Thursday, February 14, 2013 - The Daily Cardinal

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Be sweet this Valentine’s Day: Tips and tricks from The Daily Cardinal staff +PAGES 4 and 5 University of Wisconsin-Madison

Complete campus coverage since 1892


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Student body to vote on ASM constitution By Paige Villiard the daily cardinal

The Associated Students of Madison Student Council passed legislation Wednesday to place the newly proposed ASM constitution on the spring 2013 election ballot, making it’s implementation subject to student body approval. The constitution would establish four different branches of ASM: the executive, legislative, judicial and appropriations branches. These would replace the institution’s three current branches: Student Council, Student Services Finance Committee and Student Judiciary.

Some representatives voiced concerns over the document, including Student Council Rep. David Gardner, who said the new constitution could inhibit collaboration between the branches of ASM and increase bureaucracy. “We don’t see the flexibility to pursue whichever grassroots campaigns and committees we would like to that exists in our current constitution,” Gardner said. However, Nominations Board Chair Sean McNally, who proposed the legislation last week, said the

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on campus

Evolution of art

Michael Jay McClure, professor of art history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, speaks to a group of students and community members at Union South Wednesday as part of the WUD Video Art Week, an event highlighting video artists. + Photo by Stephanie Daher

Walker releases health-care system proposal By Jack Casey the daily cardinal

Gov. Scott Walker announced Wednesday he would not follow a federally recommended expansion to reform BadgerCare, Wisconsin’s Medicaid system, but instead would take a different approach by shifting the demographics of Medicaid recipients, a move Democrats heavily criticized. Under the current system, most, but not all people making less than the federal poverty level are covered under BadgerCare and parents and caretakers are included if they make less than

200 percent of the poverty level, according to Donna A. Friedsam, a researcher and health policy director at University of WisconsinMadison. However, the current system leaves a large amount of childless adults without coverage because of a 2009 enrollment cap on BadgerCare coverage. The federal health-care expansion, in contrast, would maintain the current state system, while adding funds to cover all childless adults who make up to 133 percent of the poverty level. Walker’s proposed system, instead, would maintain the cur-

rent BadgerCare funding system, with 60 percent of funds coming from the federal government, while covering everyone below the poverty line, including childless adults. The proposed system would also take coverage away from parents and child caretakers who make between 100 and 200 percent of the poverty level, requiring them to buy health insurance through federally run exchanges. The exchanges will be set up by the federal government and will allow those people left out of BadgerCare to buy their own

health insurance with varying amounts of federal subsidies. State Democrats, including Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca, D-Kenosha, released statements opposing Walker’s decision, saying Walker passed on an important opportunity to help the people of Wisconsin. “[Walker] said no to doing the right thing for people who desperately need care, no to doing the right thing for taxpayers and no to health care jobs,” Barca said in a statement.

vations and the updated establishment could open as early as March 8. “We are planning on changing the concept of the restaurant and changing the look of the restaurant,” Richardson said. But Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said Richardson cannot reopen the restaurant unless the city grants him a new liquor license. “The bottom line is, there’s great confusion, it seems to me, about the future of T. Sushi,” Verveer said. Food and Alcohol Policy Coordinator Mark Woulf said if someone is to take over T. Sushi, the next step would be applying for

A year-round farmer’s market could open in Madison as early as summer 2015 to give nearby food and craft producers an opportunity to sell their goods at a new indoor facility. The Local Food Committee is spearheading the Madison Public Market project and presented feedback at its meeting Wednesday from a survey it recently conducted to gauge regional interest in the proposal. Farmers from across the state participated in the survey and 65 percent of the 166 respondents said they are “very interested” in the possibility of a year-round farmer’s market. The discussion Wednesday revolved around the market’s design. The committee is drawing inspiration from other successful public markets in the Midwest, such as the flourishing Detroit Eastern Market. Madison Food and Alcohol Policy Coordinator Mark Woulf said the city is bringing in Dan Carmody, president of the Detroit Eastern Market, as a consultant on the project because of his farmer’s market acumen. “There is a very unique concentration in Michigan to try to buy produce from Michigan and the Eastern Market really capitalizes on that,” Woulf said. City Office of Business Resources

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City officials question plans to reopen T. Sushi in March

jane thompson/the daily cardinal

An independent consultant for T. Sushi said the restaurant could reopen as early as March 8 under new ownership.

Downtown establishments T. Sushi and Essen Haus faced concerns from a city alcohol policy committee Wednesday after they requested approval to alter their restaurants. After the city attorney contacted the Alcohol License Review Committee about ownership problems at T. Sushi, the ALRC made several unsuccessful attempts to meet with the owner on the lease, Teddy Stevens. An independent consultant working for T. Sushi, Jason Richardson, said at the meeting he is working with an attorney to transfer ownership of the restaurant. According to Richardson, the restaurant is undergoing reno-

Year-round market featuring local produce could come to Madison

“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

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tODAY: snow showers

Friday: mostly cloudy

hi 35º / lo 16º

hi 21º / lo 8º

Thursday, February 14, 2013

An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 122, Issue 84

2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 • fax (608) 262-8100

News and Editorial

Your romantic future revealed Editor in Chief Scott Girard

Managing Editor Alex DiTullio

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Editorial Board Matt Beaty • Alex DiTullio Anna Duffin • Nick Fritz • Scott Girard David Ruiz • Nikki Stout l

Board of Directors Jenny Sereno, President Scott Girard • Alex DiTullio Emily Rosenbaum • John Surdyk Erin Aubrey • Dan Shanahan Jacob Sattler • Melissa Anderson Stephen DiTullio • Herman Baumann Don Miner • Chris Drosner Jason Stein • Nancy Sandy Tina Zavoral © 2013, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398

For the record Corrections or clarifications? Call The Daily Cardinal office at 608-262-8000 or send an email to

Your astrological sign plays an absolutely crucial role in determining your destiny, and most important of all, your love life. Ever notice how your friends with similar birthdays seem to lead lives similar to yours? Well, my friends, blame it all on the solar system or something. The moons, planets and stars have your destiny all planned out, but only a few “astrologers” like me really know what’s up. So take my words with complete faith because the dreaded Valentine’s Day has arrived.

who look and act and dress like you. Don’t let them steal your thunder in this game of love because you’re a gen-u-wine Gemini.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Make the first move. Who knows, it could end really bad or really good, but you’ll never know unless you go for it. There’s always chocolate and porn if it doesn’t work out.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Start listening to alt-J if you haven’t already. The stars tell me it’s going to be a great conversation starter in the next couple of days. So at least listen to “Fitzpleasure.”

Aries (March 21-April 19)

It is imperative that you come into this week prepared for the best… or maybe the worst. It really all depends on what you eat for lunch on Tuesday. A cup of dandelion tea and a bowl of cabbage soup will definitely aid you in finding true love by the end of the week.

A past fling of yours is going to change his or her profile picture on Facebook this week. Don’t let this distract you from the present moment because that cutie sitting across from you at Espresso Royale is probably the one. So stop looking at your computer screen and get them eyes on the prize. Just remember to floss this week, OK? Might be important, not sure why though. Neptune isn’t reading clear… too much broccoli.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Yo, where you been all winter, dear Capricorn? Get out in the slush and snow this week. I guarantee a cutie will be out there. Talk to him or her about the weather. Never fails.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

The 5th Dimension told me, “Love will steer the stars! This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius! Age of Aquarius! Aquarius!” Not really sure what that means, but definitely go with it. Also let the sunshine in. That’s all, folks! Peace, love and tacos.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Heads up, that cutie in your discussion definitely thinks you’re cute too, so go for it.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Just give up this week, fair Taurus. Red wine and chocolate are your friends. Remember though, really good stuff is on the horizon. Be patient and maybe next week the love of your life will sit next to you in anthro and need a pencil. Maybe. So just sit tight for now.

Look around the room right now. Your new fling is in here somewhere… or at least on this block… yes, definitely in this city…

You know what they say about the Gemini. You know, the whole twin thing? I guess what I’m saying is that you should be wary of those

Dance yourself clean. Try something new. Whatever you want.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

by Mara Jezior

Mara’s predictions meet the utmost stringent standards for astrologically precise fortunetelling. Follow her advice, and don’t doubt what’s written in the stars. If you want to know what else is in store for you, ask Mara by sending an email to jezior@

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

graphics by dylan moriarty

Live-tweeting a day in the life on #vday2013 is a social construct? #buzzword.

@SarahO sarah olson será será


ey, all! If you, like me, don’t have a significant other or an adorable puppy to snuggle with today, then follow me as I live-tweet Valentine’s Day.


Hot date with Sean T. this morning. Nothing like max-interval plyo to get you in the mood. #Insanity #vday2013.


No, #vday does not stand for Venereal Disease Day.


Showered and brushed my hair. Someone better ask me on a date today #justsayin.


If only we exchanged valentines and candy in lecture like we did in 2nd grade. I’d be up about 200 pieces of candy.


RT @shitgirlssay: I love being single.


Best day ever: Parents sent #vday card with beer money and iTunes gift card #winning #ghettobeats.


#Vdaydrinkinggame Take a shot every time you see someone with flowers.


I think #vday is going to get a beating in this #GWS discussion—love

@Pontifex is in a relationship with the Catholic Church, and it’s complicated with 14 days to go. Should he still buy flowers?


TEXT ME INFREQUENTLY #candyheartrejects.


Candy hearts taste like chalk. Why do they even make these?


If you see a girl crying on #vday, chug a sympathy beer #vdaydrinkinggame.


Prof. gives dating advice: It’s better to be alone than miserable #vday2013.


Fall Out Boy is back together just in time for #vday2013. My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark and they liked it. It was hott.


Dinner and a movie with myself. At least @JimmyJohn knows what I like—number 1, no tomato, EZ mayo.


Treating myself to a Jimmy Cookie! #splurge #vday2013.


Sarah OOOOOHHHH!! in da hoouusse.


Watching the movie “Valentine’s Day” on #vday. Take a drink for every bf @TaylorSwift has had since Taylor Lautner, including the #Kennedy.


#MyWorstVDayDate was a double date. The other couple fought the whole time while we laughed

and played cards.


#Vdaydrinkinggame Take a drink for every former valentine.


Excited for discount #vday candy at Walgreens tomorrow.


The roommate’s having #vday sex with her bf. @HelenCWhiteUW wanna hang? #sexiled #dormprobs.


I am beginning to make peace with myself and feel content waiting for someone amazing, and that’s enough #vday2013.


#Vdaydrinkinggame Bottoms up if you’re still single at the end of #vday2013! #YOLO How was your #vday? Tweet at Sarah at @seolson5.


Thursday, February 14, 2013 3


Justice recuses self from Prosser case Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley released a memo Wednesday in which she recused herself from disciplinary proceedings against Supreme Court Justice David Prosser and revealed Prosser’s allegedly aggressive office history. In her memo, Bradley said she will recuse herself from Prosser’s Wisconsin Judicial

Commission disciplinary case, which is currently stalled because five of the seven high court justices want to exclude themselves from the case on ethical grounds. The case cannot proceed unless four justices are willing to hear the case. The case was filed in response to an altercation between Bradley and Prosser. Bradley said Prosser had placed his

hands around her neck on June 13, 2011 after getting upset during a discussion. Prosser disputes this story and maintains Bradley made an aggressive move first while attempting to force him to leave her office that day. The incident was “one event in a history of abusive behavior,” Bradley wrote in her memo. Bradley said she and Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson

lock themselves in their private offices when working alone because of “concerns for [their] physical safety due to Justice Prosser’s behavior.” Bradley and Abrahamson implemented a security plan in conjunction with Capital Police two months prior to the heated conflict between Bradley and Prosser, according to Bradley. —Justin Williams

asm from page 1 new constitution ensures all grassroots positions cannot be eliminated, which is not guaranteed under the current constitution. Student Council Chair Andrew Bulovsky said many representatives have complained about the current bylaws. According to Bulovsky, the new constitution presents an opportunity for council members to make desired changes. “Let’s collaborate and pass the constitution to benefit students and let them have a choice,” Bulovsky said. Following debate, Council passed the legislation for a second time by a 20-4 vote. The legislation needed to be approved by a two-thirds vote in two consecutive meetings to be put to referendum. It was passed by a 18-6 vote last week. The constitution will need to be passed by a majority of students who vote in the spring elections. McNally said there will have to be a grassroots effort by those who believe in the constitution to get the word out to students so they are prepared to vote. “Students can weigh the pros and cons, but we’ll make sure to get out positive points and the general run down,” McNally said. Pending a vote of approval from students, a 15-member committee made up of ASM leadership and grassroots committee chairs will draft bylaws for the new student government structure, which will then be sent to Student Council and would need to pass by a two-thirds vote.

market from page 1 Manager Matthew Mikolajewski said community support of Dane County’s Market on the Square indicates a similar, if not greater, demand for a stronger local food network in Wisconsin than in Michigan. Mikolajewski also said if the project moves “full speed ahead,” the new public market could open in summer 2015. Committee member Topf Wells said the next step should be involving future consumers by sharing the results of the survey as well as holding listening sessions to inform the public and ask for feedback. —Melissa Howison

badgercare from page 1 But Walker said his plan would provide for Wisconsinites and help them to avoid making tough decisions about health care. “Our plan safeguards Wisconsin taxpayers from unnecessary risk and builds on Wisconsin’s strong track record of providing affordable health care to our people,” Walker said in a statement.

alrc from page 1 the proper permits to reopen. Additionally, the ALRC voted to allow Essen Haus to move forward with its plan to add a temporary outdoor volleyball court despite certain members’ concerns about the effect on the surrounding neighborhood. “The biggest concern is not necessarily the consumption of alcohol outside so much, it’s the impact on the neighbors with noise and light and that sort of thing,” Woulf said. —Sarah Olson



Thursday, February 14, 2013

valentine’s day 5 l

GRaphics by angel lee and dylan moriarty

If your valentine has a passion for travel and culture, take them on a trip around the world via the best teas, coffees, wines and chocolates of the seven continents. Start of the date with a deep, earthy tea from Southeast Asia to warm up from the cold. Sip a glass of French wine with Moroccan-inspired couscous. Cook to impress with your favorite entrée (read: your best dish), because what else is closer to our hearts than a good home-cooked meal? And for dessert, an array of chocolates from Switzerland, accompanied by a warm cup of coffee grown in Central or South America.

Switch up the countries or continents for something a little more out of the ordinary, or another date down the road. Your tastes will have been around the world, but you’ll be at home for a warm evening with your valentine. —Meghan Chua

The way to my heart is through making me happy. And what makes me happy? Cheap dates.

So, it’s simple—Go out for coffee. Espresso Royale Cafe,

Steep and Brew—Any of the small, cozy ones on State. If you’re feeling frisky, try ordering for me… and I’ll order for you. Chances are one of us will enjoy one of the drinks, even if it calls for a switch-a-roo. What comes next… “get-to-know-you”s? Awkward finger tapping on the cups? Nah nah— These are weak and overused. Try scoping out where the dominos and chess boards are at. Conversations always flow nicely when you’ve got the knight battling for you. And when we both crack up laughing because neither of us know how to play chess… well, you can call it a victory. —Morgan Haefner

The Daily Cardinal staff weighs in on how to pull off the most romantic day of the year. If I could get a date for Valentine’s Day, I would probably then have to think of somewhere special to take her—maybe a French restaurant or chick flick (unless Pizza Di Roma and Bruce Campbell movies were her favorite things as well, in which case, (224) 234-9647). Don’t guys usually give their dates flowers and chocolates? I guess that’s what women like. But if for some odd reason a girl actually wanted to take me on a date, to my location of choice, I would

enjoy ice-fishing on Lake Mendota for an afternoon. We could set up our little tent, bring some hot chocolate and mini sandwiches, and then put out our lines. That’s romance. I’d like her to recite “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” to me over some soft jazz crackling through a battery-powered FM radio as we “break the ice,” so to speak. If the thought of this doesn’t make you want to puke heart-shaped chunks, we’re probably meant for each other. —Andy Holsteen

If you are having trouble coming up with Valentine’s Day plans and you really have no idea what to do, consider going all out with a dozen roses. But instead of making one person’s day, spread the love so to speak. That’s right, stand on East Campus

Mall and hand 12 different see walkthe street your phone optional).

t h e roses out to people you ing down (attaching number is

It may seem silly and somewhat ridiculous, but you have 12 chances to make someone’s day just a little better. It does require some courage to put yourself out there, but there’s no reason not to give it a shot. You never know, someone might find it just cute enough to exchange numbers. No promises, but hey, it’s better to try, right? —Jack Casey

I cannot imagine a more romantic weekend getaway than a lover’s escape to the rolling vineyards of Napa Valley. However, in the absence of sufficient funds to make such a spontaneous trip, I recommend visiting Barriques Café on Monroe Street this Friday or Saturday for their Valentine’s Day tasting. While most locations host tastings every weekend, Barriques on Monroe Valentine’s Day special will be filled with sparkling wines from across the globe paired with chocolate dipped strawberries.

Nothing sets the mood like a glass of wine and some strawberries, a fruit infamous for increasing sex drive. But, hey, if you’re single (heyo), bring your best bud. Even if you’re not lookin’ for love on Valentine’s Day, you and your bosom buddy can at least attain a solid buzz after sampling what amounts to two glasses of wine for the price of a mere $15.

The best last-minute Valentine’s Day dates must be artfully constructed to overcome the scariest component of all romantic rendezvous– magnified on Feb. 14– the pressure. Assuming it is a first (or possibly second or third) date because you are perusing the paper for non-threatening ideas that will make you seem outgoing and free-spirited, the key is to alleviate the pressure. This is as easy done as said, if not easier. First off, don’t over think it. Even if you only know one thing you have in common with your lucky Feb. 14 sweetie, pursue it! If you know you are both into art, check out free local exhibits. If you both love outdoor winter activities, go ice skating. If you have abso-

lutely nothing in common or you just don’t know it yet, don’t be afraid to get silly. Go to a local thrift store and

choose an outfit for the other person to wear for the duration of the date, which admittedly may be pretty short depending on what you pick. —Melissa Howison

Did you know? —Rebecca Alt

Feb. 14 was declared Valentine Day by Pope Gelasius I in A.D. 496. Every year, approximately 150 million Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged, second only to Christmas.

All by yourself this Valentine’s Day? Not to fret, stop by Sex Out Loud’s Single’s Mixer, with a DJ, dance floor and party games! If that doesn’t float your boat, try having a romantic evening alone. Watch a version of your favorite porn, light some candles and fap it out. If you haven’t before, try using toys to enhance your at-home experience. Ordering online from any number of retailers or taking the bus down to Madison’s own A Woman’s Touch can make for the sexiest night you have ever spent alone! Vibrators are inexpensive and can enrich any solo-session, whether used on a clit, ass or perineum. Who knows, when you do find that special someone, the two of you may enjoy your new plaything just as much as you did alone! —Your Sex Columnist

In the late 1800s, Richard Cadbury became the first person to make a box of chocolates to celebrate Valentine’s Day. It wasn’t until the 17th century that Valentine’s Day started gaining popularity in Great Britain, when people started to exchange cards in celebration. Esther Howland, aka, the “Mother of the Valentine,” who is known for popularizing Valentine’s Day in the United States, began selling mass-produced valentines by the 1840s.

Women are responsible for 85 percent of valentines purchases every year.

Showing off the love with Cardinal valentweets To support the paper where we met/both love: to my valentine, @NSavidge: are you from Holland? cuz AmsterDAYYUMM, boi love, tharvrveyw

@JVcasey Happy Valentine’s Day cutie! Love, the other news girls

Happy Valentines Day to the lovely ladies of AEPHI!!!! Love, Your secret admirer

RT @NickKristof The Daily Cardinal news section sure is awesome, great job Taylor Harvey! You're the absolute coolest #cool#greatlady#hawt

(CL+MO) Bears—I love you and don’t care who knows! —MJ #bearlyfe

arts l


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Albums for broken Valentine’s hearts By Cameron Graff the daily cardinal

I’m not saying anything is definite, but statistically speaking you’re more than likely going to have an awful Valentine’s Day that will probably destroy your current relationship and also any prospects of future happiness with the person you’re with. No, don’t worry, it’s cool. I’m scared too. Lucky for both of us, I’ve prepared for the worst by stockpiling the world’s most sadsack albums for a postValentine’s night of waxing pathetically and crying facedown into a pre-cooked TV dinner-for-one. Like I said, I’m not guaranteeing you’re going to botch tonight and get kicked to the curb, but when it does happen, just know these artists are always going to have your back.

I’m not saying anything is definite, but statistically speaking you’re more than likely going to have an awful Valentine’s Day...

Beck— Sea Change : Beck had a nasty spill back in

the late ’90s (that is, he got dumped) and suddenly his whole strung-out Dadaist universe imploded around him and he followed up his cirquede-strange album Midnight Vultures with the desolate Sea Change. Gone were the warped samples and psychic jazz and jamboree handouts. Beck axed them all and replaced them with uppercased SAD. Heavy on acoustic guitar and sincere sincerity, Sea Change is perfect for everyone who’s ever been broken. Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds— The Boatman’s Call : When alt rock’s mega couple of PJ Harvey and Nick Cave split, Nick definitely took it hardest. It was bad. Like, really bad. Like bad enough to encourage the most discouraging album in an already misanthropic and macabre career. The Boatman’s Call replaces Nick’s depraved Jaggswag with a tender vulnerability, the shrieking guitars and mad-dog vocals for piano and whispers of “People Ain’t no Good.” See the sad scene in “Shrek 2” for reference to this album’s distinct emotional heft. Elliott Smith—literally any album: Are you unhappy?

Well, Elliott gets you. Well, got you, before his life collapsed in a nightmarish montage of drug abuse, crippled dreams and scorned love and he ended up stabbing himself to death/ was potentially murdered by the only person who loved him. So, not really a “you feel my pain bro” kind of artist. More like a “maybe if I listen to this my life will look better by comparison.” Yeah? Yeah. His selftitled album is a great place to start, opening with “Needle in the Hay,” the song that sound-tracked Luke Wilson’s suicide attempt in “The Royal Tenanbaums.” It’s a doozy, to say the least.

Liz Phair—Exile in Guyville: Okay, enough of sad skinny indie dudes, what about

the ladies? Liz Phair was the quintessential “strong lady” rock star back in the ’90s (in the grand tradition of Debbie Harry and Patti Smith) and Exile in Guyville was equal parts admonition of the male sex and longing for a loving guy. “Soap Star Joe,” finds her calling out the archetypical beautiful womanizing tramp for being an ass and “F*ck and Run” has her bemoaning a life defined by sex, leaving a trail of thrown-away boys in her wake. It’s scuzzy, heartfelt rock for the MTV era and it’s still basically perfect today. Drake—Take Care: So what if Drake’s the softest in the game? Sometimes that’s just what you need. Take Care exposes the celebrity heart, showing that even rising multi-millionaire rap sensations can shed a tear while riding their solid-gold jet skis over an ocean of money. Drake pumps out machismo and manly woes in equal measure, singing “money over everything” in one song and “Ok, look, I’m honest. Girl, I can’t lie, I miss you / you and the music were the only things that I’d commit to,” the next. Even if

Drake can’t make up his mind over what he wants in his own life (I still vote for the jet skis) his songs might just help you figure out what you want in yours. Xiu Xiu— Life and Live : Heartbreak rapidly mutating into nihilism? No worries, we’ve got one for you too. Xiu Xiu’s official terrifying live album finds front man Jamie Stewart donning an acoustic guitar and belting out a wide breath of songs from all over his grizzly discography. He’s less sad about significant others than obsessed with the daily moribund poison that trickles through the darker corners of our lives, killing us physically and spiritually, but hey, whatever floats your boat. We e z e r — P i n k e r t o n : Weezer’s sophomore album saw Rivers Cuomo opening the diary of his soul up to the masses. He wasn’t just a nerd who looked like Buddy Holly, he was a nerd who looked like Buddy Holly who had feelings! Songs about lesbian heartbreaks, soul crushing groupie sex and Japanese school-girl loves across an insurmountable ocean abound, all layered over grungy lo-fi power-chord wizardry and peppered with River’s angriest vocals to date. Just goes to show you, even Harvard grad mega-stars get dumped from time to time.


Seeing Valentine’s Day in a new light... Valentine’s Day traces its roots to an ancient pagan holiday called Lupercalia, in which men stripped naked, grabbed whips, and spanked young women in hopes of increasing their fertility. Thursday, February 14, 2013 • 7

By Melanie Shibley

Reservation for two tonight

Today’s Sudoku

© Puzzles by Pappocom

First in Twenty

By Angel Lee

Solution, tips and computer program available at

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Today’s Crossword Puzzle

Caved In Answer key available at

GETTING CHOOSY ACROSS 1 The former Miss Trueheart 5 “Hair” do? 9 Competent 14 Word seen on sports schedules 15 Senior member 16 Kentucky college town 17 Flowerless decorative plant 18 Bit of drollery 19 Flashy jewelry, in slang 20 Took part in a Halloween ritual 23 Matching pair designation 24 Dangerous marine creature 25 Old Rome’s ___ Way 29 Bob in a bay 30 Main burner? 33 Congregation 34 Spill the info (with “up”) 35 Holy Roman Emperor called “the Great” 36 “That’s my final offer” 39 Checked out 40 Where to hear a lot of grunts? 41 Haggard songwriter? 42 Writer Bradbury

3 4 44 45 46 47 54 55 56 7 5 58 59 60 61 62

Udders Pollster’s projection French soldier’s cap Critique harshly Ripley’s ultimatum Like a dunce cap When “et tu” was spoken Presidential administration Having no company Cold War-era alliance ‘70s supergroup More dishonorable Extra on “The Untouchables” One of a yawl’s two

DOWN 1 “Dollar Diplomacy” president 2 Pitcher in a still life 3 Ganges garb 4 Set to the same time 5 Abut on 6 Dreads 7 Spellbound 8 In an oppressive way 9 Abbot’s place 10 Burke of “Designing Women” 11 Port between Buffalo and Cleveland 12 Await judgment 13 Baseball action 21 Army uniform material 22 Notched like a maple

5 2 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 5 3 37 38 43 44 45 46 7 4 48 49 0 5 51 52 53 54

leaf Subsequently “Costa” kin Gumby’s chum Like some coffee Banks of earth Back in the navy Functional Attentive one Accepting one’s apology Place to wear a mitt Brownish-gray Kind of acid Airport fluid Bell’s first phone-call recipient “A Fish Called Wanda” Oscarwinner 1499 marble masterpiece Gaucho’s weapon Baseball’s Slaughter Cheese that’s made backward? Act the nomad Space org. Man with a lift Just one of those things? It will give you a fare deal

By Steven Wishau By Steven Wishau

By Nick Kryshak


thursday february 14, 2013

Men’s Basketball

Women’s Basketball

Badgers look for more home-court magic as No. 18 Purdue visits ductive recently, averaging 23.5 points and 10 rebounds “Finish Strong.” per game over the past two Although they cannot be contests. Her strong perforworn during games, all mem- mances were not limited to bers of the Wisconsin girl’s scoring and rebounding, howbasketball team (3-8 Big Ten, ever. Gulczynski also added 11-13 overall) wear bracelets 2.5 assists, 1.5 steals, and 2.5 with these two words on them blocks per game over the same to serve as a constant reminder. two-game stretch. “It was hard, the “I have been getkids were mentally ting really great looks drained last year,” said from my teammates,” head coach Bobbie Gulczynski said. “We Kelsey. “I don’t want are really just moving them to say our seathe ball well and getting son is over, we have good shots.” six more guaranteed Ju n i o r guard games. It is symbolic Morgan Paige is the of what we need to do, GULCZYNSKI Badgers’ leading scorer and it gives them somethis season, averaging thing to keep striving for and 17.2 points per game. But some keep focus on.” of her biggest performances The Badgers face No. 18 of the season have come in Purdue (7-3, 18-5) Thursday at conference play, including a 7 p.m. in the Kohl Center. career-high 33 points in a 63-61 “We love to play in front of win over Big Ten leader and our home crowd,” sophomore No. 8 Penn State Jan. 31. forward Jacki Gulczynski said. “It’s conference play, every“The community comes out one has to come, step up, and and really supports us. Shots bring the next level a little bit,” just seem to fall at the Kohl.” Paige said. “You always have “You should always to work harder because have an extra edge at you see these teams home,” Kelsey added. more often, and they “But I don’t want the know you and your team to get in a false sense personnel. So you have of security. We have lost to bring out new things here, too. So you have to and be able to adapt play the game and play and change on the go.” the opponent and take Gulczynski and PAIGE away their strengths.” Paige are two of the At home, Wisconsin is most improved scorers 3-3 in the Big Ten and 9-4 overall. in the Big Ten: Gulczynski is up Gulczynski has been pro- 9.9 points per game from last

By Jonah Beleckis the daily cardinal

abigail waldo/the daily cardinal

Redshirt senior forward Jared Berggren and the rest of UW will have their hands full on the glass against Minnesota Thursday.

Gophers loom for Wisconsin By Vince Huth the daily cardinal

The last time No. 20 Wisconsin (8-3 Big Ten, 17-7 overall) played the Gophers (5-6, 17-7), both teams were in a must-win situation. The Badgers came in having dropped two consecutive games in response to their upset win at then-No. 2 Indiana, while Minnesota had fallen back into the middle of the Big Ten with its third-straight loss. The stakes aren’t exactly the same this time around, but UW’s slippery position in the conference title race and the Gophers’ delicate NCAA tournament résumé give both sides ample reason to feel like Thursday’s matchup is a must-win. The Badgers out-rebounded Minnesota 32-28 (including an 8-7 advantage on the offensive glass) back on Jan. 26, a perhaps unexpected event because of the Gophers’ top-rated rebounding numbers among NCAA Division I teams. Assistant coach Gary Close said boxing out is one of the first concerns in playing Minnesota; the Gophers rank No. 3 in the nation in offensive rebounds, and senior forward Trevor Mbakwe leads the Big Ten with an 8.8-rebounds-pergame average. “Mbakwe could put somebody right underneath the backboard and take the ball,” Close said. “He’s that good.” While statistics don’t always tell the entire story, Close went on to say that teams who beat Minnesota typically “negate” its rebounding advantage. He wasn’t too far off, either: The Gophers have lost

both Big Ten games in which they were outrebounded. Further, their rebounding margin in conference wins nearly doubles (+13.4) their margin in losses (+7.2). “If we can take that part of their game away, we’ll be fine,” said freshman forward Sam Dekker. In Wisconsin’s last four games (since its 45-44 win over Minnesota), it has averaged 65.5 points per contest. Although that increase is due in part to playing three overtime periods in the last two games, the Badgers feel they are starting to find their groove offensively. Although Close said UW has been making better cuts and appears to be getting more comfortable playing with each other as the season progresses, redshirt senior forward Jared Berggren said the Badgers’ offensive success comes down to simply hitting shots. “When we were in a little bit of a slump, we were getting some good looks and we just were missing them,” he said. The Princeton, Minn., native will play his final collegiate game in front of his hometown crowd Thursday, along with senior forward Mike Bruesewitz. While Berggren admitted he’s excited for the atmosphere in Williams Arena, he said Thursday’s tilt is more about chasing a conference title than any kind of homecoming. “Every game is big now,” Berggren said. “And this next one is the biggest game of the year because it’s the next one.”

season, while Paige is up 7.2. While it will be a difficult test to knock off the Boilermakers, Wisconsin believes it knows what will be necessary to pull out the win. “We have to rebound and be really disciplined on offense, which in that case means take care of the ball,” Paige said. “We can compete with anybody if we just do the little things. If we can focus, hustle, get back on defense and rebound, we should be in good shape.”

“We love to play in front of our home crowd ... Shots just seem to fall at the Kohl.” Jacki Gulczynski forward Wisconsin women’s basketball

“They have several scorers, people who can run the floor and get layups and who are very aggressive,” Kelsey said. “They make you pay when you make mistakes and not guard certain people. We can’t turn the ball over and we have to get back in transition, because they run the floor very well.” After a double-overtime loss at Ohio State and a win against Indiana at home, the Badgers will look for an impressive win against a ranked Big Ten team to add to their win over the Nittany Lions last month.

The Daily Cardinal Sports section’s top tweets: 2/7-2/13 We spend an inordinate amount of time on Twitter, so we’ve decided to justify that wasted time by compiling the week’s top tweets. They might be funny, they might be motivational and they might be none of the above, but as long as the tweets come from a past or current Badger player or coach, they pass the only prerequisite to make our list.

What do you think of this week’s top tweets? Is there another 140-character dispatch of goodness that should replace one of the tweets on this list? Tweet at us @Cardinal_Sports with your favorite tweets!

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