The Clarion issue 11-9-22

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Disability Resource Services champions equitable access


“The stories students bring to us, and the co-authorship we experience with them, as they pursue their dreams, is the greatest privilege a professional could ever ask for,” he said.

The DRS illuminates community, equity and pride by establishing access and pathways of communication.

The message of these events is clear: disabled workers are everywhere, in every industry, and the disabled work force contribution is improving the human experience.

Scott Ritter, Director of Disability Resources & Testing Assessment Services said, “Championing equitable access and fighting anti-ableism serve


Editor in Chief

as the foundation of the great work we do.”

The month-long program of events focused on intersectionality and embracing identity. “We feel the events have helped the college and community


better understand how the identity of disability is experienced across the myriad of identities we humbly serve at the college,” Ritter said.

Ritter explained the DRS commit ment as one of privilege and shared

NDEAM has national origins, stemming from the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) signed in 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and National Employ the Physically Handicapped Week enacted into law in 1945.

The October 2022 events at Madison College looked at the present, past and future of disability rights. Celebrating the collaborative efforts of Americans with disabilities and their allies.

The DRS events included a presen tation, “504 and Beyond: Disability


Woodward and Bernstein offer lessons of past

students got together to paint sugar skulls for the occasion. The skulls are painted with bright colors and are there to represent a departed loved one. These skulls are used to decorate the altar along with mari golds, food, drinks and valued pos sessions.

These altars are referred to as ofrendas, which have several levels representing the different stages of existence. Most common ofrendas have two levels that represent heav en and the living world (Cielo and Tierra respectively), though some ofrendas may have three or seven levels.

The ofrendas are decorated with several offerings for the departed

loved ones. Each offering contains symbols and elements that help guide the spirits from the world of the dead to spend time with their liv ing loved ones. Marigolds are placed on and around the altar as paths to help guide the souls back home to the offerings. The offerings consist of several different items, such as a dead one’s favorite dish, items that the departed cherished or represents them, salt to purify the souls so they may return the next year, incense to cleanse the place of evil spirits, candles to light the way and photo graphs of the departed loved ones.

Día de los Muertos is often



Members of the Clarion staff attended MediaFest22, the five-day convention, a journalism conference jointly presented by the Society of Professional Journalists, the Associated Collegiate Press and the College Media Association.

The Clarion editors participated in the five-day conference from Oct. 26 to 30, attending sessions on various topics, including the principles of photojour nalism, the importance of local news and ever-changing social media.

On the 50th anniversary of the Watergate break-in, legendary report ers Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein were the keynote speakers at the con ference.

Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, right, meet, with students at the MediaFest22 convention.

Basketball season
‘Midnights’ was worth the wait Taylor Swift’s latest album was worth a few sleepless nights, as was her promised 3 a.m. chaotic surprise » 8 »11
‘Blood Memories’ shows power of art activism » 5 ARTSOPINIONS SPORTS
opens for Madison College
Madison College Disability Resource Services encouraged students of all abilities to participate in grassroots style events during National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM).
Día de los Muertos is a holiday that celebrates those who have passed and is a way to show people that death is not scary, but instead is something that can be celebrated. With bright colors, happy music, and loving memories, this holiday is something that holds lots of signifi cance to most students with Mexican heritage. Día de los Muertos is often confused for Halloween, and despite both holidays sharing some similar ities, such as costumes and parades, Día de los Muertos is about family and celebrating lost loved ones. Last week at Madison College Members of the Madison College Athletic Department compete against the UW-Whitewater Wheelchair basketball team.
A student paints a sugar skull in the Truax Campus Intercultural Exchange as part of the Día de los Muertos event.
Día de los Muertos event LILLIAN COPPELMAN / CLARION KELLY FENG Managing Editor You always know pop stars are about to speak when people are clamoring for seats in overflow rooms. A half-hour before the scheduled keynote address, it was hard to ignore the growing excite ment of the gathering crowd.


Lillian Coppelman






JD Smith-Nelson


Ross Litscher


Andres Sanchez Chirinos PHOTO EDITOR

Kylie Phillips WEB EDITOR

Iman Alrashid Paige Zezulka

Megan Anderson Andy Corcoran Jackson Crossen T Clearwater

Bryce Dailey Emily Faust Cisco Garcia Ebenezer Idowu, Jr. Anthony McCulley Michelle Meyer Grant Nelson CONTRIBUTORS


PHONE: (608) 246-6809

ADVERTISING PHONE:(608) 243-4809 FAX: (608) 246-6488


To submit an item for publication, drop it off at The Clarion of ce, Room B1260G Truax and Room 109 Goodman South or email it to The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All opinions expressed in editorials and advertisements do not necessarily represent those of the Madison College administration, faculty, the student body or the Clarion staff.


The Clarion strives for accuracy in all of its articles. If you have questions or concerns, please call us at (608) 246-6809 or e-mail:


Adam Lee Suby, 1987-2009 Philip Ejercito, 1981-2013


‘Path Lit by Lightning’ tells of Thorpe’s life

If you visit the web site for Native American Heritage Month at, you’ll see near the top of the page information about a current exhibit at the National Archives Museum honoring Jim Thorpe.

Thorpe, a member of the Sac and Fox Nation, was the first Native American to win gold medals in the Olympics, in Stockholm in 1912. A versatile athlete, considered by some sports historians as one of the greatest athletes to have lived, Thorpe went on from the Olympics to play in both Major League Baseball and the National Football League.

There is much more to the story of Thorpe’s life than his athletic accomplishments, which is chronicled in the highly acclaimed new biography written by Wisconsin native David Maraniss entitled “Path Lit by Lightning.”

The book has recently been added to the Madison College Library collection.

Maraniss explores the perseverance of his athletic accomplishments while dealing with external prejudices and exploitations, as well as his own personal demons.

He was a student at the Carlisle Indian School where students were encouraged to assimilate into white culture and leave their Native culture behind. He was stripped for a long period of history of his official Olympic wins due to a technicality of violating amateurism. Throughout his ath-

letic career and life, he battled being taken advantage of and marginalized.

There are a couple of other biographies in the library collection about Thorpe, and he is also included in a chapter in a book recently added to the library collection entitled, “Notable Native People: 50 Indigenous Leaders, Dreamers, and Changemakers From Past to Present.”

There are many articles about him in the library’s subscription databases EbscoHOST and JSTOR.

If you’d like to find out more about the disturbing

history of the Carlisle Indian School Thorpe attended, look at the e-book “Carlisle Indian Industrial School” by Susan Rose available from the library collection. You can also check out the physical DVD “In the White Man’s Image,” or watch the e-video “Indian School: Stories of Survival” from the library’s subscription database Films on Demand.

Discover more about Thorpe and other Native Americans in the library’s research guide on Native American History at https:// libguides.madisoncollege. edu/nativeamerican. Also, during the month of November, check out displays in the Madison College Libraries honoring Native American Heritage Month and look for a pop-up library event in the Truax Cafeteria on Nov. 14 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.




Officers trained to help in medical emergencies

Did you know that in the past month, Madison College Public Safety responded to nine medical calls for service?

These range from minor injuries to serious incidents requiring paramedic response and treatment.

Madison College Public Safety officers are trained in CPR and AED use and are equipped and capable of dealing with medical emergencies.

Public Safety works closely with Madison Paramedics to ensure that if a response is required they can meet with the patient quickly.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency or see somebody else having a medical emergency, dial either 911 or

245-2222. If you call 911 from an interior Madison College phone line, Public Safety will automatically be notified that a 911 call was placed and the location of the phone.

This is a good option for any emergency on campus.

If you do call 911, be sure to also call Public Safety so we are aware of what is going on and can better assist responding emergency units.

WolfPack Alert

Have you signed up to receive WolfPack Alerts from Madison College? These alerts notify you of school cancellations or about emergencies on or near campus. If not, please do so on our webpage. Registration is free, easy and takes about a minute on your mobile device. In addition to our Facebook page, we have a Twitter account! Be sure to follow @ PublicSafetyMC to stay informed of what’s happening on your campus.

Vacant BUSINESS DIRECTOR Valenzia Cina Luis Alcala Roblero GRAPHIC DESIGNERS
us on one or all of our social media platforms for exclusives & daily updates! Visit our website for more at TheClarionMC TheClarionMCClarion Broadcasting
EMILY FAUST / CLARION enjoyed games at treats at Phi Theta Kappa’s annual Spooktacular event held at the Truax Campus on Saturday, Oct. 31. PHOTO PROVIDED TO THE CLARION Public Safety officers Sgt. Lucas Adler, left, and Taylor Weckerly show one of the AED units officers use at the Truax Campus.

Recycling is an easy way to build a better future

Necessity is the mother of invention. And this is how the concept of recycling started, like any other unique concept that led to great inventions.

Human needs always push them forward to implement several ways of science and technology to achieve what they need to live a better life. And recycling is one of these methods.

Recycling is the process of turning used materials and waste into new

products. And that is a significant help to our environment by saving natural resources and raw materials when manufacturing new products.

According to Northeast Recycling Council, recycling started in the ninth century when Ancient Japanese learned how to produce paper, and then recycling became part of production and consumption.

In our present life, recycling has become a rescue to save our planet from consuming raw materials and saving energy.

Recycling is now needed more than ever. At the same time, recycling becomes more complicated and overwhelming to consumers.

There are many types of recycling, paper, metal and electronic, to name a few.

The best way to start recycling is not to overthink it and keep it simple. It is important to know that everyone who helps with a recycling project makes the future better for everyone and the next generations. Doing our part and supporting our community is a huge

part of the process.

Through Dane County Department of Waste & Renewables website, https:// recycling, you can learn why we need to recycle and how everyone can be part of the process.

Dane County's Department of Waste and Renewable mission is to provide environmentally sound and sustainable waste management and renewable energy solutions for current Dane County residents and future generations.

Student satisfaction survey responses sought by Nov. 18

15 to 20 minutes to complete.

Madison College degree-credit students are being asked to participate in a survey known as the Student Satisfaction Inventory, which is conducted at the college every two years. The survey started on Oct. 31 and runs through Nov. 18.

Participation in the survey is completely voluntary, but the results provide key direction and input to initiatives related to retention, student services, strategic planning, marketing and more.

The survey is being conducted by an outside firm, Ruffalo Noel Levitz. It measures students’ levels of satisfaction and their priorities, measuring student satisfaction as well as ranking the issues most important to them. Results from the survey are compared with other two-year institutions nationwide.

Every student eligible to participate in the survey has been emailed the Ruffalo Noel Levitz survey link along with a passcode. The survey takes about

Only degree-credit students can complete the survey. If you are a degree-credit student and are having difficulty completing the survey, email for assistance.

Students who complete the survey will be entered in a drawing to win a variety of prizes. Three drawings will be held.

Everyone who completed the survey by Nov. 8 will be entered in a drawing to win one of three $100 cash prizes. Those who complete the survey by Nov. 15 will be entered into a drawing for a Nintendo Switch. Finally, those who finish the survey by Nov. 22 will be eligible for a drawing to win an Apple Watch Series 7.

Madison College uses the information generated from the Student Satisfaction Inventory to drive key improvements to the overall student experience. Examples of recent improvements made based off previous surveys include:

• New offerings in apprenticeships in IT and biotech, advanced manufac-

turing, digital media and office management.

• Several new partnerships for transfer were signed including new 2+2 options in veterinary technician, engineering and biology with UW-Platteville.

• Simplified admissions forms and processes were implemented in January 2020.

• A new student success platform (Navigate) was launched in Spring 2020.

• Improvements to academic and

career advising services.

• A new Student Achievement Center was opened at the Portage Campus in the Fall 2019 semester.

• A former tennis court was transformed into 250 additional student parking spaces in 2019-2020.

• Lighting was improved in the various campus parking lots.

Remember, the deadline to complete the survey is Nov. 18. The survey is only open to degree-credit students. For more information, email

CLARION ILLUSTRATION BY MICHELLE MEYER CLARION STAFF REPORT CLARION STAFF PHOTO Madison College staff Zong Her and Gage Matthews encourage students to complete the Student Satisfaction Inventory survey in the Truax Cafeteria on Nov. 7.

Newspaper, radio students win awards


The Clarion received four Pacemaker honors and seven Best of Show Awards from the Associated Collegiate Press at the MediaFest22 National College Media Convention held in Washington D.C. on Oct. 26-30. In addition, the group was honored for being one of the Top 100 Pacemaker winners since the inception of the award.

The four Pacemaker recognitions went to Kaleia Lawrence, Ivan Becerril Gutierrez, Steven Andriantsiratahina and the podcast team of Claudia Fuss and Asime Ibraimi.

Lawrence, the editorin-chief during the 2021-22 school year, was a finalist for two-year college reporter of the year and earned honorable mention recognition.

Becerril Gutierrez, the design director during the 2021-22 school year, won third place in the individual Pacemaker contest for front page design.

Andriantsiratahina won fourth place for an advertisement he created that was published during the spring 2022 semester promoting the Yahara Journal’s Bad Love Poem Contest.

Fuss and Ibraimi were individual Pacemaker finalists for




2021-22 Podcast of the Year for their podcast on Clarion Radio called “Real Nonsense,” earning an honorable mention.

All the Pacemaker recognitions were for work done during the 2021-2022 school year. The Best of Show Awards that were presented on Oct. 30 were for work done since the start of the current school year.

The Clarion took second place in two-year college broadcast news for a newscast created by editor Lillian Coppelman and managing editor Kelly Feng.

The newspaper earned a fifth-place best of show award in two-year college websites and seventh place in two-year college newspapers.

Graphic designer Valenzia

Cina earned a seventh-place best of show award for page design for a feature page she produced.

A radio advertisement produced by Mary Joan Nastri and Alperen Bakirci promoting the WolfPack Wisdom Channel’s Monster Mania Contest placed seventh in the best of show advertising competition.

The “Real Nonsense” podcast produced by Fuss and Ibraimi was again recognized in the best of show competition, earning a ninth-place award.

In the Literary Arts Magazine category, the Yahara Journal earned a thirdplace best of show for twoyear colleges.

Finally, advisor Doug Kirchberg was honored as an inaugural recipient of the ACP Pioneer Award. In honor of its 100th birthday, the ACP celebrated journalism educators and advocates who have provided exceptional leadership for collegiate media programs and made exceptional contributions to collegiate journalism.

The Pioneer is the only award ACP presents to journalism educators. A six-member committee of retired and active advisers from across the nation reviewed and selected the honorees.

enough to come in on a gorgeous day and work?

The city desk promptly called Woodward.

In 1973, Woodward and Bernstein were awarded the Pulitzer Prize for their Watergate coverage at The Washington Post, leading to the scores of government investigations, and eventually, the resignation of President Richard Nixon.

The duo went on to write two classic best-sellers: “All the President’s Men” (also a movie starring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman) and “The Final Days,” describing the last days of the Nixon presidency.

Fifty years after the iconic events, the two reporters answered questions about investigating the story and how they broke it.

Woodward explained he had only worked for the Post for about nine months but was so enamored with reporting he often stopped in the office on his days off.

“Now, June 17, 1972, was one of the most beautiful days in Washington, ever … when the paper got word of a break-in at National Democratic Headquarters,” he said. From what Woodward understands, the editors asked themselves who would be dumb

They told him to head to the courthouse where the Watergate burglars were about to be arraigned.

At the courthouse, Woodward noticed the burglars were all dressed in business suits, not everyday clothing for a criminal. The attire alone got his full attention.

However, the biggest red flag occurred when the judge asked one of the burglars where he worked. When the burglar told the judge he worked at the CIA, Woodward knew he had entered uncharted journalistic territory.

Bernstein continued the dialogue, saying he was working in the newsroom doing a story about a candidate running for governor of Virginia when he suddenly heard a commotion by the news desk. Bernstein walked over to see what was going on.

Somebody told him there was an overnight break-in at the Democratic National Headquarters.

“It seemed like a better story than I was working on, so I said, ‘I’ll make a few calls,’” he said.

Bernstein later called an ex-girl-



Politics and the Black Panther Party” by Dr. Sami Schalk, associate professor in the Department of Gender & Women’s Studies at University of Wisconsin. The presentation discussed the Black Panther’s involvement in historic Section 504 sit-in (26 days) at San Francisco Federal building in 1977.

Section 504 barred discrimination against people with disabilities in all buildings and facilities receiving federal funds, including colleges and universities. The talk highlighted the significance of marginalized people working together to create and establish equity for each other and for all Americans.

“Section 504 was revolutionary, far-reaching civil rights legislation,” Ritter said. However, it was the sit-in collaboration which forced politicians to put the law into action.

Approximately 30 people attended the event virtually or in person and learned about disability rights as an integral part of a larger liberation movement.

Dr. Schalk’s presentation highlighted the Black experience, which was an articulate guide in bringing equity to disabled Americans. The Madison College DRS also highlighted the positive impact disabled workers are currently having across the nation in the screenings of award-winning films “Deej” and “Normal Isn’t Real.”

The two documentaries shine light on the “whole person” – all people regardless of ability, rather than evoking a sense of pity or focusing on deficits, said Ritter. The documentary interviews narrate the neurodivergent human



observed on Nov. 2, though the celebration typically begins on Oct. 28 with each day dedicated to a different kind of death, such as children who died before being baptized or people who died in a tragic way.

Día de los Muertos is a day that celebrates lost loved ones and lets their memories be

friend to get the list of employees on Nixon’s re-election committee, beginning at the lowest rung by interviewing the committee’s bookkeeper.

Along with sharing compelling and humorous anecdotes about the most significant political story of all time, the two offered advice on investigative reporting.

Woodward offered the audience advice on interviewing sources, including the power of showing up, something the two of them don’t believe happens enough today.

The two said one of the first things they did when starting the story was to start making calls and knocking on doors immediately.

The ability to show up is a skill they’ve continued to do throughout their career. They mentioned it is too easy to email or text a source when interviewing in person offers more insight and information.

The two say they believe there are too many cases today of journalists just mailing it in.

“We need to show up … We are not showing up enough,” Woodward said.

They enlightened the audience on the importance of gathering information from low-level sources.

Woodward said he learned from

experience, rather than expert analysis of ADHD, autism or learning disability.

“Normal Isn’t Real” follows neuro-diverse people through successes and challenges. “It is a powerful framework for learning and advocacy and debunks the misnomer of normal, said Ritter.

“Deej,” said Ritter, follows the journey of a person with autism. This person is a poet, a son, a boyfriend, a high school graduate, a college student, a scholar and a movie star. Deej, a person of great substance and many identities, is also nonverbal, in his own words.

“Deej” is an authentic story of teamwork, trust, creativity and above all unconditional advocacy and support. The nature of which drove Deej’s family and himself to amazing heights.

“It is remarkable and should serve as a compass for action and a reminder of what is truly possible,” Ritter said.

The October celebration included the annual wheelchair basketball fun, “Cornerstones for Success.” The annual event showcases the University of Wisconsin Whitewater Warhawks. The national champion Warhawks dazzled with smooth fast breaks, silky shots and a message to inspire.

Ritter said the event was especially powerful because it brings people from across the college together, in fun way, to listen to a vital message about leadership.

UW-Whitewater Warhawks Wheelchair basketball team has been a dominant presence in Olympic and national level competition. Their tradition of leadership and teamwork is a prestigious example of what can be accomplished when disability barriers are dismantled.

alive. It is especially important as students to learn about other cultures to be respectful and to create an understanding with eachother.

“I think it’s important to get to learn about other cultures,” Madison College student Luis Hernandez-Ponce said.

“There’s a lot of diversity on campus. I feel like it’s important to get to see the different aspects of different cultures and celebrations.”

Bernstein the type of people made for the best sources.

“Find people at the lower level,” Woodward said. “That’s what Carl taught me. We can’t go to the White House and ask people about this, so we have to knock on doors, and that’s the Bernstein method.”

In the early days of Watergate reporting, the best sources were the desk workers and low-level employees, those who knew what was going on because they often were the ones who had to file forms and document events.

The pair was asked to assess former presidents Richard Nixon and Donald Trump.

Bernstein and Woodward compared the two former presidents by how they treated the media by quoting Nixon while he was in office.

“Never forget, the press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy. The professors are the enemy. Write that on a blackboard 100 times and never forget it,’” Woodward said, quoting Nixon from December 1972.

“It was unimaginable to us that anything could surpass what Nixon had done in terms of criminality, in terms of undermining democratic notions … and then along came Donald Trump,” Bernstein said.

CLARION STAFF PHOTO Members of The Clarion staff attended MediaFest22 in Washington DC on Oct. 26-30. Pictured, from left are Kelly Feng, managing editor, Iman Alrashid, copy editor, Taleise Lawrence, assistant editor, and Lillian Coppelman, editor in chief. CLARION STAFF PHOTO podcast team of Claudia Fuss, left, and Asime Ibraimi won a Pacemaker Honorable Mention award.

Do you recycle and why is it important?

Native to Native: Art Activism

Madison College is hosting a show from an Indigenous activist who uses art as her medium for the majority of November, or as we Indigenous folks call it, Native November. The artist, Valeria Tatera, has an exhibit on erasure of Indigenous people and culture and features two prominent components that are directly designed to address residential schools. The show is called “Blood Memories.”

The first topic during our virtual interview was simply what she wanted to share regarding her youth. She was born in Milwaukee and raised there most of her youth, but not all of it. A major life event occurred when she

was five years old, the passing of her Indigenous maternal grandfather. This passing shook her family, as her imme diate family did not know they were Indigenous at all. Her mother’s family kept it a secret out of the shame they were forced to feel.

What happened after Valeria’s grandfather passing that let the family know this “secret” was that the U.S. federal courts had found land and an estate in his name that ended up not being initially claimed. The govern ment found them as living relatives and got ahold of them for this purpose.

I am shocked that the government did not just seize the land and property from Valeria and her family after her grandfather’s passing. Since it was reservation land, one familiar with the U.S. government’s treatment of

Indigenous sovereignty and land rights would likely come to the same disbelief, even more so since this happened over 50 years ago.

Since Valeria’s family treated their Indigenousness as a secret, it is no sur prise that she didn’t really begin her journey until she was 18. Her uncle, upon finding out about his Indigenous heritage, went on to join the Red Power movement that was in full swing by that point. They helped overturn the termination policy as well as restore the reservation of my tribe, the Menominee.

Valeria’s uncle has helped her do some family research as well. It was found that the grandfather and his par ents were victims of both the Hayward

Indigenous Peoples Day celebration

Ienjoyed this year’s Indigenous Peoples Day in ways I never have before. Most significant to me over all is that I am part of the school’s Native American Student Association (NASA) and I real ly get to enjoy not just being around other Indigenous stu dents in a passive way, but in an active way.

For our celebration of Indigenous Peoples Day this year, we decided to hold a student panel. This year our group wonderfully has stu dents not only from the United States, but also a student from South America who identifies as Indigenous. This furthered our desire to have student panel as we have decided to work with La Raza Unida in a year-long theme of “Bridging Borders.”

Too often infighting occurs in Indigenous communities over our differences. We don’t celebrate our similarities or address our shared tragedies of colonialism. I think the divi sion between North, Central and Southern Indigenous folks only furthers the colonialism mindset and it’s not healthy for our communities. So, I have been so very excited and happy to hear that this year is focus ing on our unity.

Our speaker on Indigenous Peoples Day was Forest Hill, the stepfather of one of NASA’s officers and the MC of the event, Adrianna Tom. He was greatly motivating, humbling and heartwarming to listen to. Hill, upon being requested to

How stronger hurricanes are damaging our infrastructure

It has been about a month since the landfall of Hurricane Ian, which left many in the Fort Worth area of Florida displaced. Of course, due to the damage in that area, now they must rebuild. Hurricane Ian was one of the costliest storms to ever hit Florida.

Hurricanes like these are becoming more frequent because of climate change and it is damaging our infrastruc ture.

Hurricanes are becoming much stronger than they have been in the past. They are also becoming more frequent.

Climate change is creating warmer oceans which are breeding grounds for hurri canes to form; these warmer temperatures are also fueling these storms to become stron ger than before.

Along with warmer tem peratures, rising sea levels are making the storms tougher to deal with than before. Also, higher sea levels contribute to higher storm surges during hurricanes, which cause

massive flooding in coastal areas. This is shown recently with Hurricane Ian causing record-breaking storm surges last month in the Fort Myers area of Florida.

Increased damage from these strengthened hurricanes is becoming more frequent. Just in 2021, the total cost for hurricanes was $145 billion, making this the third most costly year on record, behind 2017 and 2005. Because of these damage costs, families in Florida are paying more to rebuild than before. Although they may have insurance, it

asked to you, our readers.
THEBUZZ Questions
"I do recycle, but not as much as I should. It's important because we consume so much."
- Kez Truitt
"I recycle because that's just what we've done since I was born."
- Cordero Ysquie
"Yes, I recycle. Less pol lution is more important than more pollution."
LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor should be typed or written legibly, be 250 words or less, and include the writer’s name, phone number and email address. The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All submissions become the property of The Clarion and may be used for publi cation. Bring letters to The Clarion office, Room
Truax, or email CLARION EDITORIAL BOARD 2022-2023 Lillian Coppelman EDITOR IN CHIEF Taleise Lawrence ASSISTANT EDITOR Kelly Feng MANAGING EDITOR Mary SeGall OPINIONS EDITOR JD Smith Nelson ARTS EDITOR Paige Zezulka COPY EDITOR Iman Alrashid COPY EDITOR Kylie Phillips WEB EDITOR opinion The views expressed by The Clarion editorial board do not nec essarily reflect the opinion of Madison College, its student body or any faculty therein. They are comprised of the writers listed above and/or of those who write for the Opinion section. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2022 | OPINION | 5THE CLARION
- Theo Mnkeni
CLARION STAFF PHOTO Sets of clay cuffs are in Valeria Tatera's exhibit, "Blood Memories," on display in the Truax Gallery through Nov. 18.

Fighting to save the Indian Child Welfare Act

OnNov. 9, the U.S. Supreme Court will be hearing a case challeng ing ICWA – the same court the overturned Roe V. Wade. For those who are unfamiliar with ICWA, it stands for Indian Child Welfare Act.

This is the landmark law that prevents Indigenous children from being ripped away from their homes, families, communities and loved ones. The law actively acts to mandate that Indigenous children are to be placed with tribal members of the tribe they were born to.

Sadly, this has not been the case. Many Indigenous children have still been systematically taken from their families claiming that the parents are unfit and being placed into custody of Child Protective Services. Indigenous children are still rampantly removed from their cultures and tribes, and ICWA has been one of our few protec tions. It is clear in my mind that if and when ICWA gets overturned, we will have our communities raided again. This act came as part of the policies

that were designed to outlaw residen tial schools created for the purpose of assimilating Indigenous children under the mentality of “Kill the Indian, save the man.” It is my fear that the same practices will resume, as it is still actively spoken about by survivors of how the current foster care system runs. I hear about it often as my moth er had been a victim of both, as was her mother. Abuses and exploitations such as sex trafficking, outrageous child labor and gross physical abuse runs rampant throughout the foster care system even today. Most notably it is the worst for girls, transgender, gender-nonconforming and nonbinary kids of color.

The highest number of children in the foster care system this year is in the Black community with 92,237 children in the system, followed by the Hispanic community with 88,111 children in the system, according to a 2020 report in “Statista” by Erin Duffin. Currently 9,851 Indigenous children are in the system, according to that same report. Of those, 700 come from South Dakota annually as of 2011, according to NPR article by Laura Sullivan, “Native

Foster Care: Lost Children, Shattered Families.” At this time, 32 states fail to adhere to ICWA and the children ripped from their homes get placed in non-Indigenous homes.

We have alarming statistics and stories of what happens to children in foster care today. Overall, there are over 420,000 children in the foster sys tem according to “For Others,” a group that tracks these numbers and stories. On their website you will find the other information listed on the home page: 90% will experience severe trauma, only 50% will reunite with their fam ilies, 25% will attempt suicide, 81% of young men will become incarcerated, 71% of those able to become pregnant will do so before becoming 21 and half those children born to them typically go into the system themselves, 40% will become homeless within 18 months of being released (aged out) of the system and 97% will enter chronic poverty as soon as they age out.

This system does not provide those who age out any support after they turn 18 and does not help them go into transitional living before that age point.

There has been a massive move ment speaking out about this prior to SCOTUS overturning Roe V. Wade. The survivors had been becoming much more vocal about these realities and many sharing their stories for the first time as to enlighten U.S. citizens of the truth. Foster care is not a solution, and many of its victims will say it shouldn’t even be considered an option.

To help aid in the dissent of SCOTUS hearing the challenge to ICWA (filed pro bono by Gibson Dunn, who is involved in pro bono lawsuits against tribal nations for the sovereignty and their people’s protecting water from oil companies) you can follow #ICWA and #protectICWA on many platforms and the Indigenous activist, “Showme_your mask,” can be found on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok.

They are a two-spirit activist who is becoming well known for their work spreading truth about harmful groups, organizations and people who often trample Indigenous people for profit. In their link tree you can find many great resources to help resist many issues including updates on the ICWA hearing happening on Nov. 9.



sing, speak and drum at the event, decided to write a new song devoted to the land that the school and city are on – Dejope.

Not only were Hill and his group amazing but so was every student on our panel. We talked about some base information about ourselves as well as our dreams and aspirations. But we also talked about some heavier stuff. We knew already from meetings before that the members of NASA can easily cry together but we didn’t want that to be the takeaway from Indigenous Peoples Day.

Every heavy comment was completely sincere, from our hopes in our education and communities to our real experiences with discrimination suffered in the educational system off our reservations or in countries where they don’t have reservations but instead heavily mixed communities all over. Our student from South America has shared with us that she had never been involved with reservations, as her country doesn’t have them. For her as an Indigenous person, being open about that part of herself can cause a lot of hurtful situations. Her experiences, just like the rest of our experiences, truly break my heart and I hope she can find community with us here in the U.S.

A member of La Raza Unida, Luis Hernandez, also shared his thoughts on the event.



may not be enough. In Florida, the average cost of flood insurance is $723 per year. Florida is with in the Top 10 states of residents living paycheck to paycheck. This means that most families may not be able to afford these additional payments of insurance. Only about 18% of Florida homes are covered by flood insurance, according to the Insurance


Information Institute.

In addition to flood insurance, other insurances may be needed to cover the full extent of hurri canes. An all-in-one hurricane policy does not exist, so a combi nation of insurances is needed to pay for the full damage of a hurricane.

As hurricanes get stronger due to climate change, it’s time we strengthen our infrastructure to handle these more frequent weather patterns. If we keep

rebuilding the way we have been, the costs are just going to keep rising.

This means that we should be rebuilding new infrastructure to withstand these new stan dards of hurricanes. Along with rebuilding, older buildings need to be renovated. New building codes need to be put into effect too. Although these solutions may take time, it will reduce the amount of damage due to stronger hurricanes.

“The Indigenous Peoples Day event was an import ant day for multiple members of La Raza Unida. Oftentimes we don’t talk enough about the intersec tionality in both groups. It is important to remember that Latinx Americans can also be Indigenous people,” Hernandez said.

“Indigenous people from Latinx countries need to be heard and known about because they also expe rience daily discrimination. All of our members are truly honored to have shared a stage with the members of NASA who spoke so bravely and confidently at the panel. We are excited to see what will come out of this newly formed bond that should be spoken more about. I believe this is a great first step towards unity.”

residential school in Wisconsin and the Carlisle residential school in Indiana.

The Hayward residential school is deemed a great example of things going in a direction in which they ought not have gone by an inspector, and the Carlisle residential school is notably one of the worst ever in operation here in the U.S. Both are the site of thousands of victims who suffered gross abuse and largely died from their suffering at these “schools.”

It is of note that the Hayward res idential school was found to only be barely running off of the funds that were raised from the victims as they were forced to labor for the school. In essence these children were enslaved at the Hayward school. One of the Hayward boys’ dormitories remains as a museum to the nightmare that was

inflicted on these children and their communities. Inside there are many artifacts, including photos, of what occurred at this residential school. As for Carlisle, many marked graves still stand to this day.

I asked Valeria about the clay cuffs in her show. I wanted to know why she used them, as these are seldom talked about. In fact, until her exhibit I had never heard about them.

Valeria told me that the clay cuffs she has are to show just what residen tial schools did to those they labeled “deserters” and property of the schools. They would hunt down the children who were able to break out and run away. While a number of children managed to escape successfully, such as Valeria’s grandfather who was from the Carlisle residential school and her great-grandparents from an unnamed residential school, many, many more did not.

The children that were captured

were brought back to the very institu tions they escaped from in clay cuffs, if brought back at all.

These children were viewed and treated as inmates and were forced to do labor for the school against their will.

Valeria talked about many things, including feelings of being white washed, which was heavily influenced by the Catholic private schools she attended. We also talked about art as a medium of activism and how awful pipelines are. We had to cut off our conversation too quickly and I wasn’t able to talk to her about the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) as much as I would have liked, so we agreed on having another interview to further discuss those topics.

On Wednesday, Nov. 9, the Supreme Court of the United States is going to hear a challenge to ICWA. This is the federal law passed in 1978 in response to Indigenous children being still

ripped away from their families for assimilation, just now in the form of being placed into foster care and non-Indigenous, mainly white, fami lies.

These children were, and still are, taken away by non-tribal governmen tal “authorities” who are unqualified by very nature to deem the way the children are being raised as unfit. It has always been clear that the motive behind these “decisions” against Indigenous parents are due to racist prejudice towards Indigenous way of life. In truth, it is Indigenous culture and society, as it has always been, that they find fault in to justify that Indigenous parents and tribes are declared unfit and take Indigenous children away from their homes and customs.

I hope to have a much longer con versation with her next time, when I am very sadly positive, ICWA will have been wrongfully repealed.

RICARDO ARDUENGO / AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES / TNS An aerial picture taken on Sept. 30 shows the aftermath of Hurricane Ian in Fort Myers Beach, Florida.

Swift’s new album was worth a few late nights

Taylor Swift’s new album, “Midnights,” has blown away Swifties across the world. This new album’s rollout has been one like the world has never seen before.

On Aug. 28, Taylor Swift won Video of the Year for “All Too Well: The Short Film.” at the VMAs. During her accep tance speech, she announced that she would be releasing her 10th studio album and to meet her at midnight for more details. At midnight, Swifties were met with a social media post with the album art to her new album. The caption to the post read, “Midnights, the stories of 13 sleepless nights scattered throughout my life, will be out Oct. 21. Meet me at midnight.”

About a month later, she introduced a new series on TikTok called “Midnights Mayhem with Me.” She released the first out of 13 TikToks revealing the track list to “Midnights.” She unpredict ably dropped videos at mid night where she spun a bingo cage to choose which track to reveal next.

In the days leading up to release week, she put out exclusive videos through Spotify. These videos revealed even more information about the album, in which she announced the five things that inspired her new album. These things were self-loath ing, fantasizing about revenge, wondering what could have been, falling in love and falling apart. Taylor Swift then posted

‘Midnights’ by Taylor Swift

an entire calendar of events of what was going to happen in the upcoming week and a half. She called this calendar the “Midnights Manifest.” This included a teaser trailer for her “Midnights” music videos, her “Midnights” release, a “3a.m. chaotic surprise” after the album release, the dates of when her music videos would drop, along with her appear ances on late-night TV shows.

In the days leading up to the release, Taylor Swift partnered with Spotify to reveal select lyrics from the “Midnights” album in random locations around the world at midnight. For example, when the clock struck midnight in Mexico City, a lyric was revealed on a billboard. This happened in big cities around the world such as London and Nashville.

On release night, a teaser trailer was played during the third quarter of Amazon

Prime Video’s Thursday Night Football. This showed glimpses of her new music videos to go along with the songs that would be released later into the night.

While Swifties waited until midnight, Twitter was buzz ing of theories from Swifties all over the world about the new album. This made it the top-trending topic on Twitter, worldwide.

At midnight, “Midnights” was released to the world. Immediately, people were astonished by how amazing the album was. The album follows an alternative pop type of style with amazing lyricism. Swifties were instantly in love with this new album.

As many listened to “Midnights” on repeat into the early morning, most Swifties on Twitter had agreed that the “3 a.m. chaotic surprise” was going to be a tour announce

ment. Well, they were wrong. Taylor Swift, being unpre dictable as always, released another seven bonus tracks as her planned “3 a.m. chaotic surprise.”

Her 3 a.m. post to Twitter says, “Surprise! I think of ‘Midnights’ as a complete con cept album, with those 13 songs forming a full picture of the intensities of that mystifying, mad hour. However! There were other songs we wrote on our journey to find that magic 13. I’m calling them 3 a.m. tracks. Lately I’ve been loving the feeling of sharing more of our creative process with you, like we do with ‘From The Vault’ tracks. So it’s 3 a.m. and I’m giving them to you now.” Swifties around the world were stunned.

Throughout its first day, “Midnights” started to break records. It broke the record of being the most-streamed

album in 24 hours, the moststreamed act on Spotify in 24 hours and Taylor Swift became the most-streamed female artist in Spotify history. Even after breaking these records, this was just the beginning for “Midnights”. Throughout the week, “Midnights” broke the record for having the biggest streaming week in Spotify history, the first album to occu py the top 13 spots of Global Apple Music five days in a row, and Taylor Swift has become the first artist to occupy all the top ten spots on the Billboard Top 100.

In all, this album shows just how much of a mastermind Taylor Swift really is. She has put attention to every detail of this album, from the rollout to the lyricism. After how many records “Midnights” has bro ken, this album will go down in history as one of her greatest pieces of work.

Imagine being an 18-year-old London youth with your life going in no direction. Your parents want you to go one way, but you have dreams of your own: to be a punk rocker and write music. But your parents say no, because you are the son and stepson of a famous yet infamous sorcerer and mage. You know enough about magic, and don’t need training from a nosein-the-air elder mage, thank you very much. One day, your mom begs you to learn magic the proper way: from a mage in the United States. Luckily, you have a best goth girl friend who lives in the U.S. and is starting a punk band called Mucus Membrane.

This is the current life of comic book character John Constantine, who

isn’t your average bad boy. No, real ly. He is slightly smarter and knows some cool magic spells. He’s also quite the hot dude for a musty punk band member. As a matter of fact, the artists in this graphic novel drew him quite

and prolonged speeches of doing good. It’s also usually in a story where the bad guys and the good guys are harder to distinguish.

Authors Kami Garcia and Isaac Goodhart do a very good job of not making our protagonist too much of a perfect guy. As a matter of fact, most of the problems caused and fixed are the result of him and his friends in the band messing with unknown magic. Regardless of the mistakes he and his friends make, they pay the price and very much regret it. After all, acts of boldness will eventually catch up with you.

innocent-looking for someone who’s usually an anti-hero and a very cun ning sorcerer.

An anti-hero is someone who lacks traditional traits of your typical hero, such as stereotypical righteousness

This graphic novel is a true page-turner and colorful. It also combines some of my favorite things: sorcery, youth rebellion and music. It is a great modern take on a classic DC Comics character in his younger years.

review of ‘Constantine: Distorted Illusions’
great modern take
classic DC Comics character
on a
-Megan Anderson
TERRY WYATT / GETTY IMAGES / TNS Taylor Swift performs onstage during NSAI 2022 Nashville Songwriter Awards at Ryman Auditorium on Sept. 20, in Nashville, Tennessee.

My musical connection

We all have different musical artists that we connect with. I have so many, I couldn’t think of just one to write about. So instead, I will talk about a couple of them.

The first is Lady Gaga. Her music is great. It is all about inclusivity and having fun. She is so wild and upbeat and I can’t help but wonder where she gets her energy from. I absolutely love her songs “Shallow” (featuring Bradley Cooper), “Bad Romance,” “Poker Face” and “Rain On Me.” All of these songs are just great dance songs. Her newly released song is amazing. It is called “Hold My Hand” from the movie “Top Gun: Maverick.” I love listening to this song.

My next is AJR (Adam, Jack, Ryan). This band is from New York. This is an amazing band. Their albums are just as good as their live shows. Their biggest hit to date is “World’s Smallest Violin.” Their other songs include but are not limited to: “Way Less Sad,” “Bang,” “The Good Part,” “Burn the House Down” and “100 Bad Days.” I absolutely love every song on their album and can con tinuously listen to them.

My last artist is Morgan Wallen. I know this is country, but there is just something about his songs that just gets me. His songs “You Proof,” “Broadway Girls,” “Whiskey Glasses,” and “More Than My Home Town” are just amazing songs to listen to or dance to. I am not a huge country fan, but man, these songs are good. I can’t really put it into words.


Our friend Rae: Artist’s lasting influence

At our school we have had some won derful art exhibits and have even more planned! Most recently was the exhibit Transcend with The Transpainter, Rae Senarighi. He gave us a great explora tion of trans and non-binary beauty, resilience, and belonging in everyday life in all aspects of life.

He and I had a wonderful conversa tion, and I am so very glad to have talked to him. Not just as a fan, but a fellow member of the same community: the trans and non-binary community and the art community.

We had a conversation about meth ods and greater perception through art. We very much felt that art is such a powerful place to change perspectives through expression, and that is what we like crafting our arts for.

I very much found new inspiration from him to continue forward with some of my own work that I got the chance to share the concept of with him. It was great to know that at least one other person feels that my upcoming art, highlighting a crossroads of my own

identity, would be an art piece well need ed and well-received.

Another way Rae has not only impacted me but also our community was that he, along with multiple other artists and organizations, contributed financially to the Pride Walk project. The project took course over three years, slowed down because of COVID19, and was completed using a special industrial painting machine that seems to have only sprayed layers on layers of paint.

The entire project cost $35,000 and was brought to Rae’s attention via Karen Wolf, who also works on The Friends of Madison Arts Commission.

The Art Commission had a big part in the fund raising for the project, which was in a race this past spring and sum mer to finish raising the funds for the project. While Rae takes no credit for the beginning of the idea, he was there for the grand unveiling besides being a financial backer and supporter. You can also read about it in “Our Lives,” a LGBTQ+ magazine here in Madison. As for me, I look forward to taking any form of mentorship or advice from him as life goes on.

Exploring ‘The X-Files’

A show I would highly recommend to all those who were not born in the ‘90s or don’t trust those in power is the cult classic “The X-Files.” The show ran for 11 seasons and dealt with conspiracies, demons, ghosts, monsters and, of course, an alien race and its plot to infect and invade Earth.

The show follows two FBI agents, Dana Scully and Fox Mulder, as they cross the globe hunting down the paranormal. They pushed social taboos long before “Game of Thrones” came along.

This show takes two normal human beings to the darkest

shadows of American history and rabbit holes as they discover alien powers and their human proxies and shadow government that were plotting to infect humans and harvest Earth’s life.

“The X-Files” could be very terrifying and was written without relying on shock humor or sex to sell. Instead, the show was very realistic and showed Scully’s and Mulder’s human fear and their desire to understand the unknown as the driving aspects of the series.

The show totally inspired an entire generation to question those in power, to not blindly obey what they are told and to seek the truth no matter what. This show is something worth watching.

‘Farscape’ TV series highlighted the magic of space exploration

A TV show worth watching is the cult classic, “Farscape.” Originally airing on SciFi, this is a science fiction drama following a group of space fugi tives fleeing two evil galactic empires in the midst of an arms race for cosmic super weapons.

The show’s main character is an American astronaut named John Crichton who gets sucked through a wormhole into the other side of the universe filled with alien civilizations, ancient cosmic powers and action.

The show is similar to “Star Wars,” with its creatures and cartoonish artis tic style filled with space whimsy such as puppets and magic.

The other characters are a mixed bag of space pirates: from bounty hunters to an exiled frog-like king to a priestess and a former soldier, who come to see each other as family and form their own faction in the war.

The show is filled with fan service and nerd banter. It really delivers with story lines that make viewers think about modern issues like nuclear weap ons in the form of wormhole weapons that could destroy the entire universe as two rival space powers vie for them.

The cast of the Sci-Fi Channel’s series “Farscape,” Season 4.

Vast and magical in its scope, the show takes us back to the space age of the ‘90s and the hope we had every time we thought about space travel. In the midst of today’s nihilism, I say watch this show and maybe learn to dream about space again.

Strange in the

With a new addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe of another Doctor Strange film, Marvel fans have had ups and downs throughout the new motion picture featuring the master of sorcery. Benedict Cumberbatch returned for a second Doctor Strange film. Marvel fans were also excited to see Benedict Wong return to play Wong, second in command to the master of sorcery. Marvel also had a surprise appearance of Scarlet Witch, also known as Wanda Maximoff.

There was a new character, America Chavez, who has the ability to travel through the multiverse. When she does this, she ends

up losing her parents. She spent her whole life trying to find them. When she runs into Doctor Strange, they put their powers together and fight the Scarlet Witch. Chavez does not end up finding her parents in this movie, but hopefully Marvel will make a fol lowing film with her in it.

Overall, the movie was good. According to movie critics around the world, the average percentage of positive reviews is 96%. There was a lot packed into the movie. Marvel yet again closed the film with a big bang.

“Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness” is now out on DVD.

Multiverse of Madness’
JACKSON CROSSEN / CLARION Rae Senarighi speaks at a gallery event at the Truax Campus in September. TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE CLARION STAFF PHOTO TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE



A sophomore midfielder/defender from Madison, Evan Thom earned All-North Central Community College Conference hon ors and All-Region 4 honors this season. He started 16 matches and finished the season tied for the team lead in assists with seven, while adding a pair of goals.

He finishes his WolfPack career with a total of 11 assists, good for 16th in school history. Last year, he played in 13 matches




A freshman setter and outside hitter from Mazomanie, Daryn Schaefer led the WolfPack volleyball team with 840 assists this season, good for seventh in program history. She also had 46 aces and 54 kills. Defensively, she was third on the team with 252 digs and had 16 blocks. For her efforts this season, Schaefer was named firstteam All-North Central Community College Conference and All-Region 4.

Schaefer was a two-time team captain and all-conference player at Wisconsin Heights. The daughter of Gina and Waylon Schaefer, she is a liberal arts transfer major.

WolfPack basketball season begins

Madison College falls to McHenry County due to late scoring drought

The Madison College WolfPack men’s basketball team lost its home opener to McHenry County College on Nov. 1 by a score of 83-78.

A game that went back and forth was decided down the stretch. The WolfPack had a five-point lead going into halftime, and the game already had 13 ties and seven lead changes at that point in the game.

WolfPack sophomores Keith Hoffman and Nik Feller each scored 20 points in the contest. Hoffman finished the game with his first double-double in the new campaign. The WolfPack have an all-time record of 4-3 against the Scots.

The match was close, but the majority of the lead changes and ties came in the first 15 minutes of the game. The WolfPack and the Scots were tied 28-28 with a little more than 4 minutes to play in the half, but the WolfPack went on a run to take a 41-36 lead at halftime.

Men’s team wins, women’s team falls in second game

Both the Madison College men’s and wom en’s basketball teams tipped off their 2022-23 seasons in the first week of November. The two teams have first-year head coaches in James Roscoe for the men and Mike Mayfield and James Adams for the women.

Both teams were also looking to bounce back in home games on Nov. 4, after suffer ing season-opening losses a few days prior.

The WolfPack women’s basketball team, coming off its worst winning percentage in school history in 2021-22, took on Iowa Central Community College in the first game of the night.

The Tritons of Iowa Central had an advan tage in both size and depth. Despite this, the WolfPack fought hard in the first half.

After falling behind 32-15, they ended the half on a 17-7 run to cut the lead to 7 points

Madison College fought hard in the second half, but couldn’t hit their shots down the stretch. The Scots secured an offensive rebound off a free throw to seal the game.

Hoffman ended the game hitting eight of his 18 shots and a pair of free throws and 3-pointers. The WolfPack forward also had 11 rebounds and his 11th career dou ble-double. Hoffman ended with four assists and two blocks, leading the team in both categories.

Feller was able to match Hoffman in points due to his three 3-pointers in the contest as well as going seven for nine on free throws.

Feller went five for 11 on field goals and three for six on 3-pointers, while ending with eight rebounds, two assists and a steal.

Tyler Haak and Telin Porter also contributed to the game with 10 points apiece. Haak ended the game going five for six on field goals.

Porter went six for nine at the freethrow line and a steal to go along with his 10 points.

Madison College’s next home game is Tuesday, Nov. 15, against College of Lake County. The game is set to start at 7:30 p.m.

Women’s soccer team falls in district tourney, earns post-season honors

The Madison College women’s soccer team’s sea son ended with a 6-0 to No. 2 ranked Delta College in the NJCAA Great Lakes District Tournament.

The match was scoreless until Delta College’s Kennedy Caldwell scored in the 33rd

minute. Three minutes later in the 36th minute, Kali Jimenez scored from a long range free kick.

In the second half, Delta College scored four goals. Ashlyn Swartz in the 51st min ute, Kiah Nichols in the 52nd minute, Inanna Hauger in the 60th minute and Arizona Cray in the 63rd minute.

Madison College was only

able to register three shots compared to Delta’s 32.

“The first 30 minutes of the game was probably the best 30 minutes of team play and coaching that I’ve ever been involved in. I was so proud with the way our team played,” said Madison College coach Matt Schwartz.

When asked what the team did well over the course of the

season, Schwartz said, “We did a really good job at trying to stay on task and stayed focused on our goals.”

Schwartz credited goalkeep er Morgan Thompson for play ing outstanding in the district final match.

"She was under a lot of pres sure and did a good job for us. Over the course of the season, every player contributed a

great deal to where we ended up and our performance,” he said.

When asked if there were any takeaways from this sea son, Schwartz said, “This was a group that didn’t necessarily have an easy season. But they did an excellent job of leaning on each other, still finding a

and had four assists. was a two-time letter winner in soccer at Madison West High School. An economics major, he is the son of Debra and Chad Thom.
Profiles of WolfPack athletes
THOM SCHAEFER CLARION STAFF PHOTO Madison College men’s basketball coach James Roscoe directs his team during its season-opening game at home against McHenry County College on Nov. 4. The WolfPack fell, 83-78. CLARION STAFF PHOTO Madison College’s Nellie Kendall, center, looks to put up a shot against McHenry County College on Nov. 4 during her team’s home opener.

11 men’s soccer players get postseason honors


Postseason accolades were awarded to 11 players on the Madison College men’s soccer team after a season that saw the WolfPack win its second N4C championship and qualify for the NJCAA district tournament for the first time in 14 years.

Freshman Gabe Voung was selected as the conference most valuable player and player of the year for Region 4.

Joining Voung on the first team ros ters were Chase Quamme, Evan Thom and Angel Gongora.

Second team honors went to Tomas Garcia, CJ Prosser, Dominick Ramirez, Caeben Schomber, Phil McCloskey, Jacob Howard and Adriano Ponte.

Voung, a forward from Sun Prairie, broke the Madison College single sea son goals and points record with 25



at halftime. Madison College’s rally was short lived, however, as the Tritons began the second half with an 18-3 run and never looked back on their way to an 82-65 win.

The WolfPack struggled with the Tritons’ full-court press for most of the night, which resulted in a lot of turn overs and fast break opportunities for Iowa Central.

Some positives from the game were the WolfPack’s three-point shooting and defensive intensity, which resulted in the Tritons’ offense turning the ball over frequently.

Jordanna Davis led Madison College with 19 points, while Reyna Knox added 17 points.

Madison College’s women basketball team has a four-game road trip before their next home game on Nov. 15.

The WolfPack men took on the Mesabi Range Community and Technical College Norse from Virginia, Minnesota, in what was a very hardfought game.

In the first half the WolfPack were outplayed in many aspects, as the Norse’ defensive intensity and overall energy suffocated the WolfPack, leading to a 10-point halftime deficit.

Overall, the WolfPack struggled with boxing out, turnovers and really couldn’t get into an offensive groove at all in the first half.

Coach Roscoe and his team made some second half adjustments. The first play of the second half was a pick and roll with guard Cortez Telfered and for ward Keith Hoffman that ended with a Hoffman layup.

In the first half, the WolfPack strug gled to get paint touches and overall couldn’t take advantage of the Norse switching every screen on defense. This

goals and 54 points. He also leads all the NJCAA Division III in both categories. In addition, Voung has earned one of four NJCAA All-American nominations for Region 4.

Quamme, a sophomore defender from Middleton, started all 17 matches this season and posted a team-high 1,179 minutes. He helped lead a defense that limited opponents to a 1.4 goals per game average, recording seven shut-out wins.

Thom, a midfielder from Madison, finished the season tied for the team lead in assists with seven, while scoring two goals. He started 16 of the team’s matches this year. Thom finished his career with 11 assists, good for 16th in school history.

Gongora, a freshman midfielder from Appleton, had four assists on the season and started 13 matches. He helped lead an offensive unit that aver

aged 5.3 goals per match this season.

Garcia and Prosser were both fresh men defenders who logged more than 900 minutes this season.

Ramirez, a freshman midfielder, was the teams No. 2 scorer with 10 goals and six assists. Schomber, a sophomore mid fielder, had eight goals and five assists. Howard, a freshman midfielder/for ward, had four goals and seven assists. Ponte, a sophomore defender/midfield er, had three goals and one assist.

McCloskey, a freshman goalkeeper, made 101 saves to become the fourth WolfPack goalie to reach 100 saves. He allowed just 23 goals and was credited was four shutouts.

Madison College ended the season with a 12-5 overall record following a 4-0 loss to defending national cham pion and No. 1 ranked Dallas-Richland in the Midwest District Tournament Semifinal in Palatine, Ill., on Oct. 28.



NOV. 1 at home vs. McHenry County College, 83-78 LOSS

NOV. 4 at home vs. Mesabi Range CTC, 60-53 WIN

NOV. 5 at Waubonsee Community College, 97-74 LOSS

NOV. 9 at University of Dubuque JV, 7:30 p.m.

NOV. 11 at Bay College Classic vs. North Central Michigan College, 3 p.m.

NOV. 12 at Bay College Classic vs. Bay College, 2 p.m.

NOV. 15 at home vs. College of Lake County, 7:30 p.m.

NOV. 17 at home vs. Rockford University JV, 7:30 p.m.

NOV. 19 at Carl Sandburg College, 3 p.m.

NOV. 22 at Rochester Community and Technical College, 7 p.m.

NOV. 30 at Western Technical College, 7:30 p.m.

DEC. 3 at home vs. Prairie State College, 3 p.m.

DEC. 8 at Loras College JV, 8 p.m.

DEC. 10 at home vs. Kishwaukee College, 3 p.m.

DEC. 29 at Elgin Community College, 3 p.m.

JAN. 10 at home vs. Bryant & Stratton College, 7:30 p.m.

JAN. 12 at home vs. College of DuPage, 5:30 p.m.

JAN. 17 at Joliet Junior College, 5 p.m.

JAN. 19 at Harper College, 5 p.m.

JAN. 24 at home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 5:30 p.m.

JAN. 26 at home vs. Gogebic Community College, 7:30 p.m.

JAN. 28 at home vs. UW-Baraboo, 3 p.m.

JAN. 31 at College of DuPage, 7 p.m.

FEB. 2 at home vs. Joliet Junior College, 7:30 p.m.

FEB. 7 at home vs. Harper College, 7:30 p.m.

FEB. 9 at Milwaukee Area Technical College, 8 p.m.

FEB. 11 at home vs. South Suburban College, 3 p.m.

FEB. 21 at Rock Valley College, 7:30 p.m.

FEB. 24FEB. 26 NJCAA Region 4 Tournament, at Joliet Junior College, TBA.



NOV. 1 at home vs. McHenry County College, 79-60 LOSS

NOV. 4 at home vs. Iowa Central Community College, 82-65 LOSS

was corrected in the second half as the WolfPack were able to use Hoffman’s size better when a smaller defender was switched onto him.

That adjustment, along with better boxing out and guard/forward Telin Porter being able to play more after being on the bench in foul trouble for most of the first half, led the WolfPack to score as many points in the first 10 minutes of the second half as they did in the entire first half.

With under 10 minutes to play, the WolfPack pulled with 42-42, which led to a very exciting back-and-forth finish to the game.

3 Madison College volleyball players named all-conference


Three Madison College volleyball players received postseason honors after helping lead the WolfPack to its first 20-win season in five years.

Freshmen Daryn Schaefer, Gabby Hack and Kendall Weisensel were all recognized for their efforts during the 2022 season.

Schaefer and Hack were select ed first team All-North Central Community College Conference and All-Region 4, while Weisensel earned first team all-region and second team all-conference.

Schaefer, a setter and outside hitter from Mazomanie, led the team with 840 assists during the season which is seventh in program history for a

single season.

She also had 46 aces, 54 kils, 252 digs and 16 blocks.

Hack, a middle blocker and outside hitter from Lake Mills, had a teamhigh 82 blocks this season, the eighth most in school history. She added 208 kills, 109 digs and 33 aces.

Weisensel, an outside hitter and defensive specialist from Sun Prairie, set a school record for aces with 83 and led the team with 391 digs. She was also second on the team in kills with 256.

Madison College’s season ended on Oct. 27 with a 3-0 loss to the College of DuPage in the NJCAA Region 4 Division III Tournament Semifinal. DuPage, the conference champion, won 25-20, 25-14 and 25-17.

The Norse held a 52-51 lead late when the WolfPack were able to finish the game on a 9-1 run, leading to an impressive 60-53 win.

The trio of Telfered, Hoffman and Porter were the only players on the Pack to score in double figures and they combined for 41 of the teams 60 points.

Hoffman scored 18 points and had 13 rebounds to lead the WolfPack. Porter added 13 points and three steals, while Telfered had 10 points and six rebounds.

The WolfPack men’s basketball team has a four-game road trip coming up before their next home game on Nov. 15.



way to perform and win a champion ship.”

As a result of their strong season, 10 Madison College players received post season honors and Schwartz was voted conference coach of the year and region coach of the year for the fourth time.

Sophomore midfielder Lexi Kulow earned North Central Community College Conference MVP honors and was named region player of the year. She had four goals and a team-high five assists this season.

Also earning first team all-con ference and all-region were Madison Johnson, Savi Pursley, Morgan Thompson and Liz Foye. Johnson was the team leader in every offensive category with six goals and five assists.

Second team honors went to Kierstin McHugh, Julia Aulik, Peytono Yaun, Paris Rose and Marin Stauffacher.

NOV. 5 at Waubonsee Community College, 90-60 LOSS

NOV. 9 at University of Dubuque JV, 5:30 p.m.

NOV. 11 at Bay College Classic vs. North Central Michigan College, 1 p.m.

NOV. 12 at Bay College Classic vs. Bay College, 4 p.m.

NOV. 15 at home vs. College of Lake County, 5:30 p.m.

NOV. 17 at home vs. Rockford University JV, 5:30 p.m.

NOV. 19 at Carl Sandburg College, 1 p.m.

NOV. 22 at Rochester Community and Technical College, 5 p.m.

NOV. 30 at Western Technical College, 5:30 p.m.

DEC. 3 at home vs. Prairie State College, 1 p.m.

DEC. 8 at Loras College JV, 6 p.m.

DEC. 10 at home vs. Kishwaukee College, 1 p.m.

DEC. 29 at Elgin Community College, 1 p.m.

JAN. 3 at home vs. Oakton Community College, 5:30 p.m.

JAN. 10 at home vs. Bryant & Stratton College, 5:30 p.m.

JAN. 12 at home vs. College of DuPage, 7:30 p.m.

JAN. 17 at Joliet Junior College, 7 p.m.

JAN. 19 at Harper College, 7 p.m.

JAN. 24 at home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 7:30 p.m.

JAN. 26 at home vs. Gogebic Community College, 5:30 p.m.

JAN. 31 at College of DuPage, 5 p.m.

FEB. 2 at home vs. Joliet Junior College, 5:30 p.m.

FEB. 7 at home vs. Harper College, 5:30 p.m.

FEB. 9 at Milwaukee Area Technical College, 6 p.m.

FEB. 11 at home vs. South Suburban College, 1 p.m.

FEB. 21 at Rock Valley College, 5:30 p.m.

FEB. 24-

FEB. 26 NJCAA Region 4 Tournament, Joliet Junior College, TBA.

College schedules and results.
CLARION STAFF PHOTO Madison College’s Porter Pretasky, right, sets a screen to free up Nik Feller during their Nov. 4 game at home against McHenry County College.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2022 | 13THE CLARION ACROSS 1 “Knives Out” actress de Armas 4 Skin care product 9 Bread that’s boiled before it’s baked 14 Not good 15 African animal with striped hind quarters 16 Monte __: gam bling resort 17 Thanksgiving tuber 18 TRICK 20 Genre of many works with “star” in the title 22 + or - atomic particle 23 Tot’s scrape 24 TREAT 28 __-Saxon 29 Mar.-to-Nov. hrs. 30 “Sin City” actress Jessica 32 Sphere 34 Waiting room seat 39 TRICK OR TREAT 43 Tough to climb 44 Batman and Robin, e.g. 45 Get ready, infor mally 46 Flow back 49 Flap on a jacket 51 TRICK 58 Email heading word 59 Rock’s __ Speedwagon 60 Honolulu-born “E Lei Ka Lei Lei” singer 61 TREAT 65 Spot for an AirPod 66 Stevie Wonder’s “My Cherie __” 67 Advisory group 68 $200 Monopoly buys: Abbr. 69 Doesn’t wear out 70 Mean and sar castic 71 “Catch my drift?” DOWN 1 Vast chasm 2 Rights org. that awards the Spingarn Medal 3 Worthy of esteem 4 Programmer’s task 5 Former MGM rival 6 __ de parfum 7 Tough H.S. sci ence class 8 Noble address 9 Slyly include in an email, for short 10 “__ Burr, Sir”: song in “Hamilton” 11 In adulthood 12 Borden mascot 13 One who draws the short straw 19 Stops 21 Concluding epi sode 25 Healthy aura 26 Golfer’s warning shout 27 Calamine lotion target 30 Contented sighs 31 Back muscle, informally 33 __-and-breakfast 35 “Fingers crossed” 36 Passenger planes 37 Hockey surface 38 Agt. 40 Oil cartel letters 41 __ and void 42 Christmas stock ing disappointment 47 “Hunting Season” novelist Nevada 48 Censoring sounds 50 Rainy day cre ation 51 Scraps used by nose-to-tail chefs 52 __ donna: opera star 53 Big commotions 54 Folding decla ration at the poker table 55 Des Moines resident 56 Windy City airport 57 Viking language 62 Graduating gp. 63 Singer DiFranco 64 Checkers color CROSSWORDPUZZLE Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis / MCT Campus THELIGHTERSIDE Puzzles and Cartoons BREWSTER ROCKIT TIM RICKARD / TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE BREWSTER ROCKIT TIM RICKARD / TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE

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