The Clarion issue 10-13-21

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Change of season calls for pumpkin spice latte. » 6

New release for Imagine Dragons is upbeat.

Wolfpack sports continue to battle »12

“So if you are looking for sometjing to listen to while you bake apple pies or decorate your house, look no further than ‘Mercury-Act 1.’” »9

Actors help out nursing students




Madison College Community Engagement Coordinator Nicole Soulier speaks at the land acknowledgement event on Oct. 10.

College celebrates with land acknowledgement event KALEIA LAWRENCE Editor in Chief Nicole Soulier opened the Indigenous Peoples Day campus celebration and land acknowledgment held at the Truax Campus on Oct. 11 by recognizing her elders and thanking everyone for being there. “I think it’s important we rethink how we collectively support

Indigenous peoples with resolutions for the future,” said Soulier, the college’s community engagement coordinator. “The idea of taking a day to recognize and honor Indigenous peoples is long overdue.” The ceremony consisted of multiple speakers, an honor song and food. A special pre-colonial meal was provided that Chef Kevin McGuinnis and his team prepared. Similar ceremonies were held at all the regional campuses. “It’s clear that replacing the holiday known as Columbus Day with a single day to recognize and honor Indigenous

peoples is a step in the right direction but it is just the beginning to building a collective resolution with action to right the wrongs that this country and various agencies have waged against its first peoples,” said Soulier. “In order to do this, we must also think and act beyond a day to recognize Indigenous people because one day does not undo over 500 years of colonialism.” In years past, the Native American Student Association and the Student Senate emphasized the importance » SEE INDIGENOUS PAGE 5

The Performing Arts program in partnership with the School of Nursing has started providing nursing students the chance to work with actors in clinical situations. The actors are known as standardized participant, and they will portray anyone that a nursing student would come in contact with throughout their career; this means patients, caregivers and hospital staff. “I think nursing is ideal for a beginning in this standardized participant program because so much about nursing is about educating and empowering the patient and the community, and we can't do that without another person there to have that exploration of communication within the therapeutic relationship,” said Autumn Shiley, Standard Participant Educator and Program Director. Scenarios are written by nursing faculty, and they cover such topics as pediatric care, end of life care and mental health care. Meanwhile, standardized participants are local professional actors, Madison » SEE NURSING PAGE 5

Olbrich Gardens’ GLEAM show puts art in a new light HAILEY GRIFFIN Staff Writer Glimmers of light pierced the dark blanket of night that rested upon the garden, drawing curious eyes to each exhibit. Sounds of wildlife, crickets, music, conversation and laughter drifted through the air like smoke. It was yet another Wednesday night at Olbrich Gardens’ GLEAM. GLEAM is an annual art exhibit that takes place Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at Olbrich Botanical Gardens in Madison, Wisconsin. At GLEAM, artists from across Madison, the country and the globe showcase their light-based art installations. This year, GLEAM will be available to the public until Oct. 30.

Creating The GLEAM Exhibition

The GLEAM exhibition began in 2015, three years after staff from Olbrich Gardens visited the Franklin Park Conservatory in Columbus, Ohio, and witnessed artist Bruce Munro’s work. The use of light-based art in a botanical garden setting — something not yet seen in the United States at the time — inspired the idea for GLEAM. Special Projects Manager at Olbrich Missy Jeanne speaks fondly of the exhibit. “A botanical garden creates just a fantastic setting with all of the flora and fauna to highlight with lights. I mean, just the gardens alone with our regular landscape lighting that we have here at Olbrich is a spectacular experience all on its own. And then, so to add the art installations on top of that just really creates


A photo of Night Birds sculpture by Micheal Young something special,” said Jeanne. She notes that some installations this year are more interactive and flashier, while some are more subtle and require viewers to take more time to enjoy not only the art but also the garden in which the art is placed. “I just feel like so often people these days people are in a rush for what’s next and just taking the time… to enjoy the natural setting of the gardens at night is such a wonderful experience in itself, you know? It’s a wonderful base for building the exhibition every

year,” Jeanne said. To allow artists time to develop and “dive a little bit deeper” into the ideas behind their pieces, GLEAM’s 2022 exhibition will be scheduled almost a year in advance. In just four weeks, Olbrich will start to reach out to next year’s artists. Jeanne said that Olbrich does their research and puts calls out for artists whose work consists of primarily light-based art. From there, artists submit installation proposals which are then evaluated by » SEE GLEAM PAGE 5





By Mark Luetkehoelter, Librarian

Wisconsin Author Collection at 1,000 titles THE STUDENT VOICE OF MADISON AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE

2021-2022 Kaleia Lawrence EDITOR IN CHIEF

Paige Zezulka



Morgan Engels NEWS EDITOR

Josie Rickerson OPINION EDITOR

Lauren Taillon ARTS EDITOR


Andres Sanchez PHOTO EDITOR

Started a couple of decades ago to support an assignment in Madison College’s College Reading Strategies class, the Madison College Libraries Wisconsin Author Collection has now surpassed a thousand titles and is one of the finest collection of books written by Wisconsinites you’ll find in any library. The collection contains both fiction and non-fiction titles, covering a wide variety of topics. The authors come from diverse backgrounds, ages, and Wisconsin locations. The growth of the Wisconsin Author Collection in recent years has been helped substantially from a financial gift made possible by the Longbrake Family Foundation in memory of Dr. J Robert Curtis. Curtis was a longtime veterinarian in the Portage area who passed away in 2012 at the age of 97. One of his passions in life was reading, and he dedicated much of his life to improving

libraries throughout the state of Wisconsin. Some of the recent books in the collection showcase the strength of the diversity’s collection. “Singled Out: The True Story of Glenn Burke” by Andrew Maraniss, about the first openly gay major league baseball player who was also credited with inventing the idea of the high five. “Somos Latinas: Voices of Wisconsin Latina Activists” by Andrea Teresa Arenas and Eloisa Gomez features 25 Wisconsin Latina activists of change. “Make Way for Liberty: Wisconsin African Americans in the Civil War” by Jeff Kannel highlights sto-

ries of those that served that were previously unknown. “Freedom Farmers: Agricultural Resistance and the Black Freedom Movement” by Monica White offers the history of renowned activist Fannie Lou Hamer who in 1967 created a farm cooperative for African Americans in the Mississippi Delta. While many of the books cover heavy themes, there are plenty of lighter titles in the collection as well, including mysteries, horror, celebrity biographies, and more. If you were a fan of the Milwaukee Bucks winning the NBA championship this last year, you might want to

check out “From Coin Toss to Championship” by Rick Schabowski, a history of the Bucks first NBA championship back in 1971. The Wisconsin Book Festival takes place this year from October 21-24. As in past years, many of the books featured at the festival end up in our Wisconsin Author Collection. Among some of the books and authors featured this year that you’ll find in our collection shortly include Ordinary girls by Jaquira Diaz, Shape by Jordan Ellenberg, Godspeed by Nickolas Butler, and Shoulder season by Christina Clancy. ]To find out more about the Wisconsin Author Collection and to do a tailored search of it, check out our library guide at It’s a great collection, and while it’s intended to support the students that take College Reading Strategies at Madison College, it’s open to anyone to check out. Take advantage!


Sydney Hise


Sherra Owino COPY EDITOR

Michelle Meyer


Ivan Becerril-Gutierrez DESIGN DIRECTOR

Iman Alrashid Sierra Brunner Hailey Griffin Taleise Lawrence Melissa Moua Grant Nelson JD Smith Nelson Boh Suh Spencer Wakefield CONTRIBUTORS


NEWS PHONE: (608) 246-6809 ADVERTISING PHONE:(608) 243-4809 FAX: (608) 246-6488


Campus Fun Day activity

Students play on an oversized checker board at the Commercial Avenue Campus Fun Day in September.

PUBLICSAFETY By Sgt. Lucas Adler

Public Safety offers an escort to your vehicle

SUBMISSIONS To submit an item for publication, drop it off at The Clarion office, Room B1260G Truax and Room D237 Downtown, or email it to The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All opinions expressed in editorials and advertisements do not necessarily represent those of the Madison College administration, faculty, the student body or the Clarion staff. CORRECTIONS The Clarion strives for accuracy in all of its articles. If you have questions or concerns, please call us at (608) 246-6809 or e-mail: REMEMBERING Adam Lee Suby, 1987-2009 Philip Ejercito, 1981-2013

With Fall upon us and the days growing shorter, I would like to remind the campus community that Public Safety offers escorts for all campus community members. If you would like a ride to or from your vehicle, call Public Safety at 2452222. This service is offered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at all of our Madison Campuses. Provide the dispatcher with your loca-

tion and an Officer will arrive shortly to help you get to your destination safely. There has been a string of scrap metal thefts from dumpsters at various Madison College Campuses recently. While these events themselves do not pose a serious threat to the college community, this type of activity can lead to other sorts of problems such as vehicle thefts, individuals rummaging through unlocked vehicles, catalytic converter thefts, etc. Be on the lookout for any suspicious activity such as people looking in car windows, checking car doors, people looking under vehicles, etc. If you notice anything suspicious,

contact Public Safety immediately at 2452222.

WolfPack Alert

Have you signed up to receive WolfPack Alerts from Madison College? These alerts notify you of school cancellations or about emergencies on or near campus. If not, please do so on our webpage. Registration is free, easy and takes about a minute on your mobile device. In addition to our Facebook page, we have a Twitter account! Be sure to follow @PublicSafetyMC to stay informed of what’s happening on your campus. Public Safety is available 24/7 by calling 245-2222.

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Volunteer Fair includes both in-person and virtual options MORGAN ENGELS News Editor Students will have a chance to explore a variety of ways to give back to their community at the volunteer fair, hosted by the Madison College Volunteer Center. The event will be held both in person and virtually. It will go from Oct.

11-15 and feature over 21 organizations for students to meet with and learn about. “The goal is to connect students with volunteer opportunities in the community,” says Brianna Stapleton-Welch, a student program advisor in the volunteer center. “By presenting a variety of opportunities all at once during the Volunteer

Fair, we hope that students can explore multiple options and find something that is a good fit.” Students can access the virtual event any time during the week by using their Madison College email and password to log in. The link can be found on the WolfPack Connect App, in the events listings. The in-person event will be in the

Truax Atrium from 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. on Oct. 12 and 13. It will feature over 15 organizations. “Students will have a lot of opportunities to explore,” Stapleton-Welch says. “There really is something for every interest.” Students can participate in the online event by visiting

Exploring Kenya via a digital platform JONATHAN JONES Staff Writer


A volunteer works in the re-opened WolfPack Techies office at the Truax Campus.

WolfPack Technies return MORGAN ENGELS News Editor As Madison College continues to define the new normal, the WolfPack Techies have reopened for business. The WolfPack Techies had been closed since March of 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now open, the student volunteer organization is focused on the recruitment of volunteers rebuilding awareness of their services. “It feels a little strange being open again; we’re used to a large number of returning volunteers so our open hours and number of people in the room is down significantly compared to the past,” says Alex Roznos, manager of WolfPack Techies. “I’m looking forward to rebuilding our teams’ skills and improving our availability to the students and faculty of the school.” WolfPack Techies were forced to close after school administrators made the decision to close all campuses and move most classes online at the start of the pandemic. They remained closed during the subsequent semesters because of the low in-person student count and restrictions on occupancy. A significant increase of in person learning options this semester has brought more students and staff back to the campus, thus making the fall 2021 semester a viable time

A sign with the WolfPack Techies club’s logo hangs in the office. to reopen. While Roznos says that reopening is exciting, it has also presented some significant challenges. “Opening necessitates recruitment of volunteers, preparing our network and ensuring our software is updated and in working order,” Rozonos says. According to Roznos, it can take up to a semester before a volunteer has had enough experience to be comfortable working with all the systems and procedures the WolfPack Techies use. They typically have returning volunteers each semester who help train new Techies; this semester however, they have had to start fresh with no returning volunteers. The WolfPack Techies are a student volunteer organization primarily made up of IT students. They started in 2008, when a hardware essentials class decided to offer free computer repair to students and faculty. After a successful launch, the Madison Information Technology

Association (M.I.T.A) student group decided to expand their services. Today they are still offering free services to the Madison College community that include everything from; simple virus and malware removal, laptop screen replacement and data retrieval. In order to receive service from the WolfPack Techies, potential customers will need their OneCard and the charger for their device. No appointment is needed; you can stop by anytime they are open. They work on laptops, desktops and Mac, but are generally unable to work on phones or tablets. Their service is free of charge, but any part replacements will need to be purchased by the customer. Customers may need to leave their device with them while being worked on. According to Rozono, this can take up to two weeks depending on the number of devices being worked on and volunteer availability. For more information on the WolfPack Techies, including their available hours, readers can check out https://madisoncollege365. Wolfpack-Techies-Home.aspx.. Rozono is currently working with Tech Services on moving the site into the student portion of the intranet rather than SharePoint, which he believe will improve their visibility and accessibility.

Events set for Disability Awareness Week KALEIA LAWRENCE Editor in Chief The Disability Resource Services will be hosting a movie showing and a speaker during Disability Awareness Week. All events can be joined virtually or in person. The documentary film “Deej” follows the story of a non speaking man and his journey with autistic civil

rights. It will be shown at Truax in room D1630 on Oct. 19 from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. It will be shown virtually Oct. 21 from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. and Oct. 22 from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. To register, visit or email Matt Glowacki will be presenting “Nature Your Nurture” that focuses on understanding who someone is, why

someone is, and what someone wants to be. There will be group discussion involving what discrimination looks like to each individual and what they wish everyone knew about their experience. The event will happen at Truax in room D1630 and virtually on Oct. 20 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. To register, visit drs-glowacki or

As the COVID-19 pandemic approaches its second year, faculty and staff are continuing to adjust to the many challenges it has presented; these efforts have resulted in many changes to the academic structure of its classrooms. Associate Vice President of Intercultural Education Dr. Geoffrey Bradshaw and journalism instructor Larry Hansen have teamed up with EDU Africa, an organization focused on expanding African educational programs, to help students experience the culture and history of the African country of Kenya, now completely through a digital platform. Dr. Bradshaw explains, “For Madison College, we really try to bring global education from all parts of the world to our campus… we were actively looking for how we can expose our students to real experiences where they are learning directly from peers and participants in Africa.” The goal of the new collaborative effort is to help bridge what was once an in-person study abroad experience and allow students the ability to gain new perspectives and a deeper understanding of cultures outside of their own. World Issues Journalism and The History of Sub-Saharan Africa will be the first courses to utilize the new international studies program, incorporating the resources provided by EDU Africa to create a more robust learning environment, expanding upon already established coursework. According to Hansen, students at Madison College will be interacting and working with Kenyan university students by attending weekly interactive workshops where discussions of cultural similarities and differences including language, arts, politics, and history will be conducted. These workshops will also be accompanied by lectures from Kenyan instructors with the focus of providing a more complete understanding of Kenyan culture and history. While this program is the first of its kind at Madison College, it remains to be seen if it will continue after the pandemic restrictions are lifted. When asked about the program’s future, Hansen noted that it was still largely unknown if it would be a permanent structure within Madison College. Hansen does not, however, foresee this program replacing the study abroad opportunity, explaining that “…the goal is just to get back to square one, which is a real, physical, face-toface experience in Kenya. This is just to bridge the gap until pandemic has subsided and we are able to return back to Africa. “



What’s the impact of the federal vaccine mandate ADELINE HOLTE Staff Writer


Media literacy tips shared at event KALEIA LAWRENCE Editor in Chief While social media can be exciting and fun, it can be deadly too. News can heavily influence decisions that people make throughout their life regarding all sorts of things: who they vote for, if they get vaccinated, and how they feel about other people. Misinformation that is circulated can be helpful or harmful. On Oct. 5, a Poynter University correspondent of the MediaWise Program talked about how to consume media with a critical lens. The program was founded in 2020 and is a part of Poynter Institute. MediaWise’s main goal this year is to help debunk vaccine misinformation spread online. Their goal isn’t to convince people about how to feel about the vaccine, but rather to teach them how to consume media in a critical way.

The meeting was held as a hybrid, some attended at Truax and others joined via Teams. Lauren Brown, a senior at Oregon University, led the conversation. Brown stressed that double checking information is crucial, especially when the information is sensitive. One example was shown of a viral TikTok that said there were random people running around Los Angeles administering the vaccine to anyone they saw. Brown then walked through the steps of how to find out if it was a factual story. Some of the steps she took was googling keywords to see if related stories showed up and looking at fact check sites to determine whether the story was true or false. The story was deemed false. Another method that Brown demonstrated was examining the news source to determine its legitimacy.


Campus Fun Day Activities

Above, the Yahara Journal’s Hailey Griffin teaches a visitor how to make a pour painting as part of a Campus Fun Day activity at Truax. Below, Ricardo Maroquin Santos visits with students at the Volunteer Center table.

This can be seeing if the story lines up with journalistic standards in the way it’s written, finding out who wrote the story or seeing who owns the company that posted the information. The example given showed a flight attendant who claimed he had to duct tape an unruly passenger to the seat. While many shared the video as if it was legitimate, a quick look into the source showed that the “flight attendant” was actually a comedian. Misinformation can be shared for a variety of reasons, but money and clout are some of the main reasons for it. It’s important to read laterally and upstream, emphasized Brown. Reading laterally is when there are multiple tabs open all regarding the same topic while reading upstream is following the original post to find the source of the information.

The Biden administration has issued a mandate that all federal employees and companies with over 100 workers must be vaccinated against COVID-19 or face weekly testing. In response to the Biden administration’s mandate, many companies have set a deadline for vaccination requirements among employees, including Madison School District faculty. Faculty must be vaccinated from COVID-19 by Nov. 1. As for the employees with exemptions, whether medical or religious, they will have to submit negative COVID tests twice a week. If non-exempted faculty do not show proof of vaccination by Dec. 20, they will face penalties. So far, only five colleges across Wisconsin have mandated the vaccine for both faculty and students, according to University Business. Madison Area Technical College, and the University of Wisconsin, both have not required the vaccine for students or faculty, not including the outside organizations involved with Madison College that may require the vaccine. While not requiring the vaccine, both the University of Wisconsin and Madison College have strict COVID-19 rules to protect the safety of students and staff. As for future vaccine mandates at Madison College, there do not appear to be any plans to require vaccination proof for staff or students, according to the Madison Area Technical College website, but that is subject to change, considering the new mandates the Biden Administration have been putting out, and their plans to have the majority of America vaccinated. For now, Madison College will continue with COVID-19 safety guidelines and rules, such as washing hands often, wearing face coverings, and social distancing as much as possible.


WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2021 | NEWS | 5 Jared Winchester and Cory Greenfield from Entropic Industries; two more way-finding points, “Dream Mapper” by Paul Hayden and “Around the Rainbow” by Mark Penisten; “Spectrum Swing,” a ginormous, rainbow-covered swing set designed by artist Lindsay Glatz; and “Reflection” by Portland, Oregon-based artist Jen Fuller.

Jen Fuller and Reflection


“Reflection,” by Jen Fuller, is one highlight of the GLEAM exhibition.


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Olbrich’s programs and exhibits team, horticulturalists, art curators and professional light designers. There are certain guidelines that the installation proposals must follow: (1) Light is the installation’s main component, (2) The installation is structurally stable and (3) The lighting used in the installation will be able to withstand outdoor conditions. The ability to interact with the installation and what angles the installation can be viewed at are also taken into consideration. After determining which installations will be included, Olbrich works with artists to figure out where to place them within the garden. Figuring out where to put the installations depends on what the garden can offer in relation to their footprint and what spots the artists can propose. “So sometimes a concept is very specific to a site,” Jeanne said. “For example, the Tesseract artists are local, so they could come here, and they could walk around the garden, and, you know, identify where they wanted it to be. But other artists don’t have that opportunity, so then we’re assisting them a little bit more.” For artists that aren’t able to make it on-site to explore, Olbrich offers drone footage of the gardens and schematic drawings to assist in planning for installation set up. Jeanne relays that over the years, Olbrich has learned a lot and is now able to better provide resources to artists. Jeanne also makes mention of the fact that many people don’t realize that the programs and exhibits that Olbrich hosts, such as GLEAM, act as fundraisers to support the garden. “Olbrich Gardens does not have an admission for the outdoor garden,



of recognizing the land. A resolution at that time was put forth to honor and recognize Indigenous Peoples Day instead of Columbus Day. Due to COVID-19, there were some difficulties in getting anything official done.

and we have a small nominal fee to get inside the Bolz Conservatory. So, all of the proceeds that come from the ticket sales…all feeds directly back into supporting the gardens and keeping it free for the community.”

GLEAM 2021

This year’s GLEAM exhibition consists of many different artists and artwork installations. Viewers can walk around the gardens on a one-way path and weave their way through the exhibits, which are numbered. While walking through the gardens, you might notice that in addition to the main numbered exhibits, there are lettered exhibits that act as points of interest in between the main attractions, referred to by Jeanne as “way-finding” points. The first way-finding point is called “Windows of Life,” designed by Ben Smith at Omni Technologies and Bill Wilkie at Wilkie Studio. At the next way-finding point—point B—lies “Locus Pocus,” designed by Traditions Lighting. From there, the main exhibits begin. First up is “Kaleidoscope Aflutter,” a butterfly installation designed by an artist collective based out of Australia, Skunk Control. Next up is “Night Birds,” a flock of neon birds positioned in the trees at Olbrich, designed by Chicagobased artist Michael Young. As you continue towards the Thai Pavilion, the thump of music will become clearer and clearer until you stumble upon the “Tesseract” exhibit, designed by Madison-based artists Brett Adams and Bo Raasch. Past the Thai Pavilion and further into the gardens, you’ll find yourself surrounded by sounds and visuals from “A Wild Life,” designed by Bruce Winkler and his production team. Towards the end of the GLEAM path lies “Hydra Reef,” designed by

“We’re finally unpausing. We said, no matter what, even if we had to do this virtually, we were going to continue to make sure that the work that goes beyond just an unveiling of the land acknowledgment,” said Lucia Nunez, Vice President of Equity and Inclusion and Community Engagement. After going back and forth with members of the Ho-Chunk


A pre-colonial meal concluded the land acknowledgement and Indigenous Peoples’ Day celebration.

“Reflection” by Jen Fuller is part of a 75-foot, traditional English, elongated reflection pond in Olbrich’s Sunken Garden, across from the Great Lawn by the entrance and exit. The pond itself has been dyed black to enhance its reflectivity. “Based on that premise, I wanted to expand upon that idea of reflections. Also, coming through COVID, it seemed a really apt concept to provide a meditation point between hope and despair because we’ve all been experiencing so much. So, I wanted a kind of a calm, neutral experience but something that would pull at your emotions,” Fuller said. The main component of “Reflection” is a 10-foot-tall ellipsoid made of coroplast, with a base made of steel and aluminum. It’s secured in the middle of the pond and reflects different visuals via projector onto the pond water at night. One visual is that of a flower blooming. Another is that of a bee maneuvering its way around a hive. “I wanted to create a project that was interesting both day and night,” said Fuller. “It can’t just be like a screen out in a pond. That’s not interesting enough for me because I’m a physical object builder, and I’m a sculptor. So, I wanted to sculpt something that was uniquely interesting.” Another aspect that encompasses

“Reflection” is the presence of an audio component: different snippets of music that accompany the visuals. Fuller’s decision to add music to her work was prompted by her synesthesia. “When I say synesthesia, I mean I hear my sculptures as I’m making them, which is just this weird adjunct that I don’t tell most people,” Fuller said. Fuller said that “Reflection” is the first piece that she approached from an auditory standpoint. While creating “Reflection,” Fuller constructed the playlist that would accompany the piece first. Then, she moved on to the visuals. Last, she created the ellipsoid. “I like to create these audio-visual, immersive environments that are thought provoking and really pull at emotional connectivity to humanity and the times and the spaces in which they’re built,” Fuller said. It was not only audio that inspired this piece. It was also her experience living on a small house on the beach during the pandemic that influenced “Reflection.” Fuller said that the shape of “Reflection” stems from “that idea of the sunset that [she] was experiencing when she designed the piece.” “Reflection” is Fuller’s second exhibit with GLEAM; her first, a collection of glass birds suspended from a mobile in the Thai Pavilion, was from GLEAM 2019. Fuller said she returned to GLEAM for a couple of reasons. “I really like Olbrich as an organization…they’re one of my top-favorite organizations, actually, to create public artwork for,” Fuller said. “Their ethos as an organization and the way that the project is run, it’s just really beautifully run by their organizers. And they really are interested in supporting and facilitating artists and allowing us to innovate in really interesting spaces.”


A wide range of installments are on display throughout Olbrich.

Nation with three different versions of statements, a final statement was arrived at in 2019. Madison College President Dr. Jack Daniels covered some of the history and facts regarding Indigenous peoples in the United States then specifically in Wisconsin. After covering the history he noted that “Understanding the history compels us to think about the future.” After the uncovering of the plaque that will be featured, an honor song was played by Ho-Chunk relatives. “The drumbeat recognizes the heartbeat of Mother Earth and it comes from the root of who we are. We use it in prayer, ceremony and celebration,” said Soulier. The songs talked about loving one another and a travel song about going back home. Ongoing displays will be shown at all the campuses to remind the college community of the history regarding Indigenous people and the land. “It’s a great day to be Indigenous,” said Katie Ackley, Program Advisor for Equity and Inclusion.


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 College alumni and some current Madison College students. Even though the standard participant program is fairly new to Madison College, programs similar have been used for many years across the country. The work is important and positively affects communities, said Shiley. While nothing is official yet, it is likely that the program will

continue to grow within Madison College. “I think we all see this program growing across curricula. Knowing something in a cerebral way is very different than experiencing something in a moment. I think this is ideal for marrying cerebral and visceral experiences together,” said Shiley. “That can build such confidence in our students. It puts theory and knowledge into practice, and that's what our students need going out into the world.”


Actors known as standardized participants portray anyone that a nursing student would come in contact with.





Questions asked to you, our readers.

Which one is better, M&Ms or Skittles?



M&M's - Tatum Mueller

M&M's - Marco Antonio

Pumpkin spice is the best fall flavor

Watching shows with subtitles is the way to go Editor in Chief There’s one question that divides foreign film watchers like no other and that is “Do you watch sub or dub?” This often gets met with immediate defensiveness and righteous anger. Of course, everyone has their own reasoning to their preferred method, but subbed is the way to go. Oftentimes, a lot of important dialogue is changed when it’s switched to English. Translators are often overworked and underpaid which can result in some meaning lost in translation. While this has been happening for a while, a recent occurrence of this is with the Netflix hit, Squid Games. Even though the English subtitles aren’t perfect, the dubbed version has repeatedly been said to portray the characters less accurately. Another important thing lost when watching dubbed versions of media is the talent. The original actors were chosen because the director believed they best embody the character. Inflection and tone has been carefully portrayed with the best takes being put into the final product. There is casting and hard

Skittles - Hussien Hasan


Illustration of pumpkin spice late.

Take your pick: maple, hazelnut, apple and more IMAN ALRASHID Staff Writer Fall is my favorite season ever because of the weather, the views, and absolutely the food. There are many fall flavors, but my favorite is pumpkin spice. Fall is the most beautiful season in Wisconsin, with the leaves’ colors turning orange, yellow, brown and red. The fresh, breezy air surrounds you with joy and quietness.

Futons: A staple of college students TALEISE LAWRENCE Staff Writer As a college student, I’ve spent many nights sleeping on a futon. Sometimes I passed out in the middle of late night homework sessions, other times my roommate kicked me out of our room. I’ve offered my futon for others to sleep on, and my household uses it every day when we watch movies together. Futons are popular for a few reasons. They’re generally affordable and easy to transport. They come apart easily and can be put back together in no time. This is especially handy when you live anywhere with stairs or narrow hallways. They offer seating during the day and an additional bed at night. I’m not going to lie, though. Hearing the word “futon” invokes a deep rage within me. The morning after sleeping on one lands me directly in the chiropractor’s office. I toss and turn all night, trying to decide if I want my feet or my head on the couch. There’s no way to fit both on

unless you’re a skilled contortionist. Even when just sitting on them, there’s somehow always a bump or lump jabbing into me. After last semester, my roommate chucked her futon directly into the dumpster, precisely where it belonged. While futons are affordable and useful if you live in a small area, I hate them with a burning passion. I hope to one day own my very own couch.

Take a long walk and enjoy the fascinating views as the colorful leaves fall around you, greeting you in a quite charming way. Especially if it’s a little bit chilly, think of the first sip of pumpkin spiced coffee and maybe treat yourself with a piece of pumpkin bread that melts in your mouth and complete the festivity you started with nature. There are many flavors for the fall season: ginger, maple, hazelnut, apple, and more. All of them are good, but for me, pumpkin spice is the soul of autumn.

CLARION EDITORIAL BOARD 2021-2022 Kaleia Lawrence

Lauren Taillon



Paige Zezulka

Josie Rickerson



Eimy Gonzalez

Sherra Owino


Morgan Engles NEWS EDITOR


Ivan Becerril


The views expressed by The Clarion editorial board do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Madison College, its student body or any faculty therein. They are comprised of the writers listed above and/or of those who write for the Opinion section.



A photo of my dreaded fututon.

Letters to the editor should be typed or written legibly, be 250 words or less, and include the writer’s name, phone number and email address. The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All submissions become the property of The Clarion and may be used for publication. Bring letters to The Clarion office, Room B1260G Truax, or email clarioned@



Who wins the sweet battle between Skittles & M&M? KALEIA LAWRENCE Editor in Chief You can’t compare apples and oranges. But it’s time to compare something even more controversial: M&M’s and Skittles. Shocking, I know, but someone has to do it. These sweet snacks are similar in many ways, much more similar than apples and oranges. They’re both small, round and imprinted with a letter. Other similarities include having a thin and colorful outer coating before reaching the flavorful center. Other than the main difference of flavor, there’s a couple other variants that are worth noting. M&M’s are made by Mars Chocolate and have been around since the 1940s. Skittles are made by Wrigley, which is a part of Mars Inc., and were made in 1974. Even in their differences there are some similarities! When it comes to having a snack, M&M’s wins every time. While the chocolate is cheap, it’s good enough to satisfy a craving. Eating the chocolate is still enjoyable if it starts to melt a little bit. It doesn’t change the flavor profile

and instead only changes the texture. M&M’s are also versatile. They fit, if not belong, in all sorts of cookies, brownies, and cakes, just to mention a few. In a pinch, they can be melted and stirred to act as chocolate topping or dipping sauce. Most M&M variants are pretty solid choices as snacks. First there’s the basic differences like white or dark chocolate instead of the classic milk chocolate. Then there’s different fillings. Although the peanut butter filled one is lacking, the ones with any nut or pretzel in them are always a reliable snack. If you’ve never had a caramel filled one, you’re missing out. They truly take M&M’s to a whole new level. Skittles don’t meet the same marks that M&M’s do. When it comes to the experience of eating them, they cannot be warmed at all. Too many times I ate Skittles a little too slowly and had them melt in my hands, leaving a discolored white candy. There’s nothing appetizing about that. Though the candy does have some flavor variants, like tropical and sour, not all of them are a hit. Accidentally grabbing a wildberry skittle instead of


In the battle of similar-sized candies, M&Ms top Skittles. a regular one is a real kick to the gut, literally and figuratively. However, the sour Skittles are good for when you’re in the mood for a tangy treat. Another downfall of Skittles is that they can’t be used in recipes. Even the idea of a skittle cookie just doesn’t sit right with me. Every once in a while I’ll see them in a cocktail, but those don’t look appealing. After sitting in the drink for a little bit, all the color will




Photo of a subtitled version of Demon Slayer on a laptop.

work that goes into the dubbed voiceover as well, but it’s not to the same extent. Some studios don’t even hire voice actors of the same race as the original actor, which can cause for a very different character portrayal. Every once in a while, I’ll switch from the subbed version to the dubbed version just to see what I’m missing, and I’ve never stayed in the dubbed

disappear which doesn’t have the same magic as the colorful look. Everyone’s flavor profile is different. Even though I’m a hardcore M&M fan, that doesn’t mean that I’ll never eat a Skittle. However, it can’t be said that M&M is the weaker candy. This might’ve been like comparing apples and oranges, but hey, Skittles and M&M’s need some more scrutiny if you ask me.

version. The voice change makes the characters feel unfamiliar. Reading subtitles can be exhausting for some it’s become second nature to me. Even when I watch something in English, the subtitles stay on. For some reason, it’s harder to hear the words if I can’t see them...I’m sure there’s others who relate. However, I do sympathize with some of the arguments for dubbed versions. It can be easier to multi-task that way.

Especially for people who are busy and only get the chance to watch something while doing housework or homework, I understand why dubbed would be preferred. Even so, subbed will always be the best way to watch foreign media. If you’ve always watched dubbed, I encourage you to give subbed a try. Like Boon Joon-ho, director of Parasite said, “Once you overcome the one-inch-tall barrier of subtitles, you will be introduced to so many more amazing films.”







Imagine Dragons, shown performing at a concert in 2019, recently released their fifth alum.

Imagine Dragons release 5th album LAUREN TAILLON Arts Editor There are so many things to look forward to when fall comes around that it’s hard to choose just one thing to be the most excited about - apple orchards, pumpkin patches, hot cider, Halloween decor, or Imagine Dragons’ new album that was released on Sept. 3 of this year. Thankfully, I don’t have to choose and can enjoy all of those things! But listening to “Mercury - Act 1,” by Imagine Dragons might top the list. The band may have even topped their last album “Origins.” Mercury - Act 1 really is that good. Whether lead singer/songwriter Dan Reynolds is singing about loss, self-growth, or hope for a new tomorrow, he doesn’t miss a step when it comes to dropping beats that are both innovative and heartfelt. The first song on the album, “My Life,” is quite possibly my favorite. It is an honest reflection about struggling with one’s self and trying to come

to terms with the surrealness of your present circumstance. The lyrics are very raw and stripped down, just like the melody which is only carried by Reynold’s voice and a piano. Pop enthusiasts will be glad to hear upbeat tracks on the album like “Lonely,” “Monday,’ and radio hit, “Follow You.” For people looking for something a little more reflective and deeper, tracks like “#1,” and “Wrecked,” will deliver, with the latter being about the loss of a loved one which is pretty gut-wrenching; I won’t lie. “It’s Ok,” will probably be the most divisive track on the album to fans as it openly depicts some of the struggles that the LGBTQ+ community faces. Reynolds has been a longtime supporter of the community and it shows in this extremely catchy track which seeks to counsel people who are trying to figure out their identity. For people who are looking for harder melodies or something more experimental, Reynolds delivers on that too with tracks, “Giants,” “Dull Knives,”

and “Cutthroat,” with the latter song becoming a personal favorite of mine despite it initially being my least favorite track on the album. If you listen to it and think it’s not your cup of coffee, I urge you to give it a few more listens. Of course, no Imagine Dragons album would be complete without a couple songs that deliver a high dose of optimism. Tracks like, “No Time For Toxic People,” and “One Day,” leave the album ending on a happy note. For me personally, it’s hard to find anything wrong with the album. I’d recommend it to anyone because I think just about everyone will be able to find at least one track that they really resonate with. While some people may take exception to the high-energy pop group, there is no denying that Dan Reynolds is a passionate guy and the group has much talent as can be seen by the multiple awards that they have won throughout the years. So if you are looking for something to listen to while you bake apple pies or decorate your house, look no further than “Mercury - Act 1” by Imagine Dragons.

Suburban Lawns should be a New Wave classic SPENCER WAKEFIELD Staff Writer In the late '70s and early '80s, New Wave artists had all but redefined American pop music. Embodied by bands like Talking Heads, The Waitresses, The B-52s and Devo, the genre’s mix of classic punk and pop sensibilities made it a radio darling. Though their songs were often lyrically irreverent or nonsensical, each of these groups still had undeniable musical talent. There is a reason many are considered some of the greatest pop acts of the 20th century. However, in that same New Wave boom dozens and dozens of excellent bands slipped through the cracks. Perhaps the worst outcome of this musical gold rush was the generationslong neglect of The Suburban Lawns, who ripped up the Southern California

live scene from 1978 to 1983, and then disappeared in a flash with almost no footprint. Between 1983 and the rise of the internet the band was more or less forgotten by the public until, as is the case with many obscure acts from the 1980s, a recording of the group performing their breakout single “Janitor” on public access surfaced on Youtube in the early 2000s. It is a good thing, though, as the band’s sole album arguably deserves to be held alongside New Wave classics. The video features frontwoman Su Tissue looking like an Amish girl abandoned in a punk squad, left to fend for herself. As she stood there, dead eyed, she looked like she was ready to burst into tears until the song's snappy riff came cascading down and Tissue erupted into the unforgettable line, 'I'm » SEE NEW


The cover of Suburban Lawns self-titled album reflects its New Wave vibe.



Rise and fall of an empire in a science fiction novel GRANT NELSON Staff Writer A book I recommend is “Foundation” by Issak Asmove, which is now a show on Apple TV. The book tells the rise of and fall of a galactic human empire and is based off Rome’s fall. The books deal with politics, plots within plots and wars between rival kingdoms. After the empire falls a dark age falls upon the universe. However, a lone faction of the empire known as the foundation sets out to hold onto the light of reason and knowledge. The books and their themes are similar

Old Republic a Star Wars MMO GRANT NELSON Staff Writer

to “Star Wars” and “Dune.” The books delve heavily into very soul of humanity. It shows the themes of history and how empires rise and fall...something that we see in the real world. The book deals with a classical view of civilization, how humanity is a constant cycle of history and how some people with will and knowledge can overthrow entire civilizations and start wars like a game of dominos. The books are what all modern science fiction can trace back to. The show is on AppleTV and feels like Game of Thrones in space. Give this fictional universe a shot.

This is the cover of Isaac Asimov's book, "Foundation."

A great Star Wars MMO I play all the time is the Old Republic. If you love Sith and Jedi armies battling for control of the universe, want to travel the universe as a smuggler or want to lead special forces troops into war zones – look no further. The game is set in the Old Republic era in the midst of a war between the Sith Empire and the Republic. The game lets you choose what class you want to play as based on the faction you join from Bounty Hunters, Republic Troopers to Jedi and Sith. Old Republic is

filled with lore, and you get to travel across the galaxy on missions to open worlds such as Hoth, the Hutt homeworld, Coruscant, tatooine and others. You get your ship and crew and follow missions given to you by the republic or empire. There are worlds both armies of players fight over. For an MMO, there's a lot of role-playing and building your own story. The game is turning 10 years this fall and still has a huge fan base. The story truly rebuilds the old light side vs dark side from the classic trilogy. So, grab your lightsaber and report to the briefing.






A group of visitors enjoying the the music at Summerfest break into a group dance.

Summerfest experience SIERRA BRUNNER Staff Writer


Above, singer-songwriter Brett Eldridge performing at Summerfest. Below, two visitors review a Summerfest map.

After a cancelled year due to COVID-19, Summerfest was back on this past month and I was able to attend for four days. Summerfest implemented a variety of pandemic protocols, but the way they took precautions was a joke in my opinion. In order to get in, you had to have either a negative COVID19 test or be fully vaccinated. When you went through the gate, they glanced at the cards or your phone but did not verify you were the person on the card or the one with the negative test. So, it’s no surprise that a few musical artists came down with COVID after the festival, as did I, my mom and who knows how many others. As for the artists I saw, here we go. The Jonas Brothers put on an awesome show. They sang “Love Bug,” “Only Human,” “Leave Before You Love Me and more. They really got the audience going and everyone loved it. Kelsea Ballerini was AMAZING. She interacted with the audience a lot and made the show so much fun. She sang “I Quit Drinking,” “Half of My Hometown,” “Peter Pan” and more. Violinist Lindsey Stirling put on an amazing show. She is someone I would recommend seeing again, as she also interacts with the audience. Along with these shows, I was able to see and experience Brett Eldridge, G-Eazy and Manchester Orchestra. I hope to see all these artists again one day.

Summerfest itself was bustling with people every day. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and doing their own thing. There was so much to do there. You can watch some of the side shows, free concerts, take advantage of the many contests and freebies, and visit tons of eating establishments. Of course, you can spend time people watching or just sit on the rocks by the lake and enjoy the view. Summerfest had its normal street fair/ craft fair going on, which I took advantage of buying some things. I plan to go again next year but will be taking better precautions to protect myself from illness.


Violinist Lindsey Stirling speaks during her performance at Summerfest.

A game any Star Wars fan would love GRANT NELSON Staff Writer A game that many Star Wars fan would love is Republic Commando. Taking place in the Clone Wars, this game gives Halo 3 a run for its money. You play Republic Clone super soldiers known as Delta Squad. The game throws you into war zones filled with battle droids and alien

aggressors. The worlds are greedy, bloody and it feels like real warfare in space. The game follows Delta Squad who have varying personalities and skills that play into tactical shooter game play that outshines Halo and even Gears of War. The game has a massive armory and a variety of weapons and firearms. It makes you feel for Delta and shows how the Clone Wars weigh on them.

Republic Commando has a lot in common with the Clone Wars and Bad Batch shows which shows the human and darker side of the Clone Wars. The games worlds and environments feel real and are beautiful to play in. The campaign is like real life black opps/ special forces missions and that's what makes it stand out from the Jedi themed content that Disney puts out. Give it a shot!

a janitor! Oh my genitals! I'm a janitor! Oh my genitals!' And so, for the past decade or so, people have been wondering, just who is this strange creature and who are these weirdos going along with her? Finally, the 40th anniversary re-issue of the band’s self titled album, “Suburban Lawns,” answers that question and pulls the band a little further out of obscurity. Even across a very brief 28 minute runtime, “Suburban Lawns” shows that this weird band managed to flirt with the alternative genres of the era without ever fully succumbing to any of them. A mix of various new wave post punk styles and maybe a hint of ska, as well as a strong, ironic Cold War sense of humor, the band were entirely their own thing, with only fellow L.A. band Wall of Voodoo seeming to be on a similar neurotic wavelength. The aforementioned 'Janitor' is a timeless punk classic and rivals pretty much any of the classic singles of groups like Violent Femmes. Su Tissue flips back and forth between a pinched, chipmunk voice and a sort of wailing primadonna. Meanwhile, the lyrics jam abstract concepts against each other without any one direct meaning, though hints of a deeply damaged psyche that is reduced to simply laughing and crying at the absurdity of suburban life seem to linger in the song. There is almost no better summation of the classic West Coast punk sound and attitude. But, instead of fully devoting to the rumbling dangerhouse sound, the band cherry picked weird sounds from across the map. 'Flying Saucer Safari,' which seems to have arisen independently of the similar-ish Rezillos tune, is a straightup New Wave radio bopper, with pop vocals draped over a jumpy, clean beat. Meanwhile, 'Intellectual Rock' revels in a low swinging, Stooges crash-and-bash while 'Gossip' is a trippy, psychedelic sermon that features melted vocals seamlessly weaved into and over the backing music. No doubt, Su Tissue’s vocals are one of the main reasons this album sparks as bright as it does. At all times, she has this sickly-innocent outlook, with her squeaky voice, and seems to understand things entirely differently than everyone else. But for every time she plays coy, one wonders if the character that she inhibits knows that it's all an elaborate trap and she's just drawing you close with her childish eccentricity before she strikes. That's not to mention 'Gossip' which finds Su Tissue, once again playing the outcast, but this time, tearing down her contemporaries in the vein of Carrie. The other core component here is the raw power of the music itself. The compact take on Stooges self-destruction of 'Intellectual Rock,” which makes the argument that cave-man music can be pretty evolved if you really think about, flows right into artsy song de-construction of 'Protection.' There is both an appreciation of the classic rock and punk format here, as well as a willingness to tear it apart and re-organize the pieces into something entirely new and different. It is a clever trick that helps the band avoid punk cliches of the era, but it also shows their core strength- they know how to write a really catchy song when they want to, they just do not always want to. Futurismo has done an excellent job cleaning off this reissue. While the vinyl has yet to hit store shelves, the album is available for streaming. Even with the compression that inevitably comes with streaming services, the music is loud and punchy, but still has the broad, new wave sound essential to the release. Who is to say why Suburban Lawns never really caught on or why they are not heralded in the annals of punk legends? Maybe they were just a little too weird or maybe they did not follow the “rules” quite closely enough. It is a bittersweet token for the band, but the very traits which kept them from achieving canonization or easy categorization then now serve to exemplify just how special, weird, and puzzling they really were. Their star burned hot, bright, and fast, but it most certainly burned. Any fan of classic punk owes it to themselves to listen to this strange, beautiful album.

12 | WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2021





Profiles of WolfPack athletes


A right side hitter and middle blocker on the Madison College volleyball team, Olivia Marron has total 81 kills and 25 blocks this season. In addition, she has added 64 digs for her team. Marron has been a two-sport athlete at Madison College, playing both volleyball and basketball. In 2019, she started 28 of 30 volleyball matches and has 129 kills, 12 aces, 184 digs and 25 blocks. In high school, Marron was a three sport



athlete (volleyball, basketball, track) at La Farge High School. She was first team all conference in volleyball twice. The daughter of Carrie and Michael Marron, she is a fitness and recreation management major.

Madison College sophomore Jheison Garcia has started six matches and played in 10 this season for the 9-3 WolfPack men’s soccer team. The forward/midfielder has scored one goal and had an assist in 486 minutes played. He has take five shots on goal. In 2019, Garcia started 11 of 15 maches for the WolfPack and registered two assists. He made the Academic AllConference Team that season. Garcia was a four-year participant and two-time letterwinner in soccer at Madison West. The son of Gabriella and Francisco Garcia, he is a liberal arts student.

Unusual teams now in Top 5 BOH SUH


Staff Writer In the beginning of the college football season in 2021, the top teams on many ranking systems were typical – Alabama, Oklahoma, Clemson, Ohio State, and Georgia. What about 2020? The exact same teams in a different order – Clemson, Ohio State, Alabama, Georgia, and Oklahoma. What about 2019? The same exact teams. The year 2018 was the first season when Wisconsin was top five instead of Oklahoma, but Alabama, Clemson, Georgia, and Ohio State were still the top four. Did everyone end up being in top five at the end of the season? No, but those schools got the reputation from great recruiting and history to make them perennial top five contenders. However, strange things have happened this year. Iowa and Cincinnati are in the top five!! What surprises me the most is that Cincinnati is in there as a non-Power 5 conference team. There has never been a team selected for the college football playoffs from outside those conferences. The college playoff committee has made an excuse that non-Power 5 conference teams did not have a good competition. Part of it is true, that some had easier match ups in past years. However, this year is different for Cincinnati because they » SEE UNUSUAL PAGE 13


A new Pixellot Artificial Intelligence camera system has been installed in Redsten Gymnasium to help broadcast Madison College athletic events. Similar cameras have also been installed on the outdoor athletic fields.

WolfPack athletics is live streaming in a whole new way PAIGE ZEZULKA Managing Editor The Pixellot Artificial Intelligence camera system has brought a whole new ball game to Madison College. For the past few years, the college had been livestreaming sports events. But when the pandemic hit there was a shift in accessing technology. This created an opportunity. To make sure friends and family could easily see their student athletes compete, the college invested in a higher tech system that would benefit everyone. “I just knew the importance of it. I knew that we had to find a better solution and continue to innovate in order for us to continue to film everything for the games,” said Jason Verhelst, the Associate Athletic Director of Madison College.

The Pixellot camera is specifically for AI-automated sports production. The production supports ESPN, the National Federation of High School network, European soccer and is seen all around the Madison community. They are now found at Madison College at the gymnasium, soccer field, softball field and one is soon to be installed for the baseball field. The multi camera system has four cameras that team up together in one housing unit. By using a stitching method, the camera can capture panoramic views of the entire playing field. Not only does the camera take high quality visuals, but it is able to follow an object, like a ball, with focused movement. “So out at soccer you’ll see the camera kind of following the ball or telling the

other cameras within the bunch, ‘Hey, here comes the ball,’” said Verhelst. The camera is also water and weather resistant. So, existing through Wisconsin’s coldest winters is not a problem with the new upgrade. For years the college has taken much time, money, energy and planning to cover sport events. Now, nobody has to physically be on the scene of an event to record it and less equipment is needed. “You think of a baseball game. It could be six, seven, eight hours. So, we were essentially paying somebody six, seven, eight hours of work to do the camera. And that person may or may not be in 40-degree weather with winds and rain and cold,” said Verhelst, “So now we don’t » SEE STREAMING PAGE 13

WolfPack volleyball team nearly upsets Rock Valley CLARION STAFF REPORT


Madison College volleyball player Abigail Lewis waits to return a serve during her team’s Oct. 5 match against Rock Valley College.

A rally from a two-sets-to-none deficit brough Madison College within a few points of a upset of topranked Rock Valley College at home on Oct. 5. Madison College eventually lost the match, 25-20, 25-15, 20-25, 20-25, and 15-11. But the WolfPack showed strong improvement since the last time the two teams played, when they were swept, 3-0. The team’s defense played a big part in the rally as the team posted 127 digs, led by sophomore libero Amelia Walton’s career high 42 digs. The total is tied for third place in program history.

Outside hitter Jadyn Holman set a new career best in kills with 24, while adding 18 digs. Middle blocker Calla Borchert added 12 kills. Setters Kaleia Lawrence and Mariah Best had strong performances as well. Lawrence had 23 assists and 14 digs. Best had 20 assists, 14 digs and seven aces. Madison College now stands at 11-11 overall and 4-3 in the conference standings. The WolfPack travels to play Milwaukee Area Technical College on Oct. 12 before hosting Lakeland University JV on Oct. 14 and Bryant and Stratton College on Oct. 15. » SEE WOLFPACK PAGE 13



Expect few upsets this week in college football BOH SUH Staff Writer I have several upset picks this week, but I do not have anyone major ones in top 15. I think some games will be much closer than what the experts predict. For example, Alabama is 17.5 points favorite against Mississippi State. However, the game will be much closer than that. My reason behind this is that Alabama just had a devastating loss against Texas A&M, which ended their 100-game winning streak against nontop 25 teams. My observation throughout college and professional sports is that a team that loses a close matchup tends to struggle the next game. I have seen many top 10 teams losing a close matchup and barely survived against a team that they would have no problem beating by 30 points at any given day. If those top 10 teams play at away game? The game score gets much closer. But it is Alabama, so they could

crush Mississippi State by 50 points. Who knows? Another matchup that I found it interesting is No. 12 Oklahoma State against No. 25 Texas. Similarly, if Texas did not lose the close matchup against Oklahoma last week, I would be confident that Texas would run away with it. However, they blew an 18-point lead. How disappointing both the players and the coaches would have been? Fortunately, it is another home game, so Texas has a better chance of winning this time. My most confident upset pick is Baylor over BYU. Baylor has been great at home in the past few years while BYU just lost a close game to knock them out of top 10 spot. With a similar logic I mentioned earlier, BYU will struggle against Baylor. Here are my picks for this week: No. 1 Georgia (6-0) vs. No. 11 Kentucky (6-0) – Georgia No. 2 Iowa (6-0) vs. Purdue (3-2) Iowa No. 3 Cincinnati (5-0) vs. UCF (3-2) –

Cincinnati No. 4 Oklahoma (6-0) vs. TCU (3-2) – Oklahoma No. 5 Alabama (5-1) vs. Mississippi State - Alabama No. 9 Oregon (4-1) vs. California (1-4) – Oregon No. 10 Michigan State (6-0) vs. Indiana (2-3) – Michigan State No. 12 Oklahoma State (5-0) vs. No. 25 Texas (4-2) – Texas No. 13 Ole Miss (4-1) vs. Tennessee (4-2) – Ole Miss No. 17 Arkansas (4-2) vs. Auburn (4-2) – Arkansas No. 18 Arizona State (5-1) vs. Utah (3-2) – Arizona State No. 19 BYU (5-1) – Baylor (5-1) – Baylor No. 20 Florida (4-2) vs. LSU (3-3) – LSU No. 21 Texas A&M (4-2) vs. Missouri (3-3) – Texas A&M No. 22 NC State (4-1) vs. Boston College (4-1) – Boston College No. 24 San Diego State (5-0) vs. San Jose State (3-3) – San Diego State


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 have to worry about.” The camera also helps the athletes continue to grow in their sport. Coaches can now film their team practices and send clips from practice to their players. Providing video “teaching moments” for the college’s players “is something that our coaches have never been able to really do.” With the Pixellot’s online application, supervisors are also able to create highlights and use clips for social media to promote student athletes. People can watch all games for free on MadisonCollege.TV via the college athletic YouTube Channel: Wolfie WolfPack. There you can also see a list of upcoming live streams available. “All your games are going to be live streamed. Your mom and dad and the fans, wherever you are, can view your games,” said Verhelst, “Please watch us as at Madison College.TV.”


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 have beaten giants including Notre Dame and Indiana on the road. Notre Dame has been the committee’s darling team for many years, so beating Notre Dame in an away game shows that Cincinnati is worthy. If Cincinnati goes undefeated, it would be difficult not to include them as top 4. Iowa is another story. Generally, Ohio State, Penn State, and Michigan get the media spotlight, but Iowa has taken care of business, including big wins against Indiana, Iowa State, and Penn State. Currently, their biggest challenge is at Wisconsin on Oct. 30. Overall, Big Ten teams are doing well (Iowa ranked No. 2, Ohio State No. 6, Penn State No. 7, Michigan No. 8, and Michigan State No. 10). Ohio State, Penn State, Michigan, and Michigan State all play each other, so it will be a heck of competition at the end.


Madison College schedules and results.

VOLLEYBALL Schedule AUG. 21 at McHenry County College Invite, vs. John Wood CC, 3-0 LOSS, vs. Moraine Valley CC, 3-0 LOSS, vs. Carl Sandburg College, 3-0 LOSS, vs. Oakton CC, 3-2 WIN AUG. 24 at Western Technical College, 3-2 LOSS SEPT. 7 at College of Dupage, 3-1 LOSS SEPT. 9 at Lakeland University JV, 3-0 WIN SEPT. 11 at Joliet Junior College Invitational, vs. Lake Michigan College, 3-2 WIN, vs. Rend Lake College, 3-2 LOSS, vs. Glen Oaks CC, 3-0 LOSS, vs. South Suburban College, 3-0 WIN SEPT. 14 at Rock Valley College, 3-0 LOSS SEPT. 16 at Bryant & Stratton College, 3-2 WIN SEPT. 21 home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 3-0 WIN SEPT. 23 at Harper College, 3-2 WIN SEPT. 25 at North Iowa Area Community College Tournament, vs. St. Ambrose, 3-0 WIN; vs. North Iowa Area CC, 3-1 LOSS SEPT. 28 at Joliet Junior College, 3-1 WIN SEPT. 30 home vs. College of DuPage, 3-0 WIN OCT. 2 at Dakota County Technical College Triangular, vs. Mesabi Range CTC, 3-0 WIN; vs. Dakota County Tech, 3-2 LOSS OCT. 5 home vs. Rock Valley College, 3-2 LOSS OCT. 8 home vs. Dakota County Technical College, cancelled OCT. 9 at Heartland Community College, cancelled OCT. 12 at Milwaukee Area Technical College, 6 p.m. OCT. 14 at home vs. Lakeland University JV, 6 p.m. OCT. 15 home vs. Bryant & Stratton College, 6 p.m. OCT. 19 home vs. Harper College, 6 p.m. OCT. 21 home vs. Joliet Junior College, 6 p.m. OCT. 27 NJCAA Region 4 Tournament Quarterfinal. OCT. 30 NJCAA Region 4 Tournament. NOV. 11 NJCAA Division III National Tournament.



Madison College’s Kaleia Lawrence, right, sets middle blocker Calla Borchert on Oct. 5.



Men’s Soccer

The Madison College men’s soccer team rebounded from a rare loss with a 2-1 victory over conference opponent Rock Valley College on Oct. 9. Lucas Martin-Heid gave the WolfPack a 1-0 lead in the second half, scoring his fourth goal of the season at 67 minutes and 47 seconds. Isaak Cordova followed that up with his seventh goal of the season at the 83:40 mark. Cordova is now tied with Jonas Luskey Sanders for the team lead in goals scored. Madison College was shut out by Illinois Valley Community College, 1-0, on Oct. 2. A late second half goal by Illinois Valley was the difference in the match. The WolfPack actually had more shots than its opponent, 14 to 11, but was unable to convert. With conference matches against Milwaukee Area Technical College on Oct. 13 and Harper College on Oct. 16, the WolfPack is in a battle for the conference title. The team is now 9-3 overall and 5-1 in conference play.

Women’s Soccer

Victories over conference rival Rock Valley College and Illinois Valley

Community College have gotten the Madison College women’s soccer team back on track after a rare two-game losing streak. Freshman midfielder Karmen Smyth scored three goals to lead the WolfPack to a 5-0 victory at Rock Valley on Oct. 9. Angelina Perez and Alexis Kulow both also had goals in the match. Perez has now scored 15 goals this season, while Smyth has nine and Kulow has six. On Oct. 2, it was Perez who had the three-goal match. She scored three times in her team’s 5-0 victory over Illinois Valley Community College. Smyth, Cassidy Olson and Monica Tapia-Gutierrez also scored in the win. Madison College is now 6-3-1 overall and 3-0 in conference play. The team hosts Bryant and Stratton College on Oct. 13 and Harper College on Oct. 16 to wrap up the regular season.


A fifth-place finish in the Viterbo V-Hawk Invitational on Oct. 4 and Oct. 5 marked the end of the Madison College golf team’s fall season. Freshman Ben Busick was the top finisher for the WolfPack, placing 22nd overall with a two-day total of 170. Madison College had two players tie for 23rd overall, with freshmen Kaleb Lycke and Jake Rebholz posting 172 totals.

AUG. 28 home vs. Triton College, 6-0 LOSS SEPT. 1 at Joliet Junior College, 3-1 WIN SEPT. 8 home vs. Illinois Valley Community College, 7-2 WIN SEPT. 11 at Elgin Community College, 2-1 WIN SEPT. 15 home vs. Rock Valley College, 3-2 WIN SEPT. 18 at Milwaukee Area Technical College, 11-0 WIN SEPT. 22 at Harper College, 3-2 LOSS SEPT. 25 home vs. Joliet Junior College, 6-0 WIN SEPT. 27 at Anoka-Ramsey Community College, 3-2 WIN SEPT. 29 at College of DuPage, 2-1 WIN OCT. 2 at Illinois Valley Community College, 1-0 LOSS OCT. 9 at Rock Valley Community College, 2-1 WIN OCT. 13 home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 5 p.m. OCT. 16 home vs. Harper College, 1 p.m. OCT. 19 NJCAA Region 4 Tournament Semifinal, TBA

WOMEN’S SOCCER Schedule AUG. 20 at Rochester Community and Technical College, 2-0 WIN AUG. 28 home vs. Triton College, 5-1 LOSS SEPT. 8 home vs. Illinois Valley Community College, 12-0 WIN SEPT. 11 at Elgin Community College, 2-2 TIE SEPT. 15 home vs. Rock Valley College, 4-1 WIN SEPT. 22 at Harper College, 5-1 WIN SEPT. 27 vs. Rochester CTC, 3-2 LOSS SEPT. 29 at College of DuPage, 4-1 LOSS OCT. 2 at Illinois Valley Community College, 6-0 WIN OCT. 9 at Rock Valley College, 5-0 WIN OCT. 13 home vs. Bryant & Stratton College, 7 p.m. OCT. 16 home vs. Harper College, 3 p.m. OCT. 20 NJCAA Region 4 Tournament Semifinal, TBA OCT. 23 NJCAA Region 4 Tournament Championship, TBA

14 | WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2021



Puzzles and Cartoons




CROSSWORDPUZZLE Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis / MCT Campus


1 A third of XXX, maybe? 4 Rorschach image 8 Make oneself decent, so to speak 13 “That’s rough” 15 Clothing store website category 16 Spunk 17 Colombian coin 18 *Steam 20 One in a Hollywood crowd 22 Yoko who voiced a selfnamed character in 2018’s “Isle of Dogs” 23 Sedate, say 24 *Western capital 28 PC file suffix 29 Skip over 30 Come clean, with “up” 32 __ buco 34 Paul who founded a pet food company 37 Utterly lost 40 *Systematic rumor spreading 43 “Buffalo Stance” singer Cherry 44 Fail to enunciate 45 Love of money, to all evil? 46 Faltering step 48 Condescend 50 “So pretty!” 52 *Wite-Out alternative 57 Made fun of 59 Zero-__ game 60 Hyundai sedan no longer sold in the U.S. 61 Hikers’ starting points ... or what the ends of the answers to starred clues can be? 65 Work on text, maybe 66 They’re rarely worth splitting

67 Blue prints, e.g.? 68 Do a fall chore 69 Tear up 70 With everything in its place 71 Young guy


1 Records, old-style 2 Siri counterpart 3 Daydreams 4 Munich-based automaker 5 Bucolic setting 6 En pointe 7 Taiwanese golfer Yani __, youngest to win five majors 8 It’s known for lines, briefly 9 Fork locale 10 Steel guitar device 11 Dakota tribe 12 Suit material 14 Postgame griper 19 It may be pitched 21 Proven al pal 25 Dog in the comics 26 Raises 27 Half-moon tide 31 Telescope toter

32 Come clean, with “up” 33 __-crab soup 35 Commonly injured ligament for NFLers 36 Riyadh native 38 Freudian focus 39 Carpenter __ 41 Singer Collins 42 TV’s talking horse 47 “Don’t be silly!” 49 Brewpub initials 50 They’re taken on stands 51 Daytime TV mogul

53 Knight adventure 54 MSG flavor 55 “Get Out” actress Alexander 56 Like books on 58 Very serious indeed 62 Drug whose effects are similar to psilocybin 63 July 4th letdown 64 Pigs’ digs


WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2021 | 15

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Madison College is partnering with Rent College Pads to provide a curated list of houses and apartments available near all campuses in the district. The site is exclusive to the Madison College community. Visit to learn more.

Madison College libraries are now offering a Personal Academic LIbrarian program to help support students with research help. For more information about the new program, visit the

There are more than 60 clubs available at Madison College. Participating in a student-led club is a great way to meet new friends or develop a new skill. Visit clubs-organizations to learn more about how you can join.

Writers, photographers and graphic artists are invited to join The Clarion staff at any time during the school year. If interested in helping out, email to connect with our editor and learn more about the newspaper.

Madison College offers Madison Metro bus passes for its students to help them commute to campus. New bus passes are availabe in Student Life. Bus passes can be mailed to your home. Visit for more information.

Remember to sign up for the college’s WolfPack Alert emergency messaging system. You will get need-to-know info about school closings and urgent updates. Go to and search “WolfPack Alert” to find instructions.

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Students can reserve lockers at the Truax Campus by visiting the Student Life Office, Truax Room B1260 or register them using the form at Students must provide their own lock. There is no charge for locker use.

Madison College has it’s own online student radio station. Listen in at The station is always looking for students who are interested in producing their own show. Email for more information.

Objective The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.


16 | WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2021


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