6 minute read
Undergrad research
Many praise the European College education system, but the one in Canada has its merits
rayanne gwilliam
Something that is often debated is the secular education systems in Europe versus that of North America. While post-secondary education is arguably the most expensive place to go to college, Canada is also experiencing a high hike as well. Comparatively, in many countries (the vast majority being in Europe) students are either offered free education or much lower rates of tuition. Some of these countries have become popular destinations for students as a way to capitalize on this offer, especially considering the fact that the cost of living is frequently much lower as well in comparison. Given both the opportunity of free or lower-cost education and lower living costs, it makes sense how many people wanting higher education make the decision to relocate for school when applicable.
There are of course other things to consider though, such as the fact that European education is more concentrated only on the original major being studied, whereas in Canada there are elective courses that are much broader, often allowing for students to pick up a minor as well as their degree should they choose to do so. High school grades are arguably more important in Europe as well, as the grade requirements are taken into further consideration. Due to this, it’s argued that it creates a level of privilege to those who are more academically-inclined than others. Conversely, in Canada the grade requirements are less intimidating, giving equal opportunity from that standpoint. This also includes the student centre testing services, tutors, therapy, and more.
While this may be true, Canada could be argued to create its own kind of privilege in terms of money. Though not common, anyone who is fortunate enough to not acquire any debt while perusing their education does have a distinct advantage over those who have student loans, especially considering the total amount combined with the interest accumulated. Not to mention frequently the costs are increased even more for international students. Unfortunately, as costs have routinely been going up, it is we who run the risk of college continually becoming harder to afford, as well as pay off, due to the cost of living going up as well. It’s also tricky to compare the high school grade requirements, since the curriculum and supports during that phase of life can be different. Therefore, in terms of privilege, it’s fair to say that both post-secondary education systems remain equal.
Something Canada could definitely benefit from is a decrease in tuition costs for students. Whether it be through financial aid, a breakdown and decrease in expenses, partnerships for scholarships, or some other avenue. There needs to be a plan to gradually decrease the cost overtime to make it more manageable, possibly to the point of being free or at least much less of a burden to students. It could also be beneficial to reconfigure the requirements for degrees, such as being able to choose whether or not to take the extra classes that are simply electives of interest that don’t apply to the degree itself. This would allow a concentrated degree to be an equal possibility as well, saving both money and time for the student should they not be interested in the extra knowledge provided by more classes. Lastly, it would be beneficial to look into working with places of employment to help fund the education of future and current employees – for both an act of corporate responsibility, an investment into the future, and a mutual benefit of funding for access to student workers.
Beautiful university campuses somehow seem a lot more bleak when contemplating one’s grades and student loan debts
Photo: James michael thomas via Flickr, manipulated by Lee Lim
Getting involved in research as an undergraduate student
The Faculty of Arts offers opportunities for students to gain work or research experience
cassidy savard contributor
The pressure to gain research experience as an undergraduate student steadily increases with every passing semester. For students who aspire to progress into graduate studies, research experience is essential to qualify. As a Psychology student who plans on progressing into graduate studies after my undergraduate completion, I am quite familiar with the anxiety to find opportunities. This pressure had led me to probe professors and peers for any openings during my first and second years. Meanwhile, I would keep a tab open on my desktop on the University of Regina careers webpage to ensure I didn’t miss any potential opportunities. I’m writing this for first and second-year students who are now in that position.
My central advice is to expand your social networks among peers and professors. Build an academic relationship with your professors by asking questions and making inquiries about their research. If you’re interested in their field, then tell them. Often, professors may not have any opportunities to offer, so don’t be deterred by rejection. You don’t even need to have an existing relationship with a professor to ask to participate as a volunteer. Familiarize yourself with the professors and their research in your faculty and reach out to know if they have any opportunities.
However, none of this has to be done alone. Get to know your peers and work with them to find available positions. I learned of one volunteer opportunity by asking a peer if they had found any positions, and they informed me of a lab that was looking for more student volunteers, though it was not yet advertised. Honestly, there aren’t many drawbacks to expanding your networks among peers and professors. Even when receiving a rejection, professors and peers may keep you in mind for future opportunities. A professor of mine who had no available opportunities still informed me of an alternative option that could give me some research experience: the Arts Research Internship Program.
The Arts Internship Program is available to students who are in the Faculty of Arts and seek one out of the two options of experience: work or research, whichever most aligns with their future career aspirations. A student may work within a local organization to gain work experience, or under the supervision of a professor to gain research experience. The program acts like a class in the regard that it lasts a semester, students will pay tuition to participate, and they receive three credits upon completion. I will be focusing on the lesser-known option of the Arts Research Internship, as this is what I did. Students may be matched with a professor, or they may have a specific professor with whom they wish to work. What to expect when participating in the research option of the internship is dependent on the agreement between the supervisor and the student.
I chose the research option as I was hungry for research experience and curious to find out what a career in research would be like for me. The internship was more than I had hoped for. I was able to get the opportunity to experience what it was

Being one of the faces on a university poster must be awkward – all the disadvantages of being a celebrity without any of the perks
Photo: Lee Lim
like to configure a survey design that would attempt to answer my research question. I finally had practical usage for the information I had gained during my first two years of undergraduate studies. I was tested on my knowledge of theories, concepts, and ethics while I designed my study. Because I participated in the internship, I had clarification on what a future in research may look like. More than that, I learned a lot about my capabilities in research and what I need to improve on to become a stronger student in my future studies.
With all this being said, I encourage students who are beginning their academic careers to build relationships with peers and professors. Anticipate some rejection while you ask for any opportunities, but don’t let it restrict you from following up in the future. Take it all a semester at a time.