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Webshow shot locally in Madison hits airwaves »9

Vet Tech program gives students the pet adoption options

Volleyball keeps winning en route to 20-3 record »13

Did you know there is a spot on campus for pet adoption? The Veterinary Technician program is caring for ‘Pocket Pets’ in hopes they can find a happy home for them some day. » 4

Immigrant hardships emphasis of speaker

Fighting Cancer one t-shirt at a time

ONAWA POWELL Staff Writer Who do you think of when you bite into an apple? Probably not the undocumented immigrant who may have picked it. A recent guest speaker at a United Common Ground event said undocumented immigrants have a lot more to do with your produce than you might think. On Oct. 2, filmmaker and lecturer Jesus Nebot came to Madison College’s downtown campus to speak about illegal immigration in the United States. United Common Ground, an organization that focuses on cultural issues here at Madison College, sets up many events on campus, events such as guest speakers, in hopes of educating the students on a wide variety of issues. The organization is dedicated to educating students about diversity and unity. “There are many things that United Common Ground really strives toward, to educate our college campus and the students around to the things that are happening right here,” said Susanna Valtierra, the advisor for United Common Ground. Nebot, an immigrant from Spain himself, produced a film in 2003 called, “No Turning Back.” The movie dealt with an undocumented immigrant from Honduras. The film is not based on Nebot’s immigration story, but shows some of the hardships that undocumented


Teresa Werhane, left, helps out at the Denim Day table at Truax.

Proceeds help those with cancer ANDREA DEBAUCHE Opinions Editor The first week of October, Madison College students and staff were heavily sprinkled with tie-dye T-shirts in honor of Denim Days, a fundraiser for breast cancer treatment. Booths were set up on Truax campus selling shirts, pink scarfs and key chains. However, the project has been going on nationwide since 1996, and since that time has raised over $89 million. The proceeds go to The American Cancer Society to help locals suffering from breast cancer. The money will go to such things as mammograms,

reconstruction, chemotherapy, and even travel expenses to receive treatment. Part of the donations will also go to investments for cancer research. Grants this year will be given to medical research institutions such as the Medical University of South Carolina, Southwestern Medical Center and Cleveland Clinic. Volunteers Rhoda McKinney and Donna Swadley share their motivations for helping with the fundraiser. They have both been working on the project every year for the last five years. Swadley has had both grandmothers pass away from the disease, as well as her mother having had it. She is glad » SEE CANCER, PAGE 5


FOR the students FROM a student RYAN SPOEHR News Editor


Student Senate President Colin Bowden.

In recent memory, there has not been a campus address by a Student Senate president here at Madison College. Student Senate President Colin Bowden is set to speak before the Madison College student body on Oct. 22 in his first State of the Student Body Address. “As far as I know, it’s the first time it has happened. It could have happened and we just don’t have

record of it,” Bowden said. Bowden said this is something he had in mind since he took his position as president. “This is something I thought about because it seems like there needed to be a community-wide need for this,” he said. “There wasn’t much of this in the past and it seems like this was a good opportunity to do this.” Bowden said he hopes to enlighten students as best as he can. He is planning to talk about an array of topics including initiatives on

lowering textbook prices, making the campuses safer and creating a more inclusive environment at the college for all students. He is working with members from the community to have known figures from the community to attend the speech. “These are folks who are wellknown in the neighborhood or community,” Bowden said. “Right now, I want to keep that [who will be there] a surprise.” » SEE STUDENT, PAGE 5





By Jennifer Kasch, Librarian


2013-2014 Michael Klein EDITOR IN CHIEF




Jon Reid


Students occasionally ask us librarians about resources we might have to help improve a general skill such as writing, grammar, spelling or reading comprehension. Sure, we have many books that can be checked out on these topics but many students are looking for something that might be a little more interactive or that they can use online from home. We have a library database that can help with that called Learning Express Library. Learning Express Library is linked to from our alphabetical list of library databases at and can be accessed 24/7 on or off campus. Once in the database, there is a link called “Skills Improvement” that will take you to a page where you will select which skill you would like to improve. There are many options available including math, science, reading, vocabulary, spelling and more. You can then select which practice exercises you

would like to try. The exercises will give instant feedback on what you got right and wrong. They also provide diagnostic score reports to help assess your specific strengths and weaknesses. To do the practice exercises you will be asked to make a free account in Learning Express Library. This is not the same as your Madison College username and password so make a username and password that you will remember. The reason you are asked to create an account is so your individual progress can be saved in the database the next time you use it. The account helps to individualize the experience. There are many other great resources

available in Learning Express Library like software tutorials for various types of software including Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and more. You’ll also find GED prep, ACT/ SAT/NCLEX prep and practice exams, and resume and interviewing resources. Additionally, there are occupation practice tests for electricians, emergency medical services, firefighters, the nursing and allied health fields and more. You’ll also find some e-books in the database. Some of the practice exams are even available in Spanish. So, check out Learning Express Library Database if you’re looking to brush up on some of your skills or learn new skills. It is a great interactive resource that can help boost your grades if you’re willing to take some time to go through the practice exercises. If you have any questions on Learning Express Library or any of our other library databases, speak with a Madison College librarian.


Nicholas Garton SPORTS EDITOR

By Sgt. Joe Steffen

What’s happening?

Daniel Herron

Public Safety officers respond to many calls for service and we enjoy communicating our activities to the college community. Here are some of the notable incidents from this past month. On Oct. 1, Public Safety officers observed a suspicious vehicle parked in an unusual area. Upon contact with the driver, officers recognized the subject to be under the influence of a controlled substance. A glass smoking device containing a substance which was suspected to be marijuana was seized from the subject. On Oct. 2, Public Safety officers responded to an unconscious person in a stairwell. Upon arrival, officers rendered aid to a female patient having a seizure until Madison paramedics arrived on scene and transported the patient to a local hospital for appropriate assessment and treatment. On Oct. 2, Public Safety officers responded to the Commercial Avenue Campus to remove an intoxicated suspended student. The subject was belligerent and profane to staff and also to officers when they made contact. The person was removed from campus.



Vianey Hernandez VIDEOGRAPHER


George Treviranus Natalie Sowl GRAPHIC DESIGNERS


Karen Cass Jason Millis COPY EDITORS

Doug Kirchberg ADVISOR

Rafael Guenoin Onawa Powell Christopher Pinkert Nicole Mounts Tom Richardson Olivia Evans Tyler Richter Fanta Sylla Colin Bowden Josh Zytkiewicz Chance Sanford


Above, new portable patrol cameras are now being tested by Madison College Public Safety officers. The cameras can be worn on sun glasses, hats or shoulders. At right, a Public Safety officer wears the new portable patrol cameras on her right shoulder as she speaks with a student at the college’s Truax Campus Gateway.

You’re on Officer Cam

Public Safety officers are currently testing portable patrol cameras to see if they would be useful tools to add to their repertoire to better aid them in crime detection, prevention and prosecution. Don’t be alarmed if you see a Public Safety officer wearing a camera on their sunglasses, hats or shoulders. If you have any information regarding the above incidents or other campus safety concerns, please contact our department at 608-245-2222. Public Safety Officers are available 24/7.


NEWS PHONE: (608) 246-6809 ADVERTISING PHONE:(608) 243-4809 FAX: (608) 246-6488


Class registration priority SUBMISSIONS To submit an item for publication, drop it off at The Clarion office, Room C1410 Truax and Room D237 Downtown, or email it to The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All opinions expressed in editorials and advertisements do not necessarily represent those of the Madison College administration, faculty, the student body or the Clarion staff. CORRECTIONS The Clarion strives for accuracy in all of its articles. If you have questions or concerns, please call us at (608) 246-6809 or email: MEMBERSHIPS Associated Collegiate Press Wisconsin Newspaper Association REMEMBERING Adam Lee Suby, 1987-2009 Philip Ejercito, 1981-2013

Classes for the spring semester will be posted online Oct. 22. On Nov. 5, new program students will begin to register for classes. Prior to that date, current students can sign up for classes, pending their assigned enrollment date. To check your enrollment date, go to your Student Center. That date is your enrollment date and you can sign up any time after that date. On Nov. 5, faculty and academic advisors will shift their focus to new students.

Proposed recreation complex ruled out The proposed on-campus recreation facility will no longer be pursued by the college. The college was unable to build up enough private funds for the facility. The proposal for the building included a softball four-plex and venues for both baseball and soccer. The site would have been on the college’s existing parks and recreations areas.

Annual Turkey Trot Nov. 3 The 27th Annual Madison College Turkey Trot 5k and 5M Run/Walk will take place on Nov. 3. The event, held at Door Creek Park in Madison, will also have a quarter-mile kids run. Kids 12 and under will receive a free t-shirt and race bib. A finisher’s medal is available for $12 prior to Oct. 17. To sign up, go to Participants can register on-site at the race starting at 8:30 a.m.


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Phi Theta Kappa helps students ‘keep it fresh’ FANTA SYLLA Staff Writer Soul music is playing in the background. Students are sitting around tables. It’s Friday, and people are celebrating the end of Phi Theta Kappa’s healthy eating campaign “Keep it Fresh, Keep it Simple.” In a relaxed ambiance, Makiko Omori, Phi Theta Kappa’s vice president of Scholarship who led the campaign, alongside Michelle Oliveras, president of PTK, present the project to the participants and some curious visitors. At the heart of the campaign was the 5-Day Challenge where about 250 students recorded their daily in-take of at least five fruits and vegetables. From Sept. 23-27, Phi Theta Kappa was present in different campuses to support the participants involved in the challenge by distributing informative sheets, organizing a Farmer’s Market and having a free buffet. Every two years, Phi Theta Kappa chapters around the world engage in honors actions that address new real-

world issues. This year the theme is “The Culture of Competition.” Madison College’s chapter chose to direct their research on the effect of competition on food habits, specifically the competition between processed food and fresh food. The questions that helped them in exploring this phenomenon were “How does your diet differ from that of your grandparents or great grandparents?,” “How have the changes in a competitive food market affected those changes?” and “What are the effects of those differences?” Phi Theta Kappa will be able to answer them, after gathering the information they got from survey and postsurvey feedback. It is still possible for those who participated to answer the post-survey questions. Paul Short, the director of the Culinary Arts program, who joined in the celebration to give fresh food shopping tips, already has an idea of where these differences come from. In an interview later, he expanded on some topics. “Our great-grandparents and grandparents were hunters and gatherers;

they were concerned about the source of their food,” he said. “It was an important thing in their daily life.” To him, what used to be priorities like cooking or gardening have become peripheral. People are satisfied with the convenience of processed food. Time and convenience seem to be the main issues that prevent people from making good food choices. On the assumption that unprivileged people can’t afford fresh food and that the green lifestyle is elitist, Short said poor people used to cope with expensive market prices by growing their own food. It wasn’t exclusive to a certain category until recently. The existence of community gardens in poor neighborhoods also refutes this misconception. People can lower food prices by growing their own food, conserving or buying in-season by reaching local farmers or locating roadside stands. Despite these significant changes in our lifestyle/mentality with regards to food, Short said people are becoming skeptical about the processed food industry. He points out the role of social

media. “The information is now at their fingertips,” he said raising his smartphone. He describes Phi Theta Kappa’s action as a good idea and its reception in the student community as a sign of people’s need for change. Reaching uninformed students was one of the primary goals during PTK’s campaign. In collaboration with the Madison College Food Services, it provided incentives like coupons, free cooking classes and gift cards. “What we wanted was to make knowledge accessible to students who are not used to eat fresh food,” said student Makiko Omori. “Keep it Fresh, Keep it Simple” will allow PTK to compete with other chapters of the society during regionals. Oliveras said a future college-centered initiative will involve a peer-coaching project that will provide advising sessions and help for prospect and current students to facilitate their integration in the community. Scholarship workshops will also take place on Oct. 10, 14 and 15 at Truax, DTEC and South campuses.

Dance Team to hold tryouts NICOLE MOUNTS Staff Writer


The automotive bay at Madison College’s Truax Campus holds a number of vehilces that students help repair as part of the automotive driveability class.

Program helps to train Wisconsin’s automotive technicians of tomorrow RAFAEL GUENOUN Staff Writer Have you had engine problems with your car recently? Have you had any other issues with your vehicle? Did you know there is a class that will bring your car in to take a look at it as a part of their class? The class is the Automotive Driveability class. “We’re not a Quick Lube,” said Dave Heinzen, the class instructor. “We are so much more than that.” The Automotive Driveability students do not just learn to change your oil or your wheels. This is just a basic skill to them. To make it simple, these guys are to cars what hospital interns are to human patients. They are car-doctors in the making, future neurosurgeons of automotive systems. This is because nowadays – unlike what most people think of the average repairman – mechanics are not just well versed in replacing deadbolts, removing screws and soldering metal plates. “It’s like if I go to the doctor and tell him I have dizzy spells,” Heinzen said, “The doctor is probably going to tell me that I might have an internal ear problem. But he is also going to do further tests to see if there isn’t

anything else behind those dizzy spells.” Even though the Automotive Driveability class gives students the opportunity to get hands-on experience right at school, the students are in need of work. They need more students, staff and people in general to bring in vehicles that are experiencing problems. These problems could involve the Check Engine light coming on, poor acceleration, rough idle, it is hard to start or other engine issues. If there is worry about this being a run-of-the-mill cheap service type of work, there shouldn’t be. The students are expected to have a skillset that encompasses many areas, including electronics. Therefore, they need to master different technologies (car manufacturers do not use the same electronic systems), diagnosis and test tools (PCs or hand-held remotes), on top of knowing combustion engineering basics. Also, not only do they understand the information provided by their electronic diagnosis devices, but they also question and challenge them in order to fix what actually needs fixing. The Automotive Driveability class attracts people from all around

the country. One of these students is Matthew Sharich, who is in his second year here and is from Arizona. “When I arrived in Madison, I had already taken a year in a similar program in Arizona. After talking to some people and seeing the department, I decided not to transfer the credits I had earned before and start from the beginning at Madison College.” Sharich also said it did not take him long before choosing Madison College over the Glendale Heights campus of the Universal Technical Institute, a school that specializes in Automotive Technology because of what Madison College has to offer. Mark Wolf, who is in his third year at Madison College also had the Universal Technical Institute in mind. However, he too did not go that route. Wolf is a former freightbroker. He said you cannot be a great automotive technician if you have not been confronted to older car models in need of saving. “At UTI, they don’t work on old cars, like we do. It’s all brand new.” If interested in getting your car checked out, send your name; the year, make and model of your vehicle and the issue to Heinzen at

The Dance Team is holding tryouts Oct. 15-16. They will be from 4:30-6:30 p.m. in the racquetball court in the fitness center and Friday Oct. 18 from 5-7 p.m. in the auxiliary gym behind the large gym and across from the pool. In the first two days prospective athletes will be learning three short combinations in the focus of pom, jazz and hip-hop and techniques of kicks, leaps and turns. Friday prospective athletes will be judged and uniforms will be purchased through member fees. Bryanna Cure, the new dance coach, is a former member of the dance team. She has been a part of dance teams throughout high school, college and has been on several semi-professional and professional dance teams for local sports teams. Cure is also a dance instructor for dance studios and has been in a few productions with the Fresco Opera theatre. ”I am very passionate about dance and have worked very hard to become the dancer that I am today although, as always, there is much to improve upon. I believe there is always, always, always room for improvement and growth,” Cure said. “I have danced since before I can remember and I have never stopped.” To be eligible for the dance team you must be a full time student with 12 or more credits during the season of competition with a GPA of at least 2.0. No experience is required to try out, however a love and appreciation of dance is. Intermediate and advanced dancers are encouraged to apply. The Dance Team performs at all weekday home games, November through February, as well as Jam The Gym (which is a Saturday game). The team also represents themselves at the Athletic Banquet in April. Additional performance opportunities on campus may be explored. The team also hosts a 50/50 fundraising raffle every season. Half of the proceeds go towards the dance team’s personal expenses and the other half of the proceeds will be a cash prize split amongst three raffle winners. Fees are $250 for the season, which are refundable via fundraising. Cost will cover two uniforms, a warm up jacket, and dance bags. It will not cover cost of dance shoes or jazz pants. Members will be reimbursed the difference if less money is spent on uniforms. If you would like to try out for the Dance Team, there is an online form available for interested students at you may also pick up an informational packet in the athletic office at Truax Room A2051, or request one by emailing For more info go to Facebook and look up Madison College Dance Team.



Puppy love comes with a fair price tag OLIVIA EVANS Staff Writer Dogs offer students many benefits, from companionship to an exercise buddy. But that support comes at a cost and often students don’t realize how high that cost can be until they’ve already adopted a canine companion. First, there is the cost to adopt the pet then comes the real investment. The cost of raising a dog, for an average of 14 years, can be as high as $40,000. Some of the costs may come from dog lovers who shower their pets with luxuries. But other costs are simply to support a safe, healthy and happy lifestyle. A dog has many needs. They require love and attention, but also need some everyday supplies including a collar, leash, dog bowls, food, treats, bed, toys, grooming, fencing and a license. According to “Cost of Owning a Dog” website by Dr. Foster and Dr. Smith on, this can cost anywhere from $220 to $3,100 for the first year alone. Besides supplies, dogs need medical attention annually. Owners need to pay for shots, spaying or neutering, vaccines, flea control, heartworm prevention, dental care, deworming and any emergencies. Dr. Julie James, from Pineview Veterinary Hospital and Pet Resort, says that she has seen people spend no money

to thousands of dollars on their dogs who require special medical attention. James even took care of a dog that needed to have a knee replacement surgery a couple of weeks ago. George Austin, who has had dogs most of his life has even paid for his beagle’s emergency visit that cost $2,500. Austin explains his reason for paying so much, “Our dog is part of the family, and we want him with us healthy for as long as he can be.” Dog insurance is growing in popularity due to the fact that dogs may need frequent medical attention and at such high costs. According to VPI Pet Insurance, the average monthly payment could be from $20 to $40 depending on the breed. Depending on where an owner lives there may be opportunities to pamper a pet outside the home. Some dog owners treat their buddies to doggie spa days and birthday parties, which can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars. Some pet owners also turn to professionals for grooming their dogs. Others outfit their dogs in the latest and greatest fashion including sports team shout-outs and Halloween costumes. James says she has seen people come to Pineview with their dogs in expensive outfits. “I love spoiling my dog because she is like my baby when my daughter is off at college. Although, I’m not able to walk my dog as far as she needs, I’ve hired a

local dog walker to give my dog her daily exercise,” said Sandy Klapman, an owner of a 7-year old labrador. It’s not uncommon for people to treat dogs like family as Austin and Klapman have. Pets can bring a lot to the table and many pet owners are willing to open their wallets to make sure their dog is healthy, happy and has a long life. James agrees and explains that how much a pet owner spends on owning their dog often depends on the kind of relationship they have with their pet. Some costs of raising a dog are not monetary. A major investment in having a pet is time. Dogs need attention and love. Playing with and exercising a dog is not only important for the dog’s health but benefits the owner’s health as well. The website called “Raising Healthy Dogs,” explains the importance of play not as leisure time for a dog but as a necessity for the animal’s well-being. Dogs need exercise and a good diet, just like humans to stay healthy and happy. Dog food is another expense and the variety varies with the dog breed, age and dietary needs. “The most important thing we should spend on a dog is their food,” James said. Dog food comes in all shape, sizes, colors and textures, but it’s the owners’ responsibility to get the best food for their dog. Some complications may arise if the wrong food is chosen, such as an allergic reaction, wrong nutrients

for the size of the dog or overeating. Vitamins are being incorporated into diets more frequently for dogs, according to James. Dogs with arthritis require some anti-inflammatory medications, steroids or vitamins like Glucosamine to lower their inflammation. Any vitamins that a dog misses in its normal diet needs to be replenished by vitamins recommended by veterinarians, which can cost anywhere from $15 to $75 per bottle based on data from Foster and Smith. As much love as we give to our pets, it will come to a sad end. Pineview Veterinary Hospital and Pet Resort provides a brochure for Memorial Pet Services located in Middleton that offers several memorial services for dogs. Owners also have several options for remembering their dog further, like claw paw print, lock of fur, burial markers, personalized artist drawings and paw print jewelry. Cremation is the most popular, which costs several hundred dollars. Dogs are a part of families of one to many. But for students faced with limited finances it is important to plan out a pet budget before buying one. Owning a pet of any kind is a commitment in terms of time, money and emotion. James and others recommend that you do the math before making the leap to pet ownership. And although some costs may be expensive, pet ownership can be quite rewarding.


Veterinary technician club runs pet adoption KAREN CASS Copy Editor Just as a photographer waves a stuffed animal to distract a toddler, Madison College Veterinary Technician students dangle fuzzy toys in front of a petite, black feline. The students are trying to capture photos for the Pet Adoption program’s website, and the frisky kitty who won’t sit still is Pablo, one of many animals now available for adoption through the Madison College Pet Adoption program. The Pet Adoption program opened its doors on Monday, Oct. 7, and will remain open for the rest of the semester. The Pet Adoption program exists via the Wisconsin Student Association of Veterinary Technicians, which is the Madison College Veterinary Technician program’s student club.

A home for every pet

Pet Adoption Committee co-chairs Natalie Brown and Jennifer Lillie hope to find forever homes for all of the available animals this semester. This is no small feat, considering Veterinary Technician students are currently caring for 20 dogs, 24 cats and numerous “Pocket Pets,” which are small mammals, including gerbils, hamsters, rats, mice and rabbits. Adoption fees are $60 for dogs, $50 for cats and a donation for pocket pets. Available cats and most of the dogs came from one of three humane societies; Southwood County Humane Society, Green County Humane Society and Watertown Humane Society. Fees collected from adoptions of those animals directly fund the corresponding humane societies. Adoption fees for the remaining dogs, received from an undisclosed research facility, and pocket pets benefit the Wisconsin Student Association of Veterinary Technicians club.

Hands-on learning

Lillie feels the veterinary technician program at Madison College is one of the best in the Midwest. She attributes the program’s success to the fact that they “Get so much hands-on experience.” Lillie said. “All these animals are used in our program to teach us how to be good nurses and how to properly restrain animals.” “The animals are here to provide the students with the opportunity for ‘hands-on training’ in the areas of handling and restraint, basic nursing care, radiology, surgical nursing procedures and clinical pathology,” said Laurie Angell, senior laboratory coordinator and animal care supervisor.

The adoption process

Students and residents interested in meeting adoptable animals may come to the Veterinary Technician area at Truax during visiting hours. Weekly visitor hours are Monday through Thursday from 8:30-11:20 a.m. and 12:30-3:30 p.m., and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. Potential adopters can find appropriate paperwork outside of the Veterinary Technician program entrance, including a release form that must be signed prior to meeting available animals. Applicants should also complete a personality assessment based on which species they are interested in meeting. Lillie and Brown said in addition to health examinations, all of the cats and dogs underwent personality assessments. Some of the resulting categories include Couch Potato, Constant Companion and Goofball. “Is designed to match the animals’ personalities with the expectations of the potential adopters to ensure successful placement in forever homes,” Brown said. After completing the appropriate paperwork, a visitor guide will escort applicants to the adoptable animals and


Second year veterinary technician student Jerusha Chucka poses with Pablo, one of the cats available for adoption. assist in meeting them. Those interested in adopting a specific animal should then complete the application. Once applications are processed, a Veterinary Technician student will then contact applicants with further instructions. Brown urges potential adopters to do their homework regarding their living situations. The adoption approval process includes contacting an applicant’s landlord and fellow residents. “You can’t really want a cat, and you live with your mom, and she doesn’t want one,” Brown said. “That wouldn’t work.” Potential adopters may be asked to provide veterinary records for other animals in the household, such as proof

of vaccinations. Applications may also need to be approved by a humane society, so this process could take some time. “We spend so much time with the animals,” Brown said. “We love them, so we’re pretty strict about whom we let take them home.” Students interested in viewing adoptable animals online can search the Madison College directory under P for Pet Adoption. The direct link is Photos of the adoptable animals are also posted on a bulletin board at the entrance to the Veterinary Technician program’s hallway at Truax, and cats and dogs are categorized based on their personalities.



SPEAKER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 immigrants face. Since making this film, Nebot has been traveling all over the country, educating people about illegal immigration. “I can talk from the perspective of somebody who has been in the shoes of an undocumented immigrant and also from the perspective of somebody who has been lucky enough to be integrated into American society,” Nebot said. Nebot said there are a lot of misconceptions about illegal immigration in the U.S. “This creates a level of animosity towards the illegal immigrants and to that extent, it creates a separation,” Nebot said. “(These misconceptions) do not allow us to sympathize with their plight as immigrants as people that are just doing their best to provide for their own families.” Nebot said his goal is to raise the awareness of illegal immigration. He intends to demonstrate that there are many possible solutions to this big problem that we face. Nebot said that in the United States the problem is being dealt with from a legal, limited and narrow perspective. By only viewing this issue from a legal perspective, we fail to see the whole picture, Nebot said. “I feel a lot of people have a misunderstanding as far as what is the contribution or the cost of immigrants in our country,” he said. Nebot argues that the issue can be addressed from a more

humanitarian perspective, people can come up with solutions that are humanitarian in nature, but also good for the culture’s social and economic fabric. A big portion of Nebot’s lecture focused on how undocumented immigrants, living and working in this country, are actually contributing greatly to our economy. The first point Nebot makes is that undocumented immigrants are taking jobs that most U.S. citizens don’t want and they are working for very little pay. “This situation allows us to have this lifestyle where we get to buy goods cheap, produce like tomatoes (and) lettuce,” Nebot said. Nebot also made the point that undocumented immigrants are paying taxes, just like citizens do. Using fake social security numbers or individual tax identification numbers, with every paycheck, undocumented immigrants are paying taxes. The only difference is they aren’t getting any tax or social security money back. This means that undocumented immigrants end up paying more taxes. “They contribute greatly with taxes and overall, the contribution is greater than the cost to us,” he said. Nebot said he believes the typical view on illegal immigration is failing society. He says, “We have not been addressing it from a wider perspective, from an economic frame, where we can see their contribution


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 to help raise money for treatment and prevention. McKinney says that she fortunately has had no personal friends or family with breast cancer, but still empathizes for those suffering. She says that they often have people come up to the booth and share their personal stories with the disease. She says the saddest story she heard this year was told by an instructor, who was buying a shirt for her student aide who had just lost his mother to breast cancer. McKinney expresses her, and most everyone’s, attitude that “Cancer is just one of those things that you wish would just … go away.” McKinney and Swadley both hope to raise more money this year than last year, which has been the pattern almost every


or from a humanitarian frame where we can see immigration, worldwide as a real crisis to which we are all contributing,” Nebot said. Nebot says that in order to find a humanitarian solution, we must first figure out why people come here. Nebot said the majority of people come to the U.S., come for economic reasons so the economic displacement can be traced back to NAFTA, the North American Free Trade Agreement. He said NAFTA eliminated tariffs and barriers, so that we can enter into this globalized understanding, so goods can be sold in North America, enabling U.S. corporations to sell goods in other countries. “There are huge corporations here in the U.S. that have a lot of money, they can now benefit from this, they have no tariffs.” These corporations sell goods in other North American countries for much cheaper than the local product. Nebot gives the example of corn being sold by a rich US corporation in Mexico for much cheaper than the local farmers. They are then forced to go to the US in order to find some other means of income. Nebot says, “They are so desperate to come here, they are willing to risk their lives.” Nebot offers many possible solutions to the problem of illegal immigration. He said getting at the root of the problem will have more long lasting solutions. “We can take responsibility and look for solutions with

year. Last year, an impressive $3300 was raised, which was about $400 more than the year before that. Donations this large will be helpful in funding research for the American Cancer Society, as well as treatment for those already suffering from breast cancer.

Breast Cancer Facts • One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. •Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. •Breast cancer is the second leading cause of death among women. •Each year it is estimated that over 220,000 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer and more than 40,000 will die. •Although breast cancer in men is rare, an estimated 2,150 men will be diagnosed with breast cancer and approximately 410 will die each year.

other countries that will allow us to help those people to stay home,” Nebot said. “That is actually what they would like – to have a chance to work back home where they have their culture, their language, and not necessarily come here because they are displaced by our globalization policies.” Nebot said there are political steps that could be taken to greatly improve the situation but he emphasizes that no matter who you are, you can make this situation better on a daily basis because no matter what is done on a political level to have a better connection with people from all walks of life, legal or not legal, will help society come closer together. “I hope that the new generation that is inheriting this big problem will have a better way to address and implement more long lasting and effective solutions,” he said. “We are powerfully interconnected as human beings that beyond being American, or democrat, republican, legal, or illegal, we are all human beings; that is the most fundamental truth.”


As for students, the goal is to have 75-100 students to be in attendance, but Bowden said 50 would be an accomplishment because it would be enough to create an engaging atmosphere. This is the start of a series of initiatives by Bowden to engage with the student body. He said he plans on establishing committees on subjects like textbooks, safety and campus transparency. “So far, this is only a onetime only deal, but it depends on what things look like in the spring,” Bowden said. “It looks like we have initiatives to come and we hope to have an open forum.” Bowden added that he is looking for additional input as well. If there are initiatives that students feel the senate needs to focus on, they are encouraged to contact Bowden and other senate members at or stop by the senate office at Truax in Room C1438. At the address, there will be a raffle for PDQ gas cards and refreshments will be offered.

provided by UCG

Speaker Jesus Nebot visited the Madison College downtown campus on Oct. 2.

Bowden will hit the podium at approximately 12 p.m. and the event itself will conclude at approximately 2 p.m.





Questions asked to you, our readers.


What are your thoughts on the government shutdown?


“I don’t know too much about it, but I know it’s not a good thing.”

“I hate that it’s blowing up my newsfeed on Facebook.”



“Saying one day we are shutting down because we can’t come to an agreement is irresponsible.” — JOSEPH DYNARSKI

Balance money and happiness in career choices ILLUSTRATION BY CHRISTOPHER PINKERT

DANIEL HERRON Multimedia Editor


ollege is a gamble. We bet our GPA that we can pass our classes. We bet our tuition that we can make our degree earn. We bet our time and our money and our youth that higher education will pay off, in the end. But like any gamble, it pays to do the research, look at the numbers, and play the odds. A quick Google search will tell you what you already know: the more math in your degree, the better it will pay. Engineering, if you can hack it, pays more than anything else; according to the U.S. census, median annual earnings for populations 25 and older are around $93,000 if you have a bachelor’s in an engineering field, compared to $50,000 for visual and performing arts or education. But median salary isn’t the only thing to consider. Business majors are popular; 12,000 of the individuals included in the above study were business majors, which represents more than 20 percent of the total. But popular doesn’t always mean good. Plenty of business majors end up working fast food, and the median income for that degree is skewed by the rockstars of the business world who accumulate millions through working the system. Underemployment is a real problem, a danger to everyone, especially in this economy. Well, almost everyone. At least one study showed zero percent unemployment for astrophysicists. None of this is helping, right? So, here’s the meat: the key to happiness isn’t money. Money helps: it gives you time to seek what you love, do what you want, and be who you want. But it is far from everything. The one thing that the business degree stats should tell us is this: stand out. Be unique. Be scarce. Be rare. Find a niche where the supply is short and the demand is long. But, above all else, find a major that you enjoy. Do something with your life that you love. Think about it: which is a better life, one where you do what you love and live hand to mouth, or one where you make all the money in the world and hate every minute of it. And remember, if all else fails, there’s always Vegas. Editor’s note: For more information on careers and salaries, visit the U.S. Census Bureau web site at http://www.

CLARION EDITORIAL BOARD 2013-2014 Michael Klein

Ryan Spoehr

Jacob Ennis

Andrea Debauche






Natalie Sowl


The views expressed by The Clarion editorial board do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Madison College, its student body or any faculty therein. They are comprised of the writers listed above and/or of those who write for the Opinion section. LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor should be typed or written legibly, be 250 words or less, and include the writer’s name, phone number and email address. The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All submissions become the property of The Clarion and may be used for publication. Drop letters off at The Clarion office, Room C1410 Truax, or email them to


Get off your couch or chair and live a little NATALIE SOWL Graphic Designer


he clock reads 6:05 p.m. and the English essay due tomorrow morning doesn’t even have a title. It might be tempting to sit down and not get up until its completion. However, long study sessions could have unhealthy side effects. Remaining stationary for too long actually increases risk of premature death, heart disease, and cancer. Luckily there’s a simple solution. Many commonplace activities foster the unhealthy habit of sitting for long periods of time. Commutes, class lectures, watching TV, and desk jobs have a common theme: uninterrupted periods of sitting. Recent research mounts to prove that this tremendously common thing wreaks havoc on our bodies and affects the way we age. In her new book, “Sitting Kills, Moving Heals,” Dr. Joan Vernikos explains why sitting can lead to early death. Her research comes from years of working with astronauts, studying the effects of gravity (or lack thereof ) on the human body. Dr. Vernikos headed NASA’s Life Sciences Division, and her research there produced shocking results. Dr. Vernikos’ work involved keeping astronauts healthy in space, which presents many challenges. On Earth, humans are constantly fighting gravity, and that fight keeps us strong. Every time you stand or move, an invisible force pulls you down toward the center of the Earth. In space, however, there is no gravity – no fight. Bone and muscle mass breakdown that happens in a week in space takes up to a year on Earth. The body breaks down much faster when released from gravity. Sitting down in a chair creates a microgravity environment. The full effects of the force aren’t felt because the chair supports the weight rather than the person sitting. This microgravity has similar effects on Earth as zero-gravity has on astronauts, though to a much lesser degree. Sitting for long unin-

terrupted periods lets your body marinate in that microgravity, accelerating bone and muscle mass loss. Unfortunately, many people today do sit for long periods of time because so many regular activities require it. Many occupations and recreational past time require little else but sitting still. But there is hope, and the solution does not require changing those regular activities. “It’s not how many hours of sitting that’s bad for you, it’s how often you interrupt that sitting that’s GOOD for you!” Dr. Vernikos says. Interrupting sitting trumps even regular cardio exercise in some respects. Research shows that even people who regularly exercise (five times a week, 30 minutes per session) are still at risk for health problems if they also sit uninterrupted for most of the day. It’s the change in posture that really makes the difference. Incorporating more movement into a daily routine can make as much difference as a regular exercise program. Moving more often is simple, you just have to decide to do it. If you’re studying for an exam, take a few breaks every hour, just to stand and stretch. Research recommends standing up at least 35 times a day to counter the effects of sitting for extended periods of time. Add in small movements throughout the day, and you’ll be safe from the harmful effects of sitting. Do a jumping jack or a pushup. Walk to the bathroom. Find/build a standing work station. The Truax library and third floor commons area contain lots of places to stand and work. Even raising your hand during class counts as adding movement. It will also increase your blood flow, invigorating your mind and letting you seem as sharp and witty as you really are. So don’t worry, you can still enjoy several hours of football from the couch every Sunday, just make those commercial breaks count and use them as an opportunity to get moving.



LETTERFROMTHEEDITORS A quick word from our Graphic Designer, Natalie Sowl

Hello Madison College peers! Now that we’re all busy with the rhythm and hum of a semester in full swing, I thought I’d take a moment to introduce myself. I’m a Madison College alumnus, back again for experience and education. I graduated from the esteemed graphic design program here in 2010 and I’m using those skills to lay out and design the pages of the very paper you hold in your hands. This is my first semester on The Clarion, and getting to know everyone

working here has been a delight. In addition to layout, throughout the semester I’ll supply readers with articles on health, food, fitness, and well-being. My passion for nutrition borderlines on fanatic, and I’m loving the opportunity to share helpful information with students and staff. Outside of The Clarion office, you can find me at Boulders Climbing Gym, where I both work and play. I spend an inordinate amount of time researching and creating clean vegan recipes. General

outdoor activity is very important to me and I appreciate Madison’s beautiful bike trails on both cylce and foot. But the deep-seeded nerd within me needs stimulation as well. I’m a level 51 elementalist in Guild Wars 2. I married my best friend this past August, and together we wage war on the villains of Tyria. (Mythical Land of Guild Wars) The rest of the semester will be busy and exciting and I’m looking forward to continuing work here at The Clarion.

SENATE PRESIDENT A letter from the Student Senate President Colin Bowden

Help empower students by attending Senate address Fellow Students,

Shutdown to stop affordable care is a new low for Congress NICHOLAS GARTON Sports Editor


bout a month and a half ago my family gathered at our home in Elkhart Lake to commemorate the 10th anniversary of my father’s death. My Dad died suddenly from cancer in 2003. It was a renegade form of Melanoma that doctors had not seen before. Dad was a businessman who owned a restaurant here in town and a theater museum outside of Milwaukee. He was lucky enough to receive the best medical care available even though he ultimately passed away. I have lived with the devastation and grief of his death every single day and it never gets any easier. But it could be a whole lot worse. Millions of people get sick or hurt and don’t have access to the type of medical care Dad was able to receive. People die every day because they can’t afford to get the drugs or treatment that could prolong their lives. Thousands of families are saddled with insurmountable debt resulting from tragic accidents, disease, genetic conditions or injuries. This month an already slumping GOP has sunk to an even further low by forcing a government shutdown as a way to attack President Obama and his Affordable Health Care Act. Following a presidential election in which the GOP candidate managed to alienate women, Hispanics, the elderly, blacks and gays en route to a landslide defeat it was hard to imagine that a new depth could be reached in terms of being uncaring towards a group of

people. But we have reached it. In addition to all of those other groups the GOP has managed to alienate, we can add sick and hurt people to the list as well. Those of you who hate Obamacare, listen up. Everyone applauding the way they’ve stuck it to President Obama with this stunt, just pause for a moment. There is something you must know. If Barack Obama never ran for public office and became a school teacher at some technical college, we could still be where we are today. If Mitt Romney had been victorious in the 2008 primary, won the 2008 election and won again in 2012, do you know what we would have in America today? I do! We would have the affordable health care act! That’s right. Obamacare, pal. You know why? Because Mitt Romney practically wrote it. Mitt Romney and scores of other GOP members came up with this health care plan over a decade and a half ago. It wouldn’t matter if Barack Obama were President or not. This is where we’d be today. So this isn’t a political issue at all. This is not some rejection of Obamacare. The only reason we’re on a shutdown today is to lash out at President Obama personally and for reasons we absolutely will not write about here at The Clarion. The worst part is that none of it hurts President Obama. He already won his re-election. He’ll have a bust on display at the White House. He’ll have a presidential library of his own. He’ll have schools named after him. He’s got all of that in the bag already and there

is nothing the GOP or anyone else can do about it. So if President Obama is doing just fine, then who exactly is being hurt here? People that have life threatening diseases and can’t afford the best care. People like myself who have pre-existing conditions and poor credit ratings. People like a college student named David who is trying to turn his life around by going to school but needs government loans in order to do so. People like a former Madison College graduate named Alex who, despite working full time, can barely afford to put food on the table and needs government issued food stamps to eat. Madison College students like Aaron who is on financial aid and in the middle of a degree program that could be ripped away from him if financial aid is no longer being processed. All of them are relying on financial support from the United States but won’t be able to receive it if this type of shutdown continues. You see, people like President Obama don’t get affected when things like this happen. People who can least afford it get affected so that some congressman can feel like they’ve really stuck it to the man. Shutting the government down to prevent some sick and hurt people from getting more affordable care is a new low in our nation’s history. Doing so at the expense of the millions of people who rely on government care is even worse. It’s time to re-open the government for business and shut down the despicable people supporting this vile act of the far right.

As we make our way toward Halloween, there are several things we might be afraid of. That exam around the corner, some of the food sitting out too long, that instructor handing an extra assignment just for the fun of it, and so on. Even with all that we can fear, there are reasons to stay strong. For instance, if you study and work with others to learn topics you don’t understand, or attend office hours, you can beat that exam, no problem. If you want to eat healthy, make sure to check out that the food is fresh and you shouldn’t be worried otherwise. And with proper time management, an extra small assignment is just another way to improve your grade and not something to worry about. The point is, we as students have, in most cases, the power to reshape our lives and Madison College is helping us gain that power further. By offer- COLIN BOWDEN ing a diverse Senate President array of classes in a wide set of fields, we can transform our lives, but it will take work on our part. That work will be scary at times, but that should be reason to press on. This and more we will discuss on Oct. 22, at our State of the Student Body address at the Truax campus in the Student Lounge. We as students will go over student self-empowerment, engagement on campus and in the wider community, and ways to make our community here more inclusive and accessible, such as an Inclusive Community Safe Space. For great snacks, a raffle and a great time, please attend our Oct. 22 State of the Student Body address at Truax. By working together, organizing amongst each other, taking responsibility for our lives, and never submitting to fear, we will make ourselves stronger, in and out of college. Have a great week! Sincerely, Colin Bowden President, Madison College Student Senate









MADISON ‘CHIC’ new web series showcases local talent

JACOB ENNIS Managing Editor The web series “Chic” has finished production of its first season with its first two episodes already live. All of the actors, the music in the show and the places the scenes were shot are all local. Locals and frequent Madison-goers will spot several Madisonian things in the first episode. Director and co-producer Chris Snapp wanted local filmmakers to be recognized. 4114 Production

House, the production company of “Chic,” was founded with the idea of local filmmaking. The series is about what it’s like to make an indie-film, and this film happens to be about sex with a plot. The first season centers around the pre-production process of filmmaking and has six episodes. All of these episodes where shot completely in Madison. In the first episode actress Gwen Angel (Alissa Kulinski) and her director Margo Divina (Sarah Hesch) are fed up with their money-hungry production

company. After reading the re-written script of a disgusting scene, they quit and go it on their own. This is where the name “Chic” comes into play. They want to mimic the style of the ‘70s porn chic era. While porn is the subject matter for the film that they’re producing, it’s not what the show is about. It’s about the ups and downs of regular people in the indie-film industry and is a dramatic comedy. “Yes, people in the porn industry are good people too,” actor Tim Towne said.


“Chic” characters Gwen (Alissa Kulinski) and Margo (Sarah Hesch) explore the difficulties of independent film-making.

“They go through the same things that everybody else does.” “Chic” has already gotten a lot of good feedback, Towne and Snapp said. There are a lot of different aspects about the show that people can connect with. “People can expect a really good story that uses a lot of different genres. Overall, it’s a drama with a lot of comedy in it,” Snapp said. It’s a story about how hard it is to make an independent film with a lot of characters that have different perspectives. Harry Lance (Brandon Grinslade) works at a video rental store and has a thing for Gwen, but doesn’t know that she is an adult film star. The show starts out with the both of them talking at the counter in the store, when someone returns a certain DVD with her face on the cover. While he has been in many areas of film production, this is Grinsdale’s first role in front of the camera. The relaxed atmosphere and the personalities of everyone involved made the production process a lot smoother than other projects he’s been on. “It’s the most seamless production I’ve ever been a part of,” he said. Many of the people involved in “Chic” are originally from out of state, but have moved to Madison in the last few years. They all say the same thing about the city being well-balanced with a blend of everything and beautiful. Grinsdale said it reminds him of a town in the Pacific Northwest around where he is from. All of the episodes of the first season will premier this fall on film-local. com, with the first two episodes already live. DVRs don’t have to be set to record because the episodes can be watched anytime once they’ve premiered and there are no commercials to interrupt viewing.





Miley Cyrus Album Review

Miley just gets better, says writer’s inner child NATALIE SOWL Graphic Designer Wow, Miley you just get better and better. And your new album has shown me a whole new side of your musical talent. Like, I have been a huge fan of you forever. When I was nine years old, and you were Hannah Montana, you taught me what it is to be an excited American teenager. You’ve matured into an independent young woman, and your music career totally is like way cooler than Hannah Montana ever was. Your new album “Bangerz” is super sweet, and I really feel like you get me Miley. After listening through your album several dozen times, immediately after purchase, I have decided that it might be the greatest album to drop since your brilliant first: “Meet Miley Cyrus.” My favorite song, of course, is

“Wrecking Ball.” The song, though, I have to say is really not as good without the video. I am at least 200 of those 198,960,951 YouTube views. Pumping electronic trance beats course throughout the album. It just makes me want to dance. And Miley, your deep scratchy voice continues to inspire me to live this awesome party life that you describe so vividly. Like in “We Can’t Stop,” you just perfectly put it, “It’s our party and will do what we want!” My life should be my party. My parents just don’t understand that I am 15 years old, and I have to be allowed to express myself in a completely irresponsible manner. The album is bursting with more trippy tracks. “Love, Money, Party” talks about the things that are really important in life. And “Drive” covers young love; I wish the guy from homeroom would drive my heart

20/20 EXPERIENCE 2 OF 2 Justin Timberlake Album Review

There is no doubt that Justin Timberlake has established himself as one of the top R&B artists of this era and given his chart-topping résumé of albums, “20/20 Experience 2of 2” is all the more substandard. Timberlake’s attempt at repeating the success of part one, which hit number one on the Billboard Top 100 list after its March release, was more of a

into the night Miley, you’re making the transition into adulthood so gracefully. The way you dress and act in your videos makes you seem so confident and empowered, and I want to be just like you. You’ve really pulled it all together on “Bangerz” and I can’t wait to see what you do next.

chore than a treat to listen to. Part one managed to blend many styles and sounds into a unique experience that had high replay value. With a similar approach and contributions from Drake in “Cabaret” and Jay Z in “Murder,” part two was very promising. Unfortunately, the end result was far less impressive than expected. While attempting to expand his musical horizons, he fails to capture an equally enjoyable sound this time. Overall, there seemed to be uncertainty, on his and producer Timbaland’s part, on a thematic direction.


“True Blood” was supposed to pay homage to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller,” but ended up being nearly 10 minutes of dissatisfaction. As a whole, the album is rather exhausting to listen to and relies too much on not-so-catchy repetition. Worse yet, the album severely lacked quality “baby-making music,” which usually makes a JT album worthy of purchase by males as well as females. After listening through a second and third time, only a few tracks are appealing enough to ever listen to in the future. “TKO,” “Drink you Away” and the album’s

first single “Take Back the Night” are the only songs that are likeable enough to keep on my playlist. Even a huge fan of Timberlake’s found the album “a travesty.” Madison College graduate Erin Johnsrud considers herself his biggest supporter but found the album to be “almost unbearable.”





Don Jon

Relativity Media Directed by Joseph Gordon-Levitt



Writer/Director Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Scarlett Johansson perform a scene in Relativity Media’s “Don Jon.”

Joseph Gordon-Levitt makes impressive directorial debut TOM RICHARDSON Staff Writer “Angels in the Outfield,” “(500) Days of Summer,” “Inception” and “The Dark Knight Rises.” What do all of these films have in common? They all star the very talented Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who recently made his writing and directorial debut with “Don Jon.” The film follows a womanizer named Jon Martello, Jr. (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), as he lives a routine life of working out, cleaning his “pad,” hanging out with guy friends, having one-night stands with gorgeous women, and watching massive amounts of pornography. But Jon’s life changes, once he meets a woman named Barbara Sugarman (Scarlett Johansson). Unlike the other

women that Jon has made moves on, Barbara wants Jon to take things slow with her, rather than immediately pursuing sexual activity. Barbara wants Jon to accompany her to some romance movies at the theater, and to be with her when she goes shopping, and visits with her family. But things immediately turn sour. When Barbara finds out about Jon’s unhealthy addiction to pornography, and begins to worry how he might really feel about her. As things with Barbara start to come to a close, Jon meets a woman named Esther (Julianne Moore), whom he meets during a college night class. Esther helps Jon come to the realization of what real love is, and helps Jon get his life back on track. “Don Jon” is a very promising start

for Joseph Gordon-Levitt. He has even established an interesting cinematic style, that includes unique music incorporation, and an interesting quick-cut editing approach. The film consistently maintains laugh-out-loud humor throughout its running time, as well as making certain scenes feel “sexy” when needed. The film also has a lot to say about the over-expectations that men and women sometimes have for relationships because some people form their romantic expectations, based off of what they see in movies and the media. Though “Don Jon” is both funny and sometimes sexy, it runs into a few small bumps along the way. The first being that the scenes involving Jon’s day routines, start to get repetitive after awhile,

as if Joseph Gordon-Levitt is worried that the viewer might forget about Jon’s routines. Some viewers might not like the direction of Julianne Moore’s character, as it leaves the once-interesting mentor side of this character in the dust after awhile. The audience also never sees Jon at his day job even though several characters bring it up. “Don Jon” is a very impressive directorial debut from Joseph Gordon-Levitt. For those who like romantic comedies with a bit of a dirty side, and for those who consistently enjoy the on-screen presence of Joseph Gordon-Levitt, “Don Jon” will leave you wowed, and will put a smile on your face.

Jackman plays distraught father in thriller PREVIEWS ELLEN LUND Staff Writer Prisoners is an intense, if sometimes disturbing, thriller that almost felt as long as the weeks spent searching for the missing girls in the movie. Hugh Jackman plays Keller Dover, a contractor that lives in Pennsylvania with his wife Grace (Maria Bello), teenage son Ralph (Dylan Minnette), and young daughter Anna (Erin Gerasimovtich). On their way between one house and another on Thanksgiving night, Anna and her best friend Joy (KylaDrew Simmons) are snatched away from their suburban neighborhood without a trace. This leaves the families of both girls fumbling desperately for any clues as to the whereabouts of their daughters. Detective Loki (Jake Gyllenhaal) is dispatched to the families with a spotless record

of having solved every case he has been put on, but even he is groping in the dark to find the two girls before it is too late. There are several suspects, each with their own set of clues as to where the girls may be. Even with all the thrills of following Gyllenhaal’s character through his investigation, it can get to be a bit too involved to really keep the attention of the audience. Prisoners brings about some very interesting points about how far a parent is willing to go to find their missing child, mostly through how we see Jackman devolve psychologically the longer his daughter is gone. The performances in this movie are great, as no one is cast in a purely heroic or villainous role. We get to see many different sides of the parents and suspects and the people on the case. At various points in the movie’s nearly two and a half hour running

time, almost everyone has suspicion cast upon them for the terrible crime of kidnapping the girls. Prisoners is not an easy watch and could have used some extra trimming to the script and the show itself, but overall it was a gripping thriller that ends on a not-quitesatisfying note, leaving the audience dizzy and wondering.

OCTOBER 11 CAPTAIN PHILLIPS PG-13 A true tale of modern day pirating. Tom Hanks stars as the captain of the first American cargo ship to be pirated in 200 years. MACHETE KILLS R Danny Trejio is back as Machete. This time the killer sets out on a mission to stop global nuclear war.

OCTOBER 18 CARRIER R Things get scary when a highschool girl is pushed too far by her peers. Chloe Moretz and Julianne Moore star.








Rockstar Games

Maddened fans get back on bandwagon MICHEAL KLEIN Editor in Chief As NFL fans rejoiced the Kickoff and start to the 2013 NFL season, EA Sports celebrated its own holiday Aug. 27 with the release of “Madden 25.” After a disappointing effort by EA Sports on the “Madden 25 (Demo),” it seemed like it was going to be another letdown season for fans of the franchise, despite it being their 25th anniversary. Fortunately, “Madden 25” begins to make amends for a past decade of complacency and broken promises by bringing back key modes while improving gameplay. Some of the most welcomed advances to gameplay will be felt immediately with Run Free where players can use precision-modifying moves including: trucking, spins, jukes, jab steps, dives, stumble recoveries and stiff-arms; all of which can be chained together for exciting combos that can spring your ball carrier to daylight while making your opponent look like they slipped on a banana peel. Improvements to the Infinity engine add realism to the game that players have never seen before. Collisions between players are much more varied, for example. However, some mechanical flaws emerge and can disrupt the flow of a competitive game. At random moments, your runner will occasionally defy laws of physics with broken tackles and run through others’ bodies or end up on their back without any prior animation ever taking place. Defensive players have more ability to recover from a bad angle. Shoestring tackles can be executed

and relieve the defense with dive tackles. The return of the speed burst with stamina restrictions is a welcomed addition for those annoyed by past Madden games that would randomly take key players off the field for long sequences, which happened to usually occur during the most crucial moments of a contest. Football aficionados will enjoy the overall depth to the in-game strategy. As the game of professional football has evolved, EA realized that their gameplay must keep pace. The Wildcat offense that swept the league a few years back is nearly non-existent while the Pistol has been a major focus this year. An additional 351 plays and 20 new formations are featured with two new playbooks – Pistol (ala Collin Kaepernick at Nevada) and Run and Shoot. Blocking is much smoother and realistic. As smart football fans know, the game is usually won or lost in the trenches. Targeting your blocks in the open field is also much easier. Defensive line play is drastically better than 2013. Last year it felt like a pass rusher would be left unabated to the QB, stood up or fall straight down. Now it feels like control Trainer Mode is a great way to sharpen your skills and prepare for the stiff competition waiting online. Hurdling over a potential tackler can be one of the more rewarding ways to matriculate the ball down the field. It is about time that a bone-jarring hit injures the recipient instead of the hitter. The L2 or LT is used as a move modifier, allowing the ball carrier to string multiple moves and combinations together.

Connected franchise allows you to use 50+ legendary players and coaches like Vince Lombardi. Owner mode allows you to import draft classes from NCAA 2014. As an owner, you deal with finances, stadium, staff, marketing, fan happiness, team success, media statements and fan feedback. You have the ability to relocate your team. It even allows you to take the NFL international to Ireland, Canada, Mexico, England Offline fantasy draft is unnecessarily clumsy, but it is neat how teams value players based on the offensive or defensive scheme they fit best in. For example, a QB like Michael Vick will be much better suited in an option read offense than a run n gun. Madden share allows players to up and download rosters settings and playbooks. What will be interesting is whether EA takes this away after the 2014 NFL season concludes, in order to get fans to buy next year’s installment. It would be a classy move on their part to allow players to share their created rosters that could include rookies from future NFL drafts. In the end, this is the first Madden in many years that warrants the full price tag.

There’s been a lot said about how violent this game is, and much of that is true. The game is about theft, violence and nasty characters doing nasty things to each other. You play as one of three protagonists, from unstable Trevor to down-onhis-luck Michael to up-and-comer Franklin. It is interesting to note that with three protagonists to choose from, all are men. You team up to tackle a variety of enemies from government agents to drug lords to treacherous gangbangers. You know, normal GTA stuff. San Andreas and Los Santos are back in style and as players we are lucky to see them again. This game like previous entries, features licensed music and is set in the modern day with current hits as well as old dusties and hilarious talk radio. The graphical output shows off the power of the PS3 and XBOX 360 well, and one can only wonder how great this will look on the next-gen consoles or a powerful PC. The look on the faces of characters in this GTA are well enough done that characters no longer look like they have a mask over their real face like in “GTA San Andreas. That said, there are numerous times where we still see strange hit boxes that lead to the player being stuck, or the weird running motion that looks a little like you’re a running back in Madden. Overall though the presentation hits the mark and then some. It’s the same GTA you’ve come to know and love (or hate as many also do) with the titular activity of car theft a crucial element of gameplay along with merciless slaughter of nameless and faceless goon after goon. Like with the Mario series, you trudge through the same elements, the same ‘drive-hereand-follow-my-instructions’ gameplay it’s always been with few true changes barring two big items. One is the three main characters. This leads the player to switching between characters in certain scenarios when one is doing a needed action like holding up a bank, while another readies the getaway or the other grabs the money. That sentence reminds of the other change: the heists. The heist missions are awesome; imagine getting to plot out and execute multi-million dollar cash grabs from vaults or jewelry stores. This is a great game in many ways, but there are also a lot of times where the player is waiting to do something fun and the realism of the game becomes an impediment to the fun of the game. Combine this with the relative dearth of heists, the lackluster story and the well-worn GTA style and you’d think this game would be a dud, but as a testament to how awesome the innards of this game is, it’s still so hard to quit it. It’s hard to quit when you get to robbing a military airbase so you can use the plane to drop drug shipments off to Mexican cartels to help pay for your army-size weapons stockpile to take on corrupt intelligence agents who’ve ruined your best friend’s life ... whew. And that’s only part of it. Play with your eyes open to all of “GTA V” but don’t forget to play it. It’s still a gem.



NBA 2K14

EA Sports

Anyone who has ever wondered what would happen if LeBron James faced Michael Jordan one-on-one does not need to wonder anymore. Anyone who ever dreamed about playing in the NBA themselves can make that dream come true. And all the arguments about which team was the greatest of all time can be answered. “NBA 2K14” provides the answers and daydreams. “2K14” features 34 of the greatest teams in NBA history and more than 50 old school hall-of-fame players including Michael Jordan, Larry Bird and Magic Johnson. Unlike sports games made by other game companies, the legends on “2K14” aren’t just there for show or advertising. You don’t have to download, unlock, buy or earn them. You can use those old players and teams in any of “2K14’s” game modes or take them off their old teams and put them on today’s teams to see how they would perform in today’s NBA. In terms of gameplay, “2K14” is much the same as the previous three or four installments of the franchise. Unfortunately, not enough attention was paid by 2k Sports

to updating several features such as the draft, My Career game mode and the All-Star weekend. In a horribly embarrassing turn of events the All-Star weekend logo still says 2013 and is held in Houston’s arena, where it was last year. Whoops!! The draft in the My Career mode also says 2013. The only new game mode is the “Path to greatness” in which one takes over the career of LeBron James and decides where he plays when his contract is up as well as plays out the 2014 season. It is essentially the same as the My Career game mode. “2K14” also added FIBA rosters for the first time this year. Fiba basketball is the European version of the NBA and its’ teams and players are available to be used. Overall, “2K14” is solid. The merging of the current NBA and the legends of the game continues to be a hit for 2K, as this is the third or fourth year in a row they have done that, though it may be time for 2K to re-conceptualize or revamp the franchise a little bit. With EA coming out with “NBA Live 2014” this year, 2K will have to tighten things up for “2K15.“


PREVIEWS OCTOBER 12 POKEMON X/Y NINTENDO 3DS The popular game continues in this highly rated release, and includes a trio of new starting creatures.

OCTOBER 22 LEGO MARVEL SUPERHEROS MULTIPLATFORM An original story with a super hero cast, this game brings classic Marvel characters to life in a new setting. DEUS X: HUMAN REVOLUTION PC, XBO 360, PS3 A director’s release high-acclaimed 2011 game adds new exciting features






Profiles of selected WolfPack athletes


SOCCER ERIC PAESCHKE A freshman midfielder for the 5-7 WolfPack soccer team, Eric Paeschke comes to Madison College having transferred from UW-Eau Claire. Paeschke has scored four goals this season and added three assists in his team’s 12 games. Previously, Paeschke was a three-sport athlete at Middleton High School, where he competed in soccer, cross country, and track




and field. He was a three-year letter winner in soccer playing for coach Ken Burghy. An electrical engineering major, he is the son of Vanessa Paeschke.

BROOKE GILBERTSON A freshman outside hitter for the 20-3 WolfPack volleyball team, Brooke Gilbertson hails from Spring Green. This year, Gilbertson has 115 kills, 105 digs, 10 blocks and eight aces. Gilbertson was a four-year participant in volleyball and two-year letter winner at River Valley High School. She won the team’s rookie award her junior season and was team co-captain and Southwest Conference MVP her senior season. A liberal arts major, she is the daughter of Dennis and Mary Gilbertson.

WolfPack volleyball has a winning attitude


Madison College teammates Mikayla Nigl (11), Brooke Gilbertson (13) and Hannah Grahn celebrate a recent victory.

A wise basketball player named Jason Terry once said that no one loves a showboat. At the time his team was losing to a heavily favored opponent that was definitely showing up his team. Terry told his taunting opponent that no one likes a showboat and then promptly led the Dallas Mavericks to a huge comeback win en route to an historic championship NICHOLAS upset. GARTON As infuriating as front-runSports Editor ning showoffs can be, there is something even worse: people who celebrate a play when they are down big or about to lose. We see it all the time in football, especially. A well-rehearsed touchdown dance or taunt even as the score is lopsided. Such was the case in the

WolfPack’s dominant win against Western Tech at Redsten Gymnasium. Just how dominant was it? This column started being written midway through the second set. Yet that didn’t stop Western Tech from engaging in some poorly mannered, horribly timed showboating. After each of their very, very occasional offensive points, Western Tech players would gather in a circle and shout “Tick, tick, boom!” In the rare circumstances that the WolPack made an error, the Tech players would give a “whooo!” These things were highly noticeable because Tech was hardly able to mount any offense against a peaking WolfPack. For example, the WolfPack jumped out to an impressive 16-2 score in the third set. So, what happened when Tech was able to score to make it a 16-3 game? That’s right: tick, tick boom! Clearly, Tech was unable to at least act like they’ve been

there before. It was sad to see a team clearly struggling with their play and their conduct out on the floor. Luckily, the WolfPack have displayed no such issues. Coming off a preseason in which they faced huge hype and crushing pressure to perform, the WolfPack have left it all out on the floor. They are coming off a stretch in which they have won 14 sets in a row and it is now glaringly obvious that any preseason hype was warranted. The WolfPack thoroughly dominated No. 5 ranked Rock Valley on the road and dismantled their two previous home opponents, Triton College and Western Tech, in convincing fashion. Yet you won’t hear any tick, tick, boom emanating from the WolfPack. They have conducted themselves with class throughout the season. Teams with overwhelming amounts of talent can face issues of chemistry and cohesiveness. But both from the vantage point of the stands and » SEE VOLLEYBALL PAGE 14

Peaking at the right time NICHOLAS GARTON Sports Editor The WolfPack volleyball team is all business. At midseason the WolfPack have a 20-3 record and are still ranked No. 1 nationally. Both the preseason hype and the early season pressure have dissipated. The team has grown from being a collection of talented individuals into a cohesive unit focused on the fundamentals of volleyball, striving only to play up to the standards they have set for themselves. From outward appearances the WolfPack appear to be every bit the juggernaut they were touted to be. But is Coach Toby Parker pleased with the progress they’ve shown? “Emphatically yes,” Parker said. Indeed, the WolfPack appear to be peaking at the right time. They have won 20 sets in a row during a stretch that has seen them sweep No. 5-ranked Rock Valley on the road and score dominating wins at home against College of DuPage and Western Tech. The WolfPack have been particularly devastating defensively at the net where their size advantage makes it nearly impossible for opponents to get the ball past the block. Sophomore Danielle Crawford and Freshman Mikayla Nigl lead the team in blocks and make it difficult for JOSH ZYTKIEWICZ / CLARION


Madison College’s Hannah Grahn (center) sets the ball for a teammate during a recent match.



Loss to ranked opponent provides spark TYLER RICHTER Staff Writer Despite a strong start on Sept. 29, the WolfPack soccer team lost its fourth game in a row, losing 3-0 to AnokaRamsey, the eighth-ranked team in the country. From the first kick of the game, Anoka-Ramsey controlled the ball, applying a great deal of pressure to the WolfPack. The WolfPack responded with pressure of its own and managed to hold Anoka-Ramsey scorelss in the first half despite being outshot 23-1. WolfPack coach Corey Sims employed an effective attack zone which forced Anoka-Ramsey to take shots from further away. Sims was pleased with the first half defense but wished the WolfPack could have kept the defensive pressure going.

“It’s something we would like to keep up for the whole game,” Sims said. Everything fell apart for the WolfPack in the second half after Marcelo Torrealba of Anoka-Ramsey scored two goals in under 10 minutes essentially sealing the game for AnokaRamsey. The quick scores upset the WolfPack’s standout freshman Elliot Piper. “We just got frustrated after we got scored on and we just shut down after that,” Piper said. “It’s something we’ve got to work on.” The constant pressure from AnokaRamsey smothered any attempts at a comeback the WolfPack may have had. But the strong performance against a nationally-ranked opponent may have provided a spark for the WolfPack. In its next match, Madison College ended its losing streak by beat Harper

College, 2-1, on the road on Oct.2. After Harper took a lead early in the second half, Marco Meneses scored to tie the game at 1-1. Meneses then scored another goal in overtime to give Madison a 2-1 victory over the Hawks. The WolfPack then lost a hardfought road game to Triton College, 2-1, on Oct. 4. Meneses scored the only goal for Madison College in the second half. On Oct. 6, the WolfPack had a huge scoring outburst against Lakeland College. After falling behind, 3-1, in the first half, the WolfPack scored six goals in the second half. Meneses scored three of the goals, while Yaw Appiah, Devan Hilleshiem and Michael Digman each added one. Madison will host its final conference game of the season against Joliet on Oct. 9 before hosting Carthage College JV on Oct. 11.


Madison College schedules and results.

MEN’S SOCCER Schedule AUG. 28 SEPT. 6 SEPT. 11 SEPT. 14 SEPT. 20 SEPT. 22 SEPT. 23 SEPT. 28 SEPT. 29 OCT. 2 OCT. 4 OCT. 6 OCT. 6

NHL Season Preview

OCT. 9

Defending champs will be tough to top

OCT. 11 OCT. 23 OCT. 26 OCT. 30

For a complete men’s soccer schedule, visit

MICHAEL KLEIN Editor in Chief

Last year’s Stanley Cup champion Chicago Blackhawks ended their summer celebration tour and shortened offseason by raising their banner opening night, in front of the NHL’s best attended fans. The emotion inside the Madhouse on Madison was electric and gave fans watching, around the world, chills. Not only was the anticipation from the banner raising, but also the excitement for another championship run beginning. The Blackhawks capped off the festivities with a thrilling 6-4 victory over Washington. It is impossible to ignore the defending champs when prognosticating the upcoming season. They went an impressive 36-7-5 with 77 points last year while putting together an 11-game winning streak and 24-game point streak. As a Blackhawk’s fan myself, my predictions may be partially based on my fandom but have far more to do with the team being the most talented in the league. The team is so stacked with youthful talent that a dynasty isn’t out of the question and they’re much better equipped to make a run at a repeat than they did in 2010 when they lost many key pieces of the championship team. Although they will be without winger Viktor Stahlberg, who ended up in Nashville, GM Stan Bowman managed to bring back a recognizable face in Nikolai Khabibulin. I am certainly not in the minority by picking Chicago. Many hockey experts and fans –11 percent of a poll done by “The Hockey News” believe that the Blackhawks have a great chance to repeat. Ken Campbell, a writer from that same publication, ranked three Blackhawks’ players in the top 15 of the entire league. With the NHL’s decision to realign its divisions, there is a strong possibility that fans could see one the Blackhawks meet up with a familiar rival in the Stanley Cup Final. The Eastern Conference should be a much easier road for a team like the Detroit Red Wings to compete. In another poll done by “The Hockey News,” 44 percent of fans feel the Red Wings were most helped by the realignment. Despite Detroit’s longest winning streak only being three, they have been a model of consistency in the NHL and are the closest thing to a lock for the playoffs year in and year


The defending Stanley Cup champion Chicago Blackhawks hoist a banner commemorating their title prior to action against the Washington Capitals at the United Center in Chicago on Tuesday, Oct. 1. out. As most sports prove, the playoffs are often a crapshoot where upsets and mismatches allow teams, not favored to win, to sneak through the cracks and hoist Lord Stanley’s Cup. The Red Wings gave the Blackhawks their best shot last year and added two new pieces this year by signing Forwards Daniel Alfredson and Stephen Weiss. Keeping all factors in mind, I can imagine and would love to see this matchup. Both teams play some of their best hockey against each other and would make for a dream series. With or without Detroit representing the east, I see the Chicago Blackhawks skating off with another title and cementing themselves as the best team hockey has seen in decades.

SEPT. 7 SEPT. 7 SEPT. 10 SEPT. 17 SEPT. 19 SEPT. 20 SEPT. 20 SEPT. 21 SEPT. 21 SEPT. 24 SEPT. 26 SEPT. 30



in conversation with WolfPack coach Toby Parker, it is clear that the players on this team understand one another and understand their roles. “As we tell the girls week in and week out you have to put the time in and you have to do the work” Parker said. Hard work and effort have indeed been lynchpins of the WolfPack season to date. They have been ranked No. 1 in the nation in every poll so far this season. As of the latest poll, from Sept. 25, they were the

at Milwaukee Area Technical College, 4 p.m., 1-0 WIN at home vs. Harper College, 3-2 WIN at home vs. Triton Colege, 3-2 LOSS at home vs. Waubonsee Community College, 4-1 LOSS at home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 5-1 WIN at Carthage College JV, Kenosha, 3-1 LOSS at Joliet Junior College, Joliet, Ill., 7-0 LOSS at Kishwaukee College, Malta, Ill, 3-1 LOSS at home vs. Anoka-Ramsey Community College, 3-0 LOSS at Harper College, Palatine, Ill., 2-1 WIN, OT at Triton College, River Grove, Ill., 2-1 LOSS vs. Concordia University JV scrimmage at Kenosha, noon. vs. Lakeland College JV, Kenosha, 7-3 WIN at home vs. Joliet Junior College, 4 p.m. at home vs. Concordia University JV, 4 p.m. at Regional IV Tournament Quarterfinal, 2 p.m. at Regional IV Tournament Semifinal, noon. at Regional IV Tournament Championship, 2 p.m.

only team to even receive a first place vote. But if you want to hear from them about their top ranking, you’re going to have to bring it up yourself. If you want to know which players are putting up gaudy statistics, you’re going to have to look them up yourself. Most of all, if you want to see cocky swagger and flashy play, you’re going to have to go watch a different team play. The WolfPack aren’t about any of those things. The only thing that goes boom for them are the spikes and kills from the stratosphere they use to dominate their opponents.


OCT. 1


OCT. 3

smaller opponents to generate their own offense. But Parker doesn’t think it is the WolfPacks’s blocking at the net that is key to their defensive prowess. “It’s our backcourt defense and our defense behind the block,” Parker said. “ Sometimes when you’re back there it’s hard to see the ball until it’s right on you. I think there has been a tremendous improvement in our backcourt defense.” With just a few weeks remaining in the season the WolfPack are right where they had hoped to be. Now, the only remaining question is whether or not they can get where they need to go – the national championship game. “We’re not playing our best volleyball yet and that excites me,” Parker said. “ I think our best volleyball is still ahead of us.”

OCT. 8 OCT. 10 OCT. 12 OCT. 15 OCT. 17 OCT. 21 OCT. 24 OCT. 30 NOV. 2 NOV. 15

at College of DuPage Invite vs. Oakton CC, 3-0 WIN at College of DuPage Invite vs. Illinois Valley CC, 3-1 WIN at College of DuPage Invite vs. Highland CC, 3-1 WIN at College of DuPage Invite vs. Harper College, 3-0 WIN at College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Ill., 3-0 WIN at home vs. Rock Valley College, 3-0 WIN at home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 3-0 WIN at Rochester CTC Invite vs. Des Moines Area CC, 3-1 LOSS at Rochester CTC Invite vs. Rochester CC, 3-2 LOSS at Rochester CTC Invite vs. Ellsworth CC, 3-0 WIN at Rochester CTC Invite vs. Western Technical College, 3-0 WIN at home vs. Triton College, 3-0 WIN at Joliet Junior College, Joliet, Ill., 3-0 WIN at Harper College, Palatine, Ill., 3-1 WIN at Harper College Invite vs. Oakton CC, 3-0 WIN at Harper College Invite vs. Lincoln Land CC, 3-1 LOSS at Harper College Invite vs. John Logan College, 3-1 WIN at Harper College Invite vs. Marshalltown CC, 3-0 WIN at home vs. College of DuPage, 3-0 WIN at Rock Valley College, Rockford, Ill., 3-0 WIN at home vs. Western Technical College, 3-0 WIN at Milwaukee Area Technical College, 3-0 WIN at home vs. Clarke University JV, 3-0 WIN at Triton College, River Grove, Ill, 6 p.m. at home vs. Fox Valley Technical College, 6 p.m. at UW-Whitewater Invitational, TBA at home vs. Joliet Junior College, 6 p.m. at home vs. Harper College, 6 p.m. at home vs. UW-Whitewater JV, 6 p.m. at home vs. University of Dubuque JV, 6 p.m. at NJCAA Regional IV Quarterfinals. at NJCAA Regional IV Tournament. at NJCAA National Tournament.

For a complete schedule of women’s basketball, visit



THELIGHTERSIDE Puzzles and Cartoons







Sequences, series, and products

For this issue, I thought I would cover sequences, series, and products. A sequence is simply an ordered list of numbers, either finite or infinite in number. E.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… A series (denoted by the Greek capital letter sigma: ), on the other hand takes the terms of a sequence and sums, or adds them together. E.g. 1+2+3+4+5… Lastly, a product (denoted by Π, the capital version of the familiar π, the Greek letter pi) is similar to a series but instead of summing the terms, they are multiplied. E.g. 1×2×3×4×5… Just as sequences can have a finite or infinite number of terms, so can series and products. Many times the infinite series and products are the ones most interesting and useful to mathematicians. You may think that when you are adding or subtracting an infinite number of terms you would either reach -∞ or ∞. This is sometimes undoubtedly the case, although there are instances that a series or product will actually add (or multiply) up to something other than -∞ or ∞, that is they converge to a specific value. When a series or product does converge, there can be intriguing results. For example, a series can be used to represent almost any number…

Note: e, sometimes referred to as Euler’s Number, is a mathematical constant, approx. equal to 2.71828. Or a function…

Note: The exclamation point you have seen in the last two series is called a factorial mark. Its job is to let you know that the number preceding it should be multiplied by every number before it until you reach 1. E.g. 4! = 1×2×3×4 The factorial function can be represented by the following product.

If you would like to know more check out http://www.purplemath. com/modules/series.htm or Wikipedia.

How Far Does Your Ball Travel?

A ball is held a foot off the ground and then released. Each time it hits the ground it bounces to half the height of the previous bounce. Create an infinite series that describes the distance the ball travels vertically as it bounces up and down. Does the series converge? If so, what to?

Solution To Last Issue’s Problem

The man’s current age is 64. Questions, email

Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis / MCT Campus

ACROSS 1 A dromedary has one 5 Smart guy? 10 Exec’s “I need it now!” 14 Black-and-white snack 15 Military training group 16 Actress Hatcher 17 Like a clock reading 5:05 at 5:00 18 “Eat!” 19 Tenant’s expense 20 *Space-saving computer monitor 22 Fateful March day 23 Equipment on a balance sheet, e.g. 24 Immunity builder 26 Cuban dance 30 Defective cars 33 Devious laughs 36 “That stings!” 38 Often __: about half the time 39 Foofaraw 40 Untidy waking-up hair condition, and what the first word of the answers to starred clues can be 42 Historical span 43 Posh 45 Freezer bag feature 46 Bluish hue 47 Go away 49 Southern speech feature 51 Turn out to be 53 Zodiac transition points 57 Arizona Indian 59 *Title racehorse in a 2003 film 63 Mont Blanc, par exemple 64 Rabbit relatives 65 Foreign Legion cap 66 Falsehoods 67 “Fame” singer Cara 68 First family’s garden site? 69 Oater stronghold 70 Tickle pink 71 Cubicle furnishing

DOWN 1 Labor leader who vanished

in 1975 2 Range dividing Europe and Asia 3 Southwestern tablelands 4 Kiln users 5 Adaptable, electrically 6 Wilderness home 7 Rim 8 Reacts to a tearjerker 9 Pet’s home away from home 10 Some hotel lobbies 11 *Start-up capital 12 “Rule, Britannia” composer 13 Depressing situation, with “the” 21 Early Beatle Sutcliffe 25 Enjoy King and Koontz 27 Cohort of Curly 28 Future blossoms 29 Felt pain 31 Director Ephron 32 Kenton of jazz 33 Difficult 34 Falco of “The Sopranos” 35 *Jalapeño, for one 37 Listen to 40 Polar explorer Richard

41 Menu words 44 Most off-the-wall 46 Sounded like a chicken 48 Buttocks 50 Loos, for short 52 Necklace gem 54 Soft leather 55 Plumber’s concerns 56 Reek 57 Football game division 58 Hodgepodge 60 Real estate measurement 61 Curved 62 “That makes sense



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