ANNUAL REPORT 2016 –2017
Percy L. Abram, Ph.D.
Jay Franklin ’90
Jabali Stewart, Ph.D.
Pri Alahendra
Polly Fredlund
Robin Bentley
Jo Ito
Ethan Delavan
Susan Radtke
Ray Wilson
CONTENTS Great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of this report. If we have omitted or misspelled your name, please notify the Development Office at 206-326-7776. 2016–2017 Administration
2016–2017 Families Association
From the Head of School
Annual Fund
Introducing New Leaders
Celebrate Bush
Financial Aid
Leadership Gifts & Restricted Funds
Gifts in Action
Helen Taylor Bush Society
Profiles 12
Lifetime Donors
Fiscal YearPerformance
Senior Class GIft
2016–2017 Board of Trustees
In-Kind Gifts
FROM THE HEAD OF SCHOOL Dear Bush Community, John Keats’ Ode on a Grecian Urn concludes with the line “Beauty is truth, truth beauty—that is all; Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know.” This powerful refrain not only helped to shape the school’s founding principles—Truth, Beauty, and Purpose—but served as the inspiration for last year’s convocation address and our school-wide theme, Truth. This past year, our students, faculty, staff, and Board of Trustees explored the universal truths that bind us, as well as the personal truths that make each of us unique. Sharing our stories of hope, struggle, triumph, conflict, and unity throughout the year helped us to realize that our truths make our school community vibrant, diverse, and extraordinary. Your involvement with The Bush School—as alumnae/i, parents, trustees, and friends—has allowed the Board, administration, and faculty to espouse these principles and to educate tomorrow’s leaders in a trusting, loving, collaborative, and inclusive learning environment. The 2016–2017 Annual Report demonstrates how our school lives its mission through our financial commitments and priorities. In the following pages, you will read about the innumerable ways in which our community came together to support our students, enrich our programs, and provide professional development opportunities for our faculty. Your generous support, from the record level of Annual Fund participation and dollars raised, to Celebrate Bush at the Museum of Flight, to the boundless energy and selfless service constantly on display throughout the school, made the 2016–2017 school year truly memorable. We would not be able to fulfill our mission—to spark in students of diverse backgrounds and talents a passion for learning, accomplishment, and contribution to their communities—without the generous support of every member of our community. Every donation of time and resources, every field trip chaperoned, every gathering attended, and every classroom visit enhances the Bush experience, and for that I am most grateful. It is my pleasure to present the 2016–2017 Bush Annual Report. I hope that you will read through the document with pride in what we’ve accomplished together, and consider how you would like to be involved in our school in the year to come. On behalf of everyone at Bush, thank you so much for your support. With deep gratitude,
Percy L. Abram, Ph.D. Head of School
INTRODUCING NEW LEADERS Academic Dean Sally Maxwell, Ph.D. We are excited to announce Dr. Sally Maxwell as our new Academic Dean. Sally comes to Bush from Springside Chestnut Hill Academy in Philadelphia, PA, where she served as the Dean of Academics, the English department Chair, and a Ninth and Tenth Grade English teacher. She was responsible for coordinating the educational program for the entire PK–12 school, and led the department chairs in curriculum study, improvement, and innovation. In the new Academic Dean role, Sally will work closely with the division directors and the faculty on curriculum implementation and innovation, professional development, a faculty mentorship program, and other important initiatives for the school. Sally’s experience, expertise, and positive energy will provide curriculum leadership and vision while supporting the growth and engagement of teachers and students.
Director of Development Sharon Hurt With great pleasure, we would like to introduce you to our next Director of Development, Sharon Hurt. Sharon previously served as the Director of Advancement for Charles Wright Academy in Tacoma, where she oversaw an annual giving program that raises over one million dollars per year, and designed and led a capital campaign to upgrade the school’s science facilities and program. Sharon is a highly regarded advancement professional in the region, serving as a Board member for Advancement Northwest, and a participant in NWAIS’s Pathways to Leadership program. She is the Committee Chair for National Philanthropy Day, and served as a member of the Social Justice Fund NW and Gender Justice Giving Project. Sharon is looking forward to getting to know the Bush community, saying “ I am truly honored and excited to count myself in as a member of The Bush School community, and to work with all of you to propel the school into its next bold chapter."
Interim Board President Justin Moon Justin Moon ’91 has been elected President of the Board of Trustees. Justin ’91 was born in Boston, Massachusetts and grew up in Seattle, Washington. Justin and his wife, Anne Barbo Moon ’95, have three children: Charlie ’26, August, and Eloise. Justin attended Middle and Upper School at Bush, and graduated from Sarah Lawrence College (B.A. with a Concentration in Creative Writing) and the Seattle University School of Law (JD magna cum laude). Justin is currently a partner at Perkins Coie LLP in the firm’s Technology Transactions & Privacy group. Justin began his practice in 2005 and assists technology companies ranging from small, emerging growth startups to large, public corporations with a wide range of complex intellectual property and technologybased transactions, including enterprise and consumer facing agreements for cloudbased products and services. Justin enjoys spending time with his family, reading nonfiction, foreign travel, good food and wine, and leisure sports.
FINANCIAL AID MAKES THE BEST EDUCATION AFFORDABLE AND ACCESSIBLE TO ALL STUDENTS Financial aid opens the door of education to all students. The Bush School is committed to making the best independent school education affordable and accessible to talented students of all backgrounds, regardless of a family’s ability to pay tuition. Donor investment in financial aid makes this vision of equity and inclusion possible.
Financial Aid at Bush Our robust financial aid program brings the following to our community. àà Builds a community that values diverse insights and perspectives
2016–2017 Financial Aid at a Glance
àà Provides access to life-changing opportunities àà Benefits the world, as leaders of all backgrounds and talents graduate from The Bush School to make a difference in their communities
Supporting the Full Experience There are a number of items beyond tuition that are part of the cost of attendance at The Bush School. The school provides additional financial aid to support these important elements. Here are some examples for the 2016–2017 school year: àà E-week Trips: Filmmaking in the Methow Valley, Video Game Design, Boat Building in Port Townsend, Rock Climbing at the City of Rocks, Shakespeare Festival in Ashland, and more. Financial aid supports access to E-week trips for students to explore passions, take risks, and experience education. àà Lower School Extended Day: Financial aid is available to help cover the cost of extended day for working families in the Lower School. àà Laptops: Financial aid is available to Upper School students to purchase a laptop, providing all students with the technology and resources necessary to successfully navigate a twenty-first century education at Bush. àà Textbooks: Middle and Upper School textbooks for the year cost between $300–500 per student. Bush provides financial aid for students in order to ensure that all students have the materials they need.
$2.9 million
in need-based financial aid
20% of students in Kindergarten through Twelfth Grade receive financial aid
total financial aid students
range in amount of financial aid award
average financial aid award
2016–2017 Tuition $24,955 Lower School $30,830 Middle School $32,290 Upper School
GIFTS IN ACTION Your Annual Fund gifts make a difference to every student, every day. Here are some of the many ways that your gifts impact students. AUDIO FOR ASSEMBLIES
Upgraded audio system in Schuchart Gym for school assemblies: $8,285 “Having a better sound system in Shuchart makes a huge difference. I'm actually able to hear myself when I speak, as can the players being introduced. It greatly enhances the crowd experience and makes the atmosphere during games so much better. A moment that really stood out to me was when I got to introduce all the teams. Seeing them run down the tunnel to massive applause was a very special feeling.” — I K E ’ 1 8 Below: Ike ’18 on the mic at a pep rally.
California Math Council Conference: $800 per teacher “I came back inspired and grounded.” — R O S E M A R Y WHEELER , FIF TH GR ADE TE ACHER
ISEEN Summer Institute: $2,000 per teacher “This year I’m being sent to Santa Fe to do professional development around experiential learning. I’ll be attending ISEEN’s Summer Institute to develop future experiential programming around graffiti, literacy and intercultural fluency.” – K E L LY WA L L , S E V E N T H G R A D E H I S T O R Y T E A C H E R Right: Kelly Wall and her Seventh Grade history class.
Uniforms and Warm-ups for Lower, Middle, and Upper School Cross Country and Track & Field Teams: $5,211 “It was an amazing year for the team. They learned the value of teamwork, discipline and leadership—and they had a blast. Cross country has definitely been a highlight of our son’s years at the Upper School—so much so that he will likely run cross country and track in college.” — B O B A N D H E L E N W I D L A N S K Y, PA R E N T S O F E T H A N ’ 1 8
Right: Ela ’19 at a cross-country meet.
Steel drum music lessons for Middle School students at MLK Community Center: $500 “Our students mastered original compositions based on Artie Shaw's “Back Bay Shuffle” and Pharrell William's “Happy”. I watched students' confidence and expertise grow in the months that they learned, culminating in a final performance for the Middle School.” — S TA C Y B E L L , M I D D L E SCHOOL ENGLISH TE ACHER
Right: Stacy Bell (first from right) and the steel drum e-lective.
Laser cutter system for the Art Department: $22,700 “We have been object makers for years in the art department, and now have a tool that brings us fully into the twenty-first century. During long art projects, this laser cutter becomes the anchor point for a series of complicated processes. Students draw shapes, photograph them with their phones, email photos to the laser cutter station, take their images through Photoshop and Illustrator and watch with wonder as a beam of light cuts complex shapes.” — B I L L B A B E R , U P P E R S C H O O L A RT TE ACHER
Left: A laser cutter project.
Pizza for College Counseling workdays: $400 “At the beginning of the college search process, the college counselors organized a pizza lunch for everyone and went over the basics of what to do and what not to do when touring schools and meeting admissions representatives. At that point in my search, there was so much to think about. But the Bush college counselors’ humor and ease really helped me relax and let go of my fears. The college counselors were there for me throughout every step of my journey, with unconditional support and encouragement. I am going to my dream school!” — S O P H I E K A P L A N ’ 1 7, N O R T H E A S T E R N U N I V E R S I T Y
Left: Upper School students work on college applications.
Games for Lower School students to use during new “activity recess": $1–$35 “We started activity recess because there was a student in our grade who was unable to play any games that involved rough physical contact or balls. Thanks to our classroom budget, we were able to purchase a group parachute, cup stackers, cup walkers, bubbles and dancing ribbons. Students loved the activity recess. It was something totally new, different and special. Students who didn’t normally play together would play together; we saw a lot of kindness in action with sharing of resources and taking turns, respectful words and laughter.” — C E C I LY M E T ZG E R , S E CO N D G R A D E T E A C H E R
Left: Upper and Lower School students play a parachute game together.
Environmentally friendly LED lights to set the stage for Romeo & Juliet and other theater productions: $1,250 “In the Bush Drama Department, there’s a sense of wholehearted involvement with the process. Every actor also has to build the set, do costumes, help with props, design sound, or design lights. It’s not just being onstage, it’s creating the stage, and making sure that everything is running smoothly. For me, the community has been this incredibly supportive, accepting group of people who really embrace their individualities and their differences.” — M A D I S O N O N S A G E R ’ 1 7, W I L L I A M S CO L L E G E Below: DJ ’18 and Madison ’17 in Romeo & Juliet.
Kristin Gimelli Hemme At The Bush School, faculty who have taught at Bush for seven years or more are eligible to take a one-semester sabbatical, funded via the George W. Taylor Faculty Endowment Fund. The 2016–2017 George Taylor Sabbatical Grant recipient was Kristin Gimelli Hemme, Eighth Grade Science Teacher. Kristin has been at Bush for nineteen years as an active leader in the Middle School faculty, currently serving as Grade-Level Coordinator for the Eighth Grade. During Kristin’s sabbatical, she focused on developing new backpacking skills in order to lead Middle School wilderness and E-Week backpacking trips. She attended the Mountaineers Backpacking Basics Series and a Staying Found class. She learned about gear, how to manage weight, how to navigate using maps and a compass, and got to explore new areas of the Pacific Northwest. Kristin returned to Bush in the fall of 2017 prepared to lead backpacking trips and teach map and compass skills. For Kristin, the time was also valuable as a way to recharge and pursue personal interests. She explains, “It gave me a lot of time to be self-directed and accomplish things that I wanted to accomplish, both personally and professionally.” Kristin, who has led Organic Gardening E-lectives and E-weeks in the past, was able to dedicate time to her own garden, and to read about new research on how microbes interact in our gardens. She attended a three-day peace circle training class in May, learning to mediate soulful, intentional conversations. Kristin found that “stepping out and doing that class on sabbatical meant that I had a greater appreciation of it.” At Bush, teachers are encouraged to bring their whole selves to the classroom, and taking a sabbatical can provide time to pursue outside passions. As Kristin reflects, “It’s important because you have time to explore your own interests and creative pursuits that you can share with students and bring back into the classroom.” None of these benefits would be possible without the generous donors who established and contribute to the fund. “Thank you,” Kristin says, “for providing the funding and for having the vision to see that something like this would be really helpful for teachers and really valuable for the school as a whole. This is something that is very needed.”
Brandon Gillespie ’93 and Ashley Stansbury ’93 Brandon Gillespie ’93 and Ashley Stansbury ’93 met as students at Bush in the 80’s. Today they are parents of three Blazers: Madden ’23, Ellody ’25, and Tya ’25. Below are reflections, in their own words, on the impact Bush has had on their lives and families for three generations, and the role of philanthropy in expressing their gratitude and commitment to the school’s future. “In the time we attended The Bush School, particularly in the later years, the school was still realizing its full identity. And, like many people in their high school years, we were also finding our way as individuals and shaping our views of what our future would hold. That created a dynamic relationship between us as young adults, and the school itself that was very special. It was a journey for everyone involved, including the school. And we all came out the other side better prepared to fulfill our full potential. Knowing that we had experienced such growth in our time at Bush inspired us to give back with the hope that others would benefit in a similar way. “Bush has been a part of our family’s community for three generations. For us, it is a very special place and it has so much to do with the people we are today. It has helped us to form long lasting relationships with peers and teachers, challenged us to take risks, inspired critical thinking, and encouraged us to do good things in the world. We give because we want others, including our three daughters, to benefit in the ways we have, as Brandon’s mother did before us, and maybe even as our grandchildren could in the future. “Since we were students at the school, we feel that Bush has done an amazing job of clarifying its mission, educational foundations, and beliefs around the importance of building a community that encourages exploration, values diversity, and pushes our children to develop into independent, engaged leaders. We hope that our future philanthropy will further these efforts through funding priorities such as the new Methow Campus, an expanded technology program, and increased diversity within the community. We love the benefits of experiential education and watching our children grow into well-rounded, confident, and capable individuals.”
FISCAL YEAR PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW 2016–2017 The Bush School raised a total of $1,436,724 in philanthropic giving during the year ending June 30, 2017. Total revenue for the year was $22,569,305 and came from tuituon and fees, philanthropic support, auxiliary programs, and investment income. Total expenses for the year were $22,305,462 and included financial aid, salaries and benefits, programs and materials, maintenance and utilities, and debt service.
Philanthropic Giving 2016–2017 TOTA L
$973,739 ANNUAL FUND
T H E VA LU E O F B U S H ’ S EN D OW M EN T A S O F J U N E 3 0, 20 17 WA S
Revenue 2016–2017 TOTA L
$22,569,305 $1,436,724 CONTRIBUTIONS includes Celebrate Bush
$20,004,857 TUITION & FEES
Expenses 2016–2017 TOTA L
$22,305,462 $ 122,864
FUNDR AISING EXPENSES excluding compensation
$2,975,257 FINANCIAL AID
$12,960,313 SAL ARIES
Tracy Stanton V I CE PR ESI DENT
Karen Marcotte Solimano T R EASUR ER
Eric Fahlman S E CR ETA RY
Justin Moon ’91
Lisa Carroll Chris Chickadel ’93 Sergio Chin-Ley Beth Clark Maggie Finch Mike Galgon Alden Garret ’73 C’Ardiss ‘CC’ Gleser Becky Guzak Patricia ‘Patti’ Hearn
Chris Jones Ann Kawasaki Romero Peggy O’Neill Skinner Artemios ‘Tim’ Panos Jerry Parrish Barbra Richardson Steve Rosen ’84 Curtis Vredenburg Rix Katharine ‘Trina’ Wellman
Mary ‘Sis’ Pease ’41 H E A D O F SC H O O L
Adrianne Keffeler
Barbra Richardson, Chair Chris Chickadel ’93 Steve Rosen ’84 Peggy Skinner Craige Blackmore Polly Fredlund Leslie David Brandon Gillespie Allison Harr Brenda Ng Suzanna Westhagen Aimee Willig
Lisa Carroll, Chair Becky Guzak Adrianne Keffeler Karen Marcotte Solimano Steve Banks ’94 Emily Barrett Siobhan Cavens Allison Harr Amy Pak Daniel Pak Susan Radtke Phil Welt Jessica Wray
Jerry Parrish, Chair Steve Rosen Peggy Skinner Atul Bali Alan Caplan Ethan Delavan Jay Franklin ’90 Renee Russak Ian Sands Jared Wray
Audrey Haberman, Co-Chair Tracy Stanton, Co-Chair Percy Abram Jabe Blumenthal Steven Caplow Jay Franklin ’90 Polly Fredlund Kelsey Medrano Kulpreet Rana Jabali Stewart
Tim Panos, Chair Robin Bentley Kevin Baker James Barrett Norm Nakamura Kevin O’Boyle Alex Ramirez Bob Rudolph Steven Wood
BUILDING COMMUNITY AND ENGAGEMENT Justin Moon ’91, Chair Sally Brunsman Alden Garrett ’73 C’Ardiss Gleser Becky Guzak Sis Pease ’41 Curtis Vredenburg Emma Gorder Alban Howe Jabali Stewart Diana Stroble Ray Wilson
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Tracy Stanton, President Karen Marcotte Solimano, Vice President Justin Moon, Secretary Eric Fahlman, Treasurer Lisa Carroll Jerry Parrish Barbra Richardson
LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE Karen Marcotte Solimano, Chair Chris Jones Justin Moon ’91 Ann Kawasaki Romero Jerry Parrish Tracy Stanton Katharine Wellman Leslie David Percy Abram
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND AUDIT COMMITTEE Eric Fahlman, Chair Lisa Carroll Mike Galgon Tim Panos Katharine Wellman Robin Bentley Controller Polly Fredlund Brian Hulse Ken Longfellow Aaron Richmond Susan Radtke Ray Wilson
CAMPUS MASTER PLANNING TASK FORCE Mike Galgon, Chair Sergio Chin-Ley Beth Clark Maggie Finch Alden Garrett ’73 Tim Panos Ann Kawasaki Romero Robin Bentley Ty Bennion Polly Fredlund Kristin Gimelli-Hemme Hilary Kaltenbach
2016–2017 FAMILIES ASSOCIATION The Bush School Families Association mission is to promote awareness, a sense of belonging, participation, and education of our families at Bush. The purpose is to nurture a spirit of involvement and community between the school and its families. We are so grateful to this year’s co-Presidents, Adrianne Keffeler and Sally Brunsman, for their leadership on behalf of all Bush families and the school. Tracy Amin
Wendy DeLuca
Becky Mason
Libby Sanders
Sarah Asher
Jennifer Diggdon
Erin McMonigal
Kirsten Sands
Julia Baker
Ray Fernandes
Anne Nielsen
Leah Snyder
Emily Barrett
Adrienne Finnell
Judy Nielsen
Kira Sorensen
Wendy Besse
Mary Fleck
Erin O’Rourke
Drella Stein
Gretchen Boehm
Arpana Goel
Daniel Pak
Liz Strober
Sally Brunsman
Shannon Gooding
Amy Philipson
Diana Stroble
Cassie Carroll
Allison Harr
Kate Pollock
Anne Totah
Angela Castaneda
Michelle Heck
Julie Pottinger
Cathy Tsai
Siobhan Cavens
Clair Hector
Geo Quibuyen
Karen Voorhees
Shirley Chow
Adrien Hefta-Gaub
Tamara Reznik
Lisa Wahbe
Angie Christensen
Lori Heller
Heather Robinson
Phil Welt
Diana Cohen
Kate Hinely
Misty Rodriguez
Katie Wenger
Karen Conover
Sena Johnson
Amy Rotival
Suzanna Westhagen
Ashley Andrew Crowley
Adrianne Keffeler
Margaret Royzen
Aimee Willig
Sarah Cummings
Julie Kleiner
Allie Ruettgers
Jessica Wray
Kelly Cundiff
Charmane Marshall
Josh Samson
Thank you to the 2016–2017 volunteers who donated their time and talent to the Annual Fund, Celebrate Bush, and the Families Association. We also extend our deepest gratitude to the countless other volunteers who support the school by helping in the classroom, supporting sports teams, working in the library, planning appreciation luncheons for faculty and staff, and so much more. Thank you to all our volunteers for making The Bush School a great place to learn and work.
ANNUAL FUND 2016–2017 The Annual Fund is a collaborative endeavor that fuels the mission of The Bush School. Every year, the collective generosity of our entire community—alumnae/i, parents, grandparents, parents of alumnae/i, and friends – makes a difference in the life of each student and teacher on our campus. Gifts to the Annual Fund at all levels go directly to programs, curriculum, teacher salaries, professional development, classroom supplies and equipment, financial aid, and so much more. Beyond the very important philanthropic dollars The Bush School raises each year, each donor’s participation reflects the strength of our community and a shared commitment to our students. We are grateful for our 2016–2017 Annual Fund donors who helped us raise $973,739. We also thank our Annual Fund Chair, Jessica Wray, and the many dedicated volunteers for their leadership, enthusiasm, and commitment to Bush.
ANNUAL FUND VOLUNTEERS Jessica Wray, chair Kate Bayley ’96 Tamatha Blair Jabe Blumenthal Sally Boggan ’09 Andrea Bonaccorsi Lisa Carroll Siobhan Cavens John Chang Shirley Chow Jodie Clarke ’95 Diana Cohen Kelly Cundiff Dawn Dort
Julie Edsforth Amy Fernandes Adrienne Finnell Peggy Foerch Louise Franklin Rupa Gadre Patricia Gow Allison Harr Adrien Hefta-Gaub Kate Hinely Shannon Holt Kirstin Humann Thompson Christina Jimenez Sena Johnson
Hilary Kaltenbach Sue Kwon Sarah Morehead Julia Morse Sangeeta Mudnal Samantha Muse ’90 Jillian Nicks Daniel Pak Kate Pollack Tamara Reznik Kathy Risse Misty Rodriguez Allison Ruettgers Jane Saddler
Libby Sanders Rima Sinno Sarah Stanley Lisa Strate Gloria Tzuang Christopher Velasco Lisa Wahbe Katharine “Trina” Wellman Milagros “Mili” Welt Phillip Welt Katie Wenger Michelle Will Xiaying “Sherri” Zhu
ANNUAL FUND continued
Siobhan and Darrell Cavens Fidelity Charitable Julie and Scott Lynch Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Janet and Robert Rudolph Diana and Peter Stroble
Alicia and John Alberg Karyl and Elias Alvord Adrienne Fairhall and Blaise Aguera y Arcas Julie Edsforth and Jabe Blumenthal Polly Close ’80 and Mark Bolender Jane Harvey and Charles Curtis Marina Meila and Carl de Marcken Laurie Minsk and Jerry Dunietz Takayo and Dan Ederer Maggie and Derel Finch ’87 Adrienne and Cory Finnell Clair Hector and Paul Garner Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Mary W. Harriman Foundation Erin and James Miller Anne and Clayton Nielsen Julie and Mark Okerstrom Hilary and Aaron Richmond Sarah and Justin Richmond Jessica and Robert Rosen Amy and Laurent Rotival Schaar and Whelpton Foundation Stephanie Ellis-Smith and Douglas Smith Annisa Jamil and Trent Tredway Vanguard Charitable Wyman Youth Trust Ann Wyman ’64 Deehan Wyman ’65 Virginia Wyman ’67
SPONSORS $15,000–$19,999 Sonia and Jacob Gabrielson Allison and Steve Harr Kira Sorensen and Chris Jones Kathy and Kulpreet Rana Seattle Foundation Jessica and Jared Wray
PARTNERS $10,000–$14,999 Anonymous (2) Bama Works Fund of Dave Matthews Band Benevity Causes Cassie and Jim Carroll Charlottesville Area Community Foundation Wendy and Peter DeLuca Gretl Dupre Galgon Alden Garrett ’73 and Charlie Eriksen Rupa and Rudy Gadre Mike Galgon Becky and Chris Guzak HerRay Foundation Sloan Chong ♦ and Ted Koehn Jaclyn and Stefan Lessard Liberty Interactive Corporation Valerie and Jerry Parrish Sandy and Steve Perlbinder Aimee Truchard and Jesse Rothstein Allison and Christopher Ruettgers Schwab Charitable Stephen M. Seay Foundation Karen Marcotte Solimano and James Solimano Drella and Garth Stein United Way of King County Martha Shapiro and James Wood
SUSTAINERS $2,500–$4,999 Anonymous Nina Maisterra and Percy Abram ♦ American Endowment Foundation AMG Charitable Gift Foundation Rachel Thornton and Jim Amstrong Emily and Marc Antezana Emily and James Barrett Albert & Pamela Bendich Charitable Trust Pamela Bendich Wendy and Timothy Besse
Bright Funds Foundation Cambia Health Solutions Victoria North and Alan Caplan Jessica and Matthew Carr ’88 Denise and Bernard Cassidy Shirley and Robert Chow Beth Clark Ashley and Adam Crowley AMG Charitable Gift Foundation Jennifer ’87 and Adam Czeisler ’86 Mary Jane McRory ’89 and Mark de Vere White Yelena and Sergei Dreizin Gretchen Boehm ♦ and Jason Eglit ’90 Kelly and Eric Fahlman Amy and Ray Fernandes Barbra Richardson and Anthony Fisher Lisa Carroll and Arnaud Gautier Beth and Peter Golde ’86 Google Matching Gifts Christine Grenell Hilen Foundation Andrew and Delney Hilen The Estate of Vivian Martell Hite ’37 Sheryl and John Jardine Kimberly Rush and David Jeschke Gayle Tagawa and Daniel Kam Koniag Inc. Melanie and David Kosloff Michael Mathieu Anne and Matthew McCloskey Sabine Endrigkeit and Klaus Mergener Karen and Kevin Merritt Laurie Benton and David Mitcheltree Annelliott Willis and James Nida Nancy and Doug Norberg Samantha and Paul Nyhan Erin O’Rourke and Sean Oldridge
Kristen Pugsley-Onsager and David Onsager Rebecca and John Petersen Kate and Josh Pollock Sana Isa-Pratt and David Pratt
Diana and Michael Cohen Tracy Stanton and Carlos Cuevas Julia and Richard Diefendorf ’89 Expedia
Karen Ressmeyer Brandi and Jason Robinson Maya Sonenberg and John Robinson Jill and Steve Rosen ’84 Sally and Walter Rugaber
Susan Feeney Meg Diaz and Chris Fitzgerald Peggy Foerch Colleen and Mark Forehand
Sena Johnson and Kushal Saha Shelley and Ari Salomon Christine and Eric Schoening Erin Moore and Jonathan Scholes Roxana Arama and Tracy Sharpe Catherine and David Skinner Dana and Andrew Skotdal Dana Smith Valerie Muller and James Sorenson Kristine Stamper
Valerie and Gregory Gorder Patty Eakes and Mike Gray Amy and Sherman Griffin
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Anne and Jason Totah VMWare Foundation Kathy Washienko Waypoint Advisors Katharine “Trina” Wellman and Douglas Wells Suzanna ♦ and Peter Westhagen
PROVIDERS $1,500–$2,499 Kim Akers Robin Briggs and Thomas Anderson Julia and Kevin Baker Bryson Bede Andrea Bonaccorsi and Ty Bennion Robin Bentley ♦ Marcela and Eric Broussard Margaret Lane and Steven Caplow Christine Sun and Aaron Cheng Julia Morse and Eric Christoffersen ’86
Michelle and Steve Heck Adrien and Brad Hefta-Gaub The Helton Family Steve Hirsh Cara and Chris Holloway Julia Paden and Brian Hulse Ann Kawasaki Romero and Rocco Romero Leslie Ann and Harold Kutz Elizabeth Morrison and Rahul Kuver Muhong Zhang and Shengsheng Liu Corey and Bradford Lovering Suzan Marashi Yvette Eisenberg ’83 and Alan McMillan Irene and Edwin McRory Lisa and Darren Medina Sunita and Nahush Mokadam Anne Barbo Moon ’95 and Justin Moon ’91 Laurie Rosenberg and Thomas Morgan Heidi and Michael Narayan Katherine and Thomas Neckel Mary-Beth and Brian Percival The Potts Family Foundation Sandra Fried and Adam Price Jenny Bullock and Blas Puzon
Bold Type indicates Families and individuals who have matched their gifts
Kimberly Sawada and Greg Raece Christiane Relph Eugenia Chang and Oswaldo Ribas Heidi McBride and Stuart Robertson Libby and Andy Sanders Amarjit and Harjinder Sandhu Karen Foster-Schubert ’89 and Ken Schubert ’89 Anne and Frederick Sherley Suntrust Bank, Inc. Kirstin Humann Thompson and Mark Thompson Gillian and Robert Toledo Brad Hinckley Rix and Curtis Vredenburg Rix Lisa and Robert Wahbe Milagros and Philip Welt Judi and Andy Yates Lien Yu ’87 Tisha Pagalilauan and Gregory Zamudio
BACKERS $750–$1,499 Anonymous Adobe Systems Incorporated Shaina and Tyler Akidau Emily ’94 and Aaron Alhadeff Veronika Zantop and Eric Ames Katherine Alberg Anderson ’89 and Joshua Anderson Phoebe Andrew Connie and Jim Aslaksen Susan McGreevy Julie Ellner and Robert Bernstein David ’50 and Inez Black Laura and Craige Blackmore The Boeing Company Gift Matching Program Margaret and Scott Bright Rebecca and David Bruck The Buhl Family Linda Buxbaum Sarah Faubel and Warren Capell Capital One Financial Corporation
♦ indicates Bush faculty and staff
Danielle Zerr and Dimitri Christakis Kathy and Steve Clarke Rebecca and Cameron Cohen Dawn Aiken and Miguel de Campos Jo Ann Price and David deCourcy DG Foundation Kristi and Jon Dwight Joan Olson and John Ephron Laura and Tom Faber Karen and Brian Ferris Luba Foltz Megan and Marc Frazer Polly ♦ and Camron Fredlund Katharyn Gerlich Alessandro Giacobbe Shannon and Jim Gooding Heather Bridges and Gary Gould Donald Guthrie and Candace Tkachuck Keiko Hikino and Yoshio Hall H. DeForest Hardinge & Family Liliana and Nikhil Hasija Nicole ’75 and Lawrence Heath Susan Trainor Holt and John Holt Sarah Milo Hoskow ’97 and Peter Hoskow Julie Vorhes and Karl Hufnagel Jonna and Richard Jensen Francisca and Eric Johnson Adrianne and Brian Keffeler Julie and Michael Kleiner Suzanne Dilanzo and Reed Koch Joyce and Robert LaFramboise Diane and David Libbey Marcie Lombardi Julie Lyss and David Loren Anne Steckel Low ’67 Barbara and Frank Magusin Mamie and Aidan Marcuss Verena Hess and Mike Merwin Nancy Merwin Holly Muenchow ’98
◊ indicates deceased
Heather and Steven Murch Brenda and Ken Ng Manrita Sidhu and Tom Nickels Lori Nomura and Hossein Nowbar Jane Power and Jack O’Dell Kathy and Blaine O’Kelley Rebecca and Artemios “Tim” Panos Dorothy Allen Penrose ’57 Jennifer Perry Greta Hardin ’90 and Alec Peterson Sarah Swanberg ’88 Warren and Elta Ratliff Carrie Delaney Rhodes ’90 Stephanie and Robert Richling Kathy and Michael Risse Tamara Reznik and Kevin Saliba Kirsten and Ian Sands Diane Seim Jessie Shulman ’01 Rebecca and David Simons Leah and Timothy Snyder Thalia and George Stamatoyannopoulos Lisa Strate and John Stamatoyannopoulos Mary Jo and Michael Stansbury Starbucks Coffee Company Naomi and Bart Stroupe Candice McCoy and Peter Tarczy-Hornoch Shannon Corbin and Jonathan Tingstad T-Mobile USA Luna Wang and Micah Truman Washington Women’s Foundation Marja Koopmans and Maarten Weisbeek Katie Wenger Michelle and Court Will Xiaying Sherri Zhu
SUPPORTERS $300–$749 Anonymous Sandra Abram Tracy and Eric Aiken
Manalebish Tale and Alemayehu Alemu AmazonSmile Foundation Felix Andrew Elaine and Timothy Anthonise Susan Radtke ♦ and Mike Arnow Trish Quinn and Bill Asher
Janice Peterson and Angus Fraser
Karen and Bill Baber Edward Bahk ’96 Barbara and Sandy Bernbaum Laura and Mark Birzell Gregory Bishop Chris Bondy ’82 David Brunelle Kimberly Barnett and Sally Brunsman Tiffany and Mark Buerk ’85 Scott Busby
Salone Habibuddin Alison and Michael Harris Patricia Hearn Daniel Heldring ’95 Ariella Hertz ’06 Don Hillard ♦ Rachel and Patrick Hollister Shannon and Bobby Holt Maria Milano and Robert Howie Griffin Hurlbut ’15
Jennifer Preisman and Michael Campion Bonnie and Robbie Cape Christin and Gary Carpenter Sara ’90 ♦ and Nicholas Carter ’90 Anna Reche and Sergio Chin-Ley Kristy and Timothy Clark ’85 Marietta Clements Hobbs Catherine Cloutier ’67 Sarah and Busy Cummings Leslie ’85 ♦ and Christopher David Jane Broom Davidson and Brent Davidson D’Arcy McGrath and David Dederer ’82 Michael Dederer Marion and John DeForest Idalice “Dee” Squire Dickinson ’45 Ann and Kevin Downs Karen Cooper and Steve Drake Peggy and Chas ♦ Dreyfus Robin Martin-Emerson and Lee Emerson Carolyn and Howard Ferguson Peggy Gannon and Todd Fernandez Andreanna Kapogiannatos and Manuel Ferreira Sylvia and Fred Fickenwirth Charles Fitzgerald Stephanie ’69 and Harold Fowler Louise and Jonathan Franklin
Amy and Tom Gaffney Ashley Stansbury ’93 and Brandon Gillespie ’93 Gloria Tzuang and Oliver Goldman Courtney and Dean Grote
Jewish Community Foundation Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Jessica Jobes Alice and Paul Johansson Kathie Friedman-Kasaba and Resat Kasaba Katherine Stephenson ’83 and Michael Kelley Sarah and Matt Kennedy Pamela and Jonathan Kil Susan and Jaymor Kim Jannan and Victor Kippes Mieko Hart ’87 and Garrett Krueger Lake Partners Strategy Consultants Catherine and James Larkin Gina and Erik Lauvstad Risa ’72 and Robert Lavizzo-Mourey Sue Kwon and Dong Lee Courtney Gregoire and Scott Lindsay Linda MacCracken JoAnn and Michael Maisterra Jennifer Porter and Harold Malkin Cindy Masin ’67 Lori Weyand Mason ’86 Toby Meek Angela and Jan Miksovsky Anne and Sam Miller Ioana and Titus Miron Daniel Molloy Cornelia ’77 and Terry Moore Beth Morgan Joanne and Chris Napier
ANNUAL FUND continued Susan and Robert Nathane, Jr. Charitable Fund at the East Bay Community Foundation Marilyn Nowogroski ’65 Gloria and Seth Oster Andrea and Aaron Ostrovsky Adrienne Bloom and Daniel O’Sullivan April Stempien-Otero and Henry Otero Jeff Pelletier and Christopher Pasco ’95 Lucille and Larry Pasco Holly Hermon and Robert Perez Amy Philipson Alita Davis Pirkopf ’53 Page Pless Marci Pliskin and Renee Russak Barbara Endicott and Viatcheslav Popovsky Fatima and Jeffrey Randolph Razorfish Tricia and Van Redila Rencourt Foundation, Inc. Rebecca Mason ’91 and Jamil Rich Nancy Le and Diego Rivera Robert and Lillian Philipson Foundation Cindy Brown and John Rogers Sarah Stanley and Dale Rogerson Laurie Bernbaum Rosen and Alexander Rosen ’86 Katherine and Josh Samson Launa Santi ’73 Verena Kuzmany and Brian Schowengerdt Wendy Goffe and Scott Schrum Gwen and Rick Sheridan Peggy and John Skinner Vicki Mendiratta and John Strayer Patricia Franklin and Darrell Syferd Tableau Foundation Gerald Tarutis Shelby Tarutis Sangeeta Mudnal and Jigar Thakkar The Forum of Executive Women Karen Conover and Martyn Thrussell Amy and Jeff Tran
Paola Leone and Gregory Vaughn Catherine Marcotte and Francois Vigneault Gina Sucato and Scott Watson Alice and Bradford Wellman Margaret Kineke and Dennis West Helen and Bob Widlansky Miriam Park and Prentis Wilson Keisha and Ray ♦ Wilson Linda Park and James Winton Christine and Randy Wise Judy Whang and Ted Wise
ADVOCATES $150–$299 Tracy and Omar Amin Ginger ’83 and Kurt Armbruster Sarah and Graeme Asher Bindu and Atul Bali Ellen Wolf Barrett ’62 Stacy ♦ and Davis Bell Helen and Ethan Bell Mearl Bergeson Reshma ♦ and Mark Berryman Victoria Tennant Bettes ’66 Tamatha Blair Kathleen and Jon Blake Karen Domino and Gene Brenowitz Julie and Jeremy Bryan ♦ Kelli Martin and Darius Cayetano Myong Lee and John Chang Deborah and Chris Chickadel ’93 Jennifer Habu and Richard Chinn Angie and Yann Christensen Liz Strober and Bryan Cohen ’88 Erin McMonigal ’90 and Ted Corbett MJ Kelly and Peter Cousseau Jane Boone and Theodore Coxe Meritxell ♦ and John Deegan Erica and Ethan ♦ Delavan Laura Widdace and Richard Dunn Catherine and Rodney Edwards
Andrina Bigelow ’92 and Mark Eskridge Jane Kaplan and Jerry Everard Jane Saddler and Bruce Farwell ’69 Mark Fleischbein Kaylen and Ryan Flugel Elizabeth Sander Foley ’67 Caryn Fong and Quintessa Huey Kelly and Gregg Forebaugh Margo and Erik Fraker Arran Stier ’93 and Jay Franklin ’90 ♦ John Ganz ♦ C’Ardiss “CC” and Joshua Gleser ’90 Dawn and Morris Goodman Cathy Griffin and Jackie Ritmire Katherine Gardner and Joseph Haberzetle Olivia Hall ♦ Judith McGarry and Daniel Hayes Katie Hester and Sarah Smith Isaiah Honick ♦ Jen and Pete Houston Alban Howe ♦ Kay and Stan Humann Kristin Jamerson Mark Jewell ♦ Linda and Theodore Johnson Emily Wesselhoeft Kelly ’74
Tatiana Toro and Daniel Pollack Suze Woolf and Steve Price Cordelia and Charles Puttkammer Patricia Noonan and William Querdasi Chera Amlag and Geo Quibuyen Mariska Kemna and Kim Quon Margaret and Zinovy Royzen Barbara and Far Salimian Carol and Harley Schmidt Alan Sebring Jessica Shapiro ’91 Margaret and Christopher Shuhart Kristen Hammerback and Mark Smith Cyndi and Chris Standaert Elizabeth and Tracey Steig David Stroble David Thompson ’18 Jesse Uman ’02 Kathy Mares and Joseph Walter Washington State Combined Fund Drive Kara and Ben Weber Claire Wilson ♦ Ann Wyckoff ’44 Lara Swimmer ’87 and Robert Zimmer
Artur Laksberg Laura LeBlanc ♦
Mandy and Robert McLauchlan Cecily ♦ and Dustin Metzger Megan Minarik Shannon Bryan and Bill Molloy Paige Molloy Mike Morrison ’84 Elaine and Doug Muchmore Robin and Kevin Murphy
Anonymous Kerta Abukar and Ali Abatiyow Margie and Jeff Abolofia Jeffery Adjei ♦ Charles and Kinuko Akiyama Priyanthi Alahendra ♦ Leslie and Scott ♦ Allen Keith Anderson ’80 Patricia and Stephen Anderson ’83 Burgi and Luis Antezana Avery Armstrong ’92 Anne Avery
Rebecca Brown-Nienow and Dale Nienow Yvette and Eric Olson Ann Ormsby Ann Donovan and Randy Pape Ellen Passloff Karen and Daniel Perry
Holly and Will ♦ Baber ’00 Elizabeth Osborne and Thomas Bain ♦ Gordon Baker ’07 ♦ Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Julie ♦ and Matthew Barber
Kay Barmore James Batey ♦ Alison and Odin Bazeley Ruth Mengstab and Biniam Belay Anna ♦ and Jesse Belknap Misty Rodriguez and Victor Berdecia Thomas Bergeron ♦ Shirley and Louis Bernstein Charles Bess ’94 Megan and Paul Bintinger Joanne and Tom Bintinger Janet ♦ and Joe Bisignano Lisa Black ’88 BlackRock Matching Gift Program (Barclays) Marilyn Smith ♦ and Martin Blank Sally Boggan ’09 ♦ Midge ’51 and David ◊ Bowman Carol Davidson Braden and Todd Braden Dana Valk Brandsey ♦ and Chris Brandsey Mary Fleck and James Brawley Kate and Stephen Bronson Jennifer Tseng and Nicholas Brown Patty Buchanan Illis Ferry Burke ’54 Anh Burton Mark Burton Laura Butler Ina Chang and Todd Campbell Alison Cataline ♦ Zoe Catsiff ♦ Melissa Cavender ♦ Jodie ’95 and Christopher Clarke Amy and Matt Cockburn Sarah Cohen ♦ Nancy and Nathanial Cooke Toni and John Corkran Suzanne Forrest Corkran and Robert Corkran James Coupe Ananda Cousins and Francia Recalde-Cousins ♦ Cori Glaser Curry Charles Dahlgren Victoria D’Amelio ♦ Tamara Andrews and Bobby Davis Christine Stange Davis Kristiann Schoening and Peter Davis Michael de Groot ’84 Kara Ceriello and Jon deLeeuw Gretchen and Charley de Limur
Bold Type indicates Families and individuals who have matched their gifts
Elsa Parrington Desrochers ’67 Bobby De Weese Ruanne Barnabas and Morgan Dicus ♦ Debra Diederichs Jennifer and David Diggdon Tomiko Dobson Beatriz Troncoso ♦ and Paul Doherty Cynthia Donion Marcelino Dumpit ♦ Albert Dunlap Michael Duyzend ’04 Susan Dwyer-Shick Chris and Charles Eaton Kathleen and David ♦ Eggenberger Rebecca Elenzil ♦ Mary and Gary Emslie Liliane Eriksen ’11 ♦ Celeste Eustis ♦ Elaine and Dave Eva Sandra and William Evenson Sharon and Alexander Ewing Chad Farrell ’98 Carolyn and Michael Fialkow ’85 Yoshie and Harold Fields Jessica and Christopher Filer Douglas Finley Sara ♦ and Brian Fischer Don Fitz-Roy ♦ Kristin McInaney ♦ and James Flecht Krista and Brian Fleming Mark Francis ♦ Jenifer Franklin ’82 Joanne Keegan ♦ and Marc Freeman Julie and Jeremy Freise Janine Maenza and Andrew Friedman Garrett Frol Susan and Albert Fuchs Linda and Ron Fuller Tanya and Hamilton Gardiner Rosemary Garner Heidi Durham and Leslie Garrard GE Foundation Erik Gearhart ♦ Seth Gibson Kristin and Juan Gimelli Hemme ♦ Gayle Gingold ♦ Mary McCauley and Richard Goodfried Emma Gorder ’11 ♦ Vivian Graham ♦
♦ indicates Bush faculty and staff
Charles and Jeannie Gravenkemper Michel and Vance Grkov Emily Halley ♦ Keith Hamburg Colby Hanover Linda and Bruce Hanson Ann Fisher Hanson ’61 Yoshiko Harden Hal Hardinge ’85 Katherine Day Hase and John Hase Lucinda and Timothy Hauser Janise and Steven Hawes Nancy and Paul Hawkes Anne Northrup and Ralph Hawkins Michael Heald ♦ Christopher Hedien Lori Heller Joanna Steiner Helsby ’99 Jan and Richard Hinely Tina and Dean Hove Kristina and Robert Huffman Li-Ting Hung ♦ Shamsia Bilal Hussien ♦ Tami ♦ and Tad Hutchison Caroline Huxtable ♦ Alice Wright Hyde ’61 Lisa Ragen Ide ’80 and Arthur Ide Jannicke Tvedt and George Ioannou Alison Stewart-Ito and Jo Ito ♦ Michael and Lauren Jackson Wendy Jackson Chelsea Jennings ♦ David Jensen ♦ Christina Jimenez ♦ Leina Johansson Martha John Andrea (Tiger) Jolles Tiana and Omoro Jones Edith Wolff and John Junker Hilary Kaltenbach ♦ April and Bryan Kelley Susie Keresztes-Nagy ♦ Deanna Killeen Dale and Robert Klein Dacy Knight ’07 Aimee Willig and Jay Kornfeld Marykay Kreszenzia Karen and Keith Kubota Sharon and Chris Kunin Rachel Lagunoff ’77 Melissa ♦ and Brendan Lanctot
◊ indicates deceased
Susanna and James Lane Nancy and Leslie Larsen Kathleen Learned Meredith Dorrance and Ken Lederman Amanda Lee ’09 Mark Leporati ♦ Pamela Lutz and Adam Levy Lynn Peterson and Hugh Lewis Heidi Henderson-Lewis and Terrence Lewis LexisNexis Cares Matching Gift Program Leslie Loper ♦ Jenny Lui Dawn Dort and Ian Lurie Jane ’53 and James Lyons
Judi Gladstone and Allen Otto
Shelly Macer ♦ Melissa ♦ and Don Manning Kelly Martinez Tabatha Ma ♦ Laurie ♦ and Shepard Mathews Diana McBaine-Cook Karen McCabe ♦ Mary McHugh Sondra ♦ and Robert McLafferty Patrick McLane ♦ Aimee and Adam McNae ’95 Kari and John Medina Enrica Basilico and Michael Megalli Deina Frausto and Bradley Melmon Christine ♦ and Eric Miller Kimberly and Timothy ♦ Mitchell Tamara Moats ♦ Mary and Frank Montgomery Michael Montgomery Tina Montgomery Sarah and Jim Morehead Blair Morgan-Livingston ♦ Sahli and Donald Mrvos Rebecca Mudgett Wendy and Peter Mullen Callie Murphy ♦ Jamala Myres
Erin Roberts ♦ and Connor Rabinowitz Katherine and Douglass Raff Suzanne and Brooks Ragen Naja and Alex ♦ Ramirez Susan Wright Reed ’59 Carolyn Regas Esther and Peter Reiquam Elena Repina and Alexei Repin Roger Ressmeyer Lynette and Mark ♦ Roberts Elizabeth and Frederick Robinson Heather Johnston-Robinson and Ryan Robinson Paula Garcia and Horacio Rodas Alice and Paul Rollins Elizabeth and Robert Rosane Leslie Rugaber Bilkis Amin and Mohammed Ruhul Benjamin Ryan ’97 Josepha Rood and Douglas Rybacki Sandra Ryder ♦
Terri Nakamura Cindy Nash Edna Marie Natkin Roger Nelson ’98 Network For Good Karl Nicholas Jillian Nicks ♦ Judy ’80 and Dave Nielsen Michael Nipert ♦ Alexander Nisbet Heather and Ed O’Malley
Amy and Daniel Pak Christie and James Park Andrea and Stanford Peng Phoebe Matthews Perper ’56 Katie and Phillip Person ’87 Lailla and John Petersen Laurie Pfarr Patrick Phillips Rowena and Sergio Pineda Julie and Paul Pottinger Susanne Eckert ♦ and Ed Puchalla Rachel Glass and David Quicksall
Kate Bayley ’96 and Tadd Sackville-West Carol Edmiston and Paul Sakai Sherrill Bennington ♦ and Sune Sandling SAP America Anne and Steve Sarewitz Nancy Puttkammer and David Saxen Tracy Schneider and Van Schilperoort Janine Schloss Alice and James Schneider Betsy Maurer and Andrew Schulman Joyce and Wayne Schut Erica and Nathan Sevilla
Toni-Ann Lupinacci and Neil Shah Elizabeth and Scott Shaw Jennie ’77 and James Sheldon Margaret Simons Rima Sinno Misty Skeeter Katie and Daniel Sluss Eva Yablonski Smith ♦ Beth and Michael Smith Jan and William Snyder Diana Meyer Stark ’57 Leslie ♦ and Larry Starr Gail and Peter Stempien Rosemary ’63 and Girard Steven Nicole ’92 and Ian Stewart Monica Rojas-Stewart and Jabali Stewart ♦ Claire Stimson Rebecca and Andy Stoller Nancy and Gene Studer Jane Graham Sutherland ’62 Candy and Robert Tingstad Jody and Stewart Todd Christopher Trimis ♦ Emy Tseng ’83 Bhagawati and Kiran Udas Laura and Glen VanDerPloeg Megan Schwartz and Christopher Velasco Terry ♦ and Woody Walburn Katharine Walker ♦ Kelly Wall ♦ Betsy ♦ and Jeff Wandasiewicz Emily Ruth Warren ♦ Quierra Williams ♦ Kate Sadlon ♦ and Chester Weir Sharon ’98 and Josh Werner Ben Wheeler ♦ Rosemary Wheeler ♦ Joanne Whitehead Scott Whittlesey Jean Osborne Wilhelm ’43 Carmen Berger and James Willems Anna and Tom Wilson Kornfeld Keith Wintraub Mia and Tom ♦ Wise David Woods Jay Wyatt ’04 ♦ Angela Castaneda and John Zilly Dana Zulauf ♦
ANNUAL FUND / PARENTS OF ALUMNAE/I Anonymous Anonymous Margie and Jeff Abolofia Leslie and Scott Allen Patricia and Stephen Anderson ’83 Robin Briggs and Thomas Anderson Phoebe Andrew Trish Quinn and Bill Asher Karen and Bill Baber Kay Barmore Mearl Bergeson Shirley and Louis Bernstein Julie Ellner and Robert Bernstein Megan and Paul Bintinger Gregory Bishop Janet and Joe Bisignano Inez Black Kathleen and Jon Blake Marilyn Smith and Martin Blank Midge Bowman ’51 Carol Davidson Braden and Todd Braden Karen Domino and Gene Brenowitz Jamie Hill-Buhl ’79 and Frederick Buhl Bonnie and Robbie Cape Christin and Gary Carpenter Danielle Zerr and Dimitri Christakis Beth Clark Kristy and Timothy Clark ’85 Amy and Matt Cockburn Suzanne Forrest Corkran and Robert Corkran Jane Harvey and Charles Curtis Victoria D’Amelio Leslie ’85 and Christopher David Christine Stange Davis Kristiann Schoening and Peter Davis
Jo Ann Price and David deCourcy D’Arcy McGrath and David Dederer ’82 Michael Dederer Cynthia Donion Laurie Minsk and Jerry Dunietz Albert Dunlap Susan Dwyer-Shick Robin Martin-Emerson and Lee Emerson Mary and Gary Emslie Alden Garrett ’73 and Charlie Eriksen Kelly and Eric Fahlman Jane Saddler and Bruce Farwell ’69 Susan Feeney Carolyn and Howard Ferguson Sylvia and Fred Fickenwirth Barbra Richardson and Anthony Fisher Louise and Jonathan Franklin Janine Maenza and Andrew Friedman Rupa and Rudy Gadre Lisa Carroll and Arnaud Gautier Katharyn Gerlich Kristin and Juan Gimelli Hemme Valerie and Gregory Gorder Jeannie and Charles Gravenkemper Cathy Griffin and Jackie Ritmire Amy and Sherman Griffin Donald Guthrie and Candace Tkachuck Becky and Chris Guzak H. DeForest Hardinge & Family Alison and Michael Harris Janise and Steven Hawes Anne Northrup and Ralph Hawkins Steve Hirsh
Susan Trainor Holt and John Holt Maria Milano and Robert Howie Wendy Jackson Kristin Jamerson Jonna and Richard Jensen Linda and Theodore Johnson Katherine Stephenson ’83 and Michael Kelley Deanna Killeen Nancy and Leslie Larsen Pamela Lutz and Adam Levy Corey and Bradford Lovering Jenny Lui Jane ’53 and James Lyons Linda MacCracken Jennifer Porter and Harold Malkin Melissa and Don Manning Anne and Matthew McCloskey Mandy and Robert McLauchlan Yvette Eisenberg ’83 and Alan McMillan Irene and Edwin McRory Anne and Sam Miller Tamara Moats Mary and Frank Montgomery Cornelia ’77 and Terry Moore Wendy and Peter Mullen Robin and Kevin Murphy Susan and Robert Nathane, Jr. Edna Marie Natkin Judy ’80 and Dave Nielsen Rebecca Brown-Nienow and Dale Nienow Michael Nipert Ann Ormsby April Stempien-Otero and Henry Otero Judi Gladstone and Allen Otto Rebecca and Artemios “Tim” Panos
Lucille and Larry Pasco Karen and Daniel Perry Amy Philipson Rowena and Sergio Pineda Page Pless Barbara Endicott and Viatcheslav Popovsky David Potts Suze Woolf and Steve Price Katherine and Douglass Raff Suzanne and Brooks Ragen Carolyn Regas Esther and Peter Reiquam Christiane Relph Alice and Paul Rollins Amarjit and Harjinder Sandhu Betsy Maurer and Andrew Schulman Peggy and John Skinner Dana Smith Kristen Hammerback and Mark Smith Beth and Michael Smith Karen Marcotte Solimano and James Solimano Cyndi and Chris Standaert Mary Jo and Michael Stansbury Leslie and Larry Starr Elizabeth and Tracey Steig Drella and Garth Stein Jane Graham Sutherland ’62 Patricia Franklin and Darrell Syferd Shannon Corbin and Jonathan Tingstad Kathy Mares and Joseph Walter Katharine “Trina” Wellman and Douglas Wells Margaret Kineke and Dennis West Joanne Whitehead Linda Park and James Winton
ANNUAL FUND / GRANDPARENTS & GRANPARENTS OF ALUMNAE/I Sandra Abram Kinuko and Charles Akiyama Phoebe Andrew Burgi and Luis Antezana Connie and Jim Aslaksen Anne Avery Susan McGreevy Pamela Bendich Barbara and Sandy Bernbaum Joanne and Tom Bintinger David ’50 and Inez Black Patty Buchanan Linda Buxbaum Kathy and Steve Clarke
Marietta Clements Hobbs Michael Dederer Tomiko Dobson Cynthia Donion Chris and Charles Eaton Sharon and Alexander Ewing Susan and Albert Fuchs Linda and Bruce Hanson Jan and Richard Hinely Kay and Stan Humann Alice and Paul Johansson Deanna Killeen Marykay Kreszenzia Susanna and James Lane
Diane and David Libbey JoAnn and Michael Maisterra Mary McHugh Irene and Edwin McRory Nancy Merwin Elaine and Doug Muchmore Rebecca Mudgett Cindy Nash Nancy and Doug Norberg Sandy and Steve Perlbinder Lailla and John Petersen Barbara Endicott and Viatcheslav Popovsky Cordelia and Charles Puttkammer Sally and Walter Rugaber
Alice and James Schneider Joyce and Wayne Schut Margaret Simons Catherine and David Skinner Jan and William Snyder Thalia and George Stamatoyannopoulos Mary Jo and Michael Stansbury Gail and Peter Stempien Rosemary ’63 and Girard Steven Nancy and Gene Studer Patricia Franklin and Darrell Syferd Candy and Robert Tingstad Alice and Bradford Wellman
ANNUAL FUND / ALUMNAE/I DONORS 1930s The Estate of Vivian Martell Hite ’37
Cornelia Duryee Moore ’77 Elizabeth Brinkley Rosane ’70 Jennie Wood Sheldon ’77
Idalice “Dee” Squire Dickinson ’45 Lynn Peterson ’42 Jean Osborne Wilhelm ’43 Ann Pigott Wyckoff ’44
Keith Anderson ’80 Stephen Anderson ’83 Gina Donion Anstey ’89 Ginger Gary Armbruster ’83 Lisa Black ’88 Christopher Bondy ’82 Jennifer Tseng ’89 Mark Buerk ’85 Warren Capell ’88 Matthew Carr ’88 Eric Christoffersen ’86 Timothy Clark ’85 Polly Close ’80 Bryan Cohen ’88 Adam Czeisler ’86 Leslie Ferguson David ’85 David Dederer ’82 Michael de Groot ’84 Mary Jane McRory ’89 Richard Diefendorf ’89 Michael Fialkow ’85 Derel Finch ’87 Kelly Killeen Forebaugh ’88 Karen Foster-Schubert ’89 Jenifer Franklin ’82 Peter Golde ’86 Dawn Ricketts Goodman ’89 Hal Hardinge ’85 Lisa Ragen Ide ’80 Eric Johnson ’83 Francisca Moseley Johnson ’83 Katherine Stephenson ’83 Mieko Hart ’87 Lori Weyand Mason ’86 Diana McBaine-Cook ’84 Yvette Eisenberg ’83 Michael Morrison Ph.D. ’84 Judith Nielsen ’80 Phillip Person ’87 Sarah Swanberg ’88 Alexander Rosen ’86 Steve Rosen ’84 Ken Schubert III ’89 Emy Tseng ’83 Lien Yu ’87 Lara Swimmer ’87
1950s Elsa “Midge” McPhee Bowman ’51 Illis Ferry Burke ’54 Nancy Lockwood Cooke ’54 Sahli Merrill Mrvos ’51 Jane Phillips Power ’56 Dorothy “Poo” Allen Penrose ’57 Phoebe Matthews Perper ’56 Alita Davis Pirkopf ’53 Susan Wright Reed ’59 Diana Meyer Stark ’57
1960s Anonymous Ellen Wolf Barrett ’62 Victoria Tennant Bettes ’66 Catherine Cloutier ’67 Elsa Parrington Desrochers ’67 Carol Edmiston ’63 Bruce Farwell ’69 Elizabeth Sander Foley ’67 Stephanie Fowler ’69 Ann Hanson ’61 Alice “Sally” Wright Hyde ’61 Anne Steckel Low ’67 Cindy Topp Masin ’67 Marilyn Nowogroski ’65 Rosemary Wright Steven ’63 Jane Graham Sutherland ’62 Ann Wyman ’64 Deehan Wyman ’65 Virginia Wyman ’67
1970s Jon deLeeuw ’78 Gretchen Steffy de Limur ’77 Linda Fuller ’70 Alden Garrett ’73 Nicole Blom Heath ’75 Jamie Hill-Buhl ’79 Emily Wesselhoeft Kelly ’74 Rachel Lagunoff ’77 Risa Lavizzo-Mourey ’72
Italic Type indicates Reunion Years
1990s John Alberg ’90 Emily Warshal Alhadeff ’94
◊ indicates deceased
Elias Alvord ll ’93 Avery Olsen Armstrong ’92 Edward Bahk ’96 Kathryn Bayley ’96 Charles Bess ’94 Andrina Bigelow ’92 Sara Noble Carter ’90 Chris Chickadel ’93 Judith Franklin Clarke ’95 Jason Eglit ’90 Chad Farrell ’98 Christopher Filer ’99 Jay Franklin ’90 Brandon T. Gillespie ’93 Joshua Gleser ’90 Margaret Hardin ’90 Daniel Heldring ’95 Joanna Steiner Helsby ’99 Sarah Milo Hoskow ’97 April Dreisbach Kelley ’95 Scott Lindsay ’96 Rebecca Mason ’91 Erin McMonigal ’90 Adam McNae ’95 Justin Moon ’91 Holly Muenchow ’98 Roger Nelson ’98 Christopher Pasco ’95 Carrie Rhodes ’90 Benjamin Ryan ’97 Erica DeBruyn Sevilla ’94 Jessica Shapiro ’91 Ashley Stansbury ’93 Nicole Judson Stewart ’92 Arran Stier ’93 Ben Weber ’90 Sharon Takhar Werner ’98
2000s Will Baber ’00 Gordon Baker ’07 Sally Boggan ’09 Michael Duyzend ’04 Ariella Hertz ’06 Dacy Knight ’07 Amanda Lee ’09 Jessie Shulman ’01 Jesse Uman ’02 Jay Wyatt ’04
2010s Liliane Eriksen ’11 Emma Gorder ’11 Griffin Hurlbut ’15
ANNUAL FUND / CORPORATE, ORGANIZATION & FOUNDATION DONORS Anonymous Adobe Systems Incorporated Albert & Pamela Bendich Charitable Trust AmazonSmile Foundation American Endowment Foundation AMG Charitable Gift Foundation Bama Works Fund of Dave Matthews Band Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Benevity Causes BlackRock Matching Gift Program (Barclays) The Boeing Company Gift Matching Program Bright Funds Foundation Cambia Health Solutions Capital One Financial Corporation Charlottesville Area Community Foundation DG Foundation The Estate of Vivian Martell Hite ’37 Expedia
Fidelity Charitable The Forum of Executive Women Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation GE Foundation Google Matching Gifts Mary W. Harriman Foundation HerRay Foundation Hilen Foundation Jewish Community Foundation Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Koniag Inc. Lake Partners Strategy Consultants LexisNexis Cares Matching Gift Program Liberty Interactive Corporation Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Network For Good Robert and Lillian Philipson Foundation Razorfish
Rencourt Foundation, Inc. SAP America Schaar and Whelpton Foundation Schwab Charitable Seattle Foundation Stephen M. Seay Foundation Starbucks Coffee Company Suntrust Bank, Inc. Tableau Foundation T-Mobile USA United Way of King County The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Vanguard Charitable VMWare Foundation Washington State Combined Fund Drive Washington Women’s Foundation Waypoint Advisors Wyman Youth Trust
ANNUAL FUND / HONOR & MEMORIAL GIFTS IN HONOR OF Keith Anderson ’80 in honor of Janice Osaka Polly Close ’80 and Mark Bolender in honor of Janice Osaka Christin and Gary Carpenter in honor of Janice Osaka Jane Boone and Theodore Coxe in honor of Janice Osaka Sara and Brian Fischer in honor of Janice Osaka Kristin Jamerson in honor of Janice Osaka Ann Kawasaki Romero and Rocco Romero in honor of Janice Osaka Benjamin Ryan ’97 in honor of Janice Osaka
IN MEMORY OF Trish Quinn and Bill Asher in honor of Patricia Quinn Edward Bahk ’96 in honor of Jeffrey June Bahk Shirley and Louis Bernstein in honor of Lloyd Weatherford Gretchen and Charley de Limur in honor of the Class of ’77 The Forum of Executive Women in honor of Dr. Risa Lavizzo-Mourey Nicole ’75 and Lawrence Heath in honor of Mary “Sis” Pease ’41 Katherine Stephenson ’83 and Michael Kelley in honor of the amazing teachers at Bush Anne Steckel Low ’67 in honor of the 50th Reunion of the Class of ’67
Toni and John Corkran in memory of Laurel Corkran ’87 Michael Duyzend ’04 in memory of Damian Potts Mark Fleischbein in memory of Jane Fleischbein ’71 Lisa Ragen Ide ’80 and Arthur Ide in memory of Lauren “Muff” Eising Jacox ’78 Martha John in memory of Damian Potts, cross-country coach Sharon and Chris Kunin in memory of Sara Schottenstein Karl Nicholas in memory of Veronica Nichols ’59 Suzanne and Brooks Ragen in memory of Lauren “Muff” Eising Jacox ’78 Jean Osborne Wilhelm ’43 in memory of Mary Rolfe Will
Kay Barmore Leslie ’85 and Christopher David Alden Garrett ’73 and Charlie Eriksen Katharyn Gerlich Linda MacCracken Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Susan and Robert Nathane, Jr. Dorothy Allen Penrose ’57 Susan Wright Reed ’59 Carolyn Regas Esther and Peter Reiquam
Felix Andrew Emily and Marc Antezana Ellen Wolf Barrett ’62 Andrea Bonaccorsi and Ty Bennion Julie Ellner and Robert Bernstein Marilyn Smith and Martin Blank Polly Close ’80 and Mark Bolender Karen Domino and Gene Brenowitz Kimberly Barnett and Sally Brunsman Illis Ferry Burke ’54 Margaret Lane and Steven Caplow Sara ’90 and Nicholas Carter ’90 Shirley and Robert Chow Theodore Coxe Jane Broom Davidson and Brent Davidson Idalice “Dee” Squire Dickinson ’45 Laurie Minsk and Jerry Dunietz Sylvia and Fred Fickenwirth Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Valerie and Gregory Gorder Becky and Chris Guzak Adrien and Brad Hefta-Gaub Sheryl and John Jardine Kimberly Rush and David Jeschke Mieko Hart ’87 and Garrett Krueger Elizabeth Morrison and Rahul Kuver Anne Steckel Low ’67 Jane ’53 and James Lyons Laurie and Shepard Mathews Cecily Metzger Jerry and Valerie Parrish Lucille and Larry Pasco Amy Philipson Ananda Cousins and Francia Recalde-Cousins Peggy and John Skinner Lisa Strate and John Stamatoyannopoulos
15–19 CONSECUTIVE YEARS Karen and Bill Baber Robin Bentley Janet and Joe Bisignano The Boeing Company Gift Matching Program Jo Ann Price and David deCourcy Beatriz Troncoso and Paul Doherty Fidelity Charitable Don Hillard Susan Trainor Holt and John Holt Kristin Jamerson Page Pless Suze Woolf and Steve Price Diana Meyer Stark ’57 Drella and Garth Stein Katharine “Trina” Wellman and Douglas Wells Rosemary Wheeler
CELEBRATE BUSH FUNDING FLIGHT Thank you to the parents, alumnae/i, faculty, staff, and friends who attended Celebrate Bush at the Museum of Flight. Over 500 of us came together to celebrate our community and support our school. We raised $344,390 in support of ďŹ nancial aid and had a great time doing it!
CELEBRATE BUSH VOLUNTEERS Many thanks to the amazing volunteer team led by co-chairs and current Bush parents Emily Barrett and Allison Harr, who dedicated countless hours of time and tremendous talent to making sure the event was better than ever. From the online auction, silent auction, live auction, and raise the paddle; to the stellar decorations, music, costumes, and atmosphere, this event was a blast. Thank you, Bush community, for “funding flight” in support of financial aid at The Bush School. Melanie Adler Emily Alhadeff Tracy Amin Emily Barrett Laura Birzell Carrie Bunkley Siobhan Cavens Lisa Carroll Shirley Chow
Ethan Delavan Morgan Dicus Jason Eglit Kaylen Flugel Megan Frazer Erik Gearhart Michel Grkov Allison Harr Verena Hess
Kate Hinely Julie Kleiner Andy Kopstein Corey Lovering Rebecca Mason Heidi McBride Mary Jane McRory Erin Miller Bill Molloy
Kate Neckel Anne Nielsen Yvette Olson Kate Pollock Hilary Richmond Sarah Richmond Jill Rosen Amy Rotival Allie Ruettgers
Catherine Eaton Skinner Dana Skotdal Kira Sorenson Chris Trimis Mili Welt Katie Wenger Suzanna Westhagen Michelle Will Jessica Wray
CELEBRATE BUSH AUCTION ITEM DONORS Anonymous Nina Maisterra and Percy Abram Priyanthi Alahendra Alaska Airlines Alexana Winery Emily ’94 and Aaron Alhadeff Leslie and Scott Allen Alpha Martial Arts àMaurice Cellars Veronika Zantop and Eric Ames Connie and Jim Aslaksen Auction of Washington Wines The Avid Angler Julie and Matthew Barber Emily and James Barrett Anna and Jesse Belknap Betz Family Winery Bing’s Restaurant & Bar Janet and Joe Bisignano Ann and Bruce Blume Kimberly Barnett and Sally Brunsman Julie and Jeremy Bryan The Bush School Cactus Restaurants Cafe Lago Ina Chang and Todd Campbell The Capital Grille Margaret Lane and Steven Caplow Jessica and Matthew Carr ’88 Zoe Catsiff Siobhan and Darrell Cavens Angela and Christian Chabot Deborah and Chris Chickadel ’93 Anna Reche and Sergio Chin-Ley Shirley and Robert Chow Angie and Yann Christensen Jodie ’95 and Christopher Clarke Rebecca and Cameron Cohen AMG Charitable Gift Foundation Tremaine Curry
D’Arcy McGrath and David Dederer ’82 DeLille Cellars Mary Jane McRory ’89 and Mark de Vere White Mindy and Steve Dodobara Ann and Kevin Downs Gretl Dupre Galgon Gretchen Boehm and Jason Eglit ’90 Elemental Pizza Elite Fitness Training Epic Team Adventures Ethan Stowell Restaurants Celeste Eustis Carolyn and Howard Ferguson Carolyn and Michael Fialkow ’85 Fidelitas Wines Maggie and Derel Finch ’87 Adrienne and Cory Finnell Don Fitz-Roy Five Diamond Transportation Colleen and Mark Forehand Fran’s Chocolates Frenchy’s Day Spa Rupa and Rudy Gadre Mike Galgon Clair Hector and Paul Garner Laura Glass Arpana and Anu Goel Gloria Tzuang and Oliver Goldman Shannon and Jim Gooding Hamanasu Japanese Steakhouse Allison and Steve Harr Nancy and Paul Hawkes Heavy Restaurant Group Hello Robin! The Helton Family Alan Hinton Hobel Wines Tami Hutchison
iFly Indoor Skydiving Alison Stewart-Ito and Jo Ito Jarbo Kira Sorensen and Chris Jones Adrianne and Brian Keffeler Kimpton Hotel Monaco, Seattle Kate Hinely and Andrew Kopstein Laura LeBlanc Leone & Vaughn Orthodontics Corey and Bradford Lovering Madison Kitchen Madison Park Bakery Madison Park Veterinary Hospital Mark Ryan Winery Martha Harris Flowers Matthews Winery Diana McBaine-Cook Elizabeth and Michael McConnell Ashley and Mike McCready Karen and Kevin Merritt Cecily and Dustin Metzger Erin and James Miller Shannon Bryan and Bill Molloy Paige Molloy Anne Barbo Moon ’95 and Justin Moon ’91 Sarah and Jim Morehead Ghizlane and Ludovic Morlot Katherine and Thomas Neckel Anne and Clayton Nielsen Nishino Restaurant Novelty Hill - Januik Winery Julie and Mark Okerstrom Pacific Northwest Ballet Penelope & The Beauty Bar Pepper’s Personal Assistants Red Wagon Toys Elena Repina and Alexei Repin Hilary and Aaron Richmond Sarah and Justin Richmond
Maya Sonenberg and John Robinson Jill and Steve Rosen ’84 Amy and Laurent Rotival Margaret and Zinovy Royzen Allison and Christopher Ruettgers Kate Bayley ’96 and Tadd Sackville-West Salishan Spa and Golf Resort Katherine and Josh Samson Scoop Du Jour Ice Creamery Seattle Boxing Gym Seattle Cascades Seattle Celtic Soccer Club Seattle Chamber Music Society Seattle PRO Sports Club SHAKTI Vinyasa Yoga SIFF Sleight of Hand Cellars Kristen Hammerback and Mark Smith Karen Marcotte Solimano and James Solimano Spa Jolie Stephanie Cristalli Photography Rebecca and Andy Stoller STRENGTHstudio Tennis Center Sand Point The Edgewater Hotel Titus-Will Chevrolet/Cadillac Amy and Jeff Tran University of Washington Baseball Brad Hinckley Rix and Curtis Vredenburg Rix Margaret Kineke and Dennis West Suzanna and Peter Westhagen Whisk Michelle and Court Will William Church Winery Claire Wilson Jessica and Jared Wray Dana Zulauf
SPONSORS Cassie and Jim Carroll Siobhan and Darrell Cavens Sarah and Busy Cummings Connie Curlett Elaine and Dave Eva Kelly and Eric Fahlman Adrienne and Cory Finnell Lisa Carroll and Arnaud Gautier
Kira Sorensen and Chris Jones McKinney Group Inc. Erin and James Miller Rebecca and Artemios “Tim” Panos Valerie and Jerry Parrish Laurie Bernbaum Rosen and Alexander Rosen ’86 Jill and Steve Rosen ’84
Barbara and Far Salimian Libby and Andy Sanders Peggy and John Skinner Karen Marcotte Solimano and James Solimano Candice McCoy and Peter Tarczy-Hornoch Katharine “Trina” Wellman and Douglas Wells Keith B. Wong, DDS, MS
Becky and Chris Guzak Adrien and Brad Hefta-Gaub Angela and Jan Miksovsky Anne Barbo Moon ’95 and Justin Moon ’91 Anne and Clayton Nielsen Craig Norberg Samantha and Paul Nyhan Rebecca and Artemios “Tim” Panos Katie and Phillip Person ’87 Rebecca and John Petersen
Laurie Bernbaum Rosen and Alexander Rosen ’86 Jill and Steve Rosen ’84 David Stroble Shannon Corbin and Jonathan Tingstad Annisa Jamil and Trent Tredway VMWare Brad Hinckley Rix and Curtis Vredenburg Rix Cathy Tsai and Jason Young
DONORS Francisco Aguilera Polly Close ’80 and Mark Bolender Mary Fleck and James Brawley Deborah and Chris Chickadel ’93 Alden Garrett ’73 and Charlie Eriksen Expedia Kelly and Eric Fahlman Maggie and Derel Finch ’87 Colleen and Mark Forehand Polly and Camron Fredlund
FACULTY/STAFF TICKET UNDERWRITERS Marcela and Eric Broussard Siobhan and Darrell Cavens Angela and Christian Chabot Christine Sun and Aaron Cheng Shirley and Robert Chow Wendy and Peter DeLuca Joan Olson and John Ephron Adrienne and Cory Finnell Rupa and Rudy Gadre Clair Hector and Paul Garner
Kira Sorensen and Chris Jones Adrianne and Brian Keffeler Karen and Kevin Merritt Heidi and Michael Narayan Julie and Mark Okerstrom Valerie and Jerry Parrish Mary-Beth and Brian Percival Rebecca and John Petersen Ann Kawasaki Romero and Rocco Romero Aimee Truchard and Jesse Rothstein
Allison and Christopher Ruettgers Libby and Andy Sanders Roxana Arama and Tracy Sharpe Karen Marcotte Solimano and James Solimano Candice McCoy and Peter Tarczy-Hornoch Kathy Washienko Jessica and Jared Wray Cathy Tsai and Jason Young
RAISE THE PADDLE DONORS Nina Maisterra and Percy Abram Kim Akers Priyanthi Alahendra Emily ’94 and Aaron Alhadeff Emily and Marc Antezana Susan Radtke and Mike Arnow Julia and Kevin Baker Emily and James Barrett Anna and Jesse Belknap Stacy and Davis Bell Andrea Bonaccorsi and Ty Bennion Robin Bentley Misty Rodriguez and Victor Berdecia Reshma and Mark Berryman Wendy and Timothy Besse Laura and Mark Birzell Laura and Craige Blackmore Julie Edsforth and Jabe Blumenthal Ina Chang and Todd Campbell Jessica and Matthew Carr ’88 Sara ’90 and Nick Carter ’90 Angela and Christian Chabot Myong Lee and John Chang Shirley and Robert Chow Angie and Yann Christensen Kristy and Timothy Clark ’85 Rebecca and Cameron Cohen Diana and Michael Cohen Erin McMonigal ’90 and Ted Corbett MJ Kelly and Peter Cousseau Jane Boone and Theodore Coxe Tracy Stanton and Carlos Cuevas Leslie ’85 and Christopher David Dawn Aiken and Miguel de Campos D’Arcy McGrath and David Dederer ’82 Erica and Ethan Delavan Wendy and Peter DeLuca Mary Jane McRory ’89 and Mark de Vere White Ruanne Barnabas and Morgan Dicus Kristi and Jon Dwight Catherine and Rodney Edwards Gretchen Boehm and Jason Eglit ’90 Joan Olson and John Ephron Alden Garrett ’73 and Charlie Eriksen Liliane Eriksen ’11 Jane Kaplan and Jerry Everard Kelly and Eric Fahlman Amy and Ray Fernandes Peggy Gannon and Todd Fernandez Andreanna Kapogiannatos and Manuel Ferreira
Maggie and Derel Finch ’87 Adrienne and Cory Finnell Barbra Richardson and Anthony Fisher Kristin McInaney and James Flecht Krista and Brian Fleming Kaylen and Ryan Flugel Kelly and Gregg Forebaugh Colleen and Mark Forehand Arran Stier ’93 and Jay Franklin ’90 Janice Peterson and Angus Fraser Polly and Camron Fredlund Sonia and Jacob Gabrielson Rupa and Rudy Gadre Mike Galgon Lisa Carroll and Arnaud Gautier Ashley Stansbury ’93 and Brandon Gillespie ’93 Kristin and Juan Gimelli Hemme Arpana and Anu Goel Shannon and Jim Gooding Emma Gorder ’11 Heather Bridges and Gary Gould Susan and Larry Harr Allison and Steve Harr Michael Heald Patricia Hearn Michelle and Steve Heck Adrien and Brad Hefta-Gaub Steve Hirsh Julia Paden and Brian Hulse Kira Sorensen and Chris Jones Adrianne and Brian Keffeler Sloan Chong and Ted Koehn Melanie and David Kosloff Elizabeth Morrison and Rahul Kuver Meredith Dorrance and Ken Lederman Muhong Zhang and Shengsheng Liu Julie Lyss and David Loren Carolyn Lathrop and Robert Malinowski Enrica Basilico and Michael Megalli Verena Hess and Mike Merwin Erin and James Miller Anne Barbo Moon ’95 and Justin Moon ’91 Sarah and Jim Morehead Heidi and Michael Narayan Katherine and Thomas Neckel Brenda and Ken Ng Manrita Sidhu and Tom Nickels Annelliott Willis and James Nida Anne and Clayton Nielsen Samantha and Paul Nyhan
Julie and Mark Okerstrom Andrea and Aaron Ostrovsky Christie and James Park Valerie and Jerry Parrish Mary-Beth and Brian Percival Rebecca and John Petersen Marci Pliskin and Renee Russak Kate and Josh Pollock Sarah Swanberg ’88 Alka and Kamal Puri Jenny Bullock and Blas Puzon Patricia Noonan and William Querdasi Hilary and Aaron Richmond Maya Sonenberg and John Robinson Laurie Bernbaum Rosen and Alexander Rosen ’86 Jessica and Robert Rosen Jill and Steve Rosen ’84 Aimee Truchard and Jesse Rothstein Allison and Christopher Ruettgers Kate Bayley ’96 and Tadd Sackville-West Katherine and Josh Samson Libby and Andy Sanders Christine and David Saulnier Karen Foster-Schubert ’89 and Ken Schubert ’89 Roxana Arama and Tracy Sharpe Rebecca and David Simons Dana and Andrew Skotdal Monica Rojas-Stewart and Jabali Stewart Candice McCoy and Peter Tarczy-Hornoch Gillian and Robert Toledo Annisa Jamil and Trent Tredway Paola Leone and Gregory Vaughn Megan Schwartz and Christopher Velasco Lisa and Robert Wahbe Terry and Woody Walburn Kathy Washienko Kate Sadlon and Chester Weir Marja Koopmans and Maarten Weisbeek Katharine “Trina” Wellman and Douglas Wells Milagros and Philip Welt Katie Wenger Suzanna and Peter Westhagen Michelle and Court Will Jessica and Jared Wray Judi and Andy Yates Cathy Tsai and Jason Young Tisha Pagalilauan and Gregory Zamudio
Craig Norberg Samantha and Paul Nyhan Katie and Phillip Person ’87 Rebecca and John Petersen
Laurie Bernbaum Rosen and Alexander Rosen ’86 David Stroble Annisa Jamil and Trent Tredway Cathy Tsai and Jason Young
BUSINESS CLASS TICKET DONORS Alden Garrett ’73 and Charlie Eriksen Kelly and Eric Fahlman Colleen and Mark Forehand Adrien and Brad Hefta-Gaub Anne and Clayton Nielsen
LEADERSHIP GIFTS & RESTRICTED FUNDS Over the years, generous members of The Bush School community have endowed unique programs or restricted their giving to elevate our academic experience to new levels of excellence. From funding financial aid to providing ongoing support for the outdoor education program, restricted gifts deliver aboveand-beyond enrichment to the Bush experience. Thank you to the donors who so generously supported the school in 2016–2017.
There are more than fifty named endowed funds at Bush in support of everything from financial aid and athletics to classroom innovation and student leadership.
BUILD BUSH PHASE 2 — UNRESTRICTED Robin Bentley Ann and Bruce Blume Kimberly Barnett and Sally Brunsman Sara and Joe Cerrell Cathy Hatch-Daniels ’74 and Lawrence Daniels Kira Sorensen and Chris Jones Kate Hinely and Andrew Kopstein Joy and Thomas Lewis David Stroble Diana and Peter Stroble COMPREHENSIVE CAMPAIGN FOR BUILDING AND ENDOWMENT Cassie and Jim Carroll Mary W. Harriman Foundation Patricia and William Rush CLASS OF ’06 GENERAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND
LARSEN FUND FOR EXCELLENCE Darlene and Jay Zulauf META JOHNSON O’CROTTY MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND Reni Aniela ’80 PEGGY O’NEILL SKINNER ENDOWMENT FUND FOR CURRICULAR INNOVATION Mike Morrison ’84 R CORKRAN WILDERNESS FUND Susan and Robert Nathane, Jr. Charitable Fund at the East Bay Community Foundation Amy and Matthew Ragen RYAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FOR DRAMA John Ryan and Jody Foster
Deborah Giles and Charles Simrell
Diana Broze, Honorary ’09 Cape Flattery Foundation
Anonymous Susan and Thomas Duffield Kristin and Juan Gimelli Hemme
HELEN TAYLOR BUSH SOCIETY The Helen Taylor Bush Society was established to recognize and thank all those who have chosen to honor The Bush School in their estate plans. Members of the Helen Taylor Bush Society, which include alumnae/i, parents, parents of alumnae/i, and friends, have advised the school that they have made deferred gifts for The Bush School, as well as those whose bequests have already been received. These gifts provide donors an opportunity to support Bush beyond their lifetime.
Have you added The Bush School to your estate plans? If so, let us know so that we may invite you to Helen Taylor Bush Society events and recognize you in our materials. Contact or (206) 326-7776.
Marjorie Anderson ’41 ◊ Former Board Member ’64–’80, Alumna, Parent of alumnae/i Elizabeth Atcheson Former Board Member ’01–’03, Parent of alumnae/i, Former faculty/staff Connie Bergeson Backstrom ◊ Parent of alumnae/i Reid Bannecker ’87 Alumnus William Bannecker ’82 Alumnus Dorothy Black ◊ Friend Jane Griffiths Blackford ◊ Parent of alumnae/i Midge Bowman ’51 Alumna, Parent of alumnae/i, Former Faculty/Staff Diana Broze Former Board Member ’96–’99 and ’01–’09, Parent of alumnae/i, Honorary Alumna Ann Buckner Former Board Member ’78–’83, Parent of alumnae/i Albert Bumgardner ◊ Friend Vernette Cunningham ◊ Parent of alumnae/i Idalice “Dee” Squire Dickinson ’45 Former Board Member ’84–’85, Alumna, Former Faculty/Staff Robin Field-Gainey ’74 Former Board Member’93–’03, Alumna, Parent of alumnae/i Dirk Foley ’84 Alumnus Margery Forman ◊ Parent of alumnae/i Martha Nettleton Gardner ’36 ◊ Parent of alumnae/i Carol Hager ◊ Former Faculty/Staff Ruth Pullen Hamilton ’39 ◊ Alumna
◊ indicates deceased
Anne Gould Hauberg ’35 ◊ Alumna, Parent of alumnae/i, Grandparent Susan Trainor Holt and John Holt Parent of alumnae/i, Former Board Member ’03–’12 Jocelyn Clise Horder ’40 ◊ Alumna Kimberly Rush and David Jeschke Current Parents Nancy Nuckols Keefe ’56 ◊ Alumna Virginia Price Kitchell ’43 Former Board Member ’54–’56, Alumna, Parent of alumnae/i, Grandparent Mary Ann Kraus ◊ Former Faculty/Staff Mary Lou Kravik ’39 Alumna Patricia Lott ◊ Former Faculty/Staff Eleanore Henry MacLeod ’56 Alumna, Parent of alumnae/i Peter MacLeod ’87 Alumnus Barbara and Frank Magusin Former Head of School Vivian Martell Hite ’37 ◊ Alumna Karin Kratz McElwain ’60 Alumna Patti Lucker Meyers ’71 Alumna Helen Meisnest Morse ’48 Alumna Katherine Mullarky Former Board Member ’56–’62, Parent of alumnae/i Rebecca Brown-Nienow and Dale Nienow Former Board Member ’99-’00, Parent of alumnae/i Fay Page ’62 Alumna, Parent of alumnae/i Elizabeth McDonald Parsons ’54 ◊ Alumna, Parent of alumnae/i
Mina Person ’64 ◊ Former Board Member ’78–’84, Alumna, Parent of alumnae/i, Grandparent Mary “Sis” Pease ’41 Life Trustee, Alumna, Parent of alumnae/i, Former Faculty/Staff Heidi Jensen Rabel ’57 Former Board Member ’78–’80, Alumna, Parent of alumnae/i, Grandparent Lisa Salisbury ’73 Alumna, Former Faculty/Staff Anne Quast Sander ’54 Alumna Barry Schneiderman ◊ Parent of alumnae/i Carlyn Steiner Former Board Member ’93–’97, Parent of alumnae/i Marianne Weiss ◊ Former Faculty/Staff Virginia Baker Woolf ’36 ◊ Alumna Patricia Osborne Wright ’40 ◊ Alumna Christopher Young Parent of alumnae/i
LIFETIME DONORS The Bush School gratefully recognizes our most generous donors with our Lifetime Donors Group. These donors embody the spirit of philanthropy at its highest level and play an essential role in sustaining Helen Bush’s vision to provide an education. Founded on the belief in the value of experiential learning, Helen Bush envisioned a school that furnished “a real-life environment, making school just as thrilling as the world was to the child — and more understandable.”
HELEN BUSH TRAILBLAZERS TOTAL LIFETIME GIVING OF $1,000,000 OR MORE In 1924, Helen Bush blazed a trail in Seattle for experiential education based on the principles of John Dewey, who believed education, “in order to accomplish its ends both for the individual learner and for society must be based upon experience.” Helen Bush created a school in which “children were encouraged to discover things for themselves.” Individuals and families who, over the course of their lives, have donated $1 million or more to The Bush School are recognized as Helen Bush Trailblazers, honoring the innovative spirit that perpetuates our school. Anonymous (3) Diana Broze, Honorary ’09 Fidelity Charitable The Estate of Vernette Cunningham Lisa Wissner-Slivka and Benjamin Slivka
SIS PEASE VISIONARIES TOTAL LIFETIME GIVING OF $500,000 TO $999,999 Mary “Sis” Pease, a kindergarten enrollee in 1929 and a 1941 graduate, started as a Spanish teacher at Bush and went on to become a history teacher, College Counselor, Upper School Director, and Life Trustee. During her career at Bush, Sis was a leading voice for giving students “more choice, not less” and holding true “to the spirit of Bush as exemplified in the beginning.” Individuals who have cumulatively donated $500,000–$999,999 to The Bush School are recognized as Sis Pease Visionaries. As Sis did, these members honor their commitment to sustaining Helen Bush’s vision. Anonymous (4) Ann and Bruce Blume Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Norcliffe Foundation Patricia and William Rush Karen Marcotte Solimano and James Solimano Lynn and Mikal Thomsen Janet and Douglas True Ann Wyman ’64 Deehan Wyman ’65 Virginia Wyman ’67
SENIOR CLASS GIFT The Senior Gift Fund is supported by personal financial donations from students in the senior class. This Fund is allocated by chosen representatives from the senior class to fellow seniors for school approved projects and initiatives that will enhance the school experience for seniors at Bush. Each senior class leaves a percent of funds raised to the succeeding senior class. Each subsequent senior class assumes ownership and responsibility for the Senior Class Fund. During the 2016–2017 academic year, seniors from Class of 2017 raised $440.
“Bush’s foundation isn’t just about the experiences you derive from it, but what you also bring to it. Bush will not blaze the trail for you but will provide you the spark to light the way.”
STUDENTS Giacomo Agostini ’17 Andrew Bolender ’17 Alison Cohen ’17 Anna Corff ’17 Nancy Curtis ’17 Alexander Dadoun ’17 Katherine deCourcy ’17 Oliver Dunn ’17 Genevieve Dwight ’17 Noah Grenell ’17 Henry Heck ’17
CURRENT PARENTS Adam Kubota ’17 Josephine Lauvstad ’17 Margaret Manning ’17 Ryan McLauchlan ’17 Aidan Nickels ’17 Douglas Norberg ’17 Madison Onsager ’17 Matthew Querdasi ’17 Jacob Quon ’17 Ezra Robinson ’17 Samantha Saulnier ’17
Blythe Schilperoort ’17 Hiro Schmidt ’17 Kathleen Totah ’17 Liam Voorhees ’17 Caroline Wells ’17 Colin Wood ’17
Jo Ann Price and David deCourcy Mandy and Robert McLauchlan
IN-KIND GIFTS Generous in-kind donations allow The Bush School to release budgetary resources for critical programs and operations. Thank you to the Bush community for a generous outpouring of support.
“I am grateful to Bush for surrounding me with students and colleagues who amaze me.” — M E L I S S A L A N C T O T, CO L L E G E CO U N S E L I N G
Anonymous Nina Maisterra and Percy Abram Ada’s Technical Books and Cafe Sharmila Ahmed Tracy and Eric Aiken Kim Akers Shaina and Tyler Akidau Priyanthi Alahendra Emily ’94 and Aaron Alhadeff Tracy and Omar Amin Sarah and Graeme Asher Kay Barmore Alison and Odin Bazeley Rick Becker Anna and Jesse Belknap Stacy and Davis Bell Reshma and Mark Berryman Laura and Mark Birzell David ’50 and Inez Black Mary Fleck and James Brawley Kimberly Barnett and Sally Brunsman Julie and Jeremy Bryan Siobhan and Darrell Cavens Kristy and Timothy Clark ’85 Amy and Matt Cockburn Rebecca and Cameron Cohen Erin McMonigal ’90 and Ted Corbett Sarah and Busy Cummings Erica and Ethan Delavan Peggy and Chas Dreyfus Gretchen Boehm and Jason Eglit ’90 Elaine and Dave Eva Susan Feeney Amy and Ray Fernandes Andreanna Kapogiannatos and Manuel Ferreira Carolyn and Michael Fialkow ’85 Adrienne and Cory Finnell Peggy Foerch Luba Foltz Julie and Jeremy Freise Sonia and Jacob Gabrielson Rupa and Rudy Gadre Clair Hector and Paul Garner
Glazer’s Camera Gloria Tzuang and Oliver Goldman Heather Bridges and Gary Gould Michel and Vance Grkov Katherine Gardner and Joseph Haberzetle Olivia Hall Allison and Steve Harr Michelle and Steve Heck Adrien and Brad Hefta-Gaub Katie Hester and Sarah Smith Rachel and Patrick Hollister Shannon and Bobby Holt Maria Milano and Robert Howie Alison Stewart-Ito and Jo Ito Mark Jewell Leina Johansson Edith Wolff and John Junker Gayle Tagawa and Daniel Kam Sarah and Matt Kennedy Julie and Michael Kleiner Sloan Chong and Ted Koehn Kate Hinely and Andrew Kopstein Mieko Hart ’87 and Garrett Krueger Sue Kwon and Dong Lee Muhong Zhang and Shengsheng Liu Yvette Eisenberg ’83 and Alan McMillan Verena Hess and Mike Merwin Cecily and Dustin Metzger Angela and Jan Miksovsky Cathy ’71 and Ted Millan Christine and Eric Miller Erin and James Miller Ioana and Titus Miron Sarah and Jim Morehead Heidi and Michael Narayan Yvette and Eric Olson Amy and Daniel Pak Ann Donovan and Randy Pape Jennifer Perry Rebecca and John Petersen Marci Pliskin and Renee Russak Kate and Josh Pollock Julie and Paul Pottinger
Susanne Eckert and Ed Puchalla Kimberly Sawada and Greg Raece Stephanie and Robert Richling Hilary and Aaron Richmond Sarah and Justin Richmond Kathy and Michael Risse Heather Johnston-Robinson and Ryan Robinson Aimee Truchard and Jesse Rothstein Allison and Christopher Ruettgers Kate Bayley ’96 and Tadd Sackville-West Tamara Reznik and Kevin Saliba Katherine and Josh Samson Kirsten and Ian Sands Erin Moore and Jonathan Scholes Verena Kuzmany and Brian Schowengerdt Betsy Maurer and Andrew Schulman Roxana Arama and Tracy Sharpe Anne and Frederick Sherley Kristen Hammerback and Mark Smith Karen Marcotte Solimano and James Solimano Irene and Don Sorensen Drella and Garth Stein Gillian and Robert Toledo Paola Leone and Gregory Vaughn Brad Hinckley Rix and Curtis Vredenburg Rix Betsy and Jeff Wandasiewicz Kate Sadlon and Chester Weir Milagros and Philip Welt Katie Wenger Suzanna and Peter Westhagen Judith White Helen and Bob Widlansky Michelle and Court Will Carmen Berger and James Willems Juliet Willems ’24 Keith Wintraub Jessica and Jared Wray Judi and Andy Yates Cathy Tsai and Jason Young Tisha Pagalilauan and Gregory Zamudio Lara Swimmer and Robert Zimmer