The Clarion issue April 25, 2012

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Switchfoot lights up The Majestic The Clarion gets up close and personal during Switchfoot's first ever performance in Madison


Student Senate elections under way in Student Life ROSS SCHUETTE


Copy Editor

Student Senate elections are just around the corner. Starting April 27, the online ballot for officer positions on next year’s Student Senate will be available. There will be a link for the ballot sent to all student email accounts. All of the five positions are vacant and have at least one candidate running. Provided below is the information on the positions, who the candidates are and a bit about why they are running their respective positions.

Ousmane Kabre Current Senate position: Vice President of Communications Program of Study: Liberal Arts/ Transfer Kabre, a Student Ambassador for Madison College, was recently selected as a Wisconsin Technical College System State Ambassador. Kabre would like to “generate greater public respect”

Brittny Campbell Current Senate position: Vice President of Learning Program of Study: Liberal Arts/ Transfer Campbell enjoys being involved with CAMPBELL Madison College peers in and out of class. She would like to be President because she feels she

and “foster business, labor and community involvement in technical education.” Kabre strongly supports leadership growth and community outreach at Madison College. KABRE He is involved in many student organizations on campus, and is determined, dedicated, and willing to follow through to achieve senate goals.

See SENATE, Page 5
























Summer Employment at your Fingertips

Clarion Staff

ith summer approaching, many students are looking forward to both newfound freedom and with it, the responsibility of finding a job to make money. It can be difficult to navigate the employment market in these economic times, and a lot of people are unsure of where to begin. Currently, the 4.8 percent unemployment rate in Madison is lower than the national average, which is roughly 8.2. Retail, restaurant and entertainment jobs remain popular with students, and the job sectors in these areas remain relatively flexible with opportunities year-round. Many people limit themselves to traditional jobs rather than thinking alternatively. A job can be closer than one might think, sometimes right under their nose, or where they least expect it. Pursuing alternative opportunities during the summer exposes people to new surSee JOBS, Page 5


Master plan revisited

Madison College approves proposal for new culinary school at Downtown campus


Butting heads in MLB

The Clarion's Ryan Spoehr and Jason Cuevas talk professional baseball


OpiniOns.................. 6 Arts & Culture...... 8 spOrts.................... 12 COmiCs.................... 15



The Clarion

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Celebration of Student Success

Editor: Kait Vosswinkel @TheClarionMC

The Celebration of Student Success Awards Banquet honoring students for their academic achievement and cocurricular involvement will be held on April

25. Coverage from the event including a full list of award winners will appear in the final issue of the semester.

WATCH FOR IT: in the May 9 issue

OFFTHESHELF By Hannah Winden, essay contest winner






George Treviranus NEWS EDITOR

Kait Vosswinkel OPINION EDITOR






Contest winner envisions future library Our National Library Week Student Essay contest winner, Hannah Winden was chosen as the winner by the Vice President of Student Development Keith Cornille and a team of librarians. Her prize was an iPad2. Sheridan Bearheart was our runnerup and received a Kindle Fire. Congrats to the winners and all of those who submitted essays. They were fabulous. – Julie Gores, Director of Library Services “Welcome to the library of the future!” the robotic voice announced as I was escorted through the sliding doors. Men and women in black suits walked around quickly like bees in a hive. I don’t remember how I got here but this place sure is cool. The last thing I remember was being at the library and everything going dark after a thunderous boom and a flash of lightning. I walked further inside and saw children sitting around in a room. “Story time begins in two minutes” the same robotic voice said. I walked and stood at the back of the room. The wall turned into a screen, the words of a familiar children’s story popped up about elephants. Then on the other half of the screen drawings of cartoon elephants

depicted the story as a recording of a voice read it to the children. I continued on my way and I saw the magazine section. People were standing there watching the interviews with the various scientists as they talked about endangered species and the albums different artists were releasing next month. The screens these were displayed on could be made larger or smaller just by simply dragging the corners inward or outward with your fingers. To go to the next article all a person had to do was simply swipe his or her finger to the side or say, “next.” As I reached the nonfiction section I was told to enter a room. The next thing I knew I was back in the Civil War. The battles came alive around me as a soldier was on laying the ground wounded. I started freaking out and tried to help him when I realized he was just a 3D projection. A voice narrated the battle happening around me and explaining the effects the Civil War had on America. Then the scene changed and I was even further back in history. I was on a boat sailing to the New World. I couldn’t handle how amazing all this was. I left the room wanting to see what else this magnificent place had to offer.

I walked back to look at the fiction books they offered and I saw they had it set up like an “old” library. There were real books and for that reason I was glad because nothing is better than holding a real book in your hands and reading it. I looked for something interesting on the shelves and pulled out a book about sparkly vampires and werewolves. A woman in a black suit walked up to me and informed me that all of these books were available as a digital check out. I asked her what that meant and she said, “It means that you can read all of these books on any electronic device by logging into your library account. You can log on simply by going to the library website and click the login button. To log in all you have to do is scan your finger. It reads fingerprints. Would you like to check this out now?” I nodded my head yes and she held out the device she was holding and I pressed my finger to the screen. “You’re all set. It’s due in four weeks.” Walking away with my book I felt ecstatic at how fabulous future libraries are. I strolled out the sliding doors I came in and heard a loud boom. I jumped awake realizing I was back at the “old” library and that it had all been a dream. BUSINESS DIRECTOR


Hannah Fass Karen Alfafara


Rachel Larson COPY EDITORS

Aaron Miller Ross Schuette ADVISOR


Andreas Caryn Kindkeppel Max Blaska Faith Hughes Evan Halpop Tom Richardson


NEWS PHONE: (608) 246-6809 ADVERTISING PHONE:(608) 243-4809 FAX: (608) 246-6488

CORRECTIONS The Clarion strives for accuracy in all of its articles. If you have questions or concerns, please call us at (608) 246-6809 or e-mail: MEMBERSHIPS

Associated Collegiate Press Wisconsin Newspaper Association

Save a Life Tour comes to Madison College CLARION STAFF REPORT A virtual drunk driving simulator was brought to the Truax campus gym on April 17th. Save a Life tour is a national organization that is raising awareness of the consequences of drunk driving. David Chastain, Health and Wellness coordinator, said that sometimes we forget that drunk driving is an issue for Madison College students. In reality, it may be even more prevalent than on a traditional campus because there is no on-campus housing, and many students commute to school. Chastain emphasises education about the physical effects of alchol on the body, and how to process what you feel prior to getting drunk. This awareness allows preemptive planning and more responsible EVAN HALPOP / CLARION behavior while drinking. If you have questions about Madison College student Spencer White drives the virtual drunk driving simulator alcohol awareness please contact Chastain at 608simulator as the operator increases the virtual level of alcohol. 245-2117 or


By Sergeant Joe Steffen, Crime Prevention Team Leader WHAT’S HAPPENING Madison College Public Safety Department responds to many calls for service. Accordingly, we would like to keep the college community informed. Here are some of the notable incidents this month. On April 2, A Madison College Public Safety Officer and a Capitol Police Officer observed a prowler near the new Protective Services building where recent burglaries had occurred. After investigations, the subject was removed and warned for trespassing. On April 10, Madison College Public Safety Officers responded to the Downtown Campus for an intoxicated male arguing with staff members. Officers had the dis-

the patient until the symptoms subsided and a responsible party came to transport the patient.

ruptive student removed from campus. On April 13, Madison College Public Safety Officers responded to a patient having a seizure episode. Officers stayed with

PUBLIC SAFETY TIP Make sure you are securing valuables and keeping all bags and electronics with you at all times. Do not leave laptops or backpacks unattended. Book thefts are high this time of year due to the accessibility of “book buy backs” at the end of the semester. As always, if you have any information regarding the above incidents or other college safety concerns please contact our department at 243-4357. We have Public Safety Officers available 24/7.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Clarion

Culinary student wins regional award, first in college history RYAN SPOEHR Clarion Editor

At the American Culinary Federation’s Central regional conference, the college’s Culinary Arts team won a silver medal, just narrowly missing a gold. However, the team had historic performances at this year’s event. The conference, held April 14-16 in Detroit, awarded Marissa Bertram the title of Student of the Year. This would be the first time in Madison College’s history that a student was given such an honor. The competition for Bertram included a cook-off that lasted only an hour and 10 minutes. Bertram started practicing several times per week this past fall. She would simply wheel a cart of food into the room and time herself in preparation for the event. She would time herself and receive feedback from coaches. Bertram used this method of preparation for several months. “For a while I was practicing and I’d be a half-hour over. Then I cut it down to 15 minutes; then I cut it down to 10 minutes, then to five minutes, and finally I made it with a minute to spare,” Bertram said. “Actually at the competition, I literally had five seconds left on the clock when I stepped away and I was like, ‘I’m done.’” The winning dish for Bertram included crepinette style chicken breast with ratatouille, creamy polenta, artichoke, and a tomato beurre blanc sauce. “Really, I just made a dish that I would like to eat. They are all components that I love,” Bertram said. As they sat down, Bertram received some feedback that impressed her instructor Paul Short. “It was kind of neat. The judge said as we walked in, we sat down and they gave a critique, ‘this is singlehandedly the best plate I’ve tried all day,’” Short said. “Professional chefs were doing the same thing, vying for Chef of the Year. Her plate beat them, according to this judge.” Bertram will now compete in the American Culinary Federation’s national competition in Orlando, July 14-17. “I’m excited. I’ve been with the college for 19 years and we’ve been working this program to make it one of the top programs,” Short said. “A great program is not about the individuals that get to run that program. A great program is about students having success and finding great jobs. The better you can make your program, the better the odds are they are going to find great jobs.” Short says that the amount of work the culinary students put in for something like this is “incredible.” Julia Julien, a part-time culinary instructor and Madison College alumna won Pastry Chef of the year, another landmark for the college. As a team, Madison College won a state cook-off against Fox Valley Community College this past January, earning them a spot in the regional competition in Detroit. At the event, the team earned a silver medal. The instructors and students definitely worked hard to make their successes become realities. “They come to school at 7:30 in the morning. They take all their classes including lab classes and whatever else they do for their degree,” Short said. “Then they stay here and they set up for practice. They walk out of the building sometimes at 10 o’clock at night.”






eliminate some of those questions. “There have been a lot of questions from the community from the civic and community leaders as to ‘what is our true commitment to downtown?’ I think this makes the statement, ‘we’re here. We’re staying,’” Price said. “We understand that having an educational center for the college on that block is something that we’re committed to. The future and full use of that property will need to happen over time, but this is the next major step.” Price says that commitment includes a commit-

Across the college, the aftermath of the largest education-related referendum is evident with construction taking place at many of the campuses. However, the college is looking to add more construction to the fold. On April 11, the Madison College District Board unanimously approved a new, stand-alone building adjacent to the Downtown campus at the corner of Wisconsin Avenue and West Johnson Street. This three-story, stand-alone building will include a retail bakery, a dining room and kitchen. It will also have a hospitality center. According to Roger Price, Vice President of Administration, there has been a great need for a new culinary department for several years. “It was identified in the facilities master plan as a priority and that is the first place it originally was stated it could go downtown,” Price said. “The discussion about going downtown outdates even going to referendum.” There are excess dollars remaining from the 2010 referendum that will be used toward this project. The school is now planning to use these excess moneys toward addressing growing concerns in the Culinary department currently. PROVIDED TO THE CLARION “We are probably the only program in the entire "Building C," on the corner of Johnson Street and Wisconsin college that can have a constant disruption in their labs,” said Paul Short, culinary instructor. “Our Avenue will be the location of the new Culinary Arts building. instructors in the first year for example might be givment to excel at not just within downtown Madison or ing their morning lecture before students get started with things and people come wheeling through talking Madison in general. “The bottom line is not about the facility. It’s about about whatever from the night before – right through what we can do to provide that center of excellence,” your classroom.” Price said. “We need to come back to what we’re tryThe culinary arts program shares space with the ing to accomplish and that’s to make this the center cafeteria and food service. Not only is there a clash point for culinary training in the Midwest.” at times between the two, but culinary arts has been If the facility is built adjacent to the current growing in numbers and is at their limit at Truax. Downtown campus building, it takes the college’s There has been a tremendous growth just in the 19 culinary arts program to the center of a city that boasts years of Short’s tenure at Madison College. the most restaurants per capita in the U.S. Essentially, “When I first started here, we only had two firstif a “center point for culinary training in the Midwest,” year labs, we now have five first-year labs. We only were to be on the corner of Johnson Street and had two second-year labs, now we have three,” Short Wisconsin Avenue, it would have culinary students said. “We’re capped in our growth right now because just down the street from several opportunities to perwe have nowhere to go with them. We’ve taken every single student we can take into this program that wants form their trade. “These are jobs that aren’t going anywhere else,” to come here and there’s more that want to come Price said. “They’re going to stay in our district. We’re here.” There have been questions by members of the com- going to train the workers for those needs.” The actual construction of the building is still up in munity toward the college from the community about the air. It will be proposed to the Wisconsin Technical the college’s commitment to downtown, according College System board in May and will be up for vote to Roger Price, Madison College Vice President of Administration. However, he said that this project may in July. The project must go through the city as well.






The Clarion

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

CollegiateLink software will help student groups KAIT VOSSWINKEL News Editor

Madison College’s Student Activities Board recently approved a one-year trial period for a new software package that will streamline dozens of online activities, all while making campus involvement more accessible. The aptly named CollegiateLink is a software package that was first developed in 2001. It is used on hundreds of campuses nationwide. The package includes a wide variety of tools helpful to students: • A co-curricular transcript tool would allow students to see both a normal academic transcript, and a transcript including extra curricular activities as well. • Event management tools and Google Calendar integration would allow students to streamline their schedule organization. • Another tool would allow online student election organization. This would bring Student Senate and other student body elections online through an organized, streamlined platform. • Webinars would be available to students through CollegiateLink, allowing them to learn more about a group or an activity. These webinars would also be customizable, allowing student groups to visually reach out to students through the internet. • Photo galleries and social media integration for sites like Twitter and Facebook would allow students to link their college life with their everyday social life. • These are just a few of the tools available to students through the proposed CollegiateLink software. The college will give the package a one-year trial run. If it is met with success, Madison College will incorporate the purchase of the package into the 2013-2014 annual budget. Beyond nifty tools to streamline students’ college experience, CollegiateLink also holds an important function: educating both the faculty and the SAB by researching and recording student opinion. According to their website, Campus Labs – the founding company of CollegiateLink – was initially developed to “to collect information from students that could be used to impact programs and services.” This includes any number of details from student involvement in extra-curricular activities to turnout in student elections. On Madison College’s many campuses, this would mean a more holistic view of students’ experiences at the college. CollegiateLink would allow both the faculty and the SAB to collect a plethora of information on student activity and interests. Student Senate could see which campuses had the highest voter turnout in the last student election, for example. Or, the Volunteer Center could poll to see which upcoming events would be received with the most enthusiasm. The Adventure Leadership Series could even be advertised to students through a variety of social networking sites simultaneously. In short, the possibilities are endless. On a campus as diverse and as far-reaching as Madison College’s, a unifying software platform could be an incredible development. It would depend on the student body, though, to make it a success. In the 2012-2013 school year, students will be able to test the program for ease of operation and for utility. If the program is a success, the school will incorporate the purchase of the program in the 2013-2014 budget, and CollegiateLink will become a permanent feature of the college.

Miska Karvinen, an Finnish Student, eagerly works on his recent carpentry project.


Finnish student in carpentry program KAIT VOSSWINKEL News Editor

Madison College might not seem like a high-priority destination to an international student, but Miska Karvinen came all the way from Joensuu, Finland in order to study carpentry here. “I heard about this from my teacher. He visited MATC one and a half years ago,” Karvinen said. The young student arrived last August, two weeks before school started. After having graduated from a three-year carpentry program in Finland, Karvinen wanted more experience with the English language and the American style of carpentry. “That was also one reason to come here. I think English is a pretty big thing in Europe, like almost anywhere, and especially if you want to be a teacher,” Karvinen said. After three years of experience in Finland, the actual woodworking was easy for him, but the technical terms in English gave him some difficulty at first. “The teachers have been really helpful,” Karvinen said. He had a lot of one-on-one time with the professors, and said that the class size was great. The program isn’t only beneficial for language skills. Madison College’s carpentry program has a rich history, and has been operating since 1912. The one-year program is designed to give students a broad base of information in a relatively short period of time. “It kind of goes a long way in a short time, but the goal is to give [students] the fundamentals, and they can then apply those concepts for the rest of their lives,” said Patrick Molzahn, one of the program directors. Students learn everything from basic hand-working skills to modern, CNC (computer-driven) woodworking techniques. Studying techniques as varied as bending and veneering, students spend time learning the different techniques for American face-frame cabinets as well as the more utilitarian European style. They leave the program with a technical diploma in cabinet making and millwork. The program uses a fully equipped shop on Madison

College’s Truax campus, although students also take part in offsite internships offered through local employers. Molzahn has seen the program grow exponentially in recent years. While the program has a limit of 16 full-time students, around 50 more students participate in the night classes offered, and Molzahn hopes to continue to expand the program. “Our long-term goal is to turn the program into 45 weeks,” Molzahn said. “Three 15-week trimesters so we will go year round.” An addition to the shop is also in the process. Ground breaking on the new exterior construction is going on right now. With more interior remodeling next year, 5,000 square feet will be added to the current woodshop. Karvinen is one testament to the program’s success. He’ll spend another six weeks in the United States, and was very happy with his experience at Madison College. Karvinen is eagerly planning for the future. He hopes to specialize in custom-made cabinets, and may go into teaching. Although he loves the United States, Karvinen is happy to be going home. “I don’t mind going to work abroad for a while or something, but I think I’ll stay in Finland,” he said. He’s optimistic about the job market that he’s going into. “I’ve been fortunate,” Karvinen said. “I’ve always had summer jobs and everything. Like if you go to internship somewhere, they might ask you, ‘Do you want a summer job?’ And you can just go back to the same place.” He’s looking for a change this year, though. “Now I want something different. There would be still the same place where I could go, but I might try apprentice teaching for a while, and then I’ll know,” he said. Already lining up jobs, Karvinen is well on his way to becoming a successful carpenter. “Well, I’m looking for a job at least for next fall. I have some of my own projects for this summer, but I still want to study and hopefully be a teacher one day.”

The Clarion

Wednesday, April 25, 2012 |

JOBS, Continued from Page 1 roundings and skill sets, which can be great resume-builders. Working as a nanny or otherwise being involved with children can be a rewarding and wellpaying job that breaks out of the traditional office and retail grind. Other choices involve working with animals at recreation facilities or at parks. Lobbying or canvassing for a cause is a great way to get your voice heard and to gain interpersonal skills.

Some students even choose to create online stores, like Etsy, and sell homemade art, clothing and other accessories. Summer employment opportunities can be endless, very rewarding, and do not have to be mundane. Utilizing ones strengths when searching for a job is a great way to narrow down what someone is looking for. A summer employment position can turn into a permanent opportunity down the

SENATE, Continued from Page 1 understands the job requirements and has the confidence and knowledge to fulfill the position requirements. Having been on Senate for almost a year, Campbell knows how senate needs to be led, and is knowledgeable of current political and fiscal issues in order to serve her peers to the best of her abilities.


Andrew Rolnick Current Senate Position: Senator Program of Study: Accounting (already has Associate’s Degree in Liberal Arts) Rolnick has been working on a threeyear financial plan for Madison College and has also helped with the Legislative and Communications Committees. Rolnick is running for Vice President of Administration and Finance because he intends to learn valuable skills he can use later in his career and life. He is very passionate about the costs and accessibility to higher education and intends to advocate ways to save money to help the student body.


Adrian Holtzman Current Senate Position: Senator Program of Study: Liberal Arts Holtzman running for Vice President of Communications because he can use his networking skills to benefit the students and faculty of Madison College campuses. Holtzman has experience with communications, having worked in the music industry doing PR campaigns and promoting musicians. He knows that communication is just as important in an academic setting, especially since it is a federal election year. Holtzman claims to be a reliable source to keep students and faculty updated about new legislation being passed at state and federal levels.


Jackson Punguil Bravo Current Senate position: Not in Senate Program of Study: Liberal Arts/ Transfer and IT-Network Specialist Jackson Punguil Bravo is a longtime Madison College student, having attended part-time for many years but has recently become a full-time student. In addition to his studies, Bravo does what he likes to do best: volunteer his time as a computer-fixing WolfPack Techie and as the Recruitment Coordinator in the Volunteer Center. If elected Vice President of Learning, Bravo would enhance the relationship between faculty and students while working with Senate to accelerate beneficial projects for all three parties. He wants to work hard to make real, lasting change.

Pindwende Romba Current Senate position: Program of Study: Liberal Arts Pindwende Romba is Burkina, Faso in Africa. When he was in high school, Romba worked with administration members and students to get things done for the school and give it a good reputation. At Madison College, Romba interacts with students and faculty often as a member of Math Club and as a peer tutor for mathematics and French. As Vice President of Learning, Romba would use his academic involvement background to help students work in better conditions and be in service to all students.


Devon Cook Current Senate position: Senator Program of Study: Liberal Arts Devon Cook, the president of College Democrats, has been endorsed by Jon Mack, the current Vice President of State and Local Government. Cook is prepared to perform the duties, such as serve as a parliamentarian, be governor to Wisconsin Student Government (WSG), be chair of Legislative Affairs Committee. Cook says he knows parliamentary procedure and can be deliberate and vocal on points of order. He understands how WSG meetings work and is prepared to operate in them. Cook is a Special Registration Deputy to register Wisconsin voters as well as inform them on new laws passed, such as the Voter ID law. He has also lobbied legislators at the Capitol on behalf of Madison College. Ric Poole Current Senate position: Chairman of the Transportation Committee Program of Study: Liberal Arts Ric Poole intends to go to UW-Madison for Environmental Engineering. His current position as Chairman of the Transportation Committee is directly responsible for Madison Metro passes and campus shuttles. Poole is also a member of the Transportation Demand Management club instituted by Madison College to make for a green future. Poole cares about environmental concerns and will be strong advocates for reducing our carbon footprint, such as the effort to reduce single-occupancy vehicle commuters. Poole, being above the age of 50, has worked in special education and as a bus driver, so he can relate to students of all ages. He has advocated at state and local levels of government for the ADA for people with special needs, and has worked with the city of Lodi government. He doesn’t subscribe to the party idea and makes informed decisions for his peers regardless of the idea.

road, and utilizing a skill set can be a great way to get into something new. Starting to look for a job can be as easy as logging onto a computer and checking out the resources at your fingertips. The University of WisconsinMadison has an online student job center that is not limited to campus jobs; opportunities are also routinely scattered through the area. Temporary agencies are also a great place to register to find limited term or temp-to-hire work. Other good online resources include Craigslist, Monster.


| 5

com and even newspaper classified ads. offers a database of internships and opportunities for students, organized by major. Keeping your eyes and ears open is key, because opportunities can frequently come through networking and staying abreast of current happenings. The Career and Employment Center at Madison College offers job listings on an ongoing basis, with summer and some off-campus opportunities as well. More information can be found at: http://

Instagram contest! Enter now at

Post Instagram photos to our event wall on Facebook. RULES:

1. Photos must be taken on a Madison College Campus. 2. "Duck Lips" are strictly prohibited. 3. The Clarion holds the right to remove any images it deems inappropriate.

From 4-25 to 5-13

$5 prize to a random participant. $25 prize to judged participant. Judges are: Patrick O'Connor- Photography major, Doug Kirchberg- Student Life Advisor, Mark Huisman - Liberal Arts Transfer



The Clarion

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Could paywalls save or break the journalism industry?

Editor: Brooke McGee @TheClarionMC

Poll: Which Democrat will win primary? The Clarion would like to know who you think will will the Democratic primary in the gubernatorial recall race. Let us know by visiting our web site and answering the


Contaminated waterways should worry everyone


BROOKE MCGEE Opinion Editor








News Editor

The journalism industry has been on unsteady legs for several years now. Since the broad-based publicizing of printing and news companies in the 1980’s, many newspapers haven’t been able to keep up with the incremental gains that stockholders have come to expect. Major losses in advertising and in circulation due to increased Internet traffic also dealt a heavy blow to the industry. The availability of free information online has crippled many news giants like the Los Angeles Times and has caused a rash of closings across the nation including the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, the Rocky Mountain News and the Green Bay News-Chronicle. Many companies have begun to embrace a digital format in order to combat falling circulations. The PostIntelligencer won’t be snuffed out altogether. The Hearst Corporation’s goal is to keep it alive online, but how? The bottom line is that the financial system of the journalism industry needs to be restructured. Paywalls and increased online advertising are one of the most popularly embraced solutions, and have been met with some success, but also with heavy criticism. The New York Times introduced a metered paywall in 2005. Unsubscribed readers were barred from certain articles including editorials and popular columns. This original paywall lasted for two years, and was quite successful. After making a few tweaks, the New York Times introduced a new, improved, and more porous paywall. Articles were made easily accessible from alternative links like blogs or social networking sites. For $15 a month, readers are given unfettered access to the site’s content. Any print subscription also comes with web access. According to recent financial studies done by the company itself, nearly 400,000 readers have enrolled. Now, according to the New York Times Company, 400,000 subscribers is a success to be celebrated. According to critics, the same number is a drop in the bucket of the Times’ financial revenue, and should be regarded with more criticism.

poll. In last issue's poll, we learned that our readers' greatest concern right now is managing end-of-the-semester stress.

Sometimes I wonder if students around me are aware that 226 million pounds of industrial toxins were dumped into our waterways in the year 2010 alone. I think about the 626,000 pounds (2010) of dumped chemicals that are linked to developmental disorders and I wonder how many people in our public are aware of it, or even care. Perhaps they will pay attention to matters such as 354,000 pounds (again, just in 2010) of dumped poisons that are linked to reproductive problems when they have difficulty starting a family later in life. I wish people would pay attention now. As you and your family plan your summer activities, are you aware that 53 percent of American rivers are deemed unsafe for fishing, swimming or other activities? Throw lakes and ponds into that and 69 percent of our waterways have been categorized as too toxic. Considering Madison has had lakes closed down recently due to microbial contaminants, maybe we need to pay attention before it gets too late. You might be interested to know that recently, a study performed in the Potomac River showed that 80 percent of all male bass were carrying female See WORRY, Page 7



The New York Times and the Financial Times have been the figurative canaries in the coalmine for other newspapers considering a paywall. For many papers teetering on the brink of collapse, a paywall could be the tipping point. If the paywalls are successful, it could mean fiscal solvency for papers that were looking into the dark abyss of bankruptcy. The paywalls could, however, also discourage current readers. Losing that precious readership could lead to losses in advertising, one of the few remaining sources of financial security in news today. Although The New York Times has a feeble percentage of online subscribers, their efforts are not in vain. The ability to go around the paywalls was a strategic move, allowing dedicated readers to contribute to the cause without hurting the company’s chance of advertising success. It is true that companies like Google and Yahoo dominate the internet’s adver-

tising and online news sourcing through wire services like the Associated Press and though highly personalized searches, but well-established news sources like the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times will be able to compete. These newspaper giants provide something a search engine cannot. The “papers,” even if they’ve gone digital, still produce the most thorough reporting on the market. They have well-established infrastructures allowing detailed and educated analysis on a wide array of topics. In the long run, readers see and appreciate that, and are willing to pay for it. The fact is that although memes are catchy and fascinating, they don’t constitute breaking news. Rocketboom is one of the most popular blog ‘news’ sites today, and yet their top stories consist of “The Longest Words in the English Language,” with sexy newsSee PAYWALLS, Page 7

EDITORIAL BOARD RYAN SPOEHR, Editor in Chief HEIDI LEIGH ADAMS, Managing Editor BROOKE McGEE, Opinions Editor JACOB ENNIS, Arts & Culture Editor KAIT VOSSWINKEL, News Editor JASON CUEVAS, Sports Editor LETTERS POLICY Letters to the editor should be typed or written legibly, be 250 words or less, and include the writer’s name, phone number and e-mail address. The Clarion reserves the right to refuse to publish any editorial submission or advertisement, which may be edited for length, taste and grammar. All submissions become the property of The Clarion and may be used for publication. Drop letters off at The Clarion office, Room 130 Truax, or e-mail them to clarioned@matcmadison. edu.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Clarion


Continued from Page 6 eggs, a side effect of the reproductive pollutants that have been dumped in the river. Dead zones are increasing, and it is no longer rare to find a location that cannot sustain even the heartiest of fish. In Indiana, the Calumet River has sediment that is “among the most contaminated and toxic ever reported,” by the Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Many industrial contaminants cannot be broken down in the body. They accumulate in the tissues of smaller animals and then in larger quantities in the animals who consume them further up the food chain. This accumulation only grows, affecting the animal population in many species. Frequently, scientists find reproduction difficulties due to the contamination animals have acquired, such as those seen in “Environmental Chemicals and Fertility,” by Jon Luoma. It is not just animals that are affected. Plants absorb metals from the ground. Mercury, cadmium and nickel are some of the most abundant that are leached from the ground via growing vegetation. When consumed by humans, these metals are not digestible, and they accumulate to toxic levels in our system as well. The Alliant Energy Power Plant in Columbia County, a mere 20 miles from Madison, is the largest source of mercury contamination in the state of Wisconsin. This non-point coalburning pollution source is one of the contributing reasons why the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has a safety advisory for fish consumption on many state lakes, restricting some fish to only one recommended serving to month. The sources of these contaminants are easily identifiable. Reports are made on behalf of the public annually called the EPA’s Toxic Release Inventory (TRI). Unfortunately, agricultural facilities do not need to report contaminants that are used or released into the environment. If that were the case, Wisconsin would likely be much higher than the top half our state is already in. Nitrates, which are extremely

detrimental to babies when in the water which formula is mixed with, was the largest quantity of toxins released according to the Wasting our Waterways 2012 report. Nitrates also cause organ damage in adults and fuel algae blooms when the run off reaches lakes and rivers. These algae blooms are the cause of increasing dead zones, that are now wreaking havoc on our struggling fishing industry. As for cancer-causing agents, we had 1.5 million pounds released into our waterways in 2010. I hope you recall that many of these contaminants accumulate. I don’t wish to discourage you so I won’t do the simple math from just the last decade to show you the growing damage that we are doing to our environment. The encouraging side to this seemingly sad report is that Americans now care more than they ever have. With the “green” movement and the emphasis that is put on repairing the damage that we have caused, there really is a chance that in our foreseeable future contamination levels will decrease. The reported levels that you just read about are actually 2.6 percent less than toxic releases in the Wasting our Waterways 2007 report. Ultimately, it is the public who are funding the corporations who are contaminating our planet. By our purchase of products that are produced by a company which is in violation of EPA standards, we are supporting and contributing to the contamination they cause. They would not be there if it was not for the demand of the consumer. With the availability of cleaner products: recycled toilet paper, phosphate free dishwasher detergent, organic lawn fertilizers, we can make an impact on which corporations thrive in our country. I’m not going to deny that “green” products cost more. It may be understandable that we cannot switch over to all cleaner products, but just as the accumulation of toxins works, the effect of Americans working together adds up as well. One better product, one smarter choice, truly does make a difference. As demand for cleaner products increases, so will the technology that produces them. I can only hope that the damage that we continue to do it the meantime will be reversible.




With distrust of politicians mounting, the public becomes more polarized MAX BLASKA Clarion Staff

As we enter a new political season, we are embarking on one of the most divisive eras this country has ever seen. This election year, I thought it would be interesting to interview both a Tea Party conservative and a Marxist. I interviewed Robin Gee who is the staff advisor to the Madison College International Socialist Organization and Katy Louks, a member of the tea party. Is Obama a socialist or have socialist policies? According to Gee, he is not and he is backed by corporations just like any other politician. She also said he is working for the rich in this country and not for the working class that does the actual work. She also pointed out when government bailed out the banks it wasn’t socialism. On the contrary, Louks said that his policies were socialist. “Making Christians that buy insurance to purchase things that go against the tenets of their faith – that is all part of the whole health care law. Forcing someone to do something that is unconstitutional is a form of socialism,” she said. Health Care Gee is a firm believer that health care is a right and we should have a single-payer health care system. “We are the richest country in the world. It is not a socialist thing,” Gee said. “The costs are shared over that entire group of people. There are going to be very sick people but there are also going to be very healthy people as well. We can bring costs down and everybody would have access to the same health care.” Louks has a differing opinion on the subject of health care. She stated that she believes there should be a total free market based

PAYWALLS Continued from Page 6

caster Joanne Colan reading some of the most tongue-twisting words in English, and “Andy Warhol Eats a Hamburger,” featuring an actor in a wig literally eating a hamburger for a few minutes onscreen. Given the amount of fluff and recycled information on the internet, the public is becoming more willing to pay for credible content. Especially when that content includes analysis and trusted, educated opinion. The point that the New York Times has made abundantly clear is that policing paywalls isn’t necessarily a concern. The goal isn’t to bar readers from information. The goal is merely to invite the public in, and then encourage them to voluntarily support a reliable news

system where employers don’t have to provide insurance for their employees. She also believes people should be able to shop around for their insurance just like shopping for a cell phone, a computer or a pair of shoes. “It wouldn't hurt the poor because it gives the poor more freedom, a freedom of choice,” Louks said. What does it take to compromise? When it comes to compromise, it doesn’t appear that it comes easily. “There can be no compromise between the socialist viewpoint and the capitalistic viewpoint as revolutionary socialists. We don't believe that you can reform capitalism but you can make it better,” Gee said. “It's not that we think reforms are bad. We will fight alongside anyone that wants to make things better. We can make things better in the temporary sense.” Just like Gee, Louks will keep the “fight” going. However, as Gee is looking for change, Louks says she wants to fight to make sure that there isn’t too much spending and to put limitations on government. “I don't believe in compromising. If I was in congress let's say, if there was this massive appropriations bill. I wouldn't want all this spending to come to my district,” Louks said. “I don't want my constituents, the taxpayers to have to deal with this heavy burden, unless everybody voted for it and said that we want more spending. I would probably be voted out because I would base my theories on principals, moral fiscal principals, less spending and do what I can to fight for that. And I would do everything ... I could not to compromise.” As we enter the new election year, we have just seen two snapshots of common opinion among today’s voters. The political landscape is as polarized as it could be. And what is discouraging is that it's debatable if middle ground is truly in sight. source. After all, 20 years ago, you could borrow a newspaper almost anywhere. That certainly didn’t stop folks from buying their own copy, though. Paywalls are becoming a necessary measure in a climate where many don’t think about where their information comes from. The public wants information but doesn’t realize the amount of time and effort it takes to produce it. The news industry has been colossally slow at adapting to a technological era, and incorporating blogs while creating a stronger online platform is still a necessary process. Meanwhile, though, paywalls might stem the flood of advertising losses, and help many papers stay afloat. It also raises awareness that true, reliable information costs a little bit. Hopefully, the public will acknowledge the effort put into credible journalism and decide that it’s worthwhile.


Questions asked to you, our readers

What do you think of internet news site paywalls? If they're going to do that they might as well print the the paper, but I see where they have to make money.

— Amylynn Ambrosio


I think that's stupid, but they're trying to make money.

— Kelsey Markwald

You pay for a newspaper so it's essentially the same thing.

— Dylan Nowak

I guess in a way it makes sense because if they need more money then they have to charge people.

— Ken Virden

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Clarion

Wednesday, April 25, 2012 | 9

The Clarion

arts &


Editor: Jacob Ennis @TheclarionMC


Originally from San Diego, the Faith-Rock band 'Switchfoot' became very intimate with the crowd on April 18 climbing, hugging and handshaking the crowd throughout the show.



HORSES Verberateing energy off the walls of the Majestic, Switchfoot energized and engaged the crowd throughout their Madison debut on April 18. Based out of the West Coast, the award winning faith-rock band loves surfing and involving themselves with humanitarian causes. They founded the Switchfoot Bro-am in 2005, a 100 percent pollution-free concert and surf contest that helps out the homeless youth. Stopping in Madison is part of their current tour promoting their new album, “Vice Verses,” featuring their hit-track, “Dark Horses.” Visit our website for an exclusive interview by Clarion Design Director George Treviranus with band members Jerome, backup guitarist and keyboardist, and Drew, backup vocalist and guitarist.

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arts & culture

| Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Clarion

The Sett offers fun pub-and-grub feel CARYN KINDKEPPEL Clarion Staff

A sett is a network of underground tunnels where a family of badgers lives in the wild. Fittingly, it’s also the name of the recreation center at the new Union South, which opened in April 2011, on the corner of W. Dayton St. and N. Randall Ave. on the UW campus just north of Camp Randall. On the main level, The Sett restaurant sells pub-grub and beer. The entrance area has an intimate pub-feel where students meet friends to study over their laptops. It also has windows opening onto the climbing wall that juts up from the floor below and allows viewing as the climbers follow routes up the wall. Deeper in, it opens up to a vast, twostory entertainment room paneled in dark wood. The room is complete with a huge projection TV over a full stage for watching either a Badger game or live music. The lower level also has an eight-lane bowling alley and numerous billiards tables. The menu is a limited, but consists of all-American pub food: fried appetizers, burgers, fries and beer. The food is made to order and tasty, but slow to receive. The burgers are the best bet, and garlic fries are a must. The cheeseburger ($6.95) is made with a choice of Wisconsin-made cheese, and topped with lettuce, tomato, onion, the secret “Sett” sauce and pickles. Self-serve condiments at a station finish off the burger, though the Sett sauce does a good job standing on its own. The garlic fries, only 75 cents extra, which are crispy and delicious. The only downside to the fries is the excess oil at the bottom of the basket that saturates the generic, factory-tasting burger’s bun. The BBQ pulled pork sandwich ($7.25) is topped with creamy coleslaw and pickles with a choice of a side. Unfortunately, the sandwich is disappointing because it is made with a similar factory-tasting bun, and needs a heartier portion of meat and more BBQ flavor. The chips and salsa are standard,


The Sett is the recreation center at the new Union South, 1308 W. Dayton St. but the garlic fries are still a more satisfying side option. There are quite a number of local and microbrew beers available on tap. UW students and Union Members must show identification (of age and membership) to be served; however, a free guest pass can be obtained by non-members by asking at any of the bars on site. An appetizer is not really needed, since a side comes with the meal. However, those looking for dessert have a couple of close-at-hand options. Babcock ice cream ($2.75 for a single) is made on campus and available at the Daily Scoop on the main level in Union South in a variety of delicious flavors. For those interested in a baked



As the old nursery rhyme goes: “Sing a song of sixpence, pocket full of rye, four and 20 blackbirds, baked in a pie.” With a mural on one wall depicting blackbirds flying around a tree, 4 & 20 Bakery and cafe clearly had that rhyme as inspiration for their new restaurant at 305 N Fourth Street, near Madison East High School. The cafe officially opened in early January and caters to breakfast and lunchgoers and those who seek from-scratch pastries. Their scones, homemade “Poptarts” and specialty pies all look delicious. In addition to the cafe, they also sell wholesale baked goods to small-town restaurants in Madison’s outlying areas. Despite being small with only a handful of tables inside, the cafe is open, airy and freshly remodeled. One of the owners, Scott Spilger, works the cash register and is friendly, helpful and dispenses background information about the cafe. The menu isn’t posted online, but they have the daily menu at the order counter. There are several local and organic items on the menu, often including the name of the farm that the item that came from it, such as the New Century Farm organic eggs.

treat, Greenbush Bakery is a few minutes drive away at 1305 Regent Street where they have freshly fried doughnuts in countless delectable flavors for just 85 cents each. Open until bar-time, Greenbush caters to the college crowd. Those with energy after the meal may consider climbing the rock-wall, or perhaps playing a friendly game of billiards or bowling. All activities are open to the public, and charge a nominal fee to play. Shoes can be rented for the rock-wall and bowling alley. Fees and times open are best checked ahead on the website. Overall, The Sett restaurant at the new Union South is a good place to grab a bite to eat with friends, and either watch a Badger game or play some

4 & 20 Bakery and Cafe Location: 305 North 4th Street, Madison, WI Phone: 608-819-8893 Website: Payment: Credit Cards accepted Price Range for Entrées: $4.50-8.50 Cuisine: Breakfast, Lunch, Pastries Restaurant Hours: Monday through Saturday, 7a.m.-2:30 p.m.; Sunday, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

The food descriptions are appetizing and definitely slant towards high-end, with items such as herbed goat cheese and braised pork belly as a couple of the sandwiches on the lunch menu. The breakfast

items include a breakfast sandwich with havarti cheese, roasted red peppers and spinach, as well as house-made granola with cranberry compote and local yogurt. Since it’s near the high school, some popular items may be sold out if one arrives too late, such as the Banana Bread French Toast. One appetizing lunch item is the Cuban sandwich ($8.50,) made with the star ingredient of pork belly that has been braised (covered and cooked at a low temperature in a flavorful liquid) slowly for 17 hours! The sandwich also contains ham, Swiss cheese, pickles, pickled red onion and a Cubanstyle “mojo” dressing of mayo, oregano, and orange which really accents the sandwich. The toppings come on a crusty, fresh ciabatta roll from Madison Sourdough, which is just a few blocks away on Willy Street. The lunch sandwiches are served with a pickle and a side of chips or mixed greens dressed with house vinaigrette. Another lunch entree is the grilled cheese sandwich ($7) with provolone, ovendried tomato, cream cheese, hothouse tomato and spinach on wheat bread. The sandwich is full-flavored, with the tomatoes nicely complimenting the cheese and nutty wheat bread. A side bowl of potato-leek soup ($3) is a good accompaniment to the


sports on the lower level. Although Memorial Union’s view of Lake Mendota is more picturesque, the newness and character of Union South’s The Sett is worth a visit.

The Sett at Union South Location: 1308 West Dayton Street, Madison, WI Phone: 608-890-3000 Website: Payment: Credit Cards accepted Price Range for Entrées: $4.50-7.50 Cuisine: Campus Sports Pub Restaurant Hours: Sunday, 11 a.m.-10 p.m. (grill until 9 p.m.); Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m.11 p.m. (grill until 9 p.m.); Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m.-midnight (grill until 10 p.m.)

sandwich, with a satiny smooth texture and rich, creamy taste. One eye-catching pastry item is the house-made “Pop-tart” ($2.50.) Though similar in size and shape, this pastry beats the Kellogg’s version in all respects: flavor, flakiness and freshness. The strawberry version is tasty, sweet and holds more filling and flavor than its namesake toaster pastry does. The glaze on top of the flaky pastry adds the final bit of sweetness. The pastries are definitely worth trying and they are big enough to share both the enjoyment of eating as well as the inevitable large amount of calories they contain. The iced coffee and ice tea drinks are refreshing (around $2.50,) and are also a good complement to a lunchtime meal. Overall, the cafe serves great tasting sandwiches and food with a higher-end bend. They also serve delicious pastries for those who care to indulge, and the coffee and tea drinks are a great accompaniment to the food. The prices are a bit high for a quick lunch bite, but it feels great to support a local up-and-coming cafe. It’s clear that the owners obviously care about quality, with their local and organic mindset and great-tasting food, so it’s definitely worth a visit. – CARYN KINDKEPPEL

Wednesday, April 25, 2012 |

The Clarion

arts & culture

WISCONSIN FILM FESTIVAL No good guys in 'Sleepless Night' ANDREAS

Clarion Staff “Sleepless Night” is a French action and thriller movie that takes place in Paris. The screenplay for the 2011 movie was directed by Frederic Jardin. He begins with the main character (Tomer Sisley,) a cop who robbed 10 kilos of cocaine in the early morning on the streets of Paris from the henchmen of Jose Marciano (Serge Riaboukine.) The movie is stunning with great action and execution. Vincent and his partner, Manuel (Laurent Stocker) are two corrupt cops who stole a bag of cocaine from two drug carriers. A drug heist goes wrong with one of the carriers in the vehicle being shot, but another one escapes and gets a glimpse of their unmasked faces. Both Vincent and Manuel are seen by one of the men of a powerful nightclub owner, named Marciano. This man knows Vincent’s son, Thomas (Samy Seghir) which then, kidnaps Thomas to reclaim the stolen property and demands the exchange at Marciano’s place, Le Tarmac. Le Tarmac, Marciano’s extravagant nightclub, is the majority setting of Sleepless Night. In this place, Vincent attempts to get his son out alive. Moreover, Marciano tells Vincent the cocaine must be returned to his club by

4:44 Last Day on Earth Independent Film

What would you do if you found out that the world was coming to an end at 4:44 a.m. the following day? Would you go to a special place? Would you pursue a list of things that you always wanted to do in your life? Or, would you spend whatever time you had left on the


planet with either your spouse or family? Cisco (Willem Dafoe) chose option number three in this scenario in the new Abel Ferrara independent film “4:44 Last Day on Earth,” which premiered at the 2012 Wisconsin Film Festival. This apocalyptic drama centers around two artists who are living in an apartment room together. While spending the last remaining hours of their lives before the world ends due to problems with planet earth’s ozone layer in this “dystopian-like” future. Most of the film centers around Skye’s (Shanyn Leigh) and Cisco’s perspective of the apocalypse. Throughout the film, Skye seems

the end of the night. Vincent brings the goods and enters Le Tarmac. Incidentally he’s being tailed by Internal Affairs Police, Vignali (Lizzie Brochere) and Lacombe (Julien Boisselier.) Anticipating not being killed in the exchange, Vincent takes one pack of cocaine and hides the rest of it in the dropped-ceiling of the men’s restroom. Unfortunately, Vignali finds it and she moves the bag to women’s rest room dropped-ceiling. After meeting with Marciano, Vincent promises the rest of the cocaine if he’s sure of his son’s safety. “You are all that matters,” he tells Thomas in one scene of this movie. One memorable sequence occurs in the kitchen when Vincent packs multiple bags of fake cocaine, made by flour, in order to trick Marciano. Before that, he shows his cop’s ID in the kitchen. Suddenly, a man that might be an illegal immigrant is running scared from Vincent. Then, Vincent uses his power as a cop to force this man to help him to pack. The director, Jardin, does a great work to use of the claustrophobic nature of a dance floor. Seeking through dancing

bodies as it chases Vincent, the camera becomes the audience as they try to maneuver. It stimulates the adrenaline of one being in a hurry yet being slowed down because of the crowd. This is one of his


most interesting works in this movie. Sleepless Night is a great all-nighter action movie with great plot and nicely done editing. This movie can bring audience’s adrenaline to follow the movie from the beginning until the end. Vincent is a bad guy, no matter how much he loves his son, but still, he is a robber and corrupt cop. This movie is not suitable for children because it is full of violence, drug abuse and harsh language.

to be working on a giant abstract painting, which the viewer does not get shown until the end of the film. While Cisco, is always on his computer talking to family members and friends through Skype. When Skye and Cisco are not busy with these two activities, they are either dancing to strange music, or making love. Later in the film, Cisco gets to meet up with some friends and family members of his in a nearby New York apartment, down the street from Skye’s and his apartment. The film has a clear vision at this point in the story that people are living their lives in ways that they would not normally live them. Several people, if not everybody, are consuming large amounts of alcohol, and are experimenting with drugs until the clock strikes 4:44 a.m. on Earth’s final day of existence. Once Cisco says goodbye to all his friends and family that he got in contact with, and saw in person, he immediately heads back to his apartment room to spend his final minutes of life with his wife Skye. Skye contacted her friends and family through Skype also, but did not see any of them in person. The film shows us that the couple spent their final minutes together on earth in each other’s arms on the ground, while their lives flashed before their eyes. Many viewers will like the believable approach the film takes on the whole “end of the world” theme. The interviews with the religious figures and the apocalyptic predictors all felt believable, and the interviews were either

filmed with a professional news reporter, or through some kind of web cam that these people filmed by them self, and were then showed live on the news. Dafoe’s acting performance as Cisco in this film is also very believable. He always seems scared about what will happen when his life ends, and is always on his feet pursuing his last minute desires. The film also had a lot of freedom with itself when it allowed its characters to live life to the fullest, some chose to use their final hours wisely, while others chose to waste it with drugs and alcohol. As good as this apocalyptic story was, it also had its share of flaws. One problem the film runs into right away is that some of the film’s scenes dealing with sexual content seem to run on too long. Another aspect of this film that might bother some people is the fact that the director never explains why this couple was alone during this apocalypse, that they didn’t spend it with their families. The film made its point that this couple had trouble on both sides of their families, but why not spend the last minutes of their lives with them? Also, the Skye character didn’t seem as worried about the world ending compared to the other characters in this film, it wasn’t a bad performance by Shanyn Leigh, but it would have felt more realistic to have this character feel more worried about her life ending. But for those seeking an interesting approach on the “apocalyptic” sub-genre, “4:44 Last Day on Earth” might just do the trick. – TOM RICHARDSON


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The Clarion

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Editor: Jason Cuevas @TheClarionMC

Madison College's new Triathlon Club The college is making an addition to the already long list of available clubs available on campus. The Athletics Department recently instituted a Triathlon Club. In our

last issue of the semester, The Clarion's Adrian Holtzman takes a look at the new club.


SWING and a MLB’s postseason just got longer, but is it the right decision?




fter the 2011 season, Major League Baseball announced it will expand its playoff system to include 10 teams instead of eight. It will be the second time since the strike in 1994 that the playoff system will be expanded. Now, there will be two wild card teams from each league, resulting with a playoff game between the two teams to earn a berth into the Division Series. The purists are surprisingly divisive on the issue playoff expansion. Normally, they are vocally supportive of one point of view. Some say it waters down the dramatics of the final week of the Major League season. As the MLB season is unfolding, Clarion sports editor Jason Cuevas and editor in chief Ryan Spoehr go head-to-head on this issue. to the top. It is not meant to be THE SPORTS GUY’S TAKE like basketball or hockey where One of the most exciting every mediocre team close to events in all of sports is watch.500 makes the playoffs. ing teams compete in a one It’s a special reward to make game playoff in Major League the baseball playoffs. It shows Baseball. So what would be that you have excelled over wrong with making sure that the course of an insanely long happened each and every year? season. An entire crew of men A lot. came together for the Starting this sealong haul. son there will now The new Wild be two teams that Card team will now receive a wild card also be at a huge playoff spot in MLB. disadvantage. If you They will play one have one game to game to determine play in you have to who will advance to use your best pitcher the opening round for it. The stakes are series. This undermines the marathon JASON CUEVAS just too high not to. This means that your that is the baseball Sports Editor best pitcher will now season. also be at the back of Baseball at its the rotation It’s hard core is meant to be played over to enough to put out enough a number of days. When using decent pitching as it is. With your relief pitchers a manager your ace suddenly at the end always has in the back of his most teams are now at a disadmind who will be available for vangent against whomever they the next day. No action takes are playing. place without thinking of what It is probably not going you will have left for tomorrow. away, but one can hope that Having playoff spots decided by baseball realizes the folly in just one game takes away form what they are doing. Lets keep the heart of the game really is baseball as the one sport where really about. a playoff birth is really earned The playoffs are supposed and just handed out haphazto be an elite club. Over the ardly. course of 162 games you rise

Series, especially within the THE CHIEF’S TAKE home markets. Why not take However, some purists advantage of that? are saying it’s a good thing That’s not the only reason to expand the playoff system why adding two teams is the and add a team from each right thing to do. There is also league. the practicality part of it. It It adds one more game to adds more incentive to win the the slate of games. That game -- a play-in game, is essentially division. The three division winners now get a what Major League bye and the two Wild Baseball is giving Card teams have to us. It will not be go into the Division an additional series Series at a disadvanof games, but one tage, possibly even game, essentially after using their best with the “win or go pitcher just to get in home” tagline, much the postseason. like the “game 163” Ever since the that has been seen Wild Card was more frequently RYAN SPOEHR added in 1995, every lately in MLB. Editor in Chief playoff team had the In 2009, the same chance of winMinnesota Twins ning the World Series, includplayed the Detroit Tigers in a ing the teams with the best sudden death play-in game to determine the American League and worst records. Now, the Wild Card entrants who will Central Division winner. In not have the best record in the that 6-5 win by the Twins, the league and in some cases won’t game was watched by an averhave as good a record as any of age of 6.543 million people. the division winners, will not In Minnesota, there was a have as much of a chance. 27.1 rating and 24.6 rating in It is a debate that will likely Detroit. It was the highest rated continue far beyond the 2012 regular season game overall in playoffs. In fact, it will likely 2009. continue until the next time People regularly tune into MLB considers adding more these games that determine an rounds to their postseason. entrant into MLB’s Division

The Clarion

Wednesday, April 25, 2012





Give a little Packers play different kind of ball for charity

JASON CUEVAS Sports Editor

With the NFL season still months away many local fans are missing out on their much loved Green Bay Packers. While there may not have been any football being played, some fans recently got to enjoy watching the players they admire show off their athletic skills in a different manner. On April 20, the DeForest Lions Club held a charity basketball game at DeForest high school. The matchup was between member of the lions and members of the Green Bay Packers. “I’m happy to see two organizations working together to provide for those in need,” said Miguel Ramirez, DeForest Lions Club President. “I think it’s a great thing for a small club like the DeForest Lions Club to be able to partner up with an NFL organization, especially the Green Bay Packers. We are more than proud to have and them and welcome them to DeForest for this event.” The event featured door prizes donated by the Packers. There were multiple signed balls plus an Aaron Rodgers signed Jersey that seemed to be the most sought after item. These were handed out at select stoppages throughout the game. Wide Receiver James Jones was

happy to come out and be a part of the event. He played basketball in high school and had a scholarship to play in college before ultimately deciding to play football. He runs his own charity with the website “We always play basketball down at the gym. We enjoy coming out here having some fun with the fans, shooting the ball around, we all have hoop dreams,” Jones said. The game itself was very lopsided. Unsurprisingly, the Lions Club did not have the same level of athleticism as the Packers. A good show was made for the audience with dunks and alley oops all around. Children were brought in from the stands to shoot free throws in place of the players and do a little mingling with the athletes. Kaden Wuebben was able to get his dad Rick to bring him to the event and had a smile on his face the whole time. “It’s great and it’s great they’re autographing,” Wuebben said. “It’s great that they are getting out here to help donate for kids who can’t see very well.” During halftime, the players sat down at a table and gave autographs and chatted for a minute to everyone that wanted to do so. The line was quite long and a much longer halftime than is standard was needed to

get everyone through. Dana Entzminger attended with her daughter who was excited to get meet the players because she’d never had the chance to see them in person before. “It’s great, we’re big packer fans. Have a bunch of memorabilia in our basement, so this is just great,” Entzminger said. The money raised will be donated to local organizations. Ramirez listed food pantries, the DeForest area need networks and the senior center among organizations they would like to donate to. The Lions Club also does a great amount of work helping the blind and with blindness prevention. All money donated will stay in the community. The members of the Lions Club pay for all administrative costs and national donations. The event was one of two major fundraisers that the DeForest Lions Club does each year. They also do a 4th of July raffle and chicken dinner at Fireman’s Park.


Members of the Green Bay Packers participated in a charity basketball game with the DeForest Lions Club on April 20.

Intramurals let anyone be an athlete JASON CUEVAS Sports Editor

Not every student contains the makeup to be a member of the WolfPack sports teams, but this doesn’t mean they have to give up on team sports while they are in college. There are plenty of opportunities for students to stay in shape and flex their competitive muscles on campus. Madison College offers a wide range of intramural sports that anyone with a valid one card may participate in. The current season recently winded down though the fall will bring a chance for students new and old to get in on the action. Basketball and volleyball will be offered and there is hope to have both soccer and flag football as long as a proper space for holding them can be established. There are also a variety of one-time activities such as bowling and a golf outing in addition to students being able to rock climbing at Boulders for a discounted rate. Intramural intern Kirsty Lowry

potential development of a challenge expressed that intramurals are an open environment. The basketball can be com- course on campus and perhaps a frisbee golf course to go along with that. The petitive at times, though sometimes the volleyball teams do not even keep score. hope is to help bring in students who want to get fit, but maybe aren’t a fan of She feels that there are a lot of benefits the more traditional sports. to taking part, including friendships Bowling, rock along the way. climbing, and golf “The bond you get do contain small as a team or just meetfees to participate ing new people. The I think it’s important while all other skills you get with sports are free of that specific sport. because one of the things charge. This makes Fitness, health -- just a lot of the latest literature it a cheap and easy having a good laugh,” way for students to Lowry said. “It’s not says is we want people be fit. something that people “I think it’s generally train for. Just to be active, at every age important because show up on the night group.” one of the things and play. It’s very — Scot Vesterdahl a lot of the latest social.” intramural director literature says is The games usually we want people take place in evenings to be active, at every age group,” said starting between 6:15 and 8:00. The Scot Vesterdahl, intramural director. “So Student Activities Board decides on the intramural sports offers people a great funding for intramural sports. This helps pay for referees, t-shirts, and the disopportunity to be active, to move, and counts on things like bowling or golf. meet other people.” Currently the school is looking at the Students are welcome to contact the

intramural department if they have an idea of their own for adding a sport. The staff is happy to work with people. The main issue that can occur with such things is finding the proper place to hold events. The current construction on campus has made this a bit harder for now. While there are flyers and posters around campus about intramurals, Lowry expressed that she still thinks that not enough people know about intramural sports currently. She expressed a desire for more students to find out what the intramural sports are like. “Just wanting them to know it’s a supportive fun environment. Just knowing it’s really open, it’s really friendly, really supportive,” Lowry said. “That’s why we are there. To allow everyone to join in on some level, whatever their level is.” There are no fitness or skill requirements of anybody to participate and all leagues are co-ed. Students just need to register under intramural sports in the A-Z index at Friends may group up to be on a team together or as individuals.





The Clarion

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Baseball team keeps up its torrid pace CLARION STAFF REPORT The Madison College baseball team has won six of its last eight games, continuing the strong play it has displayed all season. As of April 23, the team’s overall record stands at 26-0 and 9-1 in conference play. In its most recent stretch of games, the WolfPack defeated the UW-Madison Club Team and swept Milwaukee Area Technical College in a doubleheader. The Madison College softball team, though, has lost six straight games to see its overall record fall to 12-21. On April 17, four Madison College pitchers combined to limit the UW-Madison Club team to one hit as the WolfPack won 7-1. Casey Doucette picked up the win for Madison College, with support from fellow pitchers Mac Wichmann, Brent Mueller and Gunnar Neal. Vincent Schmitz, Taylor Carlson and Treysen Vavra each had two hits in the game to lead the WolfPack on offense. Schmitz hit a triple in the game, while Vavra added a double. The WolfPack dropped a game to Heartland Community College, 11-4, on April 19 and split a doubleheader with Oakton Community College on April 20, losing 7-5, then winning 13-6. On April 21, the WolfPack baseball team defeated Milwaukee Area Technical College in both games of a doubleheader, 13-4 and 3-2. In the first game against Milwaukee, the WolfPack jumped out to a commanding lead early. They took advantage of


Madison College pitcher Casey Doucette pitches against the UW-Madison Club Team on April 17. The WolfPack posted a 7-1 victory. five walks and a hit batter in the inning to score eight runs on just four hits in the first inning. Bryce Barsness had a strong game offensively for the WolfPack, getting three hits, scoring three times and driving in three runs. The second game against Milwaukee

was much closer, with Madison College winning, 3-2, on a walk-off RBI single by Ryan McShane. Josh Rowles had two hits in the game for the WolfPack and scored all three runs for his team. On April 22, Madison College dominated the first game against Rock Valley College, winning 12-1, before posting a

close 4-2 victory in the second game. In the first game, Madison College benefited from seven walks and four errors by Rock Valley College. Eric DuCharme and Landon Tenhagen both had two hits for the WolfPack in the game. In the second game, pitcher Casey Doucette held Rock Valley College to two runs on nine hits in six innings. Brent Mueller and Cody Peterson pitched the final inning to secure the victory. Vincent Schmitz had a big game for the WolfPack, with three hits and two RBIs. The Madison College softball team was unable to score a run in two games against the College of DuPage on April 21, losing both games, 8-0. The WolfPack had five hits in the first game, but left all of the runners stranded on base. Similarly, the second game saw Madison College limited to four hits, with six runners left on base. On April 22, the WolfPack softball team led both games against Waubonsee Community College before falling, 3-2 and 10-6. In the first game, Waubonsee scored twice in the bottom of the seventh inning to steal a game from Madison College. Heather Edgren led the WolfPack with two hits and two RBIs in the game. In the second game, Madison College scored four times in the fourth inning to take a 6-4 lead. But Waubonsee retook the lead by scoring one run in the fourth inning, two in the fifth and three in the sixth.

The Clarion

Wednesday, April 25, 2012




puzzled places





The Clarion

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

BUYBACK DATES Truax (Room 129C)

May 14-17, 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. May 18, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Downtown (Bookstore) May 14-17, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 18, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

West (Bookstore)

May 16-17, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. May 18, 9 a.m. to noon

Fort Atkinson (Room 117) May 15-17, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Portage (lobby)

May 15-16, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Reedsburg (Room 102) May 14-15, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Watertown (Room 132) May 14-15, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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