This week in fake news...
Getting lost in the music
Bielema ‘hogs’ the spotlight at Arkansas
How live music should be enjoyed
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Complete campus coverage since 1892
+ARTS, page 4 Weekend, October 4-6, 2013
Shutdown affects student intern in DC By Megan Stoebig the daily cardinal
Lucky puck
University of Wisconsin-Madison students had a chance Thursday to win men’s hockey season tickets by making a shot on the Kohl Center ice. + Photo by Wil Gibb
University of WisconsinMadison junior Reuben Sanon, a current affairs intern in Washington, D.C., for the semester, has been off work all week because of the government shutdown. Sanon said his office has been deemed “unnecessary” for this week but will continue work again next week. Still, he said the shutdown has negatively changed his mindset on working for the government in the future. “All of the interns are being affected because we came here to make those connections and make something out of this semester,” Sanon said. “I honestly don’t want to work in government if it is just some big game of who has bigger balls or who can hold the gov-
ernment hostage for longer.” Sanon also said the shutdown greatly affects the economy, as it is costing millions of dollars each day to remain in a state of shutdown. He added he is aware of many people working at the national monuments in D.C. currently off work and forced to start looking for second jobs. He said the atmosphere in D.C. has been unusual, largely because most people in his office thought the government would “get their act together” in time. “It’s kind of a nervous energy right now because people are still having a good time going out because they have faith that our government will come through,” Sanon said. A general consensus in the UW-Madison community is that the shutdown’s shorter-
Suder will transition to private sector job Former state Assembly Majority Leader Scott Suder, R-Abbotsford, will change his job for the second time in two months, according to a release from the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, in the wake of controversy concerning an award of a $500,000 grant to United Sportsmen. Suder resigned from the state Assembly Sept. 3 to take a position within the PSC as the administrator of the Division of Water, Compliance and Consumer Affairs. He now plans to accept a private sector position with Wisconsin Paper Council, according to a statement from the company. However, soon after his announcement, critics began challenging the move because of Suder’s involvement with the United Sportsmen grant. The grant, which was passed in the recent state budget, was awarded to the group despite its lack of experience with hunting outreach programs. Suder signed a Republican letter, along with 17 other Republican legislators, urging the granting committee to choose United Sportsmen for the funding. Suder also went on a free fish-
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term effects will not significantly impact campus, but there could be some longerterm effects if the shutdown lasts more than a couple months. One shorter-term effect impacts research facilities on campus. Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Administration Kim Moreland said new research will be affected the most, as no one is available to review and approve proposals. Additionally, projects in federal labs have been stopped, as well as projects requiring collaboration with someone in the federal government. “The feds are going to be so overwhelmed when they come back, it’s going to be hard for them to turn around and get all this information back out, ” Moreland said.
Gunshots put Baldwin and her staff on lockdown
those with preexisting health issues pay the same price for care, an individualized mandate that requires everyone to buy health insurance and the creation of subsidies to make health insurance affordable. Gruber argues the implementation of “Obamacare” will lead to a deficit reduction of $100 billion over the next decade. He
As the government shutdown dragged into its third day Thursday, Capitol Hill was disrupted with a speeding black sedan, gunshots, a Capitol lockdown and one death. A woman, accompanied by a 1-year-old child, attempted to drive through a White House barrier before turning and speeding toward the U.S. Capitol while police pursued. The chase ended in front of the Hart Senate Office Building, where Capitol Police officers fatally shot the driver. U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., works in the Hart building and had just returned to her office after attending meetings in the Capitol. She said she first learned of the gunshots through an emergency alert system Capitol Hill uses that informed her and her staff to “shelter in place” because the Capitol was on lockdown. Baldwin said her first thought went to her staff, which includes multiple college interns who were new to Capitol Hill. “It was probably very frightening for the interns to be here at such a moment,” Baldwin said. But she said the alert system worked well and kept people safe. “I know that from my own perspective, the system in place
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ERIKA RABAS/the daily cardinal
Jonathan Gruber discusses challenges and opportunities behind the nationwide implementation of ‘Obamacare,’ which was inspired by his health reform law.
MIT economist Jonathan Gruber discusses federal health care reform By Daniella Emanuel the daily cardinal
Jonathan Gruber, a professor of economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, gave a lecture Thursday at Union South on the current national issues of health care reform, including the implementation of “Obamacare.” Gruber helped construct the Massachusetts Health
Care Insurance Reform Law, signed in 2006, which now covers two-thirds of the state’s uninsured residents and later influenced the creation of the Affordable Care Act. He used a metaphor of a “three-legged stool” to describe the act, which he and Gov. Mitt Romney collaborated on for approval in Massachusetts. The three legs include: having both healthy people and
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
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today: acid rain
hi 81º / lo 63º
saturday: basic rain
sunday: get it???
hi 79º / lo 41º
hi 57º / lo 39º
Weekend, October 4-6, 2013
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 123, Issue 22
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Bielema devolving into pig-man By Zach Clark Fake News Friday
Officials from the University of Arkansas confirmed today that football head coach Bret Bielema has been slowly transforming into a human-swine hybrid. The news arrived just days after Bielema fell down during Hog Walk and ended up on all fours. Original speculation suggested the fall was caused by the slippery pavement in Fayetteville, where it was raining. The truth is much more startling. “We had growing concerns in the last few months about some of Coach Bielema’s behavior,” said Athletic Director Jeff Long. “We heard stories about Bret starting to snort in the middle of sentences. I mean, people started describing a squiggly tail. Suffice to say, we were worried. After Saturday’s ‘slip up,’ though, we had to investigate.” The result of that investigation—a five day study conducted by the entire biology department—revealed Bielema’s anatomy was changing at a cellular level, making him gradually come to resemble what they could only label as a human-
Editorial Board Haleigh Amant • Abigail Becker Riley Beggin •Anna Duffin Mara Jezior • Cheyenne Langkamp Tyler Nickerson • Michael Penn Nikki Stout l
Board of Directors Herman Baumann, President Abigail Becker • Mara Jezior Jennifer Sereno • Stephen DiTullio Erin Aubrey • Dan Shanahan Jacob Sattler • Janet Larson Don Miner • Chris Drosner Jason Stein • Nancy Sandy Tina Zavoral © 2013, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398
For the record Corrections or clarifications? Call The Daily Cardinal office at 608-262-8000 or send an email to
Graphic by Haley henschel
Fair next year. He’s shaping up to be a blue-ribbon hog for sure,” said farmer Peter McCoy. At press time, Bielema was
eating a nutritious lunch of liquified left overs his wife had thrown into the blender and poured into his trough.
Something not right about Vick Wrangler ad By Kane Kaiman Fake News Friday
The Daily Cardinal is a nonprofit organization run by its staff members and elected editors. It receives no funds from the university. Operating revenue is generated from advertising and subscription sales. The Daily Cardinal is published weekdays and distributed at the University of WisconsinMadison and its surrounding community with a circulation of 10,000. Capital Newspapers, Inc. is the Cardinal’s printer. The Daily Cardinal is printed on recycled paper. The Cardinal is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The Daily Cardinal are the sole property of the Cardinal and may not be reproduced without written permission of the editor in chief. The Daily Cardinal accepts advertising representing a wide range of views. This acceptance does not imply agreement with the views expressed. The Cardinal reserves the right to reject advertisements judged offensive based on imagery, wording or both. Complaints: News and editorial complaints should be presented to the editor in chief. Business and advertising complaints should be presented to the business manager. Letters Policy: Letters must be word processed and must include contact information. No anonymous letters will be printed. All letters to the editor will be printed at the discretion of The Daily Cardinal. Letters may be sent to opinion@
hog hybrid. Bielema’s fall during Hog Walk was not a fall at all, but rather his body forgetting how to walk on two legs. Reports have come in that Bielema’s fingers and toes have started morphing into hooves and his nose is starting to resemble a snout. “Bret grew up on a hog farm and he’s the Hog’s head coach. Combine that with a diet that primarily consists of pork rinds and pig roasts and you’re asking for trouble,” said Long addressing questions about how the sudden devolution could have come about. When asked how this might affect Bielema’s ability to coach the Razorbacks this Saturday against the Florida Gators, Long said, “Not at all. We’ve put together a system of stilts that will allow Bret to continue strutting along the sidelines and calling questionable timeouts, regardless of his ability to stand on two legs.” Some Arkansanians see a silver lining. “Hell, we aren’t going to win the SEC, but we’ve got a real chance at the Arkansas State
Television audiences felt uneasy about a new Wrangler Jeans commercial starring Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Michael Vick. The commercial, featuring Vick in Wrangler Jeans, a flannel shirt and a cowboy hat, aired during the Eagles Chargers game this Sunday on Fox. It depicted the controversial quarterback enjoying the great outdoors with two veteran Wrangler
endorsees, NASCAR’s Dale Earnhardt Jr. and former Packers quarterback Brett Favre. Fox received hundreds of negative letters about the commercial from viewers on Monday. “I just don’t find Michael Vick sitting in the cab of a muddy pickup truck with his cowboy boots dangling off the edge very believable,” wrote one man from Illinois. “And I found the part where he was playing monkey-in-the-middle
with Brett Favre and Favre’s golden retriever particularly unsettling.” Vick’s monologue at the end of the commercial received the most criticism from Sunday viewers. Vick, on horseback at this point, smiles at the camera and announces in an exaggerated southern drawl, “Whether I’m riding around on my four-wheeler, chopping wood in the back yard or going camping, I need my real, comfortable Wrangler jeans.”
Wrangler says they were simply trying to appeal to a new target market. “Dagnabbit, we just want all sorts of folk to wear Wranglers,” company President Phil McAdams said in an interview Wednesday. The backlash has forced Wrangler to rethink its next ad campaign, which would have featured NBA star Jeremy Lin and former great Yao Ming playing street basketball in denim overalls.
Congress intentionally prolonging government shutdown to get it in Twitter pick-up lines motivate stand-still By Alex Tucker Fake News Friday
Congresspeople everywhere have stopped trying to reopen the government, stating they’re “getting so much more ass now.” The government recess caused many to be out of work, allowing late nights in Washington bars and daydrinking through the capital. The time off also gave the senators and representatives enough time to explore their Twitter feeds, and what they found shocked them. Congressmen, not known for creativity, have been relieved by the Internet community’s response to the shutdown. “We thought the public would be pissed,” said U.S. Sen. Bob Menedez, D-NJ. “But they’ve been a huge help. As soon as I tell women, ‘Congress may be
shut down, but there’s always a caucus at my house,’ their panties be droppin’.” Menedez says the Twitter hashtag advertising the pick-up lines has improved his sex life fourscore. He says he will do everything in his power to keep the government shut down. Senators have stated their new favorite places to get it on include the archives of the Library of Congress and the Abraham Lincoln Memorial, which are currently unguarded. Local government employees agree with the pledge to keep the shutdown going indefinitely. A Wisconsin passport distributor said he, “would rather be furloughed from pay than give up using ‘My government pulls out, but I don’t.’” Legislators everywhere ask Tweeters continue their contributions to the cause, although the website they set up cannot run without government funds.
A V E N U E N E A R YO U !
608.265.ARTS UNIONTHEATER .WISC.EDU page compiled by kane kaiman
Weekend, October 4-6, 2013 3
City, county join forces to shelter area homeless The executive offices of both Dane County and the City of Madison allotted funds in their 2014 budgets, jointly funding a low-income housing project to assist Madison’s homeless population, Dane County Executive Joe Parisi and Madison Mayor Paul Soglin separately announced Tuesday. Parisi’s budget includes $750,000 to purchase a site to develop the low-income housing project for people who are homeless, according to the release. The development is expected to add a facility with 100 to 110 affordable housing units to the area. This initiative is only a portion of the $252.2 million Parisi set aside in his budget to invest in human services, which is nearly half of the total county budget, according to a press release. “We have much to be proud of in Dane County,” Parisi said in the release. “My 2014 budget builds
upon the values we hold dear by making meaningful investments to strengthen children and families, our communities, economic development and our quality of life.” The single-room occupancy facility will be developed in two phases, according to Soglin’s budget. In 2014, Soglin proposed spending $300,000 to plan the project. By 2016, the units are projected to be complete, at which time the cost is predicted to reach $4.2 million. Soglin noted in his summary of the 2014 budget this partnership between Dane County and Madison is a significant part of the city budget and his Capital Improvement Plan through 2019. Both budgets will go through the approval process of their respective municipalities before the project can move forward. If approved, the housing construction is set to begin in 2015. —Morgan Haefner
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serve our members and the paper industry in Wisconsin well,” WPC President Jeff Landin said. State Rep. Jeff Stone, R-Greendale, announced Thursday he intends to take Suder’s previously announced job as a PSC administrator. Stone will assume the position after his legislative resignation takes effect Oct. 14. — Dana Kampa
ing excursion along with the United Sportsmen’s executive director a week before the grant was awarded. WPC announced Suder’s hire Thursday as the company’s vice president of government relations, a position Suder will take on beginning Oct. 7. “His experience and relationships with decision makers in state government will
Campaign finance bill receives Senate committee hearing
courtesy of gayle schwartzberg/wispirg
WISPIRG and UHS representatives discuss their plans for a statewide health care educational campaign designed to help students.
WISPIRG launches health care guide targeting students The Wisconsin Public Interest Research Group released its student guide for understanding health insurance options under the Affordable Care Act at a press conference Thursday. After a major provision of the Affordable Care Act, the Health Insurance Marketplace, opened Oct. 1, WISPIRG launched a statewide education campaign to reach out to students with facts about the changes, as well as tips to help find the right coverage. The new guide is called “So You Need Health Insurance. Now What?: Wisconsin Health Insurance 101.” Health care campaign coordinator Tyler Bush said now the main parts of the Affordable Care Act have gone into effect, many students are not sure what to do next. “We’re not trying to push to do anything, we’re just trying to help educate,” Bush said. University Health Services director of administrative services Arnold Jennerman said one of the main reasons students do not complete college is because of the bills associated with health issues. He also encouraged students be provided information
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MEGHAN CHUA/cardinal file photo
Former state Assembly Majority Leader Scott Suder, R-Abbotsford, plans to take a job in the private sector.
health care from page 1 also said it will introduce “exchanges,” or more options of health care choices, which will create competition among insurance companies and lead to lower costs. Additionally, he stated the federal government is willing to
appeared to work as it should and I felt like my staff and even our fairly new college interns had already gotten detailed security briefings,” Baldwin said. “They knew where to go and report.” She also thanked the Capitol
pay 100 percent of the first three years of health insurance for people under the poverty line. He listed states such as Texas and Florida, which have declined creating a Medicaid program for those in poverty. “They’re not taking it seriously in two senses,” he said. “The first
to make the very personal decision about which health plan to choose. Bush also discussed eight tips for students considering health insurance plans at the meeting.
“We’re not trying to push to do anything, we’re just trying to help educate.” Tyler Bush campaign coordinator WISPIRG
Some of the tips included looking into ongoing options such as staying on a parents’ insurance plan until age 26, checking out new options at the Health Insurance Marketplace online at and finding out about financial help that is available when one applies at the Health Insurance Marketplace. WISPIRG’s campus organizer Gayle Schwartzberg also said it hopes to set up a panel with health care professionals to speak on campus and answer any student questions. —Megan Stoebig Police, who she considers “an extended family on Capitol Hill,” for the job it did in protecting those near the site during the chase. “A day like today reminds you how much they do to protect the safety of the public and all the people who work here,” Baldwin said. —Jack Casey
sense is the most heinous of all, which is the Medicaid expansion.” Gruber said Wisconsin has covered a large share of uninsured people but has not expanded coverage as widely as states such as California and Minnesota. Gruber argued two main sources of funding should be
A Republican-backed state Senate campaign finance bill that would increase the minimum level for reporting campaign donations moved into committee Thursday for a discussion about its viability. State Sen. Glenn Grothman, R-West Bend, authored the bill, which would change the current rule that all campaign donations exceeding $100 require a report of the donor’s name, occupation and the address of the place where he or she works. Grothman’s bill would raise the necessary level to in excess of $500 and would require people donating between $100 and $200 to only report their occupations and not their employers. In his testimony before the state Senate Committee on Elections and Urban Affairs, Grothman said he proposed the “common sense” bill after seeing the backlash small businesses received after supporting a candidate who was not popular with protesters. “I felt really bad that if someone was contributing $125, their boss’s business could be boycotted,” Grothman said. “I don’t think we’ve ever seen that much hatred and that much mean-spiritedness in Wisconsin before.” State Sen. Mary Lazich, R-New Berlin, who chairs the committee, said it was a “good bill” that would stop protesters from “muzzling” potential donors by “stifling their speech.” Mike McCabe, executive director of the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, testified against the bill, saying it was an “extreme attack” on the public’s right to know about campaign spending and represented a “fear of democracy.” The bill must pass through a committee’s executive session before moving on to the state Senate. —Jack Casey
Police investigate shooting death on south side Thursday Madison detectives are investigating what they believe to be a shooting murder that took place early Thursday morning on the south side, according to a police report. Officers who responded to reports of shots fired found a 30-year-old man dead from an “apparent gunshot wound,” at an apartment on the 2300 block of Fish Hatchery Road at approximately 1:11 a.m., Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain said in the report. He added the incident does “not appear to be a random act of violence.” According to the report, detectives believe multiple people were inside the apartment when the homicide occurred. The MPD report does not list a motive in the crime, and the Dane County Medical Examiner’s Office said they would release the name of the deceased party Friday.
utilized for “Obamacare:” spending cuts and tax increases, which could both be potentially controversial and favorable for different reasons. Additionally, he argued spending cuts would slow the growth of reimbursements to hospitals that provide Medicare, and tax increases would largely
affect the wealthy who earn over $250,000 a year. Some of the more favorable aspects would include reducing overpayments to private health insurance companies as well as increased business opportunities for insurance, pharmaceutical and numerous other companies.
arts l
Weekend, October 4-6, 2013
Radiohead as a religious experience Brian Weidy Weid-ing out the noise
ometimes, a concert experience transcends the normal boundaries of just enjoying music or having a good time. Rather, it speaks to you, creating something of a cathartic, pseudo-religious experience. This past Friday night, I went to go see Volcano Choir at the Orpheum. Volcano Choir is the current band for Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon. The thing about Bon Iver was that they almost never tour, and when they did, by virtue of their immense popularity, their decision to play mostly smaller theaters and the intimacy of their music, seeing Bon Iver was a virtual impossibility for my friend. She described seeing Vernon, in Bon Iver or otherwise, as something of a spiritual or religious experience for her. This idea got me thinking: Have I ever been so moved by a concert that I achieved this sort of pseudo-religious experience
from the performance? Immediately, one instance came to mind. The fateful night was Sept. 28, 2011. A month into my senior year of high school, confronted with the concept of leaving home and going off to school, coupled with what ended up being a highly personal family gathering, I went to go see Radiohead for the first time at the Roseland Ballroom. To give some context for the ballroom, Roseland is the worst venue in New York City. The stage is about 18 inches off the ground, the floor has no slope to it—giving anyone more than a dozen rows back or under 6 feet 2 inches no chance at seeing—and poor sound to boot. But one makes exceptions for everything, and when Radiohead announced that they were playing two shows at the venue, which holds a hair more than 3,000 people, I knew that I would be there. Fast forward to my “arrival” to the venue, and I am confronted with a line. Now this was no ordinary line, but rather, a monolithic trail that stretched around the entire block (a large block at
that) and then some. After waiting more than 90 minutes on this line, I took three steps into the stage area before I was confronted with a near capacity crowd already. Despite this, I got a call from a friend telling me to meet by the soundboard, and that we were going to meet up with everyone else after. Being someone who hates conflict of any kind, the idea of pushing through hundreds if not thousands of people to get to their position seemed daunting—but then again, how often does one get to see Radiohead in a tiny club? My march through the crowd was painstaking; however, upon my arrival to the group of people I knew, it was instantly worth it. There I was, 25 feet away from where Thom Yorke would be standing. By the time the band launched into “Bloom,” the first song of the night, everything else that was going on in my life slowly dissipated as the ethereal intro of the song, coupled with Yorke’s haunting vocals, made it clear that those two hours were bound to be the greatest two hours I
Photograph courtesy of Michael Nagel
Courtesy of Thom Yorke and Radiohead, Brian had a spiritual experience of sorts at the Roseland Ballroon in 2011. would ever experience. Now, while I have seen hundreds of concerts, and have encountered a similar type of pseudo-religious experiences, this one will always stick out. To conclude, the next time you go to a concert that really means something to you, don’t try and capture the experience through your shitty phone
camera, but rather, soak in the experience as a way of forgetting about whatever may be going on in your life. Music can be the best catharsis if you drop everything and just let it in, and I found mine that night at a Radiohead show. Has your favorite band blessed you with divine revelation? Cool. Tell Brian at
The Record Routine
Repetition bogs down Blitzen Trapper’s latest
VII Blitzen Trapper
By Paul Blazevich The Daily Cardinal
Blitzen Trapper is a Portlandbased folk/country band that originated in 2000. By releasing their new album, VII, with Vagrant Records on Monday, Blitzen Trapper has deviated from the Sub Pop path they have been on for their previous three albums. VII , their seventh studio album release, is accurately named and displays Blitzen Trapper’s classic country sound. Although the band is based out of Portland, the majority of their tracks are in the style of the twangy, heartbreak-filled music that emanates from the American south. Opening with “Feel the Chill,” VII proves Blitzen Trapper is worthy of being called a true indie-country band through their genre typical use of multiple styles of guitar, heavy percussion and, of course, banjo. When bandleader and primary vocalist Eric Earley introduces the album’s first lyrics, the sheer level of southern accent added to distinctively cliche country lyrics seems to almost make a joke out of the genre Blitzen Trapper so proudly represents. The second song on the album, “Shine On,” is one of the lone highlights of the album, as the “yeehaw!” factor that was infect-
ing my speakers on the opening track was significantly lowered. Boasting verses reminiscent of Johnny Cash and slightly more rock ’n’ roll influence, “Shine On” is more relatable for me. This track also features the pedal steel guitar, which I always enjoy, regardless of the genre. In the middle of VII, Blitzen Trapper takes a more creative approach to their production, as they explore a higher level of post-produced sound in “Oregon Geography” by adding static, train and turntable scratching effects. “Earth (Fever Called Love)” also proves adventurous for Blitzen Trapper when they take a 30-second hiatus in the middle of the song for an electronic organ solo. Ending with “Don’t Be A Stranger,” Blitzen Trapper left a fairly decent taste in my mouth. The acoustic guitar is enjoyable and Earley’s lyrics, meant to serenade that special someone, are surprisingly entertaining. Although Blitzen Trapper includes certain individual aspects of music that I do enjoy, VII is nearly unlistenable. There is an extreme amount of repetition throughout the album as far as lyrics and musical style go. With repetition comes annoyance, especially in the country genre. Sure, some verses are entertaining and two of the tracks are OK, but trying to imitate hip-hop beats with country instruments and mixing that with twangy vocals and typical country sound spells disaster for my ears.
Rating: D
But is it local? Yeti crabs farm bacteria on their legs to feed themselves.
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5 9
Eatin’ Cake Classic
Physics in the sharts
Today’s Sudoku
7 1 6
Weekend, October 4-6, 2013 • 5
© Puzzles by Pappocom
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Today’s Crossword Puzzle
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# 70
3 1 9 8 6 Kryshak 8 By Nick 4 3 9 6 5 1 2 6 6 8 2 4 7 1 3 9
This week’s request, sent in by Abby# 72 B:
“Draw the meaning of life.”
Answer key available at
8 5 9 7 6 2 4 1 3
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7 5
# 71
ACROSS 1 Intellectually sharp 5 “Immediately!” 9 Food wrap 14 Rat tail? 15 Dove’s site 16 Napoleon, for one 17 Flaunt boundaries 20 Avocado’s center 21 Agents like Bond 22 “I double ___ you!” 1 Lash 9 out 3 at5 2 4 23 25 Flamenco shout 4 1 2 8 3 9 26 Crossed Greek letter 23 9 Yap 6 7 4 1 8 33 “Clueless” phrase 5 2 8bombers 6 9 of1 36 British WWII 9 4 5 3 8 7 37 Flight school 8 achievements 7 9 1 6 5 38 Ankle-showing skirt 3 pro 1 quos 7 5 2 36 9 Quid 42 “The jig ___” 7 5 6 2 4 3 43 Dealers’ clientele 42 5 A8 dunker may 4 9 7grab6it 46 ___ a one (none) 47 Worst part of preparing to mail a letter, to many 51 Aurora, to Greeks 52 “Anchorman: The Legend of ___ Burgundy” 53 ___ Antilles (Virgin Islands group) 57 Gillian’s “The X-Files”
Caved In
Hi Claire
8 7 1 4 7 9 Artistically Impaired9 7 The Funny 8One By Alex Pirkey By Erik Thiel 3 4 5 3 7 6 6 8 7
Solution, tips and computer program available at
HARD Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and# 69 every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
By Dylan Moriarty
role 8 Honey maker 5 59 ___ chi ch’uan (martial art) 60 George Washington gave a famous one in 1796 65 Do very well (at) 66 Cuba, to Cubans 67 Away from the wind, on a yacht 68 Smiles expansively 69 Change your story # 70 70 Some hair applications
6 7 5 DOWN 1 Fraternity letter 3 2 Cases that hold pins needles 2 3 and Bridge positions 4 4 Unspecific degree 5 Academic types 9 6 Pirouette pivots 7 Gobbled down 8 8 Muscle/bone 1 connection
9 She who prognosticates 10 Connection for some big wheels 11 “Blame It on ___” (Michael Caine flick) 12 Gran Paradiso, for one 13 Word between two surnames, for women
1 8 19 24 26 27
3 7 8 4 1 9 5 2 6
Put in long hours Low-lying land Swear to Oklahoma city Wonder’s “My Cherie ___” 28 American mole? 30 Animal foot 31 Joan ___ 32 ___-on (happenings) 33 Cause to laugh 34 Jeremy of “Suburgatory” 1 Concepts 6 9 2 7 5 35 40 Commercial suffix 2 with 4 “Water” 1 8 5 3 45 1 Showed 9 4 pleasure 3 6 2 toward 6 2 7 3 8 44 Haphazard9urban expansions 3 6 5 4 9 48 8 Unassisted 47 9 Embarrassing way 6 to 5 8 1 2 be caught 9 Can’t 7 be 3 without 4 8 1 50 54 Engraved stone pillar 4 1 5 9 7 55 Art-studio6fixture 56 Ascends 3 8 2 7 1 4 57 Have an opinion 58 Indonesian tourist destination 60 Second mo. 61 Fire, as a team manager 62 “His Master’s Voice” org. 63 60s hallucinogen 64 Scrap of cloth
Send your Draw Me Something requests to!
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Graphic by Haley Henschel
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24 Jul 05
opinion Do not be a fool and wrap your tool l
Weekend, October 4-6, 2013
Sara vinson opinion columnist
his is a very sex positive campus. Trojan even rated us fifth in the country on their Sexual Health Report card in 2012, climbing all the way from 32nd in 2010. We have awesome resources like Sex Out Loud and the Campus Women’s Center. However, I still see a problem in our sexual health future: We are way too reluctant to use condoms. I have so many friends who claim to just not like them and that is why they do not use them. The birth control pill, they say, is enough. This excuse is infuriating to me. Latex allergies aside, there is just no comparison between the slight differences in sensation when using a condom and the risks one takes going without one. Our teen pregnancy rate and STD rates are off the charts in the United States compared to countries in Europe. In a 2006 study, teen pregnancy is three times higher in the U.S. than it is in Germany or France, and four times the rate of the Netherlands. Compared to
Europe, HIV and other STD rates are higher in the U.S., while condom rates are, predictably, lower. According to the same 2006 data, 62 percent of all females in the U.S. use the male condom. Another study by the Guttmacher Institute claimed in 2010 only about 10 percent of women ages 15-44 use condoms. With that gap in mind, The Guardian released a data set that could put the United States to shame. India has a 51 percent condom usage rate for people ages 15 to 44. Uganda has a 53 percent usage rate. Places like Colombia, Ghana and the Dominican Republic hover around 30 percent. France, the Netherlands and Germany are between 70 and 80 percent for overall usage rate. A 2010 New York Times article claims condom use is on the rise in the U.S., but we still trail behind many countries. Why are we still not getting with the program? Regardless of what the statistics truly are on contraceptive use, the STD rate speaks for itself. According to the latest data from the Center for Disease Control, 20 million cases of STDs are contract-
ed each year. Gonorrhea and chlamydia are on the rise. Herpes is said to infect most of the United States’ population at this point. This is not just meant to be terrifying, but also realistic. Most people are smart enough to use some form of birth control because we, as educated college students, know it takes one time to get pregnant, so why are we so casual about STDs? Because most of them are treatable? I met a female, University of Wisconsin-Madison student this summer who did not know some STDs were treatable and that led me to blame a third party for this supposed “dislike” of condoms: our education system. We were not educated to like them. Condoms were introduced to us as something we should use if we have to have sex, but we should not have to have sex. Many of us were taught very little sex education or just abstinence in school. Some of us, even in this generation, were taught that sex should be reserved for marriage. Sex was weird to even talk about. So condoms became the embodiment of that awkwardness. Possession of condoms proves we
have sex and that yes, we are afraid to catch something. This might also contribute to inconsistent data on usage. People can easily lie in surveys if they feel uncomfortable with the questions. It should not be that way. We need to get over not liking how condoms “feel.” Because herpes, chlamydia, and syphilis do not “feel” good either. We need to get over the awkwardness and embrace condoms as an important part of a mature, modern sex life. In documentaries comparing sex education in Europe and the United States, it was found sex is much more accepted in many European countries. Sex is expected, acceptable behavior in young people and that behavior comes with condom use. Every young adult who chooses to have a sex life in these other countries is given all the facts and knows how to be safe by using a condom when they have sex. No, not everyone needs a condom. If you and your monogamous partner have been checked and declared free of all STDs and STIs by a physician and there is another form of contraceptive in play, it is probably not necessary to use a
condom, though it cannot hurt. If latex allergies are a problem, places on campus offer latex-free, cost-free condoms. Never fall for that he is “too big” joke, either. Try to wrap a condom around your forearm and see what happens, it will fit to the elbow. As far as believing you have never had an STD or trusting your partner when he or she says they have never had one, I have one word: asymptomatic. Many if not most of these diseases or infections do not reveal symptoms. They remain dormant in your body and you can pass them without ever knowing that you did. If that was not enough of a bummer, the book used in this university’s human sexuality class teaches that 15 percent of women have cheated on a partner, and 25 percent of men have too. Condoms are not 100 percent guaranteed safety against pregnancy, STDs, midterms or anything else that might scare you, but we all need to stop making excuses. Educate yourself and please just use a condom. Do you use condoms on the reg? Please send all feedback to opinion@
If this does not work, we will wait for a next revolution Sean hoey opinion columnist
s I’m sure you can tell from the name-calling and the hair-pulling that has ensued in the Capitol-turnedplayground, Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, Sen. Ted Cruz R-Texas and the rest of the schoolyard gang chose to shut down the federal government Monday night. As a result, 800,000 federal employees were sent home. When the GOP leadership didn’t blow the whistle to end recess, I was outraged like every other Democrat and many Republicans both in and out of Congress. Having achieved the wisdom that accompanies a high school diploma, I understand that it’s reckless to gamble with the economic health and the financial standing of the nation, especially over a law that will allow millions of Americans to buy health insurance. This is the same law that has been affirmed by every branch of
government. Call me intelligent, but I think everyone must realize something went horribly awry with the GOP tactic when enrollment in the health care exchanges began Tuesday morning while the federal government remained closed. Now, your question might be why the Republican Party hasn’t hired me as a political strategist (It may seem bamboozling now, but you’ll understand as you read). However, my chief concern is how the hell did Congress get so messed up anyhow, and how can we restore order among the children? The answer to the former question that’s on all of our minds is that Congress is too extreme. A recent study released by DW-DOMINATE, the standardbearer of measuring congressional ideology, confirmed what we already knew: The Republican Party is the most conservative it’s ever been and there is virtually nothing that the parties have in common. This obviously helps to explain why the two houses of
Congress couldn’t forge an agreement despite the months-long pleas from Democrats to go to conference over their separate budget bills. Cleaning up this mess won’t be easy. Start with the fact that these people are the rule makers and they get to choose the rules under which they operate. If they benefit under the system, like they do now, they have zero incentive to remedy the problem. So perhaps that is the most serious concern. Since that’s the ball game, you might stop reading now and save the next 120 seconds of your life because nothing I’m about to suggest is actually going to happen. However, let’s pretend for just a moment that the creatures of Washington really care about good governance and not only their re-election campaigns. If that were the case, we’d expect to see the implementation of several commonsense solutions. For one, the practice of gerrymandering would come to an end. Partisan state Legislatures have mastered the
art of drawing district lines to their electoral advantage, allowing more extreme candidates, who essentially represent the will of primary voters, to win seats. Instead, magical nonpartisan bodies, like those in Iowa, would draw fair boundaries to create competitive districts. We might also see dare I say it: term limits. The career politicians who compose the Congressional leadership spend so much of their life in Washington that they have stronger ties with special interests and party officials than they do with the people they represent. Term limits, as opposed to politicians’ eventual deaths, would allow new ideas and leadership to cycle through Congress and resolve some accountability issues. Within the institution itself, here’s a simple one: no budget, no paycheck. When we don’t do our jobs, we get fired. Unfortunately, until we fix the problem with electioneering, we can’t rely on members to lose elections, so the least they should be required
to do is forfeit their meager $174,000 annual salary like the rest of federal employees. Similarly, mandating representatives to show up for work would force our leaders to take the necessary time to, you know, run the country. The work week for members of Congress is Tuesday through Thursday; the rest of their time is spent in their districts in fear that if they don’t spend time with their constituents, angry, deranged mobs will stage coups that some of us call failed re-election campaigns. And while members should be accountable to the voters in their districts, there has to be a more feasible schedule that allows them to accomplish the business of the nation. So, I offer these ideas before you not as serious considerations because there is no reason for our leaders to change the status quo but merely as aspirations for a more perfect union. For that, I suppose, we will just have to wait for another revolution to happen. Please send all feedback to
Letter: Our debt in the United States is a bipartisan issue to talk about By Jennifer Pavelec Bipartisan issues group
For college students today, the word “debt” is an omnipresent warning about the problems facing our future. From record student loan debt, about $27,000 on average per person, to the immense and growing national debt, college students are bombarded by figures that demonstrate the threat to our American dreams. Unemployment for young people remains in the double digits, about 11 percent, due to the lasting impact of the Great Recession. Our national debt has reached $200 trillion, and counting. Yet, despite these staggering facts, many college students remain unmoved, either feeling powerless to enact real change or disengaged from politics in general. But perhaps the scariest part about the national debt is that it threatens our
futures to an even greater extent than it does those best positioned to fix it. And so, it is up to our generation to defeat the debt, before it defeats us. When politicians talk about our $17 trillion national debt they are only referring to the amount of money our country has borrowed in the past –– not where we are going in the future. The true national debt (otherwise known as the “fiscal gap” which is currently $200 trillion), includes the present value of unfunded future obligations of programs like Social Security and Medicare, today’s debt, and the cost of interest payments. It is a tab so large that it is beyond our generation’s capacity to pay. It is a very real threat to the priorities you care about, no matter what your political affiliation and beliefs. If Washington continues to kick the
can down the road by failing to address the problem, it is our generation that will be most impacted. Investments in our future (education, research, infrastructure, etc.) will hit their lowest relative level on record by 2023, as interest payments on the debt approach $1 trillion a year. By 2031, every penny of federal revenue will just be enough to cover so-called mandatory spending (primarily entitlements), meaning spending on everything else must be borrowed. By 2033, the Social Security trust fund will run totally dry and the program will only be able to pay a fraction of its benefits. In sum, if we don’t address this problem soon, we’ll be left with more debt, higher taxes, fewer benefits and a lower standard of living. As the president of University of Wisconsin’s chapter of the Bipartisan Issues Group, I under-
stand how differently conservatives and liberals view this issue. The UW BIG was founded last year by two friends, one conservative and one liberal, who, when talking about current issues, realized that they could find middle ground and that they were discouraged by national partisan divides. The BIG was founded on the belief that despite varied ideological preferences, a large group of our generation knows that practical solutions do exist and that excessive partisanship only impedes the political process. While we might not see eye to eye on how to fix the debt problem, we can agree that this is a problem that needs to be addressed and that the status quo is the worst option on the table. Every day that our country puts off tough choices, the financial burden being
placed on young people and future Americans grows. That is why the UW Bipartisan Issues Group, College Republicans and College Democrats have joined together to welcome the “Generational Equity Tour” to campus on Oct. 8. The tour is organized by The Can Kicks Back ( campaign, a non-partisan group of young people that advocates for a fiscally sustainable and generationally equitable federal budget. I hope that you take some time on Tuesday, Oct. 8 to stop by our tent on East Campus Mall during the day and to attend our screening of the nonpartisan deficit documentary Overdraft in Humanities 1111 at 7:30 that night. It is time that we start fighting for our future, together. Please send all feedback to
Weekend, October 4-6, 2013
Men’s golf hosts first Badger Invitational since 2003 E
arlier this week, the Wisconsin men’s golf team welcomed 13 programs to their home course at University Ridge for the first Badger Invitational since 2003. Not only was it the first Badger
Invitational in 10 years, it was the first men’s home event of any kind at the course since 2005. University Ridge was opened in 1991, and it doubles as the home for the Badger golf team and a challenge for the local public. It sits on the former site of a glacier, creating rolling hills and valleys. The fairways mix in beautifully with the preserved prairies and marshland, and a multitude of bunkers and ponds pose a challenge for even the most experienced golfer. At least it’s pretty when that quadruple bogey ruins your round—that’s all you can really ask for. In preparation, groundskeepers worked to get the course in top condition. “We consider it our most important event, being a collegiate golf course hosting a collegiate tournament,” said Ryan Wieme, the head pro at University Ridge. “We did some things to try to get the greens up to speed and we grew out the rough as well.” The Invitational had once been an annual event, operating consecutively from 2000-’03. When asked about the long layoff between tournaments, Wieme mentioned that the course typically only hosts one NCAA event per year. For several years, the women’s team had the opportunity to host. In addition, the previous men’s coach, Jim Schuman, preferred not to host any events. “He’d rather have his players go elsewhere,” Wieme said. “It’s a lot of times the coach’s decision.” The Badger Invitational returned to action last Sunday and proceeded to finish on Tuesday. Ideal weather conditions persisted throughout all three days, with warm temperatures and sunny skies. While the Badgers were happy to host, they struggled to make much ground among the other teams in the overall rankings. Wisconsin began with a slow start on Sunday and remained in
the bottom half of the competition for the duration of the event. UW finished the first round with a team score of 295, good for 7-over par and eleventh best between the 14 teams. Wisconsin posted scores of 307 and 298 in the final two rounds to finish with a total of 36-over. They completed the tournament in the same position as they began, eleventh place. But they finished one stroke ahead of Marquette in the battle for state supremacy. Meanwhile, South Carolina stormed out of the gate and held a dominating lead throughout. They finished at 8-under par overall, 24 strokes ahead of second place Kansas. To say no one came close is an understatement. Junior Caleb Sturgeon and sophomore Matthew NeSmith took the top two individual scores in the tourney. Sturgeon’s final score of 10-under was a Badger Invitational record. It was also the third lowest total in University Ridge history. While Wisconsin never made it out of its rut, there were several positives. Redshirt senior Rob Jacobsen tied for third with a 1-under par score of 215. It was a personal best for Jacobsen, who was one of only four players to finish under par for the tournament. “Rob Jacobsen played great,” said head coach Michael Burcin. “By far, I think it was the best tournament of his college golfing.” While he was not pleased with the team’s overall position, Burcin noted the strong performances of his young players. Sophomore Matt Ross and freshman Tommy Schofield finished with scores of 4-over par and 7-over par, respectively. Both competed individually and did not count for team scoring. “We’re really looking for the young guys to really get going,” Burcin said. “This is our first class of guys that we recruited as freshmen, so it was nice to kind of get their feet wet.” The Badgers begin their next tour-
Story by Jim Dayton nament this Sunday at Erin Hills Golf Course in Hartford, Wis. “Erin Hills is a completely different golf course … kind of wide open, a lot longer,” Burcin said. “Where we are, we’re just trying to take some steps and make progress in all areas.” While Burcin and the Badgers won’t be hosting another tournament this year, they are pleased with how their one opportunity turned out. He was impressed with the conditions of the greens, and other coaches had rave reviews for University Ridge as well. As for the Badger Invitational returning annually, Burcin did not hesitate. “With the golf course as good as it is, I think it’s a no-brainer.”
Graphics by haley henschel
We consider it our most important event, being a collegiate golf course hosting a collegiate tournament. We did some things to try to get the greens up to speed and we grew out the rough as well.” ryan wieme, head pro at University Ridge Women’s Soccer
Badgers bring perfect road form home for six of eight games By Jonah Beleckis the daily cardinal
With eight of their first ten games being on the road, the No. 18 Wisconsin women’s soccer team (2-0-1 Big Ten, 7-1-2 overall) is coming home to host defending Big Ten champion No. 7 Penn State (3-0-0, 9-1-1) Friday and Ohio State (1-1-1, 7-2-2) Sunday. The Badgers have been perfect so far on the road (6-0-2). Now they will play six of their final eight games at home. After two shutouts against No. 13 Michigan (1-1-1, 7-2-1) and Michigan State (1-2-0, 7-2-2) in their past two games, redshirt junior goalkeeper Genevieve Richard earned Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week honors. She had nine saves over the weekend and remains unbeaten in net on the season (7-0-1). “Gen’s experience and making big saves in big games throughout her career gives you a lot of confidence,” head coach Paula Wilkins said. “When you see a seasoned player like that take command of the back, it
makes your back four look more confident and it sends a confidence throughout the entire team.” Freshman defender Kylie Schwarz was also Big Ten Freshman of the Week for her strong performances in the center of the back line. She became the fourth Badger to win this award.
“Kylie and Gen are a reflection of a team effort. Whenever you get awards, it is because the whole team is successful.” Paula Wilkins head coach Wisconsin women’s soccer team
“People didn’t know she was sick all week,” Wilkins said. “To be able to play two games with how sick she was, that award is fantastic.”
Despite the two awards being individual by nature, Wilkins saw it as a reflection of a team effort. “Kylie and Gen are a reflection of the whole team,” Wilkins said. “Whenever you get awards, it is because the whole team is successful. The back four was better this whole weekend and I think it’s a shoutout to them and the team defending all together.” Wisconsin will need strong defensive performances against Penn State. The Nittany Lions have outscored their opponents 23-9 in their past eight games. However, the last time Penn State played a ranked team was Aug. 30 when they lost 5-1 to then No. 5 Virginia. “They are dynamic, explosive, good on the ball, organized and their transition is good,” Wilkins said. “So they take care of all the details and they will expose you with one little mistake, and so you really have to be focused with what you are trying to do.” To combat the Nittany Lion offense, the Badgers will look to junior forward Cara
Walls to keep on scoring. She has seven goals and three assists on the season, and is on pace to lead Wisconsin in scoring for the third straight season. While the team is taking the weekend one game at a time, Ohio State will not be overlooked.
“They [Penn State] are dynamic, explosive, good on the ball, organized and their transition is good.” Paula Wilkins head coach Wisconsin women’s soccer team
“We take it one game at a time,” Wilkins said. “We will focus on Penn State right now. Friday night I will start preparing for Ohio State and Saturday we will all focus our energy on Ohio State.”
weekend october 4-6, 2013
The LeBron JamesMichael Jordan debate is pointless
UW to face No. 10 Nebraska By Livi Pitzo the daily cardinal
Blake duffin shake ‘n’ blake This past week, Michael Jordan made a comment that would again fuel the Jordan and LeBron James dispute. After being asked who he would like to play one on one against in his prime, MJ responded by listing some of the alltime greats he believed he would beat, including James. For whatever reason, our society has an obsession with predicting possible outcomes to a completely impossible scenario. As usual, every sports fan went to their nearest social media platform and publicly weighed in on the debate. Every time this happens, I can’t help but think how pointless of an argument it is. First and foremost, Jordan and James both may have played in the NBA, but they didn’t play the same game. Jordan was part of the “mid-range” jump shot era, as I like to call it. The NBA revolved around physical, fundamental basketball. It was a time when Reggie Miller gave a new meaning to smack talk and Patrick Ewing perfected the shot block. Historic rivalries ran wild and tough defense was the best offense. The game couldn’t be more different today. When players aren’t launching 3-pointers, they’re isolating their best scorer. The art of a good team defense is nearly lost, and to all but few, the midrange jumper is extinct. “Super” teams are being assembled and players are traded too frequently to create any rivalry to match the likes of Boston and Los Angeles in the late 1980s. It truly is a different game, and to compare two players from two different eras just wouldn’t be right. Secondly, Jordan and James played with different supporting casts. A player’s individual success is strongly correlated with the quality of his teammates. Just take a look at James. He was unable to get a championship in Cleveland, but with the help of superstars Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh, he snatched two rings in three consecutive finals appearances with the Miami Heat. Teammates can affect individual points, championships or any other statistic over the course of an entire career. Often times Jordan and James are compared by championship rings. Is it really fair to determine individual talents by comparing team achievements? Did Scottie Pippen have nothing to do with the triumph of Jordan? I don’t think so. Despite everything that I’ve said so far, people will still hold up Jordan’s statistics next to James’ and attempt to make an educated decision about who’s better. If you were to do this, you would see other than championship rings, they have near identical statistics and achievements. Furthermore, nobody can predict the future. James is still in the midst of his prime, and his future is unknown. Who knows what could happen to him to shape his remaining years in the NBA. Maybe at the end of his career we can speculate as to who would win in a one on one game, but until then, let’s give it a rest. The fact of the matter is that a one on one game between Jordan and James in their primes is not possible, and never will be. Both are tremendous athletes that have become the best players of their times, so let’s leave the debate at that. Do you think LeBron James and Michael Jordan should be compared? Let Blake know what you think by sending an email to
The Wisconsin volleyball team is now 3-0 in the Big Ten (14-1 overall) for the first time since 2007 after defeating Iowa on Wednesday. The Badgers now hit the road to play No. 10 Nebraska (0-2, 9-2) Saturday night at 7 p.m. After losing the first set to Iowa, the team came back to win three straight sets and secure the match. “Consistency would be one of the last things I would use to describe that match, and that can be highly frustrating,” head coach Kelly Sheffield said. “But we stayed with it last night, we didn’t give up on ourselves, and we battled as a team.” Outside hitter Annemarie Hickey agrees that the team needs to stay focused and maintain their consistency in order to win against Nebraska. “Going into this next match, I think our team needs to do a better job of staying consistent with our passing, hitting, setting and staying consistent throughout the entire game and not just one set,” Hickey said. Leading the Big Ten in kills, Nebraska poses a significant threat offensively at the net with key hitters like senior Kelsey Robinson. “There are teams that we’re playing where you can ignore a hitter or two, and this isn’t one of them,” Sheffield said. In order to stop Nebraska’s strong force at the net, the Badgers needs to be on their toes defensively. Better digging will help open up options on offense that were not previously there for Wisconsin. “We need to focus on keeping the ball off the ground so that [freshman setter Lauren Carlini] can set all three options,” Hickey said. “That’s what we’ve been stressing at practice, always making an effort and always going for the ball.” Nebraska will be the toughest and highest ranked team Wisconsin has played thus far.
Brett bachman/the daily cardinal
After dropping the first set against Iowa, the Badgers won three straight to win the match. More consitency will be needed against No. 10 Nebraska. “I think it’s an opportunity to show people how tough we are and how much we want it, but we’ll definitely need to pick up our game,” middle back Dominique Thompson said. After Nebraska, the team faces a series of matches against Penn State, Minnesota and Michigan State, all top ranked teams in the Big Ten. Sheffield believes that playing these high quality
opponents will put the team at an advantage for future matches. Being undefeated in the conference so far has certainly raised the level of confidence on the team, Sheffield believes, but the team is focusing on taking one game at a time. “You can’t get caught up in the wins,” Sheffield said. “It’s about playing the right way.”