Thursday, April, 12, 2012 - The Daily Cardinal

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Spring Break Spunk An interesting trip to Grafton. +PAGE TWO University of Wisconsin-Madison

WATCH YOUR HEAD! The many dangers of sports-related concussions are coming to light. +SPORTS, page 12 Complete campus coverage since 1892


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Students, Madison officials discuss city budget


Kohl endorses Barrett in recall

By Anna Duffin The Daily Cardinal

Students met with Madison officials Wednesday to discuss the city budget and areas where students would like to see greater investment, such as improving safety on campus. In light of recent late-night muggings on campus, some students said the city should focus more on campus safety, especially on the streets late at night. Associated Students of Madison Legislative Affairs Chair Hannah Somers said students should be able to feel secure walking home at night, but currently many do not. In late March, robbers targeted pedestrians on campus in five separate instances on the same evening. Around a handful of other attacks have been reported on campus within the past year. “The fact that students don’t feel safe going home after studying at night is a big problem,” Somers said. “It’s important that we feel safe in our neighborhoods and going home.”

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Mark Kauzlarich/the daily cardinal

Tom Barret and Kathleen Falk (center) lead in the lastest polls, but still trail Gov. Scott Walker. Hundreds of people heard the candidates make their case at the Concourse Hotel in Madison.

Walker challengers highlight differences Democrats’ hopes at re-claiming the governorship from embattled Gov. Scott Walker now lay in the hands of four candidates, all of whom were at the Concourse Hotel Wednesday to make their case to a packed crowd. Tom Barrett, Kathleen Falk, Kathleen Vinehout and Doug La Follette were asked questions about their stance on collective

bargaining, their plans to bring more jobs to Wisconsin and other questions central to the platform of the recall effort. In a straw poll taken after the candidates spoke, Falk received 118 votes to Barrett’s 93, Vinehout’s 46 and La Follette’s two. Milwaukee Mayor Barrett, who lost to Walker by a slim fourpoint margin in the 2010 race, and

former Dane County Executive Falk lead the other two candidates in the latest statewide polls, with Barrett slightly edging out Falk. However, according to the same Marquette Law School poll, both would still lose to Walker. Since Barrett’s anticipated entry into the race, he and Falk

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Retiring U.S. Senator Herb Kohl, D-Wis., endorsed Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett Wednesday in his bid to oust Gov. Scott Walker from office. Kohl said Barrett is a strong leader with statewide name recognition that would help bring the state together and forward after a year that has seen bitter political divide and economic hardship. “Whether its working with businesses to create jobs, protecting education or standing up for working families, Tom will be an effective and forward-thinking governor for all of our state,” Kohl said in a statement Wednesday. The endorsement comes as Wisconsin union AFL-CIO endorsed Kathleen Falk, Barrett’s main foe in the race.

Slow Food UW makes local food affordable

Parking prices will increase

By Rachel Shulze

The Parking prices on campus will increase next year, the UWMadison Transportation Services announced Wednesday. The increases are intended to help Transportation Services address its current deficit. Transportation Services also

The Daily Cardinal

For about the same price as a breaded chicken sandwich and waffle fries, some UW-Madison students choose to eat food like veracruzana chicken stew with winter squash and fresh lemons bars Monday nights at Slow Food UW’s Family Dinner Night held in a church near campus. Slow Food UW, a chapter of the international Slow Food organization, hosts the dinner to promote access to local, sustainable food and fair treatment of farmers. The group supports using food from Madison-area farmers and grocery stores instead of food from large, faraway farms. Compared to organic food that may be produced far away, local food travels a shorter distance and uses less energy. While locally sourced food may have earned a reputation for being

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changed its policy for appealing parking citations. Currently, students and staff must put down a bond for the amount indicated in the citation before appealing it online. Under the new policy, individuals with a valid UW NetID will be able to appeal a citation without first giving a cash bond.

Increases include: • Parking lot permits will increase by $45 • Service permits will increase by $45 to $845 • Motorcycle permits will increase by $20 to $120 • Monthly parking permits will increase by $40

Grey Satterfield/the daily cardinal

A Slow Food UW member serves vegetarian chili at Family Dinner Night. Each week, about 130 people attend the event.

• New evening garage specific permits will increase by $40 • New evening campus surface permits will increase by $125

“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

page two Is this real life?: The Bridge Inn tODAY: mostly sunny hi 61º / lo 39º



Thursday, April 12, 2012

friday: t-storms

hi 58º / lo 51º

An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 122, Issue 54

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Jaime Brackeen brax on brax on brax


rafton, Wisconsin: home of a local blues festival, historical houses and my fabulous roommate, Becca Alt. This humble village just outside of Milwaukee has your basic necessities—Super Target, Alterra Coffee—and surely many other charming places I have yet to discover, but the best hidden gem I have had the personal pleasure of experiencing what is most certainly the neighborhood bar, The Bridge Inn (called simply The Bridge), where I spent my first official day of spring break. This may not sound so great to some, but while the rest of you were being x-rayed for bombs and snow globes (TOTALLY FORBIDDEN OBJECTS ON AIRPLANES IF YOU WERE NOT AWARE) before jetting off to Panama City Beach, Becca’s dad, brother and friend were treating me to both original numbers and cover renditions of rock’s finest, from James Brown to Jefferson Airplane. Yet while these auditory delights graced my eardrums, there remained greater fun to be had. As Becca et al(t) and myself enjoyed bloody marys, complete with beef stick and a pickle spear, we found ourselves wanting more Bloody Marys. Thus is the way of alcohol, I’m told.

So in an attempt to fit in with the local crowd who were happily consuming their beverages of choice, I indulged in a second round with my companions. I also forgot to mention this was 3 p.m. on a Sunday and most of the other 50 or so bar occupants had to work the next morning. Grafton goes hard, what can I say? I’ll skip a play-by-play of my drink consumption, but suffice it to say after a couple of hours, suppressing embarrassing dance moves was no longer an option and the drunchies were kicking in. For a moment the world crumbled around me as I discovered my lack of the granola bar that usually accompanies me most places while simultaneously realizing I didn’t want to leave the show to seek out food. But never fear; that’s why The Bridge is here. As I made inquiries about snacks, the bartender informed me The Bridge is more of a libation destination than a place to buy a meal, but for some miraculous reason still unbeknownst to me, in the back of the room rested a pot luck open for public consumption. I truly cannot think of another place where this would happen to me. “No we don’t want your money for shitty bar food but please help yourself to homemade delights perfect for the imbibed free of charge.” For the first time of the night I turned to Becca and posited the question, “Is this

real life?” However, my murky state of mind did not allow me to linger on the question very long and I was soon back in my seat, happily munching on tortilla chips and Velveeta-infused queso dip. Suddenly an arm holding a tray full of shots appeared next to my face and attached to said arm was a woman whose name I never learned, but whose T-shirt I will remember forever. It said “Bacon makes everything better.” T-shirt lady then forced everyone at our table to each take a shot known as “The Beaver Shot” with her and her gaggle of fellow 40-somethings. It turns out The Beaver Shot is composed of SoCo, Amaretto and Red Bull—if Brand New and LMFAO made a drink lovechild, this would be it. Harassment by middle-aged party moms aside and in a somewhat drunker and significantly reinvigorated state, typical bar shenanigans ensued, including but not limited to: laughing at 90 percent of what anyone said to me, some probably really shitty attempts at dancing and being convinced to take another Beaver shot (MY GOD THAT WOMAN WAS PERSUASIVE). As the night drew to a close my mind was blown one last time as, from what I can remember, Becca and I got a business pitch for the books: TodCo Industries LLC is proud to present the Cum Cloth—

for those moments after. “Is this real life?” may have been thrown out there again and this time the answer is most definitely yes, because we’ve both got the business card to prove it. A man named Todd approached us as two students earning degrees in communications-based fields who could help him introduce this innovative creation into the Madison college market. Being that we obligingly agreed to promote this as best we could, please, Todd, consider this my pitch. “…a leaf, sock, sheet or tshirt? Never again!” exclaims the home page of the Cum Cloth before boasting attributes of ultra absorbency and “plush” consistency. I can’t even make this shit up. Though I cannot speak from personal experience on the inconvenience of using random, semiabsorbent cloths to mop up passion-spawned messes (I cannot believe I’m talking about this right now), Leslie Mann’s character does remind us in “Knocked Up” that towels “are never soft ever again” once used for cleanup purposes, so why not designate a trademarked cloth to get the job done? I’m done with my sales pitch, but don’t forget, the real magic of Grafton happens at The Bridge, and for this kind of unprecedented fun, you don’t even need to worry about the clean up. Interested in purchasing a Cum Cloth of your very own and taking endless Beaver Shots as well? E-mail Jaime at and join her on her next trip to The Bridge.

Spring cleaning Facebook style elliot ignasiak ignastrodamous


ike many of my generation, I got caught up in the rat race of collecting Facebook friends like a child collects Happy Meal toys—once you have them you don’t give a shit, but the challenge of collecting them all was exhilarating. Girl who has only one profile pic and 10 random dudes posting, “Hey good looking, lets hang out” clearly is not real, but why not add her? Friend of a friend who was in close vicinity to me one night at a bar— sure, why not? Girl who entered my high school the year I graduated— she may as well have gone to high school in Tennessee because I don’t remember her at all, but hey, why not? One can’t be picky and choosy on the quest to reach 1000 friends. However, there is a downside to the slight ego validation that comes from adding another notch to the Facebook wallpost: Being constantly bombarded with the unexciting details of people’s lives who you don’t give a shit about. I’ll never forget the day when I logged onto Facebook only to find my entire newsfeed filled solely by that annoying girl who entered my high school the year I graduated. There was nothing but homecoming photos of awkward girls trying to look sexy with garters and quotations referencing those infamous Green Day lyrics that accompany just about every slideshow of mean-

ingful events for people whose lives have no meaning . This was last September. Or was it October? Anyway, since that day which I apparently have forgotten, I’ve been slowly ridding my life of the Facebook randos. But I’ve found the process so exhilarating, lately I’ve been deleting people, good friends even, for no reason other than the feeling of empowerment. If you find adding Facebook friends to be validating for your ego, try deleting them. No explanation, no phone call, not even a text message because what would you say? It’s not one of those cliché breakups where you say, “I still like you, let’s just be friends” because quite the opposite is true. Friendship terminated with the click of a button. I just imagine the next time this unlucky person tries to read my witty statuses, look at my adventurous pictures or write how much they love me on my wall only to find they are unable to do so. The devastation they must feel over their loss certainly does more for my ego than any like, comment or piece of their friendship would. However, some of my random friends’ statuses are so meaningless, I can’t help but keep them around. If her name is any indication to the quality of her posts, she goes by… Well, I suppose it would be improper of me the list it here, but let’s just say this 27-year-old goes by something you might expect on a 14-year-old girl’s Myspace—say f’ing awesome. Her statuses range from “U so fake” to “DONT CALL MY PHONE BEFORE 8 LOOKING

FOR YOUR BABYDADDY!!! LOL We had a long night).” My favorite was the eloquently simple, “Goin’ to get my shop on at Walmart.” I can’t imagine why someone would post this unless it was a protective measure as in, “I’m shopping at Walmart, if you don’t hear from me in five hours, come looking because I got in a fight with some ho over a fake Gucci handbag.” Worthy of a Facebook status?

No. Worthy of dedicating an entire column to? Sure, why not. It’s statuses like these that will earn her a place in my friend list for life. I only hope that I don’t log into Facebook one day to find she deleted me after reading this column without first talking it over. Feelin’ like purging your own Facebook friend list? E-mail Elliot at and clean house together.


Thursday, April 12, 2012 3


Transgender Capitol Hill worker visits UW By Mallory Ramp The Daily Cardinal

To kick off UW-Madison’s “Out and About” month, Congress’s first openly transgender staff member spoke about his personal identity and recent position working for openly gay House representative Barney Frank at the Pyle Center April 11. Since being appointed the assistant in the fourth district of Massachusetts, Diego M. Sanchez said he and House Rep Barney Frank have found themselves as a safe haven for LGBT Massachusetts residents who want to further expand their rights or even report attacks on their community. Sanchez said the ultimate goal of his membership in the LGBT association of the House is to defend those who also identify as transgender and thereby “create reality of openness through existence, generosity and courage.” For the remainder of his tenure, Sanchez said he is working to promote legislation that advances the transgender community, such as to break the stigma that surrounds transgender people changing in public locker rooms. Still, he insisted that he cannot accomplish all these tasks on his own. Sanchez said it is crucial for the younger generations to increase their role in raising awareness of LGBT issues in society. “Us, as the older generation, will always have your back but you will define the paths of the future,” he said.

Sanchez said upon being accepted to Frank, he was invited to join the Gay and Lesbian association of the House. While the association initially only recognized those who associated themselves as gay or lesbian, Sanchez said he was taken by surprise when the House formally changed the name to LGBT to recognize transgender staff members after he was admitted to the group four years ago.

“Us, as in the older generation, will always have your back but you will define the paths of the future.” Diego M. Sanchez Congress’s first openly transgendered staff member

The house legislative assistant said his parents remain his biggest heroes because of the love and support they showed him from a young age as he struggled with his identity. Sanchez recounted the initial anxiety he felt when he first revealed to his parents, that despite his birth as a woman, he associated himself as a male. He told his mother he “was born wrong.” During the month of April, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Campus Center Campus Center will continue to host events raising awareness of LGBT issues. Visit for more information.

City officials support ‘unique’ character of Mifflin By David Jones The Daily Cardinal

City planning officials supported changes in the downtown plan, which will now aim to preserve the character of the Mifflin neighborhood. The Downtown Plan, a comprehensive planning guide for the city of Madison for the next twenty years, originally included plans for high-rise apartments.

“We have to be very specific about what we want.”

Anna Andrzejewski member Plan Commission

In response to this, the Plan Commission approved a sixstory height limit for future developments on Mifflin and Dayton streets and a four-story limit on West Washington Avenue with the possibility of two additional stories. Commission members said they hoped the height limit will provide guidance for the various city planning committees that will make recommen-

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dations in the future. “I think we need some more direction in what the Plan Commission thinks is the right direction to go in the future with this area,” said Urban Design Commission member Bill Fruhling. The Plan Commission also spent considerable time discussing whether the Mifflin neighborhood should remain residential as opposed to including retail and commercial space. “We have to be very specific about what we want,” said Plan Commission member Anna Andrzejewski. “I think we have to strike a balance.” Some Plan Commission members expressed their desire to maintain the neighborhood’s unique character. “It’s a cultural heritage neighborhood too, so I’m not saying it should never change, but I don’t really know if there’s a balance in [the current neighborhood concept proposals],” said Ald. Marsha Rummel, District 6. Urban Design Commission members said they hope the Plan Commission’s guidelines will provide a strong basis in creating development plans for the Mifflin neighborhood.

Will Gib/the daily cardinal

State Sen. Kathleen Vinehout is currently an underdog in the race for who will face Gov. Scott Walker in the recall election.

have attracted much media attention for their disagreements on how they would repeal some of the measures in Walker’s controversial Act 10. Falk reiterated Wednesday she would not only return collective bargaining rights to public employees, which were taken away in Act 10, but also offer a new budget bill. She pointed to the many unions that have endorsed her as evidence of her strength. But Barrett said he would call a special session to try to restore collective bargaining rights, but not use a new budget to do so. Falk said that would not be enough. Barrett pointed to the Republican attack advertisements that were aimed at Barrett even before he announced he would run as evidence of his strength in the race. “We have to have the strongest runner for this final leg. I am that runner,” the Milwaukee Mayor said. State Sen. Vinehout, D-Alma, had a small but vocal group of supporters at the forum. She took the stance as the outsider underdog in the race, paining herself as the person to bring a fresh new start to state government. “If you don’t like politics as usual, word for the unusual,” Vinehout said in her closing statement.

Committee OKs publishing controversial bird flu studies By Kelly Kallien The Daily Cardinal

Following a recent hiatus of further discussion, a committee of scientists that advises the federal government decided to allow researchers to publish two controversial scientific papers that explain how to modify the H5N1 virus, known as the avian flu, to be transmissible through the air. Contention began last November, when the federal government asked the researchers, includ-

ing Primary Researcher Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka of UW-Madison, not to publish their studies. Although researchers believe the studies could help provide valuable information about how humans contract the virus, opposing groups argued that publishing the research could provide bioterrorist instructions to create the swine flu infused virus that has killed 60 percent of those infected. The negative attention led

to a decision by more than 30 groups including Kawaoka’s to suspend further research for 60 days to discuss the studies’ opportunities and challenges with worldwide governments and organizations. But the hiatus ended March 30 when the two leading research teams presented a committee of scientists, called the National Science Advisory Board on Bioethics, with revised details showing the stud-

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Thursday, April 12, 2012

slow food from page 1 expensive, Slow Food UW serves three courses at Family Dinner Night for $5 per person. “We’re creating demand by enabling food to be fun and affordable,” Slow Food UW codirector Jen Bloesch said. “We’ve got it pretty easy in that our message is attractive to people [because] who doesn’t want tasty food that isn’t very expensive?” Anyone can volunteer to help prepare Family Dinner, and doing so earns volunteers a free meal. The group offers the task of planning the menu to anyone who’s interested, inviting community members to sign up to design the menu and coordinate the meal. Previous guest chefs include UW-Madison students as well as professionals from upscale restaurants such as L’Etoile. wil gibb/the daily cardinal

Grey Satterfield /the daily cardinal

“I want to defy the stereotypes and show that everyone is invested in good foods no matter who you [are],” Bloesch said. Family Dinner Night, which now serves about 130 people each week, began with 20 people making dinner together once a month. As Family Dinner Night attendance grew, the group opened up the Slow Food Café, which serves about 200-250 people each Wednesday. Slow Food UW is now one of the largest campus chapters in the world. Expanding off of campus and into the community, two Slow Food UW members started Celebrate South Madison two years ago to encourage healthy eating in an area where access to nutritious food is limited. On a regular basis, a group of Slow Food UW members

give cooking lessons to kids at Boys’ and Girls’ Clubs in South Madison. To encourage kids to eat fresh vegetables as opposed to fast-food meals, the group has helped kids plant their own gardens so they can produce their own vegetables. “We’re basically a 10-minute drive away, and yet it’s so separated,” Bloesch said. “And we’re bringing that together and trying to foster a sense of goodness about [healthy eating] as well as get people [in South Madison] interested in food.” Between Celebrate South Madison, Family Dinner Night, the café and workshops open to the public, the group now feeds about 400 people around Madison each week. “We get to people through their stomachs,” Bloesch said. “It’s the best message.”

will gibb/the daily cardinal

budget from page 1 City official Guy Van Rensselaer said students should look into where they think safety could be improved. “We know it’s out there, but when it’s prompted by a citizen, we have some leverage,” Van

Rensselaer said. Some students said while they were not sure exactly how to make campus feel safer, better lighting at night and an increased police presence could help. Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, said much of the city’s tax revenue comes from students, so it is

important students communicate with officials where they would like to see the money go. “This really dictates who we shape our budget,” Resnick said. “Particularly on the margins when we’re trying to make difficult decisions, these kind of conversations come up.”

Republican candidates for Senate debate in Waukesha By Jacob Riederer The Daily Cardinal

Republican candidates running for the U.S. Senate met in Waukesha Wednesday for the first of many senatorial debates. The debate featured four Republican hopefuls including Assembly Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, R-Horicon, former U.S. Congressman Mark Neumann, businessman Eric Hovde and physical therapist Kip Smith. Sen. Herb Kohl, who announced his retirement in May of last year, holds the current senate seat. Former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson, the frontrunner in the race, was not present at the debate. Instead, Thompson attended a fundraising event in Minneapolis. Fitzgerald said the actions taken by Wisconsin to balance the state budget need to be implemented on a national level. “We don’t have a taxing problem in Washington D.C we have a spending problem…

bird flu from page 3 ies were not as harmful as initially thought. This led to the NSABB’s decision to allow full publication of the studies. Kawaoka’s research team and a Netherlands-based team initially conducted similar but separate research to further understand the virus and create vaccines. The natural virus is not easily spread among humans, but the new lab engineered virus spread readily among ferrets, which suggested it could be contagious among humans because

We balanced the budget in Wisconsin,” said Fitzgerald. “We cut spending, we didn’t raise your taxes and we put in a permanent property tax freeze with revenue limits.” Fitzgerald also emphasized his close ties to Gov. Scott Walker, saying they are “joined at the hip.” Neumann, who ran against Walker for the republican nomination in the 2010 governor race, said term limits for all members of congress must be implemented. “This government is being run by career politicians who have never spent their lives other than in politics,” said Neumann. “I understand how important it is that we get some transition there and get back to legislatures that are based in private sector experience” Hovde, a newcomer to politics, said his experience in the financial sector makes him the perfect candidate to address the country’s economic problems. ferrets have similar reactions as humans to flu viruses. But the researchers explained that despite transmissibility of the virus through the air, it did not actually kill the ferrets, suggesting the virus would not be lethal to humans as initially feared. Researchers also found they could easily cure infections with medicine. While a publication date has not yet been set, top scientific journals Nature and Science will publish the papers soon, according to a Washington Post article.


Reader’s Choice Survey! Don’t miss your chance to vote for your favorite places around Madison and win great prizes! Polls close Monday, April 16 at 5 p.m. so vote today on

Vote, I say.

arts No aches, no pains, just anticipation 6


Thursday, April 12, 2012

By Jaime Brackeen the daily cardinal

Thousands flocked to Bassnectar’s performance at The Alliant Energy Center last April, and it seems this year’s audience will turn out an even bigger crowd for bass head Lorin Ashton’s auspiciously timed Friday the 13th show. “The show’s almost sold out and we are just hella-fucking-hyped,” said Ashton, who performs under the moniker Bassnectar, from the other end of a phone line in South America. At the time of his chat with The Daily Cardinal, Ashton had recently wrapped his show at Lollapalooza Chile and was gearing up for a performance in Argentina, along with the release of his latest album, Vava Voom, which dropped Tuesday, April 10.

This 11-song masterpiece kicks off with the infectious and bass-heavy track “Vava Voom,” which features Lupe Fiasco and plenty of satisfying drops. This and other collaborative songs on the album may leave some wondering if Bassnectar is moving away from its electronic/dubstep roots in a more hip-hop direction, but Ashton spoke otherwise. “I’ve worked with hip-hop emcees pretty extensively for years and every album that I’ve released is basically a collection of diverse styles,” he said. “So there’s going to be something with hip hop influence, something with some metal or punk rock influence, and something with some dubstep … It’s been that way for 10 years.” He speaks the truth. By the time listeners get to the end of the album Ashton has taken them through a

Mark Kauzlarich/the daily cardinal

Lorin Ashton, more commonly known as Bassnectar, will be performing his collection of moving drops at the Alliant Energy Center this Friday.

spectrum of songs featuring samples from bouncing ping pong balls and light-hearted laughter—all flawlessly weaved into musical components, mind you—to a tribute to California punk rock band Pennywise and a metal-inspired intro on “Chronological Outtakes.” Ashton is somewhat renowned for his stature as a bass junkie with death metal roots, which may seem odd to those less-accustomed to screaming vocals and the use of a double-bass pedal but felt like a totally natural progression to him. “I feel like my personality is defined by some pretty simple traits, and it applies to different scenes in the same way,” Ashton said. “The difference for me [between death metal and electronic music in the mid ’90s] was the attitude and the atmosphere of the [electro] gatherings was a lot more friendly. “I was always kind of a lot more gentle, goofy person than I was some kind of, you know, hard core tough guy,” he said with a chuckle, consequently proving his point. However, Ashton has not always had such a carefree attitude. “I’m thinking 10 years ago I was making Mesmerizing the Ultra and I would literally work 12 to 15 hours a day, every day, in my studio like a zombie just completely obsessed with making it because I wasn’t touring as much then,” he said. “It’s funny because when I was in my young 20s I always kind of seemed exhausted and I had a lot of like body pain in my wrists and my arms from all the computer work [making music] that I was doing,” he continued. “I used to think I was

going to die before I was 30, and now I have more energy than I’ve ever had in my life.” This is quite the impressive feat for a 34-year-old that has been on non-stop tour for over a decade. “I’ve been telling people I’ve been DJing for about 10 years, for about six years, and I just realized I’ve been fucking DJing for 15 years,” Ashton said. But he does not have plans for halting the whirlwind any time soon. “I feel so fucking on point and strong and inspired and it’s uh, it’s a crazy time in my life I think,” he explained. “I take really good care of myself. I sleep eight hours as much as possible, I eat tons of vegetables, I exercise whenever I can … I don’t party. I don’t do drugs. I’m just really kind of focused on clarity. It’s really more exciting to me.” He definitely needs the energy, especially since Bassnectar continues to sell out venues with capacities as large as 10,000. Yet these massive crowds never seem to faze him. “The thing that surprises me is that it doesn’t surprise me,” he said of his calm performing demeanor. “I don’t feel nervous, I feel really at home. It’s very natural to me and comfortable and exciting.” Ashton said he is also “completely out-of-my-mind excited” for his six-week U.S. tour, which makes its third stop in Madison this Friday before playing two sold-out shows in Chicago. “I have said for a long time that I would rather play in Kentucky on a Tuesday night than in Paris on a Saturday night,” he said in earnest. “I am in love with the North American audience.”

The Skinny Who: Bassnectar with Beats Antique and Vibesquad Where: Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center When: Fri., April 13, doors at 6:30 p.m., show at 8 p.m. Cost: $30 in advance, $35 day of show or $59 VIP. Why you should care: Bassnectar’s new album Vava Voom just released last Tuesday. Plus, openers Beats Antique are only on the Madison bill for this six-week U.S. tour. He said the Madison crowd in particular is in for a special treat with this show due to the notable opener. “My good friends Beats Antique are joining the party, which is incredibly important to me because I have been friends with them for a decade and we used to bring them on tour with us all over the place,” Ashton said. “Now they’re too big to come on tour with Bassnectar. They can sell out their own shows. And it just so happened by scheduling sake that we were able to get them on this show and it’s really exciting for me.” Madison metal heads, bass fiends and dance junkies alike will not want to miss a Friday the 13th with Bassnectar and Beats Antique that is sure to be one for the books.

The Good Old War prepares to rock the High Noon Saloon By Jess Sklba the daily cardinal

The Good Old War is consistently noted for their “sing alongability,” and that’s exactly what the High Noon Saloon will be doing this Friday night. The band, fresh off of the release of its new album Come Back as Rain, will be performing in Madison. The band has been around since 2008, but it recently made an artistic breakthrough. It had a performance at Coachella, received video play on MTV, and went on a twomonth national tour. Combined, these things have put a spotlight on the talented trio and have surrounded them in an air of anticipation by their loyal followers. The band is made up of three men endowed with musical talent and God-given good looks: Dan Schwartz, Tim Arnold and Keith Goodwin. The band was not necessarily named “The Good Old War” in order to anger the extreme pacifists that may stum-

The Skinny Who: Good Old War with The Belle Brigade and Family of the Year Where: The High Noon Saloon When: Fri., April 13, doors at 9 p.m. Cost: $12

ble across their music nor is it a nostalgic grasp at a past battle. Rather, the name was created by having taken parts of their last names and putting them together. The fact that the three came together was a bit of an accident. Arnold and Goodwin were in a band called Days Away before Good Old War came along. Days Away was billed to be an opener for Anthony Green, but as the tour approached the band fell apart. Arnold called Dan Schwartz to join him and Goodwin for an acoustic opener. “By the end of the tour, we were playing songs together,” said Arnold in an interview with The Daily Cardinal. “And the next week, Green asked us to play on his record as the backing band and it’s just been like that ever since.” They drew their influence originally from classic 60’s vocal groups—like Crosby, Paul Simon and the Beatles. Now Good Old War acknowledges its influences have become much more diverse as its career has progressed. Despite their simplistic and straight-forward sound, the band draws lyrical influence from life events that affect them on a deeper level. “We just write about what we know,” Arnold said. “A lot of the songs are based on the fact that being gone all the time can be a strain on a relationship. I guess one way of dealing with it is writing about it.” The band manages to maintain a unified and dynamic sound

photo courtesy sargent house records

Hot off the release of their most recent album, Come Back as Rain, The Good Old War will bring their ‘60’s-tinted, indie-rock sound to the High Noon Saloon’s stage this Friday evening. through the overlapping roles of the members. All three men have their voices on the recordings, and each can play multiple instruments. The music produced feels as if it was created by one incredibly talented man rather than by three unified musicians. This sound is found through simply trusting their musical abilities. “We kind of just follow our instincts and do whatever it is that we think is the best thing we can do,” Arnold said. “I feel like there is no formula for a hit song. The business of art is a huge gamble and that’s why we take our time and work really hard so that maybe we

can bypass the ‘business’ and just let the music and the people who enjoy the music carry our careers.” The 2012 release of Come Back as Rain has been well received by critics across the board. The style is a unique blend of indie and pop and the lyrics are catchy and well-written. The upbeat sound of the songs is starkly contrasted with the serious and often sad lyrics that accompany them. The three voices combine as perfect harmonies, producing an album of eleven tracks that are each consistent in their quality. “When we write a song we try and just make it as catchy as possible” Arnold said. “We don’t really

sit around and think of lines or melodies that are easy to sing along to or anything, but I guess the fact that they are catchy makes them fun to participate in.” Despite its recent success, Good Old Wars understand the quick shifts that occur in the music industry. “I think the biggest challenge is staying alive in this business and we seem to have done that so far,” Arnold said. “I don’t think any of us are going to think ‘Well, we made it, we got through it’ because there are always challenges and obstacles standing in the artists’ way. That might be the fun part.”

arts Holding out hope for the rare reunion

Jeremy Gartzke artzke gartzke


he end of a band is always a sad thing. Music plays a huge role in people’s lives, and for a band to call it quits may not seem like a big deal if you’re not a fan, but the hope that maybe there’ll be just one more record means a lot to some fans. In an interview with The Guardian, Damon Albarn, of Blur and Gorillaz fame, said the two bands were most likely through. While I’ve never been a huge fan of Blur (“Song 2” was great, but I don’t really remember anything else they’ve done), Gorillaz has been a big part of my music collection for years. It’s not that I think that a band should continue beyond their prime into the pitfalls of state fair tours, but for those fans who ascribed a ton of meaning to their music it’s almost painful. The alleged split comes from trouble with Plastic Beach, the band’s last full-length album. During the tour Albarn didn’t use the images that the band’s artist Jamie Hewlett had done. “The music and the videos weren’t working as well together, but I felt we’d made a really good record, and I was into it. So we went and played it,” Albarn told The Guardian, hinting that it was the cause of the friction. While it’s understandable for frictions to arise, from the fan end

Thursday, April 12, 2012 7

it just looks stupid most of the time, like another good band splitting up and citing “creative differences” (read: I just hate that douche). Gorillaz isn’t the only band that has split up and left a sore spot for me. In fact, many of my favorite bands have split up for a number of reasons. Bands like Five Iron Frenzy and Operation Ivy had split up before I stumbled across them, and bands like the Suicide Machines and blink-182 splitting up only after I’d been listening to them for years. Operation Ivy is responsible for a lot of the music I listen to today, being an inspirational East Bay ska/punk band. They were a precursor to bands like Green Day and Offspring, playing the now famous Gilman club between 1987 and 1989. The band only lasted two years, and their releases are kind of spotty, with only two records being officially released during the band’s heyday. The Energy LP has gone on to be rereleased, containing the band’s debut EP and other tracks. The band, while prolific, imploded in 1989, before I was even born. And yet the band managed to influence the shape of both ska and punk after it. The Suicide Machines released one of their better records in 2003, right around the time I started getting really into music, and A Match and Some Gasoline was a huge influence on my musical taste and my own playing style. The band’s back catalog is full of ska/punk fury and a couple of records that dabbled in pop (which were actu-


4/11 • You’ve all heard their hit “We Are Young,” now hear fun. live at the Majestic Theatre for college-town prices. The show begins at 8:30, tickets are $15 in advance and $17 at the show. • For an international music experience, check out Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 at the Wisconsin Union Theatre at 8 p.m. Tickets are $10 for students.

photo courtesy wired magazine

Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett have recently announced the break-up of their band Gorillaz. Although the wound is fresh, Jeremy is holding out hope they will reunite, like some of his favorite bands before them. ally not terrible), but just three years after A Match and Some Gasoline, on the heels of 2005’s War Profiteering is Killing Us All, the band would split. Dashed were my hopes for another amazing record; no more were my dreams of seeing them live. Members went on to perform in other bands, but nothing that ever matched the sheer brilliance of the Suicide Machines. But there is still some hope. 2009 saw the reunion of the band for a benefit show, as well as Riot Fest 2011 in Chicago. Which brings me to the real point of this column: the reunion. Sure, some bands get back together and fall into the state fair



• The up-and-coming indie band Kopecky Family Band will be performing with the Lumineers at The Frequency at 9 p.m., tickets are $8 in advance, $10 at the door. • If you can snag a ticket, the Trampled by Turtles will be playing at the Barrymore Theatre at 8 p.m. With a brand new album in stores, the performance is sure to be spectacular.

Earn $$$ and stay in Madison this summer. Road maintenance contractor accepting applications for seasonal employment. For more information call 608-842-1676


trap. Just look at hair metal. It’s not uncommon to see ’80s bands on the stage at your local state—or even occasionally county—fair. But then there are bands like blink-182, which come out of retirement and release good material, material which captures the original band’s feel but still feels a little more mature. The live shows that are more polished but still fun for both the band and audience. Reunions like that give fans hope. Five Iron Frenzy announced a reunion on Nov. 22, 2011. A band which came to my attention in 2003, right before they were planning to break up, unbeknownst to me. When I realized that I missed

my chance to see them on their final tour I was pissed, and when no news came out of their camp for two years I wrote it up as a loss. When FIF asked fans for money on Kickstarter so that they could finance a new record and tour, they reached their goal within the hour. And while there may be no hope for Gorillaz (or Blur), I am holding out hope that Five Iron Frenzy’s reunion will blow me away as much as blink-182’s did last September. Have a long-lost band love on your mind lately? Carrying on hope for their reunion tour or album? Commiserate with Jeremy at



• Pay your respects to the tradition of music in Der Rath and catch Caveman with Screaming Females and Giant People at The Rathskeller at 9:30 p.m. The show is FREE for UW students. • Challenge your conceptions of church and state through theater with StageQ’s “This Beautiful City” at the Bartell Theatre. The show begins at 8 p.m., tickets are $10.

• If you’ve got some time to spare on Sunday, enrich your kinestetic senses with “Cassandra,” by the Kanopy Dance Company. Hosted by the Overture Center, there are shows beginning at 7 and 9 p.m., tickets are $10. • Catch Romero and Buildings at the Project Lodge. The show begins at 7 p.m., tickets are $5.



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Today’s Sudoku

An alternative to Red Bull for studying tonight? Chewing gum boosts your brain power. Thursday, April 12, 2012 • 9

Biking against the wind

Evil Bird

By Caitlin Kirihara

© Puzzles by Pappocom

Eatin’ Cake

By Dylan Moriarty

Solution, tips and computer program available at

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Tanked Life

By Steven Wishau

Today’s Crossword Puzzle

Caved In

Answer key available at

EASY DOES IT ACROSS 1 Wharf pest 4 Condescending 10 “A Raisin in the Sun” star Ruby 13 Worldwide labor org. 14 Singing pigeon? 15 Ash stash? 16 Marksmanship contest 18 Hardly a girl’s dream date 19 Decision maker at home 20 Alaskan boat 22 A battery pole 23 Barracks locale 25 “Wild Blue Yonder” mil. group 28 Scandinavian man’s name 29 Bad thing to yell in a crowded theater 30 Belly to the ground 31 Blowout result 32 Humdingers 33 Parts of some clowns’ attire 37 Fuel mining site 38 TV friend of Jerry and George 39 Breathe like a dog 40 Page who played Juno 41 Where to hear a lot of grunts?

2 Actress Spelling 4 46 H.H. Munro’s alias 47 Kind of mother or child 48 Like granola, largely 49 Beginning stages 51 Put the kibosh on 52 Prepare to burn rubber 54 No-sweat job 57 Anger 58 Many garden plantings 59 Diminutive 60 ___ capita 61 Liturgical hymn 62 Word near the bottom of a dipstick DOWN 1 Ceremonial act 2 Female graduate 3 Extreme sluggishness 4 Affliction of the eyelid 5 Refusals 6 “How impressive!” 7 Woman’s garment 8 Community of plant and animal life 9 Tibetan snowman 10 Simple task 11 Timeline period 12 Place to burn a candle? 14 All dried up 17 Goats’ progeny 21 Hearing-related

23 Hindrance to fair judgment 24 Stuff left hanging? 26 ___-lock brakes 27 Ending for “slug” or “gab” 29 Beat a hasty retreat 30 ___ moss 31 Huck of fiction 32 Very skinny 33 Quilters’ gatherings 34 Crock 35 Easy win 36 Advertising connection 37 Counselor’s employer 39 ___-K (before kindergarten) 41 Avoid being a no-show 42 After-bath soother 43 Canada’s capital 44 Made a big stink 45 “A friend in need is a friend ___” 47 River through Paris 48 Bungling sorts 50 Brief brouhaha 51 Celeste of stage and screen 52 ___ cord (parachutist’s pull) 53 Earlier, in a poem 55 Billiard stick 56 ___ de toilette

By Nick Kryshak

Pleasant Buddies Randevouz

Washington and the Bear

By Comic Artists

By Derek Sandberg

opinion Barrett best candidate for governor 10


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Nick Fritz opinion columnist


s the state gets gears up for what is sure to be an exciting recall election in the coming months I sit here wondering who I will be supporting. Fighting the urge to just go along with whoever my roommate, a political science major, chooses, I decided to do a bit of research. For me, it ultimately comes down to the two big contenders— former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk and Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett. On the one hand you have Kathleen Falk who is running a sort of grass-roots campaign centered on restoring collective bargaining rights and on the other you have Tom Barrett whose political track record speaks for itself. As mayor of Milwaukee, Barrett has created, attracted and saved jobs. He has also solved a budget crisis, substantially reduced crime and worked to keep the economy on track.

The bottom line is that Wisconsin needs a governor who is willing to compromise with both sides of the table.

While both candidates show deep concern for union workers, only one candidate in my mind has the capabilities to be a successful governor. In my opinion, Tom Barrett is the man that should replace

Gov. Scott Walker. He is the person who has the ability to lead Wisconsin into a better future. First, Barrett is no stranger to making tough decisions. As mayor of Milwaukee, Barrett has had to face budget shortfalls, which he responded to with cuts. In a time where the state is looking at a deficit, services are going to get cut. It doesn’t matter what side you are on, Democrat or Republican, cuts will and have to be made. We need to deal with it.

Tom Barrett is someone who has the entire state in mind when making decisions.

Barrett has shown that he is comfortable with making unpopular decisions when it is good for the state. This will make his transition into the governor seat much easier than Falk’s. The bottom line is that Wisconsin needs a governor who is willing to compromise with both sides of the table. The state of our state’s political atmosphere has been deteriorating ever since Walker took office. From fleeing the state to endless recall elections, our politicians have turned to childish tactics to get what they want. Citizens once prided themselves on how both sides always found a way to compromise, even on controversial topics. We need a new leader who will rebuild that sense of camaraderie that this state is known for. This means we need a more centrally aligned candidate—one who is willingly to put aside personal vendettas and cross party lines to reach a compromise. Barrett is the

Mark Kauzlarich/daily cardinal File Photo

Tom Barrett will be running for governor in the upcoming recall elections. Recent polls have him ahead of Kathleen Falk 36 percent to 29 percent for the nomination. candidate who runs a more central campaign based not only on caring for the unions, but for the state as a whole. Meanwhile, Falk urges Barrett to promise, like she did, to veto a state budget if it didn’t restore collective bargaining rights and Barrett refuses. I think this is genius. Sure, he may piss off some unions, but now he appeals to the general population, especially the undecided voters. We already know that unions and hardcore leftists are going to vote for whatever Democrat runs against Walker, but the undecided vote is the one that will determine which candidate ultimately gets the job.

Barrett’s experience and central stance is much more appealing to the general voting population. Falk’s strategy is one that I cannot align myself with. She is far too left for what the state needs. I don’t see her compromising as much as Barrett would and that is going to be the only way to get things done at the Capitol. Her far-left ideals will be just as bad as Walker’s far right. Furthermore, I am not part of a labor union. While I can sympathize and feel it is unfair what happened to them, there are other people living here. I need a candidate who has the whole state on their mind and not just one party. Falk has made this

a battle of Walker vs. unions when it should be Walker vs. Wisconsin. Tom Barrett is someone who has the entire state in mind when making decisions and while some of them may be unpopular, they have to be made. It is clear to me that Barrett is willing and able to cross party lines and work with both sides to come to a decision that benefits the entire state. Wisconsin needs someone to lead us back to the days where no matter what the issue, there is always a compromise to be made. Tom Barrett is that man. Nick is a junior majoring in marketing. Please send all feedback to

Buffet Rule makes the super rich pay their fair share Kate Krebs opinion columnist


ith presidential elections looming near in the future, the candidates are buckling down and getting serious about their campaigns. President Barack Obama has recently been pushing his plans for the Buffett Rule, a tax system he plans to enact if he is reelected. The Buffett Rule is simplistic in nature: the wealthiest one percent of the nation should pay at least the same tax rate as those in the middle class. Its name comes from the famous Warren Buffett, an extremely wealthy investor who admits he pays a lower percentage of income taxes than his secretary. The tax system currently in place allows many of America’s millionaires to take advantage of loopholes and tax breaks to substantially lower their tax rates. In fact, according to the IRS, 1,470 households were able to pay no federal income taxes on their incomes of over a million dollars in 2009. The top one percent is currently paying one of the lowest

tax rates in 50 years, a few paying even just half the rate imposed on top earners in 1960. Meanwhile, the average middle-class household’s tax rate has actually increased since 1960. This defies common sense and is frankly offensive to the people who work hard every day for their money. The average American is giving up more of their salary to fund programs that the entire country, rich or poor, uses, while the wealthy are sometimes paying absolutely nothing in income tax to the government. The Buffett Rule could fix this.

The incredibly wealthy should pay at least the same percentage as struggling middle class families.

And at the end of the day, even if their taxes increase, the wealthy have little premise on which to protest. In the words of Democratic Massachusetts Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren, “There is nobody in this country who got rich on his own. Nobody.” Each and every person in this

country uses roads, walks on sidewalks, takes buses, goes to school or works. Every person utilizes the infrastructure put in place by the government to be successful. Warren continues, “You built a factory out there? Good for you. But I want to be clear: you moved your goods to market on the roads the rest of us paid for; you hired workers the rest of us paid to educate; you were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory, and hire someone to protect against this, because of the work the rest of us did.” And why shouldn’t we all pay our fair share? Republican or democrat, I think everyone can agree that the incredibly wealthy should pay at least the same percentage as struggling middle class families. It just doesn’t make sense to allow the people who don’t need tax breaks to take advantage of the system, especially in a time of economic need. By requiring those who make over $1 million to put in their fair share of taxes, tax revenue could increase by up to $50 billion, and though this money is certainly insufficient when compared to the $15 trillion national

debt, it could help those who actually need it.

The top one percent is currently paying one of the lowest tax rates in 50 years.

The Buffett Rule can help seniors maintain good health care coverage, teachers keep jobs, give public safety workers like firefighters and police officers a salary, even help students like those here at UW-Madison pay for school. According to the Obama website, the amount of money gained by taxing just one millionaire at the

same rate as the average middle class worker would be enough to give 5,400 college students a Pell grant or 22,000 college students a work study. In the grand scheme of things, $50 billion doesn’t sound like a lot, but the changes that money can make are enormous. Beyond the strictly financial aspect of the Buffett Rule, the country would likely see a heightened morale among the middle class once equality is ensured. The economy would benefit, public colleges might see tuition at least plateau, if not drop. A million possibilities exist, and it takes only a vote to find them. Kate is a freshman majoring in English and Spanish. Please send all feedback to

Want to show the world how smart you are? Come write for the Daily Cardinal! Please send all letters to opinion@


ozzie from page 12 were misinterpreted, and the Marlins have suspended him for five games. Among Cuban exiles in Miami, however, the damage has clearly been done as fans are already calling for Guillen’s head. But Ozzie Guillen is just the latest example of an athlete (a term here used very loosely since he is a manager and not a player) speaking their mind, and placing their foot square inside their mouth. He only goes to prove that athletes can say whatever they want, but we don’t have to pay attention. Ozzie can talk about Fidel Castro until he’s blue in the face, but if he’s not going to say anything intelligent he’s not worth listening to. (And he didn’t say anything intelligent—staying in power for decades thanks to political intimidation and totalitarian rule isn’t something I consider admirable in a ruler.) The same could be said for Baltimore Orioles left fielder Luke Scott, who told Yahoo! Sports in 2010 he didn’t think President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Or for Boston Bruins goaltender Tim Thomas who refused to join his team at the White House because he didn’t like the president and, apparently, lacked a proper, non-partisan respect for the office. At h l e t e s ’ opinions shouldn’t be immediately disregarded just because

they play sports for a living, of course, and there have been plenty of athletes who have voiced legitimate, wellinformed political concerns. Years after he broke baseball’s color barrier, for instance, Jackie Robinson chaired the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Before he was killed in Afghanistan (and inaccurately turned into an Army recruiting tool), Pat Tillman was heavily critical of American foreign policy.

If [Ozzie’s] not going to say anything intelligent he’s not worth listening to.

concussions from page 12 ences headaches “pretty much all the time” as well as other post-concussion symptoms. Mike Eaves suffered 10 concussions in his brief eight-season NHL career, and finally retired in October 1985 after receiving his last one and realizing that something was wrong. “When I had my last one and I got hit, it wasn’t even a bad hit, but I remember thinking somethings not right, I didn’t get hit that hard and I’m feeling like this?” Eaves said. “That’s when I called my wife and said there’s something wrong here. I internally knew because of my history that there was something wrong.” Eaves said that when he played today’s concussion protocols weren’t in place and players came back from the injury

Thursday, April 12, 2012 much too soon because of the culture of being a hockey player and wanting to get back on the ice as soon as possible.

“Long-term I’ve often thought what’s going to happen when I’m a couple decades older.” Mike Eaves head coach Wisconsin men’s hockey

“The thing is as an athlete, there was no question that you were coming back,” Eaves said of his playing days. “You’re going to deal with this. You got a little headache? You take some aspirin. You don’t want to lose your job. That was the mentality. They give you some smelling salts and you shake it off and



you get back in there.” “The protocol that’s in line now protects the athletes so they don’t feel that pressure,” he added. “I could have played longer had I had the protocol that’s in place now because I came back early a bunch of times.” Eaves mentioned that he has seen the results of the autopsies performed on former football and hockey players that suffered a series of concussions or head trauma injuries that show some serious issues, and he said he wonders what effect the multiple concussions he suffered during his playing career will have down the road. “Long-term I’ve often thought what’s going to happen when I’m a couple decades older,” Eaves said. “Am I going to feel effects from the multiple concussions I had in my life? I don’t know, only time will tell.”

Like every other person in this country, athletes have the right to believe what they want and say what they want. And, like with every other person in the country, we can ignore them if they’re being dumb. So here’s an idea: Let’s ignore Ozzie Guillen and Luke Scott and Tim Thomas, just like we do every day with idiots from both sides of the aisle on comment boards across the Internet. They can say what they want. Until they have something smart to say, we just won’t listen. Should athletes take political stances? E-mail Nico at

Bill Fritsch/cardinal file photo

Mike Eaves, who played for the Badgers from 1974-78, suffered 10 concussions during his eight-year NHL career and said he wonders what effects that might have on him later in life.


Thursday april 12, 2012

Men’s Hockey

The cost of concussions


t’s no secret that the sport of hockey has a concussion problem on its hands. From youth all the way up to

professional ranks, the injury is becoming more prevalent as the sport is played at an increasingly faster and more physical pace. That is what hockey fans pay to come to the rink and watch, but at what price?

Story by Ryan Evans As research has advanced through the years we are learning more and more about the dangers that concussions pose to players in hard-hitting sports such as hockey or football. The effects on football players have been long documented, but as people are starting to realize, hockey athletes are at the same risk. The Wisconsin men’s hockey team sustained its fair share of concussions this past season and illustrated just how difficult the injury is to treat because no two concussions are the same. Sophomore forward Jason Clark received a concussion in late

December and was back playing in early January. Sophomore forward Jefferson Dahl suffered one and only missed two games. But when junior forward Derek Lee got one he ultimately missed six weeks of action. “Everybody reacts to these injuries differently…some guys seem to rebound quickly even from more severe hits, but some guys take a little bit longer,” said Andy Hrodey, the UW assistant athletic trainer who works with the men’s hockey team. “We have to take each one individually and make sure those symptoms are gone before they return.”

Hrodey stressed the importance of taking time when it comes to concussions, as returning from the injury before the athlete is 100 percent symptom free can potentially have dangerous long-term effects as the effects of concussions intensify the more you receive. “We know that you’re more susceptible to a more severe injury [if you return to soon],” Hrodey said. “Research has shown, and also we’ve seen cases in the NHL and NFL where if guys ignore these little symptoms and continue to play when they have a headache or dizziness or balance problems, we know that there is more likelihood of permanent damage to their brain.” Fo r m e r NHL player Bob Probert is an example of t h e longt e r m effects concussions can have on athletes. P r o b e r t engaged in 246 fights in his NHL career, taking countless hits to the head in the process. Probert died in July of 2010 at the age of 45—just nine years after

he retired from hockey. While Probert died of heart failure, examinations of his brain tissue found the debilitating degenerative disease— chronic traumatic encephalopathy—that had previously been discovered in 20 deceased former football players. CTE was also found posthumously in the brains of former NHLers Derek Boogaard and Rick Martin. The deaths of former enforcers Rick Rypien and Wade Belak earlier this year further raised concerns about CTE. CTE strikes in stages and

symptoms can show themselves quickly after the injury or decades later. Stage one is characterized by early symptoms such as dizziness, confusion and headaches as well as psychotic symptoms. Stage two brings memory loss, erratic behavior and the initial symptoms of Parkinson’s disease before progressing to Alzheimer’s-like dementia, signs of Parkinson’s disease and speech difficulty in stage three.

lll For Wisconsin head coach Mike Eaves, hockey’s concussion problem and the potential effects this injury can have long-term, hits home in more ways than one. Eaves’s son Patrick suffered a concussion Nov. 26 playing for the Detroit Red Wings and has not yet physically been able to return to action. Patrick Eaves told in February that he experi-

concussions page 11

Graphic by Angel Lee/the daily cardinal

When athletes cross into politics, fans don’t have to listen Why should we care what Miami Marlins manager Ozzie Guillen’s opinion of Fidel Castro is? Nico Savidge savidge nation


little more than a year ago, I had the chance to see a film called “Not Just A Game: Power, Politics and American Sports.” It’s a documentary co-written by Dave Zirin, a sports columnist and writer for the progressive magazine The Nation, in which Zirin takes on the conventional wisdom that sports and politics are inherently separate entities, and challenges the notion that athletes should stay away from taking political stances. He argues that, because politics plays such a big part in the modern American sports landscape (whether it’s through militaristic fly-overs or a hyper-masculine “locker room culture”), it’s wrong to turn around and say athletes should never be able to open their mouths about issues bigger than their games. And Zirin’s right, of course. So much of sports is inherently political—like it or not, the NFL and NBA lockouts were clashes between owners and unions, and our annual Masters hosts at Augusta National are really just specialists in 19th Centuryera misogyny. Like Zirin says, sports is not an apolitical space, meaning we should demand

that athletes act apolitically. But while athletes have the right to speak their minds, and even to use the stardom they’ve gained to give themselves a bigger megaphone with which to announce those beliefs, I also reserve the right to do something equally American. I can

always ignore those athletes if they say something stupid. We’ve all gotten a lesson in why we don’t need to listen to everyone’s political beliefs this week, with the firestorm over Miami Marlins manager Ozzie Guillen telling Time magazine he loves and respects Cuban

dictator Fidel Castro for staying in power so long. Now, it’s generally not a great idea to say you love and respect a totalitarian ruler who has violently oppressed a country for decades. That’s just one of my rules of thumb. But saying you love and respect a totalitar-

ian dictator when quite a few of your own fans are people who escaped him? Well, it takes a whole lot of insensitive stupidity to say something like that. Guillen has since apologized for his remarks, saying they

ozzie page 11

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