Spring 2013 Welcome Back - Monday, January 21, 2013 - The Daily Cardinal

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University of Wisconsin-Madison

Complete campus coverage since 1892



Spring Welcome Back 2013

Graphic by Angel Lee

“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”




Spring Welcome Back 2013

Obama addresses nation in second inaugural speech By Ben Siegel The Daily Cardinal

WASHINGTON, D.C.—History loomed over Washington on the overcast Monday morning of President Barack Hussein Obama’s second inauguration. They came from Brooklyn and Alabama, Illinois and Wisconsin, Arizona and around the world to watch America’s first African-American president take his second public oath of office. “Having an African American president sworn in on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, I wanted to be here to witness that,” said Rex Slate, a Birmingham, Ala., attorney. “As an American from the South, it is very special and I’m proud to be here.” The weekend’s 800,000 visitors were less than half the number that descended onto Washington in 2009, but for those in attendance, like Dr. Cyril O. Byron, a 92-year-old veteran pilot with the 99th Fighter Squadron and a Tuskegee Airman in World War II, the significance of the moment was no less powerful. “Seeing all these people here, you wouldn’t think that discrimination and prejudice was going on,” he said from his wheelchair, tucked under a blanket and among a score of Tuskegee Airmen in attendance. “Years ago [white people] wouldn’t want to walk on the same side of the street as us in Tuskegee, Alabama.” In his 18-minute address that he crafted throughout the week and into the weekend leading up to Monday’s ceremony, Obama, crackling with energy on a morning when many in the crowd couldn’t feel their toes,


‘We must act’

— President Barack Obama

compared the civil rights movement to the fights for women’s suffrage and gay rights. He followed up with allusions to Seneca Falls and the Stonewall riots by voicing support for legal equality for sex relationships, an unprecedented subject in inaugural history. “Our journey is not complete until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law,” he said. “For if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well.” He continued with broad references rather than specific policy mandates, alluding to voter suppression and immigration reform, followed by a description of a vision of a socially responsible society where children from “the hills of Appalachia to the quiet lanes of Newtown know that they Ben Siegel/the daily cardinal are cared for and cherished and always An estimated 800,000 people stretched from the U.S. Capitol to the safe from harm.” Washington Monument for the 57th Presidential Inauguration Monday. Monday’s proceedings reflected a changing America, as illustrated by the ceremony’s official participants. more done with Democratic control [of Pocan said in an email. The inaugural poet was Richard Blanco, Congress],” Statter said. “But these are Obama now has more of his presidency a gay Latino man and the son of Cuban his last four years and that’s it. There’s behind him than ahead, and his address émigrés. Rev. Luis Leon, an Episcopal value to bipartisanship, but this time may embodied the urgency of the moment— Priest, gave a portion of the closing bene- require different strategies and tactics.” the sense of history at his back and a diction in Spanish. Obama’s sentiments, tempered by finite amount of time to enact change as It was day of celebration and opti- experiences in an increasingly polarized President of the United States. mism in Washington. Those in atten- Washington, were cautiously optimistic, “Being true to our founding documents dance, including Associated Students of and shared by colleagues including U.S. does not require us to agree on every conMadison Legislative Affairs Chair Dan Rep. Mark Pocan, D-Madison. tour of life,” he said. ”Progress does not Statter, look forward to what Obama’s “I believe America spoke on Election compel us to settle centuries-long debates second term may bring. Day and told us that we must work togeth- about the role of government for all time, “I thought he could have gotten er and do what is right for America,” but it does require us to act in our time.”

State legislature off to contentious start By Jack Casey The Daily Cardinal

The 101st Wisconsin legislative session began with high expectations from legislators on both sides of the aisle along with Gov. Scott Walker, who pledged to leave partisanship and political fighting behind in favor of bipartisan work toward a better state. However, just one week and a controversial mining bill later, Wisconsin appears to be stuck with the partisanship it has faced in recent years. Walker spoke for the majority of Republicans, who control both houses of the state legislature, when he laid out his plans for the new session. In his weekly radio address Jan. 10, Walker emphasized avoiding past polarizing issues to focus on top priorities such as jobs, education and government reforms. With Republicans and Democrats using terms like optimism and bipartisanship, the legislature seemed poised for a strong start, which happened Jan. 10 when the Assembly passed new rules limiting late night Assembly debates, something both parties agreed was a positive development. In a statement released that day, Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca, D-Kenosha, said the rules represented a place to build

from as the session continued. “Moving forward it is vital that we replicate this bipartisanship and cooperation to immediately move forward on job creation and helping middle-class families,” Barca said in the statement. However, controversial rules involving observers in the Assembly gallery soon followed the debating restrictions, sparking the first apparent concerns among Democratic representatives. The new rules, now adopted, restrict what items Assembly observers can bring and how they can act inside the chamber. While Republicans saw the rules as safeguards against ill-mannered protesters, Democrats called the rules an infringement on observers’ First Amendment rights. When similar regulations were adopted in the state Senate soon after, the concerns followed. On Jan. 16, only a week after the session opened, State Reps. Tom Tiffany, R-Hazelhurst, and Scott Suder, R-Abbotsford, introduced the Republican version of a bill meant to ease restrictions in the state’s permitting process for mining companies. The new bill is almost identical to the bill that failed last session when state Sen. Dale Schultz, R-Richland Center,

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shilpa kalluru/the daily cardinal

The Associated Students of Madison Student Council will hold its first meeting of the spring semester Jan. 30 in the Student Activity Center.

ASM prepares for spring campaigns By Cheyenne Langkamp The Daily Cardinal

Associated Students of Madison representatives were able to find compromise and make progress on multiple issues this fall, something the organization hopes will continue into the spring as it lobbies for increased support for the university in the next state budget, according to ASM Press Office Director David Gardner.

“We’ve been called the ‘respectful’ ASM this session and I think it’s because we’ve really tried to find compromise,” Gardner said. “Representatives have put the interests of students over their own.” Gardner pointed to the quick passage of the ASM internal budget and creation of the new grassroots Sustainability Committee, which seeks to facilitate a unified student front on improving environmental sus-

tainability, as examples of compromise this fall. “There were times when we disagreed with each other,” Gardner said. “However I think people were very much in the spirit of compromise and we saw a lot of compromise.” The Sustainability Committee, approved by Student Council in November, will begin its work this spring in

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What happened over break? Police name final Montee Ball attacker Madison police identified 27-year-old Karlis Griffin Jan. 9 as the fourth and final suspect involved in the Aug. 1 attack on Badgers running back Montee Ball. Police originally suspected five men of attacking Ball on the 500 block of University Avenue as he was walking home from State Street Brats around 2 a.m., but police then narrowed the list to four suspects by using video surveillance footage, according to Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain. Ball suffered a concussion

as a result of the attack and missed the first week of 2012-’13 preseason football practice. University of WisconsinMadison students Deonte Wilson and Wendell Venerable, 21, and Robert Wilks, 22, are also suspects in the incident. Wilson pleaded guilty Jan. 18 to disorderly conduct and obstructing an officer, according to Wisconsin Court Records. Additionally, Wilks and Venerable pleaded guilty in December to substantial battery and intended bodily harm for the attack.

Federal court upholds controversial collective bargaining restrictions A federal appeals court upheld the controversial Act 10 legislation, which limited public workers’ ability to collectively bargain, in a split decision Jan. 18, inciting a mix of validation and disappointment for Wisconsin state legislators. The 7th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals said the legislation should be “upheld in its entirety,” reversing an earlier decision by a Madison judge, who declared portions of Act 10 allowing for withholding union dues and mandating yearly union voting for recertification unconstitutional.

Democratic legislators said the ruling would undo progress legislators had made on reinstating collective bargaining rights. However, Republicans saw the ruling as a validation of their efforts in passing the legislation. According to Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen, the ruling was a sign Republicans had been correct. “Today’s decision by the Seventh Circuit confirms what I have stated from the beginning.” Van Hollen said in a statement. “Act 10 is constitutional.”

Walker outlines goals in State of State Gov. Scott Walker gave the State of the State address Jan. 15, telling Wisconsinites the state has moved forward and outlining jobs, education and mining as priorities for Wisconsin. Walker cited a lower unemployment rate than when he took office two years ago as well as structural reforms that balanced state and local budgets as evidence of progress. “What we did was think more about the next generation

than we did about the next election, and it worked,” Walker said during the address. However, in a Democratic response after the speech, Senate Minority Leader Chris Larson, D-Milwaukee, said Walker’s speech was “high on theatrics, but low on substance.” In particular, Larson criticized Walker’s emphasis on job creation, saying it has been the governor’s top priority for two years without results.

photo courtesy of hansen campaign

Resnick, Hansen campaign for District 8 Council seat By Melissa Howison The Daily Cardinal

The April 2 election for Madison’s District 8 Common Council seat will be a contest between incumbent alder Scott Resnick and Christian Hansen, a University of Wisconsin-La Crosse alum who is on a local Cooperative Board. The District 8 alder represents the district which encompasses most of campus, including university residence halls and off-campus housing. Resnick, endorsed by 18 of the 19 current alders, said a second term would allow him the opportunity to build on the improvements he made during the last two years on Common Council. He said he is especially proud of the campus safety projects, such as new city lighting he was able to push through city Council despite opposition. “Coming into next year, we’re going to have simi-

asm from page 2 what Gardner called a “learning semester.” The committee will work to create official bylaws and structure, as well as spearheading its own campaigns. In a preliminary committee meeting last fall, members discussed campaign options including a plastic water bottle ban and efforts to increase awareness of recycling and composting on campus. According to Gardner, much of ASM’s focus this spring will be on lobbying Gov. Scott Walker and other

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shoaib altaf/the daily cardinal

Gov. Scott Walker explains his focuses for the new year in his State of the State address, including his goals for jobs and mining.

grey satterfield/the daily cardinal

Madison Community Cooperative Board member Christian Hansen will run against incumbent alder Scott Resnick for the District 8 seat, which includes much of the UW-Madison campus.

sided with Democrats against the bill because of environmental concerns. The introduction caused an outcry from Democrats who noted the new bill lacked any Democratic proposals to improve last year’s bill, sugges-

lar conversations, and I feel like I’m the best applicant for those issues,” Resnick said. Although new to Madison city government, Hansen said his current position as an elected representative on the board at the Madison Community Cooperative makes him a strong candidate for the job. “To me it’s all about inclusion and sustained community engagement because I feel very strongly that the answers to our district issues come from those who live there, and I will be personally attending meetings to address their needs,” Hansen said. Despite Hansen’s accusations that the required signatures Resnick collected were illegitimate, Resnick will appear on the ballot after the city clerk’s office overruled the challenge. Resnick said his platform focuses on three goals: increasing campus safety,

empowering students by encouraging them to serve in city leadership positions and improving housing practices such as holding landlords accountable, and strengthening the housing committee. “When I entered Council we had almost no students serving on any city committees,” Resnick said. “We’re getting close to having a dozen students on city committees including two that are in leadership roles.” If elected, Hansen said he plans to prioritize creating affordable housing for students and homeless people by bringing the cooperative living model to the city, increasing bus access and broadening the range of voices in community discussions. “I find quite often that students are not taken seriously and we need to make sure that happens on the city level,” Hansen said.

state legislators as the next state budget is prepared. Students from the ASM Legislative Affairs Committee have already presented student budget priorities, which include capping tuition and restoring state financial support for higher education. Gardner said these efforts are especially important following the large cuts given to the University of Wisconsin System in the previous state budget. “We want to make sure that this year we’re speaking out before action is taken so the governor and legislature

know that we’re 42,000 strong and we value quality, affordable education on campus,” Gardner said. ASM will also be a resource for student input on the chancellor search and drafting of a new campus Diversity Plan, according to Gardner, both of which will be completed in the spring semester. Additionally, Gardner said ASM will work on its Campus Safety and Mental Health Campaigns by continuing to build relationships with other groups, including city officials and University Health Services.

tions developed after state Sen. Tim Cullen, D-Janesville, held bipartisan committee discussions earlier last year. While both Tiffany and Suder said the bill is a starting point and that their “doors are wide open,” Democrats still have their doubts. A Friday announcement that the only

hearing on the bill will be held in Madison, far from the area the bill would most affect, has only caused more complaints from northern Democrats. Cullen plans to introduce his own Democratic version of a mining bill Tuesday, which will likely lead to discussions for the rest of the week.

page two Goal for spring: Don’t be a sloth tODAY: partly sunny hi 10º / lo 1º



wednesDAY: partly sunny hi 23º / lo 7º

Spring Welcome Back 2013


An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 122, Issue 70

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Rachel schulze rache jam


pring semester is upon us, folks. A new semester means a chance to reorganize and prioritize goals (read: get your stuff together), so I’m trying to take advantage of a fresh start. Over break, I did some thinking—albeit in between naps—about how I want this spring to go. I came up with a few thoughts, and all of my plans fell under one underwhelming but appropriate and accurate overarching goal: Don’t devolve into a lazy sloth. It’s been known to happen to the best of us, but this spring I am determined not to end up hooked on a trashy CW drama covered in Dorito dust. Here’s the game plan:

Work out regularly

Executing this goal will require some deception on my part. For two years now, I have told myself and others, “I LOVE

running.” This is a lie. In fact, I HATE running. I go as far as to tell myself how refreshed I feel after running the track at the SERF. As “refreshing” as it is to breathe in that sweet blend of stale air and old feet, jogging the SERF track is not my idea of a super swell afternoon. But, as much as I’d rather be watching “The Vampire Diaries”—uh, I mean, “Breaking Bad”—I want to stay healthy. So, on that note, I LOVE RUNNING.

Don’t mimic the eating patterns of a grizzly bear

Experts say protein is what keeps you full/stops you from “snacking” on an entire package of Oreos. However, cooking actual protein-rich dishes requires culinary skills I have yet to master. So, after a trip to Woodman’s, I’ve stocked up on “delicious” protein-rich snack bars that I have assured myself won’t taste like chocolate-flavored hotdogs. I also picked up a box of what looks like brown gravel. The label tells me it’s a cinnamon-sugar cereal, but we’ll

The Dirty Bird

see. Eat up, Rachel!

Study on weekend mornings

Doing this requires: 1. An alarm clock without a snooze button: The snooze button lets us believe we are going to get up early while also enabling us to sleep until noon. I tell myself, “Oh, I’ll set the alarm for 8:20, snooze a couple times and be out the door before 9:30.” False. Fifteen snoozes later, and I have slept through the whole morning. An alarm clock without a snooze button is my only hope of getting out the door before it’s late enough for me to decide just to stay home and eat lunch. 2. A coffee pot: Drink coffee, get work done. I have used this philosophy throughout college and will continue to follow its guidance. 3. Relevant books: Bringing 20 pounds of books but not the only one that I need? Fail. But that never happens.…

Plan rest of life

Before we get too far into this semester, I need to begin stressing out about getting summer internships and where I want to live once school’s out. Fortunately, though,

my family is very supportive in this area. They make sure I stay on track by asking helpful, direct questions like: “You aren’t going to work at that gross summer camp again, are you?” “So, what do you plan to do with a JOURNALISM degree?” and “HAVE YOU GOTTEN AN INTERNSHIP YET?!” Needless to say, they help me keep my chin up. After writing this out, I can say it all seems doable. A few laps here and there and a couple choco-hotdog protein bars should keep my energy up. And really, my classes this semester are all interesting enough that I’m sure I’ll want to read the textbooks every night, right? Once I’m on a roll, I’ll feel naturally motivated to write those personal statements for internships. Welp, it’s still syllabus week, so I guess I’ll just make myself a little snack and watch some Netflix before classes start to pick up. Do you like eating Cheetos while watching “Pretty Little Liars” in your underwear? Keep Rachel motivated by dropping her an email at rmschulze@dailycardinal.com.

sex and the student body

Rules of engagement in spring semester screwing

Alex Tucker sex columnist


appy return to Madison, friends! Hope your break was as swell as mine. Perhaps you returned to your abodes and met with your hometown hookup. Maybe you introduced your families to your steady school sweetheart. You may have even taken advantage of time away by befriending new babes for an on-vacation affair. Whatever your pleasure, it’s high time to return to the school of hard knocks and enter into the world of casual sex. A chief advantage of going to such a large school is the ability to get laid pretty much whenever you want. Have an 8 a.m. lecture tomorrow morning? Boned. Going to the football game in an hour? Got lucky first. All day, every day? Sexy times. Hooking up is always possible on a college campus, but Madison, with its abundance of house parties, bars, concerts and events—not to mention the hot persons roaming all of the above—lends itself to one-nightstands. Besides, the anonymity afforded by a campus of so many means nobody has to be privy to your private business, unless you like to kiss and tell, of course! However, there are some crucial caveats that come along with screwing randos. You have to be both responsible and willing to take risks; think about some consequences whilst throwing caution to the wind! Per usual, the Dirty Bird is here to provide you with a guide. So, without further ado, I present seven simple rules to casual hookups: 1. Consent. Not only is it our

responsibility to obtain permission for each sexual act we are hoping to engage in, but we have to be aware of exactly who can give consent. Good rule of thumb after drinking: If the person doesn’t seem capable of driving a car, they cannot say “yes” to any sexual activities. And remember: consent implies an informed “yes,” as opposed to the absence of a “no.” Withholding pertinent information, such as the presence of a transmissible infection, is forcing your partner to participate in nonconsensual activity. Be honest and have fun if you do get that enthusiastic “yes!” 2. Condoms. It doesn’t matter whether you’re using toys, penises or vegetables; if objects are being inserted into human orifices with new partners, barrier protection is a must. It doesn’t matter if we’re using mouths, vaginas, anuses or boobies. Condoms. Which are of course free at the Sex Out Loud office in the SAC! Stock up. 3. Communication. As the Onion’s sex columnist Dan Savage suggests, ask your new partner what they’re into. You might get to learn about something you’ve never heard of before and will get to explore your own desires in return. It’s a win-win situation! 4. Be generous and be selfish. While you should, of course, work toward pleasing your partner, allow yourself to relax and enjoy all of the physical perceptions that sex drives the body toward. Think about the way sex infiltrates the five senses and creates an experience unique from any other. Claim everything that comes from that for yourself and really appreciate the experience. 5. Be open to possibilities. Even though you’ve just met this hottie, there’s no telling whether or not this person may become a

regular presence in your life. If you have enough fun, you may want to continue seeing your new buddy for regular shag sessions, or something deeper may develop between the two of you. They might even turn out to be a few words short of a sentence and track you down each day until you agree to see them again. Inviting any person so intimately into your life can offer up quite a myriad of opportunities, so stay positive no matter what you’re looking for. And cross your fingers for no creeps. 6. Try things you haven’t done before! By being open to new experiences in the encounter, you’ll have a new bag of tricks to utilize during future soirées.

Besides, you have nothing to lose! If you feel embarrassed or incompetent at any point, you can simply pretend it never happened. Forty thousand is a lot of people…thank goodness! 7. During your walk of fame, keep your chin up! Watching the seemingly ashamed ladies and gentlemen walk down Park and State Streets on weekend mornings kills our enthusiasm for this city. Take pride in your sexcapades and don’t be regretful of the fun you had. Claim it as, if anything, a learning experience and certainly nothing to disparage. Well, there you have it! Go get laid, Badgers! Juicy sex questions? Email sex@dailycardinal.com to ask Alex for answers!


Spring Welcome Back 2013




Nix pre-made sauces: Goat cheese is udder bliss By Becca Alt the daily cardinal

Over the past couple of months, I have stumbled upon a newfound affinity for goat cheese. I actively search for recipes in which goat cheese takes the center stage and have devised a few concoctions of my own where the tang adds something extra that really makes the dish pop. Whether spread atop a piece of whole-wheat toast or dollopped upon a baked potato in place of a slab of butter, this cheese adds a whole other dimension to run of the mill recipes. In a state of boredom mixed with culinary creativity, I decided to cook up a new pasta recipe using the left over produce I had in my fridge. Rather than venture into the frigid abyss that is Wisconsin from December through April, I try my best to exert my resourcefulness and work with what I have in stock rather than trekking to Fresh Market or Cap Centre. On this particular evening, I had spinach, brussels sprouts and a log of goat cheese, along with an always stocked pantry of various grains. Attuned to my constant craving for the zesty bite of goat cheese and lacking premade or homemade pasta sauces, I

thought why not experiment with a goat cheese based sauce? I wasn’t sure that the cheese would melt into the creamy sauce I desired, but with no other immediate options I gave the cheese a trial run. I was pleasantly surprised by just how savory this dish turned out to be. Reserving some of the hot, starchy pasta liquid helped melt the cheese to a velvety consistency that clung to each noodle like white on rice. I chose to use brussels sprouts and spinach simply because those were readily available, however, a number of vegetables would pair well with this base recipe. Regardless of whether you use broccoli, broccolini, beets or asparagus, I recommend seasoning the roasted vegetables with rosemary. This earthy herb pairs well with virtually any vegetable and grounds the sharp flavor of the goat cheese (pun intended). Sun-dried tomatoes would also add an enjoyable zing to the dish, but I would use only a few chopped into bite sized pieces, as sun-dried tomatoes have a very pronounced, concentrated flavor that could overpower the entrée’s delicate balance. For those who cannot have a

dinner that does not feature meat in some shape or form, roasted chicken would merry perfectly with the rosemary, vegetables and cheese without stealing the spotlight from the lead player—the goat cheese. Simply brush a boneless, skinless chicken breast with olive oil and lemon juice, sprinkle with salt, pepper and rosemary, and bake for 35-40 minutes at 375 degrees or until no longer pink. Cut the baked chicken breast into bite-sized pieces and stir into the pasta at the very end. To retain the chicken’s moisture, wrap the chicken in aluminum foil after seasoning. Serving size is for two people, so adjust according to how many (or few) you are entertaining. I recommend pairing this dish with a light, crisp white wine such as an Italian Pinot Grigio or New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc. For beer connoisseurs, I regret I am not nearly as familiar with beer varieties as I am with wine, so the task of unearthing the perfect compliment to goat cheese and rosemary is up to you. Bon appetit! Got recipe recommendations or requests you’d like to share with Becca? E-mail your tempting treats and go-to fixins at alt2@dailycardinal.com.

Goat Cheese Penne Ingredients: 3) Spread brussels sprouts on a 8-oz penne pasta baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil; 4-oz log of goat cheese (remove sprinkle with salt, pepper, rose from fridge when boiling the mary and minced garlic. Roast for water so that cheese is approach roughly 10 minutes while noodles ing room temperature) are boiling. 2 cups spinach, roughly chopped 1-1 ½ cups brussels sprouts, 4) Drain penne, reserving about halved or quartered, depending ¼ cup of cooking liquid, and pour on size back into pot or separate bowl with olive oil liquid. Add lemon juice and rough 1 clove of garlic, minced ly 2 ounces of goat cheese, (more salt and pepper, to taste or less depending on how cheesy fresh or dried rosemary you want the pasta). Stir until pinch of red pepper flakes penne is completely coated. 2 tbsp lemon juice 5) Add chopped spinach and Directions: roasted brussels sprouts (or 1) Bring water to a boil in a whichever veggies you’re using) to medium sized pot; preheat oven the pasta. If accompanying with to 425 degrees. chicken, add roasted chicken now. Season with a pinch of red pepper 2) Add penne to pot once water flakes and salt and pepper to is boiling. Boil noodles according taste. Stir until medley of flavors to box directions. are evenly spread and combined.

Badger in the Big Apple: Alumni’s latest university apparel By Kelsey Eichman The daily cardinal

Over this past winter break, UW’s student-run organization Textile and Apparel Student Association (TASA) was fortunate enough to travel to New York City to meet with several distinguished designers and fashion companies. Of the companies visited, TASA had the pleasure to meet with the founder and creative director of Boy Meets Girl, a company founded by one of UW’s very own, Stacy Igel. Igel graduated from UW with three degrees: Design, Retail and Business—very much preparing herself for the roles she would take on when starting her own company. After working for various companies, both big and small (such as Izod, Elie Tahari, and Zandra Rhodes), Igel founded her own company, Boy Meets

Girl. From the beginning, she Igel’s company was bought by that has lead to her success today. used her signature logo of two the Moret group in July of 2010, She took her old cardboard office silhouette portraits of a boy thus allowing Igel to move into a pieces (yes, a cardboard desk and and a girl looking at each other, shiny, new space. Not to be lost in chair can hold up quite well) into hence the name Boy Meets Girl. the corporate world, Igel’s design her new space and also has a The idea originated from see- studio is still a very unique and cardboard “wish wall,” which ing silhouette portraits of chil- expressive environment, clearly TASA placed their carefully dren at both her own child- displaying the creative insight wished dreams into. hood home and her Igel has gone on to boyfriend’s childhood create a young contemhome. Igel explained porary line that is edgy to TASA how her yet wearable, all while company grew out of standing out against the her apartment (with slew of ‘Wisconsin’ red her first buyer being and white sweatshirts. the high-end departIn her University line she ment store, Bergdorf has added the appropriGoodman!), where she ate university logo to her played a multi-faceted signature silhouette boxes role of designer and allowing you to show business manager. your school pride and However, the envistill be the most fashionronment TASA saw forward of your friends. on the trip was very Already proving to be a Stacy Igel’s newly released university line pays success at the University different than a small special tribute to her Badger roots. Manhattan apartment. of Arizona, Clemson

University, Indiana University, Penn State, the University of Texas and the University of Virginia, Igel has taken her line back to her roots and has included Bucky in the mix. Affordable shirts, hoodies and various other products are currently available at the UW Bookstore or at boymeetsgirlusa. com. The best part is, after purchasing one of her hoodies or T-shirts, you can instagram a photo of yourself wearing the garment and hashtag #boymeetsgirlu and #invasionNYFW for a chance to win two tickets to New York Fashion Week in February! So show your support for your school and a native badger designer and you could win a chance to meet the famous alumni yourself in none other than the Big Apple! Want more info on how to win a trip to the city that never sleeps? E-mail Kelsey your thoughts and queries at eichman2@wisc.edu.

Life and Style is on the prowl for new writers... Got a knack for interior design? An eye for the latest fashion trends? Perhaps you’ve devised a killer 5-minute workout sure to attain those 6-pack abs you’ve longed for since the ninth grade? Interested in reviewing local restaurants, wineries, breweries or sharing your secret recipes with your fellow Badgers? Life and Style is looking for new columnists from all walks of life (well, mostly)!

Get involved by sharing your latest and greatest innovations and ideas with the editor at alt2@dailycardinal.com.

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Spring Welcome Back 2013


Recommendations from the arts desk Looking back at big releases from winter break and forward to an exciting semester in Madison With a few years of Madison life under my belt, I like to think I’ve experienced a fair amount of the art scene’s offerings in the way of concerts, exhibits and movies. However, as I recently forecasted ahead to spring semester, it occurred to me that I’ve been overlooking an important facet of the local arts: poetry and spoken word readings. First of all, shame on me. As a creative writing major and logophile, I’m surprised at my light sampling of the complex poetry community that flourishes throughout Madison. I did attend a sparse few readings by graduate students last semester, but deeper digging reveals how many different outlets, locations, dates, times and types of this art can be found around town. A little spin on the ol’ Google machine brought up one group that stuck out pretty significantly to me: Monsters of Poetry. Their website and the art it contains is an experience within itself (I’ll pause if you’d like to check it out right now) and they have upcoming readings on Feb. 1, March 1 and May 3. The accolades of the curators are an interesting read, and the community appears vibrant and eclectic at first glance. Many of the past or present curators of Monsters of Poetry attended or have worked with UW-Madison in some capacity, so it ties the organization deeply and personally to our location. The Dragonfly Lounge on 401 E. Washington will house these upcoming poetry readings, so for anyone sans vehicle like me, it’s no burden to plan out a bit of extra traveling time and attend one of the shows. With the Feb. 1 date sneaking up rather quickly, I’m getting increasingly eager to start dipping my toes into the poetry community thriving in Madison, and Monsters of Poetry seems like a prime place to begin. —Marina Oliver The Madison concert that I’m most looking forward to this semester is one that I’ve been waiting on for a long time. I doubt that I’m the only music-lover who can think of one or two acts I’ve always wanted to see live, but have never gotten the opportunity to due to circumstances. Well for me, one of those acts is Animal Collective; however, on March 17, at the Orpheum, my unfortunately long streak of missing their live performances may finally come to an end. Animal Collective has somehow managed to evade my eager-for-live-music eardrums up until this point, even though I’m an adamant fan of their unique and innovative sound. A lot of groups tend to go flat once they make it as big-name artists (I’ll spare everyone the list of name-drops). In my eyes, Animal Collective has totally steered clear of this creative sinkhole. Their 2009 EP Fall Be Kind—a follow-up to the insanely successful Merriweather Post Pavilion, which was in fact the group’s eighth studio album—is one of the few recordings that I can listen to over and over, yet experience in a new way each time. I think that’s partially why Animal Collective is so appealing to me—they’re hard to pin down as artists. I can envision what it might be like to attend one of their live performances. But I can also confidently say that Animal Collective will shatter whatever expectations I bring to their show, which to me is the foundation of a stellar concert experience. I mean, there’s really no point in going to a concert if it will only be a band on a stage running through their most recent album and then playing a few “classics” for an encore—might as well just stay home and listen on the stereo. I invest time in following live music because when it’s good, it translates an energy that can’t be experienced through any other medium. I think Animal Collective’s March concert will carry this special vibe. ­­—Andy Holsteen

It’s occurred to me that, to my knowledge, Yo La Tengo has never had a bad year in their whole 29-year existence. Considering the traditional pratfalls of so-called archetypal rock bands (sophomore slumps and then some, acrimonious break-ups, drug abuse, death), Yo La Tengo has deftly sidestepped pretty much every one of those precipices. What’s shielding them? Could it be their geniality and warm commitment to their sound? Could it be that this trio of musicians comes off as being like a warm cluster of nougat in a cold, hardscrabble music business? Or could it be, being the good Hobokenites they are, they long ago forged a pact with the Jersey Devil to ward off rock pratfalls? Your guess is as good as mine. Cryptids aside, maybe the only legitimate qualm you could have about Yo La Tengo is that they’re too good at being Yo La Tengo, or staying in a constant state of Yo La Tengo, rather. But if, to the casual observer, Yo La Tengo begins and ends with I Can Feel The Heart Beating As One, they’re resting on one hell of a benchmark; analogously, saying that F. Scott Fitzgerald begins and ends with “The Great Gatsby” is not necessarily to Scottie’s detriment, if a mild obfuscation of the facts. But I’m rambling. For those of you interested (like me), Yo La Tengo is coming to town Tuesday, February 5th at the Barrymore Theater, touring on the strength of their brand new album, Fade. And, perhaps breaking the pattern you have occasioned yourself to, they will be playing two sets that evening. No opener, just Yo La Tengo. What a novelty! I mean, when was the last time you went to see a band play two sets? Two sets! That’s two for the price of one! Almost makes you want to carouse in the streets, you’re so excited. And you will. By God you will. —Sean Reichard This Christmas was an action-filled trip for anyone who took the time to see

“Django Unchained.” Released amid much buzz, and not without its fair share of

controversy, Quentin Tarrantino’s latest production shook its way into theaters Dec. 25, 2012, and has since followed up with nothing short of solid box-office returns. This pseudo-western has in no way failed to meet, and in many cases surpassed, the expectations of critics and viewers alike. In short, “Django Unchained” takes place in 1858, when slave, Django, is recruited by a bounty hunter to aid in his business, after which, the said bounty hunter agrees to help Django free his wife from her enslavement to a large plantation owner. The movie features fantastic performances by Jamie Foxx, Leonardo DiCaprio, Samuel L. Jackson and the henceforth Oscar nominated and Golden Globe winning actor Christopher Waltz. The movie itself is also up for best picture and best original screenplay in the upcoming Oscars, and has won a Golden Globe for best screenplay. While indeed a very controversial and in many ways risky project to produce, this film made its best possible impact. All jokes regarding this being a formulaic Quentin Tarrantino film aside, with many comparisons being drawn to his earlier work, “Inglourious Basterds,” I would not hesitate to say that this film is worthy of a high degree of praise. The acting and soundtrack were phenomenal. The pacing and shots were clearly done by the hand of a seasoned action writer/director. And on that note, there was no shortage of bloody action scenes. This film is certainly not one for the kids. But for anyone willing to look past the vulgarity and touchy subject matter, this film is truly memorable. —Johann Poschung

Album Review: Foxygen falls short CD REVIEW

We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic Foxygen By Max Fisher the daily cardinal

Foxygen is the seven-year-old project of 22-year olds Sam France (vocals) and Jonathan Rado (guitar/ keys). Though the duo already has a back catalog eleven releases deep, We Are The 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic is Foxygen’s big budget debut LP on the Jagjaguwar label. Last year Jagjaguwar released Foxygen’s excellent Take the Kids Off Broadway EP to widespread acclaim, earning the band their fair share of buzz and a slot on tour with Of Montreal. Where Take the Kids was a lo-fi collage of 60s/70s glam, We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic is a Hi-Fi collage of ‘60s/’70s glam. The album is so in debt to its influences that it effective-

ly transcends the label “throwback record,” instead becoming a collage of the band’s role models. The title, as long-winded as it is, says it all. “In the Darkness” opens the record with gleaming Beatles harmonies over horn stabs lifted straight from “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.” The lyric “Without further ado/We’d like to introduce you/To the Darkness! (audience screams)” is all the evidence needed that Foxygen wants you to know who their heroes are. The next track, “No Destruction” is equal parts Highway 61-era Bob Dylan and Loaded-era Lou Reed. As the record plays on it’s thrilling to hear each section and point out “Hey! There’s Bowie/the Kinks/T. Rex/the Beatles/the Stones/the Velvets!” And it helps that France’s effected stutter sounds so eerily similar to Mick Jagger’s, he could be mistaken for Jagger’s ghost (oh wait, that guy’s still alive). On top of all that, We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic references every rock n’ roll cliché in the book. The record is saturated with vapid “OH YEAH”s, “LA LA LA”s and “BABY”s to the point of being tiresome. Nowhere do the lyrics sound serious or thoughtful—like Pavement, sans a good sense of humor. Which is disappointing, considering lyrics were paramount to the artists Foxygen is attempting

to conjure. But similarly to MGMT, Foxygen is able to channel these vintage sounds into endlessly catchy tunes packed dense with hooks. And like Ariel Pink, Foxygen’s grooves wander between time signatures, chord progressions, thoughts, ideas and contexts like an ADD kid off his meds. Although there are a couple throwaway tracks that seem to ramble on aimlessly (see “On Blue Mountain” and “Bowling Trophies”), the album never comes off as boring. It’s one of those records that appears jumbled at first, but richly rewards multiple listens. We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic offers no significant stylistic or artistic changes from Take the Kids Off Broadway EP. What it does offer is a higher production value courtesy of considerable Internet hype. All the grit and fuzz that enveloped the first EP has been washed away. And though Foxygen was no doubt due for a spit shine, they lost some of their aggressive tenacity by getting proverbial haircuts. We Are the 21st Century Ambassadors of Peace & Magic is not a groundbreaking record, but it’s not supposed to be. What it is is a damn catchy listen; a chance to rock out a bit and move on. Grade: B/C

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Come to The Daily Cardinal’s Spring Recruitment Meeting and learn how you can see your name in print. Friday, Feb. 1 4 p.m. 2195 Vilas Hall


Spring Welcome Back 2013




Video games can’t be blamed for violence Adam Paris Sega What? On December 14, a 20-yearold male gunned down 27 innocent children and adults in one of the most horrific events in this country’s history. One morning I shot and killed 54 people during a play session of “Spec Ops: The Line.” In one instance I spent the day shaken and disturbed, grasping for any comprehension of the day’s events. In the other, I went downstairs to eat Marshmallow Mateys and read about the Packer’s disappointing season, my mind void of any ethical dilemmas. In no way do I mean to trivialize the events in Newtown, CT. Instead, I present this dichotomy as a way to recognize the difficulty in examining possible correlations between virtual reality and the oftentimes far too real society everyone inhabits. Video game violence inevitably surfaces as an issue in the wake of seemingly every tragedy. It’s tiring and tedious to constantly defend my favorite medium. I don’t expect this trend to end anytime soon. However, I hold no delusions

of grandeur. Indeed, celebrated Texas A&M researcher Christopher Ferguson even notes, “It’s classic moral panic, whenever we have a traumatic event like this historically … people tend to blame the media. It makes us feel us feel like we know what happened and that we can fix it.” New mediums breed fear, generally stemming from a lack of understanding. Impossible to avoid but troubling all the same, generational gaps seem to contribute most notably to this miscomprehension. I can pop in “District 9,” a superb, complex sci-fi film, and examine its merits with my father; toss a controller in his hands for a match of “Halo 4” however, and he’s about as helpless as the Grunts onscreen. Comic books suffered similar growing pains. In the 1950s Dr. Fredric Wertham published erroneous claims about Batman & Robin promoting gay behavior among other outlandish proclamations. With these obvious threats to the serene, wholesome spirit of the 1950s, moral panic ensued. Earlier this month Southington, CT announced a program where violent video games (movies and music were also accepted) could be traded in for vouchers to local

entertainment. Planning to incinerate the diabolical collection, the town’s actions conjured up images of the disturbing comic book burnings that took place in the mid1950s. Radical and senseless, a perfectly sound sentiment became warped in the powerful blowback against media. Intense scrutiny is no stranger to extensive opposition. Adamant defenders of video games will point to the lack of conclusive evidence (a viewpoint shared by the Supreme Court, which upheld video games’ right to the First Amendment only last year) illustrated by the research of Chris Ferguson. Detractors present the correlation between video games and aggression demonstrated by Ohio State University’s Brad Bushman. The main issue is that this debate is victim to ignorance on both sides. I certainly reside in the video game camp, but blindly neglecting either side of the argument is foolish. Such naïveté is what results in troubling internet comments, or more publicly, the downright ridiculous comments of NRA head Wayne LaPierre. Assuredly there is room for discussion on the topic—the dueling theories of Bushman

and Ferguson back that up— but the plethora of uninformed opinions are what really irks me. I respect the right to a public forum, and perhaps it’s wishful thinking on my part, but I hope for more than a simple Google search (I was surprised LaPierre didn’t mention “Night Trap”) before public figures make statements about such a sensitive topic.

New mediums breed fear, generally from a lack of understanding.

With dissension amongst top researchers in the field, increased studies are a more than reasonable solution. The allocation of $10 million dollars for further examination should only provide further information on a topic that warrants further discussion. I merely wish the president had not singled out video games in his public address; it’s bothersome and ignorant to constantly call out one medium over another and it further exacerbates the poor public perception of the industry.

Personally, I find this issue exhausting. From Columbine to Jack Thompson to last year’s Supreme Court case, my favorite industry is ostensibly never safe from criticism. I’m tired of having video games singled out over other media. I’m tired of increasingly uninformed individuals spouting their bothersome opinions. I play games daily, but find violence disturbing and even abhor everyday confrontations. Does that make me a psychopath? Popular opinion seems to believe it does. Mild hyperbole aside, these types of moral quandaries are distressing and difficult to comprehend. Such dissonance contributes to the two factions remaining wildly distant, a problem continued research could help alleviate. Despite the hullabaloo about this debate, in reality the factors for travesties such as Newtown extend far beyond indulging in a few rounds of “Call of Duty.” For every aggressive gamer there are millions more relishing the pure entertainment value of a diverse industry. Common sense is a fickle thing in the wake of tragedies. Here’s hoping it returns in the coming months with some definitive data in tow. Think Adam’s got the video game debate all wrong? Send feedback to arparis@wisc.edu.


I do hope they signal... Upon exiting caves, bats always turn left. Spring Welcome Back 2013 • 11


Today’s Sudoku

Enjoyment of classes on day one

Eatin’ Cake

By Dylan Moriarty www.eatincake.com

© Puzzles by Pappocom

By Melanie Shibley shibley@wisc.edu

Solution, tips and computer program available at www.sudoku.com.

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

First in Twenty

By Angel Lee alee23@wisc.edu

Today’s Crossword Puzzle

By Steven Wishau wishau@wisc.edu

Answer key available at www.dailycardinal.com

LITTLE BOXES ACROSS 1 Discount event 5 Alaskan cruise sightings 10 Corkboard fastener 14 Author Haley 15 Turn aside, as a gaze 16 Notorious czar 17 Item on a nightstand 19 Burrowing insectivore 20 Hindu noblewoman (Var.) 21 Convicted criminal’s punishment 23 Shrink 26 Second in command, informally 27 Electrical rush 29 Severity 33 1983 Peace Nobelist Walesa 37 Mutt 38 Come forth 39 Voice agreement with 40 Bailiwick 42 Hospital attention 43 “Ruffed” bird 45 Pulp fiction gumshoe 46 Checked out 47 Old Toyota 48 Bleated 50 Girlfriend on “Martin”

2 Classic Bergman film 5 57 Residents 61 Decorative sewing cases 62 Operatic number 63 Dressy accessory 66 Clipper’s crew, informally 67 Half a dovetail joint 68 For the taking 69 They go bananas over bananas 70 Was an awful security guard 71 Flowerless decorative plant DOWN 1 Spinal vertebrae 2 “Hello Muddah, Hello Fadduh!” singer Sherman 3 Hotelier Helmsley 4 Do extremely well 5 Forbid entry to 6 A Gabor sister 7 ‘90 World Series champs 8 Be in mourning 9 14 pounds, across the pond 10 “Person of the Year” article? 11 The Bard’s river 12 AP math subject 13 Where a cap is found on the body 18 Home and insert, for

two 22 Academic calendar division 24 Capital of Bolivia 25 Word with “blue” or “believer” 28 Persona non ___ 30 Black and white 31 Very mean boss 32 Clarinet player’s need 33 Baby grand supports 34 Alternative to nude 35 Do some food prep 36 Shape of a nice figure 38 Roaster, or sometimes toaster 41 Sudden transition 44 Crossjack, e.g. 48 Crude container? 49 Arrived at, as a conclusion 51 Colorful salamanders 53 Workforce 54 Beyond the fringe 55 More upscale 56 Wan 57 What’s spread on a spreadsheet 58 Call it a day on the set 59 Dublin’s isle 60 Trig ratio 64 Biscuit, to the gravy 65 Rubble creator

Caved In

By Nick Kryshak nkryshak@wisc.edu

opinion Time for cultural change on gun control 12 Spring Welcome Back 2013 l

DAVID RUIZ opinion columnist


lthough our economy is still far from healthy and any real decisions regarding the U.S. fiscal policy have been pushed back a few months by the fiscal cliff deal, the political world has been violently derailed by the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. The Dec. 14 shooting left 28 dead, including 20 children, and was the deadliest mass shooting in the United States since SeungHui Cho terrorized the Virginia Tech campus, killing 32 in 2007. The mass media and political sphere have forgotten one major factor in the gun control debate. The conversation around gun control is being grossly mischaracterized as a debate between two

equal portions of the population, when really the pro-gun factions of the United States have a stranglehold on political debate and current legislation. The current amount of gun violence in the United States is not related to any gun "debate," it is the direct result of the dominance of the United States’ pro-gun faction.

No matter what, if there are guns in the United States there will be gun violence. Looking at international data suggests that the more guns there are the more gun violence there will be. Guns have always been an integral part of American culture, but it is time to come to terms with what it means to protect gun rights. The simple truth is deadly thoughts connect to deadly out-


comes much easier when there up their guns en masse. We are a are guns available. There is no culture that loves our guns and way to guarantee that guns don't they are a symbol for American enter the hands of those individualism. Small with homicidal tendenmoves like Obama's cies. Point-of-sale meaexecutive order will not sures such as President dent gun violence in the Number of Barack Obama's plan to short term but could U.S. gun create a national regisencourage stronger gun deaths per try can be easily sidecontrol measures in the year. stepped and once guns future. In the meanare in private hands time, let's assess the gun they can be stolen, sold control situation in the Number of or lost. Assault weapon United States as soberly U.S. suicides bans are too arbitrary as possible. per day. in their regulations to The benefits of gun be effective in keeping ownership cost 30,000 overpowered weapons American lives in 2011. Number of U.S. homioff the street. No matter That averages out to cides per day. what, if there are guns roughly 54 suicides and in the United States 27 homicides per day. there will be gun vioThe dialogue around lence. Looking at interguns in the United national data suggests that the States is easily misunderstood more guns there are the more gun because so many people refuse violence there will be. to even consider stronger gun Unfortunately, it is impractical control implementations. This to think that Americans will give refusal to consider stronger


54 27

gun limits is a direct result of the broken debate. Any redblooded American will choose guns over no guns, but if the choice is accurately presented as 290 million privately owned guns at the cost of 30,000 gun deaths a year, eventually attitudes can be changed and the amount of lives cut short can be curtailed in the long run. Finally, if you personally own a gun for protection or entertainment's sake, you should know that makes you three times more likely to be the victim of a homicide and five times more likely to kill yourself according to the American Journal of Epidemiology, so maybe you should revaluate the pros and cons of gun ownership in your personal setting as well. Is gun control important to you? Let us hear your thoughts! Please send all feedback to opinion@dailycardinal.com or visit our website.

Criticism of Secretary of Defense Hagel not justified such a strike would have been severely premature, Hagel has reneged his former position Zac pestine and has publicly stated that all opinion options, including military ones, columnist should be left on the table against the menacing Iranian regime. Hagel has recently been f I am having a bad hair rebuked and denounced as antiday, or I’m really not rockin’ Israel, and even anti-Semitic, for that sweater that I sincerely his 2006 comment, “I’m a United believe looks awesome on me, I States senator. I’m not an Israeli genuinely want my true friends senator.” His statement is 100% to kindly—or harshly, depending accurate, and as a U.S. senator, on my intransigence—to explain he had a responsibility to act in to me that my appearance is not a way that he believed to be best as positive as I may quixotical- for U.S. interests. Members of the ly hope it to be. Similarly, if the Knesset, the Israeli Parliament, United States is in the wrong do not consider U.S. interests as a in international affairs, I would primary concern when they vote hope that our friends in the world on foreign policy issues. Why? would give us a compelling, well- Because Israel is not the 51st state, thought-out argument for why but rather a sovereign country. It we should change our current holds the right to make to make trajectory. Israel is one of our best its own decisions. While best friends in the whole wide world, friends may agree on 99 percent and so when it is in the wrong, of the issues they face, they are as it sometimes is, I do not required to maintain not think it is a big deal equal positions on that to kindly and gently tap it last 1 percent. They are on the shoulder and say, not the same person. “Hey, pal, maybe there is Chuck Hagel is a better route.” President Obama’s first Although I do not choice for Secretary of personally believe Israel Defense. This is the same was anywhere near the President Obama that wrong in the 2006 Israelhas led the most gruelHAGEL Hezbollah War, former ing battle in the history of U.S. Sen. Chuck Hagel economic sanctions against rose up and tapped his friend Iran. This is the same President on the shoulder. He just wanted Obama that has lobbied Congress peace. His friend was wearing for one billion dollars to supthe chicest of Banana Republic port the Israeli Iron Dome misbutton downs, but Hagel did not sile defense system, which saved think it looked so appealing, and innumerable lives of Israeli civilso he voiced his opinion. That ians during Hamas’ most recent is all. barrage of rockets into south and Since publicizing his opposi- central Israel. This is the same tion to any future military strike President Obama that relentlessly against Iran back in 2006, when calls on the European Union to


recognize Hezbollah for what it is, a terrorist organization. This is the same President Obama that has had his ambassadors to the United Nations repeatedly walk out on the Iranian regime as they give their incendiary, vitriolic speeches on the U.N. floor. So when I hear that by selecting Hagel as Secretary of Defense, President Obama is demonstrating his true colors toward Israel, I must conclude that Hagel fits in line with all of the colors I have

just mentioned. The Republicans, still bruised from a feckless presidential and senatorial campaign in November, harbor a lot of bad blood toward President Obama. I presume they don’t fancy Obama reaching across the aisle and demonstrating bipartisanship as he chooses Hagel, a Republican, for such a high position, just as the current President did with former Secretary of Defense Robert

Gates, former Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, and many others. Strict partisan behavior is no longer an argument that the Republicans can use against President Obama, and that stings. But to charge that President Obama and Chuck Hagel will endanger the U.S. standing in the world and throw our friend Israel under the bus is groundless and inane. Please visit dailycardinal.com and tell us your thoughts!



Spring Welcome Back 2013 13 l

The business of ball: working and sweating for free TYLER DAVIS opinion columnist


ollege football isn’t just a sport. College football is a business. With Bret Bielema, the former head coach of the Badgers, leaving a $2.7 million salary for a $700,000 raise, we’re reminded of the amount of money that changes hands. Consider that the Big Ten generates hundreds of millions of dollars per year solely from licensing of television rights and you’ll gain insight into just how huge the industry is. The television networks make millions, the advertising agencies make millions, and the coaches make millions. There’s only one group that’s left out: the players.

This arrangement would also correct the embarrassment of the University of Wisconsin paying its head football coach more than five times what it pays its chancellor. The distribution of the billions of dollars of revenue generated by college football should be reformed to fairly compensate the players. To start, players should be allowed to monetize their images. As it stands now, the University of Wisconsin-Madison Athletic Department can put Montee Ball on every bus in Madison and ESPN can place him in as many television spots as they want, but Ball isn’t even allowed to endorse a sports drink. The

Wil Gibb/cardinal file photo

Montee Ball’s record-breaking performance throughout his college career brought him no personal wealth, as NCAA regulations prohibit the personal marketing of athletes. NCAA licenses teams and their players to Electronic Arts for their popular line of college football video games, yet Ball isn’t allowed to make a penny from his own image. This inequity is sustained by the NCAA’s insistence that the

long-defunct tradition of amateurism in college sports still exists. With the winner of the Rose Bowl receiving $17 million to share with its conference, it’s evident that in college football the myth of amateurism is preserved only to prevent compen-

sating athletes with what they would receive in a free market. Hand in hand with the myth of amateurism is the myth of the student-athlete. Players are told that their compensation in the form of education is invaluable. Never mind that not every play-

er receives a scholarship; star wide-receiver Jared Abbrederis played without a scholarship for three years. Instead, question how much that education is really worth. Is it close to the $2.7 million a year that was paid to Bielema? Does it even approach the quarter of a million dollars some of Wisconsin’s assistant coaches make? College football should kill the red herring of the studentathlete by separating the football program from the universities. Schools could license their brands to for-profit companies that would operate each football team. Teams—no longer a division of a university— would be forced to compensate their players with real money instead of an education worth far less than the market wage. This arrangement would also correct the embarrassment of the University of WisconsinMadison—one of the best academic institutions in the world—paying its head football coach more than five times what it pays its chancellor. So consider this: The Badgers have made three consecutive Rose Bowl appearances. The event generates over $50 million each year, and the players—the people subjecting their bodies to amazing physical punishment—don’t share in any of it. Then ask yourself, is this arrangement fair? Tyler Davis is a sophomore majoring in economics. Do you love University of WisconsinMadison athletics? How do you feel about student athletes receiving compensation for their work? Please send all feedback to opinion@dailycardinal.com or visit our website.

Interested in writing for


Friday, February 1, 2013 4:00 PM 2195 Vilas Hall




Spring Welcome Back 2013


Top five can’t-miss games during the spring semester Women’s Hockey vs. Minnesota: Jan. 25-27 In what will be the most important series played to date during the inaugural season at LaBahn Arena, the Wisconsin women’s hockey team (11-7-2-2 WCHA, 15-7-2 overall) will run up against a buzz saw in border rival Minnesota (18-0-0, 24-00) this weekend. As the top two teams this season in the WCHA, this matchup figures to serve as a preview for the conference and possibly national title game. Regarded as one of the best teams in women’s collegiate hockey history, the Gophers not only roll into Madison with a perfect record, but they have also made it look easy. Leading the WCHA in every major statistical category, Minnesota

mark kauzlarich/cardinal file photo

Wisconsin and Minnesota met in last season’s national championship game in Duluth, Minn., where the Gophers topped the Badgers 4-2 to earn the program’s third national title. features a bevy of talent and depth on the ice. The biggest difference to Minnesota’s fortunes this season has been the emergence of freshman forward Hannah Brandt. The tandem of Brandt and junior forward

Amanda Kessel have combined for 94 points, which is 43 points ahead of the next closest pair in the conference. No slouches themselves, the Badgers will counter with senior forward Brianna Decker,

who enters the series No. 5 in the WCHA with 25 points. The two-time All-American will be complemented up front by sophomore forward Karley Sylvester, coming into her own this season as a viable threat for

Men’s Hockey vs. Minnesota: Feb. 17

wil gibb/cardinal file photo

Badgers’ sophomore goaltender Joel Rumpel will be key for Wisconsin against St. Cloud State.

Men’s Hockey vs. St. Cloud State: March 9 The Wisconsin men’s hockey team has not beaten WCHA conference foe St. Cloud State since March 2010, but if the Badgers plan on making noise in the WCHA tournament, they will need to finish off their year strong in their final game of the regular season against the Huskies March 9. Since its last win against St. Cloud, UW has gone just 0-5-1 against the Huskies thanks to its recent 11-game unbeat-

Men’s Basketball vs. Minnesota: Jan. 26 Any “Border Battle” rivalry game between Wisconsin and Minnesota will garner media hype, regardless of whether the teams are competitive (ahem, Gopher football). This year’s slate of men’s basketball Border Battle games, however, should be as competitive and meaningful as they have been over the last five years. Both teams are Big Ten title contenders in the nation’s top league, making the rivalry that much more intense this time around. The Badgers currently hold a one-game

en streak, Wisconsin has jumped into back into the race in the WCHA, with 17 conference points. St. Cloud has a WCHA-best 11 conference wins this season and is tied with Minnesota for the overall points lead with 22. Huskies redshirt senior Drew LeBlanc has been on fire this season, racking up seven goals and 27 assists for 34 points, good for second-most in the country. Goaltending will be key for the Badgers in this series, and that has arguably been their greatest strength of late. The sophomore duo of Joel Rumpel and Landon Peterson has been stellar recently. The Badgers have not

allowed more than three goals in a game since their 4-2 loss against Minnesota State Nov. 24. Wisconsin allows just 2.05 goals per game this season, the No. 6 average in the country. Rumpel and Peterson have .933 and .932 save percentages, respectively, which are tied for No. 10 and No. 12 overall in the nation. Rumpel’s three shutouts this season are also tied for the fifth most by any goaltender this season. This matchup will also feature a unique venue, as the Badgers and Huskies will play at the Veterans Memorial Coliseum at the Alliant Energy Center instead of Wisconsin’s normal home ice at the Kohl Center. —Matt Masterson

edge on Minnesota in the Big Ten standings. However, conference play isn’t even halfway done, and the two will square off twice in a three-week span this winter. For Wisconsin, the more important of the two games is the Gophers’ trip to the Kohl Center Jan. 26. In a year where the conference is perhaps more talented, top to bottom, than it’s ever been, teams must take care of business at home if they want to compete for a Big Ten title. Road games technically mean just as much, but it’s difficult for any team to compete in a league without first defending its home court. A win for the Badgers Jan. 26 would make the Feb. 14 showdown a less daunting task. In essence,

Wisconsin would be playing with house money at Williams Arena if it came in with a victory over the Gophers already under its belt. On the other hand, a Wisconsin home loss would make the second meeting between these two teams that much more crucial for the Badgers. The No. 12 Gophers won 15 of their first 16 contests this season. Minnesota is currently in a bit of a slump, however, having lost its last two games to then-No. 5 Indiana and then-No. 5 Michigan. The Gophers will travel to Northwestern Wednesday in an effort to halt their slide before they face the Badgers, while UW will host No. 13 Michigan State Tuesday looking to avoid a two-game slump of their own. —Vince Huth

Anytime a Wisconsin sports team goes up against a Minnesota sports team it is a big rivalry game. But when the sport is hockey, and the venue is an outdoor rink at Soldier Field, it’s truly something special. Add in the fact that Minnesota is currently the No. 1 ranked team in the nation and you have all the makings of a classic. The Badgers and Gophers will face off as the second game of a doubleheader in the Hockey City Classic, Feb. 17 in Chicago, following an opener between Miami University (Ohio) and Notre Dame. The two teams will play the first game of their weekend series the night before in Madison before making the 152-mile trip to Chicago the following day. It will be the first outdoor game for the Badgers since host-

Men’s Basketball vs. Michigan: Feb. 9 Head coach John Beilein took over a Michigan program that had not been to the NCAA Tournament since 1998, and in just five seasons at the helm in Ann Arbor, Beilein has taken the Wolverines to the Big Dance three times. This season Beilein has taken the U-of-M program to the next level. Led by sophomore guard Trey Burke, a midseason Wooden Award front-runner, the Wolverines are 17-1 on the season and ranked No. 2 in the country. Although it has already notched conference road victories over Northwestern and Minnesota, Michigan has yet to beat Bo Ryan’s Badgers in Madison. But the Wolverines dominated last year’s matchup in Ann Arbor and have proven themselves a tough matchup for any team to handle this season. The key for a Wisconsin upset will be neutralizing Michigan’s high-scoring backcourt. The combination of Burke and junior guard Tim Hardaway Jr. is averaging 34.4 points per game. The Wolverines shoot 51 percent from the field and 41 percent from beyond the three-

Wisconsin on offense. During their previous series, the Badgers held Minnesota to its closest margin of victory this season during a 2-0 defeat. Dec. 2 Wisconsin also held the Gophers to their fewest goals in a weekend series (six). The only goal from Wisconsin on the weekend came from Decker in the third period of a seriesopening 4-1 loss. Although the weekend series in Madison will most likely not be last time the two squads meet this season, this series serves as a critical test in the Badgers’ young season. Time is running out on head coach Mark Johnson to figure out how to slow down the Minnesota juggernaut, and a positive showing this weekend by Wisconsin could lead to success in the playoffs. Games will be played Friday and Sunday, with puck scheduled to drop at 2 p.m. in both contests. —Peter Geppert ing the Michigan Wolverines back in December 2010 in the Camp Randall Hockey Classic, in which Wisconsin earned a 3-2 victory. Wisconsin and Minnesota already played one series this season back in mid-November. Sophomore goaltender Landon Peterson stopped 41 shots in game one, as the two teams skated to a 2-2 tie. The Gophers would get the better of UW in game two though, as junior forward Nick Bjugstad recorded a goal and an assist for Minnesota as they wrapped up a 3-1 victory in the Twin Cities. Despite their failure to pick up a win in their first series this season, the Badgers have had success against Minnesota in recent years, as they split or won their five previous series before this year. The contest represents the last regular season matchup between the two WCHA foes before they both make the move to the Big Ten conference next season. —Matt Masterson point arc, each a full 10 percentage points higher than their opposition. While Michigan has easily the most athletic and perhaps most talented team in the country, it is fundamentally undersized. Starting forwards Glenn Robinson III (freshman) and Jordan Morgan (redshirt junior) are 6 feet 6 inches and 6 feet 8 inches, respectively, and while 6-foot-10-inch freshman forward Mitch McGary has logged significant minutes, Michigan has generally found itself at a size disadvantage facing major conference competition this season. Although seniors Ryan Evans and Mike Bruesewitz both clock in at a relatively benign 6 feet 6 inches, the presence of 6-foot-10inch senior center Jared Berggren will give UW an advantage on the interior. In addition to having two inches over Morgan, Berggren’s ability to play out on the perimeter could force Morgan out of his comfort zone and may enable the Badgers to take the Wolverines out of rhythm on the defensive end. By involving Berggren offensively and by getting out to a fast start to keep the Kohl Center crowd involved, Wisconsin can put together the perfect recipe for yet another conference upset. —Max Sternberg

Sports Top five Badgers to watch this spring spring welcome back 2013 DailyCardinal.com

Alex Rigsby: Women’s Hockey The Delafield, Wis., native has had a solid year so far in net, turning in a save percentage of .940 and allowing an average of 1.54 goals per contest. She has also pitched four shutouts. As a result of her impressive statistics, she has earned WCHA defensive player of the week twice. After having a great first half, Rigsby picked up where she left off to start 2013, allowing a mere total of two goals in the Ohio State series Jan. 11 and 12. However, the North Dakota offense gave her trouble this past weekend as she

Shoaib altaf/cardinal file photo

Ryan Evans: Men’s Basketball At the team’s media day in October, Wisconsin men’s basketball head coach Bo Ryan was asked questions about the Badgers’ newcomers. Simply put, it wasn’t your standard group of first-year players. A reporter eventually asked a question about Wisconsin’s senior forwards Ryan Evans, Jared Berggren and Mike Bruesewitz, and Ryan appeared surprised it had taken so long to hear a question about his three seniors. “Oh yeah, their names haven’t been mentioned,” Ryan said. “I forgot all about them.” Ryan said he was kidding, and then he talked about how each of the three stepped up as juniors last season when opponents paid more attention to former guard Jordan Taylor. With Taylor gone, Ryan said, these upperclassmen needed to step up once again this season. Of the three, I think Evans is the player to watch this semester. He leads the team in rebounding

Madison Packer: Women’s Hockey The 5-foot-9 junior forward will need to be an integral part of the offensive productivity as the second half of the season gets underway for Wisconsin. Thus far, she is second on the team—behind senior forward Brianna Decker—in both goals and total points. She has also

(7.6 per game) and is UW’s second leading scorer (11.2). Getting more efficient minutes from the Phoenix, Ariz., native is crucial for Wisconsin to compete for a Big Ten championship. It isn’t necessarily on the offensive end where Evans needs to make the biggest impact (although an improvement upon his 39 percent mark from the free throw line wouldn’t hurt). After all, Ryan’s program has had success because the teams have blended together well and had enough scoring threats that opponents couldn’t zero in on just one or two players. A stellar performance from Evans’ on the defensive end of the floor would pay huge dividends for this UW team, especially if sophomore forward Frank Kaminsky’s eye injury keeps him out for an extended period of time. Ryan has used a smaller frontcourt at times this season when Berggren rests, and if the 6-foot-6 Evans can bang down low with some of the bigger Big Ten forwards, look for the Badgers to be in the thick of the Big Ten race in early March. —Vince Huth registered a plus-minus of plus-13. Decker receives most of the opponent’s attention, which will open the door for secondary players like Packer to step up and provide a spark offensively. In fact, the aforementioned situation proved to be effective against North Dakota, as Packer’s goal late in the third period sealed a 2-1 victory for the Badgers and earned the team a successful series split. The key for Packer individu-

Shoaib Altaf/cardinal file photo

Nic Kerdiles: Men’s Hockey After stumbling out of the gate with a 1-7-2 overall record and 1-5-2 WCHA record this season, the Wisconsin men’s hockey team turned its season around over winter break thanks in large part to the emergence of freshman forward Nic Kerdiles. The 36th overall pick of the Anaheim Ducks in the 2012 NHL Entry Draft, Kerdiles brings a high-powered offensive skill set that the Badgers have lacked in recent years. The Irvine, Calif., native was suspended by the NCAA for the first 10 games of the 2012-’13 season, delaying his debut until Nov. 30 against Denver. Since then, UW has been red hot, putting together an 8-1-3 streak that includes a seven-game win streak and an 11-game unbeaten streak. In his 12 games, Kerdiles has racked up two goals and five assists while playing on a line with junior center Mark Zengerle and junior winger Tyler Barnes. Against Denver Dec. 1, the freshman forward recorded two ally in the second half is for her to be a more disciplined and controlled skater, as she has registered a whopping 21 minor penalties, putting the Badgers’ penalty kill in difficult situations far too often. Decker is a distant second with 15. With the absence of junior forward Brittany Ammerman, Packer has picked up the slack and rose to the occasion. In fact, in the team’s 15 victories combined with their two ties, she has registered 101 shots on goal—an average of 6 per contest—and tallied 22 points (14 goals and eight assists). However in the team’s seven defeats, she has only registered 30 shots on goals—an average of 4 per contest—and tallied a mere one point (zero goals and one assist). Moving forward, she will have to be a more consistent factor offensively if the team is going to have success. If Packer continues to step up opposite of Decker and stays out of the penalty box, the productivity of the offense will flourish and provide tough matchup problems for ensuing defenses. It might even be enough to give Wisconsin a shot at returning to the Frozen Four. —Rex Sheild

gave up four goals in a series split. The remaining schedule plays to Rigsby’s advantage, but her lone challenge—a mighty one—will be against the Gophers this weekend. While she only allowed 6 total goals in the team’s previous series, the Minnesota offense got the best of Rigsby in the first game as she allowed 4 unanswered goals. The series against MinnesotaDuluth Feb. 16 and 17 will be a revenge matchup for Rigsby, as the first time they met was the start of the program’s first threegame losing streak. Her success went hand in hand with the team’s success, and the second half will have to follow suit if the Badgers want to make a push for the conference title and

more. Moreover, Rigsby grew more and more confident in net as Wisconsin caught fire offensively in the first half and started putting together a string of consecutive victories. The type of confidence she possessed throughout the first half allowed her to be a dynamic goaltender and should be garnered later in the year as remaining opposing offenses—excluding Minnesota—are not strong. In fact, against St. Cloud State, MinnesotaDuluth and Bemidji State, Rigsby had a save percentage of .927. All in all, fans can expect Rigsby to continue being the anchor of the defense as Wisconsin will look to finish the season strong heading into postseason play. —Rex Sheild

assists, his first career points as a Badger, as Wisconsin upset the then-No. 5 Pioneers on the road in Colorado. Kerdiles will be counted on to continue producing similar offensive firepower down the stretch for the Badgers as they enter the last third of the regular season. He will also need to help improve UW’s woe-

ful power play attack, which has scored just six goals on 66 attempts and is ranked No. 57 in the nation. If Wisconsin wants to make a deep run in the conferenc playoffs or make it to the Frozen Four this March, Kerdiles will have to step up and remain a major contributor. —Matt Masterson

Shoaib Altaf /the daily cardinal

George Marshall: Men’s Basketball After the departure of AllAmerican guard Jordan Taylor, Wisconsin faced the difficult task of replacing one of the most successful guards in program history and one of the most efficient players in the nation. Having spent last season giving Taylor fits in practice, redshirt freshman guard George Marshall was pegged as the man for the job. Once junior guard Josh Gasser went down for the season with an ACL tear in October, Marshall was given the starting point guard spot having yet to set foot on the court in a regular season contest. As could be expected, the Chicago native found himself suffering some growing pains early on, ultimately losing his spot in the starting lineup to sophomore guard Traevon Jackson. Though Jackson’s improved play during the early part of conference play left Marshall somewhat on the outside looking in, the freshman’s 20-point second half in Saturday’s 70-66 loss to Iowa served to tell any-

one watching that he was still very much in the mix. Marshall’s breakout effort in Iowa City was due in large part to the difficult circumstances facing UW. The Badgers had put themselves in a deep first half hole, and, facing foul trouble, could not afford to keep the freshman guard on his normally short leash. Given the chance to finally see extended time on the court, Marshall made aggressive plays on the offensive end that he had previously seemed too hesitant to attempt. “Consistently there for a stretch of time he showed some things that we had seen for the past year,” Wisconsin associate head coach Greg Gard said. “Just aggressiveness, playing like he belonged. In the past it seemed like he was playing not to make a mistake.” While the circumstances may have helped allow Marshall the opportunity for a breakout performance, it does appear that he has finally begun to turn a corner. The Badgers are going to need Marshall to be aggressive in order to contend for a Big Ten title in a crowded conference race. —Max Sternberg

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