Fall 2013 Welcome Back - Monday, September 2, 2013 - The Daily Cardinal

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Fall Welcome Back Issue 2013

Rec Sports suggests updates to facilities By Tamar Myers the daily cardinal

grey satterfield/the daily cardinal

Blank met with campus press in her new office on Bascom Hill and discussed building relationships on campus, giving back to the state and embracing new revenue streams.

Chancellor Blank shares plans for UW’s future By Tamar Myers and Megan Stoebig The Daily Cardinal

In a meeting with campus press on Aug. 26 in her recently unpacked office atop Bascom Hill, new University of Wisconsin-Madison Chancellor Rebecca Blank stressed the importance of building relationships with the campus community and legislators, upholding responsibility to the state and utilizing new revenue streams. Blank, who previously served under President Barack Obama as Secretary of Commerce, began her tenure as chancellor in July, succeeding David Ward. She said she is eager to begin the year ahead and has many plans for UW-Madison. In terms of building relationships, Blank said it is important for her to get to know the university by seeing firsthand how it operates. “I’ve visited every one of the schools and colleges,” Blank said. “I wanted to go physically over to where they were as opposed to having the dean come here into my office. I want to see where people live.” Blank welcomed new students to campus by visiting residence halls on the first move-in day, speaking an convocation and celebrating the first football game in true Badger fashion by hosting a tailgate. Blank also said she is concerned about her relationship with legislators “at the other end of State Street.” “I really need to … feel like

we have pretty open lines of communication, and that’s not something you do with one visit,” Blank said. “That’s something you do over time, getting to know people.” Still, she said her predecessor David Ward did an “excellent job” of maintaining relationships with these politicians, so she doesn’t feel much need to do catch-up work. Beyond Madison, Blank feels the university has an obligation to give back to Wisconsin.

“Most people out there aren’t very actively thinking... ‘Gosh, I wonder what the University of Wisconsin’s doing in my community. If we don’t tell them, they don’t know.” Rebecca Blank chancellor University of Wisonsin-Madison

“I’m quite committed to the idea that we have responsibility to the state, that’s just fundamental to our very founding,” Blank said. Blank said the university does provide benefits to the state in many ways, such as the medical school’s clinics and the School of Education’s training for teachers. In addition, she said UW-Madison has an economic impact on the state. For instance, many companies come to Wisconsin because they want connections with the research university.

However, she said she feels the university has not done a good job with talking publicly about these benefits. “Most people out there aren’t very actively thinking… ‘Gosh, I wonder what the University of Wisconsin’s doing in my community,’” Blank said. “If we don’t tell them, they don’t know.” In regard to tuition and funding, Blank said she believes the school has done a good job of leveraging state money, tuition and federal research dollars, but a fourth piece, private donor funding, will need more emphasis. To increase these donations, she said the school should work with the alumni foundation to launch a major fundraising campaign. Blank said certain projects around campus may appeal to private donors, most of which should not be funded by state and tuition dollars. “Some of that is building some buildings that the state is not going to fund, like an art museum… but the right thing to fund with private donor dollars,” Blank said. Overall, Blank said she missed the energy of the college experience and is glad to be back. “The fun parts of universities are that there are students here,” she said. “And it’s one of the things I have really missed in the last five years that I’ve been away from the universities. You’re with all of these middleaged people and you just say, ‘Is there no one young around here? Can we not have some other conversations?’”

Recreational sports officials are in the process of creating a proposal, which if successful, would lead to large-scale changes to campus recreation centers and most likely an increase in student segregated fees. According to Recreational Sports Director John Horn, Rec Sports facilities, which include the Natatorium, the Southeast Recreational Facility, the Nielsen Tennis Center and the Shell, are outdated by at least 30 years. In addition, Horn said UW-Madison’s recreational facilities total around 12,000 square feet and have over 100,000 eligible users. He said colleges should have 1.5 square feet of recreation space for every eligible user, according to guidelines set by both the National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association and the American

College of Sports Medicine. Instead of spending money to maintain outdated buildings, Horn believes it is more sensible to develop a long-term strategy to improve facilities. To accomplish this, Rec Sports created the Master Plan Committee to bring staff and students together to create a proposal for expanding and renovating current facilities. In addition, two students also started Badgers for Recreational Reform, an organization that hopes to gather ideas about what students want from their sports facilities. “The rec centers are meant for students; they’re the ones who end up paying for them,” said Dylan Fiedler, a University of Wisconsin-Madison junior and BRR member. “It’s important that their voices are heard.” After planning is completed,

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taylor galaszewski/the daily cardinal

Rec Sports officials are creating a referendum, that if passed would renovate facilities such as the SERF, pictured above.

New ‘green’ residence hall opens doors to students By Megan Stoebig the daily cardinal

The University of WisconsinMadison opened a new residence hall for fall 2013, named Aldo Leopold Hall, which focuses on educating students about conservation and sustainable living habits. The facility, which was temporarily called New 32 Hall,

is located next to Kronshage Residence Hall on the west end of campus. It was named in July after former UW-Madison professor Aldo Leopold, who is often considered the father of the wildlife management and conservation movement. Director of Marketing for

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“…the great state University of Wisconsin should ever encourage that continual and fearless sifting and winnowing by which alone the truth can be found.”

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Fall Welcome Back Issue 2013

An independent student newspaper, serving the University of Wisconsin-Madison community since 1892 Volume 123, Issue 3

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The Dirty Bird

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TOMORROW partly sunny hi 82º / lo 55º


sex and the student body

Taking the ‘pressure’ out of losing your V-card


tODAY sunny

Alex Tucker sex columnist


ello friends, and welcome back to Badgerland! As many of you are new to campus and the culture of college, it seems very pertinent to talk about the old V-card. In some ways, the concept of virginity is completely made up, as is most of the shame that accompanies it. However, many people view the whole idea as a rite of passage, something most people do that can open the doors to many possibilities. Although “sex” means different things to different people, I’m using the word to mean vaginal or anal intercourse. Similarly, “virgin” in this column means somebody who has yet to experience vaginal or anal intercourse with a penis or sex toy. Capisce? In college, it seems like “everyone’s done it.” I’m here to dispel that myth. As a college junior with a diverse friend group (and

an obvious connection with the sexually inclined) I can tell y’all that about half of my close friends have only recently had sex for the first time or have yet to experience sex at all. In fact, more than three quarters of college students have intercourse with zero to one new partner every year. So while it may seem like people are getting laid left and right, we should make sure to do some digging before comparing ourselves to those around us. Pressure’s off! Let’s say we do want to lose our virginity. Before we’re ready to do the deed, we should discuss a few starting points that can help us get our point started, if you know what I mean. First of all, we need to discuss—say it with me—protection! Whether or not we want to use a condom for our first time is something we should think about. If our partner has been tested for STIs and birth control is taken care of, if necessary, sometimes it’s most intimate to leave certain types of protection out of the equation, as long as we’re prepared. As Sex Out Loud says, “the wetter the sex, the better the sex!” This is especially true if it is some-

body’s first time. In people with vaginas, nerves can sometimes make it difficult for all the juices to flow. Anuses are never self-lubricating, so adding a couple of drops of (condom-safe, if we’re using that method) lube is a must during anal—first time or hundredth. Whatever type of penetration we choose to engage in, lube is always the answer. Lube can also be a great tool to incorporate into foreplay. By moving lube in and around, up and down our partners’ genitals, we can warm everyone’s body up. Getting ready for penetration can feel stressful for both parties so it’s important to make sure everybody is up for the task, pun intended. So yeah, lube. So now that our bodies are prepared, time to figure out who we want to experience our first time with. This decision is completely up to us—whether we prefer a good friend who we trust, our partner who we are committed to, or a rando we meet some Saturday night, we get to choose what is right for us. There are advantages to each idea. For example, a good friend may know what they’re doing or

may care about our feelings more than someone we don’t know as well. A partner could understand our physical and emotional needs more than a friend or new person might. A random person could help us get over the hump of “doing it” without compromising our established relationships. Once we’re with our preferred partner and our bodies are all heated up, it’s time to take the plunge! At Sex Out Loud, we always say the receptive partner should start out on top so they can control the speed and depth of the thrusts. Sometimes first-time intercourse can be painful, so it’s important to be in constant communication with our partners and stay in tune with our bodies so we don’t push ourselves too far. For those of us who have already had sex for the first time, we can always work on making our next time feel like our first time again. We can always discuss with our partner or partners how to make an old experience feel new, how to get those butterflies back into our bellies. Just lost your Dirty Bird V-card? To ask Alex anything, email sex@dailycardinal.com.

In your dreams: drowning in the metaphor KANE KAIMAN dream interpreter


ane Kaiman is a graduate of Cedarburg High School. There, he scored a 5 on his AP Psychology test, giving him the authority to interpret the dreams of all humans and some of the earth’s more intelligent mammals. Although he is considered by many to be the world’s foremost expert in the study of dreams, he himself has never had one. This week’s dream: “I was standing near a white building looking out across an incredibly long beach. The building itself was surrounded by sand, and I never looked behind me, so I don’t know if there was an end to the beach. In the distance, maybe a few football fields away, was the ocean, but the water was a slick black, like oil. I walked inside the building, which was the size of a small house, and there was a man and a woman inside. I think they were lifeguards and that the building was where they got prepared before walking out to the ocean to do their jobs. They left the building as I began to put on some sunscreen, because it was very hot and sunny outside. I went back outside, and I saw that the black ocean was rising. I started to get really scared. The oil/water was rising and rising, almost reaching the sky. I knew that a tidal wave was coming soon. Attached to the building was a wooden frame, and I grabbed onto the top of it. I was terrified, like I said before. Finally, the water rushed over me, and I held onto the wood for dear life. The water rushed past me so hard that

my body was parallel to the ground. Astonishingly, I managed to hold on, and the wave passed by. Then I woke up.” -Quinn Labowitch, sophomore One hundred percent accurate interpretation: Ah, the classic “Tsunami Nightmare,” AKA “The Big Wave;” I dealt with this one a lot when I counseled troubled surfers in the Maui area back in the ’90s. During my stay in Hawaii, a dream like this almost always preceded a violent mental breakdown. In the summer of 1997 alone, three separate clients attempted to strangle me with surfboard leashes. I doubt you surf, but for safety’s sake it’s probably best that we never meet. Let’s get down to business. For the surfers, the dream’s meaning was obvious: They fantasized about riding record-breaking waves but doubted their abilities. However, for a Badger like you, hundreds of miles from the ocean, this dream can only mean one thing: You’re worried about climate change. The rapidly rising water in your nightmare has an obvious connection to the slower, but no less terrifying, sea-level change that intellectuals, like myself, have proven is taking place on our planet as the polar ice caps continue to melt. The fact that the water is dark and oily is another key piece of evidence. Oil is a fossil fuel and when we burn it for energy, it releases gases that heat up the planet. To help avoid a recurring nightmare, I recommend you put your mind at ease by spending time picking up litter. The seemingly endless beach symbolizes your self-perceived insignificance. You feel unimportant in the grand scheme of life. You’re probably right. It’s unlikely that you will ever make much of a difference in the lives of all the

people living on earth, let alone anything else living in the rest of the universe, which is expanding as we speak. One way to cope with this feeling is to go outside and determine the fate of an anthill: smash it, pour water on it, pull out the magnifying glass, whatever you want. You may be inconsequential to the human race, but to the ants, you’ll be master of the cosmos. It’s no surprise that the man and woman in the building wanted nothing to do with you and your sunscreen. I’d be willing to bet that you’re a fair-skinned young man with a minor inferiority complex. After a nightmare of this magni-

tude, bottle up all of your emotions and carry on with your life as best you can. A dangerous meltdown that could lead to complete mental disconnection from society is on the horizon. Stay strong, and keep it together! P.S. Good thing you didn’t drown there at the end. Remember, it’s been proven that if you die in a dream, you die in real life. That’s why I always tell my clients to make sure they wake up before they die. Have a dream you want Kane to interpret? Email him at kaiman@ wisc.edu for his absolutely factually expert advice!


Fall Welcome Back Issue 2013 3 l

news Singing protesters continue gathering in Capitol rotunda By Jack Casey The Daily Cardinal

A group of singing protesters in the state Capitol continue to draw attention to the ever-lengthening list of arrests they are generating as they protest permitting requirements for groups assembling within the Capitol. The Solidarity Singers, a group of protesters who voice their discontent with Gov. Scott Walker’s leadership by singing, first took their daily protest challenging the new permitting rules inside the Capitol July 17. There have been more than 320 citations issued to date for gathering without a permit. The administrative rules, passed by Walker’s Department of Administration, originally required all groups of four or more to acquire a permit before assembling in the Capitol, but a ruling by U.S. District Court Judge William Conley temporarily revised the rules to take effect only when groups consist of 20 or more people. The ruling was the result of an ongoing case brought by Michael Kissick, a protester and University of Wisconsin-Madison professor, against the DOA. While the protesters have continued to wage their daily standoff with Capitol Police, they have garnered attention for several notable arrests, including Ald. Mark Clear, District 19, and Damon Terrell, a regular Madison protester who lost a primary bid for the District 13 alder seat during the 2012 election. Clear was the first politician arrested for assembling without a permit inside the Capitol. He said he was arrested with-

leopold from page 1 University Housing Brendon Dybdahl said the working greenhouse on the rooftop is one of the most unique features of the new building. “As far as we know … this is the only residence hall in the country that has a working greenhouse in it, so we’re pretty proud of it,” Dybdahl said. The building also has solar panels to heat water, metered rooms that allow residents to track how much energy they are using and a workshop in the lower level for events. The building itself was also

in one or two minutes of first arriving to sing in the rotunda. His lawyer has already entered a not guilty plea on his behalf, he added. The alder said he disagrees with the citations and Capitol Police action because the singing protesters are exercising their constitutional rights. “I can understand people who said that the daily event was annoying, but annoying is also constitutionally protected,” Clear said, adding the right to assemble should specifically extend to important political areas. “The Capitol rotunda may be the most important venue for protest in the state.” Terrell’s forcible Aug. 26 arrest occurred after two Capitol Police officers approached him, brought him to the ground and pinned him with the help of a third officer, according to video footage of the arrest. Terrell maintains he tripped while backing away from the officers. Terrell faces charges for resisting arrest as well as the possibility of a felony battery charge after the incident. The protests are set to continue indefinitely as neither side has agreed to compromise. However, Tom Kasper, a retired state employee, has received a permit for a group of separate singers called Kapitol Singerz for three days this month, adding another wrinkle to the saga as protesters and police wait to see if the permit will produce any considerable changes. The Capitol Police could not be reached for comment. constructed with environmentally conscious materials, according to Dybdahl. Leopold Hall houses the Greenhouse Learning Community, which is designed for students who want to think, work and live in more sustainable ways, according to its website. Lauren Mckay, a biology major and freshman, said though Leopold Hall was not her first choice of residence halls, living in the new dorm has already started changing her attitude toward being environmentally conscious. “I think I’ll actually start paying attention a little more to some of the stuff I do,” McKay said.

jane thompson/the daily cardinal

Aldo Leopold Residence Hall opened to students this month and offers sustainable designs such as a rooftop greenhouse.

courtesy of city of madison

The Hub will include 326 apartments, more than 100 parking spaces and a rooftop pool in a 12-story design to accomodate more than 1000 residents, Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4, said.

Three restaurants displaced by State Street redevelopment face uncertain futures By Melissa Howison the daily cardinal

Common Council’s Aug. 6 approval of Chicago-based developing firm Core Campus’ bid to transform the 500 block of State Street into a high-rise apartment complex called The Hub solidified the future of the aisle previously inhabited by Husnu’s, Kabul and Buraka; three long-standing and beloved restaurants that will be torn down, according to Ald. Mike Verveer, District 4. In addition to Husnu’s, Kabul and Buraka; who have yet to find new spaces, Roast public house will be moving across the street to 558 State St., and Jimmy John’s will resume operating from 527 State St., next to Mondays bar.

rec sports from page 1 students will need to approve a referendum to authorize renovations. The Master Plan Committee hopes to have core plans for the proposal done by Thanksgiving, which will allow enough time for ASM to approve a referendum for spring 2014 elections. Renovating the recreational facilities would mean some increase in segregated fees, Horn said, unless private donors cover all costs. The committee is currently trying to utilize sources like donors as much as possible. But, Horn also said he hopes to ensure that segregated fees will not rise until the new facilities are built, which means increases would not affect current students. This year, undergraduates will each pay $73.56 in segregated fees to Rec Sports, according to the Office of the Registrar. On average, Horn said students attending Big 10 schools pay $230 yearly for recreational facilities. The Master Plan is still in its beginning stages, so Horn said the project’s cost or to what extent segregated fees will be affected is unknown. However, Horn said a similar project at the University of Michigan cost $250 million, which could be an estimate for UW-Madison’s plan. In addition to expanding indoor facilities, Horn said the committee is also explor-

Buraka owner Markos Regassa said he would ideally remain on State Street but said he is afraid he will lose his restaurant if he can’t obtain an adequate loan. “I love Madison, I love the people of Madison and that’s why I have been in this business,” Regassa said. “And it’s very, very unfortunate that I might lose everything.” Regassa said communication with the developers has decreased since the initial proposal in the spring, but Verveer said Core Campus “promised to continue to try to help the businesses.” Aid includes providing all three restaurants space on the first floor of the new development. However, Regassa said he foresees not being able to

afford the inflated rental fees. The developers still have to work out details with various city agencies, before demolition can begin, according to Verveer, which Core Campus is hoping will commence Jan. 2014 and be completed by fall 2015. Verveer likened the development to Lucky Apartments on East Campus Mall and said a “fair number of [University of Wisconsin-Madison] students will not be able to afford to live at The Hub.” Verveer also said the developers remain confident they will find occupants, due in part to Madison’s “record-low” vacancy rate and Epic System stating they will hire thousands of new employees over the next few years.

ing the possibility of improving outdoor fields by replacing them with synthetic turf. Horn said 25 to 40 percent of outdoor activities, including club and intramural games and practices, are canceled each year, mostly due to the fact that current fields cannot be used when wet. The Master Plan Committee and BRR are soliciting student input, and BRR

is recruiting members. “We’re the ones who get to make this choice, activate this change and better this campus for future students,” Fiedler said. “It’s kind of shocking to see how poor and dull our recreational facilities are when we go to such a great school.” For the feature-length version of this article visit www. dailycardinal.com.

science Hair cells may be new hearing loss cure 4


Fall Welcome Back Issue 2013

By Zhengzheng Zhang The Daily Cardinal

Hearing is an essential function that enables people to take part in daily communication, appreciate music and nature, and enjoy their life. In the U.S., about 35 million Americans suffer from hearing impairments, with 2 million people completely deaf, according to the National Organization for Hearing Research Foundation. Developing an effective therapy for curing hearing loss is therefore a dream for both patients and ear surgeons. Samuel Gubbels, an assistant professor at the Department of Surgery and the Waisman Center at the University of WisconsinMadison, recently reported that his lab has been working to regenerate a specific kind of ear cell that takes the major responsibility for the human’s hearing loss, called a hair cell. Hair cells are the tiny, neural receptor cells in the human’s inner ear. They are components of a delicate inner ear organ shaped like a snail shell, called a cochlea. The cochlea plays a crucial role in the human’s hearing: When sound waves travel from the outer ear to the cochlea, hair cells would receive the waves and change them into electrical impulses that are then transferred by auditory nerves to the

human brain. “They are called hair cells, because on the top of the cells, there are little projections, which look like a bush of hairs on the cells,” Gubbels said. According to him, each person has thousands of hair cells in the inner ear. The more the hair cells are lost, the worse a person’s hearing would be. “Most of the time, about 80 percent of the patient cases, when the human loses hearing, it is because the hair cells have been lost in the inner ear,” Gubbels said. Unlike certain species—like some birds, fish or amphibians ­­— who can regenerate their hair cells when lost, once the human’s hair cells are damaged or dead, whether it is due to noises, drugs or aging, the hearing would be lost permanently. Thus, if hair cells could be regenerated by scientists and transplanted into the human’s inner ears, there may be chances that hearing impairment could be cured at its root, according to Gubbels. Current medical treatments for hearing loss patients include using hearing aids and cochlea implants. Although those therapies have worked well for thousands of patients, the help is still limited and has several disadvantages. For example, hearing aids

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are sound-amplification devices, which can only stimulate the hair cells that are still alive. Since different hair cells are sensitive to different sound frequencies, even with the help of the hearing aid, patients still have difficulty hearing certain sounds.

graphic by Haley Henschel

Cochlea implants, small but complex electronic devices that function by directly simulating the auditory nerve, work well by bypassing the hair cells. However, the surgery implanting the devices is expensive and has certain risks such as infection. Patients also are required to wear the electronic device for their entire lifetime. Moreover,


according to Gubbels, the sounds that the patients hear through the cochlea implants are not natural sounds and are more like electronic or synthesized sounds. In America, hearing loss due to hair cell damage or damage to the auditory nerve has affected the ability to communicate for more than 22 million people, according to the NOHR foundation. Thus, if scientists can find a solution that triggers the hair cell’s regeneration, then replacing dead hair cells with new ones would be a much more effective therapy for treating hearing impairment. Although in recent years, some scientists have been able to regenerate certain human organs like neural tissues, or even some sorts of ear cells, in the laboratory, hair cell regeneration is still a pioneer research and full of challenges. “We don’t know how to do it for hair cells, there is no route map for how we do this. It is a lot of trial and error,” Gubbels said. But ongoing trial and error has led Gubbels’ lab on the way. So far, the group has found a method that can turn stem cells into a specific sort of inner ear cells, called the progenitor. The progenitor cells are “parent” cells of hair cells, which have the potential to develop into the hair cells and other ear cells.

Previous researchers have reported that hair cells are hard to root in the places where they should be. Progenitors are a good solution to this problem because of their ability to take the root in the inner ear where the cells are needed. Gubbels’ lab is now working to investigate how the progenitor cells can be grown into hair cells in the lab culture. According to the NOHR foundation, a breakthrough finding reported by several labs in 1993 has shown the existence of progenitors in mammalian ears, such as the mouse. Although there is no evidence to show whether a human will still retain progenitors after birth, investigating how the progenitors can be evolved into hair cells is an essential step to a more effective hearing loss therapy. Gubbels’ team now is also drafting a research paper on its findings and hopes to be published soon. As every pioneer scientific research does, hair cell regeneration therapy could be a lengthy year and a difficult task, but Gubbels is optimistic about the future. “I do know when I see a baby right now who hasn’t any hearing whatsoever, probably in her lifetime, [she] will have regenerate therapy available for her.”

Childhood stresses may trigger the later onset of anxiety in girls By Danielle Smith The Daily Cardinal

When exposed to high-stress situations, the normal physiological reaction is for the body to release a hormone called cortisol, which prepares people for a fight-or-flight response to the stressor. However, according to a study done at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the laboratory of psychology professor Seth Pollak, this reaction does not occur in girls who experienced physical abuse in their developmental years. The study stemmed from an experiment in which a group of boys and girls, ages 8 to 11, were placed in front of a panel of strangers and asked to do on -the-spot math calculations and give impromptu speeches. While most of the children responded to the situation with the expected cortisol rush, “there was a specific group from our experiments who did not follow the usual pattern, and in fact they followed the opposite pattern,” said Leslie Seltzer, a postdoctoral researcher involved in the study. The subgroup Seltzer was referring to was composed of girls who had a history of child abuse. Their hormonal stress reaction was an increase in a hormone called oxytocin, which influences people to form attachments and trust and is typically associated with more inviting, happier situations. This reaction reveals useful information about the coping mechanisms developed from early onset abuse, but the

increase in oxytocin levels can also help explain patterns of more troublesome behaviors later in these girls’ lives. “We found that possibly, due to this reaction, girls who have this early experience engaged in sexual behavior earlier on, got pregnant earlier, and ultimately ended up more prone to riskier behaviors,” Seltzer said.

“There are so many individuals who have suffered from the effects of physical abuse.” Leslie Seltzer scientist

In today’s society, these tendencies are often seen as socially unacceptable. However the researchers in Pollak’s lab argue that this release of oxytocin is actually an adaptive reaction developed over thousands of years to give people who’ve had these experiences a leg up to make up for the traumatic effects of the abuse. “We may not actually want to change this because it may actually be an adaptive strategy regardless of the fact that these behaviors are social ills of modern western society,” said Seltzer. Pollak’s lab discoveries of this release of oxytocin have also lead to new insight in other kinds of psychological studies. For example, research being done on the effects of dysfunctional

adult relationships can now be explained in some cases by examining a person’s history of abuse instead of looking solely at his or her adult behavioral choices. “This is the first time that those kinds of hormonal patterns have suggested that it may not in fact be a result of their adult relationships but something developed earlier in life,” Pollak said. The reaction to the release of Pollak, Seltzer, and their colleagues’ findings created a lot of buzz on the popular social news website, Reddit. The press release received over 160,000 hits, which is more than any news story that has ever come out of UW-Madison’s website. “The comments on that Reddit thread I think are incredibly moving and telling and of course heartbreaking,” said Seltzer. “There are so many individuals who have suffered from the effects of physical abuse.” There are many situations in life that can lead people to engage in risky or somewhat negative social behaviors. Findings like those of Pollak and his colleagues can help predict which individuals are more likely to go down these paths, making it easier to administer help in dealing with them. Seltzer said on the future impact of their findings, “we hope that in the future we can discover the roots behind what we consider to be socially maladaptive social behavior and we can help more people later on.”


Fall Welcome Back Issue 2013 5 l


‘Closed Circuit’ lacks an electrifying plot line By Caleb Nesser The Daily Cardinal

I don’t like movies about government conspiracies. Every time I see a film wherein a modern-day government (or a body within that government) is depicted as the antagonist, my immediate thought is, “Why the heck would this government allow somebody to make a movie wherein they are depicted as the antagonists?” Perhaps there’s a form of subtle commentary there that I’m not seeing. But regardless, it’s a reliable way to completely disintegrate my willing suspension of disbelief. Obviously, I have just spoiled the major plot twist of “Closed Circuit,” so now you don’t have to go to a cinema to watch it. You’re welcome. It’s a mawkish, disorganized and unfocused film that is only made watchable by virtue of it being embarrassingly well-acted. Typically, enjoying the chemistry of a good cast might be enough to call “Closed Circuit” a decent flick, but the ideas that it wants to play with are the real meat of the story. “Closed Circuit” fumbles these so badly that not even Jim Broadbent’s delicious malignity as the corrupt, soft-spoken attorney general can salvage it from the turgid waters of banality. “Closed Circuit” is one of those infuriating movies that try to tug the heartstrings with a shoddy narrative framework whilst ignoring the real questions being raised by its themes. The major question being asked seems to be one of judicial power’s corruption and the regulation thereof, but the film never explicitly ties anything relevant to this otherwise important issue. The narrative’s main focus is on Claudia Simmons-Howe and Martin Rose—played by Rebecca Hall and Eric Bana—as ex-lovers and lawyers, defending a man accused of bombing a crowded London market. And throughout a likewise predictable plot, the movie seems much more interested in their past affair rather than making any kind of thoughtful commentary on the events unfolding. While it is fun to see the actors enjoying themselves, the roles they fill are empty—without any thematic meaning tied to them.

At its core, the problem with the film’s narrative is not a thematic one or even a structural one. What bothers me is that the film is so bloody predictable. I was never once surprised or interested at the characters’ revelations because I saw them coming. “Oh no, we’re being monitored!” Uh, duh. “Oh, no! MI6 was paying the terrorists!” Yep, we’ve got a masterful screenwriter working his magic back here. “OH, NO! THEY’RE COMING TO KILL US!” For Pete’s sake… All the built-up tension was lost because everybody was dancing to an old song so overplayed it gets in the way of some very fine acting and cinematography. And then there’s the ending. Needless to say, we’re re-entering spoiler town now, so bail if you still insist on seeing this movie. By the time the two lawyers have gotten their evidence to the court and are ready to bring the justice system crashing down around its own alabaster columns, the attorney general already had their client murdered and his death framed as a suicide. Whilst this might seem like a gutsy and original play to some moviegoers, it really isn’t. It was another event bound to happen. The antagonists already established their willingness to murder lawyers, journalists and even children to keep their secrets under wraps. Why wouldn’t they kill a guy they had sitting around in a cramped, padlocked cell to render the protagonists’ efforts moot? MI6 isn’t about to be toppled in a day by two uppity defense attorneys and a kid from Turkey. They’re a little bit more competent than that. It bothers me this ending is becoming a staple of government conspiracy cover-up thrillers. You know why I liked the movie “Eagle Eye”? Because it was as far removed from pretentious realism and it still had something to talk about. “Closed Circuit” isn’t a bad film, but it’s not a good one either. It tries to be an interesting and thought-provoking drama, and succeeds only at ripping off a bleached, monochromatic aesthetic from the BBC’s “Sherlock.” Perhaps if you don’t care about any of that, you’ll get some enjoyment out of the film. Otherwise, wait until “The Fifth Estate” comes out.

September Arts Events Sept. 6, UW Memorial Union Terrace—Sunspot Sept. 14, Overture Center for the Arts— Kathy Griffin

Sept. 7, UW Memorial Union Terrace—Ryan Leslie, Psymun & K.Raydio, Lord of the Fly & CRASHprez

Sept. 19, Alliant Energy Center—Kid Cudi, Tyler, The Creater, Logic Sept. 23, The Frequency— Waxahatchee Sept. 27, The Orpheum Theater—Volcano Choir

the daily cardinal File Photo

Sept. 28, High Noon Saloon—Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.

COME WRITE FOR THE DAILY CARDINAL ARTS DESK. WE DON’T PECK. Recruitment meetings Sept. 13 & 27, 4 p.m., 2195 Vilas Hall.

Interested in writing for The Daily Cardinal? Swing by room 2142 in Vilas Hall after 4 p.m. Sunday-Thursday and we’ll get you started. We’ll have snacks!


The original Edward Snowdens? In 1999 Furbies were banned from U.S. National Security Agency headquarters for fear they’d repeat classified information.


Prancing nougat

Today’s Sudoku

Fall Welcome Back Issue 2013 • 9

Eatin’ Cake

By Dylan Moriarty www.EatinCake.com

© Puzzles by Pappocom


5 6



7 3 5 9 7 5 8 1 6 2 3 9 5 2 5 9 4

8 1 4 6


9 3 9 2


Caved In

8 4

7 9


Today’s Crossword Puzzle

2 1 8 9 3



6 1

5 9


1 2 4 2 7 3 5

1 8


3 9


# 70

3 By1Steve5Wishau swishau@wisc.edu 6 9 8 6 2 1 4 6 9 7 5 2 8 9 2 1 4 3 6 7 9 5 6 2 5 1 1 7 4

Tanked Life

5 7



8 2 5 8 3 4 3 7 2 5 By Nick Kryshak nkryshak@wisc.edu 9 8 3 1 7 5 9 2 7 3 4 6

EASY Solution, tips and computer program available at www.sudoku.com. # 69 Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

2 3

9 7


6 5

# 71


# 72

Answer key available at www.dailycardinal.com

Extra cheese

ACROSS 1 Switzerland’s ___ Leman 4 Perform better than 9 Babble on and on and on 14 “That turns my 4 8 9 stomach!” 7 3 2 5 6 15 Same-old, same-old 5 3 16 2 Haunting 1 8 6 7 4 17 Pasture 6 1 18 7 Nightclub 4 9 5gadabout 8 2 8 2 20 3 Condos, 5 4 e.g. 9 1 7 22 Part of MYOB 7 5 23 4 Viral 8 varieties 6 1 3 9 2 6 Stoolie 1 9 30 6 Adds 2 a7lane 3 4 8 9 4 32 5 Some 3 2victories 7 6for1 Ali 2 7 34 1 Where 6 5to get 8 fab 9 abs 3 3 6 One of the Muses 3 6 8 9 1 4 2 5 38 Kick without a tee 39 Makes a blunder 41 Serious play w.sudoku.com 43 Eggshell-like color 44 Coating of ice or frost 45 Swiss capital? 47 Didn’t go seek 48 Makes right 51 Catch in a snare 53 Terrible trial 55 Animated Springfield minor leaguer 58 Hollywood clashers

1 9 3 6 2 5 8 4 7

0 ___ place (locate) 6 61 People working in cubicles 67 Wanted poster letters 68 Lobbies with glass ceilings 69 Black thrush 70 Pulp fiction gumshoe# 70 1 71 Nonclerical group 72 Overly sentimental 8 73 Dinner plate 3 scraping DOWN 7 1 Beauts 6 2 Entertainer’s advocate 5 3 Officeholder who accomplishes little 2 4 In the open air 5 American’s Olympics 9 cheer 4 6 Bath basin 7 Tyne or Timothy 8 Some spreads 9 City on the Illinois river 10 Bodybuilder’s unit 11 Artist Jean 12 National Spelling Bee rarity 13 Always, to an old poet 19 Piece of beefcake 21 ___ chi (martial art form) 24 One lacking social

graces 25 “Thundercats” creature 27 Sort 28 Full-time channel surfer 29 Artist ___ de Toulouse-Lautrec 31 Prolonged gaze 323 It7may 6 be8found 5 on 9 a4 lobe 354 Doris 9 7Day3lyric4 6 2 35 First-class 4 1 9of a2 5 8 367 Resident 1 country 2 5 on 6 the 9 8 3 Arabian Sea 4 3 8 7 1 2 5 40 Drop in the mailbox 42 They march in lines 2 way 3 1 7 496 In8an4angry 479 Radio 1 3personality 5 6 4 9 50 Pudding starch 6 2 of 4 7 3 1 582 Partook 534 Crazy people, 5 9 1 8in 7 6 Mexico 56 Tight-fisted one, in slang 57 Ordain 59 Antarctic bird 61 Indian lentil dish 62 Airport posting (abbr.) 63 Respectful title in India 64 Set of supplies 65 Clairvoyant’s claim 66 Opposite of “nope”

3 1 7 4 9 6 8 5 2

# 71

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8 7 9 5 2 3 6 1 4

2 1 5 4 6 9 8 7 3

3 6 2 9 7 1 4 8 5

7 4 1 8 5 6 2 3 9

5 9 8 3 4 2 7 6 1

9 2 6 1 3 7 5 4 8

1 5 7 2 8 4 3 9 6

4 8 3 6 9 5 1 2 7

# 72

9 6 3 4 7 2 1 5 8

7 2 8 6 5 1 9 4 3

4 1 5 3 8 9 7 6 2

3 7 6 9 2 4 5 8 1

1 4 9 8 6 5 3 2 7

5 8 2 7 1 3 6 9 4

2 5 7 1 9 8 4 3 6

8 3 1 5 4 6 2 7 9

6 9 4 2 3 7 8 1 5

24 Jul 05

opinion Media produce what we want to read 10


Fall Welcome Back Issue 2013

nikki Stout opinion columnist


irectly following Miley Cyrus’ asinine performance at the Video Music Awards, it seemed as if every corner of the Internet swelled with commentary on the pop singer’s desperate publicity stunt. And as expected, the satire empire that is The Onion took it upon themselves to not only comment on the shenanigan, but also shift the focus to where it was deserved—mass media and the news outlets that turned what should have been a

public embarrassment into an issue of national concern. On Aug. 26, The Onion posted a fake op-ed accredited to CNN.com’s managing editor Meredith Artley entitled “Let Me Explain Why Miley Cyrus’ VMA Performance Was Our Top Story This Morning.” The piece can be summarized with the following statement taken from the article: “Those of us watching on Google Analytics saw the number of homepage visits skyrocket the second we put up that salacious image of Miley Cyrus dancing half nude on the VMA stage. But here’s where it gets great: We don’t just do a top story on the VMA performance and call it a day. No, no. We also throw in

a slideshow called ‘Evolution of Miley,’ which, for those of you who don’t know, is just a way for you to mindlessly click through 13 more photos of Miley Cyrus. And if we get 500,000 of you to do that, well, 500,000 multiplied by 13 means we can get 6.5 million page views on that slideshow alone. Throw in another slideshow titled ‘6 ‘don’t miss’ VMA moments,’ and it’s starting to look like a pretty goddamned good Monday, numbers-wise.” And that’s exactly it—journalism is a business of numbers. A BUSINESS. Meaning for-profit, for personal gain, for themselves. And even though this op-ed was indeed a fake story, all effective satire makes a mockery


of the truth. The idea that news outlets choose stories based on what the public deserves to know is simply naive. If that were the case, the average individual’s knowledge of our potential involvement in a Syrian civil war, in which we support the “rebels” of Al Qaeda, would be much greater than it is. The fact of the matter is, transparency is only clear as public interest allows it to be. If CNN were guaranteed the same number of hits on an article of legitimate substance as they are on a meaningless non-issue regarding a celebrity performing a routine dreamed up by a money-hungry publicist, perhaps things would be different. So that poses the question:

Can a for-profit industry perform a genuine civil service with the public’s best interest at heart? Or, as demonstrated through CNN.com, HuffPost and countless other news sources, is economics the deciding factor in what we accept as “public interest?” It’s sad to say that the present state of affairs is in shambles, yet our media are more concerned with appearances, fads, trends and gossip rather than the pressing issues at hand. But those are the stories that sell. And until public interest shifts toward legitimate issues, this is how things will stay. Nikki is a junior majoring in communication arts. Questions or comments? Please send all feedback to opinion@dailycardinal.com.

‘The Road Not Taken’ offers sound advice for incoming freshmen Allen zinkle opinion columnist


he most frustrating question I was asked this past summer was, “Why did you choose to go to school in Wisconsin?” Coming from east Tennessee, it is an appropriate question, but nonetheless, a difficult one to answer. My dad graduated here, and it’s always been a dream school of mine. That’s usually my response. In reality, though, the answer is much more complicated. Much like Robert Frost’s famous poem “The Road Not Taken,” I had two general choices in deciding where I wanted to go to college. I could either stay in-state and most likely go to

the University of TennesseeKnoxville, or go out-of-state. Like the narrator in the poem, I wouldn’t consider either path the road less traveled, but rather both equally as traveled upon; many of my friends stayed in-state, and it was hardly uncommon to go to school out-of-state. I chose to go to the University of Wisconsin-Madison because I needed a change of pace. I needed to branch out and get out of my comfort zone. And isn’t that really the quintessential college theme? I may not necessarily be taking the road less traveled by going to an out-of-state school like UW-Madison, but hopefully by being as active on campus as possible, I can help create my

own proverbial road. To me, that’s what really makes college special. It’s where we as students learn more about ourselves. We are able to branch out and emphasize each unique perspective that helps us differentiate from our peers. In college, each student can create his or her own unique and individual “road less traveled” through his or her involvement on campus and in the community. But of course, there are other reasons to get involved as well. I, like the majority of students from outside the Madison area, will have at least a few times in which I’m going to miss my family and friends back home. There will definitely be times where I’ll be

thinking about specific people and wishing I could see them. By keeping involved in campus affairs, not only can students help to make themselves stand out, but we can also use our involvement to distract us from thinking about the loved ones we are missing. While we come to this school as one body and one class, we each have unique talents and mindsets that separate us from others. This potential can either be ignored, or we can take a leap of faith and dive into the vast sea of clubs, organizations and activities offered by UW-Madison, and use these talents or interests to mold and shape our futures and our road ahead. Each student travels on his or her own road. No one else can claim to

be the exact same person with the exact same interests, hobbies and goals as another. However, if we choose to pass up opportunities around campus, we might end up missing out on discovering who we are—not only as students at this university, but also as individuals. So this fall, let’s all try to take the road less traveled and get involved—meeting new people and doing new things, and in the process, discovering ourselves. Allen is a freshman with an undecided major. How do you plan on making your college experience a memorable one? Do you feel the university offers a wideenough range of clubs and activities? We would love to know your thoughts! Please send all feedback to opinion@dailycardinal.com.

Hey, you! We want to know what you're thinking! Come to our recruitment meetings Sept. 13 and Sept. 27 at 4 p.m. in 2195 Vilas for all things Cardinal!


fall welcome back issue 2013 DailyCardinal.com

Running away with it

Grey Satterfield/the daily cardinal

Redshirt sophomore running back Melvin Gordon found his groove early, scoring a 70-yard touchdown in the second quarter. Gordon had 13 carries for 144 yards.

Trio of Badger running backs shine in head coach Gary Andersen’s Camp Randall debut By Cameron Kalmon The Daily Cardinal

For every change the Badgers made this offseason, it looked like Wisconsin used the same old winning recipe Saturday as first-year head coach Gary Andersen used a strong rushing attack to lead the way in a 45-0 victory over Massachusetts. A slow start for redshirt

sophomore quarterback Joel Stave turned into an explosive second half as he connected with redshirt senior wide receiver Jared Abbrederis for two long touchdowns in the third quarter. The Badgers received first possession and found themselves on the scoreboard just two minutes and 30 seconds into the game. Aided by a 47-yard run by senior running back James White, Stave ran the final four yards across the goal line to score the first points. In the first half of the game Wisconsin dominated on the ground but struggled to pass. Stave had just four completions on 11 attempts and one interception. Both redshirt sophomore running back Melvin Gordon and White played fairly equally and were alternated into the offense without much trouble. Gordon finished the game

Grey Satterfield/the daily cardinal

Senior running back James White breaks the game open Saturday on the Badgers’ first possession with a 47-yard run. White finished with 11 carries for 143 yards.

with 13 carries for 144 yards and White ended with 11 carries for 143 yards. Andersen said that he was pleased with the play of his running backs. “We’re very fortunate to have three talented running backs, James [White] and Melvin [Gordon] are a tandem and work well together.” Andersen said. “We look forward to seeing that all season long.” Freshman running back Corey Clement made his mark late in the game, rushing for 101 yards on 16 carries. Andersen acknowledged that the performance from Clement was one UW has seen throughout practice. The offensive line played well from the onset, allowing Stave to find his groove after an early interception in the first quarter. The line also allowed White and Gordon plenty

of room to move, something Gordon was appreciative of. “[The holes] were pretty nice,” Gordon said. “The guys set it up pretty nice for us.” The second half was a different story for the Badgers’ passing game, starting with Stave’s 65-yard touchdown pass to Abbrederis on Wisconsin’s first play from scrimmage. Abbrederis went on to score another touchdown on a reception from Stave for 57 yards. Stave ended the day 9-of-17 for 197 yards. Andersen said his guys showed who they were when redshirt senior quarterback Curt Phillips gave his playing time to redshirt freshman Bart Houston in the fourth quarter. “That’s a tremendous kid, unselfish, and excited about being part of this team,” Andersen said. Houston played the remain-

der of the game, completing his only passing attempt for 8 yards. The Wisconsin defense had a stand-up day as well, keeping UMass off scoreboard entirely. The Minutemen looked poised to score when sophomore kicker Blake Lucas connected on a 40-yard field goal attempt, but it was wiped off following a UMass timeout. Lucas’ second attempt missed wide left. On the defensive side of the ball, Andersen was quick to praise the play of true freshman cornerback Sojourn Shelton, who started the game and snagged an interception in the third quarter. “He was not starry-eyed,” Andersen said. “He was ready to go from the first snap.” Wisconsin will host Tennessee Tech Sept. 7 at Camp Randall. The game will be televised on the Big Ten Network.

Men’s soccer holds on to force tie in regular season opener By Jonah Beleckis The Daily Cardinal

It may be a new season for the Wisconsin men’s soccer team (0-0-1 overall), but not much has changed on the field for the Badgers. In a physical and defensive game, Wisconsin came back to tie the University of MissouriKansas City (0-0-1 overall) 1-1 in its regular season opener. The Kangaroos started the scoring midway through the

first half when a long ball played into the Badger penalty area was headed in by sophomore midfielder Derek Schrick. In his first start for Wisconsin, redshirt freshman goalkeeper Casey Beyers was caught off guard when Schrick slipped between two defenders to beat Beyers to the ball for what should have been an easy save. With six seconds remaining in the first half, the Badgers

shifted momentum their way and tied the game. After a set piece put the ball in the danger area, senior forward Toni Ramadani turned a chaotic scramble in front of the net into a Wisconsin equalizer. Head coach John Trask remains unbeaten in season openers for the Badgers, moving to 2-0-2. Overall, Wisconsin has maintained its strong defensive reputation in the preseason.

However, scoring continues to be an issue for the Badgers with only two goals in two preseason games. The last time Wisconsin scored more than one goal in a competitive game was against the Kangaroos Oct. 24 last season, winning 2-0. Despite his costly error in the first half, Beyers tallied four saves and kept UMKC at bay in 110 minutes of play. Last season’s main goalkeep-

er, Chase Rau transferred to Western Michigan in the offseason. A rumor that surfaced cited a lack of available scholarship funds. As if it were scripted, Rau will return to Madison Sept. 6 when the Broncos come for Wisconsin’s home opener. All students will receive free admission to the McClimon Complex for the fifth annual PAC the MAC event.

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