The Clarion 5-4-22 issue

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Don’t give up on having political conversations » 3

Extra effort shows in this sequel

Coach Davenport wins his 1,000th career game »12

From actor chemistry to the set, everything in ‘Sonic 2’ was done with passion and it shows » 9

Little free pantries feed communities nationwide Prairie Road Pantry in Madison inspires others KELLY FENG Opinion Editor When Nicki Stapleton set out a cardboard box on her front lawn two years ago, she had no idea she was starting a grassroots campaign. The box was filled with canned and boxed food, and leftover donations from her neighbors after she and her husband asked for food for a recently homeless man. When the food started pouring in and they realized they had too much for just one person, they put the leftovers in a box outside their home for anybody to help themselves. The disposable box quickly turned into a bookshelf, later replaced by a more sturdy and durable cabinet crafted by a donor from a design Stapleton made. What started as an effort to distribute extras has evolved into a robust daily stocking and restocking of the Prairie Road Pantry to keep up with the


Nicki Stapleton runs the Little Free Pantry on Prairie Road in Madison. ongoing food insecurity and growing community involvement. Stapleton admits it’s exploded. The Prairie Road Pantry donations often resemble a Thanksgiving cornucopias. On Sundays, she receives donations from a local Hy-Vee supermarket

and Mondays are “Produce Day.” The fruits and vegetables are sent through Instacart by a generous anonymous donor, who’s been ordering the produce once a week since shortly after the pantry started. The snapshot of food insecurity

is not a one-size-fits-all picture, with most people seeking assistance coming from all walks of life. Most recipients utilizing the pantries have overlapping needs. They may have recently lost a job and are learning to adjust to limited income, they might be able to afford food but never seem to have enough or they may be experiencing a usual time of financial need. Based on the “Little Free Library” system, which promotes neighborhood book exchanges in the form of a public bookcase, ”Little Free Pantry” was founded by Jessica McClard in 2016. Since then, back or front yard pantries are growing throughout the country. In the spring of 2016, McClard installed her first mini-pantry in Fayetteville, Ark. Within two weeks, a stranger found inspiration in her idea had copied the idea and opened a second pantry across town. To date, there are more than 800 Little Free Pantries registered on the official website, although the founder believes there are many more » SEE


What will it take to save democracy? STUART PATE News Editor


Ousmane Nikiema, center, and Ben Wiest, right, hand out awards at the annual Celebration of Student Success held on April 20 in Room D1630 at the Truax Campus.

Celebration of Student Success Student leaders, groups and staff honored at event KALEIA LAWRENCE Editor in Chief Celebrating some of the good work at Madison College was the goal of the Student Success Awards Program. The annual event was held both in person and virtually this year. Over 90 students were nominated in the various categories. Four students received the Karen Roberts Student Life Leadership Award, the highest recognition for

student leaders at the school. The winners were Deborah Moreno, Talita Maciel, Sean Green and Kaleia Lawrence. Moreno served as WolfPack Volunteers Coordinator for the Volunteer Center. Maciel was the Phi Theta Kappa President. Green was the Student Senate President and Lawrence was the Editor in Chief of The Clarion. Three students were honored for completing the Student Life Leadership Certificate: Maya Greengus, H. Wendyam Ilboudo and Kelsey McGuire. To achieve this award, students must complete 20

hours of civic engagement, hold a leadership position at the college, take part in leadership development activities and interview community leaders. Other honors presented were: Outstanding Student Employee of the Year – Axl Bradshaw, Jaydn Hayes and Emilio Machado. Devi Bhargava Award – Ashley Young . Terry S. Webb Shared Governance Leadership Award – Jack Shockey and Katrina Willis . Student Senate Merit Award – Ella » SEE


Many Americans are feeling less than optimistic about the state of democracy. Concerns of failing American institutions are on the rise. An NPR/Ipsos poll from January found that seven in 10 Americans say that the country is in crisis and at risk of failing. So, is American democracy at risk? Adrienne Roche, a political science instructor at Madison College, believes that democracy has been stressed but that there is hope. However, Roche says that even being the ideal citizen is not just a matter of showing up at the polls. Preserving democracy begins with education of the state of American institutions. Roche notes that American institutions have been under stress. Recently with COVID-19 but also going back to the election of 2000 with the role the U.S. Supreme Court » SEE


About this project

The Clarion is pleased to present a series of articles from the Investigative Reporting class focusing on divisiveness in America. You will find articles from this series on Pages 3 and 4 of this issue along with additional content online at

2 | NEWS | WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2022




By Dana Ryals, Librarian

Student staff helped make year a success THE STUDENT VOICE OF MADISON AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE

2021-2022 Kaleia Lawrence EDITOR IN CHIEF

Paige Zezulka





As we wrap up another semester and school year and look forward to the warm days of summer, the Madison College Libraries and Student Achievement Centers reflect on another successful academic year. Our unit’s success is due, in part, to our marvelous student desk staff. We would like to take a moment to show our deep appreciation to these students for their diligent efforts this past academic year. Their excellent customer service skills have helped us provide vital support to faculty, staff and fellow classmates.

Their work throughout the district is invaluable and we could not have completed the academic year without each and every one of them. Thanks to them for braving the bitter cold, heavy snow and torrential rains of the past year to come to work each day.

To those student workers who are graduating, transferring or moving on to new pursuits, we wish you nothing but the best. Your presence will definitely be missed, and we hope you come back to visit us. Best of luck! Adewole Onabule Braeden Perkins

Connie Laughnan Eamon Smyth Elaina Weaver Emmie Digon Francesco Carnevali Gresa Brati Hannah Teubert Heather Ceranske Ibrahim Gurbuz Janaiiya Hassell Katelyn Border Kayde Zimmerle Kimberly Laughnan Lileah Thao Mercedes HernandezNatera Sabirath Yessoufou Savannah Steffen Thank you!


Lauren Taillon ARTS EDITOR

By Sgt. Taylor Weckerly

Cole Downing

Public Safety would like to introduce our newest officer, Aron Leffler! Officer Leffler started working for Public Safety at the end of March and will be assigned to field training until June. After field training, Officer Leffler will be assigned to work weekend third shifts. Officer Leffler graduated from the Madison College Criminal Justice program in 2017 and we are happy he has found his way back to serve the WolfPack community. Officer Leffler has experience working for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections where he currently serves in a Sergeant position. When he’s not working, Officer Leffler enjoys reading, listening to podcasts and spending time in the gym to stay fit. If you see Officer Leffler out on patrol, please welcome him to Madison College.


Andres Sanchez PHOTO EDITOR


Taleise Lawrence COPY EDITOR

Michelle Meyer


Ivan Becerril-Gutierrez DESIGN DIRECTOR

Luis Rodrigo Alcala Roblero Iman Alrashid Lillian Coppelman Dexter Cruse Ebenezer Idowu Loche Mothoa Melissa Moua Grant Nelson JD Smith Nelson Courtney Nygren Keondre Randle Abigail Schaefer Mary SeGall Nina Sette Courtney Van Horn Spencer Wakefield CONTRIBUTORS


NEWS PHONE: (608) 246-6809 ADVERTISING PHONE:(608) 243-4809 FAX: (608) 246-6488

SUBMISSIONS To submit an item for publication, drop it off at The Clarion office, Room B1260G Truax and Room D237 Downtown, or email it to The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All opinions expressed in editorials and advertisements do not necessarily represent those of the Madison College administration, faculty, the student body or the Clarion staff. CORRECTIONS The Clarion strives for accuracy in all of its articles. If you have questions or concerns, please call us at (608) 246-6809 or e-mail: REMEMBERING Adam Lee Suby, 1987-2009 Philip Ejercito, 1981-2013

Coffee with Public Safety


Students visit with the “Dogs on Call” pets on April 25 in the Gateway of the main Truax Campus building.

Dogs on Call help students relieve end-of-year tension MARY SEGALL Staff writer On Monday, April 25, Madison College welcomed a few returning friends that the student body always enjoy seeing: Bailey, Loki, Joy and Jesse. Everyone greeted the visitors so warmly and it was such a nice, serene hour and a half of love and tail-wags before entering a week of final exams. Oh, did I not mention Bailey, Loki, Joy and Jesse are dogs? Our friends came from Dogs on Call, an animal therapy organization that has been proudly serving Wisconsin for a while now. Animal therapy before the start of finals week allows students to have a few hours to let their brains decompress from all the knowledge we have

spent the last few months retaining. It is said that interacting with the lovable therapy dogs can release serotonin releasing a calm state of being for the students. The furry friends gave lots of love to the staff and student body, and there was a lot of bonding with man’s best friend. Smiles and laughter could be seen and heard from students and teachers alike. There is just something so calming and pure about the love of a dog; they love you no matter what. They have a sense of knowing what you are feeling, maybe before you even know. I immensely enjoyed my time with Dogs on Call and would like to thank them for what they do! I hope to see them again next year for more kisses and belly rubs, for the dog of course!

Please join Public Safety on May 4 in the Truax Gateway for Coffee with Public Safety from 8 to 11 a.m. This is your opportunity to get to know your Public Safety staff and ask any questions you might have about the department. There will also be free cookies and coffee.

WolfPack Alert

Have you signed up to receive WolfPack Alerts from Madison College? These alerts notify you of school cancellations or about emergencies on or near campus. If not, please do so on our webpage. Registration is free, easy and takes about a minute on your mobile device. In addition to our Facebook page, we have a Twitter account! Be sure to follow @PublicSafetyMC to stay informed of what’s happening on your campus.


Madison College Public Safety Officer Aron Leffler started working at the college in March.

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Clarion Broadcasting




WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2022 | NEWS | 3

Political upheaval has taken a toll on mental health KELLY FENG Opinion Editor “What parents need to know about college students and depression” by the Mayo Clinic Health System found that up to 44% of college students report symptoms of depression and anxiety, with suicide being the third leading cause of death. Droves of Americans, many college students, have reported that politics have taken a significant toll on a full range of health barometers, with the gamut running from stress, loss of sleep or suicidal thoughts to a hyper-focus on politics and a need and over engagement on social media. An American Psychological Association survey showed that 70% of adults experienced high-stress levels leading up to the 2020 election. Experts think the stress

may last for quite a while. Are politics the tipping point in our mental health crisis, or do Americans have other issues? According to John Boyne, a counselor at Madison College, there are many vectors to this mental health crisis. He doesn't see politics as a specific issue, but another reason to create spoken and unspoken angst. It's the quicksand of several matters coming together. "It's a perfect storm. I would say social media [which] preceded COVID, but also Black Lives Matter and Trumpism and the kind of political turmoil you're zeroing in on," Boyne says. The Madison College counselor believes all these issues have created a mental health challenge for people who might not otherwise have struggled psychologically. Boyne says it's not common for students to name politics

as the primary source of their struggles. However, political upheaval on social media has added to the angst. He says the turmoil weaves its way into families, neighborhoods or friend groups where there are dichotomies and different opinions. That especially creates turmoil in family dynamics. "Uncle Joe is a Trumper, or a nephew is deep into protesting. That's tearing some families apart for sure. That's very high angst around that," Boyne says. Political differences have been around for decades, but social media has brought differing viewpoints to the forefront. "It's like fluoride in the water. It seeps in, but often they're not fully aware," Boyne says. Whether a student is aware or unaware of the adverse

effects of social media, it's clear that they're overly engaged. Boyne has observed that, separate from political turmoil and independent of COVID-19, high engagement on social media negatively affects mood and health. "Issues around comparison. Issues around social isolation— in the midst of observing all this other socializing, are depicted in this refined way. How people cherry-pick their life and post it on social media," Boyne adds. Some of that over engagement came pre-pandemic and pre-Trump. "It's obvious now that it has a deleterious effect on mental health, especially for young people,” Boyne suggests. “Then you add the strife of political discord into that, and it becomes explosive." It's hard not to see the irony of social media.

"There's the feedback loop there where it's sort of rather than bringing people together, which was the original promise of something like Facebook. It makes people hyper-partisan. It's a digital acceleration." While there is a six to eightweek waiting list at many colleges and private clinics, Madison College doesn't have a waiting list, with the college providing same-day services for those in emergency need. If you're a student with a specific need, like wanting to speak with a counselor of a particular ethnic background or demographic, it's possible to have a week to a 10 day wait. Students can be served within minutes, the same day or a day or two later. To learn about Madison College’s counseling services, visit: student-experience/support/ mental-health-counseling.

How political maps are drawn can greatly impact outcomes ABIGAIL SCHAEFER Contributor


Keep the political conversation alive NINA SITTE Contributor Political divisiveness has been distracting from the importance of informed voting for a long time. Although the 2020 presidential election had the highest voter turnout, still only 66.8% of eligible voters cast one. This is because of reasons that range from thinking your vote doesn't matter to not feeling represented by a particular candidate. Voting, however, is one action that someone can take to help push forth policies they agree with. Voting, along with simply discussing politics, is a crucial part of the democratic process. But it isn’t always easy to discuss politics. Madison College communications professor Kristy Jagiello explains, “Talking about taboo topics can be beneficial in instances where we then learn about them, or we then learn about ourselves or we learn about the person we’re talking to.” Jagiello also suggests that managing these conversations is key. “It’s not necessarily the presence of conflict in a relationship that causes a problem, it’s how we manage it,” she explains. “Taking a minute to think, ‘Am I understanding what this person is saying the way they intend to say it?’” Seeing an issue from another’s perspective is a super important part of political discourse, according to Jagiello, but it is also a step often skipped. She suggests that we can listen and

The easy thing to do would be to stop conversing about politics altogether. That would not be the most productive though. wait our turn to talk, while trying to be understanding and respectful. At the end of these difficult conversations, common grounds can be found to help solve bigger issues. This way, we can get people to reason with worldly issues and think deeper about them which is a solid step. According to Scientific American, “One of the lines of work that holds some promise is some research showing that if you just remind everybody that Democrats and Republicans are all Americans, that can make them a little bit more open-minded.” This is an important point. Individuals have a different tolerance for conversations about touchy political subjects and need to monitor how defensive they are, because that reaction often takes value away from potentially valuable conversations. The easy thing to do would be to stop conversing about politics altogether. That would not be the most productive though. Once we get past the point of pointing fingers, these conversations become easier, Jagiello says.

Every 10 years, people check off items on their list of decennial life tasks. Adults get a new tetanus shot, travelers renew their passports and politicians attempt to manipulate district voting lines to keep their party in power. For hundreds of years, the census has been and continues to be a tool for the government and how population data is collected. Using this data, the government is able to adjust representation in the House of Representatives. If an area’s population increases, so should its number of representatives and vice versa. The census began with the founding of the United States, but so did the idea that those counted could be manipulated for political gain. This is called gerrymandering. Gerrymandering was taking place before the term was popularized in mainstream media. Elbridge Gerry was not the first to gerrymander, but it would be what makes him memorable. According to the Smithsonian, the term gerrymandering was popularized during an 1810 election when Gerry manipulated district boundaries to maintain power. The new district boundary looked like a salamander, so his opponents coined the term “gerrymandering” when publishing propaganda during the election. Gerrymandering continues to be a common practice over 200 years later. According to information gathered by Loyola Law School, only nine states redistrict using nonpartisan (non-elected) commissions. This leaves 41 states that redistrict using elected officials in their process and thus are more likely to be redrawn to favor the party doing the redistricting. Gerrymandering seen after the 2020 census collection was from both major political parties. While the Republican Party had less room for gain due to previous gerrymandering, both major parties adjusted their maps in their favor and with some success. It is clear gerrymandering is a bipartisan tool. But what about here in Wisconsin? Wisconsin is a state that redistricts via elected officials but is

subject to a gubernatorial veto. It is also a state that poses challenges to anyone trying to draw fair district lines. “The Art of the Gerrymander,” a podcast with Andrew Prokop from Vox, explains that “geography is a difficult constraint on drawing a lot of these maps. Often it works to Republican’s advantage in certain swing states because of the now very well-known fact that Democratic voters tend to concentrate in cities and Republican voters tend to be more dispersed.” Wisconsin is a well-established swing state that currently has six Republican districts and two Democrat. Prokop goes on to say that between geography, keeping communities together and attempting to keep district lines contiguous, “ is a bit of a challenge to draw a truly fair map in Wisconsin on a partisan basis.” The Wisconsin Supreme Court in March ruled that it would use the "least changes" redistricting plans submitted by Democratic Gov. Tony Evers as Wisconsin's political maps for the next decade. But just weeks later, the U.S. Supreme Court determined that those maps were incorrectly adopted. Then, the Wisconsin Supreme Court reverted to the original Republican drawn maps. Organizations like Fair Elections Project work to educate Wisconsinites on the tactics and dangers of gerrymandering. Their goal is to push the state of Wisconsin towards a nonpartisan redistricting commission to help remove the bipartisan political bias that comes with legislature run redistricting. Gerry could have been famous for any one of his contributions to the early establishment of the United States government. He signed the Declaration of Independence, refused to sign the Constitution and was a vice president under James Madison. However, his legacy of biased voter map drawing has outlasted any other accolade and lives on as a modern practice and term over 200 years later. Politicians work to maintain the practice of gerrymandering while organizations like Fair Elections Project work to make sure biased redistricting is not on anyone’s decennial check list come 2030.

4 | NEWS | WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2022


Cost of education divides us more SPENCER WAKEFIELD Contributor People enroll in college for countless reasons, but the primary motivation for most is an economic one: trying to get ahead in life, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps and getting a big job in the real world. For that, you need a degree, proof you are intelligent and motivated enough to work in the field you chose to specialize in. “There just aren’t a lot of good jobs you can get without a degree,” says 21-year-old Madison College student Neo Negru. “Sure, you can work at a retail place or whatever and make okay money as a manager, but no one wants to do that for their entire life.” A college education has long been a mark of prestige, something almost more impressive to have achieved financially than academically. After all, there are few things more synonymous with wealth in the United States than a degree from an Ivy League, institutions that are known for being expensive and old. A resume with a private university, tuition the same price as a small home, have always been more sought after than community college. Historically speaking, though, there have always been educational options for the less fortunate that did not cost an exorbitant amount in the form of public universities, typically just one tenth the cost of a private education prior to 1980. College is also a time of political awakening for many students, rich and poor alike. Many causes are close to the hearts of people in their 20s, but one of the most immediate and pressing concerns in recent years has been the rapidly rising cost of college. Since 1980, the cost of public tuitions have increased at five times the speed of the Consumer Price Index, an almost 1200% increase compared to the CPI increase of 231%, as reported by the National Center for Education Statistics. Even technical schools, like Madison College, are not exempt from this increase. According to the Chronicle of

Higher Education’s records, the total cost of the 1999-2000 school year was only $1,818. In stark contrast, a single semester of the 2021-2022 school year will run students upwards of $2,700, while two years in the Liberal Arts transfer program is a minimum of $11,600. This stark increase in price has been protested across the entire country, affecting countless institutions of education and their students. Madison College students are not alone in their fight for reduced, or even free, public education. At a recent meeting of the campus group advocating for free public college, Madison College student Gia Tierney has this to say when asked about the exponential increase in education costs: “It’s messed up, it really is. We fund this place and UW through our taxes, and it still cost [sic] more than a new car to get a degree at the cheap option! Where is all that money going? Textbooks, tools, parking, tuition – it’s all coming out of my pocket. How is this the affordable option for a college education?” The Biden administration campaigned on the promise of free community college, but some students are saying that he not only failed to deliver on that promise, but has done nothing to stop the rapidly ballooning educational costs. Since 2020, tuition at Madison College has gone from an average of $4,500 to almost $5,000 per year. “It’s completely unaffordable without going into debt,” says Tierney. “And we don’t really have a choice in coming here, a lot of us just can’t afford going to UW right out the gate.” Students interested in fighting for free or reduced tuition rates can find resources in various Facebook groups, though that information is more generalized, and are highly encouraged to get in touch with state and school administrators. “If we make enough noise, they have to listen,” said Negru towards the end of the group’s meeting. “They’re gonna have to.”


Misinformation hurts both people and democracy COURTNEY VAN HORN Contributor What is real in the media? Who can I trust? How can I decipher what is fake news versus real news? Where should I be looking for real news? And furthermore, why should I care? Propaganda has been around presumably forever. It is human nature to believe that we and those we surround ourselves with are right and just. So, we are “good” and those who disagree with us are “bad.” Fake news was needed as a weapon to create momentum against the “bad guys.” Controlling the mind and controlling what others believe to be true is mind control. And with mind control comes power. Communist Dictator of the Soviet Union Joseph Stalin gave the Soviet people and people in occupied territories his own foundation of knowledge, beginning in 1922. The Netflix program “How to Become a Tyrant” explains plainly how Stalin, aided by censorship, slow-played the brilliant, manipulative fake news idea. Stalin censored books in schools and libraries, including even timeless novels of exploration such as “Robinson Crusoe.” Stalin chose to ban books such as “Sherlock Holmes” as it encourages asking questions and searching for truth. In 1931, Stalin was Dictator of Ukraine. Wanting their land and other resources for himself, he kept the Ukrainian people starving and impoverished. Stalin controlled all broadcasted news and newsprint, favoring only his Communist, tyrannical agenda and

Staying informed Madison College Libraries offers excellent tutorials on fake news, including segments on Why Does Fake News Matter? And How to Spot Fake News: https://libguides.madisoncollege. edu/HOWLER/FakeNews For more info on Ethics in Journalism, visit: asp For news on elections, visit the Women’s League of Voters: Voter registration in Wisconsin: pandering hard work from his citizens in order achieve what he believed to be a greater good. This, we learned, was not for a greater good, but was only to serve Stalin himself. Stalin’s fake news, combined with censorship, left little hope to those who initially might have a more discerning attitude about what is true. It is hard to think critically when you haven’t eaten, and the library, the radio and the newsstand only have literature that is either benign or false truth. Nearly 100 years later, fake news would get an unrighteous amount of attention during the 2016 presidential election between opposing front runners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Reporters and pundits on both sides of the political race expressed that fake news media was grossly out of hand. One notable scandal at this time was nicknamed “Pizza Gate.” Pizza Gate

is a since-debunked conspiracy that made headline news for many weeks, with countless rumors attached to it. Allegedly, an email was exposed from the Clinton office supposing that a homosexual, pedophilic pornography trading ring was operating out of a pizzeria in Washington D.C. named Comet Ping Pong. The people of Comet Ping Pong were innocent. They, alongside the whole queer community, suffered much (as did the Clinton campaign) because of these falsities. Molly Levinson of Comet Ping Pong stated, “Fake news is hate.” Misinformation hurts people. And what misinformation is truly hurting is democracy. One can imagine the world itself might be a better place if Soviets and Ukrainians in the Stalin Era and Americans in the present were more capable of thinking for themselves. So how do we operate around all this? Cody Walker, a college English instructor in Springfield, Missouri shares where he gets his news. Walker uses NPR (National Public Radio) and AP (Associated Press) Wire as news sources, stating they are not infallible but largely reliable for unbiased material. Walker’s tip regarding finding reliable information as a student is to avoid 24-hour news networks and sources they have not heard of. “The problem is that their media knowledge is so low they ask things like ‘Is the New York Times a good source?’” Walker said. Walker encourages them to research more about the source itself, to read how long the source has been around and to look for key words that show

potential biases in their “About” pages. Another good exercise for college students to stretch their “discerning muscles” is Debate Club, as well as Media Literacy courses which teach the ability to think critically and effectively communicate. Debate exercises force you to actually dive into a fact-finding activity from two or more opposing sides. This is a healthy way to decipher information. For instance, you may not agree that pit bulls should be excluded from your local dog park because it seems discriminatory against pit bull owners. But if you look at information from those who support banning pit bulls from dog parks, you might learn of five dog bites from the last year resulting in citations from injuries caused by these dogs. Seeing both sides of an argument allow for a more well-rounded perspective. Understanding why the fake news cycle is so popular now can prepare one to be more critical. The Daily Gazette of Schenectady, New York explains, “The misinformation factory model is so successful because it can be easily executed, replicated and stream-lined, and often requires very little expertise to operate. Meanwhile, legitimate news sources […] are suffering.” So, when searching for reliable information, first ask yourself, why do these people want me to know this information? Search who the publishers are, what they have written before and take a step back to think critically each time. Ask, does this sound right to me? Do the Halloween pumpkins have viruses?



WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2022 | NEWS | 5




untracked or unlisted. With conventional and community food pantries throughout the country, what is the appeal of a small neighborhood pantry where the items might change day each day and there is less of a supply? Little Free Pantry recipients don’t have the burden of filling out paperwork like they would at a traditional non-profit pantry. Also, a Little Free Pantry doesn’t have set geographical boundaries so that they can serve a larger population. They are 24/7 resources, unlike traditional pantries with set regular hours, so recipients can access the free pantry any time they’re hungry. For Stapleton, the need to get the word out and build awareness of the food resource is paramount. Every day, after she stocks the pantry, the Prairie Road Pantry founder is quickly to inform her community via the pantry’s Facebook page. While most people or organization post on social media as an opportunity to promote themselves or their brand, Stapleton steers clear of boasting or pridefulness. She uses Facebook to inform and update the pantry’s followers. Her posts are informative and matter of fact. Believing the Facebook page follower have the need and would like to know what the pantry has in stock, Stapleton post at least once and sometimes twice a day. She also knew the key to receiving donations from the community was to maintain visibility. “It doesn’t take much time [to post on Facebook]. I make sure to snap a picture when I stock and quickly post it on the page. It takes just a few seconds,” Stapleton said. To create an area of frequently asked questions, Stapleton created a pinned post that lists the often requested food. Hygiene products, baby wipes and cleaning products are often requested; many families struggle to afford these items and other food assistance programs like SNAP don’t cover them. The most popular food donations are: crunchy peanut butter, Kraft or Annie’s macaroni and cheese and bagged sides or snacks and meal kits. While canned and boxed food are her most popular donations, others donate gift cards or cash. Stapleton uses monetary donations to fill in gaps when items are needed. The line starts outside her home, usually minutes after she posts on Facebook. Regulars drive up, some on their bikes, with some arriving after daylight to remain anonymous. While she works for the City of Madison full time, with two days working from home, it is often suggested to her that she take her talent and turn it full time into her own not-for-profit. Stapleton dismisses the idea, saying she loves her full-time job and enjoys the flexibility of not being a non-profit and working the pantry into her own schedule. There have been many vibrant memories during the past two years, but one of the most memorable experiences was running a school supply drive two summers ago. Stapleton says it was a ton of work, with supplies scattered throughout her home. But with community effort, Prairie Road Pantry created backpacks for 70 students, plus leftover supplies and backpacks. It was a huge hit, being able to offer other free things including toys, clothing and books. In addition, The Book Deal, a local book store, donated a bunch of kids books which was a huge hit. What Stapleton wants the community to know is that food insecurity is a cross demographic need, with recipients coming from all walks of life. The most important thing for people to know is her adamant belief that pantries should be judgment free zones. “You never know when you might need a little extra help. I have had people message me through the pantry page thanking me for having the pantry available at night as they are embarrassed to come when it is daylight,” Stapleton said. “I would also like people to know that people who are experiencing food insecurity shouldn’t be shamed for their preferences. Anyone who follows the page has seen that I frequently request specific brands of macaroni and cheese. I have seen a preference given to those brands and the generic options don’t get taken as quickly. And that is OK. I do not like the ‘beggars can’t be choosers’ mentality - everyone deserves food dignity and choice. People using a pantry shouldn’t have to settle for food that expired 5 years ago, dented cans and brands they don’t like. Food should be enjoyed, no matter where it came from.”

played in deciding the election between Bush and Gore. “That was really the first symptom in some ways in American democracy of institutions being challenged in ways they really weren’t accustomed to,” Roche says. Since then, Roche says, there has been 9-11, the expansion of bureaucracy, and the war on terror, the response to Hurricane Katrina and the mortgage crisis. All these events have led to rapid change and with that, backlash movements have risen like nationalism which are the “antithesis to liberal institutions,” says Roche. Roche also looks to involvement and complacency in American democracy. She points out nearly 67% of eligible voters voted in the 2020 election. Roche is concerned that still leaves 33% that didn’t

vote. She feels that Americans have grown “comfortable” with the benefits provided by liberal democracy and that plays into lack of engagement. In addition to lack of engagement, Roche is concerned with obstacles to voting. “Democratic institutions should be marked by expanding access to voting and voting rights. For some voters, it is not complacency as much as it is a lack of political efficacy – essentially the belief that their vote does not make a difference. There are many reasons for this belief – but one reason relates to the way institutions are structured. When institutions are – or become – more restrictive that can affect citizens’ feelings of efficacy. This erodes trust between the citizens and their government,” Roche said. Recently local governments have been forwarding legislation that may hinder a person’s ability to vote. Roche believes that this type of legislation limits who can partic-

ipate in democracy and hinders the role in deciding who gets into office. Despite all of this, Roche remains optimistic. “My perspective is to be hopeful, and I think when I’m actually in the classroom, and I’m working with students and hearing their perspectives on American democracy and the investment that they have and the value like liberty, democracy and equality, that give me a lot of hope” However, Roche does not rely on hope alone. She feels that hope must be paired with action. “It’s not just voting,” she said. To Roche, participating in democracy is also getting involved in protests, calling legislators, paying attention to what’s happening legislatively and in congress, signing petitions and taking stances on issues outside of general elections and “having all of that education to make informed decisions when you get to the polls.”


Members of La Raza Unida celebrate being selected as the Outstanding Student Club of the Year.


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Jiang . Student Excellence in Diversity Award – Ashley Young and Pedro Zepeda Samano. Student Ambassadors of Distinction – Ben Wiest, Noely Bonilla, Deborah Moreno and Valarie Behling. Club Advisor of the Year – Courtney Dicmas. Outstanding Student Group for Academic Achievement –Creative Arts Collective and Wolves in Research . Outstanding Student Club of the Year – La Raza Unida. Outstanding Student Organization of the Year – Student Senate. Outstanding Student Group Award for Community Service – Fitness and Recreation Association. Outstanding Student Tutor of the Year – Albert Mensah, Kynda Zidani, Lyon Chen and Saheed Afolabi. President’s Volunteer AwardElla Jiang and Katrina Veltrice Willis. Exemplary Learner of the Year, School of Academic Advancement – Cathryn Abrajan . Exemplary Learner of the Year, School of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology – Ryder Collupy and Kendrixe Mone’. Exemplary Learner of the Year, School of Health Sciences – Kyle Donovan and Lauren Daering. Exemplary Learner of the Year, School of Arts, Humanities and


Noely Bonilla, left, and Deborah Moreno were among the student presenters at the Celebration of Student Success. Sciences – Amy Moreland and H. Wendyam Ilbouda. Exemplary Learner of the Year, School of Human and Protective Services, Law and Education – Justin Shaffer and Monica Caldwell. Exemplary Learner of the Year, School of Business and Applied Arts – America Silva and Eli Brunett. Exemplary Learner of the Year, School of Nursing- Ayele Dossavi and Heidi Hughes. Exemplary Learner of the Year, School of Technologies and TradesChris Hendricks and Midge Cross.

Alternative Break RecognitionArya Keithireddy, Madalyn Beunig, Zora Smith and Yana Samanta . International Student VolunteerH. Wendyam Ilboudo and Kendrixe Mone’. WolfPack Volunteer RecognitionJay Cho, Julian Morales Grande, Lexie Wilberding, Mariana Barksdale, Nihar Srikakolapu, Rohith Ravikumar, Wendpanga Tapsoba, Ella Jiang, Yana Samanta and H. Wendyam Ilboudo. Distinguished Teachers of the Year – Dr. Alexis Middleton, Wendy Harris and Teri Gorder.





Questions asked to you, our readers.

What was your favorite thing about this year?

"Making new friends." - Chris Perez

"Becoming a life drawing model."

"Began looking at things differently."

- Ciara Havlik

- Quinn Vitale-Hughes

Time spent in athletics, newspaper was something special KALEIA LAWRENCE

game or working a shift, but it was comforting to see the community that lives there. Now I won’t bore you with all the details of the past years, so I’ll try to keep this short and sweet. It was an honor to represent the WolfPack on the court for three seasons. Did my coaches tell me to stop flinching at the ball because my hands would be fast enough to protect me? Yes. Did I get a concussion anyways? Yes, and I flinch extra hard now. But that’s not the point. That first year, many tears were shed and it was so hard. But I’m happy to say I got to finish my career with a couple of my best friends in the world. And above that, it was an honor to have one last volleyball

season spent with my sister. I’ll be forever grateful for that. I’ve had the best time ever with the Clarion. There’s been some long days. Design days meant working on the paper, meetings and going to practice. One night, I saw Doug after practice, and had to head to the office all sweaty to get the paper done. But even when it was hard, it was so worth it. I’ve got to work with so many different amazing people. It’s been so fun to get to know everyone and I hope the best for them. Whatever you do, just get involved. I know what it’s like to have too much on your plate, but when it’s time to put that plate in the sink, you’ll be glad to have done it all. And of course, join the Clarion. It really is something special.

Response to refugee crisis

Uncomfortable conversations can lead to knowledge

Editor in Chief


’ve always been a busy person. I can’t remember a time where I didn’t have at least two jobs, not counting school or sports. There were times when it was overwhelming, but now, as I’m on my way out the doors of Madison College, I’m glad I did it all. I remember the first time I came to Madison. It was for a concert at the Alliant Energy Center. As we drove into the city, I remember saying something along the lines of “I would never want to live here.” And now, thanks to my time at Madison College, I’m glad to be here. It was a big change to come here, but I knew what I wanted. I wanted to play

collegiate volleyball and here I was, doing just that. But after pre-season got to a rocky start, I realized I wanted more. Joining a student newspaper meant getting to do so much more and make friends outside of the gym. I remember when one of my first articles was published. I was sitting outside the staircase to the old Fitness Center before my shift there when my Intro to Mass Communications teacher came up to me. Larry Hansen handed me a big stack of Clarion newspapers to keep, as he said, it was something special. That first semester, I always liked walking past the Clarion office. I couldn’t make meetings because I was usually getting on the bus for an away

Nation could do more to assist those displaced by war





krainian refuges are proving themselves to be models of bravery and perseverance. So, why isn’t the United States doing more to help them? Since February, Poland has taken in nearly 3 million refugees. Not to mention granting them government credentials entitling them to employment and healthcare. Meanwhile, the newly announced “Uniting for Ukraine” act proposes to merely streamline the refuge resettlement process to only 100,000. This rings of one of history’s greatest blunders repeating itself. During World War II, Jewish refugees were denied entry into the United States for fear some may be German spies. This country has chosen to support Ukraine and rightfully so. However, isn’t it time for the U.S. to “get its hands dirty,” and start making a difference?


Volunteers with signs welcome Ukrainian refugees arriving at the Tijuana airport on April 8 as they journey to the United States after fleeing the war in Ukraine. Economic sanctions and supplying armaments are something the U.S. is good at and comfortable with. But a growing number of Ukrainian refugees, mainly women and children, need a safe place to stay. This country has the capac-

ity but not the will to step up and do the right thing. Whether we talk about thousands or millions, we are talking about human beings. The United States must begin to show humanity.

e pulled into the parking lot of our local town hall on that gloomy Tuesday afternoon of Nov. 3. My sister and I walked in with our documents in hand to prove our address and identification. They handed me my green and white ballot and off I went to one of the five voter stations. As I read through the names, I recognized nobody; well, except Donald Trump and Joe Biden. But what did I truly know about them? The answer was nothing. I knew what social media had told me, but beyond that influence, my mind went blank. I filled out my ballot, put it in the machine and walked away. I felt like an idiot. One vote may not change an




The Clarion Editorial Board

Navigating a year of evolving challenges THE EDITORIAL BOARD


ow that the academic year is over, we can collectively reflect on what we accomplished and what we survived. This was a long year of many changes. We began the year with many classes taught virtually. Then we moved to in person and learned to navigate new matters like what kind of mask to wear, knowing where to find the hand sanitizer stations and judging appropriate space for social distancing. The Greek alphabet took on new meaning as we came to know delta and omicron variants.

Still, Phi Theta Kappa proved steadfast as it, early in the year, held its in-person, Halloween spooktacular as well as other events throughout the year. The Student Senate held elections. Starbucks and the UW Credit Union reopened. As students, we encountered a crowded parking lot, some of us for the first time. And as Madison College came back to life, it took a prominent role on the front line of the war on COVID-19. The National Guard was mobilized to become certified nurses aids. It was here at Madison College where they received their training.

Furthermore, the fitness center reopened, the artisanal meat program received its own counter, the UW signed new transfer agreements and our baseball team was ranked No. 1. All this in the face of a worldwide pandemic. The world hasn’t returned to normal. It’s uncertain if it ever will. Madison College students, faculty and staff have proven they won’t be defeated. Some students are graduating while other students will be returning next year. Madison College has prepared them all to rise to the challenge of navigating this new normal.

Kaleia Lawrence

Lauren Taillon

Paige Zezulka

Taleise Lawrence



Stuart Pate


Kelly Feng




Sherra Owino


Ivan Becerril


The views expressed by The Clarion editorial board do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Madison College, its student body or any faculty therein. They are comprised of the writers listed above and/or of those who write for the Opinion section. LETTERS POLICY

Letters to the editor should be typed or written legibly, be 250 words or less, and include the writer’s name, phone number and email address. The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All submissions become the property of The Clarion and may be used for publication. Bring letters to The Clarion office, Room B1260G Truax, or email



Some policies help create more segregated public spaces EBENEZER IDOWU Staff Writer


ave you heard the phrase “separate but equal?” Recently, many public spaces are reverting to segregation; this time it has a different face. Progressive institutions are separating people by race to have honest conversations between marginalized ethnic groups to try and attain racial harmony, but it is not achieving those aims. By segregating people based on race, we create a more racially charged society, worsen racial divides and sabotage our efforts to attain equality. Partitioning people based on the color of their skin creates a racially charged society. Many universities are creating separate graduation spaces for minorities. Even some grade schools are engaging in the practice, a thought any common-sense person should find alarming. Such practices beg the question: how will this build a supportive educational community? Schools should be equitable and inclusive spaces but woke segregation, as I like to call it, will do the opposite. Dividing students up by race makes them obsessed with their skin color. White students will become upset that, simply because of their race, they are labeled oppressors. Black students, Hispanic students and other minority



entire election; however, many votes with as little knowledge behind it as mine could. “Don’t talk about sex, politics, religion or income and you’ll be OK.” Growing up, this statement was reiterated to my siblings and I over and over and over again. It was second nature to us to not mention these topics when in conversations with new people or quite frankly, anyone. These four things we were told would spark endless amounts of controversy, politics being the biggest perpetrator, and my parents thought the best way to avoid controversy was teaching us to avoid talking about them altogether. This seemed like a perfectly good rule to go by until I turned 18 and I had power over a ballot at the local town hall. Posters, emails, text messages, social media posts, TV commercials, a global pandemic, you name it, and these four topics were involved in some way, shape or form. They were everywhere. As my adulthood continued, conversations about these topics I’ve always known to be taboo were initiated and I was lost, scared and nervous. Emails were sent and I wouldn’t reply. Nudges to vote in the mail got shredded. It wasn’t until after this voting experience that I realized that it’s not what you talk about with people to learn, it’s how you talk about the information being presented. These four things, especially voting and politics can cause a lot of misread feelings and ruin friendships, but they can also be a point of union and acceptance as well. The umbrella term for all four of these subjects is “beliefs,” and I was raised to keep beliefs to yourself outside our home -- but beliefs were made to be shared. They were made to spark conflict because with conflict comes opportunity for understanding and peace. From the moment I dropped that ballot into the machine, I knew that I needed to do better, no matter how uncomfortable or how badly it could stir the pot with the people around me. By avoiding these conversations, I became an uneducated voter, like I am certain many others are, and uneducated voters can do more harm than good. At the end of the day knowledge is power, and one of the best ways to obtain said knowledge is by initiating those uncomfortable conversations with people you trust.

students will become angry as a result of their forced victim status. This results in an undesirable outcome: conflict between racial groups resulting from the anger and frustration surrounding their alleged inherent racial identity. Segregation will also deepen racial divides. One does not have to look further than history to find a plethora of examples where race divided America. In the antebellum period, slavery was our country’s single most contentious political and social issue. The division it created eventually resulted in the American Civil War, which resulted in over half a million deaths, because a handful of rich, racist Southern elites could not renounce a morally corrupt institution. Jim Crow Era discriminatory practices led to severe racial conflict in the South between racist white people who wanted African Americans to remain in social backwardness and the African Americans themselves who were tired of oppression and wanted to finally break free. For examples of this type of conflict, look no further than the Tulsa Race Riot. In modern times, race has also created serious disputes between opposite sides of the political spectrum, from the debate surrounding Black Lives Matter and police brutality to the 1619 Project

and antiracist dogma. In an already charged society, the last thing we need is yet another reason for racial conflict. Segregating public spaces will do just that. Focusing more attention on race and the color of someone’s skin creates the perfect breeding ground for prejudice. That means more racists, white supremacists and bigots, the natural result of a racially centered culture. Surely that is not a society we wish to create. We should, therefore, do everything in our power to prevent this from happening. A civilization which is segregated, obsessed with race and plagued by conflict between ethnic groups cannot achieve racial harmony. This should be an obvious truth, and most people would agree that it is. Why then, are efforts made to create such a nation, one in which Black people, Hispanic people and other minorities are even further away from achieving success and racial equality? What good will separating white people from other Black, Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) do? Some may argue that it is necessary so people of color can have a space in which to discuss issues without the pervasive presence of white people: their privilege, prejudice, racism and all. Let me ask some simple questions:

what is the end goal behind putting minorities and non-minorities in separate spaces? Will that truly help our society achieve racial unity? Will it heal racial wounds? Will separating people from those who are different from them make those individuals more tolerant of those people? And then there is the flip side: what benefit do allwhite spaces, the consequence of woke segregation, have? Will white people become less prejudiced when there are no people of color around? Tolerance is a direct result of being consistently exposed to people who are different from you. Putting yourself in an echo chamber does not help to accomplish this goal. Efforts to separate individuals based on race only harm a society by promoting racial conflict, deepen racial wounds and move a society in the opposite direction of racial harmony. Segregation is wrong, regardless of the intent. It does no good whatsoever to minorities, for it does not eliminate barriers to success for people of color, address systemic inequalities or give them a way to succeed in America. It is divisive, discriminatory and just plain racist. If we truly seek to create a country in which the color of one’s skin is irrelevant compared to their character, this is not the path to take.

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From left, James Marsden, Tika Sumpter and Sonic (Ben Schwartz) in "Sonic the Hedgehog 2."

‘Sonic 2’ the highest grossing video game movie LILLIAN COPPELMAN Staff Writer Back in 2020, many critics and Sonic fans had doubts about how the first movie was going to turn out, with the horrendous original design for the blue blur deterring many from the film. But luckily, their fears were misplaced. With a redesign and a pushed back release date, the first Sonic movie climbed the ranks to become the number one video game movie of all time. Just months after the first movie's release, a sequel was announced which made fans excited. On April 8, their excitement paid off. “Sonic 2” is a spectacular movie for all ages. With action packed adventure and stunning visuals, there is a little bit of everything. The writing itself is phenomenal, from the lighthearted scenes to the action-packed moments, each scene is beautifully written and entertaining. Using the first film and pieces of Sonic lore, the film creates a universe that is not only believable to long-time Sonic fans, but its narrative is easy to follow and enjoyable for newcomers. The writers found a way to make the story coherent to anyone watching, no matter the age or knowledge of outside sources. By doing this, they have not only broadened the viewer base, but they have given themselves the freedom to do what they want with

the characters and the story. The dynamics between all the characters felt realistic and genuine; there was no point in the film where the characters did not feel authentic or out of place. Each character felt like they fit into the world that the writers had created. With a big name cast it is no wonder that they were able to make many scenes have an emotional impact on the audience. Jim Carrey, James Marsden and Ben Schwartz reprise their roles for the film, bringing with them talent and charm. The chemistry between the actors was stunning; the way Carrey, Shwartz and Marsden played off each other made for an amazing experience on the big screen. Tika Sumpter and Natasha Rothwell both also return to the franchise, creating a comedic duo that the audience cannot help but laugh with. Though, the weight of the scenes would not have that much of an impact if not for the phenomenal soundtrack. From the original pieces written for the movie to the other song choices, everything came together for a thematically beautiful track. Tom Holkenborg returns as the lead composer for the film, each piece giving the movie more character. The musical motifs present in the first movie return for “Sonic 2,” causing each scene to have a bigger emotional impact on the audience.

Combined with the talents of the actors, it created an unremarkable experience. Believe it or not but “Sonic 2” limited its use of CGI. From actually lifting Jim Carrey into the air to setting a controlled fire on the ground, the production team worked hard to make sure there were as many practical effects as possible before CGI was to be used. This is a huge contrast from other big studios; Marvel, for example, uses CGI for little and mundane things such as flowing hair or a pistol. The use of practical effects versus using all CGI just shows how much love and care was put into this movie. It is clear that “Sonic 2” was made and worked on by people who were really passionate about the film. From the actors' chemistry on and off set to the amazing set pieces used, everything about “Sonic 2” was done with love and passion, and it shows. “Sonic 2” is a fun movie for all ages. Whether you are a long time Sonic fan or just someone looking for an enjoyable time, this sequel brings a little bit of something to the table for everyone. If you are looking for a fun time with your family or yourself, then “Sonic 2” is just for you. Stunning visuals mixed with wonderful acting and phenomenal storytelling, this film is everything fans wanted for a sequel and more.

Return of the Powwow at Madison College T. HORNE Staff Writer Madison College’s annual powwow was finally able to return. This comes after some time away due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was put on by a couple different student organizations, including the Office of Equity and Inclusion, the Intercultural Exchange, United Common Ground and the Native American Student Association. While there used to be a small entry fee, it was open and free to the entire community this year. As a person of Native blood, powwows have always been something I loved; however, I always had so many questions about what brought the vendors together and how many people generally got involved with putting them together. I asked dancers many questions, as well as the drumming group from my tribe, the Menominee, called Winged Eagle. How they got involved with the powwows, dancing and drumming were some other topics we talked about. I also asked how do people that live away from the reservation get involved. I had the great pleasure of talking with Winged Eagle and found that they had been a family who lived on the reservation, family name Webster. They have kept it a tradition in their family. The Webster’s shared that it is something that they pass on to the new generations as soon as possible, and one of the young ones had received a hand drum as a gift which they had brought with them to the school’s powwow. Many people I spoke with had very thought-

ful perspectives that I enjoyed hearing from. I managed to have a good chat with all the vendors before my exhaustion headache set in. Dennis Kenote from Menominee is a member of the color guard, as well as a Vietnam veteran. We had a very enlightening though brief conversation. I had asked him about how he felt during his service in Vietnam as an Indigenous person, how he felt his treatment was during this time and if it changed from before service as well as possibly changed after. Though our time was short, I hope to chat again in the future to share his story through The Clarion. Kenote stated he felt no animosity in the service by non-Natives and that he felt no hate towards others. He even specifically mentioned that no, he does not feel any bitterness. He chose to enlist, like many of the other Indigenous Americans that served in the Vietnam War, to further protect his homelands, regardless of who was on that land. He very much indicated a sentiment of wholeness as a country and an individual citizen above being distinctive about racial differences. Our conversation also included a smaller conversation about how our tribal technical college differs between its two campuses: the one in Keshena, our tribe’s “capital city,” and the campus in Green Bay. The Keshena campus is run by nearly all Indigenous Americans and most of the instructors are Indigenous as well. This is not the case in Green Bay. For a brief bit, I was enrolled in my tribe’s tech college » SEE




Above, Penny from Menominee and a student at Madison College, with her mother (middle) and father (right). Below, the Color Guard with Dennis Kenote in uniform

10 | ARTS | WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2022



WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2022 | ARTS | 11

Fun things to do this summer in Wisconsin MARY SEGALL Staff Writer Summer is almost here and we all know what that means! It is time for sunshine, flip flops and vacations and field trips, but have you ever thought about just doing some fun things around the Wisconsin area? Here are 10 fun things to do in the summer here in Wisconsin. I encourage you to look them up and go out there and experience them for yourselves. This summer, there’s something for everyone! Rick Wilcox Magic Theater: located in the Wisconsin Dells, Rick and Susan Wilcox put on a wonderful show full of humor and illusions that kept me wondering how in the world he does these illusions. I just recently went to see it,

but I really want to go again to be quite honest. It is fun for the whole family! Elusive Escape Rooms: located in Wisconsin Dells, the rates are reasonable, and the rooms are very well thought out and they really make you think. I recently did one and we got out with a minute left. The time goes so fast when you are having fun figuring out the puzzles. Henry Villas Zoo: located in Madison. It is a free zoo that you can take the kids to or even hang with friends for the day. There are donation baskets around the park for donations to help keep the park running. I love going there for the tigers, red pandas and polar bears! The Bristol Renaissance Faire: located in Kenosha. This is one of my personal favorite things I look forward

to every year! Where else can you see jousting, throw axes, dress in knights’ armor or a fair maiden gown or throw tomatoes at a guy who insults you; sounds like fun, right? AirVenture: located in Oshkosh. Are you a fan of airplanes? How about airplanes from World War I and II? AirVenture offers an unbelievable airshow every day of the fair and tells the story of the planes throughout history. My husband and I go every year! American Family Field: located in Milwaukee, home of the Brewers! Ball games, in my opinion, are always a great way to spend a sunny summer day. There’s a reason it is one of America’s favorite past times! Farmer’s Market: located in Lake Mills. A small community of vendors come together to sell goods such as art,

honey, fresh produce, jewelry, aromatherapy and food. The market is surrounded by small town antique shops and Lewis Station Winery within walking distance of the farmer’s market. Vitense Golfland: located in Madison. They offer mini golf as well as regular golf, batting cages, a water game and rock walls. Good for a smaller family day or just a quick activity to do with friends. Summerfest: located in Milwaukee. Calling all music fans; this is an event you do not want to miss out on! Singing, different concerts every day and dancing along to your favorite artist; what can be better than that? The Butterfly Gardens of Wisconsin: located in Appleton. Learn about one of nature's most gentle and beautiful creatures while enjoying some sunshine.

Lettuce wraps, a flavorful dish to to try on your own SHERRA OWINO Assistant Editor


Mark Hamill at the Premiere of Disney's "Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker" on Dec. 16, 2019

The good, the bad and the Jedi TALEISE LAWRENCE Copy Editor May the fourth be with you! May 4 is Star Wars Day, celebrated informally by fans of the series. To celebrate, here are my favorite and least favorite things about the “Star Wars” universe. I love the characters in “Star Wars.” They’re all such complex individuals, each with their own goals and inspirations. Growing up, I had a crush on both Anakin and Padmé. My siblings and I played with “Star Wars” action figures, acting out scenes we would make up. We had every character you could possibly want, ranging from the popular Luke Skywalker to more obscure characters like Breha Organa. My favorite thing about the characters is that though not all of the characters are good people, they’re still well written. George Lucas does a great job of explaining why characters do the things they do, while not excusing it at the same time. Anakin Skywalker is a great example of this. He starts as an innocent child who simply wants to be a Jedi Knight and one day free his mother from slavery. As he matures, he is influenced by the Dark Side of the Force and Chancellor Palpatine. He begins to doubt everything he knows and loses trust in the Jedi Order. In doing this, he loses his loved ones, including Padmé and his twin children. He continues to be influenced by evil, becoming worse and more cruel with time. He even goes as far as trying to kill his son. At the very end, he saves Luke and turns to the Light Side again. I love that throughout his long and dramatic character arc, Anakin’s actions are explained, not justified. He does terrible things, but that’s what makes him such a good character.


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 in the spring of last year but withdrew to traumatizing events. My experience with Green Bay’s location was that a fair number of staff were non-Native and predominantly white. This weighed heavily on me and others within the tribal community. The tribal school’s focus was on revitalization and culture, which non-Native people can’t participate in; they shouldn’t even speak over the

Controversial opinion here but I love all of the series. There are the prequels, originals and sequels. There’s a lot of hatred directed towards both the prequel series and the sequel series. People complain that episodes one through three are too stuffy and dark. They say sequels are trying to be “politically correct” and they don’t follow the comic or novel storylines. I disagree with both of these popular opinions. I absolutely love all three sets of “Star Wars” series. The original series has a special place in my heart. My dad watched it with my siblings and I when we were little, so it holds a lot of nostalgia for me. The prequels are also amazing. I love the politics shown in the series. The audience finally gets to see how the “Star Wars” world works, and how the Empire could have come to power in the first place. Characters that were referenced in the seventies’ film are fleshed out into full people. The sequel series are so fun. There are so many new characters, while still following some of the previous characters’ storylines. I love that there’s so much diversity in the newest series. “Star Wars” can be intimidating and exclusive if you’re not a white man. With the new series, kids and adults both have new characters that they can relate to. My least favorite part of this galactic series is the fandom. While there are so many great fans, there are some people who are exclusionary. They act like you have to know every single detail or “Star Wars” lore to be a true fan. There can be no one that just likes the movies; everyone must be as big of a fan as they are. There’s nothing wrong with being a huge fan, but it’s not cool to shame others for their level of involvement. Though watching all the episodes of “Star Wars” would take over 24 hours, May 4 is a great day to watch your favorite one.

voices of Native peoples. There are similar issues in tribal clinics. This stems from the need to outsource due to the lack of tribal people’s access to resources and education, even if they don’t live on the reservations. My conversation regarding this outsourcing and issues of speaking over Native people came up much more heavily in a conversation with one of the vendors. There were two families from around the Brown County area that talked with me about dilution of culture in various ways. Some

forms of this dilution were the allowance of non-Native people vending at powwows and people selling knockoffs or in some way disingenuous items that claim to be Native work. I felt that these two families were the ones that offered me up their true feelings and thoughts. I’ve never engaged in these kinds of conversations at a powwow before. Often, we keep the spirit of gathering on our tongues, which was demonstrated by the dancers. They openly communicated that they love dancing to engage with their tribe’s cul-

Anyone who’s visited the upscale Asian restaurant P.F. Chang’s has probably heard of their lettuce wraps. There are those who love them and those who have yet to taste them. Rarely have I found someone who doesn’t care for them at all. With the option of chicken or tofu, it’s hard to go wrong. While the lettuce wraps recipe on isn’t exactly the same as P.F. Chang’s, it can certainly satisfy those tangy cravings. One really nice part of these is the sauce is cooked right in, so there’s a little less drippy mess without shorting the taste. Because I live in a smaller city with simple grocery stores, I did have to get some ingredients online; however, larger stores with more options or an Asian grocery might be just the ticket. I was pleasantly surprised how basic this was based on the flavorful experience. For the most part, I followed the recipe exactly apart from two things. Firstly, I didn’t need to drain the grease from the meat once it was cooked. I used lower fat beef and less oil so that saved a step. Secondly, I used a very large onion (too large) and, upon looking at the pan being overrun by the potent vegetable, decided to take part of it out which gave more balance. The recipe calls for a large onion, but I would say it’s not necessary to pick the largest option. Just an average size would be sufficient. I can’t imagine these wraps would have as much flavor if any ingredients were omitted (apart from the chili pepper sauce that’s optional) so be ture and to help share stories. This powwow was something special with the mood of the dancers. Most dancers were full of smiles and cheers. I’ve seen a range of emotion and exhaustion among dancers at powwows on the reservations that I have gone to. I do believe the dancers really carried with them the spirit of celebration at the Madison College powwow. Everyone from the tribal communities said they were very excited and happy to attend again. It was so good to see and to hear.

sure you collect everything… and then find other tasty dishes to continue to use these wonderful sauces. As always, bon appetit!


16 Boston Bibb or butter lettuce leaves 1 pound lean ground beef 1 tablespoon cooking oil 1 large onion, chopped ¼ cup hoisin sauce 2 cloves fresh garlic, minced 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon rice wine vinegar 2 teaspoons minced pickled ginger 1 dash Asian chili pepper sauce, or to taste (Optional) 1 (8 ounce) can water chestnuts, drained and finely chopped 1 bunch green onions, chopped 2 teaspoons Asian (dark) sesame oil


Step 1 : Rinse whole lettuce leaves and pat dry, being careful not to tear them. Set aside. Step 2: Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Cook and stir beef and cooking oil in the hot skillet until browned and crumbly, 5 to 7 minutes. Drain and discard grease. Transfer beef to a bowl. Cook and stir onion in the same skillet used for beef until slightly tender, 5 to 10 minutes. Stir hoisin sauce, garlic, soy sauce, vinegar, ginger, and chili pepper sauce into onions. Add water chestnuts, green onions, sesame oil, and cooked beef; cook and stir until the onions begin to wilt, about 2 minutes. Step 3: Arrange lettuce leaves around the outer edge of a large serving platter and pile meat mixture in the center.


One of the young dancers smiles for a photo.

12 | WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2022





Profiles of WolfPack athletes


An infielder on the Madison College softball team, Mia Noelker is hitting .358 this season with seven doubles and two home runs. She has had 24 hits in 67 at bats. Noelker has scored 14 rusn and batted in 24. Last year, she batted .400 with 26 hits, 22 runs scored and 19 RBIs. She has played in 26 games this season, with 25 starts. Noelker graduated from Blue Valley West High School in Overland Park, Kansas.



She is in the liberal arts transfer program at Madison College. She is the daughter of Larissa and Joel Noelker. Her twin sister, Kayla, plays softball at North Iowa Area Community College.

An outfielder on the Madison College baseball team, Eli Kramerhas a .389 batting average this season with 47 hits in 118 at bats. He has scored 43 runs and batted in 19. Kramer has 11 stolen bases out of 16 attempts. Last year, he batted .241 and led the team with 16 stolen bases. A graduate of Hortonville High School, Kramer was a two sport athlete playing baseball and football. He was selected WBCA first team all state as a junior and all-district twice. The son of Beth and Erik Kramer, he is a kinesiology major.

Madison’s ‘Ride of Silence’ is scheduled for May 18 SHERRA OWINO Assistant Editor With the hope of warmer weather around the corner, more people are looking to get outside in the coming weeks to participate in fitness activities. Madison has a number of activities throughout the summer, from land to water. According to one source, Madison ranks No. 17 in the country as a top city for being bike friendly.

Unfortunately, being bike friendly doesn’t mean that accidents never happen. This is the reason for a biking event on Wednesday, May 18. It’s called “Ride of Silence” and it is “to honor those who have been injured or killed while cycling on public roads and to raise awareness of cyclists’ rights on the road” according to the description listed on The ride is from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and will go the 13 miles around

Lake Monona, starting at Orton Park on Spaight Street. The unique aspect of this event is that the ride is to be made in silence with no conversation apart from what’s necessary for safety reasons. According to the website, the pace is to be 10 mph in honor of those cyclists killed and injured around the world and locally. There’s to be a couple stops along the way with more details found on the Eventbrite website.

While it’s to be somber and respectful, it’s for a good cause and is even listed as being free! The site doesn’t list if there’s a place for donations. The official route can be found on the Ridespot app at this link: https:// For full details, visit this site: https://

WolfPack softball has 12 games in just 6 days CLARION STAFF REPORT


Gunnar Doyle (19) takes a cut at a pitch during a recent home game for the Madison College baseball team.

Milestone win for coach Victory over McHenry was 1,000th in Davenport’s career CLARION STAFF REPORT As the season heads into its final weeks, Madison College remains one of the top-ranked teams in the NJCAA Division II. In fact, prior to a series of three close losses in the last week of April, the WolfPack was ranked No. 1. Still, the team boasts a 34-6 overall record and 8-2 conference record, and will likely remain near the top of the polls for the rest of the season and has high hopes of making a return trip to the NJCAA Division II World Series. On May 1, the WolfPack beat McHenry County College, 7-4, in the first game of a doubleheader to earn Coach Mike Davenport his 1,000th career victory. Of those wins, 339 were earned at Kishwaukee College, where he coached prior to coming to Madison College for the 2005 season. A three-run fourth inning gave Madison College a 5-2 lead the team wouldn’t relinquish. Gabe Roessler had two hits and knocked in two runs to lead the WolfPack, while Zach Storbakken added a triple.

In the second game of the doubleheader, Madison College scored four runs in the first two innings and then held off McHenry County the rest of the way for a 4-1 victory. Storbakken led the WolfPack with two hits, while Cameron Dupont, Brady Jurgella and Carter Stebane each hit a double. Madison College returns home on May 5 for a doubleheader with Highland Community College.

Madison College 10, Black Hawk 0

Zach Storbakken capped off a sixrun fourth inning with a three-run home run to lead Madison College to a 10-0 win over Black Hawk College in five innings on April 21. It was Storbakken’s team-leading fifth home run of the season. Jett Thielke pitched the shutout for his sixth win of the year.

Madison College 3, Black Hawk 2

Madison College swept the doubleheader in dramatic fashion, when catcher Eduardo Saucedo got a walk-off base hit to drive in Storbakken for a 3-2 victory. The game had been tied at 2-2 since the bottom of the third inning despite the WolfPack’s 10 hits in the game.

Madison College 6, Harper College 2 A four-run second inning enabled Madison College to pull away from Harper College enroute to a 6-2 victory at home on April 23. Jake Nelson had three hits with three RBIs, while Eli Kramer added two hits and scored twice.

Madison College 9, Harper College 6

The second game of the doubleheader saw Madison College get off to a strong start with six runs in the bottom of the first inning on its way to a 9-6 victory. Gunnar Doyle and Roessler both had two hits and scored twice in the game.

Madison College 3, Kankakee 1

A battle between two ranked teams saw No. 1 Madison College prevail over No. 12 Kankakee College, 3-1, at home on April 24. The WolfPack scored twice in the bottom of the fourth inning to break a 1-1 tie. Storbakken and Saucedo both had two hits to lead the offense.

Madison College 10, Kankakee 1

The second game of the doubleheader saw Madison College dominate with four runs in the second and fourth innings to claim a 10-1 win over Harper » SEE


The first six days of May will be busy for the Madison College softball team. Weather permitting, the WolfPack will play 12 games in those six days thanks to some re-scheduled games and the start of tournament play on May 10. As of now, Madison College stands at 21-11 overall and 6-3 in conference play, good for second place with just two conference games left. Madison College has doubleheaders at Triton College on May 1, at Kishwaukee College on May 2, at Milwaukee Area Technical College on May 3 and at Waubonsee Community College on May 4. The team then wraps up regular season play at home with doubleheaders against College of Lake County on May 5 and Illinois Valley Community College on May 6.

Madison College 10, Carl Sandburg College 2

A four-run fourth inning helped Madison College secure a 10-2 win over Carl Sandburg College on April 23. Casey Fountain, Makenna Gish and Brianna Brandner each had two hits in the game to lead Madison College. Fountain pitched the win, allowing just two runs and striking out six in five innings.

Madison College 12, Carl Sandburg College 6

The second game of the doubleheader saw Madison College score three runs in the first inning and five runs in the third inning on its way to a 12-6 win. Sophie Rivera finished with a team high five RBIs and a career high three hits. Madison College had four triples in the game, » SEE




CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 with Maddie Kvatek, Bri Unger, Kianna Patterson and Rivera each hitting one.

Madison College 9, Black Hawk College 1

A scoreless game quickly became a route after Madison College scored three runs in the third inning and three in the fourth inning on its way to a 9-1 victory over visiting Black Hawk College on April 24. Kvatek had two hits and two RBIs to lead the WolfPack, while Fountain pitched the win and struck out seven batters.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2022 | SPORTS | 13

Madison College 8, College of DuPage 0

A strong pitching effort helped Madison College dominate College of DuPage, 8-0, in five innings at home on April 26. Fountain held DuPage to just two hits and struck out 11 batters to improve her overall record to 9-2. Eight players had a hit in the game for Madison College, led by Mia Noelker and Briar Armatoski with two hits each.

Madison College 8, College of DuPage 3

The second game of the doubleheader saw Madison College fall 9-6 after taking an early 6-2 lead over Black Hawk College. A two-run homer in the fifth inning cut the lead to just two runs, and

After falling behind 2-0, Madison College rallied to an 8-3 win in over DuPage in the second game of the doubleheader. Patterson hit a two-run home run in the bottom of the third to tie the game, the first home run of her career. Mallory Sterling hit her second career home run in the fifth inning to key a four-run inning for the WolfPack.


College of Lake County 8, Madison College 7

Black Hawk College 9, Madison College 6

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 College. Storbakken went 3 for 3 with two runs scored, while Kramer added two hits and drove in three runs.

Madison College 9, Kishwaukee 5

A 9-5 win over visiting Kishwaukee College on April 25 extended Madison College’s winning streak to 15 games, its longest of the season. The WolfPack had nine hits in the game, but also took advantage of nine walks by Kishwaukee.

College of Lake County 3, Madison College 1

A close, 3-1, loss to College of Lake County on the road on April 26 ended Madison College’s winning streak. Madison College was held to five hits in the game, including two by Brady Jurgella to increase his team-leading total to 46 hits.


then a five-run seventh inning for Black Hawk turned the tables on the WolfPack.

Madison College jumped out to a 7-2 lead in game two of the doubleheader, but allowed two runs in the sixth inning and four runs in seventh in a walk-off loss. Both innings were aided by a rare Madison College error.

Joliet Junior College 2, Madison College 0

Madison College suffered its thirdstraight loss, falling to host Joliet Junior College, 2-0, on April 29. The WolfPack was shutout despite having six hits in the game, including two by Roessler.

Madison College 10, Joliet Junior College 0

The second game of the doubleheader was a different story as Madison College scored a 10-0 win over Joliet on 10 hits. Carson Fluno pitched the win, allowing just three hits and striking out seven batters.

Madison College schedules and results.





MAR. 10 at Chandler-Gilbert Community College, 11-8 WIN, 10-0 WIN MAR. 11 at Mesa CC, 10-1 WIN MAR. 12 vs. Riverland CC, 21-2 WIN MAR. 12 vs. Miles CC, 14-11 WIN MAR. 13 vs. Western Nebraska , 10-6 WIN MAR. 15 vs. Williston State, 14-4 WIN MAR. 15 vs. Lake Region State College, 8-6 LOSS MAR. 16 vs. Gateway CC, 8-4 WIN MAR. 17 at Scottsdale CC, 9-3 WIN MAR. 18 at Paradise Valley CC, 9-7 WIN MAR. 29 at Triton College, 11-0 LOSS MAR. 31 at Highland Community College, 21-0 WIN, 7-2 WIN APR. 3 at College of DuPage, 5-3 WIN, 1-0 WIN APR. 10 at home vs. Carl Sandburg College, 7-2 WIN, 5-2 WIN APR. 11 at Milwaukee Area Technical College, 3-1 LOSS, 7-2 WIN APR. 12 at home vs. Bryant & Stratton College, 9-4 WIN, 10-0 WIN APR. 15 at home vs. Waubonsee Community College, 11-0 WIN, 12-2 WIN APR. 16 at home vs. Rock Valley College, 5-0 WIN, 10-5 WIN APR. 19 at home vs. Triton College, 8-2 WIN, 10-0 WIN APR. 21 at home vs. Black Hawk College, 10-0 WIN, 3-2 WIN APR. 23 at home vs. Harper College, 6-2 WIN, 9-6 WIN APR. 24 at home vs. Kankakee Community College, 3-1 WIN, 10-1 WIN APR. 25 at home vs. Kishwaukee College, 9-5 WIN APR. 26 at College of Lake County, 3-1 LOSS, 8-7 LOSS APR. 29 at Joliet Junior College, 2-0 LOSS, 10-0 WIN MAY 1 at home vs. McHenry County College, 7-4 WIN, 4-1 WIN MAY 5 at home vs. Highland CC, 3 p.m. MAY 7 at South Suburban College, noon, 3 p.m. MAY 8 at home vs. Elgin Community College, 3 p.m.

MAR. 3

MAR. 4

MAR. 5

MAR. 11 MAR. 11 MAR. 13 MAR. 13 MAR. 14 MAR. 15 APR. 5 APR. 10 APR. 14 APR. 15 APR. 16

APR. 19 APR. 23 APR. 24 APR. 26 MAY 1 MAY 2 MAY 3 MAY 4 MAY 5 MAY 6 MAY 10 MAY 14

at Rosemont, Ill., vs. College of DuPage, 7-0 WIN; vs. Rock Valley, 14-1 LOSS at Rosemont, Ill., vs.Joliet Junior College, 9-1 WIN; vs. Milwaukee Area Tech, 8-0 WIN.; vs. Prarie State College, 14-1 WIN at Rosemont, Ill., vs. South Suburban, 13-3 WIN; vs. McHenry County, 12-5 WIN; vs. Elgin CC, 14-0 WIN vs. Mott CC, 5-1 WIN vs. Niagara CC, 4-1 WIN vs. Grand View JV, 3-2 LOSS vs. Minnesota Morris JV, 16-2 LOSS vs. Iowa Lakes CC, 5-4 LOSS vs. Polk State, 6-2 LOSS, 8-5 LOSS at Joliet Junior College, 10-1 WIN at Highland Community College, 4-0 WIN, 10-2 WIN at Bryant & Stratton College, 6-0 LOSS, 11-3 LOSS at McHenry County College, 16-8 WIN, 13-0 WIN at home vs. Sauk Valley Colmmunity College, 7-6 WIN, 7-3 LOSS at Rock Valley College, 9-1 LOSS, 9-1 LOSS at home vs. Carl Sandburg College, 10-2 WIN, 12-6 WIN at home vs. Black Hawk College, 9-1 WIN, 9-6 LOSS at home vs. College of DuPage, 8-0 WIN, 8-3 WIN at Triton College, 7-1 LOSS, 6-3 LOSS at Kishwaukee College, 3 p.m., 5 p.m. at Milwaukee Area Technical College, 3 p.m., 5 p.m. at Waubonsee Community College, noon, 2 p.m. at home vs. College of Lake County, 3 p.m., 5 p.m. at home vs. Illinois Valley, 3 p.m., 5 p.m. NJCAA Region 4 Tournament. NJCAA Region 4 Tournament.

14 | WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2022


THELIGHTERSIDE Puzzles and Cartoons





CROSSWORDPUZZLE Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis / MCT Campus


1 Reminders of past surgeries 6 Starting squad 11 Lousy 14 Three-time WNBA All-Star Quigley 15 Scrapbook adhesive 16 Deeply regret 17 *Important figure in sports betting 19 Ideological suffix 20 Loafer adornment 21 Isn’t honest with 23 Cherry bomb’s “stem” 24 *Party pooper 27 Twistable cookies 29 Sailor’s realm 30 “Chicago” actor Richard 31 Consequence 33 Adapter letters 36 Journalist Koppel 37 *Record submitted to payroll 40 Yoga surface 43 White part of a citrus rind 44 Marshy ground 48 Guinness who was the first to play Obi-Wan Kenobi 50 “Chicago P.D.” extra 52 Region of ancient Mesopotamia 53 *Paper for doodling 57 Pixar film featuring a guitarplaying boy 58 Force into action 59 Chair for a new parent 61 Sushi-grade tuna 62 Does a daily chore using the ele-

ments at the ends of the answers to the starred clues 66 Turn bad 67 Show to be true 68 Mighty mad 69 Sudsy quaff 70 Softens 71 Donkeys


1 Sticky tree stuff 2 Debate-ending procedure in the Senate 3 False names 4 Wash lightly 5 Adjusts, as a clock 6 Fruit for cider 7 Sticky roofing stuff 8 Language suffix 9 In any way 10 “On the __”: NPR show about trends in journalism 11 Cut of meat used for corned beef 12 Stark 13 Reduced in rank 18 Use needle and thread 22 U.K. language

23 Word on a gift tag 25 Spot for steeped beverages 26 Composer J.S. __ 28 Lingerie item 32 “OMG! Stop talking!” 34 FDR or JFK, partywise 35 Corporate VIPs 38 Engrave 39 Folks who are in it for the long haul? 40 Lash lengthener 41 Hand sanitizer ingredient 42 Wood-eating insect

45 Single-celled creatures 46 Stash away 47 “No seats” sign 49 Lens cover 51 Analyzes grammatically 54 Phoenix suburb 55 American Red Cross founder Barton 56 Small speck 60 Seed in some healthy smoothies 63 Bout enders, briefly 64 Night before 65 __ Moines, Iowa


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16 | WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 2022


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