The Clarion issue 9-14-22

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Madison College held a ceremony last Friday to pay tribute to the people

Many parking and commuter options are available at Madison College » SEE HONORING PAGE 4 » SEE COMMUTER PAGE 4

who died and the first responders during the September 11 terrorist attacks.Sponsored by the School of Protective Services, Center for Student Life, Volunteer Center and Phi Theta Kappa, the Day of Remembrance and Service ceremony was held at the Truax campus Protective Services Center. The event included remarks from guest speaker and Dane County Sheriff Kalvin Barrett.

Sheriff encourages students, first responders at event

Sheriff Barrett's memories of that tragic day are harrowing. The sheriff's aunt was on the 100th floor in the first tower when the first plane struck.

Any student who is enrolled in a degree credit class is eligi ble to Theparticipate.purposebehind the program is to not only get students involved in their community, but establish rela tionships with other volunteer organizations.Studentswill gain skill sets such as time,management,diversityculturesandprofesTherearealsomanyotheropportunitiesalliftheWolfPackdoesn’tfityourCheckoutWolfPackforupdatesonfutureThedeadlinetosignupforVolunteersisSept.Thelinkformoreinforortosignupishttps://


Now that the fall semester has started, many incoming students at Madison College will need to get their vehicles registered or other commuter options settled. There are some general dos and don’ts for on campus parking, To register your vehicle for on campus parking, students should go to https://students.

Managing Editor

can obtain;anyunpaidcouldresultinsusofyourvehicleregisStudentsarealsorecomtogettoschoolearlythecaseofbusyparking,thereisanoverflowlot

Favorite concerts this past summer included AJR, Gayle, Here Come the Mummies and, yes, even New Kids on the Block» 8 Space travel is great, but why try to live on Mars? » 6 Men’s soccer team undefeated, now ranked No. 7 »11 ARTSOPINIONS SPORTS TNS

off Straubel Street if the other parking lots fill.


Students who need transportation campus a Madison Metro bus pass from the Student Life Office at the Traux Campus or the Goodman South Campus.



Summer filled with concerts

WolfPack Volunteers helps pair students with a non-profit organization in the local area.

Flags decorated Lussier Plaza outside the Health Education Building on the Madison College Truax Campus in recognition of the September 11 National Day of Service and Remembrance.


Honoring those who serve others


This is a semester long pro gram, where students commit to volunteering two hours a week for 10 weeks.

Twenty-one years ago, all of our lives changed forever. While many of Madison College's students weren't born, most people alive on Sept. 11 clearly remember that day. We remem ber where we were and when the planes came crashing into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pennsylvania.Maybewewere in grade school, and the teachers made an announcement. Some people may remember having small children and struggling with how to tell them about the events that transpired. Everybody has different memories of that terrible day.

Dane County Sheriff Kalvin Barrett speaks at the Day of Remembrance and Service cere mony held at the Protective Services Center.

In addition to fulfilling his duties as Dane County Sheriff, Barrett has been an instructor at the college for the past 1O years, teaching various courses in Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement, from Defense and Arrest Tactics to teaching classes in Criminal Justice.


Students at Madison College have a great opportunity to get involved in the community this fall with the WolfPack Volunteers. Formerly known as the Service Learning Academy, the WolfPack Volunteers still need student participants this semester.



When parking, you should watch out for where you park your car. You should not park in an employee parking lot, marked stall or on the grass. Doing so may result in a park ing citation. Make sure to lock your doors and leave your valuables out of plain sight when leaving your vehicle to


The Yahara Journal is host ing poet Erika Meitner on Thursday, Sept. 29, from 2:30 p.m. to 3:45 p.m. in the Traux Campus Studio Theater, Room A2031.Erika Meitner is the author of six books of poems, includ ing “Ideal Cities,” which was a 2009 National Poetry series winner, and “Copia.”

Public Safety Tip of the Week

Remember the Public Safety Office is also the lost and found. If you have lost some thing, be sure to stop by the office to see if it has been turned in. We do require a photo ID to return items.

Banned Books Week is being observed Sept. 18-24, and perhaps more than ever the topic of banned books deserves a couple minutes of consideration. This col umn isn’t meant as a polemic against book banning, but rather to encourage thinking about the what and the why of theAccordingmatter. to a recent study by PEN America, book banning in schools and librar ies in the United States is at an all-time high. Some of the highlights of the study that ran from July 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022 were that there were almost 1,600 instances of indi vidual books being banned, the bans occurred in 96 school districts spanning 26 states and the districts involved rep resented 2,900 schools with a combined enrollment of over 2 million students.

As always, Public Safety is available 24/7 by dialing 245-2222. If you have any ques tions or concerns, please reach out to me at 608-243-4165 or Lfadler@madisoncollege. edu

emphasizes that challenges to free speech in schools and universities can come from different sides of the political spectrum.Theaim of both “Opposing Viewpoints” and “CQ Researcher” is to offer a wide variety of information and perspectives on issues to help you develop your own person al argument. Both databases have been heavily used by Madison College students in the past for research, and we hope that will be the case with you as Thewell.Madison College

Anotheressays.ofthe library’s subscription databases, “CQ Researcher,” recently pub lished on May 20, 2022, a report entitled “Free speech on campus” which encompass es not only the topic of book banning, but more broadly free speech. The report offers statistics on book banning, but also references some 175 bills introduced in 40 states in 2021 restricting teachers’ speech, of which 15 had already gone into law by April 2022. The report also

The American Library Association offers lists of most frequently challenged and banned books throughout the years at subscriptioniousthecomebeestofAssociationandAmericachallenged.withorg/advocacy/bbooks,https://www.ala.alongreasonswhythetitlesareWhileboththePENorganizationAmericanLibrarycomeattheissuebookbanningwithaninteragainstit,itshouldalsonotedthatchallengescanfromdifferentsidesofpoliticalspectrumforvarreasons.Oneofthelibrary’sdatabases,

race, racism, LGBQT+ issues and sex education.

Libraries will likely have a display about banned books during Banned Books Week. The libraries also have a research guide devoted to the topic at aboutyourwhy,

FOLLOWUS! Follow us on one or all of our social media platforms for exclusives & daily updates! Visit our website for more at TheClarionMC TheClarionMCClarion Broadcasting PHOTO PROVIDED TO THE CLARION Need a jump-start? Public Safety offers free vehicle jumps to students and staff. If your car won't start, give Public Safety a call at (608) 245-2222 and an officer will respond to assist.

A about challenges to free speech

The event runs from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in Truax Room C1430 and includes free food. Featured performers will include the Boliviamanta Dance Group. The event is free and open to Madison College students and staff.

Stop by for free food and games, including an inflatable. You can also learn more about student groups at the involve ment fair.

“Opposing Viewpoints,” has a featured topic heading on “Book Banning” featuring a variety of perspectives on the issue, particularly through its viewpoint

Poetry reading at Truax on Sept. 29

The United Common Ground and the Intercultural Exchange will kick off their annual Hispanic Heritage Month activities on Wednesday, Sept. 14.

NEWSROOM SUBMISSIONS To submit an item for publication, drop it off at The Clarion office, Room B1260G Truax and Room 109 Goodman South or email it to clarioned@madi The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All opinions expressed in editorials and advertisements do not necessarily represent those of the Mad ison College administration, faculty, the student body or the Clarion staff. CORRECTIONS The Clarion strives for accuracy in all of its articles. If you have questions or con cerns, please call us at (608) 246-6809 or REMEMBERING Adam Lee Suby, 1987-2009 Philip Ejercito, 1981-2013 2 | NEWS | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 THE CLARION THE STUDENT VOICE OF MADISON AREA TECHNICAL COLLEGE 2022-2023 OFFTHESHELF By Mark Luetkehoelter, Librarian Lillian Coppelman EDITOR IN CHIEF clarioned@madisoncollege.eduKellyFeng MANAGING EDITOR clarion@madisoncollege.eduTaleiseLawrence ASSISTANT EDITOR Stuart Pate NEWS EDITOR clarionnews@madisoncollege.eduMarySeGall OPINION EDITOR clarionopinion@madisoncollege.eduJDSmith-Nelson ARTS EDITOR clarionarts@madisoncollege.eduRossLitscher SPORTS EDITOR clarionsports@madisoncollege.eduAndresSanchezChirinos PHOTO EDITOR Kylie Phillips WEB EDITOR Iman Alrashid Paige Zezulka COPY EDITORS Vacant BUSINESS DIRECTOR clarionads@madisoncollege.eduLuisAlcalaRobleroScottReed GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Paul EbenezerMadalynBeckerBreunigSierraBrunnerStacyBrunnerTClearwaterCamrynGardnerIdowu,Jr.GrantNelsonLaurenTaillon CONTRIBUTORS Doug Kirchberg ADVISOR CONTACT US PHONE:NEWS (608) 246-6809 PHONE:(608)ADVERTISING 243-4809 FAX: (608) 246-6488 PUBLICSAFETY By Sgt. Lucas Adler

week to learn

Student Life is hosting its annual Campus Fun Day event at the Goodman South Campus on Tuesday, Sept. 20, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Don’t become a victim of a crime of opportunity! While on campus, make sure to lock your vehicle and don’t leave any valu ables in plain view. Break-ins have occurred in the past. When in the building, be sure to never leave your valuables unattend ed. Keep your electronics, backpack, purse and wallet with you at all times.


In addition, the study also points out that a significant percentage of the titles chal lenged and/or banned were those dealing with themes of

Campus Fun Day at Goodman South

will be able to identify your vehicle. Also, consider parking in one of the lots that are further from the building. These lots are not nearly as busy as the first lot closest to the building, and there is less of a chance that your vehicle could be struck.

She currently teaches at UW-Madison.

Busier parking lots means more incidents

As the semester gets going, the park ing lots at the Truax and Goodman South Campus have seen a significant increase in use.With more vehicles in the parking lots, more accidents occur. If you are involved in an parkingcamerasThereoutaccidenttheisly.Safetydentreportaccident,theincitoPublicimmediateRememberitillegaltoleavesceneofanwithreportingit.aremultipleinalllots,andwe

Public Safety offers escorts to your vehicle in the evening. If you would like an escort, stop by the Public Safety Office or call 608-246-6932.

My committee will also be work ing with communities and organiza tions from around Madison, around Wisconsin and nationally to get us what we need in resources, inspiration, mentorship and backing for the equita ble changes we would like to see in our school.Iwould love to tell you more about the specific goals I have for the commit tee, but I would rather you show up for the first meeting and tell me what you want, too! A free exchange of ideas and gathering over a collective interest is what I’d like to see to start off this com

fourth for photogenic, top model, casual wear and placed top overall finalist.

mittee with its first official meeting. It is at that time I will go over the four main groups (my “four-winds” subcom mittees) that will help us create struc ture to channel the students' wants, needs and energy.

Join the Student Senate’s Racial Equity Committee

with his family because he can’t afford to pay for college tuition and housing. He calculated the basic weekly expenses between food and gas, were at least $80, and approxi mately $3,000 for tuition that he paid in cash per semester.“Iwasso excited to start college, and now I can’t stop thinking of how I’m going to afford next year’s tuition,” Kadour shared.

To do this, I will be collaborating with the other committees that are part of the Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement department here at Madison College, and as many identity groups, organizations, departments and students as I can.

Rising expenses impact students in many ways

Omar Kadour, a full-time student at Madison College, shared his financial situation for his first year at Madison College.


Staff Writer

I work with the Diversity and Community Outreach Committee,

I am slating the first meeting for Friday, Sept. 23. You will receive an email about the details of the first meet ing the coming week as I do my tabling. I hope to see as many of you as possible.

In this pageant, she won a crown and a banner or sash for the Spotlight Award. She also won an award for the Spirit of Pageantry, and the Best Thank You



Since college is becoming more expensive, students sometimes try to save money in other ways, like saving on food costs, which usually leads to food insecurity. This affects students’ ability to succeed academically.

Congratulations to Madison College student Sierra Brunner. On Aug. 5-7, she competed in her very first pageant called National American Miss (NAM) in Madison.


Pinwheels for Prevention

Education is the key to a successful future; the more knowledge you gain, the more oppor tunities will open up. But college tuition and expenses make students’ life complicated.

Student emergency funding is available at Madison College for those who need assistance. Requests for assistance can be made once a semester. To learn more or to request emergen cy funds, visit goallearnStudentslifetimes.pantry”week.receiveBothCollege’sfromedu/emergency-funding.https://students.madisoncollege.Inaddition,studentscangetfoodassistancetheCupboardFoodPantriesatMadisonTruaxandGoodmanSouthCampus.offercurbsidepickup,wherestudentscan10poundsofnon-perishablefoodsaVisitthecollege’swebsiteandsearch“foodforinformationaboutopendatesandInflationhasclimbedthisyear,affectingexpenses,includingeducationexpenses.canconnectwithcollegeadvisorstohowtogetthehelptheyneedtoreachtheirofcompletingtheirdegrees.

I will begin tabling next week to share more about what is driving me to do this work and what I hope will also drive you to join in this effort.


Food insecurity can look like students attending campus events only looking for food, reducing their food intake to make groceries last longer, skipping meals, purchasing less nutri tious food and deciding between buying school supplies or buying food. All these factors may cause anxiety and stress, which can adversely affect mental health.

Madison College student Sierra Brunner competed in the National American Miss Pageant in Madison.

The Racial Equity Committee is a student-led and student-driven com mittee to advocate for the BIPOC com munity here in our school and create equitable changes.

Brunner localrecogniztionearnsinpageant


The week of Sept. 5-11 was Suicide Prevention Awareness Week. Displays as part of the Pinwheels for Prevention campaign were set up outside the Health Education building at the Truax Campus.


“I have been saving up for four years because I don’t want to apply for a loan and be in debt,” KadourKadoursaid.lives

Thinking of students’ basic needs to sustain their lives, the first thing that comes to mind is food, shelter and clothing, which are everyone’s basic needs to live. However, looking at other important services like healthcare and educa tion to satisfy these basic needs is essential.

With that being said, she qualified for Nationals in Florida. Although she did qualify, she was unable to compete in the Nationals this year due to the cost.

However, thinking of paying college tuition besides all the other expenses make students live under pressure, causing, in most situations, financial anxiety. The impact of financial anxi ety on overall mental health has become a com mon issue among students, leading to not focus ing on school and sometimes failing classes or, in a worse scenario, dropping out of college.

Hi there students! I’m Mx T Clearwater (that’s pronounced mehecks or mm-icks) and I’m a bi-racial LGBTQ+ Student Senator who is driven to create changes in our school that will not only allow students to feel comfort able in the classroom, but everywhere on campus. I have a high focus on the BIPOC and QTPOC communities as well as the LGBTQIIAA2S+ community.

Gender and LGBTQ+ Support Subcommittee and chair the Racial Equity Committee.


College tuition, food, gas, textbooks and dayto-day expenses make college a big financial burden. Some students drop out because they can’t afford college and don’t have enough time to study because they have to work to pay the tuition and other expenses.

between Truax and Goodman South Campus Monday through Friday. The

The Day of Service and Remembrance event on Sept. 9 included a meal for students in the Protective Services programs.

Shuttles run

"What happened that day will forever be seared in our memories," he said.

shuttles are available to students who are currently enrolled in classes and to staff, though students are the main priority for the service.


While she evacuated the build ing alive, she eventually died from the burns she sustained. The memory of his aunt is embedded into Barrett's mind.

"It's always an amazing event. It always inspires me, regardless of who the speaker is. I think it was extra special this year because Kalvin is also a faculty member," the she said. "I thought it was an added touch because he knows a lot

members had worked all week to produce this special day.




Barrett said the work of those first responders con stantly affects his work and the families of everyone impacted by the attacks are continuously in his thoughts and prayers.

Alfano said the Volunteer

Students can save 60% on a BCycle membership if they use the promotion code MATCSTUDENT. If they join before Oct. 1, they save another $20.

GroundLaterZero.hetook to social media to thank the college for allowing him to speak, thank ing the first responders in training and the faculty who attended, saying, "The students were all bright-eyed and ready to start a career of service. Our future is in good hands.”

Questions? Visit Test ride by checking-out a FREE pass with your library card at any of the nine Madison City Public Libraries!

Center felt this was a way to encourage and honor the stu dents who are studying to be first responders saying, "We know it's a profession that takes a special kind of person."

There are other commuter options available for students who do not have a vehicle. BCycle is a fantastic way to get around Madison. There are 60 BCycle stations around Madison, including at Commercial Avenue, Goodman South and Truax cam puses. Using the promotion code, MATCSTUDENT, you can save 60% on the annual membership. If registered before Oct. 1, the annual membership is further discounted to $20. As there is no longer a shuttle service between Commercial Avenue and Truax, stu dents who attend Commercial Avenue who sign up to be a BCycle member will have their Fall 2022 commuter fees



Director of Student Life Renee Alfano, working with the Volunteer Center and Phi Theta Kappa, helped to coordi nated the Alfanoevent.talked about the event, saying it was the students who wanted to do something special for the National Day of Service and Remembrance.Thestudents from Phi Theta Kappa did the "remem brance" part by placing signs through the campus urging students to remember the peo ple killed that day.


prevent theft from occurring.

To board the shuttle, students are required to have their Madison College OneCard in hand. For more information about the shuttle's sched ules, visit$50eitherattheTruaxBookstoreortheGoodmanfrontdesk.Degreecreditstudentsareeligibleanunlimitedridebuspassastheisfundedbystudentfees.onlyrequirementisthatdegreestudentsmustbetakingatleastclasstoqualify.Studentscanhttps://students.madisoncollege.iftheyhaveanyques



Alfano was proud to be part of the student-driven event, saying the combination of vol unteers and Phi Theta Kappa

"I think about her on a daily basis as I serve as the sheriff. And I think about her son Eddie, who was my age and is still going on today without his mother," Sheriff Barrett said.

"The pain, the terror, the tragedies, but also the tremen dous displays of courage that were done by everyday citi zens and first responders."

of these students, and he can relate to what they're going to be doing in the future and what they're currently doing," AlfanoBarrettsaid.encouraged the audience to remember those who died the in the attack and those who died from diseases caused by ongoing exposure to


Jude Lindsay


probably would,

editorial submission

Letters the be typed or written legibly, be 250 words or and include the writer’s name, phone number and email The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All submissions become the property of The Clarion and may be used for publi cation. Bring letters to The Clarion office, Room B1260G Truax, or email


Elijah Lin


The views expressed by The Clarion do not nec essarily reflect the opinion of Madison College, its student body or any faculty therein. They are comprised of the writers listed above and/or of those who write for the Opinion section.

editorial board

of energy in the U.S. It causes 99.9% fewer deaths than brown coal, 99.7% fewer than oil and 97.6% fewer than gas.

People who would like to label nuclear energy as dangerous generally refer to two tragic accidents: Chernobyl and Fukushima. However, some context is needed to truly understand these incidents. Chernobyl was a power plant built by the Soviet Union. It badly lacked safety measures, leaving it more vulnerable to an accident. Fukushima, an accident in a Japanese power plant, was part ly caused by a nearby tsunami.


In fact, it is almost equal to solar and wind energy in this respect. (Again, mind the “zero-emissions” part). And to bust another myth: water vapor, not smoke, is pumped into the air from a nuclear power plant.



Parfrey's Glen State Natural Area features a natural waterfall and beautiful scenery that hikers can enjoy.

limate change. Almost everyone living in this country has heard of it, and most agree it is a big issue primarily caused by the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmo sphere through burning fossil fuels. It would seem reasonable, then, to look for other ways to meet the growing demand for energy.

While these events truly were tragic, they do not warrant banning nuclear energy. Fossil fuels kill far more people every single year. Rather, such insight should lead to ever more stringent safety regulations, something nuclear plants already implement.

Some people may be sur prised to learn that Wisconsin is home to more than 40 waterfalls.

"No, I don't think I would because of the unknown long-term health issues."

Most people instinctively turn to renew able energy as the solution, specifically solar and wind, but the truth is that solar and wind energy alone cannot replace fossil fuels. They are unreliable; they only work when the sun is shining and the wind is blowing. Plus, they provide a surprisingly small energy output.

"Probably not because I"m pretty lazy."


Myth #1: Nuclear energy is unsafe.

ven though Wisconsin is known for being cold and snowy, few can argue with the state’s beauty. The nature in Wisconsin rivals many other states with the combination of white sand beaches along Lake Michigan, the vibrant autumn colors, the vast number of state parks with breathtaking views and its majestic waterfalls.

Nuclear energy is clean, abundant and inexpensive, yet many are opposed to it. I will debunk a few myths about nuclear energy to hopefully show that it might not be as danger ous as we make it out to be.

While most of those waterfalls are up north, there are a few that are closer to Madison. There are



Waterfalls are Wisconsin’s hidden gems


While the process of splitting atoms does produce a form of waste, various methods exist to manage this waste. One is nuclear recycling. Much of the nuclear waste can be used as fuel for another reactor, reducing the amount that will be disposed of. Moreover, nuclear waste doesn’t take up vast amounts of space.

editor should

A clean, abundant and energyeco-friendlysource

- Odessa Schwei

If society wants to get serious about ren ovating our current energy grid to be more eco-friendly, we must find multiple energy sources that, when combined, supply just as much energy as fossil fuels. And the most promising candidate is nuclear energy.

Myth #3: Nuclear energy produces toxic waste which cannot be safely disposed of.

MARYEDITOR:SEGALL MADISONCOLLEGE.EDUCLARIONOPINION@ THEBUZZ Questions asked to you, our readers. Would you travel to space and why?

While there are risks to nuclear energy, there are also many measures taken to mini mize the risk. Nuclear plants undergo strict safety guidelines, including remote handling of equipment, “radiation protection and contamination control procedures” and pro cedures governing waste disposal. According to Hanna Ritchie, nuclear energy is much safer than fossil fuels, the primary source

"I but only for a short of time."

Myth #2: Nuclear energy pollutes the environment.

Making a case for nuclear energy






Nuclear energy involves the splitting of atoms to produce energy. This causes vir tually no environmental pollution, making it a “zero-emissions clean energy source.” Nuclear energy produces no carbon emis sions, making it a wonderful alternative to coal, oil and natural gas, which pump massive amounts of pollutants into the air.




Instead of trying to live in space, I think it makes more sense to make Earth more liveable. Attempting to slow or reverse global warming is one way, with efforts made by the people who have the power to make that difference. Another way is to provide universal healthcare so people can live healthier, happier lives.

The Argonne National Laboratory asserts that “all of the used nuclear fuel generated in every nuclear plant in the past 50 years would fill a foot ball field to a depth of less than 10 yards,” a testimony to the massive amount of nuclear waste storage space

Clearly,available.there are solutions to nuclear energy waste, and future research combined with technological advances may reveal more solu tions.Ihope you now see the unharnessed potential in nuclear energy. I am not saying we should abandon all other fossil fuel alter natives and rely primarily on nuclear energy.

Artemis I was scheduled to launch in

The more we learn about it, the more in awe I am. I cried when the James Webb Space Telescope released new images. I took an astronomy class in college and loved going stargazing when I was little. My dream career was “astro naut;” my life goal was “visit Pluto.” I real ly loveHowever,space!I

Near Madison, you have Parfrey's Glen State Natural Area and Pewits Nest by Baraboo, Stephens Falls outside Dodgeville and Montello Granite Quarry. The three by Green Bay are Big Smokey Falls, Brown County WI Fonferek's Glen and Wequiock Falls.

I’m excited for Artemis I to finally launch, but I hope there will still be focus on the issues we experience here on Earth.

rtemis I is a part of NASA’s Deep Space Exploration Systems. It is an unmanned mission that will enable human exploration to the Moon and Mars. This is the first of many missions, which will “provide a foundation for human deep space exploration and demon strate our commitment and capability to extend human existence to the Moon and beyond,” says NASA.


I am simply submitting that it is an option we should consider. Nuclear energy is clean. Nuclear energy is abundant. Nuclear energy is safe. There might be risks, but there are also ways to mit igate the risk.


three pretty impressive ones in Green Bay, and six smaller ones roughly an hour from Madison.

This loop spans over Ashland County, Bayfield County, Iron County and Sawyer County. For a chance to see the biggest waterfall in Wisconsin, drive to Superior to see Big Manitou Falls, which is an impressive 165 feet. To put that in perspective, it’s about half the size of Niagara

Photographers gather at dawn on launch day for Artemis I at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, on Saturday, Sept. 3. NASA scrubbed the second attempt to launch the moon-orbit test flight after ongoing fueling issues.

To see some of the biggest waterfalls in Wisconsin, there is actu ally a waterfall road trip that Dave Schlabowske compiled on the Bikepacking website. This route will allow travelers to see 28 waterfalls over a distance of 382 miles.


feel a bit skeptical about humans living in space. Research in space

Learning to live in space?

Many countries use nuclear energy, and some such as France and Sweden depend on it as their primary energy source. Therefore, any serious fossil fuel replace ment plan (that is, any plan that has the poten tial to remove the need for fossil fuels) should include nuclear energy.


August, but had to postpone for safety concerns.Thesecond time around the launch was scrubbed again because of problems with the rocket. While it was disappointing to many, officials say it will cost less money in the long run to fix the rocket before it launches.Ilovespace.

is obviously very important and neces sary, but living on the Moon and Mars? I’m not so sure. After SpaceX’s rocket launch es, it seems like space is going to follow the same patterns we see on Earth, where only rich people will be able to afford luxuries, such as going to space.

I love the space program, but let's focus on our home first


Venue Rating: 5/10

Thousands traveled from near and far to Madison’s Capitol Square on Labor Day weekend to enjoy food, drinks and live music at the annual Taste of Madison festival.

It was a busy summer with all the concerts. I had the chance to go to Summerfest multiple times and even traveled to Iowa and Minnesota for shows. Here are my thoughts on some of the shows I got to see.

A busy summer of concerts

Halsey was OK. She performed


New Kids On The Block


I drove to Iowa to see NKOTB on their Mixtape Tour 2022 with SaltN-Pepa, En Vogue and Rick Astley. NKOTB interacted with the crowd a bunch of times.



This year, Taste of Madison was able to make a return to the Capitol after the event was cancelled in 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic and had to relocate to Breese Stevens Field in 2021 (calling itself Taste of Madison – Off the Square).Over 60 food vendors graced the Square, all offering dishes priced between one and six dollars. All the ven


Gayle and AJR were both entertaining shows to see

Here Come the Mummies

In addition to these ven dors, several volunteer groups were present at Taste of Madison offering beverages for sale. One hundred percent of the tips granted at these bev erage stands stay within the local organizations, making the event a large community fundraiser.

Show: Venue:10/105/10

Some personal favorites from the event were the vegan BBQ sandwich from Just Veggiez’s stand and the Wisconsin mac-n-cheese from the Old Fashioned Tavern & Restaurant’s booth.

Madison College instructor Jamie Kember, left, performs with “Don’t Mess With Cupid” on one of the stages at the Taste of Madison on the Capitol Square on Sept. 3.

This band was also awesome to photograph. They made the crowd hyped, and they put on an awesome show. Here Come the Mummies emphasize instrumentals, mostly playing drums, saxophone and key boards, with only some of the songs featuring lyrics.

Gayle's performance at Summerfest was one of the highlights of the concerts in the area this summer.

Here Come the Mummies dressed the part at Summerfest.

dors at the festival come from established restaurants in the Madison area.

I got to meet Danny Wood and Donnie Wahlberg before they went to the B Stage. The show was worth the drive.Show:


AJR was a blast. Adam, Ryan and Jack were hype on stage, and they brought the heat to the American Family Amphitheater on the Summerfest Grounds. Jack came out with a big head during one of the songs. AJR performed “100 Bad Days,” “Karma,” “Way Less Sad” and much more. BoyWithUke was a decent opener, but he used index cards when he spoke.ShowRating: 9.6/10


Taste of Madison returns to city’s Capitol Square

Show: Venue:10/105/10





Gayle was awesome. She put on an incredible show. She played her hit song, “abcdfu,” with Royal and the Serpent. She also played “Orange Peel,” “Kiddie Pool” and “To My Face.” I got two guitar picks and two set lists from her. She is super kind, and she rocked that Generac Stage at Summerfest on June 30.

LILLIAN COPPELMAN / CLARION "Reflection” provides a fun take on Mulan’s journey.


Have you ever watched a Disney movie and wondered if some things could have turned out different ly? Well, Disney's New York Times best-selling series, “A Twisted Tale,” does just that. What if Aladdin never took the lamp? What if Ariel did not kill Ursula? What if Mulan had to trav el to the underworld? These are just a few in the series of Disney's what-ifs.

“Reflection,” written by Elizabeth Lim, is a fantastic tale of adventure and thrill, each word seeming to jump out of the page and suck its readers right into the world that the author has craft ed. The book may be an easier read, but it is well worth it to experience the story being told.

Each page leaves the reader on the

The story starts at the avalanche in “Mulan,” with Li Shang taking a fatal blow instead of Mulan. In her grief and guilt, she makes a deal with the spirit of Shang’s father to travel to the underworld with the Li family guard ian, ShiShi. Mulan now only has until sunrise to bring Shang back to the land of the living. If she fails, she is to stay in the underworld, also known as Diyu, forever. What follows is an adventure that reads just like a movie on the screen.The readers can feel for the char acters and their struggles as Mulan climbs through this unfamiliar place in this impossible journey. They can sym pathize with her as she grapples with the guilt of having to lie to Shang and ShiShi about who she really is, all while under the pressure of running out of


edge of their seat and wanting more.

time to bring Shang back to the land of building in “Reflection” is spectacular. Diyu is described as this fantastical, yet horrifying place filled with demons and the spirits of the deceased. Each level of Diyu is unique and exciting with different casts of characters that either help or hinder Mulan's journey. The language used makes each setting pop right out of the pages, making the reader want to see more of what each level has in store.

“Reflection” is a story about friendship, trust and honor. It’s about what it means to put your faith in someone who might not have their faith in you. It is a story about overcoming personal struggles to do what you believe is right. This book is a wonderful read that any Disney fan would love.

'Reflection’ offers a different path for Mulan


A fantasy show I’m falling in love with is the new “Lord of the Rings” TV show, “The Rings of Power.” This show is every thing I have ever wanted in a Tolkien TV show, with great locations, action, fantasy, politics, a strong diverse cast and epic battles.Theshow takes place a thousand years before the films and is set in Middle Earth. It follows many characters from is a totally new, fresh take on Middle Earth, creating a new “Lord of the Rings” timeline that blends the Tolkien mythos with modern day storytelling in ways that are more relatable.

Taste of Madison not only pulls in a crowd for the food and drink, but also for the free live music. This year’s headliners included Ryan Griffin, Nonpoint and Michael McDermott on Saturday, and Yung Gravy, Daughtry and Conner Smith on Sunday evening.While all the musicians who put on a show drew large crowds, rapper Yung Gravy brought a sense of local excitement to many in attendance, as Gravy is a UW-Madison graduate who has achieved consider able fame in the music industry. Many people in the crowd were chanting, “Gravy, Gravy, Gravy,” before his set – humorous when you consider this is a festi val better known for its food selection.


An RPG worth picking up this fall is the “Dungeons & Dragons” campaign titled“Spelljammer: Adeventures in Space.” This expansion to DND takes players into space, of all things, with everything from star ships, space monsters and a very wide new fron tier to Thisexplore.expanse covers the entire multiverse of “Dungeons & Dragons.” There is a nearly endless selection of characters to play as, including elves, dwarfs, dragonborn, space vampires, space pirates and mind flayers.


Although I’m a Jojo fan, I enjoyed her Mad Love Tour a lot more than her show at Summerfest. Her American Family Insurance small stage house performance was better, although pretty short. I met Jojo at the house performance, and she was kind. I also got to meet her fiancé, Dexter Darden. It was fun watching him watch his queen during the show. He was really nice to meet.

get a pepper. That’s hot. Bite into it and absorb the petrifying crunch of the Flea Bass, and the pepper-juice of John’s solo on your taste buds. Soar away on a trip of melodic glue and ya-ya-ya's to Oct. 14, “Tippa2022.My Tongue” makes me want to slap racing stripes on a Prius while on Butacid.let’s be frank, all the Chili Pepper’s music does that to me. I give this song 12 out of a possible 11 Coops.


I went to Minnesota to see Big Time Rush on their Forever Tour

With the full band back and the chemistry clicking, the urge to gen erate music is pleasantly furious. The recipe for “Tippa My Tongue” is simple – Anthony’s rhythmic and jum bled lyrics, Flea’s bass that he abuses, John’s melodic and funky guitar and Chad’s drumming that holds everything together.Throw it all in a blender and you

PAUL BECKER Staff Writer

I say give it a shot when it comes out this fall.


Big Time Rush


Never before has this level of imagination and level of immersion been in “Dungeons & Dragons.” So gather your crew, ready your ship and set sail across the multiverse.

anything in the standing room only area and they don’t have screens on the side for people in the back. The security allowed smoking inside despite it being a non-smoking venue. I hope Big Time Rush never performs here again.Show:Venue:5/101/10




“Warhammer 40,000: Darktide” has levels that require tactics, with a heavy RPG system for upgrad ing your abilities. It is filled with boss battles and lore drops hidden throughout a very dystopian city with a very Goth art style.

The show has a deep and magical world that draws you into the tribes of Hobbits and the crusades of Elves against evil.Isay travel back to Middle Earth in this great new magical world.

album on Apr. 1, “Unlimited Love,” which topped the Billboard charts and sold 97,500 copies in the first week. It is the Pepper’s first album with returning guitarist John Frusciante since “Stadium Arcadium” in 2006. The explicit joy of his return from Pepper’s fans around the world is made clear by multiple themed nightclubs and tiki bars. Jesus Christ himself is back and better than ever. Throw a vintage Strat over the shoulder, crank up the delay

and pour a mug of scalding hot tea of raw melody, emotion and funk.

By the time the headliners had finished their shows and the sun was beginning to set on Sunday night, many vendors were running out of food and becoming fatigued from the steady flow of consum ers at the packed event.


Show: Venue:8.5/105/10

A game worth checking out this fall is “Warhammer 40,000: Darktide.” This game is set in the universe of Warhammer 40K in a Gothic Hive City, where demons and cults are spread across the surface.TheImperial Inquisition has hired prisoners to serve as shock troops to hunt the demons and cults.

“You Should Be Sad,” “Graveyard,” “Bad at Love” and more. Halsey talked about how she had an abortion that saved her life and her views on Roe v. Wade being overturned. Halsey’s show was awesome and energetic. I don’t think this tour was her greatest. I honestly still think the Hopeless Fountain Kingdom Tour was the best. She looked super happy while performing because she was doing what she loved.

The funky monks are back. And they are on the run. From whom? Critics? Deranged fans from the ‘90s? The Red Hot Chili Peppers new single, “Tippa My Tongue,” released Aug. 19, is the first single from their upcoming album, “Return of The Dream Canteen,” antici pated for Oct. 14 of this year.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers’ My Tongue’ burns

The game allows you to play combat types such as an Ogryn tank, a space mage, a priest and a heavy shock trooper. The game is a co-op horde shooter with a very well written story.


Lines lengthened at the few spots left who still had meals or snacks to offer for those who had not yet gotten a taste of Madison.


Show: Venue:4/108/10

Venue: 2/10

‘Rings of Power’ expands Tolkien’s world

If you missed the festival this time around, Taste of Madison 2023 has already been confirmed for next year’s Labor Day weekend.

DND Spelljammer


The Peppers recently released an

Beau Cassidy (middle child) and Lenny Henry (Sadoc Burrows), right, star in “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.”

Summerfest was three week ends this year. I went four times because not that many people I like performed, but I had no prob lems during the festival. My aunt went to see Cheap Trick, and her experience was horrible. They refused ADA seating for her because her medical issue wasn’t “severe enough” even though she was in pain. She was told “ADA seating is only for people who are in wheelchairs and people more severe.” She could barely walk because of her back. So if you need ADA seating, just know you won’t have a good experience.

at the Armory. They performed “Worldwide,” “Boyfriend,” “City is Ours” and more. I drove six hours for the show and had to pay $40 for parking, which is the most expensive parking I’ve ever paid. That’s saying something for someone who’s gone to 58 concerts at 43 different venues. If you’re short, you can’t see

Jojo performs in the American Family Insurance house on the Summerfest grounds, providing a short but more intimate set.

The role play is beyond anything before. You get your own magical star ship with a crew, where you can live out the life of multiverse star travelers or go to another “D&D” universe.

In its most recent match, Madison College showed why others rate them so highly.Madison College dominated Milwaukee Area Technical College, 9-0, at home on Sept. 7.


was a three sport althete (soccer, hockey and golf) and Wisconsin

Freshman Gabe Voung led the way against Milwaukee, with four goals to help the WolfPack reach a 5-0 start for the first time since 2007.

A economics major, he is the son of Heather and Chad Schomber.

The Madison College WolfPack volleyball team swept the Bay College Norse in the first match of the Madison College Triangular, their first ever meeting.Though Bay College did not take any sets, the scores were close at 25-17, 25-22 and 25-20.

Coach Mallory Dixon Stone said




match, that neither of them were required to make a save.

WolfPack wins first match against Bay College Norse

The WolfPack competed hard, doubling the number of both kills and aces scored by the Norse. Aubrie Kappes and Katie Wagner set their team up for success, totalling 28 digs between the two of them. Middle block er MacKenzie Plunket led the offense with nine kills and two blocks.

After a scoreless first half, Madison College exploded for eight second half goals to defeat Bryant & Stratton College, 8-0, at home on Aug. 31.


Madison College’s Gabe Voung battles for a ball at midfield against Milwaukee Area Technical College. Voung scored a career-high four goals to lead the WolfPack to a 9-0 victory.

WolfPack keeps winning

that Plunket has been improving con sistently as the season progresses. She “has really embraced what we've been asking of her, and it's very clear on the court.”The team will continue to work on serving and serve receive. Currently the WolfPack boasts an impressive 140 aces, compared to their opponents’ 58. They will also be focusing on diver sifying their offense. With a team of mostly freshmen, learning to gel can be difficult.“Thekids have picked up really quick,” says Stone. “We have a really good group of girls who are willing to work really hard and willing to prob lem solve together.”

After a 5-0 start on the season, the Madison College men’s soccer team has received recognition as one of the top team’s in the nation. The most recent NJCAA coaches poll has the WolfPack ranked No. 7 in the nation.

Five players scored in the match for Madison College. Caeben Schomber, Richie Lima and Adair Tlato each scored twice, while Adriano Ponte and Vong both added a goal.


Madison College 8, Bryant & Stratton College 0


Profiles of WolfPack athletes



Heights High School. He was named first team all conference as a junior and senior and served as team captain his senior year.

Jacob Howard added two goals and an assist, while Adriano Ponte, Caeben Schomber and Vimas Worjloh each scored one goal for the WolfPack.


the WolfPack has scored four or more goals in a match and the team’s fourth shutout of the season.

Madison College’s next match is at home against Harper College at 4 p.m. on Sept. 14. The team then hosts McHenry County College on Sept. 17 at 1 p.m.

A sophomore midfielder on the Madison College men’s soccer team, Caeben Schomber had three goals and three assists in the first five matches of the season. He has played in every match, starting three of them. Last season, Schomber played in all 15 matches and scored three goals and had oneSchomberassist.


There’s a lot of optimism for the 2022 Badgers despite losing a good number of play ers to the NFL, including their three leading receivers. They also lost key defensive players in linebackers Leo Chenal and Jack Sandborn, corner backs Faion Hicks and Caesar Williams and defensive tackle MattTheHenningsen.Badgersreloading the roster this offseason is really a testament to head coach Paul Chryst’s recruiting ability and the coaching staff’s ability to develop younger players. Chryst is entering his eighth season as the Badgers’ coach and has a 65-23 record at Wisconsin entering this year. The Badgers made some good moves with their coordinators this offseason by retaining defensive coordinator Jim Leonhard, who was a candi date for many other DC jobs

Kappes was a two-sport athete at Mt. Horeb High School, serving as team captain as a junior and senior. The daughter of Holly and Chris Kappes, she is a radiogra phy major at Madison College.


Madison College men’s soccer team is now ranked No. 7

Madison College’s Gabby Hack (10) and Sophia Venne (8) attempt to block an attack during their team’s match against Rock Valley College on Sept. 7.

A sophomore on the Madison College volleyball team, Aubrie Kappes appeared in 25 matches last year for the WolfPack. She finished the season with 197 digs and 14 services aces. The defensive specialist has appeared in 10 matches for the WolfPack this season, recording 72 digs and four assists. During the off-season, she coached at a volleyball camp in Waterloo.


It was the fourth time this season

The Wisconsin Badgers football team enters the 2022 college football season with high expectations. Nothing new there, as ever since Barry Alvarez took the program over in the ‘90s the Badgers have been a top tier program in col lege football. It hasn’t looked like that in the last two years, as they haven’t had a 10-win season since 2019. In fact, they haven’t gone three straight years without double digit win totals in nearly 20 years.

Vong leads the team with nine goals on the season, including three multigoalPhilmatches.McCloskey and Vimas Worjloh split time in goal against Milwaukee, with each playing a half. But the WolfPack was so dominant in the

Madison College’s overall record stands at 10-4, with conference play set to begin on Tuesday, Sept. 13, at home against the College of DuPage.

OCT. 1 at home vs. Elgin Community College, 4:30 p.m.

and even some head coaching jobs. They also hired Bobby Engram as offensive coordinator to hopefully revive an offense that has been very one dimensional over the past fewTheyears.Badgers began this season ranked 18th in the preseason AP Top 25 poll. Their schedule consists of 7 home games at Camp Randall Stadium, including homecoming on Oct. 22. They started the season 1-1 with a win over Illinois State and a close loss to Washington State.

This roster, paired with the right coaching as well as one of the best fan atmospheres in the coun try, have everything they need to compete for a Big Ten champion ship in December.

SEPT. 17 at home vs. Finlandia University, 3 p.m.

SEPT. 3 at home vs. Dakota County Technical College, 3-1 WIN; vs. Bay College, 3-0 WIN

AUG. 22 at Kankakee CC, 6-0 WIN

OCT. 1 at Morton College Triangular vs. Joliet Junior College, 10 a.m.; vs. Morton College, noon; vs. Illinois Valley CC, 2 p.m.

SEPT. 13 at home vs. College of DuPage, 6 p.m.

SEPT. 20 at home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 6 p.m.

OCT. 4 at home vs. Harper College, 6 p.m.

SEPT. 7 at home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, TBA.

OCT. 12 at home vs. Joliet Junior College, 4 p.m.


SEPT. 27 at home vs. Western Technical College, 6 p.m.

Madison College 3, Dakota County Technical College 1

A strong overall performance helped Madison College beat Lakeland University JV, 25-16, 25-22, 25-17, at home on Sept. 10. Gabby Hack, Kendall Weisensel and Tyra Anderson each had seven kills in the match, while Daryn Schaefer added 19 assists.

OCT. 12 at home vs. Joliet Junior College, 2 p.m.

Graham Mertz needs to have a big year. He is entering his third year as the Badgers starting quarterback and has operated a passing offense that has been mediocre at best the last two years.

The WolfPack has six events remaining on their fall schedule. On Sept. 12, they will play at the Skyhawk Invitational in Byron, Ill. They will then get to test their skills in the twoday Frank Wrigglesworth Blugold Invitational hosted by UW-Eau Claire on Sept. 18-19.

“They're very tall compared to us, so our girls were a little intimidated, right off the bat. But other than that I thought we competed hard,” said Porath.

I believe finally getting an off season uninterrupted by COVID-19, plus the addition of a new offensive coordinator, will help Mertz and the rest of the passing game out a lot. The Badgers shouldn’t have too much trouble finding receivers to catch the ball, despite losing Danny Davis, Kendric Pryor and Jake Ferguson to the NFL.

For a team that’s grown accustomed to winning, back-to-back losses have been rare, much less back-to-back shut outs.Madison College’s next two chances to improve their 2-2-1 record comes at home against Harper College on Sept. 14 and against Finlandia University on Sept.

SEPT. 17 at home vs. McHenry County College, 1 p.m.

OCT. 5 at Harper College, 4 p.m.



Chimere Dike, Markus Allen and Skylar Bell are expected to take on much bigger roles this year in the passing game. Clay Cundiff will replace Ferguson at tight end and transfer wide receiver Keontez Lewis from UCLA will also be a big part of a passing game that hasn’t been great since Russell Wilson played.The sky is the limit for the Badgers this season. On defense, transfers Jay Shaw, Cedrick Dort Jr. and Kamo’i Latu will join safe ty John Torchio and defensive tackle Keeanu Benton to anchor an already solid unit. Arkansas transfer Vito Calvaruso will take over the kicking duties and Dean Engram (Bobby’s son) will take on kick and punt return duties.

WolfPack hosts golf invitational


A Madison College golfer prepares to tee off at the college’s Texas Roadhouse Invitational held at Door Creek Golf Course on Sept. 9.

AUG. 27 at home vs. Edgewood College, scrimmage

Nine teams competed in the invita tional.Tyler Koch and Ethan Thomas were the top finishers for Madison College



Madison College 3, Minnesota West CTC 1

Dan Porath, head coach of Bay College’s first year volleyball program, said that playing in Madison was a great opportunity for the players. With a brand new team, there were some nerves from the Norse.

Rock Valley College 3, Madison College 2

AUG. 22 at Kankakee Community College, 1-1 TIE

A balanced battle saw Madison College overcome Dakota County Technical College, 24-26, 25-21, 26-24, 25-16, at home on Sept. 3.

Weisensel led the WolfPack in kills with 12, in digs with 19 and in aces with five. Schaefer had 22 assists to lead the team, while Mariah Best added 17. College schedules and

SEPT. 14 at home vs. Harper College, 2 p.m.

The WolfPack will have five more home games this season.

The format of the invitation had pairs of players compete together, and the score of two pairs made up a team score.Madison College teams finished fourth and sixth in the invitational, while the UW-Madison Club team fin ished first. A team from Bryant and Stratton College was second, while a team from Edgewood College was third.


OCT. 11 at Milwaukee Area Technical College, TBA.

OCT. 20 at Harper College, TBA

AUG. 27 at home vs. Rochester Community & Technical College, 2-0 LOSS

with a score of 42, good for a tie for third place among pairs.

SEPT. 25 at Bryant & Stratton College, 7 p.m.

SEPT. 28 at Milwaukee Area Technical College, TBA.

They were teamed with Brent Schmiesing and Matt Sitte, who had a score of 36. Their total of 78 was good for fourth in the invitational.

McHenry County College Invite, vs. North Iowa, 3-2 LOSS, vs. St. Louis CC, 3-2 WIN

SEPT. 14 at home vs. Harper Colllege, 4 p.m.

They play New Mexico State to round out their out of conference schedule before their biggest game of the regular season on the road against Ohio State. Not only is this a potential Big Ten Championship preview, it’s also a great opportu nity for the Badgers to send a mes sage against the team that has been the class of the Big Ten for many years. They play Big Ten confer ence opponents the rest of the way after that, wrapping up the regu lar season at home against rival Minnesota on Thanksgiving week end. The Badgers are set up with a great opportunity to compete for the Big Ten championship.

SEPT. 28 at Milwaukee Area Technical College, TBA.

AUG. 31 at home vs. Bryant & Stratton College, 8-0 WIN


So far this season has gotten nine goals in five matches. Madison Johnson has led the team with three goals and three assists. Mahala Frey and Kierstin McHugh have both scored two goals. Other scoring has come from Lexi Kulow and Liz Foye, both with one goal.

OCT. 6 at College of DuPage, TBA.

OCT. 8 at home vs. College of DuPage, 3 p.m.

OCT. 15 at Oakton Community College, 1 p.m.


SEPT. 7 at home vs. Rock Valley College, 3-2 LOSS

SEPT. 25 at Bryant & Stratton College, 5 p.m.

OCT. 5 at Harper College, 2 p.m.

OCT. 1 at home vs. Elgin Community College, 2 p.m.

SEPT. 10 at home vs. Minnesota West CTC, 3-1 WIN; vs. Lakeland University JV, 3-0 WIN

After dropping the first set against

SEPT. 21 at Joliet Junior College, 4 p.m.

against Bryant and Stratton compared to 15 shots for their opponent.

AUG. 24 vs. Morton College, 3-1 WIN

OCT. 18 at home vs. Joliet Junior College, 6 p.m.

SEPT. 7 at home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 9-0 WIN

AUG. 31 at home vs. Bryant & Stratton College, 3-0 LOSS

Venne led the WolfPack with eight kills. Schaefer had a big match with 18 assists, 12 digs and six aces.

SEPT. 16 at Joliet Junior College Mizuno Invite vs. Highland CC, 1 p.m., vs. TBA 4 or 5 p.m.

Women’s soccer hopes to end slide at 2 games

vs. Rock Valley College, 1-0 WIN

SEPT. 29 at Joliet Junior College, TBA.


Madison College failed to convert on two match points in the third set, then lost the final two sets and the match againstRock Valley College at home on Sept. 7. Rock Valley, which finished as the national runner up last year, won 14-25, 15-25, 28-26, 25-18, 15-2.

Two Madison College teams com peted in the college’s Texas Roadhouse Invitational held on Sept. 9 at Door Creek Golf Course.

AUG. 26 at College of DuPage Invite vs. Genesee CC, 3-0 WIN.; vs. Century College, 3-2 LOSS

Minnesota West CTC, 25-22, Madison College rallied back to win the next three sets in dominate fashion at home on Sept. 10, winning them, 25-11, 25-15, and 25-18.Anderson led the team with 11 kills, four aces and three blocks. Schaefer added 26 assists, Weisensel had 16 digs and Sophie Venne had six blocks.

SEPT. 17 at Joliet Junior College Mizuno Invite, TBA.

Thanks to the cancellation of its scheduled match against Milwaukee Area Technical College, the Madison College women’s soccer team will have gone two weeks without playing a match.Chances are it has felt like a long two weeks after the team lost to Bryant and Stratton College, 3-0, in its most recent match on Aug. 31, the team’s sec

Madison College 3, Lakeland University JV 0

SEPT. 22 at Lakeland University JV, 7 p.m.

AUG. 20 McHenry County College Invite, vs. Bryant & Stratton, 3-1 WIN, vs. Owens CC, 3-0 LOSS


AUG. 24 at Kishwaukee College, 4-3 WIN

OCT. 8 at home vs. College of DuPage, 1 p.m.

ond-straight loss and second-straight shutout of the season.

AUG. 27 at College of DuPage Invite vs. St. Cloud Technical College, 3-0 WIN; vs. Finger Lakes CC, 3-1 WIN

Bryant and Stratton scored its first goal almost 30 minutes into the match, then added two more in the second half.

Madison College’s Andrew Aune and Brady Callmer paired up to score a 38, while Jake Rebholz and Matt Paulson had a 36. Their team finished sixth with a team total of 74.

AUG.Schedule20at Rochester Community & Technical College, 1-0 WIN


I believe the biggest key to the Badger’s success is without a doubt the passing game. The running game has never been a problem, and it will continue to wreak havoc on opposing defenses with poten tial Heisman candidate running back Braelon Allen and his coun terparts Chez Mellusi and Isaac Guerendo.Quarterback

The17.WolfPack took only four shots

AUG. 24 at Kishwaukee College, 7-0 WIN

WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 | 13THE CLARION ACROSS 1 Private stash 6 Pizza serving 11 Dell products, for short 14 Approximately 15 Weighed down 16 Flamenco cheer 17 *Many an aria 19 Tiny 20 “Will I __ learn?” 21 Dark cloud, 69grandparent,6867666564future6160actor59strap58tory57cupcake53flattery48ender4746kin44ners4241starredanswersdescriptionleft3938333029museumcity27ogetic24name2322maybeNoggin1950ssitcom*NotquiteapolHistoricNevadawitharailway__sueySalonofferingOre-IdanuggetsHere,inFranceNamebetterunsaid,oraofthetothecluesSyrupsourceUnlikelywin“Bestbefore”TunefortwoCampusURL*PersuadedwithFrosted,asaPeriodsofhisHorserider’s“BigNight”ShalhoubBuddy*Inthenear__-at-easeStrainerPlentifulStubbornbeastGreat-sayBigbuttes DOWN 1 Scoped out with bad intentions 2 “Heavens __!” 3 Successfully han dles a rough patch 4 Rushed 5 Greek betweenletterzeta and 6thetaSports replay type, briefly 7 Pointer or printer 8lead-in“__have a clue” 9 Cartoon frame 10 Music producer 12stance11BrianConfidentBlue-skies fore cast word 13 Far amounts2826serves25habitataCarl22body18swankyfromLikeabusyYAnovelbyHiaasenaboutthreatenedowlUnreturnableHidefromviewRed-ink 30 Zip 31 __-friendly 32 47it”4543Kate40for373635nic34philosophical33fortunemomentsUnexpectedofgood“__TeChing”:textUnwelcomepicguestNFLsix-pointersBarbillJamesBond,one“__BeinLove”:Bushsong“No__,noglory”“I’mgoodwithPoetSt.Vincent 48MillayOld photo tone 49 636261tonsthat56BrownringNetflix5554525150examsFace-to-face__ForcesDay“Pet”annoyancePillowfeathersHenhouses“__Holmes”:filmstarMillieBobbyUnitsofforcemakeupnewNNWoppositeOlive__Orangetuber CROSSWORDPUZZLE Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis / MCT Campus THELIGHTERSIDE Puzzles and Cartoons BREWSTER ROCKIT TIM RICKARD / TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE BREWSTER ROCKIT TIM RICKARD / TRIBUNE NEWS SERVICE

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