The Clarion issue 9-15-21

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Evacuation from Afghanistan impacts our communities » 6

Madison’s new take on the Taste due to COVID restrictions

All sports open with powerful performances »12

Even with health and safety concerns, Taste of Madison was still a successful, safe and event for all who attended » 9

Free passes to Planet Fitness are available for semester

Fitness Center work remains on track



Photo of the construction of the new fitness center at Madison College.

KALEIA LAWRENCE Editor in Chief Madison College’s new fitness center is on track to open next semester. Construction for a new fitness center and locker rooms have been in progress since January of 2021. The project is reported to still be on schedule, and there will be some new amenities starting this semester. “The timelines hopefully have stayed pretty close to where they thought with the grander project so we feel good

about that,” said Steve Hauser, Athletic Director. The current plan is that there will be locker room access starting mid-September for student athletes. As of right now, there are no locker rooms for visiting teams so there are no home games scheduled until then. There were plans for new bleachers to be put in before the opening home volleyball games, but they have been pushed to early November. Even though the only facility that is usable is the gym, the college has found ways to keep P.E. classes available and in

person. Some classes are in the Redsten Gymnasium while others are being held at the Early Learning Campus. “We didn’t want going someplace off campus to be a barrier to students,” said Hauser. “There was space over there with their renovations that were going on so we moved as much equipment as we could there; It is strictly for physical education classes,” As soon as the renovations are done, classes will be moved back into the Fitness Center as in years previous. » SEE CENTER PAGE 4

Madison College is currently offering free passes to four Planet Fitness locations around Madison. Degree credit students at any campus are eligible for this offer. To sign up for a free pass, all students have to do is register on the Madison College Recreation website and bring their registration confirmation to one of the four locations listed. The Planet Fitness locations available will be on East Towne Way, Mineral Point Road, Verona Road and West Broadway. To maintain their access to Planet Fitness facilities, students must go to Planet Fitness at least four times a month. Otherwise, Planet Fitness will cancel their membership. The college has been offering these passes since the fitness center underwent construction last December. Once the construction of the new fitness center has been completed, Madison College will cease to offer Planet Fitness passes. The anticipated date for the completion of construction is the beginning of the spring semester. Goodman Sports Complex and Enterprise Manager Bill Kegler relays that there have » SEE PASSES PAGE 4

Vaccination clinics on campus an effort to combat COVID-19 MORGAN ENGELS News Editor As Madison College continues to reopen, the school has held a series of vaccination clinics on its campuses. Vaccines were administered on the Goodman South Campus on Aug. 19, and during Wolfpack Welcome at Truax Campus on Aug. 23-27. A total of 17 students received vaccines during these clinics. “Having more students and colleagues back on campus gives the buildings an awesome energy,” said Madison College Risk Manager Joshua Cotillier. “Thank you for your patience and dedication during these challenging times.” Thanks in part to the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, Madison College was able to enter phase three of its reopening plan for the fall semester. Under phase three students can have

full access to campus buildings. This includes expanded face to face instruction as well as expanded on campus services including: the cafeteria, bookstore, advising, career services and veterans services. There are no door screeners or health screening surveys to enter buildings. While very limited domestic travel is permitted there is still no international travel. Third party events are also still limited. The surge brought on by the Delta variant has inspired increased pressure for individuals to get vaccinated. Currently the average number of new cases, deaths and hospitalizations are at levels not seen since late winter. Madison College has already been forced to reinstate its previously lifted mask mandate. Only 53% of Americans are reported to be fully vaccinated, while 62% are reported to have had at least one dose. » SEE VACCINATION PAGE 4


Photo of vaccination clinics on Madison College.





By Mark Luetkehoelter, Librarian

Consider getting a PAL for the semester


2021-2022 Kaleia Lawrence EDITOR IN CHIEF

Paige Zezulka



Morgan Engels NEWS EDITOR

Josie Rickerson OPINION EDITOR

Lauren Taillon ARTS EDITOR


We would like to suggest you get a PAL for the semester. The Personal Academic Librarian (PAL) program from the Madison College Libraries was introduced at the start of the 2020-2021 academic year when, due to COVID, the vast majority of classes were offered in some online format. Even though there are more classes in-person this year, a lot is still being offered online, so the PAL service is being offered again for the 2021-2022 school year. Taking online classes can be convenient, and help is available from the Madison College Libraries, Student Achievement Centers, and other college services, but sometimes online help can feel impersonal. PAL is meant to provide students a personal connection with a librarian that they

may have been used to in person before COVID. Someone a student felt comfortable to ask not only questions about library research and technology, but also other types of general questions. In 2020-2021, sixteen students participated in the program in the fall semester and thirty in the spring semester. Evaluation forms returned by students indicated that the majority found the experience to be beneficial to their overall academic success. Statistics later showed the majority of students participating in the PAL program

received grades of AB or better in their courses. One student commented that the program was “very helpful and excellent,” another commented “PAL was more than I expected,” and yet another student commented “it was an amazing experience, and I would do it again.” Most PALs communicated with their students by email, but at times PALs utilized WebEx or other tools to provide face-to-face help over the Internet. PALs assisted their students with finding relevant and reliable sources for their

research papers, as well as questions about using Blackboard, course software, or other technologies. PALs can also how their students sharpen their critical thinking skills and develop soft skills that can aid them in their future jobs. If you show honest participation in the program, your PAL can even be a reference on your resume or provide a letter of recommendation for a job you’re applying for. If you’re interested in finding out more about the program, please visit https:// libguides.madisoncollege. edu/PAL At that link you’ll find out more about the program, be able to look at profiles of the participating librarians, and then fill out a short form to pick your PAL for the semester. You’ll also find links to other ways of getting online help from the libraries.

Andres Sanchez PHOTO EDITOR


Sydney Hise


Sherra Owino COPY EDITOR

Michelle Meyer


Ivan Becerril-Gutierrez DESIGN DIRECTOR

Adam Frohmander Hailey Griffin Grant Nelson Brian McNeil Evelyn Olsen Boh Suh Spencer Wakefield CONTRIBUTORS

Doug Kirchberg ADVISOR


The Madison College Public Safety office staff welcomes everyone back to campus for the fall semester. CONTACT US

NEWS PHONE: (608) 246-6809 ADVERTISING PHONE:(608) 243-4809 FAX: (608) 246-6488

SUBMISSIONS To submit an item for publication, drop it off at The Clarion office, Room B1260G Truax and Room D237 Downtown, or email it to The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All opinions expressed in editorials and advertisements do not necessarily represent those of the Madison College administration, faculty, the student body or the Clarion staff. CORRECTIONS The Clarion strives for accuracy in all of its articles. If you have questions or concerns, please call us at (608) 246-6809 or e-mail: REMEMBERING Adam Lee Suby, 1987-2009 Philip Ejercito, 1981-2013

PUBLICSAFETY By Sgt. Lucas Adler

Several services available from Public Safety Welcome back! We at Public Safety hope your first couple weeks back have gone smooth. If you are new to Madison College here are some things to know about Madison College Public Safety. • The Public Safety office is located in room B1240 at the Truax Campus. There are also officers stationed during business hours at the Goodman South Campus. • Public Safety is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can always reach an Officer by calling 245-2222. • Public Safety offers jump starts for

your vehicle if your battery is dead. We only require a photo I.D. and that you or your parents are the registered owner of the vehicle. • We can also unlock your vehicle if you lock your keys in your car, again a photo I.D. is required and the vehicle must be registered to you or your parents. • We offer escorts to your vehicle if you are uncomfortable walking to your car, stop by our office or give us a call at 245-2222. • If you are a student and plan on parking at Madison College, be sure to register your vehicle on our website. Just type parking into the search tab, click on parking and then student vehicle registration. • We are currently seeking applicants for Student Help Officer positions, if you

are interested, stop by the Public Safety Office and ask for an application. If you have any questions or concerns, please stop by the Public Safety office or give us a call. Have a great and successful semester!

WolfPack Alert

Have you signed up to receive WolfPack Alerts from Madison College? These alerts notify you of school cancellations or about emergencies on or near campus. If not, please do so on our webpage. Registration is free, easy and takes about a minute on your mobile device. In addition to our Facebook page, we have a Twitter account! Be sure to follow @PublicSafetyMC to stay informed of what’s happening on your campus. Public Safety is available 24/7 by calling 245-2222.

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Display memorializes Student Website victims of terror attack Serves You Madison College’s

PAIGE ZEZULKA Managing Editor


Flag Display outside of Madison College (Truax).

PAIGE ZEZULKA Managing Editor Whether you were there or not, existing or not, or remember or not, the impact 9/11 has on the United States will always be felt. Having it be one of the most memorable days in American history, every year the country comes together to honor and reflect on a moment that changed the country forever. Madison College Student Life and Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society (PTK) came together this past week to reflect on this critical piece of history. They arranged multiple events and volunteer activities for students and staff, with friends and family members urged to join in. One of the service activities was a

virtual remembrance walk, in which attendees walked 1.1 miles, the equivalent amount of miles it took firefighters to climb 110 flights of stairs in the World Trade Center Building as it was in flames. Walkers, runners and rollers could plan this remote event at any time convenient to them before Sept. 12. They were encouraged to take photos of themselves on their walks to share on WolfPack Connect or the PTK Instagram page with hashtag #PTK911WalkRun with a message of their choice. On Sept. 7, with the help of Student Life, Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society and other volunteers, a display was created in honor of the fallen. The display is outside of the Truax Health Building, on the circu-

lar grass bed. An army of mini flags now fly from the college’s ground, each flag honoring a life lost. There is also a list of names of those perished in the events that day including hundreds of first responders, thousands of civilians at the World Trade Center, as well as the passengers on the four commercial airliners and the pentagon. Surrounding the memorial stands multiple yard posts consisting of 9/11 facts. As each year goes by, there will always be the month of September, the day of the 11th, and an opportunity to reflect and honor the lives that were lost, sacrificed and the ones who are currently serving the United States of America.


Fire Chief Harrison speaking at Human and Protective Services Building.

9/11 memorial luncheon held KALEIA LAWRENCE Editor in Chief It’s been 20 years since 9/11. For many young people, the question of “where were you when it happened” can’t be answered. Even though many of the young adults going into the emergency service industry weren’t alive when 9/11 happened, they are still affected by what happened that day. On Friday, Sept. 10, the Center for Student Life and the School of Human Protective Services hosted a 9/11 Memorial event. It was open to all students, community members,

and even streamed via WebEx. At the event, Chris Harrison delivered a message about the importance of remembering. The Sun Prairie Fire Chief emphasized that even if you can’t make it to an event every year, taking the time to honor the lives that were lost is crucial for everyone, even if not an emergency service member. Harrison also mentioned that this was especially important for the service members who weren’t alive during 9/11. Those who weren’t alive that day understand how the day affected their community. “For me it’s hard because I wasn’t

alive and I probably don’t understand it to the point where others do, like my elders and the people around me, but what I was educated on in school and what they showed me is definitely a touchy subject so it’s a hard time,” said Tanner Williams, who attended the event with the Maple Grove Fire Department. Listening was a theme that was widely shared across the service members who were alive and remember 9/11 vividly. “I’m one of the older guys in the class and there’s a lot of people over » SEE 9/11 PAGE 4

At a time when the importance of available communication tools and resources are at an all-time high, Madison College has launched a new student website. The site acts as a home base for thousands of students as they grow at Madison College. It is filled with an abundance of easily accessible services that offer guidance to all students. “[It] will provide you with the support and information you need to be successful at Madison College,” said Dr. Tim Casper, Executive Vice President, Student Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness in an Aug. 4 email announcement. From its splashing colors, meaningful photos, educational videos, interactive calendars, accessible menus and text, the new site lives up to the college’s mission: “Your Dreams Start Here.” Here are some of the many website features: For those students who are new on campus, there is a specific tab just for you to explore: The New Term Checklist. This section focuses on the steps on how to get prepared for the upcoming semester. It provides helpful tips regarding remote learning as well as course materials such as textbooks, technology services, tuition assistance, communication services and so much more. The “Tool Kit” bar on the front page, allows current students to easily access their MyMadison College profile, the Navigate Application, student email, Blackboard and WolfPack Connect. Student news, The Clarion news and athletic event updates keep students informed with current community highlights. Also included on the front page are tabs such as: the library and book store, computer help, employment opportunities with Handshake and general contact information. Each student at Madison College learns differently from the next. Especially in today’s world where remote schooling is more common than ever. Madison College’s Support Services are ready to help all students as they find their path to success. On this page is a world full of assistance such as: counseling, tutoring, advising, veteran, disability and testing services. If you are looking for a career on campus, the career and employment section is available to you. If you have questions regarding financial aid, transfer programs or being a first generational student, this section will guide you on the right path to receiving those answers you are seeking. Want to get involved with student life? Check out the details of over 60 clubs and student groups the Student Involvement page has to offer. Joining clubs helps expand skills, gives students the opportunity to explore what the college has to offer, creates new relationships and brings joy to the college experience. The Continuing Education page will assist with any future professional and educational needs. It will relay advice and resources that will help continue your career path. The page provides details regarding professional development courses, enrichment classes, training opportunities and much more to advance your skillset. Paying for college plays a huge factor in a student’s college experience. Learn more about scholarships, tuition and fees as well as financial aid and wellness on the Paying for College page. Tools such as Cost Calculators and FAFSA workshops are also made available there. Need any further assistance, or just can’t find something specific in your search? There is a “browse frequently asked questions” link, a live chat feature, and or a “ask us a question” option at the bottom of the home page. To visit the new Madison College Student Website, go to or access the page from the madisoncollege. edu site by clicking the “Current Students” link.



Donation Drive


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 During the construction, Madison College has offered free Planet Fitness passes to students taking at least one degree credit class. About 480 students have taken up the offer so far, according to Hauser. Students will be prioritized with the new facility. In the past, the Fitness Center was open to community members, but “we need to cater to our internal audience first and kind of meet your needs before we go out and try to help others out.” Hours are not yet set, but a rough estimate will likely be 6 AM- 7 PM. This will be adjusted based on use of the facilities and staff availability. The facility will be staffed by students and the job listing will be made available on Handshake in the upcoming months.

To assist Afghan families Madison College will be hosting a donation drive If you’re interested in donating to assist Afghan families, Drop off day is Sept. 17 from 10 am to 1 pm at the Madison College Health and Technology building. Items can be dropped off every day until then at any metro or regional campus welcome desk. Only new items are accepted, includeing clothing, footwear, personal hygiene products, backpacks, and baby items.





CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 been plenty of people taking advantage of these passes. “We always have an uptick at the beginning of the semesters,” Kegler said. “Part of it is because we promote it through things like WolfPack Welcome and people will start to see direct emails coming out to them as well.” Kegler also pointed out that there are workout videos as well as a link to a workout app on the Madison College Recreation website. Students can use these resources while they’re at Planet Fitness. To find these resources, go to

Photo of vaccination clinics on Madison College.



Madison College is currently working with healthcare partners to hold more pop up clinics in the future. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends vaccines as the most effective way to protect both yourself and others from COVID-19. On Aug. 23 the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the PfizerBioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for individuals 16 years and older. Since Dec. of 2020 COVID-19 vaccines have been available through an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). EUAs

STIPEND PAID POSITIONS • Programs & Activities Council (All Campuses) • Clubs Executive Leadership Team • Volunteer Center • Campus Vote Project Democracy Fellow • Student Senate (All Campuses)

can be used by the FDA during public health emergencies to provide access to medical products that may be effective in preventing, diagnosing or treating a disease. The criteria for issuing an EUA is that the FDA must determine that “the known and potential benefits of a product, when used to prevent, diagnose or treat the disease, outweigh the known and potential risks of the product.” The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is the first COVID vaccine to receive the FDA’s full approval. According to Cotillier, the pandemic needs to be at or near its end for Madison College to move to phase four of its reopening plan. Phase

four is described by Cotillier as “pre pandemic conditions.” When asked what students can do to avoid moving into phase four Cotillier said, “Stay informed, get vaccinated, wear a mask in public, limit your social circle and stay home if you are not feeling well.” Follow up appointments for participants in the vaccine clinics to receive their second dose are scheduled for Sept. 5-15. For information on what to do if you test positive for COVID-19 you can visit the COVID-19 Positive Test Results page on the Madison College Website. You can also contact the COVID screener at 608-2434880 or email CovidScreener@

there that were very young that have no memory of what took place. Luckily it was so well documented...So the biggest piece of advice that I have is to learn from it. Go back, do your research on it, figure out how it’s shaped and impacted this profession,” said Josh Tester, full time student and Colombia County Sheriff ’s Department employee. Even for those who weren’t alive at the time emphasized listening and learning from others. “Listen to the people that have been there, who watched it happen, seen it happen because they know better than we do because we weren’t around when it happened so we don’t know how it really felt or the severity of it,” said Williams.

HOURLY PAID POSITIONS • Student Life Office Peer Coordinators (Truax Campus and Goodman South Campus) • Intercultural Exchange Peer Coordinator • Peer Health Educator (Truax and Health Building)

• Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society Executive Board (Regional Campuses, Goodman South) • United Common Ground • Clarion Web Editor • Clarion Advertising Sales • Yahara Journal Editing Team

TO APPY • Find more information on Handshake or apply by emailing





Questions asked to you, our readers.

Do you prefer online or in-person class? Why?

"In person because I like to be able to meet the people in my class and and questions" - Maile Lloyd

"In person because you can ask teachers and classmates for help and be more involved" - Jadyn Grossnickle

"In person. It's easier to get questions ansered and easier to be in the zone on school grounds." - Anna Reekie

The October non-revolution SPENCER WAKEFIELD Staff Writer


t is arguably impossible to overstate the potential leverage the working class in the United States has at this moment. The pandemic has made clear to countless people the almost objective pointlessness of many jobs. The government under both Presidents Trump and Biden have left hundreds of thousands to die of the coronavirus instead of instituting safety measures because those measures would affect the profits of their highest donors, and there have been years of fighting for higher wages to combat the sickeningly high rents in most of the country.


People talk before the start of a rally against critical race theory being taught in schools at the Loudoun County Government center in Leesburg, Virginia, on June 12, 2021.

Protestors are wrong on critical race theory SPENCER WAKEFIELD Staff Writer


n many places across the United States stating the fact that the U.S. was built on the backs of slaves, that black and brown people were and are still oppressed, and that we are denizens of a deeply and troublingly racist empire is illegal. Teaching children history can, in five states, get you thrown in prison. In 22 states, laws prohibiting the teaching of “critical race theory,” as any accurate account of racial history has come to be known, have been proposed. What is critical race theory though? What is the rationale for these laws that, were they directed at the actual lies in U.S. history curriculums, would be decried as fascist? The academic school of thought known colloquially as “critical race theory,” is not something taught in any public classroom, despite the thundering of Republican officials and pundits alike,. Critical race theory exists in the circles of legal academics, not middle and elementary schools. Started in Harvard in the late 1970s, it is the study of how many laws within the U.S. uphold structural racism, from gerrymandering and redlining to more traditional segregation. Were you solely listening to anyone within the government though, you would be under the impression that critical race theory teaches our young, impressionable (white) children that all white people are evil, soulless monsters who hate everyone who does not look like them. In the words of former Vice President Mike Pence,

the Republican Party line is that “critical race theory is racism.” These beliefs are, seemingly, deeply rooted in a fear of losing power among the older and mostly white political elite. As stated earlier, the United States has deeply racist roots. Slavery, a genocidal colonial project to claim the lands of Natives across the entire continent, and laws that were in effect until less than half a century ago that legally defined people of color as lesser than white people. Critical race theory, the real discipline, not the academic boogeyman that exists almost solely in the mind of right-wingers in this country, focuses on how this history has affected our laws. The reasons for making it illegal to teach are twofold. For one, it further protects the vestiges of white supremacy within our political system, where a vast majority of the people with power are old, rich and white. Those in power will always do anything to protect their positions. Furthermore, these laws play off of the American current of anti-intellectualism, a hatred of “ivory towers” and the institutions that, more often than not, are the factories that produce our ruling class. However, the most important part is ensuring the future of America, maintaining its status quo. Historically, we have always had a white ruling class. If people are educated as to why that is, and why that is immoral, then there will not be one in the future. The very idea of change, whether that be social, racial, or political, scares those in power more than any talking point they can come up with.


Illustration inspired by Rick Nease illustration of mother carrying protest sign. Strikes have been one of the most effective tools workers have had for improving their conditions. Seizing this potential for a better future for workers, a loose coalition from dozens of workplaces have suggested one of the most revolutionary broad actions we could take- a general strike. This strike is slated to start on Oct. 15, with, in my opinion, very mild demands. There are rumblings in many circles, both politically engaged and not, about what it could potentially bring about. However, I would also argue that it may be doomed to fail. General strikes can grind production to a halt, historically speaking. The word “general” implies what most would think- a strike of all workers, across all industries. The almost-revolution of France in 1968, which resulted in the creation of the country’s robust welfare state, was the largest and most effective general strike in the last 100 years. The country was flung into a panic, with the president flee» SEE OCTOBER PAGE 7


Lauren Taillon ARTS EDITOR

Paige Zezulka

Josie Rickerson



Eimy Gonzalez

Sherra Owino


Morgan Engles NEWS EDITOR


Ivan Becerril



Letters to the editor should be typed or written legibly, be 250 words or less, and include the writer’s name, phone number and email address. The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All submissions become the property of The Clarion and may be used for publication. Bring letters to The Clarion office, Room B1260G Truax, or email clarioned@



Astrology can be fun for everyone




Was there a chance for a different outcome?


U.S. soldiers in Soltan Khel, Afghanistan, on April 29, 2013.

EIMY GONZALEZ Assistant Editor


s we may all be well aware, U.S. military troops were ordered to completely withdraw from Afghanistan. President Joe Biden gave this controversial order with hopes to end the longest war the United States has ever fought. President Biden is carrying the heavy weight of criticism, blame and pain from a decision that was already in place from the previous administration. Biden, however, had the courage to follow through with previous agreements, setting Afghanistan 20 years back in time. I am saying that it was courageous, not because it was a good decision, but because it was a tough one to make. For 20 years in Afghanistan, freedom seemed more palpable. Women were present, dreaming and following those dreams by utilizing every available tool and resource. There was hope in the streets, sounds of laughter and unity between. I am sure it wasn’t perfect, but it was a start.

Now, the chaos on the streets is overwhelming. Bombings, shootings, blood and screams. People are frightened for their lives, because of the violence and the extremist culture. The laughter has turned to cries, while little boys are sent to be warriors and women are beaten to death for simply being human. Not to mention, the hunger that is now accompanying terror and grief. I cannot say this was a good decision, because, in my life, I had never seen something so horrid. However, I cannot say that it was a bad decision either. The war in Afghanistan was an expensive one. Per President Biden, about $300 million were spent daily. How would that incredible amount look in American infrastructure, in healthcare, in supporting education, creating jobs or even investing in the environment. Not only that, how would it have looked if most of it had been invested in Afghanistan as education and resources for their people and government to strategically fight back. As Biden noted, the goal was never


A military transport plane launches off while Afghans who cannot get into the airport to evacuate, watch while stranded outside, in Kabul, Afghanistan, on Aug. 23.

nation building, and yet what if that had been one of the main goals from the beginning. Would Afghanistan be a different country today if specific help for their people, government, influence and economy had been provided? Nevertheless, in a war, the greatest expense is not the money disbursed but the lives lost. From the very first person that takes their last breath for the sake of conflict, it is already too costly of an endeavor. In the Afghanistan war, 2,461 American lives were lost. Afghan citizens had to deal with their own losses too. 66,000 Afghan military and police gave their lives and about 47,245 civilians did not make it out of this conflict. Not to mention, the allies, aid workers, and journalists. I am not a politician, I have never fought in a war, and I certainly have never been the president of the United States or of any country, for that matter, but I am certain that there are millions of different actions that would have been taken to receive a different outcome. Those opportunities were available from day one. Yet, there is no time to point fingers and lay the blame now, the damage has been done. Rather, how are we, the people, questioning our authorities? There must be alliances that can be forged to help the people of Afghanistan, resources for its citizens to migrate easily or the creation of treaties for people to live in peace, for people to have a choice. I refuse to believe that the United States will just turn their backs on this offense to democracy and human rights. Even if it is a small gesture, there is always something that can be done. As individuals let us donate, sign petitions, share information and ask the right questions.

strology is fun to do with friends. It can bring people closer together by spending time figuring out what their sign is and what that even means. When I first learned about astrology, my cousin spent hours going over what my birth chart means. I found out that I’m a Scorpio stellium, and my sibling is a Gemini stellium. I still don’t really know what that means, but it’s fun to tell people. Astrology is easy to get into, but has many deeper levels to it. There’s the basic knowledge that most people know, which would be their sun sign. There are twelve zodiac signs that correspond with the constellations in the sky during those months. To find your sun sign, you simply need to know your birthday. To make a birth chart, you have to know the exact date and time you were born, and also what town you were born in. Digging deeper, there are three main signs that are based off of your birth chart. These are your sun sign, moon sign and ascendant sign. Beyond that are houses and placements for all the planets that describe even more about you. Each sign has an element paired with it: fire, earth, air or water. There is always something new to learn and share with others when talking about astrology. One thing I often see both on social media and in real life is the notion that astrology is fake, silly and only for young girls. It’s disappointing to see yet another topic so greatly enjoyed by predominantly women be dismissed in our society once again. Though astrology might not be proven or completely scientific, that doesn’t mean it’s worthless or ridiculous to partake in. You might say, “But Taleise, isn’t astrology fake?” And the answer is: who knows! No one can really say for certain that their belief is the one and only true answer. So I say if people enjoy astrology or believe in it, what’s the harm? If it’s not actively hurting you, let people enjoy things. But what do I know, I’m just a Scorpio.

Private University vs. Community College Different schools provide diverse experiences TALEISE LAWRENCE Staff Writer


his is my first year at Madison College. So far, I’ve loved it. Before coming here, I was attending a private, Catholic four-year college. There are understandably many differences between the two. I personally think that going to a two year college is better than going to a private college, and there are a few reasons why. Housing was difficult at both schools.

At my old school, it was a nightmare every year. Because students are required to live on campus all four years with very few exceptions, the housing was always full to the brim. Seniors and freshman got priority, so juniors and sophomores would stress about it for at least a month before and after. The housing for singles was awful, but finding a group of four or more people was challenging as well. Every dorm I lived in smelled bad, and heating systems didn’t work well. Madison College doesn’t have any dorms,

which can be challenging when first searching for housing. They both have their downfalls, though I prefer the housing situation at Madison College. The classes are different at both schools. At my last college, classes were either Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday and Thursday. There weren’t any other options. Most classes were in the day, though I did take a couple evening classes. Here, I have NO Friday classes. I » SEE



Illustration of astrologer or psychic with planets and stars revolving around her beehive hairdo.



OCTOBER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 5 ing to Germany out of fear of revolution. However, unlike France in May, 1968, the proposed general strike of October has no institutional backing, nor are workers in the United States anywhere near as class conscious as even our modern French counterparts. Unions have, in the last half century, lost almost all of their political power and membership across the United States, and no strike without a strike fund is likely to be successful. It is an extremely good sign of political consciousness returning to the working class of this country, something that was thoroughly beaten out

of it by the last four decades of Reaganomics and its accompanying propaganda. However, the October strike will not become another October Revolution, not without the backing of what few strong unions remain. While it is promising that people are willing to risk everything over a general strike, this is not the first time, even in the last three years, that a general strike has been called for. In Sept. 2019, millions across the globe participated in the climate strikes. But what, exactly, has changed since then? None of their demands were met, and the world is still on fire. None of the October strike’s demands will be met either, and we will still be working horrible


Front of Madison College campus.


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 couldn’t believe it! Zero Friday classes?! I much prefer having my classes earlier in the week so that I can have the weekend for seeing friends, doing homework and working. There’s an entirely different culture around school as well. Going to such an expensive school meant that many of my peers there did not care deeply about their education; their parents sent them there and fully paid for their degree. There was a lot of judgement based on major and classes one took even in high school. Students looked down on junior colleges, and made fun of them constantly. I couldn’t go one week without hearing a joke or judgement about either a junior college or someone less economically privileged than the majority of the school. When I talk to my current classmates, everyone is excited to be in college. They have a drive and a purpose for school, though we all come from different walks of life. Another difference is the diversity at both schools. This four year school was predominately white,

religious, rich, cisgender, straight and able bodied people. I could count on my hands the amount of people in my classes who didn’t fit into those standards. A lot of people were close minded and prejudiced, whether it was purposeful or internalized. It was difficult for me to be around so many people who were the same and had no intention of changing or listening to others. Being at Madison College, I see people who are different from me constantly. At the same time, it’s been incredibly easy for me to find people who are similar to me. That was hard at my last school too. The diversity here is much greater, which results in a better experience for everyone who allows it to enrich their life. I like Madison College much more than my last school. All these things added up to make a pretty miserable experience for me. I made friends there that I miss, but there were so many other things that were horrible about going to school there. Hopefully things will change at private institutions in the future to make them more inclusive for everyone.

jobs for horrible pay with the looming threat of viral death behind us every day. However, the real steps towards a workers’ movement in the U.S. and abroad are clear in the opinions of many, including myself. Support for unions is at a high among workers not seen in decades, and focusing that support into a coalition of real, concrete unions could make a general strike feasible in the future. We should be lending our support to strikes that are taking place now, like the ones at Nabisco and Lays. We can have a better world, it just won’t come about from a strike organized through social media by a few dozen idealists.








Michael Keaton, left, and Stanley Tucci star in the new movie, “Worth.”

Latest 9/11 film asks the existential question of the value of a life MORGAN ENGELS News Editor It has been 20 years since the Sept. 11 attacks. While all of us have spent the last two decades trying to cope with the fallout of that fateful day, attempts to address the topic in movies have yielded a mixed bag that has skewed more bad than good. The film industry has been rather squeamish about producing historical dramas that attempt to recreate the events of 9/11. Paul Greengrass’ “United 93” and the Oliver Stone directed “World Trade Center,” both released in 2006, stand out as two of the few exceptions. While both films performed modestly at the box office, and 93 received critical acclaim and two Oscar nominations, neither proved an appetite for more films of this subject matter. Both “United 93” and “World Trade Center” were called exploitative and accused of being made

too soon ahead of their releases. Despite most critics determining that both films handled their subjects with sensitivity many potential theater goers remained unconvinced, disinterested or some combination of both. Many critics even referred to “World Trade Center” as surprisingly toothless given its notoriously controversial director. Twenty years later, audiences are unlikely to accuse a film about Sept. 11 as being “too soon,” questions about taste are inevitable. As with all films, there is the question of why it should exist in the first place. A unique challenge for any film dealing with Sept. 11 is to justify recreating an event that played out entirely on live television. Rather than explicitly recreate the events of that day, countless blockbusters have invoked it in what has been dubbed “9/11 imagery.” The earliest, and most successful, example of this came in 2005 with Steven Spielberg’s remake of “War of the Worlds”, where it was used to reflect on the sense of terror Americans felt watching the news

that day. Three years later it was used to similar, though less, effect in “Cloverfield”. Since then it has become all too common for blockbusters to culminate in skyscraper-toppling-set pieces, leaving cities covered in clouds of dust as civilians and first responders run in terror. As the trend has worn on with films such as “Man of Steel” and “The Avengers,” it has grown increasingly hollow; more times than not merely being used to give a film a false sense of grit and unwarranted seriousness. Many dramas dealing with Sept. 11 have been fictionalized stories, focused primarily on the emotional aftermath of the day. While Spike Lee masterfully conveyed the sense of grief, anger and disillusionment being felt throughout the nation with his 2002 film “The 25th hour”; many other films have struggled to manage the sensitive subject matter. With “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close”, the filmmakers were so determined to » SEE WORTH PAGE 10

Madison got a smaller ‘Taste’ thanks to pandemic LAUREN TAILLON Arts Editor Though Taste of Madison looked different this year compared to years prior due to Covid-19, 42 food vendors still managed to create award-winning bite-sized masterpieces and live music performed by Raine Stern filled Breese Stadium on the morning of Sept. 4. Though the weather ended up being cool and overcast, festival patrons still lined up at various food stalls to order the bite-sized samples created by some of the best restaurants in the Madison area. Multiple award-winners include Smokin’ Dragon’s BBQ Company, Bob’s BBQ Emporium, Roll Play, Melly Mel’s Catering, and Pancho’s Tacos. The other award-winners were Common Pasta, Ugly Apple, Mirch Masala, Nothing Bundt Cakes, Natural Juice, Mediterranean Cafe, and Monona Bakery and Eatery. Voice contestant and Madison native Raine Stern took the stage with her electric guitar at noon. The Alternative/Indie artist started off singing a few covers before she went in with some of her most popular hits including, “I’m Not Like Them,” and “Lydia,” with the latter being a sweet ode to her girlfriend. Her raspy vocals were complemented by her bandmates who played the electric piano, drums, bass, and even the saxophone. In between each song, Stern would inter-


“Voice” contestant and Madison native Raine Stern performs at the Taste of Madison, sharing a few covers and some of her popular hits on Sept. 4. act with the audience by cracking a dry joke or sending out a feel good message. She ended her performance by telling onlookers to enjoy the cloudy day, which was met with a chorus of chuckles. Her next big gig and one of the last chances to see her locally will be at Summerfest, as she announced that she is planning on moving out of Madison in November. Smokin’ Dragon’s, a Fitchburg based restaurant, won first place in BBQ for their brisket sliders, second place in American for their cheese curd mac ‘n cheese, and second place in Southern Style for their barbeque baked beans with bacon. Their brisket sliders proved to be worth the hype as they

were tender, full of flavor, and were heavily complimented by their house made barbeque sauce. Bob’s BBQ Emporium in Sauk City almost always had a line at their stall, and it’s clear to see why since they won first place in Southwestern for their New Mexico Green Chili with Pork, second place in Appetizer for their chicken fried bacon, and second palace in BBQ for their Texas style brisket slider. Their chicken fried bacon was perhaps one of the most unique options offered, which proved to be quite delightful. It’s hard to go wrong with the sweet and savory tangy crunch that the richly flavored food item offered. Role Play, a small State Street restau-

rant, tied for first place in Asian cuisine with another State Street favorite, Mirch Masala. The winning food items were Role Play’s jian bing Chinese crepes, and Mirch Masala’s chicken tikka masala. Role Play also snagged first place in the Vegetarian category for their Korean Picnic Set dish. Melly Mel’s Catering, a soul food favorite in Madison, won two first place prizes. One was in Ethnic for their fried chicken and the other was in Southern Style for their cabbage and kale dish. While Melly Mel’s was serving up southern fare, Pancho’s Tacos was also killing it with their award-winning Mexican cuisine. Their tacos won first place for Latin American, and their elotes, corn on the cob, won second place in the vegetarian category. Every restaurant that participated in the Taste of Madison received 100 percent of their food sales and drink vendors used the money that they made to support the charity that they are affiliated with. Even the ticket sales ended up going to charity. While the Taste of Madison was different this year than in years prior, the turnout was good and the food still lived up to the hype. The current plan for next year is to have the festival on the square in downtown Madison, COVID-19 allowing. But if all else fails, at least we know that Taste will still be a success at Breese Stadium.



CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9 produce a heartwarming crowd pleaser they whitewashed and contorted the subject matter into something that is both cringe inducing and tone deaf all at once. Whereas, the makers of “Remember Me” so recklessly and thoughtlessly approached its subject matter; they produced a film with the ability to stun even the most open minded of audience members. With “Worth,” the filmmakers have found an angle on the subject of Sept. 11 that allows for a film that even the uneasiest of viewers can enjoy. “Worth” is based on a true story. It is centered on the creation of the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund. Which, in its initial creation, had less to do with supporting the victims’ families and more to do with protecting the airline industry from litigation. Michael

Keaton stars as Keneth Feinberg, the attorney in charge of dispensing the funds. The events of Sept. 11 in the film are kept to a train car filled with the sound of ringing cell phones as passengers look out the window in horror, at what is revealed to be the Pentagon. The film then cuts to a montage of graphic news images, which characters are shown watching in shock and disbelief. It is far from any dramatic recreation, but far more startling and direct than most other films. “Worth” asks the question, is it possible to reduce a person’s life to a dollar value? Feinberg and his team, which includes Camille Biros, played by Amy Ryan, “Gone Baby Gone,” create a formula which estimates a person’s total lifetime earnings, thus determining how the funds are distributed. This means, of course, that the families of CEO’s stand to make a far greater sum of money, than the families of janitors.

THE CLARION Unsurprisingly, this method is initially met with a great deal of criticism. Most prominently coming from Charles Wolf, played by Stanley Tucci, who leads a group that is opposed to the fund. Disappointingly, Stanly Tucci’s storyline is treated more as a subplot. However, he and Keaton’s scenes together stand as the highlight of the film, as Wolf encourages Feinberg to meet the families and see them as people. What follows is a series of morale and legal dilemmas. These include a gay lover who stands to lose his funds to his fiancé’s homophobic parents, and a mistress who has two children with a victim. Worth is written by Max Borenstein, who to date is best known for his work on “Godzilla” and “Godzilla Vs. Kong.” The film is directed by Sara Colangelo who also directed the 2018 American remake of “A Kindergarten Teacher” starring Maggie Gyllenhaal. Both show

great restraint while managing to deliver a very understated film that never slips into typical Hollywood melodrama. There are no grand, teary eyed monologues in “Worth.” The film’s cast does great delivering subtle, natural performances. Keaton notably sports the same Boston accent that worked so well for him in “Spotlight.” Ryan and Tucci as usual are also great, if at times underutilized. Ryan in particular is given far too little in the film. Meanwhile, Tucci makes the most of what he is given doing great work as both the Fund’s greatest critic and a friend. The film at times can feel as though it is pulling its punches a bit by ignoring some of the uglier aspects of post Sept. 11 America. The film however, does a far greater job at tackling the subject matter than most of its predecessors and thus stands as a great achievement.



You’ll need time for pasta bolognese SHERRA OWINO Copy Editor


Lemon Blueberry Sheet Pan Pancakes can be made ahead of time and refrigerated.

Lemon blueberry buttermilk pancakes EIMY GONZALEZ Assistant Editor As a new semester rolls in, so does the stress of meeting the deadlines and working hard to be the absolute best student you can be. However, what impact does this have on how you prepare and eat your daily meals? I love food. I am considered to be a very slow eater and I truly enjoy each bite! So, one of the biggest nightmares of my day is to struggle with meal preparations to then have to rush through eating. I sought a considerable solution to fix my problem and found that with a little more effort during the weekend and great recipes, I could survive. I present to you a lifesaver of recipes! Lemon Blueberry Sheet Pan Pancakes. This dish is incredible easy to make and as equally easy to store any leftovers. On Sunday afternoons I take my time to do the cooking and baking and then just refrigerate and/ or freeze to grab during the week. It’s just like magic! Without further delay, here is the recipe. Hope you enjoy!


Cooking spray 1½ cup of white whole wheat flour ½ cups of unbleached all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar 2 tablespoons of baking powder 1 teaspoon of baking soda 1 teaspoon of kosher salt 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter, melted and cooled slightly

2 cups of buttermilk 2 large eggs 1 medium lemon, juice, and grated zest 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract 1½ cups of blueberries


Preheat oven to 425. Spray the preferred sheet pan with the cooking spray, add a layer of parchment paper and spray once more. In bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients. While in another bowl, the wet ingredients. Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and whisk until just combined. Gently add the blueberries into the mix, folding them carefully with a spatula. Add the mixture into the prepared pan. Spread evenly with a spatula and bake for 15 minutes or until the pancakes are golden. Let it cool, then flip into a cutting board to cut to the desired size of the pancakes. It is as easy as that! It makes for a delicious breakfast, and you can make variations of this recipe by adding different fruit. This is just one of many recipes. The important thing to remember is to work smarter, not harder. Doing meal preparations during the weekend can spare you of painful hours of your week stressing over meals and avoiding the venture of trying to shove down your food within 10-15 minutes. I’ve been there! Bon appétit! Editor’s note: The recipe is from the book “Skinny Taste Meal Prep” by Gina Homolka.

Those in the culinary world would probably look at this and scream, “What are you thinking with attempting something that’s such a classic of the Italian gods!?” Well, that’s the nice thing about this recipe for pasta bolognese – it gives clear instruction and great tips throughout and those make all the difference! Even such an amazing dish as Bolognese can now be accessible to the average cook and not just professional chefs. It’s put together and includes a helpful training video by chef Anne Burrell who mentions a stay in Italy where she learned to perfect this. You can find the video and more tips at https:// As you’ll see, the ingredient list is rather extensive and will also need to be aware that the use of the stove will be a number of hours so the electric bill might take a hit. This makes a bunch of food so would be great to impress friends or family in a larger gathering. This recipe is meant to take a while and the more time that’s used and not rushed, the better the pasta will turn out. All of the steps should be taken seriously and the end product will reward you. Browning is a common theme for sure. And don’t forget the string on the thyme bundle or it’ll be a game of “Pick-Up Sticks” in your pasta sauce. Take it from one who knows.


1 large onion or 2 small, cut into 1-inch dice 2 large carrots, cut into 1/2inch dice 3 ribs celery, cut into 1-inch dice 4 cloves garlic Extra-virgin olive oil, for the pan Kosher salt 3 pounds ground chuck, brisket or round 2 cups tomato paste 3 cups hearty red wine Water 3 bay leaves 1 bunch thyme, tied in a bundle 1 pound spaghetti ½ cup grated ParmigianoReggiano High quality extra-virgin olive oil, for finishing .


In a food processor, puree onion, carrots, celery, and garlic into a coarse paste. In a large pan over medium heat, coat pan with oil. Add the pureed veggies and season

generously with salt. Bring the pan to a medium-high heat and cook until all the water has evaporated and they become nice and brown, stirring frequently, about 15 to 20 minutes. Be patient, this is where the big flavors develop. Add the ground beef and season again generously with salt. BROWN THE BEEF! Don’t rush this step. Cook another 15 to 20 minutes. Add the tomato paste and cook until brown about 4 to 5 minutes. Add the red wine. Cook until the wine has reduced by half, another 4 to 5 minutes. Add water to the pan until the water is about 1 inch above the meat. Toss in the bay leaves and the bundle of thyme and stir to combine everything. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer, stirring occasionally. As the water evaporates you will gradually need to add more, about 2 to 3 cups at a time. Don’t be shy about adding water during the cooking process, you can always cook it out. This is a game of reduce and add more water. This is where big rich flavors develop. If you try to add all the water in the beginning you will have boiled meat sauce rather than a rich, thick meaty sauce. Stir and taste frequently. Season with salt, if needed (you probably will). Simmer for 3 1/2 to 4 hours. During the last 30 minutes of cooking, bring a large pot of water to a boil over high heat to cook the spaghetti. Pasta water should always be well salted. Salty as the ocean! Taste it! If your pasta water is under seasoned it doesn’t matter how good your sauce is, your complete dish will always taste under seasoned. When the water is at a rolling boil add the spaghetti and cook for 1 minute less than it calls for on the package. Reserve one-half cup of the pasta cooking water. While the pasta is cooking remove half of the ragu from the pot and reserve. Drain the pasta and add to the pot with the remaining ragu. Stir or toss the pasta to coat with the sauce. Add some of the reserved sauce, if needed, to make it about an even ratio between pasta and sauce. Add the reserved pasta cooking water and cook the pasta and sauce together over a medium heat until the water has reduced. Turn off the heat and give a big sprinkle of Parmigiano and a generous drizzle of the high-quality finishing olive oil. Toss or stir vigorously. Divide the pasta and sauce into serving bowls or one big pasta bowl. Top with remaining grated Parmigiano. Serve immediately.

The ‘Ewok Films’ from the ‘80s are a bit of nostalgic pleasure GRANT NELSON Staff Writer A guilty pleasure I can highly recommend to any nerdy Star Wars college-age fans is the hidden Star Wars films known as the “Ewok Films.” The Ewok movies were made in the mid-80s when the future of Star Wars was very uncertain. There were no plans for the current Skywalker saga

and no expanded universe but George Lucas wanted to keep telling stories in the Star Wars mythos. He decided to tell Star Wars stories to families on television, and what’s more kid friendly than space teddy bears? Two TV movies were made, “The Ewok Adventure” in 1984 and “Ewoks: The Battle for Endor” in 1985. The first movie focuses on a human family that crash lands on Endor and

the parents get captured by a space forest giant. Yes, this is a very D&D-like Star Wars fan fiction. The children meet the Ewoks and form a fellowship to go save their parents from the giant riding horseback on little ponies. They fight dragons, space wolves and use magic wands. In the second film, the Ewoks go to war with space pirates like something

out Metroid with the help of a dark side witch. This came out years before the Clone Wars or even the Legends Books of the 90’s... Star Wars loves retcons. There is some very bad acting, but it makes up for it with trippy ‘80s space magic and special effects that made Star Wars so great. If you are tired of Disney Star Wars and its whiny characters like Rey and Fin, give these films a shot.






Profiles of WolfPack athletes


A sophomore middle blocker on the Madison College volleyball team, Calla Borchert leads the team in blocks so far this season with 39, including 20 solo blocks. She also has 90 kills, 15 service aces and 52 digs. Borchert has played in every set this season for the 4-7 WolfPack. During the 2019 season, Borchert was named first team All-N4C and All-Region IV. She posted the seventh best kill percentage



in school history at 0.335. Borchert was a four-year letter winner in volleyball at Lake Mills and was a second team all conference selection. The daughter of Sarah and Tim Borchert, she is a Dental Hygiene major.

Forward Erick Antimo, a freshman on the Madison College men’s soccer team, leads the WolfPack with five goals through four games played. Antimo scored in every game except the opening loss to Triton College. He netted a hat trick against Illinois Valley Community College at home on Sept. 8 as the WolfPack posted a 7-2 win. Antimo, a graduate of Madison’s LaFollete High School, has started every game this season for the WolfPack, which now stands at 3-1 overall. His five goals have come on 16 shots, including 10 shots on goal.

From the Duck Pond back to the WolfPack COLE DOWNING Sports Editor

State over Miami. In the past few years, Michigan State has been ranked top 25 in the beginning of the season. However, they are not ranked at all currently. Maybe Michigan State was a little overhyped in the previous years, but they may be undervalued this year. After getting beatdown by Alabama

Madison College Wolfpack Baseball didn’t take long to get back into the swing of things last year, posting a regular season overall record of 45-14, and going 9-1 in their conference. Good enough to make it all the way to Oklahoma again for the National Junior College Athletic Association World Series tournament, and even go four games deep before getting eliminated. That World Series elimination marked the end of last season and school year. So onward most students and players alike marched into the summer offseason…most. For Wolfpack Baseball players Zach Storbakken and Luke Hansel however, the summer instead marked the beginning of a whole new season here in America’s Northwoods region…Mallard's season. “…it was still a great experience. We had the goal of getting to the World Series again anyways, so the fact that we even got back there was really big for us as an organization and college in general to get back to our roots.” Madison College starting pitcher Luke Hansel commented regarding last season late after a Mallards victory during this summer. Through their work at the plate and on the mound respectively, Storbakken and Hansel were big leaders of the Wolfpack’s success. On the hitting end Storbakken led the team in several categories with some highlights of his stat line including a .382 batting average, eight home runs, 46 runs batted in, and 65 hits total, all in just 170 at-bats. And from the pitching perspective Hansel toted high numbers of his own, some of which being a 3.10 earned runs average, 31 strikeouts, just two home runs allowed, and an 8-1 win-loss record across 49.1 innings pitched spread out over 10 games total. Impressive numbers, especially considering this was their freshman work. So, it made sense for the duo to take the opportunity to taste some higher competition during the summer in preparation for an even more convincing year two. And so on to the Madison Mallards Stadium, a.k.a. the Duck Pond, they went. The Madison Mallards are a team inside of the Northwoods League, a massive summer baseball league for college players to come play in from across the country. It’s conducted similar to the MLB model, even featuring an approximately 70-game regular season, and it currently holds 23 teams primarily based in




Madison College’s Elizabeth Foye slips past a pair of Illinois Valley Community College defenders during a match on Sept. 9.

Powerful performances CLARION STAFF REPORT

Angelina Perez and her teammates on the Madison College women’s soccer team had the kind of match against Illinois Valley Community College that others only dream of having. Perez scored three goals in the first 10 minutes of the game and added two more later as her team cruised to a 12-0 victory at home on Sept. 9. It was the third most goals the team has scored in history and the most since a 13-0 win on Oct. 6, 2017. The other goals in the match were scored by Monica Tapia-Gutierrez, Karmen Smyth, Elizabeth Foye, Karmen Smyth, Alyssa King, Taylor Peterson and Alexis Kulow. The WolfPack now stand at 2-1-1 after playing to a 2-2 tie against Elgin Community College on Sept 11. Perez and Smyth both scored in the first half against Elgin, but the host team rallied back with two second half goals. Madison College’s next home game is Sept. 15 against Rock Valley College.

Gray leads the golf team

Austin Gray finished second individually to lead the Madison College golf team to a third-place finish in the Texas Roadhouse Madison College Invitational on Sept. 10-11 at Cherokee Country Club in Madison. Gray shot a 73 both days of the 36 hole invitational to post an overall score of 146, two strokes behind the individual

Men’s soccer streak at 3

The WolfPack men’s soccer team edged host Elgin Community College, 2-1, on Sept. 11 to post its third-straight win. First-half goals by Isaak Cordova and Erick Antimo led the team to victory. Antimo had a big match earlier in the week, scoring his team’s first three goals in a 7-2 win over Illinois Valley Community College. Jonas Luskey Sanders added two goals. Madison College now stands at 3-1 overall and will host conference opponent Rock Valley College on Sept. 15.

Volleyball sweeps Lakeland


The Madison College golf team finished third in the Texas Roadhouse Madison College Invitational on Sept. 10-11. medalist. Madison College finished with a total score of 630, 12 strokes behind invite champion Black Hawk College. Earlier in the week, Madison College finished sixth of 12 teams in the Clarke University Fall Invitational on Sept. 7. Next up for the WolfPack golfers is the Blugold Invitational hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire on Sept. 19-20.

After a 1-5 start to the season, the Madison College volleyball team picked up its second win with a sweep of Lakeland University JV, posting a 26-24, 25-19, 25-21 victory. Outside hitter Jayden Holman had 10 kills, reaching double-digits for the third time in four matches. Madison College earned another win in the opening round of the Joliet Junior College Mizuno Invitational, outlasting Lake Michigan College in five sets. The WolfPack won that match 25-22, 23-25, 25-16, 23-25, 15-12. Holman had 19 kids in the match, while teammate Calla Borchert had five blocks. Defensive specialist Abby Steinhauer had 41 digs. Madison College’s next home match will be against Milwaukee Area Technical College on Tuesday, Sept. 21, at 6 p.m.

Watch for these college football upsets BOH SUH Staff Writer I picked three upset games this upcoming week: Indiana over No. 8 Cincinnati, No. 23 BYU over No. 19 Arizona State, and Michigan State over No. 24 Miami. Cincinnati is a great team and probably has the best shot at a playoff spot out

of Power 5 conferences currently. It is true that Indiana got dominated by Iowa a couple weeks ago, but we found out that Iowa is much better than people expected. What I like about Indiana is their energy at home games. Just last year, Indiana beat No. 8 Penn State at home. Coincidentally, Cincinnati is currently ranked eighth. Another upset game is Michigan



Preview on the upcoming Packers season COLE DOWNING Sports Editor Will the Green Bay “paper-tiger”-Packers finally fold themselves into the real-life apex team everyone’s been expecting? This is once again the question at hand considering this year’s NFL off- and pre- seasons are now over, school is already three weeks into the semester, and the autumnal equinox marks the official start of fall in just days. So, as Wisconsinites and Packers fans across the country crown themselves with their cheese-heads and climb aboard the hype-train in preparation for opening day of the regular season; let’s break down what exactly the Pack is getting into this year. While analysts and fans alike are predicting the Packers to be even better this season than last and have an even better shot at a successful Super Bowl run than last; this has also been the same message that has been pumped out about the team year after year for several years now. Admittedly, I too am even leaning towards the idea this will really be the best roster the Packers have had in years. However, I’m also well aware that a big chunk of this year’s team is new or young. They’ll have to grind through 17 regular season games instead of 16 as usual, and that longer grind also includes an impressive cast of opponents for the Pack Attack to face this season too. Looking good on paper doesn’t always mean that’ll translate to the reallife play, and nothing can be done to predict random things like injuries and weather. So, let’s look at what it might take for them to emerge victorious from this grueling six-month campaign. Nine of the 14 different teams the Packers will be facing made it to last year’s playoffs. Among the nine are three teams from the AFC North division. The Pittsburgh Steelers sported an above-average offense and top-five


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan. This makes the Mallards and the rest of the teams comparable to official minor league ones. Therefore, this was kind of a big deal for Storbakken and Hansel to achieve this higher stage of competing against some the nation’s best collegiate players by swapping out their navy blue and grey jerseys for royal blue and crème yellow ones. Especially considering they’re coming from a twoyear school whereas many other players are from fouryear ones. Oh, and they’re


Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers (12) runs ahead. defense all year last year, and most of their personnel remain the same this season. The Cleveland Browns and Baltimore Ravens each toted great all-around teams, both primarily dominating through their running attacks, which has been the Packers biggest weakness in recent years. Another three of the nine the Packers will have to play are the Seattle Seahawks, Washington Football Team, and Los Angeles Rams. The Rams and Washington each bringing fantastic defenses to deal with just as the Steelers will, and the Seahawks still boast a strong passing attack if nothing else. Plus, the final three of these big nine will be none other than the Kansas City Chiefs, New Orleans Saints, and Chicago Bears. The Chiefs, of course, have gone to

both Wisconsin natives, which is always a nice added bonus for local hype. “Definitely competition, consistency of competition for sure. You’d see some guys from junior college and our [Madison College] season here in this league, but every guy is just like the best guy we’d face. So it’s tough for sure but definitely a good challenge.” Zach Storbakken replied talking about the biggest difference between the Wolfpack and Mallards seasons, emphasizing the struggle he faced getting acclimated and comfortable early in the summer games. However, Storbakken and the rest of the Ducks roster


CONTINUED FROM PAGE 12 in week one, Miami barely survived against Appalachian State in week two (won by two points in the last minute). A win is a win, but it is hard to rely on Miami right now against Michigan State, which wants to prove that it belongs in the top 25. Other two interesting games that will make a big impact in the college playoff picture are No. 1 Alabama vs. No. 11 Florida and No. 10 Penn State vs. No. 22 Auburn. The former game is in Florida.If Florida wins, there will be another chaos coming. If Alabama wins, they have another signature win to make themselves favorable in the playoff. The latter game is more related to Big Ten’s hope for the playoffs. Currently, Penn State and Iowa are undefeated top 10 Big Ten teams, and the knockdown by Auburn will make

the Super Bowl the past two seasons, winning one and then losing last year to the Tampa Buccaneers. The Saints look different and will not have home field advantage against the Packers to start the regular season due to the damage all of Louisiana unfortunately endured from Hurricane Ida. Yet, they’ll still be a plenty formidable team that the Packers will have to work hard to win against coming out of the gate. Finally winning their own division again would be a big help in making a successful Super Bowl run for the Packers, and winning the oldest rivalry in football would be a big help to that. The Bears are arguably the most improved team from last season the Packers will face this year. They’re another team with an elite defense that essentially looks the same, but will now also have a better offense to accompany it this year. How should the Green and Gold stack up? Better than last year. Most of the starters will be the same on both offense and defense. Rookie center Josh Myers and veteran inside linebacker De’Vondre Campbell will be the only new starting faces, and they should improve their positions. However, much has happened behind the first stringers to make this team far more robust. Starting with the wide receiver room; reliable veteran Randall Cobb, top rookie prospect Amari Rodgers, and hugely improved second season Malik Taylor make up the back-ups behind the same starting three as last year. In addition, the running back, corner back, linebacker and offensive line positions are all better units going down the depth chart as well. So, the only two concerns really are can the team stay healthy and can first year defensive coach Joe Barry conduct his high potential defense as such? Of course, on the horizon is a salary cap nightmare after this season, and the potential end of Aaron Rodgers’ career as a Packer, but these are topics to look at further down the road.

did eventually get their legs under themselves. Only going 16-18 in the first half of the Northwoods season due to late arrivals, troubles settling into the new environment, and trying to establish ideal line-up and field positions. Yet power-surging in the second half to a 23-14 record to make for a 39-32 overall on the regular season and a low seeded playoff spot which they took full advantage of. Soaring to the Northwoods league’s final four before finally ending the summer in a loss to the Traverse City Pit Spitters, who then claimed the league championship. All and all, a fun and

Iowa the only undefeated top 10 Big Ten team remaining. This game is more important for the Big Ten Conference than the SEC. Fortunately, the game is happening at Penn State, so Penn State should be able to handle Auburn well. If not, the Big Ten will lose another playoff potential team. Here are all my Top 25 picks: No. 1 Alabama (2-0) vs. No. 11 Florida (2-0) – Alabama No. 2 Georgia (2-0) vs. South Carolina (2-0) – Georgia No. 3 Oklahoma (2-0) vs. Nebraska (2-1) – Oklahoma No. 4 Oregon (2-0) vs. Stony Brook (1-1) – Oregon No. 5 Iowa (2-0) vs. Kent State (1-1) Iowa No. 6 Clemson (1-1) vs. Georgia Tech (1-1) – Clemson No. 7 Texas A&M (2-0) vs. New Mexico (2-0) – Texas A&M No. 8 Cincinnati (2-0) vs. Indiana (1-1) – Indiana (upset alert)

furthering detour for the infielder and pitcher. Both posted respectable numbers throughout the summer league and are looking forward to using this special experience to take their Wolfpack performances to the next level this upcoming spring season because of it. We’ll have more on Storbakken, Hansel, and the rest of the Madison College baseball team later on as the start of the season gets closer. In the meantime, check out the Madison College athletics website for news and updates on all things Wolfpack sports related, and GO WOLFPACK!

No. 9 Ohio State (1-1) vs. Tulsa (0-2) – Ohio State No. 10 Penn State vs. No. 22 Auburn (2-0) – Penn State No. 12 Notre Dame (2-0) vs. Purdue (2-0) – Notre Dame No. 13 UCLA (2-0) vs. Fresno State (2-1) - UCLA No. 14 Iowa State (1-1) vs. UNLV (0-2) – Iowa State No. 15 Virginia Tech (2-0) vs. West Virginia (1-1) – Virginia Tech No. 16 Coastal Carolina (2-0) vs. Buffalo (1-1) – Coastal Carolina No. 17 Ole Miss (2-0) vs. Tulane (1-1) – Ole Miss No. 19 Arizona State (2-0) vs. No. 23 BYU (2-0) – BYU (upset alert) No. 20 Arkansas (2-0) vs. Georgia Southern (1-1) - Arkansas No. 21 North Carolina (1-1) vs. Virginia (2-0) – North Carolina No. 24 Miami (1-1) vs. Michigan State (2-0) – Michigan State (upset alert) No. 25 Michigan (2-0) vs. Northern Illinois (1-1) – Michigan


Madison College schedules and results.

VOLLEYBALL Schedule AUG. 21 at McHenry County College Invite, vs. John Wood CC, 3-0 LOSS, vs. Moraine Valley CC, 3-0 LOSS, vs. Carl Sandburg College, 3-0 LOSS, vs. Oakton CC, 3-2 WIN AUG. 24 at Western Technical College, 3-2 LOSS SEPT. 7 at College of Dupage, 3-1 LOSS SEPT. 9 at Lakeland University JV, 3-0 WIN SEPT. 11 at Joliet Junior College Invitational, vs. Lake Michigan College, 3-2 WIN, vs. Rend Lake College, 3-2 LOSS, vs. Glen Oaks CC, 3-0 LOSS, vs. South Suburban College, 3-0 WIN SEPT. 14 at Rock Valley College, 6 p.m. SEPT. 16 at Bryant & Stratton College, TBA. SEPT. 21 home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 6 p.m. SEPT. 23 at Harper College, 6 p.m. SEPT. 25 at North Iowa Area Community College Tournament, TBA. SEPT. 28 at Joliet Junior College, 6 p.m. SEPT. 30 home vs. College of DuPage, 6 p.m. OCT. 2 at Dakota County Technical College Triangular, TBA. OCT. 5 home vs. Rock Valley College, 6 p.m. OCT. 8 home vs. Dakota County Technical College, 6 p.m. OCT. 9 at Heartland Community College, TBA. OCT. 14 home vs. Lakeland University JV, 6 p.m. OCT. 15 home vs. Bryant & Stratton College, 6 p.m. OCT. 19 home vs. Harper College, 6 p.m. OCT. 21 home vs. Joliet Junior College, 6 p.m. OCT. 27 NJCAA Region 4 Tournament Quarterfinal. OCT. 30 NJCAA Region 4 Tournament. NOV. 11 NJCAA Division III National Tournament.

MEN’S SOCCER Schedule AUG. 28 home vs. Triton College, 6-0 LOSS SEPT. 1 at Joliet Junior College, 3-1 WIN SEPT. 8 home vs. Illinois Valley Community College, 7-2 WIN SEPT. 11 at Elgin Community College, 2-1 WIN SEPT. 15 home vs. Rock Valley College, 6 p.m. SEPT. 18 at Milwaukee Area Technical College, 2 p.m. SEPT. 22 at Harper College, 4 p.m. SEPT. 25 home vs. Joliet Junior College, noon. SEPT. 27 at Anoka-Ramsey Community College, 4 p.m. OCT. 2 at Illinois Valley Community College, 2 p.m. OCT. 9 at Rock Valley Community College, 2 p.m. OCT. 13 home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 5 p.m. OCT. 16 home vs. Harper College, 1 p.m. OCT. 19 NJCAA Region 4 Tournament Semifinal, TBA

WOMEN’S SOCCER Schedule AUG. 20 at Rochester Community and Technical College, 2-0 WIN AUG. 28 home vs. Triton College, 5-1 LOSS SEPT. 8 home vs. Illinois Valley Community College, 12-0 WIN SEPT. 11 at Elgin Community College, 2-2 TIE SEPT. 15 home vs. Rock Valley College, 4 p.m. SEPT. 18 at Milwaukee Area Technical College, noon. SEPT. 22 at Harper College, 2 p.m. SEPT. 25 home vs. Joliet Junior College, cancelled OCT. 2 at Illinois Valley Community College, noon. OCT. 9 at Rock Valley College, 2 p.m. OCT. 13 home vs. Milwaukee Area Technical College, 7 p.m. OCT. 16 home vs. Harper College, 3 p.m. OCT. 20 NJCAA Region 4 Tournament Semifinal, TBA OCT. 23 NJCAA Region 4 Tournament Championship, TBA OCT. 29 NJCAA Midwest District Tournament, TBA OCT. 30 NJCAA Midwest District Final NOV. 11 NJCAA Division III Nationals



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BOH SUH College football week one had some games that will make a big impact on the playoff race, but so did Week 2. This week’s biggest winner is the Pac-12 as No. 12 Oregon beat No.3 Ohio State. For the Big Ten, No. 10 Iowa beat No. 9 Iowa State, so it saves the Big Ten’s chance to send a team to the playoffs. If Iowa lost against Iowa State, the Big Ten would be at a big disadvantage against the Pac-12 and Big 12 Conferences. Ohio State can still make it to the playoff if they defeat everyone else on their schedule. They are scheduled to play Penn State at home and Michigan on the road. Currently, Penn State is ranked the 10th and Michigan is ranked the 25th. Even after the loss against Oregon, Ohio State is still sitting at No. 9. This shows that Ohio State is far from done. The SEC conference is still dominating in the current rankings with Alabama at No. 1, Georgia No. 2, Texas

A&M No. 7, Florida 11th, Ole Miss 17th, Arkansas 20th, and Auburn 22nd. Gerogia’s win over Clemson in week one will make it difficult for the College Playoff Committee to make a decision if Georgia is a one-loss runner up in SEC (only loss comes from the SEC champion, Alabama) and Clemson is a one-loss Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) champion. The committee has given more weight on head-to-head games, so it is difficult to tell what will happen. The ideal situation for Big 12, Pac-12, Big Ten, and ACC conferences is that there is only one strong SEC champion, and the runner up has two losses. However, it is very difficult to imagine that either Alabama or Georgia will have two losses. Currently, ESPN projects Alabama, Georgia, Oregon, and Oklahoma as their favorites for the top four spots in the playoff. It is still early in the season, but Clemson’s loss against Georgia and Ohio State’s loss against Oregon caused some concerns for both ACC and Big Ten conferences.

There is still a chance for Wisconsin BOH SUH Staff Writer Wisconsin fell a little short against Penn State in the season opener, 16-10 was the final score. It was a disappointing start for everyone because it was a home game against a good team, but overall, both teams’ defense did amazing jobs. Wisconsin quarterback Graham Mertz threw for 185 yards (22/37 completion) but threw two interceptions. On the other hand, starting running back Chez Mellusi carried 31 times for 121 yards with a touchdown. Mellusi is a transfer student from Clemson (2019-2020 season), and the Badger fans are delighted to see his talent. He had another 100-yard game

The object is to place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.

Madison College has it’s own online student radio station. Listen in at The station is always looking for students who are interested in hosting a show. Email

Pac-12 rises, Big Ten struggles Staff Writer


in week two against Eastern Michigan (20 carries for 144 yards with a touchdown). Wisconsin is currently ranked 18th, but there are plenty of great matchups that could help the Badgers improve their ranking. The team will host three top 25 teams in No. 5 Iowa, No. 12 Notre Dame, and No. 25 Michigan. The loss against Penn State is disappointing, but the College Football Committee tends to forgive an early loss and focuses on how the team does at the end. If the Badgers go undefeated (I know it is a big “if ”), they will have a great shot at the college playoff. It is way too early in the season, but I am hopeful. But they’ll need to take care of business against Notre Dame in two weeks first.


CROSSWORDPUZZLE Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis / MCT Campus


1 Quick snooze 4 Dangerous snakes 8 Grammar lesson subject 13 Commercial suffix with Cray- or Motor14 Nose (around) 15 Catcher’s position 16 “Let me consider this for a bit” 19 Step on a flight 20 Presidential period 21 First-rate 22 “Who can predict the future?” 26 Mild Dutch cheese 27 Territory that lent its name to two states 31 Partiality 34 Congregational seats 37 Former Russian royals 38 Toronto’s prov. 39 “Maybe” 41 “Hooray team!” 42 Get one past the goalie 44 Walk-the-dog toy 45 Catch sight of 46 “Great White North” country 48 Elaborate ruse 50 “We’ll just have to wait to find out” 56 Sign of sorrow 59 __ tai 60 Folded manuscript sheet 61 “Can’t rule anything out” 65 Singer’s asset 66 Like things that make your skin crawl 67 Article in some hip-hop titles 68 Beginning 69 Haul with effort

70 Sushi fish that must be cooked


1 Hard on the ears 2 For __ see: in plain sight 3 Caroline Islands nation 4 Singer-songwriter DiFranco 5 #43, to #41 6 Texas Hold ’em, e.g. 7 Engine plug discharge 8 “For the Boys” org. 9 Parrots a parrot 10 Car 11 Profit 12 Suffix with novel 14 Rip to pieces 17 Trident tips 18 Radiohead or Mot rhead 23 Puff on an e-cig 24 39-Down board 25 “Wild” things to sow 28 Rowboat pair 29 Lobster pot, e.g. 30 Like a well-used

fireplace 31 Brown-skinned pear 32 Peruvian empire of old 33 Lots 35 “Which person?” 36 Greet, with “to” 39 Treat for the feet 40 Where Marco Polo is played 43 Daily grind 45 Praise to the hilt 47 Arsenal stockpile

49 2004 remake starring Jude Law 51 Let up 52 Older partner? 53 High society 54 Nimble 55 Faithful 56 Watch-whenyou-want gadget 57 Prince Harry’s alma mater 58 Like no-returns merchandise 62 Champ, to Biden 63 Rollover acronym 64 Huge




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