The Carbon Chronicles
fake news friday
How UW-Madison scientists are taking the study of carbon to new depths
After a tough week, Scott Walker joins a convent
+SCIENCE, page 6
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Complete campus coverage since 1892
Weekend, January 27-29, 2012
More former Walker aides accused in probe By Ben Siegel The Daily Cardinal
Jared Burris/the daily cardinal
SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart said ASM’s request for $100,000 to go towards training from alumni was too high. The committee struck $90,000 from the request.
SSFC passes ASM budget at over $1.3M By Cheyenne Langkamp The Daily Cardinal
The Student Services Finance Committee passed the Associated Students of Madison’s internal budget of over 1.3 million dollars on Thursday, striking over $90,000 from the $100,000 ASM alumni training request. SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart said $100,000 was too much money to go towards training. “I think it comes to a point where 100,000 dollars is a lot of money to be spending and I don’t think this was a well thought-out plan,” Neibart said. Rep. David Vines said additional money for training would be beneficial to ASM. “We’ve shown that we need to be doing a slightly better job and I think it stems from a lack of information that can be improved significantly by alum-
ni training,” Vines said. Neibart said bringing in alumni who served many years ago would not likely help the current ASM representatives because they are not familiar with the “current climate” in ASM. In addition to being decreased, the committee also switched the funding from alumni training to general training, allowing the money to fund training from persons other than ASM alumni. The committee also denied ASM’s request to fund membership to the United States Student Association, a national student organization that advocates for student issues nationwide. Rep. Justin Gerstner said he did not see the logic in becoming a member of the organization when UW-Madison already receives almost identical services through its membership in the
United Council of UW Students. “[This] has been thoroughly debated in student council and I have failed to see any direct reason why we should pay for this membership above and beyond a much cheaper membership through United Council,” Gerstner said. “I just don’t see the cost-benefit ratio for this service.” Rep. Tia Nowak said the committee should fund the membership because USSA works on federal issues that UC does not work on. “There are larger student movements across the country that I think students at UW-Madison care about. I think USSA is a great avenue for us to [work on those issues],” Nowak said. “I think it is definitely our duty to be working on these things at every level, state and national.”
Milwaukee County’s district attorney charged two former members of Gov. Scott Walker’s staff Thursday with illegally politicking while on the clock for their county positions. Kelly Rindfleisch, chief of staff for then-Milwaukee County Executive Walker, was charged with four counts of misconduct for fundraising for Brett Davis’ 2010 lieutenant governor campaign while working in a taxpayer-funded public office. According to a statement from the D.A., the investigation uncovered that Rindfleisch established a private e-mail, which she operated out of the Milwaukee County Executive’s office, and used to communication “both political campaign and government workrelated information to selected individuals.” Each of Rindfleisch’s felonies carries a $10,000 fine and up to three-and-a-half years in prison. Darlene Wink, formerly of the Milwaukee County Executive’s Constituent Services office, was charged with two counts of
political solicitation by a public employee for organizing fundraising events for Walker’s 2010 governor campaign for governor with county resources. One such event, which Wink dubbed “Happy Birthday Scott,” meant to commemorate both Walker’s 42nd birthday and “one year out” from the gubernatorial election, was partially conceived and publicized using her Milwaukee County office computer while on the county’s clock. Wink’s penalties each carry a $1,000 fine and up to six months in jail, though she is unlikely to serve. Per negotiations with prosecutors Thursday, Wink will plead guilty in exchange for her prosecutors asking a judge not to sentence her to prison, according to a letter outlining her agreement obtained by the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel. The letter also referred to “valuable information” of Wink’s that could be useful for future cases, as well as her limited role compared to other county workers.
probe page 3
Man robbed, beaten on Broom Street A UW-Madison student suffered several facial fractures after being robbed and attacked early Sunday morning. According to Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain, the victim was returning to his place after walking his girlfriend home when he was blindsided with a blow to the head on Broom Street. The victim was punched, knocked down and held on the ground by one suspect while the other suspect stole money from his pocket, according to police.
According to DeSpain, the victim saw the men run north on Broom Street after the attack. Although the victim was attacked Sunday, he did not report the crime because of medical cost concerns; however, he received medical attention Tuesday. DeSpain said it is difficult to obtain forensic evidence and video surveillance if crimes are not reported as soon as they occur. “If someone is victimized, they need to contact us immediately,” DeSpain said.
Contentious mining bill passes Assembly
The Wisconsin State Assembly passed the bill to streamline the issue of iron mining permits after hours of debate Thursday. By differentiating iron ore mining from the mining of other metallic substances, the bill will lessen mining restrictions and make iron ore mining easier for companies like Flordia-based Gogebic Taconite, which hopes to open a mine in northern Wisconsin near Lake Superior. Taconite and Gov. Scott Walker, among others who support the bill, say it will create hundreds of jobs in Wisconsin’s manufacturing, transportation
and service industries. “Part of what we’re doing with this bill is [creating job] certainty,” Rep. Tom Tiffany, R-Madison. “The bill is a great opportunity for the citizens of Wisconsin.” State Democrats against the bill cited the mining industry’s potentially harmful effects on the environment, and had hoped to amend the bill before it passed. “Environmental experts have repeatedly voiced their grave concerns over this bill as written,” Rep. Kelda Helen Roys, D-Madison, said in a statement following the vote. “This legislation decimates Wisconsin citi-
zens’ right to clean air, land, groundwater, and waterways —allowing health-harming pollution and damage from toxic chemicals that are byproducts of large-scale iron ore strip mining.” The galleries were full of spectators throughout the session, some of whom periodically interrupted proceeding on the floor. After several outbursts, the galleries were cleared. Rep. Bill Kramer, R-Waukesha, Speaker Pro Temp, ruled to keep observers barred from the galleries. The bill, which passed 59-36, will next appear before the Senate. — Mckenna Kohlenberg
Stephanie Daher/the daily cardinal
Assembly members voted Thursday to differentiate iron ore mining from the mining of other metallic substances.
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
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tODAY: snow showers hi 37º / lo 20º
Saturday: flurries
hi 33º / lo 18º
Weekend, January 27-29, 2012
Sunday: partly cloudy hi 24º / lo 11º
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 122, Issue 5
2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 • fax (608) 262-8100
News and Editorial
Editor in Chief Kayla Johnson
Student thought dead just lost in Vilas Hall
Managing Editor Nico Savidge
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© 2012, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398
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By Tim McCorgi Fake News Friday
Stephanie Daher/the daily cardinal
After a year of protests, recall drama and arrested staff members, Gov. Scott Walker got the hell out of Dodge and headed to Bali.
Walker eats, prays and loves By Ariel Shapiro Fake news friday
Soon after delivering his heavily criticized State of the State address, Gov. Scott Walker decided to fly the coop to an ashram in Bali, Indonesia, to spend the next few months “getting back in touch with the universe, you know?” Sources close to the governor say he has been suffering something of a mental breakdown between the Capitol protests last spring, the recall efforts against him and a good portion of his staff facing criminal charges. UW-Madison psychology professor Dr. Niles Crane said Walker’s speech Wednesday night was evident of a man and leader in “deep, impenetrable denial.” “Despite the audible drumbeats over his voice, Walker brushed over the recalls, budget repair bill fiasco and the fact that he is nowhere near his goal of 250,000 new jobs for the state,” Crane said. “Clearly he had buried these failures deep in his psyche.” However, Walker let all of his angst bubble to the surface upon hearing that two more of his staff members were arrested. According to an anonymous staffer, “Scott completely freaked
out and just started breaking shit.” Capitol janitor Bob Depp said he found a smashed toilet and “VOTE 4 WALKER” carved into the wall of the north wing men’s room. “There’s no definitive proof linking the vandalism to the governor, but I will say that he more than anyone deserves a break,” Walker spokesperson Cullen Werwie said as he packed Walker’s suitcase with yoga pants, beanies and hacky sacks. “Have you seen the size of his bald spot lately?” Penguin Books announced Thursday evening they acquired the rights to his memoirs on his experience in Bali for a sum of $200,000, and sales are projected to be in the millions. Although all of the proceeds from the book will go to Walker’s defense against the recalls, campaign spokesperson Ciara Matthews insisted the trip is not a public relations ploy to make Walker more endearing. “He just really liked ‘Eat Pray Love,’” she said. Walker could not be reached for comment before getting on the plane to Indonesia, but he was spotted meditating in O’Hare International Airport by several confused passersby.
Missing since 1985 and long since declared dead, undergraduate Ariel O’Reilly was discovered by the janitors in the basement of Vilas Hall Tuesday. According to their testimonies, the 45-year-old O’Reilly was nearly inapproachable. “She refuses to talk to us,” custodian Ron Detert recalled. “Instead, she just growls and paws at us from afar.” When students arrived for James Baughman’s journalism class in the spring of ’85, he joked, “Glad to see everyone found the room without becoming trapped in this labyrinth.” The professor was unaware that for one student, the joke had become reality. Assuming her absence was just another incident of a freshman forgeting to officially drop the class, Baughman taught the course without concern. In her hometown of Dixon, Ill., O’Reilly’s parents had finally summed up the courage to join a roving band of Midwestern gypsies, and thus never inquired about their daughter’s absence. O’Reilly’s presence in Vilas Hall’s basement did not go com-
pletley unnoticed. Many suspect that she is directly responsible for the sightings of la chubracbra as well as the inspiration behind the strictly enforced “No Goats” rule in Vilas. “In retrospect, all of the apple cores and human feces we discovered over the years point pretty strongly to a resident,” Detert said, “but college kids will be college kids. We shrugged it off.” Now captured, O’Reilly will be thoroughly examined by a team of medical students to to address illnesses resulting from 23 years of sleeping on the dusty floors. She will then occupy a habitat at Vilas Zoo that will replicate the living arrangements she had grown accustomed to. O’Reilly’s discovery sparked further investigation into the disappearence of several other students. Thus far, police have discovered the skeleton of a sophomore who had been looking for the computer labs in old Engineering Hall, as well as the entire Eugenics Department, which has not seen the light of day since being scrapped in the early 1940s.
Stephanie Daher/the daily cardinal
Student Ariel O’Reilly was presumed dead in the spring of 1985, though she has actually been lost in the basement of Vilas Hall.
Student committee forms to rename SSFC out of laziness By Maida N. Woulf Fake News Friday
In a world where most students’ priorities are grades and beer, one group of students is solving a problem nobody cares about with a bold solution no one on campus asked for. Members of the Rename the Student Services Finance Committee to Something Shorter Coalition (RSSFCSSC), an independent, grassroots committee of students who are all in some way involved with the Associated Students of Madison, said they got tired of writing out the full name. “The student outcry has grown
too loud and has been ignored too long,” said RSSFCSSC Chair and coincidentally also Daily Cardinal Opinion Editor Matt Beaty. “We need to make it shorter because, honestly, everyone is tired of writing the whole thing out.” The RSSFCSSC is comprised of editorial board members from both student papers, as well as several SSFC and ASM members. Potential names changes include the simple “Committee for Financial Stuff” and the more to-the-point “In Charge of Your Money Committee.” Beaty said the best part about the “much-needed change” is that “it comes from outside the system.”
“I mean, sure, the student papers always report on this and the other committee members are from ASM,” Beaty said, “but we’re pretty sure the student body as a whole also cares.” When pressed, Beaty and other committee members conceded they had never actually spoken with students not affiliated with ASM in some way. Between brainstorming “way better” names, Daily Cardinal Managing Editor Nico Savidge said the paper plans to cover the news without bias. Savidge hedged when asked whether devoting the papers’ full editorial
arsenal to the issue and using language verging on reverential in news article counted as bias. “I mean, not reaaaaally,” Savidge said, quickly covering the front-page editorial spread he had almost finished designing. The RSSFCSSC kicked off a series of informational sessions soliciting student input on the name-change Monday. Although only two students attended and both were ASM members, Beaty was still encouraged. “None of them are here offering input because they know we’re doing such a good job resolving this issue on our own,” he said.
Weekend, January 27-29, 2012 3
Alternate State Street plans seek building preservation By Abby Becker The Daily Cardinal
Stephanie Daher/the daily cardinal
The redesigned Rathskeller restaurant, which opened Monday, includes a new menu featuring cuisine with a German focus.
New Rathskeller food, design meets mixed reactions Customers responded with mixed feelings Thursday to the recent reopening of the Memorial Union Der Rathskeller’s restaurant, which made changes to its design and menu. Entering the sleeker, more modern looking restaurant, students will immediately notice a change to the ordering process, which involves receiving a pager that indicates when their food is ready. Rathskeller General Manager Daniel Granat said customers have had differing opinions toward the remodel and ordering process, which he said is intended to make the line move quicker. While UW Senior Griffin Garcia said the new design produces a less “friendly and relaxed” feeling than the old model, UW alumni and past Rathskeller employee Bob Sorenson felt otherwise. “You’ve got a lot more room now, and you have a lot more selections,” Sorenson said. “We
utilized less room [in 1969] and they’ve expanded out quite a ways here.” Despite mixed feelings toward the design, Granat said most customers have enjoyed the “fresh” new cuisine with an increased German influence. New German cuisine includes fries topped with pork, called Currywurst, a new version of the Kronjuwel Burger topped with a smoked mustard mayo aioli and Bratwurst. “Everybody’s really liking the quality,” Granat said. “Things are taking a bit longer right now, but we’re trying to work out the kinks.” Garcia, however, felt otherwise. While he said he noticed the shift toward a more “gourmet” style of food, he did not think it tasted any better. “It seemed like the prices went up for the marginal increase in food quality,” he said. “It just seemed liked it was kind of a waste of money.” —Alex DiTullio
probe from page 1
“I think it’s pretty insidious,” Jay Heck, Executive Director of Common Cause Wisconsin, a non-partisan citizen’s lobby focused on government ethics and accountability. “This raises questions about the kind of ship that Walker was running as Milwaukee County Executive… the real question is how far up it goes.” Earlier this month, the Milwaukee County District Attorney’s office charged two of Walker’s county executive staff with multiple felonies, including embezzlement and theft, as part of the same investigation. Friends of Scott Walker communications director Ciara Matthews responded to the latest charges in a statement Thursday. “Scott Walker expected everyone to follow the law and made that clear publically and privately,” she said.
Wink resigned from her county position in May 2010 when it was revealed that she had used a pseudonym to post roughly 70 pro-Walker, gubernatorial election related comments on online news articles while on the clock.
“This raises questions about the kind of ship Walker was running” Jay Heck Executive Director Common Cause Wisconsin
These charges are the latest issued from information uncovered by the ongoing year-and-a-halflong investigation into Walker’s tenure as county executive.
In response to a formal proposal for the reconstruction of the 100 block of State Street, a local preservation foundation presented an alternative vision at a downtown neighborhood meeting Thursday. The Madison Trust for Historic Preservation presented a rehabilitative approach for the 100 block of State Street, which differs from the Block 100 Foundation’s plans to partly or fully remove six buildings on State Street. Madison Trust continues to have concerns regarding Jerome Frautschi and Pleasant Rowland’s second State Street proposal. While the Foundation’s proposal includes demolition plans, Madison Trust says “rehabilitation would retain the historic character that per-
vades and defines the State Street historic district.” “State Street today is defined by its vintage character...and known for its walkability, vitality and diversity,” Jason Tish, executive director for Madison Trust for Historic Preservation, said. “State Street is to Madison what the French Quarter is to New Orleans.” According to Tish, Madison Trust’s plans accomplish the same goals as the Foundation, including preserving character, increasing the vitality of State Street and providing as many jobs as the Foundation’s approach. Madison Trust disagrees with the Foundation’s plans to remove two buildings on West Mifflin to make room for a garden area and modern building, becoming a “cultural node,” according to the Foundation. The “cultural node” includes a
garden and outdoor urban plaza for the intersection of Mifflin Street and Fairchild Street, according to the Foundation’s proposal. This area is designed to draw people to State Street from Capitol Square. “This ‘cultural node’...will be better served by being an active, commercial hub instead of a private, empty space that is only usable by the restaurant ... for part of the year,” Elizabeth Cwik, architect working with Madison Trust, said. According to Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, both proposals have strong support. Madison Trust will present the alternate proposal to city committees, starting Jan. 30. “It’s one solution among many,” Cwik said. “I think there’s a way to do [the reconstruction] that honors the true character of State Street.”
South Korea honors UW professor for restoration work A UW-Madison professor Rivers Restoration Project, received one of South Korea’s which is dedicated to cleaning highest honors earlier this and restoring the watershed month for his work on a multi- surrounding the Han River, billion-dollar initiative Nakdong River, Geum to restore the area surRiver and Yeongsan rounding four major River in South Korea. rivers in the country. The watershed is home The honor, called to almost two-thirds of the Order of Service South Korea’s population Merit, is comparable and is currently devasto the U.S. Medal of tated by overwhelming Honor. damage to ecosystems The professor of and pollution. Park civil and environmenThe project is fundtal engineering, Jae ed by a policy intended Park, is a top academic advi- to stimulate the Korean econsor for the an ongoing collab- omy after the 2008 financial oration called the Four Major crisis, called the “Green New
Deal.” The policy also aims to improve water safety and flood control. Park used his expertise on waste removal and treatment through the use of biological processes as well as his knowledge of river restoration to make a major contribution to the project. The Korean government first announced the project in June 2009, and it is scheduled to conclude this May. Park is currently onsite in Korea to help ensure the final months of the project will be completed successfully. — Sam Cusick
Sound of silence
Author John Francis visited campus Thursday to talk to students about the relationship between silence and listening and his experiences during a 17 year vow of silence. + Photo by Stephanie Daher
arts ‘You! Me! Dancing!’ with Los Campesinos! 4
Weekend, January 27-29, 2012
By Cameron Graff The Daily Cardinal
Cardiff-born and Walesformed Los Campesinos! (colloquially and locally) are just as kinetic and wordy as the frantic age they were born into—no one embodies the hustle and bustle of the 21st century quite like them. Fronting their pop-assault is wordsmith Gareth Campesinos!, a tongue-in-cheek troubadour who hopes for a smoother performance on this weekend’s visit to Madison. Gareth earnestly recounted their 2009 exploits at the Rathskeller as “being a very energetic show.” “But it was also notable for me having an asthma attack on stage and Ellen [Campesinos!] hitting me on the head with her bass guitar,” he added. “Fond memories of that show, yeah.” Los Campesinos! music almost seems tailor-made for the college audience—Gareth expressed enthusiasm, but remained characteristically skeptical about playing this weekend’s free show. “The Rathskeller was an example of a college show that was really great... But it depends,” he said. “I think the risk with a free show is there’s no investment from the audience. You get people who just show up because it’s a free show. And that’s great in that you get to play to new people, but sometimes you need to, you know, impress a little more. Or alternatively, because it’s a college show, everyone just shows up really drunk.” Though no one can exactly promise him a sober audience,
Madisonians can surely bring enough spirit to quell his fears. The seven-piece indie rock outfit, ever restless, has recently embarked on a US tour behind their stellar Hello Sadness, a tangled mess of jubilant guitar-rock and piercing and misanthropic lyricism. The album is tight and to the point—a decided goal of the band. “If it wasn’t clear how [a guitar part] was benefitting the song as a whole, we wanted to strip that back and remove it,” Gareth explained. “That was just a case of, you know, us feeling like we’ve honed our craft now, and we want to make the most of that.” Gareth, the front man formerly known for his equal-parts bratty and academic delivery, has been honing his personal craft as well. “There’s something, you know, naive and childlike about how the vocals used to be, and that’s fine... but it wouldn’t really be true to who I am right now and what I like about music right now,” he said. “Previously when people said I couldn’t sing it wouldn’t really matter, because I wasn’t really trying. But now I guess I am, so I have to sort of be attestable for that.” And what about the band’s frequent brushes with stardom? They recently appeared on “The Late Show With David Letterman;” “one of our proudest moments as a band,” as Gareth described it. He even seriously contemplated using their limelight to the band’s continued benefit. “I was very tempted to wear my Drake sweater on Letterman
Photo Courtesty Jon Bergman
Despite suffering an asthma attack and a whack in the head with a bass guitar last time he performed in Madison, Los Campesinos! frontman Gareth Campesinos! is ready for this weekend. because I sort of had this thought that we could come to Drake’s attention that way,” he said. “You know, rap stars have had this trend as of late where they take interest in these little, middle-ofthe-road indie bands, so I was hoping that could’ve been us.” He was also infinitely excited by the band’s Budweiser ad and , in a roundabout way, by the fact people sometimes leave the band’s show after playing “You! Me! Dancing!,” the song in quesiton. “I was very flattered by it, to think that anybody heard that song and that one song was enough for
•Indulge in exquisite cuisine for dinner without breaking open your piggy bank on the last night of Madison Restaurant Week. Pay a mere $25 for three courses from three choices at some of Madison’s more high-brow dining venues. This semi-annual event is a city favorite, just be sure to make reservations in advance at your restaurant of choice!
•Get nerdy this Friday and dust off your Oxford English Dictionaries for “Can’t Spell This!” at the Project Lodge. This 21+ spelling bee is sure to put a quirky twist on an age-old elementary school tradition for a cover of $5. •The high-stakes action film,“Drive” not only stars heartthrob Ryan Gosling and is about to win a buttload of awards at the Oscars, it is also screening for FREE at the Marquee in Union South this Friday at 7 and 9:30 p.m. •Broom Street Theater presents a tale of two strangers finding themselves in each other in “On the Corner of Clark and Vine,” this Friday at 1119 Williamson St. Tickets are $9.
them to pay money to come to a concert—it’s surreal,” he said. Opening for Los Campesinos! are Parenthetical Girls, a bizarre quartet who, like Los Campesinos! themselves, are particularly skilled at augmenting the obscene with frenetic pop jingle. They are also Gareth’s favorite band. “Being in a position where we get to tour with them and get to hear them every night’s been amazing,” he fawned. “I don’t think anybody in the entire world has seen Parenthetical Girls live more times than I have.”
• “Party in the Stacks.” The Madison Public Library is throwing an artistic getdownbefore-it-gets-torn-down in the now-empty edifice. Bookless starts at 7 p.m. and runs until 1 a.m. at the Central Library on 201 W. Mifflin St. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 at the door. And be sure to “check out” the cash bar as well. • Sick of being talked at after the first week of class? Experience the world-renowned, speech-free “comedy, music and technology” antics of Blue Man Group at 2 or 8 p.m. at the Overture Center. Tickets range in price from $40$80 but student discount tickets are only $25!
The Skinny Who: Los Campesinos with Parenthetical Girls Where: The Sett at Union South When: Saturday, Jan. 28. Show starts at 9 p.m. Cost: FREE Why you should care: Some may recognize the song, “You! Me! Dancing!” from a recent beer commercial for Budweiser.
Check this out before you go: Show openers, Parenthetical Girls, are Los Campesinos! frontman Gareth Campesinos favorite band of all time. They compliment LC! perfectly, but if you want to get a better feel for their sound, their video for “The Pornographer” is certainly... mesmerizing to say the least. Do your best to look away.
Next Week
• Lose yourself amongst the swirling soundscapes of a Philip Glass composition in Madison Opera’s performance of “Galileo Galilei,” Sunday at 2:30 p.m. at the Overture Center Playhouse. Tickets from $20-$67 afford Madisonians a seat at this astronomical production. •Start the week off right with rising acoustic performer Cass McCombs at the High Noon Saloon. After releasing not one, but TWO albums in 2011, this show promises to be filled to the brim with gorgeous new tunes. Have a listen to “County Line” for a preview of what you will be hearing, then get your ticket in advance or at the door for $12. The flowing melodies begin at 8 p.m.
arts R.L.Stine’s ‘Little House on the Prairie’?
Weekend, January 27-29, 2012 5 l
you’re just trying to look good, or if you’re so bored you want to give the book as a present to the person you hate the most.
Sara Schumacher little young lass, lived in a Schu
ids are weird. They look relatively normal and adorable until they suddenly decide to be Simba and bite everyone they see. You never know what to expect. They seem like tiny humans, except kids have an extensive catalogue of quirks that make adults view them as strange or even downright disgusting. There is the obsession with snot and the fear of cooties. Then there is what they find funny. A middle-aged man dressed as a dinosaur? Creepy, not amusing. I actually love kids. But even I have to admit, they’re not the most normal people to interact with. Why do they enjoy the things that they do? Take Teletubbies, for example. Why would any sane person (not on drugs) watch that show? They also like strange books. The perennial bestseller, “Goodnight, Moon,” is just a list of things to say goodnight to. At this age it is about as entertaining to read as a stock report. Why do children sit still and pay attention to a story with no plot? They should be running in fear of having to bid their alarm clock, bathroom mirror and piggy bank farewell every morning before
Parents who give a child “Bunnicula” deserve ending up with a kid in their bed at 3 a.m.
school. It’s like a to-do list as a story. What kid wants their parents to give them more chores? And what is with the books that are actually terrifying? Parents who give a child “Bunnicula” deserve ending up with a kid in their bed at 3 a.m., unable to sleep because of a nightmare about the family pet turning evil. Even the cover of the book is scary. The artist takes a cute fluffy
animal and makes it a demon bunny. All my friends loved “Goosebumps” in third grade. Of course, reading the books became the epitome of cool. I decided to give the series a shot. I always made sure to be reading one during independent reading time, even though I really found them horrifying. For months, gruesome images of turning into a chicken plagued my
dreams. Kids who like to be scared are even weirder than their peers. Though perhaps I was the weird one, which was probably the real case, considering my love for both Pokemon and “Little House on the Prairie.” But I can’t help but think that reading should be fun. It shouldn’t be something you do to impress people. You don’t derive any real meaning from a story if
Sometimes the popular books are the good ones. But more often than not, they suck. I don’t think I have to say anything more here besides “Twilight.” Find a genre or an author that you truly enjoy. Don’t read Herman Melville just to impress those hot English majors. You’ll end up loathing reading. It’s better to be the weird kid reading something different that you really like than that guy very obviously reading “Pride and Prejuwdice” just to get girls. Embrace your weirdness. Who knows, one day it might be as cool to like less popular, indie books as it is with music. And maybe swap tales of vegetable-killing animals for some Laura Ingalls Wilder. Did you ever sneak a Judy Blume book behind your copy of “Harry Potter” to fit in? Tell our departing lit columnist, Sara at slschumache2@
featuresscience 6
Weekend, January 27-29, 2012
‘Superior’ carbon dioxide modeling By Jennifer Laaser the daily cardinal
Lake Superior contributes approximately 10 billion pounds of carbon dioxide (CO2) to the atmosphere each year. Even though this huge amount of material is equal in weight to nearly a third of Wisconsin’s annual corn production, scientists previously knew little about how the lake influences CO2 levels nearby. However, a team of scientists, led by UW-Madison professors Galen McKinley and Ankur Desai, have set out to determine how large of an impact the lakes have on regional CO2 amounts. Collaborating with researchers from the University of Michigan and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the scientists simulated Lake Superior’s contributions to CO2 levels in northern Wisconsin. Their results, published last October in Environmental Research Letters, are perhaps counterintuitive. They found that while the total amount of CO2 coming from the lake is large, its effect on CO2 levels in northern Wisconsin is relatively small. “What most people do with the lakes is ignore them,” Desai explains. “Some models treat them like land, which is almost certainly wrong.” However, in certain months, Lake Superior’s influence is large enough that
regional carbon exchange models should take it into account. “The lake is a small influence, but it is large enough in particular parts of the year,” said Desai. This recent research has important implications for the way large lakes are treated in many other regional models. When lakes are treated like land, the CO2 balance is incorrectly determined because most of the land in the area is forested. Forests take in much more CO2 than they release. Because Lake Superior doesn’t support a lot of plant life, it should have a more equal balance between uptake and emission. According to Desai, some researchers take an alternate approach and assume that the net carbon flux from the lake is zero —that is, that uptake and emission are perfectly balanced. However, the results from this recent work shows that such an assumption only works some of the time. Figuring out how much of an effect Lake Superior has on the CO2 in northern Wisconsin took two steps. First, Desai and undergraduate Victoria Vasys had to find out how much CO2 each part of the lake takes in or gives off. This is hard to measure directly, in part because much of the lake is inaccessible. “It’s hard to get to in the winter, and it’s very large,” said Desai. This means that it is dif-
ficult to study anything going on at the interior of the lake. Because the measurements were spotty, they were supplemented by computer calculations performed by McKinley and graduate student Val Bennington to model CO2 exchange at each part of the lake. These data were combined with data from wind patterns and airflow models for the Upper Midwest. Together, these simulations helped the team figure out how much of the CO2 measured in northern Wisconsin could be coming from the lake. The results showed that during most parts of the year, the lake’s contributions are small. But in certain months, like November and March, the influence can be more significant. Much of CO2 uptake and emission results from biological activity. Lake Superior is limited in many of the nutrients necessary to support life, so its relatively small influence on CO2 concentrations in northern Wisconsin might not come as much of a surprise. Additionally, Lake Superior’s ecology is different from some of its neighbors, and building accurate models of CO2 cycling in the region requires precise understanding of all of the lakes. Understanding how the Great Lakes contribute to carbon cycling in northern Wisconsin is still a work in progress. However,
it is critical for understanding how CO2 levels will change in coming years. “These land and ocean sinks take up approximately half of our fossil fuel emissions, and that
essentially buys us time for any future emissions reductions,” said Desai. “But in the future, does this sink change? Does it get weaker, stay the same, or get stronger? We don’t know yet.”
Ask Mr. Scientist Dear Mr. Scientist, Does alcohol really kill brain cells? My GPA isn’t looking very good, and I can’t really afford to lose many more. —David M. While alcohol won’t kill brain cells, it can damage things called dendrites at the ends of neurons (nerve/brain cells). This doesn’t kill the cell, but does affect the way it communicates with other neurons. Luckily, this damage is mostly reversible. More good news, a recent study has shown that moderate drinking may protect against cognitive impairment associated with aging. Don’t let this be and excuse to throw caution to the wind, though. Like all things in life, alcohol should be enjoyed in moderation.
Dear Mr. Scientist, How come it’s cold in winter even though the Earth is at its closest distance from the Sun? —Kaitlin D. Although Earth’s orbit around the sun is elliptical, it’s still very close to being a circle, so the difference between the Earth’s closest distance from the Sun and its farthest isn’t that big. Seasons actually have nothing to do with the distance between the Earth and Sun. Rather, because Earth’s axis is tilted (by about 23.5 degrees), the axis will tilt toward or away from the Sun at different times of year. We experience a cold winter in the northern hemisphere when the axis tilts away from the Sun, and a hot summer when the axis tilts toward the sun.
Mr. Scientist is Michael Leitch. If you have a burning science question you want him to answer, e-mail it to
Not quite as tasty... The band CAKE is named not after the food but for an idea that “cakes” onto a person, such as mud or slush caking onto a shoe. Weekend, January 27-29, 2012 • 7
Today’s Sudoku
Evil Bird
By Caitlin Kirihara
© Puzzles by Pappocom
Eatin’ Cake
By Dylan Moriarty
Solution, tips and computer program available at
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
Tanked Life
By Steven Wishau
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
Answer key available at
AQUATIC RELATIONS ACROSS 1 Letters on a PC key 4 Make a mistake 10 All set for slumbering 14 Hemingway title word 15 Philippine capital 16 Rich or elegant 17 Wallet holders 19 Mine entrance 20 Screwball 21 Pitcher part 23 Shenanigans 25 Steel-mill refuse 27 “___ got high hopes ...” (song lyric) 28 Carryall bags 29 “Do you get it?” 30 Rake over the coals 32 Candid conclusion? 33 It may be held in battle 35 It’s used for interlocking looped stitches 40 Field for Cubs 41 Sash for a kimono 43 Saint in Brazil? 46 Bard’s”always” 47 Council of Trent, e.g. 49 Dada co-founder Jean 50 Supplements 52 “Morning Train” singer Easton 53 American elk
55 Male versions of 53-Across 56 Bibliography notation 57 Closing, as a crime scene 62 Three hours before noon 63 Rhythmic, as a drumbeat 64 Ready for a commitment? 65 Comic’s stock in trade 66 Cool’ sopposite 67 Timeline portion DOWN 1 Fireplace remains 2 Hawaiian welcome token 3 Cheap Perrier alternative 4 Art class garb 5 Is deficient in 6 One “Pac-Man” ghost 7 Lemon meringue, for one 8 Farthest or highest (Abbr.) 9 Eastern title 10 Severus Snape portrayer Rickman 11 Asian religious figure 12 Ones banned from their homes 13 What de class don’t like? 18 Glass square 22 Come to terms
23 Back-to-school night org. 24 Campus mil. grp. 25 Concludes a contract negotiation 26 Near-perfect horseshoe pitch 29 Encircled and attacked 31 Aged 33 Fraternity letter 34 Susan of “The Partridge Family” 36 Nocturnal creature 37 Zagreb resident 38 Like the road in a classic ballad 39 Black, in poetry 42 Sweet-as-apple-cider girl 43 Handling clumsily 44 “Aladdin” setting 45 Raising (the ante) 47 Ramshackle digs 48 Criminal with a safe job? 51 Frisbees, e.g. 52 Undercover operation 54 Caesar’s fateful day 55 “Call of the Wild” vehicle 58 Refuel, in a way 59 “And now, without further ___ ...” 60 Where overachievers go? 61 Agcy. that approves medicines
Caved In
By Nick Kryshak
First in Twenty
By Angel Lee
Washington and the Bear
By Derek Sandberg
opinion Human toll of the war on drugs inexcusable
matt curry opinion columnist
here is great suffering in our world. To pretend that you, or others aren’t suffering at some points in time is to gloss over the realities of life. We all wish for a world without pain, but a world without suffering is a world without life. I accept this notion, but I reject the “suffering” projected by certain political and ideological interests. For years, the government and other elitist institutions have forcefed myths that have drastically escalated the longest war in American history—the war on drugs. The suffering of the great drug scourge is seen as just that, an affliction. But this is the invented reality. We curse drugs for the average man and tolerate drugs used by the elite. Why do George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama get away with it, but the average person does not? Failing to take the people behind drugs and their usage into account is disturbing. Drugs aren’t people, they are merely tools. If war requires an enemy, then who are we fighting? The arbiters of drug policy claim they want to solve the problem, but in actuality they simply bury the real problem under the mass of bodies the drug war has produced. Drug addiction is the symptom of a deeply hurt human being; a body of flesh devoid of a core. From prostitutes to abused children there is a very real pain when people make this unenforceable decision to secede from the everyday suffering of their lives with drugs.
Those that do not know the personal horror of addiction sit on their couches and rave about the horrors of drugs. These people do not know suffering and thus fail to realize the true causes of pervasive drug addiction. These are the people who make our drug policy. In actuality the drug addict is a victim, not a criminal. Drug addiction is merely an illustrated cover for the saddest novella ever told. Even sadder is the fact that drug prohibition creates and exports this pain to others who never wished to bear this burden. Prohibition’s most destructive side effect is the destruction of families affected by drug abuse. Drug abuse destroys families, but for every father, mother, son or daughter incarcerated, there is another void created in the hearts of family members. Every arrest made for non-violent drug crimes creates more pain and suffering than the drugs themselves. Incarcerating a fragile child’s father or mother, seeing them behind glass and hearing their scratchy, static voices over telephone wire is a driving force behind the self-destructive forces surrounding drug culture. What is more destructive, taking that figure away or leaving the problem to be dealt with by the family? Families must live with the loss; the police and judges go back to their lives, while a child someplace else cries to sleep. Look at mandatory minimum sentences. For nearly 30 years, getting caught with a sugar packet’s worth of crack cocaine resulted in a mandatory sentence of up to 20 years for possession. Who smokes crack most often? Poor, often minority, individuals do. The vicious cycle lasted decades and generations of minority communities, especially the black commu-
nity, have grown up without their fathers or mothers. Hurt souls seek pleasure, and the law, insufficiently seeking security, locks them up, only to set their children up for the same self-destruction in a dynamic that is not uniquely American. Dead bodies, signs of torture, pools of blood, decapitated heads, revenge, money, corruption and fear are now common sights in Mexico. Mexico has now become a narco-terrorist state nearing a total collapse. It is sickly ironic that the people who suffer the most aren’t the drug users and dealers. It’s the people around them, whether they chose to be or not. In a little over five years nearly 45,515 people have been killed in association with drug violence. Every number has a family; every number was once a child. The Mexican people live in fear of dying. For what? The violence has only escalated. Now, in Mexico, you can be killed for speaking ill of the cartels even on Facebook. All the while the mangled bodies of youth hang from bridges. The drug war isn’t simply a failed policy. Since drugs are cheaper, more plentiful and dealers are dealing to children, the drug war has created act of terrors causing far more destruction than the drugs themselves. If we are to ever tackle this problem seriously we must end the war on drugs. Behind every fall from grace is a human story. My hope is to expose the raw, emotional truths of those stories, because a war on drugs is really a war on people. Matt Curry is a junior majoring in political science and environmental studies. Please send all feedback to
Weekend, January 27-29, 2012
view Cardinal View editorials represent The Daily Cardinal’s organizational opinion. Each editorial is crafted independent of news coverage.
P.E. cuts hurt UW-Madison The additional $25.5 mil- bring in the revenue biomedilion UW-Madison will have to cal engineering does, so is it cut over the next two years is also expendable? already having a major impact The fact that these cuts on campus, and one of the need to be made in the first most tangible ways in which place is a clear problem, but students will feel the cuts is they will likely not be the the elimination of 29 for-credit only ones this university faces. physical education Gov. Scott Walker’s classes after 2012. administration has Everything from shown little to no fencing to yoga to respect for acabadminton will no demia, and assumlonger be offered ing he is around Number of through the unifor another bienP.E Activityversity. The very nial budget, the classes cut fact that so many situation will only starting in classes are on the get worse. Spring 2013. chopping block One of this should be a red university’s greatflag for students est assets is that it and faculty alike. offers such a wide Number of P.E. Physical educaarray of subjects. activity tion is not the only Students that come courses program suffering here sacrifice peroffered this from the cuts. The sonal interaction term School of Human with professors Ecology’s consumand having advier affairs program sors that know is being eliminated altogether. their names for the dynamic The idea here is that because and broad academic expericonsumer affairs and pilates ence unique to this campus. It are not as important as, say, is unfortunate that Chancellor physics, they are expendable. Ward and the rest of the uniAlthough this may be true, versity’s administration have there is a real danger in giving to be put in such a position, each discipline a certain value. but there must be another way English, though a tradition- around the cuts without cutal academic study, will never ting out entire departments.
Concerns over Romney’s taxes should turn to fixing muddled system Anurag Mandalika The Daily Cardinal
Mitt Romney’s spectacular fall from the front-runner position in the Republican candidacy following the South Carolina primary election can be attributed to a variety of causes. Arguably, his reluctance to reveal his taxes seems to have been the greatest. Voters seemed to be indignant at the fact Romney would be taxed at a meager 15.4 percent for the 201 fiscal year despite reported income that would make him eligible for the 35 percent tax bracket. The reason for this apparent disparity in income and tax rate arises out of the fact that most of Romney’s income comes from capital gains, which are taxed at a lower rate. However, it does not coincide with the current political atmosphere of adamant unemployment, Washington’s financial burden and the Occupy Wall Street movement. Billionaire Warren Buffett famously peddled what has become known as the ‘Buffett rule’ urging for higher taxation on the United State’s wealthiest citizens. And that message seems to have been well-received by the average American. A CBS News/New
York Times poll shows that 52 percent of Americans feel capital gains and dividends must be taxed at the same rate as other earnings. This message is likely to become a staple of President Obama’s reelection campaign, as well. While it may seem like a matter of fairness that the wealthiest people pay their share in taxes, it might have the detrimental effect of dissuading these people from investing as much as they currently do. There exists the possibility that this might slow down economic recovery even more, especially with the risks involved in such investments. The issue of taxation is one that needs to be fixed and streamlined, but it necessitates the adoption of a pragmatic approach. Glib talk that serves to appease a particular ideology does not promise to usher in any real progress on this issue, and any lasting consensus demands sincere commitment that does not tingle of political rhetoric. Anurag Mandalika is a graduate research assistant in the Department of Biological Engineering. Please send all feedback to
Mitt ‘s Big Meal
+Anurag Mandalika
Weekend, January 27-29, 2012
Men’s Hockey
Women’s Basketball
Wisconsin finds rhythm in Minnesota win By Ryan Hill the daily cardinal
The Wisconsin women’s basketball team’s (3-5 Big Ten, 7-13 overall) quick start and ability to hold off a late Minnesota (3-5, 11-11) rally propelled the Badgers to come away with a 78-72 Big Ten win on the road. Tonight’s game marked the highest point-total on the season for the Badgers, who shot 50 percent (30-60) from the floor. mark kauzlarich/the daily cardinal
Freshman goaltender Joel Rumpel’s play in recent starts has been key to Wisconsin’s success over its past 10 games.
Every point counts: Badgers face UND By Ryan Evans the daily cardinal
As the 2011-’12 college hockey season prepares for its stretch, the postseason pictures across the country are beginning to take shape. Like many other teams in the nation the Wisconsin men’s hockey team (7-9-2 WCHA, 12-102 overall) is jockeying for conference position as it faces off with North Dakota (9-9-0, 13-10-2) in a series that carries heavy postseason implications. The current playoff picture in the WCHA is muddled at best. The fifth- through ninth-place teams in the conference are separated by just three points, ensuring that each weekend from here on out will be played at postseason intensity.
“There are no freshmen, no rookies after Christmas.”
Joel Rumpel freshman goaltender Wisconsin men’s hockey
Anytime these two rivals get together emotions tend to run high. But, when the ninth-place Badgers (16 points) matchup with sixth-place North Dakota (18 points) this weekend there will certainly be a palpable playoff atmosphere. “The second half is a whole different mentality,” junior forward Derek Lee said. “I think every weekend no matter who you’re playing it’s a playoff mentality, especially with the position we’re in right now where we’re trying to get into that home ice six spot.” As their games take on increasing importance the Badgers appear to be hitting their stride just at the right time. Wisconsin is 7-2-1 in its past 10 games, but it will have to find a way to translate its current momentum onto the road—where it has a dismal 1-6-1 record this season—this weekend against North Dakota.
“I think the main thing is just being simple and not getting too complicated out there because that is where things start to break down for us,” junior defenseman Justin Schultz said of his team’s struggles on the road this season. As far as road games go, they don’t get much tougher than playing against North Dakota within the confines of Ralph Englestad Arena—historically one of the toughest buildings to play in in college hockey. This season has not reaped the type of success that the UND hockey program is accustomed to, but the team still boasts a 9-4-2 record on its home ice. For many members of the Badgers, this will be their first experience playing at North Dakota. Only five players on the roster have made the trip to Grand Forks in their careers, and head coach MikeEaves is anxious to see how his young team reacts to the new environment. “It’s going to be a real good test for our kids,” Eaves said. “We as a staff are very much interested to see how we respond and see if we can play in that atmosphere because that’s the kind of atmosphere you’re going to play at when it comes time to win, or try to win a championship.” Part of Wisconsin’s recent success can be attributed to the continued maturation of its young roster. With half a season of college hockey experience under their belts, the Badgers are starting to get more consistent efforts from their younger players—such as freshmen like forward Joseph LaBate and goaltender Joel Rumpel—a huge key for Wisconsin if it is going to make a run up the WCHA standings in the season’s second half. “I’m trying to play like a sophomore,” LaBate said. “Playing in the league for 24 games now you kind of get the hang of things and definitely try to play a little more confident.” “There are no freshmen, no rookies after Christmas,” Rumpel added.
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“I am very proud of our group.”
Bobboe Kelsey head coach Wisconsin women’s hockey
Minnesota made things interesting, however, by pulling within five with just 3:27 remaining after its 7-0 run. This was ultimately offset by the strong start the Badgers got off to. The Badgers were leading 31-15, their largest lead of the contest, with 10:04 left in the first half. “We always emphasize that when you come into someone else’s place you have to get a good start,” head coach Bobbie Kelsey said. “Being at home and having a good crowd gives the home team confidence. We had
to really come out and play from the beginning of the game.” Senior forward Anya Covington once again led the Badgers’ scoring attack. She shot 9-of-14 from the floor and ended up with 19 points and eight rebounds. Junior guard Taylor Wurtz turned in yet another solid performance for the Badgers by recording another double-double. She had 18 points and 10 boards. Sophomore guard Morgan Paige was the other player in double-figures, scoring 18 points as well. “Anya has really come on here,” Kelsey said. “ This was a great game for her to showcase what she can do. We always knew she could. When she is called upon to get the ball and score on the block, she does that for us. You always need an inside-out game.” Despite being up 31-15 with over 10 minutes left in the first half, the Gophers slowly chiseled away at the Badgers’ lead and found themselves down only 41-32 at the break. “I am very proud of our group,” Kelsey said. “We worked hard this week to prepare for a great Minnesota team.” Three Gophers scored in double figures in the offensive-oriented contest. Rachel Banham, the team’s leading scorer, tied Covington for the game-high with 19 points. The Lakeville, Minn. native shot
6-of-10 from the field, including a perfect 3-for-3 from beyond the arc. Katie Loberg (15) and Kionna Kellog (10) also reached double figures for Minnesota. “They are very good shooters, penetraters and they do share the ball,” Kelsey said of the Gophers, who shot 54.5 percent (6-of-11) from threepoint range. “We had an opportunity here and we wanted to capitalize on it and I am very proud of our team for persevering through a tough game.” Paige’s hot shooting continued Thursday night, as the 5-foot-9 sophomore hit three of her four three-point attempts just one game after scoring 20 points against Northwestern. She was 6-of-12 from long range in that contest, including five in the first half. She scored her 18 points Thursday despite only playing 21 minutes. Wurtz’s 10 rebounds was a team-high as the Badgers outrebounded the Gophers 36-35. Wisconsin did struggle a bit at the charity stripe, shooting just 56 percent (9-of-16). Minnesota, however, hit 22-of-28 free throw shots (78.6 percent). Wisconsin gets back into action when it returns home Monday, Jan. 30. The Badgers will square off against the Michigan Wolverines. Tip-off is at 6:30 p.m. contributed to this report.
Weekend, January 27-29, 2012
Women’s Hockey
Wisconsin to host Bemidji State for ‘Fill the Bowl’ game By Vince Huth the daily cardinal
For the first time this season, the No. 1 Wisconsin women’s hockey team (16-2-2-1 WCHA, 22-2-2 overall) will play back-to-back primetime games at the Kohl Center. The Badgers will host Bemidji State (1410-3, 8-10-2) Friday and Saturday night at 7 p.m. Wisconsin outscored Bemidji State 9-2 in a series sweep in Minnesota last month. While the series sweep has been commonplace for the Badgers this season, they are the only team to have swept the Beavers. “We played really well in December back [in Minnesota],” junior Brianna Decker said. “We just need to keep things simple and get a lot of shots. They have a good goaltender, so we’re going to have to test her out.” Senior forward Brooke Ammerman echoed Decker’s analysis, noting senior goalten-
der Zuzana Tomcikova’s effectiveness in the net. “We’re probably not going to score a lot on the first shots,” Ammerman said. “We need to get a lot of second or third opportunities and put some in the net.” The Beavers are currently unranked, but have bounced in and out of the rankings all season. With four wins against ranked teams, Bemidji State has certainly proven it can play with anyone. “They play aggressive, they work hard and they’ve got a very good goaltender,” head coach Mark Johnson said. “Put those things together and you’re going to have a chance to win every game.” Special teams certainly play a role in every hockey game, however, it could be the differencemaker in this weekend’s series. Wisconsin and Bemidji State have been nearly identical in
terms of power play and penalty kill efficiency this season. “It’s one of those parts of the games that you can win if you’re better than the other team in that specific area,” Johnson said. “You have to be disciplined and not take any unnecessary penalties.” Much has been made of Saturday night’s “Fill the Bowl” game, in which Wisconsin will attempt to break the NCAA women’s hockey single-game attendance record that it set last season. Johnson acknowledges the Kohl Center will be electric Saturday night, but does not want his team to look beyond Friday’s game. “We’ve got a game Friday first,” Johnson said. “We don’t get past that, at least in my mind.” While Decker knows Friday night’s game is the most important on the schedule, she could not help but express excitement for the weekend series as a whole.
“We’ve been talking about [this weekend’s series] since the beginning of January,” Decker said. “It’s kind of nice not having other sports this weekend so that more fans can come out to support us.”
10,668 fans came to the Kohl Center for last season’s “Fill the Bowl” game. “The crowd we got last year was unbelievable,” Ammerman said. “To top that [this weekend] would be pretty tough.”
mark kauzlarich/the daily cardinal
Senior forward Brianna Decker and the Badgers have anticipated this weekend since the beginning of the season.
Weekend January 27-29, 2012
Men’s Basketball
Badgers continue hot streak, top Indiana By Max Sternberg the daily cardinal
Wisconsin men’s basketball is no longer unbeatable in Madison having lost three at home this season. Thursday night, however, the Kohl Center remained a house of horrors for Indiana as the No. 25 Badgers (6-3 Big Ten, 17-5 overall) knocked off the No. 17 Hoosiers (4-5, 16-5) 57-50. While UW had a tough time getting anything going offensively throughout much of the game, it kept itself within striking distance by holding an Indiana team that had been averaging just under 80 points per game to a season-low 50. First and foremost, the Badgers stifled the post game of freshman center Cody Zeller, holding the Washington, Ind. native to just seven points on 2-of-7 shooting. Zeller picked up his fourth foul with 5:21 left in the game, a foul that marked the beginning of a 12-4 UW run to close out the game. “Jared [Berggren] did a great job on Zeller,” senior guard Jordan Taylor said. “Zeller is one of the best players in the country and what he did on him was impressive.” Not only did the Badgers have to beat one of the top-20 teams in
the country Thursday, in many respects they had to beat themselves. Wisconsin struggled to get good shots to fall down, finishing the game just under 40 percent from the field and a measly 23.5 percent from three-point range. What made up for the lack of shots was the Badgers’ ability to get to the line and rebound in the 2nd half, finishing the game 15-of-19 from the line after making their final 13.. “The free throws were obviously a byproduct of the rebounds,” junior forward Ryan Evans said. “That’s real encouraging, when you can find a way to win on an awful shooting night.” As it did last Sunday at Illinois, Wisconsin made the big plays seemingly each and every time the opportunity presented itself. Clinging to just a one-point lead with two minutes left, the Badgers grabbed two big offensive rebounds to ultimately get themselves to the line with a minute remaining. After Evans picked up two of his 12 second-half points at the line and Zeller missed with a jump hook, the Badgers had control of the game and the opportunity to ice it after yet another offensive rebound, this time by junior
forward Mike Bruesewitz. “They were big, every single one of them,” Taylor said of the Badgers’ hustle plays. “Mike and Ryan had two massive rebounds at the end there.” Sophomore guard Ben Brust was back on his game as well. After being largely silent in the 1st half, he woke the crowd with 10 secondhalf points and one huge offensive rebound, leaping into the air to grab a jump ball that had bounced off the floor after a missed jumper. His 3-for-6 shooting from three-point range gave UW a boost it desperately needed on a night when scoring was hard to come by. “As long as he is on the same side of the court we are on, I would say he has that [green light],” head coach Bo Ryan said. “When his shoulders are squared and his feet are set, he tends to shoot the ball a lot better.” In a season now seemingly defined by gritty efforts, this win was perhaps the scrappiest of the 17 that Wisconsin has managed to pick up so far this season. “We knew it wasn’t going to be easy, we just had to scrap to the end,” Berggren said. “When shots aren’t falling down, you have to
mark kauzlarich/the daily cardinal
Sophomore guard Ben Brust hit a key three-pointer midway through the second to give Wisconsin their first lead of the half. battle defensively.” Now within one half-game of the conference lead, the Badgers hit the road for a midweek game against Penn State. Although a marquee matchup in Madison against Ohio State looms on the horizon, the Badgers are focused squarely on
the present, fully aware of what got them to this point after being left for dead just a few weeks ago. “We knew we had guys that weren’t going to give up easily,” Taylor said. “But every game is huge in the Big Ten and hopefully we can just keep it rolling.”