Tuesday, October 30, 2012 - The Daily Cardinal

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OKCupid’s narrow arrow

Teaching with their textbooks How instructors who write their own textbooks use earnings from students

The good, the bad and the creepy: questions that’ll help you find a mate in the online dating world

+FEATURE, page 4

+PAGE TWO University of Wisconsin-Madison

Complete campus coverage since 1892



Tuesday, October 30, 2012

UW student dies in Smith Hall Monday Dean of Students confirms male student suffered cardiac arrest By Abby Becker and Sam Cusick The Daily Cardinal

A University of WisconsinMadison student died from cardiac arrest in Smith Residence Hall early Monday evening, according to Dean of Students Lori Berquam. U W-Mad i s o n Po l i c e Department Lt. Mark Silbernagel said the death is considered “an open investigation” and more details, including the student’s name, will be released after further investigation. Berquam said the university is saddened by the male student’s death and sends its sympathies to all who are affected. “Our hearts go out to the student’s family, friends and people who lived in the resi-

dence hall with him,” Berquam said. “And I hope that we as a community come together to support all [who] were impacted by this.” Berquam also said the death of a student is especially tragic and difficult to accept because at such a young age the student is never able to reach his or her full potential. “When there is a tragedy like this, it’s a person that we don’t know what amazing things he could have done, we don’t know what kind of leader he would have been, or what impact he would have had on the world, so we’re going to grieve that,” Berquam said. Residents on the student’s floor in Smith Residence Hall were notified of the death Monday evening in a meeting with residence life officials and counselors. Grief counselors will also be available at Smith Hall Tuesday for residents, but any student may speak with additional grief counselors at University Health Services, according to Berquam.

graphic by Angel lee

Hurricane Sandy has caused flooding and affected power lines in Northeastern states.

Hurricane Sandy causes concern among East Coast UW students Over the next two weeks, Julia Boms has to take two midterms and the Graduate Record Examination. But what distracts the University of WisconsinMadison Senior from studying is not the average internet browsing or chatting, but Hurricane Sandy, a tropical storm headed toward her family at home on Long Island, New York. Students at UW-Madison, many of whom come from the East Coast, are worried about Sandy, which hit land along the coast of southern New Jersey around 8:00 p.m. Eastern Time Monday, according to the National Hurricane Center.

In Boms’ hometown, flooding from Hurricane Sandy shut down the train station, as well as power and phone lines. Boms said it is hard to deal with being away from home and hearing about the storm, the severity of which became apparent when her mom said the area WalMart was sold out of essential items such as pasta. “I know I’m a lot safer here, but I do want to be with my family in case, God forbid, anything happens,” she said. Tropical Storm Sandy has also caused shutdowns of schools and mass transit in cities such as New York.

UW-Madison Junior Kris Doerfler said his brother visited him over the weekend, but is unable to return home to a town on the outskirts of Queens until Wednesday due to the weather conditions. Doerfler said his family is more concerned with monetary damages from basement flooding than of a threat to their lives. One of his friends had to support a tree in his backyard with two giant metal rods to keep it from falling on the house. “I’m not too worried in terms of life danger,” Doerfler said. “Only property danger.” —Meghan Chua

Obama, Romney cancel Wisconsin stops due to hurricane Both President Barack Obama and his opponent Gov. Mitt Romney cancelled their visits to Wisconsin this week due to Hurricane Sandy wrecking havoc in the Northeast, according to releases from both candidates’ campaigns. For Romney and Obama, campaigning in Wisconsin this week would have been one last push to attract voters in the bat-

tleground state. Obama canceled his Tuesday campaign visit in Green Bay to remain in the Oval Office to monitor Hurricane Sandy, which broke ground on the East Coast Monday evening, according to an Obama campaign release. “I am not worried at this point about the impact on the election,” Obama said in footage from a press conference Monday. He said

he is worried about the impact on families, first responders, economy and transportation. Romney also canceled his campaign visit to the Milwaukee area Monday evening due to the storm, but his running mate, Paul Ryan, still intends to return to his home in Janesville Wednesday to continue cam-

hurricane page 3

Study finds Baldwin, Thompson ads most negative in US By Sarah Olson The Daily Cardinal

Grey Satterfield/the daily cardinal

Police cars arrive at Smith Hall to respond to the death of a UW-Madison student who suffered cardiac arrest Monday.

In recent weeks leading up to the election, the U.S. Senate race between U.S. Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., and former Wisconsin governor Tommy Thompson has proven

to be one of the most negative senate races in the country, according to an organization that tracks campaign ads. Data from Kantar Media CMAG found 99 percent of television ads that aired over a 30-day period ending Oct. 26

were negative, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. The race between Thompson and Baldwin is even more negative than the presidential race. In the first

senate race page 3

“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

page two 2


hi 46º / lo 30º

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 122, Issue 42

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Today: sunny

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Wednesday: partly sunny hi 43º / lo 27º


A 21st birthday fit for a ‘Lion King’ Jacklin Bolduan jack attack


o, my 21st birthday is coming up and after 21 years and nine months of anticipation I will now be able to stay in hotel rooms all by myself! I guess the permission from the government to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages is somewhat convenient also. No, OK, so obviously I’m totally stoked brah to be able to walk into the most dreamiest of classy-ass joints, belly up to the bar and ask for a martini…and then to subsequently spit that martini out everywhere because martinis are straight gin and my body and all my taste buds and brain cells will be like “hell nah.” But it’s the experience, you know? All jokes aside, of course I’m planning on having a nice dinner with my closest honey boo boos, ordering my first alcoholic beverage, walking back to my home, and sleeping in my bed. (I’m sorry I reference my bed so much…but I’ll never stop.)

Seeing as my birthday falls in the middle of the week, my parents came down on my birthday to spoil me rotten. I am totally the luckiest kid. Before their arrival, my mom asked me for a birthday list to help her pick out the most optimal adult 21 gift for my sophisticated, drunk fiesta birthday. I won’t go into all of the details of that list, because if you have read any of my articles you know full well that I had every godforsaken season of “The Golden Girls” written in blood on that list. However, here’s what I scored: two of those tiny bottles of alcohol that are really only appropriate for when your pretty sure you’re plane is going to crash over the Gulf of Mexico (carry on staples), little napkins with one of those 1950’s housewives on it saying “You are what you drink!” (in case of emergency 35 year old combination cocktail/jewelry/ lotion/candle parties) and the crowning jewel of it all: a stuffed Nala from “The Lion King.”

Yes, one night a few weeks ago when I was home for the weekend, my mom, my aunt and I hit up Target for some late night shopping. After they both literally wet their pants trying to try on nighties over their clothes in the middle of the store, we headed over to the toy isle. There she was: my Nala. She’s such a nice Nala. OK, for real though, she’s so friggen soft, and so melt-yourfive-year-old-heart cute. So as I walked around Target clutching this stuffed Disney character, I thought, “Should I be clutching a handle of Svedka?” Obviously the answer is no because handles of Svedka with soft lil’ lion cub ears are becoming increasingly hard to find. The only Disney store that still stocks them is the one in Times Square. After all my blessings and stroking my new toy for about 10 minutes at the restaurant while dodging the alarmed looks from our waitress, we headed to the zoo for even cleaner family fun (if you don’t count the

camel in heat). Once there, I ran ahead of my parents and yelled “LOOK OMG” at every single animal and then expressed sore disappointment when one of them had to go inside to eat dinner or be warm or something. My ridiculousness was fueled, yes, by my annoying nature, but also by a cupcake and the seven layers of frosting on top of it that I ate right before we got to the zoo. It was trick-or-treat day at Vilas Zoo, so, as you might imagine, I had to shove little princesses and Buzz Lightyears out of my way just to get a good look at the chimps. Needless to say, I got zero play-date invitations for after school tomorrow. I, drunk with sugar and stuffed Disney Nala bliss, drift off to a sleep land that only a 5 year old can really, truly appreciate. Happy Birthday, self, you shame to the American dream of 21-year-old shwastedness. Wish Jacklin had invited you to her roarin’ (get it?) 21st birthday? Send her your thoughts at Bolduan@wisc.edu.

Getting hit with OKCupid’s questionarrow Michael Voloshin voloshin’s commotion


here’s a weird stigma with online dating. We assume that couples that meet online can’t find people in real life to date, we assume that people lie online all the time about important information, and we assume that we’re better than online dating. However, recent statistics have stated that one in six relationships have started online. Match.com and eHarmony promise serious relationships for those that have tried and failed with everything else. But what about the casual dater? The casual dater goes to OKCupid, the fastest-growing internet dating service in the universe. I decided to explore this website and find out what questions they use to find out who could be my soulmate. With every question they ask you for your answer, the answer you’ll accept from someone else and how relevant (irrelevant, a little important, somewhat important, very important, mandatory) this question is to you. So, let’s get into it. Regardless of future plans, what’s more interesting to you right now? Sex or true love. Alright, so they get right down to it with their first question. I guess to really get involved in this site you need to answer it, but hell if this isn’t an awkward way to say “what do you want?” Answer: true love. Answer I’ll accept: true love. Relevance: a little important. How willing are you to meet someone from OKCupid in person? Totally willing, hesitant or I’m not interested in meeting in person. Yes I am joining an online dating site because I never want to meet anyone in real life ever. Answer: totally willing.

Answer I’ll accept: totally willing. Relevance: mandatory. Which would you rather be? Normal or weird. This is a confusing question. I’m usually all for being weird, but I’m afraid that if I tell people I’m weird then they’ll judge me. Furthermore, if I want to meet someone weird they might be reallllllly weird (like someone that loves “Gossip Girl” weird), but if I choose normal then they might not have any personality. Answer: weird. Answer I’ll accept: weird. Relevance: somewhat important. Would you strongly prefer to go out with someone of your own skin color/racial background, Yes or no? I am not racist. No, No, Mandatory. Would you consider sleeping with someone on the first date, yes or no? Love this question not because of my answer but because I can judge the answers of others. Yes, Yes, Somewhat important. Are you happy with your life? Yes or no. Holy shit OKCupid, just lay that existential question on me. Lull me with all this date stuff and then get into a question that many online daters have to answer. Again, this is a question that my answer isn’t as interesting as the one from my potential suitors; do I go for a happy person that doesn’t need me or for a sad person that would need me? Wow, that is a sociopathic plan, see what you do to me OKCupid!?! Yes, Yes, Mandatory. What is the most exciting thing about getting to know someone new? Discovering your shared interests or discovering their body. This is one creepy question OKCupid. Discovering

shared interests, Discovering shared interests, Mandatory. How important is religion/God in your life? Extremely important, somewhat important, not very important, not at all important. I guess religion is important to some people, but once again this is supposed to be a low-key dating site. You haven’t even asked me what religion I am, but like an earlier question, I do not judge people based on their religion. Not very important, Not at all important, Irrelevant. Do you enjoy discussing politics? Yes or no. Finally a question that I really care about. No, No, Mandatory. (Politics suck.) In a certain light, wouldn’t nuclear war be exciting? Yes it would or no it wouldn’t. Seriously OKCupid!?! How is

this a question? How can anyone be like, “oh yeah, a nuclear war, that’d be awesome. I hope that happens soon.” I would not want to meet anyone that thinks that way and I don’t think I ever will. No, No, Mandatory. Alright OKCupid, in the first 10 questions you’ve already asked me if I’d rather be normal or weird, if I’m happy, and if religion or race matters to me. Dafuq OKCupid? I thought you were cool and the questions would be about my favorite super power (invisibility, duh), or which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle I most closely align with (Michelangelo). But instead I had to look deep inside myself and try to take something for fun seriously. Guess I’ll have to find true love the old fashioned way, by buying a mail-order Russian bride. Do you believe someone must love bombs to be date-able? Tell Michael why at mvoloshin@ wisc.edu.

Graphic by Angel Lee


Tuesday, October 30, 2012 3



‘Super Size Me’ star visits UW By Shannon Kelly The Daily Cardinal

Xinyi Wang/the daily cardinal

Morgan Spurlock, director of ‘Super Size Me,’ visits campus Monday to discuss his filmmaking experiences with students.

Four men allegedly mug, attack man Police arrested four suspects for substantial battery after they allegedly attacked a 49-year-old man on the 1200 block of Williamson Street early Friday morning. The victim said in a statement the four men demanded he give up his wallet before they knocked him to the ground, according to Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain. A witness told police the suspects were “taking turns” kicking and punching the man and “really wailing on him,” according to the police report. After receiving a descrip-

tion of the alleged muggers and their getaway car’s license plate number, a Capitol Police officer pulled over a dark blue Dodge Intrepid and arrested Dustan Oasen, Christopher and Nicholas McQueen and Wali Muldrow for substantial battery party to a crime. DeSpain said in a statement the victim was taken to a hospital with a broken nose. The McQueen brothers were also charged in June with offenses including disorderly conduct and obstructing police in connection to a May shooting on University Avenue.

Four men fight outside Lucky’s Bar A fight instantly erupted after two 21-year-old men “accidentally bumped into” two other men outside of Lucky’s Bar on Regent Street early Saturday morning, according to Madison police. “[The victims] didn’t want trouble and apologized for the contact,” Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain said in a statement. “Their words evidently fell on deaf ears.” DeSpain said one of the suspects needed multiple stitches after the attackers allegedly “punched [both] in the head and knocked [them] to the ground.”

Using the victims’ and witnesses’ descriptions, a responding officer tackled one of the fleeing suspects, 19-year-old Jason Siebecker from Mauston, WI, who was seen wearing a pair of “distinctive black and white striped overalls,” according to the statement. Siebecker denied having anything to do with the fight or the other suspect, according to police. Police took Siebecker to Dane County Jail, where he was tentatively charged with battery, resisting arrest and underage consumption of alcohol, according to DeSpain.

Teenage girl allegedly groped on Mills A 17-year-old woman from Baraboo, Wis., was sexually assaulted by a man dressed as Hugh Hefner as part of his Halloween costume while walking down the 20 block of South Mills Street around 11 p.m. Saturday, according to Madison police. When the man saw the woman, he said he wanted to hug her and pressed against her, according to Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain. Because she did not

know the man, the Baraboo resident pushed him away. The man then grabbed her forcefully and “touched [her] inappropriately on the inside of her clothes,” according to the police report. The victim then managed to push the attacker away and escape the scene, according to DeSpain. Police have not yet identified the suspect, who they describe as a thinly built black man around 5’10” with a light complexion.

hurricane from page 1

is scheduled to speak in Wisconsin later this week to campaign for Obama. Officials have yet to release more concrete details. Both candidates visited Wisconsin in past months, with Obama visiting the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus Oct.4 and Romney visiting De Pere Sept. 12. —Taylor Harvey

paigning in Wisconsin. “Romney believes this is a time for the nation and its leaders to come together to focus on those Americans who are in harm’s way,” Romney for President Communications Director Dail Gitcho said in a statement. Former President Bill Clinton

Morgan Spurlock, acclaimed director and producer of multiple documentary films, including “Super Size Me” and “Where in the World is Osama bin Laden?,” discussed his filmmaking experiences at Union South Monday as part of the Wisconsin Union Directorate Distinguished Lecture Series. Spurlock gave an energetic 90-minute lecture that traced the process behind creating his 2011 product placement documentary “POM Wonderful Presents: The Greatest Movie Ever Sold.” He said he aimed to create a film about product placement, marketing and advertising funded entirely by product placement,

marketing and advertising, and in the process he explored the inner workings of the nature of revenue in filmmaking. This portion of the speech had the audience laughing with anecdotes about Spurlock’s offthe-wall struggles dealing with companies from Mini Cooper to Mane and Tail shampoo, but Spurlock used it to highlight a central point about his approach to filmmaking. “We were trying to push the envelope of what we could pull off with this film that would be smart, that would be funny, but at the same point that would have a point, and I think we did a great job of that,” Spurlock said. Later in the lecture, Spurlock answered questions about

his best-known work, 2004 McDonald’s health docudrama “Super Size Me.” Spurlock said he created “Super Size Me” with a budget of $65,000 and a crew of 40 people, all of whom worked for free. The film went on to achieve Sundance success and grossed $28 million worldwide, though according to Spurlock much of the film’s success lay in its cultural impact. “[It] created such a raw, visceral reaction in people,” Spurlock said. “It created such a dialogue that was amazing … it’s really all on you to decide how to interpret that film.” Spurlock’s next project will be a nonfiction CNN series called “Inside Man,” which will explore unseen sectors of American life and will premiere April 2.

Search firm to help find next chancellor The University of Wisconsin-Madison is set to pay a search firm an estimated $167,000 to aid the university in finding and recruiting candidates for its next chancellor, according to Chancellor Search and Screen Committee Chair David McDonald. McDonald said the university decided to work with Storbeck/ Pimentel, a well-known con-

sulting firm for recruitment of university administrators, not only because of the firm’s successful record of finding executives for internationally renowned research universities, but also the firm’s dedication to diversity. “This will broaden our capacity to find as many qualified candidates as possible,” McDonald said. “I think with

their support we will do a far better job than we would if we did not have [this] set of people working with us.” According to McDonald, the UW System was first exposed to Storbeck/Pimentel as a result of a search conducted in 2010 to find a consulting firm to aid the university in recruiting all top executives. —Sam Morgan

senate race from page 1

Madison political science professor David Canon. Canon said incumbents do not need to rely as much on negativity because they have advantages such as name recognition and prior experience to ease the pressure. “Competitive open seat races tend to be the most negative races there are,” Canon said. Ads from a conservative political group characterize Baldwin as being “too extreme for Wisconsin” and feature a fiery exclamation of “you’re damn right!” from Baldwin. At the same time, an ad from the Baldwin campaign

criticizes Thompson, saying he used to care about the people of Wisconsin but his interests have changed. Canon said although it is unusual to see so many attack ads, the negativity has a purpose. “Negative campaigns actually do stimulate voter interest,” Canon said, adding that they have always been present in American politics. Additionally, he said it is important to consider that this data was collected in the final stretch of the U.S. Senate race, which is often the most negative part of any race.

three weeks of October, 94 percent of President Barack Obama’s ads and 88 percent of ads from the Mitt Romney campaign were negative, according to a study by the Wesleyan Media Project, which analyzes campaign ads. The tight race between Thompson and Baldwin, with polls showing the two nearly tied, as well as neither candidate being an incumbent may account for the rampant negativity seen in campaign ads, according to University of Wisconsin-

Police to check for bike lights Tuesday night University police will monitor if cyclists on the southeast side of campus have the proper lighting on their bicycles as a part of the Be Bright safety initiative Tuesday evening. The University of Wi s c o n s i n-Mad i s o n Police Department is working with Safe Communities to inform cyclists about proper bike lighting in addition to installing bike lights, according to Officer Kristin Radtke. Radtke said officers are treating this initiative as an opportunity to educate cyclists on legal bicycle lighting. “[Violators] will not be penalized,” Radtke said. “They will be talked to by an officer and given a free light.”

on campus

Puppy playtime

Students at Steenbock Library reduce stress by playing with puppies from the local animal-assisted therapy organization Dogs on Call. + Photo by Yihan Liao




Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Writing the book, teaching the class The difference in how instructors use their earnings

Story by Samy Moskol At the first lecture for Political Science 103, before explaining the United Nations or mentioning Greece’s economic troubles, Professor Jon Pevehouse announces that he donates the royalties he makes off of UW-Madison students who buy new copies of his textbook to the Red Cross. While instructors like Pevehouse who require their own textbooks say the book is ideal for their class, they differ on what to do with profits they make off their students. Faculty members must disclose outside earnings related to their work on campus, but UW-Madison has no overarching policy telling instructors who use their own textbooks how to use their profits, giving UW-Madison professors a relatively flexible reign. This differs from other Big 10 schools like University of Minnesota, which, according to a statement by the American Association of University Professors, does not allow professors to profit off their students unless it is certified by their respective department chair. There are similar policies at Virginia Tech and Cleveland State University, among others. Still, UW-Madison’s College of Letters and Science outlines suggestions for instructors who require students to purchase their material, such as donating royalties to charity, or keeping copies on reserve for free at campus libraries. The policy also emphasizes that it is in the students’ “best interest” for professors to require their own material, provided it is the best available. Pevehouse’s book, which cost $130 this fall, is used in 30 countries and many experts in the field consider it the premier International Relations textbook written after the end of the Cold War. While he recognizes the advantages of knowing the book front to back, Pevehouse wrestled with the thought of benefitting financially from his students. To offset this, Pevehouse donates all the profits from UW-Madison students, currently at $6 to $7 per new book, which he thinks helps justify using his book for the class. “You’re requiring students to spend money on something that’s going to end up in your pocket … I do the best I can to figure out how many books are bought by students here at UW,” Pevehouse said. As students increasingly bear the burden of rising tuition each year, textbook prices have also risen over the last decade, which Pevehouse attributes to publishing corporations buying out other companies and consolidating the textbook market. The Financial Aid Office estimates that on average, students spend $1,190 per year on textbooks and materials. That number is approximately one ninth of yearly tuition for Wisconsin residents. But profits for the textbooks’ authors are meager at best. While each book is different, most authors earn approximately 8 to 12 percent of their book’s total price, though that varies depending on the author’s name recognition and experience. Professor Kristin Hunt, who teaches Theatre 120, received a $200 check for the custom reader she created to save students from purchasing multiple books. But rather than pocketing the money, she used it for a teaching assistants’ party. According to the National Association of College Stores, a non-profit trade organization that represents the college retail industry, slightly more than 21 percent of each book’s list price goes to the store selling it. The rest largely goes to the publisher. But Pete Anderson, the lecturer for Nutritional Science 132, Nutrition Today, keeps the royalties he gets for his custom textbook. He has reissued the book six times since publishing the first edition in 2006, adding chapters every summer.

The print book costs around $140, and is currently only used at UW-Madison. He said the book is finished unless he can convince his publisher to produce it for other universities to use. Anderson said he does not find fault with keeping the royalties, currently sitting between 10 and 12 percent, because he writes it over the summer when he is not earning income from the university. Since he is a lecturer, he only works nine months out of the year and brings in a smaller salary than a professor would. “The book is kind of an extension of my teaching … I think it supports my class better,” Anderson said. “It benefits me more than if I used some other book, but it’s all the same to the

While some “instructor authors” differ on what to do with royalties after requiring their books, Professor John Hawks, who teaches Introduction to Biological Anthropology, has done away with textbooks all together. At the beginning of the fall 2011 semester he restructured his class format to a more customized one by switching from using a textbook to posting lecture and lab readings, 80 percent of which he wrote, to a free online blog. “I don’t like the idea that students are really paying so much for texts when you can make free material available to them when it is almost as good,” Hawks said. Lyons, who also took Hawks’ class, said his class format was affordable and simple.

“You’re requiring students to spend money on something that’s going to end up in your pocket … To offset that I do the best I can to figure out how many books are bought by students here at UW.” Jon Pevehouse, Political Science 103 professor

“[Using my textbook] benefits me more than if I used some other book, but it’s all the same to the student. It’s more or less the same dollar amount to students so I don’t really see a problem.” Pete Anderson, Nutritional Sciences 132 lecturer student. It’s more or less the same dollar amount to students so I don’t really see a problem.” But some students, like sophomore Nicole Lyons who took his class, found his text troublesome. “I think it’s overkill that every year a new book comes out,” Lyons said. Because it is updated yearly, students such as Lyons typically cannot sell the book back to the bookstore at the end of the spring semester. She said she would have felt better about buying a textbook if Anderson donated the royalties.

“You didn’t have to buy anything but you still got his knowledge,” she said. “It’s more to the point of what they really want you to know instead of having to wade through all of the extra stuff.” In 2002, Hawks tried writing a textbook on human evolution, but the more specialized book he intended to write was too narrow for the more marketable and introductory book his publisher wanted. He said publishers often ask authors to add extra components to the text which drives up the cost. “There has been a lot of textbook bloat,

publishers adding bloat, just to justify high prices,” Hawks said. “They have a marketed mind.” Authors and publishers can have a shaky relationship as authors have limited control over their book once it is mass produced. Pevehouse said one year he and his co-author withheld the manuscripts from their publisher because they thought the publisher was increasing the price too quickly. While Hawks said his publisher pressured him to write books that are more introductory, and therefore sellable, others, like Professor Karen Strier, were pressured to come out with editions more frequently. Strier, the author of her textbook for Primate Behavioral Ecology, an intermediate Anthropology class, writes a new edition every four years. She said she wrote new editions when changes within her field made her old editions obsolete, although her publisher wanted her to write more frequently. But she said she was motivated to write it as a service to a field that was low in literature. “It was never about making money,” Strier said. And the royalties she receives from UW-Madison students are next to nothing because her class is offered every two years, meaning the newest edition has already been on the market. UW-Madison students are typically able to buy used versions. Strier said, as a researcher for a small field, writing a necessary, more-focused text makes her book a “big fish in a small pond.” She did not want to write a more introductory book that already existed but find a “niche” that more specialized classes could use. Strier said the book helps keep her lecture organized, and it challenges her to think of new material to make sure lectures are “value added.” Strier is currently completing a new edited volume she hopes will be used nationally. All profits will go to conservation efforts, the book’s topic. For Hawks, it comes down to the best way to give students the material they need. “I would like to find a way to make [class material] cheap or free for their students. I have the power to assign it to them,” Hawks said. “It’s really a question of what’s the best way to get things out there. Emily Rose contributed to fact checking this article

College store’s income pre-tax

College Store Personnel

income. Author’s Royalties percent of

arts Titus ‘Taking Care of (Local) Business’ dailycardinal.com

By Sean Reichard The Daily Cardinal


Local Business Titus Andronicus Patrick Stickles is a smart man, or, if he isn’t, he should be. The sort of intellectual nerve he threads through the music of Titus Andronicus is well vaunted and fearsome. Those live readings of Shakespeare and Camus from The Airing of Grievances, and the various speech extracts peppered throughout The Monitor (along with the overarching frame of the Civil War a.k.a. one of America’s bloodiest and most resonant soulsearching episodes) are not for show or flair. Taking their name from a Shakespeare play—the most violent and absurd of the Bard’s work, I might add—this New Jersey outfit has made a name for itself as the most intense band of recent memory. They’re not the fastest or the loudest (by decibels), but they blister the way no well-oiled black metal band ever could.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012 5

And at the heart of their blistering Jersey caterwaul is a heavy dose of existential ethos. Chiefly, an ethos of existential nihilism. You’ve probably already met an existential nihilist at one point or another. You may be one. And if you’re on the fence, there’s probably a book along the lines of “So You Might Be An Existential Nihilist (Or Not).” But the basic premise of existential nihilism is that life has no inherent meaning, that every attempt to confront this vacuum is an encounter of the absurd machinations of our lives. That’s a brief, drive-by summary, probably lacking, but it’s pertinent. It’s the main thought which drives their “No Future” series—songs on both The Airing of Grievances and The Monitor—and it’s one of the hallmarks of a decidedly punk nihilism. The Sex Pistols proclaimed no future too, though I doubt Johnny Rotten or Sid Vicious had much of an intellectual boner for the theoretical parts. But if The Airing of Grievances is the Sissyphean clamor from the basement, and The Monitor is the rent and sputtering immolation of a nation—with every “why is this happening?” proffered and lost in the rifle cracks and cannon fire— what is Local Business? Titus Andronicus has been basking in a lot of warmth and love since the critical success of The Monitor, but be warned:

Patrick Stickles’ heart hasn’t grown three sizes. And on the best of Local Business, he still has the strength of ten Patrick Stickleses, plus two. Take lead track “Ecce Homo” (Latin for “Behold the Man,” a trope in Christian art when Jesus Christ is presented by Pontius Pilate to the crowd for the Crucifixion). Right off the bat, Stickles proclaims the meaningless of the universe and endeavoring to die free. Behold the man, indeed. “My Eating Disorder” is another potent example. It is one of the longer songs, and it’s worth every one of its eight minutes, seamlessly weaving eating disorders into an existential manifesto. It’s a thorny subject—what constitutes an eating disorder and how you’re supposed to deal with something as intractable as appetite and habit— but Stickles sticks to it, proclaiming magisterially, “I decide what goes inside my body.” Then there’s lead single, “In A Big City.” Stickles is in fine form here, bemoaning that he’s “a drop in a deluge of hipsters,” but he refuses to be assimilated. As the music marches on, Stickles goes on to proclaim simultaneously crude and elegant self-affirmations like, “I don’t know much but I know which side’s buttered on my toast” and “I’m a dirty bum but I wipe my own ass.” And the music! Local Business


Photo Courtesy Titus Andronicus

Titus Andronics released their new album on Tuesday, Oct. 23. doesn’t approach the same levels of rawness or quickness as The Airing of Grievances or The Monitor. There’s no breakneck breakdown cum “Theme from ‘Cheers,’” but the arrangements are inspired— five guys, no frills, and a decided break, but it doesn’t feel like the band is pulling back at all. Overall, the sound of Local Business is no-bull rock ’n’ roll, with a few diversions. Penultimate track “(I Am The) Electric Man”

sounds kind of like a cover of a ’50s pop song, complete with a call and response by Stickles and associates. And last track, “Tried to Quit Smoking” is the most dirge-like song they’ve recorded thus far— with a guitar solo that laments more than it plays. Compared to rest of Titus Andronicus’s back catalog, Local Business may feel less ambitious and less grasping, but it’s nothing less than compelling.

opinion 6


Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Red Bull is taking capitalism into space Grey satterfield/cardinal file photo

President Barack Obama visited campus earlier this month for the second time in three years to promote his re-election campaign.

Obama’s first term brought change, success Michael Brost opinion columnist


recurring theme of former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney’s presidential election campaign is that President Barack Obama has failed to deliver the change that he promised in 2008, or that the president has simply delivered the wrong kind of change. The problem with Romney’s claim isn’t that it is cynical and disingenuous. It is wrong. Today America looks fundamentally different than it did when Obama took office in January 2008. And the changes are mostly for the better. In 2008, President-elect Obama was welcomed to office by a freefalling economy and a failing auto industry. He responded by passing a stimulus bill that many derided as excessive. Much of the stimulus, however, was allocated to stave off mass layoffs of state employees across the country. What’s more, tax cuts comprised more than a third of the stimulus. Many economists now believe the stimulus was actually too small to be efficient. In addition, the president orchestrated the bailout of Detroit automakers, saving at least one million American jobs while also forcing the inefficient and complacent automakers to streamline efficiency. Obama also passed a comprehensive health-care reform bill, something both Democrat and Republican presidents have been trying to do for over a century. The president’s signature piece of legislation, the Affordable Care Act, extends health insurance coverage to 30 million Americans while reducing the federal budget deficit. It also keeps insurance companies from denying Americans health insurance coverage because they have pre-existing conditions and protects Americans from being dropped by their insurance companies due to a lifetime benefit limit. To help ensure the stability of the financial sector for future generations, the president championed and signed into law the Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform law, which is the most sweeping financial regulation legislation since the Great Depression. The president also ended the United States’ combat presence in Iraq, allowing tens of thousands of soldiers to come home to their families and saving billions of dollars by ending an unfinanced war. Obama has raised America’s image internationally and deftly

executed American foreign policy. When given actionable intelligence on the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden, he acted. Intelligence experts estimated that there was a 50-50 chance that bin Laden was living in a compound just a mile from Pakistan’s largest military academy in Abbottabad, Pakistan. Advisors put forth multiple possible plans for action. Vice President Joe Biden and then Secretary of Defense Robert Gates—who held the same position under former President George W. Bush—voted against a special operations raid on the compound. Ultimately, the president ordered the raid on the compound, overriding both his vice president and secretary of defense to ensure that bin Laden was brought to justice. Perhaps most important, Obama has redoubled the nation’s commitment to education by providing incentives to schools that improve effectiveness, easing access to student loans, and maintaining low interest rates on government-backed student loans. The federal government’s renewed commitment to education will help enable a more skilled workforce for generations to come. Most recently, the president instituted prosecutorial discretion in the deportation of illegal immigrants, ensuring that the Department of Homeland Security’s limited resources are not wasted on deporting young, law-abiding and educated illegal immigrants. To be sure, Congress should enact these changes. Congressional partisanship, however, has stymied the passage of the DREAM Act—which would institute a policy that is very similar to the president’s—for over a decade. The role that immigrants play in our nation is simply too great to keep educated, law-abiding immigrants from gaining citizenship. Immigrants or their children have started more than 40 percent of all Fortune 500 companies. We can’t afford to lose the contributions that immigrants make to our country. President Obama’s policy ensures we won’t. In an era of the 24-hour news cycle, it’s easy for us voters to be forgetful about the progress we’ve made as a nation since 2008. But from national security to health care to education, our country is better off than it was just four years ago. Today we’re better positioned for American success throughout the 21st century. In fact, the myth that President Obama has had a changeless first term is just that—a myth. Please send all feedback to opinion@dailycardinal.com.

mitch taylor opinion columnist


kay, I understand that in news years this is rather old, but I think it’s important to look back on Felix Baumgartner’s stratospheric freefall. For any readers that don’t know, the energy drink company Red Bull sent a stuntman up into space who then jumped down to Earth, breaking the sound barrier as well as a bunch of world records in the process. Following this record-breaking publicity stunt, nicknamed Project Stratos, some of the more cynical among us are wondering, besides how Baumgartner fit his massive balls into that suit, why anyone should really care? I’m going to tell you why anyone should really care. One reason this milestone is important is because it shows a future for American space exploration. The United States government is too busy limiting marriage rights and blowing people up to send anyone to space. On top of that, we have a crushing financial debt that we’re trying to dig our way out of. A space program seems unnecessary and irresponsible, as much as it pains

me to say it. Private corporations like Red Bull, however, have all the money in the world to spend. Say what you will about them, but corporations get things done. If there is money to be made in space exploration, businesses will make it. In Project Stratos, we saw just that. Red Bull put a man in the stratosphere because they had money to make. As spacefaring technology becomes more advanced in the future, no doubt we will be seeing more efforts by private companies to capitalize on it. I will not be surprised if space travel ends up being completely privatized. There was a time in human history when we accomplished great feats just because someone said so. In ancient Egypt, pharaohs ordered the construction of the Great Pyramids. In the 17th century, Emperor Shah Jahan ordered the building of the Taj Mahal. Last weekend, I constructed Fort Mitch using the furniture in my room. Monarchs and emperors used their wealth and unilateral authority to carry out enormous and expensive projects. Today, however, we have governments that don’t have the funds or intention to do such things. Corporations have the funds and power to do completely unnecessary and awesome things. Perhaps others will follow Red Bull’s example and do so. We should care about Project Stratos because of what it represents.

When asked why he climbed Mt. Everest, British explorer George Mallory said, “Because it is there.” President John F. Kennedy said in reference to his plans to send a man to the moon, “Well, space is there, and we’re going to climb it.” There are times that man feels the need to test the limits of his resolve and conquer nature. Why? Because he can. In the last couple years, America has bombed the moon, landed a Mars rover and gone all Sonny Corleone on Osama bin Laden. Now an American company has funded a project that broke the sound barrier in freefall. Because it can. We have once again proven to the world that we don’t need a reason to be badass. Every other country in the world is thinking, “Don’t mess with America. They jumped from space. Just because they felt like it.” It is important to note, however, that Baumgartner, the giant pair of nads that actually performed the jump, is not American, but Austrian. This is testament to a more important point: freefalling from the stratosphere was not a feat performed by America, but rather humanity. Like the Great Pyramids or the Taj Mahal, Project Stratos is a monument to human achievement and dominance. Humanity, middle finger high in the sky, has conquered space yet again. Please send all feedback to opinion@dailycardinal.com.



Today’s Sudoku

Discounted candy shopping

Hide-and-seek with quite a stake. It is a tradition in Germany for the bride to be kidnapped by her family after the wedding, and the groom has to find her to prove his love. Tuesday, October 30, 2012 • 7

Evil Bird

By Caitlin Kirihara kirihara@wisc.edu

© Puzzles by Pappocom

Eatin’ Cake


By Dylan Moriarty www.EatinCake.com

Solution, tips and computer program available at www.sudoku.com.

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Caved In

By Nick Kryshak nkryshak@wisc.edu

Today’s Crossword Puzzle

Crustaches Classic

Answer key available at www.dailycardinal.com

TWO FORMS OF ID ACROSS 1 Inflatable floatable 5 Rose oil 10 Wood-carver’s tool 14 Emerald Isle 15 Put off, at a meeting 16 Lecherous look 17 Wedding party member 19 Ruler in RimskyKorsakov operas 20 IOU component 21 “In the headlights” animal 22 Messages via modem 24 Author Fleming 25 Collect-all-the-cards game 26 Small finch 28 “Tattooed lady” of song 30 Got up from one’s chair 32 Possessive for sharers 33 Stage attire for Madonna 35 ___ it good (is well-off) 36 Having many irons in the fire 37 They have no height requirement 40 Boss Hogg’s deputy 42 Bug killer banned by the EPA

43 Word often repeated before “again” 44 Piglet’s mom 45 Sneaker bottom 47 English test segment, perhaps 51 It’s closed by the epiglottis 53 Cockpit approx. 55 Santa ___, Calif. 56 Gets outta Dodge 57 Grad 58 Rocky crag 59 Civil rights hero Parks 60 Like some refrigerators and freezers 63 Varieties or types 64 Thrill to death 65 They could use some refinement 66 “___ From Muskogee” (Merle Haggard tune) 67 Wabbit hunter 68 Bird’s digs DOWN 1 Heat again, as water 2 Ventilation shaft 3 Crony 4 Williams, the “Splendid Splinter” 5 Serving on a sub, say 6 Lion handlers, in a circus 7 Ski lift component 8 Baba of folklore

9 Add more silt to banks 10 It may have a cross to bear 11 Wanting (with “of”) 12 Gung ho 13 Goof up 18 Kingly name, in Britain 23 Ready to be committed 26 Fly high 27 Humorously ironic 29 Egret relative 31 Eighth Greek letter 34 Letter opener 36 Ottoman Empire dignitaries 37 Stanley in “A Streetcar Named Desire” 38 Brainstorm 39 Extremely attractive 40 Founded (Abbr.) 41 Virginia port city 45 Common article 46 Get rid of, electronically 48 Biting writing 49 Positive electrodes 50 Most dexterous 52 Put a stop to 54 Potato, for one 57 First man 59 “City the sea-o” 61 Down with a bug 62 Boy child


By Patrick Remington graphics@dailycardinal.com

By Steven Wishau wishau@wisc.edu

By Melanie Shibley shibley@wisc.edu


tuesday October 30, 2012 DailyCardinal.com


Stave expected to miss eight weeks By Adee Feiner and Matt Masterson the daily cardinal

Head coach Bret Bielema admitted that his Badger football team (3-2 Big Ten, 6-3 overall) is hurting after its loss to Michigan State (2-3, 5-4) at Camp Randall Stadium Saturday. “Obviously a very devastating feeling in the locker room and for our coaches and players who thought our guys invested a lot in that game,” Bielema said at his Monday press conference. “Going into that ninth week of the season, we just kind of preached about we’ve done a lot of good things. When you do that much, it hurts.” The wound was only deepened by the injury to redshirt freshman quarterback Joel Stave, who is out indefinitely with a broken clavicle. The Greenfield, Wis., native left the field after taking a hit from Spartans’ junior defensive end William Gholston on the first series of the second half. Stave returned to the sideline during the

game in a jacket but did not re-enter the game and was seen in an arm sling in the locker room after the game. Bielema did mention that it would be a non-surgical heal, but as of right now, Stave is looking at a recovery time of about eight weeks. His performance before getting injured did not go unnoticed by Bielema, who said that Stave “might have been playing his best game against probably the best defense we’ve faced up to this point.” Bielema plans to approach Wisconsin’s bye week as he has in the past, focusing on regrouping, conditioning and getting a head start on the next opponent. “We’re a 6-3 football team that would love to be 7-2 or 8-1 or 9-0, but just the cards we’re being dealt this year,” Bielema said. “We’ve moved forward. I thought our guys have responded every week.” Also on the injury front, senior offensive lineman Rick Wagner is expected to be back practicing with the team this week.

grey satterfield/the daily cardinal

Redshirt freshman quarterback Joel Stave left Saturday’s game against Michigan State after just one snap in the second half, the Badgers up 7-3.

Notre Dame football returns to national prominence MATT Masterson master’s degree


hether you love ‘em or hate ‘em, it looks like Notre Dame football is

finally back. After being teased season after season by former coaches Tyrone Willingham and Charlie Weis, the Irish have finally earned the right to put the word “Fighting” back in its nickname. When you think Notre Dame, you probably think about an aboveaverage offense led by a quarterback who you probably don’t like (i.e. Brady Quinn, Jimmy Clausen) carrying a mediocre defense to a bowl that it likely lose.

But the 2012 Fighting Irish do not fit this mold. After its impressive 30-13 victory over No. 8 Oklahoma Saturday, the Fighting Irish climbed to No. 3 in the BCS poll and finally resemble the team that its fan base has been waiting for almost 20 years to see. Rather than following the formula of every other failed ND team of recent years, head coach Brian Kelly built this year’s team on a much more successful formula. This year, Notre Dame has the No. 2 scoring defense, stifling powerful offenses from teams like Michigan, Stanford and, most recently, Oklahoma. ND allows a miniscule 9.9 points per game. The Fighting Irish offense,

however, ranks No. 97 in passing yards and No. 33 in running yards per game. A dominant defense paced by an opportunistic offense—where have I heard that before? Ah yes, that’s the blueprint for the defending national champions, the Alabama Crimson Tide. Bama is the only team this season to allow fewer points per game (8.1) than Notre Dame. The Crimson Tide rank No. 73 in passing yards and No. 22 in rushing yards per game. Yes, Alabama is still the better team and no, I do not think that the Irish could keep up with the Crimson Tide, but the two teams do share a similar on-thefield make up. The biggest reason for the

Irish’s turnaround this year is unquestionably senior linebacker Manti Te’o. Already the leader of the Notre Dame defense for the last three seasons, Te’o took another leap in 2012, going from very good to transcendent. Te’o has racked up 78 tackles this season to go along with one sack and five interceptions in eight games. According to ESPN’s Heisman predictor, Te’o is currently in second place for the trophy behind only Kansas State senior quarterback Collin Klein. If Klein stumbles down the stretch, it could put Te’o in position to become only the second defensive player to win the Heisman in the award’s 77-year history. The Irish have four games remaining, and each one is winnable. After taking on a four-win

Pittsburgh team at home next week, Notre Dame will only need to get through Boston College and Wake Forest before a road matchup with its archrival USC in Los Angeles. The Trojans began the season among the top-ranked teams in the country, but after losses to Stanford and Arizona, they are looking more and more vulnerable. The Fighting Irish look to be in prime position to take down the Trojans for just the second time since 2002. If the Irish can close out the last four games of their season, they may just have a date this January with Alabama in Miami for the National Championship. How do you feel about Notre Dame’s success this season? Do you hate Jimmy Clausen? Let Matt know at sports@dailycardinal.com.

Women’s Hockey

Wisconsin bounces back, Bob Johnson to be honored family, as the ice in the Kohl Center will be named after his The Wisconsin women’s late father, coaching legend hockey team (1-3-2-2 WCHA, “Badger” Bob Johnson. 5-3-2 overall) is coming off a Bob Johnson led the sweep against New Hampshire Badgers to seven NCAA tourand looking ahead to hosting naments during his time in Minnesota State (2-2-2-1, 4-4- Wisconsin before moving on 2) this weekend at the to the National Hockey LaBahn Arena. League to coach the Head coach Mark Calgary Flames and Johnson was immensely Pittsburgh Penguins. pleased with the team’s He coached the performances against Penguins to a Stanley New Hampshire, espeCup Championship cially the 5-0 shutout in 1991, shortly before Sunday afternoon. dying of brain cancer. Initially disappoint- M. JOHNSON Mark Johnson is ed with the team’s perlooking forward to formance in the first period, watching his father’s name Johnson said at his Monday become permanently etched in press conference that a “nice Wisconsin hockey history. little chat” resulted in stronger, “The exciting part for me more effective play from the personally is just knowing that Badgers in the last 40 minutes fans and future players within of the game. the program that go into the Aside from looking forward Kohl Center will see his name to his team repeating its per- on the ice,” Johnson said. formance from last weekend, The Badgers open their it will be an emotional night series against Minnesota State Friday for Johnson and his at 2 p.m. Friday.

By Adee Feiner the daily cardinal

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