The Podium - Fall 1979

Page 34

A New


Decade Of Service

1te~ e~apte't

by Tom Sirridge Executive Secretary

A new biennium and a new academic year is well underway and hopefully you and the members of your chapter have accomplished some worthwhile projects in serving your band program. In a few short weeks we will be faced with the annual ritual of seriously considering some worthwhile New Year Resolutions. As an individual, your list may be quite easy to prepare, however, I would ask you as a member of Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma to extend your list to the organizational level. Let each of us consider how a list might appear realizing that 1980 marks the beginning of not only a new year, but a new decade. This presents a fine opportunity to stop looking at the past and start looking forward to a ten year period which may produce the greatest organizational change since the formation of the first chapter in 1919. The change of which I am referring, will not happen magically from the National Office or through your National Councils Let there be no doubt in the minds of the active members of Kappa Kappa Psi and Tau Beta Sigma; the future success of the National Organizations will rest with the willingness of individual members to make a commitment to organizational goals and to envision new and expanding areas of service to bands. What about those resolutions mentioned earlier ? Certainly there is no magic occurring in the National Office these evenings, but I would like to propose just a few thoughts to get you started. Let us start with the individual. As an individual member of Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma: 1.) I resolve to approach my band

activities with the firm commitment that I will be a better band member tomorrow, than I was today.

Tom Sirridge Executive Secretary

As a chapter of Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma: 1.) We resolve to maintain close and

frequent communication with our band director in the interest of moulding our activities to coincide with his/ her concept of what our role in this band program should be. 2.) We resolve to work in harmony with other organizations within the music department, university, and community, in fulfilling our func· tions as a band honorary service fraternityI sorority.

On September 30, 1979, the Zeta Pi Chapter of Tau Beta Sigma was installed at Tennessee State University in Nashville, Tennessee. We are pleased to welcome the 160th chapter to the sisterhood of Tau Beta Sigma and would encourage chapters to express best wishes by writing to: Brigitte Headen, President Zeta Pi Chapter, TBL c/ o Music Department Tennessee State University Nashville, TN 37203 The Zeta Iota Chapter from Jackson State University served as the installation ritual team assisted by National Council Members Ann Cunningham and Carla Robinson. Look for more information concerning Zeta Pi Chapter in the Spring issue Podium.

3.) We resolve to interact with other segments of the National Organization and to maintain a positive working relationship with the N ational Office by filing proper reports on time and responding promptly to all requests for information. As a District of Kappa Kappa/ Psi Beta Sigma: 1.) We resolve to extend the feeling

of sisterhood and brotherhood beyond the confines of the local chapter. 2. ) We resolve to work closely with all chapters within our district in closing the gap of communication which exists between the local chapter and the National Organization. 3.) We resolve to function efficiently as an integral segment of Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma and to contribute significantly to the National Organization.

2.) I resolve to remain ever aware of the basic precepts upon which Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma were formed and to uphold my obligations as an active member.

As N ational Organizations dedicated to promotion of the welfare and existence of collegiate bands:

3.) I resolve to fully utilize my talents in contributing to the chapter of which I am a part and the band program I intend to serve.

principles of Kappa Kappa Psi/ Tau Beta Sigma foremost in our activities as National Organizations serving bands on a national level.

1.) We resolve to keep the ideals and


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2.) We resolve to operate efficienly in all areas of fraternal activity to insure maximum performance from allocated resources. 3.) We resolve to accept positive change in extending national programs and increasing total organizational effectiveness. Remember, the above resolutions are intended co stimulate thought, and by no means should we consider the list comprehensive. If you have been interested enough to read to this point, you may be just the person needed to produce a positive change within Kappa Kappa Psi/Tau Beta Sigma. As a healthy challenge, at your next chapter meeting extend each area with three additional resolutions and discuss them with your sponsor. I would appreciate hearing from any chapters who attempt this project and possibly a more comprehensive list could be published in our next issue of the Podium .

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