Tuesday, February 19, 2013 - The Daily Cardinal

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Primary Election Previews Get the inside scoop on the candidates for state Supreme Court justice and campus-area alder districts.

+NEWS, page 4 University of Wisconsin-Madison

How does gender affect the storytelling in video games? +ARTS, page 6

Complete campus coverage since 1892



Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Students debate future of Ethnic Studies requirement By Tamar Myers the daily cardinal

More than 80 students and faculty met in Varsity Hall Monday to discuss revamping the university’s ethnic studies requirement. The Ethnic Studies Roundtable event, organized by the Associated Students of Madison Diversity Committee and the Wisconsin Union Directorate Society and Politics branch, featured a presentation on the history of the requirement, spoken word performances, and discussions led by members of the committee. ASM Diversity Committee member Beth Huang gave a presentation on the history of the ethnic studies requirement, a mandated class of at least three credits that students must fulfill in order to graduate, which began in fall 1989 in response to incidents targeting people of color and what many saw as a “Eurocentric” curriculum at the university. During the feedback session many participants discussed the

need for classes to be more than simply a requirement to check off a list. They cited many recent events as examples of why efforts to increase understanding of diversity are needed, such as racial slurs a participant had seen written on a campus building. “There’s still acts of hate and crime all over campus,” senior Mary Bechtol said. Participants also discussed the need for more topics than race to be covered by the classes, such as issues of sexual orientation and gender. However, Ad-Hoc Diversity Plan Committee Co-Chair Michael Jackson said he believed the university should end the requirement completely and instead promote “a diverse and inclusive environment” through workshops teaching students to be leaders and how to work with students of different backgrounds. “While ethnic studies was a good idea, I’m not sure its been

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Shoaib Altaf/cardinal file photo

Gov. Scott Walker will include a proposed expansion to school choice programs in Wisconsin in his upcoming biennial budget, including a scholarship for special needs students.

Walker proposes to expand school choice By Meghan Chua the daily cardinal

Gov. Scott Walker announced a proposal to expand Wisconsin’s school choice programs Monday that includes vouchers meant to give parents more options in school choice. Wisconsin has the oldest school voucher program in the U.S., according to a press release from the governor’s office. Programs currently exist in Milwaukee and Racine. Under these programs, states provide vouchers for students whose residency and family income levels meet certain requirements, funding their attendance at private schools that can better meet their educational needs. According to the release, the expansion of the state’s voucher program will open it to school districts with at least two underperforming schools and over 4,000

Grey Satterfield/the daily cardinal

Busses currently pick up and drop off students in front of Memorial Union, which sometimes creates traffic congestion.

City could add downtown bus station By Melissa Howison the daily cardinal

A project to improve downtown transportation and research possible locations for a future train and bus terminal will move forward after the Board of Estimates unanimously approved the proposal Monday. City of Madison developer David Trowbridge presented the plans to improve downtown transportation both in the near future and in the long run by applying more than $400,000 in federal grant money awarded to the city.

According to Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, the money will be spent on “priorities” such as improving intersections and increasing access to Lake Monona and the parks surrounding it, as well as determining possible sites for at least one bus and rail station. Verveer said one of the key areas the project selected for a possible bus station is on campus, behind the Kohl Center, but construction would be several years down the line.

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students, but will also include limits of 500 and 1,000 students in the 2014 and ‘15 fiscal years, respectively. “Every child, regardless of their zip code, deserves access to a great education,” Walker said in a statement. The move to expand school choice programs around the state will be funded as part of Walker’s budget, which he will formally announce Wednesday. The budget will include additional funding going to each sector of education, including charter schools and student-choice programs. According to the release, the plan also expands open enrollment for individual courses, which provides access to foreign language and Advanced Placement courses that students in rural areas cannot currently access. State Rep. Robin Vos, R-Rochester, said in a

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Proposed special needs voucher program draws parents’ concerns By Meghan Chua the daily cardinal

A provision of Gov. Scott Walker’s budget that would create a voucher-like program for special needs students drew concern from activists across the state Monday. Walker announced Monday the budget would create a Special Needs Scholarship Program that would provide state-funded scholarships for children with special needs to attend a school of their choice, which could be private or public. Beth Swedeen, Executive Director for the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental

Disabilities, likened the Special Needs Scholarship Program to a voucher program. Swedeen said she is concerned about the lack of accountability for private schools to serve a disabled student specialization to his or her needs. The federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires institutions that accept federal funding to provide a certain standard of services, including special education, to students with disabilities. “[The program] drains resources out of the public system, which is accountable for student outcomes, into a private sys-

tem where there is no accountability,” Swedeen said. Parents and their students, many with disabilities, from across the state gathered in the Capitol Monday for a news conference sponsored by Stop Special Needs Vouchers, a statewide organization. Tracy Hedman, who spoke at the conference, said she was concerned about vouchers’ effect on her son’s education. She said her relationship with the school her son attends “would have been far different if [he] was not protected under IDEA, and

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“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

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hi 18º / lo -2º

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 122, Issue 87

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wednesday: sunny hi 16º / lo 9º


Breaking the written rules How always sticking to conventional, proper grammar can hinder expression By Caleb Nesser Guest columnist

I’m sitting on the floor of a friend’s room in my residence hall, watching a movie with her and several others. One of the characters on the screen says, “Things are gonna turn out a little different,” and I hear one of our congregation automatically correct him: “Differently,” she says. I immediately look up at her and say, “No, it’s not.” She looks down at me and frowns. “Actually, it is. He said that wrong.” “No he didn’t,” I insist. “…Well, yes, he did, but it wasn’t incorrect.” “Why?” “Because…” and I have to pause for a second to gather my thoughts, “…because it’s appropriate. His character wouldn’t say ‘differently,’ because he isn’t the kind of person that cares about correct grammar.” “Well that’s just an excuse to be sloppy!” she counters. “Grammar should be natural and automatic, because it’s important!” “But—” I begin. “SHUT UP!” everybody else says, and the girl and I are relegated to trading glowers every so often. This discourse with my friend is certainly not the only

of its kind. Both of us are avid writers, but we each have a different modus operandi for going about it. She’s a self-proclaimed grammar nazi (a title that I consider an egregious misnomer, mostly because a concern for grammatical correctness does not compare to the atrocities of the Nazi Party). And I? What do I call myself? Well, that’s a bit more difficult. If I had to give it a name, I’d call it grammatical pragmatism; I use grammar when it is necessary, and abandon it when appropriate.

Grammar is not definitive of whether somebody’s writing is “good” or not; composition is.

Now, once you’re done snarling at the computer screen like a rabid Cerberus, take a moment to calm down and allow me to explain myself:

Yes, grammar is important. Standardized communication methodology is necessary for the effective conveyance of information. Structure is central to a writer’s work, and it’s important that every writer has an instinctual grasp of it. But proper grammar can also get in the way of expression. I’ve had too many people look at my writing and tell me “Oh, that’s a sentence fragment and you can’t do that,” or say, “Ah-ah, this phrase isn’t supposed to be capitalized,” or the infamous “this comma is on the wrong side of the quotation marks!” Every time I hear somebody say things like this, I want to take a sturdy cricket bat and cave in their smug, fat face á la Shaun of the Dead. Psychopathic retribution aside, I understand why there is such a harsh emphasis on “proper” grammar. It is important, especially in an academic community, to articulate oneself clearly and succinctly. It helps that your professors and your TAs can read your work and grasp the full meaning of it without tripping over awkward phrasing that skews your thesis, or poor structure that renders your arguments indiscernible. But academics aside, I’m frus-

trated with the people who continue to hit me over the head with “The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation” whenever I make a deliberate decision to ignore the rules, especially when I’m writing stories or dialogues, or even feature narratives. All of these mediums have immense potential for experimentation in structural disobedience to affect the reader in unorthodox ways. Sentence fragments and misplaced clauses can work, as long as one is careful in handling them. It’s the little things that can be played with—dialogue arrangement, comma use, placement of words and sentences—to make written work compositionally expressive. Grammar is not definitive of whether somebody’s writing is “good” or not; composition is. Don’t let this mean that you can get away with lazy editing and improper usage; you still have to use words and punctuation as they are used. But use them in ways that pulls your reader into the writing and enhances their suspension of disbelief. “Correct” doesn’t always mean “engaging.” Are you bent on using Oxford commas? What would you do if someone ended a sentence with a preposition? Share your thoughts with Caleb at cbnesser@wisc.edu.

Take tips from toddlers, experts at age two zac pestine zac, crackle, pop


s a fan of popular social science literature, it is impossible for me to escape the work of Malcolm Gladwell. As a fan of quality rap music, I could not avoid Macklemore and Ryan Lewis’ last album, The Heist. So when I gave the album its first run-through, I was enthralled with its lead song, “Ten Thousand Hours.” The song is an allusion to Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Outliers,” in which he explains people transcend the ordinary and become masters of their craft after practicing it for 10,000 hours. Gladwell highlights examples of adherents to this rule, including The Beatles, Bill Gates and J. Robert Oppenheimer. After giving Macklemore’s song a second listen, my mind began to wander. I contemplated the significance of this 10,000-hour rule, and pondered in just how many arenas it was applicable. Specifically, I wanted to examine what it would mean to be an expert. For the record, 10,000 hours is roughly 417 days, or a year and a few months. If this theory holds true for experts, then it follows that toddlers become masters at life roughly two months after their first birthdays. Because I hold Gladwell in a high regard, I will buy into this hypothesis, and I will look to delve deeper into its implications. Let’s dig deeper. When people reach a certain maturity

level, hard work and responsibility are placed on their shoulders. After a certain point of burning the midnight oil, one pines for a vacation. What these vacations often include is sitting on your butt and watching TV. Mass amounts of food also heavily factor into the equation. Picture, if you will, even just one day where you can choose to sit and stare at the wall, watch TV for hours on end, play with blocks, eat applesauce and frolic outside until you make yourself dizzy. This is just an average day for a toddler. Our dreams of pure bliss are their everyday, mundane goings-on. A Fruit By The Foot, an exquisite and rare delicacy to most of you college students reading this, is only banal to those who have just passed their 10,000 hours of life on Earth. As a toddler, you are not encumbered by things like homework, errands and social drama. Rather, you live carefree. It is as if you live in the Garden of Eden. That, in my opinion, is what it means to be an expert person. So then what happens? Why do we lose our sharpness? Why do we only feel like amateur people now? The answer, I believe, can be found in the film “Baby Geniuses,” which is evidently based on a true story. The film stipulates that all babies maintain IQs at a genius level and have access to even the most obscure spheres of knowledge. But around the age of two, toddlers learn language and begin interacting with the ordinary world around them. They see people lost in the world,

those who work hard and are in dire need of a vacation. Going with the flow, these toddlers grow confused and believe that education and hard work are how one achieves the ultimate state of zen, not recognizing that they had already felt this oneness with the world by playing peek-a-boo and staring aimlessly for hours on end. I think that the way to treat this atrophy of mental acuity and overall happiness is to

remember that while life comes with its share of responsibilities and hardships that we must face and overcome, nothing needs to be taken too seriously. We are meant to enjoy this world. We also need breaks every so often, hopefully ones that include Fruit By The Foot and Dunkaroos. Share your thoughts with Zac over a snack of Dunkaroos or send him an email at pestine@ wisc.edu.

LET’S TALK ABOUT SEX, BABY Ask the Dirty Bird for the answers to your burning sex-related questions! Send questions to the Cardinal’s sex columnist, Alex Tucker. Email:

sex@ dailycardinal .com


Tuesday, February 19, 2013 3



Healthcare plan could leave more families uninsured Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed healthcare plan could impact low-income state citizens who, if taken off of Medicaid under the proposed plan, may not purchase private, federally subsidized care, according to research cited by an expert on public health policy. Walker, who first announced his healthcare proposal Feb.14, said rather than following a federally recommended Medicaid expansion within the state, he would reallocate healthcare coverage based on individual income and whether or not covered adults have children. Walker said in a Feb. 13 statement his plan would help Wisconsinites avoid making tough decisions about healthcare, claiming the plan “safeguards Wisconsin taxpayers from unnecessary risk and builds on Wisconsin’s strong track record of providing afford-

able healthcare to our people.” But Walker’s proposed plan, according to University of Wisconsin-Madison Researcher and Health Policy Director Donna A. Friedsam, would take Medicaid coverage away from previously qualified adults with children and leave them to join a private insurance plan, which she said advocates for federal Medicaid expansion claim may result in low-income families without healthcare. Research shows citizens removed from state healthcare coverage do not necessarily purchase private insurance, according to Friedsam, because they either cannot afford it or do not believe they need it for the future. In a Friday release, the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau reported Walker’s healthcare proposal could end up costing state taxpayers $250 million more than if Walker

accepted federal funding from the Affordable Care Act, because Walker’s system relies more heavily on state funds to operate. According to Friedsam, advocates for federal healthcare funding in Wisconsin claim accepting the funds is in taxpayers’ best interest, because state citizens are already paying federal taxes, which ideally, should stay within the state. “If Wisconsin doesn’t participate in this program, the federal dollars that Wisconsin taxpayers pay are going to go to other states,” Friedsam said.are already paying federal taxes, which ideally, should stay within the state. “If Wisconsin doesn’t participate in this program, the federal dollars that Wisconsin taxpayers pay are going to go to other states,” Friedsam said. —Taylor Harvey and Jack Casey

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Grey Satterfield/the daily cardinal

The Freedom from Religion Foundation hopes to expand storage and meeting space at its Madison office, Freethought Hall.

Anti-religious progressive group could expand national office in Madison An anti-religion foundation pursuing social reform could demolish an apartment building in the Mifflin neighborhood this fall in order to expand its national offices, located in Madison. The Freedom from Religion Foundation advocates for widespread moral and social progress by rejecting religion and emphasizing the separation of church and state, according to their website. FFRF members are in the process of buying and tearing down two downtown apartment buildings, located at 10 and 12 N. Henry St., which would make room for additional offices, storage and meeting space constructed adjacent to their main office, Freethought Hall. Bill Montelbano, the architect of the project, presented plans for the development at a Mifflin Neighborhood meeting Monday, which include turning several parking spaces into a landscaped courtyard and restoring the original stone on the more than 100

year old Freethought Hall. According to Montelbano, developers were unsure restoration would be possible after a community member suggested trying to preserve the original stone at a previous meeting, but he is confident now that it will work because of the quality of the brick he surveyed after removing a section of the “stucco” shielding it. In response to a question from the UW-Madison Atheists, Humanists and Agnostics organization president, Quinn Heck, FFRF co-founder and current copresident, Annie Laurie Gaylor, said at the meeting they would be open to the idea of allowing AHA the to use the proposed new meeting hall. Construction is expected to begin in August or September if the development passes the Urban Design Commission on March 20 and the Plan Commission on April 8. —Melissa Howison

“Planning will include a joint train and bus terminal, hopefully close to campus, that could take the place of the somewhat chaotic scene on Langdon Street in front of Memorial Union,” Verveer said. The Board of Estimates also unanimously approved proposals aimed at benefiting homeless and low-income families and individuals living in Madison by expanding shelter funds and affordable bus pass resources. While homeless men and women in Madison are limited to 60 stays per year at the Porchlight and Dane County Salvation Army shelters under current policies, there is an exception for nights colder than 20 degrees, which can lead to staff shortages. A resolution could transfer $10,000 from the city’s 2013 budget to fix the staffing issue. The board also addressed the shortage of affordable transportation in the city. Under the current lowincome bus pass program terms, eligible applicants can acquire a 31-day Metro bus pass at a discounted rate of $27.50, compared to the standard $58 monthly pass, according to Metro transit’s website. Residents living at or below 150 percent of the poverty line, which the 2012-’13 federal register guidelines states is comparable to an individual living on an annual income of $16,755, meet the low-income bus pass requirements. However, the city provides a limited number of passes, which run out the first few days of each month, according to Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, so the board recommended dedicating funds to make more passes available.

Stephanie Daher/the daily cardinal

Interim Director of RecSports John Horn presents the group’s budget, which includes an increase in student contributions.

SSFC hears RecSports 2013-’14 budget proposal The Student Services Finance Committee heard a budget proposal from the Division of Recreational Sports Monday that calls for a $6 increase in contributions per student next year. Interim Director of RecSports John Horn said the proposed budget of $2,667,100 includes small increases in staffing and programming. According to SSFC Chair Ellie Bruecker, much of the increase in the budget comes from statemandated maintenance projects, such as repairs to the Southeast Recreational Facility roof. The state had previously paid for 100 percent of these mandated projects, but will now only cover 50 percent. If approved, each full-time undergraduate would pay about $36 to partially fund the group. Much of the conversation focused on the future of RecSports, after Horn stressed that the University of Wisconsin-

Madison is far behind other campuses in terms of the quality of its recreational spaces. According to Horn, many facilities have not been updated since they were first built over forty years ago, despite the fact that 77 percent of students use the facilities. However, Horn said the budget addresses present needs only and is not geared toward expanding or improving amenities. Bruecker said the increase RecSports is requesting is “merited,” as the group is working with buildings that are outdated. “My personal opinion is that its more fiscally responsible to re-do the building than to keep funneling money into a dying facility,” Bruecker said. The committee will take a tour of the RecSports facilities Thursday before voting on the budget next Monday. —Megan Stoebig

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Walker’s budget proposal for not doing enough to make up for previous cuts to education funding, attacking in particular his decision to expand the voucher program. Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca, D-Kenosha, said the proposal is a “bad deal” for Wisconsin’s economy and taxpayers. “At a time when our public schools continue to struggle because they lack necessary funding, how can he justify giving more to private voucher schools?” Barca said in a statement.

statement Monday a Charter School Oversight Board, which the budget proposal will create, “will ensure that every school will be held to high educational standards.” “The governor has proposed excellent options to help students succeed at every level; removing barriers for those don’t want to settle for anything less than a top-notch education,” Vos said in the statement. State Democrats criticized

GAB estimates cost to ban same-day voter registration at $14.5 million Eliminating same-day voter registration would cost taxpayers up to $14 million if the state legislature adopts such a measure, according to a report Monday from the Government Accountability Board. In December, Republican legislators began seeking cosponsors to a bill that would ban same-day voter registration to prevent voter fraud around the state, drawing criticism from officials statewide. According to a GAB statement, eliminating same-day registration would cost Wisconsin taxpayers between $13.1 million

and $14.5 million. If same-day registration is eliminated, the state would have to implement voter registration services at public agencies such as the Division of Motor Vehicles to comply with the National Voter Registration Act. Because Wisconsin has sameday voter registration, the state has been exempt from these provisions in the past. According to the report, 10 to 15 percent of Wisconsin voters register to vote or update their voter registration on election day in major statewide elections.


4 • Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Spring 2013 Primary Election Preview Madison Common Council District 13




Madison Common Council District 2

In the primary election for Madison Common Council’s District 13 seat Tuesday, incumbent Ald. Sue Ellingson, District 13, will battle two opponents for the opportunity to re-run for her position as alder. Edgewood student Zach Madden, 19, and lifetime Madison resident Damon Terrell, 21, are also running to be placed on the ballot for city Council’s District 13 seat. District 13 encompasses South Park Street up to Wingra Drive, including the Greenbush and Vilas neighborhoods as well as Edgewood College. Twelve current alders and former Mayor Dave Cieslewicz endorsed Ellingson, who was elected to her position in 2011, in the upcoming race, according to her campaign website. Her plans consist of enhancing communication around the district, improving pedestrian and bike safety, as well as finding “a way forward with Overture.” Progressive Dane endorsed both Madden and Terrell, according to their campaign websites. Madden was also endorsed by the Affordable Housing Action Alliance, and the Green Party endorsed Terrell. Madden aims to more effectively address the homelessness issues throughout the city and county, ensuring they have the “bare necessities of life,” according to his website. He also supports affordable transit and clean lake initiatives. According to his campaign website, Terrell is committed to supporting local sustainable agriculture, community gardens, affordable housing and mass transit, as well as communicating with District 13 residents about how local policy affects other sectors of government. —Taylor Harvey

Following incumbent Ald. Bridget Maniaci’s decision not to run for re-election, three candidates will battle to win the open Madison Common Council District 2 seat, which covers the Langdon and Mansion Hill neighborhoods on campus. Candidates Ledell Zellers, Dennis de Nure and Bryan Post will go head to head in the Spring Primary Election Tuesday to serve as the district’s alder for two years. According to Post’s campaign website, he plans to advocate for more affordable housing in Madison to encourage more residents to settle in the area. Post also plans to find a more permanent solution to homelessness, improve access to public transit and ensure pedestrian and bicycle safety. He also said the city should make an effort to keep the Overture Center active and strong, but only so long as it does not interfere with “more important priorities.” Maniaci has endorsed Post in the race. Zellers’ platform focuses on developing and cultivating new businesses, while helping existing businesses to grow, according to her campaign website. She also plans to advocate for increased transportation options and bicycle and pedestrian safety. She also believes the city should continue to fund the Overture Center. If elected, de Nure plans to pursue his Museum Mile plan, an initiative to renovate and create museums in Madison to enhance downtown Madison’s brand, according to his campaign website. Additionally, he plans to create a new Mendota lakeshore path from Alumni Park to James Madison Park to encourage tourism in his “Museum Mile.” de Nure plans to keep the Overture Center funded by the city through his “Museum Mile” fund. —Sam Cusick




State Supreme Court: Two candidates, incumbent to face off for place on April ballot


The field of candidates vying for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court will narrow from three to two Tuesday as voters head to the polls for the first statewide election since last November. Justice Pat Roggensack is aiming to fend off primary challenges from Marquette University law professor Ed Fallone and Milwaukee lemon law attorney Vince Megna to win a second ten-year term on the state’s highest court. The two candidates with the most votes after Tuesday’s primary will face off in the April 2 general election. Roggensack, who served seven years on an appeals



court prior to her first term on the Supreme Court, has emphasized her experience during the campaign, repeatedly saying neither of her opponents have ever served as a judge. However, Fallone has contended his decades of work as an attorney and professor have provided him with a wide range of legal expertise. Additionally, he has criticized the dysfunctionality of the court, highlighted by an incident in which Justice David Prosser placed his hands around Justice Ann Walsh Bradley’s neck during an argument over a case in

Former UW-Madison professor dies at 72

ethnic from page 1 effective in practice,” Jackson said. “I don’t think you can become culturally aware by taking a course on one particular demographic at one particular point in time.” ASM Diversity Committee Chair Mia Akers said she thought the event was successful and said she appreciated the “honest feedback” from attendees. The committee will work on finding general themes in participants’ suggestions to pass on to the Ad-Hoc Diversity Plan Committee that is currently drafting a new campus Diversity Plan, Akers said.

June 2011. Megna, who has also chided the personal animosity between justices on the court, has gained more attention for openly identifying as a Democrat in a nonpartisan race. He has also promised to represent the average citizen, not special interests, if elected to the court. Last week, the Government Accountability Board predicted voter turnout would be less than 10 percent for the primary. The polls are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Feb. 19. —Adam Wollner

Grey Satterfield/the daily cardinal

First Wave scholar Dominique Ricks gives a spoken word performance at Monday’s Ethnic Studies Roundtable.

Can’t get enough?

Donald Nichols, an economics and public affairs professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison passed away Friday at the age of 72. Nichols died of liver complications resulting from Hepatitis C. He was born in Madison, Conn., and received his doctorate degree from Yale University. After teaching at the university in the economi c s de p a r t m e nt , Ni ch o l s directed the UW-Madison La Follette School of Public

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Affairs from 2002-’06. Nichols also served as an economic advisor to former Gov. Tony Earl and former Gov. Jim Doyle. Additionally, Nichols worked on the Council of Economic Advisers to the U.S. President, serving John F. Kennedy and later Lyndon Johnson. He also worked on the U.S. Senate Budget Committee and was deputy assistant secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor in the late 1970s. Nichols leaves behind his wife Jane and his son Charles.

scholarship from page 1 went to a school that wasn’t obligated to follow the law.” School Choice Wisconsin President Jim Bender said the school choice expansion, including the Special Needs Scholarship Program, is “great news for parents.” “Parents…have been empowered to have an active role in matching the uniqueness of their children with a school that best suit their needs,” Bender said in a release Monday.

opinion Increase in minimum wage necessary dailycardinal.com

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tyler Davis opinion columnist


n the State of the Union address last week, President Barack Obama proposed increasing the minimum wage from $7.25 an hour to $9 an hour. This is a good idea that would raise the standard of living for millions of Americans and help minimize loan debt taken on by college students. Perhaps an even more important piece of Obama’s proposal is the overlooked idea of indexing the minimum wage to inflation so it annually adjusts to account for changes in the cost of living. Allowing the minimum wage to automatically adjust makes much more sense than the United States’ traditional policy of increasing the minimum wage whenever the gov-

erning party feels like it. Obviously, the current approach is unpredictable and creates a huge amount of uncertainty—the bane of businesses everywhere. Employers are good at reacting to cost increases when they see them coming and can prepare for them. Every economist would agree that firms are most efficient when they possess the information to act rationally. Our nation’s haphazard system of adjusting the minimum wage paralyzes companies with uncertainty and forces them to guess about the future cost of labor. Of course, college students stand to benefit from an increase in the minimum wage. As most working college students are paid hourly at a rate close to minimum wage, the policy would direct more money into the pockets of college students. This would

lower the amount of debt that students would have to take out to cover the rapidly increasing cost of tuition. Unfortunately, even if the minimum wage is indexed to inflation, it likely won’t keep pace with tuition, which has been rising in price much faster than nearly every other good in the economy. But the jump from $7.25 an hour to $9 an hour is not insignificant. Minimum-wage workers putting in 40 hours a week would make nearly $4,000 extra per year. Even college students only working 10 hours a week would make close to an extra $1,000 per year. And because the floor wage would be higher, employers currently paying a few dollars above the minimum wage would feel pressure to raise wages. You’d likely see your income rise even if you’re paid more than the minimum wage.

Popularity of FIFA video game making soccer relevant in U.S. Eli Bovarnick opinion columnist


IFA, the popular soccer video game, is changing the way college students view the real sport. The question, “Are we choosing club or international?” symbolizes a change occurring on college campuses all over America. This question of whether your opponent wants to play with a professional or a national team signals the start of every match in the FIFA video game. In recent years, this video game has greatly affected many American college students’ view of the international game of soccer. While soccer is the world’s favorite game, in America, it has never found a prominent home. Many children play the game in youth leagues, but interest tends to fade once they stop participating. Excluding events like the World Cup, where patriotism drives viewership, soccer has not been a popular sport to watch on television. Many Americans do not understand the game and are not motivated to watch a sport that often ends in ties and in which only a handful of goals are scored. In America, we have four sports that dominate our attention. These sports, football, baseball, basketball and hockey, have the advantage of their best leagues in the world calling

America home. In contrast, the majority of soccer’s elite teams play half a world away. With all of these factors working against it, soccer has needed a bullet that can penetrate into the competitive sporting market for American viewership. Soccer has found this magic bullet in the form of its video game, FIFA. Everyday, while college students take study breaks and sit around their televisions playing video games with friends, they are looking for a specific type of game to play. FIFA has separated itself from the other games of its kind as the college students’ video game of choice due to the nature of its sport. Soccer is dictated by its fluidity. This means that instead of spending time choosing plays or interacting with video game characters the game is constantly going without stoppage. The advantage to this is that it creates a fast-paced game play that keeps the gamer entertained, attentive and excited. By controlling the players, Americans who did not understand the intricacies of the game are exposed to the subtle strategies that make a team successful. For example, the effort that goes into setting up a complicated play and almost scoring a goal can be just as exciting as striking a ball into the back of the net. Playing the game exposes Americans to the excitement beyond just the final score, and this has translated into an inter-

est in the real game overseas. Certain teams and stars are popular to play with on FIFA and since a gamer plays well with them, they often want to see those players and teams compete in real life. According to Rich Luker, who conducted a study for ESPN, Soccer is now the second most popular sport for Americans between the ages of 18-24. In fact, the study also shows that three of the top 25 most popular sports stars in America are international soccer players. Major American television networks like ESPN and Fox Sports have started to understand this trend and are now broadcasting more games, only increasing soccer’s exposure in America. As stated before, the popularity of soccer in this country seems to have many factors working against it. However, a simple video game college kids can play with their friends has been the catalyst in bringing to America what is now truly becoming the entire world’s game. The only question to be asked now is not if the popularity of soccer in America is here to stay, but if you want to play the match with a club or an international team? Has your opinion of soccer changed due to FIFA? Do you think soccer will continue to gain popularity in the United States, or will the “big four” hold on to their position? Tell us your thoughts! Please send all feedback to opinion@dailycardinal.com.

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So why would anyone oppose raising the minimum wage? Detractors of the president’s proposal claim that raising the minimum wage would increase unemployment. Many offer as evidence the classic model of supply and demand taught in Econ 101 that says the market automatically chooses the wage that minimizes unemployment. But labor economics is not that simple. The truth is that the jury is still out on how the minimum wage influences the labor market. A frequently cited study by David Card of UC-Berkeley and Alan Krueger of Princeton suggests little correlation between increases in the minimum wage and unemployment. The White House also cites research suggesting that workers earning higher wages are



more productive. It seems unlikely that increasing the minimum wage would have a strong negative effect on unemployment. But we do know that it would significantly increase the income of millions of people and slow the growing inequality in wealth that we’ve witnessed since the Reagan era. Further, indexing the minimum wage to inflation would promote stability in wages allowing workers to no longer see their real wages erode against inflation and allowing employers to plan for increases in the cost of labor. Considering the costs and benefits of the President’s proposal, I recommend that Congress take action to increase the minimum wage. Please send feedback to opinion@ dailycardinal.com

State cuts to UW System hurt low-income students Mike Brost opinion columnist


he University of Wisconsin System recently released data confirming what students attending the state’s public universities already knew: The Great Recession and subsequent cuts to the UW System hurt students, and hit low-income students the hardest. In an era when Wisconsin should broaden both financial aid to students and funding to state universities to help students stay in school, the legislature has narrowed both—and not without consequences. Unemployment is high, wages are stagnant, tuition increases are wildly outpacing the rate of inflation and many families’ college savings accounts are still well below their pre-recession levels despite recent rallies in America’s stock markets. This confluence of factors has led to a widening gap between the UW System’s lowest-income students and the rest of its students. As the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel recently reported: “The gap in six-year graduation rates between students from low-income families and those who don’t qualify for Pell grants grew from 13 percent for freshman who entered in fall 2004 to 15 percent for those who started in fall 2006.” I suspect that divide—which is already quite large—will grow even wider as more data becomes available and the true toll that the recession took comes to light. The current graduation divide between low-income students and students not receiving Pell grants is stark. But statistics cannot capture the true extent of many students’ hardship. While in college, students are supposed to embrace frugality, not undue hardship. Yet many students have done just that. Some students in my classes balance full time jobs with the ostensive status as full-time students. To be sure, their tenacity is impressive. But students shouldn’t have to choose between working to pay for college and working to succeed in college.

It doesn’t have to be this way. The state legislature could act to ameliorate the trouble students face in financing their education. Unfortunately, though, the legislature has compounded the problem. In 2002, the state of Wisconsin paid 61 percent of the cost of educating students at UW schools. Last year—just 10 years later—that percentage had been cut in half and dropped to just 30 percent of the cost, according to the University of Wisconsin System Fact Book. And according to the Center for the Study of Education Policy, the state’s spending on education fell by more than 20 percent in 2012. To close the gap in funding and maintain quality institutions of higher education, UW schools have dolled out tuition increases to students. Quite simply, the cuts to UW schools that have resulted in tuition increases amid an economic crisis have priced many students out of the market for a University of Wisconsin System degree. And those low-income students who are able to stay in school are having a harder time graduating on time. I’ve frequently used this column to lament those cuts and call for broadened investment in public higher education. Unfortunately, my efforts have been to no avail. Nevertheless, the issue still merits attention. So what will be the consequences? Attaining middle class status in the 21st Century economy will almost invariably require a college degree, so even higher levels of income inequality can be expected, as fewer and fewer low-income students can afford to go to college. What’s more, we can expect a less-educated state citizenry and a future workforce saddled with debt taken out to finance their education. That’s no formula for long-term economic prosperity. In fact, the myopic cuts to the state’s university system may come at the cost of the state’s long-term economic health. Please send all feedback to opinion@dailycardinal.com and visit our website at dailycardinal.com.


6 Tuesday, February 19, 2013



Should gender matter in video games? Adam Paris Sega What?!


ast year “The Walking Dead” by Telltale Games launched to nearly universal acclaim, garnering many game-of-the-year awards in the process. This effusive praise was warranted, the title belongs in the upper echelon of video-game storytelling. Although I have lukewarm feelings on the game as a whole, this column isn’t meant to be a review. Instead, I pondered this week how the story would change were the main character, Lee Everett, a woman instead of an AfricanAmerican man. Let’s call this new protagonist Lynn and discuss the distinct changes this gender swap would have on the story as a whole. With a predominantly young, male audience, most video games tastefully (sarcasm) depict females as over-sexualized ass-kickers to eliminate the sense of discon-

nect that could otherwise exist for players. Is this warped persona necessary though? It certainly shouldn’t be, but it’s probably easier for tween bros to relate to a woman disemboweling shambling zombies onscreen than one who has to deal with distinctly female problems like pregnancy or periods. I don’t present these stereotypical female issues to sound ignorant, nor am I saying that females can’t be badasses. I just find it bothersome to blatantly disregard their differences and essentially make them dudes with boobs. Were Lynn to traverse the same path as Lee, there are a multitude of issues that a story-based game like “The Walking Dead” could integrate. First is the completely different dynamic that could form between Lynn and Clementine. Lee served as a father figure to Clementine and his fierce protection offered a powerful lens for players to become invested in their relationship. Lynn would be equally as protective, but Clementine may

feel far more comfortable with her than Lee. Although Clementine may be too young, the idea of puberty is an issue that seems simplistic and contrived, but realistically is something video games just don’t touch on. There is ample fodder for the game to examine in this arena and Lynn would provide a far easier lens through which to examine the careful steps to adulthood. Additionally, small scenes like when Lee cuts Clementine’s hair would bear a far different tone. Instead of Lee’s shear job, which Edward Scissorhands would cringe at, Lynn’s understanding that perception is powerfully important for women even when the audience is mostly shambling ungrateful hunks of meat (How is that any different from now? Zing!), could create a quiet, yet effective emotional tone that most video games steer clear from in favor of going “Boom.” Less interesting, but probably prevalent, would also be a basic power struggle and lack of respect Lynn would receive from the group as its leader. I’m not

an expert but it seems like hypothetical apocalypses are extremely adept at bringing out the alphadog mentality in most men. Questioned leadership is about as compelling as the boring bigoted conflicts stemming from Larry’s idiocy, but hopefully Telltale would make this less about gender and more about player decisions. This may seem counter to my above argument, but storytellers need to understand when specific gender issues can make a scene more emotionally affecting and when gender definitions should take a backseat to basic personal conflict. Gamers made lots of hullabaloo last year after an executive producer on the upcoming “Tomb Raider” reboot said players will want to “protect her” referring to the main character Lara Croft. This statement is counterintuitive to everything games should be doing with female characters. Never have I thought how much I want to protect my character outside of the sheer frustration of having to repeat a level. Saying the main character must

be protected demeans women and destroys immersion by not allowing players to focus on protecting the companions they have bonded with, an area where “The Walking Dead” excels. Female characters can handle themselves, but they do offer unique opportunities that most of the deer-antler inhaling, testosterone-fueled male characters don’t. These intricacies are far more interesting to me than a woman who is defined by her impressive agility or prowess for impromptu zombie brain surgery. Had Lee instead been Lynn, would “The Walking Dead” have received hyperbolic praise for its handling of a female protagonist? Probably, but I imagine Lynn would have been handled far differently than the idealistic game envisioned above. I don’t see these elements being integrated anytime soon, but of any franchise, “The Walking Dead” is probably the best suited to do so. Do you want to see more female leads in video games? Shoot Adam an email at aparis@wisc.edu

UW Symphony Orchestra showcases student virtuosity By Louis Menchaca THe Daily Cardinal

The UW Symphony Orchestra performed a most impressive and exciting concert this past Friday night with an extremely varied program that featured winners of the UW School of Music’s Concerto and Composition Competitions. Conductor David Grandis began the program by leading the orchestra through an energetic rendition of Rimsky-Korsakov’s “Capriccio Espagnol.” The exotic sounds of the orchestra’s strings were nicely complimented by blazing brass fanfares and heartfelt woodwind passages, in addition to several intermittent, passionate violin solos by the Concertmaster Ben Seeger. After the lively finale of RimskyKorsakov’s fan favorite, conductor Jim Smith took the podium and dove into an Aria from Giuseppe Verdi’s “La Forza del destino,” featuring soprano vocalist Shannon Prickett. The Aria, “Pace, pace mio Dio,” is taken from the final act of one of Verdi’s later operas. In it, one of the main characters, Donna Leonora, prays to God that she will find peace in her death, as she has just been stabbed in the heart by her dying brother. Prickett wonderfully portrayed the depth of emotion present in the final aria’s music. Through her careful attention to phrasing and her sensitivity to the correlation of the text and the mood of the music, she conveyed Donna Anna’s desire to be saved very effectively. Prickett left the stage after the final climax of the Verdi aria. The orchestra then slowly crept into the next piece on the program: “Whispering Seraphim,” written by student composer Joshua Hintze. This contemporary work had an interesting concept behind its inception. “In it, melody has been consumed and nearly destroyed by harmony and relentless rhythm,” said Hintze. “All remnants of melody have been scattered and hidden.” The final product clearly reflected these ideas, as the music seemed

to fall apart with woodwinds floundering in the lower register and the entire orchestra hinted at destruction through sonic stabs. The final piece on the concert’s first half was the final movement of Joseph Schwantner’s Concerto for Percussion and Orchestra, performed by UW junior Jacob Wolbert. Most of the audience was most likely confused at the outset of the piece, because Wolbert was not on stage when Smith gave the first downbeat. Instead, he began the piece at the back of the hall and walked on stage during the introduction while playing a Shekere (Gord) a non-western, hand-held instrument. The next section featured Wolbert on solo marimba playing quick, arpeggiated passages, often being doubled by other keyboard percussion instruments in the back of the orchestra. The final section of the piece featured Wolbert on a set of tenor drums. A climactic end soon followed after Wolbert performed an impressive, mostly improvised cadenza. The second half of the concert began with Philip Bergman performing Robert Schumann’s “Cello Concerto in A minor.” The piece, written in three movements and performed without pauses, gives the soloist many opportunities to showcase their technical prowess and expressive musicality. Bergman gave a stellar performance, showcasing astounding emotional depth in lyrical passages, while effortlessly displaying his control of the fingerboard in the upbeat sections of the music. This concerto is also unique due to its inclusion of an accompanied cadenza at the end of the third movement, which led both soloist and orchestra into the pleasant, lively coda, finishing the piece. Senior violinist Nathaniel Wolkstein then took the stage to perform the first movement of Camille Saint-Saëns’ Concerto for Violin No. 3. This flashy piece for the concert violinist was wonderfully performed by Wolkstein, whose impeccable technique and musical sensitivity shined in the solo

passages. The rhythmically interesting first theme contrasted with the extremely lyrical second theme allowed for both Wolkstein and the orchestra to create a wide range of musical textures and moods. The final soloist to take the stage, Yusuke Komura, closed the program with a fantastic performance of Edvard Grieg’s famous “Piano Concerto in A minor.”

From the opening of the arpeggiated motive, Komura had the audience hooked with his sensitivity to the music’s lyricism, which was further reflected in his reactions to the different colors being created by the orchestra. To supplement the impressiveness of the performance, the virtuosic cadenza in the middle of the movement displayed Komura’s depth of emotional

expression combined with a full command of the keyboard. As Komura and the orchestra played the final notes of the concerto, Mills Concert Hall erupted in applause and a standing ovation, giving praise not just to Komura, but to all of the soloists and composers featured throughout the night, who all served as fantastic examples of the UW School of Music’s members.

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Today’s Sudoku

“You’re stepping on my chord!” Einstein’s final words died with him as the nurse at his bedside didn’t speak German. Tuesday, February 19, 2013 • 7

Just the first midterm of this semester

Eatin’ Cake


By Dylan Moriarty www.EatinCake.com

© Puzzles by Pappocom


By Melanie Shibley shibley@wisc.edu

Solution, tips and computer program available at www.sudoku.com.

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

First In Twenty By Angel Lee alee23@wisc.edu

Today’s Crossword Puzzle

Caved In

By Nick Kryshak nkryshak@wisc.edu

By Steven Wishau wishau@wisc.edu

Answer key available at www.dailycardinal.com

WELL-CONTAINED ACROSS 1 Not dormant 6 Comes down in buckets 11 Outlaw 14 Bonn waterway 15 Hindu noblewoman (Var.) 16 Org. for doctors 17 Morning must-have, for many 19 Obtained 20 To’s antithesis 21 Yellowstone inhabitant 22 Without without with? 23 It’s got a lot of people talking 27 Cook, as egg rolls 29 “What was ___ do?” 30 Air quality concern 32 Another mild expletive 33 Acknowledge an ovation 34 Bays 36 Consign to the junkyard 39 Wings that don’t flap 41 Nosey Parker 43 Wind-up toy? 44 Blackthorn berries 46 “American Idol” numbers 48 Old computer screen

9 4 51 52 53 56 58 59 0 6 61 62 8 6 69 70 71 2 7 73

Waller or Domino Baseball catcher Do-it-yourselfer’s aid Blow up Venture to utter Prominent rock Sherlock’s Blue Carbuncle, for one Scottish topper Former low-value coin Kid’s breakfast item, often Do-say connection “Burnt Norton” poet T.S. Like Halloween sounds Collector’s achievement Come from behind Dutch painter Jan

DOWN 1 Curved path, say 2 Mu ___ pork 3 Hint from a tout 4 Go ___ the deep end 5 Browser button 6 Accomplished one 7 Blockhead 8 Deprived of nutrition 9 Reacted to a haymaker 10 Some players in a kids’ game 11 Repertoire 12 Affair of the heart

1 3 18 23 24 25 6 2 28 31 5 3 37 38 40 42 45 7 4 50 3 5 54 55 7 5 63 64 65 6 6 67

Sharply dressed The orderly universe Sarcastic taunts Coral ring Still-life subject, often Hamlet’s cousins Cigarette quantity Doom’s accompaniment Unbroken, as a line Heart chambers Small-minded Clapping animal Type of chip Walk in a crooked line Air assaults “A Streetcar Named Desire” character “___ easy as 1-2-3” Hangman’s loop Alternative to text messages Actor M. ___ Walsh Music scale note Epitome of messiness Emotion of the miffed Tell a tall tale Burns of documentaries

Dookingham Palace Classic

By Natasha Soglin graphics@dailycardinal.com


tuesday february 19, 2013 DailyCardinal.com

Jerry Buss didn’t just fix the Lakers, he left his mark on the NBA

Press Conference

play during games. He hired dancers to keep fans’ attenmatt tion during breaks in play. In masterson many ways, he is the father of master’s the current NBA game experidegree ence. And he was doing this 30 years ago. ame your five favorThe entertainment quality ite athletes. An easy of the games brought out the enough exercise for best and brightest in La-La any sports fan, athletes have Land to Laker games. It’s hard their faces all over the news to watch an L.A. game without and receive the glory when- seeing Denzel Washington, ever their team comes out Leonardo DiCaprio, and (most on top. But when it comes to famously) Jack Nicholson linputting together a successful ing the courtside seats. team, it isn’t always just about Things cooled off in the 90s the players, it’s about a per- when Michael Jordan and the son who knows how to build Chicago Bulls ran the show, a core, build hype and put but after drafting Kobe Bryant on a show. and signing Shaquille O’Neal Jerry Buss was that person. away from the Orlando Magic The long-time Los Angeles for $121 million in 1996, in Lakers owner died of kidney addition to hiring Phil Jackson failure Monday at 80 years to coach in 1999, Buss put the old, leaving behind one of the Lakers back on top. most successful careers, not Los Angeles would go on only in basketball, but in all to win three-straight titles of sports. from 2000-’02, losing only three NBA finals games over that span. It was the biggest dynasty since the Jordan-era Bigger was always betIn all, Buss won 10 chamter for Buss, and with his pionships with the Lakers deep pockets and a preand did so over three decades, mier location ... he truly showing his ability as an had the perfect storm owner to recreate his team for success after superstars like Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Johnson and O’Neal came and went. According to ESPN’s After growing rich off Darren Rovell, the Lakers shrewd investments in real made it to the NBA Finals in estate, Buss entered the sports 48.4 percent of their seasons world by purchasing the under Buss. Take a minute and Lakers and the Los Angeles let that number sink in. Los Kings in 1979 for $67.5 mil- Angeles made it not just to the lion. At the time, that was the playoffs—or the second round biggest financial transaction or even the third round—but in professional sports history. all the way to the finals at a He would eventually sell the rate of nearly once every other Kings, but with the Lakers, season. For 32 years. Buss would go on to build a Bigger was always better dynasty on the hardwood. for Buss, a 2010 NBA Hall of In the decade prior to his Fame inductee and with his purchase of the team, the deep pockets and a premier Lakers had seen moderate location in Los Angeles, he success—making the play- truly had the perfect storm for offs eight out of 10 success. years, making the It will be interNBA Finals three esting to see where times and winthe Lakers go from ning one league here. Now that championship— Jerry is gone, will Number of NBA but they struggled daughter Jeanie titles the Lakers to find consistent and the rest of the won with Jerry Buss as owner. playoff victories. Buss family pull in That changed the reigns and put once Buss took an end to the Los Percentage of over. In his first Angeles persona? seasons in which year with the Unlikely, but the the Lakers made team, Buss rode team will surely it to the finals rookie sensation undergo some under Buss. Magic Johnson changes under their to the 1980 NBA new management. championship. Buss turned the In 1982, he won another one. Lakers into a show, he turned 1985? Another title. 1987 and Los Angeles into a basketball ’88 saw the Lakers win back- mecca, and he turned that to-back titles for the first time $67.5 million dollar investsince the 50s. ment into a one billion dollar The offense for the Lakers franchise that is unlike any in the 80s, affectionately other in sports. What are your thoughts on known as the “Showtime” era, was predicated on an up-tem- Jerry Buss? What impact do po, run-and-gun type attack you feel he’s had on today’s that would keep scores high NBA? Let Matt know what and fans entertained. Buss you think by emailing him at hired an in-house band to sports@dailycardinal.com


wil gibb/cardinal file photo

The Wisconsin men’s basketball team will try to build off an impressive home victory over Ohio State Sunday when they travel to Evanston, Ill., to take on Northwestern Wednesday.

Wisconsin teams face big week in the Big Ten By Jack Baer the daily cardinal

Women’s Swimming and Diving

The Wisconsin women’s swimming and diving team will compete in the Big Ten Championships in Minneapolis beginning Wednesday. The Badgers will look to improve upon last year’s fourthplace finish with the help and leadership of the Big Ten Swimmer of the Week, sophomore Ivy Martin. “Ivy performed well at the NCAA Championships last year, and I kind of challenged her over the summer to parlay that into a great season moving forward,” head coach Whitney Hite said. “She’s done a great job. She’s really started to come out of her shell and mature as an athlete and as a person.” Hite stated that the team was prepared for the challenge due to an intense schedule, including challenges at Michigan, California and Stanford. “We’ve been put to the test, and that’s all by design to make sure that they’re ready for Big Ten and NCAA Championships,” Hite said. ”There’s going to be no surprises. We’ve seen the best teams, seen the best swimmers. We are prepared.”

Women’s Track and Field

The women’s track and field team is heading to the Spire Institute in Geneva, Ohio, to compete in the Big Ten Indoor Championships this Friday and Saturday. The Spire Institute is the first ever off-campus location for the championships. Head coach Jim Stintzi noted the novelty and challenges the new site presented, particularly a 300-meter track. Stintzi said the team is “looking forward to that opportunity to run some fast times and be in a new environment

that will change the way the Big Ten meet is run, and may change it permanently.” Stintzi went on to note the speed of the new track, saying that “if we don’t see all the records fall, we’ll see a lot of records fall, even in this one championship.” The Badgers placed sixth last year.

“You go down there, and then the way they play their defense, it is different on their reads and the way they scramble.” Bo Ryan head coach Wisconsin men’s basketball

Men’s Track and Field

The men’s track and field team will also be headed to the Big Ten Indoor Championships in Geneva, Ohio, this weekend. Head coach Ed Nuttycombe echoed Jim Stintzi’s sentiments about the speed of the Spire Institute’s tracks, while also noting the scenario of a neutral site. “Don’t know whether it’s good, don’t know whether it’s not good,” Nuttycombe said. “We’re going to go, and I guess we’re going to find out.” When asked about expectations for senior Mohammed Ahmed, Nuttycombe stated that the senior is ready physically, but may not be as sharp as he could be due to taking time off for cross country. “Physically, he’s 100 percent. Is he 100 percent in shape? Is he as sharp as he could be? Probably not, simply because of trying to take some time off,” he said. “It’s very difficult for those guys to be as razor sharp as they need to be [for] cross country, indoor and

outdoor. It’s just hard.” Nuttycombe was later asked how he thought the chips were going to fall with regards to the team race, for which he picked Nebraska simply because “they have more people in more areas than any of the other teams.”

Men’s Basketball

The men’s basketball team (9-4 Big Ten, 18-8 overall) registered a dominant win over Big Ten foe Ohio State Sunday and will visit Northwestern (4-9, 13-13) Wednesday. “You go down there, and then the way they play their defense, it is different on their reads and the way they scramble,” head coach Bo Ryan said. “So, yeah, they are hard to prepare for that way, but you just get them ready.” Ryan discussed the difference of Northwestern’s Princeton offense from past opponents when asked about preparations for the upcoming game, noting the importance of associate head coach Greg Gard and his work with the scout team. “There’s no one that knows that offense better than [Gard] over the years,” Ryan said. “Any teams that ran any of that stuff, he’s the one that’s put it in with the scout team. I’m sure today and tomorrow, they’ll be running some good stuff. Now, Northwestern, obviously, does it every day, but we’ll get a pretty good look for the regulars defensively.” Ryan also eschewed the idea of rankings and individual awards in college basketball when asked about scheduling. “Individual awards, things like that, I’ve never been—I don’t fill out my ballot,” Ryan said. “I let the assistants do it at the end of the year. Individual awards to me mean absolutely nothing. That’s why I coach a team sport.”



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