the guide Blow by Blow april 12, 2013
the weekly magazine for life on the hilltop
By Caitlin DeSantis
‘Trojan Barbie’ An Eccentric Thrill
Authentic Asian Eats Around the District
James Blake’s Succesful Evolution G11
this issue 3 lifestyle feature 6 8 food&drink arts & 10 entertainment
After the exit of their original guitarist Jonnie Russell, the Cold War Kids has released a record of mostly electronic tunes inspired by the likes of Depeche Mode and New Order. Originating from Long Beach, Ca., the band is looking to relate the feelings of emotional struggle and loss in this new album, named Dear Miss Lonelyhearts after the famous Nathanael West novel.
filmfest d.c. | roots from the garden
In light of their recent participation in the National Intercollegiate Boxing Championship, Hoya Staff Writer Caitlin DeSantis takes a look into Georgetown’s club team.
dining duo | woodmont grill
the band perry | girl meets world
After he went and changed for his next set, I kind of stole his clothes. He doesn’t know it yet.
— Noah Cyrus on first meeting Justin Bieber
the guide Braden McDonald, Executive Editor Victoria Edel, Managing Editor Hunter Main, Copy Chief Zoe Bertrand, Layout Editor Leonel De Velez, Photo Editor Kim Bussing, Deputy Guide Editor Nicole Jarvis, Deputy Guide Editor Emily Manbeck, Deputy Guide Editor Alexander Brown, Deputy Photo Editor Chris Grivas, Deputy Photo Editor Erica Wong, Deputy Photo Editor Jessica Natinsky, Deputy Layout Editor Kennedy Shields, Deputy Layout Editor Ian Tice, Deputy Layout Editor David Chardack, Deputy Copy Editor Shannon Reilly, Deputy Copy Editor Sean Sullivan, Deputy Copy Editor
Danny Funt, Editor-in-Chief Sheena Karkal, Guide Editor Corrections and Clarifications If you have a comment or question about the fairness or accuracy of a story, contact Executive Editor Braden McDonald at (202) 6873415 or email General Information THE GUIDE is published each week during the academic year with the exception of holiday and exam periods. Address all correspondence to: THE HOYA Georgetown University Box 571065 Washington, D.C. 20057-1065 The writing, articles, pictures, layout and format are the responsibility of THE HOYA and do not necessarily represent the views of the administration, faculty or students of Georgetown University. Signed columns and cartoons represent the opinions of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the editorial position of THE HOYA. Georgetown University subscribes to the principle of responsible freedom of expression for student editors. THE HOYA does not discriminate on the basis of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, disability, color, national or ethnic origin. © 2013. THE HOYA, Georgetown University twice weekly. No part of this publication may be used without the permission of THE HOYA Board of Editors. All rights reserved. THE GUIDE is available free of charge, one copy per reader, at distribution sites on and around the Georgetown University campus. Additional copies are $1 each. Editorial: (202) 687-3415 Advertising: (202) 687-3947 Business: (202) 687-3947 Facsimile: (202) 687-2741 Email: Online at
AllieDoughty Page 5
“The only scenario in which New Jersey could resemble an armpit would be if said armpit were coated with multiple layers of garden-scented Old Spice.”
After a four-year hiatus between albums, Paramore has released its second single off their new self-titled album. It is clearly a pop song meant to temporarily stray away from their punk-rock roots and showcase a different kind of musical talent. Before we call them sellouts, let us remember that Hayley Williams is as versatile with her voice as she is with the shades of her fiery hair. True fans will likely approve of this bold divergence.
If his goal was to get his name back out there, Ray J definitely did so with this catchy track. It is more upbeat than many of his smoother R&B tracks — but that’s not all. He gave the entertainment world some new juicy gossip in the least subtle way possible. While the rapper denies that the song is about Kim Kardashian, the world sits in anticipation for Kanye West’s retaliation. Ironically, however, no one seems to be expressing excitement for a new Ray J album.
The lead single off Depeche Mode’s Delta Machine appeals to everyone’s inner desire to chill out to a slow, synth-rock jam. The alternative chorus meshes well with the harmonies of the verses. Filled with the kind of emotional lyrics that have been the band’s claim to fame for the last three decades, Depeche Mode is one of the greats of this genre. This track is only one snippet of the highly praised album and may be enough to create a new generation of fans.
City and Campus Focus on Film S pring is in the air, and so are film festivals: This month sees the return of both Filmfest D.C. and the Georgetown Film Festival. The former allows between 25 to 35 different countries to display their cinematic talents in over 80 films that will play in theaters throughout the city, while the Georgetown Film Festival, presented by GUTV, gives student filmmakers an opportunity to showcase their work here on campus. Filmfest D.C., which runs from April 11 to 21, has become a major cultural event and expects a turnout of around 23,000 to 25,000 people this year. A number of directors will be invited to the showings of their films in order to conduct a question and answer session after the screening. “We’re looking forward to this year,” said Shirin Ghareeb, the festival’s deputy director. “We have a couple of focuses — international comedies, which is our lighter side, and international espionage thrillers and crime dramas, which we are labelling ‘Trust No One.’” International comedies, which the festival introduced last year, became so popular they were brought back to this year’s
event with a set of new films, while the latter division offers captivating plots and fascinating characters. The festival will open with Underground, an Australian drama about Wikileaks founder Julian Assange’s teenage years, and a live telephone interview with Assange himself will follow the screening. “We think everybody will be sitting on the edges of their seats and really enjoying the films,” said Ghareeb. “And it’s nice for filmmakers to have opportunity for these films to travel here and be exposed.” Closing night will feature a comedy called English Vinglish about an Indian housewife who decides to secretly enroll in an English course as her niece’s wedding in the United States draws closer. Both screenings will take place at Regal Cinema Gallery Place and will be followed by a party afterwards. The festival has come to be seen as a notable cultural event in the city. “It is a major arts event, and it is important in terms of representing all different cultures that we have here in Washington, D.C. We have a rich cultural dynamic here, and it just makes our arts that much richer to have these films come here,” said
KIM BUSSING Hoya Staff Writer
Ghareeb. “Most of the films that we bring to the festival don’t have distribution in the US, so it’s a rare opportunity for them to be seen by US audiences.” The Georgetown Film Festival offers a different type of film experience; instead of focusing on the cultural aspects of films, undergraduates are invited to enter their short films — between two and 20 minutes in length — into a competition that will be judged by current proINDICINE.COM fessors and alumni. FOREIGN FILM FLAIR The film festival GUTV will show the films on Saturday, will represent the vibrant international April 20, in ICC Auditorium. Awards will culture of Washington, D.C. be given to outstanding films based on genre, actor and photography amongst ’01), “Saturday Night Live” writer John others, and the festival will last up to two Mulaney (COL ’04) and comedian Mike Birbiglia (COL ’00). hours. “In the past, the festival was a lot bigIn fact, in the past, the festival has helped to launch students’ careers in ger, and it’s important to remember film. Zal Batmanglij (COL ’01) won the how large a role the festival used to play Georgetown Film Festival while a stu- in the future careers of film students,” dent at Georgetown and since then has said GUTV Culture Director Katherine partnered with fellow Georgetown grad- Propper (COL ’15). “A lot of people would uate Brit Marling (COL ’05) to produce go and there was a big afterparty, but it several films that have been featured at fizzled out and was only revamped last the Sundance Film Festival. Other no- year. … But we got a lot of submissions table alums who participated in the fes- this year, so I would say we’re on an uptival include director Mike Cahill (COL hill streak.”
almost-doctor dave
Caveman Instincts Shape Modern Cravings
et’s face it: When it comes to our eating habits, most of us Americans know the ABCs of nutrition backwards and forwards: Eat lots of vegetables and fruits, be sure to get a healthy dose of grains — whole grain if at all possible — and keep the meat lean and relatively free from those dreaded saturated fats. But when it comes down to the time of reckoning at our favorite restaurant, we almost always go for the options that fly in the face of our vast nutritional knowledge. The succulent taste of a juicy hamburger, a side of salty fries and a large chocolate milkshake to wash it all down offer a fusion of flavor that is practically irresistible. Have you ever stopped to wonder why that is the case? It all comes down to what kept you and me alive in the days of old, when food was a luxury eagerly sought after but not always found. Imagine weeks upon weeks of subsisting on foraging for roots and berries because you are unable to find anything else to eat — until, that is, the eagerly-awaited discovery of a deer grazing in the nearby
meadow. Under starvation-like condi- so cherished by you and the others tions, this happenstance encounter back at camp. And so, after appeasing can guarantee your well-being for your deep hunger, you wrap up what weeks to come. Knowing the criti- remains of the deer and begin your cal importance of this moment, you journey back home. In the midst of such harsh conimmediately quiet your movements and still your breathing, noticing the ditions, our bodies evolved mechaaching hunger pains quickly melting nisms, like taste receptors and special away and your stiff muscles becom- fat-storing processes, that drove us ing limber once again as adrenaline to seek out energy-dense foods that could provide the metabolpumps through your bloodic power needed to tackle stream to ready your body the particular challenges for the intense struggle to of any given day. All this come. was necessary in a context Sensing the timing to be when food was scarce, but right, you delicately raise your crudely made spear DavidSterns that era is long gone for most people in the world. and hurl it with all your might. You are rewarded with the Now, many have unlimited access sound of a soft thud as the deer col- to food whenever and wherever, all lapses before you, unable even to find without the enormous expenditure the strength to put up the vain show of energy that was commonplace in of resistance you have seen from securing enough food to resemble a hunted prey in times past. This gift meal. And to further compound this of providence is exactly what your predicament, we have embraced techstarving body needed, a realization nology as a means to make our life confirmed by the voracity in which ever easier, further distancing ouryou dive into the fresh meat, still selves from the natural process domipulsing with the life-bringing liquid nated by the principle of survival of
the fittest. What does this all mean for you and me? A deep disconnect between what our bodies do and do not need to continue functioning properly. We still crave the fats, the salt and the sweets as if we don’t get more than our fair share every day. How to fix the problem? Try taking out the simple carbs from your diet and substitute for complexity like the dark leafy vegetables your ancestors enjoyed. And when the sweet tooth in you becomes unbearable, buck the tendency to imbibe and reach for those healthy fat options like avocados or cashews instead. Believe it or not, sufficient dietary fat intake will make all the difference in curbing those sugar cravings, so for the sake of your pancreas and long-term health, start listening to what your body is really telling you and start eating like a caveman. You’ll be amazed at how right it feels.
David Sterns is a student at Georgetown University School of Medicine. This is the final appearance of ALMOST-DOCTOR DAVE this semester.
4.12.13 | the guide | 3
lifestyle AN ACT OF WAR
Emily grau Hoya Staff Writer
Greek Adaptation Bridges Borders ‘T rojan Barbie,” presented by the Department of Theatre and Performance Studies with Nomadic Theatre, is where the violent past and present collide in a confusingly beautiful adaptation of Euripides’ ancient classic, “Trojan Women.” Upon entering the theater, you immediately become part of the violent and disjointed world of the play. Dismembered Barbie dolls caught in barbed wire are strung above the audience, and Joan Jett’s “Bad Reputation” is blaring — it seems like you’ve entered a rock concert rather than an adaption of an ancient Greek drama. Yet this strange collision of ancient Troy with the modern day is exactly what playwright Christine Evans was hoping to achieve. “I wanted to do more than adapt Euripides’ play and to bring this work into dialogue with the modern experience of warfare,” said Evans, the newest faculty member of Georgetown’s The-
beloved ancestral homeland. Though the Trojan women come from all walks of life and social strata, they are all tied by the bond of their impending tragic futures. It doesn’t matter if they are the princess of Troy or a simple peasant mother — the darkness of violent invasion touches them all equally. Some, like Cassandra, are cursed and driven mad. Others, like Andromache, are destined to live out their lives as concubines to the generals of the conquering armies. While it was only considered second best at the City Dionysia drama competition when it was released in 415 B.C., in the 2,500 years since then the work has come to represent the pinnacle of ancient tragic theater. This tradition and the commonality of these images of war make “Trojan Barbie” a unique theater experience. At times, the blending of contemporary images with myth can be over-
“It struck me that this collision of times and cultures was a signature of our own times, and I wanted to bring this post-modern sense of temporal dislocation into my play.”
— Playwright Christine Evans ater and Performance Studies program. Evans’ “Trojan Barbie” blends Euripides’ story with present-day images of AK-47s and modern soldiers. Evans was inspired to create this “car-crash encounter” of two different ages after seeing images of the Iraq War. “It was an unreal feeling to be at war but only remotely,” Evans said. “It struck me that this collision of times and cultures was a signature of our own times, and I wanted to bring this post-modern sense of temporal dislocation into my play.” The original Euripidean tragedy follows the plight of the women of Troy after its savage destruction by the invading Greek army. Their husbands have been killed in the war, their children and remaining family members are preparing to be enslaved by the invaders and each woman has her own individual tragedy to weather amid the destruction of her
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whelming for the audience, especially for those unfamiliar with the story of “Trojan Women.” The plot switches quickly from the poetic grieving of the Trojan women — who act as sort of chorus — to modern-day soldiers barking out orders through bullhorns. This weaving of two conflicting time periods may seem daunting for some. “There are these extraordinarily realistic moments and then there’s this weird place,” Zoe Lillian (COL ’13), who plays the bratty yet lovable rebel Polly X, said. “Is it 3000 years ago or two years ago? Is it Baghdad or is it Turkey?” While the concept of a car-crash encounter can be confusing, the commentary of “Trojan Barbie” on the human costs of war is clear. In her mournful monologues, the mother Hecuba illustrates the utter death and destruction caused by the Trojan and Iraq Wars. Realizing how blind characters like Lotte —
TRANSCENDING TIME AND SPACE This play captures elements of society that reflect ancient and modern societies alike.
lifestyle a British doll-mender on holiday played by Alice Neave (COL ’16) — are to the suffering around them leads the audience to consider how passive we maybe toward war. Have we, like Lotte, ignored the Trojan women? Another benefit of the collision of two time periods is the resulting mixture of language. Hecuba and the ot her Trojan women describe the destruction in illustrative poetry. Each monologue is a work of art in and of itself. Meanwhile, the obtuse soldier Mica, played by Ben Prout (COL ’15), serves to make a mockery out of the soldiers and provides much of the play’s comic relief. “The script is these two balancing acts,” Lillian said. “A big part is the distinction between the poetry with the Trojan women and the non-poetry, a more realistic way of speaking.” The opposition of lyrical tragedy and satirical humor adds to the
many layers of “Trojan Barbie” and speaks to the talent of Evans and the cast. The impact of “Trojan Barbie” is further increased by the actors’ dedication to their roles. Alexandra Waldon (COL ’15) is stellar in her modernization of the vain and manipulative Helen, complete with a haughty, “mean girl” demeanor. Meanwhile B e t s y Helmer (COL ’13) is completely committed to her depiction of the manic and nonsensical Cassandra, a Trojan woman who is misunderstood to be as mentally unstable. All members of the cast push their characters to the extreme, making the show all the more noteworthy. “Trojan Barbie” is an interesting and innovative look at ancient and modern warfare that is as challenging as it is entertaining. Buckle your seatbelt and prepare for this memorable car-crash encounter.
“Is it 3000 years ago or
two years ago? Is it Baghdad or is it Turkey?”
— Zoe Lillian (COL ’13)
CLASHING CULTURES Women, including Emma Clark (COL ’13), lament the fate of their families and blend the cultural lines the play creates.
roots from the garden
The Legacy of Jersey Drivers, Devils and Diners
ne day toward the beginning of the semester, I was on my way to my work-study job in a Center for Social Justice van with a bunch of other Georgetown students. It was during that awkward ice-breaker stage when we didn’t know one another very well, and someone suddenly shouted, “Is anyone here from New Jersey? Because the driver of the vehicle in front of us is not representing you well.” To be fair, every state accuses another of being home to the worst drivers in America, but the fact that this particular New Jersey plate was struggling to grasp the notion of the traffic circles in D.C. is merely evidence of the awesomeness that is the Garden State; that is, we create and abide by our own traffic laws. Traffic circles are horrible, confusing and ineffective, which is why New Jersey invented the jughandle over fifty years ago, proving that New Jerseyans are just so ahead of their time. Although it may sound contradictory to exit on the right side of the road in order to go left, this arrangement is perfectly efficient. Other states eventually took notice of New Jersey’s genius idea and adopted the jughandle as part of their own traffic systems. What
If New Jersey is as terrible as “Saturwas the specific reason for the first Jersey jughandle? Who knows, but who really day Night Live” makes it out to be, why cares? In New Jersey, we do whatever the is it the most densely populated state? Clearly it must have a lot of redeeming hell we please. Speaking of which, New Jersey is also qualities if more people live there than one of two states that has a ban on self- in Alaska, Montana and Arizona comservice gas stations. (The other state is bined. New Jersey has so much characOregon, but New Jersey passed the law ter that it is even geographically shaped like a person kneeling on first) I’m personally not a fan the ground. Without New of depending on other people Jersey, you can say good-bye to do things for me, but chatto Monopoly, whose streets ting with the world’s friendliare all named after locations est gas station attendants at in or near Atlantic City. CamWawa while I sit in my car AllieDoughty den was the site of the first isn’t half bad. drive-in movie theater, and So you still think that New Jersey is the armpit of America? Only if north Jersey holds the world record the armpits that you’re familiar with for the most shopping malls in such a look and smell like an orchard of roses condensed area — there are seven major and lilacs and we complemented by lus- malls within a 25-square mile radius. Not to mention the legendary Jersey cious tomatoes and blueberries with such a perfect balance of sweetness and Devil, which, in a nutshell, is a creature tartness that you’ll wonder why there that stalks the Pine Barrens and freaks isn’t a picture of them on our otherwise out anyone lucky enough to see it with boring license plates. The only scenario its eccentric combination of animal feain which New Jersey could resemble an tures. With the body of a kangaroo, the armpit would be if said armpit were coat- face of a horse, the head of a dog, the ed with multiple layers of garden-scented wings of an oversized bat, the antlers of Old Spice. You wish your armpits smelled a deer, a forked tail, clawed hands and cloven hooves, this beast is truly one of that good.
a kind. Where else besides New Jersey would you have the opportunity to see such a thing? For those of you who have never been to the lovely Garden State: If you take away one message from my column, let it be that in New Jersey, you have access to almost everything you could ever want. One minute, you can be basking in the sun at the Jersey Shore. If too many shoobies (this term was originally exclusive to New Jersey jargon and was later stolen by Nickelodeon’s “Rocket Power”) are cramping your style, within half an hour, you can either be apple-picking or taking in the scenery of open fields and horses farms. New York City and Philadelphia are both just a train ride away — but honestly, why would you ever want to leave New Jersey? Most importantly, if at any point during the day or night you have a craving for bacon and eggs, you can stop at one of our 24-hour diners — they don’t call New Jersey the Diner Capital of the World for nothing.
Allie Doughty is a senior in the College. This is the final appearance of ROOTS FROM THE GARDEN this semester.
4.12.13 | the guide | 5
Inside the Ring Caitlin DeSantis Hoya Staff Writer
ased on perceptions fuelled largely by Hollywood classics like Rocky, Raging Bull and Million Dollar Baby, many Americans think of boxing as a ferocious and bloody spectacle. With that imagery seared into the minds of many, it might be hard to imagine college students in the ring one minute and the library the next.
Yet such a lifestyle isn’t the plot of to sprinting, from strength training the next blockbuster script — it’s what to shadow-boxing and sparring. Many 40 hardened fighters at Georgetown do members also add their own exercises, on a daily basis. such as climbing the Exorcist Steps or Georgetown’s coed boxing club, swimming laps. founded in 2007, has expanded from “I like the idea of carrying myself as six to 40 members. It is one of 29 teams not just a boxer but a fighter that can in the United States Intercollegiate Box- work through obstacles, work through ing Association, which itself has only anything,” Gonzalez said. existed since 2012. But Vorsatz is quick to add that the For Georgetown University Club Box- physical challenges of boxing competiing co-captains tions pale in Blair Vorsatz “It is going to be rough. … c o mp a r i s o n (COL ’14) and to the mental [But] it’s going to be worth strain they Adan Gonzalez (COL ’15), the it because life can’t throw present. sport offers a “Boxing is a unique opporchallenge unout any harder challenges.” tunity to comlike anything pete against else,” Vorsatz people from — Blair Vorsatz (COL ’14) said. “I have across the counnever been so try, make friends and take on daunting scared in my life. I have never faced any physical demands. fear so absurd.” But danger in the ring isn’t simply “The first few moments in the ring Hollywood fiction are more difficult than the 40-minute “Boxing is very different from any runs up the Exorcist Stairs,” team memother sport or competition. In any com- ber Kelsey Cobourn (COL ’14) said. petition, you just lose and that’s it, but This week, the club is participating in boxing, if you lose, you get hurt,” in the National Intercollegiate Boxing Gonzalez said. Championship at the University of San Collegiate boxing matches consist Francisco from last Thursday through of three rounds of fighting, each last- Saturday. Excitement for the trip is ing three minutes. To withstand the tempered by the inevitable challenges rigors of a match, fighters must be in that lie ahead: Vorsatz, along with top physical shape. The Georgetown seven other teammates, will fight up club works out six days a week, with to three matches each in three days — activities ranging from jumping rope a feat to which Gonzalez and Vorsatz
SPARRING PARTNERS Students at different levels practice together and learn technique-based skills while bonding over the experience. say Georgetown boxers are not accustomed. With little time to recuperate between fights, the athletes will face the ultimate test to their stamina. “The mental test we will go through is going to be unlike anything,” Vorsatz said. “It is going to be rough. … [But] it’s going to be worth it because life can’t throw out any harder challenges.” The athletes will also have to make their weight class each morning, which can be a challenge in itself for those hovering between two classes. Many fighters keep strict diets in the weeks leading up to a fight, and some even work out in sauna suits to help shed some extra pounds. As a relatively small group among the horde of other athletic organizations on Georgetown’s campus, the boxing club receives little in the form of institutional support from the university. “We do as much as we can with the resources we have in order to put on a good practice. We do not have a loca-
tion to put a ring, so we use four backpacks to outline one in Riverside,” Gonzalez said. The team doesn’t even have a punching bag, but its members still manage to train and compete, driven largely by the cofounders’ positive, committed attitude and the club motto, sí se puede, Spanish for “yes, we can.” “It takes a lot to get in the ring to go fight somebody, and the fact that these are Georgetown student-athletes who are primarily focused on school and still have the time and the motivation and the courage to get in the ring and go at it shows a lot,” Vorsatz said. To increase its visibility on campus, the Georgetown club will hold the university’s first-ever boxing showcase on April 20. The showcase, which will take place in Yates Field House and involve such groups as the Georgetown University Student Association, ROTC, Veterans Club and Hoya Blue, will be the first boxing match on the Hilltop in more than 65 years. Fight-
ers will travel from England, New number the girls on the team, options fight in the ring.” But despite the familial bond, no one York, California, Maryland and North for practice opponents are limited. “When you spar with a guy, they on the team forgets that they are there Carolina to face off against 12 Georgetown boxers. “It’s a boxing showcase and an op“I think it’s really preparing the fighters with the portunity for the school to experience and see that the school has a boxing skills and the confidence they need outside of the program,” Gonzalez said. “We wanted gym, either in classes, internships or careers in the it to be more than just boxing. The club has become increasingly difuture.” verse in its six years. While males dominate the club, the team has recently attracted a larger female membership as well as members of several ethnic — Adan Gonzalez (COL ’15) backgrounds. “My opinion is that there’s this idea have to hold back a little, and when to fight. After 30 minutes of joking and of Georgetown diversity, and I feel that they don’t, they feel guilty if you get a laughing as the team jumps rope to begin practice, the team members put on part of our club really shows how di- little bloody,” Cobourn said. While some members had former their gloves and headgear and begin to verse our school can be. We literally have members from all over the world boxing or martial arts training, many fight each other. Friends who were just and all over the country, all ethnicities others join as beginners. Members bonding over a funny story are now and races. I feel this event is an oppor- start the training process with in- punching each other and grimacing in tunity to showcase this as well,” Gonza- tense cardio workouts and instruc- pain. tion in the proper stance for how to lez said. Though she had no prior experience throw a punch. As members advance, with the sport, Cobourn joined the they eventually begin to spar, a friendly fight between teammates. Once club in 2011. “I just saw the table at SAC Fair and fighters feel ready, they can enter into thought it was something I might like,” competitions like the National Intershe said. “I asked if any girls were in collegiate Boxing Championships. All it. At the time, there weren’t, but two of Georgetown’s members compete at the novice other girls division, joined my “People expect a bigger, more except semester.” butch girl, but most of the girls G o n z a The club lez, who now has on the team do not fit that fights in 10 female the more members, mold.” advanced three of open diviwhom will be fighting — Kelsey Coburn (COL ’14) sion. While at the namembers fight across different levels, tional tournament. “People are surprised to hear I’m a there is strong camaraderie on the boxer,” Cobourn said. “People expect team. “When I was a freshman, there were a certain type of woman to be a boxer. People expect a bigger, more butch girl, six guys on the team, and we all just but most of the girls on the team do happened to box. We were friendly, but we weren’t friends. We all just not fit that mold.” The stereotype is just one of the loved boxing,” Vorsatz said. “Now, afadded challenges that come with being ter two years, the team has become a female boxer. Because the boys out- one big family who comes together to
“At the end of the day, we are part of the boxing program, regardless if someone is learning how to throw a jab,” Gonzalez said. “I think it’s really preparing the fighters with the skills and the confidence they need outside of the gym, either in classes, internships or careers in the future.” And for many, the rewards of meeting like-minded people are the sweetest that club boxing can bring. “I love the bonding experience of fighting. You go into a fight and you literally think, ‘I will kill the guy across from me,’ and you try to do that all three rounds,” Vorsatz said. “Afterwards, you give him this massive passionate hug that says: ‘I love you man. I understand you.’ And you are great friends after that. There is nothing else in the world that puts you against each other and brings you together like that.”
TRAVELLING BOUTS The GU Club Boxing team travels as far as England and within the United States for tournaments at all levels.
food&drink Classic Eatery Elevates Homemade Favorites
jerrod macfarlane Hoya Staff Writer
very family has a few secret spots, places suffused with good memories where one turns when in search of comfort or guaranteed excellence. For my family, at least whenever we’re in Washington D.C., that place is the Woodmont Grill. In fact, my mother has been going to the Woodmont Grill since her college years, way back when it was known as Houston’s, and it has been with our family ever since. As if family traditions weren’t enough, though, every feature of Woodmont Grill, from the wood furnishings to the staff, seemed to represent comfort on my most recent visit, which couldn’t have come soon enough. Upon entering the restaurant, my friend and I were immediately confronted by the larger-than-life dimensions of the Woodmont Grill. There’s the huge wraparound bar, the large leather chairs and the grandiose aluminum portal that provides a glimpse into the hustle and bustle of the kitchen — and that’s not even to mention the food. None of this is intimidating, though; it just coalesces into the culinary equivalent of a hug from one’s favorite aunt.
7715 Woodmont Ave. cuisine: American price: $$$$ Confirming this, our server on this most recent trip to the Woodmont Grill treated us like family. From giving us complimentary first-round drinks because it was my friend’s birthday to replacing an order of homemade cornbread that wasn’t up to snuff in her eyes, our server showed uncanny professionalism and warmth that were more than welcome. And then there’s the food. The Woodmont Grill is in the business of perfecting American classics, and, in my opinion, it succeeds resoundingly at its task. While the specialty of the restaurant is steak and other carnivorous wonders, the restaurant maintains an admirable quality across its entire menu, creating quality offerings in everything from appetizers to aperitifs. We arrived for a late lunch with evening quickly approaching. We’d both had nothing to eat and were both ravenously hungry upon our arrival at the restaurant, which meant ordering more food than was ever advisable. We started with an order of the world’s best spinach and artichoke dip as well as a kettle-cooked, homemade cornbread, quickly followed by an or-
GREENS WITH ENVY Along with its charming ambiance and larger-than-life decorations, the Woodmont Grill offers a menu of fresh, traditional dishes. der of the new house salad. To be clear, my qualifier of the spinach and artichoke dip is not meant in jest. In my mind, with its perfect consistency and taste, as well as its delicious accompaniments — sour cream, salsa and fresh tortilla chips — the grill’s spinach and artichoke dip is an incredibly strong contender for best around, and the house salad isn’t far behind. Next, the entrees arrived: For my friend, a delicious and overwhelmingly large burger, and for me, an incomparably delicious center-cut filet. One look at my friend’s burger let me know it wasn’t to be trifled with, but my mind could only think of that for a
moment before becoming fully preoccupied by the perfectly cut steak lying directly in front of me. The steak is not doused in sauce but instead has subtle, delicious seasoning and a quality cut — this steak was quite literally a work of art. Tucked away in Bethesda, the Woodmont Grill is a bit of a trek from the Hilltop; for anyone who’s looking for quality and comfort from his next dining experience, however, it’s well worth the hike. Featuring not only phenomenal food but also atmosphere and service to match, the Woodmont Grill embodies all that’s worth loving about dining out.
a weekly roundup of some of the best shots, mixes and punches.
A Night in Thyme
Peach Bellini
Start by mixing hot water and sugar together until it becomes simple syrup — you’ll need about 3/4 oz. In a shaker, put a sprig of thyme and three medium watermelon chunks and then pour in 2 oz. of SKYY Infusions Moscato Grape vodka and 3/4 oz. of lime juice. Shake and strain into a glass filled with ice and garnished with another fresh thyme sprig.
At your Sunday brunch, try something new and make Peach Bellinis. Halve and pit six peaches; then grate into a pitcher and add 1/4 cup sugar. Let this mixture dissolve in your refrigerator for a few hours. Once finished, dip a few champagne glasses’ rims into some leftover sugar and pour about 1/8 of the mixture into each glass. Top off with Prosecco — you’ll need a bottle — and enjoy.
8 | the guide | 4.12.13
Korean Eatery Misses the Mark Eng Gin Moe Special to The Hoya
ocated on 18th Street a few blocks between spices. However, all of the food away from the Dupont Circle Met- at Mandu didn’t taste like I was used to, ro Station, Mandu is a casual eat- and even the customs seemed a bit off. While usually the individual side ery for lunch or dinner. Mandu has two locations: the location I visited with my dishes come in distinct small bowls and parents, and one on K Street. The one there typically are upwards of 12 difnear Dupont is, quite simply, beautiful; ferent side dishes offered, Mandu only the building has a lot of open space that offered six side dishes in very small is spread out over two floors and has portions on a white plate divided into four sections. One light-colored woodof the most unique en floors and a dark characteristics of wooden staircase. most Korean resThe two restaurants taurants is that the are owned and opside dishes are usuerated by Chef Yeally free and unlimsoon Lee and her mandu ited. As soon as we two children, who finished our side try to recreate the 453 K St. NW dishes, however, recipes that Lee cuisine: Korean the waitress took originally learned away our plate, efwhile growing up price: $$$$ fectively preventin Seoul, Korea. ing us from asking Despite Lee’s long history with Korean food, the dishes at for more. The side dishes themselves also tasted a bit strange. Although the Mandu fall short of being authentic. My whole life, my family and I have pickled radishes were supposed to be been surrounded by Korean food. Be- spicy and the pickled cucumbers sour, cause Korean was my mother’s favor- they instead tasted sweet, which imite type of cuisine, my family often paired the overall authenticity of the frequented many different Korean res- meal. For the main course, I ordered the taurants, and I quickly learned the nuances of Korean dishes and delicacies. dolsot bibimbap, which is a white rice From the plethora of free side dishes dish with different vegetables, a choice offered to the flavorful main dishes, of meat and a sunny-side egg served Korean food requires a delicate balance with a spicy chili-and-bean paste in a
LEAVES A SOUR TASTE Mandu offers cheap Korean food in Dupont Circle but sacrifices authenticity and distinctive flavors in the process. the meal, since nothing is more of a turn-off than lukewarm food. My mother ordered a different main course — the soondubu, a spicy seafood stew with tofu and egg. While she asserted that the soup did not taste bad, she said that it lacked the certain essence of real homemade cooking. While not terrible, Mandu is far from exceptional. It is located in a nice and convenient location and serves decently priced food; for people who have experienced really great Korean food, however, Mandu misses the mark.
hot stone bowl. Bibimbap is one of the most well known dishes in the Korean repertoire and requires mixing spicy bean paste into the bowl and mixing it in. Usually, this dish invites a love-hate relationship: the spice can be almost crippling, but it is so delicious that it’s impossible to stop eating it. Regretfully, however, Mandu’s bean paste was mild at best, even when I used the entire portion given to me. Despite the lack of spiciness, the meal itself tasted decent. One of the most ingenious things about the use of the stone bowl is that the food is kept very warm throughout
dining duo
Searching for Authentic Sichuan Delight
e haven’t sampled Chinese food straight from its source in nearly a year, and we have been on the search for some quality homestyle grub. Yes, many American Chinese restaurant establishments may carry some of the basic stock of “actual” Chinese food — noodles, a variety of meats, rice, oyster sauce, spices —however, they are not assembled, crafted and presented in a way that would be recognizable by the general American population. There are eight culinary traditions of China, which represent varying regions and their flavors: Yue, Hui, Lu, Min, Su, Xiang, Zhe and our personal favorite, Chuan. Known for bold flavors, spicy chili peppers and ginger, Sichuan-style cuisine is one of China’s most popular and delicious culinary traditions. We headed over to Rockville, Maryland, the center of a bustling Chinese immigrant community and home to
many of our favorite and more authen- came flying out of the kitchen one by tic Chinese restaurants. Though unas- one. It’s important to note before gosuming from the outside, Sichuan Jin ing any further the four key characRiver’s culinary flare will not fail to teristics of Chinese food: color, aroma, please. Entering the restaurant, one taste, and texture. First came the sliced gets the sense that many of the older, potatoes, a traditional dish universally found in China but made first generation immigrants uniquely Sichuan with the from China tend to be paaddition of special importtrons of the establishment. ed peppers. Best while hot Large tables, a loud and live(which goes the same with ly environment and a flurry rest of the dishes), we of motion from staff and HelenGuo & the quickly devoured the dish patrons entering and exiting make for an exciting en- JacobRichey and washed it down with some of the complimenvironment on par with the character of its food. We got straight to tary tea. Next came the cumin beef, business as soon as we were seated by a grilled and plastered with spices and very energetic and polite waitress. We a thin layer of crust, which was by far ordered the hearty sliced potatoes and the most interesting and most spicy chili peppers, thinly sliced spicy pork dish we had eaten. Each bite was full stomach, cumin beef and an assort- of flavor that emanated and lingered ment of vegetables that included bok for the better, a beautiful execution aesthetically, and enough to feed a choy, cabbage and broccoli. After only a short wait, our dishes group more numerous than just us
two. Though we were at first afraid to sample the pork belly, it had been recommended to us so many times that we just had to see what everyone has been talking about. Spicy enough to make you cough, it comes in a circular shape as a cold dish. The texture, gelatinous but hard and crunchy, may not appeal to al, but as we left our table we were undoubtedly satisfied with the entire meal. Sichuan Jin River, firmly rooted in the Rockville Chinese community and considered one of its best restaurants, has won our vote, and we would encourage anyone to make the trip on over to Rockville as well for a pleasant experience.
Helen Guo is a sophomore in the School of Foreign Service. Jacob Richey is a sophomore in the College. This is the final appearance of DINING DUO this semester.
4.12.13 | the guide | 9
Perrys ‘Pioneer’ Dark Country Sound
hree years have passed since the country world lovingly embraced The Band Perry and its debut album of the same name. Although it’s been a long time coming, their sophomore record more than lives up to expectations. The sibling trio infuses both pop and rock throughout the album, showing great range while still staying true to its American homeland roots. Lyrically, there’s no short- THE BAND age of heartbreak and Pioneer revenge with images of death and violence, but with lead singer Kimberly’s sassy delivery, the dark lyrics become irresistibly catchy. None of the songs off of this album quite matches the infamously great “If I Die Young,” but many come close. Pioneer kicks off with the lead single “Better Dig Two.” I’ve been in love with the song since its release late last year. The banjo is on full display in this song, lend-
ing itself beautifully to the southern rock feel of the song. The lyrics “So if the ties that bind ever do come loose / Tie ‘em in a knot like a hangman’s noose / ‘Cause I’ll go to heaven or I’ll go to hell/ Before I see you with someone else” show the full extent of devotion this wife has for her husband. “Done” is the second song on the album as well as the second single currently earnPERRY ing lots of radio airplay. This is just one of the many anthem songs found on Pioneer, and the rock tone of the song makes it perfect for anyone who’s ever had a jerk for an ex. “Chainsaw” continues the revenge trend, as The Band Perry goes after a tree with initials and promises of love carved into it with the lyrics “It’s hard to bury the hatchet / Holding a chainsaw.” Lest you think that these siblings are getting a little too dark, in comes “Back to
Me Without You,” one of the more vulnerable tracks featured. The song is still full of heartbreak, but it’s the sad kind, the kind that comes after the anger. The Band Perry wrote this ballad — one of nine songs on the album that the band had a hand in — and the anguish with which Kimberly sings it is a testament to how personal it is. The song is also one of the best lyrically with phrases such as “If it’s true / Home is where the heart is / Oh I guess / Now I’m homeless.” The title track, “Pioneer,” is quieter than the rest of the songs on the album, but the folksy tribute shows off Kimberly’s voice and is the album’s most beautiful song. “Forever Mine Nevermind,” a song cowritten by the band and country superstar Brad Paisley — whose recent collaboration “Accidental Racist” with LL Cool J has been deemed an epic fail — is by far the least “country” song on the album — it delves more into pop territory. Though it is another song about a breakup, Paisley’s talented guitar playing makes up for the sad subject matter and gives the track an almost feel-
BREANNA MORET Special to The Hoya
BANDING TOGETHER The Band Perry returns to country stardom with Pioneer.
good vibe. Country music’s greatest strength is telling stories through song, and Pioneer does just that. The Band Perry is one of the hottest bands in country music, and it not only avoids the dreaded “sophomore slump,” but also sets the bar impossibly high for its third attempt. Hopefully it won’t take another three years for that one to be released.
girl meets world
Fighting for Friendships, One Show at a Time
ontroversial opinion alert: I think my friends are awesome. I kid; obviously most people think their friends are awesome. (If you don’t, you might want to get some new ones.) But I think we don’t talk about friendship enough. Friendships deserve the same attention that romantic relationships get because they involve all of the same complications and emotions. They take effort and communication. During the second-season finale of “Girls,” the viewer sees a flash of the novel Hannah Horvath is writing. She’s penned only a single sentence: “A friendship between college girls is grander and more dramatic than any romance.” Hannah struggles with the next sentence, but she’s getting at a point that is frequently missed in pop culture: Friendships are dramatic, even when you don’t want them to be. They take lots of work to maintain and are often the relationships that define you — especially when you’re a perpetually single college student. (Holla!) For leading ladies in any TV show or movie, female friends are sidekicks — supportive comments when the men in their lives have neglected them, and sassy ones when they need a pick-me-up — but nothing more. Sometimes I’ve treated my friends unfairly and used them that way.
10 | the guide | 4.12.13
It didn’t go particularly well, but televi- difficult and emotionally distant with sion heroines rarely fracture these rela- Leslie, who can be excessively hyper and tionships with their selfishness like I have. overwhelming. Sometimes, they don’t Male-female friendships, on the other get each other because they can be so difhand, are almost completely neglected ferent. But right before Ron walks Leslie unless they’re going to lead to something down the aisle, he says, “You are a wonromantic or unless the guy is the “gay derful person, your friendship means a best friend” — snarky, flamboyant and lot to me and you look very beautiful,” one-dimensional. Platonic friendship and it’s a moment that encompasses friendship at its finest — two is rare and underdeveloped. weirdos coming together to I have a lot of platonic male support each other in all the friends. They’re a complicated ways that matter. Shout out to group of people, and I’m posiall of the emotionally stunted tive that none of them want to weirdos whom I have the pleadate me. sure to count among my closThere are some pop culture friendships that don’t fall into VictoriaEdel est friends. On “The Mindy Project,” these traps, though. At the top of this pack are the relationships on an enjoyable show that generally lacks “Parks and Recreation.” Amy Poehler’s the deep relationships I’ve been talking and Rashida Jones’ Leslie Knope and Ann about, the title character tells her coPerkins have one of the best, most realis- workers that she’s getting drinks with tic friendships on television. They don’t her best friend. They question how she argue over men, but have real concern could have so many best friends. “Best for each other — Leslie sometimes thinks friend isn’t a person, it’s a tier,” she quips, Ann is making the wrong choice, while in a moment of genius. For reasons I will likely never fully comAnn thinks that Leslie can be overbearing. Obviously it’s a comedy, so fights are prehend, I’m lucky enough to have more often played for laughs, but the depth of than one person who I would refer to as their relationship resonates with me be- my “best friend,” and Mindy helped me realize that this isn’t atypical. So why do cause it reminds me of my friends. Leslie has a similarly close relationship I never see these complicated, amazing with her boss, Ron Swanson. He can be and difficult relationships that define so
many people’s lives portrayed on screen? Friendship is eating cheap pizza at 2 a.m. on a Saturday while watching “The West Wing” and comparing yourselves to the characters. Friendship is loving the same books and hating the same people. It’s not knowing what to do when your friend is crying but knowing that you have to hug him. Friendship is a dance party for no other reason than that you don’t want to be sad. It’s loving your friends even when — especially when — you think they’re doing the wrong thing. It’s angry phone calls, passive-aggressive texts and conversations you don’t want to have. It’s Leslie and Ann catching up in the stolen minutes of their days. It’s Ron teasing Leslie mercilessly. It’s going to Chipotle two days in a row. “Grey’s Anatomy” is a show that’s rarely praised as realistic; it’s emotionally manipulative and contains many outstandingly rare medical mysteries. But Meredith Grey and Cristina Yang, two of the main doctors, have one of those rare friendships. “You’re my person,” Cristina says to Meredith in an iconic moment. And that’s the best way to say it. My friends are my people. Thanks for that.
Victoria Edel is an junior in the College. This is the last appearance of GIRL MEETS WORLD this semester.
Blake Moves With Subtle, Electronic Tracks HUNTER MAIN Hoya Staff Writer
ames Blake’s 2011 eponymous album debut, despite frequently being characterized as dubstep, seemed uncomfortable with the label. British dubstep differs from its American counterpart by emphasizing punishingly deep bass and arrhythmic beats rather than extreme, power-drill-sounding midrange; watch any club scene in “Skins” for an example of the former. And although Blake got the deep bass down pat — I wouldn’t recommend playing the chorus of “Limit to Your Love” anywhere near a fault line — the hesitations seemed indiscriminate and clashed with the lush synthesizers and angelic vocals that were the template of his work. A jazz pianist by trade and a singersongwriter at heart, Blake brings these talents to the forefront of his newest album, Overgrown, and the result is a much more confident record. Despite his more traditional background, Blake is undeniably a fantastic electronic music producer, one who can manipulate space, reverb and low end to create a dreamlike yet ominous atmosphere seemingly at will. His JAMES BLAKE problems tend Overgrown to mostly lie in the songwriting, making his albums and EPs seem like a collection of fully produced — but not fully written — sketches of songs. Blake has sometimes overcome this tendency by perfecting every other aspect of a song, an example of this being the first single, “Retrograde.” Overgrown largely avoids falling prey to this without sacrificing the intimacy of his brand of electronic R&B. “It’s your image burned into my mind, and again I find that it’s worth the climb,” Blake croons in the album’s closer, “Our Love Comes Back,” over a muted piano accompaniment. But he knows the sensual, robotically hedonistic power that the bass can hold, and the repeating line that follows, “Our love comes back in the middle of the night,” is accompanied — and, in a way, corroborated — by deep bass and rhythmic white noise. The songs in Overgrown never adhere to the verse-chorus-verse format, but their overall construction is more deliberate, even if this may seem unclear on first listen. From the disco-like breakdown of “I Am Sold” to the false ending of “Voyeur,” the album’s songs no longer feel like merely vehicles for Blake’s experiments with vo-
Canadian Film Parodies The Wonder of Life DENNIS LI Special to The Hoya
SUBTLE CONFIDENCE Blake emphasizes his musical roots in this album.
cal harmonies and synthesizer tones. Overgrown’s subtlety, in fact, is perhaps its greatest strength. The density of the album’s sonic space is formed by the fading and trailing off of Blake’s falsetto and piano, not their constant presence. His arrangements have always complemented his vocal style, but Overgrown increases their complexity without making them seem, well, overgrown. “Life Round Here,” an anomalous track made up of arpeggiated mono synths instead of the washed-up keyboard sounds found everywhere else, still retains the hazy, confessional sound of the rest of the album; he even makes a siren sound subtle. Although the collaboration with noted producer Brian Eno, “Digital Lions,” is a highlight, partnering with the venerable RZA on “Take a Fall for Me” was a mistake by both parties. Prince Rakeem raps awkwardly about love and loss while referencing Guinness and fish and chips over the album’s least interesting soundscape. Perhaps a collaboration in the production booth — RZA was always a much better producer than rapper, and his focused yet aggressively unhinged vocal style (his greatest strength) he used on the Wu Tang Clan albums left him long ago — would have yielded a result on the level of “Lions.” It’s rare for an artist to locate his faults so pointedly and to correct them on his next album. But Blake is one of the rare ones, someone who can move farther and farther away from pure genre classification into something that is truly his own.
very so often, we hear some news story about a couple that has seemingly achieved the impossible and managed to birth children in unfathomable numbers. Such tales make us wonder about the abilities of science, the conquerable limits of the human body and the sheer responsibility that follows that level of reproduction. Now imagine what it would be like if that number was in the hundreds. The catch, however, is that none of those children know who you are. That is the dilemma David Wozniak (Patrick Huard) faces in the movie Starbuck. Taking place in Quebec and written in French, Starbuck (directed by Ken Scott) is about David’s dismal life. David is a middle-aged deliveryman with a serious case of man-child syndrome. Irresponsible and immature, he is constantly looking for some get-rich-quick scheme, such as STARBUCK growing weed in his apartment so that he can settle his debt with some thugs. David’s life is thrown into further disarray when his past catches up with him and he is informed that, due to a mix-up at a clinic, the sperm he donated almost two decades ago have been used to father 533 children. Out of that number, 142 have joined together in lawsuit to try and reveal the identity of the mysterious donor, known only by his alias, Starbuck. The film follows David’s attempts to face the consequences of his actions as he struggles with the dilemma of whether or not to keep his identity a secret. The heart and humor of this movie rests in the various attempts David makes at trying to get closer with his many offspring without being too conspicuous. Sometimes, the attempts are heartwarming; other times, they are borderline absurdist. For example, David tries to connect with one of his daughters, Julie (Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse), by disguising himself as a pizza deliveryman who refuses to leave until he figures out why she is upset, claiming that the pizza company cares a lot about their customers’ emotional well-being.
While Huard is able to bring humor to this movie, what was most enjoyable was seeing him portray a character who was genuinely trying to better his life. Complementing Huard’s performance is Antoine Bertrand, who plays David’s friend and lawyer, Avocat. Avocat’s humor almost always manages to bring laughs and steal the scene. The film, however, would be nothing without the children themselves. The variety of young actors (David Michael, Patrick Martin, Sébastien Rene) employed to play a few of the offspring bring life to each character. The script, written by Martin Petit and Scott, strikes a good balance between comedy, drama and heart. While the movie is certainly a sweet one that explores the virtues of family, some scenes involving group hugs and camping trips are borderline diabetesinducing. While I applaud the writers for focusing on the personal challenges that David faces, it would have been appreciated if the case were given a little bit more attention through the film. Overall, this movie is a must-see. While hopefully none of us will find ourselves in the same position as David, Starbuck still imparts important lessons regarding family. Although an American version of the film is in the works for those apprehensive about watching films with subtitles, I recommend seeing the funny original.
A FATHER’S INSTINCTS Starbuck takes a poignant look into theme of family.
4.12.13 | the guide | 11
vinzons, phillipines — leonel cray perez de velez
on campus
The Georgetown Program Board presents Gangster Squad in ICC Auditorium. Sporting a star-studded cast of Sean Penn, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone and based on a true story, this movie follows a secret police crew in their quest to take down ruthless L.A. mob king Mickey Cohen.
Ever wanted to participate in the “Amazing Race”? Well , take this chance to sharpen your skills before trying out for the real deal. Sponsored by Georgetown Program Board and What’s After Dark, the event supports the American Cancer Society. Sign up on HoyaLink or at Relay for Life.
Come celebrate Asian-American culture and the achievements of Asian, Pacific Islander and AsianAmerican communities in the Washington, D.C. area. Witness not only traditional instruments and classical tunes but also fast-paced dances set to the pulsing beats of East Asian music. Tickets, available in Red Square, are $8 for one and $10 for two.
Everyone wants to be part of a big, fat, Greek family at some point, right? Here’s your chance! The Georgetown Hellenic Association hosts its annual Lamb Roast this Saturday in the Village B Courtyard. For just $5, you can enjoy traditional Greek food, music and dancing. Tickets are available for purchase online.
around town saturday
Critically acclaimed British folk and soul singer songwriter Lianne La Havas is performing at the 9:30 Club. La Havas, 23, has already received the honor of having her debut album be iTunes Album of The Year in 2012. Due to limited U.S. tour dates, this is a great opportunity for Americans to experience her haunting voice.
Every year around this time, hundreds of people flood the D.C. metropolitan area to see the beauty of the local cherry blossom trees. One of the largest events in the National Cherry Blossom Festival is the annual parade, where giant balloons, colorful floats and performers march down Connecticut Avenue.
The National Building Museum will showcase photographs and writings documenting the Anacostia neighborhood. Produced by a partnership between the teenagers who live in the area and the museum, this exhibit explores themes of community and change in the neighborhood through residents’ eyes.
WHERE: 9:30 Club WHEN: 8 p.m. INFO: PRICE: $50 METRO: U Street
WHERE: Constitution Avenue between 15th and 17th Streets WHEN: 10 a.m. to noon INFO: PRICE: Free METRO: Smithsonian
WHERE: National Building Museum WHEN: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. INFO: PRICE: $5 with student ID METRO: Judiciary Square