Fridays with color comics
= weekends properly commenced COMICS
The effectiveness is proven, but the results of negative ads harm democracy
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Complete campus coverage since 1892
Weekend, October 3-5, 2008
Cab companies cannot fund weekend taxi stand By Abby Sears THE DAILY CARDINAL
The vice presidential debate draws a lively reaction from the crowd gathered at Memorial Union Thursday.
VP candidates defend running mates’ policies By Megan Orear THE DAILY CARDINAL
Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden and Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin brought their own opinions to the table in the first and only vice presidential debate Thursday night. However, they spent the most time defending the stances of their respective running mates, Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate John McCain, while attacking the policies of the opposing presidential ticket. The war in Iraq was a hot topic during the debate, as well as the economy and the presidential candidates’ tax policies. According to Biden, McCain is “out of touch” when it comes to the economy, but Palin said she and McCain promise to fight the “greed and corruption on Wall Street.” Biden said McCain’s tax proposal would not help the middle class and would give over $300 billion in tax cuts to wealthy people and corporations, but that Obama’s plan would not raise the taxes of anyone earning
less than $250,000 a year. Obama’s tax proposal would affect small businesses, according to Palin, because they would fit under the category of those making $250,000 or more a year. Although each candidate landed some jabs, the debate may not have much impact on the polls. “In the history of vice presidential debates, they very rarely made
taxi page 3
much of a measurable impact,” UWMadison professor of political science Charles Franklin said. However, he said this particular debate was important because it could cause voters to determine if Palin, who has been criticized for her performance in recent interviews, is qualified for the job of vice president. debate page 3
Student reaction “I think [Palin] did better on some issues than others. I think foreign policy is where she really showed her strengths.” —Sophomore Lucas Moench “I thought Biden was much more straightforward ... He got angry about points and he was forceful, he got his point across.” —UW student Madeline Nordholm “With Palin, a lot of the time I felt like she wasn’t answering the question, and she would talk her way around issues.” —Senior Julia Byers
Badger Cab, Madison Taxi and Union Cab companies all participate in the late-night weekend taxi stand at 600 University Avenue.
UW Regents discuss need for greater accountability in 2009 By Erin Banco
Two more parties allowed to join Attorney General lawsuit Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi ruled Thursday to allow two more groups to join Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen’s lawsuit over voter registration checks. The Milwaukee National Association for the Advancement of Colored People and the Milwaukee Teachers’ Education Association will join the case, bringing the total number of parties to nine. The other parties involved are Van Hollen, the Government Accountability Board, the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, the Republican Party of Wisconsin, the American
City officials will continue to search for outside funding to staff a downtown taxi stand after representatives from two of the three participating cab companies announced they are not able to provide the money at a Thursday meeting. Badger Cab, Madison Taxi and Union Cab all send taxis to the late-night weekend stand located on the 600 block of University Avenue. Madison Alcohol Policy Coordinator Katherine Plominski declined to identify which two said they couldn’t help fund the stand, but said the third company needed more time to decide. It costs about $3,000 to run the stand for one year, which goes toward staffing the stand with a sober monitor to supervise the line and put customers into cabs. The stand is currently being funded
by Madison’s Central Business Improvement District, but the $1,000 start-up money provided by BID will run out at the end of October. Until then, Plominski said the stand will operate as normal while officials try to find outside funding to sustain the project. Plominski said she and cab company representatives also discussed hopes for opening a second stand in the downtown area, but will be forced to postpone those plans until funding is secured for the first stand. “I guess we just have to keep working through it,” she said. “It’s really a service for the whole community.” Additionally, Plominski said she and Madison Police Department Central District Lt. Joe Balles will meet with each cab company individually to tweak
Federation of Teachers-Wisconsin, Madison Teachers Inc. and Madison Firefighters Local 311. Van Hollen sued the GAB last month over its failure to comply with a federal law requiring state voting agencies to cross-check voter databases with driver’s licenses or social security numbers. Richard Saks, the attorney representing Milwaukee NAACP, said minority voters would be hurt if Van Hollen wins this case because many black citizens, especially in Milwaukee, lack valid driver’s licenses. Saks said they would have to
rely on social security numbers, which have an almost 50-percent mismatch rate. “There would be large, large numbers of minority voters who would end up being found ineligible to vote in the upcoming election,” Saks said. UW-Madison professor of law Frank Tuerkheimer said all the parties added onto the lawsuit would probably not slow down the proceedings because they will have to accommodate the existing schedule. —Megan Orear
UW System Board of Regents revealed Thursday a new system wide accountability proposal to be released this spring. Sharon Wilhelm, director of policy analysis and research for the UW System, introduced the proposal. According to Wilhelm, the regents have been publishing proposals since 1993, and first introduced the 2009 accountability draft in a meeting last spring. “It became apparent that we would need to add some additional accountability measures,” Wilhelm said. “This is a detailed initiative that requires close coordination between all of our universities … And fuller alignment of the
accountability system with the growth agenda of the UW System.” She said the draft includes many of the same accountability indicators used in the 2007 report. “There are four new indicators and 15 existing ones,” she said. “The remaining indicators and context and capacity items are included as ‘related information.’” The accountability report has three sections: context and capacity, broad goals in service to students and other reports on various aspects of the UW System. Aside from providing new indicators, the regents also sought to make the proposal clear for reading. Wilhelm regents page 3
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
page two 2
Weekend, October 3-5, 2008
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892
TODAY: partly cloudy hi 59º / lo 38º
Find a need, fill it with SkyMall mentality
Volume 118, Issue 24
2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 l fax (608) 262-8100
News and Editorial Editor in Chief Alex Morrell Managing Editor Jamie McMahon News Editor Amanda Hoffstrom Campus Editor Erin Banco City Editor Abby Sears State Editor Megan Orear Opinion Editors Jon Spike Mark Thompson Arts Editors Emma Condon Ryan Hebel Sports Editors Ben Breiner Crystal Crowns Features Editor Sarah Nance Food Editor Marly Schuman Science Editor Bill Andrews Photo Editors Kyle Bursaw Lorenzo Zemella Graphics Editors Meg Anderson Matt Riley Copy Chiefs Jillian Levy Gabe Ubatuba Jake Victor Copy Editors Justin Eells Amanda Jutrzonka, Alex Kuskowski Jennifer Mimier, Geha Rieger Emma Roller, Brandi Stone
Business and Advertising Business Manager Babu Gounder Assistant Business Manager Alex Kusters Advertising Manager Sheila Phillips Eric Harris, Dan Hawk Web Directors Account Executives Katie Brown Natalie Kemp, Tom Shield Marketing Director Andrew Gilbertson Assistant Marketing Director Perris Aufmuth Archivist Erin Schmidtke The Daily Cardinal is published weekdays and distributed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and its surrounding community with a circulation of 10,000. The Daily Cardinal is a nonprofit organization run by its staff members and elected editors. It receives no funds from the university. Operating revenue is generated from advertising and subscription sales. Capital Newspapers, Inc. is the Cardinal’s printer. The Daily Cardinal is printed on recycled paper. The Cardinal is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The Daily Cardinal are the sole property of the Cardinal and may not be reproduced without written permission of the editor in chief. The Daily Cardinal accepts advertising representing a wide range of views. This acceptance does not imply agreement with the views expressed. The Cardinal reserves the right to reject advertisements judged offensive based on imagery, wording or both. Complaints: News and editorial complaints should be presented to the editor in chief. Business and advertising complaints should be presented to the business manager. Letters Policy: Letters must be typewritten, double-spaced and no longer than 200 words, including contact information. Letters may be sent to
DAVID HOTTINGER college questions
d. Note: David is on vacation. Filling in is this dude, Davis Scrottinger. Dear Davis: What hot new gadgets out there could make the college grind a little more manageable? -Trey, Near Gumby’s Wonderful question, Trey. If there is one thing that is going to save the human race from self-destruction, it’s technology. At least, now it is. And if there is one thing that proves this, it’s those fantastic SkyMall magazines they put in the back of airplane seats. I was lucky enough to come upon one of these portable bazaars for your credit cards just last week. On my way home from the Deep South (Ann Arbor, Mich., Trey. You wouldn’t believe how backward things are down there), I sat mesmerized for 75 minutes as I beheld all the marvels of man’s ingenuity laid before me in
glossy bold typeset. With each turn of the page, my senses were bombarded by an unrelenting barrage of wondrously innovative contraptions, each more astonishing in its practicality and reasonable in its pricing than the last. It is hard to do justice to some of the out-of-this world gizmos I saw that day without those fantastic pictures. The men who dreamed those things up had to be of Edisonian stock and Ron Popeilian vision. For instance, imagine my incredulity when, in the “Health & Wellness” section of the magazine, I discovered the Swimmer’s Ear Eliminator, the world’s first rechargeable ear-dryer. If only I had invested the $99.95 plus shipping in such a thing years ago, Trey! I would have avoided at least eight instances of vigorous head shaking. And my disbelief’s suspension was only extended when I turned the page to find that, for the exact same price, I could be the lucky owner of the TableTop Photo Studio, the firstever product to combine the joys of still photography with the wonders of small-portableness. Trey, just think of
$ wants to give you $
$ 1000 words. $1000 for $ It’s pretty simple. Write an essay of no more than 1000 words. We’ll judge all the entrants and determine the winner. You win, we’ll give you $1000 and publish your essay in the paper. (Note: 1,000 words is a maximum, you may certainly write less.) Topic: Getting our generation to vote. Analyze the problems and offer a solution to engage our generation and get them to the polls. Who: Any UW undergraduate or graduate student can submit one (1) essay. Deadline: Friday, Oct. 10
Editorial Board Nate Carey Dave Heller Jillian Levy Jamie McMahon Alex Morrell Jon Spike Mark Thompson Hannah Young l
Board of Directors Vince Filak Babu Gounder Nik Hawkins Dave Heller Janet Larson Chris Long Alex Morrell Sheila Phillips Benjamin Sayre Jenny Sereno Terry Shelton Jeff Smoller Jason Stein l
© 2008, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398
WEEKEND: mostly sunny hi 65º / lo 45º
Send submissions or inquiries to Sponsored by UW alum and retired national AP columnist Steve Wilstein
all the places I could take that photo studio... practically anywhere with a table! And I almost shit the seat when I saw a few pages later that for just $14.95, and $20 more for rush delivery, Poop Freeze®, the life-changing chemical spray capable of chilling animal waste to -62°F (creating an outer “crust” that enables you to quickly place in a baggie and dispose of discretely), would be waiting on my doorstep when I got home. (I can say with confidence that yes, Trey-bomb, it works on human waste as well.) I could go on. Suffice it to say, though, that I never realized how much my life sucked until this magazine told me how many things I was still doing on my own, when there were a zillion do-hickies and whatchamacallits out there waiting to do them for me. Yet, for all the shock and awe those pages held in store for me, none so brought my prior conception of the world to rubble as the moment I realized the seat back in front of me contained a phone from which I could call in my 21st century-possessions-overhaul mid-flight. I’ll have to buy more CDs and
For the record Corrections or clarifications? Call The Daily Cardinal office at 608262-8000 or send an e-mail to
install an indoor Jacuzzi before I can enjoy all the fruits of this fortuitous occurrence, T-Rey, and to be technical, the contents of the eight crates of things SkyMall was kind enough to ship that day are still the property of a certain Mr. Visa until I get ahead on my massive credit card debt, but at present I am without a doubt the proud owner of a healthy appreciation of what progress has brought us: A whole bunch of things that can do exactly one thing and do that thing pretty alright. As to which of these love-children from the holy union of science and capitalism would be best fit to give the old college try for you, I’ll admit it’s a tough decision. My guess is that it would be some kind of sticky thing that you use to stick your cell phone onto something you lose a lot but really need so that every time the phone rang you would find the other thing. After reading SkyMall, I’m sure it’s been invented; check the infomercials on late night. Need any tips or advice? Wonders of the universe explained? E-mail your college questions to
Weekend, October 3-5, 2008
WISPIRG wants right to hire staff members By Stephanie Dar THE DAILY CARDINAL
Tyler Junger, a sophomore ASM candidate, scoops ice cream at a meet and greet in Kronshage Hall. UW students and faculty spoke with candidates about their plans if elected as a representative.
Prospective ASM representatives greet voters By Diana Savage THE DAILY CARDINAL
Candidates for student council representatives and Student Services Financial Committee seats met with student voters Thursday night at the ASM meet and greet to discuss prospective plans for the upcoming year. Axel Hernandez, a freshman ASM representative candidate, said talking to people helped him clarify what students want to see in their leaders. “I think also that just talking to other people running is a good way to get a feel of what’s wrong with campus and what could be better,” Hernandez said. Overall, freshmen candidates considered safety to be the most pressing issue facing students at the university.
Candidates got creative in order to stand apart from other candidates. Hernandez designed business cards to pass out to voters with humorous information, such as “U DUB STUDENT” and “Axel For Freshman Student Council …One Time.” “I want to get people’s attention right away,” Hernandez said. Candidates and commissioners were disappointed with the small turnout of ASM incumbents at the event. Student Election Commission Chair Katherine Tondrowski said current ASM members had the role of addressing questions candidates had at the event but the lack of attendance created problems. “[The incumbents] missed out
on an opportunity,” she said. The event combated the students’ lack of awareness on the roles of ASM and SSFC leaders. “Frankly, a lot of people don’t know where their segregated fees go to,” SSFC candidate Tyler Junger said. “I want to let them know that a lot of that money does go to use, and if they elect someone who has a voice for them, they will be able to have an influence on where their money goes.” SSFC candidate Brandon Williams said a debate would ultimately be a better way for candidates to show their qualifications but his goal at this event was simply to get his name out. “There are so many people that go to this school; it’s easy to get lost in the crowd,” he said.
The UW-Madison Student Services Finance Committee held a meeting to discuss granting the Wisconsin Student Public Interest Group contract status to hire paid staff members Thursday at Memorial Union. According to Chair Tony Uhl, WISPIRG is requesting contract status in order to hire staff members through the organization instead of through the university. Staff members would help give real world experience to WISPIRG members. Uhl said paid staff would help connect WISPIRG members to the political system so the organization can be successful in speaking for the student body. Uhl emphasized staff hired through the university are required to voice the university opinion and not necessarily the opinion of the students. “Our staff is student voiced,” Uhl said. “Their voice technically belongs to us.” According to members, WISPIRG is set apart from other student organizations because it is successful in presenting the student voice. Members said
many other organizations on campus manage to educate students, but do not experience the success their organization can provide. “Politicians don’t pay attention to what students think and what we say,” Uhl said. “[WISPIRG] makes sure the politicians respond to student concerns.” WISPIRG Treasurer Ashley Michael said having contract status enables the organization to share the costs of staff with other branches of WISPIRG throughout the state, thus minimizing the group’s costs. “We make a dollar run a mile as opposed to a couple of feet,” Uhl said. WISPIRG proposed the budget assuming SSFC would approve their contract status. SSFC Chair Kurt Gosselin said if the budget is not approved WISPIRG will need to revise and resubmit its budget to the committee. WISPIRG is the only organization on campus to have had contract status, Michael said. The first stage of the decision-making process for granting WISPIRG contract status will begin at the next SSFC meeting Oct. 6 at the Memorial Union.
Nice kicks
NEWS IN BRIEF City phones, computers down for several hours
Mayor announces 50cent bus-fare increase
A glitch during a security update caused the city’s operating systems to crash Thursday, disabling phones and computers at several city agencies for nearly seven hours. City information services Director Dick Grasmick said the problem began around 6 a.m. when a bad file wiped out the operating system during a security upgrade. Personnel worked to restore the phones and computers, and the entire system was fully functioning by 1 p.m. “The inconvenience to the citizens was the fact that they could not call into city agencies that have IP phones,” Grasmick said, noting that many agencies, like Madison Metro, the police department, water utility and the streets department, were unavailable by phone during the outage. Madison Police Department Public Information Officer Joel DeSpain said the problems did not affect calls to 911 or police dispatch. “At no time was there any safety problem as far as the computers being down,” he said.
In what he described as one of the most difficult decisions in the 2009 budget, Madison Mayor Dave Cieslewicz announced Thursday he will raise bus fares by 50 cents in an effort to expand the Metro bus service. “An incredible rise in fuel costs has taken its toll on Metro’s budget. A 25-cent increase would have been necessary just to maintain current service levels,” Cieslewicz said in a statement. “The additional 25 cents will allow Metro to expand services, increase security at transfer points, enhance ridership through increased marketing, double programs that help lowincome riders afford bus fares and create a reserve to guard against future fuel increases.” In addition to the fare increase, the mayor also vowed to keep all city libraries open and staffed through his budget. Cieslewicz’s complete budget proposal will be presented to the Common Council Tuesday, and the council is scheduled to vote on the proposal the week of Nov. 11.
taxi from page 1 details of the program until all parties are satisfied. “We really just want to find something that all three cab companies can support and use regularly, so we’re just really try-
ing to get their significant buyin,” Plominski said. After a recent rash of violent crimes targeted at students in the downtown area, UW-Madison senior Claire Marcus, 21, said the taxi stand provides guaranteed safe transportation to late-
night partygoers. “Madison has been getting a lot more dangerous, and I definitely think it would be used and helpful,” Marcus said. “I think now people are more inclined to be safe, and I feel like a taxi is better than walking home.”
Students practice Capoeira, an Afro-Brazilian martial art, in Monitor Mosca’s class held Thursday night in Lathrop Hall.
debate from page 1 Students gathered at Memorial Union for a debate-watch party cosponsored by Project Youthanize and The Society and Politics Committee, campus groups that promote political involvement. Mark Korshak, recent UW grad and founder of Project Youthanize, said he thought both Palin and Biden did well in the debate, but thought Biden, who
regents from page 1 said the regents added a chart of progress to help readers understand the relationship between accountability and Advantage Wisconsin strategies. “The charter table is larger and more prominent, and the goals are clearly stated … Text is kept to a minimum,” Wilhelm said. According to UW System President Kevin Reilly, the regents are also taking an active part in the national Voluntary System of Accountability, a joint proj-
sighed and laughed while Palin spoke, was beat by the Alaska governor in poise. Several attendees, such as UWMadison student Madeline Nordholm, were not necessarily McCain-Palin supporters, but thought Palin did better in the debate than expected. “I think Palin did better than I thought she would, but I’m a Barack supporter, and I think Biden made great points,” Nordholm said. ect with the American Association of State Colleges and Universities and the National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges. “This national effort is just one more way to try and demonstrate our commitment to being accountable to students to parents and to taxpayers,” Reilly said. UW System regents will reconvene tomorrow at UW-Stevens Point to discuss student nonacademic disciplinary procedures and student conduct on university property.
comics 4
Boy. Man. God. Shit. Phish started in 1983 when freshman Trey Anastasio posted flyers around the University of Vermont campus.
Weekend, October 3-5, 2008
Today’s Sudoku
By Eric Wigdahl
© Puzzles by Pappocom
By Todd Stevens
Angel Hair Pasta
Solution, tips and computer program available at
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
Help plan the future of The Daily Cardinal! Join the newspaper’s board of directors and its work of charting a course for this 116-year-old campus institution. Candidates must commit 5 hours a month for at least one academic year to the paper. Those with a background in media and business, especially sophomores and juniors and candidates of diverse backgrounds, are encouraged to send a résumé and short statement of interest to board of directors President Jason Stein at
Sid and Phil
By Alex Lewein
The Graph Giraffe
By Yosef Lerner
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
Answer key available at
BLOODY WELL ACROSS 1 300 in old Rome 4 1972 Winter Olympics site 11 W.C. Fields persona 14 Swiss flower 15 Used one’s imagination 16 Reproduction necessities 17 Alabama, on the field 19 ___ Paese (semisoft Italian cheese) 20 Mall carryall 21 Wilder finish? 22 Fairylike being 23 Follow in the footsteps of 26 They bring greetings 27 D.C. bloom 31 Prospector’s prize 32 Don’t keep in 33 Letters on stamps on American letters 34 Be in limbo 37 Darken 39 “___ mouth, insert foot” 40 For Official ___ Only 41 Ave’s flappers 42 Quaint quarters 44 Notorious stigma 48 French composer Erik 49 Most pale
52 Primordial matter, to some 53 London restrooms 56 Not punctual 57 Something to recycle 58 Ethical no-no in St. Louis? 61 Did not go fast? 62 20th Greek letter 63 “Bravo!” to a bullfighter 64 One Knight 65 People after whom things are named 66 Lunch lady’s hair covering DOWN
1 Plants in a dry place 2 Bounce at the pool hall 3 One making picks and pans 4 Spanish ayes 5 “And now, without further ___ ...” 6 Author 7 ___ de foie gras 8 Sitcom souse 9 This puzzle’s theme 10 Poem of glorification 11 Dries out 12 Four pills instead of the recommended two 13 Amulet 18 Way of doing things
22 Audio systems, briefly 24 ___ Lingus (Irish carrier) 25 Tweeter output 26 Barracks rack 28 Alpine warble 29 ASCAP alternative 30 Boundaries 34 Feline in a Tom Jones song 35 Grow more intense 36 Made orderly 38 Proceed after grace 39 “Anna Christie” playwright Eugene 41 It’s intoxicating 43 Mathematician’s degree? 45 Backboard attachment 46 Without breaking a sweat 47 Analyze 50 Set of small stairs over a fence 51 Group doctrine 53 Arctic Circle native, perhaps 54 “... ___ they say” 55 Thor’s father 58 Actor’s prompt 59 ___ de plume 60 The “A” of Q&A (Abbr.)
A Fine Dutch Hobby
By Matthew Riley
The Daily Code
Crack me
5 6
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
“Xli aspjqer’w fvsxliv geqi hsar sr qi” PHISH lyrics Start with one-letter words and words with apostrophes, find out how many places the alphabet has shifted, then use that knowledge to decipher the code. Yesterday’s Code:
Weekend, October 3-5, 2008
Ben Folds release mixes humor and elegance By Jacqueline O’Reilly
album because it strips everything else away and reminds the listener There is no doubt Ben Folds is that at the core of Ben Folds’ career one of the contemporary musical is his brilliant piano work. “Cologne” geniuses of our time. He creates is a beautifully depressing song about music that is high in quality with two lovers trying to let go of their a sound all his own. And even love from miles apart. with this unique Yet, in true CD REVIEW sound, Ben Folds Ben Folds fashion, manages to be comedy still makes loved by the massan appearance in es. From his work this tear-jerking with his trio, Ben ballad; the second Folds Five, to his verse tells the story newer solo work, of the crazy astroBen Folds has naut, Lisa Nowak, Way to Normal always produced who last year drove Ben Folds great music. to Florida in a This trend condiaper to kill her tinues with the release of his newest female rival for the affection of fellow album, Way to Normal. The album astronaut William Oefelein. Nothing is mostly full of happy, upbeat lightens the mood quite like a good songs, many of which contain bits crazy-lady-in-a-diaper story. of humor, as his music often does. Overall, Way to Normal is a very Funny song titles include “Bitch successful album. There’s nothing too Went Nuts” and “Hiroshima (B B B shocking on it, but it is completely Benny Hit His Head).” solid and an incredibly enjoyable Many of the songs contain humor- record. It’s full of the originality and ous lyrics, including “Effington,” talent that makes Ben Folds and his which starts off with “If there’s a god, music so great. he is laughing at us and our football And luckily for Ben Folds fans, team.” Folds went at this album from they won’t need to wait another three a humorous angle while still creating years for a new Ben Folds album. songs with musical integrity. Folds recently announced he’ll be Although the album’s single, “You spending some time in the studio this Don’t Know Me,” features the bril- December with English author Nick liantly bubbly Regina Spektor, the Hornby, famous for his novel “High best songs on Way to Normal have to Fidelity.” The two will be making an be “Before Cologne” and “Cologne,” album that features original lyrics by with the former acting as a prelude Hornby and music by Folds. for the latter. These two also happen For the countless Ben Folds fans, to be the mellowest songs on the this will be something to look foralbum. “Before Cologne” is strictly ward to while they enjoy the newness instrumental, a nice addition to the of Way to Normal.
“Hay Between Your Toes” is among the photos featured in the Langdon Gallery taken by Shana Wittenwyler and profiling the times of rural Wisconsin life in her exhibit, “Portrait of my Father’s Dairyland.”
Now at campus galleries By Alex Kuskowski THE DAILY CARDINAL
Lakefront on Langdon Gallery: “Portrait of My Father’s Dairyland” This collection by Shana Wittenwyler, located in the Lakefront on Langdon Gallery, is both poignant and short. Her primary focus on a dying way of life in Monticello, Wis., shows a mix of action shots and stills that capture young and old farmers trying to keep up the ever-shrinking way of farm life. Using quotes, Wittenwyler narrates her pictures, questioning the sustainability of a once pervasive way of life. Check out “Hay Between Your Toes” and “Ruth Marty,” two great pictures contrasting the past and the future of the small farm. Porter Butts & Class of 1925 Galleries: “PhotoMidwest 2008” This exhibition of 50 pictures was handpicked from 519 submissions from seven states around the Midwest, and the quality of those chosen is obvious. From first-place winner Evan Baden’s self-explanatory “Shannon with ipod,” to the small black and white “Roots” by Andrew Obernesser, every photo is brimming with vitality and unspoken questions about life, art and the mixture of the two. All the photos have a story to tell and a question to ask, each in a unique way. The diversity between subject matter of photos like “Barbershop” by Paul Sparks and “Veiled” by Richard Langer make sure the viewer never gets worn out with any part of the exhibit. Although most of the collection is monochromatic, the few contrasting colored pictures stand out against the pale gallery wall. “Environmental Statement” by James Meldrum and “Night Light” by Christopher Norris will have you wondering whether the photographer just stumbled on the scene or made it up themselves. This gallery exhibit is a real showcase of Midwest talent, so if you’ve got a free minute in Memorial Union, check out this
“Flowers of Kauai #1” is part of a series by Connie Frisch-Cherniak chronicling cultural leaps from Hawaii to Minnesota and back again.
James Taylor ‘Covers’ new ground in tribute to greats By Gena Rieger
driving Motor City backbeat and replacing it with meandering guitar James Taylor’s Covers will definite- and Kenny G-style horns. His inexly not be the hippest album you buy plicable cover of “Some Days You this year, and frankly, Taylor doesn’t Gotta Dance” by the Dixie Chicks seem to be concerned. and Keith Urban honestly sounds Nine of the 11 songs he covers like “High School Musical” went line were released before dancing. CD REVIEW 1970, and no matter For the past how many Michael few years, Taylor McDonald comhas been making parisons he earns, he his way around the refuses to let go of summer amphithe outdated horn theater circuit, sections and backentertaining milding vocals. This is ly buzzed soccer Covers not to say that all of moms and dads. James Taylor Covers sounds like With a pack of excerpts from Muzak. When Taylor wine coolers and a picnic blanket, abandons the overdone arrangements Covers could be nice background on cuts like “Seminole Wind” and music, but Taylor owes more than Leonard Cohen’s “Suzanne” he shows that to his fans. Someone of his talent why he became famous in the first should want to stretch farther than place. “Suzanne” is especially beauti- adding female backing vocals and ful. Taylor barely changes it, only funky keyboards to other peoples’ adding his signature finger-picking songs. Perhaps the most disappointand a few strings, but his emotion- ing thing is that he has done some ally true tenor and connection with great covers in the past. He deserves the lyrics makes it seem like it came as much credit as Carole King for the straight out of his personal song- sustained popularity of “You’ve Got a book. Friend,” and his rendition of Drifters’ He later proves on “Hound Dog” “Up on the Roof” reinvigorated a that not every song needs to hearken 1960s classic. back to the days of Sweet Baby James The biggest issue with Covers is to be successful. He morphs Elvis not that the original songs are dated, Presley’s famous song into a slinky but rather that Taylor does nothing blues jam, complete with a jazz organ to breathe any new life into them. solo. Taylor’s ventures into blues are He doesn’t need to bring Timbaland consistently more successful than into the studio with him next time, those into Motown and country. He he just needs to rediscover his ability effectively butchers the Temptations’ to connect with the heart and soul “It’s Growing” by tossing away the of his songs. THE DAILY CARDINAL
50-piece gallery set. It will be well worth your time. Theater Gallery: “Wish You Were Here” Connie Frisch-Cherniak is the lone photographer for this gallery show of nature snapshots jumping from Hawaii to Minnesota and back again. According to FrischCherniak, this exhibition is all about “finding calm in a chaotic world.” She certainly does this,
though somewhere between the barely distinguishable and peaceful “Polihale Beach #2” and “Polihale Beach #10” she might have done it too well. One amazing thing about her photographs is that their colors haven’t been manipulated. It’s barely believable when you see “Minnesota Summer #28” and “Flowers of Kauai #3.” Vibrant and eye-popping, the colors in these two pictures alone make the gallery worth at least a walkthrough.
Now Playing Madison This week, Daily Cardinal writer Alex Kuskowski talks to Dan Jin from Frail by Design. How would you describe your sound on the new EP? I would say instrumental rock would have to be the best ways to describe it. We’ll have an opera singer on one ... It’s four songs and it’ll be mostly instrumental. What started your band playing the music that you do? We started when we were in high school ... as a post-hardcore kind of band, but as we got older we got a much wider musical influence between all of us ... Our new EP is really just an addition of our influences together. Like it can’t be called rock or instrumental rock or post rock or anything like that, it’s just music that we all put together. What spirit animal would your band be? I would say a bison. You can catch Frail by Design at 8 p.m. this Sunday at High Noon Saloon with Krause Family Band and Peter Allen. Tickets are $5 for 21+ and $7 for 18+.
opinion 6
Weekend, October 3-5, 2008
Editorial Cartoon
By Levi Prombaum
Cardinal View editorials represent The Daily Cardinal’s organizational opinion. Each editorial is crafted independent of news coverage.
seating changes are praiseworthy If the UW-Madison Athletic Department’s recent changes to the student football ticket policy are any indication, officials are finally accepting that—no matter what—no seating system will ever be free of flaws. Starting with the Ohio State game on Saturday, student vouchers will be exchanged for tickets with assigned seats, rather than wristbands for general seating in specific sections. The change comes after massive backlash following the Badgers’ last home game against Marshall, where crowds of students faced massive congestion, long waits and admission to only certain sections at a time, meaning quality seats often depended on luck instead of early arrival. The seating will revert to the old system, with all sections available for immediate entrance and each person assigned to a specific seat, a solution that may cause conflict within the crowds, but which rewards the fans who arrive on time. Many people, including this editorial board, jumped on senior associate athletic director for external relations Vince Sweeney and the Athletic Department for not serving the students’ needs and rewarding students that come early. The recent changes, however, deserve commendation. “We really do care about the students, and we value their input,”
Sweeney said. “[Their input] is what led us to this decision.” Sweeney and his staff were willing to abandon their original seating solution after only two games, find a better policy and even admit to being wrong. In an age where politicians and figureheads do their best to abdicate and deflect blame, the Athletic Department’s humility is refreshing. Although the Athletic Department may be returning to a flawed system, at least this system will fit the needs of a football town hosting a major Big Ten game in primetime. Student fans also get their wish, being rewarded for early arrival with seats they deserve. Whether students capitalize on the change and go actually early, however, remains to be seen. Although perhaps unrealistic to expect, students should return the Athletic Department’s responsiveness by filling the student section to the brim come kick-off against Ohio State. For every thousand e-mails of hate directed at the Athletic Department for their student ticket policy, there might maybe one commendation. Maybe it’s time to flood the Athletic Department’s inbox with e-mails of thanks for changing the policy and doing what is good for students, not what is good for their egos.
Got a burn you’re itching to issue? Melt the competition. The Daily Cardinal is now accepting columnist and staff applications for UW students with a bent for the political and a desire to affect some change. Think your viewpoint is unique or in the minority on this campus? All the better. E-mail writing samples or inquiries to: or
Negative ads stimulate poor, uninformed voting By Jon Spike THE DAILY CARDINAL
Be careful when you turn on your TVs for the next two months; I’d hate for you to get mud in your eye. With the Nov. 4 election closing in quickly, the candidates are upping the ante, especially in negative attack ads and mudslinging about everything from service time to voting records in Congress. However, there is an inherent danger behind utilizing these types of ads, and candidates do not consider these adverse effects on the democratic process.
Negative ads polarize, sensationalize and satirize the entire political dignity of America.
Negative ads have a history of promoting ill-informed, often emotional voting patterns because of their overdramatic and fear-based messages. Look no further than Lyndon B. Johnson’s infamous “Daisy” ad. During the height of the Cold War, Johnson’s ad depicted a small girl picking daisies, only to be obliterated seconds later by an atomic bomb. The message? Your children will die if you don’t elect foreign affairs guru Lyndon Baines Johnson. Studies by Ted Brader, a professor at the University of Michigan, have shown that negative ads such as the “Daisy” ad cause voters to change their vote based on fear. Among moderates observed over an election period, a shocking one in four undecided voters actually changed their vote to the negative or fear-based ad’s candidate after witnessing enough ad exposure. Is this the information the nation needs when deciding the next commander in chief? Studies have also shown a strik-
ing correlation between negative or fear-based ads and voter turnout. A study by Paul Freedman and Ken Goldstein revealed that negative ads actually stimulate voter turnout. While most would support any type of ad that encourages a nation of apathetic voters to get to the polls, we must also consider the subject matter. Massive amounts of voters driven to the polls by slander and mudslinging are not informed voters, but rather citizens reacting to emotional ads with little issuebased discussion. Of course, both candidates have relied heavily on the negative ad this campaign period. Political strategists from both sides know the stats on negative ads, and they are concocting the most effective images to sway voters, knowing issue ads don’t have enough of a polarizing effect. Just look at the Obama camp and their strategy for negative and fear-based ads. We see images and remnants of the Bush administration and some of their failures. What follows? Stills and videos of McCain and George W. Bush armin-arm, trying to connect Bush’s shortcomings to McCain, a man who has often diverged from the president’s views and in no way should be linked to Bush’s legacy.
Massive amounts of voters driven to the polls by slander and mudslinging are not informed voters.
McCain’s advertising campaign is not free of criticism, either. Immediately after Obama became the de facto Democratic nominee, the McCain campaign released an ad poking fun at Obama’s popularity. Comparing the democratic nominee to Britney Spears and
Paris Hilton, the ad asked if this “celebrity” candidate is ready to lead. The future gives little hope for change. New technology is already in production to further sway voters using deceptive advertising. In an article from Science Magazine, Greg Miller describes how new technology allows candidates to alter their image in new multimedia to actually mimic the likeness of different people. In one such study, ads featuring John Kerry and George W. Bush were altered to match the appearance of the person viewing the ad. In nearly every case, the subject chose the candidate closest to their likeness in the ad.
Just because the mud is flying in every direction does not mean you have to get dirty too.
What does this mean for new ads? Candidates will be able to subtly alter their image to fit a certain target group, as well as present their candidate in a negative light with the same method. With newer and more deceptive technology on the horizon, negative advertising will take an even more drastic and emotional turn. Do yourself a favor: Turn off the television whenever an ad diverts from policy and issuebased discussion to trash the opposing candidate. These ads polarize, sensationalize and satirize the entire political dignity of America. Just because the mud is flying in every direction does not mean you have to get dirty too. Jon Spike is a junior majoring in secondary education in English. We welcome your feedback. Please send responses to
Weekend, October 3-5, 2008
Gabrielsen brings intensity and fun-loving attitude By Jay Messar THE DAILY CARDINAL
Five true freshmen decorate the Wisconsin volleyball roster this season. One in particular has shined brightest, and it’s not solely because of her skills on the court. Menomonee Falls, Wis., native Janelle Gabrielsen has almost always had some type of ball in hand. A highly acclaimed four-year starter for the Menomonee Falls Indians on the volleyball court, she earned two-time Greater Metro Conference Player of the Year, two-time first team all-state, and Wisconsin’s 2007 Gatorade Player of the Year honors by the end of her senior year. “The kind of athlete she was, we needed her to do just about anything, whether it was set, block, hit or pass,” Menomonee Falls High School head coach J.C. Bruns said. “We had her doing just about everything because of the skill set she had.” Though born into a family of volleyball athletes—two of Gabrielsen’s sisters played college volleyball—it took “Nellie” a bit to develop a sense of leadership on her high school squad. “Being a setter-only as a freshman, she got pulled in all kinds of directions by the upperclassmen as to how they were getting the sets,” Bruns said. “She
was kind of on the team, but not really a leader. As her experience grew, she would always be more of a leader-byexample kind of player with her tremendous work ethic, effort and hustle even in practices. By the time she was a senior, she began to be more of a vocal leader as well.” Bruns said Gabrielsen, the freshman setter turned middle hitter/setter in a modified 6-2 offense, was always a fierce competitor, yet led with an unthreatening style. “She demanded a lot from herself first and felt it was her job to carry the team, yet also encourage the other players,” Bruns said. “She was always a very positive leader. You could tell in her body language when she was frustrated with herself or with how the team was playing, but she was definitely not mean-spirited in any way.” One thing both Bruns and Wisconsin head coach Pete Waite noticed is Gabrielsen’s demeanor on and off the court. “She was an exceptional student— a very smart girl who always liked to have fun,” Bruns said. “I would describer her as goofy, just kind of happy-go-lucky. Not the type of person you would think to be an assassin on the court so to speak. When she steps across those lines onto the court,
she’s all business.” “When I watched her playing in club tournaments, sometimes she’d just be goofy on the court,” Waite said. “She would just really enjoy something funny that happened, and I think that’s great. It means a kid has great balance; they’re willing to relax on the court. In the blink of an eye she could be screaming through the net after just having pounded a ball down. She’s got both sides to her.” On this year’s UW volleyball squad, the Spongebob-loving Gabrielsen feels as if she has already settled in as the team “goof.” “I’m kind of the comic relief,” she said. “I like to make situations better.” “She’s got a really fun personality off the court,” Waite said. “She loves to laugh; she loves to tell stories … It’s neat to have that. It’s fun to have somebody on the team, or a number of people on the team, that bring lighthearted, easy-going life and a lot of fun.” Gabrielsen also refused to hang up the athletic shoes during the winter months in high school, as she was a star post player on the MFHS basketball team until a pair of stress fractures in her leg caused her to sit out most of her senior hoops season. “It was either I play the rest of
basketball season and wait to get surgery—then I wouldn’t know how I’d be here,” Gabrielsen said. “But I decided to get surgery right away and got to play a little bit of club [volleyball] season and then came in here and have played pretty well.” And played well she has. Gabrielsen totaled a career-high five blocks this past weekend at Minnesota to lead her Badger squad and has already recorded four double-doubles in just 12 matches this season. While it remains to be seen whether Gabrielsen will try out for the UW basketball team, her competitive
nature and her easy-going attitude are what both her coaches see as a recipe for success. “On the court and off she’s very competitive, very intense and has a great sports IQ,” Waite said. “It’s a good combination of off the court and on the court.” “She’s just a joy to coach,” Bruns said. “She has a rare blend of intelligence and is a gifted athlete that still works her tail off anyway when so many talented athletes these days don’t. That definitely will manifest itself in the opportunity that she has now in Madison.”
Waite’s crew to welcome Buckeyes, Wolverines By Andy Van Sistine THE DAILY CARDINAL
This past week was not kind to the No. 20 Wisconsin volleyball team, which, after losing two matches on the road to unranked Iowa and border rival No. 12 Minnesota, dropped two spots in the national polls. But the Badgers (0-2 Big Ten, 10-4 overall) have an opportunity to gain back some ground in the conference when they return home for the first time in three weeks to play No. 22 Michigan (1-1, 13-1) and Ohio State (0-2, 9-5) this weekend. “I [look at] both these teams this weekend, and it’s not so much as them as it is us,” UW head coach Pete Waite said. “We’ve got to really play well on our side of the net. If we do that, I think we’ll do very well.” Michigan comes into Madison fresh off its only loss of the season
last weekend at Michigan State. The Wolverines have established themselves as an elite offensive team thus far in the season, putting together a .279 hitting percentage as a team and ranking third in the conference in kills with 14.53 per game. They are also best in the Big Ten in aces, with 78 in 47 sets. Freshman defensive specialist Sloane Donhoff leads the Big Ten in that department with 20 so far this season. Senior middle blocker Beth Karpiak is the Wolverines’ best force up front, averaging a solid .429 hitting percentage on 282 attempts. Despite their offensive prowess, however, their blocking game ranks ninth in the conference and could be a point of weakness come Friday. “We’ll bring in a three-hitter offense in the front and maybe some pipes out of the back row, something that will be difficult
for them to deal with,” Waite said. “We hope to take advantage of it.” Though they are not recognized as a force on the national stage, the Buckeyes have a great deal of experience against tough competition already this year. Three of their five losses came at the hands of top25 opponents, including a five-set defeat in which the Buckeyes nearly handed No. 14 Wichita State its first loss of the season. They also have a great blocking defense to lean on, which is ranked third in the Big Ten. Junior middle blocker Kristen Dozier leads the team with 47 stuffs on the year and also ranks 10th in the conference in points. Nonetheless, Wisconsin has a lot of weapons on its side of the court to counter Michigan and Ohio State’s strengths. Senior middle blocker Audra Jeffers leads the Badgers in the blocking department with 60 on the year and ranks
Setter Janelle Gabrielsen has doled out 268 assists in her first season in Madison, while helping the Badgers to a 10-4 start. third among her teammates in kills with 118. Junior right-side hitter Katherine Dykstra and junior outside hitter Brittney Dolgner have been the biggest offensive threats on the year for Wisconsin, throwing down 132 and 165 kills, respectively, and collectively accounting for 347 points this year. “We’re getting the ball to a lot of different people,” Dolgner said. “We have as many as four or five different options that we can always
go to, which is really nice … you know that [Jeffers and Dykstra] can always put the ball down, and we have three options in the front row when we’re all out there.” First serve for Friday’s match against Michigan is set for 7 p.m., and Sunday’s match is slated for 1 p.m. The Ohio State match is on Student Day at the Field House, which means free admission for any student who presents a valid student ID.
Women’s soccer continues search for first Big Ten win at OSU and Penn State
europe from page 8
By Erica Barts
then pelt opposing players with them. They often take long bus trips through exotic locales like the Russian countryside or the mountains of Greece. On the other hand, players are paid to live in countries that most Americans only vacation to. The décor for teams is also quite different than in the United States. Some teams have few scruples about not paying players large parts of their salaries after a season. The contrast to that is the Spartak Moscow women’s basketball team, which pays players up to $500,000 per year, charges nothing for admission and is run by an owner who was once arrested as a spy. This world can really only be described as foreign, but the experience of playing there sounds like a pretty fascinating voyage. As for Anderson, she will have another chance to play in the WNBA next year, but for now spending a winter in northern France does not seem like a bad alternative. Think Ben should just go abroad already and stop reading about European basketball? Tell him where to go at
State Nittany Lions (6-5-0) Friday and Sunday, respectively. The Wisconsin women’s soc“We are going back to the cer team (6-4-1) has been work- basics—focusing on ourselves [and ing on fundamentals in prepara- we have] spent a lot of time defendtion for two games this weekend ing as a group, possessing the ball against the Ohio State Buckeyes and moving forward as a unit,” head (4-4-2) and the No. 22 Penn coach Paula Wilkins said. Wilkins believes that she needs to get her team back in the right frame of mind after two losses last weekend against Illinois and Purdue. The Buckeyes are enjoying a four-game winning streak, with one Big Ten victory under their belt. Senior Lisa Collison has four goals this season for the Buckeyes, and her freshman teammate Taylor Moront has three. Collison is an experienced forward who is a threat to other teams with her speed and ability to score. Ohio State’s midfield is the most experienced of its lineup, returning five players from the 2007 lineup. Junior goalkeepDANNY MARCHEWKA/THE DAILY CARDINAL er Lauren Robertson has been Junior midfielder Whitney Owusu very successful for them. Last feels that team play will be a key year, Robertson had seven shutto this weekend’s games. outs and made the Big Ten All-
Tournament team. Robertson averages about four saves a game and has secured two shutouts this season. “[Ohio State] is very good at home,” Wilkins said. “[They] are well-coached, they are young, have some dangerous players up front with Lisa Collison and Paige Maxwell and a very good goalkeeper. [Ohio State] has always been dangerous.” Sunday afternoon, the Badgers will head over to University Park, Penn., to face the Nittany Lions. Penn State is eager to win its 10th straight Big Ten championship and make another appearance in the NCAA tournament this year. Its front-line will be strong, with returning players like junior Katie Schoepfer and sophomore Dani Toney. Schoepfer, Toney, and junior Nikki Watts have each scored four goals, and Toney has added five assists. The Lions’ junior goalkeeper Alyssa Naeher is arguably the best goalie in college soccer and has 38 saves this season. Wilkins believes that
Penn State is very dangerous up front and that they are a better team than their record shows. Wisconsin plans to take advantage of every set play they have this weekend after showing how effective and versatile they can be with their number of corner-kick opportunities last weekend. “We need to possess the ball a little bit more to get more numbers forward so we can be a little bit more dangerous,” Wilkins said of their success off set plays. Defensively, the Badgers continue to work on one-on-one defending and moving up and down the field as a team. “We know each person can defend one-versus-one, so as long as we play with each other as a group, we will be fine [this weekend],” junior midfielder Whitney Owusu said. The Badgers will face Ohio State Friday night in Columbus, Ohio, at the Jesse Owens Stadium at 6:30 p.m.
sports Badgers ready for powerful Buckeye attack
Weekend, October 3-5, 2008
Freshman running back John Clay could see more carries after a 54-yard run and a touchdown against Michigan Saturday. Sept. 13, when it was slaughtered 35-3 by then-No.1 USC. The Buckeyes are the secondhighest-ranked team in the Big Ten after Penn State and defeated Minnesota 34-21 in their conference opener. OSU freshman Terrelle Pryor has emerged as the Buckeyes’ top quarterback after starting his second game last week. If last week’s 97 yards on the ground is any indicator, Pryor is just as much a threat on the ground as through the air. “He’s an extremely talented playmaker, not only just running the football, but throwing the football,” Bielema said. “He’s got tremendous poise in the pocket.” Ohio State running back Chris Wells will also be a force to be reckoned with, coming back with 106 yards for 14 carries against Minnesota after missing the previous three games with an ankle injury. Like UW, Ohio State has options for running the ball, as running back Dan Herron racked up 50 yards against the Gophers to contribute to a team total of 277 yards.
“[Clay] does exactly what we ask him to do, and that’s why I’m so excited about him.” Bret Bielema head coach UW football
Hill, who gained a lackluster 3.2 yards per carry against the Wolverines, said the OSU defense is known for its quick linebackers, including James Laurinaitis, who recorded 12 tackles last week. “Watching a little film, once you just get on those guys you can make a big difference,” Hill said. “They’re very agile. Those guys are going to make you work. They’re not going to make it easy, but I’m always up for a challenge, and I know my guys are.” Known as a running team with a big and powerful offensive line, Wisconsin will likely go back to basics and try to run the ball. But because Michigan was able to stop UW’s running game, Evridge ended up passing more than he handed off last weekend. Freshman running back John Clay got his hands on the ball just three times against Michigan, but was able to earn a breakaway 46-yard gain and score UW’s only
touchdown. Clay will likely be more central to UW’s offensive strategy from now on. “As coaches, you get in a situation where you know every play counts, and you’re in the third and fourth quarter, and you know P.J. Hill has been there, done that,” Bielema said. “[Clay] does exactly what we ask him to do, and that’s why I’m so excited about him for the future.” If the running game fizzles out again, senior quarterback Allan Evridge will finally have both of his favorite targets—tight ends Garrett Graham and Travis Beckum—healthy for a game. Graham was out last weekend with a foot injury, and Beckum missed some practice last week with a hurt hamstring, but the tight-end tandem is set to play Saturday night. Wisconsin lost 38-17 when it faced the Buckeyes, the threetime defending Big Ten champs, last season. To say last week’s 27-25 loss to Michigan was disappointing is an understatement. But there is no time to look back when you can be 1-0 against Ohio State. “Any time you play the game that you did on Saturday and have it end the way it did, they’re going to be excited to play anywhere,” Bielema said. “And to have it be in Camp Randall, to have it be at night, to be in an environment that they’ve had a lot of success in, I’m sure makes them all feel better.”
europe page 7
OUT ON A LIMB Jamie and Al Leaders Supreme
Embarrassed after blowing a 19-0 halftime lead against Michigan last weekend, the No. 18 Wisconsin football team is hoping that the aura of Camp Randall will provide the psychological boost it needs to defeat No. 14 Ohio State. “They’re a very good team,” senior running back P.J. Hill said. “But they’re coming into our
Kyle and Lorenzo Photo Editors
f the trip from Port Wing, Wis., to Madison seems big, imagine picking up and going all the way to France. Former Wisconsin women’s basketball star Jolene Anderson followed a rising trend and signed with a French basketball team in early September after playing in the WNBA for most of the season. This move just highlights the little-known world of professional basketball outside the NBA. The biggest topic in basketball circles over the summer was an exodus of players across the Atlantic, headlined by former Atlanta Hawk Josh Childress, who took big money to play in Greece. Few fans seem to realize just how many teams there are willing to pay people to play basketball. Simply put, if a player is a starter or top sub on a good college team, they will have a chance to play somewhere overseas. Many former Badgers have crossed the seas to continue playing the game they love. Brian Butch now makes his home in Spain, as do Zach Morley and Kammron Taylor. Michael Flowers is playing in Germany, and Greg Stiemsma joined a Turkish team. The European teams have rules allowing only two Americans to join most teams. This leads to players getting dodgy foreign passports. A Badger who took advantage of this was Mike Wilkinson, who played for two high-level European teams and makes over $1 million per year. Wilkinson managed to get a Macedonian passport, which makes him a European in the eyes of prospective employers, and even went as far as playing for Macedonia’s national team under the name Majkl Vilkinson. The most successful Badger in Europe, however, may have been Rashard Griffith. After leaving Madison as a sophomore, Griffith was drafted, but ended up playing for several Euroleague teams and won a European title with Manu Ginobili in 2001. He never played in an NBA game. The world of European basketball is a strange mixture of experiences. Players can be treated to low quality facilities, arenas filled with thick cigarette smoke and a little trick where fans heat coins on cigarette lighters and
Gabe, Jill and Jake Copy Chiefs
Scott Allen
BEN BREINER all about the benjamins
Jon and Mark Opinion Editors
Team forgetting Michigan loss and looking forward
home, and we play well at home.” The Badgers (3-1 overall, 0-1 Big Ten) have not lost at home since 2005, and head coach Bret Bielema has a perfect record in Madison. Losing to Michigan was a big letdown, but the team’s “1-0” philosophy has everyone looking forward to Saturday night. “I believe in four different interviews that I listened to, our players last night made reference to ‘1-0’, and this is the mentality they got to take,” head coach Bret Bielema said. “They really do believe in the things that we emphasize.” The Buckeyes (4-1 overall, 1-0 Big Ten) started out as one of the country’s top-ranked teams until
Europe draws ex-Badgers
Mario and Scott Game Day Editors
Ben and Crystal Sports Editors
No. 14 Ohio State at No.18 Wisconsin
No.23 Oregon at No.9 USC
No.6 Penn State at Purdue
No.13 Auburn at No.19 Vanderbilt
Washington at Philadelphia
Pittsburgh at Jacksonville
Atlanta at Green Bay
3-4 19-9
3-4 20-8
3-4 21-7
3-4 20-8
4-3 17-11
2-5 17-11
Last Week Overall