: painter? No, Operations Officer�
Engineering & Design With a government that is threatening higher education through national and local cuts, it is vital that our union continues to fight to preserve and enhance the quality and diversity of higher education. As Chair of the Union Council I am aware of the lack of transparency and representation within the Union. I will work to improve the democratic structures in order to better serve the students and defend the services, sports and activities that we currently offer. Furthermore I will stand up against the government’s plans to restrict international students’ rights. Vote David for a strong and inclusive Union.
Allie Cannell
Business, Management & Economics
“Green and clean – vote Al� Sussex Students, Active Students At Sussex we’ve always fought for our beliefs and principles. I’ll make sure campaign groups continue to be supported by the union. Make Great Ideas Real We students have so many great ideas and I will help you make them happen. Like bike hire/maintenance or the food co-operative giving us cheaper, more ethical food. Democratise Our Services I will enable more student participation in all union services to make our shops and bars better. Improved union finances will allow us to invest more in clubs, societies and campaigns.
Jian Farhoumand English
“Suss it Out - Vote Jian� I want Sussex to be the best university in Britain, as well as the happiest. Spearheading the movement in the fight against cuts made us an inspiration to universities nationwide. The change in government, however, necessitates our evolving a two-pronged strategy: Continue demonstrating, but let’s determine our future more responsibly. Let’s realise our commercial potential by attracting landlords and employers via intelligent use of technology. Establishing two union-run recruitment and letting agencies integrated into a campuswide ‘Suss It’ social network will unify
Becca Melhuish Global Studies
“Student-led, Sustainable and Ethical Operations!â€? Building on in-depth experience of Union operations as E&E Officer, I’ll ensure that your Union is: Student-led: t .PSF PQQPSUVOJUJFT UP TIBQF 6OJPO procedures, services, social spaces and events. t .PSF HVJEBODF GPS JOøVFODJOH policy.
Lizzie Gray 1TZDIPMPHZ
“Change - in your pocketâ€? I currently work as a Supervisor at the Union Store. I have over 1000 hours experience working for the Students’ Union. I am committed to our vision of being the student choice at Sussex. As Operations Officer I will‌ t $PNCJOF hard work and passion to carry on the successful financial growth of the Union. t $POUJOVF reducing the environmental impact of Union activities and promoting eco-friendly alternatives. t $PNCBU HSPXJOH DPNNFSDJBMJTN PO campus by ensuring cheap, friendly and ethical services that benefit and engage the student body. t $VMUJWBUF UIF TFOTF PG community that makes studying at Sussex such a unique experience.
My proposals are to: t .BLF UIF 6OJWFSTJUZ T DPNNFSDJBM services more efficient. For example improving the price/quality relation of services (food for example). This would help to fight difficult financial situation posed by the cuts. t $SFBUF B TZTUFN PG TVSWFZT EFTJHOFE for the students to rate the University’s and the union’s bars and cafes t .BLF JOEJWJEVBM $MVCT BOE 4PDJFUJFT more aware of the sponsorship and fundraising opportunities that Brighton offers. t $IBOHF UIF "OOVBM (FOFSBM .FFUJOH into several meetings throughout the year by which individual propositions will be discussed. t 0OMJOF WPUJOH GPS FBDI TJOHMF proposition.
Joseph Dorrell Life Sciences
“Getting Students Stuck In!� My Ideas t * XJMM XPSL XJUI 4PDJFUJFT BOE 4QPSUT to produce a year-round programme of ‘taster’ workshops, tournaments and sessions that gives student more opportunities to try new things. t * XJMM HFU 6446 BOE BSUT TPDJFUJFT involved with the consultation of the redevelopment and the re-opening of the Attenborough Centre. t * XJMM CSJOH NPSF MPDBM BOE TUVEFOU MJWF music into the campus bars. My Experience t * IBWF CFFO 1SFTJEFOU 5SFBTVSFS Webmaster and Quartermaster in various student groups. t * IBWF IFMQFE TFU VQ TFWFSBM TVDDFTTGVM social and environmental initiatives; including GreenScreen, SIFE projects, and Scoop, the new Campus Organic Food Co-op.
Eleanor Drake
“Vote Drake for Activities’ sake!� I want every student at Sussex to feel welcome and excited to participate in Activities. I will do everything I can to promote recreational involvement, and develop existing competitive opportunities by: t -PCCZJOH UIF 6OJWFSTJUZ /05 UP QBTT on financial cuts to Activities
James Hickie Media, Film & Music
“Give US a Hickie�
printed on recycled paper
available on the Big Lemon bus
news 1 | feature 6 | letters 7 | comment 8 | students’ union 10 | badger arts 12 | what’s on 16 | science 17 | sport 18
Candidate Question Time: Who will you vote for?
FREE WEEKLY 07.02.2011 Funded by the Students’ Union
4 television
Our verdict: Skins USA
Stephen Fry awarded honorary doctorate Marcelle Augarde Comment editor
Chancellor Sanjeev Bhaskar and Fry, who received an honorary doctorate from Sussex. Photo: Stuart Robinson
Stephen Fry was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Sussex Chancellor, Sanjeev Bhaskar, at the winter graduation ceremony on Friday 28 January. Joined by almonst 1,000 students, he received the doctorate at the ceremony at Brighton Dome for his campaigning for sufferers of HIV/AIDS, mental health problems and bipolar disorder. Stating “he couldn’t be happier or prouder” with his honorary doctorate, Fry already has honorary degrees from Anglia Ruskin University, University of Cambridge and a doctorate from the University of Dundee. He is a well-established author, actor, poet, journalist and comedian. Most famous for his appearances in Blackadder and as television host of QI, he is recognised for his contributions towards British entertainment, fundraising and campaigning. As a diagnosed sufferer of bipolar disorder, Fry suffered a nervous breakdown in 1995 and was for a time he admitted, contemplating suicide. Parades of ironed robes marched through the aisles as the graduation began to a brass band and amongst the Sussex alumni was Stephen Fry himself. This year 937 students graduated - an increase of 256 from last year’s 681. There was a prepared “You’ve done it!” video for the graduates featuring disco music and unexpected footage around Falmer bar and the library conveyor belts. One student broke up the festivities by sticking his middle finger up at an alumnus member whilst collecting his scroll, to which all officials looked round to see who the victim was. There was another uneasy moment during the introduction of Stephen Fry, where the spokesperson congratulated Fry on his sexual achievements
this year, not to mention his academic ones. With weak relief, a roaring crowd accompanied Fry’s relay to the podium and he gave his speech. He began by saying “I’ve never had any great ambition in my life” and later added that it was “the greatest curse to stop being a student”. Fry spoke at length about Oscar Wilde, drawing parallels with the writer, who was, according to Fry, “someone who had a particular affinity with Brighton”. The QI presenter commented on students now having posters of Karl Marx and Che Guevara on their walls, of students who had pictures of bands on their t-shirts, believing that “music can save our souls”. Why not, he said, have pictures of Albert Einstein and Oscar Wilde, for they have not been forgotten, “for they are our true originals, the true bohemians”. Fry also discussed his darkest moments amidst his depression. He described the despair and terror of knowing that “one can no longer go on”. As words of advice, and what felt like an extremely moving conclusion, Fry said: “So when you encounter these times in the life that lies ahead of you, and there will be those times… When you feel like this, when you are depressed. Think of Oscar. And think, of always being bohemian.” He concluded: “I accept this degree with immense pride. Thank you Sussex.” Commenting on the ceremony, Vice-Chancellor, Professor Michael Farthing, said: “It is wonderful to welcome students, their families and friends to the biggest winter graduation ceremonies to date for the University of Sussex. “The university is delighted to recognise the enormous achievements in both the arts and the sciences, as represented by Stephen Fry and Professor David.”
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A week in pictures: Winter Graduation and Chinese New Year
Above left: Winter Graduation in the Brighton Dome on Friday 28 January. Above right: University of Sussex Chancellor Sanjeev Bhaskar speaking to this year’s graduates. Photos: Polina Belehhova
Above left: Chinese New Year celebrated in Mandela Hall, Falmer House, last Tuesday. Above right: Stephen Fry receives an honorary doctorate at the Winter Graduation. Photos: Polina Belehhova
Editors-in-chief Juliet Conway Eleanor Griggs
News editors Raziye Akkoc Jamie Askew Inês Klinesmith Sam Brodbeck
Features editors Kieran Burn Joe Jamieson
Comment editor Marcelle Augarde
Letters editor Rosie Pearce
Arts editor-in-chief Olivia Wilson
Visual arts editor Joseph Preston
Music editor Louise Ronnestad
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Sports society waits for nude calendar go-ahead Raziye Akkoc News editor The decision to allow a sports society nude calendar will be made by a working group after the Students’ Union council meeting. The meeting on Friday 28 January, attended by the full-time union officers and student representatives from groups and schools, discussed the amendment of the objectification policy as well as proposing two emergency motions on housing and the UK Border Agency’s recent public consultation. The amendment proposed by Jo Stovell, sports representative for the Activities Committee, sought to change the Students’ Union’s current ‘Objectification of Women Students’ policy to allow sports societies to produce nude calendars. The calendars will be created to fundraise for sports societies and some of the proceeds would be donated to charity. Before any concrete decisions were made, there were arguments put forward for and against the amendment by Jo Stovell, Erif Petch from the Women’s Group; Kieran Burn, student representative for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
The ‘Calendar Girls’ made nude calendars very popular in the late 1990s Photo: Daily Mail Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) society on campus; Jamal Maxey, Student Councillor for the School of Business, Management and Economics (BMEc); Sol Schonfield, Communications Officer; Scott Sheridan, Activities Officer and Tom White, Student Councillor for the School of Law, Politics and
Film editors Lucy Atkinson Lily Rae
Performance editor Wanjiru Kariuki
We want to produce a nude calendar to empower other women
Science editors Natasha Agabalyan Thomas Lessware
Photo editors Anna Evans Polina Belehhova
Listings editor Olivia James
Sports editor Matt Stroud Ben Denton
Sub-editors Luke Guiness Sydney Sims Barnaby Suttle
Students’ Union Communications Officer
Sol Schonfield The Badger holds weekly open
writers’ meetings: Fridays, 1.30pm Falmer House, room 126
Sociology (LPS). Jo Stovell explained that the sports team wanted to produce a nude calendar “to show how good they [women involved in sports] felt about themselves…to empower other women”. Stovell further commented on the wish to strip the ‘butch’ image away, referring to the stereotypes of females within sports. Speaking against the motion, Erif Petch, the women’s group representative, explained that the calendar “could turn people away” and be “a deterrent” for any new members who did not wish to take part in the making of the calendar. Jamal Maxey questioned whether the calendar would conflict with any sport members’ religious values.
Scott Sheridan, Activities Officer, suggested that there should be a working group implemented to decide the specific rules and regulation under which the calendar could be appropriately created. The suggestion was agreed by all present. Chair of the Council meeting, David Cichon, asked the council whether in principal it supported the idea of a nude calendar. The meeting then agreed to devolve decision-making power to the working group which is to be chaired by Scott Sheridan. The working group will include members of union council including Erif Petch, Sol Schonfield, Jo Stovell and more. There will be another council meeting on Monday 14 February.
Retraction: report shows figures for staff bullying Raziye Akkoc Inês Klinesmith News editors Last week’s front page article in the Badger (31/01/11) incorrectly reported that ‘only four out of a total of 36 requests for support or advice were investigated at the University of Sussex.’ Although the university is quoted in full, the headline, the first two paragraphs and the percentage given that ‘only 11 percent of bullying and harassment claims are followed up by the university’ is misrepresentative and gave the incorrect impression that the University had failed to take appropriate action. There were 36 requests for support or advice and the university formally investigated four of the claims that asked to be formally investigated. The quoted report found that
the University of Sussex conducted four formal investigations between the years 2007-2009 into incidents of staff bullying according to the most recent findings of A project made up of a small group of volunteers, AcademicFOI. com, investigates higher education institutions in the UK using the Freedom of Information Act. Their recent report looks at workplace bullying and harassment at UK universities, across the period between 1 January 2007 and 31 December 2009. Each of the four members of staff who asked for support and advice identified their perpetrators as being their superior, but not a member of the senior executive team. The report found that 123 out of over 2,200 members of staff at the University of Sussex have attend-
ed workshops or awareness-raising sessions. Topics covered included bullying and harassment, amongst other issues. The University of Sussex commented on the findings explaining that “the University has a clear and detailed policy to prevent harassment and bullying at work. “That makes clear that Sussex is fully committed to the principles of equal opportunities in the workplace and regards personal harassment as a discriminatory and unacceptable form of behaviour. “The policy makes clear that if staff experience harassment at work they will be given the full support of the University in putting a stop to that harassment. “Staff have a number of options to enable them to deal with harassment, ranging from simply indicating that the behaviour is unacceptable to making a formal
complaint through the established Grievance Procedure.” AcademicFOI found that no staff at the university left citing bullying or harassment. The University of Sussex said: “The 36 cases referred to in the FOI represent the number staff over three years who “mentioned harassment and/ or bullying” to staff welfare. That does not mean this was their primary or sole concern in contacting staff welfare, nor does it indicate that 36 instances of bullying or harassment had occurred. “The four investigations represent the number of staff over those four years who ultimately made a complaint through the grievance procedure, as set out in the policy. Where staff wished to make a complaint we would have undertaken appropriate steps under the policy.”
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Brighton buses go head to head in bid to win student popularity Aoife Hayes New ways to boost student custom is the aim for both the Brighton and Hove Bus Service and The Big Lemon as they announce lower fares and service improvements. The buses have competed with each other since The Big Lemon launched in 2007 with their legendary smell of cooking oil slowly wafting over Brighton. Both have now stepped up a gear with B&H offering a cheaper ticket and The Lemon adding more services. The Big Lemon said: “Bringing choice into the student bus market has already had the effect of reducing fares and increasing frequencies for students at the universities.” B&H´s weapon for this particular bus battle is a new £8 weekly bus ticket which allows unlimited travel on the METRO 25, 23 and N25 services, those which service Brighton and Sussex campuses. Posters advertising this ticket are on the affected buses and students wishing to avail of the cheap ticket can purchase one from a driver. The Big Lemon has risen to the challenge by adding more services to their timetable instead of adjusting their fares. Katie Ramsden, Office Manager for The Lemon, said: “We cannot realistically reduce our fares any lower than they already are.” They wish to better serve students by making improvements to the frequency of their services which includes the 42 now running on Sunday evenings until 23.50. The 43 now starts earlier and
A new era for the 25, 23 and N25 Photo: times have been altered to fit lectures and its route is extended to Hove Town Hall in the evenings. The 44 morning service has an increased frequency, with halfhourly buses running until 11.30 and its route has been extended
to reach the Hollingbury ASDA during the day. Student and campus resident Daisy Axtell-Powell said: “I’ve heard people complaining of the lemon taking longer but I’m not sure that’s entirely true - I think people are just
quite snobbish towards it!” B&H were awarded the City Bus Service of the Year Award while The Big Lemon won the Best Sustainability Initiative Award at the Brighton and Hove Public Service Awards.
Both companies have loyal student passengers but does one bus speed ahead of the other in terms of its overall service? A Lemon single is £1.50 with a Lemon saver (all day) costing £2.50 while a B&H single is usually £2 and a Day Saver is £3.80.A weighty difference in daily fares. However, The Lemon´s prized £8 weekly bus ticket is now being matched by the new ticket introduced by B&H. The latter also still sells their existing £10 Student SAVER weekly bus ticket which allows you on as many buses as you wish within seven days, on any route. Ellen Stewart, a student and regular bus user, said: “The weekly £10 bus ticket for students is good value but the regular fares are a complete rip-off. £2 for a single is outrageous.” She went on to say that the Big Lemon did not go near her house but if it did she would definitely have considered getting it over B&H bus service. Miss Stewart believes a key to success for the lemon could be bettering the area they serve: “They might have more luck if they ran to Preston Circus area, because people might be inclined to take The Lemon rather than the train, if it was cheap.” Perhaps The Lemon might take this on board but at the moment it is clear students in Brighton have much more choice between the two companies and isn´t that fare enough?
Campus campaigns: students fight for full-time officer posts Ellen Stewart and Harry Conrad Cockburn Campaigning for the full-time officer elections kicked off last Thursday with ‘meet your candidates’ in Mandela Hall. A record twenty-six students are battling for just six positions. The polls open on Monday this week with the opportunity for students to vote for a new Union President and Welfare, Communications, Education, Activities, and Operations Officers. The students elected to these positions fill paid posts in the Students’ Union for an academic year, either after graduating, or on a year’s sabbatical. Thursday’s meeting was a question and answer session with some questions set by the Union, and others from the floor. All candidates were given a minute and a half to make a speech outlining their manifesto, and then given thirty seconds to answer each
question. There was much discussion over how the Union proposes to operate over the next academic year with severe cuts looming, as well as a general acknowledgement that the annual general meeting remains poorly attended. Just two candidates are contesting the position of Student Union President, David Cichon who aims to “preserve and enhance the quality and diversity of higher education”, and Jian Farhoumand whose manifesto says that the Union must realise its commercial potential by “attracting landlords and employers via intelligent use of technology”, and advocates an internet based social network for Sussex students. First to put their proposals to the audience were the candidates standing for Communications Officer. All faced Union questions on how to engage the wider student population in Union affairs as it is perceived that a large proportion of students remain unaware of the
Union’s work. Fresher’s week was as a favourite means by connect new students Union, despite concerns
targeted which to with the from the
with many proposals highlighting the need to attract sponsorship and volunteers to ensure quality services. Activities Officer is the most hotly
Falmer campus will turn into a buzzing hive of debate floor that this annual event is traditionally a time of great socialising. Promoting increased integration and awareness of multimedia facilities across the university was also a prevalent point. A key aspect of the whole debate was the candidates’ proposals for increasing funding within the Union,
contested position in this year’s election, with six candidates vying for the role and attempting to bring about a broader appeal to sports and activities at Sussex. The Union declares this coming week to be one of “the most exciting for democracy at Sussex” and that “Falmer campus will turn into
a buzzing hive of debate”. The winners of the 2011 union elections will start their year of office in the first week of the summer vacation. East Slope bar will be hosting a ‘Candidate Question Time’ from 6pm on Monday 7th February. Students will be able to cast their votes via the University’s website from Tuesday 8 February until Thursday 10 February. All 26 candidates’ manifestos are available to read online now at Over the last three years, just about every Students’ Union in the country has been reviewing its governing document to comply with new legislation. The referendum on the future of the Union will coincide with the full-time officer elections. Up to date information regarding both sides of the argument is available on the Union website, and voting in the referendum will be integrated into the officer elections.
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Council approves emergency motions
Israeli diplomat comes to Sussex
Raziye Akkoc News editor
Philip Chartell-Hoyer
Two emergency motions on housing and the UK Border Agency Proposals have been approved at the Students’ Union Council meeting.
The meeting on Friday 28 January was the first since the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 23 November 2010. The motions were proposed by Cameron Tait, the University of
tial planning would begin earlier than expected. The motion also comes after the housing shortage at the start of the autumn term. Included in the motion passed is the wish to mandate the full-time officers to lobby the university to freeze current prices for the next three years. Officers will also lobby the university to “replace East Slope with non-en suite accommodation which would occupy the position that East Slope
The council urged students to fill out the consultation form Sussex Students’ Union President and seconded by Jo Goodman, Welfare Officer. The first motion relating to housing and widening access was put forward after the union realised that residen-
currently holds at the bottom of the price range.” The second motion passed involved the UK Border Agency Proposals and the public consultation.The reason for the urgency of the motion related to
the recent discovery of the consultation taking place. The council also spoke of the resolve to “continue to urge students to fill out the consultation form”, though the consultation ended on Monday 31 January. The Students’ Union added that they would “urge Caroline Lucas to come down to Sussex on 7 February” and if successful, “to organise an event on 7 February with Caroline Lucas, Keep Your University International, the university, international societies and any other organisations that want to take part”. In addition to the two emergency motions, the council agreed to make three motions policy including policies on fees and cuts; students against sexual harassment; and the appointment of Jamie Shea as visiting lecturer. The members of council considered the indicative votes of students which were all in favour of the motions. Council has also decided that the referendum on the constitution will take place at the same time as the sabbatical officer elections.
Student visa system faces big changes Tom Ellwood In an eight-week public consultation that came to an end last Monday, the government has proposed alterations to the current student visa system. These could result in the loss of the tier one post-study work route, a scheme that currently allows overseas students to remain and work for up to two years after finishing their course. These changes will affect students from outside the UK, who accounted for around two-thirds of the visas issued to students in 2009. With net migration standing at around 215,000 today, these plans come as part of a pledge to meet a target of 100,000 by 2015. A major focus of the changes is the reduction of students coming to the UK to study undergraduate level courses. Only “highly trusted sponsors” will be allowed to offer below degree level courses to adults. Between April 2009 and August 2010, around 41 percent of sponsored students were studying at undergraduate level. Immigration Minister Damian Green pointed out that these courses can be areas of potential abuse, as some of them may be “as basic as tuition in CV-writing”. Other proposals include tougher English language requirements. This would restrict the entry of student’s family members into the country, unless they “qualify under their own right” for tier one or two visas. This would also apply to the dependants of tier four students, who remain in the country for more than 12 months.
Rights to work are also to be tightened, including the suggestion that international students should be limited to work on university campuses on weekdays and for any external employers during the weekends and during academic holidays. According to the Home Office’s recent report ‘The Migrant Journey’, one-fifth of students granted visas in 2004 were still in the UK in 2009, and of that number only six per cent were still studying. To deal with this, the post-study work route may be dropped, as well as the introduction of procedure that required students to return to their home countries in order to re-apply, should they wish to extend their studies. Despite these significant changes, the Home Office claims that the government recognises the importance of immigration in the UK: “The Government believes that immigration has enriched our culture and strengthened our economy. “However, in recent years, the system as a whole has been allowed to operate in a manner which is not sustainable.” In a time when higher education is already under threat, with 40 per cent cuts to teaching budgets, £7.1bn to £4.2bn by 2014, the proposals have received criticism from university leaders across the country. Toby Milns, Chief Executive of the language teaching association English UK has drawn attention to the financial repercussions of dissuading international students from seeking education in the UK: “They keep courses and sometimes whole departments open. “They are in some cases vital to the
survival of institutions.” Universities UK, a group of executive heads of 133 UK universities, states that funds from international students account for around nine percent of the sector’s income. It also claims that many will question the introduction of these alterations, in light of the aftermath of restrictions placed on student immigration in Australia earlier this year. The outcome of this policy change has been associated with a predicted worst case scenario of 35 percent fall in overseas applications and up to 36,000 jobs by August. The University of Sussex has a large number of students from international backgrounds and in 2006 was voted “best place to be” by students who participated in the International Student Barometer (ISB). The ISB independently tracks the experiences of foreign students in higher education. In an official response released by the Students’ Union, the union condemns the proposals, criticising the assumption that the system is being abused, and believes that they will have “widespread damaging ramifications to the diversity and economy of UK universities”. It continues by referring to the proposals as “hugely flawed”, “xenophobic” and “insulting”. “We will not sit back and watch as our university community is torn apart for purely ideological reasons. “It will only be a matter of time before the government comes to see how damaging these proposals would be to the sector and it will take many more years for universities to recover than the few months it may take to push these changes through.”
Ishmael Khaldi spoke to a group of Sussex students on 31 January. Khaldi is the senior-most Bedouin, a nomadic tribe of Arabs, to work for the Israeli diplomatic service. With recent mass protests in Tunisia and Egypt, Khaldi claims that Arabs across the Middle East “want to live like in London or Tel Aviv”. Speaking as a representative of the Israeli government, he advocated for Israel to be a model for future democracies in the Middle East, asserting that Israeli minorities have more rights than any other minority in the Middle East. Repeatedly Khaldi criticised western media for focusing more heavily on Israel’s shortcomings than those of other countries. While admitting that Israel does make mistakes, he claims that the BBC’s and CNN’s reports on Israel “are wrong and unfair”. Providing an anecdote of the hardworking Palestinian who wakes up at four in the morning to go work in Israel, Khaldi claims that Israeli and Palestinian co-operation is crucial. However, when asked why Israel was increasingly importing foreign labourers from Asia, he brushed it off as being undesirable but a “matter of security.” Khaldi recognised the perils of the fact that the Arab minority shares common heritage with Israel’s enemies, but argues that Israeli-Arabs are feeling increasingly Israeli.
He backed this up by evoking the rise in the representation of female Arab-Israeli volunteers in the National Service and the presence of the first Muslim judge in Israel. Khaldi has had to come to terms with a conflict of identity being a Bedouin-Muslim-Israeli – a minority in a minority. Having grown up in a tent until he was eight and representing Israeli interests in San Francisco, he became aware of the difficulties of living in a place which conflicts with one’s traditional values. Khaldi joined the Israeli foreign service in 2004 and was the spokesperson for disengagement from Gaza for three months – a programme that he still sees as viable if the people of Gaza and theWest Bank elect a single, unified “moderate leadership”. With multiple Israelis amongst the audience asking bold questions, Khaldi was confronted with the issue of the Arab minority feeling like second-class citizens. He responded that he did not believe that this was the predominant view among Arab-Israelis and that the use of rhetoric such as “from the river to the sea” represented a minority within the community. Ishmael Khaldi manoeuvred around difficult questions pertaining to the gridlocked conflict, attempting to impart the message that “Israel is willing to negotiate and solve the problem one-on-one with the Palestinians.”
Sussex students fight cuts on fees Edyta Bryla Thousands of students attended demonstrations in London and Manchester on Saturday 29 January. The protesters aimed to show their disappointment in public at the most recent government approvals on spending cuts and increased tuition fees. The demonstrations, backed and coorganized by the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts, also brought together protesters against jobs losses and the scrapping of the education maintenance allowance (EMA) for college students. Some of the messages that could be read on their banners were: ‘Still angry, still here’. Robin Jacobsson, a student of International Relations and Developmental Studies at the University of Sussex, found the protest successful. Jacobsson referred to the range of protesters “getting together for a cause regardless of age group, social class or occupation. “Demonstrations are the only way to put pressure on politicians. You can see that from events in the past, such as demonstrations against the war in Iraq.” Robin Jacobsson referred to the recent events in North Africa, believing that, in a similar manner, changes in the UK will follow perpetual protests over time which eventually will force the government to alternate their policies. Some of the protesters’ banners read
‘Ben Ali, Mubarak... Cameron, you are next’. In London protesters marched through Whitehawk and Westminster, and then joined the on-going demonstration outside the Egyptian embassy. Despite resulting in 16 arrests, the demonstration was peaceful overall. Assistant Chief Constable Neil Wain of Greater Manchester Police revealed that the marches in both London and Manchester were “very good natured, very convivial”. However, students admitted that the presence of the police was threatening. One student stated: “There were so many policeman, it was quite disturbing.” Another student emphasised that “the only people who have used violence were the police.” Protesters were hopeful of the impact of the protest. One protester said: “I think the demo won’t change anything in one day, but people have to be heard. “It’s just a beginning of what will be happening over next couple of years.” Robin Jacobsson predicted that this demo was a warm up before even wider demonstration that will happen on the 26 March, and might encompass hundreds of thousands of protesters, including trade unions. “I’m looking forward to the demo in March. I hope other sectors will get involved too, not just students. “Me and a lot of others won’t give up. It’s not over, the fight is still on.”
Moving on the movement
As LGBT History Month begins, offering an opportunity to reflect on the LGBT movement, one student gives his perspective and questions the reality of “gay equality” in modern Britain
Kieran Burn Features editor As 2011 rolls out and February rolls in, along comes another LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans) History Month – “claiming our history, celebrating our present and creating our future”. Going on for six years, it means something different to each of us. To me, it’s an opportunity to refine the form of the struggle of the LGBT movement and take a fresh look at the problems facing LGBT people today. I’m writing this to describe what I perceive them to be. Naturally, LGBT History Month is to be heralded by various clubnights in Brighton, just like every other major occasion on the LGBT calendar, be it Gay Pride,World Aids Day, or this.The lure of the ‘Pink Pound’ is seemingly too hard to resist, as if the best way to remember the history of LGBT people is to wipe out an evening of our own individual memories. Thankfully, a great deal of History Month seems to be concerned with commemorating the long and arduous road to equality; celebrating where we are now. And you only have to look at Uganda to see just how fortunate we are to be here. Less than a week before History Month started, Ugandan human rights activist David Kato was bludgeoned to death in his home after a Ugandan tabloid newspaper called for his execution as a homosexual, publishing his name, address and photograph along with those of 99 other individuals. Kato was a founding member of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), a human rights campaign group pushing for the protection of Ugandans falling under the LGBT umbrella. Much of SMUG’s activism has been sparked by the country’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill, setting to introduce the death penalty for “repeat offenders”, people who are HIV-positive and those that engage in same-sex acts with people aged under 18. It also includes provisions to punish individuals,non-governmental organisations, companies and media groups supportive of LGBT rights. Although homosexuality in Uganda is already illegal and punishable by imprisonment, moves to broaden its criminalisation is thought to have been inspired by a group of American evangelical Christians who asserted that homosexuality is a direct threat to the cohesion of African families during a conference in March 2009 in Kampala, the country’s capital. While the bill was initially set to be railroaded through Uganda’s Parliament, intense international criticism has seemingly stalled the plans and as of January, amid proposals to withdraw the bill, the matter remained under discussion. Yet here in the UK, LGBT people are more equally regarded than ever. We can marry, adopt and join the army if we like. In 2005, we saw the back of Section 28, which prevented schools and local authorities from “promoting homosexuality”. Not only that, with equality being high on the political agenda nowadays and Parties of all persuasions
Weeks before he was brutally murdered, a Ugandan tabloid identified David Kato as a homosexual and called for his execution. Photo: asserting their commitment to tackling homophobia within schools particularly, Government-backed initiatives to raise awareness of LGBT issues within the classrooms were set to launch at the beginning of February to coincide with History Month. Just five years ago, this would have been unthinkable. Aside from legislative recognition, society itself is far more tolerant than ever before. Homophobic attacks, physical or verbal, provide scope for a national outcry – look at the reaction to Jan Moir’s homophobic rant over Stephen Gateley’s untimely death – and nowadays, bigotry is very much on the fringes. And survey after survey cites progressive attitudes: this many people think gay people should be allowed to marry; this proportion of the population says gay people make as good a parent as heterosexual ones; this percentage believes that homophobia is wrong. I could go on. So you could be forgiven for thinking that this is what equality looks like.Yet, while everyone was preoccupied with harping about “equality”, reducing it to little more than the latest buzzword, nobody really explained what it is – or why it’s so important anyway. Is equality any more valuable than a society tolerating its deviants or outcasts, and allowing them to have the same rights as everybody else - the ‘normal’ majority? This is why I’ve never been convinced that tolerance quite cuts deep enough. To suggest that society ought to tolerate LGBT people implies that it has the right to evaluate whether we are acceptable and decide whether to tolerate us or otherwise. Tolerance implies a power relationship. While that power relationship exists, gay people can never be equal. A capitalist society needs an underdog; under capitalism, LGBT people will always be oppressed and marginalised, even if for the time being they are ‘tolerated’. I think a problem with any perceived state of equality is the complacency that invariably accompanies it. Honestly, how many people will be sparing a thought for David Kato between mouthfuls of cider during this summer’s Gay Pride festivities? Will anyone raise a glass-of-double-vodka-
and-coke to his memory? Or consider LGBT people and activists who risk their safety and sometimes even their lives to partake in Gay Pride marches in places like Lithuania, where a ban on a Gay Pride event was lifted just hours before it was scheduled to take place last year? I doubt it. Gay Pride in this country is so far detached from its original purpose that it is completely redundant. With middle-aged men prancing around in
alarm, frankly. There are, of course, several objections I could raise. Perhaps Fanshawe could have instead highlighted the problem of the way in which LGBT people are allowing Gay Pride to become a corporate event, or the lack of compassion for LGBT people who aren’t lucky enough to live in a country like the UK which provides them with basic human rights? Instead, he attributed the
Honestly, how many people will be sparing a thought for David Kato between mouthfuls of cider during this summer’s Gay Pride festivities? glittery stilettos and donning spangled thongs, it’s little more than a big, gaythemed party. But what’s worse than this is that nowadays, only a minority of Gay Pride events are free.This year, Brighton and Hove is set to charge for entry for the first time. So, it seems, you have to pay to be proud in the UK today. And many people are more than happy to go along with that notion, their biggest source of loss stemming from the hole burnt in their pocket. This time, it definitely is the money and not the principle. But what is more alarming than the widespread apathy, is the advent of self-appointed critics of the ‘gay community’, the most renowned of these being Simon Fanshawe, one of the founding members of Stonewall. In his 2006 BBC documentary, “The Trouble with... Gay Men”, Fanshawe espoused the view that despite legal and social equality in contemporary Britain, gay men of all ages behave like hedonistic teenagers, perpetually obsessed with drugs, drink, sex and beauty. Fanshawe’s status makes his viewpoint all the more influential and therefore all the more regrettable because it gives these views some kind of veneer of legitimacy and respectability. I would call them sweeping generalisations but I don’t really think that would quite cover my
issues of promiscuity, binge drinking, drug-taking and worship of the young beautiful – which are endemic to youth culture generally – specifically to gay men. I wouldn’t deny that these issues are present amongst gay people to a certain extent, but you can’t apply the actions of a minority of gay men who happen to be more visible than the majority to the rest of the population so flippantly, as if they bear some kind of responsibility for it. If LGBT History Month in part is about celebrating equality and battling homophobia, shouldn’t this kind of perception be challenged? At this rate, Fanshawe risks becoming the ‘enemy from within’.What we can be certain of is that the dissemination of this kind of bigotry – there’s no other word for it – doesn’t do anyone any favours. Simon Fanshawe and his ilk are for gay liberation what Katie Hopkins (who appeared on Question Time recently opining that women do not want equality and many “couldn’t handle it if they got it”) is for feminism. I often wonder if we’d have L, G or B if we didn’t have homophobia. What people often forget is that the struggle against discrimination is essentially why they came together as a movement in the first place. And what we can be certain of is
that homophobia and the systematic oppression of gay people is very much a product of the modern age. What we now recognise as homosexual behaviour, however, has probably existed for as long as human beings have walked the earth. In many ancient societies, homosexual behaviour was successfully integrated into their cultures – the most famous example being that of Ancient Greece. This has led left-wing gay historians argue that homosexuality – as in, the distinguishing traits of homosexuals – were not considered a unified set of acts and most certainly not a set of qualities defining a particular person in pre-capitalist societies. According to this theory, what we now understand as identifiable categories of people – that is, ‘homosexuals’ and ‘heterosexuals’ – are instead social roles and attitudes pertaining to a certain culture: modern capitalism. Modern capitalism’s preference for the nuclear family – surreally depicted in numerous breakfast cereal commercials over the decades – as individual units of production leaves little room for ‘sexual deviance’. Instead it represses various kinds of behaviour and pigeonholes people into restrictive categories, like ‘gay’ and ‘straight’. But there are more than two kinds of people in the world; sexuality is fluid, not fixed, with gay sexuality existing along a continuum. Not, of course, to paint LGBT people as perpetual victims, but perhaps people like Simon Fanshawe could look to this systematic marginalisation and oppression before assuming a moral high-ground over what he sees as a debauched lifestyle. It’s all good and well to despair, as Fanshawe did, that when presented with equality, gay men hedonistically “drink and drug and whore their way up the gay pleasure food chain in search of the ultimate high”. But LGBT people don’t need equality, they need liberation. So please take note: when you’re knocking back the Blue WKDs and the Foster’s while boogying away to Lady GaGa during History Month’s ‘Gender Blender’-themed SceneTour on February 14 at Revenge, don’t be so sure that’s what you’re getting – trust me, you’re getting the opposite.
Student Media Office Falmer House University of Sussex Brighton BN1 9QF
Views expressed in the Badger are not representative of the views of the USSU, the University of Sussex, or the Badger. Every effort has been made to contact the holders of copyright for any material used in this issue, and to ensure the accuracy of this week’s stories. Please contact the Communications Officer if you are aware of any omissions or errors.
letters and emails
Tax debate cont. Dear Sir/Madam, I would like to respond to a letter by John Galt in last week’s Badger [‘Tax Debate,’ 31/01/11], which was part of a series of replies and rejoinders between Mr. Galt, Eleanor Griggs and me. First, I would like to assure Mr. Galt that I certainly was not expressing “rage” in my comment piece, just unequivocal opposition to his views. I would politely advise Mr. Galt to refer back to his original article in which he used very strident language; denouncing one of Ms. Griggs’s points as ‘immature.’ Second, Mr. Galt’s statement that he made it clear he has no qualm with the jobless is extremely dubious. His opposition to welfare benefits and spluttering indignation at those creating ‘a negative balance’ amounts to the same thing. Indeed, the government he was defending has cut public employment, benefits and the funding of agencies supporting those seeking work, rendering any purported concern for the jobless rather hollow.
Mr Galt’s statement that he has no qualm with the jobless is dubious Even if one accredits Mr. Galt’s article with the most progressive reading possible it still, at the very least, supports equating unemployment to criminality by compelling the jobless to do what effectively constitutes community service. This point was raised by Ms. Griggs, but, unfortunately, Mr. Galt failed to address it. Third, Mr. Galt states that he is unsure how the idea he was defending billionaire tax avoidance arose, despite having expressly stated his intent ‘to challenge Eleanor’s protest against “tax dodgers!”’ His
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article argued that tax avoiders were not morally culpable like benefit claimants ‘seeking to get something for nothing,’ adding (unhelpfully) that it was not illegal and that many ‘normal’ people did likewise without the beneficial corollary of creating employment. He further expressed dismay that ‘the axe was to apparently fall on the most economically productive,’ ‘the axe’ being graduated direct taxation based on income! It is astounding that Mr. Galt cannot see the necessary inference that he was, at the very least, suggesting that the issue is not of the importance commonly attributed to it. Fourth, Mr. Galt also refers to the ‘FairTax system,’ which I concur is a radical proposal; however, it is not a progressive one. It retains the basic inequity of indirect taxation systems; disproportionately affecting people on lower incomes being inflexible in relation to one’s disposable income. It has also been subject to robust criticism for its likely effects on spending and employment. Yours, Liam Sabec
and clubs? The winding, shadowy streets which hint at illicit meetings? Or perhaps the strong sense of community which exists despite a large population size. From this, I got to thinking about the identity of towns and cities in general. How is something as intangible and changeable as the dynamic or ‘feel’ of a place defined in such a simple and neat way? It brings into question the nature of accolades such as the UK and European ‘City of Culture’ awards. Whilst these are undoubtedly a great asset to cities due to the boost given to their economies, let alone their tourism campaigns, they must surely be very difficult to judge. I would argue that cities cannot really have a longstanding reputation or ‘trademark’ aspect which is accurate, as this implies that the populations which define them are stagnant, when of course this isn’t the case. Anyway, I suppose what I’m trying to reach through all this rambling is a question: do you feel that Brighton has a distinctive character? And if so, what is it? Where do you get this impression from? I would be very interested to know what other readers think. Yours,
Brighton identity Dear Sir/Madam, Having been inspired by the intrepid Andy Hatton in his account of collecting a C-card, I decided to follow his example and get one for myself. This was done very quickly and easily, with the coordinator informing me that this is a new scheme which has been set up due to the rather high STI rate in Brighton. The only reason she could think of for this was that Brighton is a rather ‘busy’ place, which I found a rather amusing euphemism. However, it got me thinking – Brighton does have something of a reputation as a promiscuous, freespirited place, but why is this? Of course there is the sheer diversity of its inhabitants, and the label of gay capital brings with it certain stereotypes (whether these are accurate or not), but as one who lives in Brighton rather than an objective outsider, I wonder what it is about the city itself which gives it this reputation. Is it the hedonistic parade of bars
Richard Wilkes
A* grades Dear Sir/Madam, I write with regards to the article in last week’s edition about the introduction of A* grades as a requirement to study certain degrees at Sussex [‘More universities demand applicants with A* A-levels,’ 31/01/11]. I have never fully grasped the point of this new grade, so I agree with the general view expressed in the article. It is claimed that the purpose of the A* is to distinguish the ‘ultra highflighers’ from the rest of the students with good academic potential, but it seems to me that it might be a quick fix, rather than a true solution. As a European student who took A levels in the UK but not GCSEs, I believe that the problem lies with the current grade boundaries. When I took my A levels in 2009 (before the A* was introduced), I found that there was a larger range of marks within which one could obtain an A, compared with the other grades.
For example, there might be 4 marks between a C and a B, or between a B and an A, while there’d be over triple that amount of marks covering an A. Would it not therefore be more appropriate to adjust grade limits by increasing the values to those below an A, thus making the spectrum more equal? Surely if this was done, a course which now requires a student to obtain A*AA could instead ask for AAB or ABB, as the value of a B would be higher, without necessitating the use of the A*. It seems that this is the way the system used to work and that the problem is a relatively recent issue, as I recently met a former Sussex student who claims grade requirements were generally lower when she took her A levels in the 80s. Universities now need to ask prospective students for increasingly high grades in order to distinguish them from the ‘average’ or ‘below average,’ which means that those institutions of what is generally considered as a high standard end up asking for, on average, at least ABB. This, in the past, would have indicated an exceptionally high level. It may be that my logic is not sharp enough to tackle this issue, but it just seems that there could be more thorough ways of fixing it than by simply throwing an “elite” grade into the mix. Yours faithfully, Marina Jackson
Ban everything culture Dear Sir/Madam, I have always keenly read the Badger, particularly the letters and comment pages, and recently the argument about the ‘Ban everything’ culture has reappeared. I understand that everyone wants to have their opinion and I would like to clarify that this letter is not opposing people’s freedom of speech. However, I do have an issue as to why this topic keeps coming up without anyone properly addressing the fact that most students on campus did not vote for the ban on Coca-Cola, etc. Although last year’s AGM involved many more students than last year,
the fact that there was going to be a ban by a fraction of the student body on water bottles demonstrates how easily these bans can go through (though of course this particular ban was not implemented as there were not enough fountains available to supply the demand for water). Yet the argument still stands, how is it that maybe one-tenth of the student body feel they can vote on such a significant issue without a proper referendum? How is that democracy? I know it could be argued that the students who attended are the most engaged and should therefore have a say, yet I have met many people who are not even aware of what the AGM is, or cannot make the meeting due to seminars at that time.
I have met many people who are not even aware of what the AGM is In addition, although it is only union outlets that would enact the bans, I do not see this as fair. Why? Because the union is meant to represent the entire student body at the university, not just the most vocal. Thus, with regards to Liam Sabec’s letter that appeared last week, I would like to address the naïve assumption that voting ‘against these measures or even stand[ing] for election yourself ’ would enable a person to have a say about these bans. I have tried several times at the AGM to question the bans pertaining to Coca-Cola and the aforementioned water bottles. And what happened? Well, let’s just say that intimidation was rife that day and even today some who remember me look at me as if I killed their puppy or kitten. Yours fearfully, Rachel Finn
Weekly open writers’ meetings: Friday, 1.30pm, Falmer House, room 126. Or email one of our editors.
comment and opinion
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In defence of the arts
Is the coalition government killing the arts? Photo: Alan Collins Jessie Thompson The game is up, what’s done is done, we seem to be experiencing a winter of discontent – certainly something wicked this way comes. As far as the Coalition Government is concerned, the arts world will be dead as a doornail very shortly – it could be certainly said that something is
rotten in the state of Parliament. I have just referenced the work of Shakespeare six times using words that most don’t realise were originally his; yet the funding of arts subjects at universities is set to plummet under the Conservative’s education plans, deemed worthless next to maths and science subjects – or those they feel are concerned
with the business of ‘making a difference’. No matter that Shakespeare has formed an integral part of today’s language and culture. In the new hierarchy of importance in education, he is given very ‘short shrift’ – Richard III, Act 3, Scene 4. Teaching grants are to be replaced by higher fees in all but maths and science subjects, and Michael Gove, Secretary of State for Education has declared that there will be more cuts after the 2012 fee rise. Pair this with the arbitrary closing of the UK Film Council after one of its most successful years, and the £350m cuts faced by the Arts Council of England, plus the closing of more than 400 libraries, and it seems the government is determined to make us a nation of ignorant philistines. So why exactly are the arts important? Whilst it is easy to understand that maths and science can benefit our lives daily, surely the arts and the humanities can too. Must we continue this tiresome debate of what is worth learning and what is pointless? We are all individuals, and we each have our personal passions and talents. In studying arts and humanities subjects, we learn about the history of our world, the way it has changed, how this has affected normal people, why people have committed evil deeds and how others have overcome the inevitable adversity that follows from such acts. We also learn about ourselves, what we enjoy, what we value, and about the people around us.
Read a book and find out why you didn’t marry your first love like you always thought you would. Watch a film and find out why that girl has been talking about you behind your back. Devour the stories and wisdom that are laid out before you and allow it to help you grow up. But these examples are to dumb down the ability of literature and the arts to give us an insight and an understanding into the human condition. If we do not study the arts, we risk forgetting the past struggles and triumphs of people just like us. As George Santayana once declared, “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”. More than allowing us to understand, the arts carve out a memorial for many of the tragedies of our history. Would the First World War ignite in the minds of so many such bitter poignancy were it not for Wilfred Owen’s assertion in poetry – “that old lie – Dulce et decorum est, pro patria mori”? The study of the past is complimented by the ability of the arts to make it human. It is hard to find empathy in statistics, but few can forget the bitter sting of the last page of Anne Frank’s diary, having spent three hundred pages being confided in by a young woman whose dreams, interests and frustrations were not so different from the rest of us. Terry Eagleton, in a concise polemic against cuts to arts and
humanities, states that they allow us to confront “how we actually live, with how we might live.” Without them, future generations will grow up not understanding that they do not have to live a life devoid of colour. The arts transport us from outside the four walls that imprison us to different places, where we can feel both horrified and amazed, but always with the awareness that there are people and places out there that are entirely different to the ones we are confined to each day. Watch The History Boys and think about what our education means and why we learn. Read Lady Chatterley’s Lover and wonder what it meant for society when the prosecution of its obscenity trial asked if it were a book “you would wish your wife or servants to read”. Read 1984 and think about what kind of a world we will live in if we lose everything that makes us individual people. The arts provoke so many questions, and they allow us the opportunity to come together to discuss. We can agree or disagree on the questions they pose us, but all the time they are allowing us to understand other people and why they think as they do. The fundamental questions of our lives and our world could not be tackled were it not for the rich resources given to us by the arts. Let this vital role not be forgotten, for “true it is that we have seen better days” – As You Like It, Act 2, Scene 7.
A look at the UK’s drug policy Ariel Cohen The Pulse editor-in-chief Philip K Dick, the late science fiction author ended his novel, ‘A Scanner Darkly’, with a dedication to his friends and loved ones who died or suffered for their drug abuse – “They remain in my mind, and the enemy will never be forgiven. The “enemy” was their mistake in playing. Let them play again, in some other way, and let them be happy.” This is not a far off chimera; it is real and close. A 2009 report from the International Centre for Drug Policy shows that as recently as 2008, the constituency of Brighton and Hove has the highest drug related deaths per 100,000 persons in Britain. The impact of this is inflated when considering the report by Peter Teuter and Alex Stevens from the Universities of Maryland and Kent respectively for the independent UK Drug Policy Commission. It shows that Britain has the “highest prevalence rates of problem drug use…rates which are double those found across Europe”. The University of Sussex has also suffered its tragic share of drug related student deaths. The policy enforced by the government in regards to drugs is tragically draconian and marred by demagogic political fetishism, as the dismissal of Professor David Nutt
from his position in the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs in 2009 demonstrates. The policy direction needs to be shifted away from the criminalisation of addicts which ostricises them from society, toward their rehabilitation and treatment. In a comment piece in the Guardian in late 2010 the parents of a heroin addict appealed that “instead of being treated as a criminal, he should be treated as someone who needs ‘medical help’”. The report by Reuter and Stevens suggests that treatment focussed policy, rather than prohibition “will have led to substantial reductions in drug use, crime and health problems”. There are progressive steps that have been taken around the globe. In New Zealand there is a class D reserved for drugs for which little scientific study has been made, this essentially regulates the drug; its sale is limited to people 18 and over, the product is quality controlled and doses limited, they also come with health education. Many drug deaths are attributed to the ‘cutting’ of a certain drug with more dangerous substances; in the Netherlands facilities are available to individuals to test their drugs contents. Perhaps the most compelling example is Portugal where personal drug use and possession is close to complete decriminalisation. Peter Beaumont described the
system in an article called ‘What Britain could learn from Portugal’s drug policy’ in 2010: If caught in possession of a drug up to a standardised amount, an individual is compelled to visit a ‘discussion’ board in which a person’s interaction with drugs is classified as ‘recreational, ‘addiction’ or ‘toward addiction’. If the person is deemed
35,000” in 2010. In Portugal it is regarded as the ‘humane’ approach. The problem with the current policy in the UK goes beyond its anti-humane agenda; half of the country’s prison population are there directly as a result of the criminalisation of drugs. Nutt’s ‘controversial’ study into the damage caused to society by
Nutt asked “why is government policy in favour of ‘sensible’ alcoholism but against sensible drug use?” an addict, for example, they are then offered rehabilitation. First time ‘offenders’; people in possession over the normalised amount, attend a court hearing that amounts to a warning of a fine or community service for a second ‘offence’ as well as information about the dangers of drug use. This has not seen a spike in drug use in Portugal; the figures that have risen are those that depict the numbers of addicts being treated, “a third from 23,500 in 1998 to
drugs showed alcohol as being the most damaging by far, and cannabis scored lower than nicotine. This highlights the hypocrisy of government policy; Nutt asked “why is it in favour of ‘sensible’ alcoholism but against sensible drug use?” The hypocrisy extends to a denial of the apparent infringement on the ‘individual’s’ freedom. If we aspire for higher standards of humanity within our society, we need to change the paradigm. We should be offering much more help
for those afflicted by addiction. The prohibition is also not only ineffective, but damaging. ‘Transform’, a drug policy think tank, argues that, “rather than eliminating drugs from society, drug prohibition has served only to criminalise millions of users and to create lucrative and dangerous illegal markets controlled by organised criminals”. The damage done by Britain’s drug policy is not contained within its borders, it spills over. Up until 2009 the UK was one of the largest suppliers of military aid to the Colombian security forces, with the view to tackle drug cartels. These same security forces, having often received training by the British army, have been found to commit human rights atrocities, such as the “torture and murder of trade unionists and other innocent peoples”. One question remains dangling in front of us, staring us in the face: is the price of the current trend of drug policy worth the human cost, especially when the alternatives are so compelling? Much has been written on this topic, but it is important that sustained pressure and wide awareness is needed to right this systemic injustice. For confidential help and advice regarding drugs contact the university’s counselling service. E-mail: counsellingreception@sussex. or Telephone: 01273678156
comment and opinion
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Big Lemon sees red Katie O’Shea Last week, lost in the labyrinth that is Pevensey II, I noticed something very nice. Instead of labels, the cupboards that lined the corridors had short, inspiring quotes about science stuck onto them. I was inevitably late for wherever I was going, but I stopped to read each quote, and was particularly tickled by the last one. “Physics isn’t the most important thing. Love is,” said the cupboard (or, rather, a physicist called Richard Feynman). What a lovely thought – and how very Sussex. For we cannot deny that, however many gripes we have with this university, it maintains the liberal and progressive atmosphere and attitude which the university and Brighton are famous for and which many Sussex students were attracted by (I certainly count myself among that number). And this brings us onto a similar subject, the question that has been plaguing the minds of many Sussex students: “Should I get the Big Lemon or the 25?” For those of you who have been living under a rock - or those who put us all to shame by cycling everywhere - the situation is this: the Big Lemon bus charges £2.50 for a day-saver. Until the beginning of this term, a day-saver on the 25 would cost you £3.70. A huge difference, added up over time: enough money to make it worth waiting in the cold while scores of 25s went past, as you constantly peer round the corner for that bright yellow bus. And all the while you could say to yourself: “I’m supporting an ethical, environmentally-friendly business, and I’m proud of that. It’s cheaper, yes, but it’s better in loads of other ways too”. But let us take recent developments into account. Brighton and Hove Buses have now lowered the price of a day-saver (on the 23 and 25 services only) to £2.50. And now, faced with this information, your attitude might change. “The 25”, you might say to yourself, “offers me a better service.
It will arrive before the Lemon, it will take me further into town, and it will be much less hassle to get back later. I really like the Lemon, but...”. And of course, you’d be right. The 25 is a more frequent bus service and it goes further into town. But in my opinion, this is about all that can be said for it. And in any other city, that would be fine. But most other cities don’t have the Big Lemon. We’re talking about a bus company that runs its buses on used cooking oil. This process is described in excellent detail on their website but suffice to say that it means that CO2 emissions are 75% lower than a regular bus. So if environmental issues concern you even a little bit, this should be a major plus, even before discussing the quality of the experience which is far superior on the Lemon. To talk about the “quality of the experience” of a bus ride might seem a bit over the top, but think about it: where the 25 has signs up reminding you that you’re on CCTV, the Lemon has one that says “Smile, you’re not on camera”. Its signs are a constant source of enjoyment, ranging from riddles and puzzles to one with a downwards arrow that reads “This is a special seat. Sit here and be happy.” And that’s not to mention the drivers! Who hasn’t been on the receiving end of a grumpy, rude 25 driver, and conversely a smiley, happy, relaxed Lemon driver? Of course I’m generalising, but a quick look at the Lemon’s website reveals why the bus drivers are all so cheery. Tom Druitt, the founder of the Big Lemon, writes extensively about his vision of an ethical business, which it seems he is fulfilling. Part of this vision includes staff who “at the very least, should have profit-related bonuses and a say in how the business is run”. By supporting the Big Lemon, you are supporting a company that cares about more than just how much money it makes; a company that cares
The 25 and 23 buses have reduced the price of their day-saver tickets to £2.50 Photo: Anna Evans most of all about the environmental impact of its activities and the ethics of its style of business and that treats its employees and customers with respect. The Big Lemon believes that Brighton and Hove buses are trying to put it out of business by lowering their prices. This may well be true – and if the Lemon seriously believes
that this could happen as a result of the new 25 fares, we should all get behind it, and quickly, as they are right when they say that if they were to go bust, it is inconceivable that the price of a day pass on the 25 would remain at £2.50. Aside from this, a yearly pass on the Lemon is still, at £150, half the price of the equivalent pass on the
25. Resolving to catch the Lemon as often as you possibly can, may cause you some minor inconveniences, but you will be helping to preserve an amazing company whose spirit is unique to Brighton, and to our university. As Albus Dumbledore once said, “Soon, we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy”.
A Sussex experience Jethro Gauld As a Third year Ecology and conservation student I've had a pretty damn good time at Sussex. The teaching I've received from lecturers through tutorials and the field trips (yes we go to such luxurious places as Yorkshire, Devon and Ecuador) which have all been brilliantly run.I will also fondly remember the many USSU campaigns and societies I have been involved in. The most recent of which are Freewheelers (shameless plug: look us up) of which I was a founding member. USSU has also kindly given us funding to help in our initial aim of providing some communal tools on campus for people to fix their bike and get cycling again. I also think I've made a decent number of friends whom I'm likely to stay in contact with for many
decades. All of which assures me that my time at Sussex will result in a decent career without selling out on my principles and that I am suddenly able to provide an informed opinion upon such issues- as the Government's plans to 'dispose' of state owned forests and nature reserves under the banner of the big society ( uk/page/s/save-our-forests). I do however have a niggling feeling that in the years following mine, Sussex is set to change dramatically. Of course change can be a very good thing but there are certain aspects which worry me. I came to Sussex because it seemed to stand out, my impression was that while it had its history and traditions, it was a rather forward thinking institution ready and willing to be critical of society and provide a forum for positive
change. Many of the degrees on offer such as mine and engineering for society (to name a couple) were shall we say, geared toward benefitting society as a whole. Indeed my Grandad's friend scoffed- "that left wing place....?" when I told him I'd accepted the offer from Sussex (not that I knew what that meant at the time to be honest and it wasn't up until 2nd year that I really understood). It was this slightly rebellious reputation which nudged me toward Sussex over my other top choice of Edinburgh. My concern is that on the face of it, Sussex is set to blend into the blandness of many other universities as management is chasing profit over purpose, higher education is after all supposed to benefit society as a whole. My degree, like many others which fails to attract students with
the sole promise of a high income at the end of it- although this is purely because conservation charities lack the funding they deserve, is facing an uncertain future. This is despite a) species becoming extinct at a rate equivalent to the end Permian mass extinction event which threatened the future wellbeing of us Homo sapiens and b) the biology department being founded by John Maynard Smith, who was an evolutionary ecologist. Indeed the JMS building now has an alarming number of empty offices as a number of my lecturers having been made redundant and many that remain being forced to retire earlier than they would have liked. This leaves the future of Ecology at Sussex in question, as I've heard grumblings about certain faculty in management dismissing the idea that my course is even relevant in
today's society, when in fact it has never been more so. Aside from in-school bickering, with a number of other changes being pushed through such as the new term structure (to the detriment of choice) the loss of tutorials for many Life sciences will see first years and a whole stampede of profit driven business students set to join Sussex. Catered no doubt by new luxury ensuite accommodation; no offence by the way. I'm wondering whether this university will remain such an inspiring place to be in the years to come. Indeed I often wonder, with all these changes looming, whether using my student experience to 'market' Sussex through surveys and student ambassador work does in fact give prospective students a representative idea of what they are likely to experience.
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students’ union
Referendum on the future of the Students’ Union 400 word ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ arguments in full, more details at
The ‘Yes’ vote This referendum is about the future of the Students’ Union. During the last three years Sussex and all other Students’ Unions have been working to ensure they will be ready to meet the deadlines for registering under the Charities Act. Now at last we are ready to put this into effect and agree a new Constitution for a new, strong and independent Union. Your elected officers ask you to vote Yes: Vote YES for an independent Union: By establishing the union as a “charitable company” we will, for the first time ever, have a legal status separate from the University. The union will be able sign contracts and if taken to court, it will be the union rather than individual elected officers who are liable. A No vote could
mean the University writing our new constitution.
Vote YES for secure funding: The Union is negotiating to protect its University grant (the main source of income) from cuts. A No vote would
produce uncertainty and would make a successful budget outcome less likely.
Vote YES for a strong Union: The time has come to agree the proposals worked out over many months. A No
vote would mean a paralysed union at a time when action is needed on fees, cuts, rent levels, feedback and assessment; issues that matter to
The ‘No’ vote
many more students.
Myths exploded: “Becoming a company will mean a more commercial Union.” In fact, limited liability status applies to most charities and large campaign groups, and with a turnover of almost £1m the status provides independence for the Union and legal protection for the elected officers. There will be no difference in how the Union campaigns and charitable status ensures we don’t get charged corporation tax on surplus which ultimately pays for student services. “We do not have to become a charity.” In fact, Students’ Unions have always been charities. The new legislation requires separate registration by unions and this is the purpose of the changes. “External trustees will undermine Union autonomy.” In fact the University is no longer insisting on non-student members sitting on the trustee board. Elected student trustees will choose people with legal or financial training to advise on key issues like budgeting or commercial negotiations, these could be students or ex-students, who have the interests of the Union at heart, and will always be in a small minority, two or three in a total of about 12. Vote Yes.
Vote Yes: Otherwise it could mean the University writing our new constitution.
Vote No: Why should we potentially give non-students a place to run our union?
Vote for a students’ union of, by and for the students by voting NO. • No to external trustees: This referendum is not just a formalistic, legal exercise but about a particular way of reorganizing the Student Union to create a body higher than the directly elected executive that will open the door to external trustees influencing our union. This could mean that nonstudents have a role in the running of and influence over the policy-making process in our Students’ union. We can abide by new legislation without voting for external influence on our union which a ‘yes’ vote will allow. Students at LSE voted ‘no’ in a similar vote and now have a trustee board made up entirely of current students and directly elected officers. • Democracy: External Trustees opens the door to private interests operating in our union. Although these trustee-members will be appointed solely by the elected trustees, they will remain outside direct democratic influence, and the process will amplify existing problems caused by the continuity of senior staff and rapid turnover of student officers. External trustees would be able to serve longer terms than our directly elected officers, giving them undue
authoritative influence over incoming elected officers. Closer control by either Universities or the charities commission should be resisted as students have the right to control their unions free from the restraints of external trustees or university boards. At a time when Universities are facing massive cuts and privatization, we should not be weakening the student voice. • Representation: The proposed constitutional change argues we need experts from business, law and finance to help with the running of our union. Externals will compete with students for a place on the board but they will be appointed on the basis of experience. But non-students who have been in the workplace will likely have an unfair advantage over current students and what interests would these external trustees represent? University Management has a vested interest in getting political allies on the decision making body of our union, it would be naïve to imagine that external people presenting themselves for nomination would not be in fact presented by or allied to management. Why should we potentially give non-students a place to run our union instead of already under-represented students, such as post-graduates or international students? Keep our union independent and for students’ interests, vote no.
Quote of the week: “Democracy is like marmite, you either love it or you hate it”
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students’ union
‘CRAFTY’: Poda Poda club night fundraiser feat. The Beautiful Word
University Radio Falmer searches for new logo
Peter Myson
Patrick Wheatley URF Secretary
Wednesday 9 Feb, Hectors House, £3 before 11:00 and £5 after Competition closes at end of term As was demonstrated recently at the wonderfully successful ‘Sussex Live’ event, the University of Sussex Students’ Union offers a vast and varied array of societies to the student body. From breakdancing to life drawing with everything from environmental campaigns to show choir in between, it is clear that the union provides many great opportunities for you to get involved in. In week two of this term the Re-
Poda Poda fundraiser this Wed
Freshers’ Fair saw the whole array of societies line up to display their unique activities. Just one of the many societies on show, sandwiched between the students’ Amnesty society and the Fencing society (the combat sport not garden fence appreciation) was Poda Poda magazine. Throughout the afternoon students, drawn by the prospect of free cake and the opportunity to be published, showed a steady and keen interest, but tellingly the most frequent question asked was ‘what is Poda Poda?’. A glance at the Poda Facebook group explains all, ‘PODA PODA’, by definition, is a form of transport in Sierra Leone - it picks up anything and anyone. This is the ethic we mirror in our free, termly magazine distributed across Sussex campus and created by Sussex students. The magazine contains all manner of creative expressive work: Photography, short fiction, poetry, political comment, reviews, etc. We are entirely self-funded and promote the empowerment of the student voice. Yet, perhaps understandably, Poda Poda has somewhat slipped under the student radar in recent months. A quick scan around the group page shows a strong student following (300+) and a vibrant and varied events calendar but sadly no event is listed since April 2010. For one of the
university’s longest running societies, founded way back in the sixties, it may seem like Poda’s time has come. But this term marks the beginning of a new revival for Poda with the fundraising and editorial team working their socks off to make 2011 the year that Poda Poda is once again brought to the forefront of student life at Sussex. Poda Poda is now welcoming submissions for its next issue (to be published at the start of summer term) as well as hosting a night, CRAFTY - a twisted tea party for crafty kids, at Hectors House on 9th February. In collaboration with other societies including Life-drawing, Photography and Tea and Cake society, the night promises to be a cracker with performances from The Beautiful Word and forward-thinking Brighton dubstep producer Ital Tek. With music, spoken word, cheap entry, cheap drinks and a magician to boot, CRAFTY is looking set to be a night to remember, kicking off Poda’s comeback with style. CRAFTY is on Wednesday 9 February at Hectors House, Grand Parade. Entry is £3 before 11 and £5 thereafter. If you would like to submit work of any kind to be considered for publication in the summer term issue of Poda Poda then please email it as an attachment to: podapoda@ussu. or search Poda Poda on Facebook to find out more.
Sussex’s student radio station is changing. With the hope of appealing to a larger audience whilst reinforcing it’s reputation as on of the oldest and most innova-
for your ideas. It does not have to fit a logo cliché, it can, and should be, whatever you want. Whether it’s a re-working of our current design or a brand new idea - we’re open to all suggestions. The only rule is that the new logo should include the letters U R F!
The current URF logo. Coud you do better? tive student radio station’s in the country, University Radio Falmer (URF) members have decided it’s time to change our logo. What’s more, we want you to design it! The station has had only a few logo’s in it’s lifetime, so this is your chance to create something that will become a lasting brand for years to come. We are looking
If you are fancy making this little bit of history, and help us modernise the station then get designing now! Email your idea to exec@ before the end of term. All the entries will be put before URF members at our next members meeting and they’ll be a vote to decide the winner.
Free tenancy agreement checking service Full- Time Officer Update Cate Chapman Advisor If you’re currently looking for a house for next year, you are likely to have to sign a tenancy agreement or contract before you move in. Housing contracts are legally binding documents, so it’s really important that you know exactly what you are agreeing to before you sign! We are running a free contract checking service to take the guesswork out of the whole process, so come to the Advice & Representation Centre in Falmer House any time between 10am-4pm Monday-Friday to get your contract checked. As long as an adviser is free, we’ll go through your contract with you there and then to make sure you’re totally clear about the terms of your tenancy before you commit yourself. It really is worth a visit, as ironing out any misunderstandings at the beginning can save serious headaches later on! You might also want to take a look at our online housing advice.
Jo Goodman, Welfare
Jo Goodman Welfare Officer This term I have firstly been promoting the Rate Your Landlord survey, which has now had a record number of respondents. The results of which have been initially analysed in order to have relevant information extracted in time for the Housing Fair and release of the StudentPad password. I’ve also been helping with the launch of a new sexual health scheme on campus which has been developed in conjunction with Health and Wellbeing at the university through developing links with an NHS funded city-wide free condom scheme. This means that students will be able to be issued with a ‘C-Card’ which entitles them to collect free condoms on campus from the Student Life Centre, our Advice and Representation Centre and the health centre, as well as over a hundred pick up points around Brighton and Hove. I’m also trying to see if it’s possible to make
the bars pick-up points to offer more out of hours provision. I’ve also been working with Cameron, the President, on the ‘Hope beyond the Slope’ campaign – we’ve been researching University rents and how the average level of rent will be impacted firstly by the addition of Northfields and secondly by the eventual removal of East Slope. We hope to be able to compile this information to encourage the University to commit to replacing East Slope with an affordable option in order to maintain a range of prices on campus and redress the balance. We’ll be looking for student input into this project over the rest of the term before compiling a report over the Easter break. Seeing how much I love reports, I’ve also been drafting a report on the University’s use of international recruitment agents for Pro-Vice Chancellor Chris Marlin. The document will include the Union’s experiences of how these agents work and will give recommendations to the University on how to improve the system including an exit survey for recruited students and a review of the current commission based pay system for agents. I’m also working with the University to organise targeted consultation with specific groups with regard to the restructuring of the academic year in order for the equality impact issues to be taken into account in any final decision on this. Find out more about Jo, and our other Full-time Officers at
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The main event
Skinny, young things The Badger interviews Skins star Dakota Blue Richards
ON THE BIG SCREEN DOCUMENTARY REVIEW ON THE SMALL SCREEN Page 14 GIG PREVIEW ALBUM REVIEW FOOD FOR THOUGHT Page 15 WHAT’S ON...? Page 16 Dakota Blue Richards poses middle of the back row Photo:
It’s back. The highly anticipated fifth season of Skins debuted last Thursday to a mixed reception. In the midst of all the frustration, enthuasim and indifference however, there seems to be a common sentiment. Franky, an androgynous and edgy character played by the precocious Dakota Blue Richards of The Golden Compass fame is not going to disappoint. The Badger sat down with Dakota in an attempt to discover exactly what was lurking behind all that teen angst. What’s going to be the same and what’s going to be different about this season of Skins? This season will be a lot lighter and fun - there will be more happy endings like you saw at the end of the first episode. The characters are also
all individuals; they’re not a group of friends from the beginning. But there is still going to be lots of sex, drugs and parties. It’s still going to be ‘skinsy’ because people love the brand. Tell us a bit about your character Franky. Well her story is she was given up for adoption and then placed in the care system and then two years ago she was adopted by two gay dads. The writers like to keep things ambiguous so it’s hard to expand more on Franky. Which character from this generation do you personally feel like you can relate to? On paper I’d say Liv but in the way she is portrayed on the show it would have to be Grace. Having worked on both film and television, which one do you prefer? Well the biggest difference is filming
for TV goes so much quicker, time is money, so you can’t really get a grip of the character. Whereas on a film you have six months to shoot so it’s more laidback. TV is definitely more difficult. Some people have criticised Skins claiming it portrays teenagers negatively by exaggerating stereotypes. What’s your response to that? Skins is not a reality show, it’s a drama. People wouldn’t be interested in the day-to-day life of a teenager, they love that it’s crazy. But at the same time they can still relate to it. Do you want to continue acting or move onto something else? We’re the first cast to know we’re doing two series so filming starts again in July and then there’ll be all the publicity after that. But I’m also doing my A levels at the moment and it’s hard to juggle
both school and TV. I just want to take everything as it comes. If my career ends after this its fine. I do want to go to university, but only if I could do as well as I know I could. There are also bits and bobs I want to do before I go, like learn French and to play the piano. What do you think is the best part about playing Franky? Her costumes [laughs]. No, it’s great to play someone who’s very vulnerable and is just genuinely nice. She can fight for herself despite her lack of confidence and she cares for people unconditionally. That’s something you will see throughout the series. And finally, which member of the cast do you get along with the best? Alex, who plays Rich, or Jessica (Grace). They’re fun and easy to talk to-and they just get me which isn’t exactly the easiest thing to do.
Notes from the underground: Falmer Bar cocktail night Jamie Askew News editor There was once a time when decadence and ostentation were the norm, amongst a certain sector of society at least.As Britain and America celebrated victory over the Bosch and later picked themselves up from the Great Depression, partying became the fashion and cocktails were the ‘in’ things. They have been with us in one form or another ever since then and have waved in and out of popularity. Sadly, a recent bout of cocktail fever has pushed their prices up and therefore placed them out of reach for your average punter. Thankfully Falmer Bar has come to the rescue, beginning its cocktail night on Thursdays. At £3.99 a pop, as opposed to a price tag of around £6 in Brighton, the evening is certainly worth a visit. The drinks on offer in Falmer Bar reflect a more discerning way of drinking with strong flavours to be found in all. I personally enjoyed the Tom Collins, a gin-based drink with added lemon juice and sugar syrup. Being a fan of bitter sweet flavours, I found that
this drink agreed with me perfectly. I also sampled the bar’s version of my favourite of all the cocktails, the Mojito. The classic Cuban didn’t fail to impress this discerning fan. They also happen to serve Ernest Hemingway’s favourite tipple, the Daiquiri. Not dissimilar to theTom Collins, it contains lime instead of lemon juice and rum instead of gin. Many more are also on offer including the Cosmopolitan, the Mint Julep and, the vastly laced, Long Island Ice Tea. There is, however, one major drawback. The evening has been rather popular and when I visited, the bar was three to four people thick. Due to the nature of cocktails, they can take an age to prepare. Add to this the fact that there were only four members of bar staff present; it could take quite a long time to get a drink, so perhaps not an evening for the impatient. In all though, it really was a pleasant surprise.The drinks are generously sized and the atmosphere in the back bar was good.Fortunately the debauchery of the previous generations was not such a prominent feature, but the spirit that the cocktail embodies lives on.
Photos: Falmer Bar
Wanjiru Kariuki Performance editor
badger Visual arts
University apparel
Illustrating fashion
wasn’t enough to go by, two major exhibitions; first Dior Illustrated, which closed earlier this month at Somerset House and then Drawing Fashion open until March 6 at the Design Museum, have cemented the revival. Although the camera inevitably
took over from fashion drawing as the most widely used medium to illustrate clothes and is now used predominantly to convey the mood or attitude or aesthetic direction of a brand, these two exhibitions celebrate illustration as the original. This was a concept first pioneered by Rene Gruau, an integral part of Drawing Fashion and also the sole subject of Dior Illustrated. Focusing specifically on the special relationship between the illustrator and Christian Dior the exhibition explored Gruau’s invention of a completely new advertising style for the house of Dior. Breaking free of the tradition of producing appealing representations of the product itself, instead Gruau rendered symbolic interpretations and enduring associative motifs, to create a very powerful and iconic visual identity. In his illustrations we can clearly see an emphasis on the creation of an idea of the women who wears Dior. Defining femininity and celebrating the sexual allure, rather than explicitly describing the clothes Gruau’s images construct a seductive Dior woman who seduces the consumer to buy into the idea of buying Dior. This notion was emphasised by the hang of the exhibition; divided thematically to look at particular aspects of Gruau’s style which exemplified the attitudes and essences of the Dior brand identity, it suggested that to a large degree Gruau created that identity. This is not surprising, perhaps, when you consider John Galliano’s assertion that ‘to be inspired by Dior is to be inspired by Rene Gruau. His sketches capture the silhouette and spirit of Dior and the new era of fashion and femininity ... they capture the energy, the sophistication
The only possible drawback is the seating arrangements. Closely packed tables line most of the theatre, which mean that when the best seats go first audience members are tightly packed together and may not even be able to see the stage. Strangely, the restaurant remains open throughout the gigs. The food, which is not cheap, looked nice enough but many people did not seem impressed with having to eat their meals at tables with such little space. The benefit of such a claustrophobic venue is that it allows the comedians a greater chance to interact with members of the audience. Many of the best comedians have an uncanny ability to hone in on people who they know will provide them with ample material for banter. Recently at one show the compare was able to kick off with a great start when he stumbled across a champagne drinking posh boy and his reluctant girlfriend. Unfortunately for Barnaby Charles, who turned out to be a chemical scientist who spends his spare time shooting ducks from his boat, all of the acts teased him relentlessly. They projected his Facebook profile onto a screen and mortified his girlfriend when they proposed to her on Barnaby Charles’s behalf. Good advice for attending any standup would be to be prepared to heckle or be heckled.
Russell Howard in action Photo:
Rene Gruau for Dior Photo: Helen Grace Fashion illustration is having something of a renaissance. In fact, it is back in vogue, quite literally. As if the resurgence of illustrative graphics in marketing campaigns as well as both printed editorial and online media
and daring of Dior’. If you missed this exhibition, you missed out. Luckily however, Gruau also forms a key component of Drawing Fashion which charts some of the most influential artists in fashion drawing;. Interestingly chosen as ‘artists who not only managed to illustrate the latest styles from the Paris Haute Couture shows but also captured the aura of the collection and the desired attitude of the women who might wear these clothes’. Split into five eras, arranged linearly as if a timeline on curving translucent velum walls, the curation follows the trajectory of the practice from 1910 to present day, developing on key artists such as Gruau, including Antonio and Aurore de la Morinerie in more depth. Here biographical and contextual information accompanies the works, providing information enough to foreground without detracting any focus from the artwork itself. Interestingly, this presentation invites our contemplation of the pieces as artworks in their own right rather than merely a powerful advertorial technique. This theme is reinforced by the contemporary artists chosen to conclude the display Mats Gustafson and Francois Berthoud. These artists have repositioned fashion illustration, removing themselves from sole association with marketing campaigns and instead have created an appreciation for the depiction of clothes as an art form in itself. In my opinion the pieces on show are without question works of art, and it is high time that fashion illustartion is appreciated as such. It is a beautiful exhibition. Informative and inspirational, it illustrates exactly how exhibitions should be done.
Centre stage Conor Bollins Komedia is perhaps one of the most versatile venues in Brighton, which is an impressive accomplishment considering its competition. Its club nights include Spellbound, an alternative ‘80s night for people who don’t like ‘80s nights, and a variety of stand-up routines that have in the past boasted the likes of Russell Howard and Sean Lock. The well-known Krater Comedy Club provides a good opportunity for people who’ve never seen live stand-up to go and see a show for the first time. The tickets are well-priced for students on a budget and want a decent night out besides pubbing or clubbing. There are shows every Thursday to Sunday with an earlier one on Saturday as well. Four or five acts mean that there are many different types of comedy performed that range from topical stuff, which can be a little out-of-date at times, to left field or alternative comedy. As it’s a regular event, a lot of comedians have the opportunity to perform at Komedia. This does mean, however, that there is no guarantee that all of the acts will all be hilarious. Despite this I would really recommend the Krater Club because the chances are there will be sufficient gags to make it worth your while going.
Conrad Cockburn Modern Drawings from the British Museum Collection Until April 25 The British Museum Hidden away in a small exhibition space behind the great reading room at the British Museum is an exhibition of works by some of the biggest names in 20th century art. Even on a busy Saturday where hundreds of children jostled to get as close as possible to the gnarled remains of Egyptian mummies, this remarkable little exhibition of drawings went barely noticed. A quick twirl around the room gives you glances of Magritte, Bonnard, Dix, Matisse, Picasso and Hoffman, names that instantly press the articon buttons, and stimulate the antennae into arty action. Being an exhibition of drawings, these works are generally small in size, but there is a lot to see here. David Milne’s Dreamland Tower on Coney Island is a firework of a watercolour that kicks the exhibition off with a sparkling flourish. Further along, moods change as the chronology advances, and the frenzied charcoal assault that is Ludwig Meidner’s oracular image of a street is in excellent company beside Otto Dix’s monochromatic View of the Earth. The familiar view of Bonnard’s dining table at his house in le Canet rendered in watercolour is astounding in its beauty. Several oils also exist, but this pared down version exhibits an electrifying austerity – there’s not a single unnecessary mark on the paper, something that would never be said of his uninhibited extravagance in oil. The crowning glory of the exhibition though is a shimmering blue and yellow watercolour of corn heads against a cerulean sky by Anselm Kiefer. Dein Goldenes Haar Margarethe (Your Golden Hair Margarethe) is a post war painting exploring the emotional aftermath of the holocaust. The title is taken from poetry by Jewish poet Paul Celan. Its wretched beauty is a double dose of both desolation and loveliness. This is just a taste of the British Museum’s undoubtedly cavernous collection, and it’s brilliant that smaller works and the studies for larger works are being given exhibition space and allowed to shine in.
On the big screen
Documentary review Emina Sabic
Eve Watling Barney’s Version Richard J Lewis, Canada, 132 mins, 15, 2010 The moment Paul Giamatti’s whisky glass unsteadily hits the table in the opening scene of Barney’s Version it is hard not to compare it with his previous cynical, alcohol-guzzling outing as lead man in Sideways; but while Sideways sunnily unwraps in a giddy winestained haze, Barney’s Version seems like the true alcoholic film, lurching unsteadily from one inconsequential plot turn to the next, while attempting to cover up its lack of coherence with an over-abundance of sentimentality. In short, if you were to meet Barney’s Version in a bar, it would tell you you were its best friend and then puke on your shoes. Barney’sVersion recounts the story of Barney Panofsky, a witty but increasing-
ly bitter Jewish Canadian TV producer whose first two impulsive marriages fail to bring him happiness, something that remains elusive until he manages to ensnare the true love of his life. Despite being wonderfully played by Giamatti, Barney fails to reveal any genuine warmth and remains dryly funny but woefully unlovable throughout, which serves to make his repeated acquisition of beautiful brides face-palmingly ridiculous. Despite the centrality of the marriages to the narrative, the wives are never revealed in any depth and they are left as ‘crazy’, ‘bitchy’, or ‘perfect’ stock characters, the true love in particular remaining a beautiful, martyr-figured blank. As the film is related retrospectively near the end of Barney’s life, it could be a reflection on the tendency to exaggerate our memories, but the lack of any insight is frustrating and at times patronising. Unsure of what it wants to be exactly, the film hops between moods and genres even quicker than Barney
changes wives. Sometimes it is a tale of easy bonhomie in the style of the aforementioned Sideways, sometimes a straight-up Hollywood romance, sometimes an overwrought melodrama, and even occasionally (and bafflingly) a murder-mystery film. These shifts do not seem organically linked and make the film feel meandering and inconclusive – like a drunk, it has lost its ability to self edit. Soaked in a dusky whisky glow, the film is shot nicely enough, but does not have the charm to pull off its inconsistencies. This said, despite the film’s messiness as a whole, there are quite a few genuinely funny moments here, and even a few isolated moments of real pathos and insight into Barney’s life. An excruciating scene where he tries to calm excessive nerves with even more excessive boozing and turns up to a much-anticipated first (lunch) date completely hammered stands out particularly; at this point we really feel his painfully self-destructive nature. But the
pathos is completely voided once more when his date, who barely knows him, practically holds back his beard when he vomits in the toilets and then waits patiently with him in his hotel room for him to sleep it off.These women clearly see something in Barney that we the audience are not exposed to, but what it is remains a mystery. The experience of watching Barney’s Version really was similar to sitting in a bar listening to a sad old drunk guy rambling on about his life: incoherent, unbelievable and full of unabashed sentimentality. In fact, whether intentional or not, it does evoke the heady and confused situation of heavy drinking as characters are forgotten and moods shift violently. However, despite its best efforts, the film mostly skips the warm hazy booze-glow and goes straight to the dull hangover as the audience shifts in its seat wondering how much longer they have to listen to this guy Barney tell his whisky-warped ‘version’ for.
celluloid, in their own living rooms, in a way they can relate to. What’s really at issue here is not the teenagers who are watching the show, but the parents who cannot deal with the harsh reality that their children are growing up. Maybe instead of further glamorising the more contentious issues raised in the show by circumnavigating it, parents should actually do the job they seem to expect television to do for them, and talk to their children about what they are seeing, the issues that are really being raised in Skins. The mass media, or so we are led to believe in modern democratic society, does not function on the premise of watch-dogging the youth. Nor does it primarily exist to educate. It is entertainment first and foremost. It is the tension between our need to escape our lives, but see them dramatised in the same instant. And that is exactly what Skins does, so at least in that it fulfils the brief.
I’m not an expert on developmental psychology, but I’m pretty sure it’s a fundamental pillar of the parenting handbook to know that when you are told not to touch, you want to touch a lot more. The protesters obviously do not listen to the lessons they themselves teach; that ignoring something, letting it run its course is generally the best form of retaliation. After all, if we want to get into a critical discussion, it’s not even certain that Skins is a good show. In fact I would go so far as to say that in it’s American reconfiguration almost everything that made it interesting and edgy has now become numb with about as much effort to re-contextualise – with or without the sodding nudity – as I put into eating my breakfast every day. And I am not a morning person. After all, if we do not respect our children enough to believe them capable of comprehending the difference between fantasy and reality, let us at least credit them with taste.
On the small screen: Skins USA Ciara Burke Coinciding with the airing of the equally anticipated and dreaded new series of teen it-drama Skins, is the release of its American adaptation and counterpart this month; imaginatively titled... Skins. And unlike its reception in Britain where the distaste it inspires is mostly due to its well earned place in the hipster canon, the US version, premièred on MTV in January, has roused the masses for a very different reason. Being dubbed as ‘child pornography’ for its racy content, and apparent ‘glamorisation’ of under-age sex and drug use, Skins US has faced not only the possibility of investigations on these grounds but the drop out of their biggest sponsors as a result of the scandal - Amongst them, Subway, giving real sustenance to kids since 1965. However, since neither the British nor the American Skins feature the nudity of any of their child
actors, the real question is, what is it that has evoked such passion against the show, and is it at all justified? One thing I can say for certain is that teenagers have sex. They also take drugs. It’s there. It’s true. It is, of course, also possible that teenagers, though not infamous for their intellectual prowess, are not stupid. They are not toddlers and they do not need a lesson in the difference between sensationalism and the reality of their own lives. They are also capable of seeing what the parent groups contesting the show on the grounds of its sexual content do not; that Skins, whatever you may feel about its quality, is not about sex. As it is not about drugs, despite the name. If Skins prioritises anything, its the malleability of relationships; the reality of bullying, eating disorders, depression; the complex issues of gender and sexuality that every teenager has to face, but until now has not had the privilege of seeing in
Previously only shown at film festivals and on television in Ireland, last Wednesday afternoon Gerry Gregg’s documentary “Till The Tenth Generation” had its UK premiere as part of the Holocaust Memorial Day at the University of Sussex. The documentary, in keeping with the theme of this year’s commemoration ‘untold stories’, takes the audience on a moving journey with Tomi Reichental, who stayed silent about his experience as a child at the Nazi death camp Bergen-Belsen for nearly 60 years before deciding that the time had come to tell his story. He had not spoken “not because I didn’t want to, but because I couldn’t”. Not even his own children had been aware of the fact that their father had been in a concentration camp. Only upon realising that he was one of three remaining Holocaust survivors in Ireland, did he decide that “as one of the last witnesses, I must speak out”. Mr Reichental began to speak to students throughout the schools of Ireland of what he had endured in one of the greatest atrocities committed by mankind. This unforgettable film documents his journey through Eastern Europe, as well as through his recollections. Born in Slovakia, Mr Reichental was only 9 years old in October 1944 when his family was separated – some sent to Bergen-Belsen, others to the equally terrifying Buchenwald. While he, his brother and mother survived the death camp and his father managed to escape from a cattle train to join the partisan, the Holocaust claimed the lives of 35 members of the Reichental family. Mr Reichental embarked on this journey of lost and subdued memories in order to educate and enlighten, but also to come to terms with the enormity of the horrors he suffered. Now in his late seventies, he is a compelling and captivating narrator who shares his story in an extraordinarily genuine fashion. One member of the audience expressed that even though he was from Israel and had been well educated about the Holocaust this was the first film which spoke to him at eye-level. A documentary grasps the serious nature of this subject in a much more profound way than narrative film ever could, and the dynamic nature of Mr Reichental’s character allows for a very intimate and personal view of a first-hand account of the horrendous crimes committed against the Jewish people. After 60 years of silence a man has told his story and given a voice to family memberswhoperishedintheHolocaust, perhaps even to those whose story will never be heard. However, the untold story of Mr Reichental and his family is at the moment not being distributed in the UK. I argue that it is imperative that the documentary reaches an audience in this country as well as around the world, because in these troubled times it is more important than ever to remember what racism, intolerance and hate can lead to.
Photo Credit:
Till The Tenth Generation Gerry Gregg Ireland, 80 mins, 2009
badger Food for thought
Gig preview
Hannah Meaney Riddle and Finns South Laines
Andy McKee Photo: Christine Porubsky Douglas Clarke-Williams Andy McKee Komedia February 13 It seems that everything these days is a “YouTube sensation”, from angry babies to sleepy pandas. But one man, Andy McKee, truly deserves the title. With a string of videos which have each garnered well over a million views and one, “Drifting”, with over thirty-six million hits and counting, McKee’s laid-back and yet ferociously talented style of guitar (and harpguitar) playing has been building an appreciative world-wide audience since 2006 – all the more impressive when one considers the fact that he
is almost entirely self-taught. It would seem strange that a performer whose work is so timeless – he could have come from any time in the last fifty years – has been given his big break by such a ruthlessly modern innovation as YouTube, but such is the nature of musicianship in today’s world. Widely recognised as one of the world’s foremost acoustic guitarists (and the fact that you probably haven’t heard of him says a lot about the stature of world-class acoustic guitarists) McKee has recorded with American superstar Josh Groban on his Christmas album Nöel, which ended up being the biggest-selling CD of 2007; he was also a very well-regarded finalist at the prestigious National Finger Style Guitar Championships in Windfield,
Kansas. It would seem, therefore, that McKee is well overdue for his big mainstream breakthrough – this may well be your last chance to see him in such an intimate setting. With his performance in Brighton falling right in the middle of a 16-date UK tour stretching from Jersey to Leeds and back, one would hope that he would have settled into the playing routine by the time he reaches our little sea-side town and will be in perfect shape to give his best ever performance. In addition, with six albums’ worth of material under his belt and a well-established pleasure in performing interesting covers (his latest album, Joyland, features a take on the Tears for Fears hit “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” there’s a
degree of the unexpected which you wouldn’t get at, say, the average U2 concert – although there are markedly fewer lasers at a typical McKee show. His grounded, unpretentious manner – traits oddly rare amongst your common-or-garden instrumental genius – also means that his shows are not simply a string of dazzling guitar histrionics but rather shows in the truer sense, strung together with witticisms and stories from the life of a moderately successful travelling guitarist. All in all this promises to be a great night out for those looking for something a little outside the ordinary, especially those who value true instrumental talent in this age of the computer-generated rhythm and Auto-Tuned voice.
thinking specifically of the closer, the frankly fantastic and nearly sacral “Measurements”, as well as the terrific “Willhelm Scream” are instantly memorable and merit frequent revisit, Blake doesn’t do a good enough job marrying his style to his content. The songs drift by, autotuned and out of focus, adrift and aimless. It’s difficult to see what Blake was aiming for; if he wanted this to be a singer-songwriter album, well there aren’t nearly enough strong melodies around, and you’d be hard-pressed to describe it as a pure dance album except on some stray parts.
I admire ambition. I think doing new things is a challenge for any artist, and I like that James Blake wanted to try something here. He does come up with some interesting stuff. But in the end what the album reminds me of is a cathedral with most of the rooms empty. And that might be very pretty at first look, but if you get into it you’ll discover that there just isn’t much going on. However, if you decide to do anything with his music, put Feist cover “Limit to Your Love” on and meditate. James Blake is the “current critical darling” - pick up the CD, out today and create yout own opinion.
Album review
James Blake Photo: John Pettersson James Blake James Blake Atlas A&M Records He was an idiosyncratic dubstep producer, getting a bit of a reputation for his hauntingly sparse productions. Then he took to the microphone himself and the hype started happening. So who is this Jame Blake fellow and why should you bother with his self-titled debut album, coming hot on the heels of three well-received EPs from last year? The answer is you probably
shouldn’t, or at least start with the (very, very good) EP’s before taking a gander at this album, which while admirable in many ways is frustratingly flawed. Blake, who frankly is a great talent and a terrific producer, has taken a wrong turn here. He does retain his possibly-genius touch for production: the way he gives his dreamy, airy tunes time and ability to breathe, the lovely and creative way he handles space and pauses. Not a track here that isn’t, at the very least, interesting to listen to the first time around. But only the first time. Because while some of the tracks - I’m
Brighton is a town awash with chains and I’ve found it hard to find a really good place to eat which is exciting whilst still being in my student budget. However, lots of restaurants do a fixed price lunch menu, which is a great way to eat for three reasons: they are affordable, they offer a taster of what the restaurant has to offer and they change often so whenever you go back you can have something different. For students into food, they’re perfect. Riddle and Finns certainly might not seem the obvious place for a bargain. I felt like a bit of an imposter when we walked into the small dining room decorated in classic oyster-bar style with white tiles on the walls and polished marble tables. But hold your head high, the fixed lunch is only £12.95 for two courses. There are two choices for starters and two for mains. As they change the dishes daily what we had are only an example, but it should give a good idea of the kind of thing they offer. My first companion chose the creamy spiced mussels, which came heaped in a small bowl in a beautiful pool of deep yellow cream sauce.The mussels were small but plump, and the turmeric in the broth gave them a meaty depth of flavour. My other companion and I had the smoked salmon with beetroot, rocket and a horseradish crème. Meaty, salty smoked fish with sweet beetroot and spicy, sharp horseradish is one of my all time favourite flavour combinations, but all the ingredients were a bit tasteless. Even the rocket was unusually bland for such a peppery leaf. Bizarrely, I could find no trace of horseradish, I think they must have forgotten to put it in (it’s hard to miss horseradish). Two of us chose mackerel fillet with potato salad for our main. The mackerel was cooked perfectly with soft, firm flesh that came away in lovely flakes from the charred skin. The potatoes were tossed in olive oil with tiny shards of Granny Smith and finely chopped spring onion and chive. It was strangely complex for such a simple combination and complemented the fish well, along with a salad of baby leaf spinach and mizuna (a small leaf also known as Japanese mustard). My other companion had seared sesame salmon served on baby pak choi.The fish was also well cooked with the skin kept on and crisped.The baby pak chois were slightly charred and heavily buttered, which makes almost everything taste delicious. The service was very good, despite us ordering the cheapest option and drinking tap water.The only thing, as always, is the bread, which is brought to the table without any hint that you’ll have to pay for it. However, £1 a head for thick slices of white and brown bread with little pots of fresh mackerel pâté, aioli, horseradish and a shallot vinegar is actually good value.
What’s On...?
If you want to see your event on these pages, contact Olivia James with the venue, date and time of your event, a short description, and any relevant images. Send your request to badger-listings@ussu. by the Tuesday of the week before your event is happening at the very latest. * Tickets available from the Union Box Office in Falmer House
Monday Students’ Union
club night
Candidate Question Time
Brighton Rock
LGBTQ Pub Quiz
Come along and find out why the candidates deserve your vote for the full time officer positions.
The adaptation of the 1938 novel is back to the big screen. Sam Riley (Control) brings a new lease of life to the film.
Part of LGBTQ History Month. Put on your thinking caps and head down to Falmer Bar to take part in the pub quiz.
Instead of Trash, why not try Jailbait? With hip hop, r&b, and plenty of ‘90s classics.
East Slope bar
The Duke of Yorks
Falmer Bar
1.30pm, 4pm, 6.30pm, 9pm
10.30pm, £2
Tuesday societies
Film screening
ISSE Public Meeting
Skeptics in the Pub
LGBTQ History Month will be showing ‘Breakfast on Pluto’, with a speaker from the Clare Trust.
The ISSE is holding this meeting to discuss vital questions concerning the crisis of world capitalism.
It is a club for amateur and professional magicians. The MCC will bamboozle your senses with incredible magic!
Head down to the Caroline of Brunswick to hear a talk by the founder of Skeptic magazine, Wendy Grossman.
Falmer Bar
Arts A, 103
Caroline of Brunswick
8pm, £2
Wednesday music
club night
Man Like Me
Dagger Presents the Heatwave
Crafty : A Twisted Teaparty for Crafty Kids
Man Like Me launch head first into 2011 by pushing their unique blend of British pop into new territories.
Gabriel Heatwave with MC’S Rubi Dan & Benjamin Dee. With support from Renegade youth and Dagger DJ’s! Dancehall, bashment and carnival vibes!
Poda Poda invites them for and evening of fun and frollicks including live bands and DJs, spoken word, music, games, craft and magic.
Hectors House
7pm, £7
11pm, £5/4/3
7pm, £3
Thursday comedy
club night
club night
Krater Comedy Club
Cocktail Night
The Underground Rebel Bingo Club
All Out 5*
Stand up comedy from Stuart Goldsmith, Sean Collins, Mike Gunn and Maff Brown.
Get down to Falmer Bar between 6-8pm and grab 2-for-1 cocktails every Thursday.
The Underground Rebel Bingo Club is a secret organisation that meets in secret locations to party hard and play hardcore bingo.
Subsplash presents Datsik, Reso, N-type and Torqux... dubstep across two rooms, all night.
Komedia Down
falmer bar
Location to be confirmed
8pm, £9/6.50
8pm, £5
10.30pm, £10/7
club night
club night
The Badger writers’ meetings
Brighton Jazz Club
Rarekind Records presents
Want to write for the Badger? Come down and meet our friendly editors every Friday; pick up a story or share your ideas.
It operates every Friday throughout the year in an inimate studio, featuring an unparalleled collection of powerhouse performers.
Friday night hip hop jam with Dr Syntax Skitz & Rodney P, Jam Baxter & Dirty Dike, Scizzahz... and more!
Minimalist experimental sounds for the hippest of cats!
falmer house, room
Komedia Studio
Concorde 2
The Green Door Store
8pm, £14/12
11pm, Free
11pm, free
workshop and party
club night
club night
Carnivalesque: The Lovers Ball A spectacular fusion of stage-shows, gorgeous swing divas, live big brass, cake and your finest fancy pants. With the arrow of Eros poised to strike, this is sure to be the top target in town.
Kings Of The Jungle
Be part of an authentic carnival and celebrate in hot Brazilian style! Enjoy an afternoon of samba and drumming workshops, then party!
Micky Finn, The Ragga Twins, Don Brockie, Ray Keith, Jumping Jack Frost and Bryan Gee. Brighton’s biggest jungle night!
The Dome
Concorde 2
2.30pm, 5pm, £10
8pm, £10
11pm, £8
Sunday talk
The Science Of Murphy’s Law
An Evening with Andy McKee
Brighton Filmmakers’ Coalition Meeting Chill out...
Why does toast always lands butter side down? Why do seagulls always poo on you when you’re heading out somewhere?
One of the world’s finest acoustic guitar soloists squeezes a visit to Brighton into his rock solid touring calendar.
Get involved in local projects and bring your ideas to the table.
The Palmeira
marwood cafe
druid’s arms
7pm, Free
8pm, £15/£12
6pm, free
9pm, free
Have a relaxing Sunday with the Downsound Sessions - trip hop and dub DJs.
How do paternity tests work? And how can you avoid using a counterfeit test? Natasha Agabalyan Science editor New Scientist recently ran a piece on laboratories in the USA faking DNA paternity tests on unborn children. These labs were using very questionable science to assess fatherhood, often leading to false results and sometimes confusing findings. The reason they had become popular was the ease with which you could get this test. Whereas a normal test of a child in the womb would require an amniocentesis (a considerably invasive procedure which involves injecting a long needle into the mother’s stomach to access the amniotic fluid around the foetus), all these labs required was a sample of the mother’s blood and swabs from all potential fathers’ cheeks. After hearing some disturbing cases, New Scientist investigated more closely, sending in their own samples. In a particularly strange case, a sample was sent in from a non-pregnant woman with swabs from two random men’s’ cheeks. One of these labs sent back a result containing the non-existent foetus’s genetic information. This got me thinking, how exactly do paternity tests work and how were these labs able to fake their results? The process of identifying genetic relationships between individuals is called DNA fingerprinting. Whereas fingerprints are used to distinguish between individuals, this process only uses a fragment of DNA to
identify links between people. While sequencing whole genomes is a lengthy and costly process, it is possible to select specific areas of DNA to analyse. The most common procedure is to analyse areas known as STRs (Short Tandem Repeats), which are, repeats of nucleotide sequences ranging from 2-50 nucleotides. Here’s an example. In the following DNA sequence, the pattern of nucleotides CATG is repeated 4 times: GTCAGTCATCATGCATGCATGCATGTCAGC. By identifying these specific repeats in a specific region of the genome, a genetic profile can be created for the individual in question. At the present time, over 10,000 STRs have been published in the human genome. By comparing a selection of these regions between individuals, it is possible to detect whether they are related. The reason these regions are of particular use is that they are often found in regions of DNA that does not code for anything (better known as introns, they are found in between the exons that code for specific genes). They are therefore less likely to undergo evolution and change within a species, making them a perfect marker of the human genome. In forensics, sequences of no more than 4 to 5 nucleotides are more often used. Shorter sequences are more likely to change during the process used to analyse them and longer sequences could suffer from degradation. In paternity testing a
male child, comparing sequences from their Y chromosome is of particular interest and it is passed directly from father to son. To create a genetic profile for an individual, DNA will be extracted from the cells of a sample. The sequences of interest will be amplified using a process called PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), then analysed through means of a gel to determine how many repeats of the STR sequence there are. These profiles are stored in databases and different countries have different rules regarding what they consider a proper analysis. The US for example demands the analysis of 13 specific STR sequences (or loci); the UK uses 10. So how is it possible to fake these results? With poor science. Many of the labs investigated by New Scientist failed in many aspects of rigour and technique. One lab stopped using STRs and opted for SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms), which are not a good tool for this analysis due to the repeat of a single nucleotide being a lot more likely than that of a longer sequence. Investigation into another team’s results showed their analysis of the Y chromosome STRs to be completely off. As a chromosome that has no partner, the Y chromosome is easier to analyse and its ancestry and evolution has been mapped. Y-chromosomes are set out on evolutionary branches, yet the labs results placed one of the
It may be easy, but you won’t be sure that you’re the dad Photo: MSN
individual’s genetic data on several branches, which is simply put impossible. Much controversy is still surround genetic fingerprinting, whether it is used to solve crime, assess paternity or analyse fossils and bone. A recent controversy arose around the analysis of DNA from the fossilised bones of Tutankhamen. Scientists have unveiled their analysis of the
king’s lineage but others are sceptical of the methods used, claiming more research needs to be done and that the details of the data analysed should be released. Although genetic fingerprinting has come far, it still needs to specify more clearly what defines an individual’s genetic profile and make sure the proper methods are being used by all labs involved, especially organisations making profit.
The dark sky island
From left: The night sky in all its glory, and the sky over Istanbul Photos: Shingo Takei & Davis Doherty
Thomas Lessware Science editor This evening, take a moment to look at the night sky and see if you can count the number of stars. According to the Yale Catalogue of Bright Stars there are around 9110 stars that are visible to the naked eye in perfect conditions – of these, around 3000 can be seen at any one time due to the changing orientation of the Earth throughout the year. Chances are though, you won’t be counting for very long; in urban areas you may only be able to count 20 or so stars,
due to the constant light pollution. The faint orange glow of the city sky means that we city-dwellers never get to see the Milky Way in its full glory. For that, you have to get far from the large population centres, to places like Hawaii, Chile and the tiny island of Sark off of England’s south coast. Last week, Sark was designated as the world’s first ‘dark sky island’ by the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA), a group campaigning against light pollution. Sark has next to no light pollution due to its lack of cars and streetlamps and because
the resident’s electricity is so expensive – the island relies on a single, off shore oil-fired power station. While it may not be great for the residents, for stargazers it’s fantastic - from the island you can see almost all of the 3000 or so stars that are usually washed out by light pollution. A ‘dark-sky island’ is a label that the IDA wants to catch on. They hope that the title will encourage other islands to help preserve their dark and night sky and maybe attract some astro-tourism – travelling for the star-deprived city folk. Creating these protected areas of darkness
will ensure that future astronomers and star gazers will be able to find places to see the night sky as we rarely get to see it today. With the popularity of astronomy based documentaries like Brian Cox’s Wonders of the Solar System and the BBC’s recent week of stargazing, the IDA hope that this resurgence will help their cause. Light pollution is not just a problem for astronomers however. The constant barrage of light from our modern world disrupts the life cycles of animals and causes an increase in the number of headaches
we have, the amount of fatigue, stress and anxiety we feel and a decrease in sexual function. There have also been suggestions that there is a link between breast cancer and light pollution by the National Institute of Environmental Health and by the National Cancer Institute. Even the World Health Organisation lists it as a possible carcinogen. So the next time you go far out into the countryside at night, look up and see how many stars you can see, and be grateful you’re not blanketed under the orange glow of the city.
Electric Einstein? Roving Rutherford? Fancy writing for the Badger science page? Write a 500-1000 word article on whatever excites and inspires you in the world of science and email it to
SU sport with
badger |
Activities candidates debate Sussex sport Ben Denton and Matt Stroud Sports editors This week Sussex students have the chance to have their say on the future of the Student Union. Voting is taking place this Tuesday to Thursday, to elect the full time officers to run the Student Union next academic year. Sport at Sussex is overseen by the Activities Officer, who also oversees volunteering and societies within the Union.To assist you in your choice of candidate, Badger sport conducted a question and answer session with the six candidates. Welcome candidates. The first round of questions are based upon your online manifestos, available at Q: Eleanor, in your manifesto you say you are aiming to ‘increase participation and make everyone feel welcome’, how would you go about doing this? Eleanor Drake (third year History): Some clubs are currently too focussed on the competitive aspects of their club. I would encourage clubs to increase the regularity of their non-competitive events. Q: Joseph, How would your proposed ‘year round program of taster sessions’ dovetail with the need for sports teams to keep a settled competitive squad? Joseph Dorrell (third year Environmental Science): I would work with the competitive sports clubs to develop inter mural competitions. Because of these events people might be invited to take part in competitive training. People are here for three years so it is not always at the start of the term you get a new influx, Inter-mural would allow people to get involved at any stage. Q: James, Is guaranteeing to ‘freeze sport memberships’ a wise move when the Union may be facing further funding cuts? James Hickie (third year Music): If could freeze prices then would be in the best interest of students. It went up to £50 last year and also sold to a lot more students than previously. Maybe next year we could try to beat the target of people signed up and cut costs in other areas such as transport. Q: Jonathan, You say that ‘Students should ask themselves what they can do for the Union rather than what the union can do for them’. Could you explain? Jonathan Squire (third year Biochemistry): Due to my experiences with the Sports Management Committee (SMC) and the Activities Committee I can see how much we are spending. I would like to change the attitude of always coming to the union for money, and change the emphasis onto what the clubs and societies can do for themselves. A slight change of thinking is needed and it will
be good for clubs to branch out. Q:Lucy,There is no mention of sport in your manifesto, is it possible for a non-sport member to shape the future of sport at Sussex? Lucy Atkinson (third year English and Film): I’m not going to lie; I have never been involved in sport and don’t know about it extensively. However if elected I would find out about it more, and I have already done a fair bit of research through asking the current activities officer for advice. I understand I would need to find another sponsor due to the ending of the Donatellos deal and maybe look for one that lasts longer than a year. I am very, very willing to learn. Q: Helen, You champion freedom for clubs in your manifesto. Is this approach wise when finances are so stretched? Would a combined effort by all sport teams not be more beneficial? Helen McGuire (third year History): Donatellos did not renew sponsorship deal so need we a new one. It is my intention to find a new central sponsor that would allow sports teams greater freedom in finding other sponsors so to maximise their income and give them greater freedom with socials. Attendance at Falmer bar seems to be dropping rapidly so we should stop forcing teams to go there. We should give them freedom to go where they like, with occasional big nights at Falmer Bar to produce profit. Now for some more general questions, please answer in turn. Q:There have been transport problems for sport clubs over the last couple of years, how do you think we can improve the transport situation? James: We must consider all possible options. External providers such as the big lemon are an option. I know from my time coaching the Sussex Women’s Team how transport by train can be a pain. If elected I would look at all potential solutions including getting more minibuses but I should stress that this is a complex problem with no clear situation. Eleanor: I think we should look at taking long lease mini buses like other universities do. Universities like Surrey and Brighton have deals with long lease mini bus operators so under 25’s can drive them therefore lowering costs a lot. No exact idea on price, but we went up to Edinburgh with Surrey and only had to pay for petrol. Helen: I think that the love bus is a really good idea as smaller clubs can use it to get to events. I would also possibly look into getting another love bus we can use to get to fixtures? Also while looking for a new sponsor I would look at travel operators as sponsors, in order to get money for the union and a deal on minibus or coach hire. I’m keen to look at environmentally friendly options. Lucy: I would look into a non-exclusive
From left: Jonathan Squire, Joseph Dorrell, Helen McGuire, Eleanor Drake, James Hickie and Lucy Atkinson Photo: Matt Stroud
The candidates debate with sports editor Ben Denton Photo: Matthew Stroud sport travel pot, get societies involved too. Maybe we could rent or buy new busses like the love bus? Essentially by mixing up sport and soc money for travel we could spread the cost and the benefit for all students. Jonathan: This is a horrifically complicated issue.There is no catch all solution here.We already have an extremely good activities team, with people like Sarah Hall who are the best at getting transport for people to get to matches. Mini busses were too expensive before and getting new ones is not feasible in the long term. We have to look at every transport situation individually. Joseph: I would look into a deal with the Big Lemon. The problem with having our own minibuses is when sports teams have fixtures or tournaments at the same time.Who gets to use them? Not feasible to have our own busses. Q: What is your view on the image of sport at Sussex? In particular the issue of welcome to the club events? Joseph: Maybe we should look at new schemes to open sports up to recruitment. People don’t always have to commit to a whole year of something, just see what it is like first, perhaps through the medium of inter-mural events. Jonathan: Some sports do have a particularly bad image in the university and this needs to be addressed. However we can’t just legislate to change this, we must look at the way people think and how they react. Our sports teams have some great virtues that need to be shown to the university as a whole.This aspect needs to be promoted, so others don’t just view clubs as a big huddle of people on Wednesday nights. I am for ‘welcome to the club’ events but against initiations. Lucy: There is a big case of ‘oh look, there’s the sports people’, and it can be a little dismissive.There is a big external thought that all they do is dress up in fancy dress and go and get really drunk on a Wednesday night. This is the only thing that the rest of the student body sees. We need to make people aware of the sports side of sports teams. Helen: Sports teams do have a certain reputation but they also have a good inclusive attitude compared to other universities. People need to see how inclusive our sports teams are. For example rugby’s fundraising event was good as it got them out into library square so people could see what they were about. Other clubs need to branch out this way. ‘Welcome to the club’ ceremonies are great for people to get to know each other but we need to have boundaries maintained. Eleanor: I agree partly with Lucy. A lot of the positive sports teams activities are not seen by the rest of the university, this needs to change. People need to be more
aware of the sports aspect, can do this by video clips, photos, reports in the badger etc. We also need to get more sports teams out into the community to show them how great they are. ‘Welcome to the club’ ceremonies are good, but need clearer boundaries. James: In the grand scheme of universities, sports clubs at Sussex don’t have that bad a reputation but there is no reason why this can’t be improved. We need to change the way other students think of sports clubs, they need to go out and watch them play sport. Look at the USA for example with thousands of students watching the university teams.Wednesday afternoons are free so people should be going to support their friends. I am definitely for ’welcome to the club’ events but we do need a wider range. Then members can go to some or all of them but they need to not all be about drinking, there are other ways to get people involved in the club. The Union was right to take a hard line last year and there is no need for sport clubs to get a bad reputation because of the actions of a few people. Q: What are your views on the current Union sport events such as Varsity and Past v Present? Do you have any plans to improve them or add new events? Lucy: As someone who is not a sports member, I realise the importance of making non-sport members aware of these events. In first year I heard of varsity, but not the last two years, and never past v present, quad nations etc and this is a shame. People need to be encouraged to go and watch sport, but they can’t if they aren’t made aware of its existence. Jonathan: I am a member of a noncompetitive sports club.We need to look at the non competitive edge in sports. Quad-nations a really good idea as it takes people out of their comfort zones in playing different sports and is a bit of fun. I am also keen on the idea of a sports week on campus, where students are given the chance to try new sports. This gets people thinking a lot more and raises moral in a non-competitive atmosphere. Joseph: I would like to see a lot more inter mural events going on so to get people out seeing what sports clubs do. This could produce a fan-base for sports teams. James:The key is that we need to advertise events like varsity and past v present more so to get a good atmosphere and get more people involved. We should also point players in the direction of Brighton based sports teams. If elected I am planning an external sports day the week after freshers week so Brighton based clubs can come into campus and talk to players. Eleanor: I agree that we need more advertising for the current events. We
also need to try new events, for example ski tried to run an outdoor adventure day last year allowing different clubs to try new sports. More events like that should be run. Also, we are lucky to have massive grounds in Sussex, so we should organise non competitive sports, such as rounders. You used to play it at school, why did we stop? Helen: Following on from the excellent quad nations idea, I would like to set up a sports festival. It would build on the initial contact at freshers fair, which can sometimes be overwhelming for first years. If people can see the sport it is a great way to get them involved. Finally I am keen to get other clubs involved in events. Finally, can you sum up your campaign in three words? Helen: Freedom of choice. Eleanor: Inclusive, happy people. James: Community, culture, growth. Joseph: Opening up and linking up. Jonathan: The way people think . Lucy: Make it happen.
Last week’s results... Badminton Sussex Men 4-4 Queen Mary’s Basketball Sussex Women 1st 27-62 Brunel Football Sussex Men 1sts 2-3 UCL Women 1sts (walkover)
Hockey Men 1sts 4-2 Reading University Netball Sussex 2nds 41-23 Reading Rugby Women 1sts 32-14 Reading Squash
Mens 1sts 0-5 Surrey Womens 1sts ( walkover)
Tennis Mens 1sts 12-0 St Mary’s
As Activities Officer I will: t (FU TUVEFOUT BOE TPDJFUJFT NPSF JOWPMWFE JO #SJHIUPO T $6-563& CZ sharing our skills and talents through local events and utilising great facilities like the new stadium and Arts Centre on campus t "JN UP GSFF[F TQPSUT NFNCFSTIJQ QSJDFT BOE IFMQ PVS 410354 UFBNT TFU up links with external clubs t .BLF TVSF BMM 4VTTFY TUVEFOUT from Freshers, Mature students and 1PTUHSBET UP UIPTF BU #4.4 BOE #*.. BSF */$-6%&% JO "DUJWJUJFT BOE IBWF B XJEF SBOHF PG &7&/54 BMM ZFBS MPOH t &ODPVSBHF TUVEFOUT TPDJFUJFT and sports teams to participate in SFHVMBS 70-6/5&&3*/( QSPKFDUT
societies at Sussex, drawing focus away from how many names there are on sign-up sheets during fresher’s week, towards the idea of active, year round involvement in all aspects of university life. Having worked on the union events team for 2 years, as well as editing The Badger, being president of the film society, and directing with 46%4 * SFBMJ[F IPX JNQPSUBOU BDUJWJUJFT and societies are to the Student’s Union, and I want my passion for them to be shared with the rest of the student body.
I would fight hard for a university and Union that Care about issues that students face everyday in their degree and a Union that is not afraid to truly stand up for students against cuts, higher fees and Less support. t #SJOH 5PHFUIFS 3FQT GSPN %JòFSFOU Departments. t 4IBSF #FTU 1SBDUJDF $PPSEJOBUF Campaigns and Exchange Ideas. t (FU UIF 6OJPO *OWPMWFE 8JUI Improving Advertising of Educational Bursaries and Helping Students to Apply. t )FMQJOH *OUFSOBUJPOBM 4UVEFOUT UP meet the Challenges and Standards of University of Sussex by arranging seminars and Lectures of Eminent Scholars. t )FMQJOH 4UVEFOUT JO UIFJS FYBN *TTVFT TQFDJBMMZ UIF JTTVF PG i1MBHJBSJTNw
Helen McGuire
Jonathan Squire Life Sciences
“It’s all about the people� I want to bring about an era of new thinking within sports, societies and volunteering here at Sussex. I want people to think not what the union can do for them, or what they can do for the union, but what we can do for each other. I want to bring our societies together in even greater works of collaboration which can show everyone what Sussex can do together. I want to bring my experience working with sports and activities management committees and my society and sport club committee experience to the table to join the spectrum together.
For the past two years, I have been 1SFTJEFOU PG 8PNFO T $SJDLFU BOE have helped the club develop from a struggling side to one that reached the BUCs quarter finals last season. This year I was voted onto the Sports Management and Activities Committees, from which I’ve been involved with issues affecting sports and societies. I want students to have more freedom - freedom to chose their own sponsors; freedom in booking rooms; freedom in running their socials. I’m passionate about opening up activities to all students, especially those who have never taken part in sports or societies before!
Lucy Atkinson English
If elected my main objective would be to change the perception of
Bilal Anwar
Sussex Centre for Language Studies
“You Can Bring the Change�
Poppy Firmin Global Studies
“Don’t be Poppy!�
If you ever need to appeal a grade, have problems with your tutors, or just need some academic advice then you’ll know the value of my support. I want to: t $BOWBT UIF WPJDF PG "-- TUVEFOUT t 1VU NFBTVSFT JO QMBDF UP JEFOUJGZ academic problems earlier. t NBLF JU FBTJFS GPS ZPV UP HFU UIF support you need. After 2012, lots will be changing in the world of further education. I want to ensure: t 'FFT TUBZ MPX t OPUIJOH JT DPNQSPNJTFE GPS UIF student academic experience. t 4VTTFY NBJOUBJOT JUT TUBUVT BT B leading UK University. t 8JEF QBSUJDJQBUJPO BU 6( BOE 1( MFWFM education.
Liz Morpurgo
officers. t %FNPDSBUJD SFGPSN BOE B QMBUGPSN to give feedback for the Union and Student Media. 456%&/5 .&%*" Skills development t 'SFF NFEJB SFMBUFE XPSLTIPQT BOE training. Society and Sport representation t 5ISPVHI CFUUFS VTF PG UIF XFCTJUF and union pages. Inter-media unity t 5ISPVHI FOIBODFE DPNNVOJDBUJPO and clearer definitions in role and relationship.
“Liz-tening to YOU� I promise to: .",& :063 70*$&4 )&"3% Student representation should be an integral part of the Union. I would increase student consultation and TVQQPSU UP HFU :063 WPJDFT IFBSE -0##: '03 456%&/5 '6/%*/( The public sector cuts will change the shape of Higher Education. We cannot allow cuts to affect the quality of education at Sussex. We must lobby locally and nationally to keep fees affordable */$3&"4& '&&%#"$, I would fight for feedback on coursework and exams and ensure submitted work is returned promptly Vote for me if you want someone approachable and passionately DPNNJUUFE UP HFUUJOH :063 WPJDFT heard.
Ariel Cohen Global Studies
“Cohen for Commsâ€? 6/*0/ Transparency t &MFDUFE PĂłDFST UJNFUBCMFT BOE minutes of their meetings will be made public. 3FQSFTFOUBUJPO t 'BDJMJUBUJOH HSBTT SPPUT TUVEFOUT political campaigning. t %FWFMPQ UIF JEFB PG B TUVEFOUT journal, providing opportunities to publish academic work. Democracy t 3FHVMBS QVCMJD NFFUJOHT XJUI FMFDUFE
Fernand Frimpong Jnr Informatics
“Clear to see - Vote F4C� Communications and media at Sussex is great, but I know we can promote a stronger student voice on campus. The Union is here to make students’ lives better, yet 50% of students don’t know that the Union is here to represent them and get their voices heard. By leveraging existing media outlets GSPN 5IF 1VMTF UP 6OJ57 FODPVSBHJOH students to get heard creatively, by continuing our existing open door policy to listen to students’ problems and comments and by utilising social networks and improving methods to get policy and information out to the students, USSU communications can be more about US.
Turn over for continued listing.
happy and fun time on campus can lead to better grades and wonderful memories for everyone, especially for the international students. Lets help each other out and make our lives better during our stay at Sussex.
Kate Standing
Martha Baker
“Martha Baker Communicator!�
Media, Film & Music
I believe that student media should be the voice of the student community. It should belong to and represent the student body as well as the individual. Student media should not be exclusive to anyone. I believe student media has the potential to be the grounds on which a student community is formed. There should be more unity and cooperation between the student media. I believe that the union needs to be increasingly democratic and representative of students. The student media which supports the student community can encourage and direct the union in these objectives.
Mathematics & Physics
Sonja Coquelin
Sussex media is an important foothold for communication on campus. I will: t 4FU VQ NFEJB CBTFE XPSLTIPQT GPS students and create a separate website for media outlets. The Union is there to represent the students, and must be inclusive and accessible to all. I will: t &ODPVSBHF PQFO NFFUJOHT CFUXFFO with the university staff ensuring union policies are made by students. We must have a strong union to defend our education against the drastic cuts being made. I will: t (FU PVS 6OJPO MJOLFE XJUI PUIFST BOE ensure that students are aware of the cuts being proposed by management.
representative of your needs, wants and views – Vote LB.
support to international students. t 4USPOHFS TVQQPSU OFUXPSLT GPS students with children. Well-Being: t .PSF GPPE WBSJFUZ PO DBNQVT including religious requirements. t *ODSFBTF BDDFTT UP GSFF DPOEPNT t $BNQBJHO GPS DIFBQFS 6OJWFSTJUZ accommodation. t 4UVEFOU #FBOT TUZMF GPSVN showcasing student deals in Brighton. Transparency: t 3FHVMBS XFMM QVCMJDJTFE PQFO NFFUJOHT 5IJT JT :063 VOJPO t 0QFO EPPS QPMJDZ SFHVMBS PĂłDF hours and home visits if needed.
Business, Management & Economics
“Putting the FAIR back in Welfare�
Charley Miller (MPCBM 4UVEJFT
“Feel the love� I want to improve awareness of the help and support available for students at Sussex, including the sabbatical officers, Health Centre and Student Life Centre. I propose to continue the current welfare officer’s campaign to provide more affordable accommodation on campus. I aim to improve the sexual health services on campus following the loss of Unisex by providing students with a oneto-one sexual health drop in, as well as awareness campaigns for sexual health. Mental health is a taboo subject and I want to encourage students to use the counselling services on offer at the Health Centre.
The recent restructuring of the university has affected the provision and delivery of key non academic services from student finance to health care. As welfare officer, I will: t 01104& GVSUIFS DVUT UP FOTVSF UIF Union provides advice for students facing debt and accommodation issues and to make sure that important services such as Unisex remain available t &/463& EFNPDSBUJD BDDPVOUBCJMJUZ GPS students’ shops and services including Bramber House’s expansion t */$3&"4& SFQSFTFOUBUJPO PG "-- minorities, liberation campaigns and international students as well as promoting inclusivity through organizing diversity events 705& '03 .& 50 165 8&-'"3& "5 5)& )&"35 0' 5)& 6/*0/
Kristina Wilde
Kundan Kumar Kaushal (MPCBM 4UVEJFT *%4
“I AM HERE FOR YOU� Development does not only mean how much we take from the society but it also implies that how much we give back to the society. Being as a student, many of the times I realize that my performance is guided by many factors. Living in this student’s society I always found many helping hands to make my life better and easy. Hence, I find my active involvement with the student union will give me an opportunity to work with the problem and concern of my friends.
“Go on, choose something Wilde!� As Communications Officer, I will maintain relaxed and helpful interaction between the Students’ Union and the student body, and ensure that external media represents us fairly. I want to make each society feel they can communicate with one other easily. I want to help student voices to grow, not only continuing the Badger’s excellent work but enabling the Pulse to reach the audience it deserves. I would love to involve volunteers keen on design with creating and implementing a website dedicated to the magazine. For online presence and inventive passion, vote Wilde for a voice that makes itself heard!
Bharanidharan Thamizhchelvan
Laura Bryant
History of Art, History & Philosophy
Engineering & Design
“Student Welfare concern�
Hi ! I am Bharanidharan, diligent in my work and humanitarian by nature. I have chosen to stand for the position of Welfare Officer . the well being of all the students with the concerns starting from residential advices to financial ones, being available for help 24X7 and making your stay at Sussex a cherish able time is on my highest priority. A
Hi! I’m LB, a 3rd year Philosophy student and fingers crossed next years Welfare Officer. I currently volunteer at the Union Advice Centre and would relish the opportunity to apply what I’ve already learnt to the sabbatical role. There’s so much more to university life than just academia; the wellbeing of students is the kernel of our experience here at Sussex! If elected I would make every effort to ensure students are aware of all the resources available to them, and that these in turn are fully
“Vote Indi: Welfare For You� Equality: t (SFBUFS 6OJPO SFQSFTFOUBUJPO UISPVHI collaboration with liberation-officers and minority groups. t 4VQQPSU UIF A4UVEFOUT "HBJOTU 4FYVBM Harassment’ campaign, with training GPS 3FTJEFOUJBM "EWJTPST t 1SPWJEF HFOEFS OFVUSBM UPJMFUT Interaction: t $SFBUF B VOJGZJOH BOE WBSJFE GSFTIFS T week for all. t 7PMVOUFFS ACVEEZ TDIFNF GPS QFFS MFE