Going out on top
We are SXSW
Heading down to Austin for South by Southwest? Check out some of the exciting films planned for this year’s event. +ARTS, page 4
University of Wisconsin-Madison
In his last appearance at the Kohl Center, senior guard Jordan Taylor led the Badgers to a victory over the Fighting Illini Sunday. +SPORTS, page 8 Complete campus coverage since 1892
Monday, March 5, 2012
ASM: Adidas talks need student voice
Poll shows Walker losing in recall race
By Alex DiTullio
A male suspect sexually assaulted the victim after forcing her into a poorly lit alley or parking lot around 2:30 a.m., according to Madison Police Department Sgt. Ann Lehner. Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said the incident took place on Hawthorne Court, which is the alley adjacent to Johnny O’s Restaurant and Bar near University Avenue and Frances Street. The suspect was unable to give details on the suspect’s identity and
For the first time since the recall effort began, polls show Gov. Scott Walker losing in head-to-head races against other potential recall candidates, according to report released by Public Policy Polling last week. With the exception of former U.S. Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., who leads Walker 52 to 45 percent but has repeatedly denied an intention to run, all potential candidates polled are within the 3.27 percent margin of error. Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett, who despite speculation has yet to officially announce his candidacy, currently holds a 49 to 46 percent lead over Walker. Former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk, who has declared her candidacy, holds a slight 48-47 percent lead. All other candidates in the poll, including Wisconsin Secretary of State Doug LaFollete and state Sen. Jon Erpenbach, D-Middleton, are losing to Walker within the margin of error. PPP said in the report Walker’s broad name recognition is an advantage that will likely diminish as the electorate gets to know the Democratic candidates. Among those polled, 29 percent did not know enough about Falk or Barrett to give an opinion. “Walker’s numbers had been seeing some recovery, but now it appears they’ve turned back in the wrong direction,” said Public Policy Polling President Dean Debnam in the report. “The big question now is whether Democrats can find a candidate to take advantage of Walker’s vulnerability.” Another PPP poll released last week shows the only Democratic candidate for Sen. Herb Kohl’s vacated Senate seat, U.S.
assault page 3
polls page 3
By Jack Casey The Daily Cardinal
The Daily Cardinal
Members of student government passed a resolution last week calling for Chancellor David Ward to include students in negotiations with adidas, a process that UW-Madison’s primary licensing advisory committee Chair Lydia Zepeda said last week would take place in private. Ward decided to enter a period of mediation with adidas last month to resolve the dispute over whether the company owes employees severance pay after a factory contracted by adidas closed last January. According to adidas, it is not responsible for ensuring the workers receive severance, a position the UW Labor Licensing Policy Committee says violates the university’s code of conduct—which outlines a company’s responsibilities in dealing with workers, factories and suppliers. The LLPC recommended giving the company a 90-day ultimatum to remedy the situation, but Ward instead decided to enter mediation. After Zepeda heard last week that mediation would exclude her committee from the process, the Associated Students of Madison insisted in its resolution that negotiations with adidas include a member of the LLPC to ensure students’ involvement in the process. “ASM takes adherence to standard, democratic processes very seriously,” Shared Governance Chair Beth Huang said in a statement. ASM Chair Allie Gardner said the resolution reaffirms the student government body’s initial request that Ward put adidas on notice, a strategy the LLPC said would be the most efficient way to pressure the company to pay the workers. Gardner added Ward’s concern that giving adidas notice will result in the company suing the university does not change ASM’s stance. “We have this code of ethics in place because we don’t want university dollars or tuition dollars to go towards something that is exploiting workers,” she said. “If we don’t hold strong on that I’m concerned about areas of ethics in other departments besides just labor licensing policy.” Last week, Zepeda said she was concerned that private mediation would reduce the process’s transparency. “I always prefer things to be conducted in the open,” she said. “I think that transparency is one of the key factors that’s needed that [help] outcomes to occur.” Zepeda said that after talking with Ward, he was unable to specify if the LLPC would be able to see any documents used in mediation. She added the process would likely occur away from the university and that it is unclear who the mediator would be, or when mediation would occur. While Vice Chancellor for University Relations Vince Sweeney said last week the university believes mediation is the quickest way to resolve the situation with adidas, he added he does not know what the involvement of the LLPC would be.
stephanie Daher/the daily cardinal
Police are looking for a male suspect in a sexual assault of a young woman near the 600 block of University Avenue.
Woman sexually assaulted in alley Police investigate the sexual assault of a 21-yearold woman between State Street, University Avenue early Saturday. By Abby Becker The Daily Cardinal
Police are investigating the sexual assault of a 21-year-old woman early Saturday, which took place in an alley between State Street and the 600 block of University Avenue.
On campus
Dancing the night away
Students and community members each raised at least $100 to participate in an overnight philanthropy Friday. Particpants danced for 15 hours in order to raise money for the American Family Children’s Hospital. + Photo by Shoaib Atlaf
“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”
page two Champaign: where class dies tODAY: mostly sunny
tuesday: partly cloudy
hi 36º / lo 28º
hi 52º / lo 44º
Monday, March 5, 2012
An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 122, Issue 31
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Jacqueline O’Reilly o’really?! Over the past four years, I have made an annual pilgrimage to Champaign, Ill. It is not exactly my favorite place on the planet: I prefer cities where trees outnumber gas stations. Still, one of my best friends from high school, Kelsey, is a student there, so I happily make the trek down once every 365 days. While I am a very loyal Badger who believes UW-Madison is the definitive “work hard, play hard” university, some of my most memorable college moments have played out in that central Illinois haven, the most recent of which went down this past weekend. As such, I will tell the tales of Jacqueline at U of I, both because they are embarrassingly amusing and because it is a nice way to cap off this chapter of my life. Come Kelsey’s graduation, no amount of money would move me to visit that town again (I am trying to be nice but honestly Champaign is just butt ugly).
Scandalous sleepwalking
I have been sleepwalking since I was a kid. To this day, my parents like to tell the story of an 8-year-old Jacqueline walking into their room at 3 a.m., announcing we needed to buy vanilla ice cream, then promptly returning from whereabouts she came. This is an amusing anecdote, but with summers spent at camp, a year in Witte Hall and numerous sleepovers dotting my history, I am perpetually worried about when I will sleepwalk next and what ridiculous things will ensue when it happens. This fear came to a head my freshman year while visiting Kelsey. After an evening of casual shenanigans, we headed
back to her room and conked out for the night. At some point—a point I have absolutely no recollection of—I put on my boots and decided to go for a late-night stroll through the dormitory. Because of my sleepwalking status and unfamiliarity with the building, I returned not to Kelsey’s room, but that of four dudes. Kelsey and I had been sharing her bed, so I pushed some stranger over/ into a wall, groaned, “Kelsey moooove,” and passed out.
As such, my tenure as DJ Jacqueline was classified mostly by ’90s hits punctuated with Camp Randall classics.
Some unknown amount of time later, one of my bedmate’s roommates awoke incredibly puzzled to find me—a stranger who was not this fellow’s girlfriend—asleep next to this guy. Choosing the awakening method of poking and prodding at my face, the gents shook me from my slumber to ask who the hell I was and where I belonged. Still in the midst of my sleepwalking adventure, I objected to their claims that I was in the wrong room, eventually revealing, “It’s fine. I know Kelsey!” With that, I was escorted back to her room, and after several minutes of boisterous knocking, my dear friend groggily came to the door, where she was informed, “You lost this.” Again, I remember none of this, and I know what you are thinking: Blame it on the a-aa-a-a-alcohol. Honestly, I wish I could, because that would
mean I could prevent situations like this one. Alas, I am just a pawn in God’s personal version of “The Sims,” and like sending a character to swim in a pool without ladders, this is the plight I have been dealt.
Bedtime at Unofficial
Every year, the Illini host Unofficial, a St. Patrick’s Day celebration that is really just a poor man’s Mifflin. Still, an event characterized by hundreds of hammered people dressed head-to-toe in green is bound to yield a good story or two, so allow me to share mine with you. Generally speaking, I am the poster girl for the depressant nature of alcohol. No, the beverage does not move me to uncontrollable, “I JUST WANT A BOYFRAAAND!” tears, but it does make me fall asleep anywhere and everywhere I see fit, which is, conveniently enough, anywhere and everywhere. Case and point: Unofficial 2010. I had imbibed enough of the sauce to be good and goofy, but certainly not enough to pass out. Still, by 8 p.m. I was like a moth to the flame of couches and beds at all of the many stops on our evening’s apartment crawl. Every time we arrived at a new residence, my friends would tuck me into some stranger’s bed, take photos that nullified any chance I had at political office and then leave me to snooze while they downed more whiskey and green beer. I feel it is a little pathetic that most of my trip was forgotten not because of over-indulgence, but because I was asleep the whole time. Still, one of the moments I do vaguely recall was nomming on Papa John’s at one in the morning while my friend rambled on about her sexual escapades and desire to do it doggie style. At least the night was not a total loss. (Nothing over-the-top happened during my junior-year
Delving into
visit. Apologies.)
DJ Jacqueline emerges
And then there was this past weekend. I again drove down for Unofficial for what was to be my last venture to glorious Champaign. I got to town by noon, having made great time thanks to a red minivan with a “U of I Mom” bumper sticker in front of me going 90 miles per hour down I-57 (say what you will about Illinois drivers, Wisco, but we get from Point A to Point B before our hair turns gray). The afternoon was a bit of a mess. Due to some questionable avocado spread on my Jimmy John’s Beach Club, I spent the afternoon sleeping off a stomachache. Still, I pride myself on my ability to rally, so come nightfall my most triumphant return was characterized by the emergence of my alter ego: DJ Jacqueline. Call me uncool, but I am not one for staying up on the latest beats and rhymes. As such, my tenure as DJ Jacqueline was classified mostly by ’90s hits punctuated with Camp Randall classics. Because of my tummy troubles I refrained from heavily drinking, but nothing gets you pumped quite like a room full of drunkards belting out every word of “Bye Bye Bye.” The rest of the night was more of the delightful same, but it came to an abrupt end for me when a girl cried out three seconds into “Jump Around,” “This song sucks,” opting instead for Miley Cyrus’ “See You Again.” Truth be told, it was an indicative moment to end my Champaign travels with. The Illini know how to party, but they do not have anything on us Badgers. This column is dedicated to Kelsey, who always shows me a good time while refusing to let me make too big a fool of myself. But are you mad about the butt ugly comment? Sorry! Take it up with me at jgoreilly@dailycardinal.com.
’s History
March 7, 1986
Legislators debate condom sales
By Margaret Owen of the cardinal staff
Condoms. The hood of promiscuity or the umbrella of safety? Some Madison legislators are arguing about whether condom vending machines will encourage teenage immorality or promote health care. Gov. Anthony Earl will sign a bill legalizing these machines this month, according to his constituent relations assistant, Lynn Haanen. The condom vending amendment is a provision to a pharmacy examining board bill which the Senate passed Tuesday. “The amendment legalizes condom machines everywhere
except in elementary and secondary public schools,” said Stephanie Case, administrative assistant to state Rep. Thomas Loftus, D-Sun Prairie, who backed the amendment. “Private businesses will be able to place machines in bathrooms, in gas stations, bars and restaurants,” she said. State Sen. Donald Stitt, R-Port Washington, is opposed to legalization because he said, “I will place unsightly machines all over the state.” Stitt’s legislative aide, Nick Hurtgen, said: “This provision is unwise, impractical and bad public policy. It seems typical of Madison Democratic legislators.” Hurtgen criticized condom
vending as an improper way to deal with teenage pregnancy, he said, it may encourage immoral behavior. “It is typical of Madison mentality not to consider the moral aspects,” he said. Hurtgen suggested that “We have to encourage parents, teachers, churches and civic organizations to teach their children to behave in a moral fashion and to realize that their behavior has important consequences.” Haanen agreed that the solution to teenage promiscuity is to teach thoughtful decision-making and responsible behavior. But she opposed what she called the “common belief that
not allowing adolescents to use birth control prevents them from being sexually active.” Haanen said the governor is receiving phone calls from people who believe that having access to birth control encourages pre-marital sex. “A lot of people are attaching moral and religious significances to bill and I don’t think the governor has that perspective,” she said. “Earl appreciates the feedback but is simply viewing this as a way to prevent unwanted pregnancies and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.” Haanen said, “Condoms are sold in vending machines in many other states without a big deal being made of it.”
Mifflin party plans continue By Abby Becker The Daily Cardinal
After a student government committee heard two opposing plans from the mayor and police department on how to handle the Mifflin Street Block Party, a committee comprised of city officials and students are continuing to work on a plan. At a meeting Feb. 10 with Mayor Paul Soglin and the Associated Students of Madison Legislative Affairs committee, Soglin recommended the committee obtain a street-use permit and find a sponsor. A street-use permit would alleviate the cost to the city and close the street to cars during the party. A permit would also allow food vendors, entertainment groups and portable restrooms on city sidewalks and streets during the party, according to Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4. At a meeting Feb. 23 with the Madison Police Department and Legislative Affairs, police representatives disagreed with closing off Mifflin Street to traffic during the party because doing so would disrupt the flow of traffic.
stephanie daher/the daily cardinal
Students and city officials meet each Sunday to discuss solutions for the Mifflin Street Block Party on May 5. “I think it was kind of a convoluted way for the police to shut [the party] down entirely,” Legislative Affairs committee member Maria Giannopoulos said. “If there’s no street-use permit, it means they can ticket anyone who’s in the street.” Despite the conflicting views, Soglin and the MPD reached an agreement last week and told the
committee to move forward in finding a sponsor and obtaining a streetuse permit, according to Verveer. WSUM student radio sponsored the party in 2009 and 2010. The Majestic Theatre sponsored it in 2011. The city hopes to have plans for the block party on May 5 finalized by mid-March.
Police search for missing UW-Steven’s Point student Police are currently searching for Eric Duffey, a UW-Steven’s Point student from Fitchburg who was last seen leaving a bar early Saturday morning. Duffey left a Steven’s Point bar to go home after celebrating his 21st birthday around 1:30 a.m. Saturday, a press release from the Steven’s Point Police Department said. Duffey called a friend approximately 20 minutes after leaving the
bar and had a short conversation with him, Steven’s Point Police Sgt. Greg Bean told the Wisconsin State Journal. Just after, his girlfriend called him and his phone rang and went to voicemail. Bean said Duffey and his friends likely had been drinking for five or six hours, but police do not know if he was intoxicated. Police have looked into several tips, but none have led them to any further information, Bean said.
UW-Stevens Point organized a search Sunday, which Duffey’s family attended. About 150 people assisted in the search, and police used tracking dogs to try to locate Duffey. Duffey is a Verona High School graduate. He was wearing an orange flannel shirt, a brown jacket and blue jeans. Anyone with leads is encouraged to call the Steven’s Point Police Department at 715-346-1501.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Former Chancellor Martin cancels speech in Madison Former UW-Madison Chancellor Biddy Martin canceled her Saturday speech at the Madison Civics Club due to “a flareup of an old back problem,” she tweeted Friday. Martin, who is now the president of Amherst College, was scheduled to speak about the impact of new technologies on university education and instruction. In addition to canceling her speech at UW-Madison, Martin cancelled plans to speak in Minneapolis and Chicago. In her place at the Civics Club, UWMadison’s Chief of Police Sue Riseling discussed the role of police
matt marheine/cardinal file photo
The former chancellor cancelled her speech due to back problems. at last February’s protests at the Capitol. Alex dItullio / The daily cardinal
Man attacked on North Broom Street Three men attacked a 21-year-old male downtown resident with a glass bottle on the 100 block of North Broom Street early Friday morning. The victim said three white males, 18-to-24-years-old, approached him while he was walking with his girlfriend, according to Madison Police Department spokesperson Joel DeSpain. The three suspects struck the victim in the head with a glass bottle, punched and kicked him, police said. During the fight, the victim
fell to the ground and cut his arm on the broken glass bottle, according to DeSpain. The victim went home following the attack, but he then decided to go to a hospital to receive treatment for the cuts on his arm, police said. The MPD was not called until hours after the crime when the victim was at a hospital, DeSpain said in a statement. Police said the victim told an officer he does not know of anyone who would want to harm him.
mark kauzlarich/cardinal file photo
A poll released last week showed Gov. Scott Walker trailing behind possible Democratic candidates in a potential recall.
polls from page 1 Rep. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., has pulled slightly ahead of former Wisconsin governor Tommy Thompson 46-45 percent. Baldwin also leads the other two Republican candidates, former U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann, R-Wis., and House Speaker Jeff Fitzgerald, R-Horicon, 47-41 and 47-39 respectively. Democrats are united behind Tammy Baldwin and Republicans are united behind Tommy
assault from page 1 could not identify his race. She described him as under 30 years old with stubble on his face, according to Lehner. It is also near the Fluno Center, other UW-Madison buildings and residence halls as well as a number of bars and restaurants that are popular late at night. Mayor Paul Soglin and other city officials surveyed
Thompson, making this one of those contests that really will be determined by independents,” Debnam said. According to the poll, Baldwin leads Thompson among independents. However, Thompson still leads the group in name recognition, with only 16 percent of those polled responding they “have no opinion about their former governor.” Baldwin remains the second most well-known candidate with 38 percent of people unsure about her. the area in September looking to improve safety. They deemed Hawthorne Court as an area that needs additional lighting, according to Verveer. “We are seeing a number of incidents on campus,” Ald. Scott Resnick, District 8, said. “I will be meeting with the police department in the future to discuss whether these incidents are more than a statistical anomaly.”
arts Curtains up: Independent film at SXSW 4
Monday, March 5, 2012
David Cottrell Co-ttrell it on the mountain
his Friday I’ll be trading in the determinedly snowy streets of Madison for the sun-scorched roads of Austin, Texas to attend the 2012 South by Southwest festival with a few of my fellow Cardinal writers. Some call it the ultimate spring break for nerds, others a colossal celebration of all aspects of millennial culture. That includes music, technology and of course, where I will be most concerned, film. Considering that in 2007, SXSW served as the launching pad for the now ubiquitous social networking service Twitter, who knows what world-changing creative properties will debut this year, changing life, and our use of hash tags, as we know it forever.
Some call it the ultimate spring break for nerds, others a colossal celebration of all aspcts of Millennial culture.
While I will certainly be patronizing the festival’s musical offerings during my time in the Lone Star state—I’ve made it a personal goal of mine to see A$AP Rocky play at least three sets—the new slate of independent cinema served up this year by SXSW has
me especially excited. Since opening night of the film festival portion of SXSW can’t possibly get here soon enough, let’s take a look at some of the movies that have me chomping at the bit.
Goddard has amply demonstrated his abilities to think outside the box and defy traditional narrative forms.
“Cabin in the Woods” The opening night movie of the festival, “Cabin in the Woods” promises to take a contrived horror movie trope—a group of friends heading out to stay in a remote cabin in the woods—and turn it on its head. From fanboy-beloved writer Joss Whedon (“Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog”) and director Drew Goddard (“Lost,” “Cloverfield”), this flick has been generating a plethora of buzz leading up to the festival and it’s not hard to see why. I’m not much of a horror movie fan myself, but this film seems worth a viewing. Goddard has amply demonstrated his abilities to think outside the box and defy traditional narrative forms. With a script from Joss Whedon, the king of all nerds himself, I can’t wait to be creeped-out by this dynamic duo on opening night. “Safety Not Guaranteed” Granted, “Safety Not Guaranteed” is not making its premier at SXSW 2012—it
photo courtesy luminant media
“We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists” tells the story of the Anonymous movement. Members of the movement don Guy Fawkes masks, akin to the similarly themed “V for Vendetta.” already did so earlier this year at the Sundance Film Festival— but that’s only gotten me all the more eager to see it. Starring the ever-sarcastic Aubrey Plaza (“Parks and Recreation”) and Mark Duplass (“Cyrus,” “The League”), as magazine employees who set out to interview a man who placed an ad in a local paper seeking a partner for time travel. Inspired by a real ad that became an Internet meme, “Safety Not Guaranteed” certainly fits the bill as celebration of millennial culture. And several WUD
Film members who got a chance to catch the flick’s premier at Sundance this year have extolled the virtues of this time-travel comedy and its hysterical cast. “We Are Legion: The Story of the Hacktivists” Perhaps my single most anticipated movie at this year’s festival, “We Are Legion” is a documentary tracing the roots of the Anonymous movement and exploring the political and cultural impact they have wrought on the world in recent years. From shutting down Paypal and Amazon to protesting the
Church of Scientology while donning Guy Fawkes masks in homage to revolutionists in the 2005 movie “V for Vendetta” and its originating graphic novel, you may not have understood exactly who they were or the motives behind their actions, but their presence has been undeniable. Finally a documentary is tackling this intriguing subject that no one else seems willing or able to. What independent films are you looking forward to this spring? Share your insights with David at dcottrell@wisc.edu.
‘Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom’ an engrossing, poignant production By Molly Hayman the daily cardinal
This past weekend the UW Department of Theatre and Drama tackled the difficult topics of racism, exploitation and cultural interdependence in their production of August Wilson’s “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.” The play, set in the 1920s, follows “Mother of the Blues” Ma Rainey and her posse, including her manager, producer, four band members, nephew and lover throughout a recording session with disastrous implications. The play starts out with light-hearted banter between friends, but as it progresses, the heavy issues of racism, self-hatred and exploitation make an appearance. The play provides the audience with insight into the community of people that are continually exploited and oppressed, but strengthened in solidarity. The band members quarrel as ideologies and ideas of how the black man should or should not relate to the white man clash and breed resentment between the characters. The conflict between differing ideas comes to a head as, in a fit of displaced racial rage, one band member stabs another because he stepped on his new shoes. The group’s portrayal of this disastrous moment was
so captivating I thought all the air was gone out of the theater as the audience collectively took a sharp intake of breath in surprise and unhappiness at the turn of events. Considering these dark themes and plot twists, I was surprised by the overt humor of the characters throughout the play. However, after thinking about its use for a while,
humor makes absolute sense. People use humor as a deflection and defense mechanism when covering difficult topics. Its surprising use in the play is a testament to August Wilson’s ability to create real and authentic characters who successfully show the pain and spirit of oppressed peoples. LaVar J. Charleston and Tory Latham, playing the parts
of two band members Slow Drag and Cutler, made their theatrical debut Friday night, the former making a noteworthy entrance to the theatrical community. Charleston’s humorous and easy on-stage presence made it seem as if he was a veteran of the stage. Trevon Jackson played Levee, a reckless and troubled trumpet player who causes
photo courtesy brent nicastro
Jaki-Terry, a candidate for UW—Madison’s MFA in Acting, stars as Ma Rainey in “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom.” The play tells a moving story of racial struggle and will be at the Mitchell Theatre March 2-17.
most of the conflict and supplies plenty of the angst throughout the play. Jackson was phenomenal in this role. His humor was condescending and sharp and his anger was palpable. His furious speech chastising the other’s jokes about his obedience to the white man that happens right at the end of act one gave me chills. Alfred Wilson, a member of the Actor’s Equity Association, made an appearance as Toledo, the oldest and wisest band member who comes to an unfortunate end by Levee’s hand. Alfred has worked with the writer of the play, August Wilson, and brought a special kind of experience to the production. August Wilson (1945-2005) is a self-taught, high school drop-out who ended up earning 12 awards and six nominations during his life for his extraordinary plays. “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” won the 1985 Tony award for Best Play. Besides the normal sundries of an opening night performance and the slightly obvious nervousness of the new-comers to the stage, the production was a huge success. The strong and conflicting emotions that the actors successfully portrayed created a show that would cause anyone to leave pondering the deadly implications of racism and cultural exploitation.
opinion Affirmative action offsets inequalities dailycardinal.com
David Ruiz opinion columnist
he Supreme Court of the United States recently agreed to hear Fisher v Texas, which challenges the policy of affirmative action. The court is more conservative than it was in 2003, when it last heard an affirmative action case. Due to certain characteristics in Fisher v Texas, the court’s likely ruling against affirmative action might not destroy the practice with one swing of the axe, but if it were to, the results would be immediate and profound. The already small number of minority college students would get even skimpier, and campuses would grow more homogenous. Opponents of affirmative action argue that colleges should consider candidates solely on their achievements and that affirmative action discriminates against those whites that are not admitted to let in a less-qualified minority candidate.
The truth is, those who don’t experience race every day are the only ones who can afford to ignore it.
On the surface, it’s hard to see why the law should force racial diversity onto a supposedly meritocratic system. In a perfect world, affirmative action wouldn’t be necessary. When Sandra Day O’Connor defended affirmative action in
2003, she was optimistic that the policy would no longer be needed in 25 years. Today, America is far from perfect, and the same reasons that made affirmative action necessary when it was created in the mid-’60s still make the policy necessary now. Removing affirmative action from the books will make college admissions more racially discriminatory, not less. The societal forces that disadvantage minorities more than whites will have no means to counterbalance. Even with the assitance of affirmative action, black and Latino populations are underrepresented in higher education. Thirty percent of the white population over 25 holds a fouryear degree, which makes them much more likely than blacks, 17.3 percent over 25 with a fouryear degree, and Latinos, 11.4 percent, to graduate college. If you agree that institutional misbalances in the United States created this gap, congratulations, you are correct. The numbers are pushed down by certain factors associated with immigrant populations, but more blacks and Latinos should be receiving higher education. America is perpetually in denial about how race affects achievement, education and wealth. There are many reasons for this lack of dialogue; the difficulty for whites to empathize with non-whites’ racial experience is one of the largest barriers. Being, or passing as, white in America basically means not having to experience race. As a Latino, I’ve never had that privilege. I remember the first time someone was blatantly racist toward me, and that incident, the first of many, forever changed how I view myself. Whenever a shopkeeper hovers over me, or a white mom from
Monday, March 5, 2012
Victor Bittorf/daily cardinal File Photo
UW-Madison students respond to a conservative think tank’s allegations that the school’s admissions process is biased against Asians and Caucasians and not based on academic merit. my ritzy suburb crosses the street to avoid me, or a cashier tells me “food stamps aren’t accepted here” when I walk into a store, I always attribute this behavior toward me as a result of my race. Obviously, all of these things can happen to whites as well, but whites wouldn’t attribute this discriminatory behavior to their status as white. The actual motivation for the behavior is irrelevant, maybe some of it was racially motivated, but it probably (hopefully) wasn’t. What does matter is that my status as non-white means that I am excluded from a certain
definition of American. Being non-white in the United States means dealing with race and minority-status every day. The quasi-raceless status of whites in the United States is extremely important to the affirmative action debate. Removing racial and ethnic considerations means the malevolent social forces affecting college admissions will not be countered. For example, when considering applicants, the 2011 State of College Admissions report indicated that the most important factor for being admitted was success in college preparatory courses,
and eligible minority students are 20 percent less likely to enter such classes. If race is removed from consideration and achievement is the only factor in admissions, then admissions will reflect the existing societal discrimination against blacks and Latinos. Forcing race-neutral policies in place of affirmative action ignores the challenges that minorities still face in this country. The truth is, those who don’t experience race every day are the only ones who can afford to ignore it. David Ruiz is a senior majoring in English. Please send all feedback to opinion@dailycardinal.com.
Australia has ability to prevent U.S. involvement in Iran Miles Kellerman opinion columnist
arely is the public afforded an honest glimpse of a politician’s thoughts. And yet in impending Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr’s blog “Thoughtlines,” we have just that: a collection of commentary on everything from Australian foreign policy to opera reviews. In fact, since his time as the premier of New South Wales, Carr has found time to interpret the literature of Mikhail Bulgakov, judge the cinematography of “Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy” and, occasionally, comment on international affairs. Carr’s attitude toward a potential war between Israel and Iran is particulary interesting. He writes that “Australia has one role: to talk the Americans back from the brink.” Carr is right to prioritize the containment of U.S. involvement in Iran. A major conflict with
Israel, which the Obama administration has already pledged full diplomatic and military backing, has the potential to escalate quickly and shock the global economy. This could result in rising energy prices and stock market instability. And in the event of significant U.S. involvement, a request for Australian support, like what happened with Iraq, could strain the perfect relationship that former Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd established with the Obama administration.
Australia is, perhaps now more than ever, the United States’ most important geographical ally.
The newly appointed Foreign Minister can begin to prevent the United States from reaching that “brink” by continuing Rudd’s expansion of Australia’s internationalist role. Of immediate concern is the continued pursuit of temporary U.N. Security Council
status. Some critics have concluded that the campaign has too high a price for too little a benefit. Granted, temporary Security Council status is a flawed position within a structurally flawed institution. But the opportunity to play a central role in influencing global events is well worth the costs of campaigning. Australia also carries strategic military leverage that can be used to dissuade the U.S. from getting involved in Iran. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made no secret of the geographic transition of U.S. foreign policy toward Southeast Asia. The establishment of an American military base in Darwin, Australia was a symbolic response to China’s military modernization spending. Australia is, perhaps now more than ever, the United States’ most important geographical ally and the ascent of India, China and the export-driven industrialization of the Tiger Club have transferred the global prospectus eastward. Thus Australia, supported by a remarkably strong economy and rising international presence, has the potential to influence U.S. foreign policy and, perhaps in some
instances, dictate terms.
A major conflict with Israel has the potential to escalate quickly and shock the global economy.
To what extent Carr will directly attempt to dissuade U.S. involvement in the Israeli-Iran saga remains to be seen, and indeed the
ultimate outcome is dependent on far more than just Australian pressure. But given Carr’s affinity for espionage and political thrillers, perhaps the self-proclaimed realist still has some fight left. If so he should act. Australia is in a prime position to elevate its international presence, and a strong stance on Iranian intervention would be a good place to start. Miles is a junior studying in political science. He is currently studying abroad in Australia. Please send all letters and feedback to opinion@dailycardinal.com.
Tell us about your insightful opinions in a Letter to the Editor! Please send all letters to opinion@dailycardinal.com
comics 6 • Monday, March 5, 2012
Today’s Sudoku
Irony! The man who invented the Segway died by accidently driving one off a cliff. dailycardinal.com
Suddenly being in a scene from West Side Story © Puzzles by Pappocom
Evil Bird
Eatin’ Cake
By Caitlin Kirihara kirihara@wisc.edu
By Dylan Moriarty EatinCake@gmail.com
Solution, tips and computer program available at www.sudoku.com.
Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.
By Patrick Remington remington@wisc.edu
Today’s Crossword Puzzle
Caved In
Answer key available at www.dailycardinal.com
MILKSHAKES! ACROSS 1 Like some proportions 5 Constellation formerly part of Argo 11 Pantyhose woe 14 Crime scene discovery 15 Belittled 16 Beatle bride of 1969 17 Ostracized 19 Mysterious radar blip 20 Fleur-de-___ (Quebec symbol) 21 Segments of books 23 Painter’s support 26 Unit of resistance 27 “Drop this,” editorially 28 A ballroom dance 30 Bank jobs 32 End of the Three Musketeers’ motto 33 Take air in and out 36 Eloquent 41 Rotted 42 Try to win the hand of 44 “Little Women” novelist 47 Make good 50 Horn honk 51 Square on a calendar
3 “Giddyap!” obeyer 5 54 Hit maker? 57 Boater’s paddle 58 “’Tain’t” rebuttal 59 Changing places 64 1,000,000,000 years 65 A hole near the sole 66 Kind of tide 67 Modern courtroom evidence 68 Fishing boots 69 A bit pretentious DOWN 1 Draw away from shore 2 D.C. wheeler-dealer 3 “Apple cider” gal 4 Bikes 5 Airport curb queue 6 Atty.’s org. 7 “Happy Days” role 8 Faith with Five Pillars 9 Maiden name indicators 10 Affixes 11 Certain cosmetics 12 Insincere 13 Hangmen’s loops 18 Bit of Scottish attire 22 “Farewell” from France 23 12:15 at J.F.K., perhaps 24 Belt hole makers
Concerto highlights An aria is part of it Correct way to stand Believer in sacred cows 31 Bit of a joule 34 Barnyard abode 35 Art of verse 37 Drug for Parkinson’s patients 38 Boxer’s doc 39 Bedside pitcher 40 Accomplishes 43 Elevated poetic piece 44 Became less intense 45 Small wound 46 Big name in private planes 48 Blacken with fire 49 Blunt-ended cigar 51 Chopped finely 52 Common place for a sprain 55 Bumped off, biblically 56 Bean used in Asian sauces (Var.) 57 Dinner scraps 60 All eternity, poetically 61 Above, poetically 62 You can wipe your feet on it 63 “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, ___”
Scribbles n’ Bits
By Nick Kryshak nkryshak@wisc.edu
By Melanie Shibley shibley@wisc.edu
5 2 26 29 30
Washington and the Bear
By Derek Sandberg kalarooka@gmail.com
Monday, March 5, 2012
Women’s Hockey
Badgers fall to Duluth in Final Face-Off first round Loss leaves Wisconsin stumbling at the wrong time heading into the NCAA tournament By Nico Savidge The Daily Cardinal
DULUTH, Minn.—For almost the entire regular season, the Wisconsin women’s hockey team appeared close to invincible. But after falling to Minnesota-Duluth 3-1 in the opening game of the WCHA Final Face-Off Friday, a game in which the Badgers seemed unprepared for their motivated opponent, Wisconsin has now lost two of its past four games heading into the NCAA tournament. The Badgers will open that eight-team tournament as the No. 1 seed against Mercyhurst, knowing that if they win three games they will repeat as national champions, but if they lose one their season will be over. After a dominant run from September until February, Wisconsin has picked March— the time of year with the highest stakes—to start showing signs of weakness. Though they were WCHA regular-season champions and swept the season series against Minnesota-Duluth, the Badgers struggled mightily against the Bulldogs, who needed a win in the Final Face-Off to earn a spot in the NCAA tournament. The Bulldogs fell Saturday in the conference championship game to Minnesota, ending their season, but with their backs against the wall, UMD head coach Shannon Miller said Friday her team was playing at its peak against the topranked Badgers. “Obviously this is the biggest win of the year for us,” Miller said. After being overmatched in a game where his team was the heavy favorite, Wisconsin head coach Mark Johnson stressed preparation as a lesson the Badgers will take from the loss. He said players will have to
illinois from page 8 Onto the Big Ten Tournament
Wisconsin now heads to Indianapolis to face the winner of a first round game between Indiana and Penn State. The Badgers will sit out the opening day and open the postseason in the second game of the Friday afternoon quarterfinal session. “That can work both ways,” Ryan said. “Sometimes that team gets a game in and they are so much more relaxed the next day and sometimes that team has a tough time and is a bit fatigued.” Either way, Wisconsin heads into postseason play with about as much momentum as any team in the conference. After losing last week at
ask themselves, “Did I do the things necessary so when they start the game, I’m ready to go and I’m sharp and I’m firing on all cylinders?” “It’s an opportunity for us to take some lessons away from how we … prepared for this game, and make sure we do the job necessary the next five or six days to prepare ourselves a little bit better for our next game,” Johnson said. The Bulldogs out-worked and out-hustled the Badgers Friday, forcing turnovers all over the ice—most notably in Wisconsin’s own zone—while using their own speed to blow past UW defenders in the neutral zone for good chances on the rush. It was those kinds of plays that led to two UMD goals. A turnover from senior Wisconsin forward Brooke Ammerman in her own zone led to the Bulldogs’ first goal just over eight minutes into the opening period. The Badgers would even the score in the second period on a highlightreel play from junior forward Brianna Decker, who created her own breakaway with impressive stick work and beat otherwise-flawless UMD goalie Jennifer Harss. Ten minutes later, however, Duluth reclaimed the lead for good as Jenna McParland made a nice move of her own to get by junior defenseman Alev Kelter, and tucked the puck between sophomore goaltender Alex Rigsby’s left skate and the post. The Bulldogs would add an empty net goal in the third period’s dying seconds—moments after Rigsby sprinted back and made a diving stop after going off for an extra attacker at the wrong moment—to make the result secure. While the Badgers’ disappointment and frustration was Iowa, the Badgers have reeled off three straight wins beginning with last week’s road win over Ohio State. “Anytime you can go in [to the Big Ten Tournament] with three straight wins, it’s definitely a confidence builder,” Taylor said. “We are going to go down there expecting to win the whole thing, but you just have to take it 40 minutes at a time.” With the regular season now in the rear-view mirror, the Badgers are just three of those 40-minute games from a Big Ten title and just four more away from the NCAA Tournament. Given the Badgers’ propensity to outplay expectation, the story of the 2011-12 Wisconsin men’s basketball season seems to be far from written.
On to Indianapolis!
The Badgers are hoping to carry the momentum they generated against Illinois into the Big Ten Tournament. Indiana or Penn State? Wisconsin will face the winner of the Indiana-Penn State game. The Badgers are 3-0 in games against the Hoosiers and Nittany Lions this season.
Jan. 26 vs IU: W, 57-50 Jan. 31 @ PSU: W, 52-46 Feb. 19 vs. PSU: W, 65-55
evident after the game, it was clearly tampered by the knowledge that they will soon have a chance to redeem themselves and play for the NCAA championship that has been their goal all season. “Nothing’s guaranteed, and I think that’s a great reminder from our loss today,” senior
forward Hilary Knight said. “On the upside, we do have another shot.” With the Badgers now in a win-or-go-home position, Johnson said he will be looking for his team to find the level of energy necessary to succeed at this high-stakes time of year when that next shot comes.
“The magnitude of the next game is certainly higher than it is for today’s game,” Johnson said. “You lose next weekend and then your season’s over, so you have to play with urgency, you have to play to win, and hopefully in the next five or six days the mindset of our players will be at that point.”
Danny Marchewka/UW Athletic communications
Turnovers were a key factor in Wisconsin’s stunning WCHA Final Face-Off loss to MinnesotaDuluth. The Bulldogs were able to convert a pair of Badger miscues into goals.
UW to face Mercyhurst in NCAA tournament For the second straight year, the Wisconsin women’s hockey team will enter the NCAA tournament as the eight-team field’s top seed, facing Mercyhurst at the Kohl Center Saturday for a spot in the Frozen Four. The teams’ most notable matchup was in 2009, when the Badgers defeated the Lakers in the NCAA championship game for Wisconsin’s fourth title.
gophers from page 8 goal that gave Minnesota the momentum and brought the crowd alive and the Gophers never looked back. “We were pretty happy up 1-0 and going on a power play,” Zengerle said, “and the opposite of what we thought was going to happen happened, and that was a killer.” Freshman goaltender Joel Rumpel was brilliant between the pipes all weekend for Wisconsin, stopping 26 shots Friday and 31 Saturday. Rumpel had a shutout bid foiled Friday when Minnesota scored with just over a minute left in the game. “He’s a big lad, he uses his size well and he’s pretty cool, calm and collected [in goal],” Eaves said of Rumpel. Despite Saturday’s disappointing loss, Wisconsin— who ends the season having won four of its last six games,
In their most recent meeting, in January of 2011, the Badgers topped Mercyhurst 7-4. But Wisconsin head coach Mark Johnson said the Badgers will be facing “a different team” this time around, admitting he did not know much about their College Hockey America opponent. “They’ve got a bunch of quality wins,” Johnson said, “but including three on the road— never looked overmatched by the WCHA’s top team, and is confident in its chances in next weekend’s WCHA Playoffs. “Were playing our best hockey right now,” Zengerle said after Friday’s win, “and you want to play your best hockey going into playoffs.” Eaves said playing in a road atmosphere like that at Mariucci Arena lets the Badgers know what to expect heading into their road playoff series. “This is the way we need to play,” Eaves said. “It’s going to be an environment like this no matter where we go, it’s going to be contested…this kind of weekend sets it up for us.” By virtue of the Badgers’ loss Saturday and Bemidji State’s win over Alaska-Anchorage, Wisconsin finishes in 10th place and will travel to Denver to face the No. 9 Pioneers in the first round of the postseason.
that’s the job for the next three or four days is to find out what type of style they play [and] who are their key people.” Wisconsin will face off against Mercyhurst Saturday at 7 p.m. The winner will go on to the Frozen Four in Duluth, Minn., for the national semifinal and title game March 16 and 18. By Nico Savidge / The Daily Cardinal
Star of the weekend
Sophomore forward Mark Zengerle shined for the Badgers against Minnesota. Leading the offense Zengerle had a hand in every goal Wisconsin scored against the Gophers in the series, recording one goal and four assists .
Deserving of recognition? “I think Mark deserves to be [an AllWCHA forward], and needs to be, in our opinion, in the top nine,” head coach Mike Eaves said Friday.
Encouraged by the Badgers’ recent results, freshman Jake McCabe issued a warning via Twitter Saturday to Wisconsin’s first-round WCHA playoff opponent:
“Tough draw for Denver. I wouldn’t want to play Wisco right now.” Jake Mccabe, @McCabe19
Monday March 5, 2012 DailyCardinal.com
Men’s Basketball
Badgers close season on a high note Wisconsin heads to the Big Ten Tournament after an all-around effort leads to a big win over the Illini By Max Sternberg The Daily Cardinal
It hasn’t always been easy for the Wisconsin men’s basketball team (12-6 Big Ten, 23-8 Overall) during the 2011-12 season, but the Badgers have managed to work their way into position for yet another postseason run after finishing off the Big Ten season with a 70-56 win over Illinois. With their 11th straight Senior Day victory under Bo Ryan, the Badgers now head into the postseason as the fourth seed in next weekend’s Big Ten Tournament in Indianapolis. After struggling out of the gates in Tuesday’s win over Minnesota, a quick start was something that the Badgers had emphasized all week. With the shots finally falling, Wisconsin was able to do just that on Sunday afternoon, taking the lead for good with a 12-0 run that broke a 2-2 tie and keeping the Illini (6-12, 17-14) at arm’s length the rest of the way. The Badgers eventually grew that lead to 17 late in the first half and never looked back. On senior day at the Kohl Center, it was senior guards Rob Wilson and Jordan Taylor who led the early Wisconsin run. Taylor hit his first three-
pointer of the game to start the aforementioned run and Wilson picked up the slack with two jumpers of his own from downtown. “It’s always difficult with all the hoopla and the emotions [of senior day],” Taylor said. “You just have to go out and play basketball to pick up the win.” Wilson finished the game with eight points, continuing to provide the Badgers with a much-needed source of scoring off the bench. “[Last year] he was hurt and
“When you get balanced scoring it makes the offense much more potent.” Jordan Taylor senior guard Wisconsin men’s basketball
to me, it prevented his explosiveness, which is what he brings to the table,” Wisconsin head coach Bo Ryan said. “Now he has that explosiveness back and he is playing with a lot of confidence.” “I always say it is better late than never,” Wilson added. “I just have to keep the mindset of trying to help the team off the
bench in any way possible.” Taylor would finish the first half with eight points of his own but would spend much of the second half getting his teammates involved. Although late free throws gave Taylor 16 points for the afternoon—sharing the teamhigh with fellow guard Josh Gasser—he did not score a point from the field and only took one shot in the second half, in the meantime racking up three assists and three rebounds. “Those are definitely good games when we have balanced scoring,” Taylor noted. “When you get balanced scoring, it makes the offense much more potent.” With Taylor the focus of the Illini defense, it was up to the Badgers’ supporting cast to keep Illinois at bay, and it did just what it was asked to do, with junior forwards Ryan Evans and Jared Berggren joining Taylor and Gasser in double figures with 10 and 12 points, respectively. “[Illinois] can get it going and hit threes in bunches,” Gasser said. “We knew we just had to keep the foot on the pedal.” While it was ultimately for naught, Illinois junior guard Brandon Paul did all he could to keep the Illini in the game. Paul was held in check for
Mark Kauzlarich/the daily cardinal
Playing his final game home game as a Badger, Jordan Taylor led the way for Wisconsin with 16 points against Illinois. much of the first half, only getting to the five-point mark with a 3-pointer at the halftime buzzer. But the minute the second half began, Paul picked up his game. The Gurnee, Ill native finished with 17 second-half points
for a game-high 22 on 8-of-17 shooting (6-of-9 in the second half ). Paul also notched six rebounds and two assists, the assist total being a team-high.
illinois page 7
Men’s Hockey
Wisconsin splits with rival Gophers to end regular season After skating toe to toe with Minnesota, the Badgers are confident heading into the postseason of seven points—but no player shined brighter than Zengerle, MINNEAP OLIS—Playing who recorded four points in the in an atmosphere with a dis- game, including a highlight-reel tinctly postseason feel, the goal late in the second periWisconsin men’s hockey team od that silenced the Mariucci (11-15-2 WCHA, 16-16-2 overall) Arena faithful for good. continued its push toward the Wisconsin inflicted most of its playoffs, earning a confidence- damage in the second period, scorbuilding series split with rival ing three goals in total—two on the No. 4 Minnesota (20-8power play—to run away 0, 24-12-1) to close out with a 4-1 triumph in what the regular season. Eaves called one of the Sophomore forward Badgers’ most complete Mark Zengerle led the games of the season. Season point way for the Badgers in “Playing in this total for a dominating 4-1 vicbuilding can be difficult Mark tory Friday, but the if the crowd gets into it,” Zengerle, which ranks Gophers would fight Eaves said after the win. fourth in the back and earned a 2-1 “We were able to get the country. come from behind win lead and take them out in the series finale. of it and then we just Wisconsin head kept adding. The timely Assists for coach Mike Eaves tingoals we created were a Zengerle, kered with his lineup key element.” which leads prior to the series, After being embarthe nation. most prominently putrassed on their own ice ting junior Ryan Little in the series opener, on the top line with Eaves foresaw that his Zengerle and sophomore for- team would see a motivated ward Tyler Barnes. Little was Minnesota group the following put on the line with hopes of night, and the Gophers lived creating a favorable defensive up to that expectation as their matchup, but the result was an offense pushed the pace of play offensive spark for Wisconsin. out of the gate. The Little-Zengerle-Barnes Minnesota landed 15 shots on line was responsible for three of goal in the first period, but the the Badgers’ four goals Friday Badgers survived the Gopher night—accounting for a total onslaught and were able to take
By Ryan Evans The Daily Cardinal
a 1-0 lead midway through the second on a Barnes power play goal. Wisconsin held that lead into the third and had a chance to extend it with an early power play, but that’s where it began to unravel for the Badgers. On that man advantage
Zengerle turned the puck over at center ice to Gopher sophomore forward Erik Haula, who walked in on goal and scored shorthanded to tie the game. Just over three minutes later, Minnesota sophomore defenseman Nate Schmidt scored a
power play goal on a shot from the point that would stand up as the game winner as the Gophers skated away with the 2-1 win. It was Haula’s shorthanded
gophers page 7
49 37
Satchell Miche-Richter/the Minnesota Daily
The Badgers never looked overmatched in their series with the No. 1 team in the conference and believe they are playing their best hockey ahead of next weekend’s WCHA playoffs.