Wednesday, December 4, 2013 - The Daily Cardinal

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The Daily Cardinal presents...

A gift guide +LIFE&STYLE, page 4

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Putting the Bo(w) on 300 +SPORTS, page 8

Complete campus coverage since 1892


City backs students’ campaign for human rights

By Bri Maas the daily cardinal

the daily cardinal

congo page 3

UW senior wins scholarship to study in London A University of WisconsinMadison senior will attend graduate school in London next year, after winning a competitive scholarship. Senior Class Vice President and former Associated Students of Madison Chair Andrew Bulovsky is one of 34 recipients of the Marshall Scholarship, which allows recipients to attend a United Kingdom graduate program. Competition for the scholarships is steep. In 2013, only 3.6 percent of applicants received an award.

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Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Zombie expert, author gives advice on disaster, apocalypse survival

By Melissa Howison A group of five University of Wisconsin-Madison students elicited the support of city officials at a Common Council meeting Tuesday in their effort to advance humanitarian policies regulating the mining of conflict minerals in the Congo. Conflict minerals include gold, tin, tungsten and tantalum, according to Sarah Hulbert. Hulbert, a UW-Madison student and member of the university chapter of Amnesty International, said decades of violence in the Congo can be linked to the illegal trade of these minerals, which are frequently found in American-produced electronics such as cell phones and laptops. Hulbert, along with four of her UW-Madison Amnesty International associates, welcomed the Council’s unanimous approval of a resolution symbolically declaring the city conflict-free. Since completely conflict-free technology does not yet exist, Hulbert said the Council’s action is “not financially or legally binding.” However, she said the resolution strengthens a national effort to put pressure on electronics corporations to require their mineral suppliers implement human rights policies.

+SPORTS, page 8

EMMA PANKRATZ/the daily cardinal

State Rep. Chris Taylor, D-Madison, encourages students to get involved with the Democratic party and progressive organizations.

Student group hosts women’s rights forum By Eoin Cottrell the daily cardinal

The Young Progressives, a student political organization on campus, held a women’s rights forum Tuesday called “Stand with Women,” which included a panel made up of pro-women organizations and two state representatives. State Rep. Melissa Sargent, D-Madison, state Rep. Chris Taylor, D-Madison, and representatives from Planned Parenthood Advocates and 9to5 answered questions from The Young Progressives’ vice president, Ann Degarmo. Degarmo’s questions focused on women’s issues such as the decreasing availability to birth control and abortion, equal pay and the disparity between male and female legislators. The questions facilitated discussion among the panel that was followed up by a brief period of questions from students. The panel first discussed legislation the Wisconsin legislature approved last summer that restricts abortion access and birth control. Taylor said the worst violation of women’s rights was a bill that man-

dated vaginal ultrasounds before an abortion could be performed. “Abortion access is hanging by a thread in the state of Wisconsin,” Taylor said. Sargent said women’s rights in the workplace is an extremely important issue. She explained that not only do women make 78 cents to a man’s dollar on average in the state, but she would like to see a bill passed that would make it illegal to fire a pregnant woman who cannot perform her job during pregnancy. Both representatives agreed one of the best ways students can make a difference in the fight for women’s rights is through volunteering and getting involved in Democratic political offices. Taylor said U.S. Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., inspired her to run for public office when Baldwin said that there are not enough women at the table. Sargent said the biggest reason so many bills restricting women’s rights have passed is because of the political advantage state Republican politicians

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Writer Max Brooks, the world’s foremost expert on zombies, spoke to a crowd of approximately 500 University of Wisconsin-Madison students, community members and zombie aficionados Tuesday as part of the Wisconsin Union Directorate’s Distinguished Lecture Series. Brooks is the author of two of the most-widely read zombie books in the world, “The Zombie Survival Guide” and “World War Z.” Brooks says the inspiration for “The Zombie Survival Guide” came from his childhood in Southern California where he grew up with natural disasters and read many survival guides but could not find a zombie apocalypse guidebook. When he decided to write his own survival guide, Brooks said growing up in Hollywood he learned that great entertainment may not give good life lessons. “In this country we don’t know where the line is between entertainment and education anymore,” Brooks said. Applying common sense to his survival guide, Brooks wrote what he called the factual version rather than the “sexy” version. For example, he explained the overlooked but extremely important

problem of hydration during an apocalypse. “Realism might be boring, but it’s going to keep you alive,” Brooks said. Brooks, a former history major, said he studied the history of warfare in his research for “World War Z,” and every theme from the book is from history. The origin of his zombie plague, for instance, is based on the history of the SARS outbreak in China and the AIDS epidemic in the United States. While keeping the crowd laughing with jabs at a recent Hollywood movie starring Brad Pitt that “conveniently” had the same name as his book, Brooks gave valuable advice about how to survive any type of disaster, including criticism. “The thing about criticism is that it only affects me when I agree with it,” Brooks said. He also explained the abilities to specialize and adapt are vital in disaster scenarios. Brooks is currently working on a comic book series, which plots zombies against vampires to explore the importance of emotional and psychological preparedness in a disaster, especially the willingness to fail. “If you’ve never had to struggle or fail, you will not be ready for adversity when it comes in your life,” Brooks said.

TOMMY YONASH/the daily cardinal

“World War Z” author Max Brooks compares his novel to the Hollywood movie featuring Brad Pitt.

“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

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tODAY: rainy

hi 48º / lo 19º

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 123, Issue 60

thursday: partly sunny hi 25º / lo 10º

Voloshin’s Cardinal-flection

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Editorial Board Haleigh Amant • Abigail Becker Riley Beggin •Anna Duffin Mara Jezior • Cheyenne Langkamp Tyler Nickerson • Michael Penn Nikki Stout l

© 2013, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398

For the record An article Monday on teaching training programs incorrectly cited statistics. Teaching programs saw an increase by 6.8 percent from 2008 to 2010, not a decrease. The data was also from the Wisconsin State Journal and not the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

graphic by mikaela albright

My best line: My Food Network obsession (9/4/12)

michael voloshin voloshin’s commotion


o… This is my last article for The Daily Cardinal. Ever. After this one you will no longer see By: Michael Voloshin in this new publication. No, I’m going off to do bigger and better things (or at least relatively the same). So I thought for this last article, we could rehash the memories. Let’s look at some of my favorite articles, lines and comments through the years, with one of my favorite shticks: an award show!

Most Hooksteadian article: Five girls you meet in college (3/12/12)

We got off to a good start with my career at the Cardinal. After this column was published, I was told a Sociology class used it as an example while discussing sexism, woooo! Also, every girl I knew asked me which one they were, and I had to make stuff up to not hurt their feelings. And to think I just wrote this article as a favor to my friend Riley who was the editor at the time. Oh well.

“I could see myself being on ‘Chopped’ and seeing grenadine, borscht, starfruit and octopus in my basket (in which I would create an acidic ceviche with the octopus and grenadine, reduce the borscht into a sauce with honey and caramelize the starfruit to put on top… Also I have no idea how to do any one of those things).” I entered my junior year with one of my favorite articles. And it is true that I spent the whole summer before watching Food Network, so writing about it was easy. I just remember people coming up to me and saying they felt the same away about Food Network: It’s just an addiction that gives you food porn blue balls. Just stop it, now. Just kidding, “Guy’s Grocery Games” is amazing.

Best article I wrote in one hour: A collection of thoughts during an allnighter (10/22/12)

The night before my deadline I was in Milwaukee for the XX show. I texted my editors that I wouldn’t get an article in because we were arriving in Madison the morning after… and they weren’t pleased. And because I’m a nice guy with a penchant for drama,

right when I got home I whipped up this article in an hour and sent it to them. Don’t do it, kids.

Most research put into an article: Getting hit with OKCupid’s question arrow (10/29/12)

This also was a lot of fun (for future Page Two writers, if you don’t have a topic and your deadline is approaching, just find a dating site and record results) and I learned a little too much about myself. Thank you OKCupid for making me question if I’m happy, religious or spiritual and whether or not nuclear war would be exciting (it’s still not, by the way).

Best (only) comment I’ve ever received: How to hit it big: names on names on names (3/19/13)

From nomchompsky: “This is just a list of band names assembled by a child who ate all the Halloween candy in one sitting. O, and Fall Out Boy is a character from the Simpsons, you rube.” Thanks Nom! You clearly didn’t understand this was a satirical article and of course I know Fall Out Boy is the character (and sidekick) Milhous played in the Radioactive Man movie. Also, calling me a rube? Fantastic

move Nom, you really grinded my gears.

Most talked about topics: 1. Twitter 2. Music 3. Hating Buzzfeed 4. Trying to be intellectual

Well… I guess you can really see where my interests lie. First, Twitter. It’s amazing. Second, music, the industry I want to go into. Third, Buzzfeed, the site I’m tired of seeing on my Facebook wall a thousand times in a day (Thanksgivakkuh is now a thing, WE GET IT). And last, trying to be smart (Counselor Theory, Nostalgic Remission and Potential Apathy).

Most important thing about my articles: You, the readers

I want to thank everyone who reads my articles, even if you’re reading just this one, even if you don’t like them, even if you only do it because I shove the paper into your face. You make me better at writing, you make me love writing. You are the reason I spend a few hours every week thinking of ridiculous premises and more creative ways to tell dick jokes. Thank you all, and thank you to my editors through the years: Riley, Jenna, Rachel and Alex. I’ll see you all very soon. I remain, Michael Voloshin.

Coping through thoughts of mom’s new boo mara jezior jeziorasaurus


ow’s a daughter supposed to react when her mom calls her up one afternoon and says she’s fallen in love? Before that moment, I hadn’t heard any news of a new person in my mother’s life. I’d never heard of this guy she called “Mr. Right.” (She actually calls him this.) At first, I thought, ‘Oh, his last name must be Wright. There’s no way my mom is telling me she’s met the right guy.’ To be honest, I probably would’ve reacted better if she’d told me she’d fallen in a sinkhole or something, not love. The line was dead before I could ask any questions—she was on her way to see “Gravity” with him. All I knew was that they’d started dating a few weeks ago, and he was eager to meet

Stop by a Daily Cardinal recruitment meeting Friday, Sept. 13 & 27 4 p.m. 2195 Vilas Hall.

me… (This, of course, made me uneasy. I don’t really know how to make conversation or act normal in front of the guys my mom dates, so they usually think I’m super weird.) Maybe I was overreacting, but for the first time, I felt like the worried parent. My mind flooded with doubt and concern; fear that she was setting herself up to get hurt and that this was all just hormones or something. For years after my parents’ split, I watched my mom date guys and struggle to find the right one. Because of this, I grew up under the impression that you can have a really nice time with someone for a while, but you either end up separated and bitter, or together and bitter—neither of which sounds too appealing. The next time I called her, I had a barrage of questions she refused to answer. All she said was we’d talk later. Her persistent silence puzzled me. Why couldn’t she just answer my questions right now? Then I realized—she was hanging out with Mr. Right

as we talked on the phone; he was sitting there right next to her. It became apparent that their relationship was still new, and she was too embarrassed to say anything about him while he was there. I felt awful, like the parent who’d just unintentionally humiliated her daughter in front of her new boyfriend. When she came to visit me in Madison a few weeks later, she spent as much time on her phone as a smitten teenager, never forgetting to text Mr. Right good night before bed. And when she said he was a serious guy, and they talked for hours every night, of course I became more worried. Isn’t it common knowledge that the serious ones hurt you the most? Who can forget Edward and Bella in “New Moon?” That was a shitshow. With the little information I had about this guy, he very well could’ve been a vampire. How was I supposed to know? When I actually met him the experience was mostly what I expected: weird. My mom

decided to invite my dad, stepmom, sister and best friend over for the occasion, since you know, the more awkward, the merrier. We discovered that my best friend’s mom works in the same department as him at the biggest company in the Twin Cities. On top of that, they haven’t had the best time working together in the past. That’s not a big deal though, just an interesting aside. Mostly I just didn’t know what to say to anyone and ate way too much. Still, just like any mother/ daughter, all I want for my mom is to be happy and safe, hence my concern. But let’s be real, you can’t live life too afraid to get hurt. I don’t really have any insight into what will happen next or what’s the best way to fall in love or if it’s even important. After meeting Mr. Right though, I can say he’s a very nice guy and probably not a vampire. Has your mom started dating? Let Mara know by emailing

Wednesday, December 4, 2013




Democrats push for redrawing districts Several freshmen Democrat state representatives held a press conference Tuesday to introduce a joint resolution that would let Wisconsinites decide if district boundaries in the state should be redrawn. State Rep. Dana Wachs, D-Eau Claire, introduced the bill and said it would place a referendum on the November 2014 ballot asking residents if they want to use a nonpartisan redistricting system. Wachs said the redistricting system would be similar to one recently adopted with bipartisan support in Iowa. He also said Republicans had “locked up votes” within the current district boundaries. According to Wachs, state Democratic politicians received 174,000 more votes in the November 2011 elections than state Republicans and still lost a substantial number of seats in both houses. “Representative democracy

is being ignored in this state,” Wachs said. State Rep. Mandy Wright, D-Wausau, said the redistricting process taking place in November 2011 cost taxpayers $2.1 million and was unprecedented, according to a statement. She also said the current state boundaries are the “crux” of extreme legislation such as the voter ID bill and Act 10, which stripped unions of collective bargaining rights, as a result of lopsided state houses. “Legislators [are] choosing constituents, not constituents choosing legislators,” Wright said. According to Wachs, the issue affects both parties and Democrats have pledged to reach out to every single state Republican individually in order to secure as much support as possible. “If you believe in representative democracy, you should be with us on this,” Wachs said. —Eoin Cottrell

PETA bus advertisements comply with Metro policy

Students to try short-term study abroad program

Images of cats during University of WisconsinMadison animal research, which first appeared as part of an advertising campaign on Madison Metro buses Monday, will remain throughout the end of the calendar year, according to Metro Transit spokesperson Mick Rusch. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals accused UW-Madison of animal cruelty during cochlear implant research, which aims to improve hearing in humans. PETA signed a $12,000, twomonth contract for the advertising space, Rusch said. And despite some community backlash, Metro Transit intends to see the contract through. “Regardless of the concern that is being generated by our riders, our buses are public forums,” Rusch said. “So it’s all governed by freedom of speech.” Rusch also said Metro Transit “had no basis to not run the ad” because the image does not violate

the department’s policies prohibiting “libelous, obscene or fraudulent” advertisements. Rusch added Metro Transit is “not endorsing either side” but “simply providing an advertising platform.” PETA spokesperson Justin Goodman said the organization is hoping the advertisements will raise awareness about UW-Madison’s use of cats in experimental research, which Goodman called “horrific taxpayer-funded cruelty.” “Cats’ lives literally depend on people seeing images like these and being motivated to take action,” Goodman said. He added “the inside of buses is the perfect forum to let taxpayers around Madison know what UW is doing to cats in their name.” Goodman said PETA has experienced an “overwhelming amount of support for the campaign,” including individuals writing to federal agencies to cut funding for the project. — Melissa Howison

forum from page 1

gressive legislation in the current political climate. She also highlighted the importance of compromising on bipartisan bills to make small victories. “You really do have to be pragmatic and realistic, you always have to balance,” Taylor said.

University of WisconsinMadison students who are apprehensive about studying abroad will have an opportunity to take a test-run study abroad trip starting next summer, according to a Division of International Studies press release Tuesday. UW Global Gateway Programs will offer shortterm study abroad experiences for first- and secondyear undergraduate students, according to the press release. A UW-Madison faculty member will accompany students who participate in the program. Every student who participates in the program, which is facilitated by the university’s International Academic Programs, will receive a Global Gateway Scholarship to cover billed program costs and international airfare, according to the release. “Through the Global Gateway Programs, we are aiming to make study abroad accessible to more UW–Madison students, earlier in their academic careers,” IAP Director Dan Gold said in the release. History Department professor Joe Dennis will lead the first group of students, who will go to Shanghai in summer 2014, according to the release.

Overture Center

Drum heard ’round the world

Members of the African Children’s Choir, who are between 7- and 12-years-old and are from several different African nations, performed Tuesday at the Overture Center. + Photo by Jane Thompson

congo from page 1 “There are mines in the Congo that are not conflict mines and that pay their workers,” UW-Madison student Ellen Sellers added. “More and more mines are converting to that every time we put pressure on them to convert, because if there’s not a market for them, they’ll be forced to pay their workers and that’s our ultimate goal.” UW-Madison student Brian Hennessy echoed Sellers’ sentiment and said certifying Congolese mines is the ideal outcome because demanding the electronics industry go elsewhere to obtain these materials would deprive the Congo of an impor-

tant source of national income. Hulbert added, “Congo’s mineral wealth should be a source of prosperity and stability for the Congolese people, not a source of exploitation and violence.” Over the past two years, Hulbert, Sellers and Hennessy have campaigned to make UW-Madison a conflict-free campus alongside fellow UW-Madison students Connor Garvey and Annika Heilman. They said the gesture by the city will hopefully encourage university officials to follow suit. Garvey said Associated Students of Madison approved the resolution last year, but it has to be approved by the chancellor before going into effect.

JAMES LANSER/the daily cardinal

UW student Sarah Hulbert, with Amnesty International, sought city support Tuesday to end conflict mineral mining in the Congo.

Public aids UWPD to recover artwork The University of WisconsinMadison Police Department recovered a stolen piece of art with the help of the public and cited the suspect, according to a release. Madison resident Hildegard Neujahr, 66, said in the release she took the painting from Union South two weeks ago to show her interior designer

for color ideas in her home. Neujahr said she thought the artwork was done by a student and acceptable to take. UWPD cited Neujahr for misdemeanor theft after she cooperated with authorities and thanked the public in the release for offering tips about the location of the art.

possess in districts where the boundaries have been redrawn. Taylor also said negotiating across the aisle and working with Republican state congressmen is crucial to passing pro-

bulovsky from page 1 Bulovsky, who is heavily involved in multiple areas of campus, has a “pipe dream” of running for U.S. political office. He is finishing undergraduate degrees in political science and communication arts. He plans to complete two one-year master’s degree programs at the London School of Economics and Political Science, the first in comparative politics

and the second in politics and communication. His interest in comparing the two political systems sparked when he studied abroad in London in 2012. “The United States is the archetype of the presidential system, and the U.K. is the archetype of the parliamentary system,” Bulovsky said. “I went to the U.K. and really fell in love with their political system.” While abroad, he interned with a parliament member

in the House of Commons, where he tried to find ways to increase the efficiency of translation services in the National Health Service. Bulovsky said he didn’t think he would ever win the scholarship and advises his peers to apply for similar programs. “I’ve learned more about myself and my interests … by applying for scholarships than I have in any class,” Bulovsky said. —Tamar Myers

life&style l


Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Make your holiday shopping stress free By Courtney Pelot the daily cardinal

Clueless about what you should get everybody on your shopping list this holiday season? I have you covered! This list has a little something for your friend, sibling, significant other or even parent.

The Glamorous One

Need to buy a gift for that one who is all about the statement clothes and big jewelry? No worries, I have just the advice that will leave your glam friend with a gigantic smile on their face. Give your friend a statement necklace to amp up their glam factor. Select one that is just as powerful and unique as their ensembles are. You can find tons of statement necklaces that look amazing but don’t put a dent in your wallet. When looking for a statement necklace, depending on the person you are buying for, keep the mindset of the bigger the better and definitely go for a color. For a bold and beautiful look perhaps try a turquoise or deep red. Baublebar has an endless supply of gorgeous necklaces that can totally make an outfit.

The Makeup Guru

For your makeup-loving bestie, there is no better place to shop than Sephora. Get the biggest bang for your buck and opt for a limited edition holiday value set. One of my favorites is tarte’s “The Tarte of Giving Collector’s Set & Travel Bag.” This $59 set is a $490 value. This exclusive gift includes 20 eye shadow colors, eight lip glosses, cheek stain, mascara, blush, eye treatment, skin oil and a gorgeous travel bag to store all the goodies in. Especially with all the holiday sales, Sephora is definitely a go to when buying your makeup gift essentials.

The Coffee Lover

For the one in your life who can’t live without their daily cup of coffee, give them a unique mug to enjoy with their coffee. I know that a cup of coffee can instantly become a lovelier experience by sipping it in a beautiful mug. With the plethora of mugs around, check out one from Anthropologie. They have tons to choose from, featuring beautiful designs at excellent prices. For an

added touch, include a package of their favorite coffee. If you want to get really creative, get a mug that allows you to put your own pictures on it. This adds a personal touch and makes the gift more heartwarming. You can find these mugs at Walgreens or online, and the best part is that they start as low as $12.99.

The Fashionista

While you may think the obvious gift for your fashion-loving friend is the latest styles, change things up this year and get them something different. Your fashionloving friend will probably screech with joy if they receive the book “It” by Alexa Chung—the “it girl” herself. Your friend will love having a chance to see into this fashion icon’s world in what has been called Alexa Chung’s personal diary. They’ll be pleased to add this to their fashion library.

For the Future Author

For that friend that loves to write—whether it’s poetry, articles or a novel—give them a notebook to keep all their stories in one place. is a great online fashion

website that carries stylish notebooks reasonable prices. Trust me, it will be their new treasure that they will love to show off at the coffee shop, writing down their thoughts and ideas as they sip a peppermint mocha.

The One With Their Phone Attached at the Hip

We all know that one person whose phone is never more than a few inches out of reach. It only makes sense then to give them a gift they will always be holding on to. For our friends who are attached to their phones, get them the ultimate gift by getting them a phone case. Since there are so many to choose from, here is one that will be a sure winner: the gorgeous gold polka dotted Kate Spade Iphone 5 case. With this stylish case your friend can check social media, text and call to thank you in style.

The Decorator

For the interior decorator, I have just the gift. If you always find your friend looking through Pottery Barn catalogs and this person has more throw pillows than anyone else you know, get a gift

that would be a great addition to their decor. Choose a beautiful candle in the shade of their room. It’s an easy gift that is sure to please any friend who loves decorating. It adds warmth to the room, and every time they light the candle they will think of you. They’ll enjoy the thought and the relaxing scent after a long day.

The One With Holiday Spirit

Do you know someone who was listening to Christmas music the moment Halloween was over? Chances are, they’ve already decked out their apartment with tinsel and a tree. Get this friend something they can decorate themselves with and will use all the time: gloves. They’ll always feel in the holiday spirit with these reindeer gloves. Plus, they will definitely come in handy throughout the chilly Madison winter. Don’t forget to check out the holiday deals and steals. Happy shopping! Need more help with the final touches on your holiday shopping list? Email Courtney at cpelot@

Prep for finals with healthy eating and time management By Samantha Silverman The daily cardinal

Finals are just around the corner. As the semester comes to an end and we prepare to all head home, many of us struggle to find healthy foods to eat between dealing with the stress of studying and planning time for our families. Let’s be honest, who has the time to sit down for a formal meal anymore, let alone around the weeks surrounding the stress and anxiety of finals? It’s just not practical. As a result, students of all ages regularly eat fast foods to avoid wasting time. While this most definitely does save us time, we might not realize it now but fast food is terrible for our bodies and definitely not worth the health issues in the long run. A majority of these fast foods that we eat are largely composed of carbs or

filled with unnecessary fats. Next time before you choose to eat fast food, check out its nutritional information online; it might change your mind. Around this time of year we’re already susceptible to putting on excess weight during the holidays. This year, try staying away from fast food and see what a difference it can make. Given the options for restaurants in Madison that are convenient to students, there are many options for students to grab a quick bite without the added calories. Many people underestimate Jimmy Johns. While their sandwiches may not be the healthiest, many students are unaware that Jimmy Johns provides a very healthy option: “the unwich.” The Unwich turns any one of their sandwiches into a lettuce wrap.

This not only makes any sandwich a lot healthier, but it remains just as delicious. Here’s a bonus: they wrap it so well that you don’t have to worry about the wrap falling apart. Not only is this a healthy option for students, but it can also be delivered to you anywhere on campus at a rapid pace. This way you don’t have to take time out from your studies. In addition to eating well, we still cannot forget the other key to success: working out. No one wants to go home and come back to school a few pounds heavier. With the stress of studying for finals, it can be difficult to find time to hit the gym, but don’t give up. Change your mindset when you think about working out and going to the gym. Going to the gym can be a great study break, help relieve the stress and raise

A brunch worth remembering By Alex Friedman The daily cardinal

Let’s be real: Who doesn’t love brunch? There are so many perks to going to brunch that both breakfast and lunch just don’t have. One such perk is you’re not as tired and groggy as you would be when going for breakfast, and there’s a much wider range of options for food than there would be for lunch. After going to the same places over and over, you can imagine my excitement when I heard the Bassett Street Brunch Club was opening under the Hampton Inn. To top it all off, it was even on my Red Card meal plan. While they’re known for their plethora of distinctive donut flavors ranging from cinnamon toast crunch to maple bacon, you really can’t go wrong with anything on this menu. From what I’ve tried (which, I have to admit, is most of the menu) everything is delicious, but there are definitely a few signature dishes that will without a doubt make brunch your favorite meal. The bananas foster french toast will guarantee a sweet start to your day. This simple dish—egg-batter dip

challah bread, topped with bananas, pecans and a brown sugar rum sauce— is only one of the amazing and delicious options they have on their menu. Their eclectic menu expands much past traditional breakfast foods. The chicken chimichurri sandwich, grilled chicken breast with Havarti cheese, housemade aioli, roasted tomatoes, mixed greens and chimichurri on toasted sourdough, is one of the best renditions of the classic chicken sandwich that I’ve tried so far in Madison. In addition to these mouthwatering choices, there are tons of alternatives, including eggs almost any style you want, savory french toast, double chocolate pancakes and a pastrami reuben sandwich. The Bassett Street Brunch Club experience goes beyond their food. Between the donut-and-robot decor, exceptionally welcoming and helpful staff, in addition to the full bar, there is no doubt that this will soon become Madison’s new hotspot. Need help deciding what to order from Bassett Street Brunch Club? Email us at and be prepared to order the best for your next visit.

your endorphins, which prepare you to get back and hit the books. If you are really concerned about losing that study time, bring your materials onto the treadmill with you. It will increase your focus. Students also struggle to avoid stress eating. wMany people, including myself, like to nibble on snacks while they study page after page of notes. The key solution to this problem is to kick the habit altogether. These snacks are one of the largest causes of the freshman 15 and other weight gain. If you feel the need to munch on something, try fruits or vegetables. These foods will be more filling and will help you stop from indulging in that bag of chips or box of cookies. Most importantly, when you eat your meals, make sure you have protein. Many speedy meals

are usually composed of carbs. Unfortunately, these carbs may be filling at the time, but in a few hours you will be hungry again. By eating protein, your body will be full and your brain will be ready to continue with work. This can also help with time management for studying as you will not procrastinate for hours, and you can make the most efficient use of your time. Overall, if you eat healthy options, rather than eating junk between study sessions and family gatherings, your body will stay full for a longer period of time, allowing you to avoid a lot of snacking. This way you will be using your time most efficiently and keeping off the extra weight. Want more advice on how to keep focused and stay healthy during finals? Email Samantha at


Thornton Wilder pens great novels and plays SEAn Reichard quip pro quo


t took about 10 years—since I first became interested in literature—but this summer, I finally realized that Thornton Wilder was a great writer. It may seem like a quaint sentiment. In the annals of 20th century literature, Wilder may come off as a doddering schoolmaster, plumped up with Latin and archaic arcana—a marginal figure along the likes of Borges, Woolf, Mishima, Joyce, Kafka, etc. In his introduction to Wilder’s “The Ides of March,” Kurt Vonnegut acknowledged that, even alongside his contemporaries (Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Faulkner, Dos Passos) Wilder cut a pedagogic figure. To high school students, he is the man who wrote “Our Town,” a play that is either venerated or personally vitiated. To award buffs, he is the recipient of three Pulitzer Prizes (two for drama, one for fiction, the only American to ever win in both categories) as well as the National Book Award. To my mind, he seems lost in those annals, almost conspicuously so. He was never openly experimental, the way Dos Passos was in his “U.S.A. Trilogy;” he was never passionately forlorn, the way Fitzgerald was in his life; his work never stayed in one place (more or less) the way Faulkner’s did; he wasn’t a sporting man the way Ernest Hemingway was in life and work. Yet, when you read his works, there is an energy and resonance, completely different from the aforementioned Americans, different from the aforementioned authors. It’s rather startling, when you begin delving into it. First, though, we

Wednesday, December 4, 2013 5

should delve into Wilder terrain. Wilder was born on April 17, 1897, in Madison, WI. His father, Amos Parker Wilder, was editor (and later part owner) of the Wisconsin State Journal—a position he held until 1906, when Amos became a Chinese diplomat under the Roosevelt administration. After that, Wilder grew up in both China and California. He earned a B.A. from Yale in 1920 and earned a Masters in French at Princeton in 1926. Wilder served in both World Wars—in the latter as a lieutenant colonel. He taught high school French in Lawrenceville, New Jersey, and literature at both the University of Chicago and Harvard. He wrote the script to Alfred Hitchcock’s “Shadow of a Doubt,” which remains a classic thriller. Nonetheless, throughout his life, he believed he was more teacher than writer. And while there might be credence to that claim, Wilder’s skills as a writer are barefaced— his qualities are overbrimming in his novels and his plays. Among his contemporaries, even if it wasn’t quite so pronounced, he was a supernal writer. The experiments he wrought in his two Pulitzer dramas— “Our Town” and “The Skin of Our Teeth,” as well as in his short plays and in novels like “The Ides of March” and “The Cabala”—espouse an experimental metier that belie their scholarly or domestic tones. Even if in his personal life he wasn’t wrecked by forlornness, Wilder’s books covered forlornness with a remarkable breadth and scope, across continents and centuries. Wilder’s settings ranged from 18th century Peru to Caesar’s Rome to timeless book pages and paintings, but each possessed the singularity that Faulkner brought to

Yoknapatawpha County. And while he did not exude the sort of tough, manly quality Hemingway did, Wilder did exude a resiliency of intellect. He tied all these qualities together, yet none of it would seem to add up to greatness. In fact, there is much that put me off Wilder—in some ways still puts me off. His classicism, his (occasionally) marked disinterest in the present (most of the time), his apparent detachment in light of the passions that roiled in his contemporaries; unlike his stage managers from “Our Town,” Wilder seemed to prefer life off the stage, out of view, outside the world of the living. He could be very cold. He called literature the arrangement of platitudes, and on the surface he is a repository of such. He also attracted criticism for perceived plagiarism of James Joyce’s “Finnegans Wake” in his play “The Skin of Our Teeth.” Indeed, the play was born out of Wilder’s obsessive study of Joyce’s book, insofar as Wilder was under the sway of that wordy ouroboros when he wrote the play. But accusations aside, platitudes aside, classicism aside, so much of Wilder’s work radiates with a peculiar luminescence that his standing as a great writer (and not just as a great writer of old) should not be mitigated. Wilder was obsessed with humanity, obsessed with what he viewed as the whole—the great circling of the galaxy, the folding over of time over itself. Perhaps the point to take away from this is that Wilder— more than teacher, more than scholar, more than award recipient, more than high school mainstay—was a great writer. That is his legacy. Think Thornton Wilder is a thorn in your side? Tell Sean at



Photo courtesy of Conor masterson

Glen Hansard, lead singer of rock groups The Frames and The Swell Season, recently released a new EP, Drive All Night.

Glen Hansard’s new EP shines brightly

Drive All Night Glen Hansard By Mary Sullivan The Daily Cardinal

Glen Hansard is an Irish musician best known for his starring role and Grammy-winning piece “Falling Slowly” in the 2006 film “Once.” He’s also the frontman of Irish rock group The Frames and folk-rock duo The Swell Season. In addition, he helms a number of solo projects, many including covers and original songs alike. His latest EP, Drive All Night, is a foursong project, anchored by the title track, a Bruce Springsteen cover. Hansard performed the more than eight-minute track regularly while on tour with Eddie Vedder in 2012. The recording features Vedder singing harmony and saxophone accompaniment by Jake Clemons, nephew of the late Clarence Clemons, beloved saxophonist of Springsteen’s E Street Band. The cover is a respectful tribute to the Boss and the vocal duet of Hansard

and Vedder complement each other beautifully. The three remaining tracks each showcase specific strengths Hansard possesses as a musician. “Pennies in the Fountain” best exemplifies his amazing musicality. The composition of the song is simple at first listen—maybe even basic or boring— but a closer listen reveals the smooth picking guitar, enticingly fast piano and perfectly messy percussion backing Hansard’s vulnerable lyrics. “Renata” is the most upbeat song on the EP—which isn’t saying much— and highlights Hansard’s rough and emotional vocal style. The closing track, “Step Out of the Shadows,” is an a cappella hymn that is so quintessentially Irish I’m almost positive I’ve heard it before at a funeral of a distant relative or in some old Irish documentary my dad made me watch as a kid. Overall, “Drive All Night” is the obvious standout of the EP, but each of the other tracks serve their purposes as well. Glen Hansard has been making music for over two decades and his expertise in the field is nothing to be ignored.

Rating: B

Christmas comes without love from diva Leona Lewis

Christmas, With Love Leona Lewis By Nikki Stout The Daily Cardinal

Oh good, another pop star Christmas album. Because that’s what the charts need— another singer good enough to make radio play but not good enough to keep pumping out the hits, instead singing the same 10 songs as every other depleted artist out there. But hey! At least Leona Lewis’ new album, Christmas, With Love, has more than your typical Christmas release—even if relief is only found in the last two songs. My first thought upon looking at the track list was, “Why is she singing Ave

Maria?” Is it a Christmas song? Not really. But until hearing this track, I didn’t have an ounce of respect for Lewis. And now, I kind of do. Her voice sounds absolutely amazing. She should stick to this style—it far outshines “Mr. Right” and that “Bleeding Love” song that’s impossible to escape. I’m so glad they didn’t overlook her ability and chose to release this song— even if it isn’t necessarily commercially marketable. That being said, why can’t she keep singing like this? Aside from “Silent Night,” the rest of this album is the kind of stuff that makes you ignore the radio from Thanksgiving through New Year’s. It’s the soundtrack to a Black Friday nightmare. And a woman who has a god-given talent shouldn’t be wasting it on mindless crap people push their shopping carts along to. Come on, Leona. Do you, girl.

Rating: C

opinion l


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Gun control debate continues to fade Adee feiner guest columnist


here’s a white fence in the neighborhood of Newtown, Conn. Different from your ordinary yard staple, this one contains 26 pickets, each adorned with the name of a child or adult who didn’t make it out of Sandy Hook Elementary School. It has been nearly a year since 20-year-old Adam Lanza awoke, shot his mother in their home and went to Sandy Hook where his shooting rampage left 20 first-graders dead, as well as six teachers and workers before taking his own life. Last week a detailed report was released of the crime, outlining each event in excruciating detail but still leaving many questions forever unanswered. There is no clear motive

or reasoning. Adam Lanza did not leave a suicide note explaining why he chose Sandy Hook to carry out his crime. One thing that remains undoubtedly clear is Lanza’s arsenal of weapons. Armed with an assault rifle, shotgun and pistol, he made his way into the elementary school and fired off over 150 bullets in a span of less than five minutes. That’s one bullet every two seconds. Following the seconddeadliest school shooting in U.S. history, there was an immediate outcry over gun control in this country, with debates between Democrats and Republicans, NRA members and anti-gun activists, raging at an all-time high. But with other governmental issues like the shutdown and admissions of NSA spying, the gun debate has slowly receded into the background of dis-

cussions our leaders are having. With gun-related violence increasingly on the rise, we need to refocus our attention on how to handle this problem. This isn’t a call to ban all firearms and make every state a gun-free zone. But it’s difficult for me to believe that anyone can really say guns are not a problem in this country. After Sandy Hook there were the shootings at the Washington Navy Yard and the Los Angeles International Airport. There’s constant push-back from Republican Legislatures and groups like the NRA, continuously insisting that new gun laws are taking away Second Amendment rights and hindering our ability to live as free, gun-toting Americans. Many states have tried to introduce new legislation only to see their efforts fall short of making

any real progress in Congress. There’s only one state that has managed to drastically change its gun laws. A governor signed into action a new law that banned the sale of AR-15 assault rifles (the same model Lanza used), expanded universal background checks and restricted the sales of magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds. The governor and state in question? Governor Malloy of Connecticut, the home of Sandy Hook Elementary. While Connecticut managed to reach a bipartisan deal, the future looks grim for most other states. Progress has been slow and looks to continue that way with constant resistance from gun advocates. As much as we may hate to admit this to ourselves, it won’t be long before another shooter makes his way into a school, movie theater or

shopping mall and wreaks havoc on more innocent people. The question is when and where. One final thought: Last April the parents of children killed at Sandy Hook Elementary spoke to Scott Pelley on “60 Minutes” about their efforts to push for new gun legislation. One father who lost his son urged people everywhere to think hard about whether or not they truly believed that something like Sandy Hook could every happen to them, and what they could do to prevent it. And here’s the reason why: “Every time it’s somebody else’s school, it’s somebody else’s town, it’s somebody else’s community. Until one day, you wake up, and it’s not.” Please send all feedback to

Optimism toward New York’s mayor seems misguided Charley Lanter opinion columnist


ith the changing political tides throughout the country, it is not surprising that New York City has elected its first Democrat in 20 years, marking a return of leftist policies back into New York City. What is surprising however, is that the city’s voters markedly voted against their own interests. In the years of Mayor Bloomberg, New York City has seen a complete rebuild in more ways than one. Beating back the influence of destructive teachers unions, Bloomberg instituted sweeping reforms to New York City’s public schools, which have, on average, bettered test scores and college acceptances overall. He moved to put the power of education back into the hands of educators, as opposed to their big, political union bosses. On health, Bloomberg has been revolutionary. The expansion of the city’s park system by hundreds of acres is something that has, and will, eliminate carbon dioxide from the air. Additionally, Bloomberg has banned smoking in public places and has brought measures forward to reduce the amount of toxic sugary drinks ingested by New Yorkers. Unlike most politicians, too weak and cowardly in the face of huge agribusiness, Bloomberg has stared the huge 58 percent obesity rate among adults in the face, and has brought forward real solutions to fight the problem, as opposed to his challengers, who have done nothing but deride the mayor. On combatting illegal guns, Bloomberg has instituted the controversial Stop, Question and Frisk policy which has been recently brought to focus. Bloomberg’s policies of Stop, Question and Frisk do target mostly Hispanic and African American areas of the city, however, if this is where the majority of the violence occurs, then it doesn’t make sense to take valu-

able resources and devote them to non-problem areas. We have a problem in this country of illegal gun-flow and violence. I say, that if Stop, Question and Frisk confiscated one gun, then it is an effective program. Too bad for the program’s critics that it has helped lead to a 30 percent reduction in gun violence in New York City. Additionally, Bloomberg has spearheaded the new group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which aims at replacing legislators who do not support fair gun-control measures.

New York City is an incredible city, but it is a dangerous city too, and I worry that the tides of progress will quickly turn, bringing the city back to the dangerous days of the ’60s.

On infrastructure, Bloomberg has been an incredible success. He has brought livelihood back to Brooklyn with the new Barclay’s Center, increasing commerce into the formerly depressed area. Additionally, Bloomberg has overseen the largest affordable housing program in the city’s history. He has approved the construction of the 9/11 memorial and the construction of the new Freedom Tower, which is nearing completion. Not to mention Bloomberg’s administration has authorized the building of hundreds of new skyscrapers, apartment complexes and other miscellaneous buildings, which has grown the city’s economy and has largely helped New Yorkers in the face of “The Great Recession.” Bloomberg, too, was instrumental in rebuilding the city after it was ravaged by Hurricane Sandy. He acted quickly, receiving funds from the New York State and federal governments, fixing what was damaged. The same cannot be said about leaders on Long Island, who were slow to act,

and who have barely helped the most needy of their constituents. However, while Bloomberg has had many successes, the city still has improvements that need to be made. While the rich have grown richer, the needy have grown needier, and as a result, there exists a great wealth disparity in the city. Additionally, while Bloomberg has largely defeated the teachers unions, there is much progress to be made on the city’s public education centers. I want to see a New York where the wealthiest send their children to public schools, rather than private schools like Horace Mann and Riverdale, creating a city where everyone learns together. I am truly afraid of Mayorelect Bill de Blasio, who I honestly believe, like President Obama, rode into office on the power of rhetoric, fear and on promising handouts to the poor that he can’t make good on. De Blasio ran as the “anti-Bloomberg” deriding the mayor for his stances on public education, drugs and crime, Stop, Question and Frisk and taxes. He spoke of a “Tale of Two Cities,” one where the wealthy take their children to beautiful luscious parks, and ride their Mercedes Benz cars to private school, and one where blacks and minorities are discriminated against by a lawless and reckless police department headed up by a racist police commissioner. Like our current president, his rhetoric and shameless politics bread very few solutions. Speaking in broad terms, de Blasio vowed to eliminate racial discrimination and to tax the wealthy. He ignored the progress against crime and drugs that had been made by both the Guiliani and Bloomberg administrations, chiding that progress as reckless and irrational. What I would like to understand the most is how Mr. de Blasio plans on solving the tremendous problem of guns and drug trafficking within the city. Without looking at issues of race, I think the targeted and strate-

gic approach of Stop, Question and Frisk is an indispensible tool in the belts of police officers. Furthermore, the problems that exist of drug and gun trafficking within the city cannot be ignored, and you know what, if they are occurring in minority neighborhoods, then it is right that police be on the streets and on patrol in those areas more. When was the last time you heard of a gun bust on the Upper East Side? It’s a waste of time, energy and most of all, resources to put more patrol in areas of affluence because crime rates are relatively non-existent there. That is the simple truth. On this new tax issue, I cannot see it ever going through and having success. New Yorkers are mostly liberal people, but asking for more in taxes from the wealthy when already they pay over 50 percent in taxes is simply out of the question. At what point does the government stop taking peoples’ money, and just let them do as they please with it? I believe in government. I think, especially local governments, such as New York City’s, have a huge role to play in ensuring the health and welfare of its citizenry, However, I think it’s important to remember that government isn’t supposed to be omnipresent, and that those, like de Blasio, who preach that it should be are dangerous. New York City is a place like no other, because New Yorkers are

like no other people. Bloomberg has made the city safer, greener, cleaner, smarter and a better value for business. The attacks that de Blasio has thrown at him and his administration are misguided. New York City is an incredible city, but it is a dangerous city too, and I worry that the tides of progress will quickly turn, bringing the city back to the dangerous days of the ’60s—something no one wants.

With the changing political tides throughout the country, it is not surprising that New York City has elected its first Democrat in twenty years.

I want a general in charge of the city. Someone tough on crime, but someone compassionate enough to understand the plight of the poor—someone like Bloomberg or Guilliani; de Blasio is far from that. De Blasio just rode into victory, and as a result, has a mandate to govern in the fashion that he sees fit. I only hope he treads a more delicate line than the one he proposed as a candidate. Do you agree with Charley about the new mayor? Please send all feedback to opinion@

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It’s finally snowing! Wait... An average person sheds their skin at the rate of around 500 million cells per day.

Vaginal knitting

Today’s Sudoku

© Puzzles by Pappocom

8 2 4 9 5 7 8 9 4 5

Wednesday, December 4, 2013 • 7

By Nick Kryshak

2 3 7

5 9

3 4

2 9 7 1

Solution, tips and computer program available at

MEDIUM Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and# 53 every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.



such independent

cookie or cracker?! love 2 journalism

7 3

8 2 6 2 1 6




Eatin’ Cake Classic

# 54

By Dylan Moriarty

much 1892

Today’s Crossword Puzzle



#twerking hard

we got teh pultizers



8 4 2

very five days


9 3


7 4 6 By Angel Lee 2 3 1 1 3 4 4 1 9 2

First in Twenty Classic

6 1 2 7 6 2 6 5

7 1 4

Caved In





1 9 6 4



1 9




Evil Bird Classic

9 7


2 7

Anthro-apology Classic

8 1 1 8 By Eric Wigdahl 9 4 2 7 3 5

6 6 7 8 1 1 4

7 # 55



# 56

By Caitlin Kirihara

Answer key available at

I think i’ve forgotten how to sleep

ACROSS 1 With it, in a sense 6 Doo-wop singers ___ Na Na 9 Exactly, to a timekeeper 13 Act noncommittal 14 Price revealer 15 Philosophy 7 6 16 4 Something 5 1 hesitation 8 passed 9 2 without 1 8 Thrilling 3 8 1 2 4 9 6 7 19 Wedding cake 2 9 5 levels 6 3 7 1 4 20 “___ making a list 6 1 7 ...” 8 9 2 5 3 2 1 Addles 9 3 22 7 5 4 8 1 4 Brownie 4 5 8 ingredients, 3 6 1 2 9 sometimes 5 2 29 4 8 as 3 7 6 8 Applies, influence 8 7 23 1 2 6 4 5 9 “Dramatis” follower (cast) 1 4 6 9 7 5 3 8 30 Put onboard 31 Reverend’s residence 32 Forensic material 33 Children’s party game 37 Zero, at the World Cup 38 Compact cars? 39 Hurt and disable 41 Remote

43 Cartography expert 45 Mouseketeer toppers 46 Stray from a topic 47 Uncle Sam employee 48 Some 1940s internees 49 ___ lazuli (blue mineral) 52 Game with many imitators 56 Plain as # day 54 57 It separates the men from the boys 58 Describing pitch 59 Presidential run 60 Replies of comprehension 61 Twisting

3 5 8 4 6 7 DOWN 1 Residue from Etna 1 2 Start of a question Exhibit material 9 3 4 Bursts open 2 5 One full of oneself 6 There are five on China’s flag 7 Bowlers that don’t bowl 8 In days past 9 California raisin city 10 Gamboling spot 11 Toss into the mix 12 Delivery from Santa

15 17 20 21

5 7 4 3 9 1 8 2 6

Young Clinton Football supporters Tyrannical ___ canto (singing style) 22 Analyze 23 Lower half of the brainstem 24 Elizabethan barmaid 25 Lay bare, in a way 26 Daisies’ kin 27 It’s fishy 2 6 (friendly) 1 4 7 29 9 ___-walsy 36 1 Manhandles 1 3 9 8 4 34 Most repulsive 8 7 opponent 2 5 9 33 5 “Rocky” Apollo 2 4 5 36 Put away6 9 8 37 7 Pencil 5 1stump 8 3 2 40 Married woman 48 2 Weak 6 4and7feeble 2 5 43 Soy-based 5 Japanese 9 2 3soup 6 1 41 4 Some of them 3 9 4 7are6 secret 44 6 Small 7 8change? 5 1 3 48 Close at hand 49 Man with a salty spouse? 50 Abbr. in many a snail mail address 51 In accordance with 52 ___ Paulo 53 Santa ___ winds 54 Shaggy animal in a herd 55 Cagey

# 55 8 3 7 1 9 2 5 5 8 2 6 1 3 4 6 1 The 7 Graph Giraffe Classic 1 7 4 4 6 8 2 5 3 9 6 9 3 7 4 2 5 1 5 8 9 3 7 9 2 4 6 8

Page 14 of 25

3 1 8 6 9 4 7 5 2

4 9 2 5 1 7 8 6 3

5 6 7 8 3 2 9 4 1

6 4 5 2 7 1 3 8 9

2 7 9 3 6 8 4 1 5

8 3 1 9 4 5 6 2 7

# 56

4 6 2 5 3 1 8 9 7

7 8 5 2 4 9 3 1 6

3 9 1 6 2 8 5 1 2 5 3 9 7 4 9 4 7 8 3 6 1 7By3 Yosef 4 1 Lerner 8 9 6 8 6 2 9 1 5 7 6 7 8 5 4 2 3 5 1 9 7 6 4 2 4 5 6 2 7 3 8 2 8 3 4 5 1 9

24 Jul 05


Wednesday December 4, 2013

Check your Rose Bowl privilege at the door Grey Satterfield 50 shades of grey


ltimately, sports are about one thing: winning. Despite the countless parallels and analogies that can be drawn from sports, one team wins and one team loses. We play and watch sports to see who is the best. Since 1999 college football has fought for the Bowl Championship Series National title and before that, the Associated Press named the National Champion, starting in 1936. Since 1936, 30 different teams can claim to be national champions and to their credit, they proudly display these years on the walls of their stadiums for all to see. Conference Championships are also respectable. Maybe not as exciting as a national crown, but winning the conference is certainly something to be proud of and celebrate. What shouldn’t be celebrated? Losses. Just last year, Notre Dame went to the National Championship game and got crushed 42-14. Nowhere in South Bend, Ind., are the Irish faithful talking about their 2012 team. Sure, they had a good regular season, but the championship game was something to forget. They certainly didn’t put 2012 runner-up on the list of their eight national titles right next to Touchdown Jesus. That would be crazy. Then why does Wisconsin celebrate all their Rose Bowl appearances on the famed concrete of Camp Randall Stadium? Directly below the luxury seats at Camp Randall is the famed Rose Bowl logo and the years in which the Badgers have appeared (not won), including the past three defeats in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Immediately above these dates are the Badgers’ Big Ten Championships, including the most recent years 2010, 2011 and 2012. These championship were won by great teams and great players not limited to the

likes of Russell Wilson and Montee Ball. These teams are properly represented as champions because of their accomplishments in the Big Ten and on the field in Indianapolis. (If anyone needs a reminder of last year’s Big Ten championship, it smells a little something like 70-31.) Why not leave it at that? Also, the Big Ten champion is more or less guaranteed a trip to Pasadena, so by commemorating the Badgers as 2012 Big Ten champs, an appearance in the 2013 Rose Bowl is basically a given. The Rose Bowl is one of the most prestigious bowls around. Hell, call it the most prestigious bowl minus the National Championship Game. Pasadena is beautiful, it has a Parade, it’s always on New Year’s Day, etc. I need no convincing the Rose Bowl is great, but realistically it is simply another corporate money-grabbing, pointless exhibition game that will have no impact on a team’s season after the 60 minutes of game time have elapsed. The truth is that the only difference between the Rose Bowl presented by Vizio and the New Era Pinstripe Bowl is the sponsor and the two teams on the field. Neither outcome will decide the national champion and both games are just a way for sponsors and athletic departments to rake in more money. After the Badgers’ veritable stink bomb on Saturday, they kissed away their shot at a Discover Orange Bowl appearance and will most likely be playing in the Outback Bowl. Obviously Badger fans were sad about the loss and the overall performance of the team on Saturday, but ultimately there is little difference between the Orange Bowl, the Outback Bowl and even the Rose Bowl. And just to prove my point, wouldn’t it be strange if the concrete in Camp Randall displayed all the years the Badgers appeared in the Outback Bowl? Is a Rose Bowl appearance worth celebrating, or does Grey have a point? Email to let him know.

Men’s Basketball

Shoaib Altaf/cardinal file photo

Head coach Bo Ryan has 299 wins in his career as coach of the Badgers, never finishing lower than fourth in the Big Ten during that time period. He is in his 13th season at Wisconsin.

Bo Ryan seeks 300th win in Charlottesville By Jack Baer The Daily Cardinal

When you think of a matchup between No. 8 Wisconsin (8-0) and Virginia (7-1), the word “slow” might jump immediately to your mind. But “low scoring?” With the way the Badgers are scoring this year, maybe not. That will be the question as the Badgers fly to Charlottesville, Va., to take on the Cavaliers in a battle between two teams constantly ranking near the bottom of Division I basketball in pace of play. This Big Ten/ACC matchup mirrors last year’s, a game Virginia won 60-54 at the Kohl Center thanks to strong play from now-senior guard Joe Harris (22 points, 5 rebounds, 4 assists), who was named to the 2013-’14 Wooden Award watch list. The similarly slow pace of Virginia is no coincidence, as head coach Tony Bennett is a former Wisconsin assistant coach and the son of now-head coach Bo Ryan’s predecessor, Dick Bennett. His sister Kathi and uncle Jack have also coached basket-

ball at the collegiate level. “He’s done a great job in that he understands the value of the basketball. He understands the defensive end. He was a very good player himself,” Ryan said. “He obviously has the coaching background with his dad and his sister, his uncle. So basketball’s obviously a huge part of his upbringing.” The Badgers will look help the Big Ten continue their past success against the ACC in the two conferences’ annual matchup. The Big Ten has not lost since 2008, tying last year and winning every other year, though Wisconsin is 6-8 in its past Big Ten/ACC games. The annual tradition has brought national attention and a regular highlight of Wisconsin’s schedule. “The one good thing is you know every year either you’ve got a home or away game from a power conference, from a very good conference, and you know it’s going to be a very good team,” Ryan said. “That always helps in scheduling and the promotion of the games. It started before we had the Big

Ten Network. So the contract that we have has been lucrative, helps pay a lot of bills. A lot of exposure for both conferences.” Ryan also views the trip to Charlottesville as the Badgers’ first true road game, despite a previous visit to WisconsinGreen Bay. “It’s a true road game. At Green Bay, there were a lot of red jerseys,” Ryan said. “There was a lot of red coloring up at Green Bay. So it isn’t like what’s going to happen. I don’t think we’re going to see a lot of red in Charlottesville. “ A Wisconsin victory would also mark a significant milestone for Ryan: his 300th victory. “I can go back and think of 50, 100, 150, and think of games and think of the players and the plays that they made, how tough they were, and all those types of memories, and what they’re doing now, what a lot of the players are doing now that added to that total of 299 to this point,” Ryan said. “You think about the first time. You think about halfway in between. You think about all the things that have transpired. So I’m a pretty lucky guy.”

Borland, Carlini snag B1G postseason awards

Shoaib Altaf/cardinal file photo

Redshirt senior linebacker Chris Borland was named Big Ten Defensive Player of the Year after a standout regular season.

Redshirt senior Chris Borland was already named Big Ten ButkusFitzgerald Linebacker of the Year, the award coming on the heels of one of the best defensive careers in Badger history. Tuesday he could add one more honor to his already legendary tenure as anchor of Wisconsin’s defense: Big Ten Nagurski-Woodson Defensive Player of the Year. Borland recorded a team-best 102 tackles this season, good for fifth in the Big Ten despite missing one complete game and the majority of another with a hamstring injury. Borland finished the regular season at sixth place on UW’s alltime tackles list with 410, a number that is also second among active

Football Bowl Subdivision players. Just the fifth Wisconsin player to win the award, Borland led a defense that ranks sixth nationally in both total yards allowed and points allowed. The Kettering, Ohio, native was also a consensus pick on the AllBig Ten Team. An impressive football resume is one thing, but Borland also leads the team in community service hours, leading the Big Ten to also give Borland its sportsmanship award. Also on the list of Badgers honored by the Big Ten this fall is freshman setter Lauren Carlini, who was selected on the All-Big Ten Volleyball Team as well as being named the Big Ten Freshman of the year. The 2012 National Gatorade

High School Player of the Year, Carlini is a key player on a No. 13 Wisconsin team making its first NCAA Tournament appearance Friday since losing to Iowa State in the second round in 2007. Carlini is just the third Badger to win Big Ten Freshman of the Year, and the first to be selected on the All-Big Ten team since 2007. The Aurora, Ill., native has put up a team-best 10 assists per set and ranks second on the team in digs with 2.91 per set, even after missing four matches with a leg injury this season. Standing at 6 feet 2 inches tall, Carlini is also the only freshman among the nation’s Top 25 setting a 5-1 offense. Brett Bachman

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