Grammys 2013
The positive and the negative: Cardinalistas react to this year’s Grammy winners
+Arts, page 4 University of Wisconsin-Madison
Cardinal view
The Daily Cardinal Editorial Board delves into bipartisanship and the mining bill +Opinion, page 5
Complete campus coverage since 1892
Monday, February 11, 2013
MCSC challenges SSFC decision to ‘minimally fund’ By Tamar Myers the daily cardinal
The MultiCultural Student Coalition argued in an Associated Students of Madison Student Judiciary hearing Friday that Student Services Finance Committee representatives did not remain viewpoint neutral in the committee’s fall decision to minimally fund the organization. The appeal was based on SSFC’s move to minimally fund MCSC for the 2013-’14 fiscal year at $10,600 instead of approv-
on campus
Kohl Blooded Ben Brust shoots the game-winning 3-pointer in overtime against the Michigan Wolverines at the Kohl Center Saturday, giving Wisconsin a lead it would not relinquish. Story on Page 8. + Photo by Abigail Waldo
Walker announces education reforms for upcoming budget By Jack Casey the daily cardinal
Gov. Scott Walker announced in a statement Feb. 10 he plans to allot a portion of his budget, which will be released Feb. 20, to strengthening state education systems, including technical colleges and universities. Walker said in the statement he promises to allocate roughly $132 million to his two-part plan for educational development. In one part of his plan, the governor
said he will unveil new legislation, which aims to fund worker training grants and establish an Office of Skills Development. Walker said he plans to implement all other educational initiatives, such as those involving higher education and K-12 reforms, through his budget. The governor said the proposals specifically focus on the University of Wisconsin System, allocating $20 million to teach specific jobs-based skills as
budget page 3
Budget to include deer control initiative Gov. Scott Walker plans to include deer management solutions as part of his biennial budget that would focus on the joint management of herd populations by hunters, landowners and the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. The governor’s plans center on the 2012 Deer Trustee Report, complied by hunters and conservationists. The report describes
a proper management plan for the state’s deer population, including using technology and research to control population management issues like Chronic Wasting disease. The budget allocation will aim to allow the state to create positions and systems that will help the DNR incorporate management ideas from the report.
ing the organization’s $1.4 million budget request. The minimal funding level would allow for, at minimum, an office, a part-time student hourly employee and basic supplies. In the hearing, MCSC representatives said SSFC members violated ASM bylaws of viewpoint neutrality by using personal biases and value judgments in the decision.
mcsc page 3
UW Regents review Human Resources overpayments By Cheyenne Langkamp the daily cardinal
The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents heard an updated report Friday from administrators on recently discovered overpayments made to employees through the Human Resources System over the past year. A January report by the state Legislative Audit Bureau brought public attention to $33 million in overpayments to UW System employees for health and retirement benefits. UW System Director of Operations and Audit Review Elizabeth Dionne said they found an additional $1.1 million in overpayments, which were a result of mistakes in income tax withholding and billing of benefits to UW System employees, that have also not yet been recovered. UW System President Kevin Reilly
said the system is taking a three-pronged approach to solving the issues: an internal audit, a risk assessment by an independent group and full compliance with an additional state audit. “We are fixing issues as we go,” Reilly said. “We will continue to fix the rest of the problems as we go forward.” Reilly also said the administration is looking into the possibility of getting credit back for the overpayments. UW-Stevens Point Chancellor Bernie Patterson said dealing with the HRS problems over the past year has been difficult for employees, citing examples of some employees not receiving paychecks on time. “I’ve heard good reports about how things are changing and improving but it’s been a difficult time,” Patterson said.
regents page 3
Jack Casey
UW recognizes students’ creative inventions Two inventions that incorporate Wisconsin’s well-known pastimes of hunting and fishing won the top awards Friday at a University of Wisconsin-Madison invention contest for undergraduates. According to a university news release, the $10,000-dollar Schoofs Prize for Creativity at the event, called “Innovations Days,” went to UW-Madison senior Justin Vannieuwenhoven for a fishing rod holder that self-adjusts to rough water to make bait appear more natural to fish. Vannieuwenhoven found inspiration from his grandfather, an avid fisherman
who he said loves the invention, according to the release. Also Friday, UW-Madison seniors Luke Stedman and Steve Burbach won the Tong Prototype Prize for a portable tree stand for hunters. Both Stedman and Burbach are hunters, and said current portable tree stand designs can be dangerous. Their design incorporates steel jaws that clamp around tree trunks to better support to the stand, which is used to provide hunters with a higher vantage point.
mohamed aqeel/the daily cardinal
Regent Jeffrey Bartell said in a meeting Friday he hopes the University of Wisconsin System will learn from recent errors within the Human Resources System.
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
page two Valentine’s: the single greatest (and greatest single) day ever tODAY: chance of snow
Tuesday: partly sunny
hi 34º / lo 12º
hi 34º / lo 14º
Monday, February 11, 2013
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 122, Issue 81
2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 • fax (608) 262-8100
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shannon kelly kelly beans
eing single is nothing new for the typical college student. In our mad world full of tackling crazy course loads, maintaining hectic party lives and prioritizing Netflix marathons over healthy social interaction (that’s not just me that does that, right? Right?), many of us simply do not have time for relationships. And most of the time, that’s great! Being single equates to less stress, less pressure to maintain adequate hygiene, and absolutely no guilt about letting people buy you drinks at the bar. Even Beyoncé exults in the glories of single life, and she’s one half of pop culture’s power couple. But once again, just as it does every year, that one day that can be the single person’s undoing is fast approaching: Valentine’s
Day. Valentine’s Day, with its saccharine sweet Hallmark commercials and two-forone dinner specials, is on the march to make otherwise loudand-proud singletons feel like they’ve lost the game. But fret not, my significant-other-less comrades. I’m here to tell you five reasons why being single on Valentine’s Day beats the crap out of the alternative. 1) With no pressure to find a date for the evening, you’re free to work Thursday night. And while that might not sound like the most appealing alternative, think of it this way: for those of us in the bartending or food service industry, working the Valentine shift means serving scores of couples, nearly all of which are going to include a nice young man trying desperately to impress his companion and show her what a super great, rich, generous guy he can be. And that means a hefty bill and a nice fat tip for the server, a.k.a. you. 2) Speaking of food on Valentine’s Day, every couple
The Dirty Bird
in the city will be scrambling for a reservation at some classy establishment for their Thursday night dining this week. That means less dateworthy fare like Wing Stop and KFC are likely to be deserted. No long lines, no waiting. It’s everything a girl can hope for. 3) Let’s be honest, Valentine’s specials are the life and blood of American television, and this year Nick at Nite is running a marathon of specials from your childhood favorites including “FRIENDS,” “Full House” and many more. Thank me later. (And I’m absolutely not saying that I watch “Glee,” but if I did, I would be ecstatic to inform you that this Thursday night’s episode is a Valentine special featuring Will and Emma’s wedding. There is no date in the world that could outweigh the emotional fulfillment achieved from watching that episode surrounded by your ladies. Possibly with ice cream.) 4) This Thursday night’s forecast predicts 13 degrees and snow showers. You could face that mess in uncomfortable heels
and some sort of dress, sacrificing comfort and possibly a couple pinky toes to the snowy wasteland of Madison —if you had somebody to impress. This single gal, on the other hand, plans on rocking a few layers of sweatpants that night. Preferably with unshaved legs underneath. Take that, patriarchy! 5) And finally, the coup de grâce to take down traditional Valentine’s Day forever: the Walgreen’s holiday aisle on February 15. Because do you know what you’ll find in the Walgreen’s holiday aisle on February 15? All the heartshaped assorted chocolate boxes your little heart could ever want—FOR 75 PERCENT OFF. Valentine’s Day presents the perfect opportunity to cheat the chocolate system once and for all and stuff yourself with caramel-filled happiness. It tastes like independence. It tastes like victory. What more could you want? What more do you want? Let Shannon know by emailing
sex and the student body
A Valentine’s Day guide to getting some ass
alex tucker sex columnist
hat’s your favorite way to share romance with your boo during the most romantic day of the year? Many enjoy cuddling, slow lovemaking and passionate words shared under the covers. But for those of you looking to mix it up and bond closely with your babe on V-Day, consider expanding your sexual boundaries, lubing up and getting some ass. The preparation process for anal is an intimate activity and can help you and your darling improve your communication skills. During the entire process, it’s important for both people to let their partner know exactly what they’re feeling to avoid any pain on either end. Although having a phallic entity up your butt (and around the corner) can cause some discomfort, it should never be painful. Speak up, there are always ways to prepare further, or stop completely if you aren’t into it. Many participants worry about poop during anal sex, but there’s an easy way to avoid that shit-show. As long as we’re not letting anyone penetrate or lick our assholes when we have the “gotta go” feeling, we will remain poop free. Wiping and showering regularly will make for a dooty—free experience. We are almost ready to
begin, but first, an anatomy lesson: the anus has two sphincters—one on the outside (i.e. the asshole), and one on the inside. While the external anal sphincter can be controlled consciously, the internal one cannot. That means no matter how hard we try to “relax,” the internal sphincter will have to make that decision on its own. This, my friends, is why we cannot shove a penis, dildo, or even a cucumber into our butts without first warming up. Now we’re ready to prepare! Most important to remember is that the anus is not selflubricating, so keep in mind; the wetter the sex, the better the sex. Once you think you have too much lube, add more lube. Silicone lubes last longer than their water-based counterparts and are safe to use with most condoms. Flavored lubes should be avoided as the glycerin that makes them tasty also grows yeast in dark, warm cavities. Use your butt-safe lube to begin massaging the area, including the hole itself and the perineum/taint. Once the receptive partner feels more relaxed, begin to insert fingers. Start with just one and work your way up to two, then maybe three. After the partner being entered feels sufficiently prepared, add some more lube and initiate penetration slowly. The best positions to begin with are receptive-on-top so that the penetrated partner has control of the depth and speed of insertion. Start out slowly and increase speed as
you and your partner become more comfortable and confident in your anal skills. Why try anal, you ask? The great thing about the bum is that it’s full of the same delightful nerve endings as the vagina and penis, and is super enjoyable for both female and male buttholes. In female bodies, anal sex can arouse some pelvic nerve endings unreachable through vaginal penetration. Along with clitoral stimulation, anal penetration can lead to incredibly strong orgasms, as the butthole participates as much as the vagina in pulsating an orgasm through a woman.
Many participants worry about poop during anal sex, but there’s an easy way to avoid that shit-show.
The prostate lives in every manhole and creates the fluid that accompanies the spermies, making it a very sensitive gland. Many male-bodied people claim to have involuntarily shouted while experiencing their first orgasm brought on by prostate stimulation. How yummy. Interestingly enough, studies show that of the women who use sex toys, a majority use them on their male partners as well. A term coined by Dan Savage, “pegging,” describes a woman penetrating her male partner with a strap-on dildo,
and the popularity of this act has boomed in recent years. However, it is important to remember that not all anal play has to lead to penile or dildo penetration. Other fun options include using a butt plug to simultaneously increase the tightness of the vaginal canal while increasing G-spot stimulation through the angle of penetration. Another fun toy to try is a set of anal beads, which are marble-shaped balls connected by a sturdy string that can be put into and pulled out of the anus to enhance orgasm. These toys all require as much lube as other anal play—stock up at Sex Out Loud’s office in the SAC! Haha, lube in the SAC. Sounds like a lot of… HOOPLA. (A SpongeBob reference during an anal sex article. Who is this girl?) Sounds like a lot of work, I know, but all of the work does pay off in the end. It can be an intimate event with an abundance of encouraging and loving words shared, or it can be an animalistic occasion for hard fucking. Communication and consent are key either way, so be sure you are on the same page as your partner in all cases. Anal sex isn’t for everyone, but for people who love it, it can become part of the daily routine, a sometimes treat or a marker for special occasions. Which brings us back to Valentine’s Day. Get laid, Badger babes. And consider trying it in the butt. Let Alex know how you got some A on V-Day or ask her a question by emailing sex@
Monday, February 11, 2013 3
City website hacked, shut down for security upgrade The Madison Information Technology Department shut down the city’s website after an employee brought a misplaced advertisement signifying a security breach to their attention Thursday. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said a member of the city’s IT staff noticed a payday loan ad on Madison’s website,, and reported that it meant a hacker had taken advantage of a weakness in one of the software products used to operate the site. According to Verveer, residents as well as local reporters
and city officials were inconvenienced for nearly four days when the website was inactive. Verveer said he heard complaints from constituents who were unable to access important information throughout the weekend such as winter weather advisories, snow plow schedules and modifications to street parking in the snow. The incident also made the absentee ballots for the Feb. 19 primary elections unavailable to voters, which Verveer said was a major disruption for the community. Verveer said voters could obtain absentee ballots through email or over the phone but
were not able to use the more efficient online interface. Verveer praised the city’s IT staff and said the department took the appropriate security measures and handled what he considered a “chaotic” situation well. The IT Department took the opportunity while the site was down to complete a comprehensive software update, which they had been planning to do sometime in the next few weeks, according to Verveer. City IT staff gradually put content back on the website over the weekend, which was fully functional by Sunday afternoon. —By Melissa Howison
Legislators hold northern mining hearing Approximately 200 people voiced their opinions about the contentious mining bill, which would ease the permitting process for mining companies in the state, at a hearing in northern Wisconsin Saturday, the Wisconsin State Journal reported Sunday. Citizens, tribal leaders and politicians from northern Wisconsin spoke for and against the bill, balancing promised eco-
nomic benefits with potential negative environmental harm. The bill drew criticism from concerned citizens and politicians at the hearing, who said it will allow dangerous environmental pollution to reach Native American land and local waterways. But Frank Costka, a northern Wisconsin citizen, supported the bill and the mine it would help create, saying it would cause an
economic boost and create jobs, according to the State Journal. “Tourism doesn’t pay a living wage,” Costka said, according to the State Journal. State Sen. Tim Cullen, D-Janesville, organized the hearing to get northern input on the bill. Ten Democrats and one Republican, state Sen. Dale Schultz, R-Richland Center, attended the hearing.
around town
Cold for a cause
Volunteers each raising a miniumum of $75 for Special Olympics brave icy waters at Olin Turville Park Saturday. + Photo by Wil Gibb
budget from page 1 well as improving affordability for students.
“My workforce development package provides a hand up to those who are able to work—not simply a handout.” Scott Walker governor Wisconsin
Other system improvements would include an additional $2 million to increase the number of programs and courses at state universities, according to the statement. Walker also said he
regents from page 1
savannah stauss/cardinal file photo
ASM Student Council Rep. and MCSC member Olivia Wick-Bander said in a hearing Friday SSFC should have amended the MCSC budget rather than minimally funding the group.
mcsc from page 1 The ASM bylaws state all funding decisions must be made in a viewpoint neutral manner, meaning student representatives may not take the mission of the group under consideration for funding into account when voting on budgets or grants. In a brief, MCSC stated that SSFC used unwarranted reasons to justify minimum funding for the organization. Many SSFC representatives who voted to minimally fund the group cited significant internal changes, including a restructuring of the group’s student services since it was approved for funding eligibility in 2011, as a basis for the decision. Additionally, some SSFC members questioned whether the group effectively spent its
funding in past years. MCSC and ASM Student Council Rep. Olivia WickBander said SSFC overstepped its bounds by minimally funding the group rather than making amendments to the budget. “[SSFC] Chair [Ellie] Bruecker and ASM professional staff… determined that the budget [they] wrote for MCSC was more fiscally responsible than the budget MCSC had written for itself in order to fulfill its mission,” Wick-Bander said. Bruecker disagreed, saying comments from SSFC members about fiscal responsibility were not a violation of viewpoint neutrality. “Viewpoint neutrality does not dictate that SSFC members cannot have a viewpoint on how best to budget,” Bruecker said. “Viewpoint neutrality is
the belief that SSFC cannot take the viewpoint of the group into account when making a budgeting decision.” MCSC representatives also brought up several other instances in which they said funding protocol was not followed correctly, arguing SSFC showed a larger pattern of racial discrimination against certain organizations. Bruecker said many errors in following protocol were accidental, such as when she was not aware of a policy requiring the release of the minimally funded budget to SSFC members a week before the committee’s decision. Bruecker said MCSC had no evidence that SSFC members showed personal biases against the group. The Student Judiciary will deliberate and make a decision on the case within ten business days.
Regent Michael Falbo said while the board shouldn’t feel at ease until the problems are corrected, the necessary attention and resources are being put forward to resolve the issue. “Nobody is going to walk out of here with a happy feeling,” Falbo said. “Hopefully you’ll walk out of here with the confidence that we’re putting everything we can
hopes to establish a credit rule that would allow students to transfer between UW system schools without losing previously earned credits. Walker said his education and workforce initiatives would allow students to gain the skills necessary for available jobs across the state. “My workforce development package provides a hand up to those who are able to work—not simply a handout,” he said in the statement. The proposals come after the UW system was forced to accommodate an initial $250 million in cuts and an additional $65.7 million after Walker released his last budget in 2011, which Democrats criticized. towards solving this.” Regent Jeffrey Bartell said he also hopes UW System administration is exploring how this can be prevented in the future, in addition to how the mistakes occurred in the first place. Regent President Brent Smith said the board will continue discussing the overpayments in its March meeting and all regents will receive updates as more details become available.
Have a special someone and want everyone to know it?
Buy a Cardinal Valentine! Stop by 2142 Vilas and have a message up to 140 characters featured in the Valentine’s Day issue for $5.
4 Monday, February 11, 2013
Grammy Awards 2013 Best New Artist: fun.
Best new artist? Wait. Isn’t this Fun.’s second album? Yes. Fun. isn’t new. Why did it win best new artist? Excellent question. Fun. is not new to the music scene but it is new to the Grammy Awards. Thus it is eligible for the award of best new artist. Not only is it eligible, it is incredibly deserving. You can argue Frank Ocean, but the award went home with the right recipient. Fun. has two incredible albums and a youthful energy that is infectious. Anyone who saw it at Union South last month could tell you that. The band has made a stamp on the music scene by being,
well, fun. Their songs go down smooth, are easy to sing along to and leave the listener feeling good about themselves. Fun. does fast songs likes “Some Nights,” and slow songs like “Stars.” The energy and performance make the music come to life in both a live setting and on the radio. That’s probably why you’ve heard “We Are Young” 8 million times and although it’s a little tiring, it’s still a good song. In fact, song of the year. Fun. has been able to keep old fans while gaining new ones and I can’t wait for Fun.’s next album to be released. —Grey Satterfield
Album of the Year:
Babel by Mumford & Sons Mumford and Sons have added another Grammy award to its rapidly growing pile of undeserved awards. Marcus Mumford, by now, surely sleeps on a deeply uncomfortable bed made out of strangely shaped trophies, grinning despite himself and despite his own empirical lack of accomplishment. Babel, the group’s sophomore album, won the coveted Album of the Year Award, beating out the equally undeserving fun., the Black Keys, embarrassing rockchampion Jack White and bizarrely snubbed R&B sensation Frank Ocean. This, of course, raises obvious questions, most importantly of all being why Mumford and Sons won this year for an album that’s
an exact carbon copy of their debut record. It’s not that Babel (and Mumford’s whole musical blueprint in general) is really terrible. It’s just that, you know, it’s not actually the best. It represents in its purest form the deepseeded issue of the Grammys. Musical favoritism takes priority over the actual qualities that should be embodied in the year’s largest award show. It wasn’t the most technically accomplished album, the most adventurous, the most critically revered or any other permutation of the phrase ‘best.’ It was just the one that the academy thought would go down smoothest. I hope Marcus Mumford sleeps well tonight, at the very least. —Cameron Graff
Rap Album of the Year: Take Care by Drake
A sophomore slump is common for athletes, musicians and even students. The success of the first run is overwhelming, distractions arise, and when it’s time to perform again, the product falls flat. Drake is an exception to this notion. His second album, Take Care, picks up right where the last one, Thank Me Later, left off. It is about how Drake is able to handle success of his blossoming career. It’s relatable and ridiculous at the same time. What makes Take Care so successful is it’s ability to ignore the success, cars and money I can’t even count, and focus on the core issues of relation-
ships, bar fights, clubs and all the other things rappers love to mention in their songs. Take Care has the ability to reach the highest heights with hits like “Headlines” and “HYFR,” then come right back with the emotions of “Shot For Me” and “Marvin’s Room.” Take Care is the perfect microcosm for the night as a whole. It’s the pregame, the doubt, the party, the awkward run–in with the ex, the hangover, and the reflection all in one beautiful display of lyrics and rhythm that roller coasts for 80 minutes. —Grey Satterfield
Record of the Year:
‘Somebody That I Used to Know’ by Gotye featuring Kimbra An artist often considered a contemporary to Sting, Gotye’s infectious indie-pop ballad “Somebody That I Used To Know” slowly gained momentum in the spring of 2012, becoming an unexpected, yet full-fledged charttopper by summer, making appearances on both popular radio stations and many critics’ end-of-year lists. Kimbra, who was barely known when the song was released, arguably makes the track. On the track, her voice is like a full-bodied glass of red wine, which juxtaposes elegantly with Gotye’s, whose voice almost cries, constantly switching between soft and striking. Along with exotic drumbeats and
tranquil xylophone, the two artists stew up the perfect recipe for the indie-pop hit everyone was waiting for amid the Auto-Tuned and electronic songs hitting the charts around the same time. Despite my love for nominee Frank Ocean’s “Thinking Bout You,” this track deserves Best Record of the Year for its unique composition and utter listen-ability. Not only did “Somebody That I Used To Know” put Gotye’s album Making Mirrors on the scene, but it also offered Kimbra the momentum to release her own well-received album, Vows. —Mara Jezior
Song of the Year:
‘We Are Young’ by fun. Fun. broke on to the scene about a year ago with “We are Young.” It is only fitting that their wild year of fame end with a Grammy for the catalyst of their success. The song’s message is as simple as it’s title. It’s about youthful spirit and freedom. The steady drum that opens the song and leads it to the climactic chorus of powerful harmony is what makes it so catchy and memorable, along with lyrics that are easy to remember and even easier to scream at the top of your lungs. That has to be
the reason for it reaching the success it did. That, or a spot on “Glee.” The song is a simple inspirational tale that everyone can use to get out of bed. “We are young” and “we can burn brighter than the sun” and even if being your best everyday is difficult “I’ll carry you home tonight.” Now that’s a message everyone wants to hear, heck, needs to hear. So although you might of really wanted “Call Me Maybe” to have some hardware, the Grammy went to the rightful winner. —Grey Satterfield
Rock Album of the Year:
El Camino by The Black Keys The Black Keys winning rock album of the year is possibly the least surprising thing ever. Their competition really cut down on any potential suspense: Bruce Springsteen’s Wrecking Ball nomination read like a courtesy nod, Jack White’s Blunderbuss never had the commercial thunder to back up its threat, Muse’s The 2nd Law was a ridiculous mess and all of maybe three people sincerely enjoyed Coldplay’s Mylo Xyloto. I’d love if any of those had come out on top (simply because I love controversy and I love the pseudo-underdog story and Bruce really needs as many accolades as possible before he croaks), but just looking at the roster it wasn’t quite in
the cards. So, no, El Camino’s win isn’t really anything to be championed or marveled at. It is, however, a well-deserved pat on the back for indie-rock’s most astounding rags-to-riches story. It does feel a little bit like a consolation gift since every single album they had put out prior to their breakout Brothers deserved and were denied every award imaginable. Still, after watching the band tear through a scorching rendition of “Lonely Boy” with Dr. John and the Preservation Hall Jazz Band providing a dazzling backup, it’s hard not to agree that maybe they were the only choice after all. —Cameron Graff
Country Album of the Year: Uncaged by Zac Brown Band
Zac Brown Band added a third Grammy to their pair of previous golden record players Sunday night when Uncaged was announced as the Best Country Album at this year’s awards. The band had already won the Grammy for Best New Artist in 2010 and Best Country Collaboration in 2011 for their single “As She’s Walking Away” feat. Alan Jackson. Uncaged was Zac Brown Band’s third album to be nominated for the title, capturing what 2010’s The Foundation and 2011’s “You Get What You Give” could not. The album features “Goodbye In Her Eyes,” which debuted at No. 48 on Billboard’s Hot 100 and sat for three weeks on top of Billboard’s Country Airplay chart.
“Jump Right In” opens Uncaged with the band’s signature Jimmy Buffet-esque sound, perpetuated by Jimmy De Martini’s fiddle. From there, Zac and company transition to the title track with a little more distortion and then move to the critically acclaimed “Goodbye In Her Eyes.” The pace picks up with a sharp fiddle on “The Wind” and works its way into another classic island tune aptly named “Island Song.” “Lance’s Song” pays tribute to a former drummer of the group, showcasing the vocals that propelled them to popularity in the late 2000s. Uncaged highlights what Zac Brown Band does well — smooth vocals over a sharp background. —Brett Bachman
Monday, February 11, 2013
view Cardinal View editorials represent The Daily Cardinal’s organizational opinion. Each editorial is crafted independent of news coverage.
bipartisanship necessary for mining bill
ompromise is a word we don’t often hear in regard to the stubborn, partisan Wisconsin legislature. And even when it occurs, it seems most legislators are too proud to admit such maturity could ever breach the wall of juvenility that seems to surround our state Capitol. While the controversial bill to streamline Wisconsin’s mining permit process made large steps toward bipartisanship, division within the legislature brought us back to the same old story of ego before cooperation. The mining bill, which state Senate and Assembly committees passed Feb. 7, has divided Wisconsin’s politicians and citizens since its conception. Republicans maintain easing the process for mining
companies to obtain a permit would lead to 700-plus jobs by allowing a mine to be built in the state’s economically challenged northern region. But Democrats have argued the bill would loosen environmental regulations to the extent that mines would pollute the state without consequence.
Republicans included 11 amendments aiming to address Democrats’ and environmentalists’ concerns.
Cooperation is not only necessary within the legislature.
Perhaps most importantly, the government should cooperate with its citizens, whom, in case our politicians forgot, they represent. Being that the bill would mostly affect citizens from northern Wisconsin, it seems obvious to this editorial board that legislators should have focused their attention on garnering feedback from these people. That is why we we’re baffled that Republicans’ choice location for the only formal hearing to gain input from citizens was Madison. Why make concerned citizens drive hours to a hearing in a city the bill will not affect? In response to Republicans’ choice of location for the hearing, Democrats decided to hold an informal hearing last week in Ashland, a small northern Wisconsin town. Two hundred people attended along with 10 Democrat legislators, according to the Pioneer Press. One Republican, state Sen. Dale Schultz, R-Richland Center, attended, and he actually opposes the mining bill, meaning not one Republican in favor of the bill attended. This is not the way to achieve bipartisanship. Nor is Republicans ignoring one of the other potentially most affected groups by the mining bill: the Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa. Members of this American Indian community depend on the Bad River to grow their rice. While the Bad River Band “stand to suffer the most from weaker envi-
ronmental laws,” according to Bad River Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Chairman Mike Wiggins Jr., Republicans have not met with any of the Native American communities in spite of their requests. Again, it is shocking to us that Republicans would ignore this important constituency.
The mining bill, which state Senate and Assembly committees passed Feb. 7, has divided Wisconsin’s politicians and citizens since its conception.
Despite the aforementioned partisanship, we were pleased to see Republicans appeal to some of Democrats’ environmental concerns with the bill. Republicans, who hold a clear majority in the legislature, did not have to appease any of Democrats’ concerns. Yet in the final version of the bill, Republicans included 11 amendments aiming to address Democrats’ and environmentalists’ concerns, such as one that prohibits a mine if the Department of Natural Resources finds it harms a body of water in any way. These amendments, in addition to already existing federal checks on environmental harm by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Army Corp of Engineers, should have curbed
Democrats’ concerns. “Should” being the operative word. Democrats have utterly dismissed Republicans’ efforts to cooperate by including amendments the other party clearly will not support. We understand that Democrats disapprove of the Republican mining bill in any form. But turning their back as Republicans try to reach across the aisle is simply ridiculous. Democrats: You are not the majority. Hate it, but accept it and move on. Republicans are ready for at least some bipartisanship, so we hope Democrats can embrace this moving forward. When this happens, the legislature will be able to truly meet its full potential. What do you think of the mining bill? Do you feel that environmental issues are being overlooked? Tell us your thoughts! Please send all feedback to
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Issue of homelessness longignored by Wisconsin politicians
Time for Walker to uphold ‘Obamacare’ in Wisconsin
Tyler Davis opinion columnist
Jake lestock opinion columnist
he issue of homelessness has never received enough attention from public policy makers. No incident has made this more apparent than an event several months ago in Madison, in which a police officer ordered the belongings of the homeless on Capitol Square to be brought to the city dump before other police officers ultimately retrieved them. This is an embarrassment, but not on the part of the police; their floundering stemmed from lack of a clear directive from policy-makers. The real embarrassment is that nearly 50 years after President Lyndon Johnson’s declaration of war on poverty, homelessness is still prevalent in every city in America and we’re doing nothing about it. In cities from Madison to Boston, Portland to Austin and San Diego to New York, it’s impossible not to notice the homeless. Sadly, these are only the homeless seen incidentally by people going to the corner store to buy milk or spied upon with curiosity by kids on class field trips. Countless more homeless people go unseen everyday. It is simply inexcusable for a country as wealthy as the United States to tolerate this very fixable problem. It should be the policy of our nation to end homelessness. The solution is simple: Increase funding. Of course,
critics of this approach claim that you can’t solve a problem by throwing money at it. That’s true to a degree. If the proper infrastructure were not in place to use the money effectively, then the funding would be wasted. Fortunately, there does exist a fantastic network of charities dedicated to helping the homeless community. In Madison, the most prominent charity is Porchlight. Porchlight provides affordable housing and job training to more than 300 people. Unfortunately, thousands in Madison are left out as they linger on Porchlight’s two year waiting list. The only thing preventing Porchlight from helping more people is its budget. It’s then disappointing that Republicans and conservative Democrats in Congress have targeted social welfare spending in negotiations over lowering the fiscal deficit. They prioritize maintaining historically low tax rates over desperately needed funding that helps the people most in need. Furthermore, it’s galling that cutting spending on the homeless would even be suggested considering its puny allocation is dwarfed by our nation’s gargantuan thirst for defense spending. Gone are the days of the “compassionate conservatism” of President George W. Bush, when conservatives at least paid lip-service to the notion of helping thy neighbor. Instead, conservatives equate cutting welfare spend-
ing with reducing reliance on the government. Former Gov. Mitt Romney’s infamous remark about the 47 percent of Americans “who believe they are entitled to healthcare, food, and housing” is the exemplar of this selfish worldview. Ignoring the callousness of his statement, consider how short-sighted the view is. Chances are greatly diminished that a child with an unstable upbringing—distracted constantly from homework and school by thoughts of where he’ll be living next week—will turn into a productive, tax-paying member of society. Instead, that child is much more likely to need government assistance his entire life. Surely it’s worth the investment now to prevent this avoidable trauma from being inflicted on so many more lives. Still, the biggest obstacle we face is our desensitization to the presence of homelessness. The hegemonic ideology is that there will always be homelessness. This hegemony can be broken. We can end homelessness simply by prioritizing public policy that addresses homelessness and giving it the funding it deserves. If we want to call ourselves a compassionate society, then we need to end homelessness now. What do you think about partisan issues and expectations taking precedence over fixing the issues? Tell us your thoughts! Please send all feedback to and visit for more!
he heated debate on Obama’s Affordable Care Act ended last June when the Supreme Court upheld “Obamacare’s” constitutionality. Since its creation, Gov. Scott Walker has been a clear opponent and has continued to stall on any decisions regarding the Affordable Care Act. But now that the Supreme Court has made its decision and Obama has been re-elected, Walker finally realizes the act is a law, no matter how much he and his party may wish otherwise. Now is the time that the governor must step up and place the interests of Wisconsinites over his own. Right now, our Governor has a huge decision to make regarding the expansion of Medicaid in Wisconsin. Federal money is available under the new law that would allow Wisconsin to cover approximately 175,000 uncovered people through its Badgercare program. This expansion would include coverage for childless adults between the ages of 18 and 65 with individual incomes below $15,414 ($20,628 for couples). The federal government pays for all of the expansion for three years, $1.4 billion in Wisconsin. After that, the federal reimbursement gradually declines to 90 percent. Through 2020, Wisconsin would receive nearly $4.4 billion in federal money. Sounds like a pretty good deal, right? Not to our Governor. Walker has continued to drag his heels on the issue and continues to ignore his ability to help low-income individ-
uals attain affordable health care. In his defense, Walker is concerned about how much it would cost Wisconsin in the long run to pay for this expansion. He believes that with the current pressure in Washington, this money could deteriorate in the future. However, one could argue that Walker’s decision revolves around pressure from his Republican friends—who control the legislature—that have been adamantly outspoken against Obama’s health care overhaul. The fact is, this could help almost 200,000 low-income Wisconsinites. Knowing this should be a leading factor in his decision. Not only would this allow residents to save $247 million in uncompensated care costs, but it would also create an estimated 10,000 new jobs which the Governor strongly needs to reach his unattainable goal of 250,000 by the end of his term. It’s time that Wisconsinites get back some of the money we sent to Washington. If Walker doesn’t take this deal, our tax money will be spent elsewhere. Along with Democratic support, the expansion is also backed by the Wisconsin Hospital Association, the Wisconsin Medical Society and a number of other state groups. Will Walker rise above his political affiliations and help 175,000 low-income individuals attain the coverage they need? As a soon-to-be graduate student with only a part-time job, I hope so. Please send all feedback to
Debating whether to try this or not... You will not have any gag reflex when you make a fist with your left hand, squeeze your left thumb, then put your right index finger down your throat.
6 • Monday, February 11, 2013
Today’s Sudoku
The ice is melting away
Eatin’ Cake Classic
By Dylan Moriarty
© Puzzles by Pappocom
By Melanie Shibley
Solution, tips and computer program available at
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
Caved In
By Nick Kryshak
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
Evil Bird Classic
First in Twenty Answer key available at
WELL, OWL BE ACROSS 1 Collection of narrative poems 5 Mischief-makers 9 One younger than ewe? 13 “Dynamic” prefix 14 Infamous fiddler 15 Computer programmer 16 Skilled workers 18 Port-au-Prince’s place 19 ‘50s fad item made by Wham-O 20 Shiny cotton fabric 21 Pharmaceutical giant Lilly 22 Inspire with zeal 23 Indiana, informally 28 Open a hasp 29 Untrusting 30 Cosmetics-testing org. 33 Hobo concoction, in stereotypes 34 Post office device 36 Disney sci-fi movie of 1982 37 Today, in Madrid 38 Fix, at the vet’s office 39 Babble on and on 40 Connie Francis classic 43 Great Plains terrain 46 1910s-1920s auto
7 Hardy companion? 4 48 “Hot Lips” on “M*A*S*H” 53 Shown on television 54 Church-supper dish 55 Pre-Revolution leaders 56 Hardly ever 57 Clothing for the Masses 58 Wriggling fishes 59 Hollywood clashers 60 Objective in musical chairs DOWN 1 Per, say 2 Where the Amazon rises 3 Like some confessions 4 Bed disguiser, sometimes 5 Bottom part of a pump 6 “Angela’s Ashes,” e.g. 7 Kind of school 8 Dombey’s partner? 9 Abhor 10 Farewell abroad 11 ___ and bounds 12 Pickler’s solution 15 Apt to run on 17 Plural possessive 20 Nab with a noose 22 “And others,” in a bibliography
3 “Stop your yakking!” 2 24 ___ bigger things 25 Succumb to mind control, say 26 Pictured 27 Moves to and fro, as to music 30 “The Nanny” actress Drescher 31 “What can I ___ convince you?” 32 All over again 34 Turn sour 35 Word with “closed” or “study” 36 Attempt 38 Does an office chore 39 Member of the common class, briefly 40 Cable workers, e.g. 41 Pitcher Jesse 42 Acts frugal 43 China purchase 44 Do more than see 45 Perceived by the ear 48 Put up on the wall 49 Some nest eggs, briefly 50 Alice fell in one 51 Jessica of “Fantastic Four” 52 Cozy spot 54 British runner Sebastian
By Kaitlin Kirihara
By Angel Lee
Charlie and Boomer Classic By Natasha Soglin
Monday, February 11, 2013
Women’s Hockey
Women’s Basketball
Wisconsin sweeps Huskies
Paige, Gulczynski pace Badgers in win over Indiana
Johnson picks up 200th WCHA win By Peter Geppert the daily cardinal
After being swept at home last weekend against border rival and top-ranked Minnesota, the Wisconsin women’s hockey team (13-9-2-2 WCHA, 17-92 overall) rebounded nicely to grab a pair of road wins against St. Cloud State (4-19-1, 8-20-2) this weekend. With the sweep, the Badgers have now won three straight conference games away from Madison. Wisconsin came out of the gate strong, scoring three goals in the first period of the series opener to run away with a 6-0 win. Sophomore forward Karley Sylvester led off with an opportunistic rebound off a shot by junior forward Madison Packer to give the Badgers the early lead. Contributions by senior forward Saige Pacholok and senior defenseman Alev Kelter tripled the Badger lead by the end of the first period. The Badgers capitalized off some redirection in the second period, securing the win when a shot by senior forward Briana Decker deflected off freshmen forward Erika Sowchuck. On Saturday, the Badgers overcame an early Husky goal to score five unanswered for a 5-1 win. St. Cloud State senior
forward Alex Nelson put up the only Husky score of the weekend on a one-timer just right of the goal. Wisconsin came back to tie it 10 minutes later off a redirected Decker shot by Sylvester that found the net, her second goal of the series and ninth of the season. A rush of three second-period goals by the Badgers locked down the sweep, with scores coming via the sticks of freshman forward
Rachel Jones, senior defenseman Jordan Brickner and Decker. The victory marked Badger head coach Mark Johnson’s 200th WCHA win. On the weekend, junior goalie Alex Rigsby recorded 44 saves while only giving up one goal for a save percentage of .978. Friday’s win marked the Delafield, Wis., native’s fifth shutout performance of the season.
shoaib altaf/cardinal file photo
Sophomore forward Karley Sylvester scored two goals for UW this weekend, which now sits alone in third in the WCHA.
Bayern Munich looks like top team in Champions League matthew kleist too kleist for comfort
his past weekend was, without a doubt, one of the wildest weekends for Wisconsin athletics in recent history. I will remember where I was and who I was with when junior guard Ben Brust hit his last-second, desperation shot from 40-plus feet to send the game into overtime. In my excitement, I’m not even sure if what came out of my mouth were even words, but rather sounds for which the only real comparison I can make is to that of the way the Swedish Chef from “The Muppets” speaks. I’ve watched that shot probably close to 50 times and I still get goose bumps every single time. If that game was the main course of the weekend, then the appetizer for me was Bayern Munich’s win over Schalke earlier that day. There was nothing particularly exciting about the game, nor was it of much importance. The game, and win, however, did further solidify Bayern’s spot at the top of the German Bundesliga and, arguably, its spot as the most dominant club in Europe this season. One year removed from a heartbreaking loss to Chelsea in the Champions League final— which was played at Allianz Arena, Bayern’s home stadium—
The Reds are playing like they have something to prove. Through 21 league games, Bayern has lost only once. One game. That’s all. On top of that, it has only played to three draws. And it is not just the fact that this team has won 17 games—six more than the second-place team—in the most competitive league in Europe over the past couple of years, it is the way Bayern is doing it. There have only been four times this season where Bayern has scored just one goal in league play. Those four times make up its three draws and one loss. Outside of those games, this team has scored multiple goals in each of its contests; they’ve scored 6 goals once, 5 goals twice and 4 goals once. Overall, Bayern has outscored its opponents 55-7 and has a 15-point lead in the league standings. Stefan Bienkowski, a Bundesliga columnist and blogger for The New York Times and my go-to source for German soccer news, tweeted after Bayern’s win Saturday “If Bayern continue this domination I think - think - this Bayern side may be the most impressive side I’ve ever seen.” I am almost inclined to agree with Bienkowski, but I do not want to make a claim that bold at this point. Calling it cautious optimism is a fair representation of how I feel about Bienkowski’s statement, a feeling he shares. Bienkowski followed his first tweet saying, “That com-
ments assuming they go on to win the Bundesliga title and the Champions League.” Certainly, if Bayern claims the German and European crowns this season, one would have to consider this one of the best sides assembled in Munich. To call them the best, however, is something that cannot be easily said. This is a club that has won 22 league titles, the most in the Bundesliga, and four Champions League titles, including three consecutive from 1974-’76. The teams of the 70s were collections of German soccer icons including players like Franz Roth, Uli Hoeneß and Gerd Müller. However, in defense of this season’s squad, there are a number of soccer superstars— Frank Ribery, Arjen Robben, Bastian Schweinsteiger, Thomas Müller and Mario Gomez—and likely a number of players who will become stars in their own right. And if you factor in all play this season—Bundesliga, DFB Cup and Champions League— Bayern is a combined 24-4-2 and holds a goal differential of plus-66. So while it may have been too early for Bienkowski to make the comment he did, with the numbers and season Bayern is having, he may be on to something. Have you been impressed with Bayern Munich this season? How do you think it will fare this season? Let Matt know by sending him an email at
way through the second half would stop Indiana’s surge, sealing off the The Wisconsin women’s basket- 65-53 victory. ball team got exactly the bounceThe Badgers had helpers back it was looking for. on 16 of their 27 field goals, a After a double-overtime loss to number that pleased head coach Ohio State Thursday, the Badgers Bobbie Kelsey. (3-8 Big Ten, 11-13 overall) were “Having 16 assists is nice,” she able to overcome Indiana (1-10, said. “That means a lot of different 10-14) 65-53 at the Kohl Center people are scoring. When we do Sunday afternoon. Junior guard share the ball, we look really good. Morgan Paige had a teamIt gets a lot of different high 17 points and 40 minpeople involved, and that’s utes on the court, while what you want.” junior forward Cassie Despite the tough loss to Rochel tied a career-high the Buckeyes earlier in the 5 assists, along with 4 week, Kelsey did not let her blocks and 3 steals. team dwell on the past, but The Badgers chalrather encouraged them to lenged the Hoosiers move forward. PAIGE early defensively, hold“I expected them to ing their leading scorer, come out ready to play,” senior forward Aulani Sinclair, she said. “We just had to wipe to just 3 points. that away. I’m pleased with the Midway through the first half, win today, obviously we needed the score was tied at 19 before it pretty badly.” freshman guard Nicole Bauman’s Wisconsin looked sharp on the 3-pointer opened up Wisconsin’s rebounds, which Rochel admitted offense to an 11-0 run. The was a point of interest after Badgers led 44-30 at the the game in Columbus. half, tying their season-high “[Ohio State] killed us first-half scoring record. on the boards,” said the They shot 52.8 percent (19Lakeville, Minn., native of-36) from the field and 60 who had a career-high percent (6-of-10) from the 15 rebounds Sunday. three-point line. “We’ve really been workSenior guard Tiera ing on it in practice, and Stephen, whose game sta- GULCZYNSKI tonight I wasn’t going to tus was in question after let too many go.” sustaining a knee injury against The team also recorded a seaOhio State, started the second-half son-best 9 blocked shots, with with a layup followed by another four coming from Rochel and the from Rochel, who then sank anoth- other five from sophomore forer shot to give UW its widest lead of ward Jacki Gulczynski, who was the game at 50-32. also second amongst team scoring Indiana stepped its defense up leaders with 15. a notch, which allowed it to hold The Badgers hope to carry the Badgers scoreless for slightly their momentum into the next over four minutes, and nar- challenge of this two-game rowed Wisconsin’s lead to 57-47. homestand, when No. 13 Purdue Ultimately, Bauman’s layup mid- comes to Madison Feb. 14.
By Adee Feiner the daily cardinal
Badgers weekend round-up The Wisconsin softball team opened its season winning four of five games at the First Pitch Classic in Charlotte, N.C., including an 11-inning victory over Notre Dame Sunday ... The wrestling team dropped its final Big Ten meet to Minnesota, 34-5, at the UW Field House ... The men’s tennis team split its weekend slate of matches at the Nielsen Tennis Stadium, topping UC Irvine 5-2 before dropping its first match of the season to Clemson 5-2 ... The women’s
badgers from page 8 the clock. “I guess he just read me well.” Zengerle said. Finding some much-needed energy to start off Saturday’s game, UW gained a two-goal first-period lead, holding off a late Beaver surge going into the first intermission. Halfway through the second period, Wisconsin gained a 3-1 lead when a shot by Kerdiles took a favorable bounce for the Badgers out of the Bemidji goalie’s glove, allowing freshman defenseman Kevin Schulze to find the back of the net. A few minutes later, Lee was called for tripping and the Beavers capitalized on the power play and put themselves on the board going into the final period.
tennis team lost its home match to Utah, 6-1 ... The men’s golf team lost 3-1 to Ohio State in the opening round of Big Ten Match Play ... Fifteen members of the men’s track and field team team had top-10 finishes in an event at meets in Seattle, Wash., and Ames, Iowa ... Women’s track sophomore Deanna Latham finished the 60-meter hurdles in 8.39 seconds, which set a new Wisconsin school record. vince huth / the daily cardinal
Early in the third Bemidji smacked another goal through sophomore goaltender Landon Peterson’s legs, bringing the Beavers within one goal. The Badgers played shutdown defense the rest of the way through, despite Bemidji State’s 17 attempted shots to Wisconsin’s eight in the period. Eaves compared the finish to landing a crashing plane. “The fuselage was on fire and we got it on the tarmac and that’s a good thing,” he said. “We’ve had a couple of storms here … we had some people out and we survived.” The Badgers pick up play Friday against Minnesota at the Kohl Center and again Sunday against the Gophers at Soldier Field in Chicago for the OfficeMax Hockey City Classic.
Monday february 11, 2013
Men’s Basketball
Brust’s late-game heroics propel UW Half-court heave, overtime triple help give Badgers 65-62 win over No. 3 Michigan By Vince Huth the daily cardinal
Ben Brust grew up playing basketball in the driveway with his older brothers, and the only time he could get off a clear look was from the “square of relief” in the back of the driveway. Whether Brust’s practice from those deep driveway shots benefited him at all in his half-court heave Saturday at the Kohl Center, only he can know. But one thing is for sure: The Hawthorn Woods, Ill., native’s game-tying shot was certainly more difficult than the square-of-relief shots. “It was a little bit further,” Brust said of his half-court shot. “I got the ball off, it was contested—I thought maybe [Michigan freshman guard Caris LeVert] was gonna foul, but he didn’t—so I just tried to get it off and it went down.” The junior guard’s contested, game-tying shot sent Wisconsin’s (8-3 Big Ten, 17-7 overall) game against No. 3 Michigan (8-3, 21-3) into overtime. The Badgers went on to outscore the Wolverines 5-2 over the extra five minutes to come away with a 65-62 win.
nithin charlly/the daily cardinal
With Saturday’s win, UW has beaten six of the last seven AP top-five teams it has played at home. The best part about the final play in regulation, according to head coach Bo Ryan, was the inbounds pass from senior forward Mike Bruesewitz. “Right on the dime, on the run, [Brust] didn’t have to reach back for it,” Ryan said. “And he was able to catch that and all in one motion.” Brust’s basket was surely a rarity in basketball—not just because of the distance from which he hit the shot, but also because the number of times a player shoots that shot with the game on the line is a seldom occurrence. If that logic doesn’t suffice for proof that the successful half-court shot was unlikely, all one needed to do was look at Ryan after Brust’s shot ripped through the net. “Coach Ryan actually put his arms up. He showed some emotion,
Men’s Hockey
Wisconsin picks up three points in series against Bemidji State By Brett Bachman the daily cardinal
If the Wisconsin men’s hockey team (9-6-7 WCHA, 12-9-7 overall) has experience with one thing this season, it’s close games. For the 15th and 16th times, the Badgers played in games this weekend that were decided by one goal or less. Wisconsin settled for a 2-2 tie against Bemidji State (4-13-5, 5-176) Friday without senior forward Derek Lee and sophomore defenseman Jake McCabe, while the return of Lee, the de facto “glue of the team,” Saturday gave UW the spark needed to come away with a 3-2 win, despite the absence of McCabe and junior forward Tyler Barnes. In a game that started slowly and featured multiple shifts in line configuration, the Badgers jumped out ahead halfway through the first period on a power play goal by freshman forward Nic Kerdiles. Head coach Mike Eaves attributed the changing lines to an attempt to find a little “magic.” “I didn’t like what we were seeing,” Eaves said. “That’s why there were so many changes going on.” At the halfway mark of the second period, Bemidji State struck back with a goal of its own after
Beaver freshman forward Phil Brewer knocked the puck off sophomore goaltender Joel Rumpel’s skate into the goal, equalizing the score at one. Sophomore forward Brendan Woods and junior defenseman Frankie Simonelli were then subsequently sent to the box, leaving Wisconsin to kill off a huge twominute, five-on-three penalty. Rumpel held out for the duration of the Beaver power play, allowing the Badgers to take the lead late in the second period when redshirt senior forward Ryan Little deflected a shot from his brother, junior forward Sean Little. A turnover seven minutes into the third period resulted in Bemidji State sophomore forward Danny Mattson slapping a goal over Rumpel’s shoulder, tying the game at two. The best chance for UW to capture the lead once again came when junior forward Mark Zengerle found himself alone in front of the goal with less than 10 seconds left, but Beaver senior goalie Mathieu Dugas blocked it, leaving the game tied as the final seconds ticked off
badgers page 7
which was odd,” Bruesewitz said. “Every once in a while he’ll bring it out, and that’s when you know something big has happened.” Wisconsin jumped out to a 23-14 lead midway through the first half, thanks in large part to freshman forward Sam Dekker, who scored 9 points on 4-of-7 shooting in 14 minutes of action off the bench. However, a 9-1 Michigan run and a couple jumpers from Michigan sophomore guard Trey Burke at the end of the half gave the visitors a one-point edge at the break. Neither side held larger than a four-point advantage in the second half until Wolverine junior guard Tim Hardaway Jr. knocked down a triple at the 6:34 mark. It gave Michigan a six-point edge, its largest of the game. But an 8-2 Wisconsin run,
capped off by redshirt senior forward Jared Berggren’s and-one slam, tied the game at 57 with just over 30 seconds left on the clock. Following a Michigan timeout, Hardaway Jr. curled off a high ball screen from freshman forward Mitch McGary, and the sharpshooter drilled an off-balanced, coldblooded triple despite skin-tight defense from Bruesewitz. A measly 2.4 seconds were left on the clock. Ryan said the plan was to foul a Michigan player if he beat a UW defender off the dribble, as Wisconsin could have fouled the Wolverines (although not in the act of shooting) without sending them to the line for a one-and-one bonus. “Mike actually reached in at the hand off, no call,” Ryan said of Bruesewitz’s defense on Hardaway Jr.’s go-ahead triple. “And he was
still able to hit that three.” Then, Brust ripped one from half court. Each team managed just one bucket through the first four minutes of overtime, and Brust’s miss with just over one minute to play gave the visitors possession in a tie game. However, Brust poked the ball away from Michigan freshman guard Nik Stauskas and, on the ensuing possession, knocked down a three-point shot off a handoff from Bruesewitz to give the Badgers a 65-62 lead with 39 seconds on the clock. Michigan put on its full-court press after a Hardaway Jr. miss, which eventually led to redshirt senior forward Ryan Evans going to the line for a one-and-one. The Phoenix, Ariz., native missed the front end, but Burke’s in-andout attempt from beyond the arc sealed UW’s third-straight win. While Wisconsin has seven conference games left to play, not many outside the program could have legitimately expected UW to find itself in the middle of a Big Ten title hunt this season after losing junior guard Josh Gasser back in late October to a seasonending ACL injury. Ryan said the Badgers are still being written off, despite their position near the top of the conference standings. “It’s a good thing I don’t have Twitter or Facebook or anything like that, because I’m hearing enough from emails and text messages about, ‘You guys aren’t that good,’” Ryan said. “This is a group that just finds different ways.”