The Clarion issue 8-29-22

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The first addition is the online well ness platform called, You at College. This was established so that students have access to a hub where they can work on their mental health resilience. There are many features to utilize such as, goal setting, assessments, tips and tools that match your own needs, Madison College Resources, ways to connect with others, and even an option to explore specific topics around mental health. Start with small changes by creating an account at:’sdirect stu dent counseling, BetterMynd was added to the college’s services. This 24/7, pri vate, online therapy is nationwide with a focus on college students. Madison College students have access to six sessions that include three individual 50-minute sessions with a professional licensed therapist that matches student’s demographics and skill level, as well as offer’s three group workshops. “BetterMynd is brand new,” said Boyne, “Students are already using it and we hope to have them use it more.” As long as you are enrolled in one col lege-level degree credit and are 18 years or older, the services will be available for the whole academic year. To sign up,theycancontactDeanStudentsOfficeatdeanofstudents@MadisonCollegealreadyhadavarietyresources.Theyhavesevencounselthatareavailableforfreeyear-roundtheTruaxCampus.Theseservicesofferedvirtually,inpersonandviaTheirfocusispersonalcounsel

When the COVID-19 lock downs began in early 2020, most people took it seriously and worked together to protect lives. People worldwide have confront ed changes due to the pandemic. Some have discovered bright spots in their lives, a new path for their lives and maybe a new career.COVID-19 may have changed how people respond to stress or accept situations beyond their control. With all the difficul ties and obstacles that faced the whole world during the pandem ic, there were many ways for people to live their lives as close to normal life as possible. It took all of us to collaborate to stop the spread of COVID-19 and survive it. As the school year starts, Dr. Jack Daniels III, the president of Madison College, shared an email with employees spelling out the college’s COVID-19 policies for the fall semester. The plan focus es on working together to keep everyoneWearingsafe.aface covering indoors at Madison College facil ities continues to be optional for employees, students and visitors. Respecting others' decisions is an important part of working together to keep everyone safe.


keeping your balance ILLUSTRATION PROVIDED BY THE MADISON COLLEGE COUNSELING SERVICES CLARION STAFF PHOTO WolfPack Welcome A group of incoming students participate in a challenge activity during a WolfPack Welcome orientation session held in August at the Truax Campus. Public Safety provides training to prepare for possible threats » SEE TRAINING PAGE 4 » SEE BALANCE PAGE 4 » SEE COVID-19 PAGE 4 TNS

While there are no specific physical distancing guidelines, personal space is generally important because it helps peo

The recent expansion of Madison College’s mental wellness offerings will benefit student’s health, safety and aca demicWithinprogress.thepast 20 years, men tal health concerns have gradually increased. However, a year with a world in isolation, facing economic hardships, illness and loss, created long-lasting impacts burdened by the force of a worldwide pandemic. “Things were really hard for every body, especially students,” said John Boyne, a Madison College counselor. Madison College took this opportuni ty to improve its mental health services.

“It pains me to say this, but when there’s a tragic event, and it gets kind of blown up in the media a little bit, we’ll get a few more requests,” says Tatro. In a typical year, the department gives 15 to 20 presentations. This year, they’ve already done 10. A training is usually offered to the general public as well.

AUGUST 29, 2022 • THEONLINECLARION.COM • VOLUME 53, ISSUE 1 • MADISON AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE Minions ruled the summer ‘The Rise of Gru’ was a perfect prequel to the popular cartoon movie series » 8 Favorite study spots can be found at the Truax Campus » 3 New coach ready to lead the volleyballWolfPackteam»11 ARTSNEWS SPORTS

The Gun Violence Archive reports that 2022 has seen 407 mass shootings so far this year. Wisconsin is no stranger to theTheviolence.Madison area nearly missed a tragedy earlier this year when the sus pect in the Highland Park shooting made his way here on the Fourth of July, only to leave because he said he “didn’t put enough thought into it.” About a month ago, the Oak Creek community marked the 10-year anniver sary of a mass shooting at a Sikh temple that took the lives of seven people. And that’s just in the state. Across the country, people are griev ing the lives of 19 children and two teach ers taken at Uvalde Elementary school. Public Safety at Madison College does what they can to prepare the community for tragic events. One way this is done is through active shooter trainings. Anyone in the school can request the training, and officials say they’re seeing an uptick in requests this year. In just one week, Officer Nick Tatro did three trainings related to active shooters.

Madison College expands mental health services

Keeping each other safe as stillCOVID-19persists


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Student leader retreat

• Public Safety has Patrol Officers available 24 hours a day, 365 days per year. The Public Safety Office, Room B1240, is staffed Monday through Friday, from 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. You can reach us by stopping by the window or dialing (608) (non-emergency)246-6932or(608) 2452222 (emergency/after hours). If you are trying to reach an officer after normal business hours or on the weekend, please dial (608) 245-2222. Be aware that during this time Wisconsin State Capitol Police dispatches for Public Safety.

all of


• Public Safety offers escorts to your vehicle if you do not feel comfortable walk ing to your car. Just stop by the office or give us a call!

• Public Safety can unlock your vehicle if you lock your keys in your car. We again require a photo ID, and you must be the registered owner of the vehicle or the vehicle must be registered to a parent.


Be sure to take care of your mental health this semester. Exercise, meditation and a healthy diet are all great ways to maintain positive mental health. If you are experienc ing anxiety or depression, remember Madison College has counsellors available to help you. If you need to speak with a Counselor, call (608) 246-6060. Journey Mental Health is another great resource for individuals expe riencing mental health prob lems and can be reached at (608) 280-2600. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is (800) 273-8255.

TheClarionMC TheClarionMCBroadcasting

• We are currently accept ing applications for Student Help Patrol Officers, stop by the office to pick up an appli cation.•Students are no longer required to display a physical parking permit. Students are required to register their vehicles on the Madison College website. Simply type “Parking” in the search tab of the Madison College website and click “Student Vehicle Registration.”•PublicSafety has vehicle jump Packs available to jump start your car in the event your battery dies at no charge. We only require a photo ID, and you must be the registered owner of the vehicle or it must be registered to your parent.

Twenty-nineteen (2019) is so yesterday! The world has transformed since then because of the pandemic, social justice awareness, increased knowledge of tech nologies and a chaotic politi cal Allworld.these changes have inspired all of us to learn new things, do things differ ently and think creatively. Your Libraries and Academic Support Services has been sailing on that same ship. To start, many of us learned just how effective remote support can be. Whether by chat, phone, email or videoconference, students seem pleased at the increased ways to contact us –and the numbers prove it. We had 717,586 student engage ments last year. We take pride in that because using the libraries or our student achievement centers is not mandatory. You choose to use our services, resources and spaces. We have heard how many of you appreciate our increased service modes and evening/ weekend hours to accommo date your jobs, family needs and other daily responsibili ties in this rapidly changing society. Maintaining flexibil ity and balance is needed for good mental health. Next, you will notice our approach to helping students navigate information is changing. Sure, finding, ana lyzing and using information is still an essential lifelong skill you will use in school, on the job and your life, but the new world order has forced us to be more responsible users of information, smarter about our own privacy and that of others, identify what is fact and truth versus disinfor mation and fake and so much more.These skills are what infor mation consumers need to know to thrive and succeed. Being an information con sumer, and participator, in the online world (think social media) has gotten harder, but if you put the time in, you will be much better for it. For years students have complained about the cost of their textbooks and other materials. It is ridiculous and we could not agree more. Yes, sometimes library reserves can help a bit, but it is not enough. Our team has been leading the charge for encour aging Open Educational Resources use at the college for the past several years. When an instructor cre ates or uses Open Educational Resources, it allows for free access to textbooks, saving hundreds of dollars for stu dents. It also gives instruc tors the ability to modify these works to customize it to their curriculum and be more inclusive in the con tent so that all students see themselves in the learning process. It saves students money, is more inclusive and can be customized to Madison College courses. What’s not to like about that. Lastly, our service options to students have changed. We still love to see you in the libraries or student achieve ment centers and that will neverForchange.sometypes of learners, face-to-face personal support is necessary for their suc cess. It’s how they roll. Other students love the flexibility online appointments bring. Picture yourself sipping a cup of coffee in your pj’s on a snowy winter morning and still having a conversation with a librarian or tutor about your paper or assignment. No driving, no bundling up or slipping around. We can’t wait to start work ing with all of you. Stop-in, call, email, chat or book an appointment. The libraries and our student achievement centers are places you are welcome – and belong.

ASSISTANT EDITOR Stuart Pate NEWS EDITOR clarionnews@madisoncollege.eduMarySeGall OPINION EDITOR clarionopinion@madisoncollege.eduJDSmith-Nelson ARTS EDITOR clarionarts@madisoncollege.eduVacant SPORTS EDITOR clarionsports@madisoncollege.eduAndresSanchezChirinos PHOTO EDITOR Kylie Phillips WEB EDITOR Iman Alrashid Paige Zezulka COPY EDITORS Vacant BUSINESS DIRECTOR clarionads@madisoncollege.eduLuisAlcalaRobleroScottReed GRAPHIC DESIGNERS T KaleiaClearwaterLawrenceGrantNelsonHeatherSchultz CONTRIBUTORS Doug Kirchberg ADVISOR CONTACT US PHONE:NEWS (608) 246-6809 PHONE:(608)ADVERTISING 243-4809 FAX: (608) 246-6488

Above, Madison College students play “the winds blows for ...” during a student leader retreat held on Aug. 19 at the Truax Campus. Below, students try to line up according to birth date without talking during a retreat activity.

to meet

SUBMISSIONS To submit an item for publication, drop it off at The Clarion office, Room B1260G Truax and Room D237 Downtown, or email it The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All opinions expressed in editorials and advertisements do not necessarily represent those of the Mad ison College administration, faculty, the student body or the Clarion staff.

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Library, tutoring change student needs

Public Safety tip of the week

OFFTHESHELF By Julie Gores, Dean of Libraries and Academic Support Services Lillian Coppelman EDITOR IN CHIEF


Welcome to Madison College. During the school year, Public Safety will pub lish an article in the Clarion informing the college com munity of recent events and notable calls that Public Safety has responded to. We welcome everyone to stop by the office and introduce themselves and we hope you all have a success ful school year! Here are some quick facts about Public Safety.

CORRECTIONS The Clarion strives for accuracy in all of its articles. If you have questions or con cerns, please call us at (608) 246-6809 or Adam Lee Suby, 1987-2009 Philip Ejercito, 1981-2013 2022-2023 clarioned@madisoncollege.eduKellyFeng clarion@madisoncollege.eduTaleiseLawrence


our website for more at

By Sgt. Taylor Weckerly


Others may want some more training to help them land a decent paying job to help support their families, and some even may just enjoy school are more of a scholar who likes to learn whatever they can! No matter what the reason is everyone deserves the right to an education –success is one of life’s greatest feelings.FamilyU focuses on increasing the number of student parents to help them succeed and graduate college. Students with families are less likely to graduate due to understandable circumstanc es – they have a family to support. That is why FamilyU is campaigning to help these parents graduate and boost that number of graduation statistics of parents to be much higher than it is currently.

CLARION STAFF PHOTOS Pub stools and natural light make for a bright area to study in a third-floor hallway at the Truax Campus.

Two-person cubbies provide comfortable study seating in a second-floor hallway at the Truax Campus.

CLARION STAFF PHOTO Students study in the open space outside the Intercultural Exchange on the first floor of the main Truax Campus building.

Lots of comfortable places to work at the Truax Campus


MARY SEGALL Opinion Editor School is starting up again here soon, the anxiety will be there for everyone whether you are a returning student or new to the school. A good habit to get into is taking a bit of time to explore campus, what spots look comfortable or quiet to you to study? Here are a few spots to study at the Madison College Truax Campus that anyone canTheuse.first spot is outside the Intercultural Exchange, across from Student Life and next to the bookstore. It has comfortable chairs with the tables in the center of them. The bookstore is close by, in case you need a pencil or a snack. Speaking of a snack, guess what is on the other side of it? Coffee! Coffee is neces sary for me when studying. A restroom is close by as well. There can be some noise from the cafeteria or from the WolfPack Den, but if a bit of noise does not bother you then consider this an ideal spot to do homework or even just chill with your morning coffee or tea before class. It’s as great spot for drinking cof fee and tea and just relaxing before classes started for the day. It became a ritual for us is on the second floor, in the middle of the building. Just turn left off after you exit the bookstore elevator, and there’s an acces sible area of chairs, tables, and comfortable sofa like seating. This is a great spot for finishing up homework in the morning. It is usually incred ibly quiet and tends to stay quiet since it is surrounded by classrooms. It is also a good place just to relax before class. There is a stand with The Clarion newspaper on it to catch up on what is all going on in the Lastly,school.onthe third floor, there is a spot on right before you come across the library with little cubbies for study ing. You can lay all your books out and just dive right into studying. It is a few steps away from one of the many useful tools on campus, the library. Tutors are available in the library, plus there are end less books and DVDs to rent. Whether you are there to study or have your morning coffee, be sure to seek out “power seat” or a place that makes you feel comfortable. There is nothing worse than trying to study somewhere you do not feel comfortable and the subject is hard, that is the worst and just makes your anxiety worse.

Favorite spots to study



During its participation in the FamilyU Program, the Madison College’s FamilyU team will join in four peer-learning cohort meetings throughout the year and have coaching sessions that identify and strengthen the college’s student parent efforts.Madison College’s FamilyU cohort includes Santa Fe Community College, Mesa College San Diego, Norfolk State University, Austin Community College, Houston Community College and Virginia State University.

Everyonestudents.”deserves the privilege to improve their education level for all dif ferent reasons, maybe it is getting your general edu cation classes taken care of then transfer into a four-year school like The University of Wisconsin, Madison.


One out of every five undergraduate students at colleges across the nation are parents, according to the Generation Hope website. But students who are parents are 10 times less likely to graduate than other college students.That’s a statistic that Madison College and Generation Hope’s FamilyU program hopes to change. Madison College is one of seven higher education insti tutions to be selected to par ticipate in Generation Hope’s second FamilyU cohort. According to information posted in Madison College Matters, the FamilyU techni cal assistance program is a two-year program designed to help parents succeed in the classroom. It does this by “focusing on building and refining institutional com petencies such as increasing awareness of the student parent population, boost ing student enrollment and retention, and improving data collection methods and tools to better track the status of parenting

BALANCE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Clarion wins 13 awards in WNA contest


A total of 13 awards were presented to The Clarion and its staff members on June 24 as the Wisconsin Newspaper Association’s 2021 Better Collegiate Newspaper Contest winners were announced.Thenewspaper won four first-place awards and finished second in the general excellence category, finish ing behind the Marquette Tribune. The UW-Oshkosh Titan Advance was third in the general excellence cate gory, while The Daily Cardinal from UW-Madison received honorable men tion.Kaleia Lawrence, who was editor in chief of The Clarion during the 2021-22 school year, finished third in the WNA’s collegiate journalist of the year compe tition.Lawrence won a first place award for editorial writing in Division B for editorial entitled “Diversity in Athletics.” She also placed third in Division B for an infographic she cre ated reflecting diversity in collegiate athletics.

Using no-contact greet ings, like elbow bumps instead of handshaking, will slow the spread of disease by stopping chains of trans mission of COVID-19 and preventing new ones from appearing.Students and staff are reminded to stay home and get tested when you feel sick or are experiencing any symptoms.Thecollege's COVID screener is your resource for all COVID-related questions and concerns. Employees and students are encour aged to contact the college's COVID screener at 608-2434880 or


Paige Zezulka won first place in Division B in the sports story category for an article about the automated cam era systems now in use by the college’s athletic department. She also took thid place in Division B in the feature story category.Other first place awards went to Ivan Becerril-Gutierrez and Chris Bird. Becerril-Gutierrez won first place in the Division A page design competition. Bird won first place in the Division B feature writing category. Hailey Griffin won two awards for her coverage of Olbrich Garden’s GLEAM art show, winning for both her article and a video she created to accompany the story. She placed second in the Division A arts and entertain ment story competition and received an honorable mention in the Division B multimedia competition. Eimy Gonzalez won second place in the Division B coronavirus cover age competition, while Anica Graney placed third in the Division B edito rial writing category. Finally, Steven Andriantsiratahina took third place in the Division A advertising category.

ple feel safe and comfortable. The college will continue to provide spacious seating arrangements when possi ble, and Daniels reminded people to be “mindful and respectful of others’ person al space and preferences.”

Plus, an online option available. Public Safety wants to do it for anyone who wants to learn, no matter how many people want to learn.“Small groups, big groups, doesn’t matter,” says Tatro. “The information is the same.” The presentation lasts about an hour and a half, and goes off the “run, hide, fight” model that the FBI uses. Officers say that if you can get out of the area where an active shooter is, chances for survival go up. But if escape is not an option, the training gives more details on what the next best steps are.The active shooter training at Madison College came into exis tence back in 2018 after a mass shooting at Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida that claimed the lives of 17 people and hurt 17 “Aftermore.these, you know, these big high profile situations happen, we generally are responding to a lot of questions and concerns, and then it’ll kind of peter off there… could be months to over a year and then another big one will happen,” Sergeant Luke Adler. Public Safety says they haven’t dealt with an active shooter threat at the school before, and hope it stays that way. “We’ve had calls for service where we’ve had to respond for, you know, people saying that they saw firearms or whatever the case may be,” said Tatro. “But as far as like a threat with a firearm, knock on wood, not yet.” When mass shootings happen around the country, the depart ment looks at how they can learn from the incident. They go over how they might respond different ly in a similar scenario. Officials say they’ve been in contact with local law enforce ment like the Madison Police Department. They recently sat down with the North Precinct Sergeant to get everyone on the same page, and to work on identi fying any vulnerabilities that need to beButaddressed.thatdoesn’t mean that Public Safety is hyper-focused on an active shooter threat. “It’s not like we’re talking about it every day, like, I’m not trying to be super paranoid about it, because the truth is, you know, it could happen anytime, anywhere, for any reason,” says Tatro. Other than the active shooter training, there are ways that stu dents can be prepared for a worst case scenario. Officers suggest students download the WolfPack Alert app. They use the app to share emergency alerts. Alerts can be about severe weather, threats and more, but officers say it will never be used flippantly. They also recommend that stu dents learn the layout of the school before classes start. “Do a lap around the first floor of the building and, you know, looking at certain rooms or areas that you wouldn’t necessarily think of in your day-to-day rou tine, but maybe that could poten tially be an exit that you could use,” Adler says. Officers say they are an open resource for students to talk about concerns. Other than going to the Public Safety office, tabling events for safety awareness are set for September. Those are happening on Sept. 6, 13, 20, and 27 at Goodman South, Fort Atkinson/Watertown, Truax and the Portage/Reedsburg campus respectively.Ifstudents notice someone showing worrying behavior, they can make a report to the Behavioral Intervention Team. BIT is there to find students the support they need while ensuring everyone’s safety. A form for sub mitting a report is found on the students portion on the Madison College website.

systems.exhaustingandprotecttinuedgreatlyizationCOVID-19tingwithandsneezing,,COVID-19isspreadfrompersontothroughrespiratoryandaerosolpartireleasedbypeoplewithduringcoughing,singing,talkingevenbreathing.Thegoodnewsisthatvaccinationlevelsgethigher,theriskofseveredisease,hospitalanddeathhasbeenreduced.Still,conprecautionscanhelpourcommunitiespreventCOVID-19fromourhealthcare ing which includes concerns such as anxiety, depression, academics, careers, relationships and more.


“I generally say anything that could get in the way or distract them from being focused on school, we can help them with that.” said Boyne. If the issues go beyond the college’s expertise, they will find the resources that stu dents may need outside of campus.

The college’s mental health services are not a fully equipped mental health clinic with doctors, prescribers or 24-hour care. However, they do provide “Same Day Service,” “Crisis Service,” and walk-ins during the business hours of Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Friday 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. “We secure clear time for counsel ors across the week so we are always available on relatively short noticesometimes within minutes,” said Boyne. At this moment, Madison campus es are the only sites with in-person counselors, though students from other regions of the college district can always get in touch with someone via phone call or virtually. It’s all about finding the balance of academics and everything that exists outside of those campus doors.

Madison College continues to make this a priority for its students by keeping improvements in mind as things adapt in the world. “I just think we really want to improve the ability for students to think about their own wellness and even before problems emerge to engage the services; make small goals and con tinually work to build their resilience around mental health,” said Boyne. For more information on Madison College’s Mental Health and Counseling services visit: 741741Lifeline:2600following:manner,tal-health-counselingedu/student-experience/support/menhttps://madisoncollege.Ifyoueverneedsupportinatimelypleasereachouttooneofthe•Journey24/7CrisisLine:608-280-•NationalSuicideandCrisis988•CrisisTextLine:Text“home”to BY KALEIA LAWRENCE



LILLIAN COPPELMAN Editor In Chief After graduating high school I didn’t really know where I wanted to go with my life. I had always been passionate about writing and telling stories, I had been doing it since I could pick up a pen.Sowhen I applied for Madison College I decided to give journalism a try. I was a little nervous as I had never really given journalism a thought before, the closest I had actually done was my role in my high school's broadcast team. Though reporting the daily announcements is hard ly the same as reporting for the school newspaper. When I applied at Madison College for the spring semes ter I had decided to play it safe and only take one journalism class. I didn’t know if this would be the right path for me and I didn’t want to have too many classes to drop if it wasn’t.Ijoined the Clarion for my journalism practicum class, starting out as a staff writer. I knew that if I was going to start out I should write what I know, so I stuck mostly to the arts section. It was easy to cover things that I watched or

Lillian Coppelman EDITOR IN CHIEF Kelly Feng MANAGING EDITOR Stuart Pate NEWS EDITOR Mary SeGall OPINIONS EDITOR JD SMITH NELSON ARTS EDITOR Iman Alrashid COPY EDITOR Taleise Lawrence ASSISTANT EDITOR Kylie Phillips WEB EDITOR The views expressed by The Clarion editorial board do not nec essarily reflect the opinion of Madison College, its student body or any faculty therein. They are comprised of the writers listed above and/or of those who write for the Opinion section.

LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor should be typed or written legibly, be 250 words or less, and include the writer’s name, phone number and email address. The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All submissions become the property of The Clarion and may be used for publi cation. Bring letters to The Clarion office, Room B1260G Truax, or email

Disney goodpuberty:onorbad?

"Excited to start my classes. Really happy for the start of the semester." - Rasmata Kabre

LILLIAN COPPELMAN Editor In Chief Disney, as a big corporation, often finds themselves under fire for anything people could find controversial. With the release of "Turning Red" in March and "Baymax!" in June 2022 there has been some mixed reactions amongst the public on how Disney por trayed the subject of puberty, specifically menstruation. This can be a pretty sensitive subject to talk about with children, with most schools teaching about it as young 9 to 11 years old.Some parents online are say ing that it is highly inappropri ate for Disney to have allowed these topics to be shown to their young children, that it was not their place to educate their children on matters about their reproductive organs. However, I believe that Disney did not overstep on any boundaries.

It’s nothing new when a Disney movie or show covers sensitive topics such as the loss of a family member, depression, racism, animal cruelty and even miscarriages have been implied in the past. Puberty is just a stage of life, something that every child goes through. So having a movie or show display a character going through it? It can help children through that stage of their lives, help them see that what happens to their bodies are natural and are not something to be ashamed of.

THEBUZZ Questions asked to you, our readers. How do you feel about the start of the semester?fall




Pump prices and inflation bite students SERVICE ILLUSTRATION

Many negative reviews on "Turning Red" say its a movie about “sex and rebellion” when it’s actually about a mother and a daughter finding a middle

rental book are included in the cost of the class, you could be looking at a grand or more in costs for classes and books. Another impact of inflation can be grade deflation. People are getting sick, worried about how they are going to feed their families or even keep a roof over their heads, and that causes stress, which in turn makes grades suffer.

student to editor in chief Madison College journalism stu dent Lillian Coppelman is the new editor in chief of The Clarion. » SEE EDITOR PAGE 6


Inflation still impacts our lives today. The gas prices where I am living just increased 15 cents from yesterday. I am going to buy groceries for the week later today. I always get the same items includ ing green peppers. Last time I was there, the peppers were $2.45 cents a pound! Before the pandemic, I could get green peppers for $1 a pound. Do I need to take us back to the whole toilet paper raid within all grocery stores where for weeks people were buying out toilet paper and since the demand was so high the infla tion on it went up as well. Inflation will always be with us, it is just the way our society is now a days. We are in a global pandemic, times will be tough but I feel as if we will come out even stronger in the end.

"Nervous about the big campus, but excited to meet new people." - Smeera Zaveri

MARY SEGALL Opinion Editor Inflation is defined by Oxford Languages as “a general increase in prices and fall in the purchasing value of money.” It is a vital term used everyday within the world of economics. Covid-19 hit the world hard, worse than some people originally expected. Some thought it “just another common cold” or “this will pass over in a month or so”...think again! My personal experience with Covid19 has been interesting. I started school the summer that Covid-19 hit. I never imagined a world where I would not actu ally go to campus for my classes, that just seemed unfathomable to a newly eager college student. I received the academic side of school but what I felt like I lacked was the whole college experience, going to soccer games, joining clubs or even just meeting other people. We couldn’t go on campus for our safety, and I can appreciate that, but it doesn’t change the fact that part of my college experience is missing. Not only are we going to school during a global pandemic, but during an eco nomic crisis. Did you drive to school, if you did how much did it take to fill up your tank? I have an SUV, and it took almost $40 or $50 to fill up. I work in Madison also so I fill up every week, if not every couple of days, due to not liv ing in Madison. I bet it was hard to pay for tuition during that time. No one was working so how could we pay for tuition? Depending on how many classes you take and if

"I am excited to finish my degree." - GaoMai Lor

Student forAssociationNursingherefuturenursesHEATHERSCHULTZ

Members of the Socialist Alternative spoke, and the floor was open to anyone. Many LGBTQ+ people, myself included, spoke in front of hundreds of people. Stories were shared about how the right to bodily autonomy was more than a blessing to them … plenty of them were deeply saddening. I carried the spirit of people that couldn’t come because they or people they loved are immunocompro mised. A student from Socialist Alternative brought up that Medicare won’t cover the termination of a pregnancy, even if it is lifesaving. Many people marched and shared stories late into the night in downtown Madison. That day, I shared what I could and urged people to do more – like figure out emergency plans. Those plans could include finding emergency contacts and resources in the area. But more than that I wanted people to plan action, like rallying and contacting organizations. It is important to use your rights and voices as citizens and start crafting bill proposals to petition as legislation in our state and to send to our politicians.

I have started two organizations here in Wisconsin for connecting people to activism work. I run Mobilize Wisconsin, which focuses on bringing the action to peo ple or people to the action. This organization, which I am reworking the name of, was created from my exhaustion of the gatekeeping in activism and the compliancy of a large portion of Wisconsin. It seems that Wisconsin never wants to progress forward, or at least make the effort it would take. Though, I know from experience that some times people have that want, that energy and ambition to make a change, but no access. Mobilize Wisconsin seeks to remove access as a hurdle in people’s involvement in progress.Theother organization is Repro Rights Wisconsin. This organization is to help people here in Wisconsin join the fight against these bans by helping people get to rallies, start local rallies, and amplify other organizations. Repro Rights Wisconsin has been receptive to all cross-country calls to rally dates, and we have created several events to join these key dates. Other organizations you can follow are Planned Parenthood and subgroup Bans Off Our Bodies, Women’s March (which has opened a site for creating a event to be boosted by them),, Indigenous Women Rising, Strikeforourrights_northeast (Instagram), Feminist (Instagram), Women’s Medical Fund, Widwest Access Coalition,, sistance, and Just to name a few.

On May 1, Politico dropped a bombshell on U.S. citizens: a leaked opinion drafted by the Supreme Court that would overturn Roe V. Wade.

LETTER Letter to the Editor

cials to listen to us and codify the right to choose before the Supreme Court overturned the Roe V. Wade decision.

If you have been working on the prereq uisites for the nursing program and have just been accepted in, the Student Nursing Association is a great opportunity to meet likeminded individuals in the same pro gram while connecting with resources the organization has to offer. Over the semester SNA will have some workshops, activities, and volunteer oppor tunities focused on Nursing and Nursing Students. Within all these moments will be chance to make new friends and bond with fellow nursing students. SNA works to enrich its members with personal and professional growth and development of leadership skills. If it sounds like something you may be interested in our first meeting will be Sept. 13 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m., in Room 309 in the Health Science Building. Come join us for free pizza and a meet and greet with the SNA board and faculty. Bring any ques tions, concerns, or ideas you have about the Student Nurse experience at Madison College. Looking forward to seeing you all there.–SNA VP, Heather Schultz ground during this new phase in their lives.

STEPHEN M. DOWELL / ORLANDO SENTINEL / TNS Demonstrators chant and hold signs in the rain during an abor tion rights rally in downtown Orlando, Florida, on June 27.

SNA Vice President Welcome new Madison College Students and welcome back fellow students and faculty. We made the decision to pursue new careers and improve ourselves with education in a tremulous time for our world. With so many changes occurring with lightning speed it’s a blessing to be able to return to campus in full form. Making new connec tions and growing those bonds is a high light of the college experience. A great way to do that is connecting with groups and organizations that represent ideas and con cepts that are near and dear to your heart.

If you can’t make these meeting no worry, there is much else you can start getting involved with!

I am one of those people, and I decided to do something about it. Thankfully, I am not alone.

However, many still didn’t give up and still won’t. Many national organizations are sharing updates about different resources and mutual aid. Our local LGBTQ+ Community Resource Center has been one of these places. The LGBTQ+ Outreach Center is place peo ple can get a lot of literature, including updated lists of reproductive health care providers. The organization has advocated that people stop using period trackers, buy all hygiene products with cash and buy stocks of day after pills.For those who are concerned about reproductive rights here in Madison, please join the Socialist Alternative and me at each event you can. I have been keeping up, and lending my voice to them in this, their push for Dane County to become a haven county here in Wisconsin. The move to make Dane County a haven county would mean that those seeking reproductive emergency care cannot and will not be prosecuted, allowing millions in our state access to vital and life-saving care that they need.

All through the summer protests, rallies and marches have been springing up to fight the bans happening in many states. We sadly, as a nation, could not get our offi

It’s not inappropriate to discuss some one going through grief or depression, so what makes puberty so different? Nothing is wrong with showing a character going through menstruation. I believe it actually is beneficial to desexualize a normal aspect of life. I believe that every child should have the right to know about their bodies and themselves. No child should be ashamed of the changes that are happening to their body, having a movie like "Turning Red" or a show like "Baymax!" are going to help them through this phase of life, just like any other Disney movie in the past. played, it gave me a real connection to what I was doing. I was really nervous about submitting my first article. I was never a big fan of anything I wrote and this was going to be put into the student newspaper. I felt like it was sloppy and somewhat rushed, but to my surprise people actually liked it. As the semester chugged on I felt a little more com fortable in my role as a Staff Writer and my skills as a writer. I never would have applied for Editor In Chief if the previous Editor In Chief Kaleia Lawrence and hadn’t suggested it to me. So now I have some pretty big shoes to fill this year, but I know that I will do the best that I can. I’m excited to be back with the Clarion and I can’t wait to continue what I love doing, writing stories.

Reproductive rights, reproductive fights

For "Baymax!," most negative comments were about the LGBTQIA+ representation, but the topic of menstruation was still a point of discussion on the reviews, as if these topics shouldn’t be exposed to their children in the first place.

By the end of that night, millions were in pure panic. Resistance sparked as dozens of rallies were formed to scream that we would not accept this. Madison had its outrage recognized by a national group, the Socialist Alternative. The group is in favor of socialist based politics. A student and their chapter had put together a hasty rally for the next morning, allowing me to finally sleep as I knew what my next day would look like.That day I would be come straight home from work, rally my peers and walk two blocks up to the capital of Wisconsin and join hundreds of fellow outraged citizens.



This summer seemed like it was going to be such an exciting time for many people, who have felt they could finally start really returning to a more active life again – with many activities and businesses once again in full swing, maybe even better than before. Yet sadly, for millions of people across the U.S. that hope was ripped away from them. Not just the summer either, but also their future, their voice and their choice.


'The Rise of Gru’ is the perfect prequel

ILLUMINATION ENTERTAINMENT & UNIVERSAL PICTURES / TNS Gru (Steve Carell) has grand plans for his future in “Minions: Rise of Gru.” Minions ruled the summer

SCOTT GARFIELD / PARAMOUNT PICTURES / TNS Jennifer Connelly, left, as Penny Benjamin and Tom Cruise as Capt. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell in "Top Gun: Maverick."

MARY SEGALL Opinion Editor Can you hear the roar of the F-A18E Super Hornets as the legendary tune of “Danger Zone” fills the movie theatre? You can in the new “Top Gun: Maverick.”Thisfilm takes place after Maverick has over thirty years of service in the Navy as a fighter pilot. We know Maverick is a little unorthodox with his flying tactics, but that is what makes him the best; he graduated from Top Gun as number two in his class. Maverick gets called to service Top Gun as an instructor to prepare the best pilots for real world combat. Watch Maverick teach these young pilots a thing or two while seeing a ghost from his past. How will Maverick handle instructing the son of his best friend, Goose, when the son is not particularly happy to see Maverick? Will these two learn how to work together or will they butt heads over Goose’s death? Will Maverick whip these pilots into shape and show them an old dog can still have some tricks up his sleeve or will he be shown up by these new and younger pilots?Some old favorites make an appearance, along with newcomers. Tom Cruise reprises his old role, and Val Kilmer is also back. The newcomers to the “Top Gun” family include Miles Teller playing Goose’s son, Rooster, Lewis Pullman as Bob, Kara Wang as Halo and Monica Barbara as Phoenix. Miles Teller does an outstanding job playing Goose’s son. The mannerisms and aviator shades with that iconic mustache that Goose rocked in the first film were all reprised by Rooster. The soundtrack brought me right back to the first movie with all the same songs. It was a small detail to the first movie, but really elevated the nostalgia level.Let us get to the F-A18E Super Hornets! That is where all the excitement and action is, right? The clarity of the roar of the engine is just so captivating; it is like you are there! There is something that stirs when you hear that familiar “highway to the danger zone” as planes are swarming off a carrier. I have no idea how they even survived the stunts which were used in this video. This nostalgic sequel to an American classic got a score of 10/10 according to the IMDb official page for “Top Gun: Maverick.” I have to say I agree with them wholeheartedly. There is so much action with the planes, comedy between the old and new characters and nostalgia with the soundtrack. I felt happy walking out of that theater. See it and let me know if you feel the same on your return to the “danger zone.”

Nostalgic sequel returns ‘Top Gun’ fans to theaters


TALEISE LAWRENCE Assistant Editor “Minions: The Rise of Gru,” is a sequel to “Minions,” a spin-off based on “Despicable Me.” With a series that has expanded as far as “Despicable Me” has, it is pretty common to see studios that will mass produce less-than-quality content to make a quick buck. I didn’t find that to be the case here. The “Despicable Me” series follows Gru through his adult life, adopting daughters, getting married and finding his long-lost twin brother.“Minions” explained how the lovable yellow creatures came to be, and why they now follow Gru around. But his latest movie took a slightly different approach than the previous“Minions:movies.Rise of Gru” focuses on exactly what the title says it will. We hear about minions and how they came to work for Gru. Since he’s just a little kid in this movie, we find out what inspired him to be a super villain. In his case, nothing bad happened; it was a career path choice and lifelong goal. When I went to the theater, of course there were a lot of children there. Minions are silly little animated guys; what kid doesn’t love that! Surprisingly, though, there were many people my age as well. The first “Despicable Me” came out in 2010, meaning all those little kids are now in high school and college. It was impressive to see how people love the series, even when they get older. The movie was really funny. Gru wanted to be cool and professional so he could become a villain, but also frequently got excited and gleeful when he saw his favorite villains. In one scene, Gru is captured and tortured by his favorite villain ever, WildIt’sKnuckles.socutehow he is still in awe and being respectful to Wild Knuckles, despite being detained andWhatquestioned.Iloved about “Minions: The Rise of Gru” was that it was familiar, but exciting. I laughed, cheered and empathized along with the audience. Because this series has been going on for many years now, it would’ve been easy to capitalize on the nostalgia and neglect the content of the movie, but it was still funny and heart-warming.Plus,youcan watch it without having seen all the other ones because it’s a prequel!


First solo album from member of BTS, J-Hope

TALEISE LAWRENCE Assistant Editor “Jack in the Box” is a studio album created by J-Hope, a rapper from BTS. This is his first ever studio album, though he did release the mixtape “Hope World” in 2018. The album is just over 20 minutes long, with 10 songs featured on it. “Jack in the Box” has a more serious feeling than what fans expect from J-Hope. Fans sometimes refer to him with the nickname “Sunshine.” He wanted to show a different side of him self this time around and show his aspi rations to keep growing as an artist. The reception was amazing. “MORE,” one of the singles on the album, became the second best-selling digital song in the country with 4.6 million streams and 12,000 copies sold during its track ing period. Metacritic, a website for professional critics, rated the album 87/100.InJune of 2022, BTS announced that they would be taking some time to pursue solo projects. J-Hope was the first of the group to release an album after that. Not only was he the first in his group to perform a solo concert, he also became the first ever South Korean artist to headline a main stage at a large U.S. music festival. “Jack in the Box” starts with a nod to Greek mythology, referencing the open ing of Pandora’s Box that released hope into the world. The album then goes on to describe J-Hope’s journey as an art ist: his difficult past, his worries for the future and his passion for creating. Really, I could talk about this album for hours. When it first came out, I listened to it back to back to back. Every song is a hit, perfect for blasting during a drive in your car. My top two recommendations from the album are “MORE” and “Arson.” Both of these songs were released as singles with music“MORE”videos.came out before the rest of the album. In it, J-Hope says how he puts everything into his music; he “crashes and falls” to make art, but it’s worth it when people enjoy what he’s made. At the same time, he says that awards aren’t everything. He already has money and trophies, but he wants to work even more. The music video is very desaturated, contrasting drastically with J-Hope’s previous colorful works. It’s dark and almost emo. The song heavily features drums and guitar with a fast tempo, making it very easy to headbang along. My second recommendation is “Arson.” The last song on the album, J-Hope wanted it to serve as a period at the end of a sentence. It’s about how his passion has led to his success in the music industry. The music video starts with everything around J-Hope burning. Ultimately, the fire catches up to him and he burns as well. “Jack in the Box” is a great album, even if K-pop isn’t your go-to genre. It’s short and sweet, with plenty of catchy beats. There was clearly a lot of thought and effort put into the whole project, from the music videos, to the lyrics and even the production. “MORE” and “Arson” are my two favorite songs from the album, but I recommend listening to them all.


Step back in time with The RenaissanceBristolFaire

While I was there, I tried the throwing stars and scored three out of eight hits... not great, but better than expected. I got two of the throwing knives to stick in the target, that was out of five. I wanted to do the axe throwing, but there is just so much to see and do. It is hard to do it all in one day. Make sure you see the guy who insults you and you get to throw tomatoes at him. It is so much fun and he throws some good insults, so consider yourself warned. This game is not for someone who gets easily offended.While you are there you may run into a pirate, a knight, plague doctors, peasant women, men-atarms, shield maiden, a geisha, barbarians, Dothraki, Daenerys Targaryen, a few different anime characters were walking around and many more! You can dress up and be someone who you would never normally be for a day and go back in time, in a matter of speaking of course. I went as a bar maiden. What would a faire be without shopping! There are so many different vendors with everything from handmade pewter jewelry, handmade leather corsets for costumes, an armory with swords, fails and many other weapons. There are vendors that offer only fairy wings, elf ears and mushroom people costumes. It’s a bit pricey, but a lot of items are handmade, and you can pay for them on-site. You can get a dragon pet to sit on your shoulder, which is a puppet that you can make move, or a nice, painted leather mask to go with a dragon costume or a fair maiden costume. There are vendors that have homemade honey and aromatherapy also. Enjoy walking around and shopping while the vendors speak and talk as well as dress like you were back in ye old Thetimes.Bristol Renaissance Faire is an amazing experience. Immersing yourself in such a world can make you forget that you’re not in that culture all the time. Take a step back in time and live life like they did back in the day. I cannot wait to go back next year and the year after. They put on a good show with quality entertainment for the entire family to enjoy. So, throw on your fairy wings or grab your shield and sword and enjoy a day back in time.

MARY SEGALL Opinion Editor Can you hear the opening theme to “Jurassic Park,” that legendary anthem composed by no other than John Williams? Can you picture the doors to the park slowly opening as the Jeep passes through the enormous gates? “Jurassic Park” is a staple in nineties filmography.“JurassicWorld: Dominion” is the series finale, the big hurrah, if you will. “Jurassic World: Dominion” takes place four years after the previous movie, “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom.” All the dinosaurs were set free and are now loose on Earth. The dinosaurs were previously kept on the island Isla Nublar after Jurassic Park was destroyed.Ahuntis under way to find Maisie Lockwood, the granddaughter of one of the park's founders. The little girl is really a clone of her mother at a young age. She is being hidden away from greedy hands who may want to harm her. Will the dinosaurs be captured? Will anyone ever find Maisie’s hiding spot? What cool dinosaurs will we see in this movie? I have an answer for you, of course. See the movie! Returning characters are Doctor Alan Grant, Ellie Sattler, Owen Grady, Ian Malcolm, Henry Wu and Claire Dearing. Watch them team up to stop another evil team from stealing DNA to further their research with the dinosaurs. I enjoyed the first movie much more to be honest. The writing for this movie was sub-par and that’s putting it nicely. If you know anything about dinosaurs, then you will know that half of the facts used about the dinosaurs are incorrect. There were too many plot holes left unresolved by the end of the movie.This is the last film of the series; I only wish there was a little more effort and explanation to make it worthwhile. As John Hammond loved to say “spared no expense” except in this case for “Jurassic World: Dominion” there were a lot of expenses that were spared unfortunately!

Huzzah! Do you enjoy pirates, fairies, steampunk, knights and some Game of Thrones? The Bristol Renaissance Faire is the largest in North America, letting the creativity run wild from people designing intricate costumes, to creating shows that provide the fellow faire goers with quality entertainment. I go every year with my husband. This year was our first year in costume and it really heightened the experience for us. Everything is so realistic to what life was like back then you get immersed in it, and it is like you are in a different world while you are there. If you have never been, I am here to tell you about the absolute best things to see at the Renaissance Faire to provide an optimal experience for your first visit. Let us start with a big part of what people come to any place for, food! There is such a variety for anyone. There are portabella bangers, garlic mushrooms, grilled pork ribs, cheese fritters, grilled chicken on a stick, greek salad, fresh cut curly fries, coconut shrimp, onion rings, bread bowl soup, pizza pies, turkey drumsticks the size of your head (no lie), fish 'n chips, Spanish fries, crepes, vegetable tempura, monkey tails (chocolate covered banana on a stick), pickles, steak on a stake, pork chop, baked potato, bacon cheeseburger nachos, cornish hen, beef jerky, pasties, pretzels, brats and so much more! Shows go on several times a day at the Faire. Some of my favorites include the jousting tournament with Lady of Chivalry, archers joust on real horses in a real competition of speed and accuracy. There are usually two or three of these shows a day, the last is always The Queen’s Joust which is the most popular. The King and Queen on the Faire do show up to watch the jousting.Ialsoenjoy

The Whip Fire Show, it is what it sounds like, a guy has a whip that lights on fire and whips it around. But it is so entertaining because it is not something we get to see every day and the passion and sheer talent people have is unbelievable! There are different shows going on constantly, so it is hard to see them all. Plan accordingly which one you really want to see is my best advice to you. There are games of course. What would a Faire be without games to play right? Games there include hitting a target with throwing knives, axe throwing, throwing stars, darts, crossbows and standard archery. Test your skills and see if you could make it as an archer back in ye ole days!

Ann-Elizabeth Shapera, entertains the crowd as Jane the Fool at the Bristol Renaissance Faire outside Kenosha, Wisconsin, on July 10, 2005.

The stars of the past appear, but don't shine, in "Jurassic World Dominion." OLLIE UPTON / HBO / TNS Milly Alcock, foreground, with Paddy Considine in “House of the Dragon.”



‘House of the Dragon’ is a show for every ‘Game of Thrones’ fan

GRANT NELSON Staff Writer So the new “Game of Thrones” prequel, “House of the Dragon,” is great.Itis based on the novel written by George R.R. Martin, and tells the story how the Targaryens (the House of the Dragon) came to rule over and create the seven kingdoms with their dragons burning down enter cities. The main story of the show centers on a civil war amongst the House of the Dragons and is filled with politics, sex, dragons, magic and brutal medieval battles.Thebook and show diverge in many parts, but both are filled with very interesting and well written characters.Theshow really delves into medieval lifestyles and culture, right down to polygamy and inbreeding amongst the lords and ladies. Matt Smith is the show’s best actor in my view. Yes, Doctor Who landed in the seven kingdoms. In fact, the first show episode sets Matt Smith’s character in a power game with his family members for the iron crown. The show is very much the same DNA as “Game of Thrones” for its humor, complex character morality and its dark ages drama. Give both the book and show a shot.

MARY SEGALL Opinion Editor

'Dominion' brings back stars, but offers little else

Profiles of WolfPack athletes QUAMME KULOW takes over volleyball program

Changing roles in WolfPack athletics department



KALEIA LAWRENCE Editor Emeritus Madison College’s volleyball team is a program with a tradition of success. Since 2018, the program fielded four NJCAA All-Americans. More than 10 players got NJCAA or N4C athletic honors…with many more receiving academic honors. One thing the program has been missing recently is consistent lead ership. A new head coach took over almost every season the past four years. With Quinn Lukens departure after one regular season, and one greatly limited by COVID-19, leading the team falls now into new hands. This summer, former Badger Mallory (Dixon) Stone was hired to become the 14th coach in program history. Stone will also serve as the college’s athletic performance coach, working with all student athletes.

There are high expecta tions as the Madison College men’s soccer team opens its second season under coach Tim Bruner.TheWolfPack started the season with the No. 8 ranking in the NJCAA Division III presea son poll, after finishing 10-3-2 overall and 6-1-1 in conference lastSoyear.far, the team has been liv ing up to expectations, winning three straight matches to open theMadisonseason. College’s most recent victory was by far its most difficult. The WolfPack rallied from a 3-2 deficit, scor ing twice with less than 15 min utes left in the match to beat host Kishwaukee Community College, 4-3, on Aug. 24. Both the tying and go-ahead goals were scored by Dominick Ramirez. Gabe Voung had the other two goals for the WolfPack, scoring back-to-back goals midway through the first half.Voung, a freshman from Sun Prairie, leads the team with four goals and an assist so far this season, while Ramirez, a freshman from Madison Memorial, has three goals this season.Upcoming matches for the WolfPack include Bryant and Stratton College at home on Aug. 31 at 5 p.m. and Milwaukee Area Technical College at home on Sept. 27 at 4 p.m. Madison College 6, Kankakee Community College 0 Five second half goals pro pelled Madison College to a big win over host Kankakee Community College on Aug. 22.

“That opportunity paired with the opportunity to be a Badger and go to UW Madison, you kind of have the best of both worlds,” said Stone. Stone will be supported by for mer Badger and teammate, Courtney Gorum and club director of MadTown Juniors, and Amy Angelos.

One of the balls he is juggling is being president of the N4C conference. This is in addition to his duties as Director of Athletic that includes hir ing coaches, managing budgets, transi tioning teams to Division II, overseeing the eligibility process for athletes, man aging the Fitness Center and more. He also officiated his first Big 10 women’s Swimming Diving Championship this past“Ispring.guessfor me, I have to learn a lit tle bit to say no. I’m not incredibly good at that, but I will learn,” said Verhelst. One thing Verhelst has said no to is continuing to coach. He recently retired after 13 years of coaching high school girl’s swimming at Madison Memorial. “That was kind of hard to give that up, but I knew that’s something I had to do,” said Verhelst. He realized that it is important to strike a healthy balance in life.Verhelst is hoping to take the “inter im” off his title, though he is uncertain what the future holds. Looking to next year, all WolfPack teams will compete in Division II, allowing each team to award their ath letes scholarships. The Illinois teams that the school competes against have tuition waivers, which isn’t allowed in the Wisconsin Technical College System. That means fund-raising for scholarships will also be one of Verhelst’s roles.

TALEISE LAWRENCE Assistant Editor Jason Verhelst is fulfilling a long time goal by becoming the Interim Director of Athletics after 22 years spent with the Madison College WolfPack.Thiscomes after his time spent as Associate Athletic Director. And he got right to work. Within his first month on the job, he hired three new coaches. While the role is something that he’s always wanted, Verhelst is learning how to divide his time. “I just have to remember to pump the brakes every once in a while, ‘cause I’m somebody that, I love to try new things. And I’m, you know, real passion ate about trying to improve processes and make life easier for people. But, you know, I have to remember that I have to keep all these balls in the air while I’m juggling,” said Verhelst. “Sometimes I have to be smart about which I’m adding.”

WOMEN’S SOCCER LEXI KULOW A midfielder on the Madison College women’s soccer team, Lexi Kulow has start ed all three matches for the WolfPack this season. She has one goal and two assists, all against Kishwaukee College. Last year, Kulow scored seven goals and had three assists to help lead the WolfPack to a 9-5-1 overall record and a berth in the district tournament championship. A four-time letter winner in soccer at DeForest High School, Kulow scored six goals and had eight assists as a senior. The daughter of Julie Hinkle and Jeff Kulow, she is a liberal arts transfer major. THEPACK

MEN’S SOCCER CHASE QUAMME A sophomore defenseman on the Madison College men’s soccer team, Chase Quamme has started and played in all three matches this season. He has helped lead a defense that has only allowed three goals so far this season and has posted two shut outs in its three victories. Last year, Quamme started all 15 games as the WolfPack posted a 10-3-2 record and 6-1-1 conference record. At the end of the season, he was selected second team all-conference and earned all-region acco lades. A two-time letter winner in soccer at Middleton High School, he is the son of Janet and Heath Quamme.


“It's just so cool to see the develop mental side of it and allow kids to grow both on the court but also as people,” saidOneStone.aspect of coaching at the school that Stone is especially excited for is offering scholarships. When the ath letics program makes the shift next year to Division II, players can get money to use for school.

Madison College volleyball coach Mallory Stone watches her team compete on Aug. 24 in Redsten Gymnasium.



Ready to lead the ‘Pack


The Wisconsin native is no stranger to the world of volleyball…though it wasn’t always where she wanted to be. “When I was little, I hated volley ball. I think just 'cause I was around it so much,” said Stone. “I told my mom that I was going to be a dancer instead.” But instead of taking to the stage, she took after her parents. They both coached at Manitowoc Lincoln high school, her mom, Mary Beth Dixon, as the head volleyball coach and her dad, John Dixon, as the head football coach before his passing in 2014 due to pan creaticAftercancer.acareer at UW-Madison where she claimed a runner up national championship, Stone headed to sunny California to compete as a Gamecock. After six years of collegiate volleyball, it was time to trade in the knee pads for a clipboard. “I kind of wavered back and forth of whether I wanted to coach, but once I was finally done with college vol leyball it was pretty clear to me that I wasn't ready to leave volleyball behind, and so that's where coaching came in,” saidSomeStone.experience she brings to the team other than her time on the court is coaching for local youth club volley ball teams and at camps.

“She's just got a great work ethic,” said Interim Athletic Director Jason Verhelst. “I think she'll bring the same thing here as a coach.”



MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 2022 | 11THENewCLARIONcoach

Madison College 3, St. Louis Community College 2 It took five games, but Madison College was able to rally for a 3-2 victory over St. Louis Community College in its second match of the Opening Weekend Tournament.MadisonCollege lost the first set, 25-23, won the second set, 25-16, lost the third set, 25-23, before winning the last two sets, 25-6, and Freshman15-9.Gabby Hack had 16 kills and five blocks to lead the WolfPack. Weisensel had a team-high 20 digs, six kills and five aces, while Schaefer added 29 assists and 10 digs.

Owens Community College 3, Madison College 0 Madison College was swept, 3-0, by Owens Community College on Aug. 20 in its final match in the Opening Weekend Tournament hosted by McHenry County Community College. After a close 25-22 first game, the WolfPack lost the next two, 25-15,Weisensel25-12. led the Madison College attack with eight kills and two aces. Schaefer had 16 assists, while Anderson led the team with eight digs.

AUG.Schedule20at Rochester Community & Technical College, 1-0 WIN AUG. 22 at Kankakee Community College, 1-1 TIE AUG. 24 at Kishwaukee College, 7-0 WIN AUG. 27 at home vs. Rochester Community & Technical College, 5 p.m. AUG. 31 at home vs. Bryant & Stratton College, 7 p.m. SEPT. 7 at home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, TBA. SEPT. 14 at home vs. Harper College, 2 p.m. SEPT. 17 at home vs. Finlandia University, 3 p.m. SEPT. 25 at Bryant & Stratton College, 7 p.m. SEPT. 28 at Milwaukee Area Technical College, TBA. OCT. 1 at home vs. Elgin Community College, 2 p.m. OCT. 5 at Harper College, 2 p.m. OCT. 8 at home vs. College of DuPage, 3 p.m. OCT. 12 at home vs. Joliet Junior College, 4 p.m.

North Iowa Community College 3, Madison College 2 North Iowa Community College rallied from a big first-set loss to defeat Madison College, 3-2, in the WolfPack’s sea son-opening match. Madison College dom inated the first set, 25-13, but was unable to maintain that momentum. North Iowa won the second set, 25-19, and third set, 25-21. Madison College took the fourth set, 25-18, but fell in the final set, 15-9. Anderson led the way for Madison College with 17 kills, while Weisensel had 11 kills and 15 digs.

Madison College 3, Bryant & Stratton (VA) 1 Strong serving helped Madison College earn its second win of the season, beating Bryant & Stratton College of Virginia, 3-1. The team had 16 aces in the match, led by Anderson with nine. Anderson also had 10 kills and 10 digs in the match.

Libero Katie Wagner had 16 digs, while Kendall Weisensel had 13, Daryn Schaefer had 12, and Aubrie Kappes had 10. Schaefer also added 24 assists to lead theMackenzieteam. Plunket led the team in kills with 14, while Tyra Anderson had 12. Gabby Hack led the WolfPack in blocks withMadisonfour. College will host a triangular on Sept. 3, playing matches against Dakota County Technical College and Bay College. Matches begin at noon.

MCSPORTS Madison College schedules and results.



mark, the eighth goal of her career. Kankakee matched that goal minutes later to tie the game. The WolfPack then survived a pen alty shot and barrage of shots from Kankakee to avoid giving up a go-ahead goal. Madison College goalkeeper Morgan Thompson made seven saves in the match. Madison College 1, Rochester 0 Freshman Madison Johnson scored her first career goal to lift Madison College to a 1-0 victory at Rochester Community and Technical College on Aug.Johnson20. scored her goal of an assist by Foye early in the second half. Madison College out-shot Rocheter, 10-3, and earned a shutout to open the season.


Through three matches, the defense has led the way for the Madison College women’s soccer team. So far, the team has allowed only one goal this season. But against Kishwaukee College on Aug. 22, the offense stepped up as well. Madison College scored a sea son-high seven goals in a 7-0 victory over Kishwaukee to improve its record to 2-0-1.Three players scored two goals each for the WolfPack. Freshman Madison Johnson led the way with two goals and three assists in the match. Her first goal came five minutes into the game, off a pass from sophomore Lexi Kulow. Fellow first-year players Kiersten McHugh and Mahala Frey both added two goals as well, while Kulow had a goal and two Goalkeepersassists.Morgan Thompson and Olivia Lange combined for the team’s second shut-out win of the season. Each played a half and had one save. Upcoming matches for the WolfPack include a match at home against Bryant and Stratton College on Aug. 31 at 7 p.m. and a match at home against Milwaukee Area Technical College on Sept. 7 at 6 p.m.

McHenry County College Invite, vs. North Iowa, 3-2 LOSS, vs. St. Louis CC, 3-2 WIN AUG. 20 McHenry County College Invite, vs. Bryant & Stratton, 3-1 WIN, vs. Owens CC, 3-0 LOSS AUG. 24 vs. Morton College, 3-1 WIN AUG. 26 at College of DuPage Invite vs. Genesee CC, 2 p.m.; vs. Century College, 4 p.m.. AUG. 27 at College of DuPage Invite vs. St. Cloud Technical College, noon; vs. Finger Lakes CC, 2 p.m. SEPT. 3 at home vs. Dakota County Technical College, noon; vs. Bay College, 4 p.m. SEPT. 7 at home vs. Rock Valley College, 6 p.m. SEPT. 10 at home vs. Minnesota West CTC, 1 p.m.; vs. Lakeland University JV, 3 p.m. SEPT. 13 at home vs. College of DuPage, 6 p.m. SEPT. 16 at Joliet Junior College Mizuno Invite vs. Highland CC, 1 p.m., vs. TBA 4 or 5 p.m. SEPT. 17 at Joliet Junior College Mizuno Invite, TBA. SEPT. 20 at home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 6 p.m. SEPT. 22 at Lakeland University JV, 7 p.m. SEPT. 27 at home vs. Western Technical College, 6 p.m. SEPT. 29 at Joliet Junior College, TBA. OCT. 1 at Morton College Triangular vs. Joliet Junior College, 10 a.m.; vs. Morton College, noon; vs. Illinois Valley CC, 2 p.m. OCT. 4 at home vs. Harper College, 6 p.m. OCT. 6 at College of DuPage, TBA. OCT. 11 at Milwaukee Area Technical College, TBA. OCT. 18 at home vs. Joliet Junior College, 6 p.m. OCT. 20 at Harper College, TBA



Madison College 1, Kankakee Community College 1 After a scoreless first half, both teams scored once in the second half as Madison College and Kankakee Community College played to a 1-1 tie on Aug. Madison22. College’s Liz Foye scored the game’s first goal at the 56-minute

Schaefer and Mariah Best finished with 18 and 14 digs respectively. Wagner had 19 digs to lead the team, followed by Weisensel with 17.

Madison College volleyball team victorious in home opening match

The Madison College volleyball team hosted Morton College on Aug. 24 for its first home match of the season. The WolfPack won, 3-1.


Madison College 1, Rock Valley College 0 Jacob Howard scored the game’s only goal 10 minutes into the second half to lead Madison College to a 1-0 victo ry over Rock Valley College in their season opener on Aug. 21. He scored off an assist from Voung.McCloskey and the defense pitched a shutout, with McCloskey posting 10 saves.


AUG.Schedule21vs. Rock Valley College, 1-0 WIN AUG. 22 at Kankakee CC, 6-0 WIN AUG. 24 at Kishwaukee College, 4-3 WIN AUG. 27 at home vs. Edgewood College, 7 p.m. AUG. 31 at home vs. Bryant & Stratton College, 5 p.m. SEPT. 7 at home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, TBA. SEPT. 14 at home vs. Harper Colllege, 4 p.m. SEPT. 17 at home vs. McHenry County College, 1 p.m. SEPT. 21 at Joliet Junior College, 4 p.m. SEPT. 25 at Bryant & Stratton College, 5 p.m. SEPT. 28 at Milwaukee Area Technical College, TBA. OCT. 1 at home vs. Elgin Community College, 4:30 p.m. OCT. 5 at Harper College, 4 p.m. OCT. 8 at home vs. College of DuPage, 1 p.m. OCT. 12 at home vs. Joliet Junior College, 2 p.m. OCT. 15 at Oakton Community College, 1 p.m.

7 goal outburst gives WolfPack easy win

Verhelst isn’t the only one whose role in WolfPack ath letics has changed; the athletic department played a bit of musicalSomechairs.facesare familiar, but in new roles. Lois Heeren, former wom en’s basketball coach, is filling the role of associate athletic director that Verhelst left. Former men’s basketball coach Jamal Palmer is now the stu dent-athleted development, success and equity coordina tor, a new position at Madison College.Mike Mayfield and James Adams were both assistant coaches for the women’s bas ketball team last year, and have now become head coach and associate head coach for the team heallowgoinging,whatandoffromworkingadvisor.basketballRoscoeandhiredasadministrationpresidentassistantstayingtheSteverespectively.Hauser,previouslyathleticdirector,willbeonthestaffasspecialtoexecutiveviceoffinanceanduntilOctober.Therearesomenewfaceswell.MalloryDixonwasasthevolleyballcoachperformancecoach.Jasonwashiredasthemen’scoachandacademicVerhelstishappytobewiththenewcrewhisnewoffice.“Iworkwithagreatgrouppeopleinmydepartment,they’reallreallygoodattheydo.Andsoit’strusttrustingthemthatthey’retogettheirjobsdonetoallofustobesuccessful,”said.

Adair Tlato and Voung both scored two goals in the match. Joao Mendoca and Ramirez scored the WolfPack’s other two goals. Goalkeeper Phil McCloskey had 14 saves to record the team’s second shut out of the season.


The Madison College volleyball team has faced some tough competition in the early part of its season under new coach Mallory Stone, playing five consecutive matches against Division II teams. Still, the squad has managed to post a 3-2 record during that time period. Most recently, Madison College upend ed Morton College, 3-1, on Aug. 24 during its home opener at Redsten Gymnasium. Strong back-row play led the way for the WolfPack as the team posted a sea son-high 73 digs, with four players posting double-digit digs.

MONDAY, AUGUST 29, 2022 | 13THE CLARION ACROSS 1 Ongoing drama 5 Sounds of reve 139lation__beanCereal coveted by a silly rabbit 14 Garlic piece 15 Baaing mamas 16 *Playful semi aquatic mammal 18 Merit 19 “__ the Force, 20Luke”Looked over 21 Green shade named for a fruit 22 Electric car 24maker*Seafood served on the half shell 27 Flower starter 28 Thompson of “Thor: Love and 29Thunder”Parcel of land 31 Mammal with elephant and leop ard varieties 32 Chiding sounds 36 *Really get down to the music 38 *Floral perfume 40ingredientBlackas night 41 Sail the seven __ 43 Spiteful, as 44gossipBaseball Hall of Famer Stengel 46 Campfire res 47idue*Request with a tight timeline 51 Broadcast again 54 Incredible bar 55gainVerdi opera 57 Hotel at JFK named for a defunct airline 58 Turn sharply 59 *“Only the Lonely” singer 62 Stiffly proper 63 Helps in a heist 64 “Do you __?” 65 Moral lapses 66 Fail to notice 67 Miranda of “Homeland” DOWN 1 Walk like a pea 2cockPop up 3 Volunteers in the community one grew up in, say 4 Cord cutter? 5 Take in or let out 6 Reason to get all gussied up 7 “__ Maria” 8 Spanish verb similar to “estar” 9 Is with2625cious”2321story1714Lou121110comfortablecompletelyAnticipateVivacityEdwhoplayedGrantPlayfullyshyShareabedtimewithKvetchingcries“MagicallydelicerealHasonNorwegiancityaVikingShip 29MuseumPrefix with 30athlete“Apollo 13” director Howard 31 Fine equine 33 “Really? There’s no more?” 34 Tool set 35 Wily 37 Cold War initials 39 Egyptian beetle 42 47mail”45MadagascarlemursLong-fingeredof“You’vegotISPPolitely declines, maybe 48 6160a59often56tohintor5352folks5049sitesDevelopmentGreetandseatVeryfunnyTerserefusalTotalstranger,athree-wordtotheanswersthestarredcluesRxwriters,AnimallogoonDodgetruck__-WanKenobiCaveatinatext CROSSWORDPUZZLE Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis / MCT Campus THELIGHTERSIDE Puzzles and Cartoons BREWSTER ROCKIT TIM RICKARD / TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE BREWSTER ROCKIT TIM RICKARD / TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE

Personal Research Help Madison College libraries are now offering a Personal Academic LIbrarian program to help support students with research help. For more information about the new program, visit the

Pick Up a Bus Pass Madison College offers Madison Metro bus passes for its students to help them commute to campus. New bus passes are availabe in Student Life. Bus passes can be mailed to your home. Visit for more information.

Help Finding Housing Madison College is partnering with Rent College Pads to provide a curated list of houses and apartments avail able near all campuses in the district. The site is exclusive to the Madison College community. Visit madisoncol to learn more.

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WolfPack Alerts Remember to sign up for the college’s WolfPack Alert emergency messaging system. You will get need-to-know info about school closings and urgent updates. Go to and search “WolfPack Alert” to find instructions.

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Listen to Clarion Radio Madison College has it’s own online student radio station. Listen in at The station is always looking for students who are interested in producing their own show. Email clarionmedia@madison for more information. Lockers Available Students can reserve lockers at the Truax Campus by visiting the Student Life Office, Truax Room B1260 or register them using the form at mad Students must provide their own lock. There is no charge for locker use. 50 Clubs to Choose From There are more than 60 clubs avail able at Madison College. Participating in a student-led club is a great way to meet new friends or develop a new skill. Visit



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