The Daily Cardinal Readers’ Choice Awards 2013
+pages 4-5
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Complete campus coverage since 1892
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Committee to explore local hip-hop scene By Melissa Howison the daily cardinal
Courtesy of #uwrightnow
UW-Madison students, alumni, faculty and staff submitted their stories and experiences to the 2013 #UWRightNow project from midnight Wednesday to midnight Thursday.
Second #UWRightNow receives over 1,000 submissions worldwide By Sam Cusick the daily cardinal
University of WisconsinMadison students communicated and reminisced with Badgers around the world in the university’s second annual #UWRightNow campaign Wednesday. University Communications, in partner with volunteers, created and maintained the website from midnight Wednesday to midnight Thursday to allow students, alumni, staff and the community to share their stories about UW-Madison,
according to Assistant Director of Communications John Lucas. The project’s facilitators accepted submissions from Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Vine and online submissions to tell the stories and experiences of contributors. The website had received submissions from over 1,000 people from 86 countries at approximately 10 p.m. Wednesday, according to the university’s Twitter account. In its first year, the website intended to report on
what students were doing at a particular moment all around campus, and the response University Communications received was much greater than they expected, Lucas said. But this year, creators wanted the site to contain more visual content rather than just written stories. “This year, we decided we wanted to do something slightly different, and we wanted to make it more about people and
#uwrightnow page 3
The newly formed Madison Arts Commission Hip-Hop subcommittee held its inaugural meeting Wednesday, where it attempted to specify long-term goals, define the art of “hip-hop” and explore funding options as well as community-outreach initiatives. Committee chair Anthony Brown II spearheaded the project, which aims to educate residents about various urban art forms and preserve Madison’s flourishing hiphop culture. Brown, who performs as Anthony Lamarr, said an increasingly negative attitude has surrounded hip-hop following several violent incidents that occurred at concerts, which inspired him to propose the committee. Most recently, a shooting at The Frequency caused the building landlord to ban hiphop artists from performing there. Brown said asking Mayor Paul Soglin to designate the subcommittee as a city commission, which would extend its current one-year term indefinitely, will be one of its first actions. Committee member and
Milwaukee’s Alcatraz Recording Studio founder Chris Taylor said another primary responsibility, if the subcommittee is to be successful in its mission to shed a positive light on hip-hop, will be education. He said the committee needs to “open everyone up to the concept the music isn’t the bad entity here,” and that a few people involved in several isolated incidents gave the entire hip-hop culture a bad reputation. Taylor also said defining and educating people about the difference between hip-hop and rap is important because he thinks hiphop is being misinterpreted to only mean rap. According to Taylor, rap shows are typically the events having issues with violence, but “the term hip-hop defines the culture under which rapping is a part of.” Taylor and his colleagues, who he referred to as the “gatekeepers of arts,” agreed an all-encompassing community dialogue will need to produce the definition of hip-hop if it is to be both accurate and applicable. Brown supported the idea of
hip-hop page 3
Campus leaders call for discussion of faith By Cheyenne Langkamp the daily cardinal
Although the University of Wisconsin-Madison funds organizations of a variety of religious backgrounds, some campus religious leaders believe understanding different faiths should play a more prominent role. Sean McNally, president of Badger Catholic, said a broad
perspective of world religions is an “essential” part of the liberal arts education promoted by the university, and he would like to see improvements in campus religious engagement. “There are completely different worlds for how you live out your faith on campus,” McNally said. “If we’re going to do diversity, let’s do it big and embrace that and
have discussions.” Additionally, McNally said he would like to see an increased emphasis on religion from the university, such as including it in the ethnic studies requirement. “I’d like to see large group discussions in a respectful and open space,” McNally said.
religion page 3
Students explore lesser-known aspects of religion Approximately 10 students gathered at events Wednesday to discuss a number of different religious sects as part of the Associated Students of Madison Diversity Week. Religion Day featured presentations from the Baha’i Campus Association, His House Christian Fellowship and Sigma Alpha Omega Christian Sorority.
ASM Diversity Committee Chair Mia Akers said she was glad to provide an open and friendly space to discuss aspects of religion that aren’t normally explored. Akers also said she was impressed all groups expressed their views without pushing them on others and remained open to questions. Despite the low atten-
dance, Akers said she focused on “quality over quantity” and felt students who were present had a meaningful conversation. “The goal of this week is not to have tons of people show up to the events,” Akers said. “It’s really about bringing awareness about diversity, whether that’s through tons of people or a few people.”
on campus
Hump-day chardonnay
Community members participate in a weekly Wednesday wine night at Prairie Fire in Union South. This week’s wine selection was chardonnay. + Photo by Nithin Charlly
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
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hi 59º / lo 34º
friday: snow
hi 43º / lo 30º
Thursday, April 18, 2013
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 122, Issue 123
News and Editorial Editor in Chief Scott Girard
Managing Editor Alex DiTullio
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andy holsteen a-cynetrical
s it possible to overdose on boredom? Would one even be aware of an event like this or would such a prophetic, insinuated self-fulfilling reality just quietly come to pass as that person faded into their next era of absolute pointlessness? These are the questions we have to ask as super-smart and inquisitive university dwellers. It’s our duty to society… Actually, I can’t do this. I was going to write a column in a style that impersonated a stereotypical college student— dripping in a pompousness derived from perceived correctness and transitional intelligence but filled mainly with generic, idealistic, roundabout zealousness that materializes into nothing more than abysmally irrelevant and grammatically abhorrent Facebook statuses so pathetic they warrant only two “likes” and zero comments from the ego-inflamed poster’s 800some loathsome “friends,” who, in all truthfulness, are no more than casual (and to be fair, entirely circumstantial)
But wait! There’s
Editorial Board Matt Beaty • Alex DiTullio Anna Duffin • Nick Fritz • Scott Girard David Ruiz • Nikki Stout l
Board of Directors Jenny Sereno, President Scott Girard • Alex DiTullio Emily Rosenbaum • John Surdyk Erin Aubrey • Dan Shanahan Jacob Sattler • Melissa Anderson Stephen DiTullio • Herman Baumann Don Miner • Chris Drosner Jason Stein • Nancy Sandy Tina Zavoral © 2013, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398
For the record Corrections or clarifications? Call The Daily Cardinal office at 608-262-8000 or send an email to
Andy shares his meta musings
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acquaintances whose lives are equal to their Core Mutual (a social-media pronoun that I coined myself, like it?) in arbitration, dictated by a logical, calculating form of narcissistic lust on such an elevated plane of despicability that analogizing this state of being as a verisimilitude (I’ve been waiting for an appropriate time to slip that word into a sentence) to a socalled “personal hell,” would be, quite simply, a cop-out. I didn’t refrain from the idea mentioned 140 words ago because I thought it was too mean. I chose not to jazz that because I was pretty sure
graphic by angel lee
nobody would understand and/ or care enough to actually make a change in their demeanor. Please don’t hate me for the triple-decker meta-annoyingness going on here. Or do. I’ll probably never meet you either way. Isn’t it sad that we have so little room for nuance in our comedy? People legitimately think Dane Cook is funny. Imagine if jokes could function like mental anonymous sex acrobatics. See! I’m doing it again! Except for this impression has a slight stoner twist mixed in. It would be better if I didn’t feel the need to warn you though. “Though” is just such a wonderful word to use in ending the majority of one’s sentences. Do I think there is a correlation between IQ and drug usage (notice this is not punctuated as a question [hint, hint]). It’s hard to say; there are lots of potential confounds. But we can look at the hard evidence together if you want to call it a data date (slight wink with cocked smile). I’ll bring the wine if you bring the spreadsheets, baby. OK, we’re now leaving dishonest, horny statistics TA; at some point I’ll be entering overly vocalized, conspiracy-idiot
country. Maybe it’ll be better if I just say it beforehand—sort of like a reverse punch-line. I think angry people are one of the funniest things. They were put on this earth for us all to enjoy: never forget that. And do you want to know why so many of these people are furious? It’s because of the ultraviolet rays being pumped into our brains. Yeah, you heard me. Cell phones were developed back in the 1960s by the CIA and NASA with the intent of sending out blanket communications into the cosmos. What they didn’t expect was for these signals to cause people on Earth to change their behavior. After a few more decades of prototypes and using YOU, the human race, as a guinea pig, federal officials—who are actually forerunning half-bionic lizard creatures from the planet Sceptacon of the Andromeda Galaxy—have been meticulously tweaking and slowly, but surely, perfecting their cell phone designs. Soon they will develop the perfect mind control device and use it on us and the inhabitants of their home planet Sceptacon. So go ahead. Keep using that cell phone, see where it gets you. Meanwhile, I’ll keep this tinfoil on my head like a smart person. Thanks everyone, I’ll be here again next week! Share your own conspiracy theories about boredom and cell phones with Andy at Maybe you can make some foil hats together?
Thursday, April 18, 2013 3
Cartoonist Alison Bechdel speaks with UW students By Shannon Kelly the daily cardinal
Noted cartoonist Alison Bechdel spoke to University of WisconsinMadison students Wednesday in an event co-sponsored by the Wisconsin Union Directorate’s Distinguished Lecture Series, the UW-Madison LGBT campus center and the New Harvest Foundation. Bechdel is the creator of “Dykes to Watch Out For,” an acclaimed syndicated lesbian feminist comic strip that ran for 25 years until 2008. She is also the author of “Are You My Mother?” and “Fun Home,” graphic memoirs about her life that focus on her relationships with her mother and father, respectively. During the talk, Bechdel read passages and showed slides from her work, as well as described her childhood and pursuing cartooning as a way to rebel against her parents’ wishes that she become a serious writer or artist. She said she felt a connection with the cartooning medium from an early age, when she was inspired by Charles Addams’ comics because they repre-
taylor galaszewski/the daily cardinal
Noted cartoonist Alison Bechdel speaks with UW-Madison students about her award-winning graphic novels and experiences within the LGBT community. sented a bridge between symbolism and reality that helped her understand her own life. “If language is unreliable and if appearances are deceiving, then maybe
you can draw on both of those things and triangulate between them to get a little closer to the actual truth,” Bechdel said. Recording her life has been a compulsion of Bechdel’s since childhood,
ASM aims to improve campus collaboration The Associated Students of Madison Student Council gave preliminary approval Wednesday to legislation aiming to create a better relationship between ASM and other student governments on campus. Student Council Rep. Richard Rolland III proposed the legislation to allow college or school government bodies such as Polygon, the engineering school’s student council, to have speaking rights on ASM Student Council. Alex Schulz and Olivia Rice, co-presidents of Polygon, spoke in open forum and said the legislation would allow
for better communication between ASM and other student governments. Student Council Rep. Niko Magallon said he would not vote for the legislation because it is an “unnecessary layer of bureaucracy.” However, Student Council Rep. David Gardner said more students would come to council if they were given this opportunity rather than just the option to speak in open forum. “This legislation will only create more collaboration across campus,” Gardner said. The council will need to pass the legislation a second
time for it to be fully enacted. However, the council did not approve Rolland’s second piece of legislation that aimed to hold ASM Student Council representatives more accountable to the specific college they represent. Many representatives said the legislation is constraining by forcing representatives to resign if they change majors and are no longer a part of the school or college they originally represented in ASM. Student Council Rep. Libby Wick-Bander said the legislation would be too restrictive with no positive outcome. —Paige Villiard
Forum to answer students’ Mifflin questions Thursday The Madison police officer assigned to the Langdon Street area is holding a public meeting Thursday evening to answer questions for students confused about the status of the 2013 Mifflin Street Block Party. Officer Grant Humerickhouse said the meeting will take place
from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in room 205 of the Pyle Center, located at 702 Langdon St. Humerickhouse encouraged students to attend and said he will outline MPD’s patrolling policies for the city May 4, according to a press release. He said he hopes to clear up any misconceptions so as
to prevent further issues, particularly on Langdon Street. Humerickhouse will hold a second meeting Friday from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the Central Community Room at City Hall, located at 210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., for those unable to attend Thursday.
when she kept carefully detailed diaries of her daily activities—she said she believes that is when she truly became a memoirist. Her need to record her life became a bonding point in her otherwise strained relationship with her mother, which developed the subject of “Are You My Mother?” Bechdel, a lesbian and a prominent figure in the queer community, also talked about her relationship with her sexuality and her identity, themes that are heavily featured in “Dykes to Watch Out For.” “One of my preoccupations in the comic strip was always the tension between being an outsider and being a citizen,” Bechdel said. “I always liked being an outsider as a lesbian. I felt like that was a really privileged perspective that enabled me to see things that I wouldn’t if I were inside the system, if I were normal, and I also yearned on some deep level to be normal, or for my queerness to be seen as normal. So the strip became a way of normalizing my own difference.”
religion from page 1 “Highlighting religious diversity more would be something easy to do and give a lot of students a much broader perspective on differences.” Professor of history and religious studies Charles Cohen also said religious understanding should play a bigger role, adding he believes the university’s religious diversity efforts are “feeble and lacking.” “Religion as both a category of diversity and a topic of conversation is virtually absent from all of the official student initiatives that this university undertakes,” Cohen said. “It’s swept under the rug.” However, Cohen, who also serves as the director of the Lubar Institute, which promotes under-
hip-hop from page 1 publicizing meetings as open discussions and said his ideal hiphop subcommittee would feature diversity, which is why he is looking for students to “jump on board” and contribute a youthful
standing of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, said he is hesitant to force religious learning on students through requirements. “The importance of exposing students to a knowledge of religion is really important,” Cohen said. “I’m just not sure that mandating it is the most effective way.” Instead, Cohen said the university needs to move away from a culture that has “a built-in bias against discussing religion” through a bottom-up effort from organizations like the Lubar Institute. Cohen said this is shown through the institute’s fellows program, which helps students learn to discuss and engage with a variety of world religions. “We’re training them in the skills to be able to discuss religion and religious diversity in the 21st century,” Cohen said. voice to the dialogue. “College students, in particular, are just dominating in the hip-hop community,” he said. The subcommittee will hold its next meeting May 8, after which, it will switch to a biweekly meeting schedule.
Bill would let people show proof of insurance on phones The state Senate passed a bill Wednesday that would allow drivers to use their smartphones to show digital proof of insurance if pulled over by police. If the legislation is enacted, current processes requiring drivers to have a paper copy of insurance information on hand at all times would be modified to allow for more flexible electronic copies,
according to a statement from state Rep. Mary Czaja, R-Irma, a co-author of the bill. Failure to have a hard copy is currently punishable by citation, which can be overturned in court by providing a copy of the coverage. The bill has bipartisan support and was unanimously passed in the state Senate without debate. “We realize the prevalence of
technology in our society, and allowing for electronic proof of insurance will streamline the process of a traditional traffic stop,” Czaja said in a statement. The legislation is widely supported by both insurance companies and law enforcement officials, who see it as a means to increase efficiency. The bill will now move to the state Assembly for consideration.
#uwrightnow from page 1
tors in Ogg Hall. Lucas said the project allows students and activities that are not well-known to share their stories and add to the “richness of the campus.” “A lot of times campus gets a rap as being a big, impersonal, [research-oriented], fairly homogenous and Midwestern,” Lucas said. “If you go back through [the website] you see global, you see diverse, you see personal and
caring and not just the kind of the stereotypes … that are associated with us.” Lucas said University Communications enjoyed conducting the project and, as long as people remain interested in #UWRightNow, the website could return for years to come. “It’s been a really fun experience for all of us, and we’re just glad that people are interested,” Lucas said.
people’s faces,” Lucas said. “We’re really trying to pull that out this year. And if you watch it for awhile, ideally you would see a lot of faces, more so than last year.” Submissions on the site included everything from students hiking glaciers in New Zealand and two alumni getting engaged to house fellows serenading residents in eleva-
stephanie daher/the daily cardinal
Hip-hop subcommittee chair Anthony Brown II leads a brainstorm about how to improve the local hip-hop scene’s reputation.
readers’ choice
4 • Thursday, April 18, 2013 • 5
READERS’ CHOICE AWARDS 2013 A production of
Best Badger moment BACK-TO-BACK-TO-BACK ROSE BOWLS Although the team struggled to a 7-5 regular season record, the running game stepped up against Nebraska on the way to a dominating victory in the Big Ten Championship game. Former coach Bret Bielema left the program days later, but the team rallied to put up a fight against a favored Stanford team Jan. 1, and was just 50 yards from the endzone before a gameending turnover. While the Rose Bowl Game did not end as planned when the Badgers came up short for the third year in a row, they still became the first Big Ten team since Michigan in the late 1970s to reach three straight Rose Bowls. It was Montee Ball’s final game and a Badger, and sixth-year quarterback Curt Phillips got his first chance to start in a major game for the Badgers.
IAN’S PIZZA BY THE SLICE It’s 2 a.m. You’re super hungry, and pizza would hit the spot. But not just any pizza. A big slice of mac ’n’ cheese pizza. Or maybe a piece with bacon or barbecue chicken? Open from 11 a.m. to post-bartime Monday through Saturday (and until 10 p.m. Sunday), Ian’s Pizza will serve up whatever your (drunken) heart desires. If you’re out for a midnight snack, the line might be around the block, but what else are you gonna do at that hour anyway? Plus, why settle when you can have a slice the size of your head? When it comes time to decide, the mac ’n’ cheese pizza is always a winner. Topped with barbecue sauce it’s the ultimate drunk nom. But the classics (cheese, pepperoni) are tasty too. Looking for something new and different? Watch the menu because it changes monthly.
Best on-campus bar
State Street Brats Stephanie Daher/cardinal file photo
grace flannery/cardinal File photo
Best study spot
Best Mexican food
Best pizza
Whether you’re looking for a place to catch the Packer or Badger game or you just want to find a place to catch up with your friends on the weekend, State Street Brats is the place to be. With two stories, good food (how do you choose between a white or a red brat?), ample drinks and a dance floor to boot, Brats has everything you’re looking for in the quintessential State Street bar. It’s hard to beat deals like Flip Night Tuesdays or Half Time Pitchers Fridays and you’re always likely to find an athlete or two hanging around. The line may be out the door—or even down the block sometimes—but it’s always worth the wait to spend some quality time at State Street Brats.
Badgers simply can’t resist the unique combination of tangy-lime rice, beans, meat and toppings wrapped up in a delectable 2,000 calorie meal fit for a rey (that’s king in Spanish). And that’s exactly what you get at Chipotle Mexican Grill, which earned the number one spot among Mexican restaurants in Madison. Offering authentic Mexican cuisine such as burritos, tacos and chips, you’ll think you died and went to Mexico. Upon entering Chipotle, you are faced with one of God’s most generous gifts, also known as “the edible line.” At the line, after deciding on a taco, burrito, burrito bowl or quesadilla, you have the impossible task of choosing between a myriad of delicious toppings. With a vast selection of meats, cheese, beans, guacamole, sour cream, vegetables and four different kinds of salsa, the only way you can go wrong is to not have come in the first place.
There’s something perfectly kitsch about cramming yourself into a cage while cramming information into your head. The setting reflects the predicament. Never in my life have I gotten more studying done than locked on the sixth floor of Memorial Library. With its windows that do not open, empty desk drawers and questionable graffiti, the cages of Memorial Library are the ideal setting for a movie montage-esque study sesh. Being that only UW students have access to this academic cell-block, the solidarity found in hopeless schoolrelated struggle is almost tangible. Yet there is no greater feeling than packing up one’s belongings and high-tailing it out of that echo-chamber (as quietly as possible) after a successful afternoon. College Library is fine for social studying and group projects, Steenbock Library is fine if you live out in the boonies, but nowhere on campus is more fit for those drowsy Sunday homework scrambles than Memorial Library.
Mark Kauzlarich/cardinal file photo
The Old Fashioned has one of the best atmospheres on campus, whether you are going out to the bars with friends or out with a special someone for a romantic evening. The food and beer selection is fantastic, and you will enjoy basically anything you order from the menu (note: Order the cheese curds, maybe even more than once). It’s a great place to walk to on a nice night, and Capitol
Best dessert spot
graphic by angel lee/the daily cardinal
Square provides a great area to take a stroll and walk off the massive amount of food you are sure to consume. There may be a long line, and on weekends it can be crowded, but it’s well worth any wait as long as you aren’t in a hurry. While waiting, you can always walk down State Street and enjoy the rest of downtown. In the summer, sit outside and enjoy some people watching and a tasty beer.
Daven Hines/cardinal file photo
The Daily Cardinal readers voted Dotty Dumpling’s Dowry’s burgers as their favorite burgers in Madison. Established in 1969 and located at 317 N. Frances St., conveniently next door to Ian’s Pizza, Dotty’s offers 13 original burgers, including crowd favorites such as the Southwest burger and the Melting Pot burger with three types of cheese. If nothing on the list of original delicious burgers suits your fancy, you have the option of creating your own burger with all your favorite fixings. All of Dotty’s burgers pair well with a side of fries, cheese curds or onion rings. Or if you’re feeling really hungry, order the sample basket, which includes all three.
Best off-campus bar
Best burger
Best concert venue
Not only can you watch a live performance in front of a serene lake backdrop at a Memorial Union Terrace concert, but you can also dance and blame your sweatiness on the overhead sun while enjoying the iconic Union’s many food and beverage options. A diverse venue that features shows crossing multiple genres to interest every kind of music lover, in recent years the Union has hosted artists from the likes of Maps and Atlases to University of Wisconsin-Madison’s own Madhatters men’s A Capella group. Littered with its signature, brightly colored chairs, The Union Terrace offers live music five nights a week throughout the summer and will host Isthmus’ 25th annual free Jazz Festival this year on June 21 and 22. Beat the heat this summer with a cone from The Daily Scoop and quench your thirst with a pitcher of beer while enjoying free live music with friends at the heart of UW-Madison’s campus.
Best date restaurant
After a seemingly endless winter, no treat beats Babcock ice cream on the Memorial Union Terrace. And regardless of the weather, when the family comes to visit, grabbing a scoop of Babcock ice cream always tops the to-do list. It’s smooth, creamy, sweet and all-around delicious. From fan-favorite orange-custard chocolate chip to cult-favorite blue moon, the Babcock selection can’t be beat. And of course, you can’t leave out all the tasty chocolate combinations. If you can’t choose between coffee, chocolate or caramel, have ’em all in mocha macchiato. Babcock ice cream is made right here on the UW-Madison campus in Babcock Hall. Look for it at the student unions, Babcock Dairy Store, dining halls and a few other locations around campus.
Stephanie Daher/the daily cardinal
opinion Worldwide violence is often overlooked 6
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Jon Vruwink opinion columnist
ragedy opens a window into the soul of a people. In the midst of the horrific bombing attack at the Boston Marathon, and despite the possibility of more bombs detonating, scores of first responders rushed to risk their lives in the service of complete strangers. As just one of many examples of such selflessness and heroism, Dr. Natalie Stevens, who ran in the race, convinced the police to let her through the snow fences lining the streets. Stevens then administered CPR to a fallen woman and used a tourniquet to stem the bleeding of a man who very well might have died had she chosen instead, quite sensibly, to stay out of harm’s way. Just as in the case of the mass shootings that shook the nation over the past year, compassion poured out from all over the country for the victims of this senseless and incomprehensible violence.
We live in a cynical age defined by an individualistic ethos, yet feelings of communal solidarity still arise whenever misfortune befalls people we have never even met. Strangely, these enormous swells of compassion do not extend to the victims of violence perpetrated by the United States. In 1948, Sen. Arthur Vandenberg, R-MI, famously declared, “Politics stops at the water’s edge.” Unfortunately, empathy often does as well. The Nigerian-American writer Teju Cole has often spoken of this “empathy gap” as characterizing America’s drone program. The deaths of innocent civilians in far away places rarely receive more than a few lines in the newspaper. In an attempt to humanize these nameless victims in Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, Cole incorporated drone attacks into the opening lines of several classic works of literature, bringing these violent strikes onto the more familiar turf of Western culture. Some of the revised lines, posted on his
widely followed Twitter account, are as follows: • “Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself. Pity. A signature strike leveled the florist’s.” • “Call me Ishmael. I was a young man of military age. I was immolated at my wedding. My parents are inconsolable.” • “I am an invisible man. My name is unknown. My loves are a mystery. But an unmanned aerial vehicle from a secret location has come for me.” • “Mother died today. The program saves American lives.” Cole brings humanity to a topic of discussion that too often degenerates into slogans and abstractions. What’s lost in the debate over issues like the drone program, and U.S. militarism more broadly, is that human lives are at stake. The enormity of such issues clearly does not register for people who casually advocate dropping bombs on places they know little to nothing about, located halfway around the world, killing civilians, moth-
ers and children. In the wake of the Boston bombing, many took to their respective social media platforms to condemn the deployment of secondary bombs designed to kill first responders— the horrifying tactic known as a “double-tap.” Most of these people likely did not realize that the U.S. drone program uses the same tactic of targeting rescuers and has killed dozens of civilians in this very manner, as documented by The Bureau of Investigative Journalism. Ben Emmerson, the UN Special Rapporteur on Counter-Terrorism and Human Rights, specifically cited the use of “double-taps” as a trigger for his investigation into the legality of the drone program. This disconnect between condemning violence at home and turning a blind eye to devastation abroad does not arise because Americans are evil. The incredible, awe-inspiring displays of goodwill in the wake of every national tragedy attest to the deep wells of compassion present in every one
of us, with the exception of a small few, including whoever set off the bombs in Boston Monday. Rather, we tolerate these injustices committed in our name because the victims have been dehumanized, viewed as distant, different and unworthy of our attention. The drawing of categories based on race, ethnicity, religion and nationality serves to divide us and desensitize us to the suffering of others. It does not matter if a victim is American or Pakistani, Christian or Muslim: All deaths are equally tragic, and all deaths are equally worthy of our attention. The first responders in Boston did not, first and foremost, rush to save Americans. They rushed to save their fellow human beings. This ethos, a concern for all people no matter where they may reside, and especially those who suffer from U.S. actions, would go a long ways towards curing the ills that bedevil our world. Please send all feedback to
We must remain positive in times of terror and tragedy Lanni Solochek opinion columnist
t is hard to be positive in the world we live in. While I could give a thousand examples of the destruction of our society and all the horrible things that happen in our world, that’s not the point. As I’m sure you all know, tragedy reigned over the Boston Marathon Monday. There’s no need to go into details here, but if you are unaware, two explosions occurred near the finish line of the marathon killing three people and seriously injuring upwards of 175, according to the New York Daily News. While this is a horrifying event, as are any and all tragedies of this nature, it makes me wonder how we’re supposed to keep going and leading normal lives in the wake of all the dangers in our world. The Boston Marathon is one of
the most celebrated events in the city, hosting somewhere around 600,000 people every year either as participants or spectators. The marathon is a symbol of strength and passion for all involved. Unfortunately, as has happened in the past, one or a few bad people ruin the lives of hundreds upon thousands of others. However, especially in this case, it wasn’t all the terror that overtook the event. The natural good in people prevailed and showed that hope and compassion are still present today. It is sometimes hard to look past all of the evil in the world to find the good. How do we go about our daily lives with the fear of terrorism and horrific accidents looming over us every day? How do we judge people as good or bad? Should we be able to do that? Events like those at the Boston Marathon and others that day truly get me thinking about the good in others. I like to believe,
and I hope many others share this sentiment: That people are not inherently evil. There are bad people in the world, but for every bad person there is a handful of good ones. It’s not to say the good will ever cancel out the evil, but it certainly restores my hope in my conviction. At the marathon, there were stories all over Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr and all other social media outlets of the good people in the world reaching out
to those who needed it. There was the story of the marathon runners who ran the extra two miles from the finish line straight to the hospital to donate blood. There were the cafes and restaurants all over the city opening up their doors with free food, water and power for those who needed it. People reach out and join together to remind us that there is good even in the worst of times. We must be cautious, but
we mustn’t doubt that there is good in the world; people are not inherently bad. There will always be bad people in the world and there is no way to avoid chance or being in the wrong place at the wrong time—life will happen as it will, but we must be confident in others and their tendency toward virtuosity. Please send all feedback to
Don’t wait up... There’s a longer time difference between the Stegosaurus and the Tyrannosaurus than there is between the Tyrannosaurus and today.
Thursday, April 18, 2013 • 7
Eatin’ Cake
Apple bits all up in your teeth
Today’s Sudoku
By Dylan Moriarty
© Puzzles by Pappocom
Caved In
By Nick Kryshak
Solution, tips and computer program available at
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
First In Twenty By Angel Lee
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
By Steve Wishau
Evil Bird Classic
By Caitlin Kirihara
Answer key available at THE DIVISION BELL
ACROSS 1 Prepared to hear “The Star-Spangled Banner” 6 Los Angeles haze 10 Timeline divisions 14 Bird for dinner 15 Table sport 16 Four-time Super Bowl-winning coach Chuck 17 One thing “y” can be 20 Unpleasantly grating 21 Low-heeled, wingtip shoe 22 “___ you with me?” 24 Teamster’s truck 27 Court hearings 28 “In God We Trust” is one 31 Watermelon discards 33 Put in position, as a broken bone 34 Dress-code concern 36 Countermands a deletion 38 One thing “I” can be 42 Feel in one’s bones 43 Charitable Mother 45 Candied tuber 48 Water nymph, in mythology 50 Rent to another tenant 51 Blow one’s stack
3 5 55 56 58 1 6 66 67 68 69 70 71
Way into a mine Walton of retail Trying experience A scythe may cut one One thing “h” can be Say it’s so Lender of a hand Filmmaker Morris Wolfe on the trail Remote-control button Fresh from the trail
DOWN 1 Play division 2 “Sis-boom-bah!” alternative 3 Gilbert and Sullivan production 4 Couch potato’s perch 5 Grandson in Genesis 6 More nimble 7 Clever comment 8 “Wonderful!” 9 Squishy lump 10 Find pleasing 11 They make you red in the face 12 Drawing power 13 Most guileful 18 Brown truck co. 19 Less genial 22 Bloc for a doc 23 Org. known for drilling? 25 Deceive 26 “... and ___ the fire”
9 Helpful hints 2 30 $100 Monopoly avenue 32 Adept 35 Volcano of Italy 37 Achy and tender 39 Large atlas section 40 Swindlers who don’t repay debts 41 Where to find clippers? 44 Impersonal cash source 45 Naval petty officer 46 Depart’s opposite 47 Good wet-ground racehorse 49 Goofy creator 52 Pitching legend Martinez 54 What the “bi” in bicycle means 57 Abandon ship, in a way 59 Made one’s jaw drop 60 Traffic sign word 62 Salad dressing ingredient 63 They say “yes” to drugs 64 Turn rancid 65 1960s TV Tarzan Ron
By Melanie Shibley
thursday april 18, 2013
Athletes must be more careful with alcohol rex sheild rex’s higher education
ou’ve had a couple of drinksand you’re feeling courageous enough to talk to the good-looking girl across the bar. You have a couple more drinks and realize that time is flying by, forcing you to drunkenly shuffle your hands through your pockets to find your keys. As you tell your friends goodbye with a drunken slur, you stumble your way to the car and force your keys into the ignition, putting yourself and everyone on the road at risk in the wee hours of the night. Drunk driving is an ongoing problem in our country and even more so in the state of Wisconsin. Not only has it affected every-day citizens, but also professional athletes, which is flat-out unacceptable in my eyes. The latest athlete to succumb to the letter of the law was Milwaukee Brewers ace Yovani Gallardo, who was arrested Tuesday for drunk driving. According to ESPN Milwaukee senior editor Drew Olson, Gallardo had a blood alcohol content of 0.22, nearly three times the state’s legal limit of .08. While is an extremely disappointing situation, Gallardo was fortunate to not end up in a situation like that of Dallas
Cowboys nose tackle Josh Brent, who was arrested on suspicion of intoxication and manslaughter after he crashed and ultimately took the life of teammate Jerry Brown Jr. No matter how much research I do or how much I try and wrap my head around it, I still don’t understand the notion of drunk driving, especially for professional athletes. Whether they are at the ballpark, the bar, any public place or on the highway, as in Gallardo’s case, their every move is constantly being watched and scrutinized, and they have absolutely no say in that. Due to this, they have high priority on society’s pedestal, which forces these athletes to be extremely careful of their actions both on and off the field. Alright, enough with the fluff. Fans of all ages look up to professional athletes. Fans skip work to see them in action. They skip school. They wear their jersey with the utmost pride. They arrive hours prior to game-time to see the players loosely swing a bat in batting practice in hopes of possibly getting a autograph something a fan would probably remember for the rest of his or her life. Young kids pretend they are hitting a game-winning home run like Ryan Braun or throwing the gamewinning pass like Aaron Rodgers. However, an athlete makes a mistake like this, it not only affects the athlete and their respective organization, it affects the community those who look up to them with a
child-like admiration. To make matters worse, there were people on Twitter who made fun of the arrest. In response to a @NewsHub tweet that read: “#Brewers P Yovani Gallardo arrested on drunken driving allegations. Blew a 0.22,” an individual whose name I will not include responded “Lower than his ERA at least.” How does someone find any comic relief in a situation of such severe magnitude? He could have seriously hurt himself or someone else and that’s all you have to say? Seems pretty childish to me. While I don’t want this to sound like I hate Gallardo, I want to make it known that I thoroughly commend him for being a man about the situation by apologizing to fans and the organization, and admitting he made a mistake. It doesn’t take away what he did but at least he had the respect and dignity to confront the situation head-on. Whether our society wants to come to grips with it or not, drunk driving is a serious issue and it will continue to be pushed under the rug with tweets like that. Unless collectively—as both a general society and sports society—we make a stand to help alleviate the problem before it spirals out of control. Do you think athletes need to be safer when they handle alcohol? Do they need to be more concerned with their public image? Let Rex know what you think by emailing him at
The Daily Cardinal Sports section’s top tweets: 4/11-4/17 We spend an inordinate amount of time on Twitter, so we’ve decided to justify that wasted time by compiling the week’s top tweets. They might be funny, they might be motivational and they might be none of the above, but as long as the tweets come from a past or current Badger player or coach, they pass the only prerequisite to make our list.
What do you think of this week’s top tweets? Is there another 140-character dispatch of goodness that should replace one of the tweets on this list? Tweet at us @Cardinal_Sports with your favorite tweets!