Drop the puck!
Should they let it fly? The debate on publishing avian flu research. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Senior night awaits the Badger men as they fight for playoff seeding.
+SPORTS, page 8
Complete campus coverage since 1892
Looking back into ‘Protest Village’
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
UW to mediate with adidas over conduct By Alex DiTullio The Daily Cardinal
In a decision that is frustrating members of one UW-Madison student group, UW Chancellor David Ward announced Tuesday the university will enter a period of mediation with adidas in an attempt to resolve the dispute over whether or not the company owes 2,800 unemployed workers severance pay. The company, currently the university’s main licensing partner, sparked anger when one of its factories abruptly closed in January and the workers were not paid due severance. Adidas says it is not responsible for paying workers severance fees, because the factory was independently owned and it should not be
held accountable for the factory owner’s behavior. Ward’s decision comes nearly two weeks after the Labor Licensing Policy Committee recommended, in agreement with the chancellor’s initial recommendation, that adidas be given 90 days to remedy the situation or have its contract terminated. But in a recent email on behalf of the chancellor, UW’s Senior Legal Counsel Brian Vaughan told LLPC Chair Lydia Zepeda that Ward has decided to take a different course of action rather than giving notice. In the coming days, the parties will agree on a designated mediator and a date for the mediation, which could
adidas page 3
Protesters ‘still heart UW’ By Tyler Nickerson The Daily Cardinal
ben pierson/cardinal file photo
A protester holds up a sign supporting University of Wisconsin System funding at the ‘I heart UW rally’ Feb. 14 2011, which was the first organized rally protesting Walker’s budget. By Samy Moskol The Daily Cardinal
While many remember the Capitol protests that thrust Madison into the national spotlight one year ago as surrounding the right to collectively bargain, the movement first started as an organized action supporting UW System funding. In the face of proposed budget cuts to the UW System, the Teaching Assistants’ Association, AFSCME 171 and activist student groups began planning the “I ‘heart’ UW” rally in December and collected 5,000 signatures from supporters across the state. Just three days before the rally was to take place, Walker announced his budget repair bill that would limit collective bargaining rights in Wisconsin. “It turned out to be a blessing in disguise because we had already mobilized for that entire week of protest,” said Beth Huang, a former Student Labor Action Coalition member who slept on the Capitol floor for four nights during the protests. The Joint Finance Committee public hearing began at 10 a.m. Tuesday and lasted into the morning. The drive to keep the public hearing list filled with speakers
kept the building open through the night, and allowed community members to stay in the building. Huang recalled a moment Tuesday night when a woman testifying in front of the committee began singing “Amazing Grace.” “Everyone got kind of quiet, and then everyone started to sing along. There was this incredible echoing affect of everyone singing Amazing Grace together on the first night of the Capitol Occupation,” Huang said. Damon Terrell, a third-year UW-Madison student who became a recognizable figure in the Rotunda, spoke at the Capitol for the first time at the public hearing. He has been arrested numerous times for resisting a police officer and continues to protest at the Capitol after most demonstrators left. “Just seeing person after person share their personal story really got me engaged. The next day I came back and I didn’t leave,” Terrell said. Over the following days, 6,000 students across 12 campuses participated in student walkouts organized by the Teaching Asisstants’ Association and various student groups, according to the TAA.
Fourteen Democratic senators fled to Illinois Feb. 17 to block the bill, leaving the Republican senators without the 20 required for a quorum on budget-related bills. Students dressed in Badger red filled every floor of the Capitol building and cheered when the word spread. Huang said the amount of student-labor solidarity was both the foundation and the continual driver of the protest. “[The fact] that people who weren’t directly affected still showed up … that says something, I don’t know what exactly but it says something,” Huang said. The “Capitol occupation” eventually evolved into a “protest village,” as demonstrators were allowed to stay in the building after the hearing ended. The Capitol Rotunda was the epicenter where, through the first two weeks, there was always a group of protesters drumming and chanting. Terrell recounted seeing a man with a wheelbarrow overflowing with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for protesters. “People just started to see needs and fill them,” he said.
anniversary page 4
Crowds led by UW-Madison’s Teaching Assistants’ Association marched on the Capitol Tuesday to demonstrate their continued dissatisfaction one year after the first major protest against Gov. Scott Walker’s reforms. Starting at Memorial Union, Tuesday’s rally took the same route down State Street and toward the Capitol as last year’s “I ‘heart’ UW” Valentine’s Day march, the event credited as the spark that led to the historic protests last spring. “It’s a lot of nostalgia,” said Leland Pan, a UW-Madison student and candidate for Dane County Board District 5, who was
at last year’s march. He said he was happy with Tuesday’s turnout, numbering in the hundreds. “I think it shows that the UW Madison community really does understand that this fight is still ongoing,” Pan said. “Our university is still under attack by those in power and we need to defend it.” ASM chair Allie Gardner speculated Tuesday’s event could lead to more protests like last year’s Valentines Day march did. “Before it was about fighting for what they had and now it’s about fighting for what they have lost,” Gardner said. “Especially for students, because now we just
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on campus
Who’s your Valentine?
Bucky Badger posed for photos with students Tuesday at the Memorial Union in an event sponsored by the Wisconsin Alumni Association. + Photo by Abigail Waldo
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
page two Little Shapiro, Big World tODAY: pm rain/snow hi 42º / lo 32º
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Thursday: partly cloudy hi 39º / lo 25º
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 122, Issue 18
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Soph slums bite Ariel in the butt Ariel Shapiro little shapiro
s I explained when this column debuted, Little Shapiro, Big World is about doing things that are outside my comfort zone. These have been, and usually will be, situations I actively seek out that make me feel squirmy for comedic purposes. However, there is a big difference between uncomfortable and pantsshitting terrified. This anecdote falls in the latter category. If I fear anything in this world, it is something unknown and creepy coming into my room while I am sleeping. When I was a kid, it was mummies, because obviously a 4,000-year-old decaying pharaoh would make the effort to come to Westchester, N.Y., to freak out a third grader. More recently, my more realistic monsters have taken the form of a serial killer or Michael Bolton. Who I did not anticipate would ever interrupt my slumber was a 27-year-old, trashy version of Goldilocks. For the purposes of this
column, let us call her Karen. Now, we have all at one point or another been so intoxicated that we end up in a place we are not supposed to be. I myself have been known to do somersaults down a snowy State Street because why the hell not? I am understanding of such situations, and hell, it’s college. However, my patience for such shenanigans has a limit. Where do I draw the line? When I am lying in my bed at 5 a.m. and Karen, the adult who has no business being in my sophomore slum apartment, rummages through the stuff in my room and screams “I DON’T KNOW WHERE I AM!” My first reaction to the situation is that she might be the devil manifest and maybe my family chose the wrong religion to deal with such a situation, i.e. oh my god, I’m going to die! My second reaction, which I vocalize as calmly as possible, is “WHO ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM?” I manage to feign some sort of composure as I shepherd her into the living room where my friend is crashing and slowly waking up in confusion. Karen explains that the last thing she remembers is going on the
Capital Brewery tour before waking up on my couch. I assumed she had just wandered in on, of course, the only night I forget to lock the door. She has no shoes, no coat and no phone. She is not a student, she is not from Madison and she does not know where the hell she is.
Who I did not anticipate would ever interrupt my slumber was a 27-yearold, trashy version of Goldilocks. I ask her is she could call anyone, but she does not know any numbers off hand. I log her into Facebook so she can look up people she can contact, but she does not really bother. I offer to call and pay for a cab to take her back to from whence she came, but she does not want to. “Can’t I just sleep on your couch?” Karen asks. “I’m super nice! I won’t steal anything.” Over my dead fucking body
you will sleep on my couch (again). So when I tell her we should probably find another solution to the situation, she got all CharlesDickens-pathetic-waif on me and moaned, “Please, don’t send me outside! It’s so cold! I’ll freeze!” I have a soft spot for such stock literary characters, but this bitch is still getting the hell out of my apartment. After another 15 minutes of questioning as to where she was staying, she realizes that her buddy lives in the same complex, but she refuses to go alone. As I gather some shoes and warm garments for her to wear, she bursts into my room (again) and announces, “Oh my god, my friend! He lives right across the hall, LOL!” LOL, indeed. After one very awkward and unwanted hug, she was finally out and I reflected on how calmly I had dealt with the situation. I felt like a real adult and that maybe I could take on the real world with all of its obstacles. And then I called my mom and cried. The next day she left a note under my door and texted me. I bought myself a can of mace. Friendsiez! Want to buy Ariel a deadbolt? She’d appreciate it. Email her your offer to arshapiro@dailycardinal.com.
Turnin’ into mom one glass of wine at a time rebecca alt cntrl+alt+delete
ver the past two of years, I have begun to take notice of a couple intriguing developments. One, the essentiality of having baby carrots and hummus on hand at all times, and two, my mother and I are two peas in a pod. Our similarities go way farther than the fact that she and I always seem to inadvertently wear matching outfits (On my birthday this year, we both wore black bottoms and purple tops with bling dangling from our ears). For some, the prospect of becoming his or her parents is painstakingly frightening, but I find I am quite comfortable with my recent realization. Sure, on occasion the shrill rants of Mamma Jackie Alt make me want to puncture my ear drums. But on the whole, she is one badass mamma who knows how to break it down and keep it real. As promised in my previous column, I will now outline for you just how similar I have become to my mother.
Replacing water with wine
The past couple of summers and winter breaks have been characterized by the following: I babysit four darling chitlens for roughly nine hours each day and come home thoroughly exhausted. Do not get me wrong when I say that bottle of wine waitin’ for me at home is like my sanctuary—I love those lil’ babes more than life itself. But over the years, my mother has conditioned this desire—bordering on need—by simply asking, “Wine?” without fail each time I walk in the door. I now
find myself itching for a crisp glass of Sauvignon Blanc while I whip myself up some lime and chili crusted chicken. Plus, the thought of pairing water with my meal just does not bode well with me anymore. Alas, like my dear mother, I am slowly substituting water with wine.
Realizing the appeal of the “Forever Lazy”
If you aren’t familiar with this latest “As Seen on TV” product, YouTube it immediately. A few factors play into my hankering for the Forever Lazy. First, I regret not jumping on the Snuggie bandwagon thus feel purchasing a Forever Lazy will make up for my previous blunder. Secondly, like Mamma Alt, I find I am constantly colder than a witch’s tit. And last, but certainly not least, the Forever Lazy conveniently comes with a button down butt flap, so when we have had one too many glasses of wine, we can break the seal without even taking our onsies off. Ergo, Jackie Alt will be receiving a matching set of Forever Lazys this year for her birthday so we can continue to venture out in public as identical twins.
Old lady/Upper-Midwest phrases:
I don’t know about you, but I have not met too many youngsters my age responding to their peers with phrases like, “Oh you betchya!” Nonetheless, this phrase and ones like it have increasingly worked their way into my vernacular. I don’t see this as a necessarily bad thing, but it does seem to attract some peculiar looks from time to time. Other examples of expressions I’ve stolen from Jackie are: “Say now…,” “It threw me for a loop!,” “Uff dah” (anyone with Scandinavian roots should be familiar with that particular expression) and, my personal favorite, “It’s a tid
bit nippley out here.” Evidently, I am a 56-year-old trapped inside a 21-year-old’s body. The one thing I am happy to say I have not acquired from Mamma Alt is her understanding of exercise. When I expressed my desire to begin running more regularly at the beginning of this year, my sweet ole mother asked, “Why?” When I responded with something along the lines of, “It’s good for your heart, I want stronger calves and I quite enjoy the runner’s high,” she countered with, “Honey, you shouldn’t start running. It’s bad for your joints, ya know.” Read: Never mind all of the benefits of running. It is hard on your joints so just stick to
planting your ass next to me on the couch with a fat bowl of ice cream. Luckily, I did not succumb to this particular piece of advice and have continued regularly running in spite of her objection. Otherwise I would most likely have developed quite the fupa, what with my newly 21-year-old self insisting on the importance of drinking a glass(es) of wine with my dinner and eating chocolate after every meal. Wine and dark chocolate are good for heart, donchyaknow? Morphing into your good ole ma and pop as well? Rather than fret, e-mail Rebecca at alt2@dailycardinal.com and embrace it with her over a refreshing glass of Kim Crawford.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012 3
Senate ends enrollment cap for senior care By Meghan Chua The Daily Cardinal
The Wisconsin State Senate voted on a bill to help more senior citizens live independently and deliberated a bill that would make it easier to build on wetlands, as well as discussing other legislation Tuesday. A bill lifting the enrollment cap on FamilyCare, a program helping senior citizens to live independently rather than in nursing homes, passed unanimously. Senator Tim Carpenter, D-Milwaukee, said the limit on program enrollment “put Wisconsin at risk of losing $1.75 billion in federal Medicaid funding.” “The cap was a bad scheme to achieve a short-term budgetary fix,” Carpenter said. Also, a debate on a Republican bill that would ease restrictions for building on or near wetlands ran long enough to call for a third reading of the bill. The Senate plans to reconvene at 12:01 Wednesday morning for further consideration. The Wisconsin Wetlands Association recognizes the need for more efficient regulation, but
opposes the bill overall for its lack of “strong protection measures” for wetlands. “This bill will cause significant damage and will lead to a loss of valuable wetlands,” the WWA stated in a release Jan. 31. However, Representative Jeff Mursau, R-Crivitz, a co-sponsor of the bill, said in a statement the legislation would help speed up the permit process and encourage development. The Senate also addressed various other pieces of legislation. The deadline for the Special Task Force on UW Restructuring to submit its report on the future of the UW
System was pushed back to January 2013. Last week, Gov. Scott Walker announced he would use a portion of federal funds provided to Wisconsin homeowners affected by foreclosure to combat the budget deficit. An amendment that would ensure homeowners get all the funds was voted down Tuesday 17-16. In a symbolic move one year after the governor announced his Budget Repair bill, Sen. Fred Risser, D-Madison, motioned for legislation that would restore collective bargaining rights for public workers. The motion did not pass.
Home brewing bill passes A bill that eases restrictions on public sampling of homemade wine or beer in Wisconsin passed by a 32-1 vote in the state Senate Tuesday. Under the legislation, no license or permit is required to make wine or beer if the person who makes the beverages receives no compensation, the alcohol is not offered for sale
or the total quantity of wine or beer does not exceed 200 gallons per year. If a home brewer meets these standards, the alcohol can be sampled at a public or private event without a permit. Sen. Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald was the lone vote against the bill. Tyler nickerson
Kathryn weenig/cardinal file photo
President Barack Obama will visit a Master Lock factory in Milwaukee Wednesday, where he will be joined by the governor.
Obama, Walker to tour WI factory By Adam Wollner The Daily Cardinal
stephanie daher/the daily cardinal
Hundreds marched down State Street towards the Captiol Tuesday. The march was organized by UW-Madison’s Teaching Assistants’ Association
protest from page 1 saw our tuition go up again, we’re seeing our programs getting cut.” But College Republicans Chair Jeff Snow said protesters should realize Gov. Scott Walker’s reforms actually saved local municipalities and school districts over $900 million. “Their continued protests speak to the fact that they only care about reinstating their abusive collective bargaining
privileges that have held the state of Wisconsin hostage,” Snow said. Late last year, tensions between the Department of Administration and protesters heightened when the DOA implemented a rule requiring event organizers inside the Capitol to apply for a permit. While Alex Hanna, co-President of TAA, said coordinators of Tuesday’s event had the necessary paperwork, some
conflict ensued between Capitol Police and the protestors after organizers were told to turn off an amplifier they were using. The crowd chanted “Shame!” at Capitol police. Wisconsin Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs said the amplifier interfered with wedding ceremonies happening in the capitol at the same time. “We’ve got weddings to honor. But we can’t honor them when this is going on,” Tubbs said.
Man, wife arrested for allegedly torturing daughter Police arrested a Madison man and his wife Tuesday for allegedly torturing and starving the man’s 15-year-old daughter. A witness found the girl wandering several blocks from her home on Madison’s southeast side Feb. 6 and notified McFarland Police, according to Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain. The girl was taken to a Madison hospital. Although a MPD patrol officer recognized the 70-pound girl was severely underweight, the victim’s father gave medical
explanations for her emaciated condition, according to police. On Feb. 10, a doctor specializing in child abuse diagnosed the child’s condition as “serial child torture with prolonged exposure to definite starvation,” DeSpain said. DeSpain said the family forced the victim to live in the basement, and an alarm would go off if she left. Police noted the victim is currently not enrolled in school. Safe Harbor Child Advocacy Center partnered with MPD and after additional interviews,
police arrested the child’s father and stepmother for alleged child neglect. The victim’s 18-year-old stepbrother is being held on probation and parole. Police searched the family’s home Monday. In 2007, Madison Police investigated claims of the victim being allegedly molested by a family member, although they were not proven. DeSpain said limited information is available to the public because the investigation is still underway. —Abby Becker
President Barack Obama will greet and accompany Gov. Scott Walker on a tour of a Master Lock factory when the President arrives in Milwaukee on Wednesday. According to Walker spokesperson Cullen Werwie, Walker will meet Obama on the tarmac and join him for his visit of Master Lock, but will not make any remarks. “We are honored the President is coming to Wisconsin,” Werwie said. The president’s visit comes just a few weeks after he delivered his annual State of the Union Address. In the speech, Obama pointed to Master Lock as an economic success story, crediting the company for bringing 100 unionized jobs
adidas from page 1 last up to 60 days. “[Ward] wishes to reiterate that the university’s goal in this issue is to see redress for the impacted workers, while simultaneously maintaining our productive relationship with adidas and mitigating financial harm to the institution,” Vaughan said. “Mediation is a practical mechanism to work toward achieving these goals.” Despite Ward’s efforts to resolve the situation, UW Junior and Student Labor Action Coalition member John Perkins said the chancellor’s decision lacks the sense of urgency SLAC members feel the situation deserves. “We are disappointed, so we will escalate our campaign and continue to apply pressure to the chancellor,” Perkins said. “We have to take violations of our labor code of conduct seriously and we can’t just dilly-dally.” Perkins added that UW-Madison has traditionally been a leader when confronted with labor violations, noting the university’s dismissal of Nike and Russell Athletics when faced
back to Milwaukee from overseas. During his address at the Conservative Political Action Conference last week, Walker criticized the president for remarks he made over the collective bargaining fight. Last February, Obama called Walker’s collective bargaining legislation “an assault on unions.” Walker responded to this charge during his speech by making the same point he did last year, saying the average federal employee still pays double for health insurance what Wisconsin public workers pay. Obama’s trip to Milwaukee will be his eighth visit to Wisconsin as president and his first appearance in the state since January of last year. with similar circumstances in 2009. He said SLAC would like to see adidas held to the same standard as Nike. Yet in his email to Zepeda, Vaughan explained why the current situation is “unique.” He said unlike previous alleged labor violations, adidas has chosen to contest the applicability of the university’s code of conduct—which outlines a company’s responsibilities in dealing with workers, factories and suppliers—to severance pay. Vaughan said under such conditions, which include disputes over the applicability or interpretation of the code, the university is “contractually obligated” to pursue mediation. Additionally, Vice Chancellor for Administration Darrell Bazzell told The Daily Cardinal adidas’ deal with the university is a licensing agreement and sponsorship contract, which means the company provides badger athletics with equipment in addition to selling badger-logo apparel. Nike and Russell Athletics’ contracts only involved the latter. This also means adidas’ contract is worth 50 times more than Nike or Russell’s were.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
mark kauzlarich/the daily cardinal
Thousands of demonstrators filled the Capitol Rotunda in protest of Walker’s budget repair bill that would limit collective bargaining rights for public employees.
anniversary from page 1 Volunteers set-up medical, food and electronic charging stations, and one section on the first floor eventually became a designated children’s zone with assorted toys and volunteer sitters. Ian’s pizza deliveries came in from 43 states and 15 countries, including Egypt and South Korea. People began filling more than physical needs as well. On a Friday evening, a rabbi led a Shabbat service on the second floor. While student participation was high the first week, by the second, national unions were the dominant presence. For the first time in years, 100,000 people gathered in a mostly peaceful way. When 3,000 Walker supporters came to the Capitol on Feb. 19, joining 60,000 protestors, there were no arrests. “We continue to talk about how it’s amazing that that many people were able to keep it peaceful, how is it that that’s incredible?” Terrell asked. “That’s an anomaly that that many people can gather and keep it peaceful.” But that’s not to say there were no violent incidents. After the Department of Administration restricted public access, cam-
eras captured state Sen. Glenn Grothman, R-West Bend, being chased by angry protesters. Andrew Welhouse, spokesperson for Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, said it was tough to walk through the Capitol if people knew you worked for a Republican legislator. At one point, Fitzgerald received death threats, and his office was alerted that 40 rounds of live ammunition had been found at different points outside the Capitol. “[Protesters] pat themselves on the back for it being nonviolent, but there was definitely an uneasy tone that could’ve broken either way,” Welhouse said. As the number of protesters increased, so did the police presence, especially when the Department of Administration announced they would close the building on Feb. 27 to clean it. On Feb. 26, groups met at the Concourse Hotel and planned to get 20 students, 20 private sector union members and 20 firefighters to stay in the Capitol one last night, preparing to be arrested Sunday. Between 500 and 1,000 people stayed in the Capitol that night. But Sunday came, and though some resisted police, no one was arrested.
kathryn weenig/cardinal file photo
After the Department of Administration limited Capitol access, some still slept outside in protest.
“We were getting ready to make the protest slightly more militant, but that never happened,” Huang concluded. Following that Sunday, the DOA set up metal detectors, put up lists of forbidden items to bring in, including sleeping bags and any item that could be used as a drum. The hundreds of signs that once covered every inch of the Capitol marble were taken down. The medical and food stations were gone, and the drum circle was silenced. When the Senate passed the parts of the budget repair bill related to collective bargaining limits, protesters rushed to the Capitol once more. But, in Huang’s words, the tone changed from “Don’t do this to us” to “How could you?” The protests dramatically subsided, and the matter of the budget repair bill went to the courts as both parties began collecting signatures to prompt recall elections of Republican and Democratic senators. “[The movement] still became a lot more institutionalized., which is something that is kind of strange in my mind,” Huang said. “A lot of political energy became dispersed. [It] went from a grass roots effort in Madison to Democratic party offices across the state.”
ben pierson/cardinal file photo
Walker proposed the collective bargaining limits and cuts to public employee benefits Feb. 11 to fix the state’s budget deficit.
kathryn weenig/cardinal file photo
After Feb. 27, Capitol access was limited, as was what objects were allowed inside. Many rallied outside for increased access following the DOA’s decision.
arts A new Emancipator takes the stage dailycardinal.com
By Jaime Brackeen The Daily Cardinal
After a resonating experience in an opening slot for Bassnectar in 2010, Emancipator—real name Doug Appling—will return to Madison to headline a night at the Majestic Theater this Thursday, Feb. 16. Opening for an electronic, dance-inspired DJ like Bassnectar might lead one to believe Emancipator inspires similar fistpumping behavior, but this vision contrasts sharply with the low-fi trance-like beats on his recorded albums. Taking into account this more mellow vibe, Appling said during an interview that his music can be appropriate for a multitude of situations. “I think a lot of people listen to it at home while they’re chilling, working, studying,” he said. “People like it on the slopes when they’re snowboarding. Anywhere basically.” But for those looking for a more up-tempo night on the town, do not be discouraged
from attending quite yet. “I think in general my live stuff’s more in the livelier direction,” Appling said. “[It is] a little pushier with the tempo than on my albums. But, I mean people can just dance to it or chill out at the show or whatever they feel most comfortable doing.” Even if “comfortable” does not necessarily or normally read as “listening to electronic music” for some Madisonians, Appling said they might want to consider heading to the Majestic anyway. “If you’re getting into electronic music and you’re looking for something a little different, you should definitely come out and see the show,” he said. Diligent fans will also have something fresh to look forward to. “There’s a lot of new stuff from my album that I’m bringing on this tour,” Appling continued. “The upcoming album is almost complete, probably within a month I’ll probably finish it ... I’ve been demoing a lot of the songs on this tour.” Also accompanying
Emancipator on stage is violinist Ilya Goldberg. Goldberg is one of many organic elements that go into Appling’s productions. Those listening carefully to his music will be able to discern looped melodies of keys, guitar, bass guitar, banjo and even a little bit of mandolin, all composed and recorded by Appling himself. This may seem like a lot of instruments, but beginning music at a young age has made piecing together different soundscapes much simpler. “[I started] violin when I was four,” he said. “I played it for eight years and then I switched over to learning guitar and drums and then teaching myself how to program music on the computer.” He said he laid down his first tracks using a program called Acid Pro at the age of 14 or 15; by 19 he had finished his first album Soon It Will Be Cold Enough. Perhaps even more astounding than accomplishing so much at such a young age is that he created and self-released said album all while completing
Wednesday, February 15, 2012 5 l
his undergraduate studies at The College of William & Mary, a liberal arts school in Williamsburg, Va. “I made the first album during my first two years of being a student,” he explained. “I released it my junior year. So I was just making beats the whole time while I was in school.” Appling graduated from William & Mary with a bachelor’s degree in psychology, but when asked if he planned on ever doing anything with it he replied with a swift and easy “no.” “I mean, I learned a lot and I got my education for sure, but I decided not to go to grad school and [that] I would just give music a chance,” he said. “It seems like that was a good choice. Things are going pretty well.” Pretty well indeed. Emancipator’s stop in Madison is one of many on his current tour through the Midwest, and after finishing up this round in Minneapolis he will have a month to recuperate before headlining up and down the West Coast.
Catch him while he is in our humble state with special guests Little People and Radish.
The Skinny Who: Emancipator with Little People and Radish Where: Majestic Theatre 115 King St. When: Thursday, Feb. 16. Doors at 9 p.m., show at 10 p.m. Cost: $10 Why you should care: After completing his first album in tandem with a bachelor’s degree in psychology, this Oregonbased DJ is showcasing newer, more carefully crafted trance tunes on the eve of his third work. Head over to hear new songs and old favorites.
Disturbing or catchy? Die Antwoord pushes boundaries By Ben Siegel The Daily Cardinal
2012 is as good a year as any for the release of an album listed in the genre of “rave rap” from a South African musical triad self-described as a “total mind-fuck.” One would be hard pressed to find another time when pop music charts included the sounds of at least one sensibly named musical act in the last year (Rihanna counts, FloRida certainly does not); rap has featured the ascendance of the typical anti-rappers (urban skateboarders and stoner suburbanites of all ages, colors and creeds); dubstep and house are now socially acceptable to listen to above the influence (take one look at Skrillex’s three Grammy’s or the attention received by Deadmau5’s redcarpet cell-phone prank). Yet this perfect storm was too much for record label Interscope to weather. The home of standard fare sideshows Lady Gaga, LMFAO and the Black Eyed Peas parted ways with Die Antwoord over creative concerns in November. Unwilling to tone down their sound, the group selfreleased its second studio album Ten$ion on Jan. 29, a bristling, Afrikaans-fueled shot of adrenaline that both excites and enjoys itself in excess. Sure, the ingredients are all there. The album’s 39 minutes of street-rave instrumentals orchestrated by Antwoord’s DJ Hi-Tek alternate between hiphop head-banging and whatever you would describe good house music as sounding like, complete with “drops” and so on. The group’s other two members and resident lyricists, the petite, mullet-sporting and sufficiently creepy Yo-Landi Vi$$er and the inked-up, pushing-40 string bean Ninja need no help following the frenetic ebb and flow of the music with their profane, Xhosa-Afrikaans laced
tongue-twisters reminiscent of a South African Nicki Minaj and Yelawolf, respectively. Lastly, but certainly most notably, is the group’s trashgrunge image. In a nutshell, “Zef ” is the post-apartheid white Afrikaner South African equivalent of trailer trash—if trailer trash also meant creating a music video featuring Pokémon costumes, dancing around in hemp-print boxers, and the jarring presence/work of the late South African painter and DJ Leon Botha, once the world’s oldest survivor of progeria. Sprinkle in praise from members of the musical avantgarde like Diplo and fashion collaborations with Alexander Wang, and how many degrees of separation really exist between Die Antwoord (Afrikaans for “the Answer”) and Odd Future, A$AP Rocky, or the Black Eyed Peas (post Elephunk)? Too many or none at all, depending on who you ask. Either way, Ten$ion is most easily summarized as being too much of a good thing. The album is bookended by “Never Le Nkemise” parts 1 and 2, the first featuring a slowly ascending Xhosa chant and afro-inspired beat. “I’m indestructible,” Ninja boasts as the beat crests, dropping briefly before resurfacing in its all of its throbbing, dissonant, bass-reverberating glory. Ninja rides it out—and most of the album—with largely nonsensical lyrics, but it’s their delivery, more than content, that impresses. On the feverish “I Fink U Freeky,” Ninja delivers his verse to a beat more suited to dancing than rapping, finding the pocket and (proverbially) holding on for dear life, all the while making the crazy pace feel casual. No lyrical excerpt would do the song, and their catalog as a whole, as much justice as watching their transfixing Letterman performance, and Letterman’s
more-than-usual incredulity before and after the song. His reaction should not be a surprise. The group, the creative brainchild of Ninja (who is actually Watkin Tudor Jones, a veteran of South African rap for more than a decade in various guises) is engineered for maximum spectacle, both with sight and sound. The reaction of the average listener should be one of fatigue—nobody should be
able to tolerate nearly an hour of throbbing rave rap without a baseline amount of drugs in their bloodstream or an equally inadvisable fondness for the Insane Clown Posse. The biggest shock of Ten$ion’s horror-core alternative rap brilliance is that a major label would want nothing to do with it. Afrikaans may sound a little funny at first, but is it really that much more dis-
agreeable than arriving to an award show in an embryo?
Ten$ion Die Antwoord
opinion Political insiders polarize US politics 6
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
zach thomae opinion columnist
ccording to the newspapers I read, we have “bad” political discourse. What does bad political discourse look like? It is a lot of yelling, and its language is inflammatory; Gov. Scott Walker being heckled at the State of the State speech comes to mind. Most importantly, the problem with a bad political discourse is that nothing gets done. These complaints about our political discourse are relatively new, becoming prevalent only in the last decade. This leaves us with a question: Why is our political discourse so bad? I propose that it is bad because the people who report on politics like politics too much. Looking at our political environment the biggest problem seems to
be that it is unworkably polarized and partisan. If partisanship is a vice, it’s a peculiar one indeed since people who are more informed about politics tend to be more partisan. This isn’t to say that more extreme viewpoints are more correct. I think a better explanation is that people who put forth the effort to inform themselves about politics also tend to be interested in the game of politics. It may be a public service, but for smart people politics is really just a sport. People who are more interested in politics are also more interested in national politics, either for the glamor, the importance or maybe for the vanity of a large audience. These are the people who are also most likely to write about politics, either in distinctively ideological magazines or in elite newspapers, such as The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal. Then the Internet happened, and everyone could read about national politics and more importantly, everybody could write
about national politics. Imagine you write for an online audience and you want to maximize your readership. As the political system that all Americans belong to, covering national politics is almost a no-brainer. With a growing online audience, the political conversation grows as well. But the political conversation isn’t growing outside of those people that already care about politics. The current media scene is very different now than in the golden age of broadcasting; instead of having to appeal to a wide audience, the consumption of news has become more specialized, making appealing to a diverse audience almost unnecessary. Imagine you’re writing about politics again. If people that don’t care very much about politics can and will avoid you, why should you bother appealing to them? Of course, you wouldn’t. Similarly, political writing began to be written to and for political insiders, at the exclusion of everyone else.
So this is the story so far: Powered by the Internet, political discourse is increasingly dominated by national issues and is written by people who are themselves abnormally interested in politics. On top of this, political coverage is written in a way that appeals to political insiders, rather than a general audience. And on top of this, political insiders are more likely than outsiders to be explicitly partisan. What’s going to happen here? What happened to the political blogosphere should have been easy to predict—the partisan sides broke up with each other. As Tyler Cowen, blogging at Marginal Revolution, wonders, “[m]aybe some of us are simply a bit sick of each other, and the accumulated slights and misunderstandings weigh more heavily on our emotional responses than does the feeling of generosity from working together in the same ‘office.’” On the other hand, more objective political news sources are increasingly covering politics in the way that an insider wants
it: Like a game. What they call “horse race” reporting—covering the day-to-day presidential public opinion polls, for example—has always existed, but it’s certainly getting worse, especially with news sources like Politico written for political insiders obtaining national audiences. When politics is a horse race, partisan fighting is good. The outcome doesn’t matter, because all that we care about is the drama of the game. Think about sports reporting for a minute. It’s certainly charged and is just as tribal as political reporting can be. But sports are merely entertainment; politics is supposed to be the way that the public serves itself. I could hope that political journalists would cover politics for everybody else, with more respect to its issues and less to its excitement. But I’m not holding my breath. Zach Thomae is a freshman majoring in computer science. Tweet your thoughts to @dailycardinal.
Avain flu articles too vital to not publish Anurag Mandalika The Daily cardinal
Two recent studies concerning the discovery of mutated H5N1 virus strains, commonly known as avian flu, which are capable of transmission among mammals have generated a huge debate over the regulation and dissemination of scientific knowledge. Many scientist seem to be divided over whether the studies should be published since the virus strains could be used for bioterrorism. The papers in question, from the lab of Ron Fouchier at the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands and by Yoshihiro Kawaoka at UW-Madison—submitted to “Science” and “Nature,” respectively—await judgment from the scientific community, particularly from the National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity. The NSABB is a federal advisory committee of scientists and researchers. One of its goals is to advise on “policies governing publication, public communication, and dissemination of dual use research and methodologies.” The NSABB was originally formulated so scientists could decide on the potential implications of specific research without having to involve lawmakers. It deals with publicizing studies that have the potential of “dual use,” which is the capacity to be misused for ulterior motives apart from its legitimate purpose, such as weaponizing H5N1. It recommended that certain methodological details of both H5N1 studies should be restricted and made available to individuals on a need-to-know basis. In a commentary submitted to Nature in January, Kawaoka argued that it would be irresponsible not to pursue research of the underlying mechanisms by which transmission between mammals occurs due to mutations in the virus. He also argues that the NSABB’s recommendation of limiting accessibility to the research to select individuals might be a vain argument because enough information is already available for individuals to prepare a transmissible strain of the virus, and adhering to that recommendation will only hamper efforts to counter an H5N1 pandemic.
The reaction from NSABB scientists appears to have been hasty and overly cautious. In its effort to limit the publication of the research, the board seems to have lost sight of the bigger picture. Early insights into the mutation mechanism of the virus might prove to be extremely valuable in the case of an outbreak. In addition, availability of this research, like any other study, will allow for experts from diverse fields to contribute towards controlling the virus and developing effective drugs to combat it. Citing a far-fetched potential for bioterrorism to regulate scientific knowledge is short-sighted and doing so will retard our understanding of the virus. It is imperative that both studies be made public following peer review so research can be initiated to combat any threat posed by the virus. Anurag Mandalika is a graduate student in the Department of Biological Systems Engineering. Tweet feedback to @dailycardinal.
cartoon by Anurag Mandalika
comics dailycardinal.com
Today’s Sudoku
Penguins! Penguins have an organ above their eyes that converts seawater into freshwater. Wednesday, February 15, 2012 • 7
First round of exams!
Evil Bird
By Caitlin Kirihara kirihara@wisc.edu
© Puzzles by Pappocom
Eatin’ Cake
By Dylan Moriarty EatinCake@gmail.com
Solution, tips and computer program available at www.sudoku.com.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
By Patrick Remington premington@wisc.edu
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
Caved In
Answer key available at www.dailycardinal.com
THE WRITE OF PASSAGE ACROSS 1 “Hey, over here!” hiss 5 Shipboard mop 9 Eel with sharp teeth 14 A famous Fitzgerald 15 Glass square 16 Took to one’s feet 17 Grandstand level 18 Some grain inspections? 20 Blvd. relative 21 ABBA’s first hit 22 Do-overs 24 Expulsion from office 28 Tree nymph in Greek myth 29 Boat’s pole 31 Words between “chicken” and “king” 32 Direct course 35 Eye flirtatiously 36 Bedtimes maneuvers from professional nannies? 38 Paint-can instruction 40 Succeed financially 41 Reunion group 42 Gets under the skin of 43 Donald Duck’s girlfriend 47 Certifiable
9 Bridge supporter 4 51 Extremely flavorsome 54 Transgression of divine law 55 Satchels for opera singers? 58 Parts of a yard 59 Completely ridiculous 60 Some bucks 61 Lioness in “Born Free” 62 Beats by a nose 63 Designer Klein 64 Tadpole cousins DOWN 1 Old explosive device 2 Thin wood fragment 3 Unable to keep one’s eyes open 4 Road-crew supply 5 Deodorant type 6 Shows patience 7 “Accord” add-on 8 Canned beverage 9 Indian elephant keeper 10 Black-and-white bites 11 One carried Sinbad to safety 12 Solicit a response 13 Word of assent 19 Opposite of a panoramic shot 21 Heron or egret
3 Auto repair cost 2 25 Merchandise attachments 26 Building wing 27 “Norma ___” (Sally Field film) 29 “Amadeus” director Forman 30 Formicary dwellers 33 Josephine, e.g. 34 Bird symbolizing happiness 35 Creole veggies 36 Fish propellers 37 Gives up, as territory 38 Snowmobile part 39 Tenth anniversary material 42 Gets accustomed (to) 44 Reflexive pronoun 45 Most cunning 46 Busybodies 48 Isolated 49 Turnstile insert 50 Charlotte ___ (creamfilled dessert) 52 “Fame” actress Irene 53 Desktop graphic 55 Dead heat 56 “This ___ up” 57 Emulate Xanthippe 58 Consultant’s charge
Scribbles n’ Bits
By Nick Kryshak nkryshak@wisc.edu
Washington and the Bear
By Melanie Shibley shibley@wisc.edu
By Derek Sandberg kalarooka@gmail.com
Wednesday february 15, 2012 DailyCardinal.com
Men’s Hockey
Not done yet, ready for senior night By Ryan Evans the daily cardinal
The past few weekends haven’t gone as planned for the Wisconsin men’s hockey team (7-13-2 WCHA, 12-14-2 overall). The Badgers have dropped four straight games and as a result, find themselves well outside their goal of securing home ice advantage for the WCHA playoffs. Wisconsin currently sits in 11th
place in the WCHA, eight points off the pace of sixth-place North Dakota who holds the last home ice spot, with six games left in the regular season. At this point, even the most optimistic of Wisconsin fans recognize that home ice appears to be out of reach for the Badgers, but head coach Mike Eaves doesn’t believe that will result in his young team just giving up. “Our chances for home ice are
slimmer now. We’re going to need help if we’re going to get some,” Eaves said. “But at the same time, the quote that comes to mind is by Charles Swindoll, that 10 percent of life is what happened to us, and 90 percent is how we react to it. We have a choice now. We can just kind of roll over and play dead, but that’s not human nature.” “This team is in the middle of growth, and because of that fact, are
mark kauzlarich/cardinal file photo
Senior defensemen Eric Springer will be honored as Wisconsin’s only senior Friday during senior night. Springer has socred two career goals and 10 points and is seen as a great teammate.
Women’s Hockey
Knight deserves a good ending If she’s not the best player in college, she’s in your top two or three. Mark johnson, Wisconsin women’s hockey head coach By Matthew Kleist the daily cardinal
For the Wisconsin women’s hockey team, having a player like senior forward Hilary Knight changes everything. With the regular season coming to an end this weekend as the Badgers host Ohio State, some are starting to look to life after Knight. Knight is the type of dynamic player that does not often appear in women’s college hockey. She has the ability to take control of a game and manufacture something out of nothing. “In our game you don’t see that very often where a player can just take charge and create something that maybe other players wouldn’t be able to create,” head coach Mark Johnson said about Knight at a press conference Monday. Knight not only creates opportunities for herself, but she opens the door for her teammates to get in on the action. Knight presence on the ice alone is enough to give the Badgers a boost. Since moving to the center position at the beginning of the
season, Knight’s numbers may not be the best on the team, but according to Johnson, this move was best for the team. “The one thing I like about her in the middle, as a center, [she’s] probably going to touch the puck more than playing on the wing,” Johnson said. “And when the puck’s on her stick a lot of good things are going to happen,” he added. Despite sitting third on the team in points, Knight’s ability to create opportunities for herself and her teammates has put her in the conversation for the Patty Kazmaier Memorial Award, given to the top player in women’s college hockey’s. “If you watch the game closely, she does a lot of little things,” Johnson said. “She can be dominant at times.” “We’re getting down to crunch time here and you look at the last three weekends, she’s played very well,” Johnson said. Knight is not the only player on the team, however, that Johnson feels deserves recognition for their season. “You look at the consistency
[Alex Rigsby] has had for us in net,” Johnson said. “You look at the numbers and the way Brianna Decker has played. There’s some stories to be told about a couple of our players.” Even though the team has already clinched at least a share of the WCHA regular season title, there is a lot to play for this weekend. The final regular season home series for Wisconsin’s senior class will come with a lot of emotion. “It’s a big weekend for our senior class,” Johnson said. “They’ll be playing their last regular season games at home, so a lot of emotion, a lot of meaning to the games.” To finish the season at home is always something that teams want. For Knight, to play her final regular season series at the Kohl Center is the ending that she deserves. “She does things the right way,” Johnson said of Knight. “Whether it’s school, whether it’s taking care of herself, the nutritional aspect, the training, the conditioning, the 24/7 of being an elite athlete. She does it very well.”
we going to quit growing, or are we going to continue to push and get better day by day and control what we can?” Eaves added. “Knowing these guys, and who they are, and what they’re about and just human nature, I think that’s the path that we’re going to follow.” The Badgers return to action this weekend against No. 10 Denver (12-6-4, 17-9-4), who comes in hot after sweeping No. 7 Minnesota last weekend. Wisconsin enjoyed a bye week last weekend, and is hoping that the time off can serve as a spark for the team down the season’s stretch run. “Usually when you have a week off [the players] come in with a little more jump,” Eaves said. “There’ll be a little rust there today, but they’ll have more jump, and we hope they’ll use that jump to help us this weekend.” Wisconsin is hoping that its lineup will receive an added spark against the Pioneers in the form of junior forward Derek Lee. Eaves said that Lee, who has four goals and 11 points on the year, is probable for this weekend’s series after missing the past three games due to a concussion. Lee is practicing this week, albeit without contact, but Eaves expects the North Vancouver, British Colombia native to be available this weekend.
Senior Night
The Badgers will celebrate Senior Night Saturday at the Kohl Center, but it might as well be called “Eric Springer Appreciation Night” this year, as the senior defenseman is the lone senior on Wisconsin’s roster this season. Some of Springer’s personal career highlights have come this year. He scored his second career goal (and first since his freshman season) against Mercyhurst Nov. 26 and also collected career-high three points in that series. The native of Wrightstown, Wis. has recorded two goals and 10 points during his time on the Badgers blue line. Eaves said he has watched Springer grow as both a player and a teammate during his time in Madison. “I would think that he has grown and is comfortable in his shoes and in his role with his team right now,” Eaves said of Springer. “I think when you’re the only senior it’s difficult, because there’s a lot of responsibility there. When do you pipe up, I mean, with his role on the team and such?” “There is a sense by the coaching staff that he’s playing his best hockey now, because he’s comfortable with his role. He understands what he needs to do to help his team,” Eaves added.
Daubenspeck to drop puck prior to Friday night’s game Former Wisconsin men’s hockey goaltender Kirk Daubenspeck will drop a ceremonial puck before Fridays night’s matchup between the Badgers and the Denver Pioneers. Daubenspeck played at Wisconsin from 1993-’97 where he played in 120 games and was named an AllAmerican in his final season. Daubenspeck’s most memerable game came against Colorado College on March 8, 1997. He made 75 saves, a WCHA record, in a quadruple-overtime 1-0 victory. On Feb. 17, 2011, Duabenspeck had a car accident that left him fighting for his life. While driving to work not far from his home in Madison, Duabenspeck’s car collided with a tractor-trailer. He suffered severe head injuries which resulted in a coma. It would remain uncertain
Jonathan J. Miner/cardinal file photo
Daubenspeck will drop a ceremonial puck one year after his accident. whether Daubenspeck would survive, but through much support from family, friends, teammates and fans, he fought back from his injuries. Now one year later, not only has Daubenspeck recovered from the accident, he is returning to the Kohl Center once again. This time it is to
mark kauzlarich/cardinal file photo
Senior forward Hilary Knight is one of college hockey’s most dynamic forwards. Some consider her to be the best player today.