Monday, November 21, 2011 - The Daily Cardinal

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The ‘Dawn’ of abstinence

Getting it off her chest:

Jacqueline argues women shouldn’t have to cover up their cleavage at work +PAGE TWO University of Wisconsin-Madison

Newest movie in the ‘Twilight’ saga discourages a certain kind of vampire-human love. + ARTS, page 4 Complete campus coverage since 1892


Monday, November 21, 2011

Bill allows vocational diplomas in high school By Rachel Fettig The Daily Cardinal

30,000 rally to recall Scott Walker Members of Madison Teacher’s Inc., Madison’s teachers’ union, march around Capitol Square to protest Walker’s policies. There were no arrests at the rally. By Rachel Hahn The Daily Cardinal

Nearly 30,000 people gathered to protest and to sign recall petitions for Gov. Scott Walker and Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch Saturday, making it the largest demonstration at the Capitol since the spring collective bargaining protests. Under state law, organizers who began circulating recall petitions on Nov. 15 have 60 days to collect 540, 208 signatures, one-fourth the number of voters in the gubernatorial election, to trigger a recall election. An election would likely take place no earlier than May. United Wisconsin, the political action committee that organized the recall drive, reported Friday they have already collected 105,000 signatures. State Sen. Jon Erpenbach, D-Middleton, said Saturday

before a student march organized by the Young Progressives and College Democrats that he was confident organizers could get even 700,000 signatures. “We will stand up day after day and go out and make sure we have the signatures we need to make sure we recall Governor Scott Walker … we have thousands and thousands [of signatures] more to go,” Erpenbach said. “But we’ll get them.” Scot Ross, executive director of One Wisconsin Now, Wisconsin AFL-CIO President Phil Neuenfeldt and former Associated Students of Madison Vice-Chair Beth Huang were among many who spoke against Walker’s policies at the rally. “Tell the 180,000 students in the UW System that our

never-ceasing annual 5.5 percent tuition increases are worth it when we’re wait-listed class after class,” Huang said in response to the recent university budget cuts. Former Senator Russ Feingold also kicked off a pre-rally at the Capitol by signing a recall petition and talking to volunteers. Despite interest from protestors, Feingold reiterated he would not run against Walker in a recall election. This decision leaves Democrats without a clear challenger although media groups and supporters have brought up several names such as Assembly Minority Leader Peter Barca, D-Kenosha, and Erpenbach. In an interview with The Daily Cardinal, Erpenbach said he was “looking” at running but wanted to focus on the recall petition.

A bill introduced in September would allow Wisconsin school districts to offer vocational high school diplomas to students, permitting students to graduate without fulfilling educational requirements for core subjects now in place. Currently, high school students must complete 13 credit units to graduate distributed across English, social studies, science and math departments. If the bill proposed by state Rep. Mark Radcliffe, D-Black River Falls is passed, high school students would not have to fulfill the credit requirements currently needed to graduate. Instead, they could fulfill a certain number of vocational, or job-specific, credits, as deter-

mined by school boards. Radcliffe said it will open up jobs for high school graduates.

“They can use this to help market themselves to employers.” Rep. Mark Radcliffe D-Black River Falls

“In order to compete in a global economy and bring jobs back to Wisconsin we need a skilled workforce and this bill is a piece of that goal,” Radcliffe said in a statement.

vocation page 3

UW student receives Rhodes scholarship to study at Oxford For the first time in 11 years, a UW-Madison student earned a Rhodes scholarship. UW-Madison senior Alexis Brown was announced Saturday as one of 32 recipients of the prestigious award, which will grant her two to three years of study at Oxford University. Brown, an English major from Algonquin, Ill., received the award for outstanding work in the classroom and the community. “We congratulate Alexis on winning the most prestigious of all higher education honors,” Chancellor David Ward said in a statement. “In her, we see the makings

of a gifted scholar who will be an effective voice for the humanities within academia and beyond.” Her community involvement includes working as a peer tutor as well as a poetry reviewer, copy editor and associate editor for The Madison Review, a literary arts journal. Brown is also the founder and editor-in-chief for The Madison Journal of Literary Criticism, a journal that offers literature students a space to publish their scholarly work and engage in contemporary literary debate. Brown joins a list of past honorees including former President Bill Clinton and former U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold.

rally page 3


Just Bhangra, baby! Nearly 50 Walker supporters made their way to Capitol Square briefly (left) while Walker opponents organized demonstrations for hours through the day (right). PHOTOS BY Grace Liu/the daily cardinal

The UW School of Bhangra performs at the India Students Association’s Fall Show 2011 Friday at the Wisconsin Union theater.+ Photo by Grace Liu

“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

page two Hatin’ on my boobaliciousness tODAY: mostly sunny

Tuesday: cloudy

hi 49º / lo 31º



hi 43º / lo 32º

Monday, November 21, 2011

An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 121, Issue 56

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Jacqueline O’Reilly o’really?!


hey came in when I was 10, but it took until I was 21 for someone to explicitly not appreciate my breasts. My boss called me into her office. “This is hard to say,” she said. Crap. She placed her hand to her chest, and with that I knew: This woman didn’t appreciate my boobaliciousness. At first I was mortified. “Er, I’m sorry,” I half laughed. “I didn’t look in the mirror before walking out the door this morning. It won’t happen again.” I left the office within minutes, but on the car ride home my embarrassment turned to frustration. Was she really telling me to hide a body part I could do nothing about? Allow me to clarify. It was not like I was wearing tube tops on the job—just a sundress whose ability to, how should I say, push

Editorial Board Matt Beaty • Nick Fritz Kayla Johnson • Miles Kellerman Steven Rosenbaum • Nico Savidge Ariel Shapiro • Samantha Witthuhn

Board of Directors Melissa Anderson, President Kayla Johnson • Nico Savidge Parker Gabriel • John Surdyk Janet Larson • Nick Bruno Jenny Sereno • Chris Drosner Jason Stein • Nancy Sandy

© 2011, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398

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got breasts, and this may be a tad shocking, but they exist even when a shirt is on top of them. You can tell by that whole menot-turning-into-a-plank thing when I put on a sweatshirt. Lastly, if my bosom is distracting people from their work, it is not my job to fix that. If you can’t concentrate on doing your job because my outfit is a wee-bit tight, that is not my problem. If Jon Hamm worked in my office, it would be ridiculous for me to request he wear a bag on his head because I find his devilishly good looks distracting. Jon could no more easily remove his face (thank god) than I could remove my boobs. And this may be hard to believe, but if my cleavage is showing in the office, I’m not pushing a hidden agenda. It is actually difficult to cover them completely, and I don’t think I should be required to buy a new wardrobe so that I may do so, especially for the office that was too cheap to pay me. I expect some people to say I need to grow up, get in touch with

Delving into

reality and stop whining. Others might suggest I’m doing women a disservice in the workplace by not covering a highly sexualized body part, that because of my style women in the office are seen for their bodies, not their skills. Well, to hell with you both. Group one: I will never grow up. Even when my breasts grow down, I will be emphatic and passionate about everything. And group two: Way to give women even more reason to be ashamed of their bodies. Perhaps this situation would be less frustrating had my boss not been guilty of the same crime. But because I’m not as irrational as this column makes me sound, I whipped out the high-buttoning blouses. Still, if Jon Hamm ever walks into my office, you won’t hear me ask that he cover up his assets. And by that I mean his eyes and hair. If he’s walking around pantsless we may actually have a problem. Want to fight for your right to flaunt what yo mamma gave ya? E-mail Jacqueline at joreilly@ and stick it to the man with a nice v-neck.

’s History

November 23, 1963 Business Manager Parker Gabriel Advertising Manager Nick Bruno Account Executives Dennis Lee • Philip Aciman Emily Rosenbaum • Joy Shin Sherry Xu • Alexa Buckingham Tze Min Lim Web Director Eric Harris Public Relations Manager Becky Tucci Events Manager Bill Clifford Creative Director Claire Silverstein Office Managers Mike Jasinski • Dave Mendelsohn Copywriters Dustin Bui • Bob Sixsmith The Daily Cardinal is a nonprofit organization run by its staff members and elected editors. It receives no funds from the university. Operating revenue is generated from advertising and subscription sales. The Daily Cardinal is published weekdays and distributed at the University of WisconsinMadison and its surrounding community with a circulation of 10,000. Capital Newspapers, Inc. is the Cardinal’s printer. The Daily Cardinal is printed on recycled paper. The Cardinal is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The Daily Cardinal are the sole property of the Cardinal and may not be reproduced without written permission of the editor in chief. The Daily Cardinal accepts advertising representing a wide range of views. This acceptance does not imply agreement with the views expressed. The Cardinal reserves the right to reject advertisements judged offensive based on imagery, wording or both. Complaints: News and editorial complaints should be presented to the editor in chief. Business and advertising complaints should be presented to the business manager. Letters Policy: Letters must be word processed and must include contact information. No anonymous letters will be printed. All letters to the editor will be printed at the discretion of The Daily Cardinal. Letters may be sent to opinion@

stuff up, I underestimated. I am rather endowed in the chestregion, so whatever top I wear is guaranteed to be filled out a fair amount, ultimately revealing at least a glimpse of what I’ve got going on. I didn’t go to work with the intention of dressing scantily— I save those outfits for church. But still, my boss told me to cover up. Now before you say, “Jacqueline, your breasts are beautiful, but you’re in the real world now. It’s time to dress a little more modestly,” let me explain why this is complete crap. I’m willing to bet all the money in the world that if a straight dude wants to think about boobs, he is going to think about boobs. It does not matter if a real pair—mine or otherwise—are right in front of him. I don’t need James Franco in front of me to launch into some erotic fantasy, and I would venture the same goes for men and breasts. Secondly, not even a turtleneck will make my silhouette look like that of Mischa Barton in all her flat-chested glory. I’ve

By Marion Withington Cardinal Staff Writer

Noontime suddenly became a nightmare of incredulity. Disbelief registered on dazed faces first, and then anguish, as stunned students watched the life of John Fitzgerald Kennedy ebb away in a TV hour-glass. It was 57 minutes of hell as commentators relayed confused reports, while the President of the United States lay mortally wounded in Dallas’ Parkland Hospital. And then finality. “He’s dead.” Articulate expressions of grief filtered thru the gray glumness of the Madison campus by late afternoon, as solemn-faced students and administrators began to recover from the shock of President Kennedy’s assassination. Pres. Fred Harvey Harrington issued the following statement: “All of us are profoundly shocked. This is the tragedy of our time. The University is in mourning. “Classes and all social events on all campuses have been cancelled for today and Saturday, and will be cancelled during the period of the national services and for memorial services which will be held on all campuses at an appropriate time. Classes will resume Monday unless the national services are scheduled then.” William J. Campbell, Wisconsin Student Association president, dispatched a telegram to the President’s wife, reflecting student

sentiment. “Dear Mrs. Kennedy: On behalf of the students of the University of Wisconsin, I wish to express deepest sympathy over the death of the President. Surely the untimely death is as terrible a loss to the nation and to the world as it is to you and the President’s family.” In the East Wing of Wisconsin’s Capital, the Governor’s executive secretary, Stanley Zuckerman, fought tears as he typed a statement by Gov. John W. Reynolds. It had been dictated moments before from Omaha where Reynolds is attending the Governors’ Conference. “The people of Wisconsin will join the nation and the world today in mourning the death of President Kennedy. “Our sense of shock at this senseless act is inexpressible. “The sympathy of our people is extended to Mrs. Kennedy and the President’s family, and our prayers are with them at this moment.” Rain streaked the city and campus as the news of the assassination spread. Everybody seemed to know it at once, but no one could believe it. White-faced scholars stood grimly before the Union’s three TV sets, as the news was gradually spelled out in conflicting statements. They seemed transfixed as they stood watching until the unconfirmed reports were confirmed. And then they walked away, shaking their heads. “There’s just nothing to say,” was the common reaction. Dead of Student Affairs LeRoy Luberg said it eloquently for them. In

a statement, Dean Luberg said: “It seems incredible that the courageous heart of our president is still, but we can be confident that his extraordinary qualities of mind and spirit are woven into the fabric of American life, forever. “Each of us share the hurt and grief of Jacqueline Kennedy and the Kennedy family that have such enduring bonds of loyalty and affection.” Richard Halverson, Union president, announced that all activities scheduled for Saturday in the Union had been cancelled, in respect for the late President. “Recognizing the need for students to have a place to go, the Union’s facilities will remain open, however,” Halverson stated. Sunday’s University Symphony Concert and the opening of the Salon of Art will be held as scheduled. Whatever their political affiliation, hushed clusters of students mourned the loss of the young, vigorous, handsome leader, who ironically survived a rain of bullets in the South Pacific to be felled tragically by one shell from an assassin’s gun. A strong thread of disgust for the uselessness of the act was woven into the emotional reactions of the saddened students. “I think it’s a waste; a total waste,” freshman Marv Cohen commented. “The killing of the President accomplishes very little. The basic policy of the United States will continue. It’s just that one of our great leaders won’t continue with it. Oliver Bjorksten, a junior, echoed this belief, stating, “I think that it

has served no purpose. It’s no way to gain political ends. I think this will affect everyone, whether they liked his policies or not. It’s like losing your big brother.” Joanne Olsen, a sophomore, couldn’t grasp the reality that the President was dead. “It’s like something you read in a history book, but you don’t think can ever happen,” Joanne remarked. “That man is irreplaceable,” senior Paul Berger lamented, as the shock of initial disbelief gave way to widespread grief. Martha Peterson, Dead of Student Affairs, indicated that her reaction was “the same as everyone else’s.” “I haven’t absorbed it yet,” she said. The usual “Thank-God-it’sFriday” attitude vanished instantly when the first tangled accounts of the assassination electrified the campus. Although many students later confessed that they suspected momentarily that the rumor was a “joke”, TV sets and radios informed them otherwise. Older students, remembering Orson Welles’ Invasion from Mars program, recalled their panic occasioned by its realistic hoax. By nightfall, students were recovering their poise and wondering only, as one freshman put it, “Where do we go from here? My professor didn’t even dismiss class when the reports came in. As he put it, ‘the show must go on’.” It will go on, but without John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States.


Monday, November 21, 2011 3


Report: Wis. citizens pay lowest taxes in 15 years By Meghan Chua The Daily Cardinal

Campus NEWS


The UW Lebanese Student Association celebrated Lebanese Independence Day Sunday, where attendees ate Lebanese cuisine and voted on their favorite dish.+ Photo by Kyriaki Chatzikyriakidou

Wisconsinites contributed the smallest percentage of their personal incomes to state and local taxes in 2009 than in the 15 years prior, according to a report released November 17. The report by the Wisconsin Council on Children and Families said that taxes decreased by 15 percent in that time. The report also noted that since 2000, Wisconsin has experienced a “significant drop in ranking” among states in terms of revenue and spending per person. In 2009 Wisconsin ranked 16th in tax revenue, compared to 8th in 2000. State and local taxes per Wisconsinite amount to $123 over the national average. However, Wisconsin is below average in spending per person

due to relatively less employees on the state government’s payroll. In 2009, the state ranked 36th in aid revenue from the federal government, an area where Wisconsin has continually been low-ranking. The WCCF report says future tax revenue cuts could “jeopardize Wisconsin’s public investments in our state’s high quality education and health care systems.” Further tax cuts for certain groups in Wisconsin were instituted after Gov. Scott Walker signed the 2011-13 biennial budget in June. Tax cuts in the 2011-13 biennial budget create space for investors, manufacturers and businesses to contribute to Wisconsin’s economy by granting tax credits for economically advantageous activities. Credits

No reports of incidents at rally

Proposal would add eight species to endangered list The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources proposed to remove 16 species and add eight species to the endangered list Nov. 17. Some of the 16 were removed because they “responded well to protections” given to listed species while others were removed because the boundaries in which they existed were found to be mostly outside of state lines. Three birds: the Black Tern, Kirtland’s Warbler and the Upland Sandpiper and four invertebrates: beach-dune tiger

beetle, the ottoe skipper, the Issid planthopper and the fawnsfoot mussel were recommended to be added to the list. State officials began the review of roughly 3,000 species in January of 2010 and the Department of Natural Resources is now drafting administrative rules to make changes to the list. “This is the most comprehensive review ever conducted by the department of the status of Wisconsin’s plants and animals,” said DNR Land Division Administrator Kurt Thiede.

vocation from page 1

cally “downgrade” students. “[The vocational programs] just aren’t regarded as well as the regular academic program,” Gamaran said. “Even though it might help them find a job immediately after high school, it doesn’t leave open the door for secondary education later.” However, Radcliffe said the bill will give schools more options and offer students “the chance to learn a trade.” “They can use this to help market themselves to employers,” Radcliffe said in a statement. The bill at earliest could be taken up by the state Assembly in January.

But the Department of Public Instruction, the state agency in charge of overseeing public education, said the bill will restrict students’ opportunities. “The department opposes the creation of a second diploma due to the concern that it will result in a two-tiered system of education,” DPI Legislative Liason Jennifer Kammerud, said. “We don’t want a system that closes doors for students.” Adam Gamaran, director of the Wisconsin Center for Education Research, said vocational high school programs typi-

will also be given to individuals with Health Savings Accounts. Tax increases will also be implemented by reducing tax credits for low-income working families with children and low-income property owners and renters. The WCCF said additional tax cuts would “limit the resources available to state and local governments for investments in a healthy, well-educated workforce and safe, livable communities.” But Republican supporters of the cuts say such changes are necessary to stimulate Wisconsin’s economy. Prior to Walker signing the budget, Joint Finance Committee Co-Chair Sen. Alberta Darling, R-River Hills, said the budget “protects taxpayers…and provides a stable environment to grow jobs.”

The Madison Police Department reported no problems or arrests at Saturday’s rally on the Capitol Square. Police estimated the crowd at the “We Are Wisconsin” rally reached 25,000-30,000 people at its peak, according to MPD Lieutenant Mary Lou Ricksecker. Authorities said the square was closed to vehicular traffic from about 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday. Crowds left peacefully at 4 p.m. when the Capitol building closed, police said.

by Taylor Harvey

rally from page 1 Young Progressives Issues Director Fiona Cahill said it is important for everyone to understand how the Walker administration’s policies would affect peoples’ livelihoods. “Everything that’s been done under Scott Walker’s administration and the Republican legislature has been just terrible for

Wisconsin,” Cahill said. College Republicans Spokesperson Jeff Snow said he would not be surprised if Walker opponents collected enough signatures, but he was confident Walker would win the general election. “The more time goes on, the more facts we have on our side the less they have on their side, the lower the budget deficit gets and the more our reforms get a

chance to work,” Snow said at a Republican rally Nov. 15. Roughly 50 Walker supporters also protested briefly at the Capitol Saturday. Four Republican senators, state Sens. Terry Moulton, R-Chippewa Falls, Pam Galloway, R-Wausau, Van Wanggaard, R-Racine, and Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau are also being targeted for recall.

Leader behind recent campus building expansion Alan Fish to leave UW Alan Fish, the man behind the recent wave of campus building expansion, announced he is leaving UW-Madison and accepting a new job at Johns Hopkins University. In his time as associate vice chancellor for facilities, UW-Madison has seen the largest building boom since the 1960s. Fish also helped create the campus master plan, a 10-year campus expansion plan that included projects such as the new Lakeshore residence hall and the new Gordon Commons dining facility. “The position at Johns Hopkins offers tremendous new

opportunities and challenges,” Fish said in a statement. “I will miss my colleagues and friends here at UW-Madison, but I will always take great pride in what we’ve accomplished together in building and maintaining a world-class infrastructure here.” Recently completed projects under Fish’s tenure include Ogg and Smith residence halls, Union South and the Microbial Sciences Building. Fish will begin his position as Johns Hopkins’ vice president of real estate and campus services in early January.

Former Associated Students of Madison Vice-Chair Beth Huang spoke to protesters at a rally Saturday to support a recall of Gov. Scott Walker. Photos by Grace Liu/the daily cardinal

arts Newest ‘Twilight’ will make you abstain 4


Monday, November 21, 2011

Warning: The following article may contain spoilers. By Ariel Shapiro the daily cardinal

If there is one thing that sets “Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Pt. 1,” apart from its predecessors, it is that it has a clear message and drives it home. While the themes of the previous movies were vaguely something like “love is eternal,” or “always choose the guy with the nicer car” or “brown people are actually werewolves, duh,” the moral of this particular story is much more direct. “Breaking Dawns”’ lesson for young girls is, in the words of Coach Carr from “Mean Girls” (a wise man from a much better teen movie): “Don’t have sex, because you will get pregnant. And die.” But I am getting ahead of myself, so let’s backtrack a bit. The film opens with preparations for the marriage of Bella Swan (a particularly drippy-dippy Kristen Stewart) and Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson, dead as ever), 18 and 110 years old, respectively.

In case you missed it...

here are some scientific stats about “Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Pt. 1.” Age difference between Edward and Bella: 98 years. Sexual liasons between Edward and Bella: 2. Children resulting from said sexual liasons: 1. Vampire-Werewolf geopolitical turf wars: 1. Time onscreen Jacob spends clothed: >5 min. Amount of completely unnecessary blood: a lot. Amount of longing gazes: infinite.

With Bella having completed her first high school graduation and Edward his 20th (because if you have an eternity to live, high school is where you would want to spend it), they are finally ready to join in the holy bonds of matrimony. With college plans thrown out the window and a complete disregard for anyone she cared for before she met Edward, Bella throws on a white dress and walks down the aisle at her perfect purple wedding. The party is lavish, the father of the bride is adorably kooky and pretty much everyone is having a great time. Nobody seems all that concerned as to why Bella, who, in the previous movies, we are supposed to believe is somewhat smart and practical, is giving up her future to marry a sparkly dead guy before her wisdom teeth come in. There is a lone voice of reason in this crowd, Bella’s bitchy pal Jessica (Anna Kendrick, one of the few redeeming components of this movie), who assumes this whole shindig must be because Bella got knocked up. “I mean,” Jessica remarks, “why else would you get married at 18?” However, reasonable folks like Jessica are quickly brushed aside as Mr. and Mrs. Cullen fly off to a private island in Brazil for their honeymoon! They spend two weeks catching some rays, exploring waterfalls and finally getting it on. This is the first time for the couple, because Edward would not put out until Bella put a ring on it. However, the long-anticipated consummation of their love is not quite as romantic as viewers would expect. You see, their wedding night results in a broken bed, a bruised bride and a freaky demon-vampire baby. But aside from that, it was totally great. Because the demon baby is literally destroying Bella from the

photo courtesy summit entertainment

There’s some good news for fathers of teenage girls—the first installment of “Twilight: Breaking Dawn” features terrible acting, a ridiculous plotline and a thoroughly convincing argument for abstinence. inside out, the newlyweds are forced to leave paradise so Bella can go straight to the hospital. Oh no wait—we’re in Twilight-verse, so the next logical step is not a lifesaving technique but to wait it out at Edward’s house. As Bella wastes away, her baby causes something of a supernatural-political crisis, and the friendly neighborhood werewolves freak out (though we are never really told why). Jacob (a set of abs called Taylor Lautner), Bella’s best werewolf friend with sort-of benefits, defects from his were-pack and joins the Cullens in protecting the infirm-as-usual Bella. The whole vampire-werewolf war serves as a mere distraction, as Jacob’s true function in that house is revealed. After a harrowing, bloody birth scene in which Bella technically dies for a little while, the demon baby

emerges healthy and adorable as if it never meant to suck the life out of her mom. Seeing this bouncing baby girl, Jacob “imprints,” which is even grosser than it sounds. His weird werewolf psyche automatically has no choice but to commit to this infant and wait till she grows up to finally be with her. Thus, young ladies, are the repercussions of fornication: you will get pregnant, you will die and to top it off, your long-trusted friend will creep on your newborn baby. So to all those conservative politicians out there trying to teach abstinence to impressionable youth (I’m look at you, Sen. Mary Lazich), cool it with the dismantling of sex-ed. All you have to do is take them to this movie, and they will join up with the clergy before you can say “syphilis.” Aside from the puritanical

message and grotesque details, the real problem with this movie is that it creates a situation where everything changes, but nobody has changed at all. Despite going through marriage and pregnancy, Bella and Edward are as much a couple of boring teenagers as they ever were, just as Stewart and Pattinson bring nothing different to their characters. Lautner, as before, just saunters around shirtless while clenching his jaw instead of actually acting. The film does benefit from the direction of Bill Condon (“Chicago”), who in his first stab at the Twilight series brings skill and a new energy to the franchise (and not to mention a pretty decent soundtrack). However, despite his best efforts, the story is just too ridiculous to make into anything else. Sorry, Condon, you just can’t polish a turd.

High hopes for amateurs in the future of filmmaking david cottrell co-ttrell it on the mountain


ne of my favorite movies from the Sundance Film Festival this year ended up being “Like Crazy.” The screening I attended followed just after director Jason Reitman (“Juno”, “Up in the Air”), head of the festival’s Grand Jury this year, awarded the 2011 Sundance Grand Jury Prize to “Like Crazy” director Drake Doremus. Madisonians were among the lucky few to have the opportunity to see “Like Crazy” during the festival itself this past January, as part of the festival’s new initiative to expand beyond Park City and bring festival films to local theaters around the country, complete with Q&A sessions with the director and cast. If you didn’t catch it back then, “Like Crazy” is currently playing at Sundance

Cinemas once again, this time in its national release. “Like Crazy” is a beautiful film that honestly portrays the messy reality of romantic relationships, grounding itself in true-to-life details. It’s one of the only films I’ve ever seen to accurately depict the fundamental role texting has taken in human relationships—something conveniently ignored by almost every filmmaker today. And beyond simply depicting the role texting plays in how we converse with our loved ones, it also subtly explores the frustration and alienation that can accompany this limited medium of connection. But “Like Crazy” is a game changer for filmmaking in a much more significant way than just tackling texting. One of Doremus’s central tools in crafting the naturalistyet-intensely-personal visual vibe of “Like Crazy” was his guerilla shooting style that has a free roaming, almost documentary-style aesthetic and a penchant for intimate close-ups. Central to Doremus’ ability to shoot in this manner, even in

close-quarters on location, was his choice of camera. Rather than shooting on traditional reels of 35mm film stock—the very symbol of Hollywood itself—Doremus chose to follow the path of most indie film directors these days and shoot with digital video. But “Like Crazy”, shot on an incredibly impressive budget of $250,000, didn’t use the RedOne or any other professional-grade HD digital video cameras that can start at around $50,000 and climb steeply upward. Doremus shot the flick entirely on a consumer-grade DSLR still camera called the Cannon 7D that can be bought for $1,500—comparable in cost to an entry-level Macbook Pro. The 7D is small and compact, as you’d expect from a consumer still camera, allowing Doremus the freedom to shoot by hand, move freely around the scene and achieve the film’s characteristic close-ups. It also allows the attachment of traditional film lenses for complete control over the aesthetics of the footage. The fact that Doremus

could create such a beautiful film, and then proceed to win the Sundance Film Festival’s highest prize, with a camera within the reach of average consumers, is surely a significant milestone for the world of moviemaking. We are coming closer than ever to the democratization of movie production. Forty years ago, when aspiring directors were running around shooting with quaint Super 8 cameras, they had no hope or possibility of producing anything resembling the quality of those being produced by Hollywood at the time. But we are quickly approaching the point at which a dedicated and talented amateur director can produce movies to rival those of the mainstream industry, even on a shoestring budget. The NEXT category the Sundance Film Festival has introduced in recent years is a testament to this emerging possibility. Every film in the NEXT category has a budget under $50,000—some substantially less—and yet every NEXT film I’ve seen so far, from

“The Sound of My Voice” to “Bellflower”, has looked on-par with any reasonably-budgeted Hollywood movie coming out these days. And all of them were shot on digital video— in the case of “Bellflower,” a homemade digital video camera no less. All this instills hope in me for the future of movies. Even though Hollywood may be stagnating, drowning in a flood of sequels, prequels, reboots and rehashes, hope springs eternal. With the increasing affordability of high-grade digital video cameras and the growing popularity of online distribution through both free venues like Youtube and commercial outlets like iTunes and Amazon’s digital video stores, I wouldn’t be surprised, if a decade from now, major studios faced steep competition from the artistic output of amateur aspiring directors working off their own time, money and passion. Have your own ideas about amateur filmmaking becoming not-soamateur? E-mail your thoughts to David at

opinion Letter: Recall debate can be constructive

Mary Sedarous opinion contributor

Lately, one of the bigger political issues in Wisconsin has been the attempt to recall Scott Walker. Regardless of success or failure, the recall’s potential impact on the state’s people is of the utmost importance to me. Toxic political partisanship has been a rather obvious problem with the country for a while now. Calling the relationships in D.C. dysfunctional would be an understatement. Perhaps the most infamous example of this is in the bungled budget negotiations that spurred on speculation of an economic apocalypse and led S&P to downgrade America’s credit rating. And although it was amusing to see old men in suits called “schoolchildren,” the issue should have been a shocking, eye-opening experience to the dangers of partisanship. And yet here we are, months later, with a government that is still as divided as it was before. And another budget to decide. If partisan politicians are this dangerous, how much more so is a divided populace? A people staunchly divided on party lines is easily manipulated. Extreme politicians could gain power because of what side they’re on, rather than merit--worsening already existing troubles and continuing a problematic cycle in which those who must compromise refuse to.

Monday, November 21, 2011

No matter what, the Walker recall will be divisive. There will be those who say Walker is a tyrant rivaling the likes of Sauron and those who say he’s doing a great job. What I ask is that both sides recognize and respect the democratic necessity of civil and constructive discourse. Undoubtedly, advocates will say “true Wisconsin citizens” support one side or the other. That one side represents the “real” face of Wisconsin. Nonsense. Like any other state, Wisconsin is composed of a complex web of diverse people, all of whom have a life tied to the well-being of the state. Whichever side one takes in the coming days, most are doing so out of a genuine concern for their home. Recognizing this, both sides of the recall should join the debate without demonizing their opponents. This recall should not focus on hurling petty insults or accusations: it should not tear the state apart. Rather, it should spark an active political discussion. It should provide a channel for people to collectively express what they are displeased with and how they think the problems can be fixed. It should be a catalyst for positive political change. Wisconsin should be strengthened by the recall, not weakened by it. Mary Sedarous is a freshman with an undeclared major. Please send feedback to opinion@

Letter: Global community has failed Syrian people Matthew Curry opinion contributor

I have been following very intensely the Arab Spring since it began in January, in Tunisia, when Mohammed Bouazizi lit himself on fire in protest of elitist rule and oppression towards him. Since that flame started, the fire has spread throughout North Africa and the Middle East. Of all the revolutions in the region Tunisia made it out relatively unscathed in terms of mass violent oppression of the opposition, thankfully. It took merely weeks to destroy a tyranny of over two decades. Good riddance. But as the flames spread they also stoked and Egypt then found itself in the fiercest torrent of those flames. My jaw dropped to the floor the first time I saw the massive protests held in Tahir Square; I knew right then and there that the world was seeing the largest historical shift since the end of the Cold War, and possibly bigger than that. Egyptians, nearly overnight, went from a complacent being to a collective of actors, individuality had sprung. But this time the revolution required violence, though not the initial intent, to acquire the overthrow of the dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak. International eyes were intensive on Egypt and that decisive stare is what kept the Egyptian army from slaughtering the people, though they tried their damndest to use violence to intimidate, but the movement was too big. The events involving Libya were the next theatre of the revolution, though this time it took a much different form than that of Tunisia, Egypt, and erupting at the time, Yemen. Moammar Qaddafi was, can’t believe I’m using the past tense, absolutely crazy and the world knew he was not afraid to slaughter his own people; he had the West by the balls on this one as Libya had just recently ceased it’s nuclear weapon program, which he could’ve started again, and had oil reserves that caused British oil giants to salivate. But the UN stepped up, China and Russia stepped up and implemented the no-fly zone, which protected the citizens of Libya and paved the way for the death of Qaddafi, which you can watch on the internet if you’re interested.

Though Yemen’s fire is stoking higher and higher, the clearest advent is now that of the horrifying scene in Syria. Why is Syria important? Syria is arguably Iran’s closest ally and has deep connections to China and Russia, who have clearly aligned themselves against the West, both economically and in foreign policy, as they are Security Council members. But this time the world has sat by and done next to nothing for the last eight months as the Syrian government systematically murders its own citizens. When I saw the first video of protesting Syrians being shot and killed it was quite clear that this time the dictators have recognized the stakes, might makes right, and as long as you win the world will soon forget, just as they had with Qaddafi years after having Pan Am flight 103 bombed. And now the stakes are above and beyond the stakes of Libya. If Syria falls then the anti-west alliance will fall, and after Syria falls, most likely the Iranian protesters, who I had helped by setting up proxies on twitter, would likely challenge the Iranian government as they had in 2009, which ended in violent oppression and destruction of the movement. But what I have seen in videos and articles coming out of Syria has shaken me to my core. It’s hard to think that you’re watching innocent people murdered and yet that just had happened earlier in the day. One video that simply horrified me and literally made my blood boil with anger over inaction and complacency amongst the west was a video of parade of Syrian protesters being shot at, and then one man comes into view. He’s sitting on the ground in the midst of the chaos as if somehow inept to the obvious need to clear out. But a woman lifts his head up and you see this man with a look of total emptiness, a type of shock that is so horrifying that it will inspire the fear into you, that same fear that Syrians feel when security officers knock on their door at night, to be taken, tortured, and murdered. Underneath this look of shock is the source. And in the screams, the cries for help, the blood, the bodies, you see this man’s face, or what’s left of it, his entire lower jaw had been



Capitol rally

Total recall 2011: the right move?

+Photo by Grace Liu

Walker policies helping Verona schools Maggie Richardson Letter to the editor

In the November 15, 2011 issue of the Daily Cardinal you ran an article titled, “Letter: Walker’s policies harmed state, now time for recall”. While I hesitate to engage in the overtly divisive talks concerning our current governor, I will, however, comment on this article’s claim that, “students of all ages have been hard-hit under the Walker administration”. Our students are our future and there is no denying that. What I can deny is that Governor Walker is hurting our school districts, their students, and the educational process. I went to school in Verona, WI which has just over 11,000 people. With a small town like ours, the schools are central to us. By Governor Walker asking employees to contribute to their health care

premiums and giving school districts the freedom to shop various providers, the Verona school district has already saved $800,000. For a modest town like ours, this amount is almost unfathomable. With this money the Verona School District has been able to hire more teachers and lower class sizes. Verona is not the only case of this money saving phenomenon, either. Other school districts, like Oshkosh, Portage County, Appleton and Milwaukee County have been able to save over $1 million. If saving school districts money, hiring more teachers, and lowering class sizes are a “hard-hit” to our students, I can’t wait to see what helping them looks like. Maggie Richardson is part of the Student in the Community & Nonprofit Leadership Program at UW. Please send feedback to

Hunter S. Thompson says, “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” Write for The Daily Cardinal. Pros since 1892.

blown off and all that showed was the remnants of his tongue. As the camera comes in closer all you can see left of this man’s life is his desire to die, all that this human being wants to do, in the face of utter brutality, is die, to feel no more pain. I saw this video months ago and everyday since the uprising in Syria started around eight months ago protesters have been murdered, arrested, and tortured. There are numerous videos of soldiers standing atop bodies, laughing, smiling, shooting them, beating them, taking pictures. This is just a metaphor for the “free world” standing up for the Syrian people…they do not, they stand atop the bodies of innocents. But now truly heroic Syrian defectors have formed the Syrian Free Army to defend their people, something that Barack Obama, Europe, Russia, China, and the truly sickening

autocrats of the Middle East have refused to do. Shame on them, shame on the Arab League for being but a face-saving elitist outreach to a mass murderer. Now Syria descends into a civil war that will utterly shake the system of power in the middle east; this could’ve been averted had the world had taken a genuine attempt to stop this mass murder, when the same argument, the same situation, was used to go into Libya. People are dying, children are dying, murder and injustice is rampant and the world just sits and watches; the world has again failed the ideas of justice and human rights; the world has failed the Syrian people. May the Free Syrian Army succeed and hopefully one day I’ll be watching the video of Bashar Al-Assad’s capture and killing. Please send all feedback to


He’s been around a long, long time... William Shatner is 80 years old. And still rocks.

6 • Monday, November 21, 2011

Dancing to Bowie

Today’s Sudoku

Evil Bird

By Caitlin Kirihara

© Puzzles by Pappocom

Eatin’ Cake Classic

By Dylan Moriarty

Solution, tips and computer program available at

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Tanked Life

By Steven Wishau

Today’s Crossword Puzzle

Answer key available at

NIP IN THE... ACROSS 1 Lacking slack 5 “Could you repeat that?” 9 Extremely overweight 14 Fig. on a driver’s license 15 Saint’s symbol 16 Country estate 17 Big Super Bowl advertiser, traditionally 19 Island off Manhattan 20 Coffee combinations 21 She loved Rhett 23 Losing or winning runs 25 Lamarr of “Samson and Delilah” 26 Waiter’s handout 28 Shade of blue 32 Potting requirement 36 Historic Parks 38 Betty, in a movie title 39 Eye and peacock, for two 41 Sign of spring in four places in this puzzle 42 Ferber and a Dame 43 As wise as ___ 44 Compete in a regatta 46 These can be connected 47 She’s a doll 49 “Hey, over here!”

51 “What have you been ___?” 53 Broad-brimmed beach bonnets 58 A deuce used as an ace, e.g. 62 Respond to with guffaws 63 Last of the Greek characters 64 Trucker’s friend? 66 Downspout sites 67 Chills-and-fever fit 68 Come ___ end (finish) 69 Clobber, in the Bible 70 Jersey guys in jerseys 71 Gaelic language DOWN 1 Poitier’s “In the Heat of the Night” role 2 Not for children 3 Subordinate to 4 Olde ___ (historic area, quaintly) 5 Narrow margin 6 “Rumor ___ it ...” 7 Brewpub fare 8 Dime depiction 9 Cooked really well? 10 Herman Melville novella 11 Model Macpherson 12 Narrow opening 13 Cardinal point 18 Red-coated cheese

Old nuclear org. Elitists Ordinary Tuscany river Aspiring atty.’s exam Dick Tracy’s true love Thick slice of bread Charlie Chaplin’s last wife 34 Feldman’s “Young Frankenstein” role 35 Like a film made on a shoestring 37 Parting word 40 Boxed-set box 45 Locale of allegedly miraculous cures 48 When you might get there (Abbr.) 50 Adjustment means on a radio 52 Church instrument 54 Terre ___, Ind. 55 Intense devotion 56 Words said with a flourish 57 Cahn’s composing collaborator 58 Troubles 59 Islamic religious leader 60 Matthew, originally 61 Old Venetian magistrate 65 Umpire’s call

Caved In

By Nick Kryshak

First in Twenty

By Angel Lee

2 2 24 27 29 30 31 32 33

Washington and the Bear

By Derek Sandberg


Men’s Basketball

Monday, November 21, 2011

the daily cardinal

Wisconsin has a bit of a history with Wofford, with their close 53-49 win against the Terriers in the first round of the 2010 NCAA Tournament. But while there have been many instances of déjà vu for Badger athletics in recent weeks, Saturday night’s rematch was not among those, as the Badgers’ stifling defense eventually led to a 69-33 Badger win. Once again, it was Wisconsin’s ability to shut down opposing offenses that shined. After holding their first two opponents to just 29 percent from the field, the Badgers upped their game early on, holding the Terriers at just 20 percent in the first 20 minutes of play, heading into the locker room on a 19-2 run that led to a 32-12 halftime lead. “You always like a run like that,” junior forward Ryan Evans said. “But it all starts with defense.” “[Wofford] hurts a lot of teams inside,” UW head coach Bo Ryan said. “If you have people that are committed to [playing good defense], it tends to make the whole look a lot better.” From there, it was simply an easy cruise toward victory, as Wisconsin continued to extend the lead until it finally reached its peak of 36 following a last-second jumper by junior walk-on J.D. Wise, a turnaround attempt that got the Badger bench on its feet with less than a minute remaining in the game. Once again, the Badger scoring came from across the board. Three Badgers finished Saturday in double digits, led by sophomore guard Josh Gasser, whose four-forfour performance from beyond the arc led to a 16-point night. “I have more confidence this year and that just comes with maturing from freshman year to sophomore year,” Gasser

said. “A lot of guys are knocking down shots and that just leaves me open.” Perhaps the biggest story was the man who was not involved heavily in the scoring, senior guard Jordan Taylor. Having been called upon to put points on the board throughout last season’s Sweet 16 campaign, the preseason firstteam All-American point guard took command of the troops quietly Saturday, only attempting three shots in the game and finishing the night with just four points. Once again, Taylor was ultra-efficient, racking up four assists without committing a turnover. “We all know what he can do,” Evans said. “But he’s just playing real team ball right now.” When the Badgers are able to score from anywhere, opponents

find them tough to defend. Add in the versatility of the Badger big men, and their capability of shooting from distance, and you have a formula for success that has kept Wisconsin virtually unbeatable at home under Bo Ryan. “I think they’re very good,” Wofford head coach Mike Young said after the game. “It requires a level of awareness and a level of toughness to guard that. Such a grind, such a grind to play the Badgers.” The Badgers have one more warm-up in Madison as part of the Chicago Invitational when they face University of MissouriKansas City on Tuesday night. After that, Wisconsin heads south to face Bradley with a Saturday contest against either Brigham Young University or Nevada.

For the Wisconsin women’s hockey team (7-1-0 WCHA, 13-10 overall), having to play from behind in the third period is not something that it often has to do. But that was the case Friday night in Troy, N.Y. Rensselaer (1-3-2 ECAC, 3-8-4 overall) jumped out to an early 1-0 lead and was later ahead 3-2 going into the final frame. Looking like the Engineers were going to pull the upset against the nation’s No. 1 team, the Badgers went to work orchestrating a two-goal third to avoid their first non-conference loss. It was then a Wisconsindomiated Saturday as it punished RPI 8-2 for the prior night’s upset attempt. After conceding the first goal, the Badgers put together a solid effort and netted the games next two goals. Senior forward Carolyne Prevost and senior forward Brooke Ammerman were credited for the Wisconsin goals. The Engineers would respond, however, and tie the game at two a piece midway through the second period. Sophomore forward Jordan Smelker would give RPI

Young team has yet to find success on the road the daily cardinal

mark kauzlarich/cardinal file photo

Junior Forward Jared Berggren was one of three Badger shooters to finish in double-digit scoring with 13 points.

Badgers survive Friday night scare against RPI, take two the daily cardinal

jared burris/cardinal file photo

Sophomore forward Mark Zengerle scored Wisconsin’s only goal Saturday night.

By Matt Masterson

Women’s Hockey By Matthew Kleist


Men’s Hockey

Defense key in Wisconsin win By Max Sternberg


a one-goal advantage later in the period on the power play. Down by a goal, Wisconsin was in a situation that it often is not. But the Badgers once again proved why they are the top-ranked team in the nation, finding a way to win. Being awarded a power play just over four minutes into the third period, Wisconsin went to work. Junior forward Brianna Decker put the puck past the RPI goaltender. With the game tied at three, the Badgers took the momentum from the power play goal and turned it to their advantage. Scoring less than a minute later, freshman forward Blayre Turnbull buried the puck into the net and gave Wisconsin the lead. The Badgers would hang on to win 4-3. It was a different story Saturday afternoon. Sisters Brooke and Brittany Ammerman’s hometown of River Vale, N.J. is a close drive to the site of this weekend’s series. A large contingent of family and friends were in attendance to see the sisters in action. Brittany Ammerman would not get into the box score over the weekend, but would give way to

Brooke Ammerman, who is playing her final season of her career. Already notching an assist Friday, Brooke Ammerman would add to her points with another assist midway through the first. She was not finished however. By the final whistle, Brooke Ammerman would tally two goals of her own and add another pair of assists. Having played a role in five of the night’s eight goals, she finished with a total of six points on the weekend. Brooke Ammerman was not the only one to keep the scorekeepers busy. Decker would record her sixth three-goal performance of her career and pick up an assist. Prevost would also continue her to add to her impressive senior season by scoring two goals and assisting four times. When it was all said and done Saturday, seven different Badgers would record at least one point en route to the 8-2 victory. This weekend offered two distinctly different plots, but both nights showed why Wisconsin is favored to repeat as national champions, with their ability to overcome adversity to pull off the comeback and their ability to simply overwhelm their opponents.

Coming off an encouraging series with No. 1 Minnesota, the Wisconsin men’s hockey team was looking to continue their success against top ranked teams. But after a weekend sweep at the hands of No. 5 Colorado College, the Badgers are still left searching for answers on the road. Facing the top-ranked power play unit in the WCHA for the second straight week (Minnesota previously held that title), the Badgers’ (4-7-1 WCHA, 5-8-1 overall) penalty kill was one of the few bright spots on an otherwise fruitless weekend. Wisconsin held the Tigers (5-2-0, 7-2-0) to just 2-for-10 on the man advantage over the course of both games, but early deficits and power play woes of their own were too much for the Badgers to overcome. CC jumped out to a 2-0 firstperiod lead Friday night thanks to a power play goal from senior forward Nick Dineen and a shorthanded tally from sophomore forward Dakota Eveland. The Tigers took a five minute penalty for checking from behind, but junior defensemen Justin Schultz, the Badger’s power play quarterback, and another Colorado College player were also sent to the box for roughing minors. Eveland, shorthanded, brought the puck into the Wisconsin zone and wrist-

ed a shot from the point that freshman goaltender Joel Rumpel could not stop resulting in the 2-0 deficit. The Badgers struck back quickly however, with freshman forward Brendan Woods deflecting home a Frankie Simonelli shot for a power play goal of his own with just over a minute remaining in the first to cut the Tiger’s lead to 2-1. Dineen scored his second goal of the game late in the second period, deflecting the puck off of sophomore forward Mark Zengerle and past Rumpel, extending the Tiger’s lead to 3-1. Sophomore forward Keegan Meuer cut the lead down to one again, putting home a Schultz rebound midway through the third period, but it would not be enough for the young Badgers as Tiger sophomore forward Jaden Schwartz scored just over a minute later, closing the game at 4-2. Saturday night’s game began in much the same way as the previous night. Colorado College jumped out to a 2-0 lead just 2:20 into the game with goals from Dineen and junior forward Scott Winkler. The Tigers were not done in the first though, scoring again halfway through the period to push their lead to 3-0. After a horrendous start, the Badgers could have packed in and given up at this point, but they played resiliently for the rest of the game, holding CC to just four second period shots and eight third period shots, after surrendering 15 in the first period alone. Another short-handed goal from the Tigers extended their lead to 4-0 before Zengerle scored the only Badger goal of the night. Zengerle, who also had an assist Friday, extended his career-best point streak to 13 games—one of the longest streaks in Wisconsin history. After starting Rumpel in both games last weekend, Badger head coach Mike Eaves decided to go back to the goalie rotation he had used previously in the season, starting Rumpel Friday and freshman goaltender Landon Peterson Saturday: The decision failed to provide any kind of spark for a Wisconsin team that is in desperate need of one away from Madison. Saturday’s 4-1 final dropped the team’s road record to 0-5-1 on the season. Wisconsin will get their chance to bounce back next weekend with a series against Mercyhurst at the Kohl Center.

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Hat Trick

Junior forward Brianna Decker recorded her sixth career hat trick over the weekend. Streaking Scoring points in both games of the series, Decker extended her points streak to 25 games.

Top Four The top four point scorers for Wisconsin accounted for 11 of the 12 goals scored over the weekend.

third-down reception at the Illini 30, giving the Badgers great field position. While it took nearly seven minutes and two fourth-down conversions, UW eventually finished off that opportunity as well, Ball scoring on a thirddown pass from Wilson. From that point forward, it was all Badgers. Illinois added three more turnovers and the Badgers continued to pound the ball forward, eventually icing the game out following a fourthquarter interception by junior safety Shelton Johnson. Having gotten through their final road test of the season, Wisconsin now returns home to face Penn State with the Big Ten Leaders Division championship on the line. One more home victory and a rematch with Michigan State is in the coffers.

life&style features features Sportstravel Monday november 21, 2011


Road demons exorcised in comeback Wisconsin Badgers score final 21 to complete the second-half rally against the Fighting Illini Ball carried the ball 38 times as a part of his 224-yard day, scoring Final scores can often be mis- two touchdowns on the ground leading, and Wisconsin’s 28-17 win and adding another touchdown over Illinois Saturday is certainly on a 5-yard pass from senior no exception. While the Badgers quarterback Russell Wilson. (5-2 Big Ten, 9-2 overall) survived In the process, Ball became their final road test and continue just the fifth player in the history to control their own destiny in of college football to score 30 the Big Ten Leaders Division, this touchdowns in a single season game was far from pretty. Ultimately, the UW turnFor once, it was the oppo- around was due to a combinasition’s turn to make crucial tion of Illinois mistakes and, special teams mistakes. Having perhaps more importantly, a already lost twice on the road commitment by the Badgers to thanks in part to blocked punts, establish their bread and butter, Wisconsin took advantage of a the run game. muffed punt and a misHaving only rushed judged punt return by for 59 yards in the first the Illini en route to two half, the Badgers didn’t pivotal scores. worry about doing too Falling behind early, much too quickly and rushing the Badgers overcame simply took what the yards in the a 17-7 halftime deficit Illini gave them, capitalfirst half thanks to Illinois misizing on mistakes and cues, and another big taking care of the ball performance by junior on their own. total rushing tailback Montee Ball. Turnovers were the yards at the Having already brostory throughout the end of the game ken the Wisconsin and game on both sides. Big Ten single season Already trailing 7-0, touchdown records, Wilson fumbled with

By Max Sternberg the daily cardinal



lorenzo zemella/the daily cardinal

Junior tailback Montee Ball carried the Badgers against Illinois. Ball finished the day with 224 yards and two touchdowns on the ground and caught one for five yards and a touchdown. Wisconsin driving deep into Illinois territory, leading to another Illini touchdown and a formidable 14-point deficit on the road. After another punt, Illinois gave the Badgers their first window of opportunity as freshman punter Justin DuVernois

muffed a punt at his own goal line, giving the Badgers an easy chance to score that Ball eventually finished off. While the Illini added a late field goal that came after two touchdowns were called back because of offensive pass interference calls, the tide turned

with that special teams miscue to close out the half. Wisconsin immediately got the ball back to start the second half after Illinois sophomore wide receiver Darius Millines lost a fumble after making a

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