Troubles with travels Tigers, Pi and CGI, oh my! A look back at various woes on the road... +PAGE TWO
University of Wisconsin-Madison
A review of “Life of Pi”
+ARTS, page 4 Complete campus coverage since 1892
Monday, November 26, 2012
Marijuana reforms pass over Wisconsin By Andrew Haffner The Daily Cardinal
Elections this November saw the legalization of recreational cannabis in Colorado and Washington state, as well as numerous ballot referendums approving medical marijuana use across the country, but Wisconsin has yet to follow the trend in a country that is increasingly more accepting of the drug. Since 1996, when California became the first state to legalize medicinal marijuana, state drug laws across the country have trended toward more relaxed policies. Currently, 18 states allow medicinal marijuana, and campaigns throughout the remaining 32 are pushing for more pot-friendly legislation. The rise in pro-marijuana legislation correlates with public opinion; a 2011 Gallup poll found that approximately 50
percent of Americans supported legalizing the drug, while only 46 percent opposed, the first time in the poll’s 43-year history supporters were the majority. Recent polls have shown similar support. Despite growing pro-marijuana sentiment, Wisconsin still enforces statewide prohibition of the drug. Wisconsin legislators have unsuccessfully proposed their own version of marijuana legalization, the Jacki Rickert Medical Marijuana Act, since the early 2000s and Dane County approved a medical marijuana ballot initiative in 2010. But National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws lawyer Jerry Frederick remains skeptical a law will be passed here any time soon. “With the Republican lean in the state,
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Graphic by Dylan Moriarty
Some states around the country have decriminalized marijuana, which means someone caught with under a certain amount of the drug gets a ticket but it stays off their record.
Man commits suicide at Dayton Street ramp A 54-year-old man jumped off a West Dayton Street parking ramp Sunday afternoon and died on impact, according to the Madison Police Department. MPD Sgt. Jason Ostrenga said the man jumped off the Civic Center parking ramp, located at 309 W. Dayton St., to commit suicide at approximately 1:34 p.m. “[The man] left his vehicle on the sixth floor of the parking ramp and left what appears to be a suicide note,” Ostrenga said. A witness heard the man hit the ground and called Madison
International enrollment increases at UW, nationwide
NCAA record
Running into the record books
With his 79th career touchdown Saturday, Montee Ball broke the NCAA FBS career touchdown record. Head to for full coverage of the record-breaking performance. +Cardinal File Photo by Shoaib Altaf
Labor board rules Palermo’s legally terminated workers A regional labor relations board’s decision that Palermo’s did not violate workers’ rights in firing a group of employees will likely not change student labor activists’ approach to the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s ties with the pizza company, one activist said Sunday. The Milwaukee office of the National Labor Relations Board ruled last week Palermo’s termination of 75 workers under
an immigration audit was legal and not retaliation against workers’ creation of a union, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported Wednesday. However, the NLRB also said the company unlawfully fired nine workers for supporting union activity and a workers’ strike that began in June to protest unsafe working conditions. An attorney for Palermo’s worker groups said they plan
police, according to Ostrenga. Ostrenga said the man died upon impact and said the MPD does not suspect foul play. The police investigated the scene and called the coroner, who will contact any family members, according to Ostrenga. But Ostrenga said he did not know if any relatives had been contacted as of Sunday at approximately 5:20 p.m. Due to the circumstances, the police department will likely not release the man’s identity, according to Ostrenga.
to appeal the decision regarding the immigration audit at the Washington D.C. NLRB, according to the Journal Sentinel. UW-Madison’s Student Labor Action Coalition, Teaching Assistants’ Association and Labor Licensing Policy Committee urged the university to cut all ties with Palermo’s in mid-October. SLAC and LLPC member
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By Sam Cusick The Daily Cardinal
A higher number of students from around the world, especially China and India, have enrolled at the University of WisconsinMadison over the past five years, as the school continues to gain international recognition. But such trends are not unique to UW-Madison, as indicated by the 2012 Open Doors Report, which documented trends in international education exchange with an emphasis on international students studying in the U.S. over the past year. The national trends described in the report released Nov. 12 by the Institute of International Education, a non-profit cultural education exchange and training program,
are parallel to international student rates at UW-Madison, according to Assistant Dean and Director of International Student Services Laurie Cox. The results also showed a nationwide increase of students from China. At UW-Madison, according to Cox, Chinese students have surpassed South Korean students as the most represented international students on campus. “I would say… for many, many years, South Korea was the number one sending country, so that is a major shift,” Cox said. Cox attributed the increase in Chinese students to the numerous visits to China by former
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“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
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Tuesday: partly sunny
Today: partly sunny
hi 34º / lo 24º
hi 27º / lo 17º
Monday, November 26, 2012
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892
Tales of true traumatic travels
Volume 122, Issue 59
2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 • fax (608) 262-8100
News and Editorial Editor in Chief Managing Editor Alex DiTullio Scott Girard News Team News Manager Taylor Harvey Campus Editor Sam Cusick College Editor Cheyenne Langkamp City Editor Abby Becker State Editor Tyler Nickerson Enterprise Editor Samy Moskol Associate News Editor Meghan Chua Features Editor Ben Siegel Opinion Editors Nick Fritz • David Ruiz Editorial Board Chair Matt Beaty Arts Editors Jaime Brackeen • Marina Oliver Sports Editors Vince Huth • Matt Masterson Page Two Editors Riley Beggin • Jenna Bushnell Life & Style Editor Maggie DeGroot Photo Editors Shoaib Altaf • Grey Satterfield Abigail Waldo Graphics Editors Angel Lee • Dylan Moriarty Multimedia Editors Eddy Cevilla • Dani Golub Science Editor Matthew Kleist Diversity Editor Aarushi Agni Copy Chiefs Molly Hayman • Haley Henschel Mara Jezior • Dan Sparks
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riley beggin beggin ‘n’ eggs
his past weekend, I had the pleasure of traveling a good ten hours back and forth from Madison to Minneapolis. Although I got off these trips relatively scot-free, that has certainly not been the case for most of my travels. I’ve had the incredible opportunity to do a lot of traveling for this fine publication. I had an absolutely smashing time on all of these trips, but none of them went through without a wrinkle. Whenever I travel, in fact, I go prepared for nearly every sort of malady—cans of V8 in case I can only find deep-fried food for the whole trip, various sizes of band aids, roadside assistance cards, Tide To Go pens, you name it— and I still end up in some sort of straits I didn’t intend to end up in. From the beginning of my experiences with traveling (fam-
ily road trips), I have come to expect something to go wrong. Our extended family uses the cute name of “Beggin family vacations” to describe the effect my nuclear family has on any tropical place we may visit— 30 mph winds and 50 degree weather. I cannot tell you how many cashiers, hotel concierges and tour guides from Florida, California and Mexico have said, “This weather is just an anomaly, you’ll have to visit again…” A chip off the ol’ block, I’ve brought that luck to my independent travel as well. My first trip for the Cardinal was to Bonnaroo in Machester, Tenn. On the way there, I witnessed about 40 feet of bloody carnage on the side of the road where some semi-truck had attacked a pack of deer, did my best Wilhelm scream and woke up my co-traveler at about 3:00 a.m. Of course, I had to create some sort of adventure for our way back, so I inadvertently befriended a marketer of downers. Oh, the people you meet at Bonnaroo. So, after an hour-
The Dirty Bird
long conversation and carrying Frisbees, key chains and stickers with the drug’s logo on it and some samples of a questionable “anti-energy drink” named “Slowtivate,” we hit the road. Then, after we slept in a gas station parking lot, my cotraveler decided to get an olivesteak sandwich from Subway for breakfast. Needless to say, we ended up at another gas station in rural Kentucky with him bent over the porcelain bowl, plagued with food poising. Me, having the attention span of a 6 year old on Christmas Eve, decided to explore the gas station grounds (fascinating, I know) and ended up locking the keys in the car. For my pal paying homage to the porcelain god, I think that’s about as close as it could have gotten to his worst nightmare. It was only through sheer luck and a cashier with a nearly incomprehensible southern drawl that we were able to pick the lock and get on the way. Of course, that was just one trip. My next trip, from Madison to Austin, Texas for SXSW
last spring had it’s own share of wrinkles. With a serious cat allergy but no place to go, my friend and I had to crash at my aunt’s house in Lawrence, Kan., which was conveniently half way between Madison and Austin. I had forgotten that not only does she have a cat, she has two, and they absolutely rule the house. Within 10 minutes, my eyes were barely recognizable underneath the red, swollen flaps of skin that were my eyelids. I washed my hands so I could itch them, but when I went to dry my hands, all the towels were covered in cat hair, too. It’s a wonder I didn’t scare away the cats by my pure fury and likeness to a napalm victim. Anyway, these are just a couple tales of many. I am leaving for Paris in January, so who knows what sort of shenanigans I will get myself into in a foreign country… let’s just hope I make it back alive, with some good stories in my arsenal. Got your own travel stories to share? Email Riley at rbeggin@ with comments.
sex and the student body
How to give a killer blow job: part two
Alex Tucker sex columnist
ast week, we learned the basics of sucking dick. For all of you jedi masters ready to take the next step in advanced blowjobs, see below. Let’s talk deep throating, especially if we’re feeling adventurous! This is an act in which we take our special someone’s penis (or dildo, fingers, etc.) into our throat to create a tighter sensation and give our partner the feeling of complete insertion. By covering more of the penis by the mouth, we’re enveloping more sensitive tissue in a warm, moist orifice that can provide a lot of sexy stimulation to our partner. Being able to thrust our partner’s phallus in and out of the throat can provide extra steamy sensations for the head of the penis, which is a most sensitive area. While deep throating can be pleasurable, it can also cause the providing partner (the one sucking the dee) to gag, which can be uncomfortable and feel like choking. Before trying to take the dee in too deeply your first time, make sure the partner receiving head knows to keep their pelvis thoroughly un-thrusting during your trial, just so the sucker, if you will, doesn’t get surprised mid-dive. One should test the deep throating waters slowly and shouldn’t expect it to work perfectly the first time, or ever. So now we’ve given head. We have come to a crossroads. As Shakespeare proverbially said, “to spit or to swallow? That is the ques-
tion.” From a health standpoint, it doesn’t really matter what you do with the semen once it enters your mouth; any infections the spermies might be packing will already have come into contact with your soft pallet, a mucus membrane and superhighway for pathogens. However, there are other reasons we might decide to spit or swallow. Let’s face it—sometimes semen tastes bad. Many people claim that if they swallow, the sometimes-unpleasant flavor remains in their mouth for the rest of the day. If you happen to be the receiver of the beejay and your partner is reluctant to swallow your seed, see if you can change up your diet to make the experience less bitter, pun intended. Beer and coffee are offenders when it comes to bodily fluids, so maybe stay away from them for a day or so before getting head. Similarly, diets high in meats and including cabbage-variety veggies (asparagus, broccilli, etc.) can make one’s jizz taste less appealing. Conversely, fruits with high water content, and hydration in general, can make the tang less potent and even yummy. Our partners all prefer different things, from spitting and swallowing to the most basic techniques, everyone gets off on distinct actions. So pay attention! Did your partner gasp when you licked the head of his peen, or moan when you dragged your hand across his inner thighs? If you allow those cues to lead you and ask for input, you can gain expertise in your partner’s frisky fellatio thirsts. Effective communication can vastly improve your skill and your significant other’s pleasure. Although it can seem a little uncomfortable to ask what he did and didn’t enjoy, you just had his
most intimate body part in your mouth, so hopefully you can feel confident about this one. If not, sneak it into the conversation. Start with something like, “I hope you thought that was as fun as I did! Any suggestions for next time?” But, Alex, you ask, what if I didn’t think it was fun? That’s completely normal, and you’re right; you shouldn’t lie to your partner if you don’t enjoy giving head. Maybe it can become a treat for special occasions, maybe it can be reciprocity for a performance on his part, or maybe it was a one-time thing. Just remember, a first experience is often nervewracking and less pleasant than
the same experience may be as you become more comfortable with it. It might get more fun with practice, but maybe it won’t. Remember, many people adore sucking dick, so if you’re one of them, take advantage! As stated last week, enthusiasm is key, and your partner knowing that you have a taste for blowjobs can be an even bigger turnon than the act itself. If you find yourself to be a connoisseur, embrace it. Hone your skills and become an expert. It never hurt anyone to give or receive mindblowing head. Email for more suggestions and tips!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Student robbed of personal items in Memorial Library University of WisconsinMadison police are conducting an ongoing investigation from Nov. 20, when a man approached a UW-Madison student at Memorial Library and demanded her cell phone and other items in the library’s study carrels. In what police are calling a Strong Armed Robbery, the student
gave her items to the suspect when he approached her at 10:04 a.m., according to UWPD Spokesperson Lt. Mark Silbernagel. She was not harmed during the incident. UW-Madison police are “actively looking for the suspect,” according to a UWPD statement. The student described the suspect to police
as a black male, approximately 5 feet 8 inches tall in his early 30s. According to Silbernagel, police are reviewing video footage in an attempt to identify the suspect and will release further information as the case develops. The UWPD urges anyone with information on this Strong Armed Robbery to call 608-262-2957.
County grants Occupy 90-day permit to set up camp Occupy Madison members plan to stay at Token Creek County Park until their 90-day permit expires, after county officials relocated the group from Lake View Hill County Park Tuesday. The Dane County Sheriff’s office organized the removal of Occupy Madison members from Lake View Hill Park Tuesday, North District Captain of Police Cam McLay said in a statement on the North District’s website. Occupy members were using a site on East Washington Avenue in early November, but the city issued an eviction notice Nov. 7. They then moved to Lake View
Hill County Park on Northport Drive, but because Occupy did not have a permit, it was illegal for them to camp there. “The campers have been relocated to Token Creek Park, and our quiet neighborhood park has been returned to its previous state,” McLay said in the statement. Occupy member Rich, who declined to give his last name, described the county’s removal of members’ belongings as a “raid.” Dane County Sheriff’s Office deputies and park rangers surrounded the park and confiscated camping items such as
tents and blankets Tuesday, according to Rich. Rich said the general consensus of the group is to remain at Token Creek until the permit expires in February, even though the park is seven miles away from the nearest bus stop and the park’s shower facilities are closed. “The main question that most of us have is if they could give us a special permit to be [at Token Creek], why couldn’t they have given us a special permit to be in another park where we had access to transportation?” Rich said. —Abby Becker
grey satterfield/cardinal file photo
Former Palermo’s workers visited campus Oct. 24 to protest alleged poor working conditions at the pizza company.
palermo’s from page 1 Lingran Kong said the NLRB’s decision is separate from previous recommendations, which were grounded in the UW-Madison code of conduct and found four “concrete” violations of Palermo’s contract with the university. Kong said the NLRB’s decision does not change that resolution.
MLB Commissioner Bud Selig to speak on campus Major League Baseball Commissioner Allan H. “Bud” Selig will give the keynote address for Ethics Week to Wisconsin School of Business students and faculty Tuesday, focusing on ethics and professionalism in the business world. The 1956 University of Wisconsin-Madison alumnus has served as the MLB Commissioner since 1988 and will discuss his efforts to build ethical principles within the Milwaukee Brewers organization and MLB’s headquarters. Additionally, Selig will offer career advice to business students and address questions in
abigail waldo/cardinal file photo
Supporters of marijuana reform rally at the 42nd Madison Harvest Festival in October. Wisconsin is one of 32 states without medical marijuana legislation currently in place.
marijuana from page 1 especially with the current governor, it seems unlikely,” Frederick said. “Maybe if the state politics get changed up, but as it stands now, I wouldn’t count on it.” In 2010 and 2012, marijuana legislation in both the state Senate and Assembly failed to make it out of committee and did not face a full vote. Marijuana is currently decriminalized in Madison, Milwaukee and La Crosse, meaning that while the drug is not legal to possess, being caught with it results in a fine and lighter legal punishment as opposed to criminal charges. Madison is the most lenient of the three, allowing people to possess up to 112 grams of marijuana. Despite political opposition in Wisconsin, state medicinal marijuana laws have been accepted around the country for over a decade now, and Nov. 6, voters in Colorado and Washington became the first to legalize recre-
ational marijuana use. The new measures in Colorado and Washington, respectively known as Amendment 64 and Initiative 502, will attempt to tax and regulate the drug similarly to alcohol, declaring that only adults over the age of 21 may purchase marijuana and can only do so at government licensed locations. The potential tax bounty was a key selling point for voters in both states. Washington’s I-502 applies a 25 percent tax on marijuana transactions and tax money from marijuana sales in Colorado will be used for public education funding. Despite the increasing popularity of state-level marijuana legalization, the plant remains illegal under federal law. The Controlled Substances Act considers marijuana a schedule one drug, defining it as a dangerous and addictive substance without any medical value. Thus, the Drug Enforcement Agency, or DEA, enforces the Act nationwide, cracking down
on illegal or unlicensed largescale marijuana producers and traffickers, even in states that have legalized marijuana. Special Agent and Public Information Officer of the Denver Field Division of the DEA Paul Roach explained that while the DEA focuses primarily on the activities of major drug trafficking groups, such as those of the highly organized Mexican cartels, the new laws may complicate his work. “There have been cases regarding abuses of the medicinal marijuana system that have resulted in the need for us to step in,” said Roach. “And if it happens to be that large-scale organizations here in Colorado abuse these new laws, that they sell marijuana to other states or are transporting to other states in a quantity that warrants our own investigation, we will definitely go after them.” In both states the measures have allotted one year from the election for officials to create a regulating bureaucracy for marijuana.
“Right now the situation is still UW-Madison has a $200,000 sponsorship agreement with this company that has a history of treating its workers poorly,” she said. Two weeks ago, after the LLPC urged him to cut ties with the company, Chancellor David Ward said UW-Madison would review its contracts with Palermo’s. —Meghan Chua
an open question-and-answer session following his speech. Selig instated the Allan H. Selig chair in History at the university two years ago and created a History of Sports professor position to focus on the study of sports history in a broader social and historical context and its impacts on social change. Selig’s speech, “Perspectives on Ethical Leadership—A View from the Commissioner,” will be held from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. in the Plenary Room in Grainger Hall. Ethics Week is sponsored by the Howard Carver Ethics and Professionalism Program at the Wisconsin School of Business.
State projects 2013-’15 revenue increase The Department of Administration projected the state will receive $1.5 billion in new revenue during the next two fiscal years Tuesday, exceeding previous projections by $171.4 million. The state is now expecting to finish the current budget cycle with a gross balance of $348.1 million and the DOA projects Wisconsin will be able to avoid a deficit for the 2013-’15 budget, despite state agencies requesting more money than the projected state revenue.
In a letter to Gov. Scott Walker and legislators, DOA Secretary Mike Huebsch said, “Revenues and expenditures are largely equivalent without the use of one-time injections of revenue to maintain spending at an unsustainable level as had become the practice in the past.” Huebsch also touted contributions to the state’s rainy day fund during the current biennial budget and reaching a “position of structural balance” after having a $3.6 billion shortfall in 2010.
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Cox also said UW-Madison is “unique” among peer institutions due to the increased presence of Malaysian students on campus. Berg said UW-Madison has made efforts to attract international students in order to create a diverse campus environment. “The real reason is to have a diversity on this campus that in a sense mirrors the world so that as a student you experience a whole bunch of different kinds of people so that when you go out into the world, and you’re working, that you will have experienced people from all parts of the world,” Berg said.
Chancellor Carolyn “Biddy” Martin and Chancellor David Ward to increase the country’s familiarity with UW-Madison, as well as an exchange program with Chinese world and Olympic champions. Additionally, the report found considerable increases in the number of students from India on U.S. campuses. India has the third most international students that apply to UW-Madison, according to Vice Provost for the Division of Enrollment Management Joanne Berg.
arts Special effects put the life in Pi 4
Monday, November 26, 2012
By Ethan Safran the daily cardinal
Of all the working filmmakers today, Ang Lee may be one of the most diverse. He has tackled martial arts in “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon,” the superhero genre in “Hulk,” Jane Austen in his adaptation of “Sense and Sensibility” and most recently, Woodstock in his 2009 film “Taking Woodstock.” His new film, “Life of Pi,” an adaptation of the 2001 a novel of the same name, furthers this diversity. Featuring glorious visuals and an intelligent usage of 3D, “Life of Pi” succeeds thanks to excellent direction and a fine performance by newcomer Suraj Sharma, but its own narrative shortcomings strangely bring an otherwise impressive film downward. Set as a frame story, the narrative chronicles the story of Pi Patel (Suraj Sharma), a teenaged boy who finds himself shipwrecked on a small boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. As a frame story, the film cuts back and forth between Pi’s childhood and troubles at sea to a middle-aged Pi (played by Irrfan Khan) telling his story to a writer, played by English actor Rafe Spall. While the scenes between adult Pi and the writer come off a bit clumsy and even trite, Lee’s direction throughout most of the film feels effortless and imaginative. Pi’s voyage at sea with a Bengal tiger remains thoroughly gripping and exciting throughout, and one of the standout scenes of the film depicts a tremendous storm that nearly kills the pair. The relationship between Pi and Richard Parker lies at the core of the film. The two remain at sea for weeks and months, and Pi quickly learns how to distance himself from the tiger by building a small raft for himself. Ultimately, in part due to some basic survival handbooks
Old Souls As the busiest few weeks of the semester get underway, take a few minutes every day to sit back, relax and enjoy the soul.
1. “Bones” —Michael Kiwanuka 2. “A Sunday Kind of Love”—Etta James 3. “Window Seat” — Erykah Badu 4. “Easy Living” — Billie Holiday photo courtesy
‘The Life of Pi’ centers on the story of Pi Patel, a teenager who finds himself adrift in the ocean with an unusual shipmate: Richard Parker, a Bengal tiger. found in the boat and his own spiritual knowledge (Pi elicits knowledge of Hindu, Christian and Islamic ideas), he learns how to tame the tiger and to respect its presence.
His co-star with whom he acts with for nearly the entire film, Richard Parker, is completely computer generated.
Thanks to some dazzling visuals and fantastic computer generated imagery, the film takes on an identity all its own. Lee is no doubt an accomplished visual artist, as he has an artist’s eye and the technical prowess to create incredible shots. He does such with “Pi”, as the film features some fantastic images. Cinematographer Claudio Miranda, who previously lensed “The Curious Case of
Benjamin Button” and “Tron: Legacy,” will most definitely receive some recognition for his work here, for the vibrancy of the colors on the screen and the lushness of each shot is miraculous. Many of the shots within the film could be a hanged on a wall, which is a testament to the film’s visual strength. Moreover, Lee employs 3D to an intelligent effect. Like Martin Scorsese’s “Hugo” from last year, Lee uses 3D as a storytelling tool instead of as a gimmick. The 3D smartly directs the viewer’s attention to things on the screen, be it Richard Parker, Pi, the ocean’s ripples or Mother Nature’s wrath. Instead of acting as a distraction, the film uses 3D from the beginning until the end, with little wasted in between. Yet, for all of its technical prowess and visual bewilderments, I could not help but feel that Lee’s film never reaches the kind of “transcendence” that it longs to achieve. Pi promises to his listener that his
story will make him believe in a higher authority of some sort. But by his story’s end, the narrative takes an unexpectedly melodramatic turn. Suddenly, all of its magic seems sucked dry, with a narrative that ends on a note of conventionality rather than wonder. Nonetheless, newcomer Suraj Sharma delivers a fine performance as the teenage Pi. As his first acting venture, he excels. His co-star with whom he acts with for nearly the entire film, Richard Parker, is completely computer generated. The technological and technical wizardry at work here defines ingenuity. As a film with a spiritual or religious subtext, “Life of Pi” doesn’t quite work. Nonetheless, Lee’s film contains an engrossing relationship between a man and a tiger and elicits a unique visual style with probably some of the best computer-generated imagery ever committed to film. Verdict: AB
5. “Feels Like The First Time”—Corinne Bailey Rae 6. “Here I Am (Come And Take )” —Al Green 7. “Smells Like Teen Spirit’” —Robert Glasper 8. “Cigarettes And Coffee” —Otis Redding 11. “Blue In Green” — Miles Davis 12. “You Got Me” — The Roots, Erykah Badu 13. “Ex-Factor” — Lauryn Hill
All the world’s a stage when Internet provides easy uploads jorge estrada guest columnist
here’s nothing wrong with pursuing your dream as a rock star. With today’s technology, anyone can do it. Well, let me reword that. With today’s technology anyone can do it if they do it right. With websites like Soundcloud, Datpiff and even Bandcamp, artists are free to upload their music for others to listen and/or download. I’m not trying to say that it’s easy to make it big; the issue that arises with the disposal of millions of free mixtapes is that people lose sense of differentiation. I wish I had a dime for every time I met a “rapper” who hopped into the “studio” after listening to so-and-so’s mixtape, wrote one or two songs, thought they were great, uploaded them to their Soundcloud page and then ranted about something
along the lines of “people must not know what good hip-hop is anymore” and how they can’t believe they only received 12 listens or downloads. It’s great to follow your dreams, but people aren’t getting it. An inspiration can influence your music, that’s cool, nothing’s wrong with that, but when you recycle your influence’s flow and sound exactly like him or her, it becomes extremely dull and uninteresting. Why would someone listen to you if they could listen to your influence instead? Take 2 Chainz for example. Hate him or love him, he’s successful. Why though? Hailing from Atlanta, a city which has spawned rappers like André 3000, this guy famously drops lines like “keeping it low, mane” then follows it up by rhyming it with “all we eat is lo mein.” The answer to his success may or may not be that he’s original but
the fact that he’s simply different. Whether he intentionally creates humor or not, 2 Chainz has built up a character from the ground up. Claiming his influences range from Tupac Shakur to Outkast, 2 Chainz has somehow integrated these people into his own work and it’s safe to say that his sound is nothing near the two.
With a rise of the mixtape scene, people are becoming extremely overzealous. After all, it’s not hard to upload a track onto the Internet for all to hear.
Okay, maybe 2 Chainz is not the absolute prime example to get my overall point across, but he does manage to create a distinguishable image that separates him from all the other high
profile rappers. Maybe a better and more serious example would be the likes of J. Cole and Kendrick Lamar. Both individuals emerge from opposite coasts and have not only inherited their coast’s legacies but have also revamped them and shaped them into an updated version of the familiar sounds. Instead of just merely adopting the styles of their individual coasts, the two also explored and integrated other influences into their work as well. Lamar has stated before that he looks up to rappers such as Eminem while J.Cole has always shared a deep admiration for Kanye West’s work. Individually they have been able to integrate their influences into their own work and create a new feel for east/west coast hip-hop as they reinvent it. With a rise of the mixtape scene, people are becoming
extremely overzealous. After all, it’s not hard to upload a track onto the Internet for all to hear. The issue is that the scene is becoming saturated with cookie-cutter artists, where only the innovative rappers rise to the top. With such high exposure to underground hip-hop, people find a solid influence in those top rappers, then mimic them in hopes of high impact and make absolutely no progress. Have your influences, take notes on what others are doing, but instead of trying to cheat and copy that, reshape it so that it’s distinguishable and different than what’s been done. There’s no such thing as originality in music anymore but that doesn’t give you an excuse to recycle someone’s work and expect fame. Did your best friend’s cousin’s ex-roommate make it big via the Internet? Tell Jorge your thoughts at
opinion Student veterans need more resources
Kate krebs opinion columnist
he number of student veterans in the University of Wisconsin System has doubled since 2005, and is expected to continue to increase. While UW-Milwaukee is home to the most student veterans receiving GI benefits in the state, educating more than double the number enrolled at UW-Madison, all UW schools are involved. This has caused the UW System Board of Regents to give the situation more attention than before. Board of Regents Vice President Michael Falbo, an army veteran who enrolled at UW-Parkside after serving in the Vietnam Medical Corps, recently encouraged the UW System to put forth extra efforts for their student veterans. He remembered the transition from military to university as “cultural whiplash” and explained to the Board that veterans face a number of obstacles traditional students do not. He’s right, of course. Student veterans have needs that students coming straight from high school don’t have, and it’s the UW System’s responsibility as a public institution to make sure those needs are met. While efforts have been made and UW colleges are working toward better resources for veterans, there are still improvements to be made. However, it seems UW-Madison already has great resources for students who served in the military.
UW-Madison has made great strides in the past few years toward a welcoming and helpful environment for student veterans. Vets for Vets, the UW-Madison Student Veterans Association chapter, has its own space in the SAC where it holds meetings for veterans to socialize and learn about more opportunities, and the UW-Madison Law School just opened a free legal clinic for veterans dealing with non-criminal issues such as divorce and foreclosure this month. UW-Madison websites and offices also offer information about nearby off-campus resources for veterans, like the Madison Veterans Center and the Dane County Veterans Service Office. The university even provides housing exclusively for non-first-years transfer students, or student veterans. In all, UW-Madison has done very well in making resources available to student veterans, and when the university can’t meet their needs, it provides the necessary information to find those resources elsewhere. But, looking at other UW colleges’ plans, there are a few areas in which UW-Madison might improve.
Student veterans have needs that kids coming straight from high school don’t have.
An additional resource the university might consider instituting is a lounge for veterans where they can socialize and gain a real sense of belonging at their university. Several other
Monday, November 26, 2012
Stephanie Daher/cardinal File Photo
UW System Board of Regents President Brent Smith meets with the Regents to discuss how to improve the transition from military service to higher education for veterans. UW campuses have such lounges, and while UW-Madison’s Vets for Vets group provides something similar to this twice monthly, there isn’t an informal place for student veterans to gather. The university might also try to address the culture shock a veteran could experience going back to the classroom. UW-Green Bay’s veteran’s financial advisor, Elaina Koltz, told The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “In the military, one person talks and everyone listens,” but in the classroom, students are often texting, doodling or surfing the web. A veteran would consider this highly disrespectful and distracting, a huge barrier to their academic
success, while another student views it as commonplace. Koltz’s solution to this problem is practical, too: “What we’re looking to do is have a … separate section of an English class just for veterans or service members.” Offering separate classes in several subjects would allow veterans to bond with people who are in similar situations and get used to college culture, working in the same way as UW-Madison’s First-year Interest Groups. This is perhaps the most easily implemented resource for veterans; it has minimal additional cost, can be modeled after a program UW-Madison already uses, and could be key in acclimating veterans to their new
lives as students. Really, this is one of the few feasible additions to UW-Madison’s resources for veterans. Though a veterans’ lounge is good in theory, UW-Madison has so many students and so little space, a permanent lounge simply wouldn’t work. UW-Madison has done an excellent job of implementing fantastic resources for its student veterans when possible, and though there is some room for improvement, if the university continues to do what it is already doing it may quickly become the ideal college for veterans. Kate is a junior majoring in English and Gender and Women’s Studies. Please send all letters and feedback to
Attending school away from home enhances learning mitch taylor opinion columnist
he point of college, as far as society is concerned, is to learn. The idea is that we get an education somewhere between watching football and getting smashed. This education is more than just what we learn in our classes, however. The most important things we learn in college are the life lessons we receive along the way. After reading my uncomfortably serious piece from last week, my editor told me I sometimes take too long to get to my point. So here is my point. I believe that everyone should attend a college outside of commuting distance from their hometown. We underestimate how much of our worldview and even our identity is shaped by our environment. Being placed into a new and unfamiliar place with new and unfamiliar people exposes us to new experiences and a new perspective. Living far from home forces us to learn
and experience things we otherwise wouldn’t.
The most important things we learn in college are the life lessons we receive along the way.
Let me talk for a minute about my hometown. Historians generally believe that white people originated in Europe. This is false. White people come from Milton, Wis. About 200,000-orso years ago, we emerged from a hole in the ground somewhere near where the post office currently sits and spread out to populate the globe. Today, about 6,000 people live there protected on all sides by impenetrable walls of corn fields. All of them are white, and they’ve never met a white stereotype they didn’t live up to. Voters in Milton need not provide photo ID at polling locations, but a title to a pickup truck is required to vote. This is merely a formality, however, as elections are actually decided by tractor pulls. The mayor
is the person with the biggest tractor. Okay, I’m hyperbolizing a bit, but this next part is no exaggeration: on Friday and Saturday nights, Milton teenagers get their kicks by going to the nearby city of Janesville and just driving their trucks on the straight, busy main street. There are no turns. There are stoplights every couple hundred feet. They just drive their trucks in a straight line, stopping every minute or so. I mean, honestly? Go play with fireworks or something. If there is one good thing I have to say about Milton, it’s that at least not all of the radio stations play country music. I’m kidding. They all play country music. That is the life college rescued me from. My decision to move out of town for college opened me up to the realization that there is more to life than corn, pickup trucks and country music. I am exposed daily to people who look and sound different than me. I am forced to think about social and political issues that I never had to contend with before. This change in my environment very evidently affects my identity as well. Despite its
flaws, Milton was a beautiful place to grow up and I have no complaints about the first 18 years of my life. By my senior year, I pretty much had high school figured out. I was getting good grades without any effort whatsoever, I was captain of our show choir, I had leading roles in our play and musical, I had awesome friends and needless to say girls were throwing themselves at me left and right. High school was a fantasy world. College is certainly no worse, but I am definitely a different person. Here, I am not a show choir captain and actor. Here, I am an opinion writer.
My life here in Madison is so radically different from my former life in Milton that I often forget that I even lived it at all. College so far has been an amazing journey of novelty and discovery. I’ve learned so much about the world and myself that I simply would not have been presented with had I decided to stay in the Janesville area. For this reason, I believe everyone should look to go far away for college. Do you think there is an advantage to attending school far from home? Please send all letters and feedback to
Send us your own opinions in a letter to the editor!
Send all letters to
At least you know you’ll be fine the rest of the day! You are most likely to die at 11 a.m.
6 • Monday, November 26, 2012
Today’s Sudoku
Enjoying the company of Crosby and Bowie
Evil Bird
By Caitlin Kirihara
© Puzzles by Pappocom
Eatin’ Cake Classic
By Dylan Moriarty
Solution, tips and computer program available at
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
Caved In
By Nick Kryshak
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
Crustaches Classic
Answer key available at
Tis’ The Season ACROSS 1 Counter, as an argument 6 Apparatus for lifting 11 Crater’ s edge 14 Acid type 15 Start of the Beatles’ walrus song 16 Half and half? 17 Common yuletide tools 19 Many a time 20 Geller of mind games 21 ___ for tat 22 Finder’s take 23 Hurler’s foes 27 They may be current or foreign 29 “That turns my stomach!” 30 Not mean 32 Ripped 33 Cold and ___ season 34 “___ of Endearment” 36 Buick fit for a king? 39 Arial, e.g. 41 Wrecks 43 Diarist Frank 44 Ancient Biblical city 46 Oven setting 48 ____ Arbor, Mich. 49 “Tears in Heaven” singer Clapton 51 Divas’ deliveries 52 Suffix with “Christ”
53 Pays the registration fee, as for college 56 In all respects 58 “Spare” item at a barbecue 59 Baby beaver 60 Always, to an old poet 61 Artist/musician Yoko 62 Tool belt fixture 68 Costa ___ Sol 69 Site of many Chicago touchdowns 70 Parenthetical comment 71 ‘70s selfimprovement method 72 North American flycatcher 73 “Last but not ___ ...”
1 1 12 13 18 23 24
DOWN 1 Bled in the wash 2 Flightless bird 3 Part of a stand-up’s routine 4 Like a film before editing 5 Great downpour 6 “Andy Capp” sound effect 7 Acorn bearer 8 “___ man with seven wives” 9 With “short,” a curt rejection 10 Determine the presence of
0 5 53 54 55
5 2 26 8 2 31 35 37 38 0 4 42 45 47
7 5 63 64 65 6 6 67
Shingle fastener Surmise ___ and bounds More ventilated Angry fits “Nanook of the North” dwelling Discharge of lightning Cancel, as a rocket launch Length X width Arab chieftans Schnozz Historical record Pioneering comic Bruce Bull in a fight In storage, as grain Cream puff Like some translations Tired phrase Eat into WXYZ phone buttons Backbreaker, in a proverb Pop up, as a question Preposition in poetry Itty-bitty Word on Italian street maps O’Neill and Asner Abbr. after a general’s name, maybe
First in Twenty
By Patrick Remington
By Angel Lee
By Melanie Shibley
Monday, November 26, 2012
UW making mistake in cutting PE Activity classes
Women’s Hockey
Matthew kleist too kleist for comfort
shoaib altaf/the daily cardinal
Wisconsin senior forward Brianna Decker scored her 100th career goal as a Badger Friday as UW beat St. Cloud State 6-0. The Badgers would complete the sweep Saturday with a 6-3 win.
Wisconsin women continue hot streak at LaBahn Arena Brianna Decker and shot left side to increase the lead, 2-0. With the showdown verThe St. Cloud State defense sus No. 1 Minnesota looming was much more stout throughnext weekend, the Wisconsin out the duration of the second women’s hockey team (6-4-2-2 period, despite 20 shots on WCHA, 10-4-2 overall) took care net from Wisconsin. However, of business against St. Cloud with 39 seconds left in the State (4-11-0, 2-10-0-0), scoring a period, Decker skated past the combined 12 goals in a sweep of defense and backhanded the the Huskies with scores of 6-0 shot into net to take a comand 6-3, respectively. manding 3-0 lead heading into After registering one goal the final period of play. against Ohio State last The offense Saturday, the offenwould not skip a beat sive firepower was in the third period, on display early and as three Badgers often in Friday’s afterscored including noon contest. At the senior defenseman Career goals 5:58 mark of the first Saige Pacholok, by senior period, senior forward Kelter and Decker. Badger forward Alev Kelter cashed With her second Brianna Decker in on a power player goal of the contest, opportunity–her fifth Decker registered straight game with a her 100th goal of her Players in UW goal dating back to career and became history with Nov. 2—with assists the only third player 100 goals from freshman forin program history scored ward Erika Sowchuck to do so. and sophomore forThe second game ward Blayre Turnbull. of the series would As the first period of play not provide the same storycame to a close, the Badgers line as it did on Friday. After would get on the board again as Decker scored the first game junior forward Madison Packer of the contest at the 5:09 mark gathered the puck off of a face of the first period, St. Cloud off draw from senior foward State would go on a offensive
burst, scoring three straight goals spanning from the 14:19 mark of the first period to the 6:57 mark of the second period. With seven minutes left in the period, Packer cut into the Huskies lead on the power play to make the score, 3-2, heading into the final period of play, with assists from Decker and freshman Courtney Burke. As the third period started, Packer converted again from a pass from Decker to knot the score at 3. From that point forward, the Badgers would not look back. They would get three more goals as the game came to a close, including junior defenseman Natalie Berg–her first career goal–, senior forward Lauren Unser and Decker on a St. Cloud State open net. Overall, the Wisconsin offense was on the attack in the series often, attempting 93 shots on goal. The defense also did a superb job on the power play, particularly Saturday, killing off eight of the team’s nine opportunities. The Badgers will hit the road next weekend as they battle WCHA rival and undefeated No. 1 Minnesota on Friday Dec.1 and Saturday Dec. 2.
struggles from page 8
just nine shots in the first period Saturday before being pulled. Returning two experienced netminders seemingly gave the Badgers an advantage in net on paper, but neither goalie has been able to find any consistent success so far this season. “From the bench, two out of the three goals seemed to go through him,” Eaves said of Rumpel’s first period Saturday. “I felt like he was fighting it a little bit. I know he really wanted to play tonight and play well and make a difference. It was kind of a gut feeling in what I saw on the bench.” The Badgers have not been able to put much in the win column so far this season, but Eaves doesn’t want the fans to give up just yet. “Stay with us—this group has not quit,” Eaves said. “They work hard. We’ll get healthier and we will have some difference makers in our lineup and they’ll like watching this team so stay with us.”
By Rex Sheild the daily cardinal
100 3
Wisconsin has only scored more than two goals in a game once this season, and with last year’s leading point scorer, junior Mark Zengerle out with a broken finger, that trend continued this weekend. Mersch has been the only Badger thus far who has been able to find the back of the net with consistency. The Park Ridge, Ill., native has scored a team-high eight goals this season, including two this weekend, but even he doesn’t have an answer for his team’s struggles so far. “I think more guys have to pick it up, maybe prepare better before the game,” Mersch said. “I’m not really sure, though I can’t really speak for anybody else, but it needs to happen for us to win games.” The Badgers have particularly had problems on the power
play this season, scoring just four goals on 32 opportunities on the year after going 1-for-10 against Minnesota State.
“Stay with us—this group has not quit. We’ll get healthier and we will have some difference makers in our lineup.” Mike Eaves head coach Wisconsin men’s hockey
While Wisconsin has had its problems scoring goals consistently this season, they have also had issues keeping the puck out of their own net. Sophomore goaltenders Landon Peterson and Joel Rumpel each started one game against the Mavericks, but either found little success. Peterson surrendered four goals in Friday’s loss while Rumpel gave up three goals on
want to take some time today and move away from the routine talk-about-somethingthat-happened-over-the-weekend column and discuss an issue on campus I believe is very important.This issue has the potential to affect everyone on campus, but for the most part has largely stayed out of discussing among students and faculty. I am talking about the elimination of the PE Activity Program here at UW-Madison. At the end of this semester, the PE Activity Program will no longer exist. This program is responsible for all the sports-based classes including soccer, basketball, tennis and hockey along with fitnessbased classes such as weight training and marathon running. As a result of the massive budget cuts the University of Wisconsin System and UW-Madison were faced with over the past couple of years, the Department of Kinesiology and the School of Education decided to cut the entire program to comply with the new budget. I understand the department was forced to cut back its spending, but sentencing the PE Activity Program to death was not the right decision; it was dead wrong. Students take these courses for a variety of different reasons: to learn a new activity, to get into better shape physically, to enjoy the competition or even just to earn the one credit. But whatever the reason, those who take these classes come away from them with skills they will use for the rest of their lives. Multiple studies have been conducted which show a relationship between physical education courses and overall health and well-being of students. Not only are students who take these courses healthier and more fit than their peers, research suggests even five-plus years after college, the difference in health is still visible. Now, some people will claim students who take these classes are healthier because those who are already fit are more likely to take physical education courses. There is some truth to this argument but I have witnessed many situations where this case is not true. The students who take these classes come
bounce back from page 8 before the Badgers finally took control on a three-point play by Dekker off an explosive back cut and a perfect feed from senior center Jared Berggren. When the subsequent free throw was made by the freshman, Wisconsin had a 61-58 lead they would not relinquish over the final 5:56. “We were hungry,” Bruesewitz added. “We were in the same position last night with six or seven minutes left and didn’t get it done. Tonight we did.” One of the reasons the Badgers were finally able to close this game out was an improvement at the free throw line. After starting the game 8-for-19 from the charity stripe, UW finished strong by making
from every level of fitness. Another argument, one made by the Department of Kinesiology, is that the Department of Recreational Sports does the same thing as the PE Activity Program does, so students will go to Rec Sports in absence of the program. That is far from the truth. Yes, there is some overlap between what the PE Activity Program and what Rec Sports does, but it is only skin deep. There are two key differences between that set the PE Activity Program above Rec Sports. First, the level of instruction in the PE Activity Program is much higher. The instructors in the program have years of experience and are all experts in the fields they teach. For example, David Supple, the ice skating instructor, has taught skating at UW-Madison for 20 years. Looking at the fitness instructors at the SERF or Nat, there is no comparison. I do not mean to put down the job theses instructors do, I know a couple of them personally and I do not doubt they do a wonderful job. But if I had to choose between someone with over 20 years of experience or someone who likely has only a year or two and is also a student, it is clear which way I would go. The other difference is in what is actually offered by each. The PE Activity Program offers sportsbased classes and fitness-based classes. However, Rec Sports only offer fitness classes which often require an additional fee. There is no sports instruction at all. Yes, there are intramural sports, but there is no instruction. A week ago Tuesday I had my last ice hockey class of the semester. Not only was it the last class of the semester, it was the last class ever. These classes play an important role in teaching fitness skills and activities that will be carried for the rest of student’s lives. It is painful to think such an important program will cease to exist in three short weeks and there has been very little outcry from the student body. It may be too late to save this program, but I believe if we as a student body start to come together and petition the school about the importance of these classes, we can get the ball moving on bringing back a PE Activity Program in the future. What do you think about UW cutting PE classes? Let Matt know at 17 of their final 19 attempts in the second half. More importantly, however, UW executed in the second half far better than they had in their previous five periods against major conference opponents. “There was nothing said in that locker room at halftime that wasn’t said before the game,” UW head coach Bo Ryan said. “The guys just executed better and stuck to our plan.” With Virginia and California set to visit the Kohl Center this week and a trip to Marquette just a week later, the Badgers need to continue executing on that game plan in order to build that momentum in one of the toughest stretches of nonconference play Wisconsin has seen in some time.
Monday november 26, 2012
Ball sets NCAA record in Badgers loss By Ryan Hill the daily cardinal
STATE COLLEGE, Pa.—For the third time in four games, the Wisconsin Badgers (4-4 Big Ten, 7-5 overall) suffered a heartbreaking loss in overtime, this time at the hands of the Penn State Nittany Lions on senior day (6-2, 8-4) by a score of 24-21. After the Badgers’ defense held Penn State to a field goal in its first possession of overtime, the Badgers looked to build on their 14-play, 66-yard drive they put together to tie the game at 21 with 18 seconds left in regulation. After a one-yard rush by senior running back Montee Ball—who broke Travis Prentice’s FBS record with his 79th career touchdown in the first quarter— a sack and an incompletion to redshirt freshman wide receiver Jordan Fredrick, redshirt freshman kicker Kyle French was faced with a 44-yard field goal to send it to a second overtime but missed left. “When I looked up, the ball was just to the left of the upright and I saw it slowly sailing back. I thought it actually had a pretty legit shot at going in,” he said. “It always sucks to feel like you let the team down in a way.” The loss marks the first time the Badgers have lost back-toback games in November under Wisconsin head coach Bret Bielema. “That was a tough kick,” Bielema added. “That was a [44]-yarder from the right hash in a windy game.” Penn State sophomore kicker
grey satterfield/Cardinal file photo
Badger senior running back Montee Ball set the NCAA record Saturday after scoring the 79th touchdown of his career, but Wisconsin couldn’t top Penn State, falling 24-21 in overtime. Sam Ficken nailed a 37-yarder after an incompletion from redshirt senior Matt McGloin, a six-yard run from redshirt sophomore running back Zach Zwinak, who finished with a career-high 179 yards rushing, and another incompletion. If Ball hadn’t been stuffed behind the line by senior defensive tackle Jordan Hill at the two-yard line with under a minute left on third down after marching down the field and converting on two third downs, the Badgers might not have even gone to overtime. Bielema wanted the next play, which was a touchdown on fourth-down completion to redshirt junior Jeff Duckworth in the flat, to be used for a two-point
conversion attempt. “We didn’t want to come back and run the exact same play again, so we kicked the PAT and obviously went to overtime,” he said. The Badgers were just 3-of-12 on third downs before the drive. Redshirt senior quarterback Curt Phillips finished 5-of-6 on the drive despite completing only seven of his previous 18 passes. But after the first quarter, Wisconsin never would have guessed they would have been in such a situation in the first place. The Badgers scored 14 points less than nine minutes into the game after a 57-yard screen pass to redshirt freshman running back Melvin Gordon and a
Men’s Hockey
17-yard touchdown from Ball. The high confidence level of the offense ended up being short-lived, however, as the Badgers only mustered 84 yards rushing after gaining 74 in the first quarter alone. Bielema said the difference between the first quarter and the rest of the game can be attributed to a few key adjustments made by the Penn State defensive front. “We were able to get on the perimeters, the edges,” Bielema said. “[Then] they started widening their technique, started playing outside in. [We] never really got back in rhythm with that.” Wisconsin punted the ball on eight straight possessions that spanned from the end of the
first quarter to near the end of regulation, when Phillips was intercepted by Penn State senior safety Jacob Fagnano at the Penn State six-yard line with five minutes remaining in regulation. The Badgers defense did manage to keep McGloin and the rest of the Nittany Lions’ offensive attack in check throughout the Badgers’ offensive drought. McGloin, who just came off of a 395-yard, 4-touchdown game against Indiana last week, finished 19-of-37 with 200 yards and a touchdown. Zwinak needed 36 carries to reach his personal-best rushing total. “[Zwinak] ran really hard,” junior defensive tackle Beau Allen said. “I thought he was a really good back.” “They weren’t doing any trickery or anything like that. They were just running the ball.” Phillips finished 12-of-25 with 191 yards, two touchdowns and an interception. Ball ended up with 111 yards on 27 carries. Despite the unwanted setback just a week before returning to Indianapolis for the Big Ten Championship game, Bielema isn’t worried about a potential change in attitude in practice for the upcoming week. “Yesterday, when we left from Camp Randall and we knew Nebraska had beat Iowa, we knew, getting on the bus, there was a sparkle in our guys’ eyes,” he said. “I knew that would be our rally cry.” For more on Ball’s record-breaking performance visit the Sports page at
Men’s Basketball
Wisconsin bounces back against Arkansas By Max Sternberg the daily cardinal
Shoaib Altaf/the daily cardinal
Michael Mersch was one of the only Badgers to find the back of the net against Minnesota State.
Badgers’ struggles continue in home sweep By Matt Masterson the daily cardinal
It’s had already been a rough couple of weeks for the Wisconsin men’s hockey team (1-5-2 WCHA, 1-7-2 overall) and things only got worse this weekend as the Badgers were swept at home by Minnesota State (3-5-0, 5-5-2) in consecutive 4-2 losses. The team is on a seven game winless streak and hasn’t found a victory since Oct. 28. The Badgers have also not found any luck at home, posting a 0-4-0 record at the Kohl Center. “I think it’s been a different
thing every night,” head coach Mike Eaves said about his team’s struggles at home. “It was our slow start tonight, not finding a way to score goals. We don’t have a lot of room for error right now.” The Badgers gave up the first goal in both games and never managed to take a lead for any duration during the series. After the Mavericks took a 2-1 lead in the second period Friday, redshirt senior forward Ryan Little found the back of the net to tie the game. It would not be enough though, as Maverick senior forward Eriah Hayes would find the
back of the net on the power play early in the third for what would be the deciding goal. It was a similar story Saturday night, with the Badgers falling behind 3-1 early, before junior forward Michael Mersch tipped in a power play shot from sophomore defenseman Jake McCabe to draw within one. Once again, it would not be enough for the Badgers, as Hayes scored his second goal of the night and third of the series to seal the Mavericks’s second 4-2 victory.
struggles page 7
After a poor defensive effort Friday night that ended with an 84-74 loss to No. 14 Creighton, Wisconsin needed a bounce back effort Saturday against Arkansas to avoid heading into the ACC/ Big Ten Challenge in a tailspin. Although the Badgers continued to struggle en route to a 40-29 halftime deficit, they recovered with their best half of basketball thus far this season and left Sin City with a 77-70 victory in the third-place game of the Las Vegas Invitational. Having struggled mightily against the pressure shown by both Creighton and Florida, UW was in a tough spot facing a Razorback team that played the “fastest 40 minutes” style of their head coach, former Missouri head coach Mike Anderson. With just a day to prepare for the constant pressure Arkansas would show, the Badgers were clearly slow to adjust, committing eight first-half turnovers that resulted in 13 Razorback points. But as ugly as the first twenty minutes were for UW, the final twenty were a complete reversal. Sparked by two quick threepointers that cut the Arkansas lead to just five less than two
minutes into the half, Wisconsin erased the Razorback lead with a 16-5 run to finally tie the game with 12:18 left. “We were frustrated at halftime,” senior forward Mike Bruesewitz said of the locker room atmosphere at halftime. “We knew we could play better. In the second half we took care of the ball better, knocked down shots and played defense. That’s exactly what we needed to do and that’s exactly what we talked about in the locker room.” One of the Badgers who led the charge was freshman Sam Dekker. Coming into the game averaging 10 points in just over 18 minutes, the Sheboygan native gave Wisconsin 12 big secondhalf points en route to a career and team-high 19 for the game. Bruesewitz also played a key role in the turnaround. Despite spending most of the night in foul trouble, the St Paul, Minn., native finished with 11 points and nine rebounds in his best performance since an injury that left him out of practice for most of the preseason. After UW made its initial run, the lead would change hands a total of six times (including ties)
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