Clarion issue12-11-13

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Women of Color Scholars

Different opinions on Public Safety with Tasers »7

Catching Fire keeps it close to the book and packs action »10

The Women of Color Scholars program is not only an extracurricular activity. It can provide women of color with an opportunity to develop skills for the job world, socially and in the classroom. »3


r o f e im

Public Safety to propose arming officers to District Board RYAN SPOEHR News Editor At the Madison College District Board meeting later tonight (Dec. 11), Public Safety will give a presentation on the potential deployment of Tasers to full-time officers. Public Safety is proposing the idea only for the seven fulltime officers and two commanding officers. All are sworn-in police officers and have been trained to use a Taser and in what situations to use them in. The students who work at Public Safety will not be equipped with them. “We have situations like disorderly conduct, assault and other things on campus like you would out in a community,” said

James Bottoni, Public Safety director. Bottoni said just with officers being in uniform exposes them to danger. “If someone walks in here (with a gun), the officer is going to be the first one who gets shot. We know that,” Bottoni said. “That in itself makes them a walking target.” Officers are not properly equipped to deal with some of the calls that go into the Public Safety office, Bottoni said. He added the officers do what they can, but are limited to the protection they can offer because the tools are not there. Just this semester, there have already been several high-profile incidents at multiple Madison College cam-


Public Safety Director James Bottoni holds the type of Taser he would like officers to carry. puses. With the lockdown at the Downtown campus in September, the now-infamous “Locker Thief ” and the armed robbery that took place at Walgreen’s at East Washington Avenue and Stoughton Road last month, Public Safety officials say this is the time to move forward with a plan to arm the full-time officers on staff. “In our estimation and of the

city, he (the robber) did come in here. The dog hit this (building) strong. He probably came in here at least once and was potentially was armed. Well, what do we do? Now my officers are a walking target walking around unarmed looking for someone who is potentially armed,” Bottoni said. “It’s not fair to put them in that situation. And what if someone says

A Hero Passes KAIT VOSSWINKEL Special to The Clarion


South African president Nelson Mandela, right, holds hands with former South African president F.W. de Klerk in Cape Town, South Africa, in a 1994 file image. Mandela died on Thursday, Dec. 5.

South Africa lost, in President Jacob Zuma’s words, “its greatest son” on Dec. 5, when Nelson Mandela passed away at 95. President Zuma’s strong words illustrated Mandela’s global impact as both a political activist and president. Mandela left a legacy of forbearance, emphasizing the importance of reconciliation and cooperation over rancor and revenge. As a member of the Thembu royal family and a student of law, Mandela made a well-educated and charismatic addition to the anti-apartheid African National Congress from an early age. After moving to Johannesburg, Mandela co-founded the ANC’s Youth League and became active in anti-colonial politics.

we recognize this person on the third floor? What do we do? We can’t approach them because we are not equipped to do it.” Bottoni said equipping the qualified officers with Tasers can help out if a situation arises on campus, especially when city police need to be called. “In a common situation, we » SEE TASERS PAGE 5

MANDELA: 1918-2013

After receiving a life sentence and being imprisoned on Robben Island for his anti-government activities, Mandela became the face of the anti-apartheid movement.

diplomatic tact, building a multicultural government through dozens of unlikely alliances. As the global community watched on, South Africa peacefully transitioned into

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” -Nelson Mandela, “Long Walk to Freedom”

Twenty-seven years later, in 1990, Mandela was liberated by then President F.W. de Klerk, in order to pursue negotiations to end apartheid and establish multi-racial elections. After being elected as president in 1994, Mandela led the country out of apartheid with strategy and

multicultural leadership, becoming an economic and political symbol of African stability and progress. Mandela led with grace and dignity, and his legacy is simply too large for words. Despite the political disunion and gridlock that » SEE MANDELA PAGE 5





2013-2014 Michael Klein EDITOR IN CHIEF



Baking students held a dessert buffet fund-raiser on Dec. 6 at Truax. The buffet, held in the cafeteria highlighted the sweet creations they make at the Bakery at Truax and in classes. More photos will be available on The Clarion web site at

Baking goodies



Andrea DeBauche ARTS EDITOR

Nicholas Garton

for a good cause





Christopher Pinkert George Treviranus Natalie Conners GRAPHIC DESIGNERS


Jason Mills Fanta Sylla COPY EDITORS

Doug Kirchberg ADVISOR

Kait Vosswinkel Stephanie Beirne Leuer Tyler Richter Evan Halpop Josh Zytkiewicz Colin Bowden Nichole Mounts Tom Richardson Betsey Osterberger CONTRIBUTORS CONTACT US

NEWS PHONE: (608) 246-6809 ADVERTISING PHONE:(608) 243-4809 FAX: (608) 246-6488

SUBMISSIONS To submit an item for publication, drop it off at The Clarion office, Room C1410 Truax and Room D237 Downtown, or email it to The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All opinions expressed in editorials and advertisements do not necessarily represent those of the Madison College administration, faculty, the student body or the Clarion staff. CORRECTIONS The Clarion strives for accuracy in all of its articles. If you have questions or concerns, please call us at (608) 246-6809 or email: MEMBERSHIPS Associated Collegiate Press Wisconsin Newspaper Association REMEMBERING Adam Lee Suby, 1987-2009 Philip Ejercito, 1981-2013

OFFTHESHELF By Renee Anhalt, Librarian

Holiday happiness all year round In 1621, the colonists and Native Americans shared in a feast celebrating their first harvest. This tradition of giving thanks and extending gratitude is repeated each year when we take time out in late November to celebrate family and friends with good food and traditional Thanksgiving activities. The practice of gratitude, however, is not something we should limit to a mere one day a year; it is something we can benefit from every day. Scientific studies have shown that expressions of gratitude can result in an improved sense of well-being and happiness. Psychologists Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough conducted a study on gratitude and thankfulness. Among their findings was evidence that the practice of gratitude can increase a person’s happiness by 25 percent. Appreciating and having a positive outlook can make the unhappiness in a person’s life less distracting and debilitating. It is reported that optimistic individuals also experience other beneficial health effects, such as

faster recovery from medical procedures and more progress toward personal goals. Gratitude can have physical and social health benefits as well. A simple gesture of appreciation can nurture relationships and improve overall health. Benefits include greater energy, a stronger immune system, and sounder sleep. In general, people who have a positive outlook take better care of themselves and benefit from the physical advantages that better self-care provides. If you want to learn more about how to extend and promote this season’s feeling of goodwill and appreciation come to the Madison College Libraries. Read about the benefits of kindness and gratitude in books such as “Leading with Kindness: How Good People Consistently Get

Superior Results.” The increasing popularity of spiritual philosophies that promote the practice of gratitude is discussed in the book “How to Train a Wild Elephant and Other Adventures in Mindfulness.” These and similar titles can provide strategies for expressing gratitude and increasing self-awareness. If books aren’t your thing, get out your popcorn and movie candy and watch streaming videos on positivity. Choose from titles such as “How to Be Happy! Positive Psychology in Action, The Optimism Advantage: 50 Simple Truths to Transform Your Attitudes and Actions into Results and Staying Happy and Positive Throughout Life.” Access these online resources at home with your student username and password. After the holiday season has passed continue the practice of expressing gratitude and appreciation, and benefit from its many treasures. You’ll feel better all year long.


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Women of Color Scholars develop future leaders STEPHANIE BEIRNE LEUER Staff Writer When the idea was proposed to begin an academic program for women of color at Madison College, counselor Rocio Martinez knew she did not want the name to include the word “minority.” To her, the word “minority” had the connotation of being less or minor. She wanted a name that represented strength in women from all over the world. Women of Color Scholars was formed in Oct. 2012 as a female-focused counterpart to Mentoring Minority Males Scholars. The program offers support, encouragement and guidance to students who are women of color. Women of Color Scholars is open to students who are first-generation female college students committed to academic and personal success. Through the program students build their resume, explore careers, network with other students, work on community projects and develop professional skills. Women in this program must have a B-average or better. Each student in Women of Color Scholars works with a college mentor, then the rest of the group for biweekly sessions. Each session covers a different topic. Past sessions have included info on how to write a resume and cover letter, reading skills, flexibility, time management and test-taking techniques. Martinez said the students enjoy meeting other women and feel as though they belong at the college. For students such as Vianey Hernandez, a liberal arts transfer student, the program helped


Madison College counselor Rocio Martinez leads a Women of Color Scholars meeting on Dec. 6. introduce her to others after moving from California. “I love that we have different women from all different cultures,” Hernandez said. “Some are married, some have kids and some are single. We have different backgrounds, but we all have the same purpose to be successful.” Hernandez, said she is grateful to everyone who makes the program possible. The program has given her the resources and connections to seek help when she needs it because she can go to Martinez, faculty, staff or other program members when she needs support, she said. Jessica Keophilavanh, also a Liberal

Arts Transfer student, also attends meetings for the program. “They do a lot of critical thinking, reflecting on yourself and what you can do to play a better role in society,” Keophilavanh said. She said she enjoys the cooperation in the group and building bonds with other women and being a part of the Women of Color Scholars program also helps to build confidence. “As a woman in society and all the stigmas with what our roles should be, the program really empowers you,” Keophilavanh said. Plans are in motion for an alternative


World Students Association unites students from many backgrounds KAREN CASS Opinion Editor The World Student Association allows for students, both local and those with an international background, to socialize and participate in cultural events on campus. “Every student is an unique ambassador of their own country,” said Tariq Anjum, WSA president. Nearly 140 international students are enrolled at Madison College this semester, and all of them are members of the World Student Association. They represent 46 countries. Anjum said when American students interact with international students they get a feel for the international students’ countries. Americans may already know basic facts about other nations or have formed perceptions based on what they have seen in the media, but actually interacting with international students provides an opportunity to learn about different cultures. During the Fall 2013 semester, World Students Association participated in International Education Week Nov. 11-15. The club hosted Free Coffee Tasting From Around the World. It also offered a language station and Chinese calligraphy and origami lessons. The World Students Association’s main event each school year is the Global Showcase, which is held in the spring. The annual Global Showcase includes food, fashion, dance and music from cultures around the world. In addition to the Global Showcase, the club hopes to hold

spring break trip. The trip will be a community service project and a way for the women to connect outside of the college. Program members have plans to raise funds in order to make it possible for everyone to afford the trip. Martinez said she is happy with the role the program plays in students’ lives. “To me the group is about empowerment, academic support, emotional support, camaraderie and a sisterhood,” Martinez said. For more information on the Women of Color Scholars program, contact Dr. Rocio Martinez at or at (608) 246-6036.


College closed during winter break

From Dec. 24-Jan. 1, the college is closed. There will be no classes. The school will reopen on Jan. 2. The spring term will begin on Jan. 13.

Food service adjusts hours for finals and winter break

Effective immediately, the Whole Bowl will no longer be serving breakfast. The Whole Bowl and WolfPack Den will be closed from Dec. 16 - 20 and the Cafeteria and Gateway Cafe will be open from 7 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. during this time. There will be no food service available from Monday, Dec. 23 to Friday, Jan. 3. From Jan. 6-10, only the cafeteria is open and the hours will be 7 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Dodgeball tournament

A dodgeball tournament will be held in the Truax gym on Friday, Dec. 13, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. There will be a prize to the first place team. To register, go to

Performing Arts holding audtions


At a recent World Students Association meeting, Rafael Guenoun, treasurer of the club, and Justin Chan, vice president, speak with fellow members of the club. multiple events during the spring semester. Anjum said the club is considering organizing a film series where international students will present movies from their respective countries. “American students can see what it is like to be in another country,” he said. Anjum added he would also like to hold field trips to get international students off campus. “I’d like to help them integrate,” he said. World Students Association is open to all students. Each international student is automatically a

member, and American students are encouraged to join as well. “Anyone can join the club. It’s all about interaction,” Anjum said. “We really encourage locals to join.” Students interested in joining World Students Association may contact the club via The LINK or via email at worldstudents@ WSA can also be contacted via Facebook and can be found at the site by searching Madison College Students Association. World Students Association meets every Friday at 2:30 p.m. in room C1450.

Performing Arts will hold auditions for “You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown,” a musical based on “Peanuts,” the comic strip by Charles M. Schultz, and “Dog Sees God: Confessions of a Teenage Blockhead.” It is a production for mature audiences only, written by Burt B. Royal. Audtions are Dec. 16 and 17 at 6 p.m. Everyone will check in at registration desk outside the dance studio in room A1017Q. Arrive 15 minutes early to complete necessary paperwork. For more information, go to

Mark Pocan on campus

The Student Senate will be hosting congressman Mark Pocan on Jan. 23 at their General Assembly meeting to discuss his career experiences as a “Leader to Future Leaders.” This will be a lead in to more of a formal gathering with students later in the spring semester on a date yet to be determined.

Stress reduction workshop

On Thursday, Dec. 12 from 10 a.m. until 1:30 p.m., there will be a stress reduction workshop in the Student Lounge in room C1423 at Truax. There will be a complimentary chair massage, meditation and visualization, aromatherapy and more. Students and employees are welcome to stop by at any point during the workshop to check out one or more of the stress reduction stations.



Wretched Weather Watch NATALIE CONNORS Graphic Designer

As Wisconsin sinks deeper into winter, preparations begin for storm season. Climate change is quickening the pace of large scale weather events, and this winter is sure to hold deadly storms. History tends to repeat itself so here’s a brief look at some of the extreme weather the U.S. has dealt with both recently and in the past.

Boston, Massachusetts

The Blizzard of 2013 Feb. 8-9, 2013

Rapid City, South Dakota


Hurricane winds, three feet of snow,and powerful tides wreaked destruction on Boston.

Freak Cattle Killer Oct. 10 2013

Blizzard or Winter Storm

More than 100,000 cattle perished in an unexpected blizzard that dumped freezing rain and 19 inches of snow on ranching operations.

Tsunami or Hurricane

Boulder, Colorado “1,000-year-flood” Sep. 9-16 2013

Rain Storms or Flooding

Chicago, Illinois


The Blizzard of 1967 Jan. 26, 1967

The Great Blizzard of 1888 Mar. 11-14, 1888

50 mph winds blew through the city along with almost 2 ft of snow. 26 people died in the storm.

This storm ravaged the entire East coast causing 400 deaths total, 200 in NYC.Snow drifts reached 40 feet, covering houses.

A deluge drenched Boulder with record breaking 17.15 inches of rain .

Cordova, Alaska

Austin, Texas

Small Town Buried Jan. 10, 2012

Halloween Floods Nov. 1, 2013

Police force was needed to help dig through 18 feet of snow that buried the town during a blizzard.

The city flooded with 14 inches that day. 100 people required rescuing from rooftops.

Hilo, Hawaii Aleutian Tsunami April 1, 1946

New Orleans, Louisana Hurricane Katrina Aug. 23, 2005

Almost 2,000 people were killed in the storm, the deadliest since 1928. Recovery is not yet complete, and the city sustained $81 billion in damages.

180 people died when an tsunami surprised the Islands, years before advanced forecasting.

Event promotes financial literacy RYAN SPOEHR News Editor Recently at Truax, Phi Theta Kappa, the school’s honor society, put on “Credit and Credit Score: So What’s the Big Deal?” in collaboration with the Volunteer Center. The event was meant to promote financial literacy for students across the college. Makiko Omori, vice president of scholarships in Phi Theta Kappa, presented this idea and became the lead for the project. “I’m from Japan and I was surprised how here in America it can be viewed so easily,” Omori said. Omori met the speaker of the credit score presentation, Joel Thomas, while in Japan. Thomas is the president of Financial Resiliency Foundation and has worked around the world in financial settings and is an award winning financial expert. “One of the biggest reasons people drop out of school is because of finances,” Omori said. “It’s not necessarily always academics.” At the presentation, Thomas

went into some of the specifics on credit and credit score. Thomas described credit as the ability to borrow money. He compared it to the words “credible” and “incredible” because you have to earn credibility and a reputation of being “incredible.” “Really, 740 and above is what you are shooting for,” he said. He also compared credit score to a report card at school because as grades determine what classes you can enter, a credit score can determine what types of loans you can receive in life. A credit score and a report card are both measurements of achievement. “That rate – banks are looking at that to measure risk. They are measuring that to see how credible you are,” Thomas said. “They’re looking at that to see how much they can give you and at what percent they want to give that to you.” Also, he touched upon how credit reports include reports on credit cards, mortgage loans, auto loans and personal loans and how they go back to the last seven years. He also said credit reports can also include things


Joel Thomas, president of the Financial Resiliancy Foundation, speaks at a Phi Theta Kappa event. like parking tickets if they have been unpaid. “They can show up and negatively reflect on your credit scores,” Thomas said. He also talked about his background with credit as well. People with limited or no credit history don’t have much leeway when it comes to loans. After he paid off his financial aid loans, he said he found something that he said was odd because credit does not have affordability factored into it. After college, Thomas said he paid off all my student loans and $20,000 in the bank, but had nothing to show for it. He had to start from scratch in building a credit score. However he now

has a 780 credit score, he said. “If you’ve never had a credit card or loan, that can really hurt you because if there is nothing there to open, there’s nothing there to measure your risk,” Thomas said. For those who haven’t taken out loans, Thomas suggested using a credit card to build up points on a credit score. “A debit card won’t help you (build up points) because a debit card is taking money directly from your account. That’s your money; that’s not other people’s money,” Thomas said. “If you pay your credit card (bill) back each month, do you have to pay interest back on

that? No – it’s the cheapest way to do it. So ironically, as much as they get a bad rep, they can actually be your best friend or your worst enemy.” In the presentation, he also spoke about mortgages and some more tips on finances altogether. For those who missed the presentation and would like to watch it in its entirety, the video of the event is available at d2bc0a174cc9a958bd42805e5a 6f1d. For more on Thomas’ work and to find out about Financial Resiliency Foundation, go to






President Jack E. Daniels, Jason Verhelst and Steve Hauser gave speaches at the WolfPack volleyball national champions celebration. This was the first national championship won by the Madison College volleyball team in the school’s history. Players Vanessa Clarson, Elizabeth Mahsem and Payton Klein also made the 2013 NJCAA Divison III Women’s Volleyball AllAmerican team.

could be waiting 15-20 minutes. That’s just too long,” Bottoni said. “That’s not a knock on them (Madison police), but we just can’t wait that long if someone comes in here with (malicious) intent.” For an officer to be certified to use a taser, they must be recertified yearly through eight hours of training and the completion a written test. Public Safety officials say the deployment of tasers will act mostly as a deterrent for individuals who may act violently. Public Safety Sgt. Joe Steffen is also a part-time police officer in Fall River. He is equipped with a taser while on-duty. “I’ve been in a situation close to having to use it, but I’ve never used it,” Steffen said. “It’s good to have because when they don’t see the taser they don’t comply. When they see the taser, more times than not, they will comply.” A decision will not be made at tonight’s board meeting, but there will be discussion. However, a decision could be made prior to the start of the spring semester. If the decision is made and is in favor of full-time public safety officers being equipped with tasers, then officers may be equipped with tasers prior to the next term. If it does go through, Public Safety officials say discussion will start on the potential equipping of full-time officers with firearms and would propose that to the district board as well. Public opinion is mixed at the college. However, it seems as though everyone agrees that ultimately safety is the top concern while on a Madison College campus, whether students are for the plan, opposed to it, or in favor of one or the other when it comes to tasers and firearms. “As long as it’s only going to be fulltime officers, I see no problem with them having tasers. I don’t think this is the safest place. Anyone can come in (with malicious intent) and it would just be chaos,” said Shaheid Walker, a student who takes classes at Truax. “Thousands of people come through here every day; security should be more than what is at a bar.”


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 stymied progress during his term as president, Mandela thought of himself as a shepherd and tirelessly led the people of South Africa, moving on to become a moral compass for the nation. In my year living in South Africa, I learned that (on a global level) it was Mandela’s absence of hate that was possibly his greatest lesson. After being viewed as a second-class citizen and imprisoned by his government, Mandela was able to view all South Africans as one united people, moving beyond racism and revenge in order to better the

Randi Koski is also a student who takes classes at Truax. She said she does not support any Public Safety officers being equipped with firearms, but she would be in favor of tasers. “I don’t see the need for (firearms.) I feel safe here and it’s an open environment,” Koski said. “Tasers are OK because there is no chance of accidentally killing someone. It doesn’t seem like this environment needs to have firearms.” However, there is opposition to the potential move as well. Kailey Gruling, a student at Truax, said she is opposed to either firearms or tasers. “I don’t think a situation will arise here where they need that level of protection,” Gruling said. Gruling added she would be opposed to Public Safety being equipped with firearms or tasers as a whole whether those would go to just the full-time officers or everyone who works at Public Safety. In Student Senate, opinion is mixed as well. At the Student Senate meeting last Thursday, the senate voted 7-5 to reject a motion to rescind a pro-tasers resolution. Officially, the senate as a whole supports tasers for Public Safety, but there are diverse opinions among individuals. “This means the senate supports taser use, though I and at least five others on the senate do not (individually),” said Student Senate President Colin Bowden in an email to The Clarion. Bottoni said he expects opposition to this idea, but he wants to do what’s best for the college community. “You’re always going to get opposition, but it’s what’s best for the community, not just an individual,” Bottoni said. Public Safety proposed the idea to Student Activities Board at its meeting last month. The district board meeting tonight is in the administration building at Truax at 6 p.m. in the boardroom by the main entrance. Students may go to voice concerns whether they are for or opposed Public Safety being equipped with tasers. Also, Bottoni said students who have concerns on either side may contact him at the Public Safety office at (608) 2466932 or lives of his fellow South Africans. Even today, some of my closest friends feel his influence and are motivated by his legacy of political optimism and tenacity. Jaco Bothma, a young Afrikanner and student of diplomatic international affairs wrote to me on Friday, saying “No words. Only tears.” In one of his most famous quotes, Mandela showed that he overlooked the emotional aspects of hate, viewing it instead as a strategic challenge and an obstacle to overcome. In his universal message of hope, patience and endurance, Mandela became not only an enigmatic South African political leader, but a global symbol for compromise and progress.





Questions asked to you, our readers.

What are your plans for winter break?


“Get together with friends, catch up on some Spanish and celebrate with my family.”

“I’ll be working on electronic projects all winter break and going to my grandma’s for Christmas.”

“Spend time with family and continue looking for a job. I’m graduating this month.”

— Jenna Flemal

— Kazu Murakami

— Nicole Fischer




n the day of his death, the New Yorker revealed its front cover tribute to Nelson Mandela. Someone on my Twitter timeline mentioned how the cover showed Mandela as a young man, a stern look on his face, a firm clenched fist raised in the air. The photo contrasts with the image of the old, smiling and rested man we see everywhere else in the media. Old people usually appear unthreatening, fragile and incapable of causing trouble: the opposite of who Mandela was, especially in his young activist years. It is interesting how Mandela, who was on the U.S. government’s international terrorist list until 2008, is now being heralded as a “peaceful icon.” I have only known Mandela as an old man, but I was also told the story of a young radical and revolutionary individual. Another revolutionary is getting the same treatment: Martin Luther King, Jr. Both he and Mandela were perceived at some point as troublemakers in society. The way we remember them today, as “peace and love” icons, completely erases this aspect of history. The same way that King, Jr is reduced to the “I Have A Dream” speech, Mandela’s legacy is reduced to the several declarations of peace he made after his experience in prison on Robben Island. I don’t mean to imply that these declarations – and his activism to promote peace relations in the world – are not

radical or subversive; they are. The question is: why is this revisionist representation happening? Mandela was a fighter. He fought against the Apartheid, the legal system enforcing racial segregation between whites and people of color in South Africa. Such a system couldn’t be dismantled and destroyed with nonviolence or peaceful tactics. Counterviolence in such context was unfortunately necessary. Mandela has always been an intimidating figure to me. Someone who was unfairly jailed for 27 years, and got out with only forgiveness for the people who put him in there can only be intimidating. The problem is that we seem to need to create this sanitized and consensual image of the man so that everyone can identify with him. It is important to remember Mandela as who he was throughout his whole life. Let’s remember him as a boxer, a young freedom fighter, a husband, a Socialist revolutionary, a flawed human being and yes, a peace icon. Mandela was all of these things and certainly more. Let’s not narrow him down to a neutral icon. Think about the way we’re asked to remember figures like Mandela and King, Jr. Think about what is being said about them, what is left unsaid and why. That said, we lost a great man. It’s a great loss for all of us. I hold a deep belief that there are a lot of Mandelas in this world, even among us. We shall mourn the loss of a great man and celebrate a legacy that must be continued by all of us. MCT CAMPUS


A holiday wish for universal joy

Michael Klein

Andrea DeBauche ARTS EDITOR


Jacob Ennis

Karen Cass

Multimedia Editor



Ryan Spoehr

Natalie Connors



Daniel Herron

Christopher Pinkert




The views expressed by The Clarion editorial board do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Madison College, its student body or any faculty therein. They are comprised of the writers listed above and/or of those who write for the Opinion section. LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor should be typed or written legibly, be 250 words or less, and include the writer’s name, phone number and email address. The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All submissions become the property of The Clarion and may be used for publication. Drop letters off at The Clarion office, Room 1410 Truax, or email them to


et’s talk about Christmas. Not the celebration of the birth of some carpenter’s son more than 2,000 years ago, but what most people in the U.S. think of when one says Christmas: decorated trees, turkey dinner, waking up early, playing in the snow, opening stockings full of chocolate and presents and taking some time off of work and school to be with family - time we don’t get that often. The celebration of the so-called “holiday season” has been criticized from a number of angles. People say we have lost the “true meaning” of Christmas. They say we have deviated from its roots

in religion and faith and turned it into a commercial festival of consumption. The truth is that people were celebrating the winter solstice long before Christ was a twinkle in his father’s eye. We feasted and decorated to liven the spirit and brighten the world as the darkness of night ate more and more of the day. It’s a fundamental human desire to breathe life and joy into a dark and dangerous season. Let us celebrate, then. Let us ring bells, string up lights and sing songs on cold, dark nights. Let us hug and kiss our loved ones, exchange gifts with family and strangers and embrace one another. When the world is fro-

zen, trees stand bare of leaves and nature holds its breath, let us sing out with life, love and fire, defying the dying light and celebrating being human. The true spirit this season is to rejoice no matter what holiday you celebrate. Christmas is about the birth of a new hope. Hanukkah is about finding plenty where you thought there was none. The solstice is about the turning of the seasons and the returning of the light. So light a candle, kiss someone under the mistletoe, give a gift, dance under the stars and celebrate. Words are not important; actions are, so call it whatever you want, but for this holiday season, live.



LETTERFROMTHEEDITORS A quick word from the arts editor, Andrea DeBauche


reetings, Madison Collegians. It is I, your arts editor. I come both in peace, and to say hello. This is my second semester at Madison College and my first contributing to The Clarion. It’s been tons of fun, and I can’t believe how quickly it’s gotten me interested in journalism. In fact, I’ve now decided to major in both English and Journalism. When a friend asked whether I was interested in either art or editing, I

replied “Um, yes. Both of those things.” You see, I have a passion for grammar. I also love art. I’m interested in film and music, and I like to draw and paint. In light of the season, I thought I’d tell you some of my favorite things about the holidays. Every year, I listen to the song “You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch,” specifically for the following line: “You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Mr. Grinch. Given the choice between the two of you, I’d take

the seasick crocodile!” Then I’m reminded of the film “How the Grinch Stole Christmas,” and I have to debate whether to watch the Jim Carrey version or the cartoon version. What I appreciate the most about the holidays is spending time with friends or family. Having no school helps, of course. So here’s hoping everyone has a great break and finds little things to feel some holiday cheer.

Graduation is a time of bittersweet emotions

Arguments for and against the

use of TASERS FOR: Officers need tools to ensure their safety and that of the students



JACOB ENNIS Managing Editor


hen the police show up after someone has broken into your home, you would expect them to show up carrying a firearm. When you are running from a mugger and see a police officer, you’re going to want that officer to have every tool available to save your life. Who knows if that mugger was only going to mug you. Chief of Public Safety, Jim Bottoni has a proposal for arming Public Safety officers with Tasers that he is presenting at the Madison College District Board meeting on Dec. 11. There are two types of Public Safety officers on campus. The ones that wear the gray shirts are student interns. They will never carry firearms, Tasers or batons. The officers that wear the dark uniforms are either part-time or retired police officers. They all have gone through police training, which includes firearm and Taser training. In order to be Taser certified, the officer must be recertified yearly through eight hours of training and the completion a written test. All of the officers set to be armed with the Tasers have been shot with them. Bottoni has been shot twice. He said the reason for this is so the officers feel the other end of it to make them more conscious of what happens. The goal with Tasers and any type of firearm is to be a deterrent. Sgt. Joe Steffen has been carrying one for seven years while working in Fall River and has never had to use it. It is the last resort, and is used to save someone’s life. There is a five-step use of force policy that every police officer uses. The Tasers would be at step four after physical presence, verbal commands and barehanded techniques have already failed. How quickly the steps move down the line depends on the gravity of the situation and the physical capabilities of the officer. All of the UW system campuses have an armed police force. Except for UW-Madison, they are all smaller than the Truax campus alone. The safety officers at Lakeland College are armed and Milwaukee Area Technical College is submitting a proposal to their board to arm their officers early in 2014. Bottoni said that his children would not go to college where the guards weren’t armed. Madison College has 44,000 students and 3,000 employees. It’s the size of a city and has no armed police force. If you lived in a town of just 3,000 people, you would want and armed police presence. Even in the “Andy Griffith Show,” Mayberry had an armed police force. There have been hostile situations that have occurred at the college and Public Safety doesn’t hesitate to step in and ensure safety. If the type of hostile situation occurs, that needs it, the Public Safety officers will put themselves in harm’s way, endangering their life to save yours. An armed force at the college, whether it is with Tasers or firearms, will ensure a better chance of saving lives. If need an officer to save me, I want him or her to be armed.


AGAINST: Providing officers with tasers opens the door for additional weapons COLIN BOWDEN Staff Writer


afety. We use that word so loosely at times it can seem to mean everything and nothing at once. It can mean peace and war, noise and silence, weapons and the lack thereof. Such times call for moral and factual clarity. It requires a clarion call for people of good will to stand together to fend off those who would attempt to delude or confuse us into counterproductive policies and fearful stances. Fear mongering to ward against is happening at our school as we speak, and it is in favor of the onerous policy of Tasers. Supporting campus safety for all students’ means supporting our Public Safety officials to continue their currently safe practices without Tasers. Tasers are not a defensive tool. They are a danger. Many arguments in favor of Taser use are, and should be, that they’ll keep people safe. Unfortunately, those determined to commit violent acts are less affected by these electric guns. Note that armed guards did not stop shootings at Columbine nor Virginia Tech, for example. Weapons can however, lead to more tense and violent interactions for Public Safety officials and other community members, as UW-Madison professor Leonard Berkowitz and Anthony LePage noted in a 1967 report called “Weapons as aggression-eliciting stimuli.” These researchers found that people who saw weapons in a room were more likely to deliver an electric shock to a person than people who did not see weapons. This means people just seeing a weapon can get pushed to be more aggressive, to tend toward violence. A serious matter, this can look like several things in real time. This can be people provoking fights near

Public Safety, hoping to draw them in for either assistance or to grab their gun. This can be crossfire, where shots from several angles are fired and students needlessly dying in the process. This can mean the difference between an effective conflict resolution and a needless death of an innocent. Such predictions are all the more dire because Tasers are a prelude to bringing guns on our campus. James Bottoni, our Public Safety director has noted publicly that the intention is to move from Tasers onto even more lethal weaponry. This belies the idea that the proposals do not include killing power, because the Taser is a Trojan Horse, and bullets are the hidden troops. Sadly, for all the possible and probable dangers of Taser use, there are woefully few reasons to actually support such weaponry. We have one of the safest campuses in one of the safest cities in America. The FBI stated that in 2012 the city of Madison sits was the fourth safest in the nation. If in a discussion about safety, the fact that we are already safe does not move us, then what about safety really matters? Additionally no evidence of actual incidents requiring a Taser has been provided by anyone in favor of Taser use. What’s likely is that we have people in positions of power eagerly awaiting a shot to use guns because for many, despite facts and figures guns equals safety. For many others however, the lack of a true need for Tasers, the very real danger to many communities in our midst, and the lurking threat of guns on campus means our students are not safer with Tasers. Instead of mimicking the politics of fear around other colleges in this nation but standing tall in our progressive tradition to say no to dangerous weapons like Tasers.

he semester is drawing to a close, with graduation and Christmas right around the corner, I have this bittersweet feeling about it. I am eager to start a career but I am not ready to say good bye to Madison College. I enjoyed being a part of the student clubs, while gaining knowledge and experience among familiar faces I have come to know as friends. I moved to Madison in 2011, I transferred in from Western Technical College in La Crosse after taking a year off from having my son, Tristan. I started at Madison College that fall in the Marketing program, along with the Nursing Assistant program which I completed the following spring. Being a student and a young single mother of three boys with sports schedules, and school themselves, I had to work extra hard to pay the bills balancing three jobs simultaneously at MyCity Promotions, Toppers Pizza, and as a CNA at Brighter Life Living. I utilized the Madison College Child Care Center as a resource for day time child care and was able to join my son for lunch, and watch him play on the playground in between classes. When I worked late nights I did homework on my breaks. I was very grateful the school courses/schedule was designed to accommodate my busy life, it allowed me an opportunity to pursue a degree and a career that I didn’t think I had before. During the past summer I earned my internship credit at Wisconsin Harley-Davidson in Oconomowoc and even though I didn’t enroll in the course until fall semester my advisor assisted me with my resume and internship process. This allowed me to gain some great experience and lessened my work load for the fall semester so I was even able to join some of the college’s great student clubs (PAC, PTK, DECA) and was able to pursue a passion, writing for the Clarion. I am grateful for my experience at Madison College and am considering coming back in the spring for the Graphic Design program.






Cave of the Mounds

Landmark offers comfy tours all year STEPHANIE BEIRNE LEUER Staff Writer Summer is often thought of as the time of year to enjoy Wisconsin’s many natural resources. In the winter, visitors tend to flock to indoor activities in order to stay out of the cold. One Wisconsin landmark combines both nature and a comfortable indoor environment. No matter what the thermometer reads outside, it remains a steady 50 degrees inside the Cave of the Mounds. Designated as a National Natural Landmark, Cave of the Mounds is located 20 minutes from Madison in Blue Mounds. The cave was accidentally discovered in 1939 during a quarry blast. Word quickly spread about the discovery, which brought curious visitors with hopes of seeing the cave with their own eyes. Cave of the Mounds opened for tours in 1940. The cave began formation more than one million years ago and continues to grow today. Visitors see the stalactites, stalagmites, columns and fossils on a one-hour guided tour through the cave. A six-foot cephalopod fossil is also found on the ceiling of the cave. Highlights of the tour include spotting “cave bacon” and squeezing through what is known as the Narrows. The underground cave is not the only activity

found at this natural attraction. Hiking trails, gemstone mine, fossil dig and the Discovery Center offer outdoor activities for visitors. This area is worth another visit in the summer in order to view the prairie and savanna restoration gardens. Cave of the Mounds also includes a snack bar and gift shop where geodes, fossils, gems and other rocks are available for purchase. For more information on Cave of the Mounds visit

Photos courtesy of the Cave of the Mounds National Natural Landmark and

Highlights of the Cave of the Mounds tour include the Diamond Stalactite (above), the Centennial Room (top), the Painted Waterfall (above right), and various columns inside the cave (lower right).





Catching Fire Hunger Games sequel sticks to script with plenty of action By TOM RICHARDSON Staff Writer Imagine the worst thing that has ever happened to you. Then try to imagine reliving that exact moment over again. Not easy, right? Unfortunately, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark had to relive the worst experience of their lives for a second time, in the latest sequel to “The Hunger Games,” entitled “The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.” In “Catching Fire,” Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) and Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson) are on their Victory Tour after becoming the winners of the 74th Annual Hunger Games. But things are not getting better for Katniss—in fact, things have gotten worse. All the districts of Panem are suffering due to the Capitol’s fear of rebellion after watching what Katniss and Peeta did in the Hunger Games Tournament. The 75th annual Hunger Games represents the third Quarter Quell, in which a special twist is added to the games for that year, and while Katniss and Peeta thought they would become mentors for future Hunger Games Tournaments, the Capitol has other plans in mind. What should impress viewers is the sequel’s brilliant first half, and how everything gets set-up. The aftermath of the first “Hunger Games” film is brilliantly incorporated, and it really shows just how brutal the Capitol gets within this cinematic universe. And new characters, such as Beetee and Finnick, add more pizazz to the film, as the two actors brought something new to the table that will feel fresh for many. Jennifer Lawrence’s return to the role of Katniss Everdeen was acted amazingly once again. “Catching Fire” also soars when it comes to effective drama and touching moments that will almost bring tears to viewers’ eyes for certain scenes. Katniss Everdeen might be “the girl on fire,” but there are a few flaws along the way that might put the fire out for some. The film might feel a bit “spotty” for some viewers during the second half, specifically during the 75th Annual Hunger Games. As certain aspects of the book are adapted perfectly to the screen, other aspects either get skipped entirely or are only briefly mentioned. Also, certain challenges that the tributes face in the Hunger Games Arena this time around feel a tad boring. A good example of this would be Part 1’s forest in flames, getting replaced by Part 2’s poisonous fog. The film also runs into the same problem that most film trilogies face: it sets up too much for Part 3. Some might feel cheated by Part 2’s cliffhanger ending. But for those who loved the first installment of “The Hunger Games,” this new installment should feel just as action-packed, just as entertaining, and acted just as well. This film could be a fun time at the movies, but at the same time don’t expect anything ground-breaking.


Walt Disney Animation Studios For a long time Disney has been criticized for failing to provide strong female role models. They have struggled to find the sweet spot at the intersection of gender equality and the dreams of little boys and girls. “Frozen” lives in that sweet spot. It is well written, well acted and amazingly well animated. The plot follows a pair of sisters, both princesses, as they grow from young children to their coming of age and coronation. As one might expect, one of the princesses has power over ice and cold, and this causes complications. From there is the central conflict of the story. Part of the greatness of this movie is the self-aware humor Disney sometimes uses to make fun of itself. However, its true greatness comes from the core plot: that of a pair of sisters who love each other more than anything else, and how that love is tried and tested. It’s hard to exalt in the glory of the way this movie is written without giving away any spoilers, so let’s suffice it to say that neither princess is a wilting flower waiting for some prince charming to save her. Go, watch it, and take your kids. If you don’t have kids, grab a friend who has kids and make them watch it with you. Or just see it for yourself, to prove to yourself that Disney can tell a story about a princess that doesn’t stick in the caw of every feminist to see it. I have only one criticism for Disney; the short at the start was horrible.


PREVIEWS DEC. 18 THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG PG-13 Picks off where the first Hobbit movie left off. Gandalf and friends set off on a crusade to reclaim Erebor from the dragon Smaug.

DEC. 20 ANCHORMAN 2 PG-13 Ron Burgundy is back in the anchor chair with the whole original cast of the first Anchorman film. Will Ferrel, Christina Applegate, Paul Rudd, Steve Carell and others are sure to provide plenty of dirty humor and laughs.

MAY 24 Lionsgate

A scene from Hunger Games: Catching fire.

THE WOLF OF WALL STREET PG Starring Leonardo DiCaprio as a crooked banker.



Natural Motion





iOS “Clumsy Ninja” hit #1 on the list of free downloaded games for the iOS the week of Nov. 25, and that deserves at least a little attention. So, what is Clumsy Ninja? The game fits nicely in a variety of categories, but it’s the intersection of those categories that makes it interesting. At its core, “Clumsy Ninja” is a Tamogotchi-style pet game, where you have a virtual creature (in this case, a ninja) that starts out not very impressive (clumsy, as it were) and you feed them, care for them and train them. They become cooler, more impressive and more “useful,” at least within the context of the game. It’s also a free-to-play game, which defines a number of little things about it, like the constant prompts to buy things with premium currency and post advertisements on Twitter and Facebook. But it’s also a physics sandbox with a learning AI. The graphics and physics are impressively done, and sometimes remind me (old school gamer that I am) of the ragdoll flash games. There are quests that prompt you to buy equipment with non-premium currency and play the various “training” mini-games available. For what it is, “Clumsy Ninja” is a very good game. It is detailed, developed and interesting, but allows for a variety of little distractions that give it an appeal to casual gamers. However, if the idea of “raising” a ninja from his clumsy young self to ninja master does not appeal to you, skip this title.


PREVIEWS DEC. 11 REKOIL PC PC shooter that promises more than 40 weapons over 5 customizable classes, offering diverse play styles.

DEC. 12 THE ROOM iOS Sequel to the creepy puzzler game Apple named iOS Game of the Year in 2012.

DEC. 17 DEMENTIUM II PC It uses first-person perspective of a man escaping a hospital for the criminally insane. Creepy, with cool puzzles to break up the game.

JAN. 14 THE BANNER SAGA PC Viking-themed tactical role-playing game, with a single player campaign style. It is the first in a projected trilogy.

Over the limit, under arrest

EA Games

‘Need for Speed Rivals’ lets you become who you always wanted By NICHOLAS GARTON Sports Editor “Need for Speed Rivals” is a high octane, shock stick vibrating look into a world where the prevailing question isn’t why one would drive recklessly through a maze of hideouts and hundred mph speed chases. The question is why wouldn’t you? After a lengthy, voice-over narration for an intro we enter Redview County, which is quite the place. It is basically a haven for all things fast and furious, and the cops don’t seem too much different than the criminals. They all want to drive as fast as they can for as long as they can. Upon arrival in Redview, users are taken on a completely annoying and semi-long training session that introduces the two worlds you can choose from. You can be a racer or a cop.


Rovio Entertainment

Mobile, Mac, PC, PS4, Xbox One, Wii U “Angry Birds Star Wars” is a fun new addition to the Angry Birds family. And while we already expect every game to be more or less the same as the previous, this time the feathery fellows are combined with another pop-culture hit. The makers have cleverly adapted the game with a “Star Wars” theme, even loosely following the progression of the original 1977 film. The clever references and visuals will tease a chuckle out of any “Star Wars” fan. The birds and swine have even gotten a makeover as different characters from the movies. The pigs, of course, are dressed as Darth Vader or Stormtroopers, while the birds are the protagonists. With new characters come new abilities. The red bird is no longer a lame duck, but rather Luke Skywalker equipped with a lightsaber that slices through obstacles. The Obi-Wan Kenobi/bomb bird can push piles of blocks where the player wants. Han Solo/yellow bird can

As a racer you have a hideout that is kind of a safe zone for you. It’s your destination when being chased by the police. You can race other users, go on events (beating the clock type things), or just cruise around until the cops get on your tail. As a cop it is simple. You’re on patrol and you must chase down and bust the racers. A bust occurs when you basically slam their car into pieces. Cops and racers are both given special equipment for their vehicles with which to destroy the others’ car. “Rivals” is the most explosive ingame experience of all of the NextGen games that came out for the new consoles. There has been some chatter that “Forza 5” is better than “Need for Speed Rivals” but that is utterly false. “Forza” has a better selection of vehicles but they handle horribly compared to on “Rivals.” Also, the

“Forza” races are totally boring when compared to being on the run for your life on “Rivals. “ The graphics are pretty stunning but it’s the sound that stands out for “Rivals.” The revving of the engines, the car wrecks and the sirens blaring pull users all the way in to this world. You can create your own soundtrack of songs to listen to while playing or use the headset to interact online and form your own teams or rivals. Out of all the launch day games – and I got them all – “Rivals” is the most satisfying. You get exactly what you paid for. A ticket to being as fast and reckless as you want to be. The game plays well – I haven’t seen any bugs – and why waste time in the drudgery of some Roman coliseum on some other game, when you can put the pedal to the floor and be the person you always wanted to be.

fire three pinpoint blaster rounds. The well-known Star Wars characters look pretty cute in the form of round little birds, and the creatures’ new abilities are congruent to their new characters. While the actual game will always remain about the same, the new theme and abilities made the game seem fresh. The levels and playing style are the same as have previously been used – point and fling. Gravity bubbles and slingshot effect introduced in “Angry Birds Space” is used a lot in the new game. One twist is that the pigs can now sometimes shoot new obstacles to avoid, but that’s about the extent of the change in gameplay. New to this game is it being adapted for the PS4, Xbox One and Wii U, along with the usual option to be downloaded as an app for a smartphone or tablet, etc. While some might like using the manual controls of a controller, some might find it irksome compared to the usual ease of touchscreen. “Angry Birds” has long been played for a couple of minutes to maybe an hour as a time killer, but as a legitimate

game on a legitimate system, sitting and playing tons of levels on end might get a little tedious. It should also be noted that the game costs $50 on the new systems, while having no extra features compared to the app. So unless you’re committed to seeing those flying fowl on a big screen, I’d suggest saving yourself $49 and just downloading the app. Other than that, “Angry Birds Star Wars” was a fun combination of a classic game and classic movie, and worth a distracted hour or two of your time.


Rovio Entertainment







British boy-band One Direction performs July 18 at the Target Center in Minneapolis.

A NEW DIRECTION JASON MILLIS Copy Editor The latest album of the popular British boy band One Direction, “Midnight Memories,” was released on Nov. 25. Listening to this album, it seems that One Direction has moved on from songs that show off the talent of synthesizers and sound editors more than their own contributions, to ones that show off the talent that brought them to the X-Factor. Being a first time listener of One Direction, I was pretty sure what I would hear: the trademark signs of a boy-band, somewhat cheesy songs about teenage love along with flamboyantly edited music. About half of

the album’s songs fit that description. The album art shows the band is trying to come across as more mature, having outgrown their previous Aeropostale-style outfits. One thing I noticed on the cover art is that Niall is wearing a Wisconsin Badgers t-shirt. Not a particularly important detail, but something worth mentioning. Like much of the band’s previous music, this album is largely about teenage love and heartbreak. The two songs that were made into music videos are “Best Song Ever” and “Story of My Life.” “Best Song Ever” is a song in the style of their previous hits, focusing more on edited voice tracks, along with techno synthesizers and drums. “Story of My Life” is a more sub-


Britney Spears

Britney Spears’s new album “Britney Jean” elegantly demonstrates the breadth and depth of her talent as an artist. From the opening song, “Alien,” where she shares her feelings of isolation and loneliness that have developed due to her status as an international pop star and sex symbol to the closing track “Perfume,” discussing her feelings of jealousy and possessiveness in being the other woman in some relationship. The best-selling single from the album, “Work B**ch,” is a dance mix explaining that superstardom and success are a direct result of a good work ethic rather than luck, talent or plastic surgery. Britney is obviously inspired by a number of other popular songs; her own tracks strongly reminiscent of other recent popular hits. Her artistic use of electronic sounds and autotuning demonstrate a unique understanding of musical theory, in addition to helping her sing a few hard-to-reach notes. It’s interesting that in the last few tracks, Britney turns a little religious: she sings the praises of the “Brightest Morning Star,” and in the next track speaks of how he comes to her in her dreams and tells her what she needs to know. It is good to see pop stars unashamed to talk about their beliefs in their music. Overall, “Britney Jean” is a classic Britney album and quintessential of her work, worth its price for any true fan.

dued song than some of the others on the album, and is the most popular song of the album on iTunes. It is a song that is more instrumental, having more identifiable instruments, and string instrument synthesizers. The song for which the album is named, “Midnight Memories”, is a song done in more of a “rock” style, like others on the album. This may be the direction in which the band is going, but we will have to wait and see. This was my first encounter with listening to an album from these artists, and I have to say I was not left with a bad taste in my mouth, or bleeding ears, when hearing their new acoustic and rock sound.


food Beer and food lovers should go Next Door NEXT DOOR BREWING RESTAURANT REVIEW

NATALIE CONNORS Graphic Designer Madison loves beer. From Miller Lite to Spotted Cow to Hopalicious, there’s brew for everyone, all made in Wisconsin. The city hosts several nationally distributed brewers as well as many locally based and operating brew pubs. Next Door Brewing Company enters Madison’s craft brewing scene with a variety of original beer recipes and a substantial food menu. The Atwood neighborhood welcomed Next Door with the beginning of fall. According to General Manager Pepper Stebbins, it’s been busy since they opened and is packed even on weeknights. It’s a smaller space, and to maximize seating opportunities, Next Door uses large tables that can combine several smaller groups. Table for three? How about a table for eight? Here’s five new friends. A brewpub, by definition, manufactures and sells its own beer on the premises. Next

Door houses all of their equipment in customer view. Behind a glass wall there are huge silver drums, connected by lengths of looping copper wire, that ferment barley, hops, and malt. Patrons relaxing at the bar have a backstage view to their beverages. You can sit and enjoy your beer at the bar or take a growler (one-half gallon jug) back with you. Next Door Brewing Company always has three house standards on tap, along with seasonal and guest taps. Sevex, Wilbur!, and WPA hold the regular spots. The WPA, or Wisconsin Pale Ale, uses plenty of Wisconsin malted barley and hops to get a bitterness that is neither too much or too light. The seasonal Eggnog Milk Stout makes for a delightful winter brew, spiced with nutmeg, vanilla beans and bourbon-soaked oak chips. The kitchen at Next Door aims to create tasty food that goes with the variety of brews. The whole point of a brewpub is to create a comfortable atmo-


Next Door Brewing Company has excellent food to go along with its craft beers. sphere where people can talk, eat, and drink. Head Chef Kevin Rikli brings experience from years in the Madison restaurant scene, working at Tempest Oyster Bar, Le Chardonnay, and Nostrano. The result at Next Door? Comfort food made with fine dining expertise and demand for quality. Next Door’s menu pulls influence from Wisconsin bar menu favorites (corn dogs, Sassy Cow cheese curds, white fish fritters), Brazilian cuisine (veggie tostadas, chimichurri) and includes a variety of hearty sandwiches, salads, soups, and entrees. I ate lunch there with friends

on a weekday afternoon. It was pretty quiet, but a few of the booths were filled. As my friends and I perused the menu, we struggled with decisions on what to try. Vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options were all noted on the menu. I was tempted by the Wisco Beer Mac-local RP pasta swimming in a medley of Wisconsin melted cheese and smoked ham. But the Veggie Tostada ($8) won me over with avocado argument – I just can’t say no to the green creamy fruit. The chips were fresh and crispy and layered with roasted chili sauce, vegetables, beans, and finished with generous wedges of avocado.

My dining companions and I also sampled the pickle plate ($4), yam crisps ($5.50), and the butternut squash soup ($5/9). Food came quickly and was quickly devoured. I’d definitely order the yam crisps again: a hot heaping pile of thinly sliced yams ready to be dipped in the accompanying chimichurri sauce. Everything we tried was good, obviously freshly prepared and carefully crafted as a recipe. The food at Next Door is way above par compared to the standard brewpub fare, and I’ll be back to try more. Next Door Brewing Company is located at 2439 Atwood Avenue.






Profiles of selected WolfPack athletes

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL GABRIELLE HOOD Gabrielle Hood is a 5-8 freshman guard on the Madison College women’s basketball team. She leads the team in scoring after seven games with a 15.1 average. Hood also averages 5.3 rebounds a game and has 18 steals and 40 assists. Hood attended Washington Park High School in Racine, where she was a four sport athlete (basketball, volleyball, softball and track). She earned all conference honors her



junior and senior seasons and was team MVP as a freshman, sophomore and senior. A liberal arts major, she is the daughter of Maurice and Elizabeth Hood.

BRANDON HOLZ Brandon Holz is in his second season with the Madison College men’s basketball team. After seven games, he leads the team in scoring with an average of 15.7 points per game. He also has 10 steals, five blocks and averages 6.3 rebounds a game. Holz played in 13 games last year, averaging 9.23 points a game and 5.92 rebounds. A 6-foot, 4-inch forward, Holz played high school basketball at Monticello High School. He was an All-Conference (Six Rivers East) selection and team captain his senior year. A business management major, he is the son of Jim and Sherri Holz.

NBA games not worth the price of admission NICHOLAS GARTON Sports Editor

Scot Versterdahl said. Despite being the underdog, Madison College led for most of the game. Both teams came out swinging right from the start, with Elgin taking an early 5 point lead before the WolfPack fought their way back into the game. The two teams traded blows the entire time but Madison’s free throw shooting gave them a slight edge in the close contest.

If you’re looking for bang for your buck this holiday season- or anytime really- save your money instead of checking out an NBA game. With ticket prices where they are today you might as well finish off your Christmas shopping or go all in for something special for yourself. Chances are great that doing so will actually cost less than attending a professional basketball game in an arena near you. For the sake of hypothesis let’s keep this local. Let’s assume I am a hardworking father in an AllAmerican family of four and that this weekend I’d like nothing more than to take the family out to root the Milwaukee Bucks on. Assuming it isn’t snowing out and NICHOLAS GARTON that I don’t care Sports Editor about the Bucks 11 game losing streak, I arrange to buy tickets for their next home game. Now, it’s a special outing so we don’t settle for nosebleeds ($15-$30 per person) and I get four seats in the lower bowl. The cheapest ones run for $58.80. So off to the aging Bradley Center we go. The arena itself has been condemned by the incoming NBA Commissioner Adam Silver who has given Bucks owner Herb Kohl five years to build a new arena or face relocation. After paying $20 for parking and $50 to get dinner for the family we settle in to our seats. I start to believe that maybe we made a nice investment here. It seems like a great holiday gift to the kids and a worthy family night out. Then the game starts. Little did I know, the Bucks are one of the worst teams in the NBA. I knew they had been struggling. I had no idea it was this bad. I ask the guy sitting next to me what the deal is with the team. He tells me the Bucks are one of about 20 NBA teams that are “tanking”. I have no idea what that means. He explains that “tanking” is when a team gives away any good players it has, fires a decent coach and makes inexplicably horrendous front office decisions in hopes that the team will be bad enough to get a great draft pick. Because the NBA uses a lottery system rather than just going by the




Madison College’s Brittany Kaltenberg (23) drives past Elgin’s Erica Haynes during a game at home on Dec. 3.

Coach has lofty goals Women’s basketball team is hoping to contend for title NICHOLAS GARTON Sports Editor WolfPack women’s basketball coach Jessica Pelzel has been in this position before. In 2010 she helped hoist the WolfPack women’s first basketball national championship trophy. Now, after three seasons of rebuilding, it appears Pelzel is ready to make another run. When asked about the WolfPack’s goals for this season, Pelzel turned dead serious.


WolfPack men’s basketball player Jeffrey Cole (23) fights his way past an Elgin player during the team’s 75-68 victory at home on Dec. 3. The win was the second for the Madison College men’s basketball team this season.

“We want to follow up the volleyball season exactly like that,” Pelzel said, alluding to Madison College’s volleyball team that ended a dream season by winning the national championship. It seems like a lofty goal but Coach Pelzel believes firmly in her team and has confidence that her players are fully capable of reaching the highest level possible. “If we can get out of our conference we’ve got a good shot,” Pelzel says. “Typically in the past 4 out of 5 years, our region has won the national championship, us included. We’re not going to just walk through our conference at any stretch of the imagination. But our conference champion usually defines the national champions.” The reasons for Coach Pelzel’s optimism are obvious if one watches even

five minutes of this WolfPack team. They employ a devastating full-court press forcing opponents into turnovers and tiring out opposing guards. This year’s WolfPack team has young, athletic legs and a whole lot of depth. The constant defensive pressure is deflating for opponents who feel like they don’t have a second with which to catch their breath. Meanwhile, Pelzel is bringing fresh people off the bench in droves and taking advantage of gassed opponents. It helps that in addition to the fresh legs, Pelzel has a treasure trove of talent. “When teams are getting tired we’re still bringing scorers off the bench,” Pelzel says. “We have three players coming off the » SEE GOALS PAGE 14

Men’s basketball team earns hard-fought win over Elgin TYLER RICHTER Staff Writer When you step out onto the floor, all that matters is whether your guys can beat theirs. That’s exactly what happened last Wednesday when Madison College (2-5) upset Elgin Community College (4-6) by a score of 75-68. “We were fortunate to pick up a win against a good team who has had a nice schedule,” coach



PRICE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 team’s win-loss record, as the NFL does, it is a total crapshoot. There is no way to guarantee ones-self a top pick in the draft. An NFL team that goes 2-14, for example, is pretty much ensured it will get the number one pick in the draft. But an NBA team could have the worst record in the league and end up with, say, the fourth pick in the draft because of the lottery system. Ultimately, the losers are the fansespecially season ticket holders. They pay an arm and a leg for their seats every year just to watch what is essentially a glorified AAU basketball game. I feel terrible. My kids are bored, my wife keeps looking at her watch. The Bucks have zero players whose names I recognize. Even worse, they are down by thirty points at halftime. There is virtually no one else at the game. The players look totally lost. The coach is staring blankly out into space. In order to make up for the lack of noise-making fans the Bucks are absolutely blasting annoying music out of the P.A. to the point where I can’t even hold a conversation with my family sitting right next to me. This is horrible. We leave after the third quarter, as the Bucks are now losing by 36 points. I can’t believe I just spent over $300 on this. For the same price I just wasted on this throwaway NBA game I could have been most of the way to buying a new Xbox one or Playstation 4. Things that could have been enjoyed for far longer than an hour and a half. Enough of the hypothetical family of four. In real life, the situation is far worse. The NBA has become such a corporate entity that prices are jacked up beyond what is reasonable for normal, everyday people. Despite being one of the absolute worst teams in the League

right now, the Bucks are still in the top half when it comes to the price of game tickets. Last season, the NBA enacted a new tax called the luxury tax. The intended concept was to financially tax teams that stacked their rosters with superstar players. It was in response to Lebron James going to Miami, Carmelo Anthony to New York and so on. Unfortunately, those markets are huge as are those superstars. The owners of those teams are fully willing and able to pay any luxury tax to keep those stars in town. Smaller market teams can’t afford to do so. The Oklahoma City Thunder are a prime example of the pitfalls of doing what Milwaukee and a dozen other teams are trying to do. The Thunder were a bad team that had great front office management. They had several poor seasons in a row but hit home runs on every single draft choice they made. They put together the NBA’s finest young team. It was a team that galvanized the small market of Oklahoma City. Led by the mercurial Kevin Durant and the hotheaded, gun-blazing Russell Westbrook, the Thunder were one of the most popular teams in the league. They had James Harden and Serge Ibaka, two NBA All-Stars as well. But when the NBA enacted the new luxury tax, the Thunder balked. They didn’t feel like they had the money or market size to be able to afford the luxury tax. Therefore, they made a highly controversial move by trading 23 year old James Harden to the Houston Rockets for essentially nothing. With Harden, the Thunder had no ceiling on how good they could have been. Without him they are still a very good team but not a team that could ever hope to

defeat the Miami Heat or even some of the other elite teams in the NBA. Now, they face the prospect of Kevin Durant’s impending free agency in a couple of seasons and the reality that they may be forced back to the drawing board if he were to leave. Then the tanking process would start over again. I believe that just like they have a luxury tax to punish teams for basically being too good, they should have a polar opposite tax in place to punish teams that are clearly tanking. I think that an NBA team that finishes the season with under 20 wins should have to be taxed. The tax should be based on how many games below .500 a team is. So, if a team goes 14-68 it would be 27 games below .500. They should therefore have to refund their season ticket holders %27 of the price of their season tickets. Why the season ticket holders? Because the NBA’s slogan used to be “It’s Fan-tastic.” There’s nothing fan-tastic about watching a team win 14 games. Also, it is one thing to just be bad. A 30-52 team is bad. But a team that goes 13-69 or 15-67 just has idiotic people running it and should be financially punished for it. It would be interesting to see how many teams tanked if they faced the same financial pitfalls as a team does for having too many good players on it. It is complete nonsense to punish a team for putting together an elite roster and reward a team that is intentionally bad. In what world does it make sense to punish the people who have a good product? If nothing changes, the NBA faces the prospect of more half-empty arenas populated by corporate suits while the families it once attracted just stay home.




Madison College’s Gabrielle Hood (15) dribbles between a pair of Elgin defenders during a game at home on Dec. 3.


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 13 bench who would be starters on other teams.” Following a 60-point blowout of Olive-Harvey and a come-from-behind victory over Rochester, the Wolfpack returned home to Redsten Gymnasium looking to extend their winning ways against 20th ranked Elgin Community College. It was a laugher right from the start. The WolfPack blitzed Elgin on defense and scored easy baskets offensively. Freshman guard Gabrielle Hood led the Wolfpack, scoring 20 points and dishing out seven assists. Hood was everywhere all at once driving to the basket for layups or pulling up for jumpers that ripped the net. While Hood dominated on the perimeter, forwards Bri Hicks and Nicole Hoffman did the dirty work inside. Hicks had 8 points and 12 rebounds, while Hoffman added 11 points all of

which were hard earned around the basket. With the victory, the WolfPack have now won four games in a row. If they can keep winning in the month of December they should be in prime position to make a good run at a conference title. The schedule gets tougher in January with nationally ranked opponents such as Kiswaukee College (No. 4 in Division 2) coming in to Redsten. After that, conference play begins. As Coach Pelzel noted earlier, getting through the conference will go a long way towards determining the ultimate fate of this WolfPack team. But with the silky play of Gabrielle Hood and the brusing style of the bigs such as Hoffman and Hicks, the WolfPack looks like they have as good a chance as ever. “We could be pretty good. We just have to play together, focus defensively, and the sky is the limit for this team,” Pelzel said. Time will tell, but the team looks ready to justify its coaches’ confidence.

A hot offense lessened the damage of the WolfPack’s defensive flaws, which included problems dealing with the full court pressure applied by Elgin during the entire game. “A lot of times teams when they put that kind of pressure on you, they’re trying to speed you up, trying to get you take quick shots or throw the ball away, and sometimes when you’re a young team like we are, you kind of get trapped in that,” Vesterdahl said. Indeed, the WolfPack are a young team, featuring only four sophomores. The WolfPack improved their play throughout the game and began applying more defensive pressure, having longer possessions and not allowing Elgin easy baskets. Vesterdahl denied that any adjustments were made during the half, insisting that the improvement was part of a pattern of this team improving every game. The WolfPack’s most consistent player was Brandon Holz, who finished with 18 points and 11 rebounds, his second double-double of the season. In addition, he was 5-6 on free throws, a team leading 83% among players with more than one trip to the line. Holz is one of a few players who helped put the game away by draining crucial free throws after Elgin closed within two points with under a minute to go in the game. Despite their record, this game seemed to show positive signs that this young team is improving. Vesterdahl credits hard work and constant drilling for the improvement. He also believes this team has a lot of good talent. “We think we’re 10, 11, 12 guys deep, guys that can play which bodes well for this team heading into the future” Versterdahl said.


Madison College schedules and results.

MEN’S BASKETBALL Schedule NOV. 8 NOV. 9 NOV. 13 NOV. 18 NOV. 23 NOV. 26 DEC. 3 DEC. 11 DEC. 13 DEC. 27 DEC. 28 JAN. 4 JAN. 8 JAN. 11 JAN. 13 JAN. 15 JAN. 18 JAN. 22 JAN. 25 JAN. 27 JAN. 29 FEB. 1 FEB. 5 FEB. 8

vs. Gogebic Community College, Coon Rapids, MN, 79-67 LOSS vs. Anoka-Ramsey CC, Coon Rapids, MN, 84-76 LOSS at Sauk Valley Community College, Dixon, Ill., 98-49 LOSS at home vs. Fox Valley Technical College, 107-70 WIN at Olive Harvey College, Chicago, Ill., 108-83 LOSS at Rochester CTC, Rochester, Minn., 85-61 LOSS at home vs. Elgin Community College, 75-68 WIN at Western Technical College, LaCrosse, WI, 8 p.m. at home vs. College of Lake County, 8 p.m. Arizona Winter Trip, vs. Scottsdale Community College, 7:30 p.m. Arizona Winter Trip, vs. ChandlerGilbert Community College, 4 p.m. at home vs. Kishwaukee College, 3 p.m. at home vs. Triton College, 7:30 p.m. at home vs. Joliet Junior College, 3 p.m. at UW-Marathon County, Wausau, 7:30 p.m. at Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee, 7 p.m. at home vs. Wilbur Wright College, 3 p.m. at home vs. Rock Valley College, 7:30 p.m. at College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Ill., 7 p.m. at Fox Valley Technical College, Appleton, 7:30 p.m. at Harper College, Palatine, Ill., 7 p.m. at Triton College, River Grove, Ill., 3 p.m. at Joliet Junior College, Joliet Ill., 7 p.m. at home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 7 p.m.

For a complete schedule of men’s basketball, visit

WOMEN’S BASKETBALL Schedule NOV. 8 NOV. 9 NOV. 13 NOV. 18 NOV. 23 NOV. 26 DEC. 3 DEC. 11 DEC. 13 DEC. 27 DEC. 28 JAN. 4 JAN. 11 JAN. 13 JAN. 15 JAN. 18 JAN. 22 JAN. 25 JAN. 27 JAN. 29 FEB. 1 FEB. 5 FEB. 8 FEB. 12

vs. Gogebic Community College at Coon Rapids, Minn., 78-65 WIN vs. Anoka-Ramsey CC at Coon Rapids, Minn., 70-55 LOSS at Sauk Valley Community College, Dixon, Ill, 63-56 LOSS at home vs. Fox Valley Technical College, 68-48 WIN at Olive-Harvey College, Chicago, Ill., 121-61 WIN at Rochester CTC, Rochester, Minn., 75-66 WIN at home vs. Elgin CC, 80-58 WIN at Western Technical College, LaCrosse, 6 p.m. at home vs. College of Lake County, 6 p.m. Arizona Winter Trip, vs. Salt Lake Community College. Arizona Winter Trip, vs. Scottsdale Community College. at home vs. Kishwaukee College, 1 p.m. at home vs. Joliet Junior College, 1 p.m. at UW-Marathon County, Wausau, 5:30 p.m. at Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee, 5 p.m. at home vs. Wilbur Wright College, 1 p.m. at home vs. Rock Valley College, 5:30 p.m. at College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Ill., 1 p.m. at Fox Valley Technical College, Appleton, 5:30 p.m. at Harper College, Palatine, Ill., 5 p.m. at Triton College, River Grove, Ill., 1 p.m. at Joliet Junior College, Joliet, Ill., 5 p.m. at home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 5 p.m. at Wilbur Wright College, Chicago, 5 p.m.

For a complete schedule of women’s basketball, visit




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CROSSWORDPUZZLE Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis / MCT Campus



ACROSS 1 Says “I do” to 5 Harvest bundle 10 Bone below the knee 14 Big name in skin care 15 Sculpture subjects 16 Jay with a column in Popular Mechanics 17 Smokes 19 Speak wildly 20 Dated song 21 Computer repair pros 23 Fizzle out 24 2013 Literature Nobelist Munro 26 Words sighed after a defeat 28 Ice cream maker Joseph 30 Cultural funding gp. 31 Let loose, as pigs 32 Large group 34 Two-time Oscarwinning director Lee 35 Turkish general 38 Pop star 39 Fortuneteller’s deck 41 Corp. moneymen 42 Sidewalk eatery 43 Suffix for a school of thought 44 Chopper blades 46 Classic role for Nimoy 48 Highchair protection 49 Be a fink 50 “Zip it!” 52 “Aida,” for one 54 Sewn edge 55 Catches in a sting 58 Until now 61 Poor box deposit 63 “Tell me about it” 65 Kennel pest 66 “You’ve Got Mail” coscreenwriter Ephron 67 Complete failure 68 Civil suit cause 69 Philosophy test component 70 Shade trees DOWN 1 Home of the Texas Sports Hall of Fame 2 Villainous

3 Sultry stretch 4 Slow mollusk 5 Fr. holy woman 6 Drink with dim sum 7 Art Deco artist 8 “Be there in __” 9 Vacation with worms? 10 Nikon product, for short 11 Destined for one’s comeuppance ... or what the last words of 3-, 9- and 25-Down are doing? 12 Navel type 13 Well-known 18 Queen, in Quebec 22 Additive sold at Pep Boys 25 Slogan on a Boston basketball fan’s shirt 27 Flinch, say 28 Long heroic poem 29 Pop, to baby 31 One, for Juan 33 Got some shuteye 34 Pitcher’s asset 36 Jewish wedding dance

37 Lead-in for prof. or D.A. 40 Show curiosity 45 More than heavyset 47 Not at home 48 __ and Herzegovina 50 Golf club part 51 Greeting word 53 John who married Pocahontas 56 Top pilots 57 Buds 59 Molecule part 60 Crunch count 62 Used a chair 64 Boxing’s Sugar __ Leonard



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