The Podium - Fall 2022

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Fall 2022

Publisher/National Executive Director

Office Manager & National Accountant

Membership Services Coordinator

Database & Membership System Coordinator

Membership & Expansion Coordinator

National Events Coordinator

Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter Support Coordinator

Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter Field Representative

Kappa Kappa Psi Chapter Field Representative



National Headquarters Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma P.O. Box 849 Stillwater, OK 74076-0849 (405) 372-2333 e-mail:


Articles must be prepared using common word processing software or submitted by e-mail. Photographs must have captions attached with all individuals identified. Detailed author’s guidelines can be found on the NHQ web site at:


May 1 December 1 Fall issue Spring issue

The PODIUM is produced at the National Headquarters of Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma in Stillwater, Okla., and printed and mailed by Modern Litho-Print, Jefferson City, Mo.


November 14

• National Intercollegiate Band auditions open

December 1

• Online deadline for Fall Activity Reports

• Deadline for articles to be submitted for the Spring 2023 issue of The PODIUM

March 16 - 18

• 2023 Northeast District Convention, College Park, MD College Park Marriott & Convention Center

March 31 - April 2

• 2023 North Central District Convention, Muncie, IN

Horizon Convention & Courtyard by Marriott

• 2023 Southeast District Convention Knoxville, TN Hilton / Knoxville Convention Center

April 1

• National Intercollegiate Band auditions close

April 14 - 16

• 2023 Midwest District Convention, Overland Park, KS

Holiday Inn & Suites Overland Park West

• 2023 Southwest District Convention, Lafayette, LA Cajundome / Hilton Garden Inn

April 20 - 23

• 2023 Western District Convention, Park City, UT DoubleTree Park City – The Yarrow

May 1

• Online deadline for articles being submitted to the Fall 2023 issue of The PODIUM

• Submission & postmark deadline for ΤΒΣ National Scholarship applications

June 1

• On-time deadline for Chapter Summary Reports

July 1

• KKΨ Awards Deadline

July 11 - 14

Fall 2022

On the Cover:

On the cover of this issue is a collage of Brothers who participated in DCI's 50th Anniversary season in 2022: Andrea Andrade (Xi Beta), Santa Clara Vanguard; Joshua Chuck (Alpha Alpha), Bluecoats; and Alberto Sexton (Xi Beta), Santa Clara Vanguard.

• 2023 National Convention Orlando, FL Caribe Royale Orlando

September 30 (October 15 for Quarter Schools)

• Submission & postmark deadline for KKΨ & TBΣ Chapter Personnel Reports, signed summary page and fees

2 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma The PODIUM
Steve Nelson Di Spiva Debbie Morris Aaron Moore TJ Tooley Lisa Croston Nicole Brooks Kennedy Struck Jake January
Fall 2022 PODIUM.KKYTBS.ORG - 3 what'sINSIDE 4 From The Executive Director 5 Expansion & Membership 26 National Leadership 32 In Loving Memory 6 And Then, There Were Eleven Christina Jones 8 The 2022 Western District Convention Recap Logan
10 Tau Beta Sigma Local
Associations: The
Relations Director
14 Lets Go Wildcats! Marching In Harmony Gia Kirk 16 Stepping Stones
21 Giving
22 KKPsi, Music Education, and the Pandemic Matt
and Ray Johnson 23 A Service Project... with Lasers?
23 Manhattan Here We Come
26 Go Further Together by Utilizing Committees
ΤΒΣ 27 Go
the Things: A Guide to Crescendo and Coda
ΤΒΣ 28
29 A Lifelong Commitment
30 NIB Informational Aids Dr.
Webb National Vice President for Professional Relations, ΤΒΣ Tony Falcone National Vice President for Professional Relations, KKΨ 14 18 6
Place for Alumni after
Thea Murphy LAA
Caitlyn Pelligrini
Southmoore student wanted to be in band. His director wouldn't let a wheelchair stop him. Jenni Carlson
Back to the Chapter and Honoring a Legacy Miranda Cook Outreach Director, KKΨAA
Colleen Conard
Brady Sohn
Allison Leemann National Vice President for Communication & Recognition,
Leslie Gartin National Vice President for Special Projects,
Strive for Five: A National Initiative for Growth Bang Co National Vice President for Membership & Expansion, KKΨ
Jessica Lee National President, KKΨ

Writers Wanted!

The National Headquarters accepts the Podium submissions via e-mail at and online at In order to make processing of articles easier please use the following format:

Remember that articles must be received by May 1 for the fall issue and December 1 for the spring issue. Within the subject line include "Podium Article for (your) Chapter."

Feature articles should be 1-2 pages, not including photos. You can figure 600 words per page, so a 2-page article would be about 1,200 words. Try to keep your article to a multiple of 300 words, with a 600 word/1-page minimum.

Fraternity/sorority-wide news items should be one-half page/300-word minimum, not including photo(s).

Chapter news items should be one-quarter page/150-word minimum, not including photo(s).

Articles may be submitted as an attachment to an e-mail message; save the article as either a Microsoft® Word document or in Rich Text Format.

Be sure to send photos illustrating your story. Photos must be 300dpi or higher and attached separately from the article, not embedded. We assume that the writer of the article has full rights to the photos and grants a license to us for publication purposes. Submissions containing photographs will receive priority for publication.

Every photo must have a caption! Be sure to include the photo captions within the e-mail for the article you send and be sure you identify everyone in the photo.

Original photos are preferred, either color or blackand-white.

Helpful Hints

- Make your article interesting and exciting to read.

- Focus on one or two topics and expand upon it.

- Try not to write a chapter summary report for your article.

- We like to hear about extraordinary things such as successful fundraisers, unique socials, or service projects.


I've been thinking about what Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma were like in 2019, pre-pandemic, and what they are like now three years later. We are quite different in some ways. Having to exist in a virtual world for three semesters, or more, impacted our chapters at a very basic level, and caused a loss of "institutional knowledge" that has been a critical part of chapter longevity and consistency.

Now, in the Fall of 2022, we still see chapters struggling as a lot of the intangibles of being a chapter have been lost. A lot of work at the district and national levels of the organizations is focused on helping chapters over new hurdles and relearning some of the basics of chapter service and operation; and, even what it means to be part of a brotherhood or sisterhood.

The good news is that the sparks that have kept Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta going for so many decades is still there! With each passing day, the old excitement is rekindled. I have great hope, that with just a little more time and effort, the organizations will overcome the lingering effects caused by the pandemic.

What can you do? If you're an active member of a chapter - help recruit new members to reach or surpass your previous numbers. Make an effort to attend your district and national conventions in 2023. There's no better way to stoke that spark of brotherhood and sisterhood. Celebrate and share the joys of band and music.

Alumni also have an important role to play. We can help our chapters financially, with encouragement, and by being role models of what brotherhood and sisterhood look like.

I recently celebrated my 8th anniversary of serving as the National Executive Director. When I was initiated 42 years ago, I would never have imagined that I would be in this role. It's been an honor to be a part of our organizations during such critical times.

I wish you all the best and I look forward to meeting many of you at upcoming conventions! Steve Nelson (ΚΚΨ/Alpha, ’80)

4 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma The PODIUM


Kappa Kappa Psi is welcoming back


Tennessee State University Nashville, Tennessee


Savannah State University Savannah, Georgia

TAU BETA SIGMA is welcoming back


Tennessee State University Nashville, Tennessee


Livingstone College Salisbury, North Carolina

Stony Brook University

Stony Brook, New York




And Then, There Were Eleven

Spring 2022. The Eleven Eclectic Tiers of Excellence. We come from all different areas of the band and strive for excellence together. This spring, I, along with ten of my SisTAUs, had the honor of being initiated into the Theta Phi chapter of Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Sorority, Inc. This is one of the largest lines Theta Phi has ever had. During our Membership Education Process, we were taught the ways and values of Tau Beta Sigma through classroom education and hands on experiences.

Attending the 2022 District Convention was one for the books! It was great being able to meet and bond with fellow TBS and KKPsi members and membership candidates. We were able to learn from other chapters and from the many speaker presentations. In preparation for writing this piece, I asked my sisters, “what was the most enjoyable moment during our process?” One of my sisters, Taylor Root, responded, “I think the most enjoyable part of our process was when we all went to the District Convention. It was the biggest thing we all did together as membership candidates and Active members. We got to shadow proceedings and see how things worked, as well as just have fun together as a whole group, including our brothers, too.”

Throughout our membership process, we also learned the value of service. We came together—both membership candidates and active members—to clean out the uniform closet. We cleaned uniforms, organized shelves, and reorganized the uniform parts. After a long afternoon full of hard work, dedication, and sister bonding, we had greatly transformed the uniform closet. It was great being able to serve the band in this way while continuing to get to know each other and develop the bond. Additionally, we volunteered at a local elementary school, helping a Theta Phi alum set up her Music classroom. As a music teacher, she was moving into a new school and requested our help. Helping at the school led to an even greater opportunity, where TBS and some band members were able to go to the school and perform for the kids. It was a great way to share music with the youth and expose the kids to where music could take them in the future. This opened our eyes to the different types of service that can build bridges between TBS, our band, and the local community.

On April 9, 2022, we were initiated into Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Sorority, Inc. The journey to get here was not easy, however, it was worth it all. In the words of my sister, Jada Haskins, “…We are all so different, and if it wasn’t for this process, some of us would have likely never spoken to each other…” The eleven of us have built an unbreakable bond and are excited to work and serve the band!

6 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma The PODIUM Student NEWS
Spring 2022 at the District Convention in Delaware as membership candidates. Spring 2022 after their initiation into Tau Beta Sigma


The National Leadership Team would like to solicit interested and quali ed parties to submit their name and quali cations for election to the National Council, Board of Trustees, or TBSAA Executive Council for the 2023-2025 Biennium.


Interested individuals running for the National Council should meet the following basic quali cations:

• Life Member of the Sorority in good standing and at least 25 years of age at the time of election.

• Completed an undergraduate degree program.

• Shall possess outstanding business ability and be able to represent the Sorority under all ordinary conditions.

• Able to serve a two-year term once elected.

• Will interview with the Nominations Committee at the National Convention & elected by the National Chapter.

More info of this process can be found in 3.202, 3.203 & 3.204 in the National Constitution:


Interested individuals running for the Board of Trustees should meet the following basic quali cations:

• Life Member of the Sorority in good standing and at least 30 years of age at the time of election.

• Shall possess outstanding business or professional ability and shall be capable of representing the Corporation and Sorority under all circumstances.

• Able and willing to serve a four-year term once elected.

• Will interview with the National Council (Nominations Committee for the Board of Trustees) & elected by the Life Members of the Sorority.

More info of this process can be found in 2.105, 2.106 & 2.107 in the National Constitution:


Interested individuals running for the Executive Council should meet the following basic quali cations:

• Life Member of the Sorority & current TBSAA member in good standing, and at least 25 years of age at the time of election.

• Hold an undergraduate college degree.

• Shall demonstrate outstanding business skills and be capable of representing the TBSAA under all circumstances.

• Able and willing to serve a four-year term once elected.

• Elected by the current members of the TBSAA (at the Standard membership level or higher).

More info of this process can be found in 3.202 & 3.203 in the TBSAA Constitution.

Interested Individuals May Submit Their Information No Later Than March 1, 2023


• Letter of intent which identi es the position being sought, why it is being sought, what contributions you can make in that o ce, and information detailing how you meet the above basic quali cations. Highlight band and Sorority experience. Limit: 1 page.

• Résumé/Vita, inclusive of both Sorority and professional experiences. Limit: one 2-page document or two 1-page documents that separate the two categories.

• Three letters of recommendation, one of which should be within the applicant’s profession.

• One photograph, suitable for publication.


• National President Erika Pope (

• Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Dr. Dawn Farmer (

• Chairperson of the TBSAA David Alexander (

The 2022 Western District Convention Recap

In late April 2022, our Brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi and Sisters of Tau Beta Sigma returned to Seattle, Washington for the first Western District Convention in over 1,081 days. Let me be the first to tell you, it was a tremendous success. It was also my first ever in-person convention, and I have to admit, it was absolutely terrifying to stand in front of the Western District and preside over the business that happens at a convention. After reflecting on our weekend together, I want to share the following recap, filled with stories, business, and a call for continued celebration that the Western District finally returned to being together.

The District Officers of both organizations had secretly recruited an Army Band brass quintet to kick off our convention, which seemed only fitting for the number of brass players that represented both District Councils. After we concluded our joint opening session, we took time separately to remind Brothers of Robert’s Rules of Order and how we proceed with voting matters on a District level. Then came some joyous reflections, as three Kappa Kappa Psi District Officers gave their report on the year. Quite possibly one of the highlights came as our outgoing District Secretary/ Treasurer, Christian Heck, had a special announcement in his report and became a fiancé to a past WD Member-at-Large, Joey Sacino. To those of us fortunate enough to have interacted with both of these Brothers, it was a perfect moment that I hope both of them cherish and tell for many years to come!

After a short break, we had the wonderful opportunity to have national dignitaries present joint workshops for both organizations. A huge thank you goes out to all of those who lent us their wisdom with such beneficial workshops for the Western District. Before concluding our Friday, we held a full District caucus to allow the members in attendance to talk about jurisdictional amendments, the District budget, and have the opportunity to talk with the Brothers running for next year’s District Council. It was an exciting, memory-filled first day of convention, but there was so much more to look forward to in the next two days!

Saturday was re-designed from previous years of WDC, as we kicked off the day fully immersed in our ritual. Four new Brothers were made honoraries of the Western District: Dr. Jack Lee, Mrs. Jessica Lee, Ms. Siobhan Wilkes, and Ms. Karissa Longo. As a past Western District President, I am proud to say that these four outstanding individuals have gone above and beyond

for our District, both this past year, and in previous years. After our honorary Third Degree, we moved into a stopmotion Second Degree designed to allow Brothers to have another in-person experience with Ritual after over two years of virtual experiences. We also had national dignitaries monitoring the Ritual, providing feedback and ideas for those Brothers in attendance to take back and hopefully utilize at their chapter level. Another highlight of this experience was that many past District Officers from the previous two years who were deprived of hosting their own in-person WDC were given reading roles to honor and remember their work that helped lead us to this point.

After our ritual workshop, we moved into a few more important workshops for active Brothers, followed by a long lunch break to give Brothers plenty of time for fellowship. We reconvened after lunch with one of the highlights of our convention: our music hour performance by the 56th Army Band. Let me just tell

8 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma The PODIUM
Featured in this photo from left to right is Joey Sacino, past WD MaL (2020-21), and Christian Heck, past Secretary Treasurer (202122). Their engagement occurred during Christian’s report on April 22nd, 2022 at the Western District Convention.

you all now, they blew the house down with their variety of music and ensembles and the enthusiasm in their performance!

There are no words I have to describe it other than it was a fabulous performance. It was a truly great experience to have our joint organizations come together in the bond we share of music. We rejoiced going into our second Kappa Kappa Psi separate session of the convention, featuring a large overhaul of our District Constitution and the passing of the WD 2022-23 budget. After those thoughtful discussions for the future of our District, we held a National Leadership Townhall, filled with blooming conversations between our membership and our National Leaders. Numerous Brothers were glowing with glee at being able to talk about membership expansion, recruiting in chapters, or just being able to finally put a face to the names that can be found in email communication outreaches.

After a brief break to change back into our formal clothes, we held our WDC 2022 Banquet, filled with great food, laughter, and a few tears. Numerous awards were presented to both individual Brothers and Chapters, highlighting the hard work they put in during the 20212022 year. But most importantly, we were able to return to our Western District roots with the Fight Song Competition.

For those that may not know, the Western District Fight Song Competition is a time purely dedicated to an organized chaos of sorts. Every chapter present has the chance to perform their fight song with their own traditions and chapter flare. There were so many cool moments, so I have decided to just include a few of my favorite images from WDC, as I feel these really embodied the spirit of the Western District.

On Sunday, we once again reconvened for our last separate session, which was filled with tears from both the governors and myself as we gave our reports. Additionally, we voted and installed the next Western District President,

Mary Elliott. After finishing our separate business, we met back up with our Sisters of Tau Beta Sigma to conclude with an announcement of the 2023 Western District Convention *Drum roll……..* Park City, Utah, April 21st-23rd.

As an outgoing District President, let me just say that it has been an honor and a privilege to serve this District. I love my Brothers so much and I hope that this brief overview has made YOU want to attend the next Western District Convention. We hope to see you there, as the Best are Truly in the West!

56th Army Band performing during Music Hour at the Western District Convention. Photo courtesy of WD governor, Lance Coochyouma. Brothers and Sisters from both the Iota Alpha and Eta Omega chapters during the WDC Fight Song Competition. More specifically featured on Trumpet are Sisters Veronica Enciso, Aileen Ibarra, Selena Reyes, Luis-Angel Gonzalez, and Kenjix Vang.

Tau Beta Sigma Local Alumni Associations: The Place for Alumni after Graduation

Local Alumni Associations (LAAs) are local groups of alumni, organized by city, chapter, district, or geographic region. LAAs serve to foster connections and create meaningful experiences for our alumni members while furthering the mission of the Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association (TBSAA).

TBSAA only LAAs are composed completely of Tau Beta Sigma alumni who are in good standing with the Sorority and financial members of the Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association. Joint LAAs have a combination of Tau Beta Sigma and Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni members.

Each year, LAAs are required to submit an annual report and renew their recognition with the Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association.

Want to join an LAA? The contact information for each LAA can be found on the TBSAA LAA page at If you are interested in finding out more about starting an LAA, contact the TBSAA LAA Director, Dr. Thea Murphy at You can join or renew your membership in the TBSAA at

Below are the LAAs that are officially recognized by the TBSAA for the 2022-2023 membership year.


• Delta Theta Alumni Association

• Epsilon Omega Alumni Association

• Epsilon Psi Alumni Association

• Eta Lambda Alumni Association

• Gamma Eta Alumni Association

• Grambling Alumni Association

• Greater OKC TBS Alumni Association

• Iota Psi Alumni Association

• Iota Zeta Alumni Association

• Nor th Central District Alumni Association

• Southeast District Alumni Association

• Southern University Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association

• Thee 1978 Club: Zeta Iota Alumni Association

• Tuscaloosa Area Alumni Association

Joint LAAs

• Atlanta Alumni Association of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma

• Brave Spirit Area Alumni Association

• KKPsi-TBSigma Greater Houston Alumni Association

• Midwest District Alumni Association

• Nor theast District Alumni Association

• South Carolina State ITB Alumni Association

• Southwest District Alumni Association

• University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff Kappa Kappa Psi Tau Beta Sigma Regional Alumni Association

• Western District Alumni Association

10 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma The PODIUM

David Alexander, Jr.

Marissa Archuleta

Yslette Arispe

Deborah Baker

Kwinton Baylor

Melissa Bays Lindsey Beauchamp

Bridgette Bell Stacy Bell

Destinee Bennett

Pamela Bennett Oria Berkley Dwala Berry

Terah Bias

Anyonga Blackwell

Danielle Blackwell Bethany Bledsoe

Joshua Boman

Joanna Bonner

Brendan Bowns

Robert Bratcher

Angela Brewster Whitney Bronson

Brittany Brown

Elfrida Brown

Erwin Brown

Lucianna Brown

Samantha Brown

Lauren-Elise Brush

Sonja Butler

Harrison Calvert

Helen Capehart

Tammy Carethers

Susan Carr

Morine Carroll

Renee Cartee

VanTarsha Clarke

Brittany Coffey

Desiree Cole

Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association Gold Star Club Members

The Executive Council of the TBΣAA sincerely appreciates the additional donation that these dedicated alumni give to the Association through their membership in the GOLD STAR CLUB for the 2022-2023 year. With these additional funds going toward future goals, the TBΣAA is working to increase grant and scholarship opportunities for our members, create new awards, support events like our For Greater Bands 5k, Growth and Professional Development Program, and find greater fellowship opportunities at district and national conventions. You can learn more about our GOLD STAR CLUB and join the TBΣAA at


Nai Colton Lance Coochyouma Kenneth Corbett Rebecca Covington

Lisa Croston Deatrica Cummings Kaitlyn Curley Lisa Daley Maisha Davis Sheila Davis Jason Dawdy Ishia Dawson Olivia DeFilippo Jennifer DiBenedetto Emily Donovan Kelly Eidson Harmona Epps HaShawn Epps Dawn Farmer Gayle Ferguson Christopher Foster Gwyn Fox Stump Willie Frazier Abigael Frey Terina Gardner Pamela Gilmore Shameka Golson Kat Grant Deven Graves Layla Gray Chiquita Greene Timothy Greenwell

Erica Hamilton David Hammond Karon Hammond

Alan Harriet Alysha Harvey Akierah Hatten

Janelle Henderson Sherronda Henderson Tyler Hern LaShunda Hodges Courtney Houston Rosalind Howard Markitha Humphrey Jessica Jackson Kimberly Jackson-DeMoss Wendy Jacques Saidah Johnson Andrea Johnson-Daye Evelyn Jones Marcia Jones Kathryn Kelly Shaundollyn King Yolanda King Samantha Kinnison John Kitchens

Oliver Kochol Marco Krcatovich, II Natorie Ladson Katherine Langley Jada Lee Jamila Lee Jessica Lewis Monica Lewis Lueen Lindsay Kymberly Littlejohn Sarah Loyd Christopher Lukasik Nikki Lyons Maia Martin Penelope Martin-Knox Reyonna Mathis

Malinda Matney Clara Mattheessen Theodore McCadden, Jr. Carolyn McCambridge Scott McCambridge Leslie McClure Barbara McCray Cynthia McDade Rosalyn McDonald LaSandra McGhee Heather McGowan Rhonda McKinney Kristin McMullen Cathleen Miles Brianna Mitchell Kishera Mitchell Marylis Mitchell Monika Monk Miya Moon Ivania Morales Tundra Morris Eric Morson Larietta Moultrie Ameenah Muhammad Krystal Munoz Thea Murphy Christie Nestor Jean Newman

Cassandra Nicholson Wairimu Njoroge Maritza Olivares Michael Osborn Maisha Paggett Salli-Tymna Parker Sherese Parker Lindsay Pfannenstiel

Theresa Powell Christopher Pratt Adrienne Rall Chelsea Rasing Linnetta Ratliff Christina Reed Kelsey Reilly Jennifer Renaud Mary Rhodes Mellinna Ridout Katie Rixon Abby Rogish Bodin Rachel Roy-Ceasar Stephanie Russell Catrina Sally-Thomas Nicole Sanchez Edward Savoy Stacy Schiele Amber Scott Carletta Scott Jahn Scott Jennifer Scott Scott Sergeant ClinTonya Shorter Albert Shuler

Christian Sibley Kimberlina Sigle Kerry Simon Zara Simpson Vonnetta Sloan Alexis Smith Jazzlyn Smith Jessica Smith Sharron Smith Willow Sockalexis Kimberlee Spears Vedette Spellman Brett Steinbrink David Stookey

Jessica Stookey Alana Stoutamire Ashley Tanksley Jessica Thomas Nyaesia Thompson Julia Tordo Amber Tubbs Lauren Tubbs Omaria Tucker Regina Tucker Keishauna Turner Julia Viger Hayley Voorhees Erika Walker Ariante Wallace Stacey Whatley Terri White Rod Whiteman Bridgette Williams Lashann Williams

De'Aunjanae Wise Ashley Worthy Eireka Wright Kristin Wright Marcus Wyche Julia Yanta Tyra Yiare-Holloway Chelsea Zuniga

Fall 2022 PODIUM.KKYTBS.ORG - 11

Being a monthly donor to the Tau Beta Sigma Trust Fund is one of the best ways to ensure the continued legacy and success of our organization.

The Century Club is aimed at helping individuals begin a monthly giving journey. With a $9 per month contribution, individuals will reach $100 total in contributions to Tau Beta Sigma within one calendar year.

Through the 1946 Club, individuals contribute $19.46 monthly to sustain their support of the mission and ideals of Tau Beta Sigma.

1946 Club Members

David Alexander, Jr. Glenn & Debbie Baker

Sue Robash Carr

Lance Coochyouma Debra Crawford Lisa Croston

Morgan Darling Emily Donovan Jason Dornbush Katie Dukes Bill & Kelly Eidson

Dr. Dawn Farmer Chris Foster

Leslie Gartin Danny George Kathy Godwin David & Karon Hammond Holli Hartman Kelli Jones Kathryn Kelly Allison Leemann Kellie Leitz Nikki Lyons Brian Main Jonathan Markowski Ted McCadden Scott & Carolyn McCambridge

Leslie McClure

Rosalyn McDonald Christy McKinney Melvin & Cathy Miles Caleb Morris Thea Murphy Jean Newman Shalyn Nystrom Dollie O'Neill Maisha Paggett

Erika Pope Adrienne Rall Chelsea Rasing Zack Rebarchek Kelsey Reilly Mikaela Rhodes

Mellinna P Ridout Nic Rorrer Nicole Sanchez Amber Scott Kimbi Sigle Zara Simpson Jessica Smith Evan Thompson Kris Wright Tyra Yiare

Continue your Tau Beta Sigma journey by giving back as part of our monthly giving clubs.

To join the Century Club visit: centuryclub

To join the 1946 Club visit:

12 - Kappa Kappa Psi
& Tau Beta Sigma
Celebrating our 1946 Club and Century Club donors! Century Club Members Debra Crawford Ciara Gibbs Tim Greenwell Sami Kinnison Christopher Lukasik Rosalyn McDonald Nwachukwu Oputa Olivia Stewart-Costa David Stookey Jessica Stookey

Generosity of mind, heart and hand…

The rich history and legacy of Tau Beta Sigma thrives and continues to grow thanks to the loyalty and passion of all who have financially supported the organization. On behalf of the Tau Beta Sigma Board of Trustees, we wish to extend our sincerest gratitude to the following individuals for their total contributions across the years.

Wava Banes

Founder Society

$20,000 - $49,000

Alan Harriet Max Mitchell

Crown Pearl Society

$10,000 - $19,999

Glenn & Debbie Baker

Wava Banes Henry

Kelly Collaborative Medicine

Golden Lyre Circle

$5,000 - $9,999

Lisa Croston Bill & Kelly Eidson Kathryn Kelly

Rosalyn McDonald

Melvin & Cathy Miles

Christopher Miller

Jean Newman Red Rose Circle

$1,000 - $4,999

Justin Brady Gretchen Buchen Sue Robash Carr Lance Coochyouma Ken Corbett

Debra Crawford

Jen DiBenedetto

Emily Donovan

Jason Dornbush

Judith Dulcich

Dawn Farmer

Chris Foster Leslie Gartin

Daniel George Katherine Godwin

Christina Gordon

David & Karon Hammond

Holli Hartman

Patsy Hejl Reese Henry Debbie Kaplan

Samantha Kinnison Allison Leemann

Christopher Lukasik

Jonathan Markowski

Marc Martinez

Ted McCadden

Scott & Carolyn McCambridge

Wendy McCann

Leslie McClure

Donna McCormick

Melanie Meehan

Shalyn Nystrom

David Oakley

Dollie O'Neill

Catherine Oster

Elaine Ostrander

Maisha Paggett

Erika Pope Adrienne Rall

Zachary Rebarchek Kathy Rider

Carla A. Robinson

Nicole Sanchez April Sansing Scott Sergeant Kimbi Sigle Zara Simpson Jessica Smith

Frank Stubbs & Tom Lee

Sandra Weese

Janet West Miller

Leeann Wieser

Kris Wright

Alpha Delta Chapter

Beta Chapter

Beta Gamma Chapter Eta Rho Chapter Eta Sigma Chapter Theta Xi Chapter Zeta Delta Chapter

North Central District Northeast District Southeast District Southwest District Western District National Chapter (KKPsi) National Chapter (TBS)

White and Blue Circle

$500 - $999

David Alexander, Jr.

Marcos Alvarez

Lennie Ambelang

Courtney Biagas Meredith Brazzell Beth Bronk

Renee Cartee Paula Crider

Susie DePinto

Katie Dukes

Kevin Earnest

Edward Elsea, III

Paypal Giving Fund

Timothy Greenwell, Jr. Lois Gribler

Kim Hamilton

Carol Kruse

Katie Langley

Kellie Leitz

Marla Lewiski Marisa Lunde

Malinda Matney

Kelli Jones

Caleb Morris

Peter Murray Steven Nelson

Norma Parrish

Theresa Powell Linda Rae Chelsea Rasing

Constance Reishus

Jennifer Scott Ashlyn Simmons

Tiffany Singleton Kelly Sipko

Mary Stuart Evan Thompson

Tyra Yiare Chelsea Zuniga Omega Chapter Network for Good

Sisterhood Circle

$250 - $499

Trudy Adler Joanna M. Bonner Skylar Buffington Tammy Carethers Brian Carrier Alison Clanton Morgan Darling John Finocchiaro Gwyn Fox Stump RJ Gammon Mary Gibson Mary Gradisher Sylvia Halbardier Georganne Hodges Jennifer Khasilev Brian Kubacak Jack & Jessica Lee Lueen Lindsay Susan Lodal

Convention Attendees

Alpha Omega Chapter Alpha Theta Chapter Gamma Nu Chapter Theta Mu Chapter Zeta Omega Chapter Zeta Psi Chapter Legacy Asset Management Sales Match Intel Matching Grant Program

Fall 2022 PODIUM.KKYTBS.ORG - 13
Heather Marshall
Shannon Lotti Heather Mackey Rene Mark Suzanne Marques Monika Monk Thea Murphy Kaitlyn Musterman Stephani Noar Robin Oegerle Nwachukwu Oputa Pauline Ottaviano Christina Reed Kelsey Reilly Katherine Rodeffer Nicholas Rorrer Marie Scilacci Amber Scott Meghan Smith Sibyl Snyder Stacey Stenerson Olivia Stewart-Costa David Stookey Jessica Stookey Jennifer Tracy Christina Uili Georgette Washington Terri White Siobhan Wilkes Julia Woodson Marcus Wyche

Lets Go Wildcats! Marching In Harmony

This past fall 2021 semester, The Bethune- Cookman University marching Wildcats had the opportunity to participate as one of the few bands chosen to participate in the 2021 Cracker Barrel National Battle of the Bands in Houston, Texas. The National Battle of the Bands is an event that was created to bring the nation excitement for the fall marching band season by showcasing the country’s top HBCU marching bands. The line- up included Bethune Cookman university, Southern university, Norfolk State University, Langston University, Talladega College, North Carolina A&T University, Texas Southern University, and Texas State. Each school participated in a zero- quarter match between two bands in between performances. Following the match ups, universities performed an upbeat, and very exciting field show.

“The vision of the event’s creator, Derek Webber, is to strengthen the connection of the community to Historically Black Colleges and Universities by showcasing select marching bands and the role they play in educating aspiring musicians and developing future leaders.” -NBOTB

Following recent events such as the Black Lives Matter movement, many corporations and respected individuals have worked to help highlight and promote HBCU excellence through showcases, documentaries, and general donations. This is very important due to the lack of exposure and funding that many HBCU band programs have. Considering the ongoing spread of Covid-19, many bands across the nation faced the issue of low recruitment and budget cuts. By participating the National Battle of the Bands, student musicians were given a beam of light through all the current controversy. Like many bands, the Bethune- Cookman University Marching Wildcats had to follow numerous Covid19 guidelines mandated by the CDC, as well as the university in order to perform and travel. This did not deter them from having socially distanced band rehearsals, multiple Covid-19 screenings, and for most, receiving vaccinations. In the end, the Wildcats put on a groundbreaking show, featuring Grammy nominated gospel recording artist Le’Andria Johnson, who performed her hit single “Deliver Me” during their ballad.

14 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma Student NEWS
Photos by Tiffany Todd

As we entered the new semester the Bethune-Cookman Marching Wildcats participated in the annual Martin Luther King parade located in Tampa, FL. Every year the city of Tampa showcases its local business and its local high school bands and in a lively and exciting parade. The Marching Wildcats spent the first week of school in preparation for the parade. By continuing special efforts of social distancing and wearing masks during rehearsal, students were able to travel together safely to Tampa and participate in the parade in great numbers.

“Our two-mile route through East Tampa is lined from start to finish with enthusiastic and ethnically diverse crowds, enjoying the entertainment, and sharing the experience while honoring a great American hero. Opportunities abound to sell food, refreshments, souvenirs and other merchandise and the costs to participate are minimal.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Foundation, Inc.

Music is a universal language. People love to come together in order to celebrate and recognize influential leaders such as Dr. King himself. Band is always a great way to bring people from all over and every age together. Dr. Martin Luther King jr. as well as many other civil right activists worked and fought hard for us to be able to have fun and peaceful events like parades together in harmony. The Tampa MLK Parade brings attention to our history as African Americans as well as gives the community a reason to celebrate during these troubling times.

“And as we walk, we must make the pledge that we shall always march ahead. We cannot turn back.” -Dr. Martin Luther King jr.

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Celebrating Martin Luther King Day Grammy nominated gospel recording artist Le’Andria Johnson, takes the crowds breath away with her performance of her hit single “Deliver Me” featuring the marching Wildcats The lovely ladies of Theta Rho chapter of Tau Beta Sigma pose together before rehearsal for the National Battle of the Bands!
TAU BETA SIGMA National Scholarship Recipients Outstanding Student Leaders Scholarship Wava Scholarship Patsy Drury Hejl Scholarship for Outstanding Musical Achievement
Outstanding Student Leaders Scholarship
Jacob LaMontagne Delta Nu University of Maine Anna Dresback Alpha Oklahoma State University Ellen Lee Eta Zeta University of Kentucky Sapaydia Rosales
Alpha University of South Carolina

Stepping Stones

Following the pandemic, the Fall 2021 semester was a stepping stone for a more active brotherhood in the spring. In December, our chapter joined with the other musical Greeks and hosted a joint holiday concert. This was a turning point for our organization’s social activities because it was the first in-person joint event where we celebrated the holidays through music. Following winter break, our chapter has had many fundraisers and social events that provided a safe and fun environment for our community.

On February 11, 2022, our chapter hosted the first ever “Knight at the Carnival” event. This fundraiser was proposed and planned by our service committee to raise money for future service projects. This was our first major event coming out of the pandemic, where we not only invited students and faculty from the University of Central Florida, but also members of the Orlando and Oviedo community. We advertised to local middle and high schools, social media, and around campus. Some of the booths included musical bingo, bowling, live juke box, balloon animals, paper airplane toss, balloon wall, and ring toss. One of the

most popular booths was the live juke box. Because we are a musical fraternity, we planned to incorporate the greatest art, music, into this fundraiser. The juke box included brothers in our fraternity

who played stand tunes from the Marching Knights Armory and welcomed guests to participate. We plan on making “A Knight at the Carnival” an annual event where people in our community can gather to play games, socialize, and learn more about our Fraternity’s values.

Over the past few months, our chapter has hosted many social events. Some of these events include a Pop-Tart Potluck, Murder Mystery Dinner, Four-Way Game Knight, and our semesterly retreat. Most of our social events are for brothers only, but occasionally we work with the other musical Greeks to organize a joint social. One of these events was the Four-Way Game Knight. Our social committee strove to host many unique events this semester to encourage brother participation and strengthen our bonds.

Another event that our chapter has been working towards is our annual chapter concert. We host a concert yearly to promote the importance of music. About half of our 25 active brothers are a part of this ensemble. We also welcomed brothers/sisters from the other musical Greeks, students in the UCF music program, and two alumni brothers to direct and play in the ensemble. The theme for our concert is “A Knight at the Movies.” The

16 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma The PODIUM Student NEWS
Eta Sigma's first ever "A Knight at the Carnival" event where we created carnival games to raise money for our service committee. One of our social events, a Murder Mystery Dinner. This event was planned and executed by our social committee.

repertoire consists of The Marches of John Williams by John Williams/Johnnie Vinson, How to Train Your Dragon by John Powell/Sean O’loughlin, and Avatar Soundtrack by James Horner/Jay Bocook. These songs were chosen by our brothers to cultivate interest from our audience. This was our first chapter concert following the pandemic, and was the next stepping stone for our return to normalcy.

Eta Sigma has been striving for normalcy ever since the return to campus. After many Zoom events, our chapter planned and executed many distinct social events and fundraisers. We wanted these events to be memorable because we were unable to fully participate online. Brotherhood is a bond like no other, which is why each event we host is another step towards strengthening those connections.


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Jordan Javier Gamma Jonathan Sadler Delta Upsilon Providence Cantalamisa Delta Upsilon Edgar Canales Lambda Logan Parker Alpha Omicron Our Chapter Concert was hosted by Eta Sigma brothers, where we performed works from famous movies. This was a memorable concert for our fraternity because it was held on the 40th anniversary of our chapter, and was conducted by an alumni of Eta Sigma, Scott Mullen.

This article originally appeared in The Daily Oklahoman on November 3, 2022. It is reprinted here with permission.

Casey Hubbard needed the standard gear when he started playing in the marching band.

Instrument. Uniform. Music. But there was one other need unique to Casey: a seat belt.

Casey is in a wheelchair, and during a practice his freshman year at Southmoore High School, he nearly fell out of his chair. He was being pushed by Adam Mewhorter, the school’s director of bands. They made a super sharp turn, and Casey almost ended up on the ground.

“Yeah,” Mewhorter told Casey and his folks, “we’re gonna have to get Casey a seat belt.”

The Hubbards did.

“Ever since that happened, I’ve just had

fun,” said Casey, now a junior, “and it’s been great.”

Many people recently became aware of just how great.

A recording of Casey and Mewhorter during a marching band competition was posted on social media last week, and the views now number in the millions. There have been tons of comments, too. Some have taken a wide view about the importance of ensuring access to students of all abilities. Others have said how great a teacher Mewhorter is and how cool the whole thing is.

None of that is wrong.

But for Casey and Mewhorter, it is a bit surreal, too.

After all, this is what they’ve been doing for almost three years.

“This is just the way we operate,” Mewhorter said.

Casey Hubbard started playing trumpet in seventh grade.

His older brother had been in band, so Casey figured he’d give it a shot, too. He enjoyed his first couple of years, but beginning band involved lots of basics. Technique. Rhythm. Notes.

“It wasn’t too fun until I got into high school,” Casey said.

As a freshman, he was able to join Southmoore’s marching band. Like anyone starting something new, he was nervous, but there were also a few extra nerves because of his wheelchair.

Casey has used one all his life. He was

18 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma Feature ARTICLE
Southmoore student wanted to be in band. His director wouldn't let a wheelchair stop him.
‘I want to be on the field’

born with spina bifida, a birth defect in which his spinal cord didn’t develop properly. It affects people differently, but in Casey’s case, he has little feeling in his lower body and cannot use his legs.

Being in marching band, then, was a question mark for Casey.

“I didn’t know if I was going to be able to march,” he said.

“I didn’t know if I was gonna be able to be on the field with the rest of the trumpet section or the rest of the band.”

Mewhorter was more sure about Casey’s involvement.

Mewhorter has been involved with marching bands for many years - he’s been the band director at Southmoore since the school opened in 2008 - and he has seen other marching bands with students in wheelchairs. Often, they sit in one spot on the sidelines as the rest of the band marches on the field.

Mewhorter didn’t want that for Casey.

Casey didn’t want it either.

He is on an individualized education plan, or IEP, so before he started high school, he and his parents met with his teachers. Mewhorter asked Casey what his goal was, what he hoped to achieve.

“I want to be on the field,” Casey said. “All right,” Casey’s mom remembers Mewhorter saying. “We will make it happen somehow, some way.”

‘I want him to be a part of the show’

Casey Hubbard’s first marching band season was in 2020, and that fall, COVID restrictions limited marching bands everywhere. There were fewer competitions and fewer opportunities to perform during football games.

But having a slower season gave Casey and Mewhorter a chance to experiment.

How would they maneuver around the field? How fast could they go?

Will this actually work?

“And it did,” Mewhorter said. “It really, really did.”

Casey admits it’s a bit nerve-wracking.

“But he knows my skill level,” he said, “so I’d say that he’s pretty understanding of how I play.”

Casey’s safety and the safety of the other players around him is Mewhorter’s biggest concern. Because Casey in his wheelchair moves differently from everyone else in the band - “We can’t stop and start the same way,” Mewhorter said - he has to be mindful of where he and Casey are in relation to the rest of the band.

Mewhorter has to strike a balance.

“I don’t want him to look like an afterthought. I want him to be a part of the show,” Mewhorter said. “But then also, you want to make sure that you’re safe.”

Mewhorter is often moving quickly to maneuver Casey into position. Not a run but close.

During the first two years, Casey and Mewhorter would be on the field for certain blocks during the show, then they would come off the field and be more stationary. But this year, Mewhorter set a goal: never leave the field.

“We’re on that field the entire show,” Mewhorter said, “and he plays, and it’s been cool.”

Casey’s mom, Dawn, said, “He covers the whole field this year. He starts in one corner and ends up in the other.”

It isn’t necessarily easy for Casey or Mewhorter.

Casey has to deal with lots of bumps. Even though all of Southmoore’s performances have been on artificial surfaces, none of them have been smooth.

“It’s like 10 times harder to play,” Casey said.

Plus, there’s the added pressure of having your teacher and band director literally looking over your shoulder all the time.

“I’ve learned that I’m not as young as I used to be,” Mewhorter said.

He laughed.

Another challenge comes at practice. As the band director, Mewhorter oversees practices, and even though a good chunk of time is spent with different instrument groups split apart running through the music, a significant amount of time is spent on the field. Formations must be practiced. Songs must be run.

Mewhorter will be in the stands for a while, getting a full view of the band, but then, he’ll head down to the field for a few runs with Casey.

“It is a little give and take,” Mewhorter said. “If I have any regrets at all, it would be that I don’t feel like I get enough reps (with Casey).”

But Mewhorter wouldn’t have it any other way. Even though he has several teachers who assist with the band, he wasn’t about to delegate the duty of pushing Casey.

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Adam Mewhorter helps to maneuver Casey Hubbard in his wheelchair while performing with the Southmoore High School Band.

“I can do it, and I think that’s important,” he said. “I am the child’s teacher.”

Casey Hubbard will never forget St. Louis.

Earlier this fall, Southmoore went to The Dome at America’s Center for a huge marching band competition. There were dozens of bands and thousands of spectators inside the mammoth stadium where the NFL’s Rams used to play.

“Just stepping on the field … I was like, ‘I can’t believe I’m here,’” he said. “I never expected to get the opportunity to be able to march in general, but to march in St. Louis, one of the biggest stadiums, it’s pretty crazy. Pretty fun.”

Southmoore made the finals at the prestigious competition for the first time in school history, then finished in the top 10.

Last weekend, it finished seventh at state.

Thursday night, the marching band will assemble for the last time this year during Southmoore’s final regular-season football game. The band won’t march - pregame and halftime will be taken up by senior night activities - but it will play from the stands.

Casey is sad to see the season end, but he is excited about what comes next, his senior year. The band is building off a big year, so there could be some fun stuff in store.

There’s even talk of a ramp for Casey that’s part of the show.

But regardless of how creative Mewhorter gets with Casey’s involvement next year, the most important thing remains his inclusion. Mewhorter knows the marching band offers an opportunity to Casey that some other extracurriculars wouldn’t.

“One of the cool things about music and a school band program is that we don’t have to have a set number of people on the field,” Mewhorter said. “If that’s what’s unique to us, we need to make sure that we’re living that.

“We don’t have a bench. So we need to, if we can, integrate everyone we can.”

Southmoore has done it so well with Casey that his folks are getting messages and calls from parents who have kids in wheelchairs. Some are friends from when Casey played wheelchair basketball. Others are strangers.

“How did you make this happen?” they want to know.

“We didn’t do anything,” the Hubbards reply. “It’s just what happened.”

For that, Casey and his family are forever grateful.

“Their positive attitude towards it is a big driving force for how well it’s gone,” his mom said. “There really hasn’t been too much worry about it.”

She paused.

“I mean, once we got the seat belt.”

Adam Mewhorter, Southmoore High School (Moore, OK)

Director of Bands is a Life Member of the Gamma Theta chapter of ΚΚΨ. He served as the 1997-98 Southwest District Vice President and the 1998-2000 Southwest District President.

Adam is a recipient of Kappa Kappa Psi's J. Lee Burke Student Achievement Award (1999) and the A. Frank Martin Award for Alumni Achievement (2018).

20 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma The PODIUM
‘I can’t believe I’m here’
Casey Hubbard, right, plays with the Southmoore High School Band Adam Mewhorter helps to maneuver Casey Hubbard in his wheelchair while performing with the Southmoore High School Band.

Giving Back to the Chapter and Honoring a Legacy

One of the things that alumni can do after graduating is to give back to the band program, whether that be through donations or service. At Southeastern Oklahoma State University, that is what the alumni at the Eta Nu chapter strove for to celebrate their 20th anniversary. They wanted to give back to not only the band program, but also the chapter, university, and community. With the assistance of various alumni, they were able to establish a scholarship that honors Mr. David H. Christy, who served as the Director of Bands from 1995-2008. Mr. Christy also helped lead the effort for rechartering the Eta Nu and served as faculty sponsor. The scholarship is intended to be awarded to an active Eta Nu chapter member with a GPA of at least a 3.0 or higher. The Eta Nu alumni strove for the highest, as this is the first and only of its kind in the history of the university.

“It feels like I have come full circle, it also feels like I’m honoring my family’s legacy,” Charles “Trey” Coley Lusk, one of the main organizers of this project, states. “It also feels like we’re giving one young person a bit of a boost every academic year that they wouldn’t have had otherwise.” Trey

speaks from his personal experience, as he was able to receive a music scholarship through Mr. Christy’s support. Trey mentions that the scholarship provided him with the foundation to receive his degree and in several aspects of his life. He, along with several alumni brothers, wanted to provide that opportunity for band members.

Angie Kemp, one of the founding brothers of the Eta Nu chapter, knew exactly who to honor with this scholarship when the idea was in fruition. “Mr. Christy became known as a just great ambassador, band director, person that could bring everyone together. He has done so much for us not only on campus, but just the things that we learned growing into adults, going into our professional careers,” she states. There were multiple stories shared on how much of an impact that Mr. Christy has made with the Brothers of Eta Nu and the bands at Southeastern Oklahoma State University. It is clear that Mr. Christy is a Brother who strives for the highest and guides his students to success.

“He has worked a lot with our students, music education students, and later as a clinician with our band, and has lots of beautiful gems of knowledge about making music. He’s supportive of this program, is

supportive of the students, and now, in his new position, is looking to support all the bands of this region and helping them to be more successful in their programs every day,” affirms Michael Scheuerman, who serves as Southeastern Oklahoma State University’s Chair of the Department of Music, Director of Bands, and Applied Clarinet Instructor.

Mr. Christy reflects on his teaching experience and what his students have taught him over the years, as he was impressed with their drive for service and had a great sense of trust with them. “They learned from me, I learned from them also. It’s a collaborative effort, and I’ve always given students lots of ownership of the program. Southeastern had great students, and once we got the chapter going it was like a shot of adrenaline. It was exponential with what we were able to do together, it made me a better person. It made me a better teacher. It enabled me to teach more.”

The scholarship will be awarded starting the spring of 2023. If you are interested in donating for David H. Christy Honorary Music Scholarship, checks can be sent to the following address with “D. Christy Scholarship” in the memo line:

Southeastern Oklahoma State University 425 W. University Blvd. Durant, OK 74701

Members of the Eta Nu chapter with Sponsor David Christy Angie Kemp, Eta Nu charter member, with David Christy

KKPsi, Music Education, and the Pandemic

Even with mask mandates being lifted around the country, it seems we still have not been able to escape “these unprecedented times”. For many of us, the pandemic has affected every aspect of collegiate life. So when does the unprecedented become the new normal? And how has the pandemic informed our experiences with education and KKΨ?

Both Ray and I (Matt), are music education students here at Ohio State and are brothers of the Eta chapter. However, we have had two different experiences from our times so far in college. Fortunately for me, I graduated high school in 2019 and had the opportunity to have nine months of pre-pandemic schooling. Though starting at the end of my first semester, I begun showing symptoms of burnout. My battle with burnout extended into early 2021 while also dealing with other mental health issues. During this time, I often thought about walking away not just from college, but from music entirely. Looking back, this is greatly upsetting to me, as I have learned to cope with burnout, anxiety, and depression in healthier ways, but I know that I was not alone in this struggle. My feelings about music started improving in the summer, when I got to see my brothers again. I was able to participate in the marching band summer sessions and grilled at the cookout event the Eta chapter sponsors at the end of the summer. This was the time that I remembered why I joined this fraternity and why I wanted to make music my career. Since then, my passion for both has skyrocketed.

In the past year, I have had many other of my brothers come to me and express similar sentiments. In our chapter, it seems like many others experienced a great deal of grief from not being able to perform or not being able to fully convey their musical expressions. In school, many of my peers also experienced this burnout and contemplated dropping their majors or school entirely. I even saw this in my classroom observations, and the education field in general. The size of many ensembles dropped, students started falling behind, and many teachers were thinking of leaving or left the profession. I think it will take many years for us to mourn what we lost and for us to accept the new normal, but I think we will get there eventually. I know that I’m happy music continues to be there for me, and I

hope that my brothers feel the same as well. I’m proud to be a music educator and I’m proud to a brother of Kappa Kappa Psi.

As for my experience (Ray), finishing high school during the beginning of the pandemic was heartbreaking to say the least. My last quarter of classes with my friends, my senior band concert, and my graduation ceremony were all crumbling before me. At this point in time, we were hopeful that we would be able to start our collegiate careers back in-person; however, we would soon find out that this would not be possible. Classes for the fall of 2020 began to get put online while more and more events were postponed or cancelled completely. That first semester was quite the struggle acclimating to a new home, having very limited social interactions, and spending sometimes 8 hours straight at my desk just hopping in and out of different Zoom calls. I was very lucky that Ohio State did all that they could to provide some form of “band” which provide some opportunity to meet people, but my social needs were still not fully being met. While I had not been a part of the music education program pre-pandemic, I was still experiencing burn out like symptoms. The question “Can I really become a successful music educator during this time?” ran through my head on an almost daily basis.

At the end of that first semester, a friend of mine in the marching band encouraged me to attend recruitment for Kappa Kappa Psi as a way to make connections in the music community here. I had heard of the organization before because my dad was a Brother, but I hadn’t seriously considered joining myself. I was still interested in making friends though, so I went to recruitment week and felt a new home from the first day! So many people that I sort of knew and looked up to were Brothers, and I could tell this would be an amazing opportunity for me. I decided to attend interview night and was extend a bid to begin the Membership Education Program. Throughout the process my fellow MCs became some of my closest friends and the Brotherhood truly began to feel like a family to me. Today, I am finishing my term as the Chapter Editor and I’m looking forward to a bright future in the Eta Chapter.

22 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma The PODIUM
Student NEWS

A Service Project... with Lasers?

Yes, you read that title right. Rookie packets are a tradition in which Chi prepares a couple different goodies for new members of the marching band. This year these included a wooden TBDBITL hanging tag, a bumper sticker, a patch for our letterman jackets, custom “Diamond Ohio” lapel pins, and granola bars. These rookie packets are much awaited by new members as they have become a sort of rite of passage.

The wooden tags require the most

time and energy. In previous years, an alumni from the Ohio State Marching Band would make these tags with the marching band crest burned onto the wood. Unfortunately, this alumni was not able to provide these tags. Sister Rachel Chapman, our resident graduate student studying Architecture, designed the tags in a 3D modeling software and individually laser-engraved around 60 tags, taking a total of 12 hours to create and assemble. The whole project only cost about $7 per person!

New members received unique, free gifts that serve as meaningful mementoes for their time and initiation into the band family years after they are finished with marching band. These goodies can be kept for decades, and they continue the long-established tradition which new members look forward to. If your school has a laser printer, take a shot at a laserengraving with your band or school crest on it! They’re fairly easy and will last a lifetime.

Manhattan Here We Come

We are proud to announce that we are heading to the Macy’s Day Parade in November of 2022. There are only eight months between us and the 96th annual Macy’s Day Parade.

Our Eta Upsilon chapter had some upsetting hiccups along the way with our band trips these past few years due to Covid-19. In 2020 Kappa Kappa Psi – Eta Upsilon members and the rest of Marching Mizzou was supposed to travel to Dublin for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Sadly, this event could not be executed, and we have stayed in quarantine until

the next school year.

Coming out of the Covid-19 era we have planned a lot throughout our band including service and excellent musicianship projects. Including, Macy’s Day Parade instrument organization, field/marching preparation and recently added pop-up bands around Columbia. This Macy’s Day Parade will be a comeback from our sad Covid past.

Follow kkpsi_etaupsilon on Instagram to see our future projects, fundraisers, events, and achievements. See you at Macy’s!

Fall 2022 PODIUM.KKYTBS.ORG - 23

of our

Strive For The Highest Society


Kenneth Corbett

The Bohumil Makovsky

Guiding Spirit Society

$20,000- $49,999

Derrick Mills Max & Susan Mitchell Al & Gladys Wright

The Crown Pearl Society

$10,000- $19,999

James Alexander, Jr. Brent Cannon

Adam Cantley & Joe Panzer

Rod Chesnutt Danny George Steven C. Nelson Michelle Turenne

The Buell J. Staton Charitable


The Kerr Foundation, Inc.

The Founder's Circle


Sarah Casias

Lance Coochyouma John Finocchiaro

Matthew Grieco Jack & Jessica Lee Marc Martinez

Malinda Matney Eric Morson

Andrew S. Mullin

Michael Napolitano

Nic Rorrer

Ed Savoy

Frank Stubbs & Tom Lee

The President's Circle


Northeast District Alumni Association

Southeast District Alumni Association

Tau Beta Sigma Alumni Association

Stephen Barrett Christine Beason

Alison Beidler

Michael Blander

Greg Boike

Mark & Rose Bradbourne

Robert Bratcher

Byron Bryson

Marie Burleigh

Samuel Cavaliere

Bang Co

Adam Connolly Jen Costello Matthew Cotton Lisa Croston Jen DiBenedetto Sally & Lynn Dixon Gayl Doster Key Bank Foundation Isaac Frank Morgan Fritz Brian Green Alan Harriet Chris Haughee Michael Henderson Michael & Dawn Huskey Dave Justin Ashley Keller Wendell Kimbrough Marco Krcatovich, II Molly Kuchan Noah Leininger Jerry Lewis Michael Lindsay Hannah May Craig McClure Rosalyn McDonald Melvin & Cathy Miles Jason Mlady Bruce Moss Peter Murray Rebecca Myers Kelly Nellis Nick Nickodemus David Oakley Joseph Oblick Maxy O'Connor Mike Osborn Elaine Ostrander John D. & Jessica L. Pasquale Nate Pickett Alan Pine Chris Pratt Preston Ramsey Tammi Ramsey Kirk Randazzo Benjamin Rebeske Dan Reisinger Kate Rohrich Charlene Ronne Kadeem Sabari Doug Stotter Daniel Strinkoski

Nichole Taylor Evan Thompson Samuel Viggiano Bill Welch Richard Worthington Chris Young National Alumni Association

The Director's Club


Kimberly Ahokas

Rick Albani

Omicron Alumni Association

Southwest District Alumni Association

Zeta Chi Alumni Association


Nick Annan

Debbie & Glenn Baker

Nicholas Bratcher Steven Brink

Robert Bylski John Cassidy Kyle Chaulk Kevin Diana Harold Eason Veronica Graves

Tim Greenwell Amy & Doug Heavilin Larry Hubbard Henry Kellogg Kasey Lewis Kevin Lindow Victoria Liu Jeffrey Meador Andy Melvin Daniel Miller Kelly Miller Matthew & Holly Moore Michael Osborn

Tom Ostrander Brian Parker Denali Pearce-Alt Marina Pena Guiot Laura Pike Linda Rae Jeffrey R. Raff Alan Rollow Phil Rubin Franklin Russell, Jr. William Sandy Al Sergel Maria Singer Di Spiva Nick Verbanic Daniel Wingard, Jr. Greggory Woite Kiesha Yelverton Dennis Yu Association of Concert Bands

The Blue and White Club


The Garage Lexi Adams Jacque Alston Western District Alumni Association

Larry Beeby Tom Billings

Kenneth Brodhead

Erwin Brown

Dominador Coloyan Colter Comstock

Burt Daigle Samuel Dinkins, III Emily Donovan Paul Droste Bill & Kelly Eidson Daniel Everard


that the donation lists

Fraternity and wish to


Friend of Kappa Kappa

Psi Up to $249

24 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma The PODIUM
Ben Friedman Deb Friedman Michael Golemo Arupa Gopal Corey Herron Edwin Hornbrook Meg Jarrell Chris Joyce Bert King Gary Lanman Linda Matney Scott & Carolyn McCambridge Wendy McCann Mark McCarthy Grant Miller James Moreland Hunter Murphy Jessica Needham Erik Oliva Jason Ortiz Catherine Oster Gary Overstreet Brian Paster Nathan Pruitt Robert Rahn, Jr. Josh Ratliff Clarence Revelle Eugene Rhemann O. Andrew Rhodes Eric Rowsey William Salluzzo Norman Sanford Walter Schilling, Jr. Dan Schweichler Tom Sirridge Darren Smith Tory Smith Joshua Spaulding Scott Stowell Hailey Sult Jennifer Taylor Krista Tetrick Dave Tyler Bruce Vanderhoof Victor Whitney, Jr. Marcus Wyche Bret Zawilski Burton Zipser Blackbaud Giving Fund Banton Anne Barrios Darryl Barrios Heidi Bartholomew Adam Bates Menzo Battle Crystal Bays Christopher Bedard Heather Belcher Kerry Belton Nicole Benedict Carly Bergstein Lemuel Berry, Jr. Karl Bevins Charles Billingsley Anthony Billy Powers Bilodeau Eric Black Laura Blake Casey Blankenship James Bleil Jacob Boesch Anita Bohn Carl Bolte, Jr. Robert Bonar Eugene Bonos Raymond Borrell Frederick Bowers Teresa Bracken Timothy Bracken Justin Brady Meredith Braselman Harold Bray Alex Brock Beth Bronk Caryl Brown James Brown
The Hideaway
Adolph Ashley Ahr Dominic Alati, Jr. Frank Albers Amy Alexander
Alexander Christopher Alsip Midwest District Alumni Association Austin Ambrose Bruce Amsel Ashley Anderson Jacob Ankrum Jay Arnold Ema Carpenter Thomas Avery Mattie J. Awtrey Michelle Banis Clif Banner Jeff Banning Kristopher
Kappa Kappa Psi Lifetime Donors
Kappa Kappa Psi would not be the fraternity it is today without the leadership, vision, and loyal support
and friends.
Please accept our sincere thanks for your ongoing and loyal support. We want to make you aware
you will see below are based on the last 15 years of computerized records. We value your contributions to the
have you recognized here accurately. If you have additions or corrections to this list, please contact Aaron

Robert Brown

William Brown, Jr.

Joseph Bryant

Kelly Buchalski

Trevor Buchan

Michael Buckstein

Sky Buffington

Jordan Burgin

Kaylee Burrrell

Javan Burrier

Deborah Cantley

Dino Cardenas

Beth Carr

Sue Robash Carr

Joseph Carr, II Nathan Carreon

Andrew Carroll

Sarah Carten

Sam Carter

Bill Cartus

Dani Case

Toni Castle

Gabrielle Cellante

Ronnie Chalmers, Jr.

Darran Champs

Betsy Charles

Cassandra Chenoweth

Anthony Clay

Dr. C. Ron Clodfelter

TJ Coleman

Charles Coley

Caileen Collins Ray Collins

Shana Collins

Christopher Colvin Emerson Colvin

Michael Conway

Christa Cook

Miranda Cook

Chad Cooper Matthew Cope Mike Coppola Raymon Correa Rebecca Coughlin

William Cring

Cheryl Crump

Arthur Crutcher

Mike Cullen

Sean Damon Cherry Danielson Jack Davenport

Sylvanus Davies

Jeff Davis William Davis Gerilee Davison

Thomas Deacy Aaron Dean Sara DeDona

Brian Del Signore

MaryJo Desprez

Edie DeVine

Scott DeVine William Dick Mike Dill

Kathy Dodd

Logan Dominguez

Facebook Donations

Keith Dougerty

Townes Douglas

Mary Doyle

Robert Dubois

Blake Dye

Micah Easty Andrew Eden

Debbie Eder

Michael Edwards

Tracy Edwards

Eric Eisert

Robert Eley

Johnnie Eller

Rassii Elliott Erin Engle Amanda Esposito

Gerald Evans

William Ewan

Chad Eyer

Dana Facchine

Curtis Falany

Tony Falcone

Jeremy J. Fallon Casey Fariss

Paul Faulkner Angela Finamore Angela Finamore

Jeffrey Fink David Finkel

Jon Firman

Kerri Fitzgerald Sarah Fitzgerald

John Fitzgibbon

Daniel Flores

Ross Fondren VMware Foundation

Danielle Francis Cathy Frank Gerald Frank

Rebekah Franolich

Bryan G. Frazier Jared Friedl Daniel Fulmer Andrew Fuls Donald Galyean Sidney Gatch Jordan Gilbertson Michael Gillespie Paypal Giving Fund Mali Glaister Howard Gluckman

Benjamin Godfrey George Godfrey, III Alan Goeringer Network for Good Griffin Goodman

Steve Gowans, Jr. James Graber

Jesse Granados

Doice Grant Christopher Grapis JP Gravitt Talia Green William Green Nicholas Greeson Patty Griffin Jaydee Griffith Jacqueline Grim Adrian Guess Jonathan Guiot Sara Guse

Roldan Gutierrez Jim Haden David Hahn

Alix Diane Hall

Jerome Hall

Wilbur Hall

Bradley Hammett Denise Hampton

Gregg Hankins

Robert Hardin

Ann Harrington

Mariamne Harrington

Noelle Harris

Michael hart Nick Hartley Holli Hartman

Shawna Hatten Amy Hayes

Nichole Hazelwood

Donald Hearrell

Danielle Hebel Natasha Helme

Suzanne Hemond

Hiram Henry

Vincent Hercules

Allyson Heslop

Nathan Hicks

Russ Hietpas

Eduardo Higareda

John Abe Hill, III

David Hinman

Raymond Holley Mark Hollis

Ralph Holloway

Donald Hondrum

Joseph Horvath

Evan Hoskin

Nick Hoskins

Jamie House

Michael Howard

Paul Howard, Jr. Nicole Howard-Francis Alexis Howell

Jason Huesman

Lloyd Hughes

Edward Hunter

Tron Hunter

Sean Hunter

Karel Husa William Ingraffia Bill Ivey Rob Izzo

Daniel Jackson David Jackson Jerome Jackson George James Eldon Janzen Donta Joe Abigail Johnson

Roy Arnold Johnson, Life Member, Gamma Pi Vanessa Johnson Kenny Johnson, II Will Johnston Herman Jung John Karandisevsky

Alex Keck

Phillip Kelly, III Tom Kelman

Austin Kelso Raymond Kim Laura Kimberly Linda King Andrew Kinsey Charles Kinzer, Jr. Jean Kloker

Arnold Kummerow

Eric Ladish Sean LaFollette

David Lafont Brian Lamb

Ernest Lambert Kat Lambino

Jerry Lane

Ryan Largent

Kenneth Lastowka

Donald Lee Esther Lee Nancy Lee Robert Lee Allison Leeman

Christian Leichenauer

Kelsey LeRoy Chuck Lester Michelle Letendre Deborah Lewis Kaana Lewis Malinda Lewis Scotty Lewis

Tim Liebrock

John Lipphardt

Michael Livingston Lawrence Lloyd Michael Logan

Ryback Cyzr Lomboy

Karissa Longo

Kent Love-Ramirez

Blake Loy

Christopher Lukasik

Rebeccah Lutz Alex MacDonald

Preston Mahr

Meghan Major

Jonathan Markowski

Darin Martin

Thomas Martin, Jr.

Adam Martini

Peter Marvin, Jr. Frank Marzen Peter Mast Matching


Glenn Mathews

James May

Robert Hawk May John Mazarek

John McCann

Robert McChain

Leslie McClure

Brandon McCormick

John McDaniel

Kelli McDoulett

Keegan McGill Harold McHail Sheila McKinney

Emily McPeake Joyce McPhail

Dean McVay Matthew Meadows

Sarah Meisinger Ian Merkel

John W. Middleton

Mitch Mikuchonis

Lauren Milbourn

Garland Milford, Jr. Justin Millana Megan Miller Terry Miller Gary Mills

Jacob Mitchell Kyle Mitchell Trevor Mitchell

Leon Moll Mark Money

Aaron Moore Edwin Moore

Roderick Moore

Kristen Moreno Kathy Morgan Debbie Morris

Jason Morris

Len Morse

Brent Morton Eric Moser

Dixie Mosier-Greene

Tom Mullen

Betsy Murtola

Crystal Nadi

Stacey Nagle Alyssa Neel

Rodney Nelson Eric Newsome

Jude Ngo Viet Nguyen James Nuechterlein

Daniel Oakes Tarshae Odom Katie O'Flaherty

Patricio Olivarez, III

Rachel Olsen

Dollie O'Neill

James Orlando Nate Page

Toury Parkman

Joseph Pearson

Adam Peterson

Laura Phillips

Andy Pickett

Andrew Pickett

Bill Piel

Christopher Pike Susan Pile

Lizzi Pineiro

Walter Pittman Scott Powers Heather Pragel Kim Pretzer

William Price, Sr. Cameron Pride James Prince Chad Proudfoot Phillip Pugh

Eddie Raber

Linda Rae & Andrew Hertz

Penny Ragatz Tenaya Ramey Zack Rebarchek

Marc Renaud Michael Rich Payton Rielly Cat Robbins Joseph Roberts Kevin Rob-Ford Paul Robinson Jake Rocco James Rocke Richard Rodean Charles Rogol Chuck Rogol Tony Roscoe Ryan Rottman

Shelley Rowan Marcus Rowden

Rubottom, II Lisa Ruffcorn Franklin T. Russell Seth Sacher Randy Scheid Rosemary Schick


Schilling Carol

Fall 2022 PODIUM.KKYTBS.ORG - 25
Schmidt Kathleen Schoelwer James Schrader Steven Schriver Joseph Sciarrino Michael Sciarrino Franco Scinicariello Kirk Scott Tyrone Scott Lauren Seiler Alejandro Selgas Christopher Senior Matthew Shaffer Bryce Shelton Darryel Sheppard Kayla Shortnacy Will Shropshire Davis Shullenberger Zara Simpson Garth Slack Timothy Slater Marjorie Smelt Brian Smith Darren Smith Frederick Smith
Zachary Stoddard Gail Stout
Stratton Eryn Streeter Brendan Sullivan Michelle Taam
Taylor Darryl Taylor Jacob
Akilah Thomas Michelle Thomas
Thompson Laura Thompson Robert Thurston Michael Trimm Barbara Tucker Jacob
Jr. Michael Uttley
Vass Nina Vatter
Dirk Washington Edison Waters Nick
Smith Justin Smith Stefan L. Smith Derrick Snead Gerald Solomon David & Marilyn Solomon Sharon Soma Nick Sondag Joshua Spears Elizabeth Spirko LeMikkos Starks Joseph Stempien Zachary Stewart
Barry Taff Tyrone Tarplin Jessie Tatum Aspen
Turnbow Thomas Ulrich,
Stephan Vazquez
Vespoli Dawn Victor-Herring Anthony Vittore Leland Vliet Jeffrey Waldschmitt Sharon Walker Cheryl Wallace Jeff Wallace Reggie Wallace
Wedler Michelle Wedster Christopher Wee Jonathan Weir Nick Weise Jacob Welper Nicole Wessell Leonardo White Marty Whitehead Rod Whiteman Lyle
Clinton Wieden Kerri Winkle Alexandra M I
Whitney Walterhouse Kelly Wills Matthew Wilson Antonio Wooden Douglas Woodruff Kaylah Wright-Soler Brent Wyrick Benevity Community Impact Fund Low Country Alumni
Low Country Alumni Association

Go Further Together by Utilizing Committees

“If you want to go far, go together”

This African Proverb articulates the importance of being able to rely upon one another in a group to accomplish long-term goals. An individual can set out to accomplish a single task, but the support and active engagement of a group is necessary to achieve our long-term goals. In Tau Beta Sigma chapters, this support and engagement is possible through our use of committees.

A committee is a group of individuals appointed to complete a specific function, typically consisting of members of a larger group. In Tau Beta Sigma, committees are used to distribute the work of the chapter into smaller, focused groups. Committees empower all members to participate in, contribute to, and lead tasks and projects.

Committees enable in-depth discussions as well as deep-dives into research and event planning. They also encourage new members to be involved in chapter business and create new opportunities for leadership development.

This article aims to review best practices for committee use within your chapter - whether you have an established committee program or are interested in starting one in the upcoming year.

Roadmap for Committees

At the beginning of each year, or at the end of the prior year, discuss the direction of the chapter and establish high-level goals for the year. These goals may relate to maintaining or improving chapter operations, expanding upon programs and participation, or a specific event.

These goals are then charged to the

respective officer and/or committee to begin further discussion, research, and planning.

At regular intervals throughout the year, and particularly in the lead up to events and task completion, committees will present progress updates in chapter meetings. These updates are an opportunity for the full chapter to ask questions, provide feedback, and also complete tasks such as signing up for day-of roles to support the committee’s planning work.

Common Areas of Focus



• Plan recruitment events

• Provide support for Overture modules

• Plan continuing education activities

Service Committee

• Create structure for regular service activities

• Plan large-scale band service

• Provide resources and training to members on completing service tasks

Ways & Means

• Coordinate fundraising activities

• Research new opportunities to utilize funds

• Review constitution and other operating documents

National Programs

• Research Women in Music speakers and local partner organizations

• Develop advertising materials for events

• Act as points of contact for events, speakers, and organizations

Making Committees Work for the Chapter’s Needs

Each chapter will approach their committee structure and operations in a different way - and

This article was adapted from a workshop presented during the Tau Beta Sigma Workshop Series: Summer 2022 Mixtape event in June 2022. To dive further into the how-to’s and benefits of utilizing committees, watch the workshop video “Go Further Together: Utilizing Committees” on the For Greater Bands YouTube channel.

that is okay! As you consider your own chapter’s committee use, reflect on the following:

• Leadership Options: Will your committee be led by the officer or an appointed chair? How will individual projects and tasks be assigned and led?

• Scheduling and Operations: Are committees scheduled during or outside of chapter business settings? Should each committee have a “feature” time of the month to share their updates and progress?

• Committee Assignments: How will members be assigned to the committee? Interest application? Rotation of assignment? Does your chapter need everyone involved? Are there more opportunities to serve?

Benefits of Committee Use

For individual members of Tau Beta Sigma, participation in a committee enables your efforts to have a direct impact on chapter activities. You can also work closely with chapter members who are outside of your band section and membership class. Participation in committees also creates new opportunities to learn about chapter operations and programs, as well as take on new responsibilities and develop as a leader.

Committees benefit chapters by engaging all members in conversation and activities, and by giving new members an immediate connection to chapter business. The chapter can also take on multiple tasks and projects at once, including the potential of exploring new ideas and hosting new events. This work also develops leaders in the chapter and creates opportunities to prepare for future roles in the chapter, band, and on campus.

I encourage every chapter to reflect on your committee utilization and consider the benefits for your operations and the development of each member. Go further together!

26 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma The PODIUM National Articles

Go Do the Things

A Guide to Crescendo and Coda

Ihope the Fall semester has been off to a wonderful start for everyone so far! As I ease into this school year that will be an inevitable onslaught of Focus on Five post approvals and emails with District VPSPs and Counselors on chapter paperwork, I’d like to take this platform to discuss two of our most challenging yet most rewarding National programs: Coda and Crescendo

According to our official website, the purpose of Coda is “to focus on cultivating and continuing musicianship and music appreciation during the ‘concluding passage’ of life.” What does that mean, exactly? To me, that means to provide outreach to our elderly community. As part of the White Stripe of the Focus on Five campaign, chapters typically visit their local nursing homes to provide a concert, make instruments with, hold a jam session with, or do an instrument petting zoo. These are all fantastic options that make my heart so happy to see every time!

I challenge you to try something different this year! Brainstorm alternative ways to complete this project during your next chapter meeting. What if you think about the “how” different? Look into options such as hosting a reading band afternoon, inviting retired alumni from your marching band and chapter, attending

local rotary club/lions club/service club meetings, and so forth. Think outside the box!

According to the ever so wonderful , the Crescendo Program purpose is “to focus on the increase/growth of college band members by encouraging younger musicians to continue playing and performing as they make the transition to college.” What’s the TLDR? To focus on musicians on the K-12 level, specifically. As part of the Green stripe of the Focus on Five campaign, chapters typically visit high school programs, providing additional pep band members for the stands, assisting with district large group and solo competitions, and so forth.

I hope this doesn’t surprise you, but here’s your challenge: switch up your Crescendo Project! As an elementary music and beginning band teacher, I commiserate with my colleagues that we don’t get supported by our local college music programs enough. If you haven’t seen how much fun an instrument petting zoo is to Kindergarten and First grade, you are in for a treat! We also host solo contests for our beginning band kids, need help with instrument tryouts, and could always use a helping hand with modeling what band instruments look and sound like in our classrooms. Come check out the younger ones!

There are many challenges to setting up a new service project/programmatic event with your chapter, and both the Crescendo and Coda programs are no exception. The biggest challenge with either project is securing the rights to visit either the school or nursing home. A lot of times, this authorization needs to be done well in advance of the visit, with possible background checks needed. Make sure your Vice President for Special Projects looks at your state guidelines for qualifications well in advance of your event.

Another monumental task is to make sure you have enough participation. The National Programs Guide dictates that you need to have a simple majority of your chapter participating in these events to count as a stripe, and at least half of those in attendance need to play instruments. Are most of your members in marching band or pep band for the Fall and Spring semester? Check the end of the semester, when sometimes football and basketball teams’ seasons are over; opening up those practice times for executing your event!

I hope this article helped motivate you to try some different things for your Crescendo and Coda projects this year, and that you are always working “For Greater Bands!”

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Strive for Five A National Initiative for Growth

Why is recruitment so vital to our success? The concept of recruitment is nothing new to Kappa Kappa Psi. Similar to many other organizations and band programs across the country, recruitment is an ongoing and essential factor in our growth and success. It is a never-ending cycle that has the potential for great rewards, but also holds tremendous pressure. As a membership-driven organization, the vitality and progress of Kappa Kappa Psi is contingent on how effectively we recruit new members –striking a balance between quality and quantity. The act of recruiting, however, has become increasingly difficult for our chapters due to limited resources, the loss of “institutional knowledge”, and the lack of an intentional plan – painpoints that became more profound due to the global shutdown.

After nearly two years of operating virtually due to the pandemic, our Fraternity has gone through many changes. One of the most notable is the dramatic decline in our membership size. In the Fall of 2019, we started off the biennium with 4,741 Active members. Today, in the Fall of 2022, we sit at about 3,175 – a drop of over 1,550 or 33% of our membership. As you can see, this is a significant dip and greatly impacts our organization in many ways. Since the start of this biennium, we have seen nearly 10 chapters close due to various recruitment-related issues, including financial burdens and capacity constraints. On the national level, our budget is created with the average number of dues-paying members in mind to ensure that we have the financial means to support all of our programming, personnel, and operations. When the numbers don’t match up, further issues arise. At the 2022 Summer Council Meeting, we were faced with a difficult decision – to either cut programs

and decrease support for our chapters or to really dig in and double-down on our goal to help chapters recruit more intentionally and effectively. I am proud to say that we chose the latter.

Brothers, on behalf of the National Leadership Team, I am excited to share with you our national membership drive initiative, “STRIVE FOR FIVE”. This idea came about after a conversation with Dr. Michael Golemo, past National President (1999-2001), who was one of the masterminds behind our last national membership drive in 1997-1999. The purpose of this initiative is to ensure that our organization – from the local to national level – has a shared goal and plan that will help our chapters be more intentional and effective with bringing in new members. The goal is not to dictate what chapters do, but rather to provide support through tools and resources that will aid in their membership recruitment efforts. As a diverse organization, we recognize that chapters are distinctly different and are affected by varying factors. With that in mind, your National Leadership Team worked together to curate a collection of tools and resources that are easily accessible and adaptable. This collection, of course, will continue to develop and refine as we re-establish our “new normal” together. Intentional and effective membership recruitment may not always be easy, but it can be simple.

The STRIVE FOR FIVE should also be used as inspiration for chapters to set SMARTIE goals: Specific, Measurable, ActionOriented, Relevant, Time-Bound, Inclusive, and Equitable. Before you develop your chapter’s recruitment calendar, do you sit down as a group to discuss goals, roles, and expectations?

Does every member in the chapter have a clear understanding of their role in actively recruiting for Kappa Kappa Psi? Have you envisioned what it would look like for your chapter to recruit five more members, talk to five more people, or grow your membership by five percent? While five may be an arbitrary number, we highly encourage Brothers to use this as a metric to establish clearly defined goals that make sense for their chapter. Once you have these goals in place, leverage the tools and resources to develop your plan. Make sure to visit to learn more about STRIVE FOR FIVE

On this page you will find three main sections:

• Talking Points - conversation points that any/all Brothers can use to spark discussion with interested band members

• Activity Bank - collection of activities approved by the National Curriculum Committee that chapters can use in their recruitment events

28 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma The PODIUM National Articles
Bang Co, Vice PRESIDENT for Membership & Expansion- KKΨ

A lifelong Commitment

During the 2015 - 2017 biennium, I had the opportunity to serve on the National Curriculum Committee. Created by the National President at the time (Dr. Jack Lee), the purpose of this committee was to write a membership education program - what you all know now as The Road to Wisdom. As we planned out our lessons as a committee, we kept coming back to this thought: What is the minimum required information that each membership candidate should know before becoming a Brother?

This thought guided the creation of lessons that many chapter membership education programs did not have at the time - such as lessons on Brotherhood, Musicianship, and the Final Lesson: A Lifelong Commitment. The goal of the final lesson is to integrate people into the chapter - since the lesson could be taught before or after Third Degree, candidates are either about to become Brothers or they are newly initiated. Ultimately, we wanted people to have the feeling that they were becoming part of something that is greater than just the time of active

• Templates & Resourcescollection of templates and resources that chapters can use to prep for recruitment events and to follow up with interested band members

Brothers, we would not be here today without you, your dedication to our Brotherhood, and the work you put into our organization. I recognize that we cannot remedy these issues overnight and that it will take time, effort, and perseverance. I know there will be growing pains and many frustrations along this journey, and that we may lose people along the way. Even though these issues loom over our future, I am reminded that we, both Active and

membership in college.

My question to you is this: Are we living this principal? What does it mean to make a lifelong commitment?

Each time we experience the Ritual, we rededicate ourselves to the ideals of the Brotherhood, including the thought to live a life of selfless service. I tell chapters all the time - that to be a Brother of Kappa Kappa Psi, we all must hold and live the value of servant leadership. Without it - Kappa Kappa Psi just isn’t for you. But what does this mean? What does this look like?

For active members, I think this is fulfilling our 5 Purposes within our chapters and programs. Pursuing leadership opportunities within the Fraternity - chapter offices and committees, district offices and committees, and even National Committees. It’s participation in district and national programs and events. I also think it’s anticipating the needs of your director and band program, standing as a leader at your university and band program, and living our ritualistic values

Alumni Brothers, have overcome so much more and that we are stronger when we work together and march shoulder-toshoulder. We will define our growth and success – not the challenges that aim to make us falter. Through our shared values and vision, I am confident that we will RE-CHARGE the Fraternity and spark a new trajectory for our members. I am so incredibly proud to serve as your National Vice President for Membership & Expansion, and am very fortunate to work alongside you as we STRIVE FOR FIVE

to be a good human.

As for alumni members, I think many of these ideas apply as well. It could be supporting your local chapter and band program, pursuing leadership opportunities in your band or chapter alumni association, the regional or district alumni association, or the Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association. It could also be serving on various committees on the district or national level or participating in the programs.

As we prepare for the 2023 National Convention in Orlando, we need you - to attend convention and represent your chapter, to lift up your voice by participating as a delegate or on national committees, and to consider putting yourself and your talents out there to the Brotherhood by running for District office, National office, or for the Alumni Association Board of Directors. Think of the last phrase of our creed, “Through Fraternal Participation each member will STRIVE FOR THE HIGHEST’’ and ask yourself…Am I living that? What is my level of fraternal participation? Am I here out of obligation or because I believe in the values of Kappa Kappa Psi?

Our fraternity was created in the image of our Guiding Spirit, Bohumil Makovsky. He demanded the best of his students, and in turn, his students created an organization that cultivates the best in people. Take a moment, and rededicate yourself to the ideals of the order. Reflect on our pillars of Musicianship, Leadership, Service, and Brotherhood. Remind yourself that this is a lifelong commitment and cherish it. Kappa Kappa Psi is about people and relationships - being a good personand the ability for us to work together through our common bond of music and band. This Brotherhood is what it is because of you and we can’t do this without you.

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NIB Informational Aids


2023 NIB Dates: Sunday, July 9 - Tuesday, July 11, 2023

2023 NIB Location: Caribe Royale Resort - Orlando, Florida



2023 NIB Audition Dates: OPEN Monday, November 14, 2022 and CLOSES on Saturday, April 1, 2023 (being a member of Kappa Kappa Psi or Tau Beta Sigma is NOT a requirement)

Submit an audition video:

• Prospective musicians must perform the two provided excerpts and a full range chromatic scale on your instrument.

• Please use a high-resolution device (i.e., cellular phone, computer/laptop, iPad/tablet). The recording does not have to be professionally made; however, we recommend that you ensure the recording is of high quality and without technical problems.

• EACH video component must be done in one continuous, unedited take. If you need to merge each unedited component into one video, please do so with an editing software- many are free.

• Your face, fingers, valves, keys, or slides must be visible at all times in the video.

• Upload your complete video to a File Sharing service such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or YouTube. If using Google Drive or Dropbox, please enable your video

link sharing settings so that anyone with the link can view. If using YouTube, please select the unlisted video option, not private.

• Save/Rename Video Title as: 2023 NIB Audition_First Last Name (i.e., 2023 NIB Audition_Skylar Seaton

• Provide a short introduction of yourself (hello/first and last name)

Submit 2 selections:

• Perform the two provided contrasting excerpts and a full range chromatic scale, demonstrating your musical sensitivity and phrasing.

• Percussionists should include a third selection and perform on at least three instruments (timpani, snare drum, and mallets). Please indicate if you are fluent in other instruments or musical styles in your video (i.e., hand drumming, drumset, etc.)

Optional: Your selections may be performed with or without accompaniment.

Funding Opportunities:

Max Mitchell Reimbursement Grant


The Kappa Kappa Psi Alumni Association (ΚΚΨAA) offers those that audition for the NIB to apply for the Max Mitchell Grant Program as part of their audition. Max Mitchell Grant recipients will be announced in mid to late May.

Please prepare separate responses (Word or PDF) to the essay prompts below with your audition application. (limit your response to each essay prompt to 500 words or less)

• Describe the impact of music and band on your life and what you hope to gain from participation in the

30 - Kappa Kappa Psi &
Tau Beta Sigma
National Articles
Professional Relations TBΣ Assistant Director of Bands, University of Texas at Austin & Tony Vice President for Professional Relations - ΚΚΨ Associate Director of Bands, University of Nebraska NIB Guest Conductor: Dr. Rodney Dorsey, Professor of Music/Chair- Department of Bands, Indiana University Jacobs School of Music NIB Commissioned Composer: Dr. Michael Daugherty, Six-time GRAMMY Award winner, Professor of Composition, University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance

National Intercollegiate Band.

• Identify up to three recognitions, awards, and/or honors you have received with regard to your band musicianship, and explain why they are meaningful to you.

• OPTIONAL: While financial need is not necessarily a determining factor in selecting grant recipients, please provide any information that you feel is pertinent regarding potential financial difficulties that may limit your ability to participate in the National Intercollegiate Band.

Student Travel Funding/Grant Opportunities:

• Please consider researching and asking your professors about travel funds at your institution. Most institutions and colleges/schools/ departments offer funding for both undergraduate and graduate students; some offer funds during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. The allowable funding amount varies by each institution and an application is typically required.

• Check with these programs: your college, school, or department of study, Office of Student Affairs, Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (may have a similar name), Honors College

Fundraising Ideas:

• Inquire if the Kappa Kappa Psi or Tau Beta Sigma chapter(s) at your institution can sponsor you or help to raise funds for your travel.

• Does your college band program have an alumni band or an alumni Kappa Kappa Psi or Tau Beta Sigma chapter? If so, ask if they would consider sponsoring or raising funds for your travel.

• Self-fundraise – perhaps you can raise funds to help with your travel. Ask your peers, professors, previous band directors, family, friends, and others to contribute. Tell them about the NIB and share why you would like to participate.

Questions? Contact:

Dr. LaToya A. Webb

National Vice President for Professional Relations

Tau Beta Sigma National Honorary Band Sorority

Mr. Tony Falcone

National Vice President for Professional Relations Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity

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32 - Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma The PODIUM
In Loving Memory


Fall 2022 PODIUM.KKYTBS.ORG - 33
January 6, 2021
May 16, 2022
20, 2022


The National Committee on Nominations invites interested and quali ed individuals to submit their name and quali cations for the following positions for the 2023-2025 Biennium. ▪

National President ▪

National Vice President for Membership & Expansion (VPME) ▪

National Vice President for Programs (VPP) ▪

National Vice President for Student A airs (VPSA) ▪

Board of Trustees (BOT) [2 at-large seats]

This process is detailed in Sections 3.203, 3.707, and 3.708 of the National Constitution at


Education: ◦

President, VPME, VPP, & BOT: Completed at least a baccalaureate degree ◦

VPSA: Completed at least two (2) years of college work. ▪

Possess outstanding business or professional ability. ▪

Capable of representing the Fraternity under all ordinary conditions. ▪

Willing and able to devote the necessary time to the execution of the duties imposed by the o ce. ▪

Attendance at National Convention. ▪

Meet the following age requirements at the time of election: ◦

President, VPME, & VPP: Be at least twenty- ve (25) years of age. ◦

VPSA: Be at least twenty-three (23) years of age. ◦ Board of Trustees: Be at least twenty-nine (29) years of age.


Letter of intent which identi es the position being sought, why it is being sought, what contributions you can make in that o ce, and information detailing how you meet the above basic quali cations. Highlight band and fraternity experience. Candidates should make it clear in their letter of intent whether they would be available to be nominated into a position other than the primary one indicated by their letter of intent. ▪ Résumé / Vita. ▪

3 letters of recommendation (maximum of 5), one of which should be within the applicant’s profession. ▪

A campaign statement and biographical pro le for publication on the web site and the Election Newsletter to be available at the 2023 District Conventions and to individual chapters. A sample statement and biographical pro le from a prior Election Newsletter can be obtained from the National Headquarters. ▪

One photograph, suitable for print publication.

Packets may be submitted online at QUESTIONS MAY BE ADDRESSED TO JESSICA LEE (National President), STEVE NELSON

(National Executive Director), and DERRICK MILLS (Nominations Committee Chairperson) AT NOMINATIONS@KKPSI.ORG


President Jessica Lee

Vice President for Membership & Expansion Bang Co

Vice President for Programs Edward Savoy

Vice President for Student Affairs TarShae Odom

Vice President for Professional Relations Anthony M. Falcone

KKΨ Alumni Association Board of Directors Chair Greg Boike

Immediate Past President Marco Krcatovich, II

Board of Trustees

Eric B. Morson, Chair; Dr. Jack D. Lee, Vice Chair; Adam Cantley; Dr. Malinda Matney; Dr. Kevin James; Marco Krcatovich, II, Immediate Past President; Jessica Lee (ex-officio)


Midwest Denali D. Pearce-Alt

Jennifer Pitts-Taylor Dr. Nic Rorrer

North Central

Michelle Banis Tammi J. Ramsey

Marc D. Renaud

Northeast Rassii A. Elliott Marcia “Marci” Jones

Matthew Parent

Southeast Justyn “JP” Davis

Arupa Gopal Kalem Graham

Southwest Andy Melvin Elizabeth Pineiro Clinton J. Wieden

Western Lance Coochyouma Karissa Longo

Brian Parker


President Erika Pope

Vice President for Membership & Expansion Siobhan Wilkes Bratcher

Vice President for Special Projects Leslie Gartin

Vice President for Communication & Recognition Allison Leemann

Vice President for Professional Relations Dr. LaToya Webb

TBΣ Alumni Association Chair David Alexander

Immediate Past President Adrienne Rall

Board of Trustees

Dr. Dawn Farmer, Chair; Kris Wright, Vice Chair; Rosalyn McDonald; Jason Dornbush; Jonathan Markowski; Adrienne Rall, Immediate Past President; Erika Pope (ex-officio)


Midwest Shalyn Nystrom

Sara Remoy

North Central Katie Langley

Jenny Hirt Renaud

Northeast Dr. Bridgette Crawford Bell

Kathryn Howell

Dr. Ted McCadden

Southeast Neil Bleiweiss Kelsey E. Reilly Amber Scott

Southwest Katie Dukes

Chelsea Rasing Linnetta Ratliff

Western Sarah Cervantes Alexis Holladay

The official publication of Kappa Kappa Psi & Tau Beta Sigma


The Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma history and archives teams are excited to announce a project to index the joint publication of our organizations, The Podium The Baton is the early year’s publication for Kappa Kappa Psi and is included in this indexing project.

The history of our organizations comes alive when you look back at older editions of the publications. As part of the process to document the history of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma, we are embarking on this project now so that by 2019 we will be in the position to provide a documented history of our organizations.

If you would like to assist in this project, please contact Aaron Moore at You will be able to do this indexing on your on time and schedule.

You will be asked what edition of the Podium or Baton you would like to index (possibly the years you were an active member). We will send you that edition as a PDF document, along with an Excel file to document the issue, instructions, and an example issue.

Thank you for supporting Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma. We hope you will see the value in this project and commit to indexing one or more issues.

Moving? Don’t forget to notify the PODIUM of your new address State City Name Address ZIP Complete above and return with old address label to:
Nati onal Headquarters Kappa Kappa Psi Tau B eta Sigma Nati
P.O. Box
Change Service Requested Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Jefferson City, MO PERMIT NO. 210
Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta
P.O. Box 849, Stillwater, OK 74076-0849
onal Honorary Fraternity/Sorority
ll water, OK 74076-0849

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