Taking to international waters
Little Shapiro’s
MADamorphosis +PAGE TWO University of Wisconsin-Madison
+SPORTS, page 8 Complete campus coverage since 1892
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Barrett wins recall primary election Stage set for WalkerBarrett rematch By Tyler Nickerson The Daily Cardinal
The intense political divide that has consumed Wisconsin for the past year will culminate on June 5 when Gov. Scott Walker faces Milwaukee Tom Barrett in an historic gubernatorial recall election. Barrett earned 58 percent of the votes in Tuesday’s statewide primary recall election, followed by Kathleen Falk who received 34 percent. At an election night event in Milwaukee, Barrett promised to “fix Wisconsin.” “We’ve seen billions in tax giveaways to the super rich, while our classrooms suffered the biggest cuts in history,” Barrett said. “And under Scott Walker, Wisconsin lost more jobs than any other state in the entire country.” Walker’s campaign responded
to Barrett’s victory in a statement attacking his tenure as Milwaukee mayor, saying his “record of raising taxes” will not resonate with voters. Next month’s election will be a rematch of the 2010 gubernatorial race, when Walker defeated Barrett 52 to 47 percent. But will history repeat itself? The five Democratic candidates received a combined 670,278 votes and Walker alone received 626,538 in an essentially uncontested race, a number UW-Madison College Republicans Chair Jeff Snow called “significant.” “It shows the base is definitely excited to support walker,” Snow said. Walker has a large lead in campaign finances, having raised $25 million since the beginning of 2011
rematch page 3
mark kauzlarich/the daily cardinal
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett celebrates his victory in Milwaukee with his family and supporters. He will face Gov. Scott Walker in the June 5 recall election.
Barrett celebrates victory, but says ‘the work has only begun’ By Alison Bauter The Daily Cardinal
wil gibb/the daily cardinal
On the UW-Madison campus, 65 percent of voters voted for Tom Barrett and 28 percent voted for Kathleen Falk.
Dems unite behind Barrett The losing Democratic candidates in Tuesday’s gubernatorial recall primary urged their followers to rally behind Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett following his victory. Coming in second place with 34 percent of the vote, Kathleen Falk congratulated Barrett and told her supporters to unify against Gov. Scott Walker. “The next four weeks might be the most important in our state’s history, and each one of you has an important role in it,” Falk said at her election night event in
Madison. “Let’s make sure that this people’s movement continues and that our voices are heard across our state and across our nation.” Democratic candidate Kathleen Vinehout also told her supporters to stand behind Barrett, but offered several suggestions for his campaign. “[Barrett] lost in the rural areas and right now there’s a lot of strength that the governor has in those areas, and he also needs
democrats page 3
Supporters cheered as Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett took the stage, congratulating his opponents and condemning Gov. Scott Walker’s “ideological civil war,” after winning Tuesday night’s gubernatorial recall primary. Barrett announced his candidacy just five weeks ago, but secured an early lead against fellow frontrunner former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk despite her significant lead in fundraising and endorsements from major statewide unions. Dane County, which overwhelmingly supported Barrett Tuesday, will be “crucial” for a win in June, said former Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz, who attended the Milwaukee celebra-
tion Tuesday. Also “crucial,” Cieslewicz said, is Madison’s large student population. “The students were very involved from the beginning in the protests against Walker’s policies,” he said. “The very first protests at the Capitol were led by teaching assistants.” UW-Madison Young Progressives’ outgoing president Sam Gehler said although his group endorsed Falk in the primary, their support is now fully behind Barrett. “The over-arching goal is that we remove Scott Walker from office June 5,” Gehler said. Although Barrett lost to Walker in the 2010 gubernatorial election, the mayor said Tuesday the recall is “not about the past; it’s
about the future of Wisconsin.” “The work has only begun,” Barrett told supporters. “In the next 27 days, I need you like I’ve never needed you before. And more importantly, this state needs you like it’s never needed you before.” Minutes before statewide polls closed Tuesday, Republican Party of Wisconsin Communications Director Ben Sparks released a press release stating Democrats remain “divided” over Barrett, adding that the mayor “represents nothing more than the failed policies of the past.” Democratic party officials and state union leaders will join Barrett for a press conference Wednesday as Democrats project on a unified front going forward to the statewide recall election June 5.
Student Judiciary elects chief justice for next year By Anna Duffin The Daily Cardinal
The Student Judiciary elected Nick Checker to its chief justice position for the next school year Tuesday. Checker, who served as the vice chief justice in the 2012 spring semester, said one of his main goals as chief justice will be to encourage groups to use the judiciary’s outreach consultant when coming before it.
The outreach consultant position, typically filled by a law student, is designed to assist students or groups who will appear before the SJ through informing them of processes, preparing briefs and representing them in hearings. While the consultant has been under utilized in recent years, Checker said it could be a valuable resource to groups. Current Chief Justice Kate Fifield, who has served in
the position for the past few years, said she is confident in Checker’s abilities to lead the judiciary and is “excited for the future of the organization.” “He has shown a great capacity to learn, which I think is one of the most important qualities of a leader,” Fifield said. “He comes armed with a lot of natural talent that will serve him well.” The judiciary also appoint-
judiciary page 3
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
page two Little Shapiro, Big World tODAY: mostly sunny hi 64º / lo 40º
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Thursday: sunny
hi 70º / lo 49º
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 122, Issue 72
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Ariel reflects on how Madison changed her Ariel Shapiro little shapiro
ey gang! Wasn’t Mifflin rad? I bet we all did totally awesome things that were original and hilarious that we can’t really remember cause we drank SO MUCH, amiright? Except I, ever your faithful columnist, did not make it to Mifflin this year. I could pretend that I was swayed by the wise words of Lori Berquam, or that I decided that Mifflin is sophomoric or that I was busy seeing a band you never heard of because they are still underground or whatever, but alas, I would be untruthful. Nope, I didn’t make it to Mifflin because of freaking Lyme Disease. For those of you who are unaware, Lyme comes from deer ticks and messes up your joints and general happiness. I went to
UHS with a messed up knee and a 103 degree fever and assured I had mono because I am a debaucherous youth. Because that diagnosis made no sense, I went to a real doctor who happily told me my overbearing mom was actually right this time: I probably had Lyme. The thing about sitting around for a week aching and feverish is that you stop caring about the bullshit you usually put up with. Like, you know, class or showering. You (read: I) also start to lose your filter or desire to be polite. Like when I get a text from a gal pal about the guy she is totally crushing on and omigod he didn’t call her, what is she going to do? DELETE. Or when I was on my rare walk to Walgreens to restock on pills and a stumbling drunk girl knocks into you because “it’s almost Mifflin,” and she is this close to ralphing? WATCH IT, PUNK. Or being approached by some poor guy campaigning for a Republican who will never have a chance in hell in this congressional district? TAMMY’S THE BEST! SCREW YOU, BRAAA. Then I come to the realization
that I am simply reverting back to my natural Westchester state, i.e. being a major bitch. There it is the norm. Everyone is a bitch! That is why I was so nervous my first few months in the dorms at UW: I felt like I could not communicate with my kind, sincere hallmates who just wanted to show me the ways of cheese curds, Packers and all else holy in Wisconsin. Eventually I learned how to say something nice without it sounding sarcastic and venomous. I also figured out the whole pleasantries thing needed for the polite conversation I rarely encountered back home. Most importantly, I tried to let go of my ingrained angst and adopt a more Midwestern way of being, albeit with mixed results. I hate to make broad declarations about humanity; it is cliché and sounds oh-so Carrie Bradshaw, who I find repugnant, but you only get one last column, so here it goes: A place can change you. Madison has certainly done this for me. Although it will always be my home, Westchester brings out my worst and perhaps the worst of people at large. Madison, however,
is a place overflowing with interesting people, culture, political activity, nature and yeah, hedonism. This school, for all of its flaws, creates a constructive environment where exchange of ideas is held higher than competition. It would be utopia if it was not for the cold. When most people talk about the prospect of going out into the real world, they talk about how big and scary it is. As I prepare to move to Washington, D.C., in June, I do not fear the largeness. I am not even all that worried about the pressures of real life, though I still have yet to get a handle on the whole “laundry” phenomenon. My real fear is that wherever I go, I will never find what I found here. This community, this exchange of minds and, most importantly (to me, anyway), this version of myself. It is one thing to plan a career and to create a life map, but there is no way to know what I, or any of you for that matter, will be like years down the road. Will I look back on myself with the same shame I do on my high-school self? My best guess is probably not, and I credit that all to this city and campus. Say bye to Ariel at @arshapiro90.
Determined to make it through finals week Emily Lindeman lin-da-mania
have decided to end the semester on a high note. I haven’t done much academic work in a while and my class skipping rate has skyrocketed. But I’m not worried; I am going to get through unscathed. You may wonder just how exactly I am going to do this. Unfortunately, I don’t have an answer for you. This semester has been rough. I thought 13 credits would be a piece of cake, but it turned out to be a struggle because I didn’t need to devote as much time to academics as I have in past years, so all motivation flew out the window. Instead of school, I devoted my time to extracurricular activities, working and moping around. The moping around actually took a significant amount of effort, thus I am running out of steam. Luckily, I completed a YES+ workshop on stress-management and meditation. I have been refreshed! The five-day workshop was like nothing I had done before. I was making friends, stepping out of my bubble and becoming a leader in my own life. I would love to share all of my new knowledge with you, but the teachers of the YES+ course would do a far better job. Beyond this shameless promotion, I am ready to get my ass in gear and do work! My mind is clear, I can concentrate on what is important and I do not think I need coffee to function anymore. Hopefully a week is enough time to make up for everything I have been neglecting for the past two months. I have lecture slides to look at for the first time, chapters to read and notecards to write on, but who doesn’t? The library and I will be best friends this week. When I walk in the front doors, I will smile and say sarcastically, “Long time, no see!” I will sit
down at an unoccupied table and smirk because I know the library was reserving it for me. I will not buy my coffee because it will be on the house, because the library and I will be tight like that. With the rest of my time I will eat, sleep, attend class and wear my glasses so I look better educated. For anyone who has read my column, you know that my glasses and I have gone through a lot together.
From my primal desire of becoming a hipster to always managing to find the most annoying person to sit next to in the library, we have nearly seen it all (although, I hope not, because then I will have nothing left to write about). So I urge you to join with me and make it through the next two weeks with determination, willpower and the ability to take your time when deciding where to sit in the library. No matter
how stressful it is, remember that in just a few days you will be on your summer break, and if you are a geek like me, come July you will be dreaming of new school supplies. Good luck on your exams, have amazing summers (limit one per reader) and thank you for taking the time to read my column! I love you, but not like that. Say goodbye to Emily at elindeman@wisc.edu.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 3
Obama talks student loans, debt with ASM in teleconference President Barack Obama talked to students and politicians across the country, including Mayor Paul Soglin and Associated Students of Madison leaders, about the importance of managing federal student loan interest rates on a White House conference call Monday. Obama and members of his cabinet emphasized the importance of students’ role in influencing the debate over interest rates, according to Associated Students of Madison Vice Chair and participant Maria Giannopoulos. “I think it was really effective…you’re not going to make an impact [on legislators] unless you actually go talk to them, send them an e-mail, or give them a call,” Giannopoulos said. American students’ combined loan debt recently topped $1 trillion. With the interest rate of subsidized Stafford federal loans set to double in July, the average Wisconsin student would owe an additional $968, according to the mayor’s office. Obama urged students to support the efforts of Democrats in Congress to maintain interest rates. Senate Republicans blocked a vote
Tuesday on a Democratic bill that would have funded a oneyear extension of the current interest rate with tax revenue from wealthy Americans, in an effort to ease the repayment burden for college graduates. Sens. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., and Herb Kohl, D-Wis., voted against and for the bill, respectively, along party lines. Johnson said in a statement he opposed the bill because it was “the wrong approach,” and didn’t address the issue of rising college costs. Giannopoulos said the lesson from Tuesday’s vote and the conference call was the importance of increasing student awareness of the issue on campus. She hopes to follow last week’s ASM-sponsored demonstration against loan debt with plans for students to wear T-shirts emblazoned with their own student debt figures, as well as collaboration with the Office of Student Financial Aid. “Some people on this campus have zero student loan debt, [others] have an astronomical amount,” she said. “Acknowledging that there’s a problem for students is really important.” —Ben Siegel
iPhone stolen from owner’s hands on State Street A man had his iPhone stolen from out of his hands on the 500 block of State Street Sunday morning, according to a Madison Police Department release Tuesday. The 22-year-old from Minneapolis flagged down a police officer Sunday after attempting to chase down the
phone snatcher. The thief, who managed to escape, is described in the report as an AfricanAmerican male in his mid 20s, wearing a red sweatshirt and hat. A combined 14 robberies or thefts have been reported on State Street in the last two weeks, according to City of Madison data available on crimereports.com.
judiciary from page 1
the potential repercussions. “I have a lot of heart left for [the position] that I have gained over the year,” Stevens said. “It has been a little bit of a baby to me, and I would love to keep nurturing it to make sure that it grows well.” Also at the meeting, the judiciary approved changes to elections rules. Under the new regulations, candidates will not be allowed to use aerosol or spray chalk for campaigning purposes and will not be allowed to campaign inside university buildings.
ed Kenny Ho to the vice chief justice position and re-appointed Mickey Stevens chair of the Student Election Commission. Stevens, who has chaired the SEC for the past year, said continuing as chair will allow him to facilitate the growth of the commission. He said he would like the SEC to “change the culture of elections on campus” and be able to effectively emphasize to candidates that violating election rules is not worth
rematch from page 1 compared to Barrett’s $831,000. With 28 days to go, the gubernatorial recall is already the most expensive race in Wisconsin history; the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel estimates individual campaigns and independent political groups have already spent $42 million. However, Wisconsin Democracy Campaign Director Mike McCabe down played the effect money will have on the election. “I don’t think this race is going to come down to a money-centered battle,” said McCabe, citing
the latest Marquette Law School poll that has Walker and Barrett tied despite the vast differences in resources between the candidates. UW-Madison College Democrats Chair Chris Hoffman agreed money is not the most important aspect in the election, saying instead it is crucial to reach the 10 percent of still undecided voters and to make sure students get out and vote. “Across campus, Barrett won on a pretty significant scale so I think they will be very much willing to unite behind him and recall Walker,” Hoffman said.
on campus
Brass on the grass
A brass ensemble treated passersby to an unexpected concert in the Humanities courtyard Tuesday. + Photo by Stephanie Daher
U.S. Department of Energy awards UW millions in grants The U.S. Department of Energy awarded UW-Madison grants Tuesday totaling more than a $22 million for the Morgridge Institute for Research and for nuclear engineering research. The Morgridge center will use its $20.6 million in grants to help develop a manufacturing plant for a chemical used for nuclear imaging that helps diagnose cardiac disease and cancer. More specifically, the funding will support Morgridge Institute
employees who will focus on the technical aspects of the project. The other $2.6 million will help further UW-Madison nuclear engineering research, fellowships and facility upgrades. While announcing the DOE awards, U.S. Secretary of Engineering Steven Chu said the grants were part of an effort to make college education more affordable. “We must invest in the next generation of American scientists and engineers in order
to fulfill our commitment to restarting America’s nuclear industry and making sure that America stays competitive in the 21st century,” he said. Consistent with the grants’ goals, The Nuclear Engineering University Program gave three UW first-year nuclear engineering Ph.D. students fellowships. These student will each receive $50,000 annually for three years and a summer internship at a national laboratory. —Alex DiTullio
democrats from page 1 to motivate the people in the cities to turn out,” Vinehout said. “We gotta figure out how to get democrats to the polls on election day.” Following calls from Falk and Vinehout for party solidarity, democratic challenger and current Secretary of State Doug La Follette pledged to do all he can to help Barrett win. “I will do my best to get people out to vote so we can get a new governor in June and get things back on track,” La Follette said. Arthur Kohl-Riggs, who ran as a Republican and lost, said Walker is the wrong person to lead the GOP as Wisconsin’s governor. “If the citizens of Wisconsin are provided with the facts of our financial situation, they will know that Scott Walker is the wrong person to lead the state,” Kohl-Riggs said. — Andrew Haffner, Kendalyn Thoma and David Jones
shoaib altaf/the daily cardinal
Kathleen Falk speaks in Madison following her loss in Tuesday’s Democratic gubernatorial primary. She will now support Barrett.
These Democrats will challenge incumbent Republicans in the upcoming recall elections
• Mahlon Mitchell, Lt. Governor • Lori Compas, Senate District 13 • John Lehman, Senate District 21 • Kristen Dexter, Senate District 23 • Donna Seidel, Senate District 29
arts Raw, bloody synth-pop dance beats
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 5
By Cameron Graff
water of pop. is a tribute to In addition to that song, a newer cuts and song that we old staples, the really, really band has been love,” Stewart delving into a said. “It’s not series of covers an attempt to for their recent sort of remake live shows, notathe song in our bly Suicide’s own image, “ Fr a n k i e that’s not our Teardrop.” motivation for “[That] one doing it, injectactually kind of ing our own came up sponhistory into it. t a n e o u s l y, ” It’s just kind of he said. “We our way of saywere on tour in ing thank you Europe recentto the song.” ly, [and] we The band were at this one returns to horrible, horMadison for rible show, and the second time we had been May 18, playing listening to the a double headsong in the van liner bill with a lot, and we one man timesaid, ‘Fuck it, machine Dirty let’s try to do it’. Beaches. The show was “We have a going over so lot of the same bad anyways, influences, and the song would I think we both either go over depend on well or be a music in a very total disaster. similar [way],” Photo courtesy pedro polónio And the show Stewart said of was already a Ten years ago, before their first album, Xiu Xiu made a promise his tour-mate. to Always keep their music true to personal experiences. total disaster.” “Also, he has The band an incredhas also been known to cover Michael Gira (possibly the most ibly good haircut, and I have an the Joy Division/New Order perfect pairing one could ever incredibly good haircut.” single “Ceremony,” Rihanna and imagine). “Angela,” he added, “who is “Under Pressure” with Swan’s “Almost invariably [the cover] driving the car right now, also
The Daily Cardinal
“The one constant in the band will be that we’ll always write about things that are real,” Jamie Stewart of Xiu Xiu said recently. “When we started the band we literally sat down and decided we were going to do that. So, no, none of the songs are made up.” Considering the graphic content of the California-birthed avant-pop group’s music, that can be a bit tough to swallow. Xiu Xiu’s songs read like bloody diary entries scrawled in the Necronomicon, stories of horrible violence and fear and aching lonliness laid over synth-pop dance beats. It’s certainly an acquired taste, but ten years into its life, Jamie Stewart’s musical brainchild is still going strong. The band recently released their ninth album in ten years, the ominously titled Always. It’s an assault on both the ears and the mind, unburdened by expectations of normalcy. Stewart’s list of influences was appropriately esoteric. “[I listened to] a lot of Krautrock—not really the main stuff, like Can and Amon Düül II, but the beat-driven stuff, like Neu! and Harmonia and La Dusseldorf,” he said. “Morton Feldman a lot, a lot of really late ’50s early ’60s experimental electronic stuff from Brazil, and, you know, Top 40 stuff.” Despite the experimental snarl perpetually present, it would be tough to deny that Xiu Xiu has always had a toe in the proverbial
A coup de art by UW students across campus Erin berge rhymes with Fergie
inals are approaching—if you didn’t know this by now, then I would start panicking. But I may inquire a solution to finding some Zen within this stress-induced week. Take the time to peacefully walk through the art exhibits found in both Memorial Union and Union South, put on by WUD Art. About a week ago, WUD Art chose to display three exhibits that are all created by distinctive art graduate students. Luke Urbain, WUD Art committee director, talked to me about his enthusiasm for these shows and other events hosted by the committee. “Grad art students are always a delight to work with,” Urbain said. “Their work is always really thought through and they have a really clear vision of what they want to do.” The three shows include “Consider the Darkness and the Great Cold” by Sofia Flood, “For Reasons Which Remain Obscure” by Doug Bosley and “Shadow Play” by Maren Munoz. Even though themes are not coordinated throughout the semester by the committee, Urbain claimed that members were excited to have two women Master of Art/Master of Fine Art artists right next to each other
in the Porter Butts and Class of 1925 galleries. “Sofia Flood’s ‘Consider the Darkness and the Great Cold’ in Porter Butts is just an adventure,” said Urbain, “There are lots of assemblages and she creates these mini-environments that are all about setting up oppositions.” “Maren Munoz’s show ‘Shadow Play’ exhibits the colorful wood blocks—wood blocks are typically used to make the print, so her choice to show the block adds this interesting sculptural component to her show.”
“I’m notorious for getting excited about every single exhibit we have.” Luke Urbain committee director WUD Art
These ladies are not the only artists who Urbain described as “amazing.” Doug Bosley, the third featured artist who created ‘For Reasons Which Remain,’ has won the best show title in WUD Art’s Annual Student Art Show for the past two years and his work can now be seen at Gallery 1308 in Union South. The artwork envisioned by these three graduate artists helps us to explore our imaginative mindset, but without the committee behind these exhibits, our campus would lack this
innovative exposure. WUD Art committee is dedicated to presenting thought-provoking exhibits and spends hours going through submissions, deciphering which artists seem the most interesting for their Madison patrons. “Every fall we send out a call for artists,” Urbain said. “We get a wide variety of submissions from international—this year we showed Taiwanese photographs—to local and everywhere in between.” WUD Art also displays art outside of the traditional gallery scene. This past year, “Exhibit X” was created as a cinema series, similar to Starlight Cinema. Students and community members could see films like “Hamlet A.D.D.” or “Barbie-based claymation videos” by Lauren Kelley at sites such as James Madison Park and Gallery 1308. Even with all of the exquisite cinemas in Madison, Urbain believes WUD Art has something truly unique to offer the community. “I think we have the chance to showcase artists who are doing really incredible things that don’t necessarily fit inside a traditional gallery format or even within some of the more established venues in town,” he said. “Exhibit X” also tied in with WUD Art’s overall goal when presenting these unusual, but striking, artists. “There are a lot of chances to get hands-on experience in
the arts that simply aren’t available anywhere else in Madison,” Urbain said. “Everyone has unique interests, so it is also a forum to learn about all these different areas of arts that most people don’t know about.”
After finals, when we have all taken a big sigh of relief, the art galleries will still be available for discovery.
Although unable to speak for the entire committee, Urbain said his favorite exhibits of this past year were “Time (Im)material,” an exploration of time by four Madison artists, “The Mobile Uploads Project,” and the Annual Student Art Show and MFA. “I’m notorious for getting excited about every single exhibition we have,”he admitted. And that he should, for the impressive galleries displayed by WUD Art hold an inventive presence on our campus. After finals, when we have all taken a big sigh of relief, the art galleries will still be available for discovery. WUD Art continues to show eight exhibits throughout the summer, open to anyone who wants to broaden their artistic mind. Don’t know which WUD Art exhibit to visit first? Get Erin’s opinion at eberge@wisc.edu.
would like me to point out the fact that [Dirty Beaches] is Asian, and she is Asian [laughs] and they want to completely overwhelm the underground music scene with the Asian power of music superiority.” Stewart not only asked The Daily Cardinal to include this quote, but also to publish it in yellow ink. So, there’s that. Given the highly autobiographical nature of their work, we couldn’t help but ask if Xiu Xiu would ever flirt with happier content. Stewart replied grimly, “Well, I guess that depends on the state of the world”. So, not any time soon, then? “No, probably not,” he laughed heartily and sincerely.
The Skinny Who: Xiu Xiu + Dirty Beaches with Father Murphy Where: The Terrace— Memorial Union, 800 Langdon St. When: Friday, May 18. Show starts at 9 p.m. Cost: FREE Why you should care: “Xiu Xiu’s songs read like bloody diary entries scrawled in the Necronomicon.” To get a feel for the sound, check out “I Do What I Want, When I Want.”
Summer festival jams
If you’ll be venturing to any festivals in Wisconsin, Illinois, Minnesota and/or Michigan make sure to check out these bands before you go.
1. “Just Ain’t Gonna Work Out” —Mayer Hawthorne (Sound Town, Somerset, Wis. )
2. “Midday Moon” —Astronautalis (Sound Set, Shakopee, Minn. )
3. “Up Up Up” —Givers (Lollapalooza, Chicago, Ill.)
4. “Comeback Kid” —Sleigh Bells (Pitchfork Music Festival, Chicago, Ill.)
5. “So Much For Love” —Gramatik (Electric Forest, Rothbury, Mich.)
6. “Rich Girls” —Fitz and the Tantrums (Summerfest, Milwaukee, Wis.)
opinion No silver bullet exists for school reform 6
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
matt beaty opinion columnist
he Wisconsin State Journal’s Editorial Board pointed out some “good news” in Dane County public schools. This news was not an increase in the graduation rate or any other academic achievement. The good news was the low number of teacher lay-offs in the county’s districts. Surely, this is great news for everyone, but laying off fewer teachers than expected is not exactly the most exciting news. This is especially true, since the fewer lay-offs were accompanied with a higher level of retirement, meaning there will also be fewer experienced teachers. Dane County schools may have averted lay-off disaster, but like the rest of America’s public schools, there is still a lot of work to be done and even more questions. For the past few years, the idea of charter schools, school choice and other education reforms have sprung up again. This came after No Child Left Behind was enacted, too many annoyed sighs. While NCLB focused primarily
on educational standards, more recent reforms are focusing on reorganizing school power structures and letting parents decide which school their children attend—the ideas behind the buzzword “school choice.” For the past semester, I often praised the opportunity of the Madison Preparatory School, a charter school geared toward low-income Madison students. But like many charter school supporters, sometimes I became too dogmatic. Charter schools were the answer, period. Opening more competent charter schools would help students, especially those left behind in traditional public schools. However, I think the more important ideas to take from charter schools are what happens inside them, instead of the organizational structure itself. Problems in public schools do not need to be solved by creating a bunch of charter schools, publicly funded schools with less regulations, like teachers unions rules and school board mandates. Reforms happening in charter schools, like Knowledge Is Power Program (KIPP) charters or Madison Prep, should be explored in traditional public schools. Longer hours, summer
school, tougher curriculum and merit pay are changes that could help produce the best students and retain the best teachers. Furthermore, the federal government should reform NCLB testing and funding. It should focus on changing standards for special education students and alter funding formulae to help schools that are lagging behind. Standardized testing should be done to track individual student progress, as well as entire grade levels. With the amount of computing power and lower cost to store large amounts of data, this is a very real possibility. Testing should help identify which students are falling behind, in which subjects and which teachers and schools are providing the poor education. This evaluation should happen at the federal, state and local level. After identifying the failing schools, either additional funding, massive restructuring or any other option should be considered to make sure those students are no longer falling behind. Where NCLB and other school reforms seem to fail at is actually helping the students. NCLB put too much emphasis on testing for schools to receive funding, leading to failures in teaching, from “teach-
ing to the test” to outright having teachers forge students’ tests. Testing should continue to see where schools and students are failing, but funding should hinge less on passing the tests. Instead individual student improvement should be the ultimate metric. Education is individual and personalized, and testing should not take that away from students and teachers by putting results only on the group. When it comes down to it, the first priority of school reform should be to improve education. Saving tax-payer dollars and paying teachers well are both important. But neither should take precedence to ensuring our students leave with an excellent education. Walker’s reforms have been credited for saving money, and they have been criticized for allowing districts to make teachers pay more into their pensions, taking away from out-of-pocket spending money. But it will take time to see the results of what really matters, if Wisconsin students are hurt or helped by the measures. What Wisconsin and other states should do is learn from experience. With the increased amount of school reforms across the nation, there is no reason why Wisconsin
should not keep an eye on Indiana’s voucher system or Chicago’s changes to classroom hours. States should also learn from charter schools themselves. How are increasing standards affecting students? How do teachers perform when they are not unionized? What curriculum changes help students and which hurt them? Schools are hurting, but they are far from beyond repair. If worthwhile changes are to be made, school reform advocates, teachers unions, school boards, taxpayers and politicians need to work together to change funding schemes, testing standards and curricula. If there is any area in American politics that needs to rely on compromise, it is education. No one can rely on dogma and self-interests to improve schools, be it taxpayers, teachers or administrators. During the rough economy, many politicians have focused on saving money in school districts. That is important, but now it is time to start looking at reforms that improve our lagging education system. Matt Beaty is a junior majoring in mathematics and computer science. Please send all feedback to opinion@dailycardinal.com.
Finals are stressful, seek out dogs to make it through ethan safran opinion columnist
ith finals week fast approaching, many UW-Madison students will experience stress associated with the pressure to perform well on exams, an unfortunate reality considering the fact that everyone is extremely burnt out from school around this time. Therefore, university students should acknowledge the importance of stress relief options during finals week. I believe that one particular idea, allowing students to interact with dogs as a means to curtail stress levels, is an excellent idea. A recent study by University of California-Los Angeles’ Higher Education Research Institute found that the overall emotional well-being of college freshmen has declined to its worst level in over 25 years. Though in part due to other factors outside of final exams, the prospect of having final exams that, on average, account for about a quarter of one’s grade is a pretty daunting realization. That’s where you can thank Dogs on Call and “Dogs at the UW.” Dogs on Call is a local nonprofit organization that offers a number of different services. With a mission statement that reads, “Promoting the Animal-Human Bond and Literacy Through Education, Evaluation, and Participation of Therapy Animals Teams,” Dogs on Call visits hospices, classrooms, hospitals and libraries. Its Reading Education Assistance Dogs program, also
known as READ, allows for young children to read to dogs in an effort to reduce stress and anxiety and to encourage a positive learning environment. Known at UW-Madison as “Dogs at the UW,” the nonprofit organization lets students interact with dogs at eight different campus locations, including Sterling Hall, Liz Waters, Chadbourne Hall, Ogg Hall and Helen C. White Library, leading up to and throughout finals weeks. Currently, students and other staff members will be available to interact with the dogs several days a week through May 15. Apart from UW, other universities have also realized the importance of giving college students the chance to interact with therapy dogs during college’s most stressful times. Schools such as the University of Pennsylvania, Rutgers University, University of Texas and Yale Law School, among others, give students similar opportunities to interact with these four-legged friends. Some may consider this idea more cute than actually worthwhile, yet one would be surprised. Studies show that petting a dog for several minutes can reduce blood pressure and stress levels, and being around dogs on a whole can have considerably positive psychological effects. Perhaps most importantly, because dogs can display an unparalleled amount of unconditional love, giving students the opportunity to interact with these amicable animals during a brief yet stressful stretch of time helps students to “let go” yet still remain focused on their exams. On a more personal note, I recently lost a beloved dog,
and in the 13 years that I came to know and love this dog, I realized the importance of both being around and getting to know these four-legged beings. By giving UW students the
chance to burn some stress with our canine friends, I believe that it not only has an important effect on a Badger’s psychological and emotional state but also gives students an outlet to realize the world is full
of other things besides your biology or calculus exam. Ethan Safran is a freshman with an undeclared major. Please send all feedback to opinion@ dailycardinal.com.
Finding the time
Today’s Sudoku
No word on how long it had to stay there though... The ancient Greek punishment for adultery was to shove a radish up the adulterer’s bottom. Wednesday, May 9, 2012 • 7
Evil Bird
By Caitlin Kirihara kirihara@wisc.edu
© Puzzles by Pappocom
Eatin’ Cake
By Dylan Moriarty EatinCake@gmail.com
Solution, tips and computer program available at www.sudoku.com.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
Caved In
By Nick Kryshak nkryshak@wisc.edu
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
Scribbles n’ Bits ssic
Answer key available at www.dailycardinal.com
JOY TO THE WORLD ACROSS 1 Lava below the surface 6 Brush target 11 Twenty-third Greek letter 14 At full speed, on the briny 15 Cause of many yawns 16 Member of Attila’s horde 17 “Ho, ho, ho” fellow 20 Hydrox rival 21 Acts human 22 John Wayne oater 23 Participated in a marathon 24 Time at the hotel 25 Sticky substance in wheat 26 More than just trim, as prices 28 Ointment denizen? 29 Unreturnable serve 30 River between two Great Lakes 34 “... ___ what you can do for your country” 35 Comfortable compromise 37 Cut (off), as branches 38 Neptune’s spear 39 Prepare for company, as a table 40 It may be after ginger 41 Bewails 45 Gaudy and cheap
47 Like a pretentious museumgoer 50 Jamie ___ Curtis of “Halloween” 51 “___ said all along ...” 52 Layers of dark green eggs 53 ___ Bator (capital of Mongolia) 54 Ken Kesey’s communal group 57 ___-K (before kindergarten) 58 Add one’s two cents 59 Sharp-eyed bird of prey 60 Leaky radiator’s sound 61 “___ directed” 62 Cheesemaking by-products DOWN 1 College students’ choices 2 Ethically challenged 3 Principal source of lead 4 Venus de ___ 5 “... a rose by ___ other name ...” 6 “Cotta” or “firma” starter 7 Troublesome (Var.) 8 The ten in a sawbuck 9 252 gallons 10 Way to be exalted or regarded 11 Ghostly figure 12 You may have it for the basking
13 Have chants encounters? 18 Acquire 19 Slip among chips? 24 Use FedEx 25 Grassy forest area 27 Variety of pea or bean 28 Barney’s buddy, in cartoondom 31 In an appropriate way 32 “... slithy toves did ___ and gimble” (“Jabberwocky”) 33 “___ making myself clear?” 34 Tune-up recipient 35 Starts by shortcircuiting 36 “___ humble opinion ...” 37 Some new car drivers 39 Eradicates, with “out” 40 “Car 54, Where ___?” 42 Accuse tentatively 43 Almost but not quite 44 Eyesight and hearing 46 TV recording device 47 Appliance brand name 48 Early alphabet characters 49 “How naughty of you!” 52 ___-Lackawanna Railroad 53 Sundance Film Festival state 55 Letters at the end of some letters 56 Hem, but not haw
By Melanie Shibley Shibley@wisc.edu
By Patrick Remington premington@wisc.edu
Crustaches Classicassic
Washington and the Bear
By Derek Sandberg kalarooka@gmail.com
wendesday may 9, 2012 DailyCardinal.com
Milwaukee Brewers’ 2012 season outcome remains unclear
Men’s Swimming
A slow start to a season marred by injuries has the Brew Crew in a position familiar to the 2011 season parker gabriel parks and rec mark kauzlarich/cardinal file photo
Junior Daniel Lester competed in the fly and individual medley for the Wisconsin men’s swimming team. He now takes his talent to the international level, racing for Australia.
Wisconsin swimmer to compete for Australia By Matthew Kleist the daily cardinal
Junior Daniel Lester already claimed a silver medal in international competition this year. The Brisbane, Australia native will have another shot to medal at the 2012 Oceania Swimming Championships in Noumea, New Caledonia. Lester will represent his native country at the competition, set to begin May 28 and run through June 2. “It’s an incredible honor,” Lester said about competing at the Oceania Swimming Championships. “To compete for my country and to get
another chance to wear the green and gold is very exciting for me.” Lester earned All-Big Ten Second Team honors in 2011-’12. He also set two school records at the Big Ten Championships in the 800 meter free relay (6:26.07) and 100 meter fly (46.07). Lester finished in second place and earned the silver medal in the 50 meter fly at the Australian Championships in March, his last international appearance for Australia. Behind the Olympics, the Oceania Swimming Championships is high-
est level of competition that Australia participates in. “It’s a really big deal,” Badger head coach Whitney Hite said. “We’re all really proud that he made the team and this gives him a chance to really end his season on a high note. We like to see that our swimmers are not only doing really great things for this university, but also for their countries.” “I swam very well in the Australian Championships and I am very confident that I can do the same in New Caledonia,” Lester said. UWBadgers.com contributed to this report.
year ago today, the Milwaukee Brewers beat the San Diego Padres 4-3. It was Zach Greinke’s first win as a Brewer, after missing the first five weeks with a broken rib and then taking a nodecision in his first start. At the time, the Crew needed the win. Their record stood at 15-20, and it was unclear what kind of club they were. Sound familiar? At least in terms of record (currently 12-17) and direction (they don’t seem to have one), the Brewers are in a similar spot as they were last year. The good news is that the 2011 version tacked on 81 more wins over the last 127 games, finishing with a franchise-record 96 wins and advancing within two games of the World Series. The bad news is that the closest thing to a shot-in-thearm like Greinke joining the rotation is if fellow starting pitcher Yovanni Gallardo pulls his head from whatever dark space it’s currently lodged in and throws like he’s capable of. OK, that’s a little harsh. Gallardo has a history of being streaky and of being really, really good when he gets going. There’s no reason to think that won’t happen this year. The real problem is that, a year ago, the Brewers were getting healthy as Corey Hart and Jonathon Lucroy rejoined the club around the time Greinke did. This year…yikes. The Brewers had a position player leave every game between last Tuesday and Saturday with an injury. Mat Gamel tore his right anterior cruciate ligament Tuesday, reigning National League Most Valuable Player Ryan Braun left Wednesday’s game with a tight Achilles’ tendon. A merciful off-day Thursday preceded Carlos Gomez pulling his hamstring Friday and Alex Gonzales tearing his ACL Saturday. Gomez will miss a couple weeks. Gamel and Gonzales are done for the year. They join starter Chris Narveson, who was shelved for the season in April with a torn rotator cuff. Not exactly where you want to be in May. However, it’s also been largely unavoidable. Once Greinke joined the rotation last spring, the team suffered only one major injury. Second baseman Rickie Weeks badly sprained his ankle right after the All Star break in July and just barely made it back for the playoffs in September and October. Coincidently, that was
also a run where the Brewers went 28-6 and ran away with the division title. All this is to say that the Brewers aren’t toast for all of 2012 or anything. There’s every chance they could play really well for the majority of the remaining season and make a post-season run. Their starting pitching is still good enough and the addition of a second wild card team this year certainly doesn’t hurt. Still, I’m not getting my hopes up. “It’s early,” some of you will say. “You’re just pessimistic and reading too much into the first 29 games.” Fair, but you can only use the early argument for so long. Twenty-nine games is 18 percent of the season. If your favorite National Football League team is 0-2 and getting its teeth pounded in late in the fourth quarter of the third game (when the 18 percent threshold is crossed), you’re going to be at least a little skittish, aren’t you? If Gamel, Gonzales and Narveson were going to miss a couple months and be back in July or August, there’d be a little more of a sense of urgency. A little more hope that the rest of the crew could scrap and stay in contention and then go on a run at full strength. At this point, though, in the situation they’re in, isn’t it fair to change the expectations? It’s hard to call a non-playoff season a complete failure considering the injuries. At some point, it’s just not a realistic goal. I’m not saying now is definitely that point, I’m only saying it’s time to start facing the music. It’s not like we can’t hope Braun continues his upward trend and makes a run at another MVP. We can still watch John Axford climb the list of all-time save streaks (well, at least until this gets published and jinxes him). One thing I’ve learned about baseball is to get too bent out of shape when it comes to small sample sizes. The numbers almost always equalize. Braun is going to hit well over .300. Weeks won’t finish the year at .180. But they’re also now critically undermanned at two key positions. You can’t survive longterm that way. The numbers don’t work. Baseball’s a game that takes patience to enjoy. Sometimes we’re asked to be patient for longer than we want. After a year of tremendous fortune, if Brewer nation is asked to be patient until April, so be it. How well do you think the Brewers will fair for the rest of the 2012 season? How long are you willing to wait? Email Parker at pgaberial15@gmail.com.