University of Wisconsin-Madison
Since 1892
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Thursday, March 14, 2019
Brunch +SPECIAL PAGES page 5
The Color of Drinking: Alcohol reveals racism By Aylin Merve Arikan SENIOR STAFF WRITER
After a 2018 survey demonstrated alcohol amplifies racial tensions for students of color, Associated Students of Madison’s Student Council met with the study’s authors to learn more about their findings Wednesday night. The Color of Drinking survey was conducted by University Health Services and focuses on the social, academic and physical implications of the drinking culture in UW-Madison — emphasizing the experiences of students of color. UHS representatives Jenny Damask, Reonda Washington and Valerie Donovan gave a presentation about the severity of the issue while inviting council members to work with UHS to create a more inclusive and safe campus for all students. In the past, UHS has aimed to decrease the drinking culture at UW-Madison through programs that focus on impacting both individual and group behaviors. Now, UHS has shifted its focus to changing the environment students are immersed in. “When we create a program
we are looking at one person, but when we change the environment and look at systems we can change, policies we can change we have a greater reach,” said Damask, UHS’ Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs Program Coordinator. The survey is the first of its kind in the UW System due to its mix of quantitative and qualitative methods. It provides both numerical data and personal anecdotes to answer questions like whether or not alcohol consumption has impacted students’ sense of belonging at UW-Madison. Students of color expressed alcohol causes them to feel unsafe while white students expressed alcohol gave them a sense of belonging, according to Washington, the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs prevention coordinator. When asked if they had experienced microaggressions, nearly 62 percent of students of color answered yes. Seventy-nine percent of AfricanAmerican students who participated in the survey said they have experienced microaggressions on campus, making them the largest ethnic group
drinking page 2
UW-Madison freshman attacked UW police at Witte early Sunday.
Witte resident faces felony By Jenna Walters CAMPUS NEWS EDITOR
The UW-Madison student who assaulted a university police officer in Witte Residence Hall earlier this week now faces two felony charges. UW-Madison freshman Logan Mitchell could be charged with battery to an officer after he struck a UW-Madison Police Department officer in the face during an altercation early Sunday morning, causing him significant bodily harm. Mitchell also faces a misdemeanor for resisting an officer. Despite the charges, Mitchell is still enrolled at the university, UW-Madison Director of News and Media Relations Meredith McGlone said. He is scheduled to appear at a preliminary hearing on April 2. Mitchell attacked the officers
after they responded to a report that he was urinating in a Witte hallway around 1:15 a.m. When UWPD arrived, Mitchell became physically aggressive before he was eventually arrested and forcibly removed from the residence hall. Injured officers was treated at an area hospital following the incident, UWPD Communications Director Marc Lovicott said. A video of the altercation was posted to the “Badgerbarstool” Instagram page, where it was viewed by more than 5,000 people. McGlone said under federal privacy laws, the university is not able to speak on specific studentinvolved incidents. She emphasized UW-Madison is “dedicated to promoting the safety of the campus community while also providing due process for accused students.”
Advocacy and legislative groups in Wisconsin hope to expand programs to reduce suicide rates.
Suicide increase related to lack of health services By Benita Mathew SENIOR STAFF WRITER
As Wisconsin experiences a shortage in mental health services, the number of suicides has spiked, influencing advocates and leaders to raise their voices together in hopes of reducing the rate and improving access to care. Suicides have increased by 25.8 percent since 1999, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2017, 926 people died by suicide, increasing from 855 suicides in 2016. Suicide is the second leading cause of death, just behind car accidents, for people 15 to 34 years old in Wisconsin, according to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The implications of mental health in Wisconsin According to Mental Health America, Wisconsin ranked 48th nationally for the prevalence of mental illness, and severe disparities exist across the state in terms of access to resources and expertise in the field. Wisconsin currently faces a significant psychiatrist shortage in 55 of its 72 counties. According to a report by the Wisconsin Policy Forum, 20 counties had no practicing psychiatrists in 2018, and 10 others had only one. Limited access to treatment especially affects vulnerable children. Wisconsin ranks 42nd out of the 50 states and Washington D.C. in access to mental health care for children with major depression — 66.4 percent of whom do not receive treatment — according to
Mental Health America. Gov. Tony Evers aims to support youth mental health services by including $22 million for more school mental health specialists and social workers in his state budget proposal. These mental health crisis initiatives would provide funding to specific counties in need. Expanding mental health funding is essential, according to Sen. Patty Schachtner, D-Somerset, because most people struggling to pay for treatment qualify for Medicaid. However, health care options are not the only concern. Access to lethal weapons plays a role in the rising number of suicides in the state, with 72 percent of total deaths involving a firearm were suicides, a study by the Wisconsin Medical Society found. “It really is about educating people who don’t have mental health diagnoses about why it’s so important to secure guns especially if you know someone has access to your home,” said Schachtner, a former medical examiner. “They are more likely to use someone else’s gun than their own if they are in crisis.” Advocating for change State leaders and advocacy groups have geared up to increase support for vulnerable groups. Majority Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, announced a new bipartisan suicide prevention task force that will make policy recommendations based on presentations from experts, people impacted by suicide loss and advocates March 6. “We want to make sure youth has resources and understand
where to reach out for help whether suicide hotline or HopeLine or in individual school districts,” said Rep. Joan Ballweg, R-Markesan, chair of the task force. She believes part of the problem is the stigma that can stop people from reaching out. She hopes to create programs to train youth to support their peers by learning crucial warning signs. “We want to make a bigger push to show that behavioral health issues can be helped through treatment,” Ballweg said. “We need to reduce the stigma to move toward being able to help young people that have these suicidal inclinations.” The creation of the task force came a day before volunteers from the AFSP came to the Capitol for Wisconsin’s first-ever State Capitol Day. AFSP chapters across the nation met with their local leaders to share their personal stories and promote suicide prevention policies. Volunteers held almost 100 meetings with lawmakers to push for better suicide prevention policies. Advocates spoke to legislators in support of a new mental health parity bill to ensure insurance companies were held accountable to covering financial costs of mental health treatments as they do for physical services. “We want to get as many advocates in front of leaders to try to ensure that we are all sending the same message in a safe way,” said Gena Orlando, AFSP’s Wisconsin chapter chair. “Mental illness and suicide are topics that people tend to shy away from.”
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
2 Thursday, March 14, 2019
drinking from page 1 An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 128, Issue 24
2142 Vilas Communication Hall 821 University Avenue Madison, Wis., 53706-1497 (608) 262-8000 • fax (608) 262-8100
News and Editorial
Editor-in-Chief Sammy Gibbons
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The Daily Cardinal is a nonprofit organization run by its staff members and elected editors. It receives no funds from the university. Operating revenue is generated from advertising and subscription sales. The Daily Cardinal is published weekdays and distributed at the University of WisconsinMadison and its surrounding community with a circulation of 10,000. Capital Newspapers, Inc. is the Cardinal’s printer. The Daily Cardinal is printed on recycled paper. The Cardinal is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Wisconsin Newspaper Association. All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The Daily Cardinal are the sole property of the Cardinal and may not be reproduced without written permission of the editor in chief. The Daily Cardinal accepts advertising representing a wide range of views. This acceptance does not imply agreement with the views expressed. The Cardinal reserves the right to reject advertisements judged offensive based on imagery, wording or both. Complaints: News and editorial complaints should be presented to the editor in chief. Business and advertising complaints should be presented to the business manager. Letters Policy: Letters must be word processed and must include contact information. No anonymous letters will be printed. All letters to the editor will be printed at the discretion of The Daily Cardinal. Letters may be sent to opinion@
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Board of Directors Herman Baumann, President Barry Adams • Sammy Gibbons Phil Hands • Don Miner Nancy Sandy • Jennifer Sereno Scott Girard • Alex Kusters Sam Nesovanovic © 2015, The Daily Cardinal Media Corporation ISSN 0011-5398
For the record Corrections or clarifications? Call The Daily Cardinal office at 608-262-8000 or send an email to
Evers reserved $1.96 million to fund UW System buildings, including the Kohl Center and Camp Randall.
Evers sets UW renovation goals By Will Husted ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOR
Among Gov. Tony Evers’ recommendations for the biennial state capital improvement projects is $1.96 million to fund renovations throughout the UW System. Evers announced his proposals for the budget last week. Included in his recommendations are several large-scale projects across the system, with a large amount of funding directed toward UW-Madison athletics. Evers proposed a $48 million renovation of the Kohl Center to include academic services for student athletes and a $78 million plan to renovate the Camp Randall Stadium south end zone bleachers to include field-level club space aimed at generating more funds. The proposal also includes nearly $130 million for a UW-Milwaukee chemistry building, $128 million
for the UW-Madison Veterinary Medicine Addition & Renovation and $109 million for the UW-Eau Claire Science/Health Science Building. The system’s budget requests fit into a larger six-year plan that will outline its general renovation goals. Past administrations have hesitated to fully fund biennial requests, including former Gov. Scott Walker, who told UW System leaders not to expect increases in state funding last May. The governor’s plan more than triples Walker’s $803.4 million recommendation for the current two-year budget. System leaders expressed their satisfaction with Evers’ proposal in the following days. “Our challenges are significant as we seek to update antiquated buildings and systems to ensure the safe and modern learning environment students
expect,” UW System President Ray Cross said in a press release. Evers’ requests, much like his $83.5 billion biennial budget proposal, must go through the legislative process to become enacted. This procedure includes passing through the Committee on Joint Finance and the State Building Commission — both controlled by Republicans. “At a first glance, the level of spending and bonding is alarming — even after the massive tax increases and spending hikes the governor put forward in his biennial budget,” Senate Majority Leader Scott Fitzgerald, R-Juneau, said in a statement. “We’ll continue to review the capital budget proposal and discuss it as a caucus moving forward, but Senate Republicans are committed to protecting hardworking Wisconsin taxpayers.”
to by a 16 percent difference to have experienced racism. While 84 percent of students of color claimed to have experienced racism during their time at UW-Madison, only 60 percent of white students said they witnessed incidents. “This past year I went out and this guy says to me, ‘I would love to see you take this shot’ as he and his friend stood around me staring me down like I was an animal,” an AfricanAmerican female survey participant said. While nearly 82 percent of white students claimed to have consumed alcohol within the last month, only 66.5 percent of students of color responded the same. Twenty-five percent of white students reported performing poorly on an assignment due to alcohol, while 15 percent of students of color reported similar experiences. Similarly, 29 percent of white students admitted missing class due to being hungover, while for students of color that rate was 17.9 percent. Students of color who identified as non-drinkers or moderate drinkers scored higher on questions related to contentness, indicating that they were happier. White students who scored highest identified heavy, episodic drinkers.
Early voting for the contentious Wisconsin Supreme Court race between two Waukesha Court of Appeals judges commenced Monday.
What to know ahead of the Wisconsin Supreme Court vote By Kylie Ver Kuilen STAFF WRITER
Early voting for the contentious Wisconsin Supreme Court race between Waukesha Court of Appeals Judges Brian Hagedorn and Judge Lisa Neubauer commenced Monday. Although the Wisconsin Supreme Court race elects a non-partisan position, the two candidates have seen endorsements from different sides of the aisle. The election began after Justice Shirley Abrahamson, the longest serving Supreme Court Judge in Wisconsin and first woman on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, announced in May of 2018 that she would not be seeking re-election. Judge Brian Hagedorn Hagedorn served as Chief Legal Counsel for former Gov. Scott Walker for five years before his judicial career. He was appointed in 2015 by Walker and won election in 2017. Hagedorn has earned the endorsement from 44 current and former Wisconsin sheriffs, two prolife organizations and the Milwaukee Police Association. “The MPA appreciates Judge Hagedorn’s steadfast commitment to protecting the public and enforcing the rule of law, and we are confident he will be a strong ally of law enforcement on the Supreme Court,” said
Shawn C. Lauda, the president of the MPA. However, Hagedorn has received criticism over the resurfacing of written blog posts, started in 2005, where he publicized controversial opinions on the LGBTQ+ community and NAACP, stating that homosexuality has legal equivalence to bestiality. Hagedorn has been married for 17 years and is a father to five children. According to his campaign page, he enjoys serving his church, cheering on the Green Bay Packers and Milwaukee Brewers and spending time with his family. Judge Lisa Neubauer Neubauer has worked in law for 30 years and spent 10 of those years as an appellate judge. She was first elected in 2008 and was appointed to the Wisconsin Court of Appeals in
2015, where she has served since. Neubauer has received support including former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, whose National Redistricting Action Fund has raised $350,000 with Together Wisconsin Acts and the Black Leaders Organizing Communities to support her campaign. She also has seen endorsements from 331 current and former Wisconsin judges and 80 Republican and Democratic elected sheriffs and districts attorneys, according to her press release. Earlier this month, Neubauer released her campaign’s first television advertisement titled “Highest Court.” This advertisement features Neubauer’s plan of using her experience to keep communities safe and mentions her support from judicial and law enforcement communities in Wisconsin. “Chief Justice Lisa Neubauer has the overwhelming support of the Wisconsin Judiciary and law enforcement community because she is fair, impartial and independent,” said Tyler Hendricks, Neubauer’s campaign manager. “Wisconsinites are sick of partisan, politicized judges with an agenda, and that’s why on April 2, we will vote for the candidate with more experience, the right temperament and the record of independence that our state demands.” However, Neubauer has seen crit-
icism for being partisan herself. “Lisa Neubauer joining left-wing protests tells voters everything they need to know about her desire to politicize the Supreme Court,” said Stephan Thompson, Hagedorn’s campaign adviser, regarding Neubauer’s attendance at Wisconsin’s Climate Change Rally in April 2017. Judge Neubauer lives in Racine with her husband and three children. She has been a reading tutor in the Racine public elementary schools, a Big Sister though the Big Sisters of Greater Racine and a mentor for breast cancer survivors for After Breast Cancer Diagnosis. The Dane County ballot will also include the mayor, school board and city council races. UW-Madison students can register to vote online at up to 20 days before the election.
God Bless
Thursday, March 14, 2019 • 3
by Walter Don Egger
no by Max Homstad
by Lyra Dark Today’s Crossword Puzzle Across
Today’s Sudoku
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. To get in contact with any of our artists, please email us at:
1. Fish with strings attached? 5. Some once-a-year travelers 10. Zebulon’s favorite fish? 14. Queens’ Arthur court? 15. Piano piece 16. I-80 et al. 17. Putin’s putoff? 18. It’s a good thing 19. Gaels’ Ireland 20. Fool 21. Curs’ curers 22. Annapolis monogram 23. Fish that’s part bovine? 25. Profitable chickens for Col. Sanders 28. Many millennia 29. Nimbostratus output 31. Cheese adjective 34. It’s paid as you go? 35. Alleviate 36. Chuckle in a chat room 37. Fish that could double as a center? 40. Vardalos of “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” 41. Spherical intro 43. Prefix meaning “peculiar” 44. In pursuit 46. Not get hit, in a way 48. Traditional basketball powerhouse 49. Four-baggers 50. A fish that gets canned? 55. “Just ___ suspected!” 56. Spread in a tub? 57. “His eye ___ the sparrow” 58. A Catwoman portrayer 60. Disney’s little mermaid 61. Certain soap, initially 62. Like speech and the press, ideally 63. George who played Norm 64. Suggestive look or grin 65. A fish that nags? 66. Fertile soil
67. A fish out of school?
Down 1. Where the inn crowd might stay 2. “___ Like It” 3. Hard covering 4. Colonist, for one 5. Blissful spot 6. Perplexed 7. How to communicate with any of the seven entries in this puzzle 8. July 15th for Julius Caesar 9. Harden 10. Act the chairperson 11. Traveling
12. It’s heard before plunk and plop 13. Linguist’s suffix 22. Decaf dispenser, perhaps 24. Commuter plane trips 25. Do a clerical job 26. Riveter of note 27. Long weapon 30. Certain food in a bowl 31. Sweeping cut 32. Too ___ handle 33. Grad’s school 34. Magician’s fanfare 38. Bites like a puppy 39. Tabula ___ 42. Dance in 2/4 time 45. Salon treatments
47. “Soft & -___” antiperspirant brand 48. Two nuts hold them in place? 51. City in West Yorkshire 52. Prefix meaning “bone” 53. Sharp spur wheel 54. ___ nous 56. Chocolate treat 58. Col. Sanders’ Co. 59. “Patriot Games” grp. 60. It may put holes in shoes
sports 4
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Big Ten Basketball Tournament Preview Conference Rundown
Michigan vies for third straight title as top seed MSU looks to play spoiler By Michael Gillow STAFF WRITER
This year’s Big Ten Tournament should prove to be one of the more competitive in recent years as the conference boasts five teams in the AP top 25. While Michigan is the two-time defending champions, its path to the championship will be tough. Michigan State comes into the tournament as the first seed and No. 4 in the nation, in line for a top seed in the NCAA tournament with a strong performance. The Spartans are led by Big Ten Player of the Year Cassius Winston, who leads the conference in assists and is top five in scoring. Due to injuries to juniors Nick Ward and Joshua Langford, Winston will have to continue his dominance in order to make a serious run. Ward is questionable to return, and his presence would provide a big boost to the Spartans, as he was scoring 15 points a game and shooting 60 percent from the field before he broke his hand. Senior forward Kenny Goins also ranks fourth in the conference in rebounds per game. The Spartans already swept the season series with the Wolverines, and will look to avenge their loss to Michigan in last year’s semifinals. Michigan has aspirations of a three-peat, which would be the first time a school has done so since the tournament began in 1998. They are led in scoring by freshman forward Ignas Brazdeikis at 15 points a game. Senior center Jon Teske patrols the paint, standing at 7 feet, one inch, and leads the conference in blocks. While
the Wolverines are certainly no underdogs, all five of their losses this season come from within the conference. If the two powerhouses from Michigan fail to capture a championship, Purdue will look to return to the championship game, and come out victorious. Purdue has only lost four games inside the conference, and is undefeated at home. The Boilermakers are led by junior guard Carsen Edwards, who leads the entire conference at 23.4 points per game, while also ranking third in steals. While there aren’t any other big-time scorers on the team, sophomore Matt Haarms ranks second in the conference in blocks and first in field goal percentage. The 7-foot, 3-inch center from the Netherlands will certainly make it difficult for other bigs or slashing guards to score inside. If Purdue can string together strong performances from their star players, they have a realistic shot of not only returning to the championship game, but winning it. Wisconsin ranks fourth in the Big Ten, and 19th in the country, after missing out on the NCAA tournament for the first time in 20 years last season. Much of this year’s success can be attributed to senior forward Ethan Happ, who leads the team in points, assists, rebounds and steals. He ranks fifth in scoring, third in rebounding, and third in assists for the entire conference. After losing to Michigan by three points in last year’s quarterfinals game, the Badgers have a good chance at making a much deeper run this year.
Maryland is the final team from the Big Ten to be ranked in the national top 25 rankings, ranking 5th in the conference, and 21st in the country. While the Terrapins are considered to be a dark horse, they will be looking to beat the odds and make a deep tournament run led by sophomore forward Bruno Fernando. Fernando ranks second in the conference in rebounds and blocks, while also tied for the best field goal percentage. Maryland has never won the Big Ten tournament, but has one of their best chances to do so this year. Despite being unranked, Iowa has a good chance to improve upon their second round exit from last year’s tournament. After ending last year’s season with a 14-19 record, the Hawkeyes have improved to a 21-10 record, just one game behind Maryland and Wisconsin. Junior forward Tyler Cook leads the team in both rebounds and scoring, although Iowa does have four players scoring in double digits. The Hawkeyes only have a 10-10 record inside the conference, and have only won one game against the ranked opponents in the conference, so their work is cut out for them if they want to make some noise this year. The Big Ten is a very tightly contested and deep conference this year, with multiple teams posing real threats to win the championship. While Michigan has a good chance to complete the first ever threepeat in Big Ten tournament history, there are numerous teams that stand in their way.
Khalil Iverson has posted double-digit points in five of his last six games.
Player To Watch
Khalil Iverson set to be Wisconsin’s X-factor for tournament run and blocks at the Kohl Center might be the most memorable In Khalil Iverson’s final game for Wisconsin fans, but he’s done at the Kohl Center, he gave the his best work outside of Madison fans a familiar sight: a drive to this season, and that ability to the basket and a thunderous energize the team without the dunk for the first points of the benefit of a home crowd could be game that energized the team important to making a run in the and the crowd. conference tournament. Although much of the attenThe Badgers will likely need tion from this season has sur- strong performances from role rounded senior forward Ethan players around Happ to come Happ and sophomore guard away with wins against the top D’Mitrik Trice, Iverson competition they’ll face has provided the in the postseason, and Badgers with several Iverson’s breakout could outstanding perforgo a long way to ensurmances in the season’s ing Happ has the support stretch run. he needs. In four games Unlike teammates against the three teams Khalil like Brad Davison and above Wisconsin in the Iverson’s Brevin Pritzl, who have Big Ten standings — scoring the ability to make big Michigan State, Purdue average in his plays from beyond the and Michigan — Iverson first 24 games arc, Iverson has found scored just 13 points and late-season success at times got swallowed through his physicalup by those teams’ supeIverson’s ity in the paint on both rior size on the interior. scoring sides of the court. He If he can reverse average in his ranks second on the that trend and give the last six games team in both offensive Badgers reliable points rebounds and defensive and his typical stifling rebounds despite standdefense against the ing just 6 feet, 5 inches. conference’s top teams, The senior has turned Wisconsin will have a it on in the last month, putting up much better shot at making it to, five double-digit performances in or even winning, Sunday’s chamthe last six games after just two in pionship game. the first 24 games. Iverson has made memoIverson’s style of play also ries throughout his career with has the opportunity to change explosive plays in front of an the momentum of the game. His energized Kohl Center crowd. dynamic dunks often bring the If he can continue his strong players on the bench to their feet play throughout this weekand bring energy to the crowd. In end’s tournament, he’ll have the neutral site games in Chicago, an opportunity to be rememthis energy will be especially bered for what he did outside of important. His powerful dunks Madison as well.
By Jason Shebilske STAFF WRITER
With teammates Nick Ward and Joshua Langford potentially out for the conference tournament, the pressure will be on Big Ten Player of the Year Cassius Winston to carry top-seeded Michigan State to a championship.
special pages
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Take your pick !
1 ¢our
for y hts g thou
Monty’s Blue Plate Diner
Gotham Bagels
Why take a potentially 20-minute bus ride to the Atwood neighborhood, only to wait another 20 minutes to be seated at a seemingly small restaurant? Because that restaurant is Monty’s Blue Plate Diner. This 50s-gas-station-turned-diner offers a cozy yet vibrant atmosphere and friendly staff who make you feel right at home. With satisfying omelets and other breakfast dishes served all day, a variety of dinner specials and a dessert menu filled with house-made treats, you have endless choices to pick from every time you visit. Monty’s has also been recognized by the community for its extensive (and delicious) vegan and vegetarian options. Though everyone should make the pilgrimage to the diner at some point during their college career, sometimes you’re just too swamped to go in person. The solution? Simply order online and enjoy a perfect meal delivered directly to you! -Samantha Nesovanovic
Two very important things about me seemingly contradict themselves. One: I love breakfast food. Two: I hate waking up early. This means I appreciate any restaurant that decides to serve breakfast all day when I eventually drag myself out of bed at 10:00 a.m. (ok, maybe 11:00). Gotham Bagels is my go-to pick-me-up for a quick, delicious breakfast. Right off the Capitol Square, it’s a friendly New York-esque deli with mountains of bagels ready to be enjoyed. They serve classics like bacon, egg and cheese; cream cheese; and Lox, along with specialty sandwiches like the “Athenian,” a bagel topped with anything you might want on a gyro. Plus, they serve Colectivo coffee. It’s a fast, cheap breakfast and a taste of New York that won’t make you — I’m sorry to any actual New Yorkers for this terrible pun — “Fuggedaboutit” anytime soon. -Bremen Keasey
Bassett Street Brunch Club
Short Stack Eatery
Being a lover of all things brunch, Bassett Street Brunch Club is the way to go. Located just outside of campus grounds, Bassett Street has choices for everyone, especially for all my vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free people out there. Whether it’s their avocado toast or lemon ricotta pancakes, you cannot go wrong with anything on the menu. And since St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner, make sure to stop by this weekend (Friday, March 15 to Sunday, March 17) for the chance to win free donuts for a whole year! With its optimal location, trendy interior design and delicious food, Bassett Street Brunch Club is the perfect Saturday spot. -Kavitha Babu
I have had the honor of eating for the first time at this place with my best friend for International Women’s Day. No better way to celebrate being a woman and eating breakfast food. The Cajun biscuits and gravy are to die for, as is the iced chai. They offer a blind special which is half price off if you’re brave enough to indulge — I chose to play it safe for my first time. If you’re going with friends, I recommend sitting near the drinks to fill up on that coffee and chat the night away. This could also be a good date place and that window seat can be cute. I’m already looking forward to my next experience. -Lauren Souza
Home Sweet Home
Lazy Jane’s
Brunch is already the ideal time to have a meal. But add in friends, french toast and skipping class and you have the perfect experience. Guess what? It all can all happen in the warmth of your own home. Grab a nice loaf of sourdough and some Minute Maid Blueberry Lemonade and you’re already halfway there. When you arrive, put on the Midnight in Paris soundtrack and get some coffee brewing. Soak your bread in the spice-filled batter and drop them in when the pan starts sizzling. If something goes wrong, don’t fret, as one friend will likely burn the oil, another will tell her she’s a terrible cook and the last one will be sipping her coffee in between giggles. The meal is delicious, but the normal, insane dancing and comfortable conversation is the real treat. -Robyn Cawley
Aidan was leaving for college in two days so I rattled over to her place in my shitty 90’s lipstick car. At Baldwin, I turned sharply towards Willy Street to stop at Lazy Jane’s. I grew up on the East side of Madison, so this cafe was comfortingly familiar, built into a peeling green and purple bungalow snuggled up on the side of the street. I parked, walked into the sound of clattering silverware and conversation, and the smell of sugary sticky pastries. For years, Aidan, our other friend Elly and I settled down at one of the little old wooden tables to discuss break-ups and young love, high school drama, parents, politics and sexuality, all while gazing adoringly at heavenly berry cream waffles and dense lemon scones before devouring them. We all need to leave comforting places and discover new places. I left clutching a white paper bag. I greeted Aidan with a hug and said, “I got us scones.” -Gracie Wallner
9 10
6 Thursday, March 14, 2019
College admissions case sparks national debate KAVITHA BABU & IZZY BOUDNIK OPINION EDITORS
ome students grow up dreaming about how they will spend their college years: studying on the quad, proudly wearing their school colors at football games and eventually walking across the stage at graduation. They wonder if will they go to college in their hometown, where mom and dad did, or if they will go somewhere out of state. But for many students, these thoughts remain dreams forever. In the United States, we want to believe that we live in a meritocratic society — that any student who works hard can go to college if they want to. Instead, events like the indictment of 33 adults charged with bribery and fraud relating to college admissions force us to confront the uncomfortable truth that no amount of hard work can equal the impact that money and class status have on higher education. Varying from thousands to millions of dollars, parents meddled in the college admissions process in order for their children to be admitted into elite universities within the United States, including Yale, Stanford, UCLA and USC. Whether it’s editing photos to make their children look like top athletes or changing SAT/ACT scores, celebrities and wealthy business owners were willing to go as far as it takes to help their children get ahead. After the news broke, there was considerable outrage on social media, and for good reason. Americans don’t like cheaters, elitists or criminals, and the people involved in this scheme are all three. This scandal is news for a few reasons: one, there are a lot of people involved, two, some of the people involved are celebrities, and three, anywhere laws are broken, there’s news. We are further
uncomfortable with this situation because the bribery that took place has a broad effect on others. Somewhere, a student who desperately wanted to attend USC is wondering if they were denied admission because Lori Loughlin’s daughter took their spot instead. And we will never know if that is true. The reality is that “cheating the system” of college admissions happens all the time, and since it occurs within the law, we don’t hear about it. We have decided as a nation that bribery is wrong and made laws preventing it, but isn’t paying thousands of dollars for an SAT tutor or a private soccer coach the same kind of unfair advantage, accessible only to those with considerable wealth? We can hear the criticism already: people are allowed to spend their money as they please. If someone has built a successful life for themselves and they are able to provide their child with services that will help them in the future, and they do so within the law, no one should be able to stop them. And we agree. However, if this is what is necessary to go to college, then there is clearly a problem with the education system as a whole. Take standardized testing as an example. Scores on college entrance exams demonstrate a student’s ability to take a test more than they demonstrate actual intelligence. The emphasis here should be on standardization — college entrance tests are designed to be equally difficult for all test takers. But using that design also means that the types of questions mostly likely to appear on the test are predictable, making the test easier to beat through tutoring and rigorous preparation. The process becomes less about proving that you can do trigonometry and more about being able to test well. This is only one of the obstacles that the college admis-
sions process is fraught with, many of which appear insurmountable, scaring some students away before they even have a chance to apply. The root of the public’s frustration with college admissions fraud stems from the fact that children from wealthy families have automatic access to the best of everything — the best universities, the best connections, the best careers. Coming from a prosperous background paves a path of privilege, that, in cases like the fraud scandal, simultaneously inhibits others from moving upward. In a country founded on the ideal of social mobility, scandals like these prove once again that measurable discrepancies exist between social classes. It doesn’t matter if students work hard or spend months preparing for admissions testing or even write outstanding personal statements, because in the end, money will always win. To call education the great equalizer is simply untrue. The system of higher education in America actually perpetuates social inequalities by keeping those that are privileged at the top, and kicking away the ladder for those at the bottom. Wealth is the sole silencer of the populations wishing to prosper. Access to education must be reformed. State governments in coordination with the Department of Education must come up with innovative ways to lessen the influence of money on higher education. A college degree is one way of achieving social mobility. It is time we provide this opportunity to all people, not just those coming from a background of privilege. Kavitha is a sophomore studying sociology and political science. Izzy is a sophomore studying political science. What are your thoughts on the college admissions scandal and the US system of education? Send thoughts to
Wealth gives some students a huge advantage over others during the college admissions process.
Cultural education in schools will help prevent hateful incidents.
Holocaust education needed in all schools ASHLEY OBULJEN OPINION WRITER
ast week, photos of Orange County, California, high school students posing with a red Solo cup-constructed swastika went viral. As someone who was born and raised in Newport Beach, California, a city in Orange County, this did not come as a shock to me. But when I read in the Los Angeles Times that students at my alma mater, Newport Harbor High School, were involved, I felt sick to my stomach. I’m disgusted by the blatant expression of anti-Semitism that NHHS students partook in, but I cannot say I’m surprised. The NHHS campus was always welcoming to me as a white, non-Jewish person. But there are noticeable, lasting racial disparities in Newport Beach that need to be addressed. Students who attended the party captioned their Snapchat photos with “German rage cage” and “German engeneraing,” which is assumed to a misspelling of the word “engineering.” After the photos began to circulate, screenshots of a group Snapchat conversation entitled “master race” surfaced, where a student wrote “Yaaaa no … Phones gonna die … Just like the Jews.” A local expressed concerns to a party attendee through Instagram direct messaging. The local informed the student that her neighbor’s grandmother was “sobbing” in reaction to the photos because “she had lost all her family to the Holocaust.” The student called the grandmother “overly emotional” in response. The students’ nonchalance toward their actions may be representative of a generational lack of historical knowledge. A Holocaust Knowledge and Awareness Study conducted by The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany found that even though approximately six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust, 31 percent of Americans and 41 percent of millennials think two million or less were killed. Disturbingly, 22 percent of millennial respondents said they haven’t heard of or are not sure if they have heard of the Holocaust. Two-thirds of millennial respondents could not identify Auschwitz as a concentration camp.
Better education on horrific events like the Holocaust is undoubtedly necessary. Educating students on tragedies historically spurred from racism and bigotry will provide them with the tools to prevent future wars. But it’s also time for people who use Nazi symbols as party props be held accountable for their actions. Nazism is bad. The Holocaust is not a joke; millions of people were murdered. A lack of substantial punishment for students in these pictures would imply that these facts are up for debate. Giving them slaps on the wrist or worse, no discipline at all, would send a dangerous message: Neo-Nazis can be humanized. But anyone who romanticizes a regime run by human rights violators is wrong. How much more death and damage will be endured before we take action? In 2017, a neo-Nazi killed a woman with his car in Charlottesville. In 2018, a shooter murdered 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue. Antisemitism escalates to this level because we refuse to hold people accountable when they make their despicable views known. It’s not hard to find these people. They announce themselves to the world, often via social media. We just ignore them until they kill. To stop this deadly cycle, we can start by implementing institutional consequences for students involved in such expressions of racism. Being humiliated in the news and on social media is deserved, but not enough. NHHS administrators held a community forum this past Monday night, which is a step in the right direction, but actions of this severity call for expulsion and additions to permanent records. Mandatory curriculum on the Holocaust not only for the students pictured, but certainly for all students in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, and arguably for students nationwide is necessary. If the generation of our country’s future is not taught about the most horrific parts of our history, a Holocaust-like event could happen again. Ashley is a sophomore studying journalism. What do you think can be done to prevent antisemitism? Should schools play a role? Please send all your comments to
Thursday, March 14, 2019
You read right! Here at Almanac, not only do we specialize in side-splittingly scintillating satire, we love to show off our creative side! We love showcasing all kinds of creative written works in addition to constantly tickling our never satisfied funny bones. This edition of Almanac features two amazing literary pieces and we hope to feature many more in our future issues! Any and all creative or satirical submissions are more than welcome. You can send your submissions, comments, questions or well-deserved praise for all of our writers to almanac@ Happy creating!
Vanuatu Shockingly Revealed as 2016 Election Meddlers Rather than Russia By Dominic LeRose STAFF WRITER
Speaking from the Pentagon Friday morning, Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick M. Shanahan released a shocking report conducted by the Pentagon that revealed that the South Pacific island of Vanuatu was responsible for hacking in the 2016 United States Presidential election, not Russia. “After a long and careful investigation, we’ve concluded that Vladimir Putin, while most likely bearing malicious intentions towards the United States, was in fact not responsible for breaking into our election cycle and dismantling our democracy. With great surprise, the
island nation of Vanuatu, known for its tropical beaches and susceptibility to rising sea levels, is to blame for attacking our very basic form of democracy.” The audience members were stunned when they heard such claims, Donald Trump tweeting that he was right all along and that Russia is innocent. “I knew it was Vabtuna,” he typed. “They’re a very serious threat. Believe me.” When realizing that Vanuatu did, in fact, help Trump win the election, he then tweeted, “Vabtutu is a lovely country with great people. Very beautiful country. Love it there.” Vanuatu’s President Tallis Obed Moses refused to speak
on these accusations and is expected to face serious criminal charges as the investigation continues. Being a humble island nation, Vanuatu’s role in shaping American democracy comes as a huge shock. Few would suspect an impoverished, low-populated tropical paradise of wanting to dismantle American democracy and help elect a madman for president. A recent report from Fox News found that Hillary Clinton is secretly planning on attacking Vanuatu, she and Bill Clinton gathering their secret army of ANTIFA soldiers to bomb the nation into dust in retaliation. “There’s nothing she
The democracy loving coast of the Island of Vanuatu. Green and lush. won’t do. She truly has no shame,” Tucker Carlson said on his evening talk show. “It goes without saying that this
corrupt, evil woman is willing to turn violent on those who stole the election from her. Absolutely shameful.”
Melanin Photos This week’s Melanin Speaking contribution comes from Noah Laroia-Nguyen, who uses photography to portray varying identities and the implications that these identities hold.
Relapse By LaToya Wilson WRITER
Though not yet rusty the color had begun to fade On the door knob, a light layer of dust laid That which accumulates slowly Is so easily blown away Footprints still distinguishable Though hidden under a blanket of snow The path stretches out for miles To a destination well known Regret is the twin of Shame Once one is birthed,
The other not long to follow Torture is to stay away Yet running back A pill easily swallowed A promise now made hallow A prayer drowned in shallow Bottles of gin And you too, Like the prayer Are left drowning in sin But sobriety is Hell For you burn with desire And the peak high is Heaven ... If you survive the fire
We’re always looking for more funny and insightful writers with fresh takes on topics ranging from the UW campus to international news. We accept and encourage creative submissions as well! Any and all submissions are more than welcome. You can send your submissions and any comments or questions to All articles featured in Almanac are creative, satirical and/or entirely fictional pieces. They are fully intended as such and should not be taken seriously as news.
8 • Thursday, March 14, 2019
Amber Tamblyn: A feminist conversation By Lauren Souza and Robyn Cawley THE DAILY CARDINAL
Amber Tamblyn — actress, director and most recently author of “Era of Ignition” — spoke with Daily Cardinal editors about her experience in the film industry, developing the Time’s Up movement and seeking allyship and inclusivity in mainstream feminism. How do you go about avoiding creating this universal definition for feminism? I think it’s very hard not to, but I believe that to be true of any movement or ideal or belief. Then, at some point, there is always somebody that is going to say that it’s wrong. All of those things are true, especially in feminism. It’s true of everything. I think that’s why Roxane Gay’s “Bad Feminist” was truly revolutionary, because it gave us permission to be flawed. I think owning those mistakes and failures in places in which is has not been, is the most important thing we can do in changing things. Because in the news, it tends to focus more on this idea of mainstream feminism — or even just white feminism — how do you work, personally, to make it more inclusive? I think the most important thing we can do is have personal responsibility and personal accountability. I know I am the person I am today because of my close girlfriends who were not white. These women who loved me enough to pull me aside
and say “Let me help, this is how we do it.” But I think remembering that we can hold people accountable without cruelty. This idea of mentorship is incredibly important, so to see it more as mentoring our sisters, as blind as they might be, so that we are all uplifting each other at the end of the day. What are some ways to combat the self-doubt women face when going into leadership roles? I talk a lot in the book about the idea of how do we go from being held in one particular place and boxed into a role and how we
can change that. How we can push through the greater oppression and come out on the other side changed and feeling more powerful about that. One of the best ways to do that is to find people who are likeminded because if we find those people, we can affect a lot of positive change. I think that’s one of the really great ways that anyone can push through that, any marginalized voice that has felt boxed or left out of the room. What is your relationship with identifying as a feminist and traditional societal norms that revolve around marriage
and family? Everything is intertwined and deeply rooted in feminism no matter what it is. I think it’s so interesting, I’ve always felt like for women activism is not a choice. I don’t think that women have that choice, I think that for women activism is a form of survival. It is everything that I am and everything that I am not. How does your discussions with David [Cross] and other men work to combat gender barriers and systemic privilege? The problem is not failing, the problem is not any given man or person failing in their attempt to
Activist/writer, Amber Tamblyn, speaks about feminism in the film industry, her life and ‘Era of Ignition.’
be better and to no harm people, [but] to see them for who they are to support them. Failure is not the problem, the problem is in not trying. It’s uncomfortable, we always hear about this word, I think being uncomfortable in these capacities — it’s supposed to be uncomfortable. It’s the trying and learning that is the most powerful thing we have to offer as human beings. The not trying is unacceptable, especially in this time. I always encourage men to not be afraid to fail with this particular movement, but to know that to not come and meet us at the table, to not try is where the problem is. What was the inspiration for ‘Era of Ignition?’ Why did you choose to end with a letter to your daughter, [Marlow]? I was trying to find a way to describe what this world is that we are living in right now. After this huge detonation that we’ve all felt in the last two years and describing what we do after the chaos, which is I believe this ignited era that were in right now. I mean I don’t know a woman who is not feeling to some capacity more powerful than they ever felt before whether or not that’s literally true or not. Learning from the bad is so important and I really wanted to end the book by gifting that to [Marlow]. This idea of the gift that we give to our children, which is filling them with truth. We come armed to the conversation. To read the full interview, visit
Ben Burnley, Breaking Benjamin a consistent force in rock By John Everman ARTS EDITOR
Since 2002’s Saturate was released, American rock radio has featured a constant presence that has produced solid hits time after time again. Breaking Benjamin has traversed an always-morphing musical landscape, survived several member changes and has simply gotten the better of time itself. The one constant throughout the entire journey has been founder Ben Burnley, the band’s lead singer and guitarist who also served as the creative mind behind most of the band’s music dating back to the its inception. Speaking with Burnley over the phone this past weekend, I had a chance to ask him about the sustained success that Breaking Benjamin has enjoyed over the years. He was hesitant to take credit for any of it, instead praising the band’s fans. He said, “I think the key to our success has really been all of the amazing fans … I don’t really look at it as the band that makes you successful, I think it’s the people that support you that make you successful. I think we’re kind of like a people’s band. We are real people with real problems, and we express those things … people can relate to it and they share that with us.” Early success and exposure set the band off and running. Yet, with all things in life comes the ups and downs. It hasn’t always been easy for Burnley. After a well-publicized fight with physical ailments that forced the band into an extended
Ben Burnley (center) with the current lineup of Breaking Benjamin - coming to Madison on March 25. hiatus in 2010 that lasted until 2014, Breaking Benjamin re-emerged with new members (this time a fivepiece featuring three guitarists), a new outlook and a sound that was an evolved form of their older music — not different, but better. After doing a substantial amount of the writing on past albums, the band’s newest record, 2018’s Ember, was much more of a collaborative effort. I asked Burnley about his new bandmates. He spoke with a sense of relief in his voice, as well as excitement for the future. “It’s incredible, man. I’m really just stoked beyond words that I don’t have to do every single thing. I can open up an email and there’s this really awesome song in it and be a fan. I’m a fan of the guys that are in the band … I can enjoy it on a different level. I can enjoy it as
somebody else’s work that I get to be a part of,” he said. Ember has been a huge success, garnering positive feedback from fans and critics alike for its heavier tones. In April of 2018, it was ranked number one on all three of Billboard’s Top Rock, Alternative and Hard Rock charts for three weeks. Falling in line with all other albums released by Breaking Benjamin, Burnley and company chose a unique album title with deeper meaning behind it. “We looked at it as a band and thought that ember could be the start of something or the end of it. It could be the start of a spark or the end of a spark. So, it’s just kind of an open-ended thing to be left for interpretation,” Burnley said. One of the top tracks off Ember has been the hit song “Tourniquet”.
Featuring a driving bass heavy drum line, a beautiful blending of tones and a textbook example of Burnley’s vocal prowess, it stands as a gem of modern hard rock. Unlike past hits by Breaking Benjamin, this was not a brainchild solely of Burnley. “I’ve had to do a lot of the writing on past albums — some albums I’ve written the whole thing, completely … but this time around, I’ve got guys around me that are amazing songwriters. So, with ‘Tourniquet,’ in particular, I didn’t write any of that music at all — not one bit of it. Keith Wallen — our (rhythm) guitar player — he wrote that. All I had to do was put the words to it,” he said. It is quite clear that Ben Burnley is in a good spot with his new bandmates. This should invigorate the thralls
of fans Breaking Benjamin has throughout the country, as the band is scheduled to visit nearly every corner of the nation within the year. On March 25, a massive show featuring Skillet, Underoath and Fight The Fury headlined by Breaking Benjamin will take place at the Sylvee in Madison with doors opening at 5:30 p.m. and the show beginning an hour after. Wisconsin is, in fact, one of the states that Breaking Benjamin will visit the most and has been a frequent stop for the band in the past. When asked about the many shows in Wisconsin, Burnley spoke very highly of the Badger State. “Oh dude, the people are just super nice, and the food is good, and you know how to rock and have a great time at a rock show. It’s just a really, really cool vibe there, it always has been. Some places you go and people — I wouldn’t say they’re lame — but they just express themselves in a different way. Which is cool and all, but there it’s very high energy and a lot of excitement. Sometimes you go places and people are more observant … there, people just know how to rock, and we love it.” Ben Burnley is one of the more underrated musicians and creative minds of the past 20 years in American music. While others have faded away into irrelevance, here is this hard-rock band Breaking Benjamin churning out hit after hit, with no signs of relenting. The fans have responded, snatching up albums and tour tickets by the hundreds of thousands.