Weekend, November 2-4, 2012 - The Daily Cardinal

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$1000 for 1000 words essay winner +ARTS, page 4-5 University of Wisconsin-Madison

“What is at stake for our generation in the upcoming election?” +OPINION, page 6

Check the arts calendar for fun, local events happening in November Complete campus coverage since 1892



Lab develops bacterial test to help fight infant deaths

Man beaten on Langdon Street early Thursday

By Meghan Chua The Daily Cardinal

A University of WisconsinMadison biochemistry professor has developed a simple bacterial test that could be used to save infants’ lives in developing countries, after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation granted him $100,000 for the project, according to a UW-Madison news release. UW-Madison biochemistry professor Douglas Weibel’s laboratory created a cartridge test to determine if the type of bacteria in a newborn’s stomach must be treated to prevent a common, often deadly, bacterial infection that kills intestinal tissue.

“[The test] doesn’t require someone that has a lot of clinical microbiology expertise.” Douglas Weibel biochemistry professor UW-Madison

Weibel said infants’ immune systems are particularly susceptible to severe bacterial infections. This risk is even greater in rural African countries such as Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda, where the cartridges will be sent for trial use. The test requires a sample from either the mother or child and produces results in 10 to 15 minutes, costing less than one dollar per cartridge. “It doesn’t require someone that has a lot of clinical microbiology expertise,” Weibel said. In one current method of fighting the disease, preemptive antibiotics given to a mother nearing labor can “indiscriminately destroy almost all of the bacteria in a baby’s intestines, including the helpful types,” according to Weibel. Weibel said he also hopes to utilize wireless and smartphone technology to share sample data that could contribute to epidemiological research. Approximate Weibel and James cost of one Ntambi, another bacterial test. UW-Madison biochemistry professor, along with a group of Approximate number of U W- M a d i s o n minutes it students, will takes to visit Uganda in receive test December to help results. test the cartridges.

Grey Satterfield/cardinal File photo

President Barack Obama spoke to over 30,000 Madisonians when he visited Bascom Hill Oct. 4. He will return to Madison Nov. 5, one day before the election.

Obama to rally with Springsteen Visit to take place Monday in Madison, location still unknown By Adam Wollner The Daily Cardinal

President Barack Obama will be joined by Bruce Springsteen at his second rally in Madison in just over a month as part of a three-state tour the day before the election, his campaign announced Thursday. The Nov. 5 event will mark Obama’s third visit to Wisconsin in five days as

the battle for the state’s 10 electoral votes continues. The president campaigned in Green Bay Thursday and plans to stop in Milwaukee this Saturday. Obama’s last visit to Madison came in early October the day after the first presidential debate when he spoke on Bascom Hill, which attracted a crowd of over 30,000 people. Monday’s rally will take place in the morning, but the campaign has not yet announced a specific time and place. Katie Crawley, an assistant to Madison Mayor Paul Soglin, said the event will not occur on the University of Wisconsin-

obama page 3

Madison police are looking for two men who allegedly knocked a University of Wisconsin-Madison student unconscious early Thursday morning on the 200 block of Langdon Street. A group of people out celebrating Halloween yelled at a driver after he almost hit a pedestrian crossing Langdon Street while speeding, according to Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain. The two suspects, who police describe as 20- to 29-year-old black men, exited their car and began fighting with the group of bystanders, according to DeSpain. DeSpain said the suspects “sound like people who were very confrontational to people who were otherwise just enjoying the holiday.” Police said in a statement the 20-year-old student, who suffered a broken cheekbone and nose, remembers being hit in the head before losing consciousness. Another UW-Madison student wrestled with the second suspect but remained uninjured, according to DeSpain. DeSpain said the police department is investigating the “very serious incident.”

Petitioners request details of HR changes By Megan Stoebig The Daily Cardinal

Many University of Wisconsin-Madison faculty, staff and community members have signed an online petition asking the Office of Human Resources to release a list of changes to be included in the personnel system redesign following recent campus feedback.

“In the interest of transparency we need to know in full what we’re voting on.” Sara Goldrick-Rab sociology professor UW-Madison

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Weekend, November 2-4, 2012

On campus

Gazin’ at the Chazen

Students gather at the Chazen Museum of Art for Student Night Thursday evening. The event featured live music, student-led tours, poetry readings and a lecture on Giorgio Vasari. + Photo by Wil Gibb

UW-Madison sociology professor Sara Goldrick-Rab created the petition Tuesday morning hoping to urge the office to release the list of the changes they will make before the Faculty Senate will vote to support or deny the HR plan as a whole in a meeting Monday. “In the interest of transparency we need to know in full what we’re voting on,” Goldrick-Rab said. “Some of the things we’ve asked for are huge and are the kinds of things that would determine if someone would vote yes or no.” Bob Lavigna, director of Human Resources and redesign project team leader, said the office is crafting a response to the petition, but declined to comment further. Goldrick-Rab said she thinks the peti-

petition page 3

“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

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FridaY: sunny

hi 43º / lo 32º

Saturday: rainy

hi 29º / lo 23º

Weekend, November 2-4, 2012

sunday: sunny

hi 43º / lo 21º


An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 122, Issue 46

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Sandy Coalition thinks hurricane was bad for people named Sandy By Regina Phalange FAKE NEWS FRIDAY

After several days of media pressure to speak out about the current issues in the Northeast, a panel of prominent Sandys made public statements Thursday about the Sandy community’s reaction to Hurricane Sandy. Sandra Bullock, president of the Sandy Coalition of America (SCA) and beloved Hollywood superstar, said the greater Sandy community does not condone Hurricane Sandy’s actions. “We understand that [Sandy’s] actions have been devastating,” Bullock said. “What she is doing is wrong. She’s hit America right on its blind side, and that certainly won’t be winning her any Miss Congeniality awards.” Still, one member of the panel said American people needed to better understand the hurricane’s plight. “Look, I know what she’s going through,” SCA vice president Sandy Cheeks said. “I’m not sayin’ it’s right for her to be kickin’ the east coast’s butt like this, but you have to acknowledge that she had her reasons for needing to shake things up. I don’t know nothin’ about politics or

Student excited for Obama to visit him again By Dr. Yams McYummy Fake News Friday

As Madison prepares for President Barack Obama’s second visit in less than a month to campus, sophomore Beau Branson said he was eagerly awaiting his Washington D.C. friend. Branson told the student sitting next to him in his African storyteller class that he felt a “deep personal connection” with Obama last time he visited that was stronger than any friendship he had ever made, but would have preferred it if the other 29,999 people around him would have given him a bit more space. Although their relationship is long distance, Branson said he gets emails from Obama daily. “Sometimes he just says ‘hey.’ Other days he gives me advice about voting. He asks for money a lot, which is a little annoying,” Branson said. “But he always follows those ones up with a ‘thank you’ email so that’s respectful.” But he said it was weird that Obama always addressed him by his whole first name­—Beaunair. After Obama’s speech Monday, Branson is planning on asking him to share a drink at Karaoke Kid and hopes he will say yes. l

Graphic by Angel Lee

The Sandy Coalition of America spoke out Thursday to distance themselves from the storm. nothin’, but I think a little mercy for Sandy would be right nice of y’all.” Other members of the panel were not as sympathetic to Sandy’s actions. “I think she’d better shape up,” panel chairperson Pink Lady Sandy Olsson said. “I’m hopelessly devot-

ed to this country these days and I think it’s ever so rude of Sandy to be behaving this way and causing all this damage. It reflects profoundly on all of us Sandys.” The panel answered some questions from reporters but mostly maintained their position.

“We just hope America will remember that the actions of one of our Sandy sistren does not reflect our community as a whole,” Bullock said. Hurricane Sandy is currently in the Bering Sea and could not be reached for comment.


Weekend, November 2-4, 2012 3 l

news Retired UW-Madison historian dies at age 66 A University of WisconsinMadison historian, who contributed to a well-known, written historical account of the university, died Oct. 23 at the age of 66. As a campus historian until his retirement in 2006, John Jenkins completed many projects including histories of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, School of Medicine and Public Health, and UW Housing. He was best known for his work with E. David Cronon that contributed to the book “The University of Wisconsin: A History,” which is regarded as “one of the finest histories of any

university in the United States,” according to a UW-Madison news release. “All four volumes really treat the university as a major focus for historical analysis,” the release said. Jenkins studied philosophy at UW-Stevens Point and went on to earn his master’s and doctoral degrees from UW-Madison in educational policy studies. Eric Olmanson, who also worked on UW-Madison historical projects, said Jenkins wanted to get information right and ensure his work portrayed past events accurately.

SSFC approves 2013-’14 budgets for F.H. King, Sex Out Loud Thursday The Associated Students of Madison Student Services Finance Committee approved budgets for Sex Out Loud and F.H. King Thursday, after making minor adjustments to the food expenditures in both budgets. The committee reduced $200 in daily food costs for a national conference from Sex Out Loud’s original funding request. SSFC representatives said they found the group’s initial request to be unnecessarily large, citing the fact that several meals are included in the conference fees. With this small adjustment, Sex Out Loud’s final budget for fiscal year 2013-’14 of $100,996.67 was passed on a 11-0 vote. After removing $100 from F.H. King’s budget for food for the intern program, SSFC approved $74,256.68 in funding for the group, almost exactly what was originally requested. SSFC also discussed cutting the position of an urban agriculture assistant from the

budget proposal. However, a majority of the committee was confident in allocating additional money to the group based on their past fiscal responsibility. The budget was passed on a 12-0 vote. SSFC Chair Ellie Bruecker said the committee found both budgets to be “responsible,” and possessing “clear justification for any increases they were looking for.” Also in the meeting, SSFC discussed its plans to tour University Health Services, the Memorial Union, and Rec Sports facilities to evaluate what facility features student segregated fees will be contributed to, before hearing budgets for the three groups later this year. SSFC will hear budget proposals from student organizations, WISPIRG and Atheists, Humanists, and Agnostics at its next meeting Nov. 5. — Caroline Zellmer

Grey Satterfield/the daily cardinal

Developer Scott Faust has proposed demolishing existing houses at 313 and 315 N. Frances St., pictured above, to make way for a 12-story, 42-unit student-oriented apartment building.

Developer presents plans for student apartment buildings By Abby Becker The Daily Cardinal

Downtown residents and community members met at a neighborhood meeting Thursday to discuss two proposed studentoriented apartment buildings on North Bassett Street and North Frances Street. Developer Scott Faust has proposed demolishing two existing houses at 313 and 315 N. Frances St. to make way for a 12-story student-oriented apartment complex. The building would include 42 apartments, 91 underground bike stalls and commercial space on the first floor for either a restaurant, bank or retail business. Faust said the slenderness and height of the proposed building make it unique to the area. “To me, it’s going to be a landmark,” Faust said.

But the unique design could lead to disagreements among city officials in the development approval process due to the number of moped stalls and the lack of windows on the side of the building that overlooks University Avenue, according to Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4. Faust will present his proposal for the North Frances Street project to the Urban Design Commission at its next meeting Wednesday. He said he expects the project to be completed in July or August 2013 after it gains approval from the Plan Commission and Common Council. Faust’s second plan includes a proposal to demolish four existing buildings at 202-222 N. Bassett St. and 510-520 W. Dayton St. to build a five-story, 71-unit apartment building geared toward students and

young professionals. “[Both proposals] are great additions to the student housing market downtown,” Verveer said. A neighborhood steering committee will review the proposals and provide input to city officials before they go through the city’s development review process. Wisconsin School of Business Senior Lecturer Tom Landgraf, who requires students in his Residential Real Estate Class to attend one city planning meeting during the semester, said he wants students to “get a flavor for what happens in a real life situation.” UW-Madison fifth year student Kevin Anderson said it was helpful to not just read through a textbook on development planning but to experience the “real life vibe” of how city meetings and the development process works.

Obama focuses on the middle class in Green Bay speech

Student Services Finance Committee representatives discuss funding for two student organizations Thursday.

President Barack Obama discussed his major achievements over the past four years, specifically highlighting his support of the middle class, during a stop in Green Bay Thursday, the first of three rallies taking place in Wisconsin over a five-day period. The president also struck a more serious note during the speech, mentioning the “humbling” dam-

age caused by Hurricane Sandy earlier in the week. He commended East Coast residents’ ability to come together and face the destruction after the hurricane, a message he tied to the importance of unity before the election. Obama concluded his speech by asking voters to give some of their time for his campaign in the final days before the election.

“I’m asking for your vote, and if you’re willing to work with me again … we’ll win Brown County again, we’ll win Wisconsin again, and we’ll win this election,” Obama said in video footage from the event. The president currently holds an eight-point lead over his opponent Mitt Romney in Wisconsin according to the latest Marquette Law School Poll released Wednesday.

petition from page 1

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played at U.S. Sen. John Kerry’s, D-Mass., presidential campaign rally in Madison in 2004. Obama and Springsteen will be joined by Jay-Z in Ohio and by First Lady Michelle Obama in Iowa. The latest Marquette University Law School poll shows Obama leads Romney in Wisconsin 51 percent to 43 percent, while a Wisconsin Public Radio/St. Norbert survey released Thursday gives Obama a ninepoint advantage. But according to a recent NBC/Wall Street Journal/ Marist poll, Obama’s lead over

Romney is just three percentage points in the state. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will stop in West Allis Friday for a rally at State Fair Park, but does not have any plans to return to Wisconsin before Election Day. Obama’s Oct. 4 trip to Madison cost the Madison Police Department $130,000, according to MPD spokesman Joel DeSpain. The MPD spent more than $185,000 when the president visited Madison prior to the 2010 midterm elections.

Nithin Charlly/the daily cardinal

tion has seen a large response, which has mainly been from staff and professors. As of Thursday evening, the petition had over 300 signatures. According to GoldrickRab, it is unlikely the Faculty Senate will vote to support the redesign plan if the changes aren’t released. “Even though we want to have this HR system, we can’t have this climate where changes are being made that

the faculty is not informed about,” Goldrick-Rab said. “I think it’s our job as faculty to do this on the behalf of everyone else.” However, Goldrick-Rab said she hopes the plan passes Monday if the changes are released. “I think their intentions are good, I think a lot of this has been misunderstanding and a lot of it has been due to poor communication,” GoldrickRab said. “The petition was intended to say ‘do the right thing, we know you can.’”

Madison campus. After the Madison rally, Obama will visit Columbus, Ohio in the afternoon and then hold his final rally of the 2012 campaign in Des Moines, Iowa, where he launched his 2008 presidential bid by winning the Iowa caucuses. Bruce Springsteen, who has appeared with Obama at campaign events across the country in recent weeks, is slated to perform and introduce the president at the Madison rally. Springsteen also


Weekend, November 2-4, 2012





dailycardinal.com 5 l

Wednesday 1


Bob’s Burgers @ the Barrymore, 8 p.m.



David Wax Museum @ the High Noon Saloon, 8 p.m.

11 “Rocco and His Brothers” (subtitled film) @ the Chazen, 2 p.m.

18 Lindsey Buckingham @ the Barrymore Theater, 7:30 p.m.

Dan Deacon @ the Majestic Theatre, 8:30 p.m. Bob Dylan @ Alliant Energy Center, 7 p.m.


Red Elvises @ the High Noon Saloon, 8 p.m. (21+) The Kissers @ The Malt House, 7:30 p.m.


Agatha Christie discussion @ Booked for Murder, 12:30 p.m. Blues Jam @ The Froth House, 2 p.m.

@ The Frequency, 8:30 p.m. “Second Nature”: Recent Paintings Gallery by Helen Klebesedal @ Grace Chosy Gallery, ongoing


Cinematheque presents: “Silver Linings Playbook” @ Sundance Cinemas 608, 7 p.m. A Place to Bury Strangers @ The Frequency, 8 p.m.


Thollem Electric @ The Frequency, 8:30 p.m.

R5 @ The Loft, 6:30 p.m.


6 Ghostwriter


Caroline Smith and the Good Night Sleeps @ the High Noon Saloon, 8 p.m. Goddamn Gallows @ the Majestic Theatre, 9:30 p.m.


International Education Week Photo Exhibit @ Red Gym, 8 a.m. - 11 p.m

“Too Many Dinner Parties”: New Media and Time-Based Work (UW-Madison 4-d) @ Art Lofts Gallery, 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

15 Brew

’n’ View: “The Big Lebowski” @ the Majestic Theatre, 8 p.m.


“Offerings of the Angels: Paintings and Tapestries from the Uffizi Gallery” @ the Chazen, ongoing

Whitney Mann @ the High Noon Saloon, 6:30 p.m.


The Coup @ the Majestic Theatre, 8:30 p.m. “Scrooge The Musical” @ Fireside Dinner Theatre (Ft. Atkinson), ongoing




People Under The Stairs @ the High Noon Saloon, 9:00 p.m.

DJ Vilas Park Sniper @ Merchant, 10:30 p.m.

Hanah Jon Taylor @ The Cardinal Bar, 5:30 p.m.

UW Jazz Orchestra @ UW Humanities Building— Mills Hall, 7:30 p.m.

The Werks @ the Majestic Theatre, 8 p.m.

Kurt Metzger @ The Comedy Club on State 8:30 p.m.


Icarus Himself @ The Frequency, 9 p.m.

6:30 p.m.

State Radio @ the Majestic Theatre, 9 p.m.

Monsters of Poetry Reading: Book Fest Edition @ Overture Studio, 7:30 p.m.

OMAI “Passing the Mic”: Hip-Hop Arts Festival @ Overture— Promenade Hall, 9 p.m.



Cinematheque presents: “Shanghai Blues” @ Vilas 4070, 7 p.m.

Richie Hawtin @ the Majestic Theatre, 9 p.m. Asher Roth, Jesse Marco @ Segredo, 9 p.m.

Caravan of Thieves @ Redamtè Coffee House, 8 p.m.


The Gusto @ The Frequency, 10 p.m.

Titus Andronicus @ The Frequency, 9:30pm

Gemini Club @ Redamtè Coffee House, 10 p.m.

Never Shout Never @ The Loft, 6:30 p.m.


Deal’s Gone Bad @ The Frequency, 9:00 pm Main Street Wisdom @ Memorial Union Der Rathskeller, 9:30 p.m. graphics by angel lee

A seasonal recipe that is no small potatoes—just sweet ones: By Rebecca Alt The Daily Cardinal Tired of the same old seasonal fare year after year? Are your taste buds yearning for some fresh new flavors to liven up this holiday feast without throwing your entire family for a loop with, say, tofu-turkey and a kale salad? I’ve got just the right fix to satiate your weary palate, and you can rest assured you’re making a crowd-pleasing favorite. This sweet potato casserole takes the spotlight at my family’s Thanksgiving year after year. The butter and eggs make this dish silky smooth like mashed pota-

toes on steroids, while the orange juice and spices give these tots a unique kick that regular old spuds just can’t match. The brown sugar compliments the natural sweetness of the taters and the pecan topping adds a satisfying crunch, making this casserole almost as good as grandma’s pumpkin pie—almost. Aunt Jeanne’s Sweet Potato Casserole For the casserole: 2 18-ounce cans of sweet potatoes (or equivalent amount of fresh, baked

and then mashed sweet potatoes) ¼ cup packed brown sugar 6 tablespoons orange juice ¼ cup melted butter 1 teaspoon salt 2 eggs 1 teaspoon cinnamon ¼ teaspoon ground cloves For the topping: 2/3 cup pecan halves ¼ cup packed brown sugar 2 tablespoons orange juice 2 tablespoons melted butter 1. Mash the sweet potatoes until

G Love and Special Sauce @ the Majestic Theatre, 9 p.m.

9 Craig Owens @ The Loft, 10


“Jersey Boys” @ Overture Centure, 7:30 p.m. (ongoing shows through Nov. 25)


The Wood Brothers @ the Majestic Theatre, 9 p.m.

Frontier Ruckus @ The Frequency, 8:30 p.m.

Turquoise Jeep @ the Majestic Theatre, 8:30 p.m.


“Planes, Trains and Automobiles” @ Union South­—The Marquee, 7 p.m.


Graham Colton, Jay Nash @ Redamtè Coffee House, 8 p.m.

Sleigh Bells, AraabMuzik @ the Majestic Theatre, 9 p.m.



smooth. Beat in the brown sugar, orange juice, melted butter, salt, eggs, cinnamon and cloves until smooth. Place in a buttered 2-quart casserole dish. 2. For topping: Combine brown sugar, orange juice and melted butter. Pour over the potatoes and top with pecan halves. 3. Bake uncovered at 375 degrees for 30-40 minutes. This November, introduce an Alt family favorite—I guarantee you will find a new preferred potato making its way onto your holiday menu.

opinion Our generation is being passed a huge bill 6


Weekend, November 2-4, 2012

Steven Ledvina 1000 words for $1000 contest winner


ur generation is getting screwed by the political decisions of the past, generalized apathy and a lack of dedication to real change. Our vote holds the key to the country. This was shown in the 2008 election when the 18-29 vote represented 18 percent of the electorate compared to the 65+ vote, which accounted for only 16 percent. We have a great amount of power with our vote and our voice, but we fail to use it. As a result, our generation faces a combination of issues that—individually—were the landmark issues for many of the generations that preceded us. It is a common sentiment that this election will determine the course of the country for the next century and we are the only voting generation who will see most of that century. The focus of this election, the slow economy, is hurting our generation more than others. September’s youth unemployment and national underemployment rates were 16.6 percent and 16.5 percent respectively. At least one third of young workers are losing income—as lost wages now and as depressed wages due to lost experience in the future. In a less tangible way, the lagging economy robs employed youth of opportunity for advancement through hiring rates that have made upper level positions scarce and more competitive. The country’s economic future

remains uncertain and each month of high unemployment and low growth is another blow to our future. We are already paying for decisions that were made for us and we will pay for more decisions made for us if we do not use our voice now. Politicians believe they can simply buy the youth vote by promising cheap education loans. While loans do help save some interest on the $26,600 of average undergraduate student loan debt incurred, the debt that past generations have passed down will cause much more burden. As it stands now with over $16 trillion in national debt, every man, woman and child has over $51,000 in debt burden and every household has $140,000 in national debt burden. Put another way: Two years and nine months of the median household income will go directly into government coffers. If you account for the fact that only the top half of earners pay federal income taxes, the amount owed per college graduate skyrockets. We get to enjoy the consequences of Washington’s unfunded spending spree. Either years of wages will be stolen from us for benefits we did not receive or our country will join many European countries as a secondtier nation with an economy in long-term peril. A real redistribution of wealth has already happened: The money came from our future earnings and went to our elder’s immediate benefits. The breadth of this generational redistribution grows


when the focus turns to Medicare and Social Security. Every paycheck we earn takes out 5.65 percent to pay for these programs. However, Medicare is projected to become insolvent as early as 2023, a few decades before our generation becomes eligible. We can appreciate that politicians promise unchanged benefits to our grandparent’s generation but they completely ignore us on the issue. Our generation will end up paying for our parents and ourselves when the benefits break down. The consequences of failing to act now will be our burden. Social Security will—at best—be greatly diminished by the time we can collect on our investment due to poor planning and the financial burden left to us by the baby boomers. The guarantee of retirement benefits is gone. Those in our generation who do not save will have nothing and those who do save will pay for everyone else. We must fix that. It is up to us, the generation that will be most impacted, to fight for change and stop allowing politicians to pass us the bill. Our generation stands to lose considerable wealth through paying off the debt and lost benefits and wages. Our poor will be poorer, our middle class will be diminished and our opportunities to get rich will fade away. Failing to address these issues now will limit what we can change in the future. Unsolved economic problems will dominate the political landscape and social issues close to many of our

Grey satterfield/the daily cardinal

Steven won $1000 by submitting a 1000 word essay about why the upcoming presidential election matters to our generation. hearts, like immigration and gay rights, will lose political priority. Problems at home will hurt America’s standing on an international level as many countries are poised to pass us in economic importance during our lifetime. Each vote determines the future and our share of that future is larger than the older electorate. Every generation talks about making change for the next one. Our predecessors have done a lot for us; however, they have mishandled just as much. All of these issues will not be solved by a single majority or bipartisanship as these past four years have shown. Educating yourself and voting can go a long way toward making things right for our generation, yet voting alone will get very

little done due to the enormity of the issues. A vote offers a yes or no response to a hundred questions that cannot be answered so simply. You must fight to be heard in other ways. Many of us have spent years and thousands of dollars on education to make the rest of our lives better and it’s time to put some of that effort into making our country a better place to live. The decisions we face and the actions we take will have a large and lasting effect on our lives and we cannot take the consequences lightly. This election matters for us and we have to show politicians that we should matter to them. Steven is the winner of The Daily Cardinal’s 1000 words for $1000 contest. Congratulations Steven!

Republican stance on abortion ineffective and misguided Jacob Riederer opinion columnist


ecent gaffes from Republicans like U.S. Senate Candidate Richard Mourdock, who said that rape is “something that God intended to happen,” have brought the issue of abortion back into the media with less than two weeks before the presidential election. Former Gov. Mitt Romney, who originally said he would be “delighted” to sign a bill banning all abortions, has softened his stance in an attempt to pander to the women voters he so desperately needs to win the election. However, Romney still favors defunding orga-

nizations like Planned Parenthood and vows to repeal Roe v. Wade (1973) if given the opportunity. A common misconception among conservatives is that being pro-choice makes you pro-abortion. As a pro-choice American, I hope that no mother ever has to abort a child. However, I do think it is a choice best left between a woman and her body, not the federal government. In general, I think liberals and conservatives can agree that abortions are something that we should try to reduce. Conservatives approach this problem in the wrong way. They focus on bans rather than addressing the underlying problems. If we really want to reduce the rate of abortions in America, then we have to address how we will support women in a way that will either

allow them to keep their child after becoming pregnant or by providing them with the necessary tools to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Providing economic security is one of the largest means of support. In the 1990s, when the economy was roaring, abortion declined at an astonishing rate. But when the economy came screeching to a halt in 2008, abortion rates dramatically increased. Many of these women who chose abortion during the 2008 recession reported having a traumatic event in their lives, which for many included losing a job or a home. Even more alarming is the fact that nearly 70 percent of women who choose abortion are poor or near poor with more than three out of four women reporting they cannot afford another child. If we truly want to reduce abortion

rates in the United States, we have to start by addressing the issue of poverty. If we can provide economic security, women will be less likely to turn to abortion. Support through education is another way to empower women and reduce the amount of abortions in the U.S. Often, conservatives are keen to promote abstinence only education in schools. This policy sounds good in theory, but in reality it is largely ineffective. Women should be informed of all their options, including contraceptives, which significantly reduce unwanted pregnancy rates and could decrease the amount of abortions. In addition to empowering women through education, we also need to increase their access to contraceptives. Thankfully, under the Patient Protection and Affordability Act,

insurance companies are now required to provide women with options for free contraceptives. Therefore, with more women able to receive and use contraceptives, the rate of unwanted pregnancies will likely decline, which may reduce the amount of abortions. I’m always baffled by Republicans who claim to be serious about reducing abortion rates but fail to tackle relevant issues. Simply implementing restrictive legislation banning abortions is neither feasible nor effective. Instead, we must support women economically, empower them through education and provide them with access to contraceptives. That is, of course, if we are truly serious about reducing the rate of abortions. Please send all feedback to opinion@dailycardinal.com.

Letter: ASM campaign encourages reporting crimes, dangerous situations Dan Statter and Morgan Rae ASM Legislative Affairs Chair, Vice Chair


ssociated Students of Madison Legislative Affairs Committee researches and advocates on policies concerning students, and if you are searching for

an example of their work, here it is: the Responsible Action Campaign. We feel that this existing campus-wide policy is unknown and we are reaching out to the student body to clarify the existing policy and what it is we are working on. The cur-

rent Responsible Action policy has guidelines that encourage responsible action in the case that a student requires medical assistance for alcohol-related injuries. We believe that protecting the student body and making the university a safe

place are both very important roles of the ASM. To be clear, this policy allows for a student who chooses to call on behalf of another impaired individual to not be subjected to disciplinary sanctions. As long as the student cooperates with authority, they will not be given a citation. This policy applies only to University of Wisconsin-Madison police officers, at the moment. The Responsible Action policy also protects victims of crimes, such as sexual assault, from disciplinary or criminal action due

to illegal intoxication. Students should always feel safe reporting unsafe situations without the concern of their own personal disciplinary actions if they are under the influence. We encourage you to contact us with your questions in regard to this policy or attend one of our Legislative Affairs Committee meetings, Mondays 7 P.M. in the SAC. As well, we are looking for students to be involved in the campaign to expand these rights and make Responsible Action a state law. We welcome your input at our meetings.



Today’s Sudoku

All those election campaign commercials

Evil Bird Classic

So call me maybe? A 45-year-old man called the 911 emergency line over 27,000 times because he was too lonely. Weekend, November 2-4, 2012 • 7

By Caitlin Kirihara kirihara@wisc.edu

© Puzzles by Pappocom

Eatin’ Cake

By Dylan Moriarty www.EatinCake.com

Caved In

By Nick Kryshak nkryshak@wisc.edu

Solution, tips and computer program available at www.sudoku.com.

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Today’s Crossword Puzzle

By Melanie Shibley shibley@wisc.edu

Answer key available at www.dailycardinal.com

SOLVING RAW ACROSS 1 Banks open them (Abbr.) 6 Cop after dealers 10 One of the Three B’s of classical music 14 Barton who founded the American Red Cross 15 Popular cookie since 1912 16 Start for “dynamic” or “nautical” 17 Far from safe 20 “___ skin off my nose!” 21 Like a llama, natively 22 Red army member 24 “The Island ___ Moreau” 27 Reduce in intensity 28 Reluctant 31 Cover a cake 33 Tightrope walker’s protection 34 Numb, as a foot 36 Musical Copland 38 Least acceptable amount 41 Hulu offering 42 Pass on, as dancing to a song 45 Foxy 48 Played a military flute 50 Red giant with an abundance of carbon

51 Schroeder’s instrument 53 Advertising catchword 55 Didn’t pay yet 56 Some field hockey players 58 Chloroform kin 61 In the altogether 66 Advanced in years 67 Lotus position practice 68 Gifted individual? 69 Majors and Iacocca 70 Visitor’s term 71 Georgia of “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” DOWN 1 Versatile blackjack card 2 160, to Caesar 3 Beginning of this clue? 4 Pace between a walk and a run 5 Mouthy lip 6 Snooze 7 Gallery display 8 Vintage auto 9 Closing passage in music 10 Travel mag recommendation 11 Sea bordering Greece 12 Make something 13 Charlotte pro 18 Ambient music’s creator

1 9 Body-related 22 Chicken-king divider 23 One rejection after another 25 Sink accessory 26 Mottled horse 29 Certain muscle injury 30 Cattle breed 32 Indian titles of respect 35 Prefix with “scope” or “meter” 37 They’re squirreled away in fall 39 Mishandle 40 Driving an automobile 43 GM labor group 44 III, in modern Rome 45 Word with “cord” or “column” 46 Magazine article measurement 47 Member of the Bronx Bombers 49 Wedding band alternative 52 Food, clothing and shelter 54 Zeta-theta connection 57 Simon ___ 59 Jekyll’s alter ego 60 Black, poetically 62 Barroom elbowbender 63 Turkish title 64 Riddle-me-___ (guessbook challenge) 65 ‘60s singer ___ Shannon

This Week’s Request ”Cat in the Hat” kissing King “Yeti’s” feet. Yeti has a sweet king’s crown. - Max M. Graphics by Angel Lee

Submit your request to graphics@dailycardinal.com to see it here next Friday!


Weekend November 2-4, 2012 DailyCardinal.com

Women’s Hockey

Men’s Hockey

Wisconsin makes home debut in series with Colorado College By Brett Bachman the daily cardinal

Shoaib atlaf/cardinal file photo

Senior forward Brianna Decker and the UW women’s hockey team will look to grab valuable points against Minnesota St.

Badgers host Minnesota St. By Rex Sheild the daily cardinal

Whether the coaching staff and players wanted to admit it or not, frustration within the Wisconsin women’s hockey team (1-3-2 WCHA, 5-3-2 overall) was—statistically speaking— at a program-high after being shutout in three straight games, spanning from the Minnesota-Duluth series through the opening game of the Bemidji State series. However, after a sweep of non-conference opponent New Hampshire last weekend, the Badgers come into the upcoming series riding a new wave of confidence and look to extend their winning ways this weekend, as they take on WCHA foe Minnesota State (2-2-2, 4-4-2) Friday and Saturday at 2p.m. in the LaBahn Arena. Wisconsin and Minnesota State will meet in the second and final series of the season this weekend. The Badgers took five out of six points the first time they met in Mankato and outshot the Mavericks 82-41. According to senior forward Brianna Decker, fans should expect much of the same offensive pressure. “Any time you can outshoot a team we’re going to have more opportunities to score and put the puck away,” Decker said. “They have a great goaltender and we’re going to have to have a similar performance as we did in the beginning of the year but I think we’ve grown as a team and a lot of individuals have a lot more confidence than they did four weeks ago.” In Sunday’s lopsided 5-0 victory, the Wisconsin offense got contributions across the board, including three points each from Decker and freshman defenseman Courtney Burke, and two assists from senior defenseman Saige Pacholok. In terms of contributions, they have not been few and far between thus far for the Badgers, especially on the

defensive side. In fact, the Wisconsin defenseman are second in the nation with 29 points—eight goals, 21 assists— with Burke leading all defenseman with two goals and six assists, which helps take the pressure off of the offense to produce goals. “We’re looking for contributions from many people and so we have to score by committee,” head coach Mark Johnson said. “The more people we get involved, the better.” Decker echoed her coach’s remarks. “I think that’s huge,” she said. “I think it adds depth to our team and it’s only going to make us more successful game in and game out.” While the defense has been able to provide an offensive spark, the play of junior goaltender Alex Rigsby should not be overlooked. Against New Hampshire, Rigsby stopped a combined 50 shots while only giving up a mere one goal en route to the WCHA Defensive Player of the Week, which she attributed to an increased sense of comfort and stout defense. “I think it was just more being comfortable in the atmosphere that we’re in,” Rigsby said. “I think our team up front did a great job, especially helping clear bodies in front of the net, making my job much easier.” The puck drop for Friday’s contest is an earlier start time than usual and raises a little bit of concern for Johnson. “It’s always challenging, it’s always tough to play that Friday matinee game but we’ve talked about it so now it’s up to the players to get themselves ready.” From a player’s standpoint, Rigsby believes the early start will not be a distraction for the team. “I, personally, have an exam [Friday] morning but, as soon as that’s over, I’ll be focused on the game, especially once we get to the rink,” she said. “Everyone will be able to tune in and it doesn’t really matter what time the game is at that standpoint.”

With the season still young, the Wisconsin men’s hockey team (1-0-1 WCHA, 1-2-1 overall) has already seen its share of ups and downs. The Badgers, who take to the ice at the Kohl Center for the first time this season in their home opening series this weekend, are looking to jump on a struggling Colorado College team (3-3), that has dropped their last three games to non-conference opponents. Prior to Friday night’s game the Kohl Center ice will be dedicated to former coach Bob Johnson, unveiling the officially named Bob Johnson Rink. UW put up a stellar showing in last weekend’s series against MinnesotaDuluth, which included a two-goal third period comeback to record a tie, allowing Wisconsin to claim three of the weekend’s four points— the first time Wisconsin has opened up WCHA play with a trio of points since the 2005’06 season. With a roster heavy on

underclassmen, hard-fought games early in the season represent a valuable learning experience for the freshmen and younger players who are just breaking into the lineup. Senior captain John Ramage knows this better than anyone, and after four years on the team he’s seen firsthand the importance of having the older players lead by example. “Both [games] were close. You can’t make a lot of mistakes or the puck ends up in the back of your net,” Ramage said. “The freshmen were really able to come out early and learn what it takes to win college games.” UW hopes to keep that ball rolling against a Colorado College team that was swept last weekend by Cornell and posted five consecutive penalties in the final 30 minutes of Saturday’s game. This is good news for Wisconsin, who, according to sophomore goaltender Joel Rumpel, has come a long way on power plays since the beginning of the season. “We’re starting to know

what we’re doing out there, we’re not fumbling around with the puck or losing it and trying to get it into their zone,” Rumpel said. “When we have the puck on our stick and they’re in the box it makes our job [as defenders] pretty easy.” The Tigers also had trouble converting on power play opportunities, going 0-for-8 on the weekend with the man advantage. UW is also looking to post a similar shutdown on defense, which head coach Mike Eaves recognizes as the Badger’s saving grace so far this season. “Right now we haven’t had more than two goals a game, so we’re trying to rectify that,” Eaves said. “At the same time our goaltending, our penalty killing has been very good and we need to continue that until we get our offensive legs under us a little more.” Wisconsin will take to the ice at the newly named Bob Johnson Rink against Colorado College at 7 p.m. both Friday and Saturday, with television coverage of Friday night’s game on Fox Sports Wisconsin.

Head over to the sports page at dailycardinal.com for Jonah Beleckis’ preview of the men’s soccer team’s season finale against Ohio State

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