New platform intended to solve issues causes more headaches
n the glittery, implemented. As a mundane world of result, users report AKASH BALENALLI WEBSITE EDITOR-IN-CHIEF 21st century online having to repeatedly GHADA MOUSSA REPORTER learning, there is no sign in to their school piece of software so ubiquitously despised to get to a certain point, it’s really annoying.” Google accounts just to access class materials. and mind-numbingly terrible as Schoology. To make the experience more infuriating, The Android and iOS apps also have issues FCPS switched to the platform this school McLean’s administration asked teachers with Google integration, rendering them year, but Google Classroom was better in to organize content into weeks instead of useless to some users. pretty much every way. units, making it harder to find materials in an “It is great that Google integrates with A few years ago, FCPS formed a already confusing layout. Schoology, but there are all these weird error commission of students, teachers and The platform is reminiscent of a 2009 messages that can occur,” school-based administrators to investigate online learning Facebook product. Web technology shifted technology specialist Ashley Lowry said. platforms. They found multiple issues: some away from the tiny buttons and endless “If that integration was better, I think that teachers used Blackboard while others used buffering that plague the entire platform, nobody would mind Schoology.” Google Classroom, parents couldn’t access leaving it years behind Classroom. Google Classroom was developed inClassroom and every teacher’s page was house, so it works cohesively with the different. Replacing Google Classroom company’s other applications. There’s no and Blackboard with Schoology was their need to attach accounts and open new solution. windows—everything just works. On paper, the decision was perfect. The most unusual circumstance in the Parents could see their children’s assignments, move to Schoology is the fact users can still something Classroom did not permit; clubs technically access Google Classroom; it’s could form “groups” that didn’t clutter the included in the suite that includes Docs and same space as main classes; and it worked other Google software products. Why make with Google’s education programs like Drive the change, then, if it already comes with the and Docs, which still form the majority of most-used products and integrates perfectly what students use. with them? - PHIL REID Although Schoology solved these In a learning environment with less techTHEATER TEACHER problems, it ultimately caused more issues. savvy teachers, hundreds of computers It is not well organized for students to find simultaneously overloading a strained and submit assignments. Its file structure In a general benchmark, Google network and low-end laptops struggling to is similar to a Russian nesting doll, with Classroom webpages loaded in an average of process webpages, simplicity and efficiency never-ending folders that are impossible to 2.05 seconds, while similar Schoology pages are vital. navigate. took an average of 3.65 seconds. Schoology FCPS still has a chance to switch to a “I don’t put in a lot of assignments, but is nearly 50% slower than Classroom, a better platform in future years. For now, when I do, Schoology can be a little bit tricky,” difference that wastes precious class time. students and teachers will need to deal theater teacher Phil Reid said. “Because you Though Schoology does integrate with with their nightmarish, outdated, 2000s-era have to click so many times with Schoology Google’s education products, it is poorly learning platform.
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