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Whether you hate or love writing there is little doubt that it has great potential and can be used in several ways to earn you money online. Whether it is THE easiest way to make money online is a different matter. It is certainly an important part of internet marketing but there are so many other factors that contribute to online success that it is difficult to pinpoint any one thing. So what other important factors am I talking about here? Well it depends on what it is you are trying to achieve (sell a product, earn money through adsense, etc). Nevertheless, generating traffic is highly important and can be achieved in a number of ways. Article marketing however is my favorite way to generate traffic due to its unlimited potential. Having said this it highlights the importance of writing. The problems that some have though, is that writing content can be a difficult task, especially if it is about a topic that you know little about. So what are your options? - Create websites only on topics that you are knowledgeable about - Outsource your writing needs - Purchase PLR articles - Spend time researching topics in depth before creating a website dedicated to it Which option you choose may depend on your finances, time-constraints, whether you are happy using PLR articles and several other factors, but it is important that you choose at least one. Search engines love unique fresh content, and as a website owner it is important that you give it to them to keep them interested in what your site has to offer and to send the search engine spiders more regularly. Content can also be used in your newsletter if you have one, and to increase backlinks to your site by submitting articles to directories. You can also generate direct traffic from article directories should your article be interesting to readers. There is however another great way that you can use content to build a healthy passive income on the internet, without the hassle of SEO, website building and hosting. I'm talking about revenue sharing. Revenue sharing websites can be used to earn a healthy amount of money each month by providing information that you are familiar with. This means that members do not have to research for hours or outsource their writing needs to make a good income online, but instead can write interesting information on topics that they are familiar with.

[] is a great site to begin writing and earning money for information. Write "why" "when" "where" "which" and "how" guides and earn money online [] by building an adsense empire [].

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==== ==== Awesome! This is what I was looking for! I share videos with friends and get paid! ==== ====

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