The Clarion, March 6, 2013

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Student pursues beauty pageant while involved on college campus

Mark Huismann talks ‘To Kill A Mocking Bird’ »9

WolfPack baseball prepares for season, begins practice »13

Karen Kakou, Student African Association president, international student from Ivory Coast, makes her mark on campus as student leader and activity planner. »3


The student’s craze:

Students test acidity of popular beverages

Paralegal post-bac gives students a taste of law


SARAH WEATHERBEE Multimedia Editor



Limit the consumption of energy or sports drinks.

If you do drink them, use a straw to get the drink past your teeth.

Make sure you wait about 30 minutes after you consume an energy drink to allow the ph of your mouth to balance out before brushing.

Use water to rinse your mouth after drinking sports or energy drinks to prevent decay. ICONS BY GAVIN FOLGERT / CLARION

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Energy and sports drinks are very acidic, and high in citric acid, which causes irreversible damage to the enamel.

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Findings from Feb. 25 acidity tests at Downtown campus ILLUSTRATION BY GEOGE TREVIRANUS / CLARION

The first article of this series looked at the biotechnology postbaccalaureate program as a conduit to accessible skills that prepare bachelor’s degree-holding students for the workplace. Madison College Provost Terry Webb said that community colleges are at an advantage in their ability to give students an inexpensive means to re-skill for the job market. The college’s paralegal postbaccalaureate program offers yet another route to obtaining an indemand skill set. Students graduating with four-year social science degrees often know that employment in their desired field will require a master’s or professional degree, but with rising education costs and job market uncertainty, many are hesitating before furthering their education. Paralegals are responsible for the paperwork, legal research and administrative tasks necessary to support the work of lawyers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the occupation will experience an 18 percent increase in employment between 2010 and 2020. As written on the BLS website, “Paralegals can be a less costly alternative to lawyers and perform a wider variety of duties, including tasks once done by lawyers.” In light of this increased demand, some who were intent on law school are now finding paralegal certification an alternative path into the legal field. James Gowin and Maggie Jaszewski had law school in their sights as undergrads at UW-Madison. Gowin, 22, was a psychology and legal studies major. Jaszewski, 23, majored in political science and anthropology. Instead of entering law school following graduation, they both chose the paralegal post-baccalaureate program at Madison College. During his senior year, Gowin jumped in late on the fast-moving law school application process. He realized that the post-baccalaureate program was the best option at the time to gain exposure to his field of interest at a more relaxed pace. “For me, slowing it down a little bit I think has allowed me to grow up a little and I think I appreciate

Students also tested root beer and coffee, getting a 4.35 and 5.54, respectively. After a week of research, an apparatus was set up for each beverage, with a test lasting under a minute.



Copy Editor

y the time one reaches college level it is common knowledge that sugary drinks should be consumed in moderation. While it may be common for a dental hygienist to have a patient suffering the tooth decay induced from excessive sugar in their drink, dental hygiene students at Madison College tested the acidity of popular beverages. “You sip all day, you get decay,” said Alicia Selzler, dental hygiene student. Selzler is a student in the dental hygiene program. During a presentation Feb. 25, she demonstrates beakers filled with solutions with electronic devices inside that measure the pH. For instance battery acid had a pH level of 0, and some of the contemporary energy drinks had pH levels as low as 3.5. “They’re constantly bathing their teeth in a solution that is 3.0. We even find some that are 2.5 pH. So we know they are very acidic,” said Marcy LeFave, Madison College dental hygiene faculty member. In the case of citric acid, the consumption of an energy drink such

as Rockstar, Monster or Red Bull essentially is bathing your teeth in citric acid. The acid is unlike sugar, in that the acid begins the break down the enamel protecting teeth immediately whereas sugar needs to interact with the bacteria within the mouth. The main message is to be aware of drinks with low sugar. Vitamin Water Zero, a drink that claims to have low sugar, ends up having a pH level of 3.15. The main problem is that so many people sip these types of drinks regularly. “The bacteria plus the sugar equals the acid. In all combination it is the acid, and that is what takes a toll on your teeth,” Selzler said. Citric acid in a beverage produces low results when testing for pH. The reason for this is because in a pH scale a 7 is considered to be neutral, and everything below 7 is more acidic, while everything above 7 is more basic. Coffee, for example, has a pH of about 5, while milk is slightly less acidic with a pH at 6. Root Beer has a pH of about 4, possibly making Root Beer the least acidic of sodas to consume. The real danger with sugary drinks is how the sugar interacts with the bacteria within the mouth. This can set off the tooth decay process referred to as the caries process. The decay process happens even faster with drinks that are acidic.






By Clarion Staff

No Class March 12


2012-2013 George Treviranus EDITOR IN CHIEF


Michael Klein NEWS EDITOR


Callie Vasey

Because of March 12 convocation, no classes will be held at any campuses. NonTruax buildings may be closed. Students planning to attend can call (608-246-6646 or check the college’s webpage for the schedule.

iPad courses beginning

Introduction to iPad classes begin Apr. 9 at the Portage and Reedsburg campuses. iPad users of all ages are encouraged to attend and learn the wonders of a touchscreen. Anyone 62 or older receives a special $9.24 fee discount. No cords attached or computer knowledge needed. Stretch your fingers and get ready to touch and go.

Dentist Day

The perfect time to remind students about the Dental Hygiene Clinic. Make

By Virginia Bryan, Librarian

sure to visit for a fluoride treatment, an x-ray or to learn helpful tips to keep your mouth clean. The clinic is on the fifth floor of the Downtown Education Center. Call (608)258-2400 for more information.

Program Discovery

Nursing on March 8: This event is for students interested in the Nursing programs and will be held at 2 p.m. in room 142 A/B of Truax campus. Those interested must register before it begins and can contact the Student Development Center at

Spring Break Starting March 25

Just a reminder for students that are too busy studying to realize it, but Spring Break begins in a few short weeks. The week of torture runs from March 25 through March 30. Look for the next issue of The Clarion for more.


Troy Bruzewski SPORTS EDITOR




Nimera Ali, right, and another student showcase various cultural outfits for Black History Month during a fashion show




Ryan Spoehr Branden Allen-Trick Shia Aaron Lloyd Fisher COPY EDITORS


Doug Kirchberg ADVISOR

Virginia Bryan Joseph Steffan Brianna Roberts Gavin Folgert Lea Landwehr Kate Palmer Robby White CONTRIBUTORS CONTACT US

NEWS PHONE: (608) 246-6809 ADVERTISING PHONE:(608) 243-4809 FAX: (608) 246-6488

SUBMISSIONS To submit an item for publication, drop it off at The Clarion office, Room 130 Truax and Room D237 Downtown, or e-mail it to The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All opinions expressed in editorials and advertisements do not necessarily represent those of the Madison College administration, faculty, the student body or the Clarion staff. CORRECTIONS The Clarion strives for accuracy in all of its articles. If you have questions or concerns, please call us at (608) 246-6809 or e-mail: MEMBERSHIPS Associated Collegiate Press Wisconsin Newspaper Association REMEMBERING Adam Lee Suby, 1987-2009

By Joseph Steffen, Crime Prevention Team Leader

What’s happening?

Public Safety officers respond to many calls for service. However, we would like to keep the college community informed. Here are some of the notable incidents this month. On Feb. 25, Public Safety officers detained a subject after being caught removing food from the Healthy Food Cafe at Truax without paying. Madison police cited the subject and action is being taken by the college. On Feb. 27, Public Safety officers responded to a hazardous material spill near the Truax campus and assisted Madison police in securing the area while the Madison Fire Department handled the incident. On Feb. 28, Public Safety officers responded to a complaint from a female after someone had attempted to lure her into the men’s restroom. Responding officers had recognized a subject matching the description of someone attempting to lure a second female into the restroom. Officers intervened and detained the subject until Madison police arrived at the scene and arrested the subject.

Campus Safety Update of the Month

I am pleased to share that Madison College’s WolfPack Alert text messaging system now offers an opt-in option for our faculty, staff and students. Signing up to receive text messages about campus closures, potentially threatening situa-

tions and other urgent information takes about 30 seconds and can be done in four quick steps with any mobile phone: • Open the text messaging application on your phone and type 79516 in the “To” field. • In the “message” field, type wolfpackalert (no spaces and all lowercase.) • Press “send.” • Follow the return directions (you’ll be asked to respond with “yes.”) *** It’s as simple as that. You do not need to set up an account, and WolfPack Alerts can be issued through all major wireless communication providers. If you are already subscribing to WolfPack Alerts, you needn’t do anything. If you haven’t, I encourage you to do so today, before an emergency happens. Creating an environment that is safe and conducive to learning is our foremost responsibility. Communicating important information as it happens via WolfPack Alerts is one way to ensure that all members of the Madison College community are informed about breaking news you need to know now. Please contact Public Safety Services if you have any questions at (608) 246-6932, the non-emergency line. If you have any information regarding the above incidents or other campus safety concerns, please contact our department at (608) 243-4357, we have Public Safety officers available 24/7.

Presenting: National Library Week photo contest With the ubiquity of social media, digital cameras, tablets and camera phones, these days it seems there’s scarcely a moment of our lives that can’t be captured and shared with the world in the blink of an eye. The ability to point, shoot and share almost instantaneously has had a profound and dramatic effect on how we communicate. With images flying through the cybersphere at an astonishing rate – Facebook alone accounts for 300 million per day – at times it almost seems as though images have outstripped words as the communication tool of choice. If a picture’s worth 1,000 words, that’s an awful lot of words. While much of our compulsive visual documenting challenges this old adage, a well-chosen, thoughtfully composed picture still has the power to move us, provoke us, and make us think. Indeed, a powerful image can appeal to our imagination and affect us emotionally in ways that transcend the boundaries of language altogether. The very best pictures have an ability to communicate something universal, immediate, and complex. A single image can interpret a theme, express an idea, or provide the visual frame of reference needed to make a difficult concept accessible. Each year for the last several years, in conjunction with National Library Week (NLW), Madison College Libraries has held a contest. In the past this contest has been an essay contest. This year, we thought we’d ring the changes and do something a little different. Rather than an essay, we are asking students to submit a photograph reflecting their interpretation of the theme “Madison College Libraries Matter.” Submissions must be accompanied by a 50-100-word artist statement that clearly connects the photograph with the theme. The submissions will be judged on creativity, originality, artistic merit and the relevance to and interpretation of the theme. We are looking for images that engage us, move us and tell us something about the role Madison College Libraries has played in your education, your progress toward personal or career goals or any other aspect of your life. In short, we are looking for a picture that truly does speak a thousand words.

NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK CONTEST Contest begins on March 6 All submissions must be received by 11:59 p.m. on April 1. Only current Madison College students are eligible to enter. All entries must include: • Student name, student ID number, email address, phone number and primary campus • One photo in JPEG format, submitted as an attachment • A 50-100 word statement about the photograph, relating it to the theme “Madison College Libraries Matter” • A signed release form for any individual appearing in the image, giving permission for the image to be used by Madison College Libraries (Forms will be available in the libraries and online at libguides. Entries must be submitted electronically to: Only one entry per person is permitted The winner will be announced during National Library Week (April 14-20, 2013) Grand Prize: pair of Beats by Dr. Dre


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New lines of protection


Truax’s new Protective Services building opens, expands programs, including fire safety


ith everything under one roof in the new Protective Services building, students and instructors can make it to their next class without having to drive across town. The $14.2 million building already has 650 students using it this semester. State-of-the-art technology can be found throughout the building, some which isn’t found anywhere else. A comprehensive fire simulation program that is one of only 10 in the country trains fire academy students in real-life situations. A new 3-D shooting simulator prepares students in the Law Enforcement Academy for real-life situations. It is so realistic that during some excercises, people have had beads of sweat on their forheads, and some have even completely frozen up. The simuation weapons have a kickback that is simular to the real thing. There are 400 scenarios, each with different variations. There are various labs with simulation patients that are fully reactory, with eye movement, blood pressure and giving birth to a simulation baby. One of the simulation labs for paramedic students can turn into a nightclub with flashing lights, loud music and an angry club manager. The instructors in the labs control the simulation patients from laptops, which give them access to create almost any emergency health situation. The ribbon-cutting ceremony on Feb. 20 actually included three ribbon cuttings. The Law Enforcement Academy cut crime-scene tape, the Paramedic Program used gauze and EMT sheers, and the Fire Academy disconnected fire hose. Dean Rick Raemisch said the greatest part of it all is having the best tools out there to give the men and women that come through the buildings. “They enter here as students and graduate as heroes,” he said.

EMS Program instructor, Dennis Grejczyk, and EMS students, Andrew Jensen and Robby Brown, perform an emergency training excercise.

Criminal Justice Program students learn how to take impressions of tire treads that are unique to tires, like fingerprints are unique to people.



that,” Gowin said. He was impressed with the skills he quickly gained, especially in writing and research. “Even in the first couple weeks of the program, I felt like I had so much more to put on a resume than before,” he said. His classmate Jaszewski always planned to apply to law school, but she experienced hesitation upon hearing new law school graduates say that their work in the field wasn’t what they thought it was going to be. “I kind of started second-guessing whether or not I wanted to do that, especially with how expensive it was. It’s around $100,000 to go to law school,” she said. They both appreciate the projectbased nature of the classes and that they are blocked into three hour increments, allowing those in the program a convenient way to attend school while keeping up with work and family responsibilities. Jaszewski described class engagement as direct and interactive. “You aren’t really talked at. You’re kind of involved the whole way. You’re engaged as you are going through things,” she said. Along with the associate degree paralegal program, the post-baccalaureate certificate is approved by the American Bar Association and is the only program of its kind in the state to hold that distinction. Anne Schacherl, paralegal program director, said that distinction, achieved this past April, took a lot of liaising with the Department of Education. “ABA approved us as an institutional certificate and that isn’t common,” Schacherl said, “we are doing something really different at our school by offering the diploma.” The post-baccalaureate certificate allows those holding an undergraduate degree to take essential program courses such as ethics, legal research and writing, estate planning and civil litigation. There is also an international course cluster. The program is unique among many other certificate programs at the college in that students are eligible to receive financial aid. The department admits approximately 35 students to its post-baccalaureate program each fall. Program officials try to keep admissions numbers on par with the demand for paralegals so that the market does not become oversaturated. Schacherl said, “We’re in a different time right now. People want to know that there will be a return on their investment and they want to know if they do this work, they have a reasonable expectation of getting employment.” Graduates find work in both the public and private sectors. The program also serves as a springboard to law school, giving students skills to academically distinguish themselves. “Students who come through our program and then tackle law school, law school will not be an issue,” Schacherl said. She mentioned that law firm recruiters in the area hold the program’s graduates in high regard. “We have a reputation for people who can do work and not only that, they know ethics,” Schacherl said. This is welcome news to her students Gowin and Jaszewski, who want to gain work experience but also want a stepping stone to law school, should they choose it in the future. “I’ve still kind of got law school on the back burner but I want to see if I even like the field first before I go ahead and make that investment,” Jaszewski said.



Chasing dreams Karen Kakou, student, runs for Miss Africa USA after becoming Miss Ivory Coast BRIANNA ROBERTS Staff Writer For international Madison College student Karen Kakou, tackling humanitarian work is not only a passion of hers, but also a lifelong mission. In 2009 at age 21, Kakou made the journey from Ivory Coast, a West African French speaking country, to Madison, Wis. She moved to Madison to begin her studies as a freshman at UW-Madison. She said her transition to the United States began as a rocky road but became quite an easy one once she got involved on campus and found support in her new environment. Kakou is currently the president of the African-American Student Association and has been crowned Miss Ivory Coast. She is currently one of 25 finalists for Miss Africa. Miss Africa is not Kakou’s first pageant. She has a history with pageants in high school, when she was crowned Miss College Modeme de Co Cody. “Previous pageants outside of Miss Africa were just for fame. The Miss Africa pageant is for a globally just cause.” Kakou’s humanitarian goals focus on international students, aid and funding. She is an industrial engineering major and aims to improve the quality and productivity of hospitals and businesses. Kakou comes from a very large Christian family. She is the fifth of 10 children. Mr. and Mrs. Kakou were somewhat concerned about their daughter participating in pageants due to the specific contests that reveal skin such as the swimsuit contest. But the Miss Africa USA pageant is

a scholarship pageant, which focuses solely on the betterment of young women’s lives; it supports their efforts and causes. Events like the swimsuit contest are optional and each contestant makes her own decision whether or not to participate, based on family principles and values. Kakou decided not to participate in the swimsuit contest. Her family supports her in all that she does, and she is able to keep in contact with them quite often by using Skype, email and the telephone. Although sometimes she gets homesick and misses her family, she remembers that she is a leader who represents not only her family and friends but also a principle of leadership. Kakou is an individual who is committed to her goals. She plans to create more financial aid for international students. Kakou is all about finding a new system that will help create bigger and better opportunities for international students worldwide who desire a college education in the United States. She said, “Being involved in a pageant, like Miss Africa USA, is truly (a) rewarding experience but it is also quite time-consuming.” Time is only the first of many sacrifices one must make when entering a pageant. She has also had to sacrifice time from work and extra curricular activities to work on pageant projects and get ready for the finals in June. “Pageants can surely add stress to your life but the benefits far exceed the drawbacks.,” she said. She described the experience as life-changing and appreciated the many lifelong friendships and increased awareness on her humanitarian work and efforts. Kakou encouraged other young women to become involved in the Miss Africa pageant and other pageants with a similar cause. She states that any partici-


Karen Kakou, African Student Association President, dresses in cultural attire for a fashion show held in Truax Student Lounge on Feb. 28. pant should be mentally and physically prepared. Kakou explains that pageants are incredible platforms for networking and social awareness. She said, “It helps young women grow up and collaborate and work with one another.” Immediately, this pageant spoke to Kakou’s strong desire to create and implement change regarding international students and tuition costs. High and rising tuition costs greatly affect all students but they especially affect the international students community. “It cost me $14,000 a semester to attend UW-Madison,” Kakou said. The high costs of UW-Madison became overbearing. But due to dedication and hard work she is in great academic standing to receive scholarships from future schooling institutions. This spring 2013 semester will be her last at Madison College. Karen is currently the president of the

African Student Association (ASA). The ASA has recently been holding events in celebration of Black History Month. A recently held fashion show allowed African-American students to learn about their cultural roots. The ASA will also be conducting an educational trip this month to Chicago. It is her desire to transfer to the University of Wisconsin Platteville where she will finish her undergraduate degree in industrial engineering. In addition, Kakou plans to continue her education at the graduate level, where she hopes to obtain an MBA. The Miss Africa pageant ends Jun. 29, 2013. Kakou’s humanitarian work and that of other pageant participants are available at Voting information for Miss Africa will be posted to the website.

Swap parties offer affordable alternative to clothes shopping LEA LANDWEHR Staff Writer Easily the best part of a recession is the proliferation of a little event known as a swap party. The three functions of these gatherings are to allow people to shop without spending a cent, to socialize with friends and meet new people (i.e. friends of friends), and to be kind to the environment by recycling. This is what gives them a near universal appeal. And since late winter/early spring is the absolute best time for one of these (think indoor activity for winter and cleaning for the spring), it’s time to find out what these things are all about. Here’s how a typical swap goes: first, the host picks their group. Since it’s a lot easier to swap with people similar to each other, it makes sense to pick a group of friends that’s more or less in the same people category. For example, females aged 20-40. Next, the host sends out invites carefully explaining what the event is about and a list of what types of items to bring. In the example of females aged 20-40, the list would heavily emphasize clothes, accessories and beauty products, but also include things like housewares, books, dvds, kitchen supplies, etc.

Then on the big day, the host would treat the event like a typical party: clean the house, put out refreshments, and greet guests. The guests are shown where to lay out their goods, and when everyone has done so, the swapping fun begins. “I have received some very interesting items by doing these swap parties: Coach handbags, True Religion jeans, some cute and trendy clothes, movies, Stephen King books, lingerie, shoes, and much more!” Angela Kruger, a typical first picker, said. “The best item I got was the Ugg boots,” Newcomer to swapping, April Conners, said. Veteran swapper Robin Johnson agreed. “I’ve gotten to try different hair products and perfumes without having to buy them.” First timer Chris Cooper said, “I started swapping because it sounded like fun and I wanted to do something I’ve never done before.” Asked how much money she’s actually saving, Julie Bassett Ramminger answered, “A couple hundred.” The method of the swapping itself can be any way the host has decided, and there are multiple ways to do so. It’s a good idea to tell guests in advance (via the invites) what system will be used or, better yet, to ask what system they think will

be fair. Arguably the best system is done this way: guests are given a sheet of paper where they tally what they brought based on three level categories: low, mid and high. Typical examples: a bottle of nail polish is low, a shirt is mid, and a designer purse is high. So once people have tallied their stuff, they redeem the sheet for tickets from a designated “banker.” Sound like Monopoly? A little bit. There are three types of tickets given to represent each of the three levels and lower valued tickets can be combined to “buy” higher valued items. So if all someone brought was a bunch of stuff that originally cost about $5 (read: low level), they can add their low level tickets up to get something high level. Two things to note here are that the conversion rate should be clearly stated before people decide what level their items are at, and that some high level items can be upgraded to be worth more than the others. For example, if most of the items in the high level category originally cost $50 but one item originally cost $300, the owner would want to put a sticky note on that item saying six high tickets would be required to get it. The trading finally begins after each of the traders rolls a dice to see what order

everyone gets to pick in. A special note here: If one person brought especially great stuff and everyone is in agreement that they really outdid themselves, a good practice is to let that person choose what they want first. At some point, usually after the best stuff is taken, most people will become tired of this and the choosing can change into a free-for-all. After everything’s been completely picked through and guests have left, the host can donate the leftovers to the charity of their choice. It might sound like a lot of work to have to design and print out tally sheets and tickets, count out and assign a worth to each of the items, and explain the rules to each guest as they arrive, but the result is that the swap is thoroughly fair, no one feels like they were given a bad deal, and everyone will want to come back next year (and every year after). The easiest way to to snag an invite to one of these fabulous shindigs is to volunteer to host the first one. Then in subsequent years, someone new can be elected to host each time. It is typical that all the original invitees will be so eager to make it a yearly tradition, that half of them will offer to host themselves, all of them will return in subsequent years, and the group will grow every year.

6 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2013




Questions asked to you, our readers.

What do you like to do on a snow day?

Sleep and clean.

Sleep and watch TV.


Make snow angels.




View of The Clarion Editorial Board.

Misrepresenting yourself on social media isn’t the way


Jacob Ennis

Callie Vasey ARTS EDITOR

John Hauck



Michael Klein

Sarah Weatherbee



The views expressed by The Clarion editorial board do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Madison College, its student body or any faculty therein. They are comprised of the writers listed above and/or of those who write for the Opinion section. LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor should be typed or written legibly, be 250 words or less, and include the writer’s name, phone number and e-mail address. The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All submissions become the property of The Clarion and may be used for publication. Drop letters off at The Clarion office, Room 130 Truax, or e-mail them to

Off the deep end ROBBY WHITE Staff Writer As you drive up Highway 13 – just south of Mellen, Wis. in Ashland County – and look close enough you will notice a black outcropping on the side of the old highway. This black mass is called taconite, and is the reason behind one of the most defined political topics in the state. There is taconite located in the Penokee Hills, a 25 mile enclave of land running from upper Michigan’s border, and spanning Iron and Ashland Counties in northern Wisconsin. Taconite is an iron formation and occurs as streaks in the Penokee Hills. Iron is also found in this taconite as magnetite, an iron oxide that is only 25-30 percent iron. The taconite is extracted from the land and separated through a magnetic process; the result is a fairly low quality iron that most likely will be shipped to countries like China and India. Considering the low-grade factor of this taconite, why bother with building this mine in the first place, and what purpose does it really serve for Wisconsin? If you have ever been to this area of the state, you cannot help being taken aback with the natural beauty. Copper Falls State Park, just north of the proposed mining site, is one of the most beautiful natural jewels in this state, if not the world. There are deep forests, rocky cliffs and powerful waterfalls flowing with the clear water of the Bad River, unlike anything else in Wisconsin. On the two occasions I have been there, I didn’t want to leave. You can get

Wisconsin is much better off preserving its natural state than drilling for taconite

lost in the entrancing sound of the falls, the clean air that is easy on the lungs, and the many species of plants and wildlife that surround you. It reminds you that there is much more to Wisconsin than just cheese and the conventional farm landscape. As a lover of this state, I am opposed to Gogebic Taconite mining this sacred area. There are many considerations the legislators of this state should take into consideration before they vote for taconite mining. There are miles and miles of the best trout streams Wisconsin has to offer, fed by groundwater, that could affect the trout population. Caroline lake, possibly the cleanest lake in the state, now faces its waters being polluted with byproducts from mining taconite. However, the most important reason not to mine is the fact that there are the largest remaining wild rice beds in the Great Lakes region at the Kakagon/Bad River sloughs, which are downstream from the Penokee Hills. Ojibwe and Anishaabeg tribes have fished and grown rice in this area for centuries. Their way of life could be drastically altered by the cast of a vote or the swipe of Gov. Walker’s pen. It also remains to be seen how drinking water will be affected, how forests will be fragmented and the small popular tourist areas like Ashland will be changed. Also, it is currently unclear how many jobs will be created for the local population and when the jobs will be available. I firmly believe there needs to an alternative industry in the area and that this beautiful area needs to be left alone to the stewards who call the Penokee Range home.


In the digital age, nearly everything is public. Politicians and celebrities are constantly being caught with scandalous photographs, emails, text messages or voicemails. There are very few people or public figures that do not have some sort of digital or online presence, and these are the rare exceptions. When Facebook had its earnings call on Jan. 30, it claimed to have 1.06 billion users. Twitter announced in December that it now has over 200 million monthly active users. Anyone who is a user of these websites doesn’t just exist as a flesh and blood person anymore. As social media participants, we’ve created a separate, but related entity that is just as much a part of us as our bodies. It is one of the latest and most important examples of the axiom that “perception is reality.” Most regular users of Facebook have hundreds of friends, and a high proportion of these friends are merely acquaintances. By now, most of us have likely come to terms with our digital presence and understand the risks of having our lives exposed on the internet. People understand that there might be compromising photographs of them online, they are aware that the things they say might be scrutinized in the future by someone considering hiring, dating, or perhaps befriending them. Some things may be difficult to get out of people’s minds, but they are easy to remove from sight with the ever-helpful delete key. One would be hard-pressed to find a Facebook or Twitter user that has never given his or her account a digital makeover. So if we have to control the social media versions of ourselves, what good is Facebook? It is a one-stop resource for people to find out all the information about someone that the person wants them to know. While this can be revealing, and it is enlightening to find out how much our friends our willing to share, it is almost always a public relations page, it is not an actual chronicle of the user’s life. Let’s start asking ourselves how our social media use is affecting us. Has social media made people more sociable or has it encouraged people to hide things about themselves and become more wary of how available the details of their lives are? It turns out, looking at these highly edited profiles may be having an effect on our psyche. A Stanford study in January 2011 found that Facebook made people unhappy. It found that subjects grew increasingly dissatisfied with themselves the more they scrolled through everyone else’s photos and status updates. How do you interact on Facebook or Twitter? If you are hiding aspects of your life and misrepresenting yourself, are the disingenuous interactions actually meaningful? Don’t filter yourself through it for something as meaningless as a “like.”



LETTERFROMTHEEDITOR A quick word from the editor-in-chief, George Treviranus.


n the last few months, The Clarion has been winning lots of awards. This is exciting for a few reasons, chief among them being that it gives us an immediate reward for our hard work. Another reason, it shows that we are (hopefully) reporting in a way that helps students at the college. But getting away from those big things, let’s talk about Spring. It’s a down time

for everyone, especially those who suffer from depression. It might seem like everything is closing in on your life, or that you are just feeling down about yourself. Luckily there’s a lot you can do to lift your spirits. First, surround yourself with friends. If that isn’t immediately possible, go out and meet some people or talk to students in your class. Interaction really helps in

getting a sense of involvement, even if it’s just a little. Another thing, which studies show helps most of all, is exercise. Run, fight, ski, snowboard or dance your heart out. It releases endorphins and actually calms you down. As someone who has dealt with these issues before, I can tell you that sometimes all it takes is a little effort.

What did the unions do? Recent budget cuts are no reason to cut unionized custodial staff; college should obey its mission statement KATE PALMER Staff Writer It’s no secret that vast sums of public funding were recently diverted away from Wisconsin’s technical college system. Gov. Walker’s state budget, approved in 2011, cut $71.6 million in state aid to technical colleges, directly leading to a current $10.3 million budget shortfall for Madison College. However, Madison College should maintain its current and admirable practice of employing unionized custodial staff. Madison College recently solicited bids from private companies to quietly replace current custodial jobs when their union contract expires soon. Because Madison College’s West Campus building is technically leased to Madison College, they have already been able to implement this plan there, where near-minimumwage employer Clean Power, LLC now operates. From Clean Power’s own website, the job duties they expect of their staff are “vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, dusting, scrubbing,” the ability to lift more than

forty pounds of trash into dumpsters, and more. The advertised price Clean Power is willing to pay their employees for this hard, dirty labor is $8.50 an hour. That comes out to about $17,000 in full-time yearly gross pay. For a person with no dependents, that might be enough, but it will not put food on the table for a family. In contrast, AFT Local 243’s Bargaining Agreement with Madison College allows for starting custodians to make about $35,880 a year before taxes. This is an amount that allows a person to pay taxes, live in a decent home, afford school supplies, and possibly own an older car. To take away collective bargaining rights and reduce salaries by more than half would have a devastating impact on people who are currently contributing members of our community and economy. The problem with slashing union jobs with a cold eye for the bottom line is that Madison College is not simply a business. Madison College’s Strategic Values statement articulates a commitment to “produce work of the highest quality” and to “be innovative and forwardthinking.” Furthermore, our college promises to “speak

and act truthfully; follow through on our commitments;” and most importantly, “honor our role as stewards of the public trust.” Giving away good union jobs to private, for-profit interests runs against all of Madison College’s core values. Instead of thinking forward to the future of our community, Madison College would eliminate precisely the types of jobs that can enrich our communities and the economy. We cannot honestly name our college a steward of the public trust if the public money that funds our college is transferred into the coffers of private companies that don’t provide living wages. Jobs at Madison College should add to an atmosphere of pride, learning, and community involvement. Join the Student Senate, Madison College Democrats, the Black Student Union, and Madison College International Socialist Organization in urging Dr. Bettsey Barhorst and Madison College’s District Board members to keep these jobs in-house and pay a living wage for all who work at Madison College. Time is running out to protect valued jobs for hard-working people.


WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2013 | 9




FINCH Veteran actor joins cast of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird;’ production shows importance of standing up for equality



o Kill a Mockingbird” is set to take the stage at the Mitby Theatre as a production of Madison College Performing Arts. Originally intended to be a fall production, “To Kill a Mockingbird” will be the college’s spring production. The play will feature an experienced, local actor playing the lead role of Atticus Finch. “I was excited about it,” said Mark Huismann, Madison College student and veteran actor referring to the opportunity of performing in this production. “I’ve been a character actor for a long time and it’s a tremendous part because it’s such a great story and it’s such a great character. I was really excited when I found out and I wanted to be a part of it.” Huismann will be playing the role of Finch in the play. He has been a character actor on the Madison scene since 1994. He has been in about 40 plays in the city since that time including work with the Madison Shakespeare Company in their first production, “Julius Caesar” as Brutus and Forward Theatre’s Uncivil Disobedience, a play on the Sterling Hall bombing, just recently. In the Madison College Performing Arts production of “To

Kill a Mockingbird,” Huismann will be playing Atticus Finch, a part that he has not played before. The role is a “high watermark” for him, he said. “This role is kind of the cherry on top,” he said. Huismann will be performing the part for the first time, but there will be more firsts for him. Also, he has never done a character play at the Mitby. Huismann says that Finch has been an intriguing character to play because of the geographical and historical significance of the story and how Finch reacts to it. The play takes place in 1930s Alabama in the midst of racial turmoil in the United States. Huismann says that the character is great because Finch has the typical values of a southerner that made the phrase “southern hospitality” famous, but he is not afraid to point out the bad as well. “At one point, he is talking to his daughter Scout and talks about how ugly things are going to get with this trial coming up and he says, ‘We’ll be fighting our friends, but no matter how bitter things get, they’re still our friends and this is still our home,’” Huismann said. “He’s a southerner, but he’s not afraid to point out what’s wrong – what’s really, really wrong – and that’s what makes him a great character.” “To Kill a Mockingbird” is a gritty production that may include some content hard to handle for some, but

the overall message is an important one for all, Huismann said. “People should know that there is some hateful, hurtful language in this play and tragedy and everything else, but ultimately it’s hopeful. It’s about changing people’s minds even if it’s a real, small step,” he said. The production is also just as relevant as it has ever been, Huismann said. “It’s really powerful and just as relevant today on so many levels just on the idea of standing up for what you know is right in a situation when you know everybody – and I mean everybody – is going to stand up in front of you to tell you you’re wrong and still doing it,” Huismann said. “There’s a line that he says in the play, ‘Courage isn’t a man with a knife in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked and you begin anyway and you see it through the end no matter what. You don’t often win, but sometimes you do.’ It’s a great lesson for anyone to learn. I’m so lucky to be a part of this.” The original novel by Harper Lee, released in 1960, won the Pulitzer. It was also adapted into an Oscar winning film shortly after. Madison College Performing Arts’ presentation of “To Kill a Mockingbird” will be March 8, 9, 15 and 17 at 7:30 p.m. It will also have afternoon showings March 10 and 17 at 2 p.m.



X-Filme Creative Pool Michael Haneke’s remarkable and heart-breaking portrait of an elderly Parisian couple stars French New Wave icons Jean-Louis Trintignant and Emmanuelle Riva. When she falls ill, he must care of her, throwing the quiet, comfortable lives of these two retired musicians into chaos.



PFM Pictures

Solid performances by Alan Cumming and Garret Dillahunt flesh out the barebones script of this period piece about gay lovers who petition for custody of a Down syndrome teen while his mother serves time for drugs.


rors is a wonderfully realized and surprisingly understated dark satire, an odd and at times, oddly endearing love story between rude, obese, unlikable Abe and narcissistic, depressive Miranda.

— Tirdad Derakhshani


Mutual Film Company Entertainingly nasty noir about a brother and sister on the lam in the wintry hinterlands of northern Michigan, and the unlucky souls whose path they cross. And double-cross. With Eric Bana, Olivia Wilde, Charley Hunnam, Sissy Spacek and Kris Kristofferson.





Regency Enterprises Mark Wahlberg is a tainted copturned-P.I. and Russell Crowe is the mayor of New York, suspecting his wife (Catherine Zeta-Jones) of having an affair, in Allen Hughes’ taut, tough, satisyingly noir-ish thriller about power, politics and corruption.

Quentin Tarantino homages Mandingo, spaghetti westerns, blaxploitation, Sam Peckinpah and the Three Stooges, in this all-over-the-place antebellum western. Jamie Foxx gets the title role, a slave promised freedom if he helps a bounty hunter (Christoph Waltz) track down some mugs. With Kerry Washington, Samuel L. Jackson and Leonard DiCaprio as a plantation owner, twirling his mustache with sinister glee.




Dark Castle Entertainment Someone is eating their Activia. Sylvester Stallone defies time while playing a deadly hitman in this grim and violent crime thriller with Sung Kang, Sarah Shahi and Jason Momoa.




Village Roadshow Pictures Sean Penn is crime king Mickey Cohen and Josh Brolin is the squarejawed LAPD detective determined to end his reign in this brawny neo-noir. With Emma Stone as Cohen’s moll, Ryan Gosling as a pretty boy cop, and Nick Nolte as the gruff, gravel-voiced police chief. The retro touches are compromised by a contemporary visual style, and Penn’s wild performance isn’t always as menacing as perhaps the actor intended.

Reel FX Creative Studios

Andrew Adamson’s 3-D production has the trippy fun of the London Olympics opening ceremony minus the intentional laughs. Choppy editing intrudes upon the appreciation of the breathtaking aerial moves.




DIRECTED By JOHN MOORE Giant Pictures, TSG Productions


WEIGHT ‘A Good Day to Die Hard’ has too much deadweight, poor directing, script writing TOM RICHARDSON Staff Writer There is one statement that can immediately connect people with the “Die Hard” film franchise, and that statement is “Yippee Ki-Yay.” A statement that has been referenced in several forms of pop culture since the release of the original “Die Hard” in 1988. February 14, 2013, was the release of the fifth installment in the “Die Hard” franchise, which is entitled “A Good Day to Die Hard,” and it is directed by John Moore. In John McClane’s (Bruce Willis) fifth outing in the franchise; he travels to russia, as he hears about some trouble that his son got into with a secret agency that he works for. As McClane eventually manages to track down his son, he also discovers a big uranium storage heist going on with a group of criminals, and it is up to his son Jack McClane (Jai Courtney) and himself to stop them. Though John McClane’s fifth time out was not very extraordinary, this film does get some occasional elements right. The team-up of John McClane and his son

Jack working together was somewhat interesting, as the viewer experiences both the veteran and the newbie side of the McClane family in action. Not only will viewers get to learn more about Jack in this film, but Mary Elizabeth Winstead gets to reprise her role as John’s daughter, Lucy McClane, after her role in “Live Free or Die Hard.” There were some occasional tributes to the previous “Die Hard” films throughout this picture, such as certain effects from the previous films and this installment’s musical score is very similar to the one used for the original “Die Hard.” Unfortunately, John McClane’s day was more bad than good, when it comes to this film. Many viewers may find this film frustrating, as one of the bigger flaws of the film, is that the script is very poorly written. There are several moments in the film that feel badly improvised, the dialogue feels too dumbed down and most of the action scenes don’t feel believable enough. The film’s villain is played out in a very generic way and there is never a moment in the film where he stands out. The film also lacked a sense of a good story direction. This may not be great news for the “Die Hard” fans, but “A Good Day to Die Hard” turned out to be a bad day for John McClane. If a sixth film does eventually get made, only a better writer and director will be able to bring back the true “Die Hard” magic again.



Mount Pleasant Pictures, Double Hope Films Todd Solondz’ latest suburban chamber of hor-



OZ: THE GREAT AND POWERFUL PG Take a walk down prequel lane with the movie explaining how Oz came to be. A formal prequel to the 1939 film, “The Wizard of Oz.”

THE CALL NOT RATED A veteran 911 operator receives a call from a girl who has just been abducted.

DEAD MAN DOWN R In New York City, a crime lord’s right-

THE INCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE PG-13 Two magicians split paths after a guerilla street magician steals their thunder.


hand man is seduced by one of his bosses victims, a woman seeking retribution.





Barely holding on ‘The Walking Dead’ video game lets players experience ‘Duck Hunt’ ... with zombies LEA LANDWEHR Staff Writer You’ve faithfully watched each episode of AMC’s “The Walking Dead.” You’ve shared countless what-if scenarios with your friends. Yes, you’ve even stocked up on canned goods and water just in case, but you’re still left with the inescapable uncertainty: could you actually survive the zombie apocalypse? Now honestly, this game isn’t going to answer that question any more than “Super Mario Bros.” told you how well you’d fare in a real life goomba invasion, but it’s not bad as far as “shoot ‘em up” games go. Keeping with the Nintendo analogy, it’s a lot like “Duck Hunt” … but with zombies. Since the storyline is light, the graphics are just OK, and the action is limited to simply shooting zombies as

they come at you faster and faster, you’re going to probably only want to play this one in short bursts (30 minutes or less). That’s not enough time to find Glenn, like the box invites you to work toward, but it is enough time to get a sense of what the game is like and to grow bored with it. Here’s the good news: you don’t need any particular game system – any TV is all you need to play. Perhaps the reason they did this is that it makes it easy to throw it back in the box, stop off for a six-pack, and take it to any friend’s house who hasn’t yet had the pleasure of killing the undead. Other good points include listening to the music from “The Walking Dead” while you’re shooting and feeling

like a badass as you pump your shotgun between killing “walkers.” It’s too bad that the sight at the end of the gun is just for decoration and not for aiming, however. Realism is important for maximum badass-ness, is it not? All in all, while the game delivers what it promises, you’re left wishing they’d done a little, or even a lot, more with it to bring it up to the level of quality you’d expect from the creators of such a great TV show. Unless you just love shooting games that are only that, don’t buy it. But if a friend shows up at your door with this game and a six-pack, there are worse ways to spend a half-hour.



Have you ever imagined what it’s like to be in pitch darkness, with no way out, and with only a few feet of light around you at a time? “Closure” is that game. Players will take part in one of the most straight-forward quests in modern gaming today. Simple sidescrolling, and with a twist: the light that shines your path (the floor) is the only thing letting you walk on it. Walk away from the light, and you’ll fall right down into the abyss. The dynamic is simple. You start out the game with a ball of light which allows you to take steps. Once you put it down, you must stay within the radius of that light or die. Such a simple concept makes for both a challenging and puzzling game. Each stage you progress, the game gets a little harder. There are dozens of stages and there’s something unique within all of them. The only downside? You may get bored. With such a two-dimensional visual appeal and simple pixel-art, you are bound to feel the effects of the flat-face style. After just 15 or so stages I felt less of a desire to proceed and more of a desire to sleep. “Closure” is a curious game. Its stark mood and feeling of disparity has the bizarre affect of drawing in the player closer and closer, as if to say, “get closer to the light.” It’s a unique indie-game experience that few should pass up.



‘The Walking Dead’ video game received many awards for its story telling, including “Game of the Year” during the Spike TV game awards in 2012.


MARCH 12 GOD OF WAR: ASCENSION PS3 The gameplay of God of War: Ascension will be similar to that of its predecessors and is now on the PlayStation 3. SNIPER: GHOST WARRIOR 2 XBOX 360, PS3, PC Private security consultant Captain Cole Anderson is now in various missions around the world.

MARCH 19 GEARS OF WAR: JUDGMENT XBOX 360 The third person shooter sequel will take players through two new multiplayer modes and new stories. THE WALKING DEAD: SURVIVAL INSTINCT XBOX 360, PS3 Assuming the role of Daryl Dixon, you’ll fight zombies or stealthily sneak past them.

12 | ARTS | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2013



MARRIAGES, BOSNIAN RAINBOWS Majestic Theater, Madison, Wis. Feb. 27

a little

Bands ‘Marriages’ and ‘Bosnian Rainbows’ bring great sounds to The Majestic GEORGE TREVIRANUS Editor-in-Chief Some of the more unique sounds in non-mainstream music are in the most undiscovered places. Two relatively new artists, Marriages and Bosnian Rainbows, came to the Majestic Theatre to a considerably small crowd. The night was filled with hollow light beams, smoke and crazy dance moves by the artists; a great way to make their show both memorable and enjoyable. A lot of Marriages’ style comes in the form of mellow, harmonic guitar and strong vocals. They combine to form a sound that are reminiscent of Beach House or Animal Collective, but in a much more grounded way. The band uses some form of electronic aid, including synth, to help push the spiritual-feel their music gives off. The real soul-moving music had to have been from Bosnian Rainbows, however. Their performance was quite the spectacle, with the lead singer, Teri Gender Bender, moving all over the stage in what had to be an interpretive crab-dance. The music was very moving, however, with powerful guitar work by Omar RodriguezLopez. The abstract guitar pushed the music over the edge, alongside Teri’s powerful vocals. The show ended on what had to be a perfect note, with the most subtle display of voice depth that could be performed. No longer using her

microphone, Teri took over the room for just the final few minutes. The two shows overall were very captivating and powerful. The sets were standard, and yet extremely transcendent at the same time. Something not always expected from newer bands. It should come as no surprise to see these bands in the billboards over the next few years. Marriages, a California-based band made up of band members Greg Burns and Emma Ruth Rundle, from Red Sparrows and Nocturnes, respectively. The bands vocals are melodic and dreamy, much to the credit of Emma, who is the lead singer for the band. Their current album, “Kitsune,” released Spring 2012, has been their primary set-list for the last year. The band has also been touring with two new unnamed songs. “It’s a secret,” Emma said. Marriages originally formed in Fall 2011, after Greg moved to Los Angeles. “I had some friends that moved out from New England that played in a band called Isis,” Greg said. “They’re no longer around, but when they moved out we started a band called Red Sparrows. After a number of years, Emma joined, and that’s how we know each other.” Bosnian Rainbows, however, is a joint effort from Rodriguez-Lopez productions and a branch effort after The Mars Volta released their sixth and last studio album, putting them into hiatus.


Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds “Some people say it’s just rock n’ roll, oh but it gets you right down to your soul,” so speaks Nick Cave in the title track of “Push the Sky Away,” the 15th studio album by Australian alternative band Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. In many ways this is their most mature, assured release in ages, but beneath every song is an undercurrent of uncertainty, which makes it immediately engaging. Nick Cave’s sonorous baritone has never been more seductive, and the departure of founding member Mick Harvey in 2009 can be felt throughout. This is the first album recorded without Harvey, and to varying extents each song on it feels like a band taking its first steps alone and slowly being reassured of the firm ground beneath them. Accordingly, there are some minor missteps, such as “Wide Lovely Eyes” which, even through its lush organ work, rests on a jittery guitar lick and never seems to be able to piece itself together. Even the best tracks on the album have a hard time finding balance. Such is the case with the melancholy opener “We No Who U R,” which takes its time to slowly build itself up, delayed keyboards upon flute upon girl-group backing vocals, fading away before it can quite take flight. “Jubilee Street,” the second single off the album, is probably the closest it gets to perfection, and still feels rhythmically off-kilter with its speed-up/slow-down pace. All these things, which in a lesser band might be seen as clunky, serve to entice the listener in like a fly in a honey trap. The album closes out with the titular track, an aching funeral dirge, complete with thrumming bass and glassy church organs. “Push the Sky Away” is an epic sprawl and cry to never stop innovating, to never listen to those that would hold you back. The whole album is infused with an alluring, almost mystical Leonard Cohen-esque minimalism. It’s a slightly uneven album, but its heights are dizzying indeed. “Push the Sky Away” is a deeply challenging but rewarding work.



Atlas Genius

Upon watching videos on Youtube, I managed to stumble on a band named Atlas Genius and instantly fell in love. With their new album, “When It Was Now” hot off the racks, it’s safe to say that any Indie lover would be excited to listen to this album. The main hit off the album “Trojans,” gives off an 80’s feel-


Marriages performs at Majestic on Feb. 27 with Bosnian Rainbows.

ing to it and also has an upbeat sound that makes you want to dance. “If So” is also very similar to “Trojans” and can be considered as the second main single off of “When It Was Now.” The opener of the album “Electric,” can be compared to the musical sounds of bands such as The Rapture and The Killers. “Electric” starts the album off on an amazing start, gives the album the sparkle it deserves and will hopefully let this album flourish for many years to come. Before “When It Was Now” arrived, there was just the EP “Through the Glass“ released. The EP and the album aren’t very different from each other but the band has grown since first releasing their EP. Atlas Genius has come very far as a band and should be given a chance to be heard. The song “Trojans” was originally released on the EP, but the band decided to include it unto the main album because of the great feedback it received from fans. The instruments the band uses really adds to the sound of their music. With the unique sounding guitars, drums, and the occasional 80’s feel to it, the album is sure to win the hearts of many indie lovers out there and keep hold of them for a while to come.



Midi Matilda

Very few times will a band roll out a well produced first album. Artists like Imagine Dragons come to mind, and Midi Matilda is right on track. “Red Light District” brings something of an abstract and mystical sound to the listeners ear. The two-man band uses a barrage of electronic mixing, drums and guitar to create their music. Songs like “Ottawa” and “Red Light District” create a more mellow, calming experience with strong use of drums in parts. “Love & The Movies” takes listeners into something much different, however. This song was made very clearly to open in concerts with. Its high-energy chorus is evident of that. Midi Matilda is relatively new, having only been an “official” group since earlymid 2012. However, the duo has been practicing and recording for years. “We finally decided after years of playing to take it on the road and turn our music into something for everyone,” Logan Grime, drummer, said. They are still relatively new, and from this album alone, great things can be expected from them. Watch the charts in the coming years.


with some new elements and styles for fans.


EXILE HURTS A new 12-track album alongside their newly released single, “Miracle.”

THE NEXT DAY DAVID BOWIE After nearly a decade of his old music, David Bowie takes to the new stuff with The Next Day.

WHAT ABOUT NOW BON JOVI An unplanned album by the popular rock band, plenty of grunting and power rock will be present in the album

FREE THE UNIVERSE MAJOR LAZOR The album will feature appearances by Ezra Koening, Flux Pavilion, Bruno Mars and more.



WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6, 2013 | 13


Dominic Fumbanks 8 points, 6 rebounds; Ryan Plaice 5 rebounds, 4 assists, 2 blocks.

Alyssa Anding 10 points, 2 steals; Ellyn Hayden 9 points, 8 rebounds.

Madison College 34 28 – 62 College of DuPage 27 38 – 65 WolfPack Leaders: Dominic Fumbanks 22 points; Jason Miller 16 points, 5 rebounds; Corey McGowan 14 points.

NJCAA Regional Quarterfinals Madison College 25 40 – 65 Harper College 20 23 – 43 WolfPack Leaders: Calli Dahl 26 points, 6 assists; Courtney Spangler, 19 points, 7 rebounds; Chelsey Schulenburg 8 points.

Recent WolfPack highlights


NJCAA Regional Quarterfinals Madison College 28 30 – 58 Milwaukee Area Tech 26 36 – 62 WolfPack Leaders: Brandon Holz 20 points 10 rebounds; Jason Miller 16 points; Isaiah Nordeng 14 points, 1 block. Madison College 32 21 – 53 Harper College 37 30 – 67 WolfPack Leaders: Jason Miller 19 points, 4 rebounds; Adam Ruka 9 points, 13 rebounds;


NJCAA Regional Semifinals Madison College 24 35 – 59 Rock Valley 32 45 – 77 WolfPack Leaders: Taylor Pfeuti 16 points, 6 rebounds; Calli Dahl 12 points, 3 assists; Courtney Spangler 11 points, 2 rebounds;

Harper College 36 24 – 60 Madison College 37 34 – 71 WolfPack Leaders: Courtney Spangler 22 points, 4 rebounds; Chelsey Schulenburg 16 points; Ellyn Hayden 8 points, 5 rebounds; Alyssa Anding 11 points.

ATHLETICS’ PITCHMEN Team’s fund-raising efforts help offset costs of trips, scholarships TROY BRUZEWSKI Sports Editor Before the umpire hollers “play ball,” most universities and colleges are hearing “pay ball” during the offseason. Madison College is no different. Coaches, including baseball coach Mike Davenport, say fundraising efforts by teams raise money needed to augment an athletic program. Davenport and the WolfPack baseball team have not only their regular-season play, but their preseason spring trip as well. The multi-team event in Orlando, Fla., is a premiere event, Davenport said, and its quality competition gives the WolfPack experience against top teams from different regions and philosophies. Orlando would be a no-go, if not for fundraising efforts by the baseball team. This is a microcosm of fundraising importance in creating and maintaining a successful college sports program. When or if funds provided by the college aren’t sufficient to cover season plans by coaches, fundraising dollars help close the gap. A spring break baseball tournament in Florida created the necessity for a unique fundraiser event EVAN HALPOP / CLARION

Madison College women’s basketball player Taylor Pfeuti drives past a defender during her team’s 71-60 victory in the regional quarterfinals on Feb. 27. The WolfPack advanced to play top-ranked Rock Valley College on March 2 and lost, 77-59, to end their post-season hopes.

– the 100-inning game. Players and coaches solicit sponsorship funds from businesses and the public for the marathon event with WolfPack players facing each other in an exhibition event. The WolfPack faces teams from Division I and II, including a few that are yearly powers on the national scene. They also have the chance again this year, to face professional baseball players who may be just years from reaching the major leagues. Madison College will face the Lakeland Flying Tigers – the Single-A affiliate for the Detroit Tigers. Davenport says it’s invaluable experience – a plus created by a yearly scheduling disadvantage. “For some reason, Madison College is always a week, or so, behind most other junior colleges, so there are almost no teams for us to play the final few days, because their spring break started earlier and were playing before we arrived,” Davenport said. “So the (organizing group) found games to fill the rest of the trip and one game is against players from the Lakeland Tigers.” This isn’t the first time the WolfPack have faced players making a stop in the minors, on their » SEE PITCHMEN PAGE 14


Practice for the baseball season has already started. Players have also been busy raising money to help cover the cost of their spring training trip.

Third time not a charm against Rock Valley CLARION STAFF REPORT Three times this season, the Madison College women’s basketball team played both Harper College and Rock Valley College. All three times, the results were the same. Madison College defeated Harper Valley twice during the regular season and once again to open the NJCAA Region IV tournament. The 71-60 victory in the regional quarterfinals on Feb. 27 put Madison College in a semi-final matchup with Rock Valley College, a team that dominated the WolfPack twice during the regular season. Top-ranked Rock Valley defeated

Madison College for the third time this year, posting a 77-59 victory on March 2 to end the WolfPack’s post-season hopes. Powered by a strong inside game and solid rebounding, Rock Valley took a 32-24 halftime lead that grew to an 18-point win. Rock Valley out-rebounded Madison College, 49-31, and scored 52 points in the paint compared to 16 for the WolfPack. Taylor Pfeuti led Madison College with 16 points and six rebounds, while Calli Dahl added 12 points and three assists. Other double-digit scorers included Courtney Spangler with 11 points and Alyssa Anding with 10. » SEE CHARM PAGE 14




4 straight losses ends men’s basketball season CLARION STAFF REPORT

Harper 67, Madison College 53

Four consecutive losses ended a difficult season for the Madison College men’s basketball team. Madison College lost to Milwaukee Area Technical College, 62-58, in the quarterfinals of the NJCAA Region IV tournament and finished the season 5-26 overall. The loss to Milwaukee was a back-and-forth game that saw Madison College rally from an 8-point deficit to tie the game at 54 with less than three minutes left. But the WolfPack failed to hit crucial shots down the stretch, while Milwaukee sank 6 of 8 free throw attempts to take the victory. Brandon Holz led Madison College with 20 points and 10 rebounds, while Jason Miller added 16 points and Isaiah Nordeng scored 14 points. The three freshmen didn’t get much scoring help from the rest of the team. Only three other players scored for the WolfPack, combining for just eight points. Madison College finished the season with a team dominated by freshman, featuring guard Ryan Plaice and forward Adam Ruka as the only second-year players. Plaice dished out nine assists in his final game with the WolfPack, while had four rebounds and two points.

After staying within striking range during the first half, Madison College saw Harper College pull away thanks to its three-point shooting. Harper College outscored Madison College by 24 points in shots from behind the three-point line, hitting 10 three-pointers compared to two for the WolfPack. Jason Miller was the only WolfPack player to score in double figures, with 19 points. Adam Ruka added nine points and had a team-high 13 rebounds.

DuPage 65, Madison College 62

Madison College started the game strong, taking a 34-27 first-half lead, but could not hold off a College of DuPage rally in the second half. DuPage took a lead with just over two minutes left, and then hit enough free throws down the stretch to seal the victory. Free throws were a big difference in the game. DuPage hit 16 of 28 free throws, while Madison College was just 4 of 6. Dominic Fumbanks led Madison College with 22 points, hitting four three-point shots. Corey McGowan also converted on four three-pointers and scored 14 points.





In their quarterfinal victory against Harper College, the WolfPack held a slim 37-36 halftime lead. But a strong defensive effort in the second half limited Harper to just 8 of 23 shooting and helped propel the victory. Madison College was led by Spangler, who scored 22 points and had four rebounds. Chelsey Schulenburg added 16 points, while Pfeuti scored 11. The WolfPack finished the year with an overall record of 15-17.

Madison College 65, Harper 43

Calli Dahl scored 26 points and Courtney Spangler added 19 to lead Madison College to victory in its final game of the regular season. The WolfPack led throughout the game, holding Harper to 26 percent shooting with a strong defensive effort.

DuPage 83, Madison College 66

On Feb. 20, Madison College fell behind by 21 points in the first half and was never able to catch up as the College of DuPage led from start to finish despite strong performances by Spangler, Dahl and Pfeuti. Spangler scored 21 points and had 13 rebounds to lead the WolfPack in both statistics. Dahl scored 15 points and added six rebounds.


Madison College women’s basketball player Ellyn Hayden, left, tips the ball off to start the NJCAA Regional IV Quarterfinal game against Harper College on Feb. 27.

way to the majors. Madison faced the Milwaukee Brewers’ minor league affiliate in a previous Orlando event and Davenport said those WolfPack players can now say they faced major-league hitting and pitching, just a year or two before seeing them play on national television. The players Madison faced included: Jeremy Jeffress and Rich Lowry. Experiences like this are made possible, in part, by the baseball team’s fundraising efforts. Davenport said funds collected are used toward the travel expenses, with the players paying even portions of the remaining balance. “Fundraising is important, as is the support of Madison College as far as budget for our athletic programs. We travel well with safety and security on charter buses and this is an experience that could be missed, if not for the fundraising efforts of the team.” Davenport said outside of the spring training trip, 100 percent of other funds raised by the team go directly to the baseball team’s scholarship fund.

Schedules and Scoreboards

MEN’S BASKETBALL Schedule DEC. 9 DEC. 12 DEC. 14 DEC. 28 DEC. 29 JAN. 5 JAN. 7 JAN. 9 JAN. 12 JAN. 16 JAN. 19 JAN. 23 JAN. 26 JAN. 28 FEB. 2 FEB. 4 FEB. 6 FEB. 9 FEB. 13 FEB. 16 FEB. 20 FEB. 23 FEB. 27

at North Iowa Area Community College, Iowa, 90-51 LOSS at home vs. Rochester Community & Technical College, 82-75 LOSS at home vs. Western Technical College, 77-72 LOSS at Illinois Central College, East Peoria, Ill., 103-64 LOSS at Oakland Community College, East Peoria, Ill., 116-69 LOSS at Kishwaukee College, Malta, Ill., 71-41 LOSS UW-Marathon County, home, 80-72 WIN at Triton College, River Grove, Ill., 74-68 LOSS at Joliet Junior College, Joliet, Ill., 84-36 LOSS at home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 69-52 LOSS at Wilbur Wright College, Chicago, Ill., 52-46 LOSS at Rock Valley College, Rockford, Ill., 78-66 WIN at home vs. College of Dupage, 77-50 LOSS at home vs. Fox Valley Technical College, 80-63 WIN at home vs. Triton Collge, 91-57 LOSS at home vs. Harper College, 70-66 LOSS at home vs. Joliet Junior College, 69-58 LOSS at Milwaukee Area Technical College, 64-56 LOSS at home vs. Wilbur Wright College, 73-48 WIN at home vs. Rock Valley College, 87-77 LOSS at College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Ill., 65-62 LOSS at Harper College, Palatine, Ill., 62-58 LOSS at Milwaukee Area Tech, Region IV Quarterfinal, 62-58 LOSS.

For a complete schedule of men’s basketball, visit


DEC. 12 DEC. 14 JAN. 2 JAN. 5 JAN. 7 JAN. 9 JAN. 12 JAN. 16 JAN. 19 JAN. 23 JAN. 26 FEB. 2 FEB. 4 FEB. 6 FEB. 9 FEB. 11 FEB. 13 FEB. 16 FEB. 20 FEB. 23 FEB. 27 MAR. 2

at Ellsworth Community College, Iowa Falls, Iowa, 77-53 LOSS at North Iowa Area Community College, Mason City, Iowa, 78-50 LOSS at home vs. Rochester Community & Technical College, 75-67 WIN at home vs. Western Technical College, 59-51 LOSS at Mineral Area College, Park Hills, Mo., 96-53 LOSS at Kishwaukee College, Malta, Ill., 101-42 LOSS at home vs. UW-Marathon County, 81-59 WIN at Triton College, River Grove, Ill., 75-49 WIN at Joliet Junior College, Joliet, Ill., 65-46 LOSS at home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 78-57 WIN at Wilbur Wright College, Chicago, Ill., 78-39 WIN at Rock Valley College, Rockford, Ill., 107-47 LOSS at home vs. College of Dupage, 68-54 LOSS at home vs. Triton College, 67-39 WIN at home vs. Harper College, 80-36 WIN at home vs. Joliet Junior College, 66-53 WIN at Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee, 66-59 WIN at home vs. Robert Morris JV, 76-57 LOSS at home vs. Wilbur Wright College, 67-39 WIN at home vs. Rock Valley College, 68-46 LOSS at College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Ill., 83-66 LOSS at Harper College, Palatine, Ill., 65-43 WIN at home vs. Harper College, 71-60 WIN NJCAA Regional Semifinals at Rock Valley College, 77-59 LOSS

For a complete schedule of women’s basketball, visit



THELIGHTERSIDE Puzzles and Cartoons





CROSSWORDPUZZLE Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis / MCT Campus


ACROSS 1 Old flatboats 5 Stag party attendees 10 Fixes with thread 14 Skid row sort 15 River joining the Missouri near Jefferson City 16 “Is there __ against that?” 17 Skating maneuver 18 Gnatlike insect 19 Strauss of blue jeans 20 Jefferson 23 Hibachi residue 25 18-wheeler 26 Black cats, to some 27 Washington 32 Baton-passing event 33 Singer Brickell who’s married to Paul Simon 34 “You got that right, brother!” 35 In first place 37 Crab’s grabber 41 Impressionist 42 Chicago airport 43 Jackson 48 Coffee lightener 49 Word with popper or dropper 50 Fishing stick 51 Truman 56 Bump up against 57 Jeweled headpiece 58 Reverse, as a computer operation 61 It ebbs and flows 62 Kauai and Tahiti, for two 63 Read bar codes on 64 Large amount 65 Gets things growing 66 Number picker’s casino game

DOWN 1 Leatherwork tool 2 Brazilian port, for short 3 Lumber blemish 4 Frosh, next year 5 Christina Crawford’s “__

Dearest” 6 Italian cheese region 7 Youngsters 8 “Simply delicious” waffle maker 9 Tea leaves reader, e.g. 10 Deli meat in round slices 11 Dreaded business chapter? 12 Greeting from a distance 13 Deli cheese 21 Wild revelry 22 Went off the high board 23 Taj Mahal city 24 Come across as 28 Competed in a 10K 29 Back in style 30 Altar vow 31 Pants seam problem 35 Not shut, in verse 36 Just out of the box 37 Comedian Margaret 38 “Sons and Lovers” novelist 39 Florence’s river 40 Crab grass, e.g. 41 Military force 42 Black-and-white cookie

43 Middle East language 44 1971 Nobel Prize-winning poet Pablo 45 Scooted 46 Brought to maturity 47 Cardiac surgery technique 48 Chews the fat 52 Spunkmeyer of cookie fame 53 Get out of bed 54 Auto racer Yarborough 55 Elephant’s incisor 59 “The Da Vinci Code” author Brown 60 John’s Yoko

INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in the squares so that each row, column, and 3-by3 box contain the numbers 1 through 9. There are six levels of difficulty ranging from one star to six stars with six being the most difficult. The answer is located on the left.


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