The Clarion, Oct. 31

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Voters who are regesitered and recently changed their name must re-resgister. In addition to proof of


residence a valid Wisconsin driver license or, state ID card or Social Security card with your new name on it must be presented. If the name change occured recently enough for these items to not yet be available, voters can still vote using their former name.

Information on where to vote can be found online at All other information pertaining to voting can be found online at gab.



Proof of residence is still required, and can be in the form of a letter from a shelter or other organization providing services to the homeless.


Youth engagement has gone down significantly since the 2008 election; senior engagement on the rise



Students must get active in researching and taking part in the election, making their voice heard JOELLE DE LA PENA Staff Writer




ays away from the 2012 election, presidential hopefuls Mitt Romney and Barack Obama still struggle to engage young voters. The outcome is expected to be tight. The excitement that surrounded the 2008 election, particularly over Obama’s message of hope and change, isn’t present among young voters this election year. In late September, the Pew Research Center reported figures that paint a striking picture


Obama Supporters McCain/Romney Supp.


Obama Supporters McCain/Romney Supp.

of the struggle to engage voters. “The share of voters younger than 30 who are following campaign news very closely is roughly half of what it was at this point four years ago,” the report said. In observing young voters over the course of 2012, Pew Research Center poll results revealed that only 50 percent of eligible voters aged 30 and under were sure they were » SEE ENGAGEMENT PAGE 5

Given a lot of thought to election SEPT. SEPT. 2008 2012 CHANGE

Following campaign news closely SEPT. SEPT. 2008 2012 CHANGE

% 70 75

% 58 59

% -12 -16

% 38 41

% 26 26

% -12 -15

86 85

74 77

-12 -8

58 57

50 48

-8 -9

75 80

75 78

0 -2

58 55

59 58

+1 +3


Obama Supporters McCain/Romney Supp.



oters are almost ready to go through the motions of cast their ballots. There are just a few more days of dealing with the barrage of campaign ads and emails that we can’t wait to delete. Minus these annoying campaign ads and emails, I find much excitement in these upcoming elections because it will be my first time voting in a Presidential election. Four years ago, I remember and being a little jealous of my friends that got to vote because I wanted so badly. At that time, the “Rock the Vote” marketing campaign was huge. Getting the youth vote was one of the big focuses of both parties. They’re trying extra hard to recognize that demographic, notorious for low voter turnout. This current election seems to have a different tone. Young voters between ages 18-29 have been neglected this year and have responded by not wanting to vote. I have mvany friends who say they that they have no intention of voting in this election because they feel that candidates have not spoken to their needs or answered any of their questions. Of course the candidates have touched on issues, such as health care, financial aid and jobs after college, but both major candidates


Voters can register to vote at their polling place on Election Day. Proof of residence must be shown in order to register. Approved forms include but are not limited to: valid Wisconsin driver liscense or I.D. card, bank statement or paycheck. A full list can be found at









A quick word from George Treviranus.



2012-2013 George Treviranus EDITOR IN CHIEF


hings are happening around here, namely the election. You probably noticed by the cover of this issue. We went ahead and helped out by throwing polling place and registration information on the front page, instead of the usual inside-flashes. As you can no doubt tell, the election is pretty important. No matter which poison (candidate) you prefer, make sure

you’re informed and ready. Some of you are opting not to vote. That’s fine, I considered doing the same thing given the options. The only thing stopping me was knowing that voting is really my only major influence in politics. You know, besides the newspaper thing. We have fairly detailed information on Senate, Congress... and of course, the presidential candidates.

Take a gander here, or research it further yourself. We by no means have a complete and perfect list. Also, by the time you read this issue, the staff and myself will be somewhere in Chicago, attempting to learn something from professional journalists. Wish us luck. We’ll be back Nov. 6 hashing out the next issue, which is set to hit stands Nov. 14. Adios.

Jason Cuevas NEWS EDITOR

CAMPUSUPDATES Compiled by Clarion Staff.

Ellie Dahlquist OPINION EDITOR

Callie Vasey


The electoral college versus the popular vote



Staff Writer


Troy Bruzewski SPORTS EDITOR





Robin Gee Lea Landwehr GRAPHIC DESIGNERS



Sarah Weatherbee Leona Bergmann Shia Aaron Lloyd Fisher COPY EDITORS

Doug Kirchberg ADVISOR

Joelle De La Pena Lauren Sutter Brandon Allen-Trick Karen Cass Nicholas Garton Sylvia Lim Mike Wang Robert White Joshua D. Lynch CONTRIBUTORS CONTACT US

NEWS PHONE: (608) 246-6809 ADVERTISING PHONE:(608) 243-4809 FAX: (608) 246-6488

SUBMISSIONS To submit an item for publication, drop it off at The Clarion office, Room 130 Truax and Room D237 Downtown, or e-mail it to The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All opinions expressed in editorials and advertisements do not necessarily represent those of the Madison College administration, faculty, the student body or the Clarion staff. CORRECTIONS The Clarion strives for accuracy in all of its articles. If you have questions or concerns, please call us at (608) 246-6809 or e-mail: MEMBERSHIPS Associated Collegiate Press Wisconsin Newspaper Association REMEMBERING Adam Lee Suby, 1987-2009


RALLYING FOR SOCIAL CHANGE Sarah Blaskey and Brandon Larson address a class of students on the International Socialist Organization on Oct. 24 at Truax Campus. For more information, visit

he Electoral College was originally put into our constitution by our founding fathers. In fear of groups conspiring, they wanted to make sure there was a consistent, educated-hand leading the Presidential elections. They also wanted to ensure that each state had an equal voice. The number of state senate and congressional representatives combined determines how many electors each state has. When people vote in the national popular vote; they are actually voting for electors. These electors will then make the official vote for the presidential election. In order to win the one candidate must have 270 electoral votes. There are both people who are in favor of the Electoral College and against it. Those who are in support it claim that since it requires a distribution for, ensures sure that states with large populations don’t have an advantage. They also believe that it maintains the fed-

eral representation laid out in our constitution. Those that disagree with the Electoral College argue that the winner-take-all system makes it difficult for third parties or independent candidates to get electoral votes to be in the running for President. Many also do not agree with the fact that a candidate does not have to win the national popular vote to become President. If a candidate wins solely based on electoral votes, then that candidate becomes President. We have seen some campaigns come very close because of this system. In 2000 Al Gore won the nation’s population vote, and it came down to the electoral votes of one state, Florida. That election opened the eyes of the public to the reality of our voting system. The Electoral College has been around for over 200 years, and no changes have occured thus far. There is no question that the 2012 election will be extremely close. Make sure you are educated on and aware of the voting system and the candidates.


By Jennifer Kasch, Madison College Libraries.

Reserve a library group study room online Looking for a place to work collaboratively on a group project or study as a group? Or conversely, looking for a little peace and quiet while working independently? Madison College Libraries have a variety of unique study spaces available to suit a range of study styles and study needs. While the school’s libraries are already fairly quiet, complete silence while studying is the preference of some. For those interested in a silent environment there are quiet study rooms at both the Truax and West campus. Both rooms have study carrels, as well as some comfy seating for those who like to study a little more casually. Our West campus library study rooms also have an amazing view. The Truax library has three large study rooms available for student with group work to complete. The Reedsburg Library and Student Achievement Center (SAC), Watertown

Library and SAC, and Fort Atkinson Library and SAC all have two group study rooms each. These rooms are for student use only. Also, all of our group study rooms can now be reserved online up to two weeks in advance. Rooms can be reserved at at any time of the day. Jus t select your campus, click on the timeslots you’d like to reserve and fill out a short, simple form. On the day of your reservation, pick up the key at the library desk when your reservation starts with your student ID or other valid identification. You may reserve up to two hours per day and four hours per week. Our rooms are very popular, so we definitely recommend reserving in advance. Each group study room seats up to six people and has a white board. All rooms, with the exception of one Truax room with an iMac, also have 47” monitors that can

be connected to a laptop via an HDMI cord. This makes collaborative work on presentations easy, eliminating the need for group members to huddle around one small computer screen. Our Truax library also has multimedia equipment that can be checked out and used in the rooms. Equipment available for in-library use includes flipcams, iPads, Nook Colors, Kindle Fires, webcams, USB microphones, laptops that can be connected to the study room monitors, and more. Ask at your regional library about equipment that is available there for check out. Whether you enjoy studying in silence or need to work on a project collaboratively, the libraries have unique study spaces that suit your needs. If you have any questions, ask your regional librarian or call the Truax main desk at (608)-246-6646.


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presidential race

JACOB ENNIS Managing Editor There are some claims about Obama and Romney that may be true, may be false or may just be confusing.

Decision time: China, energy among key issues facing presidential candidates

ROMNEY SAID “OBAMA HASN’T EVEN PASSED A BUDGET” This is somewhat true, since the President doesn’t pass a budget, Congress does. What Romney was referring to with this statement is the fact that Obama’s FY2013 budget hadn’t been passed by Congress yet. According to 31 U.S.C. 1105 the President must submit their budget to Congress no later than the first Monday in February every year. This budget contains budget numbers for the coming fiscal year, along with the four years after. Once passed by Congress, the budget takes place in October of that year. So in October of 2009 is when the FY2010 budget began – the Obama Administration’s first budget.

JACOB ENNIS Managing Editor



President Obama has drawn criticism from the Romney campaign for not being tough enough on China. The Obama Administration has actually made diplomatic moves such as securing passage for Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng when he escaped house arrest and made it to the U.S. Embassy. Military presence in the AsiaPacific has been beefed up including an increased navy presence and a planned deployment of 2,500 troops in Australia for joint training exercises. Obama also mentioned policies for companies with Chinese interests in his 2012 State of the Union address. “From now on, every multinational company should have to pay a basic minimum tax. And every penny should go towards lowering taxes for companies that choose to stay here and hire here in America,” he said. The Obama administration is taking steps on cracking down on illegal trade stemming from China. “We’ve brought trade cases against China at nearly twice the rate as the last administration,” Obama said in his 2012 State of the Union address. “Tonight, I’m announcing the creation of a Trade Enforcement Unit that will be charged with investigating unfair trading practices in countries like China.” In September Obama ordered a Chinese company, Ralls Corp., to divest its interest in four wind farms in northern Oregon citing national security concerns. The last instance a president made a decision like this was in 1990.

Romney agrees with a stronger military presence in the Asia-Pacific, but is calling for an even stronger position than the Obama Administration. In the second Presidential debate Romney voiced a strong opinion toward China. “China’s been cheating over the years, one, by holding down the value of their currency, number two, by stealing our intellectual property, our designs, our patents, our technology,” he said. Romney said that on day one he would label China as a currency manipulator. In the final debate, moderator Bob Schieffer asked if that would start a trade war. “There’s one going on right now that we don’t know about. It’s a silent one, and they’re winning,” Romney said.


Getting facts, policies straight with presidential candidates

BARAK OBAMA, MITT ROMNEY differing on variety of issues, they battle in a tight campaign

Campaign trail comes to close




With the most up-to-date numbers from the FY2013 mid-session review taken from the Office of Management and Budget, government spending actually went down with the Obama Administration’s first budget. The last time this happened was with the 1955 budget. • 2010 spending fell 1.8 percent. • 2011 spending rose 4.1 percent. • 2012 latest numbers show a 1.4 percent increase. • 2013 latest numbers show a 2.7 percent increase. When compared to inflation numbers taken from the Congressional Budget Office, government spending actually has decreased while the Obama Administration’s budgets have been in effect. • 2009 – 2.63 percent • 2010 – 1.63 percent • 2011 – 2.93 percent • 2012 as of Aug. 1 – 1.69 percent While it’s true that the deficit is currently running at over a trillion dollars, it was at its highest with the Bush Administration’s last budget in FY2009 when it increased by just under $1 trillion from FY2008. Government spending for the same time period also increased by 15.34 percent.


Both candidates want to be tough on China, but Obama’s stance is a little more diplomatic and delicate, while Romney’s is more of a crackdown.


President Obama promotes energy independence by investing in cleanenergy jobs and taking steps to improve the quality of our air and water. The administration says investment in clean energy will create jobs, help protect the environment and reduce national dependence on foreign oil.



Mitt Romney seeks regulatory

reform of the energy industry to facilitate progress in the development of domestic reserves of oil and natural gas. He also wants more investment in nuclear power. Some regulatory changes would include: • Fast-track procedures for firms with strong safety records. • Change environmental laws so that cost is taken into account. • Amend the Clean Air Act to exclude carbon dioxide from its jurisdiction. • Open the nation’s energy reserves for more development. • Eliminate or reduce government funding for wind and solar energy projects. • Focus alternative energy funding on research.


This number comes from taking the 20 percent tax cut Romney has promised, along with extending the 2001-2003 tax cuts, and adding it all up over 10 years. Also, according to the non-partisan Tax Policy Center, Romney’s tax plan calls for the top income-earning tax bracket to be reduced from 35 to 25 percent, which is a 3 percent larger cut than the rest of the five tax brackets. While a 20 percent tax cut sounds great, it leaves the question of how the lost tax income will be made up. Romney’s plan calls for cutting back tax preferences, but no specific ones are mentioned except the ones in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, which is the 2009 stimulus. These include education credits, earned-income credits and child credits – credits that will affect low and middle-income earning families. It’s important to make an informed vote.






Third party candidates: How do they impact races?

u.s. senate

THE CLARION WHAT’S IN A NAME? Democrat Tammy Baldwin, Republican Tommy Thompson and two third-party candidates compete



t seems as though in every election cycle this same debate arises. Is it worthwhile to vote for a third party candidate, or is it just throwing your vote away? The truth, as in many things, lies in the middle. At the heart of this debate is really the conflict of two values: voting one’s conscience and having one’s voice heard. Local elections are the place for activism; national elections are the place for compromise. Third parties have a reputation for being spoilers for major party candidates. Ross Perot in 1992, Ralph Nader in 2000; each contributed to the ultimate success of the candidate most dissimilar to their ideology by siphoning votes. Votes that went to these candidates would likely have gone to one of the two party candidates. In a first-past-the-post system like ours, where the winner takes all, its natural evolution is into a two party system, both sides competing for the middle. Inevitably, some individuals do not feel adequately represented by the major party candidates. Third parties and independents bring fresh ideas to the table and are a vital part of political discourse in our country. Despite this, very few have been successful on the national stage. Only when there are sufficient numbers of individuals disenchanted by the elephant and the donkey do new movements begin. Until that time comes, however, we may all have to settle for the major party candidate that best represents us. Let’s face facts. Not every ballot weighs the same. This year, voters in swing states like Florida, Ohio and Wisconsin will likely decide the presidential race. As a voter in Wisconsin, your voice has never mattered more, so it’s important to make it count. Neither Jill Stein of the Green Party or Gary Johnson of the Libertarian Party is going to be inaugurated in January, and they have the most visible third party campaigns. Voting for them may feel right, but it’s a raindrop in the ocean. Whether you feel the system is just or not, either Barack Obama or Willard “Mitt” Romney will be the President for the next four years. There are still ways to affect change. Nearly all politicians start locally and this is where your individual voice is best heard. Furthermore, the voting regulations that allow the two-party system to perpetuate are largely state laws. If supporting a third party candidate is important to you, local elections are where to start. The state of Vermont, for example, has more than five independents in the state legislature, and one of the two independent U.S. Senators. In more ways than people realize, local politics drive national agendas. This election is important. As a voter you have to ask yourself: is it more important to make a symbolic gesture against the system as it stands, or to participate in it? Whatever you decide, remember: the only wasted vote is the one not cast.


Democratic candidate Tammy Baldwin, right, and Republican candidate Tommy Thompson spar during their Senate debate at the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service at UWMC in Wausau on Oct. 18.

Where they stand Positions of Thompson, Baldwin and other Senate candidates outlined

back to the U.S. from overseas through tax break incentives for small businesses. Find more detailed information on Baldwin’s website at

KAREN CASS Staff Writer Vying for public approval this election are four U.S. Senate candidates: Former Governor Tommy Thompson, Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin, Nimrod Y. U. Allen III and Joseph Kexel. Tommy Thompson, the Republican candidate, was born and raised in Elroy, Wis. where he still operates his family’s farm. He also practices law for Akin Gump, a firm based in Washington D.C. He holds a law degree from UW-Madison and is a former captain in the U.S. Army. Thompson served as Governor of Wisconsin for four terms, from 19872001. He also served under President George Bush as the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services from 20012005. He feels that his budget reduction and welfare reform accomplishments while serving in these positions qualify him to lead Wisconsin toward a freemarket, budget-balanced future. If elected Thompson plans to help replace Obamacare with his own policy of Hospital Quality Incentive Demonstration, which provides reimbursement to hospitals based on quality outcomes. He supports a reform of Medicaid to focus more on private sector involvement and less on government subsidies. Thompson approves of the government’s intervention in building the Keystone Pipeline as a means of gaining independence from foreign oil. He feels that the government should not regulate





the development of alternative energy sources. Thompson also proposes to align federal employee pay and benefits more closely with private sector pay and benefits. More on his proposed solutions can be found at The Democratic candidate, Tammy Baldwin, was born and raised in Madison, Wis. where she still resides. She holds a law degree from UW-Madison. Baldwin served on the Dane County Board of Supervisors from 1986-1994 and held a position in the Wisconsin Assembly from 1993-1999. During that time, she fought for equal rights for women and the legalization of gay marriage. Baldwin currently serves in congress, where she has enacted many laws that support government-funded health care. She has voted for more affordable education, regulation of banks and oil companies and increased fees for companies who outsource labor. Baldwin strongly believes in affordable health care for all and if elected Senator she promises to continue protecting the rights of veterans and seniors. She believes that the wealthy should be taxed at the same rate as the middle class and that this will help balance the budget. Baldwin also plans to help bring jobs

Running as the Libertarian candidate, Joseph Kexel hails from Kenosha, Wis. where he still resides. He attended UW-Parkside. He has worked in many fields, including factory assembly and information technology, and currently runs his own IT support company, Vikkex. Kexel believes that his experiences as a former union worker, small business owner and father have given him insight into the needs of the average Wisconsinite. He feels the keys to success are a reduced role of the federal government and a return to the ideals of the Constitution. Kexel also states that the only way to balance the budget is through the reformation of entitlement programs and military expenses. To learn more about Kexel and his ideas, visit kexel2012. com. Running as an independent is Nimrod Y. U. Allen III. Allen was born and raised in Milwaukee, Wis. where he still lives. He is a former U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sergeant and holds a degree from the University of Hawaii. Allen created the Independent Democratic Enforcement Alliance party based on the concept of turning political focus away from special interest and toward the wellbeing of the people. He is passionate about many issues, from preserving veteran rights to cultivating urban agriculture. Allen also feels that federal aid is needed to encourage businesses to hire, which will lessen the number of citizens needing financial aid. Visit for more information on Allen’s proposed solutions.





registered. Several Madison College students shared their perspectives on the race thus far. Across the political spectrum, their reactions revealed many of the indicators of disengagement. Matthew Neri, 22, is a member of the International Socialist Organization on campus. His political outlook has changed significantly since 2008, when he came to the conclusion that mainstream politics didn’t come with truthful intentions. Although he voted for Obama in 2008, over the past four years, he has become increasingly turned off by his policies and the two-party system. “The reason I’m less enthusiastic to vote this year is because I understand that, as far as working class interests are concerned, there’s not that huge of a difference between Obama and Romney,” Neri said. He explained that he is disappointed in Obama’s use of drone strikes overseas and his attacks on civil liberties and union rights at home. He will likely vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein. “You have two political parties competing for money and favors and the same interest groups, for the most part,” Neri said. Jonathan Correa, 22, also feels discontentment with the two-party system. Like


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 basically just bounced around ideas, not telling us what exactly was going to be done to ensure we have these things. This frustrates voters in general, especially



Neri, he has green party leanings, but considers himself an independent. He’s unsure about whether or not he will vote this year. He said he’s been watching the debates a little but hasn’t really been keeping track of politics. ANNA MILLER MATTHEW BROOK JONATHAN CHRIS LUKE NIESEN “I really do feel like my voice NERI DEARMOND CORREA PRESIDENTdoesn’t count so I feel like it’s hard for BROWN me to support either person because I feel like they are saying the same “Voting preferences remain largely the legislation. things, but just in a different way,” Correa The Pew Research Center report noted same as 2008,” Canon said. said. that young voters register in increasing On the other side of the political Some students still maintain their numbers as the months of an election divide, Romney also struggles to attract confidence in Obama. Anna Miller,18, young voters. Although the Pew Research year pass. Yet given the lack of engageand Chris President-Brown, 19, are both ment thus far, candidates may be in for a center indicates that “registered voters registered voters and plan to cast their lower turnout on election day. under 30 favored Obama over Romney votes, for the first time in their lives, for 59% to 33%,” those young voters that do Luke Niesen, 18, has not registered to the incumbent on Nov. 6. However, their support Romney are less engaged in the vote yet, but he plans to cast his vote for support doesn’t come without certain electoral process. Romney. reservations. Brooke DeArmond, 19, is one such stu“I don’t like the fact that the govern“Obama had four years and made all dent. She has not followed the presidenment is trying to take control of everythese promises and we are worse off than tial debates much this year. She feels conthing. The Obamacare thing, I’m not we were before,” he said. fident in her choice for Romney because really a fan of it,” Miller said He worries about growing national of his priorities on reviving the economy President-Brown explained that it will debt and the fragile economy. Currently and healthcare. take time for Obama to see results from active duty in the Army, he thinks his plan. “I know that Obama is helping people Romney will help create jobs and keep the “You can’t really do it all over one who don’t have the money, but I don’t military safe through increased defense term, you need more than one,” he said. agree with him taking money from spending. David Canon, Political Science profespeople for other people who don’t work,” sor at UW-Madison, believes that young DeArmond said. While poll results may portray Niesen voters who previously propelled Obama Her mother works in the health insurand others in his age group as disengaged to victory, will also follow through this ance industry and DeArmond saw her voters, presidential hopefuls may find year. One the enthusiasm gap, Canon said, face hardship last year when she had to that a surge in excitement could come just “There was one earlier in the year due to switch the family’s insurance plan due to in time from young voters like him. the rough economy, but the economy is rising expenses. Ones her mother feels “It’s my first time voting so I’m excited improving.” were brought on by his new healthcare about that,” Niesen said. the younger ones. As voters, doing research into the candidate’s policies to get a better understanding of their intentions is a must. Not everyone thinks like me though. Candidates shouldn’t count out the youth vote. Obama knows from the previous

election how powerful we really are. Knowledge is power, so use yours and make a statement by casting an independent or third party vote. The candidates should give us more attention. However, we can’t neglect the fact that together, we can still make our

voices heard. It’s important to let the candidates know that our voice is significant. We have just as much at stake as other voters. I don’t appreciate the annoying twoparty game, but I still intend on casting my vote in this election.





I haven’t been following that much, but medicare and school funding. — MARIO LEWIS, PHYSICAL THERAPY

The economy and LGBT issues. Without the economy being in shape, people can’t retire which locks young people out of jobs. — JOSE FORTIN, BUSINESS MANAGEMENT

The middle class, making sure they have all the things they need. — CHRISTINA WARD, ELECTRON MICROSCOPY


Questions asked to you, our readers.


Education. Obama seems like he’s more for education with the DREAM Act and such.” — MIRKO CANNICOBA, GRAPHIC DESIGN

Jobs. Hiring people based on their experience. — LOURETHA BEAN, COSMETOLOGY

Healthcare. With the new healthcare laws, I’ve been able to stay on my parents’ insurance.

Women’s issues in general. Equal pay. Equal access to healthcare and contraception. — KATIE LAMBERTON, PARALEGAL PROGRAM








More money being thrown into the election now, more than any election in history JASON CUEVAS News Editor When the Supreme Court rules in favor of Citizens United in the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission case, it completely changed the way money used in elections. The country is in the midst of the greatest amount of spending ever produced in an election. According to estimates there will be a total of almost $6 billion spent on the current election. Those in swing states are often unable to go even a single commercial brake without seeing a political ad. The Obama campaign has raised $631 million from individual contributors. $214 million is from small contributions. Romney has raised $384

million with $70 million coming from small contributions. Both candidates continue to hold fundraisers even as the race comes down the final weeks. What the ruling in the Citizens United case changed was declaring that it was unconstitutional to ban free speech from corporations and unions. This ruling also means that money is equal to speech. Unions and corporations may spend as much as they like in order to support or oppose political candidates. They are supposed to do this independently from the campaign. These new political action committees, often referred to as Super PACs are still banned from working directly with the campaign. It is very hard to tell how much separation there really is between the campaigns and these super PACs. Restore Our Future which supports Romney and Priorities USA Action both seem to do advertising that goes hand in hand with the campaigns that



Perspective of The Clarion Editorial Board

George Treviranus EDITOR IN CHIEF

Obama deserves a second term

Jacob Ennis


Jason Cuevas NEWS EDITOR

Callie Vasey ARTS EDITOR

Ellie Dahlquist OPINION EDITOR

The views expressed by The Clarion editorial board do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Madison College, it’s student body or any faculty therein. They are comprised of the writers listed above and/or of those who write for the Opinion section. LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor should be typed or written legibly, be 250 words or less, and include the writer’s name, phone number and e-mail address.The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All submissions become the property of The Clarion and may be used for publication.Drop letters off at The Clarion office, Room 130 Truax, or email them to

they support. Restore Our Future has taken in over $118 million dollars from the current campaign according to the New York Times. They have spent 88 percent of that money on attack ads against President Obama. The New York Times reports Priorities USA Action has taken in $55 million dollars itself during the election. 100 percent of that money has been spent on attack ads against Romney. High spending in the election is not just limited to the national race. In Wisconsin both Tammy Baldwin and Tommy Thompson are spending large amount of money. Baldwin has raised over $11 million dollars while Thompson has raised over $7 million. In Wisconsin most of the majority of the money has been from donors and not PACs. Baldwin has received $875 thousand in PAC support while Thompson has received just over $1 million.


fter an economic crisis in 2008 our country is still suffering from a severe lack of employment. Unemployment continues to sit around 8 percent and while the economy is recovering it is at a very slow pace. This has led to a very close election where either candidate has a very legitimate chance of winning the Presidency. We believe that President Obama is the best candidate to continue working through this crisis and push our nation forward. President Obama was able to pass a stimulus that kept unemployment from raging into the double digits. He successfully saved the U.S. automobile industry and has invested in clean energy and high speed rail to keep our country up to date in the future. He also passed a healthcare bill that will give insurance to millions of previously uninsured citizens. While he deserves praise for these actions, he is not without fault. The stimulus was simply too small

to get the country back to the level of employment it actually needs. We are still millions of jobs short of where the country was before the economic crisis. His obsession with making the deficit a priority while the country was still in the middle of a crisis was misguided and ultimately failed to provide any kind of real legislation other than a financial cliff that will lead to even more partisan negotiating. Despite these misgiving, we feel the policies of Governor Romney would cause even greater problems. Romney’s solution of tax cuts for the wealthy and business will do nothing but bring back the same issues that are hurting this country. His five point economic plan has no details of any kind. There is not a single reputable source that is willing to vouch for the numbers in his plan having any possible way of working. Romney has also changed positions so often it is hard to know what he actually believes. Unfortunately, both parties

have a host of issues they won’t discuss at all. Neither party wants to discuss a war on drugs that is putting millions in prison for non-violent crimes. They also want to steer clear of discussing why we have private companies building prisons that are guaranteed to hold a certain capacity. We feel that the goal should be to have less Americans in prison, not making it certain we will have even more. The drone strikes in the Middle East killing innocent civilians have had no discussion in this election at all. Neither has a kill list the President employs, giving him power far beyond what the constitution deems appropriate. It is our hope that in the future more political parties will have their voice in the elections. We cannot truly solve our problems until we honestly consider all the choices out there. The are many flaws in the current two party system, however in the confines of this system we feel that Obama is the best choice going forward.






Paul Ryan: Diplomacy like a ‘Stallone’ movie M

aybe we’ve all had it wrong the that already fear us. It is certainly not entire time. Ever since the Sept. a representation of our moral author11, 2001 attacks, our focus as a ity or righteous indignation to impose nation has been on preventing another horrific economic sanctions against assault on our soil and bringing the another nation – sanctions that do nothperpetrators to some kind of justice. We ing but harm the poor of that country have had the Patriot Act imposed upon and strengthen the resolve of its leaders us. We have fought two wars for eleven against us. years. We have engaged in diplomacy, A quick look at Americas history economic sanctions, governmental apolo- shows us what true strength is. Rather gies, drone strikes and killed than start a second Civil War, Osama Bin Laden, questioning men like Dr. Martin Luther whether or not those things King Jr. decided to reveal the have been right. content of good character by Vice Presidential candibeing firm, but peaceful, in the date Paul Ryan has an even face of those threatening to use further-reaching solution: extreme violence. In doing so flex our muscles. During the he showed us all that the weak Vice Presidential debate, Ryan ones were the people commitlambasted President Obamaʼs ting the violence, not those approach as making America being victimized by it. NICHOLAS look weak. He asserted, that if President Kennedy, when GARTON America is to stay safe in times threatened with nuclear Staff Writer of global crisis, we need to attack, did not go on the offengrow our military and not take sive but drew a line in the sand compromising positions in regards to (or ocean rather) and said, “donʼt cross it”. foreign policy. Every single member of the Joint Chiefs As Vice President Joe Biden sat aghast, opposed him saying he was pathetically Paul Ryan laid out his plan that basiweak. But he stood firm, and as it turns cally entailed the idea that might, makes out, if he had listened to any of them, we right. Tossing diplomacy and care aside, would be dead. Paul Ryan would have the Romney/Ryan ticket would have rushed in, guns blazing. us believe that the only way to prevent More recently, President Obama future war is to look invincible to the portrayed the meaning of a true leader’s rest of the world. Ryan said that relaxpower. He inherited America at a time ing extreme, dehumanizing sanctions on when the country faced daunting poverIran would only embolden their efforts ty, joblessness, security concerns abroad, towards nuclear capability. When asked soldiers dying in not one but two foreign to elaborate on precisely how he and lands and disgusting racially motivated Mitt Romney would execute their plan backlash against his Presidency. At of avoiding things like a nuclear Iran, he any point during the past four years merely reasserted his belief that we must President Obama would have been well not appear weak. Diplomacy, apparently, within his rights to have a massive chip is the weakest possible strategy. on his shoulder and, as the commanderLet us reason together for a moment in-chief of the most powerful military in here. If we as a nation take up arms, world history, take it out on some poor build our military to new heights and unsuspecting Middle Eastern soul. We take a standoffish position towards our know Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney would enemies, we will not succeed. We will feel have applauded his display of strength, strong. We will use tough language. But, values and power. But he did not. He ultimately, we will be weaker than ever. chose to embrace a doctrine of inclusion, It does not take strength to take up compromise, coolness and control. arms. It is not tough to threaten countries As things began to melt down in

Michael Sears/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/MCT

Vice presidential candidante Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) campaigns at Carroll University in Waukesha, Wisconsin on Monday, October 15, 2012. Egypt, Libya and Syria, President Obama took a deep breath and allowed things to play out. He offered apologies to Muslims for any perceived slights on the part of the American Government. He refused to escalate the situation with Iran even as Benjamin Netanyahu became ever more agitated. Deep breaths. In between those deep breaths President Obama shattered Al Qaeda. He brought the Taliban to its knees. He killed Osama Bin Laden. He put Iran on an island isolated from the rest of the world. He ended the war in Iraq and prepared an exit strategy for Afghanistan. It takes more strength to win a staring contest against someone than to just punch them in the face. Obama wins staring contests. This takes self-control, self-esteem and moxie. When you add up those qualities they form a word called strength.

Insecure, feeble-minded, weak people talk tough and loud and rush into fights. Thatʼs how Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney would govern. So, America, which one of those people do you want holding your life in their hands? This isnʼt a Sly Stallone movie where we can just flex testosterone, grunt really loud and just beat everyone up. Big guns and steroid muscles arenʼt scaring Al Qaeda. People who have those things are just itching for a reason to use them. That may work in Hollywood but in foreign affairs itʼs a good way to end up dead. President Clinton said he wants a President who is cool on the outside but burns for America on the inside. Thatʼs what we have now in Barack Obama. The alternative, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan are all heat on the outside. But, rest assured if they are elected America will burn from the inside.


America: are we in the right or wrong? W

ith the presidential election just around the corner, talks of international interests and foreign policy are of high priority. Something very few citizens seem to look at, is whether or not we should be involved with these countries in the first place. If another country’s citizens came to our land and forcefully tried to control how our country should be governed, they would be met with rage. It would simply be unacceptable. Yet we feel the need to impose democracy upon other countries, discontinuing the way they have been doing things for hundreds of years. Western civilization feels as though

every country desires what serving in armies, or that it is we have. Regardless of acceptable for men to domiwhether it’s our ties with the nate women. Just because Middle East, or our views on many traditions and beliefs the inequality in third world held by other countries seem countries, it all comes down strange and unfavorable to to whether or not it is our us, doesn’t mean we have the place to tell other countries right to tell them how to act, be and lead. If this were to what to do. Most of the countries we happen in the United States LAUREN deploy to are nation states. there would be no discussion, SUTTER When the United States only action. As we begin a Staff Writer enters their territory and new era, it is important that tells them how to conduct we think about what our their society, the citizen’s sovposition is in their eyes. ereignty is threatened. By no means am We cannot simply fix everyone’s probI saying that it is right to have children lems; we have our own problems that

need fixing. Sometimes, countries come to us for help in times of need and more recently they have been ignored in their desperation. So what is it that decides our occupation of other lands? We must first fix ourselves; only then should we discuss how and if other countries want our western influence. We cannot just assume that countries desire to be like the red, white, and blue. Sometimes the American people forget how connected we truly are to other countries, and what type of influence we have. It is important that the candidates are cautious when discussing, and especially when acting in, international affairs.








Foreign policy controversy and what is expected T

he U.S. presidential election is the center of attention in international media because U.S. foreign policies are far-reaching. The U.S. is a powerful player on the world stage. The Indonesia-U.S. connection is critical, and deserves clear policy direction in this election. But is that what the world is hearing? For many Indonesians paying close attention to the debates and other discourse, a vote for Mitt Romney is viewed as a step backwards in regards to U.S.-Indonesia relations. If that happens, it could result in a ripple effect around the world. According to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the number of visa applications by Indonesians has increased SYLVIA LIM in America by one-third. Direct, Staff Writer person-to-person ties are critical to deepening the friendship between American and Indonesian people. “That is something President Obama is personally very committed to, based on his own relationships,” Clinton said when she addressed the third annual U.S.-Indonesian Joint Commission Meeting. Ali Salmande Harahap, a law journalist from Jakarta said, “Although I am Indonesian, I don’t care about Obama’s background, when he spent his childhood in Indonesia. I just want to see his international policy objectively.” “Obama uses a dialogue approach in his foreign policy. He tries to start a dialogue between the west and Muslim majority countries,” Harahap said. “It was different with the Republican foreign policy that I saw in the George W. Bush era which resulted in horrible wars. I see Romney as not different from George W. Bush.” In a recent presidential debate, Mitt Romney has admitted that America needs to strengthen relationships with countries like India and Indonesia. “Our objective is not to build an anti-China coalition. Rather it is to strengthen cooperation among countries with which we share a concern about China’s growing power and increasing assertiveness and with whom we also share an interest in maintaining freedom of navigation and ensuring that disputes over resources are resolved by peaceful means. It is yet another way of closing off China’s option of expanding its influence through coercion,” Romney said on his campaign website. But the statements are confusing. Romney doesn’t want to “build an anti-China coalition,” but favors ways of “closing off China.” It’s this type of mixed messages that leaves the world confused about his true intentions. Romney said, “Look at Indonesia in the 60s. We helped them move toward modernity.” This controversial claim was made would be a good model for how the United States should engage Pakistan today. For many Indonesian people, what Romney refers to as a good model led to the most painful decades in Indonesian history. In 1965, Indonesia’s first President, Sukarno was deposed in a coup. The truth behind the coup is still hotly debated. General Suharto, supported by the United States at that time, became Indonesia’s president for 32 years. It came at the cost of military dictatorship, long jail terms without fair trials and targeted killings. Roughly 500,000 Indonesians were mass murdered in 1966. The Indonesian people hope that the U.S. election result will lead to positive impacts around the world. Ari Mustikawati, a journalist from Bali, said she wants the next President to treat Asian countries fairly, as equals. “For example, the contract with Freeport, the biggest gold mining company in Papua, should be renewed since the existing one gives little benefit to the Indonesian government and the local community in Papua, which finally triggered unsolvable conflict,” Mustikawati said. Eliyan Umamy, a student from Pierce College, added, “In the case of relationship with Asian countries, we can build a better mutual understanding. Hopefully the next president will spread the spirit of peace, not war, which means no more military attacks.” Although international students can’t vote in the U.S. Presidential election, we are watching. The world is watching, as there is much at stake. Rather than roll the dice and see where they land, the United States would do well to elect a leader who has a clear direction.

Don’t let campaign ads beat you up E

will get out of this debt. They say the undecided voter lection Day is fast approaching. Students around Madison College are gearing up to make their is important to the outcome of this election. Well is it? I am one of these undecided voters. I voted indevoices heard by casting their ballot in the presipendent in my first election, but it’s said dential election, for many it’s their first. that instead, it was actually a vote for the You’ve been bombarded by campaign ads, MIKE WANG Republicans. People say that voting indeof which have quickly turned negative as Staff Writer Nov. 6 draws nearer. pendent is hopeless, well isn’t hope what voting is about? If my vote is a wasted one, Watching President Obama and then I won’t waste my time on voting. Governor Romney trading barbs and circling each other was like watching a couple of profesIf these candidates would spend their time camsional wrestlers in the ring. I couldn’t help but wonder, paigning the fundamental values and policies they will work towards, this would be a different story. not who I was going to vote for, but why I was even votHowever, as Election Day draws nearer, both seem far ing in the first place. more concerned with winning over fans. In the last Are their fans casting a vote because they believe in these politician’s principles, or are they voting just stretch, politicians often show who they really are. It’s commonly publicized that voting is a privilege; to stick it to the other side? While I am sure there are your civic duty. Voting is your right. Don’t be bullied many students out there undecided about who to vote or guilted into voting on Election Day. Don’t let anyone for, I wonder how many are asking, “Why vote?” guilt you into voting. If you feel both candidates are Every four years it is the same. Both sides attack the unqualified for the job, then it is your right to not cast other’s abilities. Clean campaigning quickly gives way to attacks, spins and half-truths. a vote. Voting is a right. So is the right to bear arms. I What about the undecided voter? The one being choose not to own a gun, and I will also exercise my wooed by each side with promises of change, and halfright not to submit a vote. hearted explanations of what went wrong, or how we



Racism in politics is a post-Racist America

ust when you think that we the people have public discourse around elections.” evolved culturally and morally, and have come Another horrifying example of racism in politics to embrace a multi-racial nation built on openis of a photograph going around the internet. It’s of a mindedness and peace, an insidious trait still presents white man with a shaved head, wearing a t-shirt that itself in 2012’s American society. The ugly devil, racstates, “Romney/Ryan: Put the white back in the White ism, rears its head and taps you on the back. You need House.” After seeing this at a Romney rally, I was not look any farther than our home state of Wisconsin speechless. to witness racism in all of its nastiness. On Fox News, Newt Gingrich stated, Playing the race card in politics is noth“I’m assuming that there’s some rhythm ing new. Jason Thompson, son of Senate to Barack Obama that the rest of us don’t ROBERT WHITE candidate Tommy Thompson, reminded understand. Whether he needs more rest, Staff Writer us of this at a GOP brunch. He publically whether he needs to go play basketball declared, “We have an opportunity to send or watch ESPN, I mean I don’t quite know President Barack Obama back to Chicago what his rhythm is.” I could go on, but it - or Kenya.” Right after Thompson’s comjust gets more ridiculous. Bringing up ment, a woman was heard stating, “I’m taking donarhythm and basketball, seriously, why didn’t he just go tions for that Kenya trip.” Now if those comments ahead and call the President a racial slur? Gingrich’s aren’t considered race baiting and racist, I don’t know comments were transparently racist, and ignorant. what is. There are countless tactics of racism. All you need RNC Chairman Reince Pribus was there and all he to do is Google “racism in politics 2012.” A racially said was that Thompson’s comments were “out of line.” coded TV ad by Karl Rove asks the President to show Tommy Thompson apologized on his son’s behalf. You up for work. In the end, the best thing that can be done have to wonder, however, about the level of sincerity in is to bring racism out into the limelight. For every his apology. veiled insult, inappropriate sign, and political hack A Redgranite, Wis. man claiming to be an Obama talking racist smack, call them out on it. What does supporter, made the news for displaying a sign that racism gain? Is racism going to lift this country up? I had an outline of a noose and stated, “Hang in there think not. Does race play a role in this election? I say Obama.” Thomas Savka told WLUK-TV that the sign yes. History keeps repeating itself, and that is a shame. had “nothing to do with color.” Neighbors said that the Americans, especially government officials, need sign was in poor taste. The Obama campaign stated to represent themselves by the principals of the U.S. that the sign was “inappropriate and has no place in Constitution.





Lee wants focus Pocan emphasizes education on tax reform u.s. house

Wisconsin’s 2nd Congressional District includes Dane, Green and Columbia counties and portions of Jefferson, Sauk, Rock and Walworth counties


NICHOLAS GARTON Staff WRiter One important issue in the 2012 presidential election is the economy. Candidates have voiced their opinions for how to do this.. However it is not just the presidential candidates who are under fiscal fire. State Rep. Mark Pocan laid out his plan for turning the economy around locally. Pocan is running for the Second District Congressional seat being vacated as incumbent Tammy Baldwin runs for Herb Kohl’s Senate seat. Pocan believes education is the key to spurring change in our economy. “We need to have the resources for people to have job training. Technical colleges are crucial to developing that training,” Pocan said. For many, just getting into school to begin with is a challenge. Finding affordable tuition during this economic slump has been a barrier to many who are trying to find ways to better themselves so they can find steadier jobs. During his tenure as a State Representative, Pocan helped raise over $80 million for student financial aid in Wisconsin. Yet Pocan says there is opposition to the concept of federally funded student loans. “Some of the folks in the tea party want to cut back on pell grants and raise the rate on grants and cut down on the availability of funds for college. Those who can least afford it should not be barred from getting an education. Financial ability should not be a barrier to education,” he said. What is the point if a thousand more students graduate if there are not enough jobs to support them? “The economy has been changing thanks to globalization,” Pocan said. “We need to focus on making sure we’re incentivizing and investing in research in technology. A lot of jobs are going to be in the energy field for people in Wisconsin. Many of those jobs are going overseas. We need small business to have access

to capital so they can hire more workers.” The battle over school affordability and availability is more tied to globalization and job outsourcing overseas than many realize. Pocan theorizes a boost in small businesses as well as jobs returning from overseas may give the economy a boost. Some college students are laid off workers looking for an education to propel them towards better opportunity. The children of undocumented workers or illegal immigrants are in a similar situation, searching for opportunities that are not available to them elsewhere. Legislation has been discussed by Republicans to cut federal funding for universities who allow illegal immigrants to pay in-state tuition costs forcing taxpayers must pay the difference that would otherwise be covered as an out-of-state student. Many Republicans feel that to give an in-state rate to an illegal immigrant is like rewarding illegal immigration. It is one more way in which Republicans are turning up the heat on states to adopt more strict anti-immigration laws that would effect education and the economy. Cutting off federal funding for universities who offer in-state tuition for illegal immigrants would mean the loss of things such as Pell Grants and research funding. Wisconsin has passed laws to approve in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. “We need to pass the Dream Act to find a path to citizenship for people who have been here all their lives,” Pocan said

For more information, visit and chadleeforcongress. com


Staff Writer Running for the U.S. House of Representatives in Wisconsin’s 2nd District is Chad Lee. Lee is an advocate of our Constitution and believes that the solutions to our problems lie in the free market, not big government. According to, he believes that “we need to focus on regulatory reform and tax reform as the first steps toward improving the climate for small businesses so that they can grow and create more jobs.” Lee is familiar with the world of business, graduating in Business Administration and from founding and selling a residential and commercial cleaning agency. Lee is certain that the problem with our national debt is created not by a lack of revenue, but by out of control spending. Lee recommends tax code reform, making it so everyone pays their fair share under a simpler, faster system. He believes that the Affordable Care Act will not result in affordable health care, and that the many issues of our healthcare system should be addressed through individual legislation, not a whopping 3,000-page bill. To help with the issue of insolvency, Medicare and Social Security should have the age of eligibility slowly increased for those over the age of 55, to match the rise in life expectancy, Lee suggests. He also believes that the United States should not rely on importing of energy sources, but should use nuclear, natural gas, and hydraulic fracturing to become energy independent and an exporter or these readily available resources. Chad Lee’s campaign web site is located at


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