Monday, January 28, 2013 - The Daily Cardinal

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True horror stories of dating, Dirty Bird edition

Traevon Jackson’s last-minute shot pushes Wisconsin past rival Minnesota +SPORTS, page 8

+PAGE TWO University of Wisconsin-Madison

Complete campus coverage since 1892


Monday, January 28, 2013

Governments that pay for a UW education Students promise work in exchange for government scholarships By Meghan Chua The Daily Cardinal

Sher Minn Chong will graduate from the University of Wisconsin-Madison this Spring with no student debt and a clear post-graduation plan. But unlike many students, Chong, a government scholar from Malaysia, signed on to this plan before she even arrived in Madison. In Malaysia, where many families cannot afford to pay for stu-

dents to study abroad and the government is working with increased intensity to retain skilled workers, students like Chong can apply for all-inclusive scholarships to worldwide institutions. But in accepting such a scholarship, the student also agrees to return to work within his or her country after graduation, often for the government. Students who decide not to return home or leave their work bond job early must pay their government back for some or all of the cost of their education. Students from nine other countries with government scholar programs also attend UW-Madison according to Laurie Cox, assistant dean and director of International

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UW-Madison named 38th top university in world by U.S. News & World Report U.S. News & World Report ranked the University of Wisconsin-Madison 38th overall on a list of the top 400 universities in the world. UW-Madison moved up since last year, when the same organization ranked it 41st overall. The university competed

against both public and private institutions from 45 countries, according to the U.S. News & World Report website. A university’s ranking included criteria such as academic reputation, employer reputation and publication

rank page 3

Wil gibb/daily cardinal file photo

New Badgers head coach Gary Andersen introduces himself to Bucky Badger at the 2013 Rose Bowl, which he attended as a fan after being hired from Utah State University in December.

Andersen outlines coaching philosophy to Athletic Board By Cheyenne Langkamp The Daily Cardinal

Newly hired University of Wisconsin-Madison football head coach Gary Andersen introduced himself to members of the Athletic Board Friday, discussing his coaching philosophy and first impressions of Madison. The university hired Andersen, who said he is impressed with the attitude toward academics within Wisconsin athletics, in December after the unexpected departure of former head coach Bret Bielema. “That’s something I’ve never been around,” Andersen said. “An education that’s as powerful as yours at Wisconsin.” Andersen, who has set a goal for a team GPA of 3.0, also emphasized his own commitment to the experience of student athletes off the field.

“I’m one of the most competitive people in the world and that will never change,” Andersen said. “I compete for those kids academically and socially every day.” Andersen said he can “be who he is” at Wisconsin, because there is not a barrier between athletics and academics as there is at other institutions. “As I went through this process, I had other opportunities and possibilities for me and my family,” Andersen said. “But that was what was lacking in some of those places, the ability to change kids lives.” Andersen also spoke about the beginning of the recruitment process, which he said is already off to a great start, as he looks for athletes who will be proud to represent Wisconsin. “I will never take a young man that doesn’t have the mental

and physical toughness to play at the University of Wisconsin,” Andersen said. The university also hired Kelly Sheffield as head coach of the volleyball team in December following the resignation of former head coach Pete Waite in November. Athletic Board chairman Dale Bjorling said he is happy with the results of both searches. “At the end of the day we were fortunate to find people that were a good match with the University of Wisconsin,” Bjorling said. Also at the meeting, Athletic Director Barry Alvarez spoke about his experience coaching at the 2013 Rose Bowl, thanking players and staff members. “We were beaten by a very good team,” Alvarez said. “It was a great experience for me and overall the trip was positive.”

Protesters rally against mining legislation By Andrew Haffner The Daily Cardinal

on campus

Premiere perfect

Members of Premiere dance team practice their routines at the Student Activity Center+ Photo by Nithin Charlly

More than a hundred protesters gathered on the Capitol steps Saturday to voice their opposition to a proposed mine in northwest Wisconsin’s Penokee Hills, as well as a recently introduced bill they said would loosen Wisconsin’s environmental standards regarding the creation and maintenance of mines. The musical protest group Forward! Marching Band, and a group of older female vocal-

ists known as the “Raging Grannies,” played between the event’s speakers, lending to the grass-roots atmosphere. About mid-way through, the event incorporated a “solidarity sing-a-long” featuring antimining songs. Included at the rally were delegations from some of Wisconsin’s Native American tribes, most conspicuous being a group from the Bad River Band of the Ojibwe, the Native group whose reservation lands

lie nearby to the proposed site of the mine. The protesters focused on the potential for large-scale pollution of the area’s water sources. The issue of water is particularly important for the Band, as one of their most culturally significant food sources, wild rice, is entirely dependent on the region’s surface water. The tribal representatives said they worry the soil and minerals dis-

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“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

page two In defense of the term ‘hipster’ tODAY: mostly cloudy hi 41º / lo 36º



tuesDAY: few showers hi 49º / lo 24º

Monday, January 28, 2013

An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 122, Issue 71

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By Shannon Kelly guest columnist


e’ve all been there. You’re at a party, enjoying an intellectually stimulating conversation shouted over the music, or you’re swilling a PBR and pretending to enjoy it, when someone throws down that despicable gauntlet of our postpost-modern young adulthood: “Oh Shannon, you’re such a hipster.” Your heart races, and panic seizes your illegally intoxicated mind. In this one statement, your very authenticity has been called into question; your honor as someone who “only liked this band’s early stuff” or “has totally been watching ‘Breaking Bad’ since season one” is being put to the test. Deep in your heart, you know that you are a totally original non-conforming connoisseur of pop culture and inexpensive canned lager, but this person has had the audacity to accuse you of being that creature whom our bustling subculture has vilified above all others: the hipster. But what makes one a hipster,

anyway? Is it a Tumblr account and dip-dyed hair (of which I have both) or a record player and extensive knowledge of cigars (of which I have neither)? Can you spot one by his or her style of dress (exorbitantly expensive while trying to look ragged and grungy) or distinctive vocal patterns (rife with phrases like “before they were popular” and “I like them ironically”)? Does their unique diet (Chipotle and bubble tea) give them away, or is it their summer plans (a trip to Coachella and smoking bowls in the park by their house)? The answer, I’m afraid, is that a hipster is all of these things— under one extremely important condition: These things only make someone a hipster when they’re not applied specifically to us. As everyone knows, a hipster would never call themselves a hipster. That defeats the whole point, no? But here’s the rub: We, whether we know it or not, are all hipsters. We are just cursed with a persistent inability to see it in ourselves. I know, this is some

The Dirty Bird

Fight Club-level stuff. The hipster has become the Schrodinger’s Cat of our generation, existing in all of us until someone calls us out and we’re forced to confront our inner hipster and embrace or, more likely, kill it. But what’s so bad about being called a hipster? If Wikipedia is to be trusted (and let’s be honest, we’ve trusted it enough to use it to write every research paper of our academic careers), hipsters are a “subculture associated with independent music, a varied non-mainstream fashion sensibility … and alternative lifestyles.” Basically, hipsters want to be different, and that desire is a universal one for youth in today’s fast-moving, Internethomogenizing world. So I have a controversial assertion to make: Wanting to be unique is not a bad thing, and therefore—stick with me here— being a hipster is not a bad thing. We all want to be different, so why can’t we just let each other be different without feeling the need to slap some derogatory label on

people because we’ve made it our responsibility to police the authenticity of others? I say we stop denying the hipster that lives on in all of us and stop seeing hipster as a dirty word. We’re all driven by the same midwestern 20-something compulsion to distinguish ourselves from the pack, but if every single person insists on making themselves the only one who is truly unique, we just end up being the same in a way that’s entirely shitty. So go forth, young hipsters. Listen to your Dean Martin records and rock those thigh-high stockings. And if anyone has the nerve to tell you that your interests make you pretentious or douchey, just kill them with kindness and remember that somewhere, hidden away, they’re nursing their own hipster tendencies and are probably still bitter that “Mumford and Sons totally sold out.” Are you an ironically unironic PBR drinker and don’t know what to make of it? Maybe Shannon can help you figure it out. Email her at

sex and the student body

Alex shares a dating horror story

Alex Tucker sex columnist


o, I haven’t gotten any questions that I’m able to share with you this week, dear readers. In place of my regular question-andanswer-style column, this week, I’m going to introduce a segment close to my heart. Welcome, my son, welcome … to the machine. This is not a Pink Floyd concert? Sorry. In that case, welcome friends, to “Horror stories with Alex!”—a segment in which I share with you my worst encounters on dates and such and you get to choose either laughing out loud at my perils or perhaps empathizing with my sad self. Let’s begin. I met this intellectual co-ed at a friend’s Rose Bowl party over last year’s winter break. He went to the University of Chicago and wasn’t even that bad looking. Crazy, I know. We ended up talking as he distracted me from the stress that came with rooting for UW in that age-old n a i l - b i t e r. We flirted and had a nice time, and I said I would visit him later in January. I did so, and he was much quieter than the first time we’d met, but because he graphic by jAcob berchem

was so clever and smart, I was pretty into it. After all, who can resist a guy who “knows” he’s too smart to talk to you? Most girls, probably, but not me! The two of us kept in touch for a few months, and in March we decided I should spend the weekend with him in Chicago. My parents live about an hour away from his campus, and they promised to pick me up if the two of us didn’t have fun. Well, we didn’t. He was infuriating. The second I walked into his dorm room and commented on how much I enjoyed one of the books sitting on his desk, he remarked, “You haven’t really read that. It’s very difficult to get through.” I was astounded. I suppose I should have been worried about this behavior from the get-go, but instead I was too enamored to see his condescending side. I shrugged it off with a scoff and we continued on with our day. A few hours later, we were making out on his bed. How could I make out with someone like that? So far, he had only made the one comment, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Besides, we had laid the boundaries of the weekend before I had agreed to come, so I wasn’t worried about leading him on. However: “Can I please have a blow job?” U m … what?! I couldn’t believe my ears. First of all, we had agreed no sex. To me, no sex also means no oral since oral is sex, though most people are loath to admit it. Secondly,

blow jobs are, as my aunt put it, “only to get diamonds.” While that’s an extreme, I do think they’re more intimate and I’m only comfortable handing (mouthing?) those babies out when I know my partner’s sexual history and am in a committed relationship with him. So to this boy I was with, I calmly replied, “no.” “Well then, can I have sex?” Can who have sex? We? Us? You, me and Dupree? Oh, just you? Why, yes, there’s a shower down the hall, go have at it. I guess that this misogynist wanted to have sex to me instead of with me. I was aghast. I mean, was my vagina just an item for him to plow through? And this was the guy

who had earlier ranted to me about how the men around his campus always took advantage of their female classmates. People, get your shit together, and if your shit is still intact, know that this kind of a) language use and b) treatment of potential partners (or anyone, really) is unacceptable. If you please, get laid. Have sex with someone you just met if you so choose. But really. Have a little respect. I’m not asking for much, just treat your cohort like a human being. Good luck and good night. Once again, I ask for any tips, article requests and especially questions to share with our readers. Email to reach me!


Monday, January 28, 2013 3


Appointments made to Diversity Plan Committee The Associated Students of Madison student government announced last week the makeup of the ad hoc committee charged with researching and drafting the next campus diversity plan. The Ad Hoc Diversity Plan Committee consists of 25 members, with equal representation for faculty, academic staff, classified staff, students and ex-officio, non-voting community members. Justin Bloesch, Haley Frieler and Jincheng Huang will serve as undergraduate student representatives on the committee, and Michael

Jackson and Ryan Adserias will serve as graduate student representatives. According to ASM Press Office Director David Gardner, the committee will be responsible for giving input on the plan and ensuring it adheres to the April 1 deadline. Gardner said equal representation and a student co-chair were the two biggest accomplishments in forming the committee. “We will use that power to our fullest advantage in making sure that it’s on time and that students’ concerns are voiced,” Gardner said.

Police investigate deaths on east side as domestic murder-suicide The Madison Police Department is now considering the city’s first homicide of 2013 that occurred last week a “domestic related murder-suicide” after finding the victim’s estranged husband dead in his home, according to a police report. MPD spokesperson Joel DeSpain said in a statement police found 31-year-old Jennifer Boyce deceased inside her Milwaukee Street apartment, which showed “signs of a forced entry,” at approximately 10:35 a.m. last Thursday. After finding Boyce, police obtained a search warrant for her estranged, 34-year-old husband’s Atwood Avenue

apartment where they found him dead from an “apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound,” DeSpain said. Court records show the couple was scheduled for a divorce hearing the morning of the incidents, according to the statement. The Dane County Medical Examiner’s office released autopsy results Friday stating Boyce sustained injuries from an “edged weapon,” which resulted in her death. The MPD and the Medical Examiner’s office are continuing the investigation, according to DeSpain and the Office of the Dane County Medical Examiner.

rank from page 1

tion of international to noninternational students. In September, U.S. News & World Report also ranked UW-Madison the tenth best public college in the world for the second year in a row, tied with the University of California-Santa Barbara.

citations per faculty member, according to the site. UW-Madison’s strongest category was academic reputation. Its weakest category of the criteria was one measuring the propor-

scholarships from page 1

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shoaib altaf/the daily cardinal

State Rep. Janet Bewley, D-Ashland, will hold a listening hearing in Wisconsin’s northern region.

State Democrats push for additional mining hearing Democratic state legislators have continued to lobby top Republican legislators for increased public transparency while passing the controversial mining bill, particularly through a proposed hearing to be held in northern Wisconsin. State Sen. John Lehman, D-Racine, and state Rep. Fred Clark, D-Baraboo, sent a letter to leaders on the Republican bill state Sen. Tom Tiffany, R-Hazelhurst, and state Rep. Mary Williams, R-Medford, in which the Democrats called for public answers from the legislators about how their bill could affect the northern environment while making it easier for mining companies to get permitted in the state. The new bill is a revised version of a bill that failed last session when Democratic senators, joined by Dale Schultz, R-Richland Center, voted the bill down because of environmental concerns.

Two other Democratic legislators, state Sen. Bob Jauch, D-Poplar, and state Rep. Janet Bewley, D-Ashland, both from northern Wisconsin, announced they will hold their own listening session for the bill Feb. 9 to let citizens speak for or against the bill. However, Lehman and Clark said they hoped to see an official hearing scheduled in northern Wisconsin to allow concerned citizens who did not get to speak at last week’s hearing in Madison to voice their opinions. “A good process will … fully vet ideas from other experts and members of the public, particularly those most dramatically impacted by a potential mine,” Lehman and Clark said in their letter. While Tiffany and Williams have not confirmed plans for another hearing, Republicans maintain they are committed to an open and transparent process. —Jack Casey

Priebus reelected RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, a “It is with great pride that Wisconsin native, drew praise I send heartfelt congratulafrom Wisconsin Republicans tions to my friend and forFriday after he won mer RPW Chairman reelection to the posiReince Priebus on his tion of Chairman successful re-election for the Republican to head our national National Committee. Party for another two Priebus has served years,” Courtney said as chair for the past in the statement. two years and, accordThe Walker ing to releases from Campaign also released Priebus state Republicans a statement thanking and organizations, Priebus for his strong he has been a leader for the leadership both in Wisconsin Republican Party, specifi- and nationally. cally by helping the national “His sound leadership is party with its debt. an asset to our future sucBrad Courtney, released cess and I look forward to a statement on behalf of our continued partnership the Wisconsin Republican in the years ahead,” the Party shortly after the news Walker Campaign said in broke Friday. the statement.

Student Services. These countries range from Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Kazakhstan to Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand and Taiwan. “International students benefit from having that opportunity … to expand their horizons prior to entering the workforce,” Cox said. “I think that’s true of all the students that study at UW-Madison.” Chong’s scholarship from the Malaysian Public Service Department includes a six year work bond. These work bonds can be in public or private sector positions and are often related to the student’s major. “It’s a really good opportunity,” said Chong, who is majoring in computer science and philosophy. “I’m really lucky.” Brazil also offers government scholarships to doctorate students and, for the first time this academic year, undergraduates. Brazilian students who receive funding to attend foreign institutions sign a contract to work in the country for twice as long as they spend abroad. Alessandra Fiore, a senior majoring in industrial engineering with one more year of university education to complete in Brazil, told The Daily Cardinal in December living in another culture was an “amazing” experience. Fiore returned to Brazil in late December. “I would love if my university was like this,” Fiore said, adding she found professors at UW-Madison to be more helpful than they would have been in Brazil. “I learn here much more than I learn there because the professor wants me to learn.” But whether or not the students grow fond of American culture, each scholarship program includes the stipulation of returning to the country they call home. Fiore said although she has thought about living in the United States, she misses Brazil. “I really miss my family in Brazil, and I miss our culture,” she said. Chong also said she misses the people and food back home. But in addition to her contract and homesickness, the thought of work that can still be done in Malaysia to improve the country draws her back. “There’s this huge need for people who have seen how things can be done differently to go back to Malaysia and work on that,” Chong said. “I feel that a lot of scholars who have studied overseas have that to contribute to Malaysia.”

mining from page 1 placed from the mine would contaminate and destroy the natural nurseries harboring the rice. “Our water will be destroyed,” said Cherie Pero, a member of the Band. “There is no plan B for water.” Later, Esie Leoso-Corbine, another representative of the Band, declared “genocide is alive and well in Wisconsin.” “If one shovel goes into that earth, it will destroy my people,” she said. Frank Koehn, a representative of Save the Water’s Edge, described his own family’s long-standing roots in Wisconsin, focusing on the benefits provided to his own family by treaty rights granted to the Natives of the area, rights the protesters said are being violated by the mining proposal. “We found this beautiful place to live, we benefitted from the treaties, and now it’s our turn to fight for these treaties,” Koehn said. “If Gov. Walker and the other Republicans want to deny these treaties, than they’re denying our heritage, they’re denying our people, and they’re denying Wisconsin.” Despite the opposition, Republicans maintain they will uphold Wisconsin’s environmental standards while working with concerned individuals and groups to pass the best possible legislation.

opinion Polling policies need federal structure

TYLER DAVIS opinion columnist During the last presidential election, multiple hour-long lines prevented an estimated 200,000 people in Florida from voting. For reference, that’s more than twice President Barack Obama’s margin of victory in the state. Meanwhile, poll workers in many states, including vital battlegrounds like Ohio, mistakenly turned away voters on the basis of proposed voter identification laws that were debated but never enacted. And this is not just idle complaining. The history of the world changed entirely with the 2000 election as a direct result of Florida’s proud tradition of incompetence at organizing a legitimate election. Had Florida’s voting machines not malfunctioned due to the now infamous “hanging chads,” would we have started two disastrous wars? Had ballots in multiple precincts been designed so that votes for former Vice President Al Gore weren’t counted as votes for Pat Buchanan, would we have lived through the Great Recession? Of course, it is impossible to say one way or the other. But it is dangerous any time that the process of voting overrules the will of the people. The single largest factor in the dysfunction of our voting process is that many states are fundamentally incompetent at designing their ballots, choos-

ing their voting machines and staffing their polling places. It is also clear that we cannot trust the elected politicians of some states—including our own—to run fair elections, just as we couldn’t trust them not to disenfranchise AfricanAmericans before the 1965 Voting Rights Act or to provide ballots in languages that our citizens most easily understand. The situation would be greatly improved by entrusting the federal government with the responsibility of competently administering fair elections.

Poll workers in many states, including vital battlegrounds like Ohio, mistakenly turned away voters on the basis of proposed voter identification laws that were debated but never enacted.

Of course, there is a segment of the population that would view this takeover as a tyrannic power grab by the feds. However, this group largely overlaps in membership with people who think their backyard bunkers and caches of rifles are the last line of defense in the battle between autocracy and American freedom. The real threat to our freedom is the prospect of unfair elections. Our own Gov. Scott Walker is exploring the idea of assigning Wisconsin’s electoral

Monday, January 28, 2013

votes proportionately based to unknowingly vote against on congressional districts won their own interests. This would instead of popular vote. Because not happen if one method were of shameless Republican ger- exhaustively tested and chosen rymandering in as the standard. the 2012 election, Second, preObama won only cincts should be three of Wisconsin’s adequately funded. eight congressioAs it stands now, nal districts despite lines are much lonwinning the state ger in inner-city Number of by seven percentareas because they Florida age points. How can’t afford to purcitizens Wisconsin’s two chase as many votdeterred from remaining electoral ing machines or hire voting in the votes would be alloenough poll work2012 election cated under this ers. It’s undemodue to long scheme is not clear. cratic to make votlines in polling The prospect of ing harder for some places. rigged electoral vote citizens. There is distribution coupled absolutely no excuse with the kinds of for requiring voters voter suppression to wait in line more tactics we’ve come than 15 minutes to to expect from our state officials register their opinions on the suggest our elections are becom- elected officials of the nation. ing less and less legitimate. The federal government has an advantage over states in runWe must be proactive now ning an efficient election for the and create a federal elecsimple reason that it provides tion system that ensures standardization. There are three the legitimacy of the winmain goals that the federal govning candidate. ernment should pursue: The first goal is to standardize voting machines and ballots. One electronic voting machine in Florida had a softThird, polling places should ware glitch that caused votes be staffed with well-trained for President Obama to tabu- workers. As it stands, most late for Gov. Mitt Romney. As I polling places are staffed by mentioned before, ballots from volunteers who are not necesprecincts in Florida in the 2000 sarily fully trained in proper election became jammed in polling procedures. Paying machines and would not tabu- workers and ensuring they are late. Other ballots are confus- adequately trained to a federal ingly designed, causing voters guideline would ensure that the




people actually handling the democratic process are experts at their jobs. In today’s insane political climate, we’re lucky that the past two presidential elections were decisive. President Obama is already viewed by a mind bogglingly high segment of the population as illegitimate. Imagine if he had won in a hotly disputed election in the style of the 2000 election. We must be proactive now and create a federal election system that ensures the legitimacy of the winning candidate. Have an opinion on government-controlled polling places? Share your thoughts! Send us an email at opinion@ and be sure to visit our website at


Enjoy writing? Want to get more involved on campus? Join the Daily Cardinal!

Spring Recruitment Meeting Friday, February 1 4:00 PM 2195 Vilas Hall See you there!


It’s not the cold... Smoking can make your nipples fall off and turn them purple because nicotine and carbon monoxide disrupt the blood flow.

6 • Monday, January 28, 2013

Today’s Sudoku

First set of readings for class

Eatin’ Cake

By Dylan Moriarty

© Puzzles by Pappocom

By Melanie Shibley

Solution, tips and computer program available at

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Caved In

By Nick Kryshak

Today’s Crossword Puzzle

Crustaches Classic

First in Twenty Answer key available at

Road Rules ACROSS 1 Picasso or Casals 6 Long-range weapon, briefly 10 “That’s all right, ___” (Elvis refrain) 14 Fancy hairnet 15 Mitchell mansion 16 “Don’t leave home without it” card 17 Command to one on fire 20 St. ___ of Avila 21 “___ victory!” 22 Agatha Christie, ___ Miller 23 Featherbrain 25 Plods 27 Brazil’s ___ Paulo 30 Pen parts 32 Practice grp.? 33 Alero or Aurora, briefly 35 Barflies 37 Like yoga instructors 41 Avoid being a witness? 44 Like horror movie film scores 45 Fizz flavoring 46 Lock banned at Harvard? 47 Clerical abbreviation 49 “___ go bragh!” 51 Grass over 52 Certain idolater

6 Tuning device 5 58 Student inside ivied walls 59 Memorable time periods 61 Advance 65 Teacher’s instruction 68 Kingly sport 69 State with a nonrectangular flag 70 Chinese, say 71 Part of assembly instructions 72 Lymph ___ (immune system part) 73 This and that DOWN 1 Confidential call 2 Deserve a hand? 3 Crude person 4 Ran relaxedly 5 Having likely-to-win chances 6 Famed TV judge 7 Crime syndicate head 8 Arctic goose 9 Often-repeated utterance 10 Spoil the perfection of 11 Mixed in with 12 Chaotic brawl 13 Connections for big wheels 18 Pungent root 19 Two-base hit

24 Bassoons’ little brothers 26 Type of farm 27 High-class flounder 28 Sunblock additive 29 Telltale sign 31 Made off with a neckpiece? 34 Part of a Girl Scout’s uniform 36 Baby deliverer of legend 38 “’___ the night before Christmas ...” 39 Angel costume accessory 40 Checked out 42 Flirtatious laugh 43 Something to fall back on? 48 Mt. ___ (Washington’s home) 50 Kind of milk 52 Pitches in 53 “Middlemarch” author George 54 Theater passageway 55 Chip variety 57 Grooming implement 60 Verbalized 62 Melange 63 Melodramatic lament 64 Unit of force 66 “On ___ of Old Smoky” 67 Lobster coral

By Patrick Remington

By Angel Lee

Charlie and Boomer Classic By Natasha Soglin


Monday, January 28, 2013 7


Rock artists need to learn from rappers By Jonny Shapiro The Daily Cardinal

In 2009 I went to my first concert. Travis Barker had recently survived a horrific plane crash and his band, Blink182, was playing at the First Midwest Bank Amphitheater in Tinley Park, Ill. As I walked through the parking lot after the show—eardrums still ringing (as they would for about a week)—a group of teenage boys came sprinting up to me. “Take this,” they said. “You’re going love it.” I did, from the moment I saw it. The band, The Unemployed Misfortune, was dripping with punk rebellion. The album’s cover depicted a white-collar worker strangling another man with the phone cord hanging from his desk­— already a winner. I got home, listened to it and I am still waiting to hear them on the radio. Unfortunately, this will most likely never happen. Rock n’ roll music, an institution that has defined several generations, is slowly becom-

ing less and less relevant. The Unemployed Misfortune certainly got my attention with their in-person pitch. But in today’s information society, the audience that is leaving a Blink-182 concert isn’t going to rocket you to stardom. Rap and hip-hop, on the other hand, are booming genres in the music industry with new artists coming up virtually every month, if not every day. Is this because people just don’t like rock anymore or simply because it lacks exposure? I’d say it’s the latter. People actually hear about new rap and hip-hop artists, something that happens drastically less often in the rock industry. This is largely because of their effective use of the Internet and social media. Social media and the Internet play huge roles in the rap game. They enable people to post their work for the entire world to hear and, if the artist is smart, they allow people to listen to their work at no charge. People can now

digitally download an artist’s material, put it on their iPods and listen to it on their way to class—all for free. In 2005, DatPiff, a website that allows users to upload and download mix-tapes for free, launched on the Internet. There is no risk in wasting your money, which encourages people to try new music and discover new artists. There is a convenience element to this website as well. It houses hundreds of thousands of mixtapes, a library that is large enough for a user to find just about anything. Pittsburg rapper Mac Miller independently released his debut album, Blue Slide Park, and it sold 145,000 copies in its first week, reaching numberone on the Billboard 200 chart. Miller was able to reach such success because of the publicity he received during the years prior to the release of Blue Slide Park . He garnered this name recognition from the six free mixtapes he made available to the public beforehand, which have been downloaded well over 1,000,000 times.

There are some online options for rock musicians that share qualities with DatPiff. Soundcloud, which is used heavily by rock musicians, allows people to upload and download music for free. But Soundcloud puts more emphasis on streaming audio and less on downloading music into your own personal library. Rock n’ roll hopefuls need to do more in taking advantage of the Internet and social media outlets in order to broaden their audience with the same efficiency of rappers and hip-hop artists. The days of discovering acoustic coffee shop singers and back-alley bar-rock outfits are over— using the Internet is necessary. And it must be done in a way similar to DatPiff, because convenience is the key. Nobody wants to traverse the millions of pages on the Internet, through each individual rock artist’s webpage to gather music. Presently, you almost have to know exactly what you are looking for when searching, as opposed to

DatPiff, where you can go and freely browse. Online aspects of music sharing also indicate a shift towards a more electronic approach in music. Listeners are beginning to lean more and more towards technologydriven melodies. Even Travis Barker, a drummer who used to rely solely on fast paced, punk-rock drumming, is turning to Lil Wayne and Steve Aoki to record collaboration singles. The technology age is setting a new precedent for how musicians need to pursue their dreams. Releasing your work as an unknown artist isn’t likely to turn your bank account into Mick Jagger’s, but releasing it for free can potentially have monumental results. Instead of making money, you can develop a different kind of capital: social capital. Your name will start coming up in conversations. Your songs will be shared in cars and at local parties. This is what can turn a 15-year-old boy from Pittsburgh into a star big enough to headline Freakfest.

The sublime pleasure of being ‘Trampled by Turtles’ By Grey Satterfield The Daily Cardinal

Grey Satterfield/the daily cardinal

It was a simple scene: the venue was packed, the beer was flowing and the music was unbelievable. Trampled by Turtles, the bluegrass band from Duluth, Minn., brought all walks of life to the Orpheum Theater on Saturday night. Regardless of everyone’s reasons for going to the concert, they all heard one of the best folk/bluegrass quintets ever assembled. The show started slow, with five dimly-lit and bearded guys playing on a large, empty stage. Their songs were calm. They focused on harmonies and instruments, the backbone of all bluegrass music. There was a guitar, bass, fiddle, mandolin and banjo. All of the strings together set a serene scene. Their backdrop was either a full moon or trees from the northern woods of Minnesota. This element in combination with the constant use of fog machines seem like the making for a calm evening. But Trampled by Turtles is known for their ability to be anything but calm. Songs like “It’s a War” and “Wait so Long” included some of the fastest, most up-tempo playing I had ever heard. It’s not hard to imagine Dave Simonett, the band’s front man, having his fingers burst into flames while strumming away on his guitar with the same vicious pace with which Usain

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Bolt runs the 100-meter dash. And the five of them playing together as fast as they do is simply unbelievable. It was a memorable event for my eyes and ears. Everyone in attendance was simply blown away. Due to their unique and spectacular talents, Trampled by Turtles brought in an interesting crowd composed of crazy country fans, rock fans, hippies and even those who just enjoy good music. The concert hall reeked of the potent smell of marijuana and more people were drinking beer than at a frat party. I get it, it’s a concert, people are having a good time, but I get drunk for the likes of Girl Talk. It was odd to see bluegrass music be the source of one of the most drunken concerts I’ve ever been to. Trampled by Turtles played great music, but their show was in no way spectacular. The lack of lighting and too many slow songs tended to lull me to sleep. I won’t lie, as much as I enjoyed it, I was certainly ready for the show to be over. I think it’s hard for most casual fans to listen to bluegrass music for almost two hours. But a day later, I’ve already forgotten about my gripes. All I can remember is those five bearded men playing the living daylights out of their instruments. Trampled by Turtles is a spectacle to behold even for those who aren’t huge fans of the genre.


Monday january 28, 2012

Men’s Basketball

Clutch play late seals win for Badgers Wisconsin ends two-game skid, wins fourthstraight Border Battle game By Max Sternberg the daily cardinal

Whatever Saturday’s border battle lacked in beauty was certainly made up for in drama, as it was a missed free throw with 1.7 seconds left that ultimately proved to be the difference in a 45-44 Wisconsin victory. Both teams entered play struggling on the offensive end of the floor, with both the Gophers (3-4 Big Ten, 15-5 overall) and Badgers (5-2, 14-6) failing to reach the 50-point mark in midweek losses. So when the scoreboard read 43-43 as Wisconsin took possession with 39.1 seconds left, very few in the Kohl Center crowd were surprised. More surprising, perhaps, was Wisconsin’s response. After nailing a cold-blooded jumper with 1:03 left to tie the game, sophomore guard Traevon Jackson got a friendly roll on another short jumper, barely beating the shot clock to give UW a two-point lead

wil gibb/the daily cardinal

Despite shooting just 37 percent from the field, Wisconsin topped No. 12 Minnesota Saturday. Freshman forward Sam Dekker’s rebound in the closing seconds ensured the Badger victory. with less than four seconds left. “He shot-faked and we jumped out the way. Once again, a mistake,” Minnesota head coach Tubby Smith said. “That’s a recipe for getting a loss.” A Minnesota timeout eventually gave the Gophers possession at half-court with 1.8 seconds left on the clock and, after a lob pass intended for Minnesota senior forward Trevor Mbakwe resulted in a foul against senior forward Mike Bruesewitz, the game came

down to a pair of free throws. With Mbakwe injured on the play, Wisconsin chose Gopher senior forward Rodney Williams to shoot the free throws in his place. After making the first with ease, the Minneapolis native was too strong on the final attempt, and a Badger rebound brought the slugfest to its conclusion. Both teams were clearly on the brink heading into Saturday’s game. After a big win last week at Indiana, UW had dropped two

straight to Iowa and Michigan State, while Minnesota’s slide hit three games after a 55-48 loss at Northwestern Wednesday. “We’ve had three chances now to break it,” Smith said. “We just haven’t stepped up to the plate.” Fortunately for Wisconsin, Jackson did step up to the plate. Having come through a stretch of two-plus games shooting just 5-of-26 from the field, fans had to, understandably, cringe when Jackson lifted to shoot on each of

his two jumpers down the stretch. Struggling or not, Jackson took each shot without any doubts, showing a confidence Wisconsin seemed to be sorely lacking. “People that have the mindset of being a competitor, there isn’t any other thought process,” head coach Bo Ryan said. “When you are presented with the moment, there can’t be any doubts.” Though the Badgers still shot just 37 percent from the field Saturday, they did enough off the ball to come away with a win, capped off with a crucial charge taken by junior guard Ben Brust in the game’s penultimate possession. “That was very good footwork, very good awareness and he deserves a lot of credit for making a play,” Ryan said. “He made a play that helped us get that ballgame on the left-hand side. That was a huge charge to draw.” With road games at Ohio State and Illinois looming in the next week, Wisconsin simply could not afford to lose a second straight at the Kohl Center to remain in contention for a Big Ten title. “This was a must-win game,” Jackson said. “You have to take care of home court when you get a chance.”

Men’s Hockey

Women’s Hockey

Wisconsin bounces back with sweep

Badgers drop two to No. 1 Gophers

Kerdiles scored 1:26 into the game wanted to start the game,” junior and Wisconsin never looked back. forward Jefferson Dahl said. The Badgers controlled the pace of “That first period was pretty ugly. the game from start to finish, out- But, I like how we responded in shooting the Seawolves the second and third 37-14 and converting and we somehow on two of their three found a way to solve power plays. the riddle and get it Wisconsin has done tonight.” Wisconsin’s By Matt Masterson struggled mightily Dahl and felrecord in its first the daily cardinal with the man advanlow junior forward 10 games. The Wisconsin men’s hockey tage this season, conTyler Barnes got the team (8-5-5 WCHA, 11-8-5 overall) verting just 6-of-66 goals for Wisconsin, took another step toward the top of attempts prior to this but the biggest story Wisconsin’s the WCHA conference this week- weekend. Eaves tried from Saturday night record in its last end with a sweep of conference foe flip-flopping centers 14 games. was the loss of Lee. Alaska-Anchorage (1-15-4, 3-16-5), on the lines, switchMidway through the but UW may have lost one of its ing junior Mark second period Lee key players in the process. Zengerle and Lee, and it paid was checked in the head by an Senior center Derek Lee immediate dividends. Alaska-Anchorage player and took a hit to the head Junior forward Michael immediately dropped to the ice. Saturday night and left Mersch scored both of the He eventually made his way to the the game with an apparteam’s power play goals, bench and later the locker room. ent head injury, though giving him 15 goals on the If Lee is forced to miss time, the extent of the injury season, which is tied for it will be a major blow to the is not yet known. second most in the country. Wisconsin offense. Lee was With the two wins, the “One thing is that in the midst of his best offenBadgers climbed into a [ A l a s k a -A n c h o r a g e ] sive year, with a career-high 19 tie for third place in the weren’t able to pre-scout points through 22 games. Just LEE WCHA, just four points that, so that was a different last season, he was forced to sit behind conference-leading look.” Mersch said of the out for a significant period with St. Cloud State—a position head team’s power play. “And then we a concussion. coach Mike Eaves didn’t fully just kind of let things happen, let Dahl took over for Lee after he believe his team would be in back things play out. It wasn’t really a exited the game, centering Barnes in November. set play—we were moving around and Kerdiles, and recorded a goal “I would have hoped it,” Eaves a lot, which is really helpful, and and an assist on the night. It is said after Friday’s 5-2 victory. they couldn’t keep up with us.” likely that he will stay in that role “Believed it? From where we were Saturday’s game had a much if Lee is forced to miss some time. it would have been tough to.” different feel than the previous “Well, they did a pretty nice The Badgers have come a long night’s, as both teams got off to job,” Eaves said of the Kerdilesway since their 1-7-2 start, and sloppy starts. The Badgers did not Dahl-Barnes line. “I think we’d that turnaround has not been record a shot on goal until over have to sit back and take a closer more evident than it was on the halfway through the first and look at what we might do in the ice Friday night. totaled only three in the period. absence of Mr. Lee, but tonight Freshman forward Nic “It definitely wasn’t how we they had a little chemistry.”

By Rexford Sheild

Senior center Lee leaves Saturday’s game with head injury



the daily cardinal

Coming off a successful series split against North Dakota last weekend, the Wisconsin women’s hockey team (11-9-2 WCHA, 15-9-2 overall) knew it would be put to the test against No. 1 Minnesota (20-0-0, 26-0-0), winners of 32 straight contests. To say it simply, the Gophers did not disappoint. Minnesota completed the season sweep of the Badgers with 2-0 and 5-1 wins Friday and Sunday, respectively, at the LaBahn Arena. In the process, the Gophers broke the NCAA women’s hockey record of consecutive games won, previously set by Wisconsin in 2007 and again in 2011. In the first game of the series, Minnesota did not waste any time on the offensive. At the 4:28 mark, freshman forward Hannah Brandt scored from the left wing to take an early 1-0 lead. The Badgers got themselves in trouble defensively as the first period concluded by committing successive penalties. They put the Gophers on a two-man advantage, and Minnesota did not relinquish the power play opportunity. With 1:58 remaining, Minnesota senior defenseman Mira Jalosuo took a hard slap shot, putting the Gophers up 2-0 heading into the intermission. Even though the Wisconsin defense allowed two early goals, it sharpened up throughout the second period as it held Minnesota’s talented forwards in check, despite the Gophers owning a 15-5 shots-on-goal advantage.

Facing a 2-0 deficit, the Badger offense came alive in the final period of play, applying constant pressure to Minnesota senior goaltender Noora Räty to earn a 13-8 shots-on-goal advantage. However, the Gopher defense rose to the occasion, sealing the 2-0 victory. “If we’re going to beat them, we certainly have to capitalize on our opportunities,” head coach Mark Johnson said, according to “If you get power play chances, that’s probably the best time to do that.” While the Badgers held Minnesota well below its season average of five goals per game Friday, Wisconsin was overwhelmed by the fast-skating Gophers offense Sunday, as they were aggressive early and often. The rout began midway through the first period when Wisconsin committed a turnover in its zone, and Minnesota senior forward Becky Kortum capitalized to give the Gophers a 1-0 lead. Wisconsin would answer on the power play when junior forward Madison Packer used some smooth puck control to skate past Räty. From there, Minnesota would not look back, scoring four consecutive goals en route to a 5-1 victory to complete the sweep. “We still have six important games left, trying to position ourselves to make sure we get homeice advantage,” Johnson said. “Those are the things, you don’t want to lose any hockey games, but you have to learn from them and move on.”

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