4 minute read


It’s been more than a year that we’ve all been feeling isolated and “stuck” at home and even though the vaccine rollout has been slower than expected, it gives us hope for better days coming soon. During these trying times, it’s important to stay focused on the positive things every day and keep our bodies and minds healthy and happy. Tools to build resilience are the most important skills we can teach our children and lead by example how to overcome hardship.

Here are 3 tools to help teach resilience and keep your family healthy and happy at home:


1. Get Outside Everyday! No matter the weather and the daily chores that get in the way, try to spend at least half an hour outside every single day. The fresh air, physical activity, and sunshine that we experience just going for a walk around the block can give us the mental and physical boost we need to carry on for another day.

2. Read, Write and Play Together! Building emotional connections with our children comes from spending quality time together. Make time every day to get down to their level and play with them, read with them, and write or draw with them. These special moments will be the times they remember most.

3. Practice Gratitude! Begin and end every day with statements of gratitude. Highlighting the KELLY FARRELL

Director at Oak Learners; a private alternative school in Mimico located at 394 Royal York Rd. / 416-820-5233 www.oaklearners.ca

positive moments in our days and in our lives reminds us that there is always a silver lining to every dark cloud. Each family member can share a special moment of the day or something they are proud of. Not only does this give us points of conversation, but helps children build confidence and focus on the positive.

To learn more about how Oak Learners is supporting families through in-person and online learning opportunities, please visit www. oaklearners.ca

Happy M her’s Day

from your friends at

I for one have never felt more grateful for having had this time to myself for the first time in my life, to reflect, centre, and grow.


Personal Development Coach amanda@bluconsulting.biz

“The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.” - Abraham Lincoln

Take life one day at a time. Live in the present moment and focus on the task at hand without worrying about the future. Do not overthink. Thoughts about the future can be overwhelming.

The COVID-19 pandemic has altered almost every aspect of our lives. Couples who had been burying their problems for years quickly had them exposed. Weak and opportunistic friendships got washed out. Fragile careers were broken. Miserable lifestyles replaced. Bad TV shows deleted.

But these difficult times do not just expose weakness, they also reinforce strength.

Good relationships became better. Important decisions got made. Priorities got straightened out. Empathy for others has replaced apathy.

We should have every confidence that life will once again begin to resemble the pre- pandemic days of 2019.

Cities will not die. Restaurant, entertainment, and hospitality industries will come back. Just as they have after every pandemic since first recorded in 430 B.C. during the Peloponnesian War (the earliest recorded pandemic happened during the Peloponnesian War in 430 BC and started in Athens. After the disease passed through Libya, Ethiopia and Egypt, it crossed the Athenian walls as the Spartans laid siege. As much as two-thirds of the population died). will be different when we return to our ‘normal life.’ However, we should also take a pause to recognize the positive changes that have taken place through all of this.

Let us be gentle with ourselves and with each other. Continue to support each other and support local. Be proud of the way you have come through this pandemic, the way you have supported each other – it all means so much.

Get vaccinated as soon as possible. Ignore the noise and nonsense.

There are a lot of hacks out there making a quick buck spreading bad data about vaccines and more. Follow the science. Please get vaccinated.

And just in case you need a reminder... you’re doing great.

For now, signing off from a place of calm, joy, and love.


Personal Development Coach www.amandakirkland.com

I am a Personal Development Coach helping professionals get their sh*t together without hundreds of hours of therapy. I will guide and support you in creating a healthy mindset and habits that will bring a positive impact to your life, often using my own experiences as a reference point. If you would like to hop on a call and hear more, please reach out to me. amanda@bluconsulting.biz

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