Thursday, March 15, 2012 - The Daily Cardinal

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That time of year Does the basketing of the balls give you the goose’s bumps? Then learn how to support our skillful basketmen. +PAGE TWO University of Wisconsin-Madison

March Madness

The Badgers look to start a deep tournament run with a win over Montana Thursday. +SPORTS, page 8 Complete campus coverage since 1892


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Study: student alcohol abuse can force schools to foot medical bills By Ben Siegel The Daily Cardinal

College students who black out from drinking alcohol can cost large universities roughly a halfmillion dollars per year in emergency room visits, according to research conducted by two members of UW-Madison’s School of Medicine and Public Health. On a campus with more than 40,000 students, costs to the school for blackout-related ER visits can range from $469,000 to $546,000 annually, according to Marlon Mundt and Larissa Zakletskaia, the study’s authors and UW-Madison faculty members. The study, which was released online Wednesday and will appear in the Health Affairs medical journal’s April issue, is based on data drawn from a five-year study of

intoxication and emergency room visits at five college campuses, including UW-Madison. The study found that about half of the 954 students admitted to emergency rooms had blacked out from alcohol in the previous year. Students who had suffered six or more blackouts were 70 percent more likely to be in the ER than students who drank similarly but did not black out. While the link made between students’ blackout-tendencies and the likelihood of visiting the emergency room is a new one, the findings correlate with larger recognized trends of alcohol abuse, according to University Health Services Executive Director Dr. Sarah Van Orman. “When we see students experiencing blackouts, or having

trouble with the law, or getting into fights when drinking…those are markers for other kinds of serious consequences, like injuries,” Van Orman said. “Although this is kind of a new finding, it fits with what we see overall.”

“The idea that alcohol misuse and abuse costs money is certainly not a new one.” Dr. Sarah Van Oraman executive director University Health Services

The estimated annual cost of blackout ER visits is also not a Grey Satterfield/the daily cardinal

alcohol page 3

Recall election dates set, pending official certification Recall primary elections will Niess granted the Government likely be held May 8 and Accountability Board general elections June 5 more time to review recall for Gov. Scott Walker, Lt. petitions for Walker and Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch, Kleefisch Wednesday. state Senate Majority The previous deadline Leader Scott Fitzgerald, was March 19, but the R-Juneau, and three other GAB will now have until Republican state senaMarch 30 to verify the tors, after a judge granted signatures, which would officials an extension to push the dates for elecNIESS review petitions. tions to May 8 and June 5, Dane County Judge Richard according to the GAB.

“This scenario allows all the recall elections to be consolidated on two dates, saving taxpayers additional costs had the elections been held on different schedules,” GAB Director Kevin Kennedy said in a statement Wednesday. The GAB said earlier this week there are sufficient petitions for the four state senators, but still need to review petitions against Walker and Kleefisch to find and strike duplicate signatures.

MCSC leader Jensen Trotter told student council Wednesday SSFC has a pattern of denying multicultural groups funding.

ASM responds to allegations of prejudice By Anna Duffin The Daily Cardinal

The Associated Students of Madison repealed legislation Wednesday passed by its Diversity Committee that alleged its finance committee and judiciary were prejudiced in denying a multicultural student group funding. The Student Services Finance Committee denied the Multicultural Student Coalition funding in October after it ruled the group did not spend more than half its time directly serving students.

After the Student Judiciary upheld the ruling, the Diversity Committee passed resolutions asserting errors in the rulings, calling for the removal of the SJ Chief and Vice Chief Justices, creating a committee to investigate prior SSFC and SJ rulings and demanding student council re-hear the group’s eligibility. MCSC leader Jensen Trotter said SSFC has denied funding for other multicultural groups in previous years and the trend indicates institutionalized dis-

asm page 3

ASM denies constitution vote

On Campus

Sunny Delight

Throngs of students flocked to the Memorial Union Terrace Wednesday to revel in the beautiful weather and unseasonably warm temperatures. Wednesday’s high temperature of 78 degrees is a Madison record. + Photo by Wil Gibb

tudent government decided S against putting a new Associated Students of Madison constitution up for a vote Wednesday. The new constitution would restructure ASM into four branches: an executive branch consisting of a president and vice president, a legislative branch made up of a senate, a judicial branch similar to the current Student Judiciary and an allocations branch to appropriate student segregated fees. Currently, ASM consists of a student

council, the Student Services Finance Committee and the Student Judiciary. Representatives said they were concerned students would not have enough time to become educated about the constitution before voting and putting it up for a vote would be too expensive. “I’m afraid of spending four to five thousand dollars on what would functionally be an internal reform,” Rep. Cale Plamann said. Anna Duffin

“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

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hi 75º / lo 51º

friday: t-storms

hi 69º / lo 56º

Thursday, March 15, 2012

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Page Two Classic: The Basketing of Balls

Volume 122, Issue 39

2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 • fax (608) 262-8100

tODAY: partly cloudy

Matt Hunziker his dark Matt-erials This column originally ran on March 26, 2009. n many weeks this column is a place of complaining, so much that a person reading sometimes might worry that I had a sickness of the feelings. But this week is different! You see, for several days now, the great conclusions of the American collegiate basketball sport have been already upon us. Oh, I am very excited. If you were standing near to me rather than reading these printed words, you would touch the bumps of geese on my arms and know my enthusiasm for the great Basketing of Balls! I have always found these games to be of much interest. Firstly, there is the fast pacing, with the many runnings about. “See! The basketballers have all run to one end,” you might say, with happiness. But soon they will come back, one of them bearing the ball for prompt basketing. It is always with the entertainment. And if one of the basketmen successfully places the ball into the net of the enemy,


that is the most exciting of all. If I am at the Basketball House when this happens, I stand up from my seat to thank that person for basketing so successfully. Sometimes I lift my hands above my shoulders. Others do this too. Often, I see that their arms also have the goose’s bumps—how excited we are then!

And if one of the basketmen successfully places the ball into the net of the enemy, that is the most exciting of all. There are many ways of basketing in the game of balls that bears its name. Simplest is when a player close to the enemy basketnet inclines the hand and tips the ball into the ball receptacle. It looks much like laziness, but do not be deceived! This basketing can be very beautiful to behold, with the grace of the basketers in their competitive ballet. I also like very much when the player

throws the ball with both hands toward the basketnet, and even more when the player throws from very far away. “Will the ball be basketed successfully?” we all wonder then. But there is no time for questions! Soon the ball will be moving toward the other basketnet, and the ballmen will follow it. Such is life. Did the visitors of the Basketball House stand up to express thanks? Maybe. My very favorite basketing is when one basketer will jump very high with his ball and place it directly in the basketring (sometimes to hang from the basketring in celebration!). The people watching the basketballings then will jump up and down and sometimes slap their hands at each other. Do not be alarmed! It is always the way with the great basketings. Such enjoyment then! The players will often get very excited too. If one basketman has touched another man where he must not, then the one he has offended will be permitted to attempt basketings free of harassment, sometimes having many scorings in doing so. And of the scorings in a bastketball match, how many? No one can say! But not more than one thousand. Last weekend was my time of maximum basketball excitement. For you see, the squadron of bas-

ketmen from our campus had overpowered the squadron of a distant university in the making of successful basketings. Such joy at that moment! If ever we meet the students of that university, we will remind them of the shaming they suffered at the hands of our skillful basketmen. Their cheeks will darken to remember the embarrassment. But then just days later: Another great shaming! But this time our basketmen suffered their own humiliation at the hands of an enemy squadron of basketballers, and so now we must forever avoid the students of another, mightier university, who will pound their chests at us to show their victory in the trials on the polished floors of wood. Such shame! Even so, I will continue to enjoy the rest of this year’s basketballings, knowing in my heart that by next year we will once again be ready to support our squadron in their runnings about and to thank them for their many successful basketings. So now let us give another cheer for our team of basketers and shout with much vigorousness: “Hooray for Campus Team! The team for us!” Sorry, Matt is loooong gone, so if you really want to comment on this column, you’ll have to leave one online at page-two.

Elliot’s worst fear realized Elliot Ignasiak ignastrodamous


ome kids want to grow up to be just like daddy—I’m not one of them. I never understand those uninspired nitwits who wrote their “grade school hero paper” on their fathers. Why choose Mark the mechanic or Phil the plumber when one could choose Eddie Van Halen or Brett Favre (prepainful coming-out-of-retirement era of course). Your daddy is not a hero because he’s a commercial airline pilot, he’s a middle-class taxi driver. Daddy just has a slightly cooler mode of transportation to get people from point A to point B without having to rip them off by taking the most roundabout way to get there. I vividly remember dining at Denny’s when I was seven and having an old lady approach our table and remark, “My what a cute, well-behaved boy you have; you look just like your father, young man.” Though I was normally well-behaved, I responded, “You look just like a prune, old hag. Get

your eyes checked for cataracts. I look nothing like him.” Chubby, cross-eyed, bugger-faced—any other insult I could have quickly forgotten as I devoured my banana split sundae. But looking like my father? That’s a dig that a child in his formative years never forgets. Since that fateful day, I’ve tried my best to prevent the old mystic shrink’s predictions from coming true. Yet, as every year goes by I find myself becoming more and more like my father— and not just in appearance. For example: complaining that the music is too loud for my delicate ears yet simultaneously asking people to repeat themselves because my hearing just isn’t that good anymore. We have the exact same problems with my mother, as evidenced by the fact we yell at her in the exact same way. I know I’m acting a bit too much like my father when during our arguments my mother says, “Jerry, be quiet,” but then stops herself and realizes Jerry isn’t even around and it’s Elliot who needs to be quiet. The most troubling realization comes when we sit near each other. Our posture and leg position

change in perfect harmony with one another. Right leg getting tired of the floor? Better prop it up on the left leg there for one minute and 14 seconds. Our degree of coordination is scary. If my father and I were able to effortlessly coordinate the rest of our body like we do our legs, we could strap on a pair of speedos and win an Olympic gold medal in synchronized diving.

Our posture and leg position change in perfect harmony with one another.

Thankfully, I have yet to fully develop my father’s offensive chest and back hair that would make wearing a speedo a fashion crime against humanity—a crime similar to girls who don’t realize that jeggings aren’t exactly complementary

to their frame. I know that these examples seem trivial, but I’m still young, and if we are this similar now I fear what the future may hold. When will the back pain, the memory lapses, the inability to spell simple words, the non-existent sex life, and the shitty job working at a storage business that I hate kick in? The day I start liking golf I’ll consider my life officially over. I can’t imagine what it’s like for your only enjoyment in life to come from a “sport” you’re not even good at. I play golf with my father about once a year and still consistently beat him despite him having spent the last year buying all the lessons, gizmos, gadgets and PGA tour banned clubs that are supposed to revolutionize your golf game and ensure that “the goddamn ball just gets in the hole.” Truth is, my father isn’t that bad of a guy. I’d rather end up like him than Phil the plumber. Perhaps the biggest reason I fear becoming my father is that I hate the idea of having to put up with an ungrateful, prick of a son like myself. Turning into ma or pa yourself ? E-mail Elliot at eignasiak@ and lament over your impending fate.

Had your first experience at Monday’s this past weekend? Pull the old hand-in-the-water cup trick on your roomie last night?

Become a Page Two guest columnist and recount your antics to your fellow peers. Send all submissions to


Thursday, March 15, 2012 3


Student Org Spotlight

From concepts to cameras, Hollywood Badgers do it all By Shannon Kelly The Daily Cardinal

Stephanie Daher/Cardinal File Photo

Former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk announced her candidacy the same day organizers filed recall petitions.

Young Progressives endorses Falk in likely recall election UW-Madison Young Progressives endorsed Democratic hopeful Kathleen Falk Wednesday to run against Gov. Scott Walker in his likely recall election. Two other candidates, including state Sen. Kathleen Vinehout, D-Alma, and Secretary of State Doug La Follette have officially announced their candidacy in the potential recall. A great deal speculation, however, still exists whether Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who ran against Walker in 2010, will join the race. Young Progressives joins a long list of organizations including WEAC, Clean Wisconsin and AFSCME to endorse Falk in the anticipated upcoming recall election. The endorsement comes weeks before the gubernatorial recall election will officially be declared. Sam Gehler, President of the Young Progressives, said Falk’s experience makes her the ideal candidate.

“To be honest I feel like Kathleen Falk would’ve been who we endorsed whether we endorse now or whether we endorse in a month,” Gehler said. “I think that her record as Dane County Executive gives her a very strong sense of pragmatism and practical governing.” Falk said she was honored to have the Young Progressives’ endorsement, saying student involvement in the recall process is important. “Gov. Walker’s tuition hikes will saddle our students with even more student loan debt, and his failure to deliver on his promise to create jobs will leave our young people out in the cold as they are denied their chance at the American Dream,” Falk said in a statement Wednesday. Falk has also pledged to repeal Wisconsin’s Voter ID law and reinstate collective bargaining if elected governor. —Jacob Riederer

UW-Madison student selected to intern at White House this spring A UW-Madison student has been selected to intern at the White House this spring. John Pratt, a UW-Madison senior from Minneapolis, will join 144 other participants in the nation’s capital for the White House Internship Program. Applicants are selected for the highly competitive program based on their public service and leadership experience, as well as

their “commitment to the mission of the Obama Administration,” according to the White House’s announcement of participants. Pratt will intern in Washington, DC, until May, and will work in one of the White House departments, such as the Domestic Policy and National Economic Councils and the Offices of the First Lady or Vice President.

alcohol from page 1

its services for alcohol abuse, and early feedback on the impact of a new counseling program for firsttime alcohol policy violators has been “positive,” she said. Regardless of UHS’ offerings and support, Van Orman acknowledged that alcohol abuse treatment is as effective as students’ willingness to seek it. “It’s hard [for students] to recognize when drinking and alcohol use goes from having good time to something that puts you at risk,” she said.

revelation, Van Orman added. “The idea that alcohol misuse and abuse costs money is certainly not a new one,” she said, pointing to the Wisconsin Department of Health’s estimate that the annual cost of alcohol misuse statewide is $2.8 billion. “As a campus, there’s a lot we can do, but there’s a lot [to be done] about our community and state, as well.” UHS screens all students using

A UW-Madison student organization dedicated to uniting students interested in filmmaking and helping them prepare for careers in the entertainment industry will screen its original, student-produced film, “The Plunge”, this weekend. The UW Hollywood Badgers meet each week with the goal of supplementing students’ film educations by adding real-world focus. By helping students with networking, pitching projects and resumes, the organization gives students the ability to find jobs in the industry. “I think it serves a niche at the university...and provides

more of a realist touch with the industry,” UWHB Marketing and Events Coordinator Brendan Wolf said. Developing “The Plunge,” a 30-minute film, has been a major focus of the organization for most of the year. Directed by UW-Madison student William Dickinson— credited as W. E. Halamka, his pseudonym—the film chronicles the emotional reunion of two estranged brothers forced to live together in Madison. Roughly 35 students participated in the process, making the movie UWHB’s largest project ever. UWHB President Chase Ellman said “The Plunge” is a

prime example of the group’s ambition to turn educational interaction into real experience. The club hopes to pursue similar projects in the future. “That’s something to take away from this,” Ellman said. “For a student film, here’s this great 30-minute movie, but at the same time, here’s 35 students who learned something, who are furthering their careers, who are making something of their time here that’s going to be memorable.” The UW Hollywood Badgers will show their film Saturday at 3 p.m. in Cinematheque, Vilas 4070. A Q-and-A session with the filmmakers will follow the free screening.

Contentious bill empowering landlords passes Senate After state Senate Democrats delayed a vote Tuesday night, Republicans passed a bill along party lines Wednesday giving landlords more power in relationships with tenants. While Republicans argue the bill will allow landlords to conduct background checks to

screen for troublesome tenants. Democrats said this bill puts tenants, particularly students, at a disadvantage because it lifts provisions that protect tenants when dealing with landlords. Under this bill, landlords will be able to such as showing a property at any time during the lease,

rather than during a designated viewing period. They will also be able to charge more than one month’s rent for a security deposit. Additionally, landlords will be allowed to deny housing to potential renters based on conviction records, employment and credit history, and income level.

Grey Satterfield/the daily cardinal

ASM Representative Cale Plamann said while he does not oppose letting students vote on a new ASM constitution, putting it up for a special vote would cost too much money.

asm from page 1 crimination. “You can’t ignore when somebody says that something is racist against them,” Trotter said. “You can’t ignore when somebody says that they are discriminated against, because that in and of itself is a serious social issue.” SJ Chief Justice Kate Fifield

said the SJ did not discriminate in upholding SSFC’s decision and student council should trust its bodies to rule in an unbiased manner. “We are so lucky on this campus to have the autonomy and the power that we do and that we have the right to make these decisions,” Fifield said. “What these resolutions represent is a lack of faith by stu-

dents in their own system.” Nominations Board Chair Zach DeQuattro said while it is student government’s job to question rulings, the Diversity Committee resolutions call for actions that would violate ASM bylaws. “It’s not about trust, it has nothing to do with it,” DeQuattro said. “We can’t defile process to fix process.”

Temporary daytime homeless shelter to close Thursday A temporary homeless shelter on East Washington Avenue, which drew complaints from some residents, will close its doors Thursday. In December, nonprofit services provider Porchlight Inc. opened a temporary daytime resource center at 754 E. Washington Ave. in response to the Madison Central Library and the Capitol basement closing. Previously, homeless people

used these locations for shelter in the winter. “I think the shelter itself has been very well-run for people who have been utilizing shelter services appropriately,” Ald. Bridget Maniaci, District 2, said. “Obviously, there are individuals who choose to abuse those services.” Neighbors have complained about some residents’ behavior like being drunk,

fighting and smoking, according to Maniaci. Maniaci said the resource center highlights the issue of homelessness in Madison and demonstrates the need for a long-term shelter solution. Porchlight Inc. provides an additional resource center, Hospitality House on Martin Street, which remains open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

arts 4


Thursday, March 15, 2012




3/15 • This lovely spring weather got you wanting to put on your dancing shoes? Got a penchant for throwback funk? Check out Herbie Hancock at the Overture Center. Tickets are $35 and the show starts at 7:30 p.m. • If Herbie is a little too expensive for you, check out Mustard Plug at the Frequency at 8:30, tickets are $10.

• If you’re looking for a break from the traditional Friday evening, check out the Wisconsin BeardOff at The High Noon Saloon. It’s exactly what it sounds like. It begins at 9 p.m., tickets are $6. • Fine arts are in no shortage on this campus—University Opera’s production of “Don Giovanni” at 7:30 p.m. is only $22.



• Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with some raucous Celtic music: The Kissers and Go Long Mule will be playing at the High Noon Saloon at 8 p.m., tickets are $10. • To save your money for more green beer, you can catch the Rowdy Prairie Dogs at Erin’s Snug Irish Pub. This Americana group will go on at 9 p.m., and entrance is free.



• If you’ve got a little extra time on your Sunday afternoon, check out “Cats” at the Overture Center. Tickets are $35, but with performances at 1 and 6 p.m., this acclaimed production will be worth the money. • Jam for a good cause: the Madison Blues Society Benefit with Sena Ehrhardt will be at the Harmony Bar at 3 p.m.

Live album rough but retains charm By Sean Reichard the daily cardinal


We All Raise Our Voices to the Air The Decemberists The first thing you should know about The Decemberists is that they’re a little conceited. Their conceit, a not wholly unfavorable one, is one of refinement and bookish intelligence. Lead singer Colin Meloy sings songs with big, gilded words; the band plays respectively big, gilded songs rife with accordions, violins, horns and keyboards,


anchored by traditional rock instruments (guitar, bass, drum). They named an album Picaresque (2005). And though they’ve been moving away from this literary conceit, even their most recent studio album (2011’s country-ish, R.E.M.-ish The King is Dead and its little sibling, the Long Live The King EP) does not lose the conceit fully. And make no mistake, indignant Decemberists fans, it is conceit. It’s a guise; it’s a frame for Meloy and co. to work through. And it’s very easy to hate, because we associate conceit with vanity, with an over value of limited resources such as talent, experience and finesse. The kicker, though, is while it’s very easy to hate, it’s also very easy to love, even when the conceit has no real bearing in reality. And The Decemberists are an easy band for people to love. Decemberists fans are not

port e r y e l i dR Jaime arnfirst official on thei usic day of m

uesday marked the first official day of the music portion of South by Southwest. The shows don’t start until the evening, but when they do get going, they don’t stop for quite some time. Before the music started, we had to pick up our wristbands in order to attend shows. While we were waiting, we ran into Cults, Yellow Ostrich and Brother Ali. We were starstruck, to say the least. We began our night at the Pitchfork showcase at Mohawk

Bar. Lucky for us, the venue had a great lineup for the evening, and we planted ourselves there for the majority of the night. Teengirl Fantasy kicked off the night with a cacophony of synthesizer and flashing neon lights. Their ambient electro-pop was a great way to ease into the various genres to come. Star Slinger hit the stage next, and was the epitome of juxtaposition. The chubby, redheaded emo kid behind the DJ booth ended up getting the whole crowd moving—if you’re

going to care whether Meloy ever was an architect, whether he ever sought revenge on a whaling ship or whether any of it is real; they’re only going to care when Meloy, as in “The Mariner’s Revenge Song,” wraps up his lyrics with a sinister whisper, as the mandolin trills the melody and sets off a dance into madness. They relish that; I relish it. That’s why I like the Decemberists—because at their most grandiose, or unerringly grandiloquent, they’re still enjoyable, conceit and all. But the conceit is vulnerable. Even though I have never seen them live, and before the release of We All Raise Our Voices to the Air, had never really heard them live, I never thought of them as a live band. The Decemberists sound like a group that’s very comfortable in the studio. Taken and placed in a venue, it’s almost like taking a reclusive

poet out of his study and plunking him in the O2 Arena. Anything literary—conceited or otherwise— usually functions better with an amount of distance between the producer and the audience. And We All Raise Our Voices to the Air does not quell my concerns. It certainly is rougher and less insulated. Meloy sounds flatter on a lot of songs, and sometimes the instrumentation plods. But—perhaps this is the most miraculous thing—a lot of the material translates well. The words and Meloy’s singing all seem secondary; it becomes about the music. Certainly their newer songs (from The King is Dead and even 2009’s The Hazards of Love) work well. The R.E.M.-reminiscent “Calamity Song” and the harmonica laced “Rise to Me” retain much of their studio versions’ charm,

ever hosting a dance party, this guy is the stuff to bump. Next up was Mr. Muthafuckin’ eXquire, complete with a massive posse. There may or may not have been more people on stage than in the crowd. He has good stage presence, but questionable lyrics and a penchant for spraying the not-hot-enough crowd with bottled water. Bear in Heaven came on next, and the lead singer appeared to be seducing himself onstage as he alternated between crooning indiscernible lyrics and reverberating keyboard. Nevertheless, the show was resplendent with hazy electronic music of its own nature, and was one of our favorite for the night. ScHoolboy Q rocked the stage in a bucket cap reminiscent of “Gilligan’s Island,” but he had the swagger of Skipper.

The riotous performance culminated with ScHoolboy Q launching himself into the crowd to mosh with fans. After departing from Mohawk, we briefly parted ways and stumbled upon shows we should have anticipated in the first place. Riley ended up catching the end of Poliça’s set at the Bat Bar, while unbeknownst to her, Jaime saw hip-hop veterans Mobb Deep and later ended up at a bar called Shangri-La, where she played “Mortal Kombat II.” It was a magnificent evening, to say the least. Be sure to keep reading The Daily Cardinal all week for more updates, and follow @ DCArtsDesk for pictures of live performances and exclusive UW-Madison coverage of SXSW. —Riley Beggin and Jaime Brackeen

perhaps because they are simpler. And Raise Our Voices’ version of “The Rake’s Song” takes an already seething song and blows it up into something menacing and murderous. And even older songs, like 2002’s “The Soldering Life,” benefit from the live ambiance. As with most live albums, many of the songs come with stage banter and cheering, sometimes in excess of two minutes. And a lot of it is funny. The first disc opens with Meloy admonishing any Keith Urban fans in the audience: “If you mean to be at a Keith Urban concert, you will be sorely disappointed.” “The Rake’s Song” ends with a yodeling chorus. And, best of all, We All Raise Our Voices to the Air is replete with ecstatic shrieks and cheers and clapping from the audience, whose response makes this album all the more worthwhile.


To say SXSW is a sort of renaissance faire for Internet culture would be quite an understatement—it was the birthplace of Twitter and Foursquare, after all. And today I witnessed just how powerful a tool the Internet can be when harnessed to support true artistic vision. Two films I saw today, “Eletrick Children” and “Blue Like Jazz,” both received major chunks of their funding from donations through campaigns on the website The site allows anyone to post an idea for anything and solicit donations from the general public in exchange for a stake in the final product—anything from your name in the credits, to points on the back end. See more at! —David Cottrell

opinion Mining bill ultimately good for state

Ethan Safran opinion columnist


ast week, the Wisconsin state Senate failed to pass an important piece of legislation for workers. This legislation proposed a $1.5 billion iron ore mine to be built in the northern part of the state that died because Republicans failed to gather a final vote despite holding a 17-16 majority.

Both Democrats and Republicans should have taken the necessary measures to reach a compromise.

The response from Gogebic Taconite, the company that proposed the mine, was more interesting. The company announced hours after the legislation’s failure that it was leaving Wisconsin altogether. While I usually side with environmentalists, it is somewhat disheartening in this case for Wisconsin that Gogebic Taconite decided not to take Walker’s “open for business” slogan very seriously. While some argue that the proposed mine and mining in general may take an environmental toll upon the “pristine” parts of northern Wisconsin, I believe that the

creation of up to 700 jobs for Wisconsin’s citizens is a high enough number that legislators should have reached a compromise rather than continuing off into partisan politics. Both Democrats and Republicans should have taken the necessary measures to reach a compromise on the legislation. Let me repeat: The proposed mine could have created hundreds of jobs for Wisconsin workers. Gogebic Taconite is a company based in Hurley, Wis. but is owned by a Floridabased company with ties to coal in Illinois and the Appalachia region. Northern Wisconsin has taken a serious economic hit, and the loss of hundreds of new jobs from a trustworthy company is a blow to Wisconsin’s workforce. After all, Bill Williams, president of Gogebic Taconite, noted that the company had already invested more than $3 million into the proposed mine. However, I will concede that advocates for the bill should have taken a step back to consider the legislation’s environmental ramifications. The lone dissenting Republican, state Sen. Dale Schultz, R-Richland Center, argued alongside Democrats that the bill did not address many of the concerns environmentalists and other environmental groups had with the piece of legislation. Concern over the mine’s potential to cause unhealthy drinking water in the Ashland and Iron county areas, where the mine would have been located, and

Thursday, March 15, 2012



Stephanie Daher/daily cardinal File Photo

Sen. Dale Schultz and Democratic state Senators shot down a bill easing restrictions on iron ore mining. A proposed mine in northern Wisconsin would have created hundreds of jobs for workers. other natural environmental concerns, had opponents of the bill unhappy at the legislation’s introduction. Members in the Senate against the bill felt Republicans offered little room for negotiation. Yet the failure to pass the mining bill in the Senate and Gogebic Taconite’s decision to leave Wisconsin are only small parts of

the problem. The real problem is this legislative proceeding shows once again the problems of partisan politics, be it at the local, state or national level.

The proposed mine could have created hundreds of jobs for Wisconsin.

It is disappointing when politicians, as in the case of the Gogebic Taconite mine, decide to put their political agendas and their party’s politics in front of what is right for Wisconsin workers. Apart from the environmental concerns, I cannot understand

why Democrats and Schultz would actually oppose the mining bill legislation. It is this type of political discourse and partisan bickering that has, once again, gotten in the way of what Wisconsin and every other state needs: jobs and equal economic opportunities for its citizens. However, Walker announced this past Monday night that he would be willing to call a special session to reconsider the bill. I can only hope that members of the Legislature will reconsider the bill, acknowledge it’s possible environmental factors and do whatever it takes to get Gogebic Taconite back and investing once again in Wisconsin’s future. Ethan is a freshman with an undeclared major. Please send all feedback to


A Talk by Robert Lieber, Georgetown University & a Response by Scott Mobley, UW-Madison Moderated by Donald A. Downs, UW-Madison

March 22, 7pm

Robert Lieber is Professor of Government and International Relations, Georgetown University. He is an authority on American foreign policy and U.S. relations with the Middle East and Europe. His latest book entitled, Power and Willpower in The American Future: Why the US is Not Destined to Decline, will be published in Spring 2012 by Cambridge University Press.

Lubar Commons, Law School

Scott Mobley is a retired Captain of the United States Navy and a former Commander of the Naval ROTC unit at UW-Madison. He is currently a graduate student in the Department of History, studying strategy and American history. Donald A. Downs is the Alexander Meiklejohn Professor of Political Science at UW-Madison

comics 6 • Thursday, March 15, 2012

Today’s Sudoku

All the more reason to recycle! Recycling one glass jar saves enough energy to watch TV for three hours.

Eating ice cream before the sun melts it

Evil Bird

By Caitlin Kirihara

© Puzzles by Pappocom

Eatin’ Cake Classic

By Dylan Moriarty

Solution, tips and computer program available at

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Tanked Life

By Steven Wishau

Today’s Crossword Puzzle

Caved In

Answer key available at

WORKING IT OUT ACROSS 1 Zoo denizen 4 Kind of center or duty 9 Source of activity 14 “Do the Right Thing” pizzeria owner 15 Upstate New York city 16 What an active volcano may do 17 Stops, as a speeder 19 Love of fine art 20 “Silas Marner” author George 21 Chief port of Yemen 23 Compact clump 24 Gangster’s gun, in slang 26 Apt to cause the willies 28 Miscellany 32 Afternoon indulgence 35 Kennel sounds 36 Authenticated 38 Computer or chess group 40 One of the five senses 43 Beer choice 44 Amend, as an atlas section 46 ___ Orange, N.J. 48 Autograph hound’s necessity 49 Periods of seedings and plantings 53 Asian part of Egypt 54 Moral principles

8 Silly fellow 5 60 1816 Austen novel 63 Hindu noblewoman (Var.) 64 Munchhausen’s title 66 Display anger, perhaps 68 Isolated from others 69 Antelope on the Serengeti 70 After-hours school gp. 71 Begin again 72 Pastry shop choices 73 Simple ending? DOWN 1 On the say-so of 2 Saint in Brazil 3 American Immigrant Wall of Honor’s island 4 Guardianship 5 “What was ___ think?” 6 “___ Las Vegas” (Presley flick) 7 Clinched, as a victory 8 Drive recklessly 9 “My Name is Asher ___” (Potok novel) 10 Not a fake 11 Elvis facial feature 12 ___ no good (scheming) 13 Bang, as one’s toe 18 Plumb crazy 22 One of Hollywood’s Beattys 25 Work on a rough cut

7 2 29 30 31 32 3 3 34 37 9 3 41 42 5 4 47 50 51 52 5 5 56 57 8 5 59 61 2 6 65 67

Speed a motor Aromatherapy locale Worthwhile thing Lot or spot Big ATM manufacturer Tavern potables Works out with weights Where Daniel prevailed Choir member Mai ___ (cocktail) Salinger’s “For ___ 3 With Love and Squalor” Wrestling victory Groups of four Scottish rejection Cocktail made with lime juice and vodka Ayatollah’s predecessor Unsuitable Poem composed of quotations Alternative to a sport utility vehicle Ski lift Cloth ridge “___ 18” (Leon Uris novel) Out yonder Also improved, presumably Razer’s supply

By Nick Kryshak

First in Twenty

Washington and the Bear

By Angel Lee

By Derek Sandberg


basketball from page 8 stand what he sees, what his vision is about basketball,” Wisconsin head coach Bo Ryan said. “Who is playing better than Montana right now?” Another storyline heading into Thursday involves one of Montana’s top assistant coaches, former Badger standout Freddie Owens. Owens, who is best known for his game-winning shot against Tulsa in the 2003 NCAA Tournament, was interviewed for the assistant coaching job vacated by former Wisconsin assistant Howard Moore, which was eventually filled by current assistant Lamont Paris. “I know there’s a lot more pressure on him than me going into this game because he’s supposed to know it all,” Tinkle said Wednesday. “It does help. He’s very familiar with their style of play and then what I think is just as important, is maybe the tendencies of Coach Ryan and the adjustments that he makes.” One of the questions on the Wisconsin end of things will be the composition of the starting lineup. While Ryan has stuck with the same starting five in all 33 games thus far, the recent struggles of junior forward Mike Bruesewitz and the subsequent surge in production from senior guard Rob Wilson have many clamoring for a change.

“This is our guys’ time. This is their moment and it’s pretty important to them.” Bo Ryan Head coach Wisconsin men’s basketball

Bruesewitz, whether starting or not, will have to be a big factor for the Badgers to advance deep in the tournament. The St. Paul, Minn. native was a key contributor during last year’s Sweet 16 run, averaging 9.5 points and 7.5 rebounds per game during the Badgers’ two tournament victories. Last year it was an injury that had Bruesewitz reeling on the eve of tournament play, but this year it is cold shooting. Either way, the Badgers know that things can turn around pretty quickly. Montana junior guard Will Cherry has been the driver of the Grizzlies’ dominance throughout Big Sky play. The West Oakland,

Calif. native leads Montana with 16.0 points per game and is second on the team with 3.39 assists per game. In conference play, Cherry has upped his play, averaging 17.2 points per game as the Grizzlies took home the regular season title with a 15-1 record. “I know he won Defensive Player of the Year in his conference, so that obviously speaks volumes to what he can do on the defensive end,” UW senior guard Jordan Taylor said. “They’re a talented team and deserve to be in the tournament.” Just as Cherry is the engine that has driven Montana to Albuquerque, it is Taylor who has maneuvered Wisconsin into a top-four seed for the third straight season. “Both guys can do things for their teams,” Ryan said. “Both guys are used to winning.” Taylor has had his struggles at times this season, shooting under 40 percent overall and just over 35 percent from beyond the three-point arc, but the first-team All-Big Ten selection leads Wisconsin with 14.7 points and an assist-toturnover ratio of 2.49. “He doesn’t always have to do it by shooting the ball and scoring himself,” UW junior forward Jared Berggren said. “He can create plays and create opportunities for others.” Taylor struggled last weekend in Indianapolis, and had it not been for Wilson’s stunning 30-point effort Friday against Indiana, the Badgers may very well have been one-and-done in the Big Ten Tournament for the fourth straight season. As the Badgers begin their quest for a national title, Taylor will have to lead the charge. “I think numbers are one thing, but leadership and quality and what he brings in every other phase of the game might be down in certain statistics,” Ryan said. “But it certainly isn’t down in what he’s done to help make us a pretty good team.” You cannot help but sense that the Badgers feel a bit of good karma having been placed in Albuquerque for the first time since 2000—the year that Wisconsin last made a Final Four run. But while these odd coincidences are fodder for the writing crowd, coach Ryan and crew realize that the Badgers’ history in New Mexico has no bearing on their chances this time around. “This is our guys’ time,” Ryan said. “This is their moment and it’s pretty important to them.”

Tale of the tape

A statistical look at Wisconsin’s second round NCAA Tournament match-up with Montana: Category



Record NCAA overall seed NCAA tournament appearances NCAA tournament record RPI Strength of schedule Non-conference strength of schedule Record vs. Top-100 RPI Scoring offense Scoring defense Field goal % FG % defense Rebounding margin per game Assist-to-turnover ratio

24-9 14 17

25-6 55 9



22 19 84

73 192 81

11-8 63.9 52.9 42.4 38.3 +2.3

3-3 70.6 61.7 46.5 40.4 -0.5



Thursday, March 15, 2012



Know your opponent: Montana Grizzlies Get to know the champions of the Big Sky Conference. The Grizzlies are hot Montana is currently riding the longest winning streak in the nation at 14 games and have won 20 of their past 21 contests. The last time the Grizzlies were upended was Jan. 14 against Weber State.

With a Cherry on top

Mark Kauzlarich/the daily cardinal

Jordan Taylor has experienced shooting woes at times this year, but he will have to be on his game for the Badgers to advance.

Stuck in class and have no way to watch the Badgers open the NCAA Tournament? Don’t fret, The Daily Cardinal has you covered. Daily Cardinal men’s basketball beat writer Max Sternberg is in Albuquerque and will be providing live Twitter updates starting at tip-off.

Follow Max: @msternberg76

Junior guard Will Cherry leads the way for Montanta, averaging 16.0 points per game. Cherry also averages 2.6 steals per game and was the 2012 Big Sky Defensive Player of the Year.

Sports The Pit Albuquerque, N.M.

Thursday March 15, 2012

No. 14 Wisconsin Badgers 12-6 Big Ten, 24-9 Overall

Montana Grizzlies 15-1 Big Sky, 25-6 overall

1:10 p.m. CT TV: TNT

Let the madness begin Graphic by Angel Lee/the daily cardinal

Men’s Basketball

Badgers’ March kicks off against Montana By Max Sternberg The Daily Cardinal

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.— Having gotten over the sting of Saturday’s loss to top-seeded Michigan State in the semifinals of the Big Ten Tournament, the Wisconsin men’s basketball team is now set to begin the second season that is the NCAA Tournament.

The Badgers (24-9) were awarded the No. 4 seed in the East Region and will open tournament play against No. 13 seed Montana Thursday afternoon in Albuquerque, N.M. The Grizzlies (25-6) are fresh off a Big Sky Tournament championship and have now won 20 of their last 21

games dating back to Dec. 17. Similar to Belmont last season, Montana is quickly becoming the trendy upset pick in this year’s tournament. “[Montana head coach] Wayne [Tinkle] does a great job with getting his guys to under-

basketball page 7

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