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The Daily Cardinal launches new ‘Cardinal Wings’ donor program
Editor-in-Chief Drake White-Bergey Managing Editor Tyler Katzenberger
By Drake White-Bergey & Tyler Katzenberger EDITOR-IN-CHIEF & MANAGING EDITOR
On behalf of the entire Cardinal staff, we welcome you to the University of Wisconsin-Madison!
Look forward to all the great things you’ll experience during your first year at UW-Madison — “Jump Around” at Camp Randall, sledding down Bascom Hill, a pitcher on the Memorial Union terrace, the annual Mifflin Street Block Party and all the friends you make during your time here.
No matter where you are during your studies, The Daily Cardinal has you covered. We strive to provide you with not only the best coverage on campus, but the best coverage in the entire city of Madison.
per in the entire United States. The Cardinal has a long history of providing our community with the truth, and our award-winning reporters have gone on to win over 20 Pulitzer Prizes.
a nonprofit organization run by its staff members and elected editors. It receives no funds from the university. Operating revenue is generated from advertising and subscription sales.
The Daily Cardinal is published weekdays and distributed at the University of WisconsinMadison and its surrounding community with a circulation of 10,000. Capital Newspapers, Inc. is the Cardinal’s printer. The Daily Cardinal is printed on recycled paper. The Cardinal is a member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.
All copy, photographs and graphics appearing in The Daily Cardinal are the sole property of the Cardinal and may not be reproduced without written permission of the editor in chief. The Daily Cardinal accepts advertising representing a wide range of views. This acceptance does not imply agreement with the views expressed. The Cardinal reserves the right to reject advertisements judged offensive based on imagery, wording or both. Complaints: News and editorial complaints should be presented to the editor in chief. Business and advertising complaints should be presented to the business manager.
Letters Policy: Letters must be word processed and must include contact information. No anonymous letters will be printed. All letters to the editor will be printed at the discretion of The Daily Cardinal. Letters may be sent to opinion@ dailycardinal.com.
Editorial Board
Graham Brown • Tyler Katzenberger
• Em-J Krigsman • Charlotte Relac •
Priyanka Vasavan • Drake White-Bergey • Ethan Wollins
Board of Directors Scott Girard, President • Ishita
Chakraborty • Don Miner • Nancy Sandy
• Nathan Kalmoe • Josh
• Phil Hands
Klemons • Barbara Arnold • Jennifer Sereno
Cardinal reporters and photographers go far and wide to find the best, most intriguing stories. This past year alone, our reporters were on the field at Camp Randall Stadium, covered major speeches and events at the state Capitol, reviewed more than two dozen concerts at local venues and provided to-the-minute updates in the streets amidst high-profile protests. One of our reporters even got to meet President Biden (yes, the President Biden).
The Cardinal has been UW-Madison’s number one news source since 1892 — over 130 years. In fact, we’re the sixth-oldest student newspa -
We were also honored to win the Wisconsin Newspaper Association’s General Excellence award and the Society of Professional Journalists’ Mark of Excellence award last year, once again cementing our paper as the best in the Upper Midwest. Cardinal reporters, photographers and artists gain an insurmountable level of experience they can’t find anywhere else. Writing for the Cardinal is an integral part of the college experience for all of our writers. The stories they write and the connections they make build the foundation for a fruitful career in journalism or any other field they choose.
But we can’t do it alone, and we never have. That’s why we’re launching Cardinal Wings, a new donation program that invites parents and community members to directly support our awardwinning student reporters.
With your monthly or annual donation, the Cardinal Wings program will help support our staffers as the field of journalism continues to evolve. Your support will provide Cardinal reporters with brand-new equipment, top-quality training seminars with professional journalists, official Cardinal press credentials, election night pizza parties and more. It’s critical to support local, community-oriented journalism, and it’s even more important to cultivate an environment of positive professional development for the next generation of journalists.
There are some great perks involved, too: Cardinal Wings members will receive an exclusive monthly newsletter featuring writers of the month, interviews with current and former Cardinal staff and behind-the-scenes updates on our award-winning coverage.
Supporters will also receive a December holiday card from Cardinal staff and a year-inreview video at the end of the 2023-24 academic year.
To become a member, go to https://www.dailycardinal.com/page/membership.
Members also receive a tax deduction receipt for qualifying 501(c)(3) donations at the end of the calendar year.
Every young Cardinal needs a pair of wings. Your Cardinal Wings donation helps our award-winning student journalists soar to prolific careers and ensures the future of journalism remains in safe hands.